ma = moder, moda, action planet, not mine, my action, may, you, maw, mouth
mother, spring talk
me = some; I, small quantity, mace, myself, history, mai, may, influence, meet or magic
mi = mile; amount, fruit, nut, seed, content, man, good result, might, my, mind, matter
mo = consciousness; money, conscious, cut in place, mow, mour, more, molybdenum, month, moth, part of you
mu = rule; ruler, more quantity, much more (not done)
my = seek; amount increase, my own, mine, raise, mage, force not or use idea
maa = matter; mata, creation, maya, talkative, meter, metre, measure, whatever you consider to not like
mea = meal, matronix maker, nue use
mia = concern; midas, midas touch, caring support, missing (the) point, care for you
moa = mother, matr, matrix mad fix
mua = family, area fix
mya = child defender, by feel creator belt, create by use
mae = matey; person, paying job, money, make, modeller
mee = employee, caretaker energy disruptor or caretaker user
mie = payment, no user, menea, marinara; a sauce that is enjoyed by feel.
moe = good, molo, mole
mue = associate, mother killer
mye = mighty, create focus, created focus by what you think or need to do.
mai = sister(younger), make, my, control, influence, cause, make happen
mei = sister (older), machine, me, creator user. Otherwise: Maria; cool, calm and considerate by feel. She is relaxed by idea, the feel from her is allowing communication.
mii = mine, manipulation, manep (to think of the idea as a force and reach out of yourself and do with that force or not of idea)
moi = give me, methane, me or once in again seen
mui = more, millis, milli
myi = meaning to, create in focus
mao = alarm, hand
meo = make stand still, miso, soybean, measle
mio = abrupt; this is where you abruptly do things. This also makes people do abrupt activity. Otherwise this is see me, pay me.. or a meal.
moo = move over, moo
muo = being cute
myo = situated
mau = desire something
meu = calm down
miu = indication, pointing out
mou = show affection
muu = gain object
myu = appropriated, magic, stolen
may = will; disease, would, make allowance, allow, assist, let, decay, disrespect, suggestion, sleep disease, money, metal, contagion
mey = assistance; assist with help, pestilence, focus and create by a kill what you need if you intend something then it's done
miy = Manic; bad conditions, this is where you focus, intensify your feel and think to do. This works if you think of your area, then you are where you think you are done by feel. Otherwise this a doing with heroic stature, think and you know what to do.
moy = desire; foul, desirous nature
muy = needing; infection, sought after by, fixation
myy = mobbed, ravage, too much activity
mab = maybe; maybey, so so, on the verge
meb = prospector; likely prospect
mob = mobile; mobi, any group, people group, groups of people, monster group, move, moving
mib = death; dressed up, for occasion
mub = mull; the event, holiday, celebration
myb = participate; participation, act the part, front, fronting (myby, myban)
mac = compact
mec = shrunken
mic = tiny; recorded voice, reverberation, micro, tiny (microbe)
moc = coffee; mocked, laughed at, stolen from
muc = mucous; mucousyndry, phlegm, dissolve, disgusted
myc = tracker; tracking down
mad = make; made, maid, very good
med = moderation; mead, medium, moderate, medical, everclear
mid = middle; rise, mind, this is not minded and things work by feel.
mod = change; mode of machine, superuser
mud = mood; moody, muddy
myd = amidst; existant on, middle, serving, point of retail
maf = knockout; to gag, to sag
mef = past; you can't change it, unchangeble
mif = contain; miffed, jif
mof = artistisc; tattoo, motif, constrained
muf = muffle sound
myf = defiance; to defy
mag = magnetic; magnify, magazine, great
meg = more; meager means, responsible, meager, not much, in reprehensible (motion or idea)
mig = migration
mog = travel; animal crossing, make distance
mug = mugshot; smuggle, picture
myg = accident; passenger plane, this is a plane that runs on energy
mah = wouldn't; my, mindful, indicative, telling
meh = leavetake; immediately leave, expression of annoyance, pointing out that
mih = outraged; exclaiming on, focused upon to create
moh = shun; avoidance, avoid, deterrance, deter, turn away, snub, ignore
muh = kill; not much, murder, uncare, unshow, muuh, much, my, apathetic (by acts of some point you think and feel with worser idea), not really caring, incident
myh = retired; drained dry, not mine, movement, moving on, drive away, amidst, traffic
maj = power; (with inner strength) mage, majority, major
mej = report; minority, minor
mij = forbearance; forgivance
moj = mojo; moving power, magic, this is made by suggestion to your subconscious
muj = major
myj = small; smaller, midget, smidgen
mak = might; would kill, smite, may kill, make, create
mek = meager; great claim, passive, meek
mik = voice; mike (microphone), resonating crystal
mok = record; recording, resounding, sound vibration, make otherwise, mock, mockery, this is a trick to the mind and created in effect
muk = sprayer; mutate, dampening field, poison spray
myk = indication; my kind, schlerosis, voice manipulator, multlple voices, indicator
mal = bad; demon, this is used as meant as upset, where an upset is something that sometimes is wrong. Otherwise this is a male, malinfluence, something that is a model of the male not bearing truth and using moments to create malinfluence.
mel = satisfy; satisfaction, good meal, meal
mil = mile; distance, travel, model; the moment of the idea represented by a person.
mol = microscope; molecular, insider, inside, inner, slide
mul = mulish; stubborn, pride
myl = deal; middle ground, ground up
mam = psycho; maim, female sex
mem = memory; indestructible, indist
mim = copy; mime, copying actions
mom = moment; a mom, selective one
mum = preserve; womb, wrapped up preservation
mym = mimic; being that mimics object to kill passerby, creative actor
man = line; manu, being, mane, main, hand
men = balance; nothing, meanness, total, disruption, mean
min = minor; minority, minute, owner, ore dig, kid, this is a minor person who could be a kid.
mon = mind; moan, my, mine, mindful
mun = month; moon, mother, moone, mooning, moonthe (30 days)
myn = mind
mar = move; jarr, scratch up, memory, salt, sea
mer = sea; of the sea
mir = mire; stuck in
mor = investigator; more, idiot, mort, more on, death
mur = stop; killing intent, murder, that lays you flat
myr = mirror; reflect, murdering trace in trance, myrimg (mirror image)
mas = master; mass, a spray
mes = messenger; mess, mass, massage
mis = mistake; miss, wrong, bad
mos = time; moments, moss, morse (code), drumbeat, most, months
mus = muse; undying historian
mys = mystery; slower, slow motion, forbear execution, martyr, myst, bloodmyst is the danger
mat = mate; other half, compatriot, mat
met = similiar, meet, meat, measure
mit = send, mighty, might, group hit anything blessing, smite
mot = tiny, ether whisp
mut = mute; unable to speak, change, alter
myt = evident; glove, power admist, power
mav = point me
mev = romance
miv = caucasion; white person
mov = move
muv = sun burn
myv = marry me
maw = mouth
mew = cat; calm, calmness
miw = ruffage; feed me
mow = concern
muw = vision; sight, see this, mull
myw = remember
max = maximum
mex = hot
mix = spike; mix, mixture, mike
mox = knife; cut to pieces
mux = quantitude; extreme, extra large, extra quantity
myx = peanut butter
mra = marer, mirror, birthing horse
mre = maras, memory, panic stricken
mri = marine, sea soldier
mro = mareth, mulish, prideful, stubborn, default
mru = marun, maroon
mry = maron, on march
maas = color dye
meas = measure, same properties
mias = miasma, gradual sickness
moas = similiar cut
muas = unit conversion, similiar unit
myas = likeness
maes = mass production
mees = increased gain
mies = increase in magnitude
moes = increased momentum
mues = more quality
myes = personal owner
mais = corn
meis = similiar, magus
miis = equally
mois = moisture
muis = equally distributed
myis = shared
maos = prone to movement, dependable
meos = depict, depicted
mios = in transit
moos = cut
muos = increased pace
myos = increased rapid
maus = use acceptance, on use
meus = user, muse, amuse
mius = personal use
mous = mouse, shear
muus = increased usage
myus = more often
mays = in wisdom
meys = wisely
miys = knowledge
moys = snip
muys = learnt, watched account
myys = smart
mand = manditory, demand
mend = transcend, repairing way, repair
mind = psychotic, mental
mond = monday, abuse
mund = mundane, non important
mynd = mind
mans = mansion
mens = immense
mins = wait, mistrel, hold on
mons = monster
muns = month, moon
myns = explosive
mard = martyr, weakness, deface
merd = corrosion, corrode, overwhelm
mird = downward spire, death cycle
mord = mortuary, painful, death lover, dreary
murd = disaster, torture, punishment
myrd = mirror double that replaces the person
marn = disgrace
mern = sea elf
mirn = muddled
morn = morning
murn = assassin
myrn = syndicate
masa = mason, storage, construction, builder
mase = threat, persucution
masi = moisent, agree, consent
maso = sealing putty, calmness
masu = metallic shaft, square box for measuring things
masy = moisant, famed, famous
mash = net, mess, messy crush
mesh = intertwin material, me
mish = missed moment, absence
mosh = glow moss, heat moss
mush = drive on
mysh = hanging mist
mosa = mosaic
mose = get on, move on
mosi = caught, catch
moso = moreof, more so
mosu = natural, some more
mosy = move, movement
mass - religious ceremony, orgy, crowd, lava rock, gross amount
mess = alot; messy, message, rotten egg scent
miss = amiss, wrong, naughty, off target
moss = mold, spore, sprawl, light
muss = argument, play with, mess around
myss = foreplay, very sluggish, creep, hold off, hold up, slim down, expose,
fog, fog bank
matt = frame, support, floor cushion, dullness
mett = met, meet
mitt = mitt
mott = mottle
mutt = lockjaw dog, bulldog
mytt = might, group hit anything blessing
maabord = motherboard
Motian; To be of involvement by some use of a moment to create motion.
Motien; To cause a spirit moment that incurs debt or effect.
Motiin; Motion by some dark feelings, or to do of dark deed by motien.
To hit people, seniors, of many sorts to cause a an mind effect.
Motion; To cause kinetic or otherwords effect by use in idea.
Motiun; As do also, To effect all by use or effect something by use.
Which whith each use, theres an act or feeling to direct sometimes by
word to cause an vibrational attribute.
Motiyn; To direct being by a dirct word will pattern by set idea and a usage of some harmonics or of voscillating.
na = nation; nab, the one country, a descriptor feel, sodium, described as, amorphius better, or name
ne = negation; any, neion, neiou, didn't, negate, not; this came from :not another except the cheese this is use some used none for the idea that is any point you can stop as anything is by proposition, neon lights you put up likeness by theory is the theory "thought to propose nothing or need by necessity or whatever is the use": quit or go on thats what i did by thinking the point.
ni = what; need, knee*, nothing thought, intelligence energy flow, nickel, instinctive re/action, how, and, nine, afterword non use
no = immediate; now, this means named or noted as used in japanese, immediately, so this is a non use [of], now, denial, nobelium, no (no of now or negative knowledge, that is done think to recoup your losses this is gaining back the lost funding that is given or spent as money, that is a natural number based from base 12 hex math starting with 0-9 and going to a-f), gno/w (good no or good knowledge if accepted to know by now), kno/w (kill now as to know things to get knowledge), nno/w (absolute no or no not now in absolute idea), number, not; not now, this is a point you know or thought to bring the kill now. this is also the point of idea you express as point and that is taken as a request.
nu = enough; nuff, determination, nuaughum, nuaughym is no or newt, toward you, see new or nostril focus release by use, nut
ny = curation; naughtyness, not use by creature, new post is identify to accurate or not use and hope not to see
naa = disagreement; naia, disagree or no, quit, stop, cease
nea = undoing; unwish, not wish, no, not, cease, negated, any happening will allow you to be brought anew in life, so think and the disease is ended.
nia = annihilate; annihilation, certain, beating, niga, virus, nigger, black skin, black person, nigga, almost in heart attack unless you do things in movement.
noa = system; known, knowledge, sys
nua = no; nuaughum, nuance, understood, newton, physics, applied force, understand, sight use or release, no matter, dark matter, this reverts things by what is done.
nya = dangerous; danger seeker, neva, never ask, never (do), never say never or you will do it.
nae = annihilative; not yet, not, non problematic is no, nihilism, this is where he or she makes it perfect with nothingness and then tries to see what messes it up.
nee = knee; knee cap
nie = denial; not you, fictitional, knight not, not
noe = nose; certainly not, know that
nue = nuisance; no, way, creature named yet or yeti
nye = correction; wrong way corrected with the right or wrong language that is used for a good purpose. Otherwise: neve, nevis, never, so never say never or you may find yourself doing things.
nai = nail; not in, banish, denial
nei = deny
nii = sense; denial or nue is nie, this is where you use some sense to decide your point.
noi = noise; sound, repelling force, night seen can negate
nui = negate
nyi = nonexistant; erase, non, not there, absolve
nao = abation; (negated) abate, enamel, abnormal, tooth material, now, nail, no answer is deterred by nature, nayo, never
nio = made; ennio, abeyance, make obey, suicide
neo = embuement; empowered, glow, nov, young
noo = repelled; repelling, unacceptance by creative means
nuo = desist
nyo = cryo; frez-yue, freeze yourself, deep freezes
nau = trap; trapped, navigate, now, at the moments use
neu = reincarnate; reincarnation, gneu, mental, mortal, no
niu = crime; unsought, sought for
nou = scold; no no, put off, dashed hope, not now
nuu = anti-personal; unwilling, participant
nyu = savior; hero, double cross, sword en stroke or cross
nay = unintending; unintent, not, no, unintend, this typical lifestyle is hard to keep so perhaps I should just stop
ney = resolution; value, resolve
niy = cold; earnest, nippy; colder
noy = bother; annoying
nuy = block; no way
nyy = overdraft; no hell, no afterlife, conceal path
neuta = neutralize
neute = newt; bug, neuter, bi-sexual
neuti = neutrino
neuto = special; unnatural offspring, unnatural child, unnatural degenerate
neutu = corruption; unnatural fight, attention
neuty = hospital; mental time, wasteful, creative moment
nab = naivete; get, grab onto bashful or non bashing considered in use
neb = watchful; watch nebula
nib = deniable; trap, ink pen
nob = feel; vibration, energy difference, no body
nub = action; activity, maintenance, in persistence, newb(y), new person
nyb = sprain; limp, improve in usage
nac = nothing
nec = danger; living, harmful
nic = nice; cigarette, carve, talk, connect, things are understood and allowing
noc = nacht; night, knock, unlock
nuc = microwave; hiding spot, fry cook, this type is where it is crystal empowered and creates microwaves by feel that cook things.
nyc = addict; additional need or nicotine, vibration, destruction
nad = null; nada, nothing, zero
ned = need
nid = sorry; reiterate, denied, denial
nod = greet; nod, node
nud = nude
nyd = ride; chastise, unwalk, spare
nag = chide; nag, worrywort, pisstenpel
neg = negative; Attributes that are opposite in idea, form and energy.
nig = movement; worm, anything, niggle, worry
nog = awareness; noggin, brain
nug = panning; panhandling, gold mine, nugget, bugger, all or not in the order if insane
nyg = ugly; go back, renig, resign
nah = no; gnaw, negative in view, put off denial, this is something like a hole in things or wall area that needs covering up.
neh = quaver; wavering no
nih = annihilate; possibly no, nigh
noh = hold; not close (moment)
nuh = compassionate; passionate no
nyh = denied; attenuate, service denial attack, denied service
nak = yes; naked, allowance, nack, maybe yes
nek = neck
nik = niche; nick, scratch or prospect, this is also a point where the wall is a living mural otherwise. I believe to cancel out this effect is to state or think to the wall, "don't show yourself" or "don't show a niche" and the wall reverts to your creator's will.
nok = positiion; nock, knock, knock over
nuk = energize; high energy effect, nuke, destroy, incinerate
nyk = a cut
nal = nail; hit, this could be a nail hit or hit to the hand that disrupts some other person's hand that you think is disrupted in activity.
nel = kneel
nil = transport; river, the nile, no use
nol = knoll; hill, hillside
nul = undo
nyl = annulment; annihilation, zero, nothing exists, brought to nothing, -
nam = label; naming, name
nem = opposition
nim = nimble; prove yourself
nom = nommy; gnome, years of study, name, nomnom, good, tasty, m unique
num = numerator; nuba, nueba, numba, number, numerate
nym = compute; computer, record of change, name
nan = spirit; no, care, nonentity, nonexistant, the energy of the body or the bloodflow that creates the energy using the soul or soul copy
nen = estrange; stressful, stress
nin = nothing; 9, nine, not
non = empty; known, not
nun = night; noon, primordial abyss, newton, physics, applied force, night fall
nyn = twilight
nap = hackle; neck back
nip = snack; (eat) snack food, little bite, night person, cheese cracker, cat food as dehydrated or wet.
nep = dispel
nop = nope; nothing, no person
nup = nuptial; not possible, noop
nyp = nip; love bite, butt bite
naq = neck
neq = unique; no equal
niq = reach; knight, inconsequential
noq = steal; item, sensitive, death
nuq = nuke; cook
nyq = addict; sensual
nar = tight; narrowness
ner = near; close by
nir = return; point blank
nor = ignore; niether that
nur = nurse; aid, noor, noor
nyr = spot; obsess, obsession, observe, observation, watch closely
nas = drive; driven of it, nasty
nes = nest; complex, nasty, bad luck, negative self known for negative actions.
nis = pleasing, bidden
nos = knows, nose
nus = noose; slack, nurs, immerse, to move along slowly, to go and use it up slowly, to eat someone or something, to ate
nys = disbelief; mystery, disillionment, distinct disregard
nat = natu, natural; nature, birth, national
net = clean; clear, neatness, very useful
nit = ignition; fire focused to creation, night, spark, ignite
not = dare; no, note, do, dollar, noted event, something to look at later, denote, nothing, some or non by interest, note, non use if bank card stolen, something to look at later, denote, not, knot, know this and if aggravating this is nothing but a choke or idea of a dollar.
nut = nut; neuter, split apart, asexual, dick (or junk)
nyt = create; creation, weave together, woven
natz = squash; mosquitos, nazi
netz = network
nitz = nitpick
notz = disagreed; recording, wildness, notation, notes, this is where your note taking or creating.
nutz = crazy
nytz = activity; night time, basket, mesh
nav = navigate
nev = never
niv = aftermath
nov = radiant; radiance, black ho;e, nova, new
nuv = off; offish, offensive, obstinate, bullish, bull, lying
nyv = caught
naw = dismiss; in dismissal
new = comparison; campare, concent, in contrast
niw = made; trial by error, golf, in writing, scream
now = process; immediate, immediately, start; precede, in immediance, at the moment, created point or no that is nuaughum
nuw = newness; feeling, in felt dismissal, wave (of energy)
nyw = art; picture, gift, in knowing it, natural use, gif
nax = nakedness; knack, detail
nex = center; nexus, next, after, important point
nix = quit; tobacco, addiction, smoking, smoke, kill, cut
nox = knockout; harmful, night, poison
nux = atom; atomic, gneux, nuix, nuke, great explosion, not really known
nyx = abusive; abuse, unprecedented, uncalled for use, nice monster, incredible, (non) very harmful
nda = lack; zilch, nada, nothing
nde = undead
ndi = undid
ndo = uu; undone, undo
ndu = underwear; undo; no don't
ndy = undeath; undying, unkillable
ndah = clean
ndeh = insanity
ndih = find; in denial, fid, reveal moment, in a moment you reveal to yourself by showing a point or item. otherwise this is a point you reveal to someone.
ndoh = get; pointed view, take away
nduh = age; in time, incompetant
ndyh = apply; take, compromise, accident
nabj = nab; take personally, abducted person, substance form, abduct
nebj = nedging; neggie, psionicist
nibj = penmanship; pen, ink writer
nobj = adjust; no objection, nob adjustment, setting
nubj = speaker; attentive field made of instance that happen as of elsewhere and be to use the energy
of the act of event that occurs to you. As the current happens the energy disappears creating a null effect.
nybj = abuse; acknowledgement, in denial strike, non used, this is an abuse of power
nall = long nail; denial in innocense or hope is reversed death blow by al and if they want you to die a spirit will live (a woman unusual in nature that is innocent at first and a man killer, after that eats the body as the obsolete being in which you get a child from true life source converts to rape scene incited from the magic influence. This is in the Al nature which explaines, so this is why so many are "slsin" as if a disease that kills from their essence). Abide and they won't kill you as you are fey if they care to work with each other or not, as energy corrupts their true nature in against there being and this creates a beauty that nails and disrupts their nature in possession as by demonic influence. Nothing matters as if not at all and that things in use are against the person, who is assumed to do things and as insane as you did it madness. The sonet effect by the due, effect is in effect of what you think as if a songbird. There is a point in inclusion, that you are a pointed reminder and a scene is poison to the mind, as they are disruptive to hide and in plain site by their influence, as if you try to fight in the mind of the victim even the person. Who is a possible idea that can do in each their own thing and attraction is death, that is assured of the father unless anulle is done in an idea. This is in the end in a thought, aspectus in aspect they are in unseen to the eye and that is done.
nell = unsensable; untraceable, blind and deaf, blind, deaf, unseeing, unhearing
nill = stray; straight, nothing, long river, infinity
noll = slope; mountain, mountainside
null = zero; cancelled out, delete
nyll = result; used or old heater, river, nothing, drought, desert
napp = stolen; steal away, this is a stolen time where you can sleep and get a good rest.
nipp = nipping; love bite
nepp = nepitism; negativity in motion
nopp = shit; not personally please, refuse, refusal
nupp = nuptial; marriage ceromony, wedding
nypp = ritual; rite, crap, good night, good moment, showing pleasure, kiss, passionate greeting
nava = steer; navigation, naval
nave = lich; life stealer
navi = prosper; auto navigate, prosperity
navo = gain; happy ending, happy prospect
navu = cancellation; cancel movement, cancel action
navy = navy; sea enforcement, sea navigation
nawb = capitan; navy boat, agreeable, ignorant
newb = newbie; new at
niwb = place; crib, the return, return to
nowb = roots; beginning
nuwb = incapable; inexperienced
nywb = cave; give in, give to pressure, as novice to apprentice
natt = mosquito
nett = net, connected strand mat
nitt = nit, weave
nott = knot, not
nutt = nutty, sex change operation, break apart
nytt = night
natta = nature, natural
netta = netting
nitta = steal away
notta = notable, nothing, not at all
nutta = two part
nytta = weave, night task, nighter
nogwash = brainwash, convince
nogwesh = brainwesh, brainwaste, braindeath, braindead
nogwish = brainwish, inform, intelligence
nogwosh = brainwosh, brain disease
nogwush = brainwush, splattered brain, brain splatter
nogwysh = brainwysh. body chemistry balance, brainal balance
nca = cohort, another person with similar thought for action
nce = inception, drive in
nci = incipient, patient
nco = encor, enclove, group that identifies with a moment by encounter
ncu = icaderi, incerent, incurable
ncy = encypher, encode
n-qach = acid corruption
naia = structure, given
nainto = no nothing, know nothing, unknown, nail into
naol = nail (in the) line
naoign = navoign, nevermind, never no, active (explosive) and otherwise aligned sign
naomi = take (it) away, deny amount, remove amount, content removal (steal otherwise)
nagato = negate (of), jealous, jealousy
nayn = name, nahalen (create by inhalor), creo, creator, creation artist by theory that you think you create
naynle = nameless, creole, creatorless
nead = ceased
neeb = distract, distraction
navoc = a kill, name call, invoke (action)
neeber = annoyance, annoyer
neeba = annoyance, annoyer
neig = anything
niua = nebula; cloud
nigaa = dryland, sunland
nige = black race
nigeria = sunland, dryland
noob = no objection, in common, common
nooba = noober, pest, question persistance, pester
nied = patience
neut = Huerm, neuter, remove sex organ
noet = Aeturnys, Knowledge, Water and gravity element, This elemental water gravity can effect
any water to effect a manipulation of memories and cause action that is desired. This is done and not noticed.
