Atlantean Circle Spells
These spells in thought are
ranked from easiest to extremest. The circles are easy to extremely
hard from 1 to 16 and in levels 0 to 15. The spell
level is denoted within () brackets. Ideas gotten from D&D;
and originals including Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate and thoughts around the
house. The circles are in groups of their own elements. These spells
use phonetic spelling, that may or may not work for you unless
you get the spelling right from the pronounciation key in [this]. So
have fun trying them, to see if they do.
However, these spells can be done in two different ways, think
or imagine the point to create as a result as you speak the idea to
something or think to create something. Think the effect as a spell
to do as you speak the effect that is the spell listed. This is a
certain way to cast them that is safe however, as you feel think the
creator creates the idea as an end result. This is just as an effect
spell that can seem stated or seem in thought, so then you aren't
effected negatively. This is also as you think the creator protects
you from negative attack or anything you might not like.
Think about the spell to cast them easier, you must have said them at least once right and thus you imagine the spell in some manner to effect whom you think to effect, such as the spell word itself with this is as if in trance and think of where it effects as agreement is the area you relate by area feel though this it were in effect. If as you use idea to not feel nothing as sense, so ya can see some results or can't get any effect from the phrase, then in summon energy to seem to be there by thinking its metainfluence is there.
Metainfluence is where you think of the idea and can do things or the spirit that goes through everything causes what you need as you want or wish the idea or result. The idea is this, if you think about the point then you can influence by the spirit. The soul is used as guidance to create what is necessary to get the idea achieved or intuition. Think or feel then in summon energy to seem to be in there, this is energized as if by thinking metainfluence is there. This is where metaphysics is done and you met with physics and the idea is done by what you do spiritually, energetically or mentally. This is where you do what you need to do, dismissing by excuse what you can't do. The idea is in the doing, this is not the idea in play. The nature of metaphysics is the basis of all magics and physics and metainfluence or some spirit feel, this can be considered metamagic or metaphysics based in empirical science. Empirical science is a lost science in todays time, so I think that the idea is useful if metaphysics are understood.
The nature of metaphysics is that it is set on three rules and the intertwining of such rules to form metainfluence by the spirit or animal spirit, that is felt energy and the need is understood. Rule number one is: Affinity or an attraction and unattraction of objects or humans in and of a relation, sorta like a magnet. The second rule is: Thaumaturgy or like actions that can control or manipulate like actions through linking actions, exerted force over or through an object, through a statement or usage that's by visualization from a person.
The third rule is: Mind over matter or how much focus in thought, as a grey ritual is a mind rite and just as good as a real one and how in use you are much in idea as that you put into the moment, think to occur the moment and if you feel, make it happen. The amount of thought equals amount of energy. The more energy you have from the idea and not specifically in use, the more chance of manifesting or finishing your project. That's the useful parts, the rest of metaphysics are somewhat useless idea that are listed here.
See as you are and try casting it then, this is as you use metaphysics differently than rites. In rites you repeat idea till satisfied. In metaphysics you think about the idea to "cast" and create the effect of the idea manifest, this is through thought or idea that you have that you can sometimes say as subconscious suggestion. Then by thought you see a game, you can create that game effect you want or some other idea that you need by the point.
Sometimes optional is the word you choose to cause it in site to be there, this is more effective by energy focus and focus is thought to cause or create things situate with what you see or feel. Its stated as though in the idea that you place in for the point as spell words or thought, spells are energy use by direct or created focus with imagination. So use and idea you can be 'done' with or something else thats suitable to you. This is not always done so think as you need to get things finished.
Feel to see the area you feel can seem choatic or what you feel is disruption, so you create as aggravation well is thought or seeable use as feel by idea. If you can't say ten don't worry you see you count to idea, as things will be alright as the right idea by the real idea is insight not results. Ya find that are phasable ya can't complete a phrase word by stating to cause is the reason.
That is what by thought phases things out, then the draw is to phase things in by feel is possible with the element. So the spent energy goes to an archmagus enemy as the rest of what you see is sense. Ya can't say it out loud or use is cool if not by spelling things by hot points or core energy focus is use, not as you say by that so what is out with a line or limb or any finger that is energy by focus to create.
This will complete the spell as though using hand language. Optional is just
drawing a freehand rune that means in ya mind the spell itself. This is
as thought ya can do rituals for required materials are for the spell itself. See that isn't what you create or use in the point, so what you feel you focus or create. This is so after casting the spell, then mentioning the thing to effect.
So ya can cause a directed effect. Sometimes things that are general, aren't actually what is
thought felt or understood is as thought that's 'there' by life. So use isn't feeling as you feel to create, this creates idea yet your not always able to see what is near. When ya direct the effect more than often its easier, this is done by stating what you want. If you think or feel this is ideal to feel or usage is thinking to see the effect, you can create by what you think to see.
There is mention of
damages and healing amounts listed with the spell. These are those idea
effects for the amounts. We start with A note on damages and go to A
note on healing. Then on we go with the rest.
A note on damages: Damage amount is accumulative and is
shock like slight damage that is healed by being regenerated to negate
Minor is as in a cut or slight burn that must be healed within 3
days or the victim dies or its regenerated. It can also be some damage
to the area, like chipping and slight burns.
Minor-medium or minor-moderate is for a 2nd degree burn or deep
cut which must be healed within 2 days or the victim dies or is
regenerated. It can also be cuts in surfaces and abraded areas.
Medium or moderate wounds the target for a very deep cut or a 3rd
degree burn that must be healed within 1 1/2 days or the target may be
infected and die unless its regenerated. It can also be allot of
chipping and abrasively rubbed or burned area.
Medium-high or moderate-serious dazes the target for at least 6
seconds with a deep wound or 3rd degree burns that must be healed
within 1 day or victim dies or it can be assisted in healing to
regenerate. It can also be some destruction of the area.
High or serious is out cold for at least 6 seconds with a deep
bruise, 4th degree burn or cut that shows bone and must be healed in
half a day the victim dies. It can also be more destruction than is
expected, to an area and it will show burns easily.
High-extreme or serious-extreme knocks out the victim for at
least 18 seconds with internal wounding (deep bleeding) or 5th degree
burns and must be healed within 30 minutes or victim dies. This can be
for the environment as though allot of damages.
Extreme knocks out a victim for at least 36 seconds, with light
internal wounding or 6th degree burns that must be treated in 15
minutes or the victim dies without chance of resurrection. This can be
for the environment, as if major damages.
Extreme-deadly and puts victim in system shock for at most 72
seconds with heavy internal bleeding and it can leave victim in
hospital for 9 months or in a coma unless treated in 1 minute or the
victim dies without possibility for raising except later may come back
as a revenant. This can be chunks of things destroyed or a highly
burned surface.
Deadly kills victim with no raising possible. This can be massive
damage that is with damages that cause things to crumble or fall on
others. And, high marks of burning everywhere is possible.
A critical hit is a good chance to hit and will knock victim
unconscious for least 36 seconds sometimes with heavy internal
bleeding. If no treatment for internal bleeding, then the victim will
die in 2 min for light internal bleeding and 30 sec for heavy internal
bleeding. Head wounds are critical hits that daze the person. Any
critical hits will daze them unless blood rage, cold rage and other
rages, for which they are not effected and keep going. For dazing the
person, creature or monster loses 6 seconds till the next time.
A note on healing:
Healing amount like minor-moderate damage restored is acummulative, as;
Slight or minor and cures or removes cuts and bruises.
Slight-medium or minor-moderate and heals bruises faster and deep
Medium and moderate as it heals deep bruising or open and deep
cuts with stat recovery.
Medium-high or moderate-serious and heals deep bruising or
internal bleeding and higher stat recovery.
High and serious for system shock recovery, bone repair and
healing very deep wounds.
High-extreme or serious-extreme wakes the person up in 6 seconds
causing slow regeneration, including faster bone repair.
Extreme and causes fast regeneration.
Extreme-deadly healing for heavy internal bleeding recovery in 6
seconds with very fast regeneration, and very fast bone repair.
restoration from an healing resurrects or raises victim with high
regenerative ability rate including regenerating bones.
