The nouns, pronouns, adverbs and verbs p1
Single vowels
a = prefix: not, affix: active; on, online, a in off, age, the, in action, actively, by, of, ah!, year, from, free, reject, no (know or gnow), at, the enactment is negative if an act is to do things by a use of 'an', the one, be, behest, obese, put upon, now I am aware what he, she, they said.
e = prefix: from, affix: be, is, are; from, it, energy, open, exception, an, and, to, am or combine.
i = prefix: movement, affix: the, include; eye, one, go, walk, march, advance, pass, flow, flei, ride, sail, iodine, urge, an interest, interact, inspire, to, activity, self, in, oh, if used as I; yes, yeah or aye, so I know this is prevented by the flow of energy. otherwise "I" means energy consciousness. This is where "I" know things. "I" act.by feel better.
o = prefix: past, affix: order, or, other, difference of, oh!, let live, past, on
u = prefix: you (if positive) or (if negative) no, affix: opposition; don''t, huge, but, uranium, understand, bend, bad, yo(u) avoid, (if negative) not, this is where you think and avoid what you hate. Think to leave the area and you aren't effected by direct things with feel.
y = prefix: cause, affix: after; active in account, wild, latch, yttrium(time element), more efficient, male, why; ask, ask a question (get an answer) After in activity of the moment you can get the end results you want working out.
Two part vowels
aa = claustic; thereof, therefore, mastery, the clause of the moment is what is there and with a point in character. otherwise this is caustic reasoning that's inappropriate with no regard to you by feel with life imprisionment. There is no parole with cops in person.
ea = creation; creation by what you relate, caustic relation, water god, each, wait, create, this if overdone can make a punching of bad people out easy, this is done if you need the effect and then if you don't then your with inner peace by feel. You may tend to react as though a guardian or manager of someone or some place, so think and you know what to do by feel.
ia = is; this is using an idea (is an or in an), liar, inner, this is a point you lie down or lie with a straight face, bias, equal (to), release, stand, away, hit item, item, this is usually an item in idea or a point of will with a liar. So to stop the lying down point, think to state unh ia or held forever in an idea point until the point is made. This is done if irate, otherwise its an ancient word meaning inner power. So enjoy what you get from this point. The point may last forever.
oa = loan; dangerous, go away, stop, past action, oil, ott (otter)', out person.
ua = resumable; degradation, continue, resume, activation, anchor, what, (water) god, water; urine, especially if urination is done.
ya = agreement; yaa, sky, space, eat, agree to, you, understood, your, yes
ae = herbage; divinorium, similar to cocaine, age, era, meaning, intent, equals, =, law creative, ate, to, as in, against things that are negated with then or no flubbing not there, this is the level by no hate no unloyalty this is the level with progentors or use by many herb type.
ee = drug; medicine, multiple, many uses level or perception with don't so you do this to not have announced multiple schlerosis.
ie = higher; well, popcorn machine; ihe, don't, ide, idea (of something), exasperation, oh yea, oh yah, exaggeration, hot air (that is made with or makes fire), tall, in it, heat release (sudden heat release creates the fire burst), giant, item
oe = needle; wait, bye, pause, thought, or, done, owe, okay
ue = tea drink; expect, up, urine (everywhere), urinate, work things up, ruin, war
ye = stone; your, you, our, yes, yeh, agreed, yet another form of life that you respect and work with by the point or feel. this form of life is formed by a stoning effect where you think to use eternal energy or god energy and gain eternal life.
ai = trap; fat, gather, debut (like a debate)
ei = to; restful, to lie down, eigie (egging, eggo)
ii = channel; weaving, thought provoking, open
oi = energy; no weight, not done, pig (oink), orange
ui = remnants; wreckage, ruin, solid, an, with, /
yi = interface; pick, sure, yes
ao = being; energy consciousness, nature, forever (darkmatter or nothing that supports the need), all-father, eternal creator
eo = divine; the alien god, million, eon, earth, evolution, top (as in centrifugal spin), up; upright
io = imagine; ol, energy, creativity, otherwise: energy specific madness; cured by angel, yet leaves an odor (bad scent)
oo = cool; sit, oh
uo = instant; who, instantly (uon), instantaneous, instantaneously (uon)
yo = augor; over here, over, you there, friendly greet, you, yes, agreement, wait, hold,
greeting, empty word, hey, your, you all
au = teach; goal, value, four, taught(tight), gold, stretch
eu = peeu; pee you or stinky, language, europian, acute, good, pleasant, huge
iu = agreed; self pleasing, oh yea, feel, present action, intuitive, intuition, ', this is a point of self-pleasure where you feel by present action with intuition and intuitive knowledge.
ou = done; see, out, this is where you see things done and are out.
uu = uun: nothing; nothing more, this is where nothing more happens for a looped effect, (uhn) undone, never, not, uhuh
yu = chemistry; yield, why you, yuck, yech, yucky, yuh, you, yue, yuh, go make, this is where you make use of your time for a point or yielded effect.
ay = greeting; I, hay, positive, positive result, way as hi or road, phrase, normal attributes found acceptable and seen; Form and idea are same with energy.
ey = impairment; eye, alright, hey
iy = lily; made product, impatience, result
oy = boy; good grief, irritant
uy = gooey; male organ, why, this is gooey in nature and made from a male organ.
yy = learn; male pride, learning from, growing pains or lessening or no pains
ab = none; code, before, away from
eb = recession; receding tide, energy base, recede, go back
ib = flow
ob = take; warp, chaos, odd, not, over obesity, understood
ub = oob; energize, build, you are, you have, you've, your, understood as wish effect, this is where you activate something and create with a build of energy.
yb = clear; wiped out, ytterbium
ac = action; account, acr, sharp, actinium, exchange, electical current, electricity, ace
ec = balance
ic = -ic: characteric of a point or characteristc seen, ick; in character, I see, ice, characteristic, pertaining to, ence; fence, exchange (of heat or energy), hence, exchanger, acting
oc = lift; focus, strength
uc = okay; resolve
yc = job; wake, doing request
ad = had; if, had on, hadn't, at the moment, aid, moment, to, toward
ed = animate; animated, train, edict, soul death, this is from a hit that was done to the soul and when its done the person dies by feel. This can be used to conceal yourself, as those psychics feel your death and think your dead when this is an energy effect.
id = ego; mind, or things that can appear hideous, idea, I'd, hidden (it)
od = owed; psalm, oath, song, (a) poem
ud = you'd; to project, forward, to bring out
yd = wide; wade, make path
af = after; in favor, normal time, favorable, laugh
ef = create; to shape, mold, effect
if = result; now, sniff, fall, if "use" and or an end of a loop, possibility, now is the result this is an iffy concept point that creates what is in a random point of time as a fire formed and any incident, this is in a will if knifefight is in a random circumstance or otherwise known in. As in life that ends in a concept that ends, as what you will as thought or not is cool at the end that life is there.
of = based (on) desire; off, sex energy on the moment, focus, lineage, loyalty, time is en saver as what energy you see or use creates what you think, create by, feel (intuition from the soul), often, oven, thought point
uf = behoove; out of air, hoof, this is denoted by hearing a hoof beat or seeing a hoof.
yf = relation; gyne, wife, mated female, wild beating (of a dog), this with idea is energy and thought you use is an excess to create and make a thought including a beating or no hands are on me.
ag = element; quicksilver, age, silver
eg = egg; hedging on, dependent, eggress(ion), dark force, eager, think of things egging you on no more, then you get what you want.
ig = pi; pig, big, the idea of this is where you pig out and feel good from getting big.
og = ogle; oger, look, support, beautiful one, aug, otherwise augment or change in state.
ug = bade; ugly, tug, indecision, the indecision is where you decide not to do things and that's when your indecisive.
yg = work; wiseguy, wag, wage, test yourself, this is where you (have) to test things with your idea before you use it, you (have) to test your consciousness to know what is there.
ah = understood; oh, not active, this is in relaxing built up tension you relax, understanding comes with enlightenment and the god, deity, helps by feel. This literally stands for "I see so I don't need things unless necessary. If you need it or hold it, then ask or get by without it..", this is using obvious meaning from observation and that is also from english dictionary.
eh = ok; okay, was, be, what, caught in surprise
ih = blocked; hold off, inhinderance, now flow I know it, insightful, pride that leads to death by deadly means, in, inhibiscus, rest, inhibited, bend, day, this is where you sometimes inhibit a real life moment and experience daytime.
oh = as; held belief, I was corrected, wrong
uh = wait; high energy, doum, sickened by, pause, shamed by, dumbly do
yh = bitch; complaint, complain, shortsighted, shortsightedness, yeah, (in) agreement, ever ongoing
aj = chosen; choice, aja, selective
ej = ejection; (in) removal, out, outward
ij = readjusted; edging, well thought out, in concept that's a good thought out point and reborn, that is where your reincarnated and not on the planet or reanimated after death or catastrophic injury. This is a type of injury that is fatal, so think about the result. You can get the idea, that is what you need in idea to happen. This is a wanted thing, so think and you get the point. The process is think of what you need, suggest things and the subconscious creates what you desire.
oj = orange juice; oh jay, good for you, out in juice form or juice box
uj = betterment; urge to better, made better with thought
yj = reveal; standing up for yourself, know illusion
ak = ache; ack!, most al love to attack or hold back if male as though attack
ek = eek; scare
ik = news; ick, long bar, ink, I, in oak, pig
ok = okay; okau, oak, oak tree, comply in oath, com se com sa or alright otherwise soso or comply.
uk = party; brexit, come together, unite, one purpose, thought with salvage or create with a point
yk = national; nation, united people, with uniting ways
al = sale; ail, sail, all (as metal type or material type), aluminum, as long nailed floating haired young women corpse feeder, as an alternate form they can seem a fire eyed boar tusked iron teethed brass clawed copious shaggy hair human beast. Al use the area or feel so not to seem with stench to use the area, to see the stench as a marker or indicator seen alter to not always or not to stink
el = select; selective, meta, element, the first, eloquent motion, elephant
il = disease; illness, weakness, not, point to fix in a fixation state, bad functon, this is where you can consume way more than what you want and the thought is for food by thought.
ol = force; hold, black hole
ul = unlimited; god, line flow, life flow regulation, temperature regulation
yl = being; creator, wild magic, whole, anything possible, time will, time wyl, wiles, The moment of will thats using an energy source and an element of time.
am = run; in motion, americium, on un circular pattern, in circle out back (transitions don't beguile break this pattern as you don't actually consider him until necessary), ride; vehicle, car, what a run can consist of actually as of a point done by feel
em = feel; female, woman, (only if negative) blame or condemn. seem, contempt, (if associated with the point by feeling) empathy: association sometimes due to stress, that is with the feel of the moment. this may leave you empathic, otherwise this is due to an empass that you deal with by acceptance of the idea or fact. eum: sounds like a loud mrmory, catlike sound, this is similar to energy in the room with its sound, otherwise this is a large catlike sound where you seem like a cat.
im = him; not, note, into, image, beside the point, think about things
om = eat; nom, realize, know the level to measure (toxicity or area), clarification, effect, in upward motion (ea)
um = consume; consume a portion, poison, snake venom, some consume the idea to accost dumbly and not act as smart so you could relent, this forms a nightmare of snake venom if the venom is used, so no or sex is used to fix the need and not do it, this effects people you don't know so don't worry about the idea.
ym = eurrrm or pieeh sound, whim
an = pain; man, stopping, ain't, not (much or done otherwise u or no), This could be a stopping point where not much is done. Then the hand of doom: this is where some hand movement is done and then putting palm outward (sometimes meaning a stopping and thinking point); otherwise an is: then push or/and create, &, amperstand, include (in addition), I (ancient fire summoned with combination as I will and possibly erasure or focus), not, know, ass or particle soul, help in the end, anticipation, anticipate. This doesn't declare anything if used as an ending such as -an but takes the place of a negative reaction especially if used alone such as "this is an idea" or 'th e an ie'.
