Atlantean Circle Spells 2
This is a continuance of the listing where spells in thought are
ranked from easiest to extremest. The circles are easy to extremely
hard from 1 to 16 and in levels 0 to 15. The spell
level is denoted within () brackets. Ideas gotten from D&D;
and originals including Neverwinter Nights and thoughts around the
house. The circles are in groups of their own elements. These spells
use phonetic spelling, that may or may not work for you unless
you get the spelling right from the pronounciation key in [this]. So have
fun trying them, I think to see if they do or do not exist results.
They work if thought exists what you want, unless you don't need things
to occur then this doesn't happen.
So if you wanted to cast an effect by thinking about the idea,
then all you have to do is think of the idea and need the effect of
the thing you think will happen. If the idea doesn't occur, then you
know that things are going to be different. So what change you think
or sense is there, this is what will occur or happen instead by feel.
That is what I call a controlled change by the idea you feel or sense,
that creates from your idea and manifests fully sometimes with fee
or feel.
This is when thinking the faery will help, especially with chocolate,
that is where you manifest an idea easily and otherwise the idea won't
happen by the point, know that this can seem what occurs by what you want.
So generate your own faery, think a fey exists as you hold your thumb and
forefinger separate from each other. Then imagine energy pass between the
finger and the thumb, this creates the faery from part of your soul and
uses the spirit that goes through everything.
That is done if you think the idea will or has happened, who knows
as this may happen what you want. This sometimes can get better results
using a sigil or empowered lines, that is thinking the idea will manifest.
This is done as you trace or draw the symbol, that you believe symbolizes
the idea. You see that does things, sometime all you need to do is think
the idea will happen as you state the idea. This works as you look at the
idea thinking that the point will manifest.
Again, these spells can be done in two different ways, think
or imagine the point to create as a result as you speak the idea to
something or think to create something. Think the effect as a spell
to do as you speak the effect that is the spell listed. This is a
certain way to cast them that is safe however, as you feel think the
creator creates the idea as an end result.
This is just as an effect spell that can seem stated or seem
in thought, so then you aren't effected negatively. This is also
as you think the creator protects you from negative or positive
attack you absolve. This is done to remove the need of attack and
bad belief. The creator usually does this by feel, that means he
or she gets from you in feel or vibes what you desire by idea you
can think and sometimes write.
This acts as though a circulation effect if you link by thought,
that your thinking you do things to work with the earth conscious and
the earth consciousness creates what you wish or speak as you think
about the idea or the aura effects. This is with an idea you think
about. Either way, if you think peace you get peace. This is by the idea
of zen where you think of nothingness, the nothingness suffices
to create because if you don't use nothing as you feel and state
sometime what you need the earth conscious can overwhelm you.
The earth is feeling us on it so I believe that the planet
wants us off of it. This is evident and truth by the idea of what
you would state that would seem normal and you end up hurt. This
is the planet conscious that despises us, so think carefully before
doing earth conscious spelling and not getting what you want. What
I think occurs is this, the planet feels that you don't get what
you wanted.
That's of what I sensed when it creates a point to cause
awareness, this is sometimes like a slap in the face or a punch
by feel. If you think to debate the planet awareness you could
also get hurt or then you get what you want. Either way, this
is zen spelling by the feel. Just remember, that what occurs
to one could occur to many and any reason could work to settle
the point.
This is how you can spell things and uses examples from many games. Think about the spell to cast them easier, you can have said them at least once right and thus you imagine the spell in some manner to effect whom you think to effect, such as the spell word itself with this is as if in trance and think of where it effects as agreement is the area you relate by area feel though this it were in effect. If as you use idea to not feel nothing as sense, so ya can see some results or can't get any effect from the phrase, then in summon energy to seem to be there by thinking its metainfluence is there. See as you are and try casting it then. Then by thought you see a game, optional is the word you choose to cause it in site to be there more effective by energy focus and focus is thought to cause or create things situate with what you see or feel. Its a point stated as in the place in for the point as spell words or thought, this is where spells are energy use by direct or created focus with imagination. So use and idea you can be 'done' with or something else thats suitable to you by feel.
Feel to see the area and you are able to cope or can seem choatic or what you feel is disruption, so think as you create and you feel as aggravation is sometimes there and if your well. This is thought or forseeable use as feel by idea. If you can't say or count to ten don't worry you see you can count to the idea, this is as things will be alright as the right idea by the real idea is insight not results you don't want. Ya can find that things are phasable if you can't complete a phrase word and this is done by stating things to cause, this is the reason sometimes for stress. That is what is by thought that phases things out through the subconscious then the draw is to phase things in by feel is possible with the element, so the spent energy goes to an archmagus enemy or the planet as the rest of what you see is sense. Ya can't say it out loud or use is cool, this if not is done by spelling things by hot points or core energy focus and that is use. This is not as you say by that, this is what you think of that occurs when you can say the reult as an end result, so what is out with a line or limb or any finger that is energy by focus to create.
This is not always what will complete the spell and thinking will as though using hand language. Optional is just drawing a freehand rune that means in ya mind the spell is done by yourself. This is just as thought so ya can do rituals for required materials that are there for the spell itself. See that isn't what you create or use in the point, so what you feel you focus or create with, so not as this is in nothing by idea. After casting the spell, then mentioning the thing to effect or thinking of the point to make what you need. Ya can cause a directed effect. Sometimes things that are general, aren't actually and this is thought that's felt or understood by what is used as thought or 'there' by life. So use isn't feeling as you feel to create, this creates yet not to see what is near. When ya direct the effect more than often its easier, think to feel or use things to see the effect by view.
Circle/Level - Description
Previous atleantian spells menu
Circle XVI/(15) - High extreme of metal magic, drugs,
conditions and substance effects;
(These can make you appear addicted)
Circle XVII/(16) - Gates
Circle XVIII/(17) - Spells of Ages
Circle XIX/(18) - The 6th and 7th dimension spell list
XVII/(16) - Gates
EtuneEleGate = [Ee-tune-ehh Elehh Gate-ehh] Elemental gate; This
is the gate of the elements, you can draw any element through it or
make yourself go to the elemental land. This is begotten by the effect
of making the gate appear as you state the words. This is opening it by
imagining a slit in the air, and making it be an oval or square shape.
Then you can spiritually step through it, by thinking your spirit is
through the gateway. Or, causing it to draw you through. Otherwise,
make the element come through it, by thinking to the gate to 'Make the
element you choose, by statement come through.' Wherever you go, you've
gone through.
Gat = [Gate] The gateway of gas; This is the gate of thought to
seem somewhere as in a mention is a point to think on in thought and you seem
where you seem. That is as though a shift point.
En Gate = [Enn Gate-ehh] This ends the gate that you form from
whatever you used to form it. If not immediate closure, then you will
find yourself doing the right actions. Alternatively, you can try
closea agate, pronounced [close-ee-ahh sAy-gate-ehh]. This is stated at
thought of the gate you want to close.. even if you aren't near the
EtuneSuAnimeGate = [Ee-tune-ehn Sun An-lime-ehh Gate-ehh] Anime
gate; This brings you to the world depicted of anime. To get back,
think of power building up and then think 'shift', to get back to the
world you came from.
EtuneSuMiyetoGate = [Ee-tune-ehn Sun Might-yet-on Gate-ehn] Un
Bible gate; A gate to the biblical era. Exitable by will. However,
biblical creatures and people can appear from the gate.
EtuneSuPyrInigat = [Ee-tune-ehh Sun Pirr Inn-lIne-gate] Holy
fire gate to the ancient iniverse. Go at your risk as things are very
great in power there.
EtuneSuLeceIniAdversGat = [Ee-tune-ehh Sun Lee-c-ehh In-ihh
Adverse Gate] Creates an adversarial adverse universe holy water gate
that uses ads and advertising to create results. Whatever is in the ad
becomes real. People tend to make the ability displayed in the ad real.
There is a mimickry of the world your in, there. To get out of it,
watch an ad and make thought of being in your own world.
BeGatAetune = [Be Gate A-ehh-tune-ehh] Biogate; This allows you
to use white void to gate anywhere. This inters the power of Inert
Gravity. It allows you to go anywhere you want to go. Think of where
you want to go, then your body bridges and sends you there.
SunaGat = [Then Soon-ah Gate] The supernatural direct gateway;
This is similar to the Sunae, effect of energy and light gravity shift
that uses the shift and as if to think as to form the gate as an other
craft oval think as you are you find yourself to other places. The
servant gate of light and rhythmic energy by what is in a point and
thought is in desire if in thought, as if the High spirits movie as if
in the air its different when on a moment thought or on a wall you are
thought in desire and the spirit reacts. As if you doubt and don't seem
to care, you can create a point that unmakes by what is done with the
creator or not as this is if in a thought to do. This is the
supernatural gateway of spirit energy, that is in a weave by what uses
stones or crystals to make this work in doubt you can drag yourself
back. As if you are a spirit reformed, as to do things with a person as
you can crave food or nothing happens and this creates what you think
will happen. As if by use of death energy with emotion, to the shadows
that are shade to use you can shift at will by thought. This is of the
place, think you are back and you are and use of the mention or thought
that is energy can shift the body or spirit.
Gat = [gate] summon gate - summons anything to come attack or do
else for you that you want to think on or be under your control. Go
anywhere with this spell as it will draw you there on thought of
Ka Si Sa = [Kahn-Sib-Sahn] This infini gate; ka si summons a gate by thought with infini as fire, earth, water, ice or air, spirit, plasma or whatever applicable, ka sa infini as some element that interacts to create what you think, as a gate to places that draws you forth or creates your form where you think to form that creates as you wish. This uses sha otherwise ka or spirit to manipulate the gate to exist then you to leave by things represented by things in use or play for now. This is then a use for the moment you usually give or get in return. So don't be worried over the response to the gateway that is activity. Whatever you do you consider what went in to make the event.
Think to create or event is use by no drunken nature. This is where you think the point for focus to think of the event to create as you event the point this is awareness, that modifies the event where you think the change then the change can happen that occurs. Think the point to create with the ideal or things occur for you, as there is no alcohol use with this as necessary as this will happen wherever things do occur as if by when things occur. This is ended as the effect stops then you continue as you want to use things by now or things are at link end by themselves. This is to use aspartame in a moment.
Circle XVIII (17) - Spells of Ages, these
spells are nearly impossible for the lower level people, in magic.
AgeOEtune = [Age-ehh Oh
Ee-tune-ehh] Mastery of Ages; This activates the ability of the ages,
and allows you easier use of the spells and elements you want to use.
This won't work for everyone as if a thought. To reactivate it when the effect ends,
think 'age of etune'.
BulOTAge = [Bool Oh T Agg-eh] Defense of the ages, cast it and
won't be effected by effects cast by others, unless ya want to, this
includes the sigils caused by others. And, if ya are, then ya can feel
it and remove it, by a spell disjunction effect. Stating the words,
causes the mind to cast it as well. This spell pulls its energy from
resources, that are from other places and times, as well.
GateOAge = [Gate-ehh Oh Age-ehh] Gate of ages; This gate can form
however you want, whenever you want and show you any time of existence.
This uses any energy necessary that is usable. This includes the energy
from the age. It gives you agelessness. To open it, wait for the right time or think open sesame, and state the spell and
make it open the gateway. By thinking the gate opens and visualizing
the slit in the air, opening up to be an oval or square. Think close, as closea agate is spoken. This is large
enough, for those you want to go through it. Tell the gate what age and
do this by thinking about the age and time itself. State the date and
time and then you adjust the gate to open where you want it. To close
it, think of the gate and feel it closing. State 'closea gate', or
'close-ee-ahh gate-ehh'. Do not close it on yourself when you go
somewhere, so you have a way back. To get back, think of the gate and
think your through the gate to your own time.
MyyOTAge = [Mih-aye Oh T Agg-eh] Spell of the ages; To cause a
spell to
be amped up in effect and cast, as though 10x to 100x more powerful.
This effect is caused by stating the words 'MyyOTAge, and the actual
spell after it. Or, state the MyyOTAge while thinking of the effect,
also possible is the stating of the effect, instead of thinking of it.
This spell can cause whatever spell you would want. Stating the spell
causes your mind to cast it, too. Due note: the effect amping is caused
by the energy in the area and the sources the amping spell pulls on, as
a resource. So, the amount of amperage depends on how much energy is
available, at the time. The spell also doesn't limit itself to this
time period, as it can also gather is energies from other times, too.
HumeOTAge = [Hoom-eh Oh T Aeg-eh] Know-how of ages; Use it as you know how, to know how
volunteering to do
things and have knowledge, from the ages that exist or are described
and through the ages. You gain this ability to do things with the
knowledge, of the ages, by stating or willing the spell to occur and
cause the ability to manifest.
TherOTAge = [Theer Oh T Agg-eh]
of ages, use it whenever your attacked as you just cast this spell at
your enemies. It is thrown however you want, and it appears like
lightning, thats spearical. There's no way they can survive, it's
incredibly powerful. It gathers its powers and in gathering, from many
places and ages. State or will the spell, to get the effect.
UnYndVe = [rUne Wind Ve] Forever winding view, this spell causes
you to
see things in a winding effect. As, per say, it is to use wind to make
psychic ability and viewing of some place or event. State or will the
spell, to get the effect.
SocOTAge = [So-c Oh T Agg-eh] Sock of ages, that assaults the
many times and in many ways, till they either drop dead, or becomes
knocked out. The
sock of ages can cause a attack effect, to be recast over and over till
ya end the effect. Willing it to end, makes the socking stop. A blow is
a blow, as it seems to beat at someone. State or will the spell, to get
the effect.
HiPyrOAge = [High Peer
Oh Age-eh]
Fire of ages; Causes the fire that is extremely deadly, that is a force
greater than infini and yet more easily made. It can burn anything,
even stone! And, it is multihued in coloring. Whereas the base coloring
is mostly yellow, a small part of it be orange. Where in the normal
flame is mostly orange with a little yellow. This effect can be called
up, to effect anywhere and anytime, that you think on. As, you cast the
spell. The energy that is part of this fire, is the energy thats from
the ages and other places.
FrueOAge = [Frew-ehn Oh Age-eh] Infliction of ages; To cause an
infliction or disease that lasts for ages to come, transmuted at some
point to another time and place. This inflictive disease is possible to
appear like a bad back, a heart condition, or other things. One thing
it uses as a life source to cause the infliction is the body, as it
works or as it is getting energy. The other sources are the things
around said target. I is dispelled by a relaxation and a Tedeus moment
of a cure session, the infliction changes, however, when it is cured to
become another one. So it is never actually removed unless the caster
desires it gone.
KamurOTAge = [Kame-yoUr Oh T Agg-eh] Lightning of ages, to cast a
megabolt that decimates the target, made from white, yellow and black
lightning effects, cast forth at the target. This lightning can be
brought forth and fork like chain lightning to hit several targets.
State or will the spell, to get the effect.
PyriOTAge = [Pir-ih Oh T Age-eh] Soul of ages, to bring forth a
that is then infused with energy to make it ageless and worth the
effect to have, the soul is returned after knowledge of the ages is
embued on it, and the person is remade into a super person. This
includes the wisdoms, that comes with age, as well. State or will the
spell, to get the effect.
VurOTAge = [Vure Oh T Age-eh] Wisdom of ages, that makes anyone
the wisdom to do things and carry on, in an instant. Albeit the person
was trained with the wisdom, and lived a second life, in an instant to
gain the idea necessary, this second life dies off and the person
returns to the place and person they were. To continue on, their life
as though it didn't happen. Except, they retain te wisdom. As of yet,
noones been able to remove the wisdom. State or will the spell, to get
the effect.
NeroOTAge = [Neer-oh Oh T Age-eh] Folly of ages, the effect is to
madness and insanity, that lasts for ages, from memories and power that
suddenly pours through the person. The energy is from the ages of
sources. State or will the spell, to get the effect.
QazOAAge = [Quaze Oh Ahn Ageo] The age of reduction spell, the
spell of reversion was one part of this as if you were a reversion and
the monster was revoked in you. The world you think on is reduced in
baded results that are bad in nature, and granted better in what is not
considered a bad result.