If ya want to add a boost to the spell, add a pronounced X, and
however many times, each x will increase its potential. As in the speed
spells, 'spe' will speed ya up so much where speXXX will speed ya up
allot. There is only a certain amount of fire in the air to be used in
fire based spells at one time. So if the fire spells cease to work,
then wait
till the fire in the air is replenished or summon fire energy to be
there in the air, in a sufficient amount. Some can summon heat and the
heat, if concentrated, will form into fire as though it catches fire.
Then there is cold spells, as to use cold based spells, ya have
unlimited amounts of energy.
Added to this idea as is that fact, of if ya don't want it to be an
attack, target or imagine the element form of the air or an object ya
don't care for anymore. To enchant the object, cast any of the spells
at the object or area.
Also think, thought to use the spell phrase as a chant during meditation or a
ritual of sorts, will instruct the subconscious to achieve the effect
more and it will bring better effects from the spell you chose. Now
onto the spells that are possible with 6th dimension energy and upward as ascend and you can more easily cast with "up" thought.
Circle/Level - Description
I/(0) - Beginner
II/(1) - Very easy effects
III/(2) - Easy effects
IV/(3) - Slightly easy effects
V/(4) - Moderate effects
Circle VI/(5) - Very
moderate effects
VII/(6) - Extremely moderate effects
VIII/(7) - Hard effects
VIX/(8) - Very hard effects
X/(9) - Extremely hard effects
XI/(10) - Mastery & epic effects
XII/(11) - Particles and high effects
XIII/(12) - Source/being effects
XIV/(13) - Extreme metal effects; This can drive ye
slightly insane
Next Atleantian spells menu
Circle XV/(14) - Very extreme, life & instant effects;
These can drive ye slightly crazy
Circle XVI/(15) - High extreme of metal magic, drugs,
conditions and substance effects;
(These can make you appear addicted)
Circle XVII/(16) - Gates
Circle XVIII/(17) - Spells of Ages
Circle XIX/(18) - 6th and 7th spell list as this is easy with the use that is with created ability as perhaps an enhanceable person or thing were there.
Circle I (0) - Beginner effects
Liht = [lih-t] light
Dazn = [daze] Daze, make a person dazed make a description to release them.
FrosRay = [frost-r-way] Ray of frost, creates a ray of frost
Resis = [read-size-s] Resistance, gives the target resistance to
all energy and any mental assault
CuveMej = [cuve-eh-me-j] cure minor wounds
Virtu = [virus-t-turn] virtue gives the person a temporary boost
in energy.
Un = [rune] undying makes anything when saying undying in nature.
Uu = [soon-up] Undone result; Think the result as you say or think some uu. Similar to adding an un to the beginning of something. This spell casts your fancy or ideal you wish to cast then the undoing of something. This makes anything when saying or thinking your undoing or uu then the thing to undo itself in
nature as though things end themselves.
FlrPyro = [fl-r-Pir-oh] Flare, hot light penalizes the person
with searing heat and fire. This can flare up fire into a seeable
flared up state or start fires if not careful.
Cryo = [Cry-oh] Freezerburn; Freeze or preserve, Cold energy flares then creates a cold preserving energy
that is blue. Think then you can create or may create dynasties outta nothing with this. This can
flare up fire into a seeable flared up state or start fires if not careful. This also can freeze
out what you don't mind or like.
CryoVama = [Cry-oh-Vah-Mah] Freeze; This freezes a person or thing like a cry out in the cold. Cold energy flares then creates a cold preserving energy
that freezes the target with what I call a blue energy. This also can freeze out what you don't mind or like.
= [Pir-o] Summoning fire is the use of the mind and think and
focus the mind as you use common fire, think to summon fire in any form that
ya can
imagine or need, this is including kudilini inner warmth or fire in air, at the
time. The best
way is to imagine it in the air
or above in thought ya hand unless ya are targeting something. At least
it will
appear as heat that ya can wrap around ya, and at most, it will appear
as fire within the form ya
desire or call out the shape of after. If ya target something, then it
can do minor to extreme damage.
Jolts = That is the essence off energy that powers up your body.
Boeng = [Boe-eng] Undone spell; That is the essence off energy that powers up your body that undoes the spell.
Inflictu = [inflictuh] Infliction, causes pain along the nerves
and heals undead.
AchPlok = [ach-ploke] Acid splash or curative by water, creates small acid sphere that
shoots at person to eat at the persons skin.
JotWats = [jote-wats] electrical jolt of slight electricity that
damages slightly to high damage the area and enemies a within.
Stup = [stoop] causes slight stupidity on victim with unlearning
nature and willingness to talk.
CretoSildProtego = [Creet-ohn Sill-d Proton-ee-goal] Permanent Shield
of protection; This makes a shield of protection that the creator
places and can manifest a protection that makes hundreds of negative
entities shift and be warded away. It sucks away all implanted thoughts
and it shows your inner self off more. One needs to have the shield on,
prior to any removals of blocks, locks, implants, etc, and/or placement
of enhancements, or repairs, or your hard work gets undone, and the
negative entities do it in a way that cloaks their damage, so you don't
find out.
NflytMinWunde = [N-flit-Mine-Wundeh] Inflict minor wounds, harms target
for minor damage.
Ma = [Mah] To do a water effect that can summon
from the air water molecules and materialize it on or in something. To
think of where the water will form after stating the spell, makes it
collect there.
= [Psih-Vah-Fex] Psychic effect, to make a directed psychic effect
in the target area that
manifests as an ability to be used as the person thinks best. In Do is
in the ability to use as in use, is a moment device with thought and
that on an energy is thought focused infusion with a touch as this is
in a concept, you can do as in a moment that uses are to unearth things as this is
not guaranteed as to go do. This
ability lasts as long as you have a use for it. So, to think of the
effect and focus on the idea that it will work, makes it manifest
Va Ya = [Vah Yah] Summon wind, just think of the direction
as ya
say the spell. Then the wind will come up and in the direction that ya
think about after.
GjwwaiFx = [Gj-way-in-Fx] Summon, Use this spell
to summon any effect that ya
desire. Simply think of the effect ya want before or after the spell is
done. And it will be achieved through invisible influences by some
means. This has been used to summon food or drink to ya or other items.
GjwwaiNaFx = [Gj-way-in-Nah-Fx] Earth effect, to create an
effect that ya imagine, need or say after saying the spell. This can
smother, buildup dirt or create
things or people as well.
Luia = Luciper [Lure-ciph-here] Luciper effect; As lucifer
or someone respectful then you leave as yourself, you enter as in you are accepted as you can conform
and seem to become and out you are what you see or are to be.
Shi Na = [Shin-Nah] Summon lava effect, to summon a lava
from lava particles that are summoned to appear by this spell. Imagine
effect, as you say spell. Then say the effect you want, to strengthen
the effectiveness. For after the effect it could go awry.
DictQan = [Dict Que-ahn] Say don't do, This is the cancellation
effect to the saying the spell and creating it as you do it. This
you think of the effect and say the spell and the effect doesn't happen.
ChaoCaCrea = [K-aye-ohn Call Cree-all] Creator spell, This is the
creator spell I created that uses chaos and makes use of work, this is
where your doing things by the feel of what is done with idea put to use.
If no work then there is at least some perceptible result, this is just
the point as things done could be considered work. This is also where
you state the effect, and then use the idea of the spell in some manner
to create an end result. This uses chaos that the creator protects you
from, and prevents you from having a bad end with some positive result
in the end.
SpeFxCraoCaCrea = [Spell-ih Fix Cray-ore Call Creed-ahm] The unchaotic
creator spell, Create by thinking the effect and speaking the spell, or
think to speak the result as you think of the spell then the creator that
created us all by feel creates your result that you need. Then this creates
the effect you thought as this is an idea to become and exist and then the
effect is done. This as always works, unless you think it won't create an
effect. Think your not effected by negativity or attacks and your not.
Circle II (1) - Very easy effects
SuaEX = [Sue-ah-Ee-X] Summon
energy, to summon energy of some sort into the area of that which is
needed at the time, that pools. This energy can also be of an element
that is
thought about before casting.
ViolEkle = [violin-eekt-ankleh] burning hands, also possible is
the waning moon phase effect that violent moments.