This is used if a place in time is understood for the idea, that creates in thought for what's in mind. These are things you sometimes are possibly able to use, so if you can't do things you can do them normally. Sometimes -an is a thought that's sometimes a fought moment if seen psychically. Sorta like an argument, that is with emphasis on the idea you think except its in an idea non physically done. So then dismiss the scene in your mind by thinking of something else, then things seem to work out for you. This is a sign of the fairy or life, so think of the idea and the fairy can do the effect of creation.
en = ending; (then) moment, keen, at the end, (discussed reasonably) in whatever allowing, thought by whatever thought, not done in end (nothing done nothing felt), rapids or into a body of water, encased, encode, inside, at, ent, isn't, do or is not, in the end (wild, frenzy, detrimental to form essence), god of dark matter and entropy, create as usual creative user field (as a hurt field), ending by feel
in = runtime; (if positive and agreeing like I'm in) yes, agreement, (if negative and used as 'in' by itself) no, with, die (off) (of if negative), without, ends, and, in and out, hand, not do, into, indium, not, ing, ingot, invert (revert as this creates in idea your not always doing as reverse till death), don't gnow or know attack, no longer not there, if you are awaiting people your aware of your options by feel. with or without maw broken in life by actions that concur with what people do die with inverted energy by life interred by kinda inhibited attribute for which you forbear is what you get and as you can uninhibit you use nothing to do things as if somewhere else as if the idea were nothing wrong and other things you may explode or not as no need to do. This is using the fire as a source to do things a psychic wish. The end result is this, where energy consciousness creates what you want in life. This is a point you can write down and create by writing the point. Think and you en know what to do. This is the point at the end, we evolve and the idea is ended. They are in the idea, you are unaffected if human or animals..the total distance between that place and this place is inches across.
on = aware; done, awaken, [from] thought about moments, empower (there war of empowering and not here), dong or ideal use.
un = eternal punishment; if thought as forever and what I think is punishment, (if said as oon like spoon) forever; unaffected, eternal, creative undying, (if said as unn) undone; unweave, not (nothing), this otherwise means relaxing and if not forever then the point is done by someone if not the originator.
yn = lessened; less (for you), winding dead up, why not, wine, with energy release (come and go energy) as nothing if physical or not and they go as need be), come and begoeth or do something else. time doesn't matter, think of what you need and you get what you want.
ap = nap; ape, not copy and come or copy and go and sometimes do
ep = picture; record, episode, capture, eep!
ip = fid, find; basics behind internet, location, address, network
op = operate; operation, hold in place, open, hope or close up after
up = (the) maneuver; thrust, upward, scoop, out in upward delivery, if crazy; this is taking your shit and using it by hitting someone up with the shit.
yp = clean; wipe away, erase, move away, this is a concept of cleaning up shit and stuff with bacteria.
aq = ack!; faq, fact, factor, cheese, throw up (body fluid or object)
eq = is; in an equal representation, this is using an equal view in diversity except for what you do to things.
iq = intellect; intelligence, ick, icky feel, sick
oq = nock; cross, smart, smarts
uq = job; follow rules, organize
yq = awareness; aware, icky, very sticky
ar = area; are, art, purpose, argon, arguement, arsonist, ingenious flame, setup, sometimes by spirit is arranged idea.
er = action; speed, here, hear, her, erbium, it, emergency area, convert, implode
ir = wire; irk, ire, iridium, oppose
or = suffix; -or put at end of word and then interred meaning is one who uses with word meaning after such as auror or one who uses sunlight or one who uses the source: one who (uses); gold, riches, fantasy, essence (from life), order, build up, in (energy), if not used as prefix: add meaning after the word to seem the end point as though two different words with one meaning. Such as in aur or: sunlight order or build up and otherwise the source in energy.
ur = year; hair, you're, your, curse, your cursed, urine smell
yr = ply; year, wire, with movement of exception, long pliable strand
as = last; fascimile, fundamental change, similiarity, similiar, arsenic, assume, ascimile
es = Weigh; scaled, weight, especially, multiply, einstinium, is, multiple of, you, multiplied weight
is = wish; equ, equi, equal, =, sun fusion solor power (sun generator or device), moment, in, indeed
os = lose; movement, osmodium
us = use; united state, united area, make use, kaboose or train car that pulls other cars on a track. Otherwise this is with the states, that's full of (idea), this uses the united state, sometimes by a place, that is for use by feel.
ys = wise; wiz, wisdom, this is some wisdom (wizard, witch, wise one), wish, sole desire; defunct (defunction), glitch (locally); that is a function point, that causes things to work screwbally or things just don't work.
at = attempt; in place, attack, of the, of that, astitine, to, toward
et = get; at, eat, eight, @, alien, dust, stop
it = intent; purpose, off, match, it or (if violent) hit, ant, to matter, this happens as a point that you experience unless "no matter" is used in some phrase. This is a match or idea where things are formed from an ant or what you think is an object to matter. Purpose in this, otherwise in that, this is perserving or use (not necessary in taikwondo), seem careful with this word because to a violent person it can reflect their mood and they could hit you or others because of it by feel. Instead use the actual noun describing what you need to mention, this can be anything that is a word and describes what you want to describe. Possible use instead is the word this or that. What you thought or needed to happen. This is not a hit to the point in the past. This is a concept that's done.
ot = ought; hot, oat, or, of, jot
ut = butt; but, boot, use
yt = evade; wight, what
av = graphic; avn, hve, point, save, have, avenue. lined up area
ev = fated; eviller, (fate by) eventual, evr, ever, eva, at noon, every, evening
iv = care; white, I've, I have, this is sometimes where you have fluids in a line that create life.
ov = hover; overly, over, behove
uv = sunlight; accurately measure, ultra violet
yv = frequency; hertz, timely measure, wave, why've, why have
aw = aww, a bit of pity
ew = eww, totally grossed out, woman
iw = piw, woven, supposable, suggestable, suggestion
ow = that hurt!
uw = red
yw = beserker rage
ax = axe
ex = provision; provide, out, outward, expiditerous (no harm)
ix = pixie(wood sprite), woody, harm
ox = team
ux = rope; uix, moving, knots
yx = haste; wax, sped up, in badger outer calm, speeding up, speed, wicks (cutting and doing), hate (to avoid), with haste you don't always notice what you do and thinkinking of the past or wisdom, you are hasted or sped up.
az = haze; reception, lazy, viel, roach (a drug use or application)
ez = easily; very easy
iz = realize; comprehension, teen, war, realized (izo or izan), fulfill, realizing or realization (izy or izan)..this is where you fulfill a promise.
oz = booze; alcohol, miracle worker
uz = ooze; crushed bugs, slow flow, slowness, this is a slow effect which we realize is there.
yz = wisened; aged, just left, alone, wisely stated idea
Three part vowels
aaa = Aaahhh!
aea = yea?
aia = small
aoa = why
aua = big, amazon, amazon tribe
aya = Ayie!!!!
aae = wild cry
aee = sea cry
aie = forest cry
aoe = time call
aue = sun call
aye = moon call
aai = turn right
aei = turn left
aii = ten hutt!, attention
aoi = about face
aui = march forward
ayi = fightinghowl; march back, marched
aao = bank
aeo = a howl
aio = whine
aoo = group howl
auo = wimper
ayo = hello; greeting/s
aau = kick with the back legs
aeu = dash
aiu = sprinting, sprint
aou = slow walk, free in movement flow, going on your way
auu = trot
ayu = run and fall
aay = braying
aey = neighing
aiy = whinny
aoy = snort
auy = rearing up
ayy = trample on the ground with hooves, hoof trample
eaa = hesitation
eea = sparring, spar
eia = halter, inflamed, agreed, agree
eoa = spurr forward
eua = shinny
eya = move fast
eae = to the ground
eee = eeek!
eie = grounds hot
eoe = tossed about
eue = hung upside down
eye = left hanging, left to hang
eai = boing
eei = hop
eii = bounce
eoi = forwards roll
eui = sidewards roll
eyi = backwards roll
eao = eeow!, ouch!
eeo = whimper cry
eio = startled cry
eoo = low groan
euo = self interest cry
eyo = discovery cry
eau = taken away, bordeux, beureu, bureau
eeu = self loathing
eiu = something new
eou = entertainment
euu = disgusting!
eyu = startled aware, illithid, brain eater
eay = say, ray, birthday celebration
eey = new years celebration
eiy = welcome back celebration
eoy = goodbye celebration
euy = honeymoon
eyy = wedding
iaa = demon summon
iea = conform
iia = torture
ioa = favor, favors, another, debt
iua = user
iya = disapproval
iae = alive
iee = fled
iie = think, inie, nae, in idea
ioe = throwing
iue = moving
iye = silent, dead of night
iai = stillness
iei = escape, leave
iii = can I come, plead
ioi = don't know, mystery
iui = what do I owe?, due amount
iyi = fall
iao = I hail thee, greeting
ieo = leo, visionary
iio = open eyes
ioo = danger sight
iuo = instantly
iyo = trust
iau = support
ieu = comply
iiu = grant, give you
iou = owe you, payback
iuu = understood, acknowledged, roger
iyu = compliance
iay = settlement of
iey = assortment
iiy = layaway, pay later but put up first
ioy = bill pay
iuy = used
iyy = check out
oaa = checking account, on active account
oea = felt awareness
oia = oh I agree, in action, agreement
ooa = out of action, inactive
oua = inv, inverted, invert, inverse, the same form and different or opposite idea
but similiar energy.
oya = activity, on your account
oae = ordered energy
oee = time event, timer program
oie = ruinned day, cancellation
ooe = evening together
oue = owie
oye = even break, lunch
oai = uninterrupted, uninterrupt
oei = consoli, consolidate
oii = old lady
ooi = startle, startled
oui = away, go less thataway, yes
oyi = felt abuse, felt in abuse
oao = past activity, past forever, away, okay
oeo = sugar cookie, wave
oio = on way, journey
ooo = ooooh, awe
ouo = reminder
oyo = on your own, independant
oau = in use, propaganda
oeu = all people, you overeat
oiu = to interfere, interferer
oou = about you, bio, life
ouu = hourly usage, rate
oyu = handling care, handle/ed/ing
oay = what did I say?, explorer, exploration, outlay, outward, okay
oey = why obey
oiy = tell me why, personally, oil
ooy = oh boy
ouy = stop it, owwy
oyy = feel about, feeling, to feel
uaa = tea; too far, weigh allot, otherwise pure stimulant. This increases reaction time, metabolism, and causes wakefulness. Any tea except addictive illegal ten year tea, this is tea that is the only thing that does anything for you that means you are with a sedative by tea with other ingreadients improves flavors. Tea is a pure stimulant. This increases reaction time, metabolism, and causes wakefulness. This also causes you to piss out your water faster. So for people with low blood pressure, its safe to avoid it unless you drink more water. This can cause you to go too far or lose weight, its useful if you weigh alot to drink tea in the morning. That stimulates your metabolism to be faster.
uea = bakery, shop, negl, neglect, misabuse, abusive behavior
uia = interact
uoa = in action, to stop, time event
uua = usual activity
uya = unusually active, active concern
uae = young lady
uee = as the usual
uie = as the evening turns
uoe = you owe eveything
uue = handyman
uye = conceat
uai = wait
uei = weigh
uii = terror, urgent
uoi = hold again
uui = worry on
uyi = why me
uao = way over
ueo = wheel
uio = harmonic
uoo = sweet
uuo = wow!, ununoctium
uyo = why help
uau = weight up, what do you, whats your, who do I see
ueu = wend, understand, enlightenment, to bend(understanding)
uiu = withdrawn
uou = spelling; wow, pentagram, recognization, recognize, you, stopping point. this is a pentagram that's used if you want to hex or spell things out for some effect.
uuu = no!, unununium
uyu = wield; make
uay = way, your way
uey = wild, wildness
uiy = confidant; confident, this is where you think about things then speak about them
uoy = crash
uuy = ruckus, muckus(by nostradamus), raucus
uyy = wilderbeast, wild beast
yaa = ship, otherwise this is where yaa is intelligent, intinerate, this is intelligent use of words that allows you to sound like a child sometimes that's dumb.
yea = yes, agreed
yia = began
yoa = handshake
yua = live yew
yya = ego, egotistic
yae = overly agreeable, yes man, yeti
yee = me, you (pointedly)
yie = yieeee!, get away!