noir = black
nourse = nourishment, breast fed, drink
naus = nausea
naeder = absent
neal = hacker, personal attacker
nielson = compliance, compliant
niese = sneeze
niesen = to sneeze
niou = no way, didn't happen reaction from annihilation
nyou = no, not
naetle = nonetheless
neato = very unique
neon = dark glow
neuix = to null, to zero, to concoro (To speak idea until nothing)
nuay = negative; no, not, nothing
nuanat = naturally understood, naturally understand
nuatha = legendary sword
nuix = in removal
nuoca = necromancer; death and decay energy practicioner that can also manipulate life.
nuocy = nuruicy, necromancy; the practice of death essence energy and life energy manipulation, that is when this is what can be used to work with spirits and pass them back to the grave and then thought sent the astral plane by feel.
nuos = comprehend; comprehension, new level, well is done, no otherwise, well this is done or no otherwise this is not done.
nachu = nothingness being
necro = death, becoming, desecre (desecrate)
nada = not
nadt = nothing
nida = neutral, break even, in-between
nodoff = fall to sleep
nafe = neophyte, teacherless student, masterless student
nani = what
nanno = no more
nebi = panther, black skinned large feline
nebibi = leopard, yellow spotted large cat
nefer = goodness, beauty, perfection
neck = neck slap
nibeh = kneeback, knee in crotch
nibl = nimble
noct = night (by wraistlin)
nofosoth = knoewn for something, Nothing for something or something for
nothing, You could do a nothing for a something. To leave the body or
separate from it and make it as if you had another and watched your own
body do the necessary steps to achieve it. So another way to do this is
to exit and do work, is to exist separate but equal to the body and
watch it do things. The inadvertant idea and action that suits it,
ceases a normal or bad event for the person. Do what you think, As you
need it but do it, as you did it too far away. Direct focus, is a
asperbl line of thought.
nomy = normal, see it to use it, but retract by distract. Its an ever siezable moment. If and or then.
neto = neato, neeto
neheh = nervous, nervous laughter
naga = serpent human shapeshifter that breathes acid
nagas = water serpent human that breathes acid
nagum = self-conscious, nigerian
nary = no, (negative) know
Natet = Naturalist; A movement towards nature. Without drugs and
unnecessary things, they are closer closer to nature. As this is nature
acting on the world. This is the need to be for understanding natural
things. This group uses intuition and innate ability to get effects, as
in making an idea or causing action. They are natural fighters.
niga = active worm, virus
nigga = nigger, nigerian, black person
nihil = nothing, belief in nothing, don't believe in anything
nuke = nuclear field, atomic physics
nelson = charismatic, name caller, promotion grabber, position, scrabbler
nemo = anymore, nevermore, deep explorer, nothing more
nilpy = nitpicking; focused with questions that can be too much
ninyc = impervious, indestructible
nimb = nimble, rubbery
nimbus = energy cloak, cloud energy
nomen = name, family name, noun, account, account entry, sake, title, heading
numina = n, number
nummy = delicious, lasting good taste
nym = compute, record of change, complete
nunavut = continuation, fertilizer
napalm = volatile liquid
napot = hot day
naptha = liquid pitch, boiled tar
napthalamoyl = greek fire
necay = necessity, anything possible, necessary disappearing disease
necessity = any possibility, any reason, anything possible
niclaus = gift giver, tax refund, bylaw
nichlaus - loophole, sidestep
nicolas - escapism, evade, evasive, evasion, escape
nicholaus - escapism, evade, evasive, evasion, escape
nigla = niggler, information worm, information gatherer worm
nerv = nerve
norm = normal, enormous
nors = norse, norwegian tribe
norscod = norse code, typography send
norsk = norwegian
norwood = north wood, geneology, motherland, spookywood
ness = pursuit, like
nesti = family, nesting
nosydjyrod = underdevelopement, undeveloped land
nost = not lost, unlost
nostra = sniff
nestri = nose, perfect, praemental (precientific), instant knowledge (instinct)
nostro = nostril
nostradamus = sight prediction
nostrodamus = dream vision
neth = beneath
neta = niether, nether, negative, niether, death, ether wisp
netacilf = nether elf, chaos elf
netarelm = nether realm, death realm
nethi = beneath me, nothing
netwit = net creator, one who does the net (creates with network) and be unknowing
netzueb = internet
nota = notation, recourse, write down, written down
noti = nothing
nerieds = water elemental able to manipulate water
nimykria = Nirmal Kriya, one of the most powerful methods to eliminate stress
instantly. It takes only half a minute to practice it. Here be how you go about
Start with a couple of deep breaths. Now start with four short breaths and end
a long breath. During the long breath exhalation, create friction in the throat
(This be known as Ujjayi Pranayam). This makes the train of five connected breaths.
Repeat such train five times and you have completed 25 connected breaths Nirmal
You can do it standing, sitting or sleeping positions. You can repeat it every
hour or
anytime you feel you are drifting into the stressful situation. By Prem Nirmal.
nuremnia = neuracannula, brain stem
nuremniuyq = neuracannula link, brain stem tap
ness = likeness, lake monster
nast = nasty
nastink = nasty stink
nitr = gliknl(slavic), glibl (assyrian), nitrium, night movement
nitwit = idiot, idiocity
notin = nothing
nott = not that, woodpecker, no chance
nottan = scheme, land plot
nottingham = harmful scheme, decreed land
notty = notting, knots, giant woodpecker
nunagy = no or null energy, dark energy or energy that is what causes things to be pushed away yet holds together things by dark matter that uses interaction or area focus to keep what is stable there by idea and things there.
nuppeta = spiritual marriage, spiritual arrangement
nutik = state; nasty stink, nut cake, indecisive
nuttin = nothing
nytty = night; disposition, nighttime
nova = status
nevoir = forgot; memory begone, forget, underwear
nevnev = nevernever land, time lock, unaging place
nevyn = never (however the saying fits: never say never or you'll do the idea), nothing or theory no manipulation, void
novex = nova, expanding electricity damage ring
novpos = poison nova, foe effect expanding poison ring
nixi = water sprite with a beguiling song
nazi = dedicated hate, hate activist
nuag = xon, mist, misty, cloud, new age
nujve = newby, nude, nooky, butt crack swipe
nyboe = overburden, stress
nukoubui = levitate
neter = deity
nulle = nuag, no, rejection
neha = nasher, teeth, careful watch, belief system
nishru = nishruu, magic eater
nasper = constipation
navajo = navajo indian
naeebliia = invincibility
naeabliia = invulnerable, invincible
nereid = noreid, irresponsible behavior, a negative darkmatter being that can do damage to the mind.
newa = anyway
nuf = nothing
nuten = of
nutenuf = nothing of, not enough
Ncotex = Cast this spell to start up something as its in process and procedure.
nd = and, not done, noted idea
nduo = Enduros; endurance, this is the enduring moment, think to do things with a talent or a natural mindset that isn't too stressed out by the point you do. Think to do what is naturally done, so if you thought you were attacked you aren't assaulted and similar idea. This is useful if you suggest the point, this done as such or some other idea that comes to you.
ndiinaewiouayte = endocannabis, endocannabinoids
ntaloa = interloper; intruder, invader, enemy, azaoc (berserk attack)
Nfetae = bug; infestation, fetus creation
negai = negative, do it or see it but people notice and you don't react
or you don't use it or see it. What you said in it is what you fear as
it is bound sometime to occur. You would be fear in itself. As in you
see it but don't put it. evi'l nevil produce nevil and your evil will
go down.
newa = anyway
nutenuf = nothing of, not enough
Ncotex = Cast this spell to start up something as its in process and procedure.
nd = and, not done
ndiinaewiouayte = endocannabis, endocannabinoids
nno = new developement, nano, nanobot
Nfetae = infestation, fetus creation
nsu = competance, enforcement, ensue
ntamnal = ntamnabl, interminable, a concoction
ntara = interrogate
nth = nothing, no thing, know thing
nvas = inverse, invasive, see but not use it or use it but not see it.
nvinaaayy = invulnerability
nzt = memory, study
pa = pathway, paper, father, paw, pipe, protactinium, pap, pappa, paternal, pain, painful moment that creates what you want with realization from what is done.
pe = examined, pea, guided, fitness
pi = natural, reoccuring, unsolvable number, 3.14, pig, dick, private investigator in feel
po = application, peck, pole, post, mail, polonium
pu = pew, plutonium, long bench
py = pig; bring high, page, pie, quick wit
pab = padlock
peb = pebble, small bit
pib = natural
pob = material, usage
pub = inn, hotel
pyb = highly focus
pac = (if negative) idiot; ponce, pack, (the tooth eroder) plack, (if positive) peace, please, pleasing, plac
pec = peck, peace, see pea, small
pic = visualize, picture, pinch, tablespoon, pick
poc = gouge; pock, marking, carving (this could leave a white mark on a surface.)
puc = puck, pucker, puce, bruise purple
pyc = piece
pad = house, paid
ped = peat moss, foot, impede, pedaller, seller, legged person
pid = identification, process, personal identification
pod = podium, stand, speech, foot
pud = identify yourself
pyd = conscript, self-list
paf = made before, family choice, choice affair
pef = mentally assist
pif = piffle
pof = nothing, applied field
puf = puff
pyf = criticism
pag = page
peg = a peg
pig = overtly large
pog = jump, execution, program
pug = overcome, snit, engorge, fight
pyg = a pig
pah = paw, claw
peh = go piss
pih = infinite, infinity
poh = poet
puh = take care, warn off
pyh = memory restoration
paj = book binding, book
pej = conjuction, joining
pij = parlor
poj = pole
puj = compartment, particular
pyj = placement, pyjamas, night clothes
pak = compression, compress
pek = peek, energy peak, peke, top up movement, max point, up to max, max
pik = pike, little
pok = poke, stab out
puk = puke
pyk = pick at
pal = pale, comparison
pel = peel away
pil = pile, pickle, pill
pol = polarity, shine
pul = pull
pyl = moment of ambrosia, religious experience
pam = non stick, oily, slick
pem = afraid to go near, skittish
pim = head, head insanity
pom = base part
pum = fist hits, pump, air up
pym = hard work, duly
pan = all, everywhere, bread, window sill, enclosure
pen = peni, penalty, punish, pasn, weight, poison, pean, the pea moment that releases you from all energy programming that you don't want, personal pen or cage
pin = pine tree, find out with
pon = ponder, pony, male horse, put, place
pun = minimal
pyn = trial, pin
pap = papyra, paper
pep = excuse, beware
pip = pulp
pop = authority
pup = student
pyp = paper maker
paq = pack
peq = hidden force, top performance
piq = upset
poq = stupidity, overweight
puq = puke
pyq = curiosity, interest
par = pair; mark, partake, equal
per = dark; moment, mathematica, physical abuse, at moment, for
pir = peer
por = dust
pur = cause; pure, purity
pyr = mask; funeral death fire, black fire, fire
pas = job; pause, poison, hold, payment
pes = shift; peeing, appease, put, place
pis = evolution, evolved human that kills and pisses on the body of the individual that kills you
pos = care; slowly apply, pose, post
pus = waste
pys = rise; piss, float up
pat = pate; pat, correction, forehead, slight hand shove, eating
pet = potted; participate, peat, plant soil, small
pit = hell; plight, pit
pot = pot; gateway drug, nonaddictive mind drug, potent, potency
put = sewage; pollute, place somewhere, process, put into, put
pyt = incident; intercede, life, talk back, python snake, appliance, levitate up
pav = pavement; pave, cement
pev = pest; pestilence, peevish, pet peeve, project
piv = poison; irritate, irritation, irritant
pov = switch; pole position, switch position
puv = proof
pyv = pivet ground stake
paw = paw
pew = seat; long bench, shoot
piw = conceal
pow = knockout; powerful, higher power, face punch
puw = fighter; dirty fighting, street fight
pyw = concentrate; concentration, consent, focus, concentric
pax = treaty; written agreement, plac/ate, contract, peace, pleasing, please, peaceful
pex = shoulder blade
pix = pixy
pox = curse
pux = puix, pucker; reverse cat fish, smoked, edible yet makes you puke
pyx = high energy
paz = payment; walkway, pave, pays
pez = walk; walking, small candy, pasz, paces
piz = park
poz = pose
puz = puzzle
pyz = comic
pla = apply; last application, play
ple = entreaty; wrist, plead, exemption
pli = addition; inclusion, plight, add onto, Plane: planetary vibrational level. Raise your vibration level by positive acts and thinking to escape this area level. This is done by thinking about the point, then using a thought that this is walking off the edge of the map.
plo = plow; come back to work, always
plu = done; receipt, end of list, plum, bomb; explosive
ply = game; try, plant, attempt to stay alive, ply (apply or plywood)
pra = prey; pray, prayer, circle heal, to pray "near the end" upon by preying upon the innocent
pre = precognitance; apprehensive, beforehand, before, preach by wat you say to do
pri = animalistic; primary, prime, primal
pro = profession; professional, for motion
pru = reticent; prua (prudent), prideful, old faithful in yellowstone
pry = steal; wrest away, spy, pry up on the body or object by lever, take
psa = sluggish
pse = perception
psi = sight; directed sight, telepathy, telepath, pressure, as psychic this is a directed sighting with a point.
pso = mental push away
psu = illusion; psuedo, imitation in energy
psy = psi; personal, society, air pressure by what your sure from
palt = scalp
pelt = animal skin
pilt = thief; pilfer, pill this
polt = geist; jump, poltergeist, pole through
pult = catapult; toss, pull this
pylt = shit; pile this, the religionus experience, peat
pann = view; pan, pannery, panning
penn = luck; penny, marketplace
pinn = silence; pin, pinning, opinion
ponn = ponder; pond, unthought, mule, mulish: this is a sorta mulish behavior that seems to give what is poor response.
punn = jokester; pun, laughter, as american dictionary a joke on words
pynn = fit; unfair, case number, untested, unready, pine tree, identification, personal ID or this is something I don't know.
papl = settle; settlment (payment of writ or note), holey, pope, papy, papal, paypal
pepl = people
pipl = pipeline
popl = poppy seed
pupl = apprentice
pypl = papyrus; long endurance paper, brittle paper
The nouns, pronouns, adverbs and verbs p3
paps = papers; father brother-in-law, writings
peps = people around
pips = bad luck; bogus, all 1's on the dice, good or bad luck
pops = popping
pups = students around
pyps = rising hope
para = paranormal; phychic, meta, beyond
pera = power of words; third eye, active vision, visual, think to direct the sight by statements so your aware of what your saying.
pira = pirate
pora = poor state
pura = purify
pyra = concentric
pare = cut apart
pere = pre-arrange
pire = fire cloud
pore = stink
pure = animal food
pyre = exercise; healthy, higher energy, pancreas, focused energy
pari = church; parish, shrine, chapel
peri = (looking) glass; periscope, telescope
piri = brimstone
pori = ascend; transend result, pheromone
puri = enjoyment
pyri = soul
paro = comedy; parody, rock
pero = watery; peroxide mist, healing mist
piro = douse; put out fire, dowse
poro = sabatour; outcry, vagabond, out pour, pour out
puro = purity
pyro = fire; pyromaniac, flam (flammable), fier (fiery)
paru = overindulgent; indulge, indulgement, acknowledgement
peru = peru; the original, dark island, dark origins
piru = acceptance; trust, share
poru = conscious; earth science, nothingness, firmness, pouring
puru = beginning; prime, first, 1st
pyru = demise; understood death, pyromaniac, preservation, restoration
pary = couple; pair, match
pery = sight; vision, peer into, mental sight, peering
piry = volcanic rock
pory = scent; scenting, scent gland, stink gland
pury = clean; purify, cleanse
pyry = laughter; pitoitary, funny bone, seal force, good humour gland
parm = loser; target date. parmesan cheese, bruise, losing streak, choice: choices, parameter
perm = permanent; hair style, hair stiffen, stylish hair
pirm = horror; peek, horrify, mathematician
porm = self-secure; drought, be language, put dust away, pour me
purm = purification; purify, pureness
pyrm = wildfire; clean death, kill me, brush fire, pyramid, dry fire
perma = permenant
permi = permit
perme = permenance
permo = granted; permittance, allowance
permu = theory
permy = autocorrect; law, knowledge, frankly
parn = rejection, reject, despise, freeze, frozen, symbolic
pern = patience, unseen, lottery, selection, unstable
pirn = unequal, identity, internet, cryogenic, suburb
porn = sexual scenes, sexual literature, dirty sex
purn = impure, impurity, puritan, heart, purify, ice, frozen liquid
pyrn = nuke, destroy, explosion
pass = pass
pess = pest
piss = piss, liquid body waste
poss = position, possess
puss = pimple fluid, weeping wound
pyss = appraise, raise up
past = paste
pest = pest
pist = self evolving
post = upright pole, after
pust = wasteful, trashy
pyst = angry
papp = pappy, father
pepp = pepper
pipp = papertray
popp = pop
pupp = puppy
pypp = pipe, waterway
praa = to journey, jouneyman
prea = danger sense, preparation, prayer, peach (tell)
pria = suspician
proa = finding out, to find
prua = medicine, medication, first aid
prya = operation, procedure
prae = frontier, unexplored
pree = battlefield fight/spar, war, clean up
prie = priest, daemon, messenger
proe = thrown away
prue = prudence; prove to other, pry (sometimes this is with a prybar or asking questions), prudent, prepare, this is where you prepare for the moment where sometimes this is overcharge or you don't react to the moment. progression; (what) follows, (with) following, advancement
prye = prior experience, energy pry
praing = praying, preying
preing = about doing before
priing = priming, to age in spirit and experience (unlimited)
proing = pro
pruing = robot yourself, robot in ge
prying = to make loose, to see (into)
phat = prestigious, formed muscle
phet = feat of greatness
phit = make fearful, boast, non-physical fight, passive resistance, cold war
phot = drive fear down
phut = splutter
phyt = died out
pracedures = pradcedur, a practical of measure, practical procedures, practical precedurals
precedures = preceding event of durability, pretested idea in action
pricedures = pridcedur, privacy procision event, enduring price, prying precedure (pryii)
procedures = prodcedur, process of idea, seem like a pro to do
prucedures = prudent actions by event
prycedures = event of prying and duress
pral = paralysis, practical
prel = pretzel, energy practice
pril = priviledge, right
prol = problem
prul = collect, your prudence
pryl = many of, much of, wild fire
prall = prabable, pray on able (pray being able)
prell = press release
prill = pre ill, ink prepare
proll = probable
prull = make happen, untouchable, make wild
pryll = pry up, get out, pry out
pram = parameter, program
prem = high quality
prim = most importance
prom = promotion, acting in favor
prum = awaiting results
prym = tight faced, very disciplined
pran = prank, dirty trick
pren = self cleaning, preen
prin = to print, print
pron = tendency towards, sexual appeal
prun = plum, cut and move, prune
pryn = place into, sequence arrangement, hammer
pras = ritual
pres = preset
pris = slow activation
pros = professional
prus = old age
prys = pry, wrest
prag = with sense, sensible
preg = with child
prog = active program
prig = piggish, mulish
prug = progressive
pryg = called bad, bad move
pach = heat pack
pech = peach
pich = mirage
poch = poach
puch = burn wound
pych = heat up
patn = pattern
petn = to pet, pet
pitn = pitton, twirl baton
potn = potion
putn = to put, putting
pytn = python snake, python
plak = plate
plek = plead, please
plik = plink, wood slat, plank
plok = splash
pluk = plunk
plyk = plywood
plat = last attempt, play it
plet = completion
plit = plight, cause
plot = independence, bloat
plut = polute, polution
plyt = trial
platt = picket, wooden slat
plett = complex
plitt = crises, midlife crises
plott = event reason, plot
plutt = poison
plytt = travail, personal attempt
plana = planar
plane = planar bind
plani = planning
plano = planar opening, planar gate
planu = placing yourself
plany = planar shift
prasm = crystal crafter
presm = presentiment, bias
prism = prismatic light crystal, light prism
prosm = rating
prusm = wisdom
prysm = light strength
p'eng-niao = bird dragon
paa = will; payer, papa, papyra, papaya(carving wood), paper, if you put your will on paper or use print then this ends.
paae = praps, perhaps (by feel), payee, pay up
paey = perusal; selection or idea to get.
pai = payee, pay, pain bearing, bearing the pain that you imagine, think of what you want and the subconscious gives you what you need with use of the pinneal gland third eye. Otherwise this is where pai is purport; poo pot or construe what you think, paid then means construance or idea done, this is an example of how the english word got made. So the next point is an idea to use things. Enjoy yourself as you do the idea.
pao = poliwag, a hexed witch or wizard that turns into a creature
pate = top of head.
peu = smelly, bad scent, pew
Peyy = Positive; peyote, the certainty, certain, this is where your certain of things and sometimes feel good.
poe = pas, poisa, poet, poison
Pooue = pollution, poultry
poue = pours, raining down (like english)
Poyye = copyy, polifics, policy enforcements, corruption, lust
poy = detriment/s, detrimentix, polly, bird, trouble
poywitcreka = hungry (polly wants a cracker), polywnacraka (I am hungry)
pua = power, persuade
puablo = power blow, anger. shortout
pyy = panty
paiay = perogativ, perogative, self thought by action
paul = steadfast, steady
paco = percep, discerned moment, painkill, packed (in)
pacoe = peace, insurmountable proof
paypy = paypal, payment service, bank service
peace = freak, loner, phycho, lunatic, possesed
perse = perce, perceive, perception (of persecution), execution
pia = pocket
piaro = penetrate, penetration
piaroclair = piarocle, penetrating light
piaroclewyld = destructive penetrating light
pierot = investigator
piezopyrair = piezoelectric, general area energy force using UPF (unified power
pios = pious, valor, holy
piupe = dimensional pocket, planar area
pidura = long duration, 6^7 a dura, 4 days
poangu = snake tongue, parsletongue
poikshul = flat drop sound
peek = look, thorough look
peep = look at, view
peat = parent
peeves = poltergeist
paces = tests; testing point/s that you either go through or the machine goes through.
peccary = little nocturnal pig with white collar
peck = kiss
peckr = lip, independant
packapr = move
packepr = important, key feature
peckepr = peacekeeper
piccolo = flute
piccalo = live fight
picre = pancreas
podarge = swiftfoot
padma = padlock
pafu = perfume; women good scent sometimes in oil form.
pafuamore = love perfume
paken = pack
pakl = packed
pali = palace
palup = fool, fool user
palupp = power, basic use
paly = pale, paling
pamela = show girl
pamnat = permenant/ly, persistant
pants = buttox, butt, breeches, breechcloth, pantaloon, britches
pawok = patchwork; this is using a patch to attach to a surface area.
peky = guorh, peachy, peacefully, force down
pent = parent
pegais = horse headed great bird
pegeus = human headed great eagle
pegaus = dragon headed great bird
pekiad = peach coolaid
permano = its made of
pinnoccio = living wood toy
pint = not put, put not there
puck = benevolent magical hand sized human
pixi = magical hand sized malevolent human with green eyes and red hair
poe-ts = pocket-ts, shirtsleeveless shirt, beechcloth, cotton shirt without
sleeves, t-shirt, jerkin, jaki, vestment
poly = polymorph, adaptable, albert
paysan = peasant
papyraw = wax paper
pupe = gynaika, pet, poppet, woman
pegasus = winged horse
peio = paranor, paranoid, paranormal knowledge, psychic knowledge institute
paraphras = sentence, recorded speech pattern
parful = parfool, part the fool, bad separation, powerful
persistence = as to end (to the end of things), creates a theory that
keeps popping up in the mind and in the end its enacted upon.
praful = prafool, full of prayer, happiness, faithful
parnau = fearless fear away aura human patronach with body like energy
being tranformation always positive and enlightning to those around and body
looks solid till attacked thus it disappears into mist
parnorbe = frozen orb, mass ice bolt assault sphere that assails all in area
explosive ice end
percy = upright, perfectly, perfect
perfidy = perfection, real deal
persian = mystic people
peyre = paraphrase
purpos = purpose
purpose = proposal
patala = depthless undersea
patc = patch
patsy = pack horse, backpack, servant
pettego = ego sooth, calm the mind
pity = piety, sacred area, sacred, undiscerned, panty, beseech
poten = power, influence
putelda = restorative toothpaste
puteldao = restorative fluoride toothpaste
putrubelda = restorative toothpaste
putrubeldaa = restorative fluoride toothpaste brush
poign = poignard, stabbing spear
poivre = pepper
pazcu = patsy, horse, mule, burden beast
peddl = vend, peddle, sell
polivy = poliwag, evil creature
polyc = plastic, polycarbon; at some point, its polyethyline carbon, a
range of synthetic or semi-synthetic polymerization products. They are
composed of organic condensation or addition polymers and may (often)
contain other substances to improve performance or economics. There are
few natural polymers generally considered to be "plastics". A plastic
be made up principally of a binder together with plasticizers, fillers
pigments, and other additives. The binder gives a plastic its main
characteristics and usually its name. Thus, polyvinyl chloride be both
the name of a binder and the name of a plastic into which it be made.