ChaKou = [chafe-kow-uh] charm person or people
ZyWaas = [Z-aye-way-as] hold hand out and say words to blind
group of hostiles
Gres = [grease] make everything slippery or grease the ground
D-u = [d-use] identify objects
HemuWard = [h-seam-us-war-d] mage armor protection
MyyMesa = [Mih-y-mese-ah] magick missile
BalMedituRay = [bale-mead-bite-uh-ray] negative energy ray, at
first it
can make the target crazy, after awhile it can make the taget rupture
something or worse. The damage starts at minor level but progresses
higher as it effects a target.
MentoMoWard = [ment-toh-mow-ard] think of the alignment to
protect from when saying
= [str-eve-n-way-drain-way] ray of enfeeblement, makes the target
unable to think well and can't do things well.
Sce = [sceh] Scare, makes you or the target effected be scared and scare also causes fear in weak creatures.
Slep = [sleep] sleep can make
anyone fall asleep
Fyna = [Fin-ah] bless boosts all allies with improved attacks and
CuveHea = [cue-eh-hee-ah] cure light wounds on person
Dum = [doom] doom causes the attacker to not attack well and act
dumbly. As
the target suffers some hit and damage ability reduction with being
able to save from an effect, skill and ability being down some too.
NeijiiQee =
[Ney-ist-jii-quee-eh] remove fear from target.
Sanct = [sanct] sanctuary and makes the enemies ignore you.
Tangl = [tang-l] entangle traps enemies with clinging vegetation.
CuqTuch = [cook-touch] chill touch makes minor-moderate damage
attack on the life force.
KuiMej = [k-lude-with-me-j] Minor vampiric drain, that drains the
victim or target of a small amount of energy.
MyIma = [m-aye-I'm-ah] reflected image causes one image of said
caster to form and do what the caster does.
Cyx = [c-aye-x] spook makes the caster to play upon natural fears
to make the caster appear like someone inimical.
ViuHyrz = [v-time-us-h-aye-rz] shocking grasp makes the caster
give a shock to the target touched.
Jiite = [jire-tell] enchant object enchants any object be it
stone, item or clothing with a thought of what you want at the time of
casting and the item will portray that thought.
Amp = [amp] Amplify, amplifies hearing or any actual ability, and
its on when thinking on the ability as ya cast.
FeHon = [feh-hone] iron horn knocks down all enemies in area for
6 seconds.
Ban = [bane] Bane, the victim becomes fearful with lessened
attack, as the target suffers
minor moral penalties that effects the ability to hit and has doubts with more fear of anything around them
Wiee = [wlle-ee-eh] Discouragement, makes discouragement of
victim to create less confidence and forces the person to stop,
GodFav = [gode-fave] courage to caster causing improved attack
and unfearful nature
Epel = [Ee-Peal] endure elements causes lesser elemental
= [N-trail-aye-G-puzr-eh] entropy shield causes any attack to miss by a
small chance as you maneuver and it slows down things in movement
near you. This can effect your comprehensive response rate.
FruLitUnd = [fruh-light-und] inflict light wounds touch attack
that heals undead and causes nerve damage
OtlyFai = [ought-lye-fah-ih] faith shield grants the person
ability to take a hit without pain
Camu = [came-uh] Camoflage, hide in shadows by blend in background
JuuFang = [jooh-uh-fang] makes your pet more dangerous by the
effect of attitude adjustment.
BessWepa = [bess-weep-ah] bless weapon gives a weapon enhancement
of effect and doubles damage to undead
DeafClu = [dee-aff-cluh] deafening clang causes sonic and
additional attack
JiayXCabu = [jie-lay-why-x-Cape-but] Expeditious retreat, the
target becomes 150% faster
BaduBoom = [bade-uh-bome] sonic attack on one person
IcDagg = [ick-dagg] dagger shaped ice missile you toss like a
FeGut = [fee-goot] iron guts causes poison resistance
AtlaKou = [atlah-koh-uh] persistant blade that comes as dagger
and acts as servant
Sild = [sill-d] shield that makes the person hard to hit and to
be with energy immunity
TruJab = [truh-jabe] true strike gives magical assistance of
striking via accuracy
ItlyDea = [it-lye-dee-ah] gain mastery over death
BgulyMai = [B-goo-lye-May-ih] Beguiling influence, caster
bonuses to her or his bluffing, diplomacy, and intimidation ability.
= [Ark-EE-n-Own-If-nih] Dark one's own luck, caster recieves a luck
bonus to all possible successes. The effect is persistent and the
warlock will always benefit from the ability.
PEn = [P-Enn] End point; Think the feel or see to create the ideal to work the point so you consider. This creates the point you consider infini feel by a prism, seeing that this is the point or effort you do think to do something else to end with this result. Seeing that is the effort of completion that you think the words they are spoken that you think to use. You think then create with things or what or when is the things you consider. Think the sigil to create by words you think to use or imagine the end result. Think the end result as you think the ideal event in the air. Think otherwise to see or cancel out the sigil effects of this and then death or thought can dissipate the point if you don't need the result by some end result being done.
Circle III (2) The Extreme Easy
Ark = [dark] Darkness; It causes more than darkness to go amongst the
area. It can use every enemies energy in an idea of creative use. There
is an energy that use is an area effect, this is to create and cream
things of that as you know are nearby as energy infused.
ArkVise = [dark-vise-eh] devil's sight, where the caster or the
recieves dark vision. The effect is persistent and the Warlock will
always benefitfrom the ability.
DrainBla = [Drain-Blah] Eldritch Draining blast [Eldrich Essence],
as if feeling free where the
movement energy is drained from the person to the caster as energy and
the person is slowed.
= [El-drik-Loog] Eldritch spear that causes a resolve to friendship and
creative ideal and once you create in concept a blast of energy to be
the person and its spear shaped to go farther.
NtroyWardy = [N-trow-aye-Ward-aye] Entropic warding, Caster
bonuses to his or her move silently, and hide as with ranged attacks
against the person are caused to miss. The effect is persistent and the
Warlock will always benefit from the ability where the benefit is
FritfiBla = [Fright-fih-Blast] Frightful blast that causes an
Elderitch blow of fear.
UbaBlo = [Oo-bah-Bloh] Hideous blow that is a Elderitch blow
applied to the physical attack.
LepeNBuwe = [Leap-eh-N-Boo-weh] Leaps and bounds Caster or target
be more dexterous and tumble better suddenly. The effect is persistent
and the Warlock will always benefit from the ability.
CThNsen = [See-The-N-seen] Seen the unseen causes the caster or
target to see invisible creatures. The effect is persistent and the
Warlock will always benefit from the ability.
CreuFeHon = [Cree-uh-Feh-Hone] Belgard's Iron horn is formed on
saying the spell for it and then blowing through the horn mentally. Its
capable of knocking creatures prone. This is a notice of a burn effect.
OmunLesHoneCa = [Omen-Une-Lease-Hone-Can] Horus' minor horn call;
Horus's minor burn in and out major burn by horn call. This is the
Horus's horn that blown will shoot forth fire to strike a foe.
CasFer = [Case-Fear] Cause fear in any weak creature or any
ChaP = [Chah-P] Charm person Befriends one person.
JoyfiNos = [Jow-y-fih-Nose] Joyful noise can end any silence
effect on the party.
LesRmo = [Lease-R-moh] Lesser dispell ends weak magic effects.
RemoFer = [Reem-oh-Fear] Remove fear removes any fear effect on
= [Tash-ah-Hie-en-s-Laff] Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Target/s laughs
hysterically and unable to defend themselve/s. It mis the case where
they don't think except to laugh at things.
TashaHiesGaaa = [Tasha High-ess Gaeh-may-ahh] Tasha's hideous
scream; The effect is slight deafness and tone deaf nature and the
hideous scream happens close to the ear. Sometimes it won't happen if
the person isn't close to your ear.
HemoUnded = [Hee-moh-Oo-n-deed] Undead revealed to the minds eye
as to where they are.
DyiFav = [D-say-in-Fave] Divine favor a bonus to being able to
hit and
to damage as well as whatever ya ask for or say may happen by the
divine favor.
NtraySildXX = [Ent-Ray-y-Sild X X] Entropic shield, causes an
energy that forms a
shield from entropy and 20% of all attacks miss target, because of
it slowing down things amd your maneuvering. This can slow down your
MyyWepa = [Mih-y-Weep-ah] Magic weapon, Enchants a weapon of
choice to become enchanted as to how ya think it should be.