yoe = nod
yue = always; ruin, exceptional, exceed
yye = growth, humble
yai = whip spurr
yei = out there, interaction
yii = exclamation no, intertwine
yoi = yet, maybe, will sometime
yui = anger provoke
yyi = prideful, asshole
yao = gao; jail or don't have to agree
yeo = economy, effecient, ecstacy
yio = move; yield, give, keep or no use
yoo = bang; bad, failure, fail
yuo = irresistable
yyo = wildlife; beast, animal, wild nature, instinct, determine
yau = guard
yeu = youth
yiu = thank you, intuitive
you = you, youth, young
yuu = understood implication; yuck (you suck)
yyu = manhood
yay = celebrative, celebrate
yey = agreement; energetic yay, yeah hey, leeway, lenient, condolence, loose fit, restitution, console, condolant, relax
yiy = console; grief, concisely, grieve
yoy = yoyo; playful, use
yuy = wild; wildness, lively, wildly
yyy = yigh!; yield high (results), suddenly, wild passion, wild abandon, (to) interefere, interference
abb = strong; abbey, push strength, arm muscle
ebb = flow away
ibb = reasoned
obb = to stay
ubb = acknowledged
ybb = way back
acc = emote; account, whack, accent, accuse
ecc = echo
icc = carbon copy
occ = occupied
ucc = uncaring
ycc = wick scent; what you use to work a candle
add = plus; sequence, raw source, addition, additional (point)
edd = newspaper; edition, editor
idd = hidden
odd = fate; oddly familiar, dejavue, weird
udd = sign; udder, shudder
ydd = give secret
aff = laugh; affect, absent mind, asleep, sex, pregnancy
eff = final statement
iff = iffy
off = turn off
uff = rough; out of shape, out of breath, punched in stomach, enough is done
yff = whiff
agg = aggravation
egg = egg; genious, ego
igg = ignorance; ignore or work with a person
ogg = bag; jogged, something of interminable value, something bad, to count an idea interminable that is to not get too much bad attention to the idea.
ugg = possession; feel ugly, this is being possessed with a sign of ugliness: this ends by thinking the end where the possession disappears and the ugliness disperses, This is done as though energy, that was in there is gone. Also the sign of ugliness dispersal is the waistline seemingly going down and dropping away, this is a point as though you were naturally slim.
ygg = point; wiggle, way to go, by feel: congratz
ahh = understanding; I understand, understood, aggravate/d, agonize, realize this point or realization will occur by the soul provided intuition.
ehh = put out
ihh = tire; aired (out), air, on air
ohh = I got it
uhh = please wait
yhh = wait after
ajj = adjunct; place adjacent
ejj = edge
ijj = interject
ojj = offset
ujj = arguement
yjj = widget
akk = hack
ekk = not needing
ikk = interruption
okk = ok ok
ukk = dazed a little
ykk = jawbreaker, airblow; if your wicked, you get a whack otherwise you get restored by air flow.
all = al, hall, everything
ell = punish; l, let live, hell, knoll
ill = illustrate; illustration, illness, hill, will
oll = fat; roll, layer
ull = ship; lull, hull
yll = adapt; will, work, interned, force adaption, (think a point) while
amm = ammo
emm = (to) award, awarding (emmy or emman), awarded (emmo or emman), awards (emme or emmix). Otherwise this is a being or person type, (being the type) karma chameleon: A person or being without conviction, that comes and goes and this being or person is represented by the red gold and green coloration. Their love is an addiction, clinging love is strong and otherwise they are are gone. They make it so every day is a survival, so their bone or personality is weak or no bone.This is a noted effect where they are demonic more than others. So they exist in a multi dimensional viewpoint. Then they are able to create what you need, otherwise they leave you alone. Their strategy is this, make with idea and create by device, their device is what they choose to use as a point is made by such use. If they want to appear good, they use their higher self, if they want to not appear to others senses, they use another identity. If they want to appear bad, they use their lower dimensional selves. Otherwise they raise in vibrations and create by the feel, thinking to create with gold and silver energy. They tend to award or get awarded if positive. This is a point in effect.
imm = immunity; immune, implant
omm = mind focus
umm = maybe; ummm, possibly, possible, doubtfully in idea, then again, yes and no
ymm = whim; this is a point you specify to do or a whine done by dog
ann = announcement; (take) care, manual, announcer
enn = ennervate; energize, enliven
inn = hotel
onn = sex; (a) fuck, the urge (sexual drive), bonny; happy
unn = listen
ynn = cling; holding onto
app = devise; appliable, appliance
epp = relax; this us done by relating and accepting the thoughts you have as though not your own. Otherwise this is backing off, too much, easing off
ipp = yippy
opp = oppresed
upp = upon
ypp = whipping
aqq = acquired
eqq = heck; ill, await, here it comes, sick
iqq = icky
oqq = fallen
uqq = sharpness; sharp vision
yqq = harbor; nonsense, ardour
ard = work; hard, ardour
erd = direct; disease, herd
ird = fell
ord = ordeal; order, or death
urd = girth; weight, curd
yrd = transformer; this is wired by activity, very active and in the yard.
arr = sensing good; barring mistakes there's nothing wrong till needed to seem sensed.
err = mistaken
irr = irregular
orr = long speach
urr = murder
yrr = whirr; out of tune (whistle)
ass = asset; associate, (if body related) ass, absolutely in absense by what you are absolute
ess = clothes; essential, essence, dress
iss = issuance; hole, kiss, hiss, spacial; area in space
oss = moss
uss = hussle
yss = witness
att = attain
ett = two headed
itt = bitten
ott = sharpen scent
utt = utterly
ytt = watt
avv = average
evv = bulk; strengthened up, revved, built up, stock
ivv = talkable
ovv = sound; sonic vibration
uvv = clarification; clarify feeling
yvv = closure; closed mouth, roadblock
aww = awww
eww = ewww
iww = interest
oww = painful
uww = dumbfounded
yww = alzeimers; mentally lost, white stuff
axx = chop; axes, many axe
exx = carrier; supportive line
ixx = glue; fixative, woodlike, fix
oxx = (weight) carrier; herd animal, oxen, ox
uxx = tuxedo; best suit, very active
yxx = faster; (go till) exhaustion, speed burst, extra speed
azz = jazz
ezz = focused specialization
izz = gestures
ozz = selective
uzz = energy buzz
yzz = piss
aab = switch back
aeb = lay back
aib = return favor
aob = forever backward
aub = snob; fullness, snubbish
ayb = revert to before
eab = crib
eeb = intruded upon
eib = exact opposite
eob = strobe
eub = new at
eyb = eye ball
iab = rescind; take it back
ieb = danger sense; gradual danger
iib = hind sight
iob = remember
iub = get; take you back, lube
iyb = henchman; I aided, rob (thanks to robert or rob inadvertently)
oab = retrofit; retrogain, regain action, remembering
oeb = good judge; since your fair, fairness
oib = torrent; why buy it, get things for free download
oob = noob; few bought it, barely
oub = owwie!; I'm hurt, pretentious or gotten, oyster
oyb = final; unreturnable, no going back, not so, test (of idea or will)
uab = squab; swab, way back, met expectation, your buying this?
ueb = web; energy web effect that you create by focusing with your need in mind and the effect of the energy web is where you draw a little energy to create your idea using effected people.
uib = person; this is a user with focus and with being
uob = wobbly
uub = alert; being loud, unubium, shaky
uyb = guess; possible, being witty, possibly being
yab = come, yes I'm back
yeb = returned, we're back
yib = chosen, choose, picked then
yob = attended, paid attention
yub = results, end result
yyb = attitude, the way you think
aam = anam, a name, and no go
eam = each meal, meal day
iam = pet, independance, declare
oam = transport
uam = wham, inconsideration
yam = sweet potatoe, poltice
aem = total enamel
eem = image, seem
iem = item; shift point, this is where you create a point and work by the feel.
oem = owe them
uem = you are them
yem = get away
aim = channel
eim = air channel, chute
iim = ask, aye I am
oim = not me
uim = refute, refuse
yim = overproduce
aom = eternal youth
eom = deal
iom = owe yourself, clarification movement, a factual commitment to understand language
oom = zoom, boom, loom, look out for
uom = womanly consideration
yom = chomp, easy directive
aum = alum
eum = youthful
ium = acid atom, atomic count
oum = owe, ouch
uom = whomp, foot hit
yom = intangible trajectory, uproot
aym = headache, loony
eym = look at me, eye me
iym = dependent, made production of me, fame
oym = release in me, oyster show
uym = absolutely destroy, destroy absolutely
yym = in bed surgery, on whim
aas = hue; coloring, color
eas = easily; easy, ease of use, was, hard (way)
ias = realization; ah yes, the creator
oas = oasis; watering hole
uas = past; was, waste
yas = paint
aes = raised (by raid), oh yes, raising up
ees = approximate
ies = connect, eye sight, audience
oes = obese, implied effect, desired result, ill effect by overinduldence for energy
ues = lost; gone missing, misplaced, yes, kronuz, ruin
yes = agree, (if question or point) what?, wholehearted agreement
ais = home, aisle, heated hole, hole surprise
eis = made, in the making
iis = process
ois = making, going easy, cheap, easy path
uis = twist, force mouth open, wisdom, wizard, wise one, where be it
yis = connection, this is done by either wireless or wired energy
aos = trip, adventure
eos = momentous, overwhelming
ios = desirous
oos = awed, a gush of air
uos = flow, stream
yos = futuristic, years ahead
aus = augment, take in passes
eus = deus, a trick in reserve
ius = geniuos
ous = in the act
uus = continuance, continual, procedure
yus = just, spread in area
ays = days; origin point, this is alright, change of reality by an object point where you change the origin point and the subconscious manisfesting what is needed otherwise this is I agree or oh yes
eys = august, keys
iys = all eyes
oys = boys
uys = guys, men
yys = focusing, focus energy at fingertips
aan = pagan
aen = satanist, proverbed by satanism
ain = pain
aon = immortality
aun = hell
ayn = rot; syndicate, satan, pain, sign of destruction purpose, rottage, rotted (ayno), rotting (ayny), this is set by word use otherwise for rotted or rotting (aynan)
ean = means, solution, lean, (I) ruin
een = once was, thirteen
ein = study, despondant, a despondant idea of a place that creates by feel and does what you want.
eon = undying life, transitioning, energy transfer
eun = soon; apply, spoon
eyn = implied listening
ian = free, freedom, where you bear the freedom you can get the results of wine, whamming and do purpose, so some use this as lost life is remembered where you use the computer then think so you appear yet you are released by admitting to your fear or dangerous fear could occur results that are needed.
ien = experiment, good
iin = acceptance
ion = project
iun = resource
iyn = iron
oan = loan; this doesn't always happen.
oen = payment; installment, own, or, snake bite, sex attribute otherwise; this is owing to things and this is where you think a conversation or concept to cover for things.
oin = coinage, center
oon = emphasis, spoon, soon
oun = effort
oyn = omen
uan = thought; cognizant, this is a point you think and notice what is there formed by thinking about things.
uen = remain
uin = stack, give pain
uon = keep/kept record
uun = improvement
uyn = ruin, emphasis
abl = able, ability
ebl = enable
ibl = liable, responsibility belief
obl = step back
ubl = outrage
ybl = abolish
abt = about
ebt = ebate
ibt = tribute
obt = automaton, how about, obtain
ubt = about, doing something
ybt = recovery
aca = arctic
eca = ecological
ica = forest
oca = ocean
uca = mountain
yca = land
ace = army; good, uncare (forever care), better or good health, this is taking care and done when you think to impose and the person who responds is with an uncaring response with sometime use of acetone reflexes.