Binders may be natural materials, e.g., cellulose derivatives, casein, or
milk protein
but are more commonly synthetic resins. Plastics can be formed into objects
or films or fibers. Their name be derived from the fact that many are malleable, having
property of plasticity. In either case, the binder materials consist of very
chainlike molecules called polymers. The vast majority of plastics are composed
polymers of carbon alone or with oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine or sulfur in the
Some of commercial interest are silicon based. polyethylene be a polymer of
((-CH2 -CH2 -) n), where the - be a chain, Carbon + Hydrogen in 2 parts chained
molecular form, Plastics are so durable that they will not rot or decay as do
products such as those made of wood. As a result great amounts of discarded
products accumulate in the environment as waste.
It has been suggested that
plastics could be made to decompose slowly when exposed to sunlight by
adding certain chemicals to them and use a filter. Plastics present the
additional problem of being difficult to burn. When placed in an
incinerator they tend to melt quickly and flow downward, clogging the
incinerator's grate. They also emit harmful fumes. Gotten from
hmpe = uhmwpe, UHMWPE, pleysteele, plastic steel, Ultra high molecular weight
polyethylene (UHMWPE), also known as high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high
performance polyethylene (HPPE), high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or
high performance polyethylene (HPPE), be a thermoplastic made from oil.
It has extremely long chains with molecular weight numbering in the
millions, usually between 3.1 and 5.67 million. The high molecular
weight results a very good packing of the chains into the crystal
structure. This results in a very tough material, with the highest
impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made. It be highly
resistant to corrosive chemicals, with exception of oxidizing acids.
pumic = poultice, pumice, medicine cream
panoptes = many eyes
pond = small lake, pond
patricide = bug killing and growth gas
petricide = ant and bug killer element
petro = penetrate, penetration
petroauro = penetrating light
petroclair = penetrating light
penetro = penetrate, penetration
penetroclair = penetrating light
pensieve = memory holder containment
panzer = tank, general, commander
panzy = wierdo, idiot, screwup
parnemo = frozen armor, freezing impairing armor to attacker
perdhro = magical logic, natural luck
permadeth = permenant death
pervert = twisted person, corrupt
pirc = pierce, push through, piercing
polyliqslutes = polymorph by material, A liquid that is compressed of
tightly placed aterial into a ball. It follows the owner if it is lost
somewhere, by moving it's liquid form either on the ground or through
the air. When first made, it is a blank slate, and anything can be done
with it. It can even be re-imprinted as seen fit. The idea origionally
itnended for it, however, is to think "Equip" to it, and it will
disperse, and latch onto you in the design/way that you want it to. To
get it off, think "Unequip" to it. It can also grant abilities or
skills when equipped. For example, it moves with you to add strength
and speed, and a string of it can fire off of the wrist to emulate
Spiderman's webbing abilities, and instead of hanging there once
released (like Spiderman's does), it returns to the suit without
slowing you down at all. It can even be designed to take on any form
while unequipped - a wristband, headband, or a simple orb, etc. Make
sure its not alive. Just to make it blindly follow orders. So it
doesn't become a horror movie idea.
port = teleport, picture
keport = portal key, teleport key
piwafi = invisibility cloak
poen = money
poir = pear
pasivvy = poison ivy
poivresa = hot pepper
piccy = picture
picket = fence board
pygmy = small albino elephant
pygmufy = pigmy elephant, white miniature elephant
pilgrim = traveller, stranger
polish = polish
polen = pollen
polynesia = magical country
polynesian = magical citizen
palyng = appalling
polyng = energy nature, energy source
polgara = readyness
pamuik = permenant stick, permanent glue
pempul = prempul, preemptive pulling
poshed = poison explosion, toxic gas body decomposition acceleration
poxy = proxy
pazsu = horse, patsy, mule, burden person
pozy = move on
post = mail
piezan = prison
piezzo = music maker, piano, saxaphone, other music instrument
polymof = polymorph
polyv = pole position, magnetic pole
pulu = pull you, silky material from tree fern
pulup = pull up
papw = wax paper
pepul = draw people
pepper = pepper
pipreu = purple haze, immolation, blinding stun, blind stunned state
parcel = paper, package
parcmen = parchment, paper
parlor = business place
parnsu = holy freeze, enemy freeze
parvati = make way, leavetake, part way
pell = freely given, attack
peryton = deer bird with deer body bird head bird wings
pernt = invisible
porral = portal, gate
porpos = purpose, perplex
porpois = dolphin
purdy = pretty, to bring ruin
pyraa = innate fire manipulation mastery
pyrwal = pyrval, firewall, incinerative fire barrier
peter = grind, grinder, dedicated, meter
peterson = banquet, informative
petito = spiffy, petition
patriarch = male ruler
pitoe = calmness
pitue = smooth relation
potato = potato
potfe = black pot, iron pot
potter = planter, planner, clay worker
puta = puter, clay jar
puruma = origination, point of creation
purumal = primevil
purg = purge
pymplee = coverer, blanket, lid
pyroaghgrur = astral fire
pyrobarr = fireball
pyrbarr = deathfire ball
pyrocyr = restorative flame
pyrgolt = fire golem, firey self-healing golem
pctifi = peace time fight; through pact fighting, theres an end point of pacting.
pheng = giant roc-like japanese bird
phag = vierv, rellock, fag, man lover
phil = love, high regard
phita = ninja, shadow fighter, secret fighter
phitu = passivist, pacifism
phoe = phoenix
phoenix = fire rebirth bird, arizona
pl = people, pull, more than one (plural)
plain = stripped, bare, basic, stripped bare, playin, playing, square
plainjane = stripped down, basically, basic plain
plait = hair cord, twinned cord
plakshahl = rock or boulder
platina = platinum
plato = philosophy, philosopher
plav = retribute, retribution
plave = placate
plebo = playbook; placebo, something in exchange, replacement, generic (characteric of something)
plino = target slide, continue mechanically, this is where you target a surface with your foot or car and slide along it.
pliny = explorer, adventurer
plui = rain
plesur = pleasure
plum = plu, lead (as if a fix is some concept by relation), a (greater) stupidity (not done isn't thought by preparation), no (creative) in intelligent points of view
plue = plumes; smoke, this is smoking by feel.
pluem = Amazing points of view that lead to disruption, creative in use and art in action
pluma = plasma, feathery
plumr = plumbing, water through-way, pipeway
pluto = polluted air, toxic sea, area degeneracy, gaseous area
plutu = plastic, plastiqu, plastique, high explosive
plynot = gamesome; merry, happy killer, (gotten from word genius)
plz = plez, please
prae = praerie, before, in front, forward, viewed as, because of
praehistin = prehistoric
praesto = prestor, presto, preacher, miracle
prat = kid; mischievious, prattle, talk on, food source, creative (no abuse) user and if abuse is stupidity then death
pratt = mischieviousness; mischievious person, food seller, chitchat or talk (prattle)
praecept = precet, basic fact, factual, concept based in fact
preecanon = throughst into battle
preian = presentation
Preint = president; preempt, preemptor, this is a moment from before, when the old case is brought up, that is done to prove out the new case. Otherwise, this is a leader figure like the president.
prefixiel = making moment, Make a moment in mind and create things physically.
preclud = include in, conceive, conception
pruli = except; exception, preconception, preclude
preggy = pregnant
prejudic = avarice, injustice
prejudice = injustice, extreme
prek = protektion right, "an whatever is done, doesn't effect them or me.", professional technology time in on.
prelat = head mistress, energy grid
prelate = boss lady, high priestess, nominal, solid formation, solid form
preme = premordial, premade matter that is of the light energy and can
make anything stronger from the preexisting universe. This material
energy can form thoughts and cause transferrence from nearly anything.
premeir = premier movie effect from premordial material energy.
Anything in a premier effect is stated and makes itself form from
nothing. Anything formed from premier energy is a moment of nothingness
and void matter.
prentic = apprentice
prentice = understand, knowledge, gift
presida = life
prid = pride, tiger family
prilm = prile, problem, priveledge
primaire = elemental
princil = princiles, principle/s
priretia = private again timely action, procrastinate, wait and do else, perverted and converted
prisc = simpleton, idiot
priscilla = childlike, child innocence
priscus = ancient, old soul
pristin = crystal clear
propogana = a propeller propelled vehicle.
propul = e'n prompul, pull in effect by effort, by effort you pull in
propulgam = hydrosensitive sex, propagan, big propulsion
propulgama = propelled in game, game active
propulgan = an expectant propaganda, activity gain
profond = deep, profound
profyaxe = prophylaxis, pregancy prevention
profyaze = prophylazis, laziness prevention
protege = student
proct = prot, for this or that, self-intention, protect, instilled protection
prg = program, progress
prllsc = gate security
prokt = provider, procure, provoke
prolly = probably
provolon = sweet nut dessert
prox = near, proximate, proximity
prui = precip, pruiyae, bruise, precipitation, personal ruin
pruiyae = precipea, precipitation, rain collection
pryre = paraphrase, sentence, recorded speech pattern
psact = slow action, slow to act
psetul = personal tool, schedule, acetaline
psiart = psychicly active art that responds to will. Can be made inactive but
reflects a
moving scene within a another picture or the same scene yet active and moving.
If done
right, it can be made into a gate of any means like a living tapestry. One can
go so far
to getthe depicted figure out into real life and they are counted as shades
or poltergeists.
psiskal = psiskill, Any skill that can be counted and measured in a scientific
way or
means, yet most skills are invisible and effect without notice.
psimata = psimater, psimaterial, Any material including paper or plastic will
retain a
charge when a psiball be placed into the material. In an idea it will be "magical"
its only energy enhanced psychoactive materials. The idea or statements directed
to the
material focus or directed thought will change it unless its "locked".
psib-i = telepathic link
psicou = psychic commune, psionic transfer
psilert = telepathic alert, telepathy trap, person to require an alert
psilink = telepatic link
pwn = pwns, love, good, trade
pwnsop = pwnsho, pawnshop, sellers (trading post), trading (a'et-levais) place
psych(o) = psyke(mad sickness like mad cow diseas, loco), psychology, mental
ptireria = private line, private talk
pzuruio = heal
pjffuqaiz = hurricane
pqr = auto movement, personal requirement that makes body movement.pzeur = pzweur, prison, hell
pzrrcalam = hellfire
qa = told
qe = warn/ed
qi = expected
qo = quote
qu = quit; closing
qy = remark
qaa = quiet
qea = qweasy feel
qia = personal question
qoa = maturity
qua = silence
qya = remark
qae = shrink back, smaller
qee = fearful
qie = quite
qoe = survival
que = line up
qye = acqiesing
qai = very curious
qei = discovery
qii = evidence
qoi = coming across
qui = intelligence, quick mind, quiet
qyi = inquisition, only in a area that be churchlike
qao = owe, own up
qeo = giving service
qio = can i afford
qoo = shock
quo = transaction
qyo = complement, remarked on
qau = quarter, fourths
qeu = cut
qiu = budget
qou = watch
quu = miserly
qyu = attack
qay = afterword
qey = queasy
qiy = quick
qoy = quoy, ship dock
quy = closed down
qyy = smartass
qab = quabber, shaking
qeb = upcoming, mistake
qib = quibble, sharp talk
qob = quote person
qub = on the ball
qyb = devoted
qac = quake
qec = creek
qic = earthquake
qoc = awoke, quote seen thing (of)
quc = quirk
qyc = quick
qad = strength
qed = queer, queerly
qid = squid
qod = epitaph
qud = imminent
qyd = quid pro quo, equal idea
qaf = quaf, drink
qef = ref , quick ref, warn in advance
qif = equip
qof = drink up
quf = cuff
qyf = quit
qag = crag, quake, broken area
qeg = little dragon
qig = go to
qog = found
qug = close up
qyg = person
qah = equate
qeh = queesy
qih = quiet hesitancy
qoh = admit
quh = q
qyh = qi
qaj = determine, measure
qej = queesy
qij = quite
qoj = close
quj = clue (in)
qyj = evolution, evolv, despotic
qak = doctor, quke
qek = tweak
qik = quick
qok = end quote
quk = quirk
qyk = death impulse, quik
qal = quail, scaub
qel = quell
qil = bird feather
qol = quality
qul = heat up
qyl = write/ing
qam = quam, situation, prob, problem
qem = squeem
qim = combat
qom = quote me
qum = exume, extract
qym = go gym, workout
qan = don't say, don't do
qen = queen
qin = cline, incline
qon = place quote
qun = coon, racoon
qyn = mispronounce
qap = shake
qep = equip, creep, put on
qip = quite, quip
qop = personal quote
qup = coup, coup'de'tat
qyp = go training
qaq = told que, exposed lineup
qeq = earthquake
qiq = expected line
qoq = awaken
quq = crazy person
qyq = quicken
qar = quarrel
qer = swerve
qir = enquiry, quirk
qor = emplore
qur = poor enquiry
qyr = queerly strange
qas = gain weight
qes = stomach sickness
qis = implies
qos = enclose
qus = course
qys = personal name
qat = told that, use energy
qet = parakeet
qit = to infec, infect, quite
qot = to say of, quit
qut = cute
qyt = fuel guzzle
qav = quaver, shake
qev = cave drawing, drawing
qiv = archive
qov = to deduce cove
quv = make sane, quiv, make equivalent
qyv = quiver
qaw = bird hunt
qew = que
qiw = incline to search
qow = cow, fat woman
quw = que
qyw = stop threat
qax = earthquakes
qex = creeks
qix = quicken up
qox = qoutes, quotes
qux = crazy thoughts
qyx = make (it) quick
qaz = chaos
qez = queezy
qiz = reply
qoz = cover up
quz = line ups
qyz = quiz, known about
qary = qry, stone yard
qery = aftereffect, query, question, who, what, where, why, when
qiry = womanly, woman frame
qory = quarrel, fight
qury = screaming fight
qyry = ask around, ask yourself, ask you
qirmiz = crimson, quirky, uncertain
qesau = fear serum
queie = quiene, electrical sound
quad = four
quadth = fourth, fourth
quaff = drink
qual = quaill, torture, qualityqual = foul, quail (in fear)
quality = good behavior, qualified material
qualor = quaalor, qualo, visible fear, quality
quam = calamity, condition or a point
quan = qeuntea, quandary, something made into problem and ended
quas = qualification, quality, the fates
quasa = quasar
quasy = krazd, crazy, insane
quel = reduce, reduction
quell = visible reduction, reduce
quesa = fried chip
queso = cheese
quesy = quesy stomach, stomach ache
Quiest = quietest, quiet test, most intelligent
quin = five, quint, equal part, ride, squint
Quints = (properly quinces), means pomengranite the idea of the forbidden fruit.
quicagair = jifagair, quicksilver aero, poisonous silver that be formed of air
other substance
quixot = factual saying, truthful statement
quiv = quiver, arrow container
quark = cold radiation
querent = questor, questioner
querentbzagh = questing beast, serpent headed leapard body with lion hind quarter
that loves to ask personal questions
quol = transaction of life, equal line, status line
qhea = healing potion, quick healing, queasy
qmana = quick life restore, mana potion
qpruesce = shard
ra = ordained, rat, radium, ray, radiant energy
re = again, she, aforemention, rhenium
ri = order, ring
ro = row, agreement, be, he, toward (to motion or movement)
ru = avoid, roach, ruthenium
ry = rye, rice; rememberance, lost desire, remembered idea
raa = rapper; prepared, rapper or jailer that can send people to hell as a jail or gao. Calling an angel or guardian angel such as gabriel or david, this will release you from hell. Sometimes saying "make things better, make peace around the world" will work to release you as well from your personal hell.
rea = divination; ready, read or divine
ria = educate; experience
roa = learn; focus on activity, grow up, this is lifelike situation that isn't too real as its a cat's world perception or partial world view. As a cat grows up, they learn and use this perception to help them understand the human words and actions or rowing activity.
rua = education; learned, roach
rya = appreciate; this is where they appreciate you and are letting go of something.
rae = light; ray, spread out, shine, this is light perception.
ree = tutorial; reeducate, reed, document
rie = rile; guilt
roe = rumination; ruiae, work, row, rum, considerance, considering, this is a room in a point that is with energy. Otherwise this is a point you work with and get a rowing idea by feel.
rue = need; want, desire, want by desire
rye = hopeless
rai = rail, fate, reaction (this is where you can think the reaction and you get a point in idea), reiki (reaction), focus and create healing
rei = before, reisu, power (of life), peicoe, reincarnate, poder, personal power gained by plants and natural means
rii = seek, derive, ridicule, riddick, very good starman fighter, seeker
roi = bump; terra, rocks, earth, girt, girth, false weight, girth weight
rui = ruin
ryi = paralysis
rao = competition
reo = participate
rio = rival, lively dance, riot
roo = envious, early call, grow old
ruo = win
ryo = real quick
rau = exist; raw, this is where your raw in strength and doing what you can do.
reu = use again
riu = get angry, rile
rou = pathway
ruu = live
ryu = depression
ray = ray
rey = breeze, redo, attempted, real
riy = roudy
roy = in control, lawful, policeman
ruy = ruby
ryy = remorse
rab = rabid
reb = shoe
rib = old order, back order
rob = rob
rub = rub, rube, fool, idiot
ryb = rib
rac = rack
rec = wreck
ric = rake
roc = rock, giant black heavy burden beast bird
ruc = bag, rucksack
ryc = fence board, ricket
rad = radical; radiation points
red = magenta, reed, read
rid = ride
rod = a rod, rode, road
rud = rude
ryd = gotten rid of
raf = raffle, contest
ref = referee, reference
rif = rifle, rift, energy rifle
rof = dog bark
ruf = dog alert, roof
ryf = rift; energy rift or anomaly
rag = rag; magazine, newspaper, story, rage, (a) rag or towel
reg = register
rig = right; car holder, constructed item, construe, relaize, construct, ring, sonner, circular area, this is like a small holder or large holder.
rog = pact; rogue, sewn rug, quilted rug
rug = rug; woven mat
ryg = regret
rah = head master
reh = wretched, wretch
rih = leader
roh = work
ruh = animal, all hair dragon like creature
ryh = empower
raj = rash
rej = relent
rij = feedback
roj = ratify, signature of proof
ruj = evade
ryj = loss, amount of damage
rak = rake, roach, roak, pest, problem, pestilence
rek = reik, reek, reeking, reich, reach down
rik = line break, misconstrue, rank
rok = rock
ruk = sack
ryk = relent
ral = gather support
rel = relating
ril = bad assumption
rol = round
rul = rule, give instruction
ryl = royal, regal
ram = ram, active memory
rem = dorm, sleep
rim = rhyme, frosty, riddle
rom = cartridge, storage device
rum = rum, whiskey
rym = rim
ran = run
ren = rental
rin = rind
ron = male horse, wrong, jokester, prankster
run = flee
ryn = hopeless
rap = rape; raping, terrorizing, this stupidity was possible by use with this is as the rap where there's rape, then a point of a sentence or admittance, this is just as you think. This is ended by a period. That is where you think to feel things, the judge is the subconscious and you know to suggest things. Then you realize things that exist for you by feel. This is symbolized by a rap or other song, so think to know the meaning if you can make sense of the words. This is making use of the sentence and the sense of the point or paragraph, that exists as though the song were written for you. If you okay, then this stops in time, if you its not okay then it stops immediately. Think about it and you can stop it yourself. So that's 'a rap' stops the moment before the point exists by the power of the subconscious. This suggestion stops thins that are sentencing as well, if your careful with the power of the words. This is a moment in time.
rep = acquire, reap
rip = dead, ripe; this is where the body is ripe or sometimes odorous.
rop = rope
rup = fleece, skin
ryp = rip, rip up, illegal activity
raq = silence oath
req = quiet down
riq = monk
roq = acknowledge
ruq = rook, pawn
ryq = forget
rar = advancement
rer = rear, promotion
rir = march
ror = order, roar
rur = avasive
ryr = remorse
ras = raster, earn
res = memory, good luck
ris = unruly, unrulyness, raise
ros = rose, rouse, slowly agree
rus = ruse, false lead
rys = erasure, let go
rat = subjugant, rat, thief, applicant
ret = late
rit = rite, right
rot = role call, practice rememberance
rut = root
ryt = disinterest, right, rite, writ, riot
rav = occasion
rev = review
riv = reciept, order list
rov = grove, wander, roam
ruv = groove
ryv = rivet, bolt
raw = rare, unfinished work
rew = progressive
riw = added to, in progress, worked on, permiss
row = fight with, row forward, rack
ruw = tension, tenseness
ryw = body ache, cramp, headache
rax = priest
rex = dinosaur
rix = extravagent
rox = bond
rux = ruix, aversion or ruckus
ryx = dull
raz = acolyte, raze, razor
rez = youthful
riz = order form
roz = chat, discussion
ruz = confusion, ruse
ryz = lost
rla = relax; relate, prelate, at length, law enforcement
rle = leave alone, relist, list again, re enlist, relent, amess
rli = relive, live again
rlo = reloc, relocate, remove
rlu = relose, lost again, lose again, real loss
rly = rely, really, realize
rma = ream, remake, make again, remain
rme = rm, remove myself
rmi = positronix, remix, mix up, remittance
rmo = remove (other), removal, disposal, dispell
rmu = stain, remore, a ring on a cocktail table
rmy = remember my/mine
ralm = been around
relm = realm, existent place
rilm = riled up
rolm = roll up
rulm = set rule, law
rylm = royalty
rant = raving
rent = tear open
rint = print
ront = pronto
runt = scrawny
rynt = magical writing
ramm = run into me, meet me, scale of active memory
remm = knock out
rimm = rimmer, black bird with overlarge bird head humanlike feature and a hunger
for brains
romm = storage, memory
rumm = alcoholic drink
rymm = knock down, rhythm
ramn = ramifications, rammed
remn = remember, reamed
rimn = rimned hole
romn = roman, roaming
rumn = rumination
rymn = remnant, remainder
rann = haughty, not run
renn = house
rinn = fruit
ronn = right
runn = steadfast, capable
rynn = hopeful, control
rass = brass
ress = dress
riss = sluggish
ross = resistant compromise
russ = trash man, wuss
ryss = unnoticed loss
rauen = study guide, focus guide, a rave in idea by what you mean or do.
raiar = chest cavity
raien = retention
raian = aftermath; raienaqo, water retention, water weight, body bloat, this is just an idea nothing else.
raun = return; brawn, this is a return of feelings or brawnlike actions.
rauna = rejuvena; rejuvenate, this is creating a more youthful appearance by feel. Think about it and your doing activities, or active movement otherwise known as exercise. That is walking or heart pacing. This is excepting excessing heat, so think if there is excessive heat to do things indoors or inside the building.
radi = roadicy, redundancy; reduntant or repeat, otherwise this is radioactivity by radio activity or frequency modulation and amplitude modulation. This is a radiation point.
rariuy = retributive; creative purpose, a creative purpose that destroys and reposes idea and makes destruction occur or death to the point.
reiae = reiatsu (spirit energy or force) or spirit energy that is like a ray that's focused to use this by feel, that is with idea to use the senses. the point is recorded by the idea being written then displayed, sometimes as anime or moving japanese animation.
raynt = reticent, resistant by feel
reatyae = absolutely, reassessment, ressertification/s, reattired, attired
reic = resilience; health, overall health and this health is mental too with ability to do things with memory.
reid = reed, red, rede, fate
roea = rora, repara, again pair action, repair/ing action
roia = repira, magick; irrationality, fire made action, agan, this is pyromancy by what you think to do if you are needing fire effects. So if you don't, then you get a generated by the energy effect which is magick.
roeyi = republican; selective group person of elects or election party
ruaye = recondition; change of the brain and body, if you relate with them you instant change of body and brain, happy feel or change of mind
ruua = regulate; regulation, this is used to regulate the idea. This is a point in idea.
ruun = return, this is to return something into play by feel.
raidho = raider, travel
raikiri = thunder break
rariuy = retributive
Rasp = rough file
reactor = power generator
read = fate, occur, occurance
remnir = seminar, long speech
reread = reoccurance, reoccur
reasyr = mental compliance, reassurance
reegah = regard
reegahcli = close regard, scrutiny
real = regal, noble
reiki = healing energy manipulation
reuy = relaxing; this is done by a point you use to relax, and then create what you need by energy influence. This happens without stress. So if you don't have to worry over things, then you don't worry over overdoing things.
reus = reuse, reusable
rebeka = rebecca, rehestory, again behest of story
reddy = ready, reddish in color
regis = rich, riches (regisix or regise)
reke = kill; kill rival, killing riot, reak
reno = against; again number, dejavue.
reread = reoccurance, reoccur
rewq = symbiant; sense by symbiant fungai that that allows emotion and body language auratic sight, rook
riht = the right decisions; the decisions that are made lead to a better future, that we can view or seem to be in as our spirits or souls allow and things are corrected at the moment by the feeling you get from what you see or sense.
riit = intimate; riot, suspect, Rebirth, this causes insanity and the rebirth of the soul into a new body. riot
rion = inner field; reincarnation, this starts as paralysis more suspense by inner light, suspended or released, eventually in this idea energy causes birth as an animal or person that is built up energy and eventual user of idea..
ressert = reassert; rea (disease notice), reaifuae (infactuate), ressertification, reassert, reassess (disease noticement)
resv = reservation; is reserving, ultra-rezv, itrarevaaro, Antiaging wine drug effect in life effects that is how to get things and make what you see as an energy key is use by feel.