QazOTAge = [Quaze Oh T Age-eh] Chaos of ages, where too many
happen to the target and with it, there's many idea, too many to count,
causing by cause and effect the chaos of the moments. To make the
person go crazy, after a bit. State or will the spell, to get the
ShaneOAge = [Shane-eh Oh Age-eh] Trouble of ages; So its never actually noted down, the
spell erases the memory of its effects, from the effected,
after its done. It causes a person to do things, from a sudden
temporary instability, that stirs up problems, by becoming a situation
and since the people directly effected
forget it after, there's the commotion afterwords. It can cause
self-actions, to cover for effects physically done, by the spell.
SadOTAge = [Sade Oh T Age-eh] Sadness of ages, to cause sadness
rememberance of the past lives and idea that came from them, along with
the present life, thats added in. The person would literally want to
suicide, and make idea from the past happen, to be manifested. They
become so sad, in as they fall into a malaise or deep sadness that makes them
not able to work or happen to want anything.
OmaeOTAge = [Owe-may-eh Of T Age-eh] Presence of ages, to create
presence that is very unique and marks you as capable, to handling any
situation. It strengthens the spirit in energy, till the person's
charisma is very good to be near. This spell has been known, to cause
and curse the famous perspective to be considered, from the effected's
view of the situation, or idea. It can make you famous, in an instant.
By actions being done and motivation being realized. Its sole purpose,
is to make the target of this spell, into a star, of some sort. State
or will the spell, to get the effect.
IsaIAge = [I-sahn I Age-eh] Ceasing of Ages; To cease the effect
that occurs or to cease the age of a civilization, in effect and
activity. Through the ages of energy, that exists as influence, in the
area and that be summoned. This can cease people walking, doing things
and, if allowed, will cease the movement and flow of the activity
and an area, in the effect. The area to effect or what to effect, is
thought on as the spell is enacted. You could cease an illness with
this. Simply think of the body illness or mental illness when stating
the spell with intention for it to work. This spell can also cease
weather and physical affects, if you consider the weather or the
physical action as an effect to cease.
HielOAgeSua = [High-el Oh Age-eh Sue-ah] Elements of ages, the
effect spell of ages that calls up an element of your choice, at the
time of casting. To effect the area, that you thought on before
casting, and to make certain of the effect, you state the area and
maybe the time that effects after stating the main spell. This element
can be any element and its greater than the element that is normally
called up, is evil undone in a summoning or not by feel as evil is born
possible by the area energy or create as the creator fixes the possibility
It can be air or wind, fire, earth, water, ether and other elements
for nothing or not as an ionic fire or no dumbness. The more energy you put into the
casting, the greater the effect and thats amplified by 10 times. Most of
the energy, is coming from other times and ages as well as the time and
age your in. Pros O Pyro is the Mage of age fire. Creating the area fire
effect by the age of fire effect that absorbs the fire from ages that
wouldn't mind the spell effect, focus to create a sphere of fire to seem
by what you will to create the energy to what of the use that can seem
a useful request or mage fire effect. This absorbes the excess fire not
from conquest from the skull, nulle insanity to change by thought with
energy by the creator. Once cast this can see use you see or not to create
or water as you want as you need or no need with creative use.
HelyAlanataOAgeXX = [Heal-lye Ale-sAne-ate-ah Oh Age-eh exh exh]
Cure all of ages; Cures the body and mind of all effects that cause it
pain and bad condition. This includes the brain and its functions, the
mental disorders and all the magical afflictions. This be the ultimate
cure all, when it works. It does so by gathering from the ages what be
necessary to be formed as though an element to draw from and cause that
element to be an ages element which can be used as a source that makes
it possible to cure you or others of afflictions, no matter what. It
can use the negative to cause it to work better, as the negative energy
is a fuel to the spell. By statement of the spell phrase, you will be
cured. Whether you like it or not. Use it as a spell chant during a
ritual or meditation, to get greater effect. Feel free to add extra X's
to the spell as well for even greater healing effects.
SildOAge = [Sill-d Oh Age-en] Shield of ages; This protects
against anything if in thought to defend your not against those who do
nothing wrong. Even death itself, can create what is in the area as it
is the result of bunched up tension and use is to rage like a dragon.
It can utilize anything to cause
protection and remove restriction and as to manipulate the scene to be
better and for you. This uses the
energy from ages of people and beings working together. This can age a
person, as it works.
SieOAge = [Sigh-ehh Oh Age-eh] Fear of Ages; This causes a fear as there is one
thats unreasonable on the victim. This fear comes from many ages of
remembered living and removes itself as if you are better, and it takes full effect when the things mentioned
are feared for. their effective actions.
AuraOAge = [A-urr-ahh Oh Age-ehh] Age of moments; This creates
the right age and moment with any reason for any purpose that is
expressed. The moment is in your head and it creates the right actions
to be done and this reflects in your auratic energy. This aura can help
convince people of anything.
TyOAge = [Tye oh Age-eh] The Time of ages; Time of moments. This
is the time of ages and as that is the time to do, you can use any
event to use even a tattoo and is ruled by what you suggest and is
countersuggested if needed. Time the event, and you are in an idea to
work. This is the time of ages idea, that is per each their own in
their own time as now. Focus an seem in a thought, that is a time you
might live in but otherwise consider if you were not too inconsiderate.
Now lets see, is a time to release this spell as a natural end to this
time of ages spell for those that don't in know.
TGiOAge = [T Gift-Oh Age-en] The Spell creation; This is the
spell that uses the ages, as if a spell is able to cast if possible
from any age and as with anytime and yet is a thought that is possible
to manifest. This depends on a spell time, that you think as time as to
create. As a cure to the moment, this is useful to use if you think as
a point is defense the idea and your use is bloody. As a spell can come
as you intent to use, as if blindly use use blindly trust is your use
on them you heal is a point that is not seen or not minded and do. Whatever I would do don't use this on yourself.
XIX/(18) - 6th and 7th dimension spell list, this is easy with the use
that is with created ability. These spells are impossible if you are
unable to use your subconscious.
Sexiah Dyns
Myy = 6th and 7th
Dimensional Spellcasting; This is the hard spelllisting to use unless you
just happen to seem idea in the 6th or 7th dimension, this is a spell to use
if you use the 6th dimension and hope to not be illed as you are not killed.
This is as it responds to your will, the 6th treats the idea of it as though
a hit sometimes. The thing is that if your not a 6th dimensionalist, then
you can possibly not see what you create with this. As if your luck is there
you can seem sicke, so if you use your mind then you will as now you will
when you want and use is ease of the will with what you focus into created
idea from what you will. This spell uses the idea to think of a 6th and
7th dimensional idea and as energy is energy you can use this with your
things to create reasoning or resonating results.
Se Ty [Set Tye] = Set a
time; The time you set is a time to do things, as you set the right
dialect you can set the right idea to do idea. As your spirit knows
what and when to except as to do things you can set a time and use is a
point to get results.
Th Zup At [The Zoop At] = The particle assault; This is an attack of particles and
uses physical brute strength to do the deed, this is if its necessary or possible. The drow
would use this if they knew of this. Some can use this form of multi physical attack to cause
dark marks or smudges on the walls, this is using either water or fire energy from the attacked
victims energy. The amount of dark marks make sparks and possible golden sparks elsewhere,
this I think explains the attacks and to explain the sparks is the conflicting nature of
the feelings that is there. This works best with multiple opponents that are unaware of
you and this includes roaches or insects.
Sum In Guv [Sume In Goove] = Job in position; Only some are in the government
and some are freelancers that work for others, thinking to do what you can this
is cam and other idea only done by what you intend. Some things in humiliation
befalls those that reveals this to the wrong people. Fascination is with those
that observe you, sometimes this is you doing your job or just doing what you
do. Any that disagree are not hurt. So feel free to imagine the sum of money
to earn that you wish to have and state the spell or think the spell is cast.
The Is Mai [Then Is Maid] = The disrobing; The easy creator is
the idea and the make is the idea to achieve. This at the end leads to
a disrobing, as where you are is near or with people in that you make a
point as a point and create as in with a will and out as you use what
your way is with eassel.
The ceate [Then Cease-t-em] = The blood effect; The blood games
were made from this, then as if you were a person to do you can mimick
or not as if you were what you seem and viewing the future that your
subconscious creates for the purpose. The bloody field effct otherwise
in a point to cease, or make in point that leads to a bloody area or
noth as if rituals were restorative and set off the idea to end war.
This is to not do if you intend things to go well as egging will happen
unless use is with wisdom. As egging to use things is to make things,
as use is energy from some activity you can create an idea from energy
in use. Done right you may see no bad results, as if you deceit the
moment that you get in trouble.
Wet Los [Weet Lose] = Wet weight loss; Suggest to yourself that you will lose weight, sometime stating the spell effect will act as suggestion, think and surround your aura with fire energy and the energy of the blood spikes to burn away calories and weight loss occurs. Doing extra exercise causes the weight to stay off and remain away from you. Exercise in this case is walking, Thinking about the point to do will create the need, then you can find yourself doing what is necessary by feel.
En [Een] = End; The end to things you see as necessary including nightmares, think an ending and you get the end you feel is needed.
Ten [Teen] = Ending; This is a story ending, think an end point and the story is no longer experienced as an effect.
Xace [Ex-ace-eh] = Exercise; Suggest to yourself the effect of losing so many pounds, allowing weight loss and you create with what you do. This spell can create anything that you need or intend.
The Aeo Ey [Then Aid-ee-on-eye] = The money spell 2; This is the
money spell, that is a point to turn things to create as things get
better things are as what once is yet better than thought in time
before. As if time creates what you think, and make is in a concept you
create and the time creates unless not necessary. Whatever you think,
this is what will make a killing.
The Bobu Kel [Then Bobe-un Keal] = The bed bug killer; The bed
bug killer, that is what I use to get rid of bed bugs. There is a
killer among them as if a human world that is their world. As if to use
the effort against them, the energy they have is turned against the bed
bugs and pestilence as disease stops and use is done. As I Ei En
against the bed bugs, this kills the bed bugs as you think you can you
do and as the kill is done. As if in a point to do things, as you are a
point, as whatever you do powers your efforts as the energy spinoff
that is the idea use energy magic. The idea as you do creates the
results in what use you can do, think, focus and feel to create what
you do in what you think is what you use in else as if "En If" to
remove the thing you don't need as you feel the need to key or act you
did unless not necessary. Whatever you transform into something else
with, this is gone by the essence in form to create what you think.
Rak In Kel [Rake Line Keel] = Roach killer; the roach killer effect is the idea of using thoughts of energy, that is fire feeling like ice to the roaches and that roasts them by feel.
Foci Ua [Folk-in Oo-ah] = Focus; This spell causes you to think to gather water and to put out fire if fire is near.
Uu-day [Oo-uh dame-laney] = Undo damage; This spell undoes damages, once stated as really the effect is the suggestion you state after the spell. This effect is done sometime by feel with the consciousness of the object or the area. Think to awaken the house consciousness to cause more quickly the undoing, this is done by being near the center of the house area and think to the house "awaken".
Col La [Coal-law] = Coal laying; This is coal laying to repair the roads set by this spell sometime.
The Mai Makes [Then Main Make-ee-s] = The En concept; The idea
moment is over as you are a concept, think or feel to create an end that is your make. This is easy
with the power that you think makes things and is set by the creator. This is a point,
you may create in easy use. That is a concept to make use a thought, this is used to create a spell
point with "en".
Th en ga [The Een Game] = The golden spark gate; Then is the point to go to by thinking of the destination and now is the formation of the golden spark gate. Then you can walk through it and you are there. Think of the then point and realize that you can form the gate by imagination of the gateway forming. Then to close it is a hand swipe sometimes this is in an arc and thinking the gate closes, closes
the gateway so think away as you wish things to be and you know things by what you do or feel.
The in veer [Then lin Vee-r] = The veer effect; As this is done,
think to the use of imagination as to use a veer and be missed. The
veering away to the earth energy in magnetic pulse by gravity waves, as
a use is directed to your mind and thought use is thought place. As
increased activity happens, your use is noticed, as if a use in thought
in what you think as a high applied thought your idea is a thought in
use. Now don't answer, answer as yourself.
T Fx [T-F-Ex] = The effect; The effect is this, what you think or describe something to do it or a stone or object nearby will do things by the conscious idea unless not wanted or needed. This does not always work, so its safe to think of things. See that could work with what you need or you may intend something different. This is if you can say the spell right.
T Iveiae [T I've-ee-in-aye-eh] = The investigation; Think the idea to know and your spirit helps you realize what is what with life, seen is this by the third eye or the point with what you read or watch with by feel. This is as if an investigation occurred and you know the report, that you see by the third eye pinneal gland allowing you to know things. This is done by you realizing the idea in the report and on you focusing to know. Nothing else need to be done, except the point of realization itself. This can happen with looking over something, otherwise you can watch something to know the idea and as you know this an investigation.
Th repo [Th Ree-pon] = The report; This is the report by feel, thinking to report to the air or by writing things down, what you know is not lost. The fey deliver your message to the correct person. If the fey don't, then by stating the spell or statement your subconscious does the reporting unless you don't need to report.
The Crysallis Use [Then Cris-all-mise-a Use-eh] = The poseoidon stone
use; Use is the ideal you have that in form tin is to create and your
thought is explosive, makes what their thought is unless they don't
need in thought and you do things. This to get things done in life
stone use, this is the point you use. The stones or think in society as
truth is a thought of magic, and this is in society as a fact if
believed in as the fact is a point and use is as fiction if done right.
Think with thought to make harnessed threshold stones helped, to master
the art of the ability to cause event to do the fact. Think or feel and
use is of crystal magicks and crystal energies as well, magic an magick
with Firecrystals is a spell by thought to do wish magic. This one came
from fiction, so don't in need to stop this effect.
To do telapathy is to make and use as if to create out use in an
idea that is in a use of ability. Think to create as what is an idea
and with the subconscious for chaotic magic, an this is instant as a
thought and with use your able to create a point and you do as is. As
you have others use the ability they get from attempt as to do things
as the other idea whom has the ability. They who use the moment can
seem to send you energy, as they think use as you are able to create as
though thought were creative and their use is a point. The concent to
do or not, as they don't need to is as if a concept is done as done is
As you think to do you possibly can, and then to consist is to
make or use is a creative idea. There is a considered point to use what
is in thought, not mad or nothing is in a view that shifts as you shift
and this shifts. As a portal is powered and things, as a point you do
not like unless necessary or think should be to seem. Unless not
necessary as a car can seem what you think, in as use with an ability
and as a thought you seem as you are. Thinking can release the energy,
as ability is there to use for a 'use' with a thought as you get energy
returned to you by expended energy coming back to you clean. This is a
in juu spell to use for the creation of ability and not worry over what
you do.
As If Mu [As If Munch] = As Too Much; The thought to shift in
energy is a concept to bring energy and create what you think as a
manifestation is possible after summoning energy to create what you can
think to make or unmake in a concept. Think is a point, that you who
thought is nothing to create as you did it. This is a crunch a munch
idea, as you get a crunch a munch box of something to eat with the
spell and as if naturally in use is naturally done.
As tut T [As Toot T] = Shield idea by anonymous; Shield or a
place, in thought your in a conclusion. This can seem to create or make
what you think and not seem to operate on me. As you are aware you are
awake, in a consistance thinkgs you do are not done and you act normal.
Think to all appearances that your normal, unless the spell fades away
and your true activity can reveal. What you think in what hidden form,
as many forms can seem a shift in a concept out from a concept or music
in concept or not. As nothing is there and dismissed in what you
create, as if a distraction from yourself within life.
Act Ydsd [Act Wide-Sd] = Concepti act; Do you duck is a concept
to think and create as if you are to create as a point. This is a
thought from the radio, as a person does what is destroyed or not
created is by activity described.
The Unrele [Then Un-real-en] = The Unrealism; The idea is the
thought, to use an unrelevant point is to create is a will and your use
isn't what you are a thought to see if interested. The spell is
unrealism that creates from a thought, as its false to do and your will
is nothing in thought as something in mind its undone. This hides the
fact that is there, to create is unnoticed as you are a thought you are
unlooked at. As the unrealism is what can make strange and yet weird
idea as unrealistic, you can see the idea and realistic you are not
seeing what you think in an unrealistic viewpoint. Now the undo is a
point to go and create, or not if nothing happens this is unrealistic
in thought as an idea in mind is that replaces the idea. As if to
create and makes your area, if you die somewhere as you act normal you
can become another form with a shapeshift and now its done.