ece = peace
ice = thrice
oce = loose
uce = poof
yce = windfall
aci = love (of nature)
eci = fishing
ici = icy
oci = octupus
uci = loosely
yci = tsunami, ocean water, sea water, large flood
acl = arguement
ecl = block
icl = fool, foolish, lead to believe
ocl = separation
ucl = unclean split
ycl = separate, parting of ways, divorce
act = actor, put on show, theatre act, action
ect = command
ict = depict, attention, piction (picture), depiction
oct = stop, eight side, alerted
uct = adapt
yct = shape, mold into form
ach = acidic
ech = bounty, bounce upon, eat away
ich = I
och = ouch
uch = such, what matter
ych = wake, wakeful
ada = Update; improvement, the moment you improve something either positive or negative like ideal. Otherwise this is aida, first language, life creation, artificial life, atilda, similiarity, clone create
ade = exposed; exposure, public, made seen
adi = aid, aiding in
ado = cute: adoring, meaning, activity
adu = flee, flight, must leave quickly
ady = addy; locale, address, physical location, lady
eda = estimate, carbon dating, date estimation
ede = dinner, guess, guest
edi = proclamation: edict
edo = loony; edict, bold statement, ceded (headed), educated, energy dead
edu = education
edy = read, giddy
ida = large, hot dessert, farming
ide = secure; cyber, protection, data transfer
idi = idiom
ido = faith, idol, idolize, worshipful
idu = tell, I do in duty
idy = realize, idealize, brainstorm
oda = change, came, arrival date, when fate arrives
ode = suspect, mode, olden, expectation
odi = smelly, odious, very near
odo = time, mileage, recorded distance
odu = overextended, overdo, endure impatience
ody = busy
uda = observed (by observable viewpoint), esteemed, looked upon
ude = obtuse, extended outward
udi = strain; rudeness, rude observation
udo = comeback
udu = magical; hex, point of view charm, voodoo
udy = scrowl, call challenge
yda = misbehavior, acting out, misbehave
yde = wight, play dead
ydi = dismissed, dismiss, why did I?, dismissal
ydo = situation
ydu = disgruntled, have reaction
ydy = bottle; release, whiteout, eyedrop, convincing act
ads = reknown; make known (sometimes), advertise, advertisement
eds = education
ids = idea; thought, idiom
ods = luck; with luck (lucky), odds, chance
uds = thud, thump
yds = tale; stretched out, several yards, widen
adk = accomplisment; accomplish, compliment
edk = break; edict, stop training
idk = instinct (where you don't actually know); instinctual, don't know to realize, can't determine, dunno, I don't realize to know
odk = principle
udk = rudder; addict, addition
ydk = wick; nemesis, amiss
yah = freedom; happiness, agreement
yeh = yeehah, acceptance
yih = yippee, that one, belief
yoh = faith, faith in, faithful
yuh = yuhah, you, trust in nature
yyh = yih!, miracle, magic
yan = loudness; yang, yank, grab, yao; eaten, eating
yen = yearn; yet you learn, currency
yin = quietness; q-q, ying, compulse/ive, follow
yon = attempted; draw, over there
yun = natural, nature, young, youth
yyn = win; manipulation, alien
yam = sweet potatoes, sweet beet
yem = speak
yim = make; I might
yom = enjoyment
yum = chef; adding/subtracting, tasteful, tasty food
yym = wham; locate, find desire
aga = return
age = turn old
agi = disturb
ago = mummy; ancient, historic, long past
agu = pastime
agy = past; aging, negate geas
ega = spurn, egad!
ege = lord (liege)
egi = login, registered, registers, registering, register
ego = I; 1, subconscious
egu = regular
egy = intercept (this is where people intercede sometimes on your behalf and interpret things by feel), edgy; tripping, regain control. Control is to work with people on personal basis and you think and calm unless insane. If in bad mood this is an egg on by demonic nature to deserved idea, that if you remember to forgive yourself doesn't cause wild nature with greed. That is chaotic nature from seen things, that's as if wild rockin is noticed is a sign.
iga = wrong, pangara, supercenter, supercontinent
ige = trace; follow along
igi = ignite, in
igo = ignore (if hormones), out (infinite downpour)
igu = giant
igy = super feel
oga = regrew; hair regrowth
oge = constraint; target objective
ogi = slump; login, organ, tap into
ogo = jump
ogu = steal
ogy = study
uga = recognition; recognize, you gain
uge = urgent
ugi = self repose, stainless
ugo = well suited, trap
ugu = maturation
ugy = boogey; inner beauty, ugly from possession
yga = principal; supervisor, you got
yge = eagerness
ygi = sexual; wagging, traipse in, walk lewdly
ygo = attraction, attract, person attack aid
ygu = heater; heat collector, attention grabber
ygy = suggest, question
aal = greater demon
ael = heal, healing, truth seeking, do ye seek truth?
ail = aiel; hail, servant warriors or illness that exists magically if needed and doesn't exist if unnecessary.
aol = snare; entrap, entrapped, ensnare, long term connect, connection that lasts.
aul = hit; maul, overwhelm, overwhelming odds.
ayl = gust; wind blow, wind up blow that seems to last forever.
eal = regeneration; regenerate, this allows you to come back from ashes.
eel = bioelectrical; can opener, electrical, peel away
eil = self-repair; regenerate, body repair
eol = functional
eul = eulogy; say farewell
eyl = eyeline; repute, turn away
ial = burial; funeral, of death
iel = say; spiel, respectful of dead
iil = burying, ritual pyr, this is a ritual fire.
iol = violate; violation, retribution
iul = intuition; feel from gut, sorrow
iyl = reassert; renewed hope, renewal of life
oal = orientation; set goal, goal
oel = erotic, destructive
oil = rich, foil, otherwise in english its a bunch of very ancient bones underneath the surface that changed to precious liquid
ool = pool, collective resource
oul = soul, owl
oyl = golem; gargoyle, artifice, artifact, oil
ual = whale; wall, o wail, dual
uel = fuel; new resource, weal, well, uuell, swell up, user hell
uil = dream; will, whip, mistreatment, wake, focus; build up, energy charge
uol = charge; battery, pyramid of power, woah, hold on, release to no it
uul = warm; craft, warmth, wool, cotton, this makes a warm clothing.
uyl = operational; tenacious, dual, creation, focus clearly, this happens to be the case when you focus clearly.
yal = production; product, field
yel = yield
yil = produce
yol = interact
yul = presentation
yyl = success
Aco = account, accurately count
Eco = ecology, life study, economic
Ico = Itoeh, to get a surge back to get an object. Disrespect from this is due to the
fact and as it seems because you are owed it. So you get an object.
Oco = disrepect by disbelief in practice.
Uco = your count, your company, university
Yco = wacko, crazy
acs = energy backup
ecs = exception, exuse, excuse, to sometimes lie
ics = picks, make fun, intercourse
ocs = ocular, seeing glasses
ucs = unceasing, fuck
ycs = wild life scene, wild scene
afc = after course
efc = fuck action, bad action
ifc = if cause, iffy course, if seen
ofc = of course
ufc = unforseen, your focus
yfc = in marriage
ahn = coinage, barter, currency, dawn, after, awning, siding
ehn = honored, en, at an end
ihn = loyalty, inhinderance
ohn = disrespect, shame, hesitance
uhn = undo; undo in, not, unhinder, ton, weighty, discourage, denial, instinct, instinctual, unhesitant, ruination, ruin, this is where its not done by the body at the right time so its undone in effect.
yhn = feudal; govermental, switch, wildness, wild
uka = together; togetherness, group
uke = meet
uki = cooperate; yukki (in dog) or idea in use otherwise, that is done of a point in regard by feel.
uko = dismissed; misunite, miss out, dismiss
uku = upchuck; union, spew, send forth (from body), this is not done if you think its not so that is a point done by the spirit.
uky = emulate; rapport, rhappart, yucky (in dog), lucky, link together, create by focus, mind-meld that creates the point of a link with someone or some animal, this is a point of idea that occurs by bond and the idea is finished as you think your not bonded by thought.
akh = pain
ekh = flush
ikh = forge; forgery, this is where you forge a bond or create by forgery.
okh = ash
ukh = combination; smelt, weld
ykh = bloody
yla = lock out
ula = many
ola = gift; give overly, give away, given, friendly greeting, entwinned (moment)
ila = village; partition, city area, separated area, island, isle, closed in area, boxed in area (from dog), this came from the memory of a city area called deville and that was a villa or village area.
ela = elation
ala = worship; think, all by, all of, uprise, praise, create
ale = drink; enjoyment, unless, this is a point that you think and attempt to add onto things.
ele = risen; elevation, elevate, high up, element, arch, elegant
ile = blood; I let, seen as, relating
ole = cater; caterer, here it is, as it seems, seem/s/ed/ing
ule = part; apart of, otherwise this is mule
yle = done; reason/s/ed/ing
ali = fighter; tough, ally (aliy), upload, uploaded (alio), uploading (aliy)
eli = fated; portent, face or false honor system where you setup the moment as you think to make the statement true.
ili = hacked; storage, illegit, illegitimate, fate or moving idea that causes what you need through the energy you gather by feel.
oli = held; holding item, olive, tinged, envious, envy
uli = good taste
yli = support of friends
alo = greet, light, alot
elo = grand, gladly, elogant, elongant, hello
ilo = elope, find something
olo = roundness
ulo = envelope, enveloping, snare
ylo = allow; trapping in place, place trap
alu = allude, alas, lead to believe
elu = escape, hide
ilu = overwhelming
olu = oily, solution
ulu = superior, master of
ylu = aloof; wanting to be left alone
aly = artificial; friend, alley, etial (beastial or like nature), man-made, or non natural in attribute.
ely = place trust in, trust
ily = truth, place trust
oly = outlet, meeting place, oily, roll around, whole around, holey, hole around, strange reaction (almost monstrous rebellion)
uly = activity
yly = hold it there
ald = bald; baldness eld = old; oldness, old body ild = guilt; guilty feeling, guilty, specific to something you did old = bold uld = build; built yld = wild; out of control
alg = math, mathematics
elg = elegant
ilg = bilge, sewage swamp, sewage system
olg = coffee, folger
ulg = bulge, budge
ylg = while good, redeemable
alt = alternative
elt = belt, leather strap
ilt = build up, hilt
olt = move in place, colt
ult = ordered, cult, culture
ylt = secure, while there
asa = sometime, asap
ase = absess, clone; this has an indication of absess, otherwise stomach overhang that disappears within a day. Then you notice a cloned you somewhere you go or see. This usually happens by art action, that is magic otherwise you could fart and exercise it off. Then the absess or abcess is gone. So think and you could get what you wanted, that is done with a little focusing and heightened heart pace.
asi = close match
aso = delienation, noticable difference
asu = close match, twin
asy = assail, assault
ask = question
esk = whisk
isk = ask away, risk
osk = keel over, fall over
usk = ivory, tusk
ysk = set aside, get detail
ast = backward, past
est = is; think, estimate, established, east, yes, rest, mystery
ist = caught onto, gist, mastery, master is, heist
ost = c'ost, removed from, oust, force away, meant as, meaning
ust = enticing, dust, just
yst = bound in, waist, waste
ama = measured, associate, amount
ema = emaculate respond point; emma, (come) over respond (positively), this is where you get an over response that's over reactive in nature until demand is made. This is also where you make equal, the emanation or effect by radiation.
ima = ilus, illustrated, image, illusion, shown, illusion can show anything presented and this is used as the aura shows a truth that isn't actually a truth so think of what you want to show and you show the idea. So true sight is where you think you see the illusion and dismiss it.
oma = old one, grandmother
uma = call, summon, consume
yma = make appear, arithmacy, math magic, magical math(wit)
ame = holding, claim, a muck, to blows
eme = full, satisfaction
ime = lime
ome = base
ume = feathery, feather, make
yme = in place of
ami = friendly, ami (greek), love
emi = project outward
imi = imitation; image, mimick, mimicking (imiy or imin) or use of imagination, this is using an idea to copy for high regard if imitating another. Otherwise this is a point, that bears no copying. Otherwise this is done to copy, and replicate what is there.
omi = sharing with
umi = focus
ymi = gain friend
amo = number, amount, love (as roman root amo)
emo = feel, sense or sensed by senses, emotion, armour, armor
imo = freeze in place, immobilization
omo = align
umo = change, transmute, trasform, shift
ymo = new form
amu = to be in, form
emu = emulate; emulation, or emulated (emun) and that is where you imitated the moment. Think so if you impersonate, emulate, make idea or perfectly copy, also this is a curative.
imu = moving to
omu = vision, sight
umu = enact
ymu = incline/s/ed/ing
amy = friend, amiable and judge
emy = award, ceromony
imy = myself
omy = shock, witness
umy = oomy, loom
ymy = why me
amn = damn
emn = emmin; release, jammin, binge; (sometimes overindulge), indulgence, curse; this is however a point of a deterrent downcast moment that with idea is malaise caused by a due point in deterrent activity otherwise this is a conjugal or thought action that's done unless resisted.
imn = fated, imminent
omn = omen, signs of, onimous, torture, disfigurement
umn = design, grandly made
ymn = immediance, suggestion, possible
amp = amperage, sound boost
emp = emperor
imp = imp
omp = romp
ump = hump, sex
ymp = whimp, serving fearful
ana = studier, anael, innate need that causes situations and sewer problems
ena = placed in action, enable, a goddess that uses dark matter to get effects of repulsion and appreciation
ina = rina, steady direction, point, female form, chaos (based)
ona = mild, mildly
una = steady influence
yna = seek excitement
ane = any, anyone
ene = selective; ehe, gout, if you can form gout this is a selective point of view, this is energy in a form of gas that can reform as you need. Energy then is ennerved point of view or free flowing electrons created by a point of view or particle activity.