Revo = undisturbed, revolve, revoke
rewq = symbiant; symbiant fungai that that allows emotion and body language auratic sight, rook
riokio = real death; kill rival, death dance, killing riot
roifig = terraform; bump formation, this is a change of the surface of the planet or area.
rouf = rowdy; rough, raw, rawness, roughly handle
roufpyro = roughfire; rowdyness; wildfire, diamond, glarish
rueta = coach; spiritroach
ruetahum = spirit coach; human spiritroach
ruev = football; receive, received (ruevo), receiving (ruevy)
ruirsis = scene; railroad train, destruction, wreck, bomb
ruit = touchdown; roach ant
rube = score; rubic cube or rubbish, garbage, trash
runstago = Run state go. 1.To run about, work or something similiar, 2.state the
effect and 3.sometime go to something else but you don't have to go. This is something
similiar to a sta go or to stay away or stay and go 'to destroy somewhere else' in mad jealousy.
Before you know some more.
race = playful; hurt, painful, pain
racecar = torment; torture, abuse, misery
recev = perserverance; recieve, reception
reckon = interesting; consider, think, know, this is used as I know or I reckon or I guess.
recyl = recall, understand by rememberance, recycle
radon = raid on the area; rn, glow-in dark and healing radiative in low doses element, highly radioactive element
riding = remove charm, ride mind
ridikis = ridikulus, laughter fit, ridicule
ridikulus = ridicule, laughter fit
refka = held; hold off, energy reference, energy guide
rifka = drain; life gate, energy rift, gate, referee
ragnok = ragnorok, final devastation
relyy = reality; brag, things or people that are there, otherwise the idea that is there.
rember = rumble
rembrant = mad genious, mathematical artist
ranma = disorderly or disruptive horse or beast of burden
renna = missionary, ambassador, mission, runner
rimda = sign; dream vision, visual point, challenge, this is a challenge to understand as you use dream visions to communicate. However this stops as soon as you think no more or stop for a stopping point.
ringer = natural; control, attention getter, lucid, this is a lucid dream point that ends as you think to wake up. Otherwise this a natural choice.
reducio = reduce size
rasputin = dispute, disagree
resputal = argument; resting point
russel = rush in, rash thinking
raven = attack; strike quick, blackbird, magic bird, ravenclaw
ravir = plunder, loot, steal
reli = reliance; rely on, relief, relic
relat = relationship, relation
relation = relatively known
relatiroa = belate; end point, marriage
relatamore = love life
relmcoy = genuine
rapot = rapport, mind to mind connection
reptil = reptile, cold blooded animal
reve = reverse
roneme = wrongful
rage = shirt, pass, calm
ragu = best sauce, sphagetti sauce
rageina = calmly direct, stubborn, calm action
regard = spec, spic, look, see
rigos = ward
reparo = self repairing
reptilia = scaly
reptilio = scales, scale-like
resembl = resemblance
resis = resistance
resisach = acid resistance
resisilp = disease repellant
resiscol = cold resistance
resispyr = fire resistance
resislitc = lightning resistance
resiselm = all elements resistance
resum = resume, continuance
resume = excuse, exception to resuming, written work essay list
resisloa = lower resistance, any magic suceptible effect increase
respia = respira, dying breath, deathly breath; it can cause one fit of action that seems like dying
restoramej = minor restoration
restora = restoration
restoramaj = major restoration
ratt = rattle
rectv = reactv, reactive, ultra active to the moment, build-up
retir = tired again, abandon, retired, kill
retire = flee, leave alone, retirement
reto = restore; restock, ristor, resister, crystalline resistor, redo, this might be a drug use that restores the brain and creates as this is a point of recall. High fructose is such a drug that is sweet. Where in proven rat tests, the rat always needed the high fructose laden food.
reverd = reverend, honorable one
revtsu = reavtsu, referm, reform, reformation
riod = ordered event, ordered song, sheet music
rifkaqo = watergate, lifegate water
razl = razzle, startlement
razldazl = startled impression, impressive
razlfrazl = startled distress, frazzled nerves
rfu = refuge; refugee, refugees
rfurbli = refurbish, a point of pause
repas = focus, thought expression or repast
repy = respit, respite; a break, release, rest, relief, this is a relief or break by feel with respite from things.
reqs = requisite, require, asking, request
reqsp = requirement, spell ruin
resistant = immune
resp = response, personal memory, conscious (response)
rooyed = persistant ruin
roost = caged living area, home
rouge = red
routra = trajection, reroute
royce = short range sender, transciever
rocky = show, rough nature, display
roger = agreed, acceptance, accept, acknowledge
rojy = redjit, readjustment; readjust, rebel
romel = garbage
Riu = (volcano) erupt, inhibiting fire, viu
rins = rinse off, water rinse
rose = pink, a rose
rosee = dew
rosy = rosy, rose red
ruinyi = recognition, recognize
ruucaem = status
ruucaemhir = higher status
ruupyrecaem = focused flame, focused heat
ruucaemn-z = social status
ruly = ruling, additional meat
Rumie = recommendation/s, suggested idea that is put into an idea list that sometimes uses rumour or think of other things such as a point.
rumbe = rumbel, (some) fight, rumble, rubs
ruhsyq = familiar
runstago = Run state go. 1.To run about, work or run something
similiar, 2.state the effect and .sometime go to something else but you
don't have to go. This is something similiar to a sta go or to stay
away or stay and go 'to destroy somewhere else'. Before you. know some
rivulet = water stream
ryvice = ice bolt, ice charged energy bolt that you can direct by focus and will towards the right direction
ryvpyr = fire bolt, fire dart
ryvsu = holy bolt, life restorer dead expellive
ryvsuoll = holy bolt storm, heaven fists, life restorer evil expelling storm
rowan = reminder, protection
rombe = memory, simul, simulation chip, aforehand, aforemention
rye = flip
rywej = body ache, cramp, headache removal
raser = shave, weight raise
ryti = written, disgust, writing
razer = cutting edge, shaver, hellish nightmare
rgat = Reverse gate, move gate, activity by gate
rhap = rap song, rape
rhapp = head knock, hit, knock out
rhaps = rhapsody, melody, rhythmic song, spell gate
rhapps = wraps, wrapping, bandage
rhe = rheoy, rhetoric, rhetorical, nonsence question, deluge
rhea = rheact, unbalanced event, rhetorical event, nonsense action, nonsense reaction, dark matter world that is entered through the moon gaze and wishing upon the moon to be there. Otherwise the ideal meaning is strange.
rhetoy = rhettoric, pretty bowl, fish bowl, slip (sheet or slippery surface)
rheitaa = rhetorical interaction, banter, joke routine, time wasting moment
rheqiz = rhetorical quiz, repeated questions in different view, rhetorical questionnare
rhoad = traveller, road travel, road trip, wise man
rhode = surf, water float
rhodes = island
rhu = traveller, rhoad
rnig = go back over, back out, review, recover
rnnt = rent, general audience
rse = arse, ass, fanny, yourself
rsty = resty, rusty
rplua = replicate, replication, carbon copy
sa = shake; like flavor name and sa, otherwise its saw, hot, heated, say or save
se = selective; self, selenium, she, said, what is said is a point made by actions, nothing much more than that.
si = still; yes, sib, instill in, silicon, to require, yes, sit down, shit and release, this is where you give a shit and seem to care for the point that's there with no bad feelings.
so = discharge; snow, should, discharged is the idea, that you do what is necessary and create what is needed. Otherwise this is a melody, yes, include, realization or freed, also, use (I gave it a point up from the hell hole) by a shot, tie up, yes, shot or holiday doctor, holiday over, so: corporeal soul, sometimes this soul is formed like an item is written to from genetic memories being inputted then stored, otherwise this is an idea that the creator of our memories made up to appease himself by feel. A soul in creation is what this is, so think and you could get what you want. Stop otherwise doing what you feel with this so you don't get into trouble.
su = sunlight; som (magic known), super, devine, holy, some, slowly use
sy = psionic; metaphysics, guess, personality, personal misuse, misusing things, sanctimonious, feel safe, wisely, psi, sci, science
saa = situate; setting up, solidate, set sail
sea = spirit; sea, seance, ocean, self voyage
sia = self
soa = next; so what, what else
sua = well; assuage, self discover, sooth, smooth (over), swade, persuade, god action, summon (effect, event or action), impulse, demonic control (inner demon revert to spirit) then nulle worm form
sya = seeya
sae = settle
see = bye; set aside, begone or begoeth
sie = Identification; I.D., fear for, pass
soe = bike; cycle, circle, solace, energy storage generation, peaceful solution, peaceful area
sue = sewer; bad scent, bring against, pursue, pursuant, actively do
sye = outgoing; active lifestyle, in activity life as you go (sorta not eating begoth noth eath begone)
sai = ritual; rite, sought in, seraph, satan (keeper of demons that situates things you need) uses lucifer that is what you think
sei = spiritual; sign, semi, shaman, set in, use out
sii = contract; pact with nothing, that could be the sea or outer space
soi = thin; soil, trasnspire, transpire, transact
sui = suicidal; self death, suicide
syi = bade; heavenly, prognosis, seven
sao = devastation; catastrophe, disaster, seen of
seo = passed; pass away, ignore, ignorant, shelled; this is where your hit by blows.
sio = judge; give judgement, will to, know to
soo = fatality; fast acting, fatal, misconceive, off target, sister, sorrow, unoberatio
suo = vehicle; bring upon, summon, create and begoeth
syo = chaos; expressive, sigil of cause (sigiel of calamity as calmness in chaos sane), this is where you state or instruct iron or steel to create through energy and your able to make what you need by intention.
sau = savior; hero, distinguish, realize, set with the creator (knowing of idea), ideal listing, this is not satan or whomever since there really isn't a religion
seu = pursuit; angry, show spite, sensory, Senses; This is done as if an idea to existing things. Sometimes existing is living with things and working by the senses that you can use as feel.
siu = saturate; pee scent, know of, reknown, good guess, situate
sou = sow; soul, soel, the turn sideways in idea of a compliment, pig sow
suu = sucker punch; make pay, force payment of, reminder in and only by earth, think the use then think you change what you see or when you are aware, yu is cool
syu = endpoint; van, ensue non, continue or not is what begoeth means and you so stop, the pressure is the ocean to area feel, end use
say = thought, thinking to speak on, original artifact (energy or thought goes into copies) or gone, a trick think your not in hell then the creator dissolves the work or worm form then dies as the form goes out then dissipates to particles
sey = truly; true, seyance, mental area scan for answers from spirits and responses, end user, punishment, non eternal is ne punishment, otherwise; sey: saying, told statement, factual statement as fiction made true
siy = stillness; with life to death by choice (you don't have to) you can study the area activity then think you can see or detect what will happen the you know by the creator or not.
soy = soy bean; release, bean or realess of me or use is others ideal
suy = smell; butt scent, swipe, usually, necessary and not if undone, then you can think to the area the area conscious can create or not identify with you so you are awake
syy = mark; mark on wall, impression, dislike, wildlife, area I last remember ruled by ruus or the badland rule that is area around the worm area with the circulation of life you realize then are near until no longer allowed in hell.
sab = grace; save being, saber, curved sword, curve, instant sabotage, wealth or area money circulation that caring seems water or energy flow that is water seen with air flow to live in to live or work
seb = silver-blue sea bird; sea breeze, aeen view, seen viewing, thought use by feel or area you think then release or realize
sib = sibling; friend, bleeding heals then loses excess
sob = cry; sobbing, bastard, inherent, inherited concept that is thought to use or not
sub = beneath; underneath, under, under the bridge, lesser uses or creator creative
syb = birth; out of way, stillborn, so that will be what you will want it to be, gnow what you lifetime or work to love
sac = buy; sack, immediance, sake, scare
sec = sudden; suddenly, sequ, secure, 2nd, second, follow, come in after in later, suicide
sic = psyche; mind world activity that creates what you intend, psych, mental, sicke (or negatively sicken), scareb (death beetle)
soc = cope; negative thought, sock, sex
suc = such; suck, suck in and out (sucked out) or not there (unaware or less aware), I swear to no attack or not attack
syc = sicken; sick and you do as don't realize an idea and take inherent responsibility, stupidity (as in gerbil) or object intelligence, by feel
sad = shade; sadness, shadowy, dark place, shadow (following), area that is dark or your not seeing as your with limbo (hole or near area) this is dark near the ocean bottom
sed = permafrost; seed, sit, be still, said, sedament, trust magic (say as magic or not truth), no obstruction or no use
sid = sidesaddle; side, sit, be still, beside life as you create you undo what energy is a source by feel that is unliked
sod = soda; lower class, poor person, shouldn't, pity (with not as no back down or no area your near is darkness)
sud = persued; sudsy, sudden death, art of idea, art of life, sight with missed event or sight by feel
syd = dreamcapturer; this is with sydh or created area, where the area is seen as personal space that is where you think, that you see around you that is you see you think or gnow by area feel, withdrawn internally, internally drawn energine (engine), largeness (of the first witch in nothing but one moment and thought makes no abuse)
saf = (security) safe; roughhouse, weight of disturbance or area rocking with feel, feel
sef = satiation; self in-fulfilled as inset in area are by something said on by denial is all right, set energy field (weight removed as necessary by focus is energy to the will of what is thought in sanity), soot, glut attack, unglue, big fly or area flies you can focus to cause with air or water flow to move with a thought pattern
sif = sniff; siphon by energy to seem or give back as necessary as energy returns after sent and other use in some glut release, channel in erupt and energy channel flows along the line of the land and nothing wrong, so free or not is a set free moment otherwise you are not
sof = sofa; soft, softness (not done if not necessary if spoken), this could become as necessary on thought or use water to create off thought
suf = surf; suffer, burn rubber, energy burn outset trash in a heap, or area you realize your body is by area location
syf = shifter; this is with mental focus (shock and chemical gas heap otherwise), sniff or not is not important, erosion and not is nothing in creation except your area by feel that is a place or area that your use to realize is not drugs the creator is causes or clean as you were realizing earlier before as the brain aware is conscious that is area aware or energy aware sometimes not to be a plant agent. So the area is focus your area is music curative or feel drug in indian culture. Realize who you are then you can stop, always remember your nice.
sag = to sag; sagging, unwise, this is an increase in weight and stomach hang, otherwise you sag until you realize to exercise then drink water, sagging, then create and use energy effect fuel or energy in air by air feel or arewa otherwise with water pressure, otherwise sagging if unwise.
seg = partial; segment, segmented, this is a point you get partial points.
sig = signal; pipe, smoked tobacco or no smoking, (no use smacking), sage
sog = rain; soggy, hit out or trick out, slow program or now gone experience, this is the subconscious trick to think your conscious aware to see with the worm form or you work with idea condition with the human form
sug = suggest; sugar, this drug or substance allows you to create by thought in the feel you have with what you think (with no actual medicine or medicine), surge, form, rememberance
syg = signalling; signal (to everone or someone that you think about), signet ring, dupe and no assault or explain as thought if nothing was wrong or wrong is corrected by the creator
sah = pilot; pli, plain, plane, world, plight or work, workout
seh = animal; sealed fate, syld, client, field, (Sylde) that is the area point I thought to exist then realized the area is energy shaping to appear as I or you wish you not in hell for bade response or not in hell for the good that you can think.
sih = clone; natural, be better, act cool to work with others or your not aware to be or seem here
soh = scenic; soul hold, area feel, sought after area, you think to work or see is there to your thinking that allows thought or area you think.
suh = such; sudden hold, worked with, think a point, this is a breach with the area to see the outer world of the planet
syh = sith; darkmatter clone, gain attribute, feel the point, attributing to the idea or use with the area is feel she or he does not have to share your [hell] vision
saj = jack; rage, realizing you failed what do you think otherwise sage to cleanse
sej = warfare; siege, create or think
sij = certain; tested ability, certified, allowing to work, everyone
soj = music; practiced song, rote song, created rite or song use, rite
suj = shrink; idolized, created area use, regular
syj = syringe; squatter, no ability, think then the creator allows use, (the worm isn't your creator its dead by your feet)
sak = alcohol; sack, bag, concerning, sake or rice wine, sake
sek = focus; seek, seeking or creating, attune, attunation
sik = clean; silk, sink, ill, sick, think fix then the creator fixes
sok = soak; area bath, cure
suk = (sudden) kill; (hell) to worm body person, this is a hell being, if you get targeted by your worm body think your not a target, deadly use, forsaken, suck, pull in then think to create with water for larger weight to lessen weight, lessening in effect that you use to create with by the feel.
syk = (Rx) medication; made use, mentally sick, mentally kill, think focus then the created area energy or creator creates or stops that you stop to use, some bath house bathroom stop by feel so you rest in peace
sal = ability; sail, set for, life is to observe or work, work with otherwise, talent
sel = seal; salt, usually feel is the salt water or area you think, payment
sil = deflection; reflective, creative area idea, paid
sol = self; sole, sold or creator created, this is where soul is use or area activity, insight
sul = sullen; continue with purpose, think to not go too far, incensed room, incense
syl = legendary; amazing ability, amazed, maze ability by idea with feel or the senses
sam = like; li, same, see your whom you really think you are possible with life you think you next lived
sem = repair; seam, think use, sew
sim = simulate; seem, monthly, by month, thought area concept to control by suppression so I think drink water if you eat too much by area feel or creation is what you think
som = seeming; seem some, correction, think to not get too near until viewed or thought clean, same
sum = summation; a sum, assumption, chart, this is where your area creative by feel
sym = group; mood, bring ogether, together area feel by area you sense as you think you realize is normal manifest or worm manifest
san = super; sahn, shan, sanity, see, think, view or work with creative approach that you care to change
sen = third-eye; this is the pinneal gland that makes you aware so the illusion of light, scene, dillusion is known or if you kill this is death by illusion that you don't believe yet kill by seeing from what the creator allows you to see that I see truly what is there.
sin = exactly; sign, since, science, peace, ambience, coping energy or cop (copy) meaning thats synonomys, symbolic to awaken with the area you see to get over time you see or think by feel, time lapse moment in time
son = audio; aud, shown, sown, sound, phone, soni, sonic area use (focus to use this idea) or soundwaves with the area you focus to shift as you think to seem somewhere or be thats not beat except a music point
sun = ray; sone, a sun, star, soon or aware your free
syn = sin; single out and target if in a bad mood, seen sign, bring together (that much force), sync, synchronize or allow to live after you see to work with in harmony
sap = cleanse; sanitize, this sanitizer can sap or drain of parasites that firey energy cleanses you of when you use water by feel
sep = hole; seap, slow leak
sip = empty; a sip, sipping, siphon (drain away)
sop = sopping; absorb, absorption
sup = answer; what's up, soup
syp = suck; sipping, straw
saq = silently; cancel out, self-contain, no emission, sacked, estranged
seq = medicate; sequence, being quiet, sick
siq = sync; synched, socked, this is a paired point.
soq = bath; soaked, all wet, quiet melody, wetness
suq = muffle; mute, use quietly
syq = knowing; telepathy, mental link, net
sar = construct; constructive
ser = unlock
sir = family; sire, father
sor = bird; sore, thrown, soar, throwing, let fly, fly
sur = moody; pan, sour, bad mood, surly
syr = homemade; had made, syrup
sarr = sarcasm
serr = lock
sirr = stir; man, sirrah, this is a testosterone point.
sorr = misery; sorry, miserable, sorrowful
surr = sound; surround, surrender
syrr = styrofoam; cerr, sire, father
sas = sassy; sass, harass
ses = cease
sis = assistance; train, sister, assistant, assist
sos = tap; tapping, morse code, request for aid, help, slow melody
sus = worm; search engine, crawling, wor, crawler
sys = control; government, mental domination, system
sat = missile; sate, heat seeking, sensor
set = congress; vote, seat, a set
sit = website; program, brainwash, intruction
sot = assassinate; sought, bullet
sut = divert; suit, become devine, soot, ash, shoot, manipulate, this is a turning of the point through manipulation of the magnetic fields. think of a magnetic and that is what turns quickly the metallic shot. this is a point from the past.
syt = shalt; will, shall, should, seek mentally, mental picture, site, sight
sav = request; save me, serve, server (sava)
sev = cover; sieve, sever
siv = setting
sov = settle; nudge, shove, bardic music, song
suv = sight; panned, panoramic
syv = othersight; this is third eye vision.
saw = slice; cut through, saw
sew = bulletproof; sew, protect
siw = saddle
sow = hypnotism; hypnotic melody
suw = conquest; sudden win, energy shell, astral shell, this is a shell where the spirit creates what it knows.
syw = seal; psi shield, mental shield, this is the aura that acts as a shield and creates what you want by vibrational waves of energy.
sax = decline; saxon, celt
sex = six; magic (physical type)
six = changes; psychic, sex, routine
sox = gets; to win, to gain, this is where you think and have no gain in weight.
sux = sucks
syx = smokes; styx, death
saz = torn area
sez = equipped
siz = size
soz = musical
suz = holy area, shrine, church
syz = mentally aware area
samm = discount warehouse, tank, missile turret, armored turret vehicle
semm = semin, seminar, semantic, glorified acting
simm = slow memory chip, slow memory module
somm = insomnia
summ = summary, sum, summation
symm = psi master, good psi behavior
sca = scape, area, scave
sce = double effect, efficient, double effort
sci = scien, knowledge
sco = scop, see, scope, score
scu = scut, scuttle, scoot, move along
scy = scythe, active affect, epilogue
sfa = sphere; solid 3d circle or ball, this is a ball either perfect or not perfect in formation.
sfe = high star, consume
sfi = sulphur
sfo = metaphor
sfu = spire
sfy = computer, comprehension
sha = sherpa; progress, man, share, shake, shock or shake up
she = woman, great inner strength
shi = shy, am, is, shit
sho = show, movement
shu = atmosphere, shut in, kept
shy = large woman, her, scared shame
ska = dismember, skate
ske = skie, ride
ski = ice glide, skii
sko = strangle, skold
sku = skew, interrupt
sky = sky
sla = slain; enslaved, slave, slay, this is where they were enslaved until they the slaves used hex magic on the owners.