ProtegoFroAlin = [Prote-ee-goh-Froh-Aline] Protection from
alignment, protects against creatures of the alignment thought on while
SildOFath = [Sild-Ow-Fath] Shield of faith, Target is harder to
hit by faith.
Caofly = [cay-oh-fly] Camouflage, Grants the target extra hiding
skill and a hiding effect.
LoLitVis = [Loh-Lite-Vise] Low-light vision People or party can
see in the dark easier.
MyyFang = [Mih-y-Fang] Magic fang grants your animal companion an
added bonus to hit and and damage.
NlargP = [N-larg-P] Enlarge person, Gives more strength, less
dexterity, less chance to hit and more chance to be hit, plus more
damage dealt.
TruStri = [Truh-Strih] To true strike and hit where you'd
normally miss.
PsiAir = [Psih-A-ir] Psychic air, causing a air of psychic nature
that empowers you then
induces psychic ability into an ideal to use by a person. They can suddenly do
psychic effects as though a natural thats unnatural.
SuaEmoeEn =
[Sue-ah-Ee-mow-eh-Ee-n] Summon creature I summons any creature thats
IV (3) - Easy effects
AnciDeaf = [ancih-dee-ah-f] Blindness/Deafness, make a target
deaf and blind.
Thul = [th-use-l] Darkness, creates a darkness of area.
Cha = [ch-ap] Charm that is a charisma increase and allows the
person to charm creatures.
AparitOnci = [ape-are-rite-on-c-ih] ghostly visage that turns you
hard to hit and see.
GulTuch = [ghoul-t-us-ch] ghoul's paralyzing touch.
Ivei = [I-vee-in] invisibility and on a bad moon of waning, its a
cause to inveigle.
NeijiiLes = [ney-inn-jii-lease] lesser dispel.
Arrach = [are-rack] acid arrow.
PrimaireResis = [prime-aid-wih-r-ee-sise] resist elements causes
greater elemental resistance.
IveiU-c = [I-vese-in-use c] See invisibility; As you think to see
by the invisible unseen strands of light, think to see and reveal invisibility
in use as you detect the thought and feel the presence.
Web = [w-even-b] Web or net, cast a sticky web at a group or area
to create a thought net or ghost net. This by the energy in the thought
sent at the web the use is draining the target, seem or use in the wall
energy to seem a network on thought of the wall.
BoarDir = [boh-hard-dire] dire boar summon.
Aid = [air-d] Aid; Aid is this energy in created by life and weight
reduction increases the targets attack possibility and an increase in
health by the attribute to someone.
CuveMed = [cue-veh-mead] cure moderate wounds; This is to cure the
area energy by restoring the energy in balance, think by the energy feel
that can castrate or cure the body and no drugs as necessary. Thought
to restore by water use, that reverts the body to senses that are normal
as needed or not as the body mediates and nothing done nothing needed.
LesCyr = [lease-c-wih-r] lesser restoration removes all effects
and penalties, even lost experience brought by spell/s.
Q-o = [q low] silence creates a zone of silence around target.
Nvinaaayy = [n-vine-aim-able-aim-say-y] invulnerability causes
the target to not get hurt by any attack.
SondBurs = [sonic-d-b-burr-s] sound burst delivers a sonic punch
of sound into the area you project at.
FyrLash = [fir-lash] flame lash that does minor-moderate damage.
KiPryn = [k-fin-print] spiritual hammer that kills for you with
moderate-serious damage while you summoned it or it can do other work
that you think it does.
JoaPyr = [joe-an-pirge] agannazar's scorcher makes a jet of flame
appears out of fingertips to burst out at target killing anyone in path.
Blur = [blur] blur causes a target to blur.
PorJuk = [pore-j-use-k] glitterdust reflects all light in area to
make a person blindsided.
Luc = [lue-c] luck creates luck for the caster.
MyrIm = [mirr-I'm] mirror image creates 2 to 8 exact duplicates
of said caster.
FobResis = [f-robe-b-rese-rise-s] resist fear makes the person
fear resistant.
SpakUn = [spake-rune] vocalize makes casting spells unheard.
TransMateria = [trans-mate-teer-lie-ah] material transferrence
transfers a material into another by thought location that includes anything if necessary.
JeGemnt = [j-stem-geh-ment] clean clothes - cleans the clothes on
the body or other clothes as ye think on.
RyeVa = [Rye-eh-Van] flip target in the air .
SpeBytTounFixx = [speh-bit-toe-un-fixx] internet speed up -
Speeds up any internet connection and keeps it for hours after
disconnect. Think on the internet connect as you say the spell.
SpeMetab = [Sped-Meet-tale-b] metabolism speed up creates in the
target an increased metabolism that causes weight loss.
DetBrossPastXEal = [dete-bross past-x-hee-al] teeth brush - Brush
your teeth without a brush that makes your teeth self-regenerate by white
LutHuwUp = [Loot-Hue-w-en-Oop] buried treasure pull - Say the
spell while thinking of the word treasure in a well bucket being pulled
up with a well crank. When the word is at the top the treasure will
somehow come to the surface at some time by white void.
SfuwarIq = [s-fue-ware-lie-q] primal intelligence - Cause the
target to have prescientific knowledge.
BaffCirr = [baff-circle] cloud of confusion -Area confusion and
stunning cloud on the target/s to use their energy or not to use nothing
by the creator.
FruMedWund = [fruh-meade-wund] inflict moderate wounds on victims
with healing on undead.
StaBon = [stay bone] Stone bones I; Thickens the bones and causes
them to regenerate.
BludBinzi = [blood-bin-zih] blood rage like beserker rage.
= [rune-eew-cope-ih-I've-mead-lite-uhn] One with the land; Gives person
nature sense and
regeneration from the land and makes a person one mind with the
conscious of the land.
OrooGloy = [or-oo-glow-y] channel divine bonus to area allies
with caster becoming charismatic and allies gaining fear resistance.
Cust = [cust] a single victim, element or item catches fire.
UusPyr = [Ooh-us-pir] continuus flame that burns like a torch off
the person or item.
= [deed-ee-moh] Death armor aura; Surrounds the person with death
energy and injuring any creature or other, that attacks said person. As
it surrounds the person, it causes them to die and come back to life as
a zombie, e.g. dead but alive. The aura is persistent and continues
working on things nearby, so not to allow drugs until its cancelled.
This can be cancelled by dispelling.
PyreTuay = [pir-eh-too-may-aye] flame weapon, affects on any
weapon to create the flame effect.
AoroLup = [aoh-roh-loop] Circle of lightning energy, small
lightning effect to cycle through all creatures an people in a area.
CacHawX = [cace-hay-w-x] Tasha's hideous laughter 2 makes target
hysterically till its end by the personal target is unable to
defend. Its possible to be longer than the first version and makes for
the laughter at anything for no reason.
BshadooBla = [Be-shade-ow-oh-Blast] Beshadowed blast that is an
Eldritch blast that causes darkness on the target.
PiriBla = [Pire-ih-Blast] Brimstone blast that is an Eldritch
blast and it ignites the target.
HexODepar = [Heex-Ow-Deep-air] Curse of despair that reduces
ability of the target and this includes attack ability too.
LdrykKan = [Eld-rick-Kane]Eldritch Chain is a blast shape that
makes an Eldritch blast that arcs to multiple targets.
FleSen = [Fleh-Scene] Flee the scene makes for more attacks of
caster and adds to movement. It also adds abilty to hit and lesser
chance to be hit.
= [She-ohl-rime-Blast] Hellrime blast that uses Hell in an eldritch
blast to cause cold nerve damage and the target suffers a dexterity
lessening from an energy drainage to an attempt of repairing it. This
also can cause hell to visit you and leave you cold from its effects on
a waning moon.
ThDedWyk = [The-Deed-Wiki] The dead walk summons forth an undead
minion to do what ya think or say at him.
VoeesDeply = [Vow-ee-s-Depl-Y] Voracious Dispelling that ends
effects on target, but if an effect is removed from the target, there
is a chance that the
target can be damaged.
WykNsen = [Wik-N-seen] Walk unseen is to make the caster
BulStr = [Bool-Str] Bull's strength causes target to strengthen
in body strength greatly.
= [Flick-Deex] Cat's grace makes the target have somewhat better
dexterity and free movement. This can cause flight by your will as you
are sometime free from gravity with this.