ine = fork, fine point
one = tone, struck sound, following, who, second idea, item
une = tune, slight melody, one, you
yne = wine, grape juice
ani = in motion, scribe
eni = to act out, penny
ini = initiate, initiation
oni = good quality, good demon of monstrous form and can cause disease, flavorful
uni = universal, one, unit
yni = incompatibility, non matching part
ano = slotted in, another
eno = fed up
ino = know it, frustration
ono = do something, oh no
uno = guessing game, one, unit, unknown
yno = whino, mad cap, why know
anu = god will, sun god
enu = stature, pose, mother goddess
inu = knew that, know things, self-seek, self-taught, innuendo (knowledge used on purpose as cause or threat)
onu = crotch area, manhood
unu = unusual; unused idea that is sometimes used. Otherwise this is cockiness, that occurs by a huge ego.
ynu = pharoah, god ruler
any = anye, analysis; anything, everyone possible, analyze the moment you do things and you understand what you need or what occurs.
eny = divided class, caste system, any ending, penny, god of wildness and wilderness
iny = small minded, haughtiness
ony = large voiced, loud, attention getter
uny = puny, small stature
yny = whine alot, whiny
anc = stressful; stress, this is the strain of the moment. anchor; think to focus on the planet and send energy through the feet and this energy goes into the planet. That is cleansing your energy, so think of the point and you can anchor and balance what you have in energy. Think to have a stress free moment and evironment.
enc = hence; with, encumbrance, weight
inc = copy, dubbed
onc = oncoming, rush hour
unc = knocked out, unconscious
ync = yncic, terrorist
aad = advertise, ad, increase/d
ead = egad
iad = iapad, legal
oad = load, workload
uad = your aid
yad = yadda
aed = pay off; paid, disease
eed = welder, preexisting soirat flesh eater that exists to create by vibration sake.
ied = I educate, apply (applying with -y/applied with -o), I lied
oed = owed, overdose, overeat
ued = persue, glue
yed = their version of education bypass
aid = paid
eid = earned
iid = eyelid/s
oid = old identification, old id
uid = pegged
yid = wake, burial
aod = artifact; memento, age old, afford
eod = prophecy; end, destruction
iod = overdo; overkill, overdose, iodine
ood = place; neighborhood, ud, good, hood, placed idea
uod = user death
yod = wreckage; ruins, collapse, removal
aud = audible element like wind or fire, audible, normal, audience that listens to what you say. Otherwise this is fraud, or fraudulent by activity.
eud = earbud
iud = triad, triple mad
oud = owing, loud noise/s
uud = use; food, user device like a computer
yud = you'd, yuck ward
ayd = jaybird death
eyd = eyelid/s
iyd = contract; form of policy holding person, held from true position
oyd = owe
uyd = report; form of police, flood/ing
yyd = male reaction, lying point
and = finally; ended (by use of some action), illuminate/d, illumine (by ideal in life)
end = complete; thought, end, saved
ind = process, so think not fear here or hind that is a point
ond = find; found, search around, insight, on ground
und = uu-; undone, unwound, this is where you wound things or its gone with the idea.
ynd = free energy; wind
anf = infestation; get together, orgy, roach, cockroach, bug otherwise "or not" if infestation.
enf = fold-up, infinite, infinity, infinitely
inf = description
onf = unfamiliar, onrush, oncoming
unf = unforseen, unsolved
ynf = thighbone
ant = want, feat, feature(individual action), ant, to work, mark, symbol/symbolic
ent = enter; entice, ice entity
int = integer, measure of value
ont = style, font
unt = blunt, hammer
ynt = smash, wanton
ang = anguish, anger
eng = example
ing = ingral; success, successful conclusion, relief, integral, the giving of a piece of peach pie
ong = stone
ung = lung, fume, fume from fungus thats hard to see and is made from bacteria growing from decay.
yng = source
ann = an, announce
enn = writing tool, pen, pencil
inn = hotel
onn = on
unn = undo, gun
ynn = winning
ara = arid
era = time frame
ira = kind
ora = treasure, story, golden
ura = depiction
yra = musical, yara, firey light energy, extra (display, for or action)
are = relating of, to
ere = pointing out, points
ire = ideal, "I", mardoku, a sense of self, irate, The creator
ore = unrefined, more so
ure = enjoyment
yre = musical accompaniment, or, order
ari = dry
eri = spooky
iri = feelings
ori = gold plate, imagined, bad
uri = unclean
yri = scared of
aro = arouse
ero = erotic
iro = irony
oro = value, superconductor
uro = hair color
yro = transistor
aru = (how) are you, against
eru = erupt, sped up
iru = anger
oru = youth
uru = nothing; no rush, your rush, this is a point that's done and over with by feel. Otherwise this is done to mentally urge, the feel is there so work with it.
yru = wired, electrician, electrical
ary = wary, immediate fear
ery = arrive; arrival, withdrawal, storage, eery or girly
iry = writing, slender
ory = high value, alertness, place, location
ury = bury, hide in dirt, jury, injury
yry = wiry, courage
arb = garb, clothing
erb = herb, plant
irb = opposition
orb = orb, perfect sphere
urb = curb
yrb = within year
arp = tarp, harp
erp = short surprise, surprise, merp
irp = chirp, hairpin
orp = torp
urp = burp
yrp = pin, considerate
art = are
ert = inert, earth, gert, earthlike, inert earth, hurt
irt = ire, dirt, an expansive weight, girth, batman
ort = ore, chuckle
urt = your, urge on, hurt
yrt = why are, why is
arl = grain; barley, need, long
erl = baron
irl = reality; real life, really
orl = whorl; black hole, energy vortex, singularity
url = area; site, place, this is a point of your area of expertise.
yrl = whirl; swirl, watch it
ash = carbonate; burnt, ash, carbon, cinders
esh = mesh; fine covering, this came from "I'm fine I'm covering for you."
ish = similar; significance, significant, that is, that's
osh = posh; dismissed grandeur
ush = plush; andh, overtly enticing
ysh = grant; wish, granted, inductment, need based, wish fulfilled, inferrment
ata = restore; hater, attain, tap, this tapping procedure attains relaxation or you might hate to do something. What you hate you avoid, if possible. This us an au naturale restoring of feeling and nerves. This tapping procedure is here @ http://alt-sites.tripod.com/EFT_Tapping_Points.htm.
eta = eater; food, estimate, estimation, spirit, ether
ita = item; vital, inter, between, place in
ota = know; understand, understood, other
uta = taken; utah, utter, dire, dire (need), fuel pool, energy pool, fuel tank
yta = whiter
ate = closeness
ete = alcoholism; fete, alcoholic, awareness, ethe, spirit, alcohol
ite = mite; item, object
ote = mote; small, smallness
ute = high pitched sound
yte = flute; play a flute
ati = achievement
eti = advice; time, meeting, council
iti = hit; constructive ideal, popular
oti = reconstruction; floor plan, reformation
uti = closure
yti = op; operator, revamp, refurbish, modify, operation
ato = atom, atomic
eto = structure, structuring
ito = avert; pelv, dick, pecker, pelvis, formation, form, hit other, into, hit upon, type of member
oto = objective
uto = far away
yto = targeting
atu = stabilize
ato = model; atom, atomic
eto = eatery; building, structure, structuring
ito = avert; dick, pecker, pelvis, formation, form, hit other, into
oto = objective
uto = distance; distant, far away
yto = blot; covering, erase, whiteout, targeting
atu = stabilize
etu = path; orbit, settled
itu = destiny; destination, set path
otu = establishment; Eta, estimated time of arrival, arrival in, set time
utu = goal; agreeable, agreed upon, mature, reachable, satiated
ytu = pathway; work, set motion
aty = ship; organ, vessel partner, hating to dismiss the idea this is like a fine tuned organ.
ety = eating; notion, ideal
ity = suppose; claim, greatness
oty = skin; dark stain, smudge, blacken
uty = utility
yty = useful
atc = time; on sight, scene, go forward
etc = continuance; ecetera, onward
itc = show; shower, appearance, appearing
otc = army
utc = largeness; butsy, large butt, okay, sometimes this is beauty.
ytc = blank
ath = author; approximate, guess
eth = nature
ith = construct; build, structure, affinity
oth = moth; other than, otherwise
uth = ruthless
yth = origination; original, girth, prose, mythos, the myth of
atr = attribution; trait, attribute, inter, attract, enter
etr = man
itr = friend; friendly, prefer, mate, matey
otr = meal
utr = utrus; bowel track, internal
ytr = engine; internal combustion
att = tower; cell phone, phone system, communication system, attitude
ett = etiquette; proper action, proper sequence
itt = quality; goods, valued good, jewelry
ott = supposition; sugar, sweet stuff, ought, supposed, this is supposed to energize you.
utt = foolish; folley, fool, utter
ytt = intelligent; intelligence, street smart, wit, intinctive, outwit
ava = avail; relieve, makeup, available
eva = cover; evasive, protective
iva = alive
ova = star; nova, wide area fire burst, incendiary
uva = big
yva = evolution
ave = addiction; addict, road, path, crave, crave things, pave
eve = midday; middle day
ive = uniform
ove = contain
uve = poop; bowel movement, move out, clearly, clear minded
yve = invade
avi = avid; avail, grow up, give up
evi = evict; eviction, evening, bad event, rise, evil (impractice or impratical use), devil, midafternoon
ovi = excess; excessive, overly, too much
ivi = job; placement, plant, consignment
uvi = act; movement, moving, in movement
yvi = evening
avo = makeup; avow (creation), wake up (avon), probably; this otherwise is a promise to do.
evo = evoke
ivo = ivory
ovo = rowboat
uvo = pointed; point out, move over there
yvo = make; set course, destination
avu = kicked awake
evu = evasive
ivu = involvement
ovu = ovulate; too pleased, ovule, plant seed, overindulgence, overstupidity that's included with indulgence
uvu = chime; in synch, synchronicity, synchronous, united in
yvu = wave; incoming from, arrival
avy = give; give and take, make wave
evy = enviable
ivy = information; informing, info, plant vines, private, this is a moment of a private detective.
ovy = clean; clear, perfection, cool, nice look
uvy = perish
yvy = sadness; feel sad
ark = ship; lightless place, galleon, dark
erk = sea; felt, jerk
irk = fight; reaction, dirk
ork = future; alternative, alternation, possibility, fork, this is a fork in the road.
urk = found; regretted, lurk, stumbled upon
yrk = seasick; seen movement, sea movement, jerked movement, work, pull along
uac = shift; evac, wacky, wack
uec = hesitation; weakly agree, weak acknowledgement, symbolic, this is a symbolic moment.
uic = buick; with character, which, wake, with carrol
uoc = gift; cooking wock, kindness
uuc = sucky; loud character, fallout, weak characteristic
uyc = candle wick
uad = wed; grouped together thing, quad, wade
ued = weed
uid = inky; inkyness, wide, squid, make known
uod = reject; not desirable
uud = would
uyd = squid; guessed it, width
uaf = meat; wafer, waif, thinly sliced
uef = sideway; formed emotion, grief
uif = game; wife, wiff (snatch of scent)
uof = wolf
uuf = woof
uyf = wiff; scent, scentable moment
uag = wag tail
ueg = egg; wedge, thin layering, going, away of material energy, materia
uig = a wig
uog = losing; take a loss
uug = shout; yell, or yelling (uugan or uugy)
uyg = explanation; wig out or explain, game area, take action, active, monster area with multiple lined almuminum foil trays untouched by a creature jaw-bones, set in-line, moment that is due by action.
uak = awaken; wake, wake up
uek = iffy; weak, wield
uik = disaster; with kill, willpower, will to happen, create, this is with a kill that if you use willpower and will it to happen you create.
uok = aware; awake, wakeful
uuk = regeneration; poison, active, recover
uyk = erupt; fiery, moral, dry out
ual = wall
uel = weal, well, uuell, swell up, user hell
uil = will
uol = woah
uul = wool, cotton
uyl = focus clearly
uam = back head knock
uem = emotional moment
uim = emotion
uom = womb
uum = senseless
uym = a wim, given into desire
uan = wane
uen = wean
uin = wine, ruin, whine
uon = not stopped, won
uun = about to faint, won't
uyn = a win, to win
uap = whap
uep = weep
uip = wipe
uop = whop
uup = woops, mistake, whoops, etc
uyp = whip
uaq = scream awake
ueq = weaken
uiq = tremor
uoq = woke up hearing
uuq = quake
uyq = earth vibration
uar = war, warcat
uer = were, sewer
uir = wire, got it, hopefully, yes (if positive or relaxed happy feel), no (if negative or firm feel), only in sex is this word used. order; order site, citation, citing, chocolate
uor = wore out, unconscious worried yes, neither, nor, not, succor
uur = sewer; self gain, self experience, steady, make steady, water movement pipe
uyr = weyr, dragon layer
uas = was, ways, weighs, invasive, waste, water, waste of time, think to shift or move to somewhere else and you are where you think to become better.
ues = choose from
uis = wisdom, wizard, wise one
uos = feeling personal pity
uus = meditate
uys = make wise
oat = an oat
oet = overeat
oit = owing
oot = boot
out = outing, trip
oyt = card
uat = wrestler; wait, what, weight (profession), what you do
uet = wheat
uit = wight, undead being
uot = wrote
uut = whoot
uyt = witty response
uav = grateful; wave, you have (thanks), hand pass
uev = weave
uiv = wives; harem, nag, apparently
uov = woven; sewn together
uuv = weaver
uyv = wedge; wedge shape
uaw = cut through
uew = whew
uiw = with work
uow = a wow
uuw = drained of stamina, wobbly by work
uyw = shortcoming
uax = a wax, wacks
uex = weeks
uix = with wax, wax use
uox = wakes
uix = uuix, near fainting
uyx = wicks
uaz = was
uez = wheez
uiz = wise
woz = woes
uuz = whoozy
uyz = a genious
alf = half; alien, V
elf = helpful; generous, self, elf, energy metamorphed human that are demihuman
ilf = fitting; ill fit, hilt fit, ill fed
olf = ship; hold full, golf, prestigious family
ulf = gulf; wide stream
ylf = well fed; elven family
alp = blotch; alps mountain, application, national
elp = help
ilp = heart disease; plague, drain, shrivel, not personal, corrupt, disease
olp = ancient ruins; decadence, decadent civilization, dry, ancient power
ulp = hull pass; gulp, swallow, bird
ylp = 4th dimension; wild plain, wild magic, wild fey
asp = waspy; asp raspy, aspect, A wasp in or out by feel that is sometimes able to use biting chiding remarks (if human) to do as in what is right or to do as in necessary for what you think is necessary.
esp = mental ability, think and feel to psychokinetically and inkinetically move or create and know things.
isp = wisp; this is a body of light created by the soul to be one level above Esp as in platform that is one level above the norm to do but espratz or comertz. Comertz is to come and use electrical hertz energy to get things done. One does seem unaffected as its unrealized. Pop-up droll for every space. This body can create what you need, that is thinking as you are aware and what you need is done. This is a point of light reflection, that creates with slickness otherwise.
Epratz is Energy prayer of this point with a zap. Isp reduces things by and for the basic constant
idea for the ease of things and the time you notice it, you get to know them. Think to be the 'use' of
the intelligent idea as an source of vision.
osp = battery; internal source, osprey that is the language of the idea you think to whisper for horses or
human. It comes as a whisper and acts as a point for you to do.
usp = please; hustling pleasure, cupped, cusp, use of the c'usp to stand still and in a change to being a point in
spirit idea. Once their your other body is enchained or within bounds to go. It will do
anything you think on. With what you do is done to all. Then just move to get out with
the spirit intact. Some say the body is enchained while your spirit is free and doing
things as with manipulation and idea, but sometimes with other bodies. It has been
known to leave the body unharmed as the cuffs take and absorb bad spirit activity. In
Usp the spirit is left unharmed but the mind is tortured till the spirit does the
necessary. Then it is, do no so purpose. Because in purpose except in purpose it is set
go. Thinking to go off on tangent then be able to do things after being pulled back is with use of an
ysp = cutting; cut out, to cutout effect, to cause it or use it, an be of the way out, the identity in
a point, wisp is to forget and to do to know by pressure as the spirit remembers.
sometimes its already idea to do a mention but not know you did unless you do. This
can be effective to cause the spirit wildness and to strike out if done overlong. In
Ysp the spirit activity can be taken as negative of a request. Just a negative gets a
reverse method. So its positive in all but one, you. As in an idea of "I almost had
you, it was you of all things." This is either where you don't know or just guessing.
apa = apathy; monkey, apathetic, paint, in aspect art, monkey paint, skin disorder that seems like paint, indemnity
ape = game; a repeat, imitate, steal, make statement, indecisive, this is like overwatch and other games where you think and create by the feel. This gets results if you make for the idea and work with results.
api = gaming; applying, sarcastic, bad word, incessant
apo = question
apu = corrupt; correction, bad, smelly
apy = gassy; gout, bad gas, treatment, body aperture
epa = equation; equal system
epi = need; before this, upon, this is made upon a wish.
epe = expectation; aspect of, sign, divination point, expected
epo = epoxy; abolish, extended, kept (doing things)
epu = maintain; regulated, maintained, this is with the point of being helpful by feel.
epy = sleep; make better, to rest
ipa = complaint; impact, disservice
ipe = wipe; to be on target of accuracy
ipi = wiping; excite, emotional
ipo = liftoff; pulled, lift
ipu = paid; cost of insanity, in waste, insanity
ipy = correction; wiping deranged, abuse, psychotic, drink mix
opa = beauty; beautiful, illusion, grandfather
ope = hopeful; entrance
opi = hopping; secret, feeling, opium
opo = hopeful; hope, opium in thought
opu = opulent; gratifying, opulant, stink, weed
opy = herbal; make, make imitation, a feel good like opium that you mix
upa = happiness
upe = hoop; up, whop, fall over, Ups: backup
upi = whooping; mistaken, initiate
upo = kept; withhold, keep from, simple, this is a can of whoopass that uses everything against a person.
upu = flaming; poopoo, everything against, this is where everything against this is gone.
upy = toiletry; energy bridge
ypa = clean up
ype = sanitory
ypi = wipe
ypo = water flow
ypu = erasure; wipe out, erase
ypy = wipe up
aar = trade; barter, market, dumbness, dumb, this is where you are dumb by feel and working with others.
ear = earn; hear, bear
iar = action; liar, debasing, concealing
oar = hoar; large volume, paddle
uar = inarguable; not argue, you are, war
yar = story; made up tale, personal satisfaction, that's life, you're, year in moments
aer = air; bearer, holder, over, fear, if you are in the air, some have fear or you can burn away the debris in the air with the aura as you then breath in oxygen.
eer = beer; root, basing
ier = light; define, pier
oer = way; locating, location, over as our way is used as a males lifespan may end-up shortened from the risks by what is a negative reaction for a positive idea that you can stand.
uer = user; gamer, upcoming, in gushing blood
yer = year; pointing to you, your, this where your in a year of luck.
air = arranger; arrangement, arranging, arranged element that's burned away by the aura and you get oxygen instead of the debris.
eir = conspiration; heir, conspirer
iir = height; high flyer
oir = wire; mire, represents law, lawyer, this is where a lawyer hears it if it's recorded and your mired in law.
uir = uir = wire, got it, hopefully, yes (if positive or relaxed happy feel), no (if negative or firm feel), only in sex is this word used. order; order site, citation, citing, chocolate
yir = mold; rot, identification of, focus point of idea that creates interest if black mold.
aor = worker; deployment, work order
eor = soldier; marching, acting on orders
ior = priority; great importance, buyer
oor = sell; whore, poor, using up, deplete/d
uor = addictive; repetition, addicting
yor = ignorant; incite to anger, your, ignoring people
aur = day; daytime, sunlight, or, are, am, is, arrange by energy, like kind, source
eur = enr, peer; hour, hourly, measured (accounted or accused), pedestrian, person (in the area), otherwise paedophile; sexist by person or peer, this is the mark of the measured or moment to be judged by feel.
iur = value; based off, unit
our = powder; self act, play, or, cancel
uur = sewer; self gain, self experience, steady, make steady, water movement pipe
yur = excuse; self explanatory, bypass
ayr = breath
eyr = hear anything at all
iyr = life breathe
oyr = raised to awareness
uyr = fated to
yyr = animate
ait = yit, alryt, aight, alright, alrighty, okay
eit = legit; energy hit or exit point, eirt; ire, dirt, expansive weight, owl, girt, girth, batman, here then, sleight, intent, eat it
iit = eye it, look at it
oit = ok it, give permission, owe it, not that
uit = you write, your right
yit = aight, alright
agl = ageless, angle
egl = eagle
igl = wiggle; ingle, chimney
ogl = stare, look
ugl = ugly, sneak
ygl = unstick, dry out, stickless, wiggle
alm = alarm, calm, almanac
elm = elementary, basis in element
ilm = film, ill me, record
olm = investigator, holm, holmedric
ulm = most deadliest element
ylm = wild you, wild me
arc = encoded information, circle portion, endpointed curved line
erc = demand, mercenary
irc = relayed speech, relayed pattern
orc = human pig with piglike snout human head fattish five feet tall human body
and great body strength four-fingered hands cloven feet greenish fur body coverage and
warlike innate magic ability with most up to trickery
urc = anger, disturb
yrc = work
arr = arrow
err = error, wrong think
irr = dismissal, dismissed, forgotten
orr = machine, mechanize, contraption, contrive
urr = toughen, rough, rough like
yrr = seasonal, life experience
arn = sunrise
ern = earn, earning
irn = iron
orn = torn cloth, ornament
urn = pitcher, clay pot, inert
yrn = yearn, not wire
ars = ass, butt, active measure, association, arrest
ers = terse, tense
irs = tax, reversal measurement, reverse weight
ors = oar, gold weight
urs = yours, your weight, measurement
yrs = timeless, ageless, wire measure, wire weight
asm = assemble, gathered people, assembly, asma
esm = resemble, ensemble
ism = possible, chance, possibility
osm = cosmos, endless
usm = busom, use me
ysm = wisdom
asd = asgorath, asgara, asgarath, world of gamblers and void people that enslave
annoyances while treating people with respect that gamble, have respect
esd = estimated duration, duration
isd = personal prophecy
osd = dumb, awestruck
usd = dollar, paper money, bank note
ysd = wisdom, knowledge
asn = aspirin, aspire, aspiring, poison, passin/g
esn = ease in, easy in
isn = catalystic prison, is in, prison
osn = cousin, accost and debit
usn = euson, to be us in, reason
ysn = thing, thyng, why an weight in, wisen
apt = known to, ability, skill
ept = maintain, excerpt, except, inept, skill, ability
ipt = script, input
opt = sight, preference, option, optional, choice, optical, optic, output
upt = disruption, uptake, hobby, uptaken
ypt = crypt, purge, clean, cemetary
aqt = swimmer
eqt = equator, equal point
iqt = upht, uft, umph, oomph, inner strength, inner power
oqt = bear
uqt = organizer
yqt = prent(ice), apprentice; prevent, prevention, demention, dement, dementive, dememive
arz = alien
erz = erratic; this is done by erratic electrical signals.
irz = irresponsible
orz = contraction; control, control responses
urz = urgency; urgent actions, this is done from urgent need.
yrz = drug use.
axt = situate
ext = to the extent, exit
ixt = arrange
oxt = manage
uxt = uixt, control, dominate
yxt = possession, wax this, if possession that ends with dismissal of the possessor.
axp = expiration
exp = vete, death of, experience, experienced, expect/ed
ixp = explosion, explosive
oxp = team moment
uxp = wisp; uixp, resulting moment, cusp
yxp = fallout
azn = as in, equal, suggest, as not, haze in
ezn = ease, not easy, lazy
izn = isn't, be not, prize not
ozn = ozone, htuotri, hydrogen oxate, o/z, H2O3, high level plnetary air
uzn = gel, slow flow, thick fluid
yzn = wisen, miser, wiser
Four part vowels
afra = afraid, afeard
afre = personal fear
afri = frighten
afro = fraud; isn't true, hairstyle otherwise
afru = indifferent
afry = frigid, balfry
efra = ignore
efre = bloat
efri = leave alone, authorize in
efro = fraud
efru = psychoanalyst, torn
efry = you heard me, listen
aint = ain't, no (ain't), be not, are not, aren't
eint = and, avoid
iint = high end, high up
oint = point, healing ointment
uint = fluent, squint
yint - detective
iano = piano, wood knocker, hitting music
ieno = good otherwise
iino = part of, in no, in number
iono = I dunno, I don't know
iuno = I lunge of, I undo
iyno = I whine of, I whino, to complain
yank = person, stop steal, steal(object, theft or discrepancy)
yenk = poor, disinterest
yink = wink
yonk = bastard, honk
yunk = insult
yynk = erupt
yaki = concept
yeki = please, dismiss
yiki = surprise
yoki = are you ok, your power, fascination(fascinating)
yuki = bringer
yyki = conscious, conspicuus
anam = enamn, enamel, rurealistic
anem = a nemesis
anim = animated, coexistant, animal
anom = absorbing good while eating, actively good
anum = anti-numbering, active number
anym = to be pseudonimically evil, punished, acronym
anima = bad condition, anime person
anime = a person as if born from money, picture of what is quality animation
animi = anemic, loss of iron, ironic
animo = animalistic people person
animu = stillframe, don't move and achieve action, animal you as if different person, ultimately definable
corrupting force
animy = animational, everything anime like
anng = anger
enng = slang
inng = fucking, sex pleasure, peninsula
onng = on guard
unng = lunge forth
ynng = through power, detriment
aram = devoted one
eram = zealot
iram = crave
oram = cram, pack
uram = clear
yram = clear minded
arem = multitude of, harem
erem = single
irem = lover(man)
orem = cream
urem = fattening
yrem = wire rim
arim = arrival at
erim = appear hurt
irim = boulder
orim = devise, plan
urim = be free
yrim = constrict, constriction
arom = aroma, scent
erom = accidental
irom = era, frame of time
orom = halt
urom = turn, direction change
yrom = settle, place of rest
arum = room
erum = furniture
irum = spacious
orum = shit, oriface
urum = still
yrum = rafter, roof support
arym = an agreement
erym = a besiegement
irym = conflict of interest
orym = allibi
urym = a result
yrym = contribute
yaff = talk
yeff = jeff, call girl, pleasure man
yiff = sex, dirty
yoff = scoff
yuff = dog bark, sexy call
yyff = wife, abrasive woman
ekan = he can't (so I can)
eken = e-ken, to know and do as if psychicly aware, psychicly confused, evil kenning (to know, do, effect but by
evil effects), to know and do as though in necessity but theres no moral basis as it can effect anyway.
ekin = energy kinetics, energy kindred
ekon = to say and to do things and out of energy and it being some energy, constructs of what is said or done
into words written down as though in a console., energy console.
ekun = to be psychicly aware but tries to avoid things out of fear., to size up or down intelligence according to
ekyn = wildness energy, energy of wild consolance
akam = volcano, give ground, give distance
ekam = accede, give way
ikam = came
okam = flee, run
ukam = retreat
ykam = viking, early explorer
akem = pressure
ekem = break
ikem = survive
okem = live on, separate
ukem = mold into
ykem = adaptable
akim = call forth
ekim = summon, ask him
ikim = respond, response
okim = oak, tree
ukim = make come
ykim = see it through
akom = destroy
ekom = destruct, annihilate
ikom = sacrifice
okom = oak log house
ukom = satisfaction
ykom = further negotiation
akum = play a role
ekum = assume, idea of
ikum = act
okum = stage, staging area
ukum = convince
ykum = believable, survival
akym = decorated, honored
ekym = your claim
ikym = glory
okym = hound, dog
ukym = train, instill habits
ykym = warfare, war act, hunt
akla = antiquity, anticipation
ekla = aged, very old
ikla = priceless
okla = ancient, early
ukla = respect
ykla = represent yourself
akle = ankle, work clay
ekle = hand, hands
ikle = mastery, trader
okle = bend into shape, bend
ukle = earning, trade
ykle = prosperous
akli = bakery, irritated
ekli = produce
ikli = formation
okli = pastry
ukli = trading
ykli = distributor
aklo = make glow
eklo = applied force
iklo = equally
oklo = crystal
uklo = vision focus
ykio = mental clarity
aklu = dangerous, danger
eklu = material provided
iklu = including
oklu = warning signs, no clue
uklu = avoiding, warding disaster
yklu = avoid a war
akly = acclaimed of
ekly = have weakness in
ikly = witnessed by
okly = personal experience
ukly = climate of effect area
ykly = personal enjoyment
alla = allay, bring aside
ella = laid aside
illa = villa, town, city center
olla = sight see, tour the area
ulla = explore the area
ylla = interact with things
alle = hunt down
elle = last line(up), you will
ille = keep moving
olle = catch up
ulle = consideration
ylle = while away
alli = strategic; strategy, alley way, long range planning, allowed; this is where your allowed to do things and have what you need by feel such as things.
elli = tactics, short range planning
illi = actions therein
olli = adrenaline
ulli = momentary tiredness
ylli = campaign, warefare
allo = hello
ello = peaceful passage
illo = tall collumns
ollo = no center, hollow
ullo = bull, bull through
yllo = destructive
ally = alliance
elly = preserve
illy = not serious, hilly
olly = bless, holly
ully = beater, make fun of
ylly = wilderness, wildness, wild country
alti = alteration, height, change in form
elti = toughened, brutish
ilti = shape up, modify from
olti = skittish
ulti = ultimate, coltish
ylti = blow to face
amar = scar, bruise
amer = depicted vision
amir = future vision, distinct
amor = amoral
amur = murder
amyr = mirror portal
oman = old man, in trouble, oh man
omen = physical sign, sign
omin = all mine
omon = odd feel, hormone
omun = mooncall, hunting horn
omyn = sunshine
anca = uncaring, anchored
ance = lance, distanced
anci = unseeing, blind
anco = rancor, mild anger
ancu = sentimental
ancy = choice; fancy, extravagence
anta = antagonist
ante = add value to
anti = against, opposite
anto = being records of, record
antu = remainder of
anty = protection from, aunt, special relative
enta = last
ente = enters, this is entering into things.
enti = entice
ento = inside yourself, five
entu = entire piece
enty = plenty
inta = intake
inte = integral
inti = knife fight
into = together with
intu = instinct
inty = intrigue
onta = party included, montage
onte = on to you, in the know
onti = on time
onto = pronto
ontu = count of two
onty = self preserving
unta = union, untamed
unte = unite
unti = until
unto = untoward
untu = untucked
unty = untyed
ynta = bring wine
ynte = quaint
ynti = has a point
ynto = went into
yntu = beef
ynty = point out
Appa = apartment
Appe = appetite thats unbeatable but can be unbearable
Appi = mountains, apply, appetizer
Appo = appointment, apple
Appu = pull, (a) pull, applied scent
Appy = happy, satisfied
aara = barrier
aera = spread through
aira = trap release, circulation
aora = air flow
aura = energy flow, life force, fluix
ayra = magic flow
aare = sunlight
aere = heated
aire = energized
aore = charged
aure = daylight
ayre = dehydration
aari = heat wave, are you all right
aeri = in air
airi = float, fly
aori = current
auri = new life
ayri = augury, oracle
aaro = ancient ruins
aero = air
airo = molecule/ar
aoro = electric/ity/al
auro = load, build up
ayro = overload
aaru = errand, reeds, movement to accomplish
aeru = important/ance
airu = take notice on
aoru = goal
auru = finis, done, finish, finalized
ayru = law, set idea
aary = inquiry, questioning of
aery = faery, factual information, search for truth
airy = flitful
aory = white lie, partial truth
aury = future depiction, futuristic
ayry = ironic, realized mistake
araa = arrayed, arranged in pattern
area = make description of place
aria = arriving at, deciding on, aura, flight (sometimes with use of things)
aroa = pictured, idea of
arua = completion
arya = single voice
arae = array, lineup arrangement
aree = relation, connected, aligned
arie = difference
aroe = erroding/errosion, rotting
arue = disrupted, broken
arye = claiming to happen, hypothesis
arai = conspired, invented
arei = area of, agreement
arii = cooperation, work together
aroi = wrought, made
arui = need in mind
aryi = speed it up
arao = defined
areo = agreement with self
ario = test
aroo = make attention to, call of loneliness, arousal
aruo = use, used in
aryo = hopeful, can I hope, give up hope
arau = arouse, feel like
areu = bequitkiu, are you, self question
ariu = gameplan, compulsion
arou = peri, around, circ, circu, into
aruu = corrupt, turn to your side, Aururum, metallic substance infused
with magic to be self repairing and can fuse back together.
aryu = attune, become a part
eraa = express
erea = know your area
eria = guidance of lore, think
eroa = evoke love
erua = are you mature, bring nature, maturity
erya = area location, guaranteed safety
erae = a request, requesting
eree = get what you want
erie = stray opinion
eroe = erroneous, stray from path
erue = find problem
erye = guided to light, find promise
erai = corrected, find the path
erei = sight of goal, pointed towards light
erii = gaining momentum
eroi = chance of moment
erui = ruination, ruined chance
eryi = wreak havoc
erao = doom be upon you, fate be against
ereo = prearranged, versus, arrayed against
erio = rival/s, natural enemy
eroo = erotic, strange behavior
eruo = sought protection
eryo = sanctum, neutral ground
erau = bait, incite to attack
ereu = carry you
eriu = challenge to assault
erou = arouse suspician
eruu = make mistake felt
eryu = fail
eray = erasure of moment, failure by death
erey = shame by despising, despite
eriy = erroneous correction, brutally shone
eroy = tough independence, easily provoked
eruy = forgivance of self, letting go
eryy = feel better, recuperation
iraa = charged with purpose
irea = rush ahead, rushing stream
iria = source merge
iroa = bond, flow along with
irua = setting aside, moving along a path
irya = meet source, converge, a city by state
irae = neat, meet
iree = compare notes, idea comparison
irie = expansion of knowledge
iroe = fill with knowledge
irue = rue for you, covetous
irye = vengeance
irai = deciever
irei = rush someone on
irii = practiced falsehood
iroi = move out of way
irui = iron out, must obey
iryi = watchful of events, eventful activity
irao = aftermath, ending event
ireo = pole position, ends meet
irio = shifted position
iroo = irony, past realization
iruo = thwart, thwarted attempt
iryo = law uponst yourself, remain uncaught
irau = identity, be hid
ireu = agreement of kind, tryst
iriu = add variety
irou = borrow from
iruu = righteous, high and mighty
iryu = deboning, downfall event
iray = self sacrifice, give something up
irey = insight, failure acknowledgement
iriy = growth by experience, self growth
iroy = write self experience, diary, biography
iruy = depth perception, perspective, view of self
iryy = acknowlegement of change, changed self
oraa = change of views, biology, life theories
orea = philosophy of life, philosophy, write down, pleixaubian
oria = new life, determination, look
oroa = childish, oh grow up
orua = stand for belief
orya = adult, proven your beliefs
orae = responsibilities
oree = stickler, overly done, stick in the mud
orie = real life, hard bargains
oroe = nightmare
orue = consternation, muddled thinking
orye = singled out, persecuted
orai = overrate, undesire
orei = post synaptic syndrome, depression
orii = suicidal, bad driving
oroi = alleviation, lifting emotions
orui = can't handle it, uneasiness
oryi = get away from, antisocial
orao = make unappealing, ugliness
oreo = build it right, built right, delicious, self-enjoyed
orio = magick, self taught manipulation
oroo = auratic, aura
oruo = soft spoken
oryo = soft melody, rhythm of magick, hypnotic tune
orau = haunting melody, whale song
oreu = mesmerize/ation
oriu = bardic magick, song winds magic
orou = defensive music, calming effect
oruu = sparrow, forgetful music, make forgetful
oryu = warning song, magic warning
oray = night magic, spirit of remorse, faery dance
orey = warding magic
oriy = moon magic, lunar influence
oroy = night activity, night influence
oruy = a ray, one direction line
oryy = shining, energy release
uraa = cattle
urea = bull
uria = united workers
uroa = damnit, expel anger and frustration
urua = currency, spur of the moment
urya = gas
urae = already prepared
uree = bathroom, ureka
urie = bluebird
uroe = torch, flame cloud
urue = expanded vision, illumination
urye = lighted area
urai = collected group
urei = being greedy
urii = group discussion
uroi = leader
urui = topics, discussion choices
uryi = weeding, moderation
urao = one at a time
ureo = selective voice
urio = voiced opinion
uroo = urgent matter
uruo = get it done, rotting, settled fast
uryo = mob mentality, angry mob
urau = heated discussion, key to discusion
ureu = important point, identify
uriu = the heart of the matter, most important
urou = decided action
uruu = party agreement
uryu = destined motion, purposed movement
uray = destined, settlement
urey = quick actions, misthought
uriy = personal warfare, grudge
uroy = unlawful, vigilante
uruy = painful memories, scar
uryy = satisfied
yraa = dooming yourself
yrea = investigation, crime scene
yria = evidence of, criminal activity
yroa = searching clues, investigate
yrua = catch in the act, caught
yrya = construct crime scene
yrae = identify indivisual
yree = pattern match
yrie = possible lineup
yroe = positive identification
yrue = incarceration
yrye = put on record
yrai = interrogation, confession, questioning with intent
yrei = trial case
yrii = question for truth, soothsay
yroi = supporting evidence
yrui = witnesses, backup support
yryi = case in point
yrao = case status
yreo = put notification
yrio = case indication
yroo = court procedure
yruo = cancelled case
yryo = criminal sentence
yrau = jail time, punishment
yreu = prison, incarceration
yriu = time passing
yrou = internal change
yruu = review board
yryu = appeal for release
yray = release from sentence
yrey = probation period, watching time
yriy = set free
yroy = con, released prisoner
yruy = stigmatism, extreme distrust
yryy = liar
aran = arrange, wrangle problem
aren = arena, energy arrangement, (I) can't, (I) can, dejection
arin = arraign, release arrangement
aron = seduce, baron
arun = concern
aryn = phobia
atla = dagger, knife
atle = mystery of mastery
atli = commence, proceed with action
atlo = outlaw
atlu = goodbye
atly = once again, flatly lay
etla = force
etle = athlete, a runner
etli = elite
etlo = yellow
etlu = merit
etly = sweet
itla = cry
itle = little, title, given name
itli = spaztic
itlo = goods
itlu = blue
itly = smile
otla = outlay
otle = myth, turtle, outlet, tortoise
otli = only
otlo = forgotten
otlu = forgive; acquit, this is where you forgive someone in outlying feilds.