sle = lay down
sli = slip; mud fight, sling, sliding, slippery, this is where mud slinging or giving out details occurs.
slo = decelerate, slow down
slu = slew, slain, sloth
sly = hidden from view, sleep
sma = small mind
sme = smell
smi = smite, smith
smo = smoke
smu = smuck, convinced person, one who supports hearsay
smy = loving; in love, smitten, sly, smelt, smile, small, this is a moment your in love and creating with what is done.
spa = heated pool, spellotape
spe = speck, space, sped, speed (spacial extra death), warp time
spi = spiffy, meato, spend, spent (spio), spends (spie)
spo = a spot, to spot
spu = spun, speed, spew, spray
spy = spy upon, spie, spy, look
sqa = casqa; squall, storm, this is a high het stream formed storm.
sqe = squeeze
sqi = squint
sqo = squash
squ = settled; square, squat, jack squat
sqy = squire
sta = observe; observing, work, still, unmoving statistics, stare, stable, stale
ste = pricey; high price, high cost action
sti = stopping; cause not, still, unmoving, stiffness
sto = store; stow away, store in (action)
stu = cook; stew, stock (sti)
sty = style; living style, stylish, rock, stone, classical appearance, pig sty
sada = study
seda = fame
sida = resourceful
soda = addiction; addict, caffiene (substance)
suda = clock
syda = sit up
sade = vale; shadows, shade (shadow person), shady, view
sede = visitors
side = on the side
sode = play; scene, action
sude = suddenly
syde = curious; situation curiousity
sadi = sadistic
sedi = hit again
sidi = shingle; siding, wall
sodi = salt; chemical, reactant, sodium
sudi = suitable
sydi = insiduous
sado = spoken of
sedo = force away
sido = sided; at the side
sodo = so do it
sudo = weighty; heavy weight, heavyset, heaviness, pseudo, something that is overly large, pretending to be something it is not
sydo = sit down
sadh = depression
sedh = new life
sidh = fee (faery folk); faery, fey, fae
sodh = sod; bum, nomadic, hobo
sudh = suds; foamy, foam
sydh = disappearance; absorption, absorb, absorbed (sydho)
sarv = tired movement
serv = network; service, server
sirv = apologizing
sorv = curving; sworve, move in curve
surv = searing flame
syrv = service done
sahn = super; giver, demihuman, super human
sehn = descend
sihn = sunken
sohn = giver of life
suhn = life drain
syhn = damage
sasp = explorer; expectation, exasperation
sesp = activity cease
sisp = momentary stillness
sosp = setup; completed moment, completion, complete
susp = suspect; have suspicion
sysp = realization
satt = fattened up, prettier
sett = setting
sitt = sit down
sott = lust; besotted, love crush
sutt = free soot
sytt = translocate; site, area, area translocation
sand = a sand
send = to send
sind = signed
sond = aware; alert, abscond, sound
sund = split (leave); assunder, split apart
synd = cinder
sang = blood
seng = determination
sing = song; work (with idea), singing
song = music
sung = past music
syng = messenger; message, a focus, passage through time, sign language
saft = safety
seft = shift theft
sift = syphon off
soft = soft
suft = shuffle
syft = to sift
sapt = tree; drawn, tree sap, sapient
sept = rule; seven, septic, scepter
sipt = sifted
sopt = drained; sophistry, sopped
supt = sped up
sypt = syphon
sath = book; sabbath, last meal
seth = chapter; story, creative (meeting)
sith = love; lover, wielder
soth = wastrel; sloth, sloppy lover, waste
suth = crusade; south, holy flame, zeal
syth = master; mastery, scythe, aura vision, mage sight, shalth; shallh, shouldn't, shall not, shall not, will not
scan = scant; past view, scandal
scen = scent; odor, scene, scenic
scin = arouse; scintilate, arousal
scon = (torch)light; sconce, torch holder
scun = scum; scoundrel, villian
scyn = skin
scha = scholar
sche = schedule
schi = leave; exit, skip, split
scho = school
schu = learn
schy = experience
shad = shale; sha, shadow, shade
shed = shed of
shid = boldness
shod = shoed hoof
shud = singularity; tunnel, air hole, should
shyd = him
shap = whistle; this is from shapechange, shaping (with putty or clay)
shep = shepherd; sheep, flock
ship = organizing; (through) area place, group or grouping
shop = shop; look around, curious
shup = question; tormentive silence, information gather
shyp = mute; end interference
shat = shatter
shet = cover; woven blanket, sheet, top
shit = breakup; bad break
shot = shooting; shot, shot up, bullet
shut = eject; shoot, shut, chute
shyt = things; things in thought, shit, stuff, (high pitched) warble
shatu = shatter you
shetu = put a blanket on you, cover up
shitu = lie; shit you
shotu = dead; your shot up
shutu = quiet; shut up you, shoot you
shytu = forces vowel movement
slag = slag; melted material, melted mass
sleg = pumpkin; destroy, sledge, smash (sometimes to the head)
slig = slight
slog = walk through water
slug = slug
slyg = poltergeist; destructive spirit
slam = slam against
slem = bounce against
slim = slime
slom = solid object
slum = homeless; slump, the slums
slym = slim
snap = yell; snap out, anger burst
snep = slight
snip = assassinate; long shot, snipe, long range kill
snop = (the) weather; extreme, extremely
snup = sleep
snyp = children; child, hyper, over, beyond
snaw = caught; snagged
snew = sneeze
sniw = snitch
snow = peaceful; glistening, untainted, sno, snow, pure clear thought
snuw = gliding
snyw = affix
swav = wind; wind up, wind down, fear, swaver, quavering
swev = sleeve
swiv = swipe
swov = moved out of way
swuv = swiftly move
swyv = swivel
shatz = shatter; coupling, power extension
shetz = sheets
shitz = shits
shotz = shots
shutz = shoots
shytz = diarrhea; dumps, downside
shanz = stands
shenz = water; sheens, waterflow
shinz = shines
shonz = showed
shunz = shuns
shynz = point up
shart = Separation of shit and fart as it occurs with release of gases.
shert = exchange; Sharing time, time that is of a shared element by effect of one.
shirt = skintight; cover, a cover that fits like a glove.
short = jo;t; a point with an idea magnified moment, electrical moment
shurt = A splurt of shit that comes after a fart, a magnified moment
but he can control it while she can guide or glide it, otherwise one malicious
shyrt = fantasize; a natural effect with calmness and etc, fantasy happening.
smagl = godlike; divine, immortal, body weight (that could be up or down)
smegl = faery; forgotten, non-mortal, glide, guide
smigl = hunch; poison ivy, iches, happy
smogl = look; peep, peek
smugl = smuggle; sneaking, sneak on
smygl = stuck; glue, stick together
smak = smack
smek = kill scent
smik = halted blow
smok = smoke
smuk = sucker
smyk = smirk
smat = hit; smaet, face slap
smet = smear
smit = blow; smite, righteous strike
smot = struck down
smut = smokey; ash smear, dirt, fair, fairness
smyt = smith
smath = sucker punch
smeth = destroy
smith = shape; massacre, forge
smoth = kill
smuth = blister
smyth = smith; smithy, forger
stampy = stampede
stempy = twist; pervert, corrupt
stimpy = lure, stupid, (he gives into) conceit
stompy = ground stomp
stumpy = stumpy; feetless, cut off part
stympy = eliminate; stamp, kill off
stran = sense; strangeness, strange (almost like a sense of strangling)
stren = strength
strin = knilt; str, strig, string, yarn (string)
stron = generator; strag, strong, iron-like, fer, ferr, fort, strap
strun = lights; strwn, strewn, strung out, viuzip, streueon (strung upon)
stryn = viral; disease, stringent, strain, syringe, this is a point that is a virus passed sometimes by syringe.
skal = hot bath; scald, maid, heat pain
skel = secret; skeleton, steal skill, borrow ability
skil = slide; ice sail, ice skate
skol = temper; scold, school, skuld, balance (yourself)
skul = brain-pan; everyone, skull, head bone, cranium (brain case), crimiu, chran, kran
skyl = skill; kung-fu ability as ability to do many things by practice.
skan = skai(n), shameful
sken = toga; cover, clothing
skin = canteen; water holder, drink holder
skon = stolen; steal away, abscond
skun = skunk
skyn = epidermis; ski(n), skin, stretch
skaz = heat; baste, scathe, blister, skaza; heater
skez = foot skii
skiz = sky/,br>
skoz = point; scuse me, score, this is sometimes with or without an excuse after.
skuz = excuse
skyz = unlimited; infinite skies, motion, disguise
slat = slate
slet = bracelet; sleet, (sometimes magnetic) bracer
slit = slight
slot = a slot, keyhole
slut = desirous; womanly desire, woman in power, womanly defiance
slyt = bled; slit open, slit
slav = slave
slev = exit; sleave, just leave
slov = slovenly
sluv = scope; death vision, kill sight
slyv = revealed
swa = swim, swoon (gotten from swun)
swe = sweety; swell, body
swi = swift
swo = sworn
swu = pass out
swy = swipe
swar = herd; (bee, animal or insect) swarm, swear or promise
swer = attack; sudden movement, swerve aside
swir = swirl; kill, do things to kill off or reduce the idea you don't like.
swor = swear (cursing)
swur = smell (scent); this is sewer, added to by ripe (bo) scent. Think to clean it up.
swyr = convincing; convince by actions but know others by trace. Think to trace them by energy, you know them by who they are. Sometimes this works sometimes this doesn't, so seem to be aware and you know whom or what is doing things. This is so you can't be fooled, then you know the source of the idea by whom or what they do.
swap = communicate; commune, swap, trade, text, call
swep = sweep
swip = charge; swipe, take out of hand
swop = turn around
swup = swoop; lay back, lay forward
swyp = mugshot; theft, vandalism, mug
stac = stack
stec = credited
stic = inhibited
stoc = inventory; stock, stoke
stuc = belligerance
styc = power user
staff = sheep herder; long pole, worker
steff = steoz, steal
stiff = endpoint; dead thing, dead body
stoff = idea; preclude, preclusion
stuff = instinct; information, add, guff, gut reaction, include
styff = body; energy form, mass, a weapon made useful with some use is the idea you can do.
stak = sta, stake; stay, in the long road, moderate, mistake or hit in heart
stek = eat; steak, knife
stik = nail; stick it, sticker, stick or weapon
stok = stoke
stuk = stuck
styk = fad
stad = stadium
sted = steady
stid = prevention; prevent by what you do.
stod = message; understood, stood
stud = role model
styd = disruption
stag = shrink; stagnation
steg = stick; good steal, stickler
stig = pricey; up front, stick it good
stog = dog; in dog, dodge
stug = stooge; used person, worker
styg = permanent; user
stap = staple
step = steep
stip = need; necessary, staple, stipulation, stiffle
stop = stoop
stup = idiot; stupid, stupidity or stooped (stupo)
styp = foreclosure
stav = wand
stev = high profile
stiv = coverup
stov = pan; stove, griddle
stuv = idiocy
styv = method
stax = chips; stacks, stacked
stex = steps
stix = short
stox = stoak
stux = stuix, stuck-up
styx = styx; bad taste, death river
spac = clearance; space, spacial, clean area
spec = (to) know; species, speech, special, (be) specific
spic = hot; spicy, spice, spike, energy rush
spoc = translocation; un, spark, spocific, to endure
spuc = creation; energy whirl, spook, spruce, reveal action, interrment
spyc = clean; clear, junk, chunk
spak = inform; spoken, vocal
spek = speak
spik = spick
spok = spoke
spuk = spunky
spyk = detection
sanct = safety; this is done by sact, sanctuary, sanctity being thought.
senct = sentence
sinct = cinch
sonct = punched out
sunct = sunken
synct = synchronize
slas = slain; slash, slaid, kill
sles = slez, sleaze; sleazebag, power user, asshole
slis = crystal; stone, energy focus, slighten, slight of hand, chi foci
slos = slow down
slus = slushy; icy drink
slys = swish; blade swipe
slath = slather
sleth = reptile; snake, serpent
slith = slither
sloth = sloth; very slow vegetation eating teddy bear creature
sluth = dick; sleut, sleuth, detective
slyth = slytherin; deceptive conduct, master of the darker aspects.
sna = snag, snare, snake (any sort), snazz (created attraction), snake snare, snack otherwise no snack is done
sne = snuff, inhaling drug
sni = snip, cut off
sno = snow
snu = cocaine; pot, cooked weed
sny = snipe
snag = snatch, catch
sneg = pot bellied cobra headed cat
snig = snide laugh
snog = kiss
snug = hug, held together, snuggle
snyg = scalp removal, scalpy, scalping
sphar = high star
spher = sphere
sphir = spire
sphor = metaphor
sphur = sulphur
sphyr = computr, computer, comprension, dedicated math machine
sa'angreal = mediocre focus device
saua = saturate, water or fluid compaction
siyo = sanitize, clean up
sair = hover tank, armored turret hover vehicle
saucy = sexy
saal = sayyable, stall
saal = stallable, horn, stall, horse
saefy = satiate; safely, safely done, safety, satisfy, this is where you satisfy your need by the-spirit-that-goes-through-everything.
saet = saber tooth tiger
sail = wind sheet cloth
sailor = ship crew, combined effort
saul = confess and resolve
saulina = confession, solemn, oath
saulo = love serum
sayd = said, told
saymour = inform
sakaba = backward
saptu = symptom, saptue: symptoms of something
seun = spoon, seune, soon
seune = honeymoon
seymour = vision quest
sachfra = guglfra, obsercfra, "google the words", search phrase (use)
sale = shapeless, formless
salo = sailor, ship crew, combined effort
saly = supplicant; sailing, saley, perceived applier or applicant otherwise additional, sales like or sail like
samen = holding pain, trick serve, apetite, illucid joe
santa = saint nick, brighten, druidic gift god
sava = server, savior
sapa = supper; dinner or meal
seauiou = sightless, blind
seam = rift, joint, joining
seagey = Live energy state, state something and your of one point of change that effects all time or some period of time by thinking of the moment and the idea to make as an effect, this is done by some info shared. This state exists in any type of linkage yet seems undetectable under normal conditions. What the live energy looks like be a flickering green and blue aura that is symbolic of life.
conditions. What the live energy looks like be a flickering green and blue aura.
seagy = synergy, live energy, Live electricity that be manipulated by spell,
effects. It lengthens the life of anything used with including machines and
Its created from electricity and magic and thus does not flow among water but
will on
circuitry. It can be used to release a lightning bolt, repair machinery but,
it has
been known to burn out machines after an extended time of abuse. It puts people,
food items
into stasis, preserving energy field. It looks like liquid blue energy in aura
seanchan = dutiful, duty bound with a little cruelty
seui = anger
seuiou = angerless, not angry
seuiun = unangered, without anger
seulo = pretentious, consentive, loan, angry low down, angry love
Seunumics = Action derived from pursuit of things.
seur = yourself
seuss = story, child tale
sefert = eagle headed winged lion
segeo = segredate, self-deprecate
sere = on fire, firey, burning, this is darkening by heat or fire.
seset = subsist; this is where you are creating a point and making something exist other than the area of creation, such as a wall that exists the point and the element was there in the room.
sia = shiver
siena = sienna, valley
sipuyz = sippowitz; siphon (a drain from intelligence until just alike), crucial, important to do, death
siumo = shiver armor, ice attack slowing to attacker armor
soad = sheperd, sheepherder
soee = solace; this is a free area of living until rules exist that impell obeyance. Otherwise this is retribution, that is done.
Soeea = Overeating and sorryness with unending prayer. This makes
multiple effects. So overeat and begin to do unending prayers. This is
a torment and torture of the Gods, that they can choose to effect with
it. Enacted by dark matter.
Soeee = Death result from your dealt actions.
Soeed = unending death visions.
Soeehe = see spiritual vision and beyond by needing it seen. Un undoes it when added to the front.
soun = sleep
sourc = person, thing, place
source = power stone
soyuz = ship; a successful launch vehicle, sometimes for astronauts to reach their destination. That is the best with success to date. May their missions go well.
sofi = softy, suffix, suffication
soja = soldier, script; creation by effort, this is invisible stealing by complex in mental programming, as for a point that script ends with no permission no soilet my toilet unless necessary and think in energy a will in subjected or desisted effort comes from what you don't like and gets what you want done, thought in mentality is sanity if your energy saner (4th dimensional warp or postgretional warp relation by thought) by what you think and can use in thought to do despite the dirty meaning
sora = sky; this is the sky from an anime I watched that rang true in meaning.
suy = sewage
sulu = suelu, seulu, pseulu, pursued pseudo lure, some believing, some light, angry belief
suna = quickly; quicker, sooner, this is a quick moment.
syyiln = peninsulin, medical cure, seyr
sachi = you!, what, greeting/s
sebastion = great inventor
sedothz = clothes
salambe = fireplace, fire place
salv = salve, plant solution, saliva
sedkel = said prophetic
siyes = styles, sire
sidhay = folklore
sidhark = dark fey, dark faery
sidhyl = wild fey, wild faery
sighik = blood hawk, blood seeking hawk that kill passerby
signify = intent meaning, meant intent
soda = baking soda
sodia = sodium
sodiay = breakdown
sodiar = cardiac, heart
sodiararest = cardiac arrest
sodyry = soldiering, sodomy
sodd = seditive, bastard
sehr = very, short
sihunh = unnatural, shunned, deny
sacr = holy, empowerment, sacrifice, sacred
soca = soccer, source action, sock out
sugeay = ytd, sugar eating the body; this can cause sugar death otherwise nicknamed white death, that is where you drastically lose weight and some muscles and are left alone with a body that doesn't work too well. That is when your body breaks down and expands, then shrinks down to its thinnest shape with or without a stomach roundness and that is without exercising the weight of food off. So with exercise the stomach disappears. If you want to repair from this and regain lost muscles, then eat steak or other iron rich foods. That should restore you after your first bite, that is done by the body as if you get energy from the food. This is a noted efect of extra oxygen from the food as well, if any exists to be had by the food or drink. So enjoy yourself.
selas = settlement, self-made laser
selle = saddle
Selp = Self-help
selpast = salt paste
selpasteal = restorative salt paste
sofesticat = sofetya, sophesticate, investigate, investigative
solicit = sloicit, to allow by action
samuel = great
somnia = insomnia, somnolence
somver = somewhere
sara = princess
sarah = advancement, encourage
saracen = innately gifted people, magi, sorcerers, magic worker
sedeo = slothful with energy, sedition, powerloss
seren = ancestral, peaceful, serene
sepur = super, beyond, greater than
sapi = snake
serpent = snake
sigel = victory. counted success
sihir = illusion, psi hire, satire
sionara = good-bye
soie = silk
soil = soil, dirt
soul = spirit; spectre, spectral, energy containment that can hold energy memories.
sohm = As it is self melody energy by some sort of pulse, or self
energy melody pulse that can shift by movement in time or that can move
sok = attack
solja = soldier, screw job
sopdis = soapdish
suav = skin cream, hand cream, poultice
suave = facial cream
suavve = soap
suavvedis = soap dish
suomi = finnish, old way
sufis = sufferer/s, suffice
sukh = sugar, sweet
salt = salt chunk, ruin
selav = lava, along the lane
seti = tise, thinse, thineself
selki = seal human
silo = storage place
sole = a fish with very little bones
soay = somatic, active, passionate
somty = sometime, something
sulu = zulu, content, active path
suluh = holy shock, luminescent group light strike, divine group light strike
suma = neutral, summer, assume, consume
snhak = river
snohb = demented manic
sunlit = sunlight, starlight
sylar = sign in, carve, paint
sura = secret
Suraprea = Secret prayer; This is done if you think to not expose your God or hide your faith. However you think to not openly pray, just state what you want and the creator gives you what you want if you intend to get the idea as a result or open end result. That is because you are nothing but a memory to his mind living the life as though he would want, so what you want if stated or thought about is what you get as if he wanted the idea. This is noted effect, that is what really occurs with a prayer anyway. However you can pray any way you wish to pray, this is a point put to the past by feel. Then if you knew the point, you know what to do, that means you create with a result.
syhnamp = amplify damage, wound advancement
siler = suave, smooth talker
Situ = situate, situation by fee or feel where you teach, inform or learn things.
soro = soo, sister
soru = sorrow, sorry
saxafon = saxxaphone
scam = cheat, art of cheating or taking money from a person.
scio = (I) know
scylla = scullery maid
scyp = scalp; skip, peel, remove/d or sell off the street otherwise its captain or skipper
schizzo = splitz; splits, schitzophrenia, multiple minds
schizto = multiple exchange or telepathy of minds, switch to
schwind = swindle, cheat
shabaz = salesman
shane = trouble, unstable, instability
sash = chest hanging band
sheo = high frequency; high pitched frequency scream (seeming in the ear), if directed at an object can make a shattering effect.
sheol = hell, hell-like area
sheop = show up, end up, female operator
shedu = schedule, centaurlike human winged bull
shiva = deity servant, lesser goddess
shock = disaster, work, energy (in effect)
shyd = shield; shall not, should meaning shouldn't, this shouldn't effect me.
shyl = shall; should, this is shrill otherwise.
shna = shnapp; dollar, money or bill
shre = shrub; this is a mushroom, bush or clump of grass otherwise a shrek point.
skwind = swindle
selyiy = taught internally, internal suggestion
selysoca = subliminal sorcerer, prescientific sorcerer
serpant = dragon headed snake body sea snake
siren = bind, song snare shapeshifting woman
sitren = flying burden beasts, flying oxen
suadry = suadey, secondary, persuasive, persuade
suipup = newness, renew, suicidal
subup = come from beneath, come upward, focus to lower down
subj = subject, subjective, low horrid sound
seli = Sub-c(by psioniks), sublim(by lerrin), subliminal(by Dr. demento), subconscious
taught internally, internal suggestion
sildlas = domelas, laser shield that blocks any type laser absorbing shot energy
salua = plasma tank
saluar = hover plasma tank
samayjuu = safe money spell, Where someone gets hurt in the end. this spell
negates it by negative
energy (spending or using it) and per every event to achieve the idea, to get
something done
or something from nothing be to get funds in some momemtary manner. The charm
prevents you from
hurting anybody as its you that normally does, for free or underpriced objects.
This uses events
to generate money and wealth.
sutig = something
suto = shootout
sutu = suture
suture = sew skin
suty = soothing, sooty, becalm
saumon = salmon
seccubeh = sacrifice for the effect, sacrifice to effect or to get effect
segeiaem = Sergeant at arms, internal army field commander
sequoya = giant sequoya tree, tree of life
sieo = machinegun shot
siena = warm brown, burnt sienna
siafax = fully cook hot food
siatybu = shiver some timbers, fear for your life, shiver my timbers, shiver
your timbers
siflif = life tap, suck victims life
sihas = higher up
sighas = higher being, sighing
sighos = signal; area awareness, energy conscious, the room conscious, house ghost, The signal you have is from a host that is a ghost. The spirit of the room is using the presence of the room as direction, this is the conscious of the room energy. Once in the area energy you can create what you think, this uses the energy consciousness and your brainwaves if you intend the point. This is a concept of life and the idea is done by feel.
siglos = knockout; this is where one loses consciousness
seks = chores, daily ritual
selenc = commence, onward
selencea = action commence, active
sely = sublim, sublime, sublimn, subliminal, subconscious
sero = serum
sileit = mirror, reflection
soyly = soiely, sally forth
solfu = soul fire, erasure fire
simpl = simple, basic
sinew = muscle tissue, tendon
soem = some
suagan = old melody, welsh lullaby
surn = urn, suen, one
sunoqq = fallen star
sonmona = rich dig
sonnerr = solid earth
sumtin = something, sum of things
sund = 7th, seventh, sunday, rest, sunder
sorcneg = source negative, nether source
sophie = grandly done, grandstand
soso = alright; okay, comse comsa (soso), partial agreement, barely accept
soiso = yes and yes, soso, know I think
sotu = sulfur oxide, corrosive gas, sewer gas, SO2
supampb = overlay, superimpose
supanaiy = supernatural; ghostlike
suprizsuprez = suprise by supreme idea, suprise upbringing
= To be effected by another place by condition and by the places
condition to effect and place. This effect is to be effected by
smelling and feeling the other places effects. As the other place has
more energy dynamic.
siad = surond, surround
suslos = carrion crawler
sylph = air elemental, human gate
satu = 6th, sixth, saturday, saturation
satyr = half goat human
sotcb = crystal shot, crystal bullet
sezzah = cook food
sezzahk = stop food cook
sezzahx = cook food hot
sezzahfulx = fully cook hot food
suzi = worldly
suzy = comely, overwhelm
suzie = glutten, pig fat, glutty
sylpha = butterfly
symb = symbol
symbankh = ankh symbol, eternal life symbol
systa = siesta; break, this is a waiting period or time you wait before you do things. Otherwise that is a vacation point where, this uses an offender or someone good at what they do to relax.
syvan = salvation, intervention, elemental light protection
scaf = structure, incident
szcolayl = petrify; petrified (szcolaylo) or petrifying (szcolayly) otherwise szcolaylan where szcolaylix or szcolayle is petrifyies.
sca = unintentional, unintent
scard = scabbard
scarf = scarf, eat, neck cloth
sci = scent
scienc = field manipulation, field study, element manipulation
science = rules study, hypothesis study, rule manipulation
scindo = render, cloak power shield
scir = scimitar
scota = scepter, king mace
scotagem = jeweled scepter
scotia = quo, normal
schaya = unintentional, unintent
schapa = shape up, schalpel, sharp knife
schema = model
schemaw = wax model
scherlosis = mind, personality, mental, mental ability
schizmaid = schitzoid assistance, adult psychologist, child psychyiatrist, shrink
schodel = male model
schoj = high school, advancement school, educated guess
schoje = schojek, collegiate school, college
schwebb = cotton ball tipped stick
schwobb = constrained (field of) energy
sclamy = blood magic, general force
sclamye = blood magus, blood magister, blood mage, blood force user
scral = scrawl, sacred, writing, things written down
scrimy = scrimmage match, practice match, sports practice
script = contract, written instruction as code instruction
scour = search, sour, rid
sfwar = singular, singularity
sfwarsot = singularity bullet
sfwarsotcb = crystal singularity bullet that keeps its crystal shape till it
hits the target
sfuwar = primal
sfuwaraeo = primal howl
sfuwariq = primal intelligence
sfuwarinta = primal instinct
sfuwarintaiq = primal creature, primal dragon
sfuwarbragh = primal beast
sfuwargod = primal god
sfuwarmur = primal killer
sfytyj = mystic computer
shaert = sharing as if may be, a bonified malicious game, reenactment that seems real,
a reality shirt.
shaerwyn = To share and be great, sharing duel.
shaoism = mystic art
shaoist = mystic, mystical practice
shaol = whale
shayla = share alot
shafir = shapeshift
shal = shale, rock shale
shall = will do, shall
shaln = shall not, will not
shalt = shall try
sharol = share
sharwyn = musical great
shirley = serio, serious
shaphir = shapeshift
sheolbrak = hellbreak
sheolbrat = hellchild
sheolbrut = hellspawn
shell = hard body
shioc = shyness, unshowy
shiocke = scare away, frighten, fright
shick = isn't
should = shouldn't, should not
shyu = shaleigh; clamor, clamour, get attention, make attempt. This is where the fairy mists work the area and you create the point by thinking or if you need to think and know things then it's treated as a question.
shybak = this
shybaz = salewoman
shami = sherman, tank, armored turret vehicle
shamikar = armored turret hover vehicle
shamipluma = plasma tank
sherman = tank, armored turret vehicle
shimata = crap
shushu = shoo, dismissed
shrewd = intelligent, intelligence
shrink = psychologist, psychyatrist, mental doctor
shro = parted; mushroom, shred
shroud = cloak
shrub = low lying bush
sht = shrt, short, shit, stuff
sild = shield
sjh = figure out, conceive
sjhun = concept, knowledge
sjhunn = unfigured out, dejunct
skelaa = skeleton mastery, innate skeleton manipulation skill
skelfom = skeleton form, and to get out of the form, say polyhu (pole-ih-human).
skelras = raise skeleton
skelmajras = raise mage skeleton
skiky = scary, rebellion; against the norm, rebelling; obstinate, skanky, smelly or smelling (sometimes like a skunk)
skok = schuck; corn husk, throw away part of the corn.
skonek = neck strangle, broken neck
sklakk = schlack, illamination, paper preservation
sklekk = schleck, achlek, illumination, light up, improve upon
skny = skiy, skinny
slatern = hung jaw
slattern = sloppy person
slang = comes in and be covered by three tenses; low tense, medium tense, high
where low tense be writing written in shorthand and sometimes normally but easy
to read
and written with a style to cause idiots to get angry or feel dumb
medium tense be written normally and to be somewhat "coached" for
the intended object
and/or audience and the audience its easily understood
high tense be to hence speak or write in "elite" and its language
most "normal" people need
an explanation for, otherwise it would confuse the person. Some "elite
languages" are
scientific, food, noble and other foreign dialectis.
slecto = select, selected, selecting
sliat = love, philo (greek), slight, a slight action that depends on
mood and gets a negative or positive effect, according what energy is
near, this makes a result of greater magnitude by magic and
thaumaturgy, this is also a bad end with those who are slighted
slise = atamic, sliced atom (by energy focus)
slutes = substance, drug/s/ed/ing
sluts = love, sex
slm = Seldom, salty
sm = small, some
smt = sometime, something, some (of) that
smeed = smet, greedy assistant
smelte = smelling salt, instant wake up
smokuyf = smoke scent
smot = fought off, fight off, deal death
smote = long battle, long war, battle ready
smuc = smuk, sulfuric acid, sucker
smt = small amount, smeed
snhak = river
spagz = phase out
speek = speech, to say a speech
speak = to talk, to say
spedaeg = fast growth
spesiafax = quicker cook food fully
spet = spit, spelt; this is a body spell, that is where spelt is the moment you think of what you want. Then as you draw or trace the symbol on the skin, the need is done. So the moment its done is when the body creates this idea. That is done by aura influenced events, this is usually what you need. So don't mind the reaction to you after you do things.
spety = speed time
spex = extra speed, speed cut
spiy = spying (out), spit/ting, spiked on a cooking stick or rod and set on a rack in a firepit. Otherwise: spirit, spiritual and done with things.
spid = speed, spygear, neato death, neat dealt blow
spoor = trail
spun = create, make by thought manifest, evoke
spop = spellotape, snoop, spell poop
spur = spur of moment, surf up
spf = formula, formulation, specification
spk = speak, spoke, spoken, spook
splay = remove strength
sply = splint, smelly, weight drug supply
split = leave, multiple personality, mentally divided
spry = agile; youthful, young and very agile.
sprw = fire sprite that be made out of fire able to manipulate wild fire
Squi = squish or press flat
sryu = tragic
staed = state, statement, stay
stau = statu, statue
stauu = stargate, stagnate, statute, some law, limiter law, statute of limitations that is where time can run out and what you think will happen if you need it to occur.
stauw = stall, statuw, wax statue
stadt = stadium in time
stekatla = steak knife
stekhous = steak house
steele = steel
steeps = steep, soak, high spire, saturate, high (in) energy
stemp = cut off by energy
Stend = extended period of time, extend, an extended point of existence
stio = stranded, standard, stick (you know), standard english; this is a bit different, as this english is both positive and negative and the meaning is interred from what is stated. As standard english is spoken, things can occur by feel or sensing the point. So think of what you want and you could get the point of idea.
stoi = stolen; this is a point of stealing where something's missing. otherwise its a stoic moment.
stuart = uart, stewart, steward, supervisor
styie = stimulus; stimulation, stimulate, this is like stimulus payments that are accepted, energized or stimulated nerves.
styn = stun, stunning blow
stynae = sty, stag, stagnation; this is where things seem at a stop or standstill. That is when no communication seems to happen. This is the case of no communication for awhile. In order to fix this, pray to your favorite God to have something occur and that is what you need and think about. My favorite God is Tengri, the Mountain God. Think to use him in some manner and you get results.
This can be done by stating, "Oh Tengri, probably pronounced Taen-ri, make what I need to occur and happen happily." That's what you can do. Feel free to replace the name with God as you think the God name, this is when you state the request and this will work in a pinch. So think about things and this is done, if that's whom you think will do the trick of stimulating conversation or activity. There you go.
stcuk = stuck, to be imperitive, have to do, cut off
stcut = shortcut
std = standard, stand
stn = stand, situation, station, stun
strait = straight
straf = strafe, avoidance movement, rapid accurate movement
strif = strife
stry = strife
stryg = strong, string
strbag = starbong, a starman that visits to teach by exempulary example and idea exposed, strip bag.
strpan = stir pan, rousing pain
salactit = ice storm, hail storm
salamander = fire lizard, fire elemental
syuanda = salamander, fire lizard, fire elemental
stau = static
stauseh = static field, 1/4 off health dampens magic
stafyaigu = ravenlike attack bird human giant with brasslike beaks, human torso,
brass, toes brass fingertips, birdlike webbed feet and sharp arrowlike feather
covering and metallic wings and ten feet tall twenty feet wingspan
staffa = employee
staffer = employer, worker
stalin = absolute ruler, monarch
stalern = stale air
stanyl = fallen star
stone = rock, crystal
stern = star, stern
sternall = fallen star
sternlic = solar lich with sun manipulation ability
stanly = sternlic, serviceperson, manly
stephan = stefan, step up
stephany = stefany, after step
stuf = stuff, stuffing
stufruh = stuffed animal
stufber = stuffed bear
stupefy = stun
sturm = stability, stable
stri = strike
stripua = stripwa, power strike
strom = nobility
spielin = play
spee = speed
speca = species, specy
species = specimen, specific subject
spell = energy science, magic science, magical sense
spellcz = create gemstone, create value
spiel = jargon, language
spielm = confession, speech
spielman = performer, perfomance
spiygazys = speedy gonzalus, great speed from bert and ernie
spyll = wild spell, wish spell
spolt = spoiled, fouled up
spoilt = spoiled, fouled up
spehx = spedup heatup
spety = speed time
spheros = sickle sphere
sphinx = human bird lion
splunken = imagined understood event
sqoaln = clean hair, squeeky clean
squay = squeaky
squib = magicless person
squibs = human servant
stai = sterility, sterile
staitep = temporary sterility, nonpermanently sterile
stonheng = stonehenge, power circle channel
sth = sith, something, cloning
svirfnebli = dark gnome
svvy = prestige, honorable
sway = years effect, effective years
swand = sword focus
sware = sear words, bad words, swear
swenska = swedish
swift = move quickly
swiftbanks = swift contained flow, flood plain
swit = syit, savant, genious leader of an area
swod = sword
szala = seizure
ta = task, take, than, that, gift, that, want, you get, top
te = tub; large container, larger object or containment, this is a containment of some sort that has a somewhat large space.
Otherwise this is; object, this, tellurium, temperal (or orbit by temporal field energy)
ti = by, into, ten, 10, than, titanium, time
to = tell, make, its other. otherwise, through
tu = enticing, two, too, to
ty = tie up, place event, thank you, time
taa = moment in action, activity
tea = dark queen, line, dark lady
tia = a tiara, tiger, queen crown
toa = toward action, get to work
tua = to work, work
tya = time for action, time for work
tae = take, tilde, ~, story, tale
tee = stand, podium
tie = time pass, a tie
toe = ridge, toenail
tue = too easy
tye = time, tie into, up to top, up to the moment
tai = tail
tei = live object
tii = a knot, to tie
toi = toil, work off
tui = too easy, thirteen
tyi = contest
ao = early; memorable, reference, honorable
teo = unique, different selection, turd, defamation
tio = difference, ton, tip, good, time out
too = also
tuo = turn, convince, momentous event
tyo = time consumption
tau = intelligence; ability, grant, activity, this is with a control by focus and you create by feel.
teu = goal, pleasure
tiu = observation
tou = depiction
tuu = advertise, advertisment
tyu = deterrance, tassle
tay = clean up, clearing
tey = new challenge, they
tiy = afterword
toy = a toy, play with
tuy = pleasure
tyy = relief
tab = active, viral, programmed
teb = infective, actively working
tib = interacting, disturbing, changing
tob = material, genetic
tub = tube; small tubular and hollow enclosed container, tubular, hollow
tyb = seal repair, rubber cement
tabb = table
tebb = resurgence, actively
tibb = disease
tobb = plant, greenery
tubb = tube, fat person, tubby
tybb = seal
tac = wrestle, tackle
tec = technique; teacup
tic = wariness, entice
toc = getting even
tuc = bring to ground
tyc = to entice
tad = laddy
ted = tedious
tid = tide, water flow
tod = toad, toady
tud = lots, many of
tyd = clean up, mixing up
taf = stretchy
tef = tief, corrupt payment
tif = tifu, martial art
tof = good for
tuf = tough, fluoride
tyf = best value
tag = place mark, afternoon, correction
teg = integer, numerical value
tig = a tiger, hidden strength, thing
tog = self adjust
tug = tugged on
tyg = very strong
tah = driven on, needy, greedy for
teh = tell of, story telling
tih = tied, not moving
toh = honor bound, guilty
tuh = spit on
tyh = time bound, set
taj = mystifying
tej = grand scale
tij = draw attention like honey
toj = hit your foot
tuj = steady deluge
tyj = mystical
tak = tack, take
tek = tea, technology, teach, antique
tik = think, child, strenuous, time ok or killer, baby, go or know
tok = token, carry bag
tuk = tuck, heavy tush, took
tyk = tick, crack
tal = tale, tail
tel = tell, teal, a telling point
til = tile
tol = toll
tul = tool
tyl = till, till it happens
tall = story, tall
tell = note, message
till = till, ground grooving
toll = exhaust, exhaustive
tull = carve, tunnel, shape
tyll = long last, await
tam = tamed
tem = team
tim = time out, dexterity,
serenity, feel a natural good and has natural understanding in
knowledge with a sense of knowing peace, beginner
tom = tome, piece
tum = tomb, burial chamber
tym = timid, thyme, temporal adjustment
tan = tan, tamed, calm
ten = teen, tend, tendency, hold
tin = pointy, pitch fork
ton = tone, tonal, point of reality, carpaltunnel, this is bade by a city made corpse with the energy to create with life and this formed corpaltunnel or undead finger movement
tun = verse, tune, turn
tyn = harmony, timed
tann = tan, tannery
tenn = tension
tinn = gun
tonn = ton, 1000 kg
tunn = long tongue
tynn = fork, metal band
tap = tape, task force, disturbance, taps disease: a disease that causes tapping
to anything.
tep = tiep, intereference by powered appliance, temporary, coaxed disturbance,
tip = type
top = on top, hat, toward person, to ward person
tup = outlet, power containment
typ = tip over, tip off
tar = contain
ter = implication
tir = tierd, tiredness, competition success
tor = torn up, world scape
tur = tour
tyr = tyr, justice god
tas = taser, electrical stun
tes = tease
tis = advertise; this is, that is, it is, this means you advertise the point and do what you may do to get what you result.
tos = spoilage, mold
tus = seduce, constant farting
tys = hassle
tass = tassle
tess = slug
tiss = tissle
toss = toss
tuss = tusk
tyss = bottleneck, crawl
tat = tie closed, potato
tet = teat, tenance, taste
tit = tight
tot = moving, narrow
tut = twenty, 20, whistle, loud noise, taste, fart
tyt = fertile, fertility
tatt = tattoo
tett = tetnis shot
titt = tit
tott = kid, munchin
tutt = institution, school, establishment
tytt = well fit, physically fit, joint fit, tight
tav = special work, tavern, bar
tev = illusion, tv, television, woods
tiv = viewed by
tov = trove
tuv = advertising
tyv = distract
taw = tawny, reddish, farewell
tew = to, too
tiw = till
tow = tract, pull, pull along
tuw = two, 2
tyw = timer
tax = tax, impose, push upon
tex = indivisually
tix = uniquely, uniqueness
tox = poison, poisonous, deaedly radiation, harmful
tux = tuix, black, tuixedo, treachery
tyx = spite, spiteful
taz = taze, stun shock
tez = tease
tiz = appetize, appetite
toz = toes
tuz = desire
tyz = traffic, time area
tazz = spin, dizzy
tezz = tester
tizz = upset, destructive
tozz = toss
tuzz = excuse, because
tyzz = tyson, ties
tla = who did not stand
tle = of brimstone, tele, at distance
tli = who was active, activate
tlo = who erupted
tlu = who convinces, who convinced many
tly = who was at fault
tha = I, we, they, that, there
the = tha, these, this, that
thi = thigh, that interest or thought
tho = though; thought is a point you do things.
thu = you, thou, also, is, are, am, art
thy = your
tja = viral; servant, trojan, overstuffed
tje = vengence
tji = proof, prove
tjo = personal view
tju = servitude
tjy = affront, confront
thal = thalus, counting device, about things, shall
thel = theology, philosophy of idea, thought
thil = work (with things), playing with things, enn
thol = constructed item
thul = turned dark
thyl = resulting number, result
thra = thrash
thre = three
thri = thrive
thro = to throw
thru = done, threw
thry = thrift
tra = trap; mouth of something or someone, track trace, tray, trad, trade, tradition, transition
tre = tree
tri = trio, triple, three
tro = trove, trouble
tru = vera, truly, true
try = a try, attempt
tran = specific
tren = latreen, bathroom
trin = trip
tron = right
trun = death (cut short of life or length)
tryn = unstable, unstabilize (by group force)
trap = track, battery charge, stagnate
trep = standing tall, treat, spike
trip = tripe, threefold
trop = tropical, panick
trup = troop, split, free force
tryp = generation, passage out, exploration
trapp = trap
trepp = prideful nation, throughst, shortage
tripp = fishing village, past memory, thriving nation
tropp = peacock, tropical bird, indian tribe, fried food
trupp = army, feud, naughty, source
trypp = fund, fade away, invention
trak = track, dipshit, pathway
trek = venture out
trik = genocide
trok = deathtrap, despisement, mistake
truk = very good, true death
tryk = trick, trickery
twa = it was, twang
twe = tweak, its well
twi = twine, string, it will
two = it would
twu = it was you
twy = it was possible, it was after, twilight
tabba = tom cat
tabbe = table leg
tabbi = table joint
tabbo = table peg
tabbu = restriction, taboo
tabby = cat
tansh = relax
tensh = tense, tension
tinsh = metallic, metal clanking
tonsh = temper, energy tamp
tunsh = impact
tynsh = pulse
tard = slow
terd = entropic, entropy, infinity
tird = tired, fatigued
tord = settle with
turd = fecal matter
tyrd = tiled, tiling
tarm = tarmic herb
term = term
tirm = victorious
torm = torment, watching god
turm = tourism
tyrm = measure, fairness
tarn = tarnish
tern = tearing into
tirn = national success
torn = ruination
turn = remake, turn spell
tyrn = celt
tach = grudge fight, groll&n
tech = teach, tool, tools
tich = aura aware, this is where your conscious from the aura energy and can react by what you do.
toch = hatred, nice, spite
tuch = tact, touch
tych = seduce, luck
thal = borderline
thel = within area
thil = owning to
thol = way of life
thul = boundary
thyl = permanence
thar = harebrained, pointing out over
ther = conjectured application, theoretical
thir = thirsty, desiring dring
thor = victorious, victory
thur = thursday, money exchange
thyr = pointing out facts
thas = that slow group, slow crowd
thes = these, thesis
this = empty, limp
thos = those
thus = thus, what we have now
thys = this
than = kingdom
then = subjects, then a point or progression that occurs by feel
thin = thine; yourself, personal, this is where you think of the person regulating themselves and the effect you don't want doesn't effect you.
thon = staged event
thun = soon
hyn = recommend; thin, (thynan) thinness or slenderness, critiqued, create with memory
thra = thrash, fight against
thre = three, amount of pressure
thri = use as, live on
thro = throw, toss
thru = passage way
thry = live off source
tral = trail
trel = trellice, steel riser
tril = trial
trol = troll, regenerative humanoid
trul = triangle
tryl = success, succeed, least amount of loss, positive loss; most loss for the other
trall = thrall
trell = trellis
trill = thrill
troll = unkillable, immortal
trull = forever
tryll = trial
twax = costs more
twex = tweak
twix = fixed into
twox = additional cost, thumped
twuix = gave off
twyx = added onto
tata = farewell task
teta = topple over
tita = titan, titanic
tota = total
tuta = tutorial
tyta = timed event
tensha = transcribe
tenshe = relaxation
tenshi = tendency, trend, nature, angel, heavenly gift
tensho = trademark, postscript
tenshu = god, castle tower, shopkeeper
tenshy = shield, energy protection
tash = trash
tesh = examination
tish = show off
tosh = nothing
tush = woman breast, butt
tysh = injure, beat up
tatl = talk, tell
tetl = teter, fall down
titl = topple, fall over
totl = child, tottler, toddler, baby
tutl = transport
tytl = name, title
thass = disinterested crowd
thess = slow people
thiss = cripple
thoss = coming slow, slow fuse
thuss = slow down
thyss = device, very slow
thast = sluggish group
thest = these were
thist = thistle
thost = those were
thust = what it was
thyst = this was
traa = neck
trae = translation
trai = muddy track, trail
trao = holder (container), betrayn, betrayal
trau = trauma, nightmare action or response
tray = tracer, tray item, train (in action)
trab = drabish, boor
treb = symbolic, magical
trib = tribe
trob = treasury, treasure
trub = deep trance, deep focus
tryb = tribute, meditation, meditate, goal achieving refresh trance
trav = Travis, travesty trev = tremble; rumble triv = overwhelm; overload, trivial trov = gathering; gathered items or energy truv = value; true view, factual tryv = trip; trip up, fall over, go somewhere
trabl = up front, travel, to front
trebl = tremble
tribl = tribble, furball pet
trobl = troublesome, pest
trubl = trouble
trybl = tribal, tribe matter
trapod = menu, understand, observation, tracer
trepod = select, selection
tripod = three-part stand
tropod = choice, secure
trupod = love affair, love speak, truth
trypod = sex, unlawful, violation
twaxe = costs too much
twexe = manipulation
twixe = fixture
twoxe = at extra cost, knock out
twuixe = obvious
twyxe = warranty
taaogny = teratogeny, malformed fetus
tiayuau = lie serum, lying induducing serum
taay = terrarium, toad cage
taaoma = teratoma, malformed child
taag = chore
tau = tattoo, skin art, skin drawing
tauet = tattoo artist
tuatlng = seclng, second lung, second choice, second chance
tadah = today, twisted motion
taek = taken
tabac = tabaco, weed or some sort of smoked substance with nicotine. This is an addictive substance, that you don't want to try unless you are willing to need more of it. In order to get off of it, think you don't need it and quit or use vapes. That is a point in life that I noticed.
tachya = particle
tena = teanna, duty, dutybound
tapp = tap, siphon
toad = poison frog
tiem = time, a backwards time
tieny = tirany, zealous rulership
tumao = 2-handed, two hands, too benign, too nice
tumo = tumour, cancer growth
tonyeddy = rough flow, considerate concern
teufeltong = devils tongue, devil language, restore talk ability
teuj-e = devotion
tuau = tictactoe, enticement tackle ridge
tuasosp = finish
tuasosplin = discipline, finish line
tuasosproh = finish work, finished work
tuek = tweek, change, modify
tuin = tureen; liquid or soup dispenser otherwise a container for liquid or soup.
tya = tyler, creation, creative thinking, creative thought, This is creating what thought by what is there. Think untyler to undo the idea. This in idea is what happens, sorrow occurs when sometimes you don't pay attention to things.
tabu = taboo, restriction, restrict
tabulator = calculator, math machine
tybu = timber, wood, prepared wood
tybumu = timber mill, wood mill, wood preparation mill
tabbabasis = talaee, table of element, chart
tabbue = tabletop
tablue = wood glue, table top, glued together
tabl = table
toby = responsible, fluent, responsibility
tobey = considerate, fuck, to obey
tuhan = two handed, two hands
tala = toilet; stool, on go sometimes the body does not obey
tali = tailing, talent, yes
tele = at distance (of metered message)
telly = telecommunication, telefon, communicate, telling, communication
Tamo = Thermos; temperature or hot drink container
Tamoea = Thermomenter; health temperature meter, temperature reader
tartus = time ship, time machine
tatu = tattoo, skin art, skin drawing, drawn-in skin
tatuet = tattooist, tattoo artist
taumyu = trauma; magical tattoo, contrary tattoo, Azure bond or skin tattoo by active magical wish
taniu = technique; there are things you know with this word so I would use them and go if you are somewhere spiritually, then the spirit coms back to the body and you are yourself or you wait by yourself.
event sometimes other than a normal tattoo.
ter'angreal = grand focus device
tictactoe = wary wrestle ridge
tagl = entangle
tatter = pieces
tatterdemain = memory being in old clothes built of memories to aid people and
tattau = to mark
tattao = placement, to place
taizon = rise up
taykousang = renew blood flow
tibhuru = animal plant human that has any animal human shiftshape but will
be plant inside
tech = teacher, teach
todo = achieve
tafoc = task force
tofu = good for you, healthy
teddy = stuffed bear
toealp = alp mountain range
toga = belted sheet clothes
tahik = take a hike, that hike
talus = neuro block, mental block
tego = scutum, shield (also in latin)
tegoeseh = shield field energy
telesmi = works of wonder, invention
tileda = time leader, time jumper, A being that acts like a person who
attempts to impose on whose who are supposable to others. Shares and
starts managing from others by example.
tiaveo = time advisor, One who gives advice on events. Sometimes by
gifted advice in yes or no answers or to complete answers. Complete
answers complete solutions. Somewhat solutions incomplete truths.
Somewhat done, inconsiderate enter respond.
tisodia = et tu glade, time soldier, a soldier who works by or of and with time.
ticoncn = Time council, a coucil that time travellors sometimes follow.
Teln = telnet, telling, This is where you don't have to write what I see. The "I" is the third eye consciousness. That you know by insight with the spirit, this is guided by the soul in formation.
This is empowered by the pinneal gland, that is the real psychic organ. This can be represented by an eye sigil or thinking the symbol you trace/draw means the eye. This leads to eye land, the world view of the above and beyond world, that allows what manipulates this one.
tollwut = call, unknown call, rabies
tylonal = pain relief
timbuktu = out nowhere
toileda = toyleda, toil in the field effect by leading, or timework.
tomal = tomale, light pepper
tomalsa = hot tomale
tomate = tomato
tomarra = eimarra, pieceful arrangement, court, war support, tomorrow
tomerra = piece errand, gather, get together, consider (think)
tomorra = piece in activity, puzzle
tomi = fun seeker, fight seeker, opportunist
tomm = tomorrow
tommy = machine, automatic motion
tardf = slow time
tavruli = blended work, blended energy
tengu = ninja; The secretive face working soldier. They serve people, that they need to work with and create as though a point were made. They aren't ninja, if they have a clan. Otherwise they are bird human leprecaan that does in malicious human tricks.
tentacl = tentacle
titilhu = tentacle being, devils trap that causes the victim to be sucked into
suffocation unless it offers aid and its only weakness be fire, cold
tityu = totem pole, tantalum, spirit pole
tote = thoughts, self-fought moments
tony = braggart, tough, tiger, considerate
tonys = distrust, distrustful, to bear trust, trusting
tyny = tylonal, tinny, pain relief
tenshysu = holy shield, faith shield
tonk = shapeshift
tons = thorns, hundredfold back per enemy hit, alot
tunyf = personal uniform, officer uniform
tepe = tent
tepi = time, passage of event
tequm = equal
tikem = summoner, summon person
tuatha = children
tuathap = child
tuis = twister, twist
tuog = turn good
tssl = tissle
tese = themself, themselves
teseract = shift out of phase
tesseract = dark mindless killer giant
tesseractiq = dark giant god, twilight giant
tishinko = sculpture, sculpt
tush = toosh, butt
totemkaur = three legged giant raven with eyes all surround
tyson = chicken, high quality
tyse = tyshe, tissue, timeshare; pronounced tishe, this is where you time things and share the results.
tytiy = consequence
tula = tulip flower
tuliv = let me live, to live, leave me alive
tylukyth = time link, time portal
typorral = time portal
toanee = telekinesis, mental movement of objects near, far away
tour = tower
toeuca = mountain range
toile = toilet, linen
toilepap = toilet paper
tues = tuesday, confliction, conflict
tuink = annoyance, annoy
tucros = tom cruise, more adorable, so I'm cuter
triom = trivium; trivia, this is a trial of trivial pursuit, advent; this is an additional event so 'or not' to stop this effect. That is an Ad in event form, but can be experienced in real life if you need it experienced.
truirsis = the railroad train, roaring rattle, rattle and roar
time = measured event
timeo = pause
timeou = regression
timeout = hold event, backward event
times = end point of power loss by excessive energy, time loss, burn
out, when power loss happens the power is recovered by healing
timex = physical power loss, disaster, time extra
timo = hourglass, timer, watch, time measurer
timou = stop time
timout = hold out
temp = temporary, time (roman root)
timp = tamper
tumo = tumour, cancer, deadly organism
tigron = tiger human shifter
tariff = law, set down rule
terrarium = toad cage
tierd = tired, sleepy
tores = fallen, capable, lich
totaeen = tuatha de danann, imperial faery
tousl = tassle, hassle
torelnhiqahz = teleport
torso = caucus; body, body feature
tohst = tore chamber, torture chamber (by rebecca), tossed
tunhuaz = teleport
tuow = turncoat
turkish = turkey nation
turqois = tourquoise
turret = mounted artillery
tutaek = time=momentous eventxunknown eventxreaction, event prediction or
chaos math
tylg = redeem
tylga = redeemer, redemption, soul share enemy turn
typhon = 100 serpent headed giant with serpent like legs and thigh and feathers
and wings
tyadreparo = repair thyroid gland
tyre = notable place, tire, tyrany, untiring
tyres = tyrese, tyrant, tiring (from dominance), dominationt, tire easily
tyro = tyroh, leader, tyrannosaurus in man
tyron = commiserate, indenture
tyseq = pattern, time sequence
tatr = motion picture, walk-in theatre, tatterdemain, walk-in movie
texx = tough, shooter, cut action
= Tie dying, The deeper hell; Is the sub-dimes of the 3rd dimension as
the hell of existence that traps you into not moving much and being
victimized or beaten while doing an idea. These idea are presented as
if a dream and given by visions. They are virulous and have a dark side
to them as though evil in natyoure but sound good as though too good to
be true. To break free from this hell is to try to not
agree with what pleases you yet you do things as you want. These
visions are different from what normal visions are like.where normal
visions seem to give you what you want and sometimes seem too good to
be true. But feel good to the self, as though they are apart of you.
The virulent visions keep coming back and are separate from you yet are
very likely a suggestion. As the vision can go on and you can attempt
them but you get tortyoured in yoyour mind by a force. So to deny the
idea by a 'not necessary' is to block the suggestion.
tgyrn = resolve
Thad = absorption, absorb
thala = thalamus, crotch area, dick tip or vagina area
Thav = feel; The end point, the idea to this point is an action that you feel on your body to correct by senses with the hand, this is where you think use to make yourself feel better and act better by idea that is noticed.
theatr = walk-in motion, walk-in movie, creative act
theer = there
thx = thanks, thank you, merit
this = te, all, if you notice its everything
thou = method, you
theb = thief, to take
theba = theme, divertive, exacting moment
thebn = thieve, thieving, too much (of something)
thong = backstrap, leatherwork sometimes made of bootstraps that hides and holds
thorax = thrax, throat
thop = thought, though person/ally
thr = thrive/ed/ing, there
throng = group, cord
tjern = return
tlk = dlg, dialogue, talk
tmr = tomorrow, timer
tranc = Blood energy focus trick with trance like state, Blood is energy, but you don't need it drunken. This is the blood flow instead and think as you like things, they are yours. Think of what you want, then your aura energy creates the manifest of your idea that you need.
Tranc is what it's known as though. How you get the tranc, this is being bitten by an animal then after the fact just focus on a thought or if you think a point to create your need. This is accomplished as you breath in and out and stopped as the tranc is disrupted by realizing something wrong or hearing a sudden loud noise.
I was bitten by a cat in the foot a long time back. That's how I know this point. This was a sweet white cat that died of old age. Have fun manifesting. Oh what you happen to manifest is reflective of what you eat. So think to eat less or one bite of something and you can create a major manifest. That's if you feel hungry.
So if guilty about something, then recognize the point you could or do overeat and think of other things to do and then you create with no need by distraction. If you think or write, that no guilt exists, then the blood magic creates what you think and you don't feel guilty about anything.
Otherwise, just think of what you want, then focus your mind and create by aura manifests. That is what I recall about tranc. What you can do with this is use the current situation as a source, think of the idea as a blank canvas that you paint on and use symbols. This way you can get what you want as a need.
trefoe = shapeshift; shapechange, transfiguration, adaption
tron = electron, active trace, active track, retrotrace, backward track, electronic
truoi = three headed bird
truu'ennui = true human, Absolute energy being that can be anything and has
no true form except what be felt or thought up.
truyng = true source, universal power, ancient power, combined power
tryna = trying to, trying of, trying action
tryng = ancient power, sweets, triangulate
trw = true human, absolute energy being that can be anything and has
no true form except that thought up
tralw = transparent plastic, synthetic (part)
trapx = extra charge
trupu = transparent
traka = neck
tramp = trashy lady, march through
trans = transform, transfer, translate, across
translit = translation
tradoe = traitor, information trader
tragheit = inertia
trave = travis, transpirer, travel, transpire
travn = travis, transpirer, travel, transpire
treant = treeman which looks till it dislikes a person like a tree then it uproots
itself to become an animated walking tree
trei = tree crash
treiz = thirteen, thirteen
trefigi = transfigure
tri-kreen = insectoid humanoid worker
triy = trelawny, second sight, vision
tretis = written work, written order, work order
trig = trigonometry, symbol math
triton = merman
troir = trupuwydr, transparent glass
trois = 3, triumph, three
trouf = water container, water trow, water container
trouver = to find, travel to
troleta = spirit troll, regenerative being that can turn into real form, remain
spirit form.
trolloc = energy twisted tusked boar human that stands on two feet able to speak
clearly and has very coarse hair along human torso
tropica = tropical
trun = thrown, throwing
trundly = trolley
trug = get through, truely through or thorough
tryy = repeat action, try again
trygin = try again, another try, traitor
Tsuge = The suggests, The suggestions; The suggestions that I get, they are actual requests from people so don't mind me as I use them as a point. If none are received, then I go on my own. Otherwise I know noone's there to give any suggestions.
Tsyt = transit, object shift: This is it; Think to shift the item and its there. That's all there is to it. You can use this to shift nearly anything, including that which you remember is yours by feel or insight.
theh = the tech, technique
thema = based on idea, theme
thise = thineself
thurisaz = lucky protection
thrug = get through, thug
thk = that kill, thank, think, palup
ths = this, that weight
thx = thank you, thanks
tsarinia = desired behaviour, interesting flower
tsekuma = insect breed, return (to soul or body)
tway = its way, that way, this direction, this way
twak = wake up
twilley = gradual, observance, work
twink = annoyance, fake, annoy
twok = its work, that worked, it worked, its working, impinge, force upon, to
twork = at work
tzugi = self-retain, studious, selfish
va = what, quality, animal hospital
ve = significant, when
vi = now; when, gripping, with, alive
vo = who, relocate, vocate
vu = no, not, to understand
vy = why, help out, viable, understood
vaa = evasive
vea = find a way, possible, possibiity
via = medium through, interaction, with
voa = to escape detection
vua = make believe
vya = undetected
vae = vague
vee = vee = visitor; sharp angle, alien or some person who's an illegal immigrant. Otherwise this is a sharp angle, that creates by the area you focus to use it.
vie = life
voe = direct by
vue = clouding, viel meaning
vye = confusion
vai = greeting, improve upon
vei = important factor
vii = extra strength, very strong
voi = void
vui = learn, woman, this is estrogen in action.
vyi = helping hand, given aid
vao = unintentional, veritaserum, truth detail, truth tell, mistake, truth serum
veo = insignificant
vio = release
voo = directly focus
vuo = otherwise understood
vyo = useless, fire vampire
vau = vault, containment inside
veu = very nice
viu = hold, grasp, volcano, volcanic
vou = vowel, indicated movement
vuu = experience
vyu = resource
vay = true value
vey = convey
viy = to hold
voy = inhibit, votive, candle, move, moving, voyage
vuy = incited
vyy = give aid
vab = verb; quality control
veb = noticed, verb, verbose
vib = vibe, vibration
vob = look elsewhere
vub = understood
vyb = aid
vac = vet (negated area living or viewed eating), voic, vacate, voice, vacant, vacancy (empty room or area with noone living there)
vec = abandonment, wild abandon, emptiness
vic = ruin, dream, bias, lost purpose and meaning
voc = divorce, call, talk
vuc = compensation, victim aid
vyc = victor
vacc = vaccine
vecc = matrix, vector
vicc = conqueror
vocc = good event
vucc = retry, succulent
vycc = get better
vad = void
ved = moving picture, movie, video; just achieve: 1. doorway, 2. gateway
vid = provide, provision, see
vod = hand recorder
vud = would
vyd = hidden world, behind scenes, inside video
vag = vague
veg = eat
vig = viagra, cails, viarga, feel good, sex improvement
vog = vogue, display
vug = good view
vyg = vigor, pain damage body resistance
vak = vacation
vek = weakness
vik = voyager, explorer
vok = long duration
vuk = understand, understood
vyk = location, locate
val = vale, value, feel, area
vel = veal, venison
vil = vile
vol = kept, contained
vul = gross, mass amount
vyl = repeat
vas = invader
ves = inquisition
vis = hard grip, see
vos = ownership
vus = usurp
vys = held breath
vam = inspection
vem = important date
vim = tight month, viewer
vom = job fair, vomit
vum = premenstral syndrome, pms
vym = review
van = vain, hover van
ven = intervene, when, true, vein
vin = wine
von = migration, won
vun = education, will not, won't
vyn = responsible
varn = area like
vern = cavernous, cave like
virn = filled in, iron like
vorn = worn with age
vurn = caving in
vyrn = fill in
vap = vapor
vep = significant
vip = steel grip (vicepress, vicegrip), very important
vop = high paying job
vup = fast learner
vyp = application
vaq = vacant
veq = warning silence
viq = silent death
voq = undercover
vuq = maneuver
vyq = understood
var = variable, different
ver = were, veer, where, true, version
vir = propelled, wild
vor = vora, biolocate, hunger, suck, eat, consume
vur = gain wisdom, hunter, seeker
vyr = earn, feast
vas = sluggish
ves = slow to understand
vis = steely, vision, scop
vos = slow migration
vus = imbecile
vys = slow to action
vat = toughness, vert, x, convert, conversion
vet = animal hospital, old
vit = spasmic, alive
vot = vote
vut = self understand, realize, realization
vyt = sexual interest
vav = unbias
vev = view
viv = revive, alive, reanimate dead, make flesh golem
vov = view shift
vuv = pity
vyv = viewpoint
vaw = value
vew = view
viw = tight
vow = oath
vuw = hairy
vyw = costly
vax = recreate
vex = intrigue
vix = crush
vox = new job
vux = vuix, learned, less wise more act, wise
vyx = course
vaz = qualify
vez = highly secure
viz = scenic
voz = refugee area
vuz = training camp, boot camp
vyz = neighborhood
viola = medium violin, medium stringed instrument
viole = food plate
violi = violin, small stringed instrument
violo = cello, large stringed instrument
violu = bass, huge stringed instrument
violy = violence, carrot juice
vall = wall
vell = well
vill = will
voll = prison, vault, safe
vull = bull, sickness, wealth, income
vyll = study, repeat, strain
valn = ground, valient
veln = vegitarian meat, mock meat
voln = unkempt, free, freely
viln = violin, will not, won't
vuln = vulnerable, debt, volunteer, payment
vyln = unrepeatable, unrepentant
vart = changeling, shapechanger
vert = green, vertical
virt = wild thing, wilder
vort = vortex, disorient
vurt = hunter, huntress
vyrt = gain, edible
valln = land plot, ramp, slope
velln = sick, wellness, dry, dryness
villn = villain, villainous, will not, evil person
volln = barrier, block, open display, unsafe
vulln = truth, disadvantage, poor, debt
vylln = violent, unrepeat, unrepetent, villainous
vaeva = wherever
vaevi = transitory; temporary, temporary existence or experience
vayafu = truth perfume pheromone makes people scenting tell truth
vancho = great lord, different person
vasyayu = [vase-inn-aim-inh-unh] versimilitude, Find things with unnatural luck
and this allows you to never seem to get hurt. On a waning negative moon phase, this can invade your
mind and make you work.
veaeva = whenever, weaver
veto = overwritten; overwrote, negated bill, negated point
veeto = cash; cash flow, money and things you can use for it. This is money you get somehow, think and you know what you can do.
vnadrakngl = humanlike bird dragon angel
vielakith = life charm
vielakyth = easy being, easy life
vien = python snake
viennes = python snake venom
vies = drown out, fire out, put out
VitAengEeng = Vitamin A, E for agelessness and skin softening.
VitAengEengZeng = Vitamin A, E and Z are a cure to drugs.
viol = violent, burning, violet
violuw = violue, red violet
violun = unviolent, healing light, black light
vyocanon = cannonfodder
vuul = heavy vehicle, armored transport, armored vehicle
vyo = useless
vici = I conquer
vico = dreamer, loss
victor = triumph, triumphant
vader = invasive, invader
vida = lost
vidi = I saw
voda = voldemort, dark lord
valir = value, health, true lovers or anything
voldemort = dark lord, dark king, revolting being, resorting being
vagita = ultimate power, vegetible
vegou = eat out
vegout = eat up
vehicl = transportation, vehicle, transport
vegg = vegetable
vacaya = what you
vacua = what you
vacuamen = intended meaning, intent, intention
vyhau = overlord, elven lord, high planar being
vyhauhu = high planar human being that has instant magic at command and be natural
vikta = viktor, victory
valheru = overlord, elven lord, high planar being
vyhau = valheru, overlord, elven lord, high planar being
vilea = repulsive, violation, each vile
vilgan = villian, asshole
volkh = shape shiftin guardian
vulcan = volcano
vami = vermin; rodent, rodents, mouse, mice
vamp = vampire, drain
vampbat = vampire bat, vampire bait
vomi = vomit, throw up
vapid = undeclared, undisclosed, rapid expansion
visi = vision
vela = builder
vanderdagast = wandering that gastly, wandering ghast
vena = mystic bird of unknown origin that be silver and blue strikes beauty
into people
venuroo = intervention
vini = I came
vari = variety, many choices
variant = variation, barrier
mvaricea = live creature
variceanie = egoist, unblamable creature
verita = truth
verne = difficult, difficulty, stern
verge = boundary, together
virgin = without alchohal, no sex
verith = guaranteed to do
virtu = virtue
vista = distance, distant view, distant land, area extent
vitasol = childbirth enable
vawya = void weaver, void channeler
vawyn = void success
vocayy = voicerific, excessive voicing from decay, obsession or depredation causing voicelessness and depression
vown = patriotic, patriot
vixen = evil lady, spiteful lady
vutu = virtu, virtual, virtue
vy's = vitamin
vyes = viciousness, vicious strike
wa = cry, where, what, wish, want
we = emotion, wed, we
wi = With; within or how the width formed, silence, with, am protector, win, this is depending on use; where wio is either won if positive, wigout or without if negative, wiy or win is winning if positive or why if neutral tone
wo = stop, I/me/myself, to turn, not
wu = woof, loud, loudness, wobbly, would, would have, woo
wy = creature, wing, possible answer
waa = circumstance
wea = reduce of, when, restrict, weevil, wedge shape bread eater bug
wia = width, length
woa = hold on, stopping point
wua = detail, relief, explaination
wya = clear distinction
wae = done; wake, well, set on, ancient waylaid pirate vessel, stubborn
wee = awareness; well, awake, absolute joy, aware of, think otherwise those that are aware and awake don't ask until things are reasonable.
wie = wile; wield, why, walkabout,
woe = off; bring death, disaster, stoppage of flow to turn energy, turn off energy
wue = personal misery
wye = abhorrid; (sometimes) horrid, unsacred, desecrated, dessecrated
wai = decide, need it
wei = yes, weigh, think about; if you think about the idea, you manifest things
wii = know
woi = worry, dark despair
wui = vision
wyi = blurry
wao = way over
weo = wheel, well off
wio = harmonic
woo = sweet
wuo = wow
wyo = why help
wau = enlighten, who I see
weu = wend, understand
wiu = silently
wou = stopping point
wuu = no!
wyu = wield
way = way, path, road
wey = wild, wildness
wiy = confidant
woy = crash
wuy = ruckus, raucus
wyy = wilderbeast, wild beast
wab = way back
web = a web
wib = applied focus, applied being
wob = wobbly
wub = being loud, wobbly, shaky, rub wrong (wound), make wrong (wound), seal
wyb = being witty, possible
wac = wacky
wec = weak acknowledgement
wic = wch, with character, which
woc = cooking wock
wuc = loud character, weak characteristic
wyc = candle wick
wad = group together, wade
wed = weed, commit/ment
wid = wide, make known
wod = not desirable, word, world
wud = would, wood
wyd = lucky guess
waf = wafer, thinly sliced
wef = form emotion
wif = wife
wof = wolf, game hunter
wuf = woof
wyf = air scent
wag = wag tail, bang side
weg = frog; wedge, thin layer, going (happening), away, material, this is a happening thing that is based off of material.
wig = hair wig
wog = take a loss, allowance loss, allow destruction
wug = shout
wyg = lost cause, hopeless
wak = wake, awaken
wek = weak, wield, wimp, week
wik = kill, make happen
wok = awake
wuk = active poison
wyk = moral, witch
wal = wall
wel = weal, well
wil = will
wol = woah; well hold, amazement, this is an amazing point that you decide is enough and declared as a woah! for a point.
wul = wool, cotton
wyl = focus clearly, will, wild
wam = a back head knock
wem = emotional moment
wim = emotion
wom = womb, worm
wum = senseless, pointless
wym = a wim, given into desire, withem, withheld, hold back
wan = wane, lessen, reduce, reduction, rection
wen = wean, when
win = emulation; a win, wine, whine, success, wine
won = influence; auratic influential, not stopped, continuance, continued, won
wun = wound; wind up, won't, faint spell, will not, won't, wouldn't, won that
wyn = wind, north wind or similar and the meanings are here for what the winds are by feel.
wap = whap, vapor
wep = weep
wip = wipe
wop = whoop
wup = woops, feel sorry
wyp = whip
waq = scream awake
weq = weaken
wiq = tremor
woq = woke up hearing, light sleeper
wuq = quake
wyq = earth vibration
war = bell, belli, war, conquest
wer = wert; were, man, as is
wir = wire
wor = wore out, worn, worry
wur = steadier, make steady
wyr = where; weyr, dragons layer
was = vas, ways, weigh, what, been, waste (water)
wes = choose from
wis = wisdom, wizard, wise one
wos = worse; worser, feel personal pity, pitying
wus = meditate, whats
wys = wisen
wat = wait, weight
wet = wheat
wit = wait, writ, witten (control till wits end), wight, undead being that sucks the soul on a touch with paralyzation, with it is an idea but that can be controlled by spell or vampires. Otherwise: wit = writ, magical writ (usually written idea with blood energy from blood drops to create the effect of the words), written idea or effect by thinking about the point, so sometime if you are stating a word or two of the idea this works as well from the power of words and this is using suggestion in idea with the subconscious mind.
wot = wrote, what
wut = whoot, what, woot, wht, would that
wyt = witty, witty response
wav = wave, hand pass
wev = weave; weavel, weaver, put together, weave in will
wiv = harem, nag
wov = woven, sewn together
wuv = weaver, energy channeler
wyv = wedge, wedge shape
waw = cut through
wew = whew
wiw = with work
wow = oh wow, absolute surprise
wuw = stamina drained, tired out, work wobbly
wyw = shortcome, shortcoming
wax = wax, awaken, wack
wex = weeks
wix = waxy buildup, wax use
wox = woke up
wux = wuix, near faint
wyx = burning wick
waz = yst, was, ways, waste, waist
wez = wheeze, short breath
wiz = wise
woz = woes
wuz = whoozy, faint spell
wyz = a wiz, genious
wark = kill count
werk = slaughter
wirk = kill tap, snap
work = energy load, movement amount
wurk = steady kill, unstable
wyrk = blowup, blowoff
waaa = crying fit
waea = charge up
waia = stored energy, energy storage
waoa = wide area
waua = falsified
waya = acting on impulse, impulsive
waae = weight gain
waee = weighed impulse
waie = go with it, make attempt
waoe = way over your head, very high up
waue = absolute surprise
waye = discovery make, eureka!
waai = build strength
waei = work out
waii = sacred
waoi = feel comfortable
waui = get familiar
wayi = show path
waao = wild hope
waeo = take a chance
waio = not going to
waoo = once again happen
wauo = burn yourself
wayo = way over
waau = not happen
waeu = enlightenment
waiu = wait on
waou = shield
wauu = waw, cut through
wayu = extreme weight
waay = permissive
waey = get control, wave
waiy = conclude, conclusion
waoy = wayoey, way overhead, high up
wauy = weigh alot
wayy = break oath, oath break
weaa = don't study
weea = active fairy, stand tall, strength, stand up
weia = physical location
weoa = owe alot
weua = use, abuse
weya = try again
weae = physical help, physical aid
weee = moment enjoyment, fun moment
weie = remainder
weoe = repeat
weue = resuable
weye = take root, become root
weai = traper, trapper
weei = dislodge, disrespect
weii = aweii, bring attack
weoi = collection
weui = our use
weyi = bring danger
weao = beat them
weeo = stern nature
weio = go along, associate
weoo = restrict
weuo = take notice, interrupt
weyo = temple
weau = overwhelm
weeu = end
weiu = repair condition, fix situation
weou = intuitive action, take action
weuu = whew
weyu = large gift
weay = armed, prepared
weey = asshole
weiy = got him
weoy = break, breakage
weuy = over repeat
weyy = weyey, cannot condone, disallowance, unallowance
wiaa = understand, understood
wiea = collapse
wiia = picture, depict
wioa = responsible
wiua = wiooa, go way back
wiya = karate chop, hand separate
wiae = dicovery, be discovered
wiee = attention, discourage
wiie = distrust
wiee = abuse; drug abuse, beating up, admittance
wiue = enemy
wiye = trick, trickery
wiai = wipe away
wiei = construction worker
wiii = putrid
wioi = why pay, unpay
wiui = disaster, destructive end
wiyi = ever repeat, fractale
wiao = overrule
wieo = waste, large eel
wiio = concern
wioo = freely kill
wiuo = alone
wiyo = turn good
wiau = stun, unaware
wieu = happiness
wiiu = identity, identify
wiou = cruelty
wiuu = wasp
wiyu = black weed
wiay = over there
wiey = winey, whiny
wiiy = why
wioy = why oh why, how come
wiuy = lied to
wiyy = explain, explanation
woaa = woaya, become active, be active
woea = regeneration
woia = woaiya, warrior
wooa = duplicity, befriend
woua = acceptance
woya = rowena, informant, inform
woae = worse
woee = worry, (dark) memory
woie = resolution, resolve
wooe = child
woue = revive
woye = worrier
wadr = window
wedr = light
widr = focused through
wodr = melt
wudr = wonderment
wydr = glass
wald = seal in, wall off
weld = weld, metal unite
wild = wildness
wold = crash
wuld = burn
wyld = destructive
wand = focused will, a wand
wend = slowly gain
wind = grow quiet
wond = wonder
wund = wound
wynd = deter
ward = ward, protection, conclusive
werd = declined
wird = wired, blockage
word = worried, taking measures
wurd = unstabilize
wyrd = wierd (fate); fate, this is the three fates or the young one (Clotho), the medium aged one (Lachesis) and the old one (Atropos). Clotho spun the \93thread\94 of human fate, Lachesis dispensed it, and Atropos cut the thread (thus determining the individual's moment of death). The Romans identified the Parcae, originally personifications of childbirth, with the three Greek Fates. The Roman goddesses were named Nona, Decuma, and Morta. Their children are Norda or fate beings and human in appearance with special ability.
wark = war kill, battle kill, active work
werk = energy work, were kill(ed), were (killed) at
wirk = intelligence work, work in, in work
work = play, do things with
wurk = wrk, would work, your work
wyrk = wire kill, en strangle, wild afterwork, a wild effect
warl = warble
werl = when real
wirl = whirl
worl = homeworl, vortex whorl, travel whorl
wurl = war shift
wyrl = viral, why move
warm = warmth
werm = squirm
wirm = wriggling
worm = worm
wurm = handling affairs
wyrm = wyrm, wingless dragon
wann = then, come back, wham, recover
wenn = went
winn = purposeful, with purpose, unalcoholic, virgin
wonn = lost, wanton
wunn = will, steady balance, will have
wynn = loss, wanton, wind, compromise
wra = wrap
wre = wrench
wri = write
wro = wrong
wru = wrung
wry = wryly, rueful, wring
wrat = wrath
wret = wretch
writ = write, printed page, note, bank note
wrot = wrought; rote, wrote, deceased, end of lifetime done by what occurred to the body.
wrut = root, bad habit
wryt = written information
wras = wraith
wres = wrestle
wris = wrist
wros = bad step, wrong step
wrus = benchmark, benchpress
wrys = strangle, wrist, sexual, rueful memory, crush (love), wrist
wpa = weapon
wpe = wie out, wipe everything
wpi = whip, whipping
wpo = wipe ou, wipe out, whip out
wpu = whip you, wipe you
wpy = whippy, wild whip
waeva = wherever, whatever
waoanetz = internet
wayreth = magic forest
weaeva = whenever
weei = I war (with you)
weeia = weeeeell, I war (by you)
weyr = dragon layer, show down
wiuai = hydrocarbonatemethanol, breathable water, htuoctumoi
wiuafi = hydrocarbonatemethanol, breathable sulfurwater, htuoctumoisfi
Widra = withdraw; withdrawal by feel
Widran = Withdrawn; to withhold or draw from something with some point or idea.
wipati = fxseh, wave pattern, A creative wave pattern or effect field reflected
in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy
and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of;
allow with interactivity;
cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle,
temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to
cause a temporary cementing of effective thought about particles to a
surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron);
cua(cue-ah, cuon, curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron
and aleron);
cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura)
crita(crite-tah, crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle
created with graviton + tachyon);
dnyra(dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable
particle that you think at once created to program it created by
tachyon + aleron + lara);
eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle,
self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that
forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as
instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off
filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua
+ proton + lepton);
eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle
that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked
for by thought, created by eawr + proton);
foa(foe-ah, photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron
+ proton);
flaa(flay-ah, feleron, firewater, everburning water, everlasting flame,
greek fire, photon with aleron);
gna(gnah, gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier,
constant, body, boundary, drug, solidity particle, lekton + aleron);
lukra(luck-rah, for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle,
electron and graviton);
lata(late-ah, lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold
spatial particle created by electron and proton);
lara(lair-ah, eleiron, attractive element particle, magnetic particle
of aleron + electron);
lura(lure-aw, allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter,
separation force particle, red matter, aleron and graviton);
loa(low-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle,
surrendipitous info soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery,
inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton)
loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and
do particle, info soak by hypnosis, causes subconscious observation
learning, adverse osmosis, made by proteon + stekton)
loai(loe-ain, elorai, laura, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup,, osmosis particle,
lipkon + aleron);
loan(loe-an, elorain, gnosokles, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse
osmosis, crypton + aleron);
lika(like-ah, lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration
particle, electron and lipton);
lita(lite-ah, lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron
and tachyon);
lupta(lup-tal, leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting
particle, proton + aleron);
nuatra(nue-at-rah, negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat
energy, extreme extremely slow destruction particle, electron + zeuktron);
pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + neutron + lata);
sutra(sut-rah, suetron, creative water active healing particle
sometimes found in meditation, neutron and tachyon);
stata(state-an, stekton, graviton, support. gravity or light wave
particle; electron + neutron);
uun(you-un, ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton +
uace(you-ace-eh, ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon +
uasa(you-tase-ah, ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton);
uase(you-fase-eh, ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created
with proton + tachyon);
uua(you-oo-ah, ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron +
yara(yay-rah, alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron);
zatrui(zat-roo-ih, zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton);
zutra(zut-rah, zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle,
proton + graviton);
zutri(zut-trih, zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron);
Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon).
wea = weak, weakness
wach = what, watch
wachya = what you
wadda = whadda, what did, what dad
wahai = wachamacallit, this thing
wedbag = weedbong, iphuc, weed star bong that is the bong or smoking container for the smoke type.
wydog = flying winged dog, widow, dog
wood = wand, mana focus device
wats = electricity, electrical, tesla
warmyu = warmagic, destruction and alteration spells
were = werewolf
worka = woka, work off, worker, woke up, work up
wassup = what up, whats up
wosa = worship
webufrod = network
wedn = 3rd, third, wednesday, wedding, marriage, lazy
wiou = without
wield = equip, use
wieter = resume
woody = wooden, old style writer, animated wood creature
wicrenu = negative witchcraft
wokobb = stay awake
wylfoc = Willed force, by chastity motion applied in mind.
wykcryt = witchcraft
wykcrit = why quit
wilynily = willy nilly, make attempt
wuln = would not, wouldn't
wyld = wild
wana = wanda, instinct, want to, impression
wanda = wonder, wonderer
wannac = want to see
wondai = wonderment
wasu = please, plead
wasuck = ugly
watu = what are you, hold on
watt = current rate
wattu = your current rate
wattm = my current rate
wish = focus need, desire, want; as a focused desire that happens by natural
subliminal activity
acting as a high energy bridge with subatomical particles being influenced,
causing the people
that the energy interacts with to achieve your desire. otherwise its a desire
that achieves
the result when felt, spoken, and its not magic.
warcobny = war combining; To be confiding the effort you do, to combine
in effort, by war and become as one mind, the being as to cause it to
seem one, in war by acting as one and with actions that work with each
other. Causing it, the being, to appear as one. This triples ability
and power. But, filter by refusal, of corruption.
warclu = warclubbing; to club together and in war, to cause things to be beaten, by assisted effort thats working together.
warcry = spirit animal war cry
warden = security head
warlin = soldier practice, prophet heritage
worketh = workeith, to work, treasure work
wotaf = brittle
wuzz = whats
wuzzit = whazzit, whats in it
wheter = Coming up soaked and ready for more
wll = well, will
whas = what, whats.
wmaekom = undo annihilation, uncalled for destruction
wrislet = bracelet
wrislyt = slit wrist
wrislit = bracer
wren = wrench
wron = wrong
wrp = warp, wear, warping, warped
wha = what?, what
white = blind desire
wje = creating you (by effect and soul life)
wjh = whe, whackup, crazy making, insane making whack job, epidemria: A
condition caused by the heart and it takes form of nearly anything
being taken literally and realistically. This causes personal reaction
to any stimulus or action that presents itself.
whh = attack, fuck attack
wunjo = joy; a person or jo
wijkin = disappear
wumpus = large and fearful
wuvsun = star weaver, star channeler
xa = savior, say
xe = heroic, see, xenium
xi = exile, plain, wild horse on xill
xo = put forth, so
xu = soar, soon
xy = reinforce, psychic, reinforcement, crotch
xab = flab
xeb = overweight
xib = excite, excitement
xob = great
xub = protrude, protrusion
xyb = exhibit, diplay
xac = exact, exacto
xec = power action
xic = banish
xoc = shot, fire
xuc = flight power
xyc = reinforce
xad = tad bit, too much
xed = extension, extend, exceed
xid = exist on, existance
xod = penitrate, go into
xud = extrude, extrusion
xyd = collide, collision
xaf = safe
xef = sieve, sleeve
xif = siphon, drain away
xof = soft, softness
xuf = eloof, cuff
xyf = existance
xag = sag
xeg = segment
xig = signal
xog = sog, soggy, splash
xug = extra sugar
xyg = extra reinforcement
xah = exalt, high praise, high acclaim
xeh = heroic
xih = sigh
xoh = anger, angry, sweat
xuh = heat wave, hot
xyh = heat treatment
xaj = hero, heroine, just
xej = siege
xij = banishment, banish
xoj = co-action, adjacent, paired movement
xuj = stick out, protrusion
xyj = soldier backup, law reinforcement
xak = kill exile, exacto, knife cut
xek = clumsied, attacker
xik = fated exile, fated plain
xok = pose, remake, audit
xuk = rebuke, reprise, reserve, conscious
xyk = condition
xal = extra value, sxamine
xel = zeal, example
xil = long exile, last time away
xol = slf, looking good, self, solo
xul = exume, exalt, exultation
xyl = insiduous change, sinuous changeover, dick
xas = exhaust, slow recovery
xes = moved to heroism
xis = exist
xos = give slowly
xus = take off
xys = slow reinforcement
xat = exact; exactly, oternative, otherwise world, sexual (idea or comment often thought as innuendo).
xet = exist; xey, weight, exacto knife
xit = exit
xot = quixote, saying, exotic
xut = exalt, exaltation
xyt = excite, excitement
xaa = exalt
xaek = archaic, dark age
xeam = extra force, holy, debilitating force, dark will
Xei = diarrhea
Xeia = decent mind, docile mind, arisen
xeiab = peanut butter
xeiaxeb = create effort, work motion, relaxation, ship moments
xiao = morning, daytime
xiom = ziom, axiom, picked up thrown down, museum
xialinn = sociapath, feeling person
xiaolin = crazy, sociopath, bad, dark assistance
xiaolinn = law, psychotic
xieliet = exobiologist
xieliy = exobiology, other form study
xiem = transform, resolve, hold to body
xoe = extrude, xodus, exodus, far away exile, long mission of far distance
xue = snow
xiy = exonerary, exhibition, concession; give in, sales or give up by resignation sorta like with a resignation speech.
Xace = exercise, produce exercise and moral
xebne = weight disease, overweightness caused by drinking carbonated drinks
like soda pop and other carbonated drinks but solved by drinking water,
non-carbonated fruit juice and other noncarbonated drinks.
xebneu = remove overweightness, weight loss
xebpiaroneu = penetrating overweightness removal, penetrating weight loss
xeno = fear of being
xern = high strung deer mule
xerp = word phrase of power
xist = exist, existance
xitami = xiaoli, xiaolin, trend, trendy
xaph = intermediate moment, graph
xeph = it be, controlled chaos, controlled chaotic moment
xowad = xtreclah, strung together
xce = excess, exile
xct = xcts, execution
xhup = boil, bubbly skin, boiling water 120 deg F, extra ring, rapture hawk
headed horse with eagle wings
xst = exist, cut weight in that
xpant = exponent, expelling, expelled, extra cut pant
xpeue = xpugduduio, whisper
xpctah = expecting, extort/ion
xpcteh = awakening, expect/ed
xpla = explain, extra splash
xplat = explanation, personally explain
xploye = exploit
xployee = expeditious, efficient
xployeeh = explode
xplot = exploit, take advantage
xpt = extra point, expect, expectant, export
xxcla = an declare, excla
za = create; zap (energy charge), energy shot, thought focus charge, that (thought that's done), agreement
ze = (sometimes from or with a bug) energy release (boogy), beetle; striped, original, one of a kind, bug
zi = energizer; zinc, work out, body build
zo = well; secure area, so, such
zu = zoo; animal, diplay
zy = held; drawn together
zab = energy focus; focused charge, electrical flow
zeb = zebra, beetle or cockroach that takes possession of those nearby that does things to the summoners will. Dismiss the thought and they go away.
zib = build; zinc concentrated
zob = scanning
zub = watch; focused display, monitor
zyb = concentrate; sew, drawn together focus
zac = shot energy
zec = colored aura
zic = muscle building
zoc = electrical charge
zuc = sparks
zyc = charge up, gather charge
zad = zades!, excitement exclamation
zed = filter, polarize
zid = used zinc
zod = area measurement
zud = scent, understood
zyd = conclusion
zaf = fall asleep
zef = noticed striped
zif = easy insert, easy entry
zof = in secured area
zuf = where displayed
zyf = draw in place, the draw
zag = overloaded energy strike, made mark
zeg = signified stripe
zig = sculpted muscles, struck as, The zig(zag) bolt, sig(cig), c-lit(litc,
lightspeed or natural light energy) or litc as a mark of pua (power level) and
trance for signal
traciering as signal trace and actual attempt.
1. The more the zig the more zag and the more that be done.
2. Advancement of loudness and sometimes mental stupidity or insanity per power
unless necessary precautions.
3. The advancing stage, a progress point tract or signal.
4. Replacable marks are a *, #, @, !, %, `, ~, /, \, |, X
5. Never do things devisive with energy unless some physical effort be achieved
(not beatings), to balance the unprepared body response and get the physical
prepared for the zig level. If not then theirs a mental serendipity (mental
or discovery, physical self-discovery on accident).
6. Less aggression more achievings, more accomplished per second, more strict
7. Less likely more to occur, with more effect and less compressed (smaller)
size of
faster motion. More power make smaller energy pulses.
zog = ground mark, groundhog
zug = where important, conception (of intereptation)
zyg = create interest
zah = strangely desirous
zeh = oven
zih = sweat
zoh = warm area temperature
zuh = whereabout
zyh = heat circulation
zaj = justified charged shot
zej = oblivious, jaded
zij = personal reasons
zoj = security
zuj = explanation
zyj = draw interest
zak = killing charged shot, energy god
zek = clumsied, attacker
zik = planned kill
zok = mass strike
zuk = get the target
zyk = drawn in place killing blow, chasing blow, attract to target
zal = outlasting energy shot, pension, tendency
zel = zeal, zest, fearless
zil = exile
zol = work camp
zul = lasting display
zyl = zero, paused, brought to nothing
zam = zambolic, renewal
zem = seeming, seam
zim = because I am, planning
zom = lasting month
zum = zoom
zym = symbolic
zan = country concern, in focus, zany
zen = focused sense science, zen, 6th sense
zin = economics
zon = state
zun = civilization
zyn = nomadic civilization, tent city
zap = focused energy charge
zep = primordial, bug form, the form that the spirit can take to create effects that doesn't exist except to the subconscious as a sign.
zip = forced by pull, archive
zop = travels toward
zup = charged particle, particle
zyp = dissipation
zaq = earthquake, struck vibration
zeq = vibration, auratic
ziq = measured vibration, rictor scale
zoq = soaking, area quake
zuq = lasting vibration
zyq = struck chord
zar = turn head
zer = fruit
zir = shift into, transform
zor = grahm crackers
zur = destitute
zyr = take a walk
zas = slow transfer
zes = blindsided
zis = slowly build muscle
zos = speed regulation zone
zus = zeus, lasting slow
zys = accept exchange, slowly drawn together
zat = energy dissipation
zet = was unique
zit = zit, skin blemish, worked out
zot = disassembled, out for yourself
zut = displacement
zyt = drawn together
zav = watch energy shot
zev = looked for uniqueness, yearn
ziv = looked upon body, see
zov = open security, nudity
zuv = was looking
zyv = matched, other half, true love
zaw = electrical wire
zew = original coat
ziw = furry, fur
zow = protected zone
zuw = lasting coat
zyw = spray, formed coat, spray paint
zax = generated energy shot
zex = cleated, originality
zix = doing too much
zox = security image
zux = zuix; long lived
zyx = binding together
zaz = targeted shot
zez = disease; striped area, testing area, hazard area
ziz = improve body, buff up
zoz = security zone
zuz = sustaining field
zyz = hastily assembled security, sizzle
zaz = taze, stun shock
zez = tease, disease
ziz = appetize, large roc proctector of other birds, appetite
zoz = toes
zuz = desire
zyz = traffic, time area
zla = who did not stand
zle = brimstone
zli = off duty, activate
zlo = eruption
zlu = convincer, preacher, televangelist
zly = culp, blamed, blamee, blame
zha = crowd
zhe = these
zhi = thigh, this
zho = though
zhu = thunk
zhy = your
zja = servant
zje = vengence
zji = proof
zjo = personal view
zju = servitude
zjy = affront, confront
zadd = strong, will
zedd = maintainance, maintainer
zidd = discrepant
zodd = wierd, strange
zudd = fight
zydd = parrot, copy
zadde = split person, unplan, create moments in the air that gives you actually anything you want
zedde = organizer
zidde = stand-in, replacement
zodde = uncertain, disorganize
zudde = interospective, percieved interrogator
zydde = explain, explanation
zahr = no secret
zehr = come, energy to come
zihr = seer
zohr = zoe, power effect
zuhr = lure, sure
zyhr = sire, father someone/something
zomba = moving zomby
zombe = broken control, paralyses
zombi = zombier, enslaver
zombo = zonko, knocked out
zombu = alive, your zombie, make zombie
zomby = slave state, enslaved
zann = unconcern, hedge
zenn = illogical science, nonsence
zinn = unmanageable, moneyless
zonn = hidden, conceal
zunn = uncivil
zynn = homeless vagabond
zenna = seer, psychic
zenne = zest
zenni = lemon, lemon lime
zenno = mystery
zennu = denial, blindness
zenny = sour rind
zhal = thalus, counting device, about things
zhel = theology, philosophy of things
zhil = work with things, playing with things
zhol = constructed item
zhul = turned dark
zhyl = resulting number
zhra = thrash
zhre = three
zhri = thrive
zhro = to throw
zhru = done, underhand toss, threw
zhry = thrift
zra = thrash
zre = three
zri = attack, enmity
zro = to throw
zru = done, threw
zry = thrift
zao = zero; itinerates, associates, no that is done if negative is 0. Sorta like a number so this is stating no roaches.
zea = end; the end of a hacking cough.
zeo = hacking cough or smokers cough.
zeah = associative, association
zeaha = whistle, pensive
zeahaa = self-defense
zeahay = prosperity, prosperous
zeo = person, personally effected (victim), hacked; worm, virus (person), hacker, viral person
zeeo = wedding cake; focus (on), effect: the focus point to do things with by feel. Otherwise street or area cleaning.
zeio = zeeio, I war with you
zein = induct; induce money increase
zia = zion, higher being, zions; (named ziae or ziax) zionic aid is the atleantian beings aid that you call upon you by thinking of your need and saying a zion word to call their attention to make your idea or fix the condition. Just remember if you don't need something, then think of that idea you don't want and state uu- or you-uh.
zyio = seeker; awal, bugged, food need (often by a wild man), if bug need: then you have the need from a bug; the empathetic feel that you get from a bug is a need for food or hungering. Basically you create with this need, if your the one around one that is a bug or bugged by something.
zakal = jackal, werewolf
zabis = zabem, zales, zalus, sale, boom
zalli = coordination, hard work
zedsen = prismatic light
zeliq = intelligent zeal, fearless intelligence
zeny = teeny
zenny = zen like
zero = adhere alone, zero
zest = flavorful (part)
zesty = lemon fresh
zetsu = magical art of parts
zidder = domi, domineer, release, take control, rule over
zidderr = shaky, nervous
zidders = psychotic, psycho
zidderrs = disruptive
zigge = to train or trait instance effect
zinny = tinny, tightly, boned up
zipzyt = stretch
zouho = to feel safe by bequest or given request as your really safe
zhao = devote, devotee, devoted
zhaot = target, zealot
zjaero = aerial servant
zrzqculayl = cold enchant
znshiguai = explosion
zza = ennervate, awaken
zzz = zzzeabro, sleep, electrical charge