CirrOBwidamnt = [C-irr-Ow-Bwide-ah-mnt] Cloud of bewilderment
makes enemies stunned for 6 to 36 seconds.
CreaArk = [Cree-ah-Ark] Creature darkness creates darkness for
one to several creatures.
EglSplndo = [Egl-Spl-n-doh] Eagle's splendor makes target with
somewhat more charisma.
FoxQui = [Foxe-Quick] Fox's cunning makes somewhat the target
more intelligent with more intelligence.
GostlyVey = [Gost-lye-Vee-y] Ghostly visage makes damage
reduction from
damage taken and the target is immune to 0 and 1st level spells.
Haoem = [Hay-ow-em] Heroism makes the target more able to hit and
skill tests pass.
HodP = [How-d-P] Hold person paralyzes target humanoid.
OwlWis = [Owl-Wise] Owl's wisdom makes the person somewhat more
QuiDex = [Quih-Deex] Intelligent dexterity, Causes quick
intelligence that can adapt to any situation.
Saj = [Say-j] Rage causes party to be effected by a
barbarian's bloodrage.
BereNduic = [Beer-eh-En-Due-inc] Bear's endurance, grants target
a higher health and longer endurance.
DethKnl = [Death-Kn-l] Death knell, Absorbs life energy from a
giving caster more strength and health and more ability to cast spells.
NflytMejWunde = [N-flit-Meej-Wundeh] Inflict moderate wounds,
moderate wounds appear sometime on the personal target.
= [Neeg-Ee-Ray-y] Negative energy ray, inflictive negativity on the
person to the point that the person doesn't respond well and has minor
wounds from a distracting negative thought and movement.
RemoPral = [Reem-oh Pray-l] Remove paralysis, cures target of
paralysis and hold effects.
= [Sild-Oo-tha] Shield other, Casts target effects of being harder to
hit and more likely to make it from the effect directed at you. As well
as, half the target's damage is redirected to caster or object that's
looked at or thought to take the damage for you.
BekRup = [beck-roop] Barkskin,
hardens the targets skin to make it like bark.
GetYnd = [Geet-Wind] Gust of wind is capable of knocking
creatures down and dispersing gaseous effects.
AuraOGlory = [Aur-ah-O-Glow-rye] Aura of Glory, Grants the caster
more charisma and the allies base fear recovery ability.
ByyenFeHon = [Bih-bih-en-Feh-Hone] Balagarn's Iron Horn, knocks
creatures prone and flat for as long as the wind goes on.
Cobet = [Coh-bete] Combust, Flames erupt with minor-moderate to
extreme-deadly fire damage at the target that you think of when casting.
DethArmo = [Deth-Armoh] Death armor, Damages
creature or attacker that touches caster with death.
FysLif = [Fis-Life] False life, Caster or target gains 30 % more
health benefits.
PyroBust = [Piroh-Bust] Fireburst, Nearby creatures take
minor-moderate to deadly fire damage.
LetryLup = [Let-rye-Loop] Gedlee's electric loop,
Lightning strikes creatures dealing minor to moderate damage, leaving
victims stunned.
GhulTuk = [Ghool-Took] Ghoul touch, where caster's touch can
KnoOp = [Knoh-Ow-p] Knock opens doors and containers, or on a
waning moon it knocks people down.
MelfAchEro = [Melf-Ach-Ee-roh] Melf's acid arrow, makes a bolt
from between the fingers that does moderate to serious extreme acid
damage for 36 seconds.
ProtegoFroMesae = [Prote-egoh-Froh-Me-say-eh] Protection from
arrows and missiles, caster
or target recieves protection from arrows and misslies and damage
resistance of 50%
from arrow and missile shots.
EMyyVib = [Ee-Mih-y-yoU-Vibe] Magic vibration voice - Energy
effect that allows for voice over, in the magic effect or the spell
spoken or the vibration of objects and particles. As, the voice is from
vibration and the spell or object and particle is a carrier that
vibrates the voice from anywhere. So, whatever vibrates, can carry a
voice. This voice can be picked up by the psyche or focusing through
the third eye.
Kui = [kue-in] Vampiric Drain, think to use this in an emergency. Otherwise to drain stamina as of some health
energy from a target that amounts to more than a minor drain by search.
CylElemioAid =
(Cil-Eleem-i-oh-Aid) Call Angel, cause an Angel to appear near ya or to
help ya while somewhere.
BadOff = [Bade-Off] The bad off effect, to form a person ya
target with this to be bad off in effect and life.
MaSfa = [Mahn-Sfah] Hydro spheres are energy water spheres by the area feel to think you create you can, think things to work is thought the item works then you aren't sometimes with a problem to cast the efect. Seen by
saying the
spell is create as you think with the subconscious, seen is that situates by area or so treate spells as theory or magic theory is the creator that represents by the area you think to work or with is to make the effect of hydro to appear and be near or in the
person. Expanding the conscious of the person or yourself incorporates
it into yourself and makes the person
lack sense by presence of the spheres.
NaWyl = [Narn-Wil] Earth wall is non volatile or use is theory to relate, To summon an earth wall that
materializes suddenly and sometimes invisibly from the air
displacement. This can block effects and idea blows.
CulBodX = [Cool-Bode-X] Cool body, can cool down the body till
spell is thought to expire and not do this anymore. Even in heat or a
hot area. This can be used to cool down an item. In effect it
synthesizes coldness from bioenergy.
AariXBod = [A-arih-X-Bode] Heat body, this will heat up the body
in a wave pattern. Even heats up objects.
Gro = [Groh] to grow things or bodies in a certain degree thats
thought on before or after the spell is cast.
FerDro = [Fear-Droh] Fear drop, to create a drop of fluid from
fear and
idea. That is making of fear, in the victim that ya project it to.
Where the drop being created, also removes ya fear into the drop so ya
longer fear things. After being formed, the drop shifts to where ya
think it should be. It can be instantly absorbed into liquids or
through people's skin.
SuaArkIoAid = [Sooth-ahm Ark Eye-ohm Aid] Summon darkangel; This
summons a dark angel to come and be of service. To some, they are aloof
and dark in nature but they seek to aid by doing the opposite to get a
positive effect. They are very obscure and oserve things, till
requested to aid. So when you summon one, state the idea you want to
happen, to get a service by supernatural means. They will intentionally
lie, when they see its necessary.
OMyy-o-Ret = OSpell-o-rest; A fate that decides a moment by a
restful pose and then a strike of action to stir up action in moments,
caused by magic. You decide the moments. Imbuement of energy in a
motion recedes the effect. This causes a fading effect. A passive
resistance that can be lethal or effective using energy.
SuaEmoeTu = [Sue-ah Ee-mow-eh
Tuh] Summon creature II creates a summons that makes appear appropriate
Circle V (4) - Slightly easy effects
DedYyr = [deed-wyer] animate dead will animate any dead bodies in
the area to do the casters will.
SpoUu = [spoh-fun-uh] clairivoyance gives the target prescience
as to what will come and prepare them.
Clarity = [c-clare-item-way] removes and protects from sleep,
confusion, stun and charm effects. Often creating a clarity of
NeijiiMyy = [ney-lig-jie-jig-mih-bye] dispel magick.
FidAi = [confide-aim] find traps directs you to the traps and
allows the caster to find them without tripping them.
PyrBarr = [p-ih-r-barr] deathfire imagine it forming in hand and
mentally toss it at target. Or, imagine it forming on the target.
= [f-ih-r-barr] fireball; imagine it forming in hand and mentally toss
it at target. It does minor damage and if the spell is focused with
emotion, it can be serious-extreme fire damage.
FlaArr = [flag-arrow] flame arrow
SpeXX = [Speh-X-X] haste will haste one or more targets with 50%
more movement speed. With improved hitting and abilty to be missed.
KouYly = [k-out-w-l-way] hold person that holds more than one
SpherIvei iveil = [sphere-i-vesa-in] invisibility sphere is a transport creator area efect that hides the
whole party by a sphere by travel with use or no use as I think I am invisible then if invisibility you aren't noticed.
Kamur = lightning
SoeMentomo = [some-eh-meant-one-m-on] Magic circle angainst
alignment is a magic circle that affects all allies and self with
alignment protection that you think on.