otly = play, shield
utla = tarantula spider
utle = belittle, vital
utli = fruit
utlo = knock down
utlu = soap
utly = sea wave
ytla = watery
ytle = mushy
ytli = squishy
ytlo = mud/dy
ytlu = sink
ytly = flood fill, flood
enca = encasement
ence = hence, to point out
enci = observance
enco = imprint
encu = restricted by
ency = dign, dain, value, worth
inca = incapable
ince = explode, explosion
inci = enticing
inco = misunderstood
incu = sleeping area
incy = pacify
onca = answer search
once = past rememberance
onci = vision, visage
onco = curse me
oncu = review moments
oncy = clarified event
anam = body and soul
enam = hard casing
inam = high number
onam = familiar
unam = same
ynam = whine
anem = weakness, name
enem = enemy, protege
inem = protection of self, self defense
onem = happenstance, moment
unem = unnamed, not named
ynem = probable cause
anom = to atone, appease
enom = to appear, phantasmal, phantom
inom = change appearance, glamour
onom = warning
unom = known system
ynom = exploitation
anum = pursue
enum = collect
inum = distribute, share
onum = cause shit
unum = uncounted, uncountable, not seen
ynum = unassociated, split, unassociation
anym = I am named with, acronym
enym = alternative, enei
inym = Laugh out Loud, lol
onym = felt relief
unym = system
ynym = prickly skin
anka = giant roc-like phoenix with 1700 year lifespan
anke = anchor
anki = handkerchief
anko = anchovy
anku = thank you
anky = soft cloth, work cloth
apts = apartment, rented room
epts = mismanagement
ipts = speak, voice
opts = eyeglass
upts = opinion, bias
ypts = overflow, overdo
aqaa = sea life
aqea = aquatic
aqia = shark
aqoa = fish
aqua = uata, water
aqya = storm, wild storm, squall, ocean storm
aqae = call to sea
aqee = dolphin sqee
aqie = aquatic life
aqoe = life flow
aque = achoo!, sneeze
aqye = acquire
orna = Ornamental, To be viewed with as calm but with idea and with know how as your born again as something or
. orne = To be a calm and understanding indivisual by the moment as a situaion occurs.
orni = Formal, forminental and formimental as to be understood but not always liked as your mind works with a
forming or fuck idea.
orno = horny but with or weth discipline and you will do anything to feel good.
ornu = On a known point and this makes you do or show or see.
orny = To be well done and in a moment, ornery by however its done whatever it is. It isn't besburg, its one that
abtz = small tings, small pieces, itty bitty
ebtz = arbituary, little disagreement
ibtz = input, add data, add in (placed in); substitute (teacher or other) thanks to rob.
obtz = orbitz, become orbital, Able to control atoms in instances. travel by thought or
channeling gained from engineering the body. The thought be enabled to override reality
from direct subconscious.; orbituary (deathlist)
ubtz = your input, your bits, your information
ybtz = wild reaction; storage of idea
avai = take, avail from
evai = evoke
ivai = body, self
ovai = sieze
uvai = covet
yvai = valued
avei = compliance
evei = restore, raise
ivei = buy in
ovei = convey, obey someone
uvei = unveil, disclosure
yvei = hidden
avii = season, seasonal
evii = divination, evoke sight
ivii = invitation
ovii = bring forth
uvii = brought to you
yvii = rebound, repast
avoi = sea voyage, craft
evoi = control
ivoi = music, sing
ovoi = object of, to vote
uvoi = new voyage
yvoi = nothing
avui = anyone
evui = enable mind
ivui = in everyone
ovui = stand forth
uvui = find in self
yvui = why so vague
avyi = activist
evyi = enviable
ivyi = applying
ovyi = appliance
uvyi = try, trial
yvyi = dead cause
avam = revamp, recreate
evam = beseech, pierce, argue for
ivam = inflamed
ovam = maim, cut off
uvam = sought after
yvam = revamp, remake, recreate
avem = dream
evem = beam, lance, redeem
ivem = intervene, go between
ovem = stand in between, buffer, block
uvem = move him, move person
yvem = gesture in
avim = a chime
evim = remove from, evict
ivim = intelligent
ovim = overly enthusiastic
uvim = senseless, knocked out
yvim = wave
avom = run, move fast
evom = dash to cover
ivom = dislocate
ovom = request, boon, a presentation, move on
uvom = move overland, forced march
yvom = distance
avum = set
evum = match
ivum = meet
ovum = substance form
uvum = body force
yvum = wavy, wave
Five part vowels
arden = harder, duty bound
erden = urge, compulse
irden = thieves den, irritation
orden = order, found alive
urden = burden, house, task
yrden = collectible, collection
astra = astral, star field
estra = estrangement
istra = beast
ostra = smell, olfac
ustra = sicken, appalling
ystra = pass out
astre = come to senses
estre = female hormone, estregen
istre = female lover
ostre = female greeter, monitor
ustre = call of strength, very desirous
ystre = warpath, charming, control with voice
astri = horse back riding
estri = restriction
istri = strained
ostri = removed from site
ustri = utmost desire
ystri = standard
astro = astrology, study of meanings
estro = beastro, study of beasts
istro = master of house, maestro
ostro = giving over, giving up
ustro = consolidation, living with
ystro = stronger, strength
astru = past event
estru = right circumstances
istru = construe, doubt, doubtful ideas
ostru = losing streak
ustru = strung out
ystru = lost desire
astry = pastry, sweet bread
estry = canvas
istry = organization
ostry = monstrous
ustry = abusive, industrious
ystry = wasting
ifrad = are you afraid, be afraid
ifred = I forbid
ifrid = want to meet
ifrod = beside road, alongside
ifrud = figure it as, figured out
ifryd = ache all over, body ache
ofrad = in fear
ofred = off the path
ofrid = fear of fire
ofrod = off road, we walk
ofrud = that was rude, rudeness
ofryd = rooted to spot, very still
ufrad = unafraid
ufred = make unaffective
ufrid = its fried, you frighten
ufrod = inference information
ufrud = unfraudulent
ufryd = you fry it, deliberate
yfrad = why fear
yfred = am I free, personal freedom
yfrid = why the disaster, why happen
yfrod = ride to side, sidesaddle
yfrud = question guilt
yfryd = divorce, parental separation
anema = action theme, thema
enema = enemy, hostile person
inema = interesting person, intresting party
onema = on them not, onto activity
unema = your opposition, ceaseless activity
ynema = cause of their non action, wine be mine, wind up their activity
upras = appraisal
upres = upraise, lift off, bring back
upris = guided to being smart, lift up, better training, improvement, revolution
upros = growing rose, uprose, slowly achieve, slow agreement
uprus = practical joke
uprys = forget, throughst off, push away
aptac = incite
aptec = pre-human, in-between ape and human
aptic = nervous system
aptoc = wood chip, token, carving
aptuc = tree climbing
aptyc = cryptic, mystic
eptac = epitaph, final statements
eptec = recess, roll back
eptic = septic, drain
eptoc = compose, meditated
eptuc = consider, consideration
eptyc = come to decision, decide for yourself
iptac = unfeeling, nulls pain
iptec = continuation
iptic = instilled action, compel
iptoc = active moment
iptuc = the winds of the songs of the wolf, wolf song
iptyc = critical
optac = accessment
optec = drawing resources
optic = optifxe, optical illusion, light image reflection of a sight of interest
optoc = nocturnal
optuc = obstruct
optyc = ice clear
uptac = take upwards, uptake, upshot, a camera as it records the next shot
uptec = catch the air
uptic = in the air
uptoc = flying through air
uptuc = carrying air
uptyc = carried in air, float
yptac = tacky
yptec = a word of annoyance
yptic = poetic
yptoc = kind and warm
yptuc = childish
yptyc = repeative fun
otaku = attacker, endemn, projector oteku = obscurb, scary, scare tactic otiku = live, living moment otoku = accomplice, working with person otuku = take, steal otyku = confuse, confusion
itami = interment, interrent, accusation, to place in and accuse itemi = condemn itimi = durable itomi = accomplish, accomplishment itumi = time out, wait itymi = brute force, sabotage
atapu = opposition etapu = reprisal itapu = interpose, place between or place yourself otapu = log, rolemodel, ape you utapu = utah, repose, assign, award ytapu = life, living, undying
uvala = sci(old greek for evaluation or science), scintyu, scinc (skandinavia root for
science), evaluation(study), grace, science, philosophy
uvela = joy
uvila = violence
uvola = personal locomotion, vehicle transport
uvula = throat
uvyla = security block
award = reward
awerd = aversion
awird = loose connect, wireless
aword = talk indication
awurd = absurd
awyrd = strict, strictly
More than 5 vowel parts
uradiom = one part radon + three parts uradium and one part sodium for a magnetic irradiant
condensing field, can cure disease
urediom = hard metal formed from cadmium + carbon steel for the prospect of irriadiant
energy absorbant unbreakable metal
uridiom = weakening irradiant metal that makes from nickel + adamantium + uranium also as
hard as steel yet can cause diseases
urodium = erosive radiative high carbon steel thats made from cadmium + nickel + plutonium +
urudiom = disasterous, ruination, disaster formation
urydiom = power plant material from nucleonic cold fusion considered like baronite, hard black
barely radioactive metal that allows for high yield magnets, leadless lead allowing
no particles to pass through and considered a safe lead
uradium = weakening (cryptonite) irradiance mined from asteroids, mars
uredium = irradiative fuel element mined from asteroids, three parts barium and
1 part nitrus oxide and 3 parts sodium, this looks like darkish water and acts like
oil clumped together, as gas replacement
uridium = mutation element made by three parts radon and 1/3 part uranium
urodium = irradiative erosion element mined from mars, asteroid
urudium = restoration, restorative element mined from the moon as moon rock
or made from one part crushed radon + 3 parts water, If too much, degeneration occurs.
urydium = polymorphic metal mined from mars, venusian metal that is polymorphin and polymorphic
amazan = amazing inclusion, amazing moment
amazen = preventative idea, amazed moment
amazin = amazing, amazing moment or idea with a cause
amazon = trade area, wild forest woman
amazun = restrict, undone moment
amazyn = put up (with) and cause
imparta = mentally teach
imparte = imprint
imparti = intent
imparto = impartial
impartu = tell truth
imparty = impair, neglect, impure
uprisa = activist, activism
uprise = uprising, conflictive pattern, destructive revolution
uprisi = program, improvisation, interactive improvement
upriso = conflict, hardship, hardness
uprisu = personal injury, personal training, wunju, kung-fu, endless practice
uprisy = open warfare, test procedure, war contribution
arradianc = minor radiation, radiate
erradianc = body radiation
irradianc = irradiation
orradianc = energy reactor
urradianc = unhealthy radiance, deadly irradiation, harmful radiance
yrradianc = shining, radiant, radiance
indaces = erase
indeces = indecent, unlawful, illegal
indices = idx, index, table of context, content table
indoces = indoctrinate, introduce
induces = suction
indyces = inducement, induce
The nouns, pronouns, adverbs and verbs p2