Diversive Elements

The diversive earth is aversion. Use of aversive actions is to do something rude or disruptive to make the threat go away. Thus the actions you don't won't to happen will be not done if the aversive behavior is done. Examples are to act out of phase or disrupt other people in small ways by being antisocial. Making activity around you impossible.

Avertive Diversion is the diverted lava. This is the lava that uses disruptive and diversive actions to make it work.

Diversion fire is the fire that distracts and makes getting near you difficult. To provide diversion is to make use of multiple tricks that put attention away from you. Use of these tricks are the main staples of diversion.

Hidden distraction is divertive firewater and makes long range distraction divert attentive eyes to aid your win. This firewater allows people to be unseeing of your activity even if upclose. Taking advantage of the moment is using this technique as you find what they dun look for. It is never seen as a distraction as this is also called unseen distraction firewater.

Water of diversity is distraction. The distraction techniques will make this element work. Use this technique to make enemies and people not see that one do things. The use of distraction includes using objects and traps set at certain times to attract attention not to oneself.

The ice of diversion is the ice of distractive displacement. Use this to displace any object or person to another place without notice.

Air is the air of displacement. This air can displace any object or person. Imagine the place to send it to and then imagine the object appearing at that place. This place can be in your hands or any other place.

Lightning from the air of displacement and energy fire is the moment of a dazzling light and a disappearing person or object. It seems like the person died or the object destroyed. In truth the caster put them somewhere of their own desires.

More combos be:

Diversive earth water is aversion distraction oil. This oil be on use, to cause aversion distraction. It can make aversion and sometimetimes distraction of the people who be near the element.

Diversive earth air is aversion displacement gravity. This gravity causes aversion to events and displacement of idea or actions. By the idea of what you want, you can direct the element.

Firey diversive air is aversion diversion heat. This is the heat of an event, that causes aversion to events and diversion to the facts and idea presented.

Diversive water and diversive earth is distraction aversion mud. This is a mud created by actions. It causes distraction and aversion, to the moment and by people being near it.

Diversive air with diversive earth is displacement aversion energy. This be the energy of the earth that causes displacement and some aversion, to the moment of the the displacement.


Diversity is all the elements in this group altogether. To use the diversity of the moment will make winning easy. Thieves and Assasins use diversity. Use these to great great effect.

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