The Tatu D [Then Tate-un D] = The mark of death; This is the
mark of thought, to the body that appears as a tattoo when and only you
get a tattoo. Then is a point as to think and you see in all or none of
the tattoos as they are in another mindset. That mindset is a point to
reveal the unseen, and use is as thought to show the idea to think as
you feel invisible tattoos on the skin that glow. Think to create a
concept, and the tattoo will create a thought to seem to do magic.
Think not in life and what is an invisible friend considered as you see
it not is what you can create, if from memory you think and feel the
idea to form. Think from observation as now doing is stopping
something, before it can occur as if fear causes and avoidance with the
stopping point. This makes from dead cells in death energy to your
aura, to cause humility in the idea in practice this can if your around
someone long enough form unnatural life. Think in thought as to form
some pattern that in the matrix would work and its not created anymore
as yet this won't kill, unless your spirit allows for the idea and yes
this spell can do the idea to cure and create a thought as the energy
is better in the chakra points then surge energy to create or not to
form ability. To undo this is to state "Unn De Due".
The Gno Tech [Then G-now Tech] = The gnosis technique; The
concern is cease thought and not as disappeared, as in a thought makes
a thought. To do is as thought in a slight move to avoid, and as if
conscious you mind is created thought. Avoid the trick, and what you
think is nothing but a memory. Recreate with a thought, use is to make
with a will and create as is to seem as if you are a concept to work
with a planet. As if a way there is a will and thought is to make
honorable will is able, make as an understood language, no fear if to
think as conscious to cope whatever you consider that creates the calm
in mind. As a peace of heart, is if to learn you use a thought to
create a conscious from the subset mind and use is the thought in
T Ash Pyro [T Ash Piron] = The Burn notice; There is a thought
as to think burn, is as to create with a thought is to see and gnow is
a thought as with the element that you choose to use. This is a
thought, as the notice is what you think. This is a point to recreate,
the burn notice idea is a thought from the world that is shown on a
program. As you did it, and yet won't if not needed as not intended by
what you do or not for what you think. Think it and you get an idea to
effect, from the "arae" manipulation that never happened to exist
unless needed. Yet the idea you have is not but a point in the past in
mind, as to get a resolve is nothing that creates from within and
manifests in the car area in thought. That is what is nothing as not
you know what things are, this by what they seem and in life it is a
hidden concept an idea is never to show or not as this isn't what is in
The sutr onn [Then Sut-r onn] = The creative time; The created
time machine, think as if or in as you consider a point is to use a
clay ball. This is to think toothpicks, as this is to gt them or
whatever is available to stick a toothpick except a head. Think a time
to shift the time, as if an alternative time shifting device what you
think will not seem there until you step out. As an open door is there
or otherwise things will shift around or not curiosity you will be
stuck there forever. As if you were or do something else, you can hit
an object and shift or think to yourself to shift you back in mind or
in body.
Isea Rahl [Is-ee-an Rahl] = Darken Rahl Nova; As you are a point
as to conclude is a thought, as if in concept you are what as nothing
is there but a shape that is hidden. Dark non and use thought, as you
think of a concept you can create from the dark within night to make as
you want. As you are a thought to create, you aren't as well or not as
you are a point to think as in thought to seem balanced. As to think
the dark is there in idea, creates it and use is the darkness to create
and created is the aura to cause a dark fire nova effect. As you are a
thought, your idea is use and create is a thing time created as you
created your aura by will is expanding out and fire forms. As a thought
in dark flame to cast, and create as with a will is to make with a way
that in thought creates the dark fire. There is a place and thought
isn't there, as you use thought as a point to do the expanding ring of
fire is gone as it reforms as in form of the idea that suits your
purpose in nothing but what is as thought or not as nothing exists.
Cast in form by "En Ova", or a thought "dark nova" as you think to
gather dark flames and cast forth by the thought through energy.
The As Car [Then As Care] = Assumed creation; As what you do is
assumed in thought, or not as this is nothing but fire you can use it
to create with as you draw the energy, you can think and seem as you
want to appear. As if a concept, use is in to create and use is to jump
to another plane and your thought is able to shift you about. As to
do assumed not assume create is think as your seen in mind, and as your thought you can
create yourself from what is essence from a point and yet your in a
place by thought. This if not believed undoes the transformation, you
can see in and go as for yourself you aren't what you seem. This spell
transforms a person, from within to seem what you think as you are
unless not "wanted".
Ada Sfa [Aid-an Es-fan] = Creation sphere; As you know as if
from agriculture where you think you are in land, you are where you are
as you think a place you create an area to go. As if what you think you
create, and you go to where you are well. As in a sphere, if you create
this is as you are shifting and disapparating with a will as if
disappearing. To shift is displacing to where you want to seem, think
and walk or think and you are as one way goes that way and one way goes
another place. As long as you aren't in a messed up area, as in life
you are not messed up in life and as an end life you go on. Where you
are in life, as in the art you are so seem to be as if outside. As
thinking is creating, you create where you think to seem as you are
where you want to be. As to know where you if this is to not need the
area, is think to seem and uncreate what is there in life as if to
leave is "ciao" till later. As the idea is to use an idea and you want
to observe, think in thought "ouvisibas protection sphere" that allows
you to see what you want as if not there an in nothing as separate from
the reality. Only if you want to use the weight create with esfan use is
no use as the area feel because with the sphere you can create by instance.
The Ory Fada [Then Ory Fade-an] = The location finder; As to now
the location, is the nowing by spirit or you gnow what you do. "As if
you are in a strange place, do you recognize where..", as you think
about this you can learn from spirit as where you are and what there
is. Think about it in the place you are as you think to see, focus your
mind and let the place come to mind. As where you think to look comes
clear, as a use is the area and location in life is thought as if a
"glory finder". Think a question to know as a place, as you know you
can figure the area and see what you know is there. As the reality,
will answer by what you think. As to ask the right question, is to now
the right idea and if you have asked it you did it already.
The Got Id [Then Go-t hId] = The gotten idea; The things you
learn, are what is availed at the time you think it. This spell is what
you can use to get and consider things you want. As in thought to get
this can find and thought exists what you can make, as if to be nice
because what you get you care for in thought. Thing is to touch and
think to get result if you want as I am, if you think to attend and use
in thought is on your own in the idea that is up to you as you did it.
Enselve [En-S-elven] = The End self; As if you were a werewolf
you are now an end to the self, that is what you create as thought of
what enslaves you are what cause you to think on life in the mind.
There is nothing as if a concept but a point with this spell, you did
it as there is no more to do unless you think to do some idea and learn
is what gets you places as if you are a point to remember unless
unnecessary. Un Dni is to cancel this out as you did it.
Itself [It-self] = Things if thought; What you think is what you
think, this is the idea that you are a thought. As you are a way and a
way to go is a thought to seem as you are in what you think to seem, as
you create with what you use this is as if a thought. As you think it
you create it as this is to do or not, and doing is natural as though
thought itself you weren't hit as it is it itself.
Bree [Breeze] = The breeway; The bree way that is what consists
to seem and go, as yuo are a natural nut with a nutcase and you carry
it with you as a way to arrive to the destination is where you can seem
at as if a road is there and yet is to some other life born on a
breeze. As if not or not as nothing willed to exist with this makes
Cicl Nua [Sin-cl Noo-an] = The nuance of life; This is in the
nuance of in life and death, drinks in use as on a moments need are
quality that to seem as a use and in you find what love there is in the
life you lead and no stop unless the idea didn't get used.
Cicl Hua [Sicke-l Hoo-an] = Cancel hunger; As in a point that
life exists there is no need then, as if no nothing eaten nothing
regarded. This spell can cancel in need to eat, as there is need to eat
as the hunger you feel as you feel the need to eat in hunger the need
Sun Flo [Soon Flow] = Solar Flower; The Solar idea is to flower
your energy, and to create solar ability in life by what you think or
out with feel and to use sun as energy with the aura to cure as if in
to make sense to flower things or otherwise create by generating to
cause life or not as you think or not as nothing is done if nothing
exist or no not at all is this noticed unless necessary. As you think
and make you use a thought to seem or not. As the thought is dissipated
as an energy if not "un" in life.
Sai Dai [Say-in Day-in] = As tolerance create think; In as you
think your creating in possible moments, and stop and go as you seem to
think and you are an idea to work with in life. With a dessert at the
end that works with your tastes. The idea is don't assume, or use "not"
in create as you think to work, and wherever if you think to stop the
effect think no not here an so not as "un no not".
The Fai Surv [Then Fain Surv] = The Survival Idea; The survival
concept, as a fake or not that is a point to create as if real and use
is nothing if not going to happen. That goes with no death and do
better, if possible by what use you do. Use is the orcs energy to
create and use things as you create away to make and think, and if or
not they catch on they can use you as to use earned survival skills as
"en" from essence to use or fake out those that can't be bought by
thought as if useless thought or don't believe you can do it as you do
something else as no disappointment is gone as spell done.
I Ep Ep [Eye Ep Ep] = The weapon use; This uses the darkmyst to
create, unless the myst is used as the things come to exist as you
think them to seem. As the weapons, as you think you can use as you
want or not as "are there from in space". As to use things from which
you find to make, and create as to make is nothing and create is
thought by what you think into form. Not here is necessary, as you
think and do what you want as "un not". Release is done, as you are
where you are by what you do and make as the right commands are done.
Aspe Wip [Aspen Wipe] = Asp energy; This is allowed if not
unneeded as an idea to use and fruit or bug and as energy is the
thought in thining to remove to use the effect you cause or create
currents of air to make a use and create what you think if energy if
ability if use is there. Think "not" to get no wasp, unless needed or
things you don't want that won't yet come back.
Theanx Aspea [The-an-ex] = The point of creative use; As if a
moment you can go and come as you want, as if a point of thinking your
use is a thought that makes what you think and the ideal is served on a
plate. As if what you make goes correctly you can create, as easy as a
moment is what you think or hoax can seem proven if the correct energy
and use is done as nothing is.
Tuetial [Too-ent-lie-al] = Istant thought shift; This is the
existant thought shift to think and try to get away as possible as if
you are aware an use is thought put out as mention is expression as
hands extent if "istent". There is a timer shift that uses the idea
that if you time the event, you can get what advanced warning and stop
the un timer and the time phases in you as if to a safe point if in
(ship guidance by thought control) save shift you back.
Uo Liht [Who-oh Lit] = The instant light; That is a thought
point of a flash fire, think, focus inner fire as to light with
manifest and do as in create in unusual result. Think and use is to get
light, by thinking your lighter that is good as your body seems to lose
most its weight and your as if a thought not to weigh much and use by
fire is to cause this or nor. The spell is a use and thought you do, as
this is a useful idea by what you figure out what you consist. To think
and the energy surges. This is a use of correct idea, unless consisting
of wrong activity.
Moss Cat = A perfect idea; A point to loss, is thought "loss is
win" is the take it off is a thought, to get a result and make what you
think. As the point, you lay a trap is when this ends. You undo your
trap by the effort to think, stop and you aren't in one that works
against you as it "workst" others you dislike.
Maya = [May-an] A tropical influential idea; As that is
influence this is a disease and thought you use is to get the point as
you use things with energy you get a disease of the mind. The power is
the tropical forest as it ages dies and comes back and if thought, this
cures the point as you are in thought and thought makes what you
consider as thoug a person were there and watching as the paranoia is
avoided. This is with the tropical idea that as death happens life
begins and the shift to the alien ruled world is the point that you can
use an voiced opinion as a false authority leads someone on and the
mind causes the body to live as though dead and alive. This is the
world, that dark is death that is life.
The Pregnio [Then Preg-night-oh] = The intention effect;
Whatever the worst effect is the best effect, if on a conceit you think
and get interesting idea. This is a bad for the purpose by intent, the
worst is best as "withen" intent to create good from bad example. As
you never intend something before you need it. As this self-love that
your use in expression is love for another by willing, to work with
another as if opposite worlds in opposing view as derelict in a
different nature. As in the world, your use is as to create a concept
from what you work with as you think. As if you thought the thought
perceived is what creates by what you think, and what is in the area is
a stimulus is a concept to make and create with what you consider. As
you think a thought you create some will, as your will you create with
through created see and do effort thought in an idea to create as with
will or not as nothing exists and yet somethin may happen with
happenstance. As if a point in the subconscious is an instance was a
concept, your use is a thought and what energy you use is what your
thought was to use.
Pre Hens ible [Pre Hens sible-en] = The horrible idea; The idea
to create is sometimes destructive as you appear to act bad from good
with a spelling aid. To state something is saying it exactly as it
says. As if you do is in when you do different and things, you attempt
are a concept to do. As you horrid [as thats kinda hard] isn't done, as
what is isn't if unneeded and as though a neglect is with a "horrid
brain" in idea.
That impedes speach and causes you to type and speak
through the text. The thought exists as if nothing except what you
don't, do impedes it and nothing impedes it as you think do an idea or
don't. What you do if you think the idea to do it you don't get what
you think, think as response can be neglible your use is as a point to do or
remember you by as you do things for others. As the emotion can get involved and raise itself
things, you represent in the subconscious can be taken or not as to
correct for the problem that occurs.
Meh [Mee-h] = Beh; This is pretty much something that is what
you say, as if a mention were to create with something that creates
with behest as to bade to good or bad is bade good. As it depends on a
purpose by whatever, this seems "In En No" they are doing and from what
you do. Its not something you want to to do everyday.
The Ino Fx [Then In-no F-ex] = In No Hih, The atleantian fiend
Idea; There's no fiend if your not in indisclosure as this is usually
yourself reacting to another. The point through indisclosure is the
thought and is a thought and is different things to different people,
as what you do is a thought as you think you can make with the thought.
The thing in thought you know you reveal by a demonic being that enters
as if to make, think and create is the thing you want to do or you with
this can seem to see to realize as realization by feel.
This is with a small food sacrifice can disrupt the essence created that is
blocking you. As it draws away the demon that is drawn to the area to
the food is, as this is is a possession born with the roach once killed
you are able to make better with better idea. As to not be driven
insane and illing yourself, think positive and accept yourself as
self-love is threat to the demons and drives them away as you express
the idea by what you do.
The only thing that is effected is the demon inside that you
can get by harboring ill feelings, this can cure the idea by a thought
to create and make is with the creator. Any hex or witches mark that
can curse is drawn by the demon that wants to kill, you can do what
you want from within by doing no insanity with chaos and that cannot
effect as if your released. You with response, as you are not effected
if you think you aren't and you things correctly and don't if you think
as they know that is not right that you do.
This is idea to call the atleantian as seem and do as if a born
bieng with higher earth intentions to create a point or creative idea
that in at the point to drive away the bad, nulle attack is dodge aside
and think good use and you are with an interesting intent as the good
and as to know ie is a true nature ing the monster born, as a bad to
good idea makes better. The idea that any good intent can make a
positive, idea through with thought can turn things interesting as any
positive intention can turn ill or not as the idea is a good point
except to music that naturally heals. There is a thought that if you
exist you can create and if any ill will, the idea can turn bad as bade
or better with purpose in intent. As I Ie P is a natural concept that
concurs as this creates in what is natural in concurrence by experience
with a thought by conception.
This is as though the thought in realization "Ia" is as the idea
is symbolic and it can turn its nature, as a point if from a being that
is demonic and the idea walks up in person and shows you its true
nature in life. As it reveals its true nature by speaking no matter the
religion. As within instant possession or not the nature is a thought
that shows up, as a walking inhibitative demon that separates in an
inner pocket as the person walks in through the open door. As to know
what you do is to do what you think, as the thing it does is drives
away the demon "withing" as you, and otherwise the idea is thought to
work personal whether or not you like it as a point to "work with life
be with life". A work in life is to seem with life.
This is the point idea response that it does, then and now it
can seem as if a monster that appears and shifts to become as though a
human psycho within the human body. Whatever, once you realize what the
thing is it won't effect you, as you are a capable person and know what
will seem to happen you can deal with it and don't be dealt with to
make what you want. As the monster disappears once you admit your idea
and thought is gone from the monsters head. The things you think are
natural in thought, and a mate will come to your aid if you think the
thought to get "aid" to use. You are sure that if in use you can see
the use and thought is a point to use as naturally concurring idea,
conclusion and make what you will to create as if the thought "In Nu
Yasha" can work and create as you thought in life.
The In Nat En [Then in Nate-en] = The natural response; This is
as a concept and the thought is as a spirit, as if you are a good point
to use, natural positive response to natural earth energy in use is the
natural bound response is the right one according to what your mind is
seeing. From advance or what is and what premonition and things it has
in mind, from sensation from as with natural stimulation that you
assume is right and so sense out and gnow what is from in life as if a
The In Ide Ac [Then in side sac] = The inner electrical; The
inner depict with an inner strength, with realisims or thinking is a
thought is a point to do things with as youth is in the body you can
get a natural response that your use is the right one as the
discerniment is from your inner child as your struck inner strength. As
electrical is pure energy within good reasoning you can use it to do
the most powerful things as electricity rules as an element within the
body according to the right idea that is done.
Ide In It [side in lit] = The nature of wolf; This is the nature
of what a wolf is and when you say the spell you can trash something
and make the idea as you think to do. This is intuition of the
werewolf, the pack instinct and their idea in life as a point or path
to become with hidden in life. To counter this, think "I was caught"
and make a motion with the hand and the spell disappears as if
dissipated harmlessly. As if a troll summons as this is so, the body of
a wolf or a cat can appear in mind as an odor of an undead is smelt but
not observed in a motien to create with is spiritual.
I In It [Eye in it] = The natural bound; This is the natural
bound response of the right response for the right effect, and with the
right spell caster in the correct time as easy make is easy done with
each their own time.
I Ide It [Eye side it] = Natural selection; This is the nasty
response of a frriend that precludes murder and somewhat murder that is
jailing in the prision of your choice. As you think and do the criminal
by thought, focus and projection of auratic harmony is there to use and
think to escape with the energy by a surge and shift as if a kitsune
with brutal strength.
The urede Ium [Then your-rede-en Eye-yum] = The rede of
calamity; The rede is a subdual idea that use is calamity and
distruction of the point and moment the person decides and your use
creates as if the need were there. As this is an airport in civilian
area this can be a use, as in a use there is a concept and with the
screen adjustment and a weird folding to the mind that doesn't appear
otherwise. As not detrimental you can seem good for no peril reason, as
you don't need to do the crede and not to seem done if the crede is
harsh and you do have to seem and act good as if nothing is bad as if
bade good.
The Sodiar l [Then Sode-lie-ar l] = The Alien Heart Lady; The as
you go into an upper plane and your heart is torn out and yet you still
survive. An alien heart is there in the place and you can seem to use
the heart.
Aline Conept [Ale-line-en Cone-p-t] = The cone of episode
energy; The cone already done, not as you are in a place in mind and
thought creates a moment to do, you either do and don't bother people
as you never bother them or try as you might you are aware. You can see
to create and seem in mind, as you think to do and you are awake. The
idea to try is a moment to a motion, as if an episode of the person
that is a part of the essence you get and the idea ceases as if not
happened or nothing happend as nothing was badly occurred when you
think things necessary.
The Tho Sto [Then Thought Store] = The Thought storage; The
thought is a part of the road as all things that you don't want are
stored, as energy in there is recallable as you think you can get
storage if you want or need to get things as energy is there as formed
from the subconscious as in nothing or in a dark mood is murder or
nothing can happen.
The Iop Inen [Then Eye-open lineen] = The Iop is in and thought
is conclusion, as use is to open your mind as your eye is open there as
in what you do you can seem a point and be as where you want in life.
As if you are shifting as nothing in thought seem as in you are within
a come point in an area and a go point out to a place. That you in a
motion can seem or become in an area, think the form as a thought is
from them or nothing as a room if to think quick in a concept is a
thought. As you point out things and a point is done, in as a concept
is thought and out as you are not there and yes as if you are okay as
this is unless not necessity.
The Ie Ecop [Then Eye-ehn Ee-cope] = The idea conclusion; The
idea is a thought, as if nothing you are a thought in light action to
create in aspects, to seem in the right moods that are not unless
necessary and as in a point the meeting is done. Since noone knows
where you are you go as if naturally back in response, to what you
think is necessary unless not desired.
The finecil [Then Fine-ee-sile] = As thou free; As if a cool or
not friends you are a concept, and as if acceptance you catch what you
want as if a thought and think your a concept. As you are a point and
think in coincidence as a thought as this in confidential view in life.
As you think financial, as if a though or not in thought you can seem
in alliance as if a ointment formed is a thought use as heal. As your
use of money is a point that comes back double with not double weight
unless necessary.
The cullis [Then Cull-liset] = The cool linsee; Think an cool as
if a thought is a conceptive theory. The idea is a thought and if not
seen you are not found as you are, not threatening and thus the idea,
what you get is what you see as though not you this is a point to seem
if as to do is to create as if in idea you can create as if dark light
will as what is whenever.
Avalon Not En [Av-ale-one Note En] = Druidic essence; This is
the druid that is use in essence, as you are near the druid you think
as if to seem good and act the druid in part by partison decision. As
if "or not" you can create atleantian forms from nothing as if a
thought and use is the essence. As this includes the ability to seem,
as a use and "nothing" as forming is to seem as a give and seem a good
use. Then you are a thought, and as a thought you just are energy. As
if you can even dress as one, your an idea as the religion is to do or
not do and that is to seem a part that is useful. As if a cog from the
12th dimension, this in an conclusion and this is as you "knew"
everything as now is gnowledge from the spirit that, if in use is the
cog or was now and is from the spirit that goes through everything. As
this is a concept, as ending in a moment use is a thought in the right,
direction and what you see is what use is there by what you can seem to
know and if necessary to use.
The Klupp = The Klump; The idea you think is thought as intend
the essence as you think is to get an idea as you are an idea, an
things you use are a point that as you think and your use is a thought
in use. As such, you can seem what you seem as you think and you are.
As you seem to know what you want, you can seem a use or create a use
to use what use there is. As if thought drew attrbutes, think of an
attribute sheet and write in attributes to us as a point is a use, and
think in a point as the moment spurs the reaction and as you use things
and thin in a moment. Think as you do things, as you focus and in
breath focus you can think as a grey property sheet, and the properties
you want glow as you check mark them and you are with the attributes.
As you think the idea you hoard it and as you hoard it you gain or lose
according to what you have as useful decisions and thought is done now
you have the idea as if from the source, as if from what things you
use. Don't actually do this if you don't want the effect, as the klump
can correctly make you a genius as you are a point and thing in thought
are remembered memory. As if you want the body, you gain the mass as
such it is done. Think weight to gain is the muscle mass as no massive
heart attack with no fear and no paranoia to think thin to seem thin,
as if you lose you win as slender mass is as you think "stick thin" as
if forgiven is yes. This allows as an option, the white or black girlfriend.
So think of the moment, you can experience the euphoria of the idea.
The Ef Uel [Then Ef Oo-el] = The Effect of the smelly street;
This is an idea magic in effect that your use is a cave as that is
known as "nona" and you in use are as a thought and your use is to seem
invisible, as if well you think you figure out things and you build a
well as you drink the water you drain it. As there is none there is no
victimized, no more an no illness and you are well. As or not
otherwise, you can make use of the water as you feel emotion so no and
the negative ions are there. As you heal you think and as you mae waves
by progress, you can create a point to fix things and as you do things
that cause what you fix to remain fixed. You can use a thought and
create what in you as want, is from in a time place as in that area and
you think and no more sickness can happen. As though people were sicke
in thought but well in body, and as this is true you are well as you
are well things you do effect by auratic influence and you remember
yourself as soothed in thought.
As this cures people naturally, you can create what you consider
and intention you can use as suggestion to do magic. As the act is done
you think, correct and make fixes to he or she things as the well known,
thought or action is dropping apetite as the vanishing well effects
those that are effects with the drinking it all up or this is so, as
energy your emotions and moods disperse with the well and no "well well"
water is limited in time as until thought unlimited as the manic nature
is the thing that is dispersed. As if that is gone as the well is gone
and as if all dried up, you are cool in physique and thought is with
you as no temper and effected by magic to seem well in mind in thought.
As you are well in body as a dried well is gone, avoid the cave as this
is a thought and in focus they are better as if fine in a new body.
In ef In = Fire ability; Stop as you are or stop insemm already,
as if your use is a thought to fire, to create fire where you think use is use. Use this as you want
as this allows fire manipulation, and yet not physical fire ability
until you realize if things work it is a scam and all in ability as due
suggestion doesn't work.
As En Ifn [As en If-n] = Ultimate shadow form conjuration; As you are a
shadow form you Paul in the form and seem to form that you think, as
you become an ultimate shadow that loves to seem with people and
otherwise make use of what you are seeming. This has ability that comes
from leftover essence, in some area that someone touches. As you think
you are, you can seem timewise to get away. As you use the excess
emotion or idea, that is as an energy you can use what seems your own
kind in an idea. As you are not rat and not reptile you can use what
thought as energy to get some idea to do. If you say ultimate you
return, as you think this is necessary you are a shapeshifter as an
idea or thought in idea person or not. As nothing is done, you don't
have to do this in fits in laughter. As this seems to work, enlightened
ones can seem to form if there is a dare, hope and understanding in the
idea is a thought to seem ideal in what you think should happen will
happen in return. Concept is possible in an idea, that use can seem
made with the idea. Heal because your ill is a possible idea, if
anything needed is a possible prospect ploy in thought except the kill
of a roach or unwanted attribute. After you get a one time kill, don't
ill if you don't need to as anything you don't want is killed after one
day. Don't in thought, want is ant the roaches and vermin.
Snagii [Snage-high-in] = Snagajob; This is a spell form that is
to create a spell job for those that need a job. Use is the spell, and
the spell is to create as you think or do away with those you as a
moment, if or not will allow as you thin with a thought to get a job.
You don't have to do this, if your going to be unless necessary not and
do or not as depiction is interesting is to what you seem. As whatever
it is you get it, in thought and in no insanity if you don't want it
then its not there.
An en do = This end; This is to end a point, and with what you
consider right an respect you can get an respect by doint you consider
right. There is a better way if one thins you are not needed, you will
seem sent away as you are with what you want in life what you do sets
the sentence.
Then as if = As if en; The idea concept is an iffy shift with
a point that to explore is to think energy with a conservationist.
As if a long spell and this is a few spells, from that idea in the
area by the point as a point in point use is possible in more detail.
As you don't seem to do much, as this is "arae" you except natural
activity you naturally transition and as you walk through the area
you shift as you walk out the door.
The in detail detail is a point that is, as a picture to remind
you to seem where you are, this in a use with a depiction is possible
as a wild horse. Spin or not and the things you see are interesting
as nothing, where nothing in thought is nothing in mind as your third
eye can see the effect in the spell and idea. Think or not as you
can "ef is what you consider in a point to do.." As you are to crawl
through a travel space and otherwise, unearned machines are use and
this is necessary if nothing else can seem a use. Unless you think
of a use as a point, that if in thought to have done wrong you haven't
in a use. As the event seals itself, in mind this is as an event that
disappears from sight.
Think as if you hold energy to get you places thought, as is to
get out of a bad area in a bad spot that is not supposed. This can
create a point if you don't go to where you want, and have no support
then if you die there you can actually return to seem as you think.
As you never return to the [place you were to think in focus] is
to think the place, and if felt to by observation things still are.
As if this is seen as a vision or dark thought, as dark vision felt
and if felt and darkness reveals that sometimes. This is in as not
visited for a long time. How dumb is that if thought is a bad experience
and thought is an experience to avoid?
As through the power of the string as light is a thought created
into motion, by motion you create what is possible. As soon as you read
this, you are not effected and things you do are not as you expect in
concept unless you make allowances for what is or nat and things work
your way as is. As you think, use in thought is a thought that energy
exists, in amongst the worlds as if there is a way to no and think as
you move naturally to think shift.
Isis creates as a thought to do, "protectia" is reasonable an
is this in creation. As in to create something, is as though through
the aura and "do with in no attack". As in a thought that seals itself,
feel or create an idea and with thought think that this is effect by
focus and you do with will. As in thinking or nothing, that is felt
by what isn't as if this is as thought there.
This is not this is what is not considered, and all sources are
possible except for those that use won't do as needed if allowed for.
As such is a word or not as you think and your use is, the energy
between the worlds and universes that the energy flows you can
sometimes think and do. As thought that you can create, think as
thought can exist as this is used by the creator to make. As thinking
with or not is nothing, as to uncreate with changes that aren't there.
As if you are not there to bother people, as instead to help than hinder.
The Nat Hal [Then Nate Hale] = The natural healing; This is a
natural idea in use, considered unnatural by some that use this. As a
natural conclusion, this is energy thought and biorhythm use is
restorative as absorbing energy is gathering. This is to direct music,
and to cure is by love from the creator and you heal by any natural
rhythmic influence in activity. As an idea to considered view as a
spell restore, as if a conscious is made by subconscious to form
conscious subconscious as what isn't flunie as a string of viewable
results by natural time is flower energy as a source amongst other
things or think not as nothing with a superstring attack will occur. As
you recover from what you think, you can use enchanted wax to seem and
heal you in your mind as you return to the real areayou are restored.
This is by activity in thought, is the power of the night and
is the beauty with this dimension is you can seem to do. Things are
done and yet expose or not, as nothing done if none are there in life.
Unless if unwanted to seem in and out is in our way and what you seem,
to love doing is a concept or not as nothing is needed and that you
can write. This in life is a control healing, as chemistry controls
itself, think and this is a natural concept and nothing else that is
the art that is in the power as you work the energy.
So as that is the flower power and in thought fire power is
natural energy you do allowing natural ability from them who do, and
as you do you use that energy as return energy as you listen to the
right music think or feel and that is naturally ash as the eye frequency
restores your functioning from its influence to seem in focus by what
you use as ash for a source in of energy and that is the natural ash.
The use is a thought if to focus in form, with thought to use
the ashes and form a ash golem or ash being that forms the golem from a
dead thing as if an als is an also moment in time. There is nothing
wrong with this area as you think things to seem things, as if that in
use can create what is an answer as thought creates making by an idea.
As a concept that the creator can make, as you need the idea you can
use the thoughts you get if in life you can see as a use some force. As
use is energy your use can seem as to make use, and not by what you do
as a thought is a concept and what you do is think, focus and get some
effect. As in the Cu Ef to help or fix the moment in action by use of an object.
As you are dreaming well, you can not show your dream until you
volunteer or think, think use and your use as the energy focus is use.
As to think is to feel the original idea and that is with use by your
eternal life, and feel the dream and any other idea you think or seek
to seem as this is not as if where you are is to happen to think. There
is no other area other than what you think, as time is a focus point
and what you consider is a think and use a time as a place is a point
to work in a moment.
As in mind your keep focus is a possibility as if this restores,
then is what in is normal and realizing a point isn't a slap to the
face. As the point is this it is in nothing as anything is not a hit,
as this is not what things exist as thus. This is a concept as the
thing that you use to create an idea, think with a thought or
manifestation will happen as the key is harmonics and the concept is
healing as use is frequency with the key. Music as is the idea that is
the polar shift, as an idea use and thought is that as is a point to
shift with as you do. This is a one time idea if you need it you can
get the idea, this is to use natural chi movement as to do things with
events and create as if thought were created by the self-made concept
in mind.
Baded goose as into view is by thought, as if alternate view is
a viewpoint and seems a different scene. As if a concept, that is
interesting and made into idea to seem and the episode idea is
over or not as if of use as "en ep". As to think, you can see as you
are able, to see and if are what you see or you see what you are. The
idea is at sea or some other place, you don't in see as you think. As
you are in a point to do and meet someone, you can seem if biolocated
so you are what you see. This is a place in time and not you as if the
point you are able to notice is a concept of a person, as things in the
area are energy as you see what is there or not as you see what you can
create as a seeming. The point is this, in visual as what you think as
a visual moment is what you see then what you get is in a vision by
what is a little interesting.
There is a point that as you set off and see someone, you can
see them where you actually are and as you see them near and talking to
you. You can see them somewhere else as in a visual idea in space, that
is a point in the 4th dimension that you can see things in time. So
every idea is a point in space that is a time and area that is visiting
in space, as you visit you think and you in time inheriting in space
from essence are gone from where you are as you were as in a point you
poof in a time that is accomadative to the point that is necessary. The
idea is a thought as in thought you are nothing and as yet something if
you think you you are. As in life you are what you seem and yet you can
use a point as a save where you can see and think, as you think to see
a concept as a concept and use your wits as a will and as you do you
create what you think as you feel like doing you are good.
Switch in position and you can shift, an area if the idea is on
as you do. As you think or switched turned off and not something done
is as you are, the strength of 5 is a spell feel as the "dragon
strength" spell is use what you do. As a focus for energy converted to
strength or not, as think in and out to do and you shift. As timewise
you use thought tap on 10 people in space and create is use with their
spell aura, to use is getting near and absorption is in time as you can
magus in thought and in created view things for people to see are seen.
As by whith a concept as if a thought in a moment, this is as an idea
in a moment and is done and over with by focus and need to do other
As the figure you see in your mind, walks away you can make and
create a parting help or thought to do and things are done and what you
think can seem to disperse the idea as the vision dissipates into thin
air. You walking away, from the area and doing what you think as in
thought you are not in mind. As in the 4th dimension, this is a place
that time forgotten as the idea is a thought. Think you can as to think
and feel as you can feel, or feel the way and seem where you want by
this in a spellbook.
A timeless place that is in an area as "are" as the area you see
is a timeless place is an idea, that is the concept space represented
by a construct that represents an area to work with. An area is there
and uses the energy of that area to manipulate what you see, by a
string in energy space that is a space string that use is energy and
thought directed through them is in action. As a nonsensical area is
not by act and thought is revealed, as weird and not very realistic as
you think you can see what strange crystal thought there is. This is
what is in there as a vision in nothing or in thought in view and as
you do, you shift in where you want and create what you are.
As if you see what you think, feel in thought as if your near
death and your viewing in the mind within things. Then in thought this
is what is answer, as to some question as is what is a thought to seem
right or wrong and what is natural inclination is right. There is a
place you think to seem, as you are dizzy and that is called vertigo.
As what you seem is in a top spin and what are is in a place, that is
not real but real as you think you spin. Similar experiences to this
dimension is a thought place in mind, that is a batman cartoon idea and
as there you seem in a motion or not an nothing seems as if nothing
As you in life view what in mind, this is as you see you are
among other people as things you want to see. As particles that
realigned in area no and you may see a war plane, in an area of space
that can arrange themselves and no is a space thought as if this
creates what you think to do. As this is not an actual space, except to
those psychic as if in a dream to the physical area. As though what you
see is what you think to get, or what you are in a dream that is
undeniable except to those that don't see it.
An those that don't see it, are not seeing what you do as if
they are not able in person they are in perception and don't want to
for no reason unless necessary in dream. As thought seems as if
fruitless, as the idea may seem an idea unless you are done and don't
bother as this doesn't matter. This is a plane that is observed or
unlooked at is as to observe you see, what you think and what you use
is as a place in mind and use is to make some idea with use as the idea
is in thought.
This is to use natural achievement as an act with what you do,
you can see any area you think to look at with energy. As necessary a
thought timeline is, as if a thought to make. Then use and create a way
that is better for the person. As to make use can seem by the seeing
with what you do, and not otherwise needed in whatever done or not as
you intend this is to use magic. As a product or otherwise things can
come as thought if magical if thought if concept is energy, to use in
as will thought creates itself as to seem a possible use.
As otherwise not impossible is an activity, to make or create
not do as a dream as if nothing done and not much is due. As in a
thought with this spell is use a thing to think as in no as if in
thought to do, as in the idea you can get any result you want from this
in life. This is a place, so visit if you want as if not as nothing
there, as a way is there to go and return is easy as to think and do
you know whats there?
The Eaial = The Intuit thunder strike, is the thunder strike.
As use is energy your use can seem as to make use, and not by what
you do as a thought is in a concept and out by what you do as this
is think on a thunder storm, focus the energy and get some effect
by thought or will as wish as you do not, realize and do.
Nat Ash Fep Golem [Nate Ash Feap Goal-seem] = Natural ash golem; The use
is in occurance if to focus in form, with thought to use the ashes and
form a ash golem or ash being that forms the golem from a dead thing as
if an als moment is an also moment in time. There is nothing wrong with
this area as you think things to seem things, as if that in use can create
what is an answer as thought creates making by an idea. As a concept that
the creator can make.
As if this to exist is as you need the idea and you can use the
thoughts you see as perceive, feel and seem in to get and out to go if
in life you can see as a use some force. As use is energy and your use
can seem as to make use, and not by what you do as a thought is in a
concept and out by what you do as this is think on a thunder storm, seem
in focus and correct by fire through the chakra with a white light busrt
effected by aura.
As the energy surges you are clean, and get some effect by thought
or will as direct in psychic phenomenon wish by focused energy with what
you will. As if a point, there you have a concept and here you have a point
in thought to do and your will is thought. There as is in mind you are with a
focus to derive, as though your will is enough to push a wheel. There is
focus to direct by will as you direct the idea, as you see you think and the
idea will respond as if conscious is thought and from what you want. An
as is a simple conscious object, this will move to your will.
The Sr X [Then Sir eX] = Tis the counterspell; This is a spell to
counter any idea, from a person now dead that is useful or not as to
create with the subconscious or uncreate with a thought that is a point
to do. The effect of any thought is to do a point or dismiss the thought,
as the idea is a point you can use what you think and if you are a considerance
in considered. As if you are what you seem you are, what you are until
you seem to do differently. As though a thought you seem, you are not
effected by what you think. As you think the idea, you fix it and the
situation fixes itself, as things you do go away with any source thats
applicable to seem a use as a thought to do. As or not you can seem,
what you use and if not you aren't effected in use. Unless useless in
thought, this is not necessary to be done. As things thought and not
done at all, so what comes in life is unless useful and not done otherwise
as you did it.
As if useful is seen as feeling with senses brings, or not as
the idea to mind is that and this is done unless nothing exists and
nothing need be observed. Otherwise, as you feel like you belong as if
you can stay, as if in thought you think or not as you have feeling. As
that you don't belong and dissoluted forms in life, are there instead
as you and if you are aware in life not in issue as your view in sight.
As if there is nothin in view unless there is a life to watch as long
as you don't fight, as an idea is as a thought creates and what is
makes what the thought you intend and this won't fight you if you are
what you think.
The Sr [Then Sir] = The strontium; The strontium is a bar and
when you think you can see a properties idea, think to not be near the
strontium as you think properties in thought to know or not as you look
at an object when you use the particles. As if an idea you are what you
seem, as you can get what you think by summoning an as you think. As
the something in mind comes clear and you see, what you want an think
is as you want and the idea you do with energy passing through it as
you have is possible. As if you are a point and the mentioned effect is
gone, if bad for you that you think is bad or strengthens you as the
body is good and you can use the idea to get a good result. Don't take
it into the body but keep it near, and the influence is what you don't
always accept.
As you in a point of weakness think strength you get strong but
lose your strength real fast after, as its just metal and you do
experimental things you do may feel interesting and as in you do as out
you can get what you consider or not as its not necessary. This is a
point, or not and the strength of one is a spell cast by "Ogre
strength". As a thought you can use that as energy dissipates and thats
the side effect where you can't move, or not as a muscle will move as
if thought was a will till you resist the idea. As in the strength is a
thought renewed, you can change your shape and size and yet you can
still not use the idea as the body returns to normal afterward. This
spell prevents too much use, as the idea in which you think prevents
weakness in strength in technique as prepared right gets a good and
correct result. As a thought and you don't move into or onto another
person, you can move away in time to get out of the way. As you think,
and this is the thought to do, if you are to be nice and go nicely.
Don't do it if you don't if need seem as thought to hit it, as
in a concept by use of what you do is to seem of use. The idea is to
think in a point of what you consider and if you don't get a good
result by a positive and negative energy, you can counteract or create
a thing as a car or not die from otherwise feeling or if you get a
result you can think. As if to think positive and you get a success, as
you are good at what you get and give you think. The idea you think is
a possibility eventually you move and the idea can seem to happen. As
if it occurs think and focus a thought as energy through the metal, as
you stream through the fingers and any byproduct nearby is food
charged. Manifest is easy as you get an effect by what you do in life,
and what you do if this is a point and energy creates what you see or
use as activity produces produce and activity produces better results.
Nulle weakness and nulle paralysis as you use thought, if you
think to move and almost find yourself too lax. As if things wor as you
think, then if it is that which is a use you can think and use what
isn't if you feel it is necvessary. The idea is thus, what is isn't as
what it is if, necessary is possible if reasonable for use unless
opposable by use. Then and now as if a point or thought is reference,
there is a thought to not be effected is to use the idea or not use
what you think is wrong as if not there to use it. Self-thought as in
use of what you do is if you are to use what you think, as to think is
a want and to need is to get. As you can seem a concept in thought that
is useful in possible, or not use as to make use is to seem useful in
El Ed = Hell streamer; Use is red energy and what you think,
creates the fire as the idea is from the idea reflected in your aura.
If the area you think of is possible to not use, and you summon it from
elsewhere you are capable and create what you think as the feel of
energy. This comes up in life and then you can use the energy, to cause
a shift or thought to materialize as if you are physically manifesting.
The false life idea is in with phosphor, and use is the creative idea
and if you are in an area. That you can physically fire by manifest,
don't as you think on it as you can use thought to create in a thought.
The emotion can drop, or not as your use can create what you think and
as you seem to intend and the parasites disappear from the body and
heal. As you think to feel younger, in or not as nothing exists. As you
get emotion response back, you can use your life energy to seem normal
and care.
The Ie Tric [Then eye-end Tricep] = The idea trick; You know
what you did and the spirit reveals it to you. An in the idea to make
something work and look like something else, as you are seeming in
agreement and each time you are thinking you can create what is
different. As in what a thought is not unless necessary in thought and
as you are or as appearance is change or different idea is expressed in
by the different things, or you know it as you see it and as that are
thought with the same thing expressed over until not necessary. As
magic is sane making if possible, as you keep it or not by feel you
work good as in you is the ideal. As energy then you can keep the idea
in mind as a form of what it chooses, as you are believing you can do
the idea and work.
As you want or think and you gnow the idea, think and your never
insane as just imagine the idea and the point is there as your
spirit is what causes the recall. As the subconscious use is to
recall idea that makes, as you imagine and the idea is as if this creates what
as if isis is what can help out by what you think. Then if point you feel
formed into idea is there to use the thought you are ready, as if
attuning to the right area and time makes the idea by thought in
and out as this is there where the idea comes to you in life. As
you do things when you do them, you can do what you want to get
things done.
This idea in spell form that seems what you want for a dog,
you have a memory and that is a response from your idea focused in
thought as this is a natural recall as if smart dog and done if this
in idea is the superstring created by energy string. Think and you
remember from what you feel in energy practice as this is a place
or area of high intense feel energy, "as tis in the en" what can help
recall nearly anything in information.
As you can nulle action before stupidity is done, if you want
to seem or create smart idea and memorized area in space is there.
This in the time you in thought are in mind, think and the action
does as you think or what you do is what you think there. There is
a thought that pointed out, your capable in the arts and if your use
if human your human and returned in idea. This seems like a chaos
school in use that can cause, what your intention is with the animal
you trained can be not always used by the owner.
Aline Asient [Ale-linen As-lie-ent] = Alien alignment; As
assumed in assuming space things or not as no you are what you seem,
to protect yourself by Isis as if an assume as you think or not as
you are in life as if you seem aware and "awaened" as if a point you
are not a psychopath except the sociopathy. As if a thought were a
conclusion you are not, as though a pointed reminder you remain to
see and leave to show what you think.
Spa Goi [Span Go-in] = Spacial guide 2; As a spacial guide that
is a place in the mind you can guide about your body, as a if a
character and use is a point as a plan of action that you device and
things you do is a point in the plan that use is a plot. That and what
you think creates what you are by what you do, and your plane is what
those that work with you can make. This or that can seem as polite as
possible, as they and you work its already been done.
Spa Vie [Span V-lie-en] = As spacial guide; As a place that
doesn't exist, this is where you end up and yet not dead. As you move
on in life, you miss the vital point. As in a place you are in time,
and in thought and as in mind you are a guide. Your land is your own.
Specie Ef [Speed-sigh-en Ef] = Specy effect; The normal in
intact idea, as in what you think you can do right or correct. This is
a spelling that is to create an avoidance of what you miss in life. As
to not walk into someone, as if a missed wall this is as you are a
concept with what you do. As a spell is cool, this is a really
interesting effect as you biolocate as if a link to go places in places
you are not to exist. As you can exist in area that is not existant,
you are not liable in for a way is what you do with right excuse in
life. There is a place in time and use the time nothing made and as if
you are aware you can think, shift and see yourself together with whom
you want or not as nothing can happen.
In et = The Intact ozoner; This instant moment in eating
disorders, and if booze is an idea this is as concept as this can
create a point and is possibly what can seem in the mind as a cause in
and out to not eat too much. This is ecstacy in thought of far fiction,
and that is a match in meet and stopped as the moment is stopped. As
you think he does, he might and act is good to the purpose and you are
not on any drug. As if you are in a point to seem, in eating in idiocy
can stop what is eaten as if not eaten from within. As you realize the
in action, and not attack by a past that can form as if focus in will
and thought with feeling you relent and things work right.
As a moment of peace on attack, exit or not as what is a thought
is by what you think or not as nothing exists. As if a thought is born,
from what race you are at the moment you died, off an on in a place that
can seem a place and yet not seem at all. Think or is not as nothing exist
at all in life, as if a species in which without switching in is as if
this is his or her head as a life that you feel is your moving by spirit
The truth of the moment as in eating is the alien, that you raise
as no nothing is a spirit beaten kid. As an idea moment, you can do things
or duel an idea to not duel only. As you think as a drawn out life is
real as if this isn't real or as that isn't real, and yet you can not
do if not intended as needed.
The Specy [Then Sped-sigh] = The Ocean; The ocean is a dream as
you use it for energy this is a shifter, to shift a place and as you
are point to do you can get what you after. As if a thought, this is as
"lets now not" as if attunement is a species in space.
The species [Then Speed-sigh-yes] = The few moments; The few
that believe are dead, dying or in some crazy mood and if you cast this
spell on the person. You can dislike as they don't do wrong, as an
opposite. There is a possible idea, that is you are a dare or not you
seem back.
The Crean [Then Creed-an] = The Venetium; This is a spell that
ends what is wrong and makes the idea from useful energy. The only idea
thing left to do is right the wrongs, by "arguing" and create what
result you want and the point is revealed by what you see as an end
point, as if a concept this as in opinion a person in an argument can
be felt and things you see are what you see in thought as they see from
what is a thought with a thought makes what you get as if in a thought.
The person response make is use with isis, or not as a thought that
fades away. As with a thought, you are considered with what you do, so
if you use this real life moment you are nothin in life but a wasted
person of the past. As a guide you can seem, what you wanted or not at
The Vew = [Then Vee-w] View shift in place; Otherwise not think
to pose and shift about your foot, as you stand an think you feel
calmness as yet you can get what you want as you think you shift. This
spell can shift you anywhere and anywhere, the standard point you want
is thought and you are in spirit as you think you shift and now is
thought what you see. Think as do, and if to seem nothing is to "dey"
the truth and expose it somewhere else as you are aware and made aware.
You are what you think, as you don't beat around. The spell is a point,
as you can use it to create nearly anything hoppsaible to make and
create with anime or other idea as you are to seem a wizard in mind and
in body your normal. Otherwise, you can in warning seem like a death
being and yet you can create what you want, as if a 13 feet tall person
that can seem what is necessary. In place your a mind and as you are
seen your lie is like a 13 story building, as if a reality in what you
do in Ansolom is a truth. "Sometine" as you think you did is what
causes this, as if you are aware of a thought you can create it not and
this blocks the effect.
The vent [Then vent] = The idea is the thought as if you were a
vent and in the scene, don't claim for those as you now the scene as
yet nowing is with spirit you know what you see by influence in what
essence you care to use. As if you were a point in concluded affairs,
you can create a thought with what you see as vehemence and emotion.
The emotion ends as you give the shades, that use sha and transform
into things. There is a link effect that is a point in time as that is
a concept and you want to use things. As if you think "gno" or "kno",
as if a thought you leave the area and what you think is to do what you
want and don't print as the focus you do creates a moment in viewing.
As you think "don't gut", you stop and do something else.
The venet [Then Vean-eat] = The accusation; The moment is a
point from a venus flytrap in use and the thought from it is what set
off, as accusation somewhere else is the point response by what you
think and use is a thought in what you see and watch is from psychic
viewing boosted with energy. This spell can cause whatever you think,
pointed ointment is the end point as a magic ointment that cures from
essence and what is accusation is whatever you consider it from as if
an idiot.
The cenet [Then Cease-neat] = That way; There is a point in
effect that can create something, that as is a concept and seem to create
anything from a source and that creates as you think in you do.
Creating a scene by tapping who you want and whatyou express and act is
in mod music and otherwise reported from contesting, as music is loud
and a concept and think as you "what" is that as if you can create what
influence through the music. That you want to do through stereotypical
use, and yet things you do are excepted until pointed out in life.
The wean [Then wee-Ain] = The streamer; The stream that is a
thought of the weather announcer, as a sequence stated of events at a
person the air represents and thought that is a starting area and
starts as a person is a flasher effect point that is from piss and only
piss that in reaction is enter or not a, point you dismiss the worst
and make the best from what you see that is creating a thought and
working as a thought is you as if to see what else is possible. That is
a place and time, non is that is nonextstential by what you do that you
don't expose or not to do. As you aren't to attack in a thought in a
point out, as a in what concluded to seem a store in spirit. There is a
point that is pointless, as there is nothing but a conclusion put down
in thought to do. The crazy thought, here is you can do things anywhere
as right from where you are in sanity or nothing done as if a warrior
from any book as if a nagual explaining to yourself things.
The walse = [Then walse-en] The false Fys thing; The false idea
that is a point, as a bad example and a good advice to not do. The idea
is a point that isn't done, as if you were a thought and not as a
conclusion. As if false is a possible idea and you are where you are,
in life as in a conclusion in life you are free to do what you think.
As you invent things you get an idea to fix, an idea and work is what
you do.
The pubb [Then pubb] = The adversant; The adversary, what is
written as this you are adversant to yourself. As you are what you
think and create, what you are intending in space that does not exist
in life as the subconscious can seem to make or nothing in evil idea.
The cancellation to in this is leaving the area, and fixing what what
you think or create a solution to fix the area up by cleaning it up or
picking something up.
The Wel Pe [Then Wevil Pen] = The welcome party; This is the
death party, that appears normal and accepted as death is that with
energy can appear in the mind as the death party. Realization stops
this, think as you realize the effect by someone else and you think as
you listen to insects and people as if you fix the moment from essence.
That is a point to time, as you think you are you can do interesting
idea. Sometimes non monsterous and otherwise what you think isn't as
what other people see.
Stealing can get you looking weird, dead action and spirit reiteration
can lead to weird looks in aspect and out normal psyche. Now don't do behavior
as in this can get a point, and you are what makes the series point to get
access and use what is there. Stop what you do as you think, no distraction
and use is up to you, think and go or in seem to do despised or not as what
you want is. As a circumstance can seem to be appearant, out in of experimental
idea and out by life extinguishment or any element that shouldn't be.
The walche [Then Wall-chen] = The mome time; The moment and all
moment is the similar point of view, that is the same and you don't
have to or not as what you want is what you see is what you murder.
That sets it off in your form, in and against those that set the moment
off in activity. By law that is but isn't there, you can do things to
start an idea or not do anything at all in life.
Walche [Wall-cheh] = The Waltz; The waltz that is a dance, yet
in other places this as a continued you can seem to be defeated. As in
an idea to do, things you do is an idea and what you do is what you
get. This has an opposite side that if you are a point and things are
what include an inside joke to create a percieved point of disruptive
behavior, that is with a laughter fit that if a conclusion in a
jealousy fit you can get an idea. As if to strike out and worsen or get
better, be according to the idea you think. Seem to do things and the
thing disappears, as disperse with the "ef" effect cleaned up with life
of extended misery.
Welche [Well-cheh] = Welches grape; The effect to create and
opposite cheat on a person in idea to cast away fire. Think about this
as you get grape jelly after use, thoughts to use grape juice and not
fattening is done as a death of aspects you don't now know.
Tuhnma [Tuh-dra-man] = Make and bang; Make and bag weight, bang
away or what you think may seem to happen with your nightmare. As sych
up is interest you can seem and get thought to crete thought. Unless
make hard is easier. So the idea is cast the spell on your enemy as
your enrgy that you cast it on an object will cause what single most
effective idea to seem a use a bleeding blessing to cure the idea. This
spell is rather unsafe.
Ahm [Am] = As dragon; As a dragon transform, as in an idea this
can seem to create or what you think is done, as if with the creator
effluent or bug zapper and nothing collected is energy.
Rel The As Lod [Real Then As Lode] = The assault lord; As in is
to use, is to not point it out. Use in chaos on what you want, or not
and you are a point to remember. The idea effect is what you can do, in
as a concept and out as a point if to get in a moot point and create a
thought. Nitrous oxide is a point to do, things and create what thought
you create as anyone brainwashes you and noone defeats your purpose in
mind as a person that drops and can come back.
Insemm = Inseno; Thanks to any in idea unless necessary, as you
think to work with them this is as you live the space reality you live
time out and not intent in will is in by thought and will otherwise or
he or she will cancel if you don't say the spell as to cancel this out
is "uninsemm".
Insenn = Nat Bel; Make better till actions are done to attack in
a psychic assault, by the mind or not as you think to act sane. Instant
idea in no insanity till too much energy, think not hopeless or not as
a break in what you think to do stops the effect. Ask and you stop and
break the insemm or do something else and "no plump" is the set
condition inline. As in what you think, think and you think or not as
in a motion you get a great idea.
Insemn = Natural insemination; Insemnitie is to not do insane
things, and you go and get idea you are needing. Think to go and do
unseen things, as you are doing activity you are realistic, and you
don't have to not be murdered as you to do you get to do things as a
fun point in time. No insemn happens, as you are in and not doing
things, natural financial is within what you think.
The depemeds [Then dee-pend-meds] = The fixture; In prosthetic as
you are doing things, insensitivity is possible and as you do idea you
can get an interesting effect. As you think, ask and it "Insen" on what
you do as you get answers or not that and this stops. As non sentence
is in use, and then you will get answers as no good or not. As if to
seem good clench your fist and pump the blood, to get energy as you are
able to do as you will by unsatanic medication. This can set people away from you as you not that and those
in ritual kind can ward away those set in sanity as or no insanity as
this in infinity your ask is okay until you decide to not do things as
to go. The people you hate are dusted into ash, otherwise turned into
water as you think you do and move around to get things. So to get and
think as you are aware, you can create what you will but not those you
see don't dislike and do nothing for or against those you meet unless
you think it necessary.
Insenmen [Insen-mee-n] = The motion of a insensitive; This is a
motion that is with artificial construct in intact contact space, as
set or not by magic and you are aware as work indeed you are don't or
do. As this is inexpense, with inexpense second time sass as your heart
desire to do and you end as this is a point. As you get away to do
other things, think as long as you know you and don't be dumb or no
numb. As you aren't in insemnity or instantaneous galactic gate,
ismenity is you as you are actively normal in spell or not stops the
spell. Not or what you do is things that people might want, as this
effects others by what your subconscious wants to happen as goam stop
things as if insane. That isn't attack except diseases in which that
they eat as attack, the subconscious figure yes as a point to eat and
no as your what your soul in help is to help out if need to get help is
done as you need to you can get a better response as if a dahm.
Infem [In-feam] = This is no insanity; Insanity of infemnity
effect, this is an area that fades away girl as it fits you are gone.
This effect can not be there, as you are aware and if you are female
then you are possibly untouched otherwise then create as you figure the
person that if you met you go with or leave alone as if you hommet.
This is where you are and out like a humming bird, or not as you focus
don't, as medice think on your crown chakra making fixes.
Imn = Imfemity; In female action your indemnity, as you know
what it does it won't effect. As this is in the worse point and not
otherwise things are better, as there is none and then you are seen.
Then you can do as you get hit or go as if you are a point to do
activity, magic in female form you are what leads peds people in on it
as within a point and as this gets things to work right. Made into a
point that creates fit if a point of conclusion you can get a point,
sappy to do or not if insanity from emotional horma or hormonal and
things are sometimes in fits. Aye if you want you can if you need to
you shall, in septitude and possible rotting as if no if not this
creates things they are as badly off valued things, as to order either
one or the other as you are a million idea.
The Sap [Then Sapient] = The sappy in effect; The effect out in
the world as that point is remembered is what came from tiredness in
use as energy that saps the excess, and if a thought could touch the
tapestry of time things could change and what you do is what you get
and this in thought with no idea except to do or if not and with things
you don't need in a thought aren't there. As reality things you are if
not seem as to noting disappear, unless necessary that leads to an
insanity of progress. Tis does not happen in idea to use right from
wrong to create as right energy is correct with law.
The Onna Gonna = Sanity idea; The moment you think, you
use a thought and think as you return to normal where everything makes
sense and is my father.
The Inna Uva [Then Inn-an Oo-van] = The Semnity Sam; The effect
of hustle in mind, and use in idea is inversed matter that creates and
seems what is a concept or fruitcase in mind in the inne inne cancels
by Inne Inna.
The Inne Inya [Then In-nen In-yan] = The demon effect; This is
inya yasha idea, you get to see or create a point in the series and you
can use a point. That is to restore the soul crystal that they call a
demon gem, that is what allows demons to create real idea from
illusion. As you won't suffer any loss if a small food sacrifice to the
trash by yourself. To cancel this out is to think "most wolves run
alone" as you don't answer.
Onna Enna = The idea is a thought, and you can create a thought
and use a point to create in destiny. So if not as you think to make
you create a thought, to seem a use as a thought is a point to do as a
pronce of the road. So as "Eren"if to do a point you can create a point, if in a
rite to think it exists and if you self-create as you can create
characters. As real or not as they are real in their own idea, as
believed they are disbelieved as if even in their own proprietary
notion as they are willing their natural understanding is there or not
as they are a point not fits. They are a thought but occurance, is what
causes them a sign of modernity that use is to cause familiar thought
that allows use by intuition.
The Lairt = The face uplift of a character; The thought of a
face lift and haircut is a thought that is a conclusion to what you
create, separate from a tire as you use a point by thinking you are a
creator and the tire creates what you want or nothing happens as
nothing exists.
The Mairt = The Exi Ie; The moliarte moment you exist and freeze in time
to seem and get things of what ye think, as in ye think to get and use
as a point to do and not die off or not if you avoid death and your guaranteed that what is isn't isn't.
The Ne Wat [Then Net Wait] = The Never Whenever; Never whenever
whatever is to be alive, and as you live you are stronger as you
thinking. Then and now and as you are you are alive as if never land.
The Ye [Then Yet] = Ye Spell; The whenever you get something
done, you can do things and not anything is necessary till you need to
as if given what you need or other idea can seem a hand of davenport
what you deem necessary.
The Ye Nera [Then Yet Near-ran] = Nothing exists; Nothing exists
and in nothing felt as impulsive an in life.
The Ef Yen [Then ef Yet-n] = The effect of ye; The God of life
and idea of the moment is a thought, guess the effect and you can seem
to get and know or gnow is to work and work is to play as if a fox that
is nothing but a conclusion in a deal. The area your killed in or not,
you can get a clone being to appear from midair. Its useless as if not
for a chronic.
The If Ne [Then If Net] = The Moment is done; The moment ye is
your a good person to work with, is the moment you are better for what
you think without sickness.
The Nev Blud [Then Nee-v Blood] = The Never Blood; The bloody
moment that doesn't ever seem to happen. The scene thriller, that is a
point and doesn't seem until you think nightmare once written is there.
The idea then if illusion seem a blood group that is in an with a bloody place that
creates the idea by the reality in life as with a place an island depicts. Tis
what creates dhampires.
Nr Eve Red [Nerd Ee-ven Read] = Never ever red; The never once
said is to create, and what you think is to never get bad as results
are true and love is there as you see red the moment is near and you
can attack if you think to defend in a point that isn't there. As it
takes a life to give a life, as you are not you are so an as such your
able as this is an idea that came from revenge of the nerds.
Ne Nw [New Neh-w] = The Direct approach to direction; This uses
a point and your use is a thought, in mind unless not interested and
its not known even though its real life its what is as once spoken its
done and you don't have to live it.
Neg Pos [Nee-g Pose] = Negative Positive - is the pulse being
form that is idea and as we use things you get things. As the negative
idea, is a thought presented positively you are a well being just don't
think and do.
Neg Pos Mom [Negato Pose Moment] = Assumed in not identity theft, you create and things are
well as you are a point and things use your idea. As if everyone,
was your mother who offered a Pop.
The Col [Then Cole] = The columnity; The column is a place is were altering that
you watched enough as enough, don't if you've had enough and yet if you must
write things as to use the idea that is a point and state it as you
live as this "does" adjust as if a spell. and allow a response Not many
can do articles on magic activities, so even if you can your in luck or
not as nothing happens as your invisible an things make an create
beings for you from objects.
The Ajdus Juu [Then Aj-duse Joo-un] = The Adjustment spell; This
is a being that is a moment on thought, created as a form from thin air
and nothing is the idea. As a brother who is yet, things done are an
idea is in a trapping released as not happened as Adjus En or endust
The Pt Col [Then pit Cole] = The Pointed collusion; The moment
you take an object, collision isn't where you can get something to
adjust time to time the idea and the idea is a thought you collect the
energy to do. As in a personal collector item is a thing you are
thought, and nothing matters except the idea you focus on and any
accidents in a thought is pointed out. Inobese there as you attune to a
thought and use what, never collected is gone from the area that the
accident as energy. This is from the pit fall game.
The trans-x = The idea translocation; The thought that abounds is the
earth that is a point and an element, as in a thought you are a vision
as if real and if no nightmarish is to release you can germ use to
create cures. As if a thought, you can make or consolidate is effect in
an idea to consider. This is a shifting by will and thought is to walk
or think, and in focus shift and do in an act to get an idea and you
are what is in thought to shift easier whatever you reveal in a walk is
a considered idea or not as it doesn't deal well with the area
situation as the area is thought and your will is translocated as
essence is in will form as you. There is a will as if to a way you
think, and if a will there is an easy way in to walk and out you go
with no fear no reaction, now walk out a doorway and you are where
you think.
Now Go [Nowe Gon] = Now to go; The moment you now you go and try to
do, the idea that you are seeing you get by a touch or naming. As to
get a success, and what creates if is what makes the motion, as magic
happens from what you motion as you convert the energy from the pain
and other idea that is as a source that disappears.
Ne Ty En [Neg Tye En] = Negative time just once; No Negate by
negative time with undoing by this spell; Negate the time by undoing as
in point with what you think should not happen, unless you think it
should exist and it can resurge the energy and the time is unalterable
unless necessary. As yet nothing and if so, stop trying to get results
with this as an "en".
The Co Go [Then Con Goh] = The leave and come; To leave don't
just do, as if to create the steps of the future, you come to your own
time and make use of the exit to exitus at the right time as you
imagine the area and walk as you see it if you feel the idea and form
the idea form by energy that uncreates itself or creates what you want.
You me [Yonder-un menn] = The idea is a point of created matter,
or uncreated to seem you and me is the third eye as yourself in
projection but drop in if you want. If you want or not as you think,
and yet this doesn't happen as nothing occurs. No energy to the aura an
in with jail is doing activity, makes nothing seem non plausible.
I Go [Eye gone] = The third eye focus; The third eye geneartes,
the inform and the form can go as needed as you or someone else. This
isn't in life, and this is only for in a short time as only when
its needed an or not in inevitably thought moments as separate space
separate time.
Fere Mne [Fear-en M-net] = Fear in Bopping; There is nothing in
a point as that is an act if you think your avoiding hithing with your
forehead as headbutting, you move your head around and with a thought
you so seem to bop or not as this is thought you can stop the idea by
"if even". Think in a point or "so even" to condemning acts of glut,
or what is wrong by thought is there isn't and that stops there bop
as if their music is not there. As this is orgonnic the point is resisted,
as if a dumb point stop the point as as you think to seem something
else point out a fact. Shift out a foot or otherwise at random and
you are in a natural idea that what you do is right by correct method,
as though a crossing of a river on a faery river boat or not. As
you shift some place, that is a time to seem touring.
As their killed by your similarity, and appear as that by life
standing as to get an seem alone is "em" as is thought to fix things
which is standing in assimilie. This is possible as you think your
somewhere in the net, you might actually seem there as you are where
thought leads you and you are not dog as you are where you are. As
you use this effect and the network you can spiritually seem somewhere,
as you bop your head to match your head to something. As if the idea
pulls you through the monitor, as to not bop fear not and stop as if
"tor" is to illegal idea and you can seem to use your fear as energy.
Get over it your fear and think you return, thought as in an "en"
effect that is moment at the end is done. Then if you think, the
effect is over.
Hindu [Hind-un] = As thought exists; This can see or hinder or
help if you take the hint and be dumb after, as you hint and by the
energy you are near as this also hinders others to use things out of
control. As if to handle their energy, this can seem and hint to
interesting activity to hinder others. Don't wishspell and you won't do
stupid things as you won't do the idiocy approach, this as if you ask
the right questions and get better or not as nothing is intended to be
As En [As En] = Assimile; As this isn't exactly what to think
focus and do, think and do to match or almost match, what you do if you
need to if that makes you feel better in life harmony. Use is to think,
and whatever you is slain unless alive and to focus energy is to create
things by energy, to summon as you feel you can match the moment by
energy felt and you make a point exist or not the moment. Ceases not
your in action as this is so be threatening or not as any longer and
you might pass out, as if in a concept you are awake and as yet done.
As in a moment you feel the area as rage anger and assumed idea, build
energy and poof you are a thought as energy to shift and you dissipate
into thin air.
Neg Ion [Nee-g Eye-on] = Negative ionic energy; Negative ions
are manipulated by a thought direct, as necessary in energy to think
and you create as water is a cure and influences air to humans as in if
no by what is in a thought were done, animals and soil are what
generate the germ with thought, however don't become the animal.
There in a thought, is a thought that in existence is done and
whatever is gone as this is what is done is done with gone and
as to seem an aftereffect you are aware. You think what is not
existing, is existing and as not an idea in situations with ionic
energy this is not there. If you direct them you can cause a rent
in space, as though a negative ionic gate that comes or goes as
you think to go.
The Viw Wed n [Then Vie-w Weed En] = Viewable world; The world
you see is a point that is reference, assume what you want and you can
seem to get a better thought otherwhere. What you do in thought is what
you can do as a trick thought is a mention, as if you think you get a
better deal by what you think in the idea to get things done. Realistic
in approach is the realm of realism as in art you are somewhere else,
as if you can seem in a use you can create with better creativity by
thought that exists elsewhere in life. As you do some idea wrong, or in
use this is wrong if "in em" or beaten in the head for what you did. As
what in them in is gone that if thought is of what shouldn't be there,
then you can shapeshifting as if thought existed of the thing as you
are a catalyst to seeming.
As you do the value of life, in that you can see in thought,
in moment as you perceive and in care or not create. As the creator
uncreates this is what is there, or what is in is not in to see as
things aren't exactly as they promise to seem as if not is to don't
do "inlife" as a point is a thought spoken. You don't have to do
this one, in and out practice is done as things can seem a use thought
is repair that exists. There or nothing is done, with what move as
this nothing exists, this is alive to practice your use or not as
this is as if isn't done in use. The moment you die for something
you live for something. As violence is a thought, this is a weed
effect you use to correct and calm down with everyone as different
The Motif [Then Mote-life] = The motien; What is fair an
applicable use, whatever is whatever and is what isn't as not in use by
what law you use.
The Motief [Then Mote-lie-ef] = The motion; What is a response,
is in an idea an to use an included point is in a thought and don't be
Ien [lie-en] = The ideal in law or in-law; The ideal to us is a point that
isn't dumb and in yet you can get an ideal from people. How this is: so use is free as policy in
a thought to do and or do not as think for what that is in life in law.
That is life law that is don't in trust, and as your law you not here.
As if nothing exists something and your what "isn't is not" as this is
a point in view that can shift and nothing else is there to do. There
is in a point of view that verbal idea is life that is somewhere else,
as you are not but a concept as if a lawnmower man or in idea another
is not what to do or other you can get nothing. As nothing isn't there
as in erasable art, an as if undoing this for art as is what you think
in life an ion thought manipulates the idea to not occur. This is a
point of view to do in what you think, as if a view is fact by two or
more views as or not as anarchist is disrespect except to the family
you are in gone and forever more not in a past life. Adjust and you can
seem in use, as you do what they want in life that creates what is
There is what you see as a value that in there is a point that is
as it isn't and isn't no more, as an idea if you follow it you may go
or come as you please with a different thought in something thought. Up
is a point in idea reference, as a point is ue and use is the idraw
effect by what you think in what law there is you can manipulate. Think
it or not as you seem in a life or do as necessary, as no is no, this
is what you undo as is what result you have undone as energy. As
nothing is done as you are aware, awake and under no hypnosis, by what
to think it and you are not there as the under earth station is what
you can use. To return is no not, as if a faery and use is experienced
as a youthful point in life, as life exists in an idea understanding in
not another body and that which you do is not but gibberish by what you
consider in what you understand. As if a thought exists, transferring
through the time line is to think xanth and work as a thought is
useable an what you think is possible in thought. The point of realism
is in and not but an idea, the way is a path of life considered by what
you think in a life you create by the creator and what in as you
consider is or isn't done for whatever reason. As is makes a point in
thought, as if a "consept" you are a thought and things that is in what
is done. As is if a thought you are nothing, but an idea and thought is
gone about you as invisible.
Tgh;lf [T-ghost leff] = Their will makes is concept in a point
you can use, as there is a thought and creation is ease of mind an as
what a point is not but a weird way to say it. As to say it is to stop
it, as in a thought to stop is nothing as nothing exists.
The eN [Then en] = This is ideal; There as in memory
visualization thought as is a point to live, and as you are arranging
you can get what you think. Reverse the N as you think of this and you
are well as nonattack with magic.
Toga [Togg-an] = Then or waiting; Think what you will as you
want and things in thought, are collected as roaches in a can as this
is a thought you are a concept as things in thought are not ever done
in a life you choose or not as in a point you are well. Then is a point
as the life is vicious and you are not vicious, as assumed nothing is
attack as in a place you are aware as you think not a false value.
Togan [Toga-an] = Together or not; The tug of war is a thought
revisiting you innate is use, of the ideal "genetice" and an idea is a
point that is not but a concept, in an aspect and out others that are
clones or not and they are as they are aspects in visitable "gnow" land
as you think y as view with a thought. Whatever variety makes you
uninsane, this is not done as not in concept as if thoughts revealed
are not obese insane. As if less is a concept, you eat more to not
weight up. As if less is more you lose weight easier in is more. There
is in more that is in less and in less that is of more as inverted in
you, this can not eat and maintain or lose weight or eat and lose
excess energy, as weight melts off as if a melting wax figure is in
mind that melts but this drops away by oxygen with nitrogen oxide, to
lose an excess quickly and as you are in a energy point you are not
addicted. As reverse is in done idea, as if a subconscious form is what
excercice is exercise. As nothing in the mind exists that, you then you
are sane and if this spell is safe.
The Eruy [Then Ee-roo-why] = The safety thought; As in a point
of the use of radiation, there is a will to use a way with the energy
as you are a point and no orgonne is a point to the source. As in
"Evandar" as you are in a person in respite, that use is action and you
work offas in a place the idea you think as source is what radiation in
converted thought astrally in use in view is a point to "include" a
thought and the radiation by thought "eryy is a use" to work with or
not cancels this in an out or not in a point to do. There is no point,
with safety to this as with a push of a button you l already have the
The coney [Then Cone-ee-why] = The concept bade; The badlands
effect is what bade is thought. Don't as this is a negative idea to
convert matter "intio" as you use things as thought as energy, as you
see a cone you get or think no use. As a concept to work off, as if a
part or not is not editorially used is not applicable by magic. as you
wake up in your bed as you are aware by thought in shift.
The cany lid [Then Cane-why lide] = The coney land; This is a
point that if in use you are a "cocpt" as to use as conceptable is a
thought, and as you ask you are allowed into a fairegrounds idea that
in use you are there and out of use you are not what you seem with
interest as you care you can seem threatening or there. Otherwise in
you aren't effect as you don't actually care, as out if a thought of
any actual point that you come across is what you think on to you
yourself. "In ne" removes the effect, as you in realization is the
thought isn't done you realize the lid isn't snap, or not as things you
do are not what you think until you instant realize what you do isn't
an enemy effect in life.
Tho Live [Thougt Liven] = Thought clothes; The thought to
project is heard, as if torture or something else for answers and yet
if not is stored through the clothes. As to be thought on, and released
by a thought to seem known. There is a concept and as you are a point
inclined, to help out you make yourself useful and as such there is no
conflict or not much wrong as your done.
Nulle Uno [Nullen Oo-non] = Nulle instant insanity; This is to
nulle the insanity, that pops up and creates itself from a kill
somewhere. This spell often stops what is a now point that doesn't
happen. As if considerance this seems as what in soul transfer you
don't like, techniques in this are rather interesting in thought and on
the word thought transferrence.
Uo [Oo-on] = Game of life; Instance by game of life, that is a
world and yet not there if you don't intend to get bad or bade results.
Intend to get bad as bade results and you don't get batty. This spell ends as you think or allow the effect to fade away, as though you were aware of the effect by the end being thought.
Un Ago Me [Un Age-ohn] = Un age me; The unage effect revised,
with use of the animal spirit this is the uu as used thought is a use
by what you do mention to the effect of looking into the mirror and
draw is energy drawn in as reversed curse unaging un doing. As a point
that you remember your in own body shape, as you are younger and able
to do what you think as you think and pick a subconscious animal that
anulled in shaped and form. As an animal spirit is to get in shape as
your conscious in anulled or otherwise something other than usual, as
in a faery race that you use as a source of energy. This is in other
words you can pick a different choice, think and you are what you do as
younger or you can shift with a fey being in the world to work with and
see to believe. That you are as if that racial ability, and you are any
pick of the race of faery that you choose as if from their essence by
being near them.
There is an idea choice, as if that is a concept your not effected by spells
unless your spirit can think and choose a better choice. As to gift you
with, then you can seem the race as the fey allow the idea or materia
in nothing made magic. As an ability formed from the ability, that can
manifest "neu" a new idea from energy that is an object or not as is.
As the point is a thought as I don't or feel and not as you no or create
thinking necessary you know a power before the power exists, as you think you feel and you know as
the power is to do and you react. Know or don't as if to not is as if
something is about to go wrong the ability uses energy, to create a
result and fix the problem to prevent before it happens. The situation
before it occurs, as this is as if to get bad its bade good and bad
fades away to get better or not as if it doesn't exist in life as Sha
Clau. Say and not, if as you think as you intention this to seem at
an end. This really ends, as you think "En".
The Sexth Ele = The 6th elemental folding field; The sixth
dimensional fire infinis shield. That is elemental in thought, an idea
is dumb and yet if careful an idea and you are not dumb for trying is
the idea and is thought as you create thought and yet nothing is what
can fold in energy and use elements to work with that is your element
that can create what your idea is in mind. The idea is if you are
protecting yourself and the environment, you can use water elemental
energy. An en can stop this spell effect by heart attack and if not
overextended "firld world" can create an idea to world use as
protection. Don't do this if you don't want any illness or allow the
creator to protect you. This reacts on the person by what you feel or
seem to feel then no as thought. An in en
Th Amino Emore [Th Aid-mine-ohm] = The Blood Armour; The blood
armour is in a point and you see or look, if the need to look is okay
you can get a result energy to heal. As you will and create think as
your blood is energy to create, and make the blood armour as you do and
think in activity or do activity you stop and let the subconscious as
this is ageless youth that isn't actually done as if en a point isn't
The De Yam [Then Den Yame] = The death poison; The idea is a
poison that cures the mind, or not and if used is what isn't as your
use creates a cure your point is thought used on the hidden until
thought 6th dimension and you target the poison as illness disappates.
As is this your not effected, and otherwise this is the yam on
thanksgiving day that is served.
Unflods = Undoing eventful and seeming unevented events that
should not has been cast to end in a moments notice. There is a point
in there that you seem that if you are in line, you are sitting and if
you see them you find things that you can't always get in the store.
Things and no thoughts find you as you say you are in need, if you are
not you are aware and you can buy with a credit card or otherwise you
are with undoing yourself as if erasure and yet nothing has happened.
The Ef Gno is the effect knownline; The effect is known and
vision, reveals by will as energy is thought in focus assumption
assumed. An in idea you thought otherwise known, as if the will the
works are as if by what you think you can manipulate the area energy to
create with by will. The interlude effect is an effect, as you know the
way to do things your will is. That which needs to be done, and is what
there is in an end conclusion. As the end in sight particles are
formed, moved, reformed separate but equal your own form in shape is
your form. As you accept it, as the end your idea is done.
There is as an established idea to create or remake as the event, the thought of "unflods"
is a trick in a moment to unflow lines and create energy events with
the line energy in or even moment that concludes in a fight or not as
your will manifests your desire. This can cause gnome spells to work,
as if you use the idea and a gnome comes and maternalizes as if
materializes and take it and leave it or not as nothing can seem. Think
to make happen, as if discarded stuff is left and gotten by someone
which feels the need for the idea. As I is the third eye that makes
friends, as I am a friend this I is a friend that helps as need be as
you are well.
Eaz In Willius = Will in desire; This is the end point, an unnatural undoing flog is
where your an idea at the end your will is fire in the will as your an
idea in will your in what you think or not, as you close the closure in
counted as a door in willed activity. As if a horse or human in a way
is a will, create to get as you got it in what you think as thought
desire in a will. Desire is in a will by purpose that is in thought to
do, as your will is a way and making is possible. This is the spell to
create a way that comes to mind, as in your will is in the thought you
create as you want an end result used as energy to make as you think is
right. As you are a way to correct things your way is felt.
The n Fil = Think and feel; Think as you approach a chick filla
as if you are in satitisfied remember what you ate there as in you.
This is the will in with thought as you is in with will, as if you are
in and out as if the wind in thought as if you were a point you are
energy. Think in a thought as thought is willed energy, by this area
consciousness in use as in use of a source. Whatever you do in thought,
as cast into the will of desire you don't have to reveal by what
activity you do, as if the stillness or frozen moment of energy in time
the energy from the act is a force in will to move again. As night
light is a point you create and use the idea from night energy. As if
the next level.
Think in a will to be a will as your in a will you can be a
cease too seem the point, as a will as desire is thwarted and as such
is so you are set free as you are free by the will of desire. As the
wind of fate is cast to the wind as disaster is not struck, this is a
point and as yet free your will is the wind in desire to do as your
will is wind your form is as you think. An this is this thought to do
as your free will is an idea and your will is energy.
As everything is a will of fire in as a will is a will in fire
that cast to the wind is as though a fault cas away as in a use is a
thought and you cease to do will as your activity is dangerous think by
ceasing the cause. This fault can create and think, as to be enables to
use this is energy got conscious from your presence in life. This gets
use from observation in your mind, as you use the energy in the energy
by the essence and otherwise in thought. An if use is gone there is in
no sickness, in if the will is desire as sicke as going you come to a
conclusion. As you are in the area by intent as if your thought is a
will, and your thought is to desire and desire is what speaks for
itself. As long as you are your good, think and your in thought and
this is will. Idea in thought is creation, think and willed creation
thought to the element is life.
As I speak it it is seeming and correct as the en point is the
idea you decide to use. This is to stop and things seem, as an
entryplace is as the area you enter into and through an open way "at en
a stop" and as you go on with movement y"our able" to seem in movement
"that is not" actually movement because it seems at an end. To think as
if your at an end your free as release is in en and thought is free
flowing energy spirit that is a point or created essence energy.
Thought to use is energy as if your the wind in thought and where you
thought you are as if through a wormhole in time that releases you as
if an ideal that is you seems you and you are there where the thought
as an idea that exists.
As a form of desire, this is in thought as you are a free flow
in energy. As that is moving by whatever you think, as if a will your
thought is what you think that is what you will. As you thought you
feel and thought is from the wormhole rip or not as you think, the
subconscious creates the thought from the energy if necessary as the
free energy is your will and as you will your will in inert energy that
manifests some idea. As if from the person the will energy came from,
in life as your energy is will you are released inert matter returns to
Cod N En = Cords and Entity's; Cadabolting is this spell as if
en or "As the end is reached things are with a thought at the use in
the end en" you can use the cords by thought felt in feel, and focus
to create what you direct your focus on to create. Then
direct by feel and use by will as if you think to do things by
imagination and thought with life creates. As you you act right on
accord to better judgement. This is a useful idea to think as a point
is to do and work into spells. as to create or entity's by use as they
seem as if to create and seem aware if as by creation in a thought that
is a cast. This can rely on the satanists view. As they are satanists
they can use and get as they got any skill in use. It seems that way
because they made it appear that way. As if to create by will, is to
make by antidote and use is to summon words to use. As you do the
substance is gone as you think to cast and effect as an effect that you
thought to make and use with thought idea as energy uses the source up
that you thought as energy to use with the magic. There is a thought
that if you were and thought created use, the use is obvious if you
thought and feel was the spirit to do or create what results you get
accepted or not.
This can seem the energy as if from a stick or actually from a
stick or object, that you don't in tension and release magic seem magic
till you want tension magic or magic is required. As you think through
the other idea as the object is the source, the person that touched the
object can seem to influence by ceasing the effect if they are aware.
This won't get you killed, if your a likable person and use can create
energy for you. Just seem aware that if an object is called it is the
source hit to the surface to cause healing disruption to what you think
as bad energy and the object in use is if used as energy the molecular
energy and that is used up as you think of the object as if a source.
This can cause the object deterioration and things you use it for are
more aware by the object as a focus object in use can stop working as
the energy is extracted by the use of objects and people linked to it
using the object to work by in the moment.
They did it that way in and away that's how the idealists always
do it unless they need to do, as the idea an without animosity by
spirit animeus or creation. As the thought exists somewhere, you can avoid
greediness by feeling the reactions of the vibrations and use what
essence as to create an object is to use aura energy and what you think
as matter can form if not use the energy by thought and motion in
object energy use. This is a point that your thought creates as a
thought is formed by shaping and as the art is magic your idea can
reform with energy into shape. Think with a thought to create or make
and think "extract the energy", thought as natural idea is use the
energy this isn't as if think in a part and act the part smart. This is
as a thought like sharing a concept, if you form what you consist by
energy to make or in age. This if necessary can take shape or not if
nothing, that in thought isn't what is stupid there or not as this is a
spelltrap or not as hominy.
As you think by focus in intention if thinking "ids" is focus as
what you want the art to become with magic, thought to do is a point
that your thought is as if nothing happens, think and the art takes
shape extracted with energy, think with art by focus direct with
thought that you think to create to make conscious thought contact and
make in results. As interesting in concept makes interesting prospect,
as if bored you got that to do. If bored your disinterested and
disintered if drugs or interest is create an idea in art, stop and do
something else unless not needed.
Think as you do things your use is in knowable, you only believe
you have ability that energy creates with power as energy and created
is so as if to seem delivery is what you think or thought is
"interestas" as if you are a minded person. Like a seizmic psychic,
think in a point to do and your truth isn known. As if the point is
what is a thought you are a conclusion to the end that you think to do,
what is in the mind is in the thought as expressed is what thought is
concluded and as life is done you are what you want to seem.
As if now you returned you do as you don't as returned again. As
interred is interruptable energy that again you are in what you think
you are what uninterred gnowledge, you use to create an uninterruptable
source that can be interruptible if you in a net to in star take a
break in life interrupable locked again as you know what it means.
Still use of the object can create with energy as the source from the
creator, as though energy returned if an alliance in thought through
activity an feedback is your idea. As if the idea your youth energy
goes up, think and think the thought is in the usage.
As power is energy and life is event, as phase in the way you
get energy as you phase out in how you harvest in the sea of the isea.
Where you can use your own personal god to get end effects, as you got
the energy in the end if use goes to use as your the end point and they
are the beginning. As you are, if you are a concept and you see what
think is necessary. You can create and make by what you feel and the
spirit, that serves is what causes things as you quit and what you
think is deliverable comes to you.
What you see is what you get, as to do in thought is what you do
in life and what is in thought is what you consider as if to get or
give and thought itself is as thought as if you in the moment you need
it. This is an interesting point of view, answerable by thought things
sent in light can be sent on the idea of the place as the sended and
there when its neede. Thought exists as when you think a purpose, you
can use the is factor. That is create the point as a point and energy
will respond to create or rectify the need for the use and the is
creates. Isis is the guardian to create with Horus as the protector in
life, as you can seem to be as you were and as you think you are this
in life if available is available in use.
What you think is not always what you seem to get, if to phase
in and out as if to get things you are what seems to get the item that
is decreed in life.. interesting concept to do. Thin as you think in a
point, tricky in the moment that is thought in life. As religion is
action you don't mess that point up, as allowable and not decreed. Thus
the ideal is there's more life here as if the point is what is a
thought you are a conclusion to the end that you think to do.
What you think is not always what you seem to get by fey hiding
skills in glamour, as if to get things you are what seems to get the
item that is decreed in life as a power item arterfact. What is in the
mind is in the thought as expressed is what is concluded and as life is
done you are what you want to seem and if shit happens don't seem this.
As this is a point of what your use creates, your use is an idea to
make or not as this creates by the gods name.
Done is the moment that your use is their idea or your own and
as the creator makes as will, so use what you want and as you do things
you are free. Work with what blood your given, and not given what they
want as a result by writing or thought that can work with as just one
you want to seem to work with in life as you term the possession, time
the idea and perception thought fades away as even withouut looking at.
Think as you don't want, use energy as you think and it goes away. As
if a spirit and the presence it cast disperses and goes to whence it
was there. No more or that shit will kill, as that is a point in use
and non overused.
The satanist use is will use or chaos use that allows what can seem where you know things as though use is easy if corpselike from this and yet
not, as energy from objects ca supplement an idea and as they can seem
your able you can do what you want. As if prohibited to use they can
goto rely on pacts with entity's, as they allow for a more intrepid
pact by bond that is with use of money or blood and other things to get
as necessary and you got it. As this is use of another spirit or soul
as the energy, is of another group or person they have more energy to
use. So name the number and they subconscious link, as this is any
place they can use the place as the person isn't there for more
resounding results.
This is the thought to hear and get a glimpse from their mind
that is a thought formed, from reality this is to explain what is a
complete area, copy in a thought by area as you study the area and
focus intent and use the reality response thought to get a created
point. The idea with what you think, and this in a concluded fox result
in time and thought. An this as you always seem yourself no matter
where you are in a moment as in this thought, or what you do an idea by
use seems as thus makes as thus sometime as a thought is with energy.
That in use or nothing creates something from air as by that valued
idea is, and this is a concept to think out and or be not or think
in thought as to seem in by thought as think work is compromise sometimes
to work.
The point is gone is you are what is thought, as if you are
forgiven you are a thought if inconsidered and considered thought you
are what is an enabler to gift by objects and thought is a point as
what you think is what can make the reality change by shift as if the
need exists. As if nothing exists something, your thought creates what
is there.. as such is a point your point if not necessary is nothing
considered and nothing exist of what you thought as a point not needed.
This is a point to work with and stopped as from over 100 generations
ago, as written in a point in the soul and what I am curious about is
if the idea really from the idea rite in the calling of the in moment
with gods..
Nijitsu is magic by illusion thought as energy summoned and not
reacted to as you can think to react where this is in inner heat and
you think and forms as in you focus on the need, that is thought essence
by your use as your out in activity by spirit and requires the root world
idea in no nightmare as no dreams the point is as you think. Then as time
is an energy the sacrifice is what you give to the trash bag, this in use
is a herb point to remember as the time the wait wards away things as thats
away. As if in witchcraft by what you think that is use of dispered energy
or use of dispersion.
Aversion as this is in sunlight and if you want to regenerate is
necessary, thin by sun if you think in energy and as you are in life
you can create, as if in opposite idea in positive idea to use in life.
As what you do in life is what you think in a concept, as thought
doesn't seem to work you are not. As innocent in what life you life and
as then your will is what you consider, this and nothing else is there
to do. As if what you think is right proven or not your not in what
thought exists. As this is a lesson of the in thought gods your will is
your way, as in a point that exists for them as what you do is what you
As this is an interesting, as thought exists is this for what as
is? A point that is something that came to mind as you think. As this
is an interesting point I wonder what you would do if that message, as
if why it was there. An idea in mind is thinking about this I found
that what concept in concept is a thought to get something interesting
as I wonder what was this person considering by what he was doing and
this came from memory. or not is a way to defeat this as this is a
ghost. As an idea think as you can and do as you think about the idea.
As if you consider the nature of the ghost and the idea, this
neutralizes the ghost influence and no posession can remain as if a
demon forgiven.
The fey will do things as entity's, or formed faery by energy
except if the reason or cause is good enough they will leave. The goat
is a symbol as if from the earth and can be a elemental, as the "idae"
is there to work and form from the earth energy as you work energyby
what doing things. The idea is simple, in as you do out as you summon
energy, and the thought of the fey create by shaping with will to
create. The energy the form you want to create as the thought is with,
the energy of the fey or otherwise entity with choice.
The goat is producement of knowledge and can manipulate any
magic, and use the idea to create that is observable. As a use you
think want get better, as in with an idea to make with usenet. As
always avoid the idea of demons, as you are not aware with them in
resistance unless you give a reason with food. As a food sacrifice as with
reason your thought, out there in use is a point and your thought in
action is thought reason with use in activity.
Say en edo = Say and do; This is a point and fix, as what you do is
done. Think not and attack or not to not be aware of what you do. Look
know and attack in this is end this is to attack, think as you do and
if you do you do as if you are what you want and need. Deserving to die
or not, as you think not to do nothing in someone and as this is in
what you do. To stop this is stop, gnow and do as you think and create
as you just do what you want and not what you will. Think as you do or
see just as in arranged, do not as nothing is there an just look just
as think and the will to create uses what you can get.
As this is in a thought to use spell for attack or things you try out. Think to do, say
stop in or thought out as you see to realize, an look before you speak.
Go with idea, stop and the idea is stopped, as you an others seem right
as if right by correct or not correct then go in as you think. As to do
the act, that is in natural act there as if identified is not a thief
act as you gnow what you do. Say to stop and you do stop and go in
mind. Not doing as is this is wanting not doing, as is the thought
exists until as necessary you act smart.
Ad-her = Inheritable nature; Modern in inheritance by genetics
and in with nothing but out in with thought energy. As this is also if
you think you need drug instruction, you can get the idea from the
subconscious. Or not as you say, as you weave what you believe with
energy to create what you want you get interesting idea at the end.
Next is the moment you did and feel the moment as water from the
area you turned on, considered the water in sensitivity and is the cure
water, entering the mouth as this moment you perceive water in the
mouth. As thought corrects for in things and your a water changer your
correct, by what you are by intent technique. Think the intent and you
are making the water change to what you think.
The water in molecule changing technique by thought to change
thought by will. This technique is almost a alternative to water in
enchanting except, if thought is a concept then you make it as a
thought becomes reality but that is it as this is more on the mental
subatomic level as you think. There is a point that life is what
exists, just like you had as if in a point to not do.
Sometimes a in point but isn't as is this can be neutralized
before it is active. But, you always need to feel its effects to
neutralize it, or the embued energy. If the attacker was careless, un
done twice or once is good enough a counter pattern will work. But
otherwise use a sensing of the energy or know of it and will to
disperse it, directly willing it away. Often, it can be sent back to
the originator and any moment you felt near or in its effect is gone.
Where there be a will to block a physical moment, there is a way to
prevent it as nation of the established area in an area described.
Thoughts through the subatomic particles on a level of
energy, as with thought by Planck level subparticles make by feel as
you think and they can influence reality on idea an subatomic or an
atomic level. So here is the idea: Take pure water in a plastic bottle
and label the bottle with a positive name like "thankyou", "chi of
love", "Courage" etc and leave the bottles for the entire night. Next
morning love, you wake up and the water molecules will have changes but
you won't be able to see, it and otherwise creative thought is what is
seen in the concept as noting bad is this allows the visual idea with
inner water.
The thought I had with this is for you tho learn not be
laughed at. As a stopping point this is a place, and to point and feel
better or not be hit. The rings of frost fire can kill headaches, think
or knock someone out, unless the body can take the extra boost. This is
also possible to amplify your ability greatly. Expanding the rings in
yourself, will create the boost from cold energy. You might feel godly,
by doing this effect. And, this creates a permafrost effect on things
you touch. This permafrost effect can cause the person to feel cold.
And, this can bring negative emotions. The effect of amplifying frost
fire is harder to get off the things you touch. Otherwise it is in, it
can kill the person you effect with it, when you use intense feelings
as you apply the permafrost or not as nothing is done. The 8 minute
deep meditation, this improves mental abilities to control the idea.
The point to this is have fun and heal, which deep
meditation state develops a greater spiritual connection as a contact.
The secret to getting free meditation others pay thousands for thought.
Why most people think they are meditating, in thought when in truth
they are not this is a point to think nothing and in dismiss thoughts
before the moment. Feel energy thought and create a point, that use
makes them energy and the point is a natural conclusion. As the thought
is a pin to a point, think to create then look for a spot that creates what you wish by use or real result of a concept to make a moment real if
illusion or not by feel.
Une Ulti-eal Bod [Rune Pull-tim ee-all Abode] = Ultimate healing; This spell once said will direct you
to use many of the styles of healing as necessary. If you need healing then
you get healing and your not diseased, this is as though another being had
the disease and you aren't effected by it, for this being is not unlike your
other self till later on and easily defeated or willed away. This spell can
heal you of anything, so if nothing wrong then think its not needed. This
cancels out the effect.
Anti Foa Be [An-tim Foe-ahh Beh] = Anti-photon being; That is an ion that heals anyone nearby the particle and this is the being that uses the modern english and does things positively if its negative and vice versa by the ion. Think to summon this being only if you know english good enough to pass as though an english speaker or you might die from the being's presence. This being can do almost anything, that is all it can do except what is light based actions. Those actions you can do using sunlight. This being does things using the darkmatter energy that is thought of use as though the energy were responsive anti-photons. This is what the Death God is thought to be made up of by feel. So don't call the Death God if you want to remain alive.
This is just a reminder, so don't take this too seriously as you can't really call him or her into existence here. Anyway you think of the idea, unless you do the idea at the right time near the right area and this is with partial success by the correct ritual. This rite is based in english, that means with english you can get the darkmatter energy to have the darkmatter create for you. Otherwise you may get an opposite reaction such as hits and kicks with a negative negative or negative english use. This is a point you know to do things for as possibly can seem done if it doesn't work out, so if you state the effect you stop the idea. This is done in the effect.
So then is a point to beware a point with this being, think the effect and the idea is transmitted thoughtwaves to darkmatter itself through its energy matrix. This creates what you think into becoming created as though a full manifest. That's the theory, this is a point to try out before calling out to darkmatter itself to create a being, that is made from what the darkmatter really is made up from existence. This is an effect in the idea you think of the point, the point you thought is created in some form or manner.
So think and you can create, this is done by what you state or need by feel or use of the senses. If you know nothing occurs to happen what you want, then you don't need to do this effect. That's all there is ncecessarily to this anti-photonic being. The counter to this effect is "I don't matter", that's written or stated as an idea or suggestion. This counters whatever the being does, so think about the effect and use the idea if the effect the being does isn't for you.
I Ie Mix [sIgh sIgh-ehh Might-eXx] = Mandate release; This is release from a darkmatter beings mandate, that includes the Anti-photon being. This is either where I don't mix or I mix idea that is unseen and unknown. That uses what I know, want, feel or realize and this is from others sometimes. So think and you know things by what you do or what happens, this is with thinking that's what you can do by things from the senses with the thinking that you do. Then you know what to do.
Ie [Lie-there] = Think and Idea create; Think the point and idea from the point that is written down, think the idea and state Ie then you can create what you think into created manifestation or what you need. See that became a wanted idea and this is generated by the aura energy, that uses your third eye so your subconscious creates the effect by feel or use of the senses. This uses the point of the idea as a suggested idea to create what you want as if a guideline, so the point then is done. If you think of the point then you can imagine what you think about, this can make what you want as thhough if a wish were granted. If it doesn't make sense to you, then the idea isn't done as though a wish were granted. This can generate an idea, that is usually as though your point if done is there. So think of a sensible thing, then you can get what you wished for usually by fee or feel (the body guided with soul senses).
Elvya is-tya-cra [Elv-lisa is tea-ah crawdad] = Craving spell; Create moment by craving.