BalNov = [bale-nova] negative energy burst kills by a large
amount of negative energy in a stream.
FruuFroPrimaire = [froo-luff-from-prime-air-eh] protection from
elements protects from all elements.
Tard = [tar-d] slow slows any foe down.
P-uNuag = [p run-noose-ag] stinking cloud, targets are dazed and
DirLup = [dire-loop] dire wolf summon to aid as the caster wants.
KuiTuch = [Kue-in-t-uh-ch] vampiric touch drains the person
touched of stamina and energy.
MedituSild = [mead-d-rite-us-sill-d] void shield that protects
from most spells
SerioCuve = [sere-rind-oh-c-use-v-eh] cure serious wounds
IveiPurg = [i-vesa-in-purge] invisibility purge
BalWard = [bale-ward] negative energy protection
Pra = [prah] Prayer - Makes all allies gain a bonus of
attack, damaging, skill augmenting and resistances. All enemies recieve
penalties to the same.
NeijiiMay = [ney-rinn-jii-may-way] remove disease and pestilence,
from all nearby allies and area.
SearLiht = [sear-lit] searing light causes minor to deadly damage
to the undead, constructs and other things.
Orou = [ore-ow-hut] rousing war cry - Song that plays on saying
of the word that brings on hope and better attack. All enemies are
stricken with fear.
GodPryn = [gode-pr-in] Hammer of the gods, does serious damage to
the target as ya think of the target or see the target.
Erised = [eer-rise-edict-d] Self-thought distraction, distraction
of thought that makes the target not think effectively.
KouRepar = [k-ow-uh-ree-p-are] Repair object; object repair that effects any
object by
causing self-repair, as when you touch or blow across the object. The
object will repair till a certain point.
JiiDir = [jii-dire] dire charm makes the affected person do
whatever the caster says.
EmorAparit = [eem-ore-ape-are-lite] ghost armor creates a plate
armor effect that dos not hinder movement.
MinCrit = [mint-criteria] minute meteor makes a dozen miniature
that can be thrown, by thinking its between your thumb and your fore
finger thats thrown forward and spread apart, to release the 'miniature
meteor' and unerringly hit the target that includes materials making
medium to deadly fire impact damage at least to the spirit.
CraniumAi = [crane-I'm-usem-aid-in] skull trap creates a trap
skull in casters hand that is thrown in area to float until targets
come near and recieve grenade damage.
Lesuim = [lease-use-Im] emotionless makes the person feel no
Rye = [r-say-eye] hopeless emotion creates in people around said
caster a feeeling of hopeless.
JiiFroe = [jii-from-heh] enchanted weapon creates an enchanted
weapon of any sort by thinking on the weapon while doing the spell.
EmorJii = [eem-yore-jie-ih] enchanted armour creates a suit of
armor to the casters need.
AeroZetly = [air-eroh-z-eh-t-lye] zone of sweet air that repels
all noxious elements in the air including magically created.
Bly = [bl-way] blight that causes everything it spreads through,
by will to become blighted and bloated.
PurSlutes = [pure-slute-bees] Purification, purifies anything at
all thats looked at or thought on while saying spell.
GynLass = [gin-laser] laser rifle that forms a laser shot and
inflicts a
self cauterizing laser shot that can wound at the target.
MyyRavir = [Mih-aye-rave-ire] spell stealing steals any spell
from a spell caster if known and thought on when casting this spell.
ShiNaBarr = [Shi-nah-Barr] lava ball - Summon a lava ball to ya
hand, to
toss either into the air or at a target. Strikes for moderate to deadly
lava damage at a mentally tossed at target and will melt any material.
Jeanam = [jee-an-aim] body cleanse cleans the target body of dirt
and scent.
HamUnn = [hame-un] unharmable nature makes the person unharmable
in nature as though with natural luck.
Undxpeue = [und-xp-ee-lure-eh] wounding whispers makes sonic
damages on those who hit the caster
PyrArk = [pir-ark] change a non-magical weapon into magical fire
WardGlyf = [ward-glif] small ward area that once tripped, will
deal sonic damage
FruSeriound = [fruh-seer-lifei-wow-und] inflict serious wounds
MyyGarm = [Mih-aye-garm] magical vestment enchants any clothing,
armour or shield with what you want by thought as ya say the spell or
even spoken of after.
GrataMyyFang = [Grate-ah-Mih-aye-Fang] makes your pet alot more
HeaSty = [hee-ah-sty] healing by infliction from yourself or
MagoIfet = [mage-oh-Inn-feat] target get drained by maggotlike
ToxxQwpyr = [toxx-qw-pir] causes scorpion venum darts that are
unseen to the eye.
Toss to hit the target.
BlaTust = [blah-tust] blade thirst that makes weapon seek the
blood of the victim
and give critical hits to the target.
Pzut = [p-zoot] displacement makes in the person the abilities of
the displacer beast and
allows for natural shapeshifter ability as it make half the attacks
AylWidX = [ah-wile-wide-x] gust wind that may knock several
targets down.
KnEdg = [kn-edge] Keen edge, puts a very sharp point and edge to
a weapon.
AchAyrCon = [ach-hay-r-cone] conic acid breath that does serious
damage with a breath
of the caster.
AcscituaSfa = [Acks-cite-oo-as-S-fahr] electrical ball doing
moderate to extreme damage to all within the area as you throw it
except to the caster.
SheolrimBla = [She-ohl-rime-Blast] Eldritch blast is cold based
and confuses target.
CuqyTntele = [Cooq-aye-Tn-teel-eh] Chilling tentacles that
entangles targets and inflicts cold damage.
DyorMyy = [Dih-or-Mih-Y] Ends powerful magic in an area and if
effecting on a target to remove an enchantment, Caster recieves
temporary health from the area.
LdrykCon = Eldritch cone where an Eldritch blast becomes a cone.
NieeBla = [Nigh-ee-Blast] Noxious blast that is an eldritch blast
causes a dazed target, and acid damage where it ignores spell
TneeePlyu = [T-nee-eh-Plih-uh] Tenacious plague that causes a
plague in
which makes the target/s suffer increased damaged until death or the
plague is ended.
WylAPaioFla = Wil-Aim-Pay-like-oh-Flah] Wall of perilous flame,
a firewall that inflicts allot of serious to extreme damage where it
sweeps, or double
that damage to undead.
ChaMasta = [Chah-Mas-tah] Charm monster befriends one monster.
ClaradyncClarvoic = [Clare-aid-win-c-Clar-voy-ick] Clairaudience
Claravoyance; target recieves greater ability in spotting things and in
listening. Including the knowing of things to come by hearing them in a
= Confusion; Target behaves erratically and becomes slightly confused.
Disfya pronounced [dis-fee-yahn] removes the effect.
CrehyDepar = [Cree-hye-Dee-pare] Crushing despair makes the
target suffer a penalty on attacks, skills and damage.
DepSluba = [Deep-Sloo-bah] Deep slumber is where creatures fall
RemoBle = [Remoh-Bleh] Remove curse from anything.
WepaOIpet = [Weep-ah-Ow-Impete] Weapon of impact creates the
blunt weapon to deal more critical damage.
BstoHex = [B-stoh-Heex] Bestow curse shifts the curse away from
yourself, makes any curse you desire on casting to afflict the target
or heal.
BlidSit = [Blide-Site] Blind sight, Target can see visions,
invisible things and people and in darkness.
= [Glyph-O-Ward-y] Glyph of warding, creates a stationary glyph where
you want it, that explodes when enemies pass by and it strikes with
sonic damage.
ProtegoFroE = [Prote-Ee-goh-Froh-Ee] Protection from energy,
target major resistance to all types of elemental energy damage.
RemoBlidDef = [Reemoh-Blide-Deef] Remove blindness and
deafness, cures the caster and nearby allies of blindness and deafness.
CylLitny = [Cil-Litn-y] Call lightning calls lightning to strike
the target.
UixtAnim = [Oo-ixt-A-nite-m] Dominate animal, controls target
GreMyyFang = [Greh-Mih-y-Fang] Greater magic fang, grants animal
companion even more bonus to hit and damage.
NfetaeOMygo = Infestation of maggots, calls maggots into the area
that you focus on while saying the spell.
Quillpyro = [Que-ill-pirh-oh] Quillfire induces damage and
moderate poisoning to the target.
Aryneski = [Air-wyn-eh-skih] Spiderskin, makes target harder to
hit and
adds ability to recover from poisoning and adds hiding skills.
SpiGro = [Spik-Groh] Spike growth, creates spikes that inflict
moderate damage to the target each six seconds, to inflict pain and weakness till death to
the legs and if they are released they move slow for a day.
VinMin = [Vine-Mine] Vine mine,
Creates sinuous vines that entangle the target enemies with vines that entangle, slow and paralyze the victim. Have a target in mind to cast near that you want entangled or this goes off to yourself.
ImproMagArmo = [Improh-Mage-Armoh] Improved mage armor, target
recieve moderate improvement as to being unable to be hit.
= [Ach-Breet-XX] Mestil's acid breath, cone deals minor to
serious-extreme acid damage through a acidified breath.
ScitiaySfa = [Scite-rite-aim-y-Sfah] Scintillating by sphere work is crystal use to work, think american think construct work is think to defend is not so bad seeing the area. I think Iveil ivei forms crackling lightning to work as energy particles or not. Forms
crackling projectiles that shoot forth and deal minor to serious
electricity damage, see or use respectful to area if you don't look you won't notice so think of how many times you hit a guy.
FruuMejNvinaaayy =
[frue-sum-meej-n-vine-aim-labl-aim-wyr-y] minor globe of
invulnerability prevents all circle level 3 and below spells from
affecting caster hostily
Hunoo = [Hoo-now-oh] Hypnotize self, Causes a soothing and
vibration effect that hypnotizes the target/s into doing ya thoughts
spoken idea as though it were suggested by the effect and causing them
to do as ya want.
= [Kue-is-Major-XX] Major vampiric drain, to drain vitality and allot
of energy from a target person, creature or item.
Restora = [rest-ore-an]
Minor restoration, removes most bad attributes effects including lost
experience and energy.
SuaEmoeTri = [Sue-ah
Ee-mow-eh Trick] Summon creatures III Summons many appropriate
VI (5) - Moderate effects
BleSyj = [Bless-S-aye-j] Curse ability, lowers all targets abilty
to do things by at most 30%.
ChaXX = [ch-ap-rexx] charm monster that befriends more than one
= [v-ih-eh] confusion 2, is a confusion 2 that makes targets behave
erratically and confused more than the confusion spell.
May = [m-aim-aye] contagion strikes the target with a random
Kyoria = [k-say-ore-line-as] enervation drains experience from
target temporarily
Qee = [q-eek-eh] Group fear, makes a group fear things that are
near them and what they think on.
CyroAqya = [c-ir-on-act-q-ih-an] Ice storm, cast ice storm as far
away as possible as it creates major bludgeoning and freezing ice
damage. Can take up to a year to effect.
IveiImpro = [i-vese-in-im-pro] improved invisibility,
invisibility that
happens to the people who are targeted, even though they try to cast
spells but not in attacking.
MyyLesBreh = [Mih-lye-Lease-breeh] Lesser spell breach, cast
spell breach while thinking of the target, it strips an enemy mage of
upto three defenses.
Byezenom = [by-eh-z-ee-now-m] phantasmal killer kills the target
SePoly = [sea-p-own-lye] polymorph self into the form you think of
= [shade-be-iz] shadow conjuration spell that allows for making of a
Darkness, Invisibility, Mage Armor, Magic Missile or Summon a shadow in
the shape that ye want to serve ya. Be thinking of the spell effect on
or state the spell effect after this spell. Be wary, shades can be
vicious to
the summoner unless ya have protections from the shade.
U-wOng = [you-w-ore-ng] cast stoneskin while thinking of the
DirRakni = [dire-r-ache-nid] summon dire arachnid to be where you
FyrWal = [f-ih-r-wall] fire wall, creates a wall of fire that
moves towards the target/s.
MedituTenySild = [mead-lite-uh-feen-aye-sild] void shield that
protects from anything that is necessary and targeting you.
CriaCuve = [crier-ah-c-cue-vue-heh] cure critical wounds.
DethWard = [death-ward] target becomes immune to any death effect.
AoCorrant = [jAy-oh-coh-r-rant] devine power causes the caster to
become very strong and gains life.
Jehnian = [jedi-h-n-ian] free movement from any holding spell.
NeutyPois = [nee-hut-ih-poe-sid-s] Neutralize poison, Poison
victim is cured.
DPois = [d-poe-is] poison person with a deadly poison that
effects the target.
OnRuh = [on-rune-h] Animal companion, the animal companion is
temporarily improved, by making it more vicious and loyal to you.
Frou = [from-us] levitation causes the caster a target to rise
upwards. Doesn't always work.
UisLok = [use-linen-s-loki] wizard lock locks any door.
PolyHum = [pole-say-humane] Polymorph to human, back to normal
transformation makes the polymorphed person to the original form.
Knycipu = [kn-say-c-light-p-us] net capture - Captures the person
or the soul of the person in a sphere until thought released or a
freedom spell is done.
SildLas = [sild-laser] laser shield is use as you don't have to match a source that absorbs or deflects
laser strikes.
BeutyNat = [beautiful-ih-native] natures beauty makes the target
irresistible to any person and does what the person wants.
Kevlar = [kev-lair] bullet proof armor grants the target an armor
that is nonrestrictive and bulletproof.
SwZuq = [sw-zooq] vibrational sword - makes a sword in thought vibration
that can cut through anything appear in hand.
DavUayTyTiy = [dave-you-say-tim-time-way] prosperous consequence
- creates a prosperous ending to any event.
DemetriKou = [dee-metric-kow-uh] valience by area - transform the target
into a valient unfearful person.
CasCritWund = [case-crite-wund] cause critical wounds.
GrataMyyWepa = [Grae-ah Mihn-why Weep-ahn] Give the weapon a
large effect enhancement, as in making the item more effective.
AchWidAylX = [ach-wide-a-whyle-x] Acid wind, acidic wind gust
that corrodes and eats away any in its path.
MesCamu = [me-s-came-uh] Mass camouflage, gives all allies
including caster hiding skill.
SuSw = [suh-sw] Holy sword, create a holy avenger sword that will
smite evil or harm unholy people in one blow.
UnnSuSw = [unn-sus-sw] unholy avenger sword smites good or harms
holy people in one blow
ArkFoSit = [Ark-Foe-sight] Dark Foresight is where caster
understanding of the enemy or events and reduces damages if some taken
from metal.
RariuyIveilyy = [Rare-like-you-y-I-vee-in-I-see-y] Retributive
invisibility, makes the target or caster invisible, even when attacking
or casting spells. If the invocation is dispelled then explosive
damages even if nearby foes.
UtaarkBla = [Oo-take-ark-Blast] Utterdark blast that is an
blast dealing negative energy and drains target experiences, as in
levels of idea experiences but this is 20 - 40% of the targets
= [Wode-Ow-Mute-y] Word of changing is the target or caster
shapechanges into a powerful form of which is thought on.
DoiaPX = [Doe-rite-ah-P-X] Dominate person creates a temporary
control over target humanoid.
FreOI = [Freh-Ow-rIte] Freedom of movement is where the target
recieves immunity to paralysis.
GreIvei = [Greh-I-vee-sih] Greater invisibility makes the target
invisible, even though its to attack or cast spells.
ViuMasta = [Vie-uh-Mass-tah] Hold monster is where target monster
is paralyzed.
LegLor = [Lege-Lore] Legend lore makes greatly improved lore
skill for a long time.
WarCry = [Ware-Cry] creates a war cry that gives bonuses to the
of people to hit and damage where enemies are stricken with fear.
AsaReeic = [Ase-ah-Ree-ih-c] Assay resistance, causes the target
resistance to drop greatly to the spell's of the caster.
DethWard = [Death-Ward] Death Ward that Grants immunity to death
and negative energy spells and effects.
Ydi = [wide-linen]
dismissal dismisses all associated callings, constructs and summoned
companions of target
= [Din-Pue-ah] Dynamic power; Caster gains attack bonuses and greater
strength and more health benefits. As well as, a dynamic power that
allows one to cause effects at a will easier.
GreMyyWepa =
[Greh-Mih-y-Weep-ah] Greater magic weapon greatly enhances the weapon
in magic, sometimes temporarily. This magic weapon can project whatever
you would want to project.
HamaOTenshu = [Hame-ah-O-Tensh-uh] Hammer of the Gods forms an
hammer in hand or in the air of faith, that you mimic throwing and it
will hit unnerringly. This also causes any result you think on.
NflytCritWunde = [N-flit-Crite-Wundeh] Inflict critical wounds
will cause wounds on the target that appear at some point.
Pois = [Poe-is] Poison that
will spread through the target body unless the poison is removed.
LestMyyMitl = [Lest-Mih-y-Mitl] Least spell mantle, absorbs up to 5 to
10 spell levels.This can act act as a cure, if you think of the condition
or idea as though an effect. The mantle spell absorbs up to 5 of these
Cyr = Restoration that removes
most negative effects off the target, and all spell effects some things
restored are lost experience and energy.
CagAptacTntele =
[cage-apt-take-tenteel-eh] Black tentacles, absorbs and sucks the life
force out of the person with the black tentacles, while confusing and
stunning the person.
YqBlaTntele =
[Wiq-Blah-Tn-teal-leh] Evard's black tentacles, traps and attacks
enemies within sticky tentacles.
= [Lease-Mese-ah-Ache-ih-ah] Isaac's lesser
missile storm, Inflicts through a storm of magic missiles that does a
minor to serious-extreme bit of damage on those nearby. Theres 1 to 14
missiles possible.
LesGloNvinaaayy =
[Lease-Gloh-Nvine-aim-aim-aid-mih-y] Lesser globe of
invulnerability, Protects target from all circle 4 and lower spells.
NyyMyyVib = [Nih-y-Mih-y] Supposition is disposition, despotism
is in position.
SuaGodaElemIo =
(Soo-ah-Geed-ah-Eleem-I-oh) Summon guardian Angel -
Summon to your side or near you to be your aid, a guardian Angel.
SuaGodaEleiy = (Soothe-ah-Gode-ah-Eel-ee-like-why) Summon
elemental - Summons to ya aid, a guardian elemental that will do as you
sometimes desire. This elemental can be whatever element ya desire by
ya thinking or feeling, on the element and your purpose while saying
MejMyySeq =
Minor Spell sequencer that stores up to two spells. They activate in a
sequence that ya decide on
and the trigger is of what ya want.
MaBodNaeGanMoEGrataRyzLok =
[Mahn-Bode-Nay-eh-Gane-Moh-E-Grate-ah-Riz-Loke] Think of the weight then state or think of the spell with the weight as a number at the end to lower or rise to see. Like asvanced weight loss lock 180. Advanced weight
loss, to lock your assemblage point to believe the physical truth of
you can't gain more energy than you lose. Then think of the effect as you exercise, after doing the spell
go exercise for 30 or less minutes a day or sprint for a minute or two a day wixed with walking or running.
IdUu-lokMa = [Hid-Oo-uh-LockMah] Unlock then move the assemblage point; Think of a point to shift the
assemblage or conscious awareness point by a thought you think. Thought to seem normal or aware can
lock the assemblage awareness point.
HydroBustAnItzEnz = [Hide-ro-Bust-An-Itz-Enz] Water burst, To
materialize a sometimes latent water burst that will splash the area
and people with highly pressured water molecules.
NaSild = [Nah-Sild] Earth shield, makes an earth shield to
the target that absorbs spells or if you focus can cut off what you dislike and effects like some blows to the face.
NaSildEn = [Nah-Sild-Enn] Earth shield end, makes an earth shield to
the target to end ywhere you cast it you can still get the same result such as that which absorbs spells or if you focus can cut off what you dislike and effects like some blows to the face.
ModFxGix = [Mode-Fx-Gixe] Moderated effect effort, puts effort
into the
effect by ya plug or can seem by observing it and ya can do things as though an
administration officer. Ya can even moderate an effect already
happening, as in cause it to do something else, slow it down, speed it
up, stop it, or ban it from happening again (at least in ya mind) by
thinking about it while the effect happens.
FerLash = [Fear-Lash] Fear lash, to create a lash that's
inflicted on
the target/s as it creates fear by use of voice or ideal in said target of nearly anything near
said target.
IGeni = [I-Gene-ih] Ingenious use, causes the person to be ingenious
with personal injective to hold idea that can be used till its needed
and used.
NaSilden = [Nah-Silden] Earth shield end II, makes an earth shield to
the target that absorbs spells or if you focus can cut off by will anytime by what you dislike or not effect you and effects some like some blows to the face.
HemTuResa = [Heem-Tuh-Rese-ah] Harm to reason, to set the moment
that converts potential harm to reason.
EnWevIma =
[Een-Weave-I'm-ah] Create illusion, to create an illusion to
be of the idea you had in mind. That was thought on before the spell
was cast and this thought becomes the idea that the spell creates the
illusion of. The more ya feel this illusion should be there the more
its real and could be considered a glamour.
UviStaBonX = [Oo-vih-Stah-Bone X] Stone bones II; This thickens
and repairs the bones by restoring the bones energy balance and grants
target undead a harder to hit chance.
MaiEPul = [MAke-Inn Ee Pool] Make energy pool; Makes an energized
pool in the air. This restores you and others in the area of the pool
that you want to restore. Mostly the energy is in replenishment, and in
the body quickly. Where the pool is quickly generated by running water
or pooling water. As a thought, though this takes its effects from the attributes of the
water. You can use the ideal to form what you think to wish.
SuaEmoeAu = [Sue-ah Ee-mow-eh A-uh] Summon creatures IV
summons a powerful host of many appropriate creatures.
Circle VII (6) - Very moderate
CyriCon = [c-ir-rit-cone] cone of searing cold sends from the
hand a cone shaped cold energy to kill by making freezing in the
intended targets in area.
Uxt = [us-xt] dominate people that you think on when casting
PrimaireSild = [prime-are-linen-red-sild] elemental shield brings
up a ring of fire that damages attackerss while granting cold/fire
resistance. A shield against Uxt.
LasOvem = [laser-own-v-lend-m] energy buffer that is 60%
elemental damage resistance on the target.
LesIq = [lease-like-q] feeblemind a person, causes less
intelligence and thinking capability.
ViuXX = [vine-us-xx] hold monster will hold some monsters.
PlaneLes = [plane-meh-lease] lesser planar binding which binds a
outsider to do your bidding in a shape of an animal.
MyyLesMantl = [Mih-aye-Lease-Mantle] lesser spell mantle absorbs
up to 12 spells, think and this allows them to power you with the energy or thought
of idea as a source. So if you use this right, you can cure yourself
of any condition. This spell can cause stability and the area creates
the point and you gain calmness in the body.
MynFog = [min-f-how-g] mind fog that makes a person weak in will.
DirTig = [dire-tiger] dire tiger summons.
AariXLosaouz = [are-sar-pih-x-lows-aid-ow-us-z] heat enclosed
CulLosaouzX = [cool-lows-are-ow-us-z-x] cool enclosed area.
HeaSis = [heal-why-s-lie-s] atlantean assisted healing.
SoeHea = [sow-eh-heal] circle heal heals all allies nearby as
well as caster as if a cure serious wounds was cast.
DeDevei = [ded-devious-easy-in] raise dead raises one corpse to
life by saying spell and putting energy of yourself into it.
TaVieDeth = [tav-v-hide-eh-death] death to life brings back one
person from death as a risen being of power.
SlayVie = [slay-say-aye-vie-en] slay living kills one person
instantly or they resist it some way.
Ipoliy = [life-pole-line-way] telekinesis lifts in place an item
with this spell.
SpherY-l = [Sphere-way ln] otilukes resilience sphere creates with energy a
sphere that makes a person or with respect this is sight magic think your unable to be affected by and yet it makes the
enclosed person unable to affect anything in the real world.
PolyCruo = [pole-aye-crude-on] polymorph other into any other
form while thinking on the form.
RaknoBdaeg = [r-ack-no-b-day-eg] spider spawn creates a few
deadly spiders of which kills the enemies.
= [eem-or-kim] spiritual armor that creates a plate mail armor around
the target and does not hinder using the targets life force. Also
causes an effect of an alternate self that appears to be you, thats a
part of the spiritual armor effect.
= [sea-h-p-oo-f eXh] Teleport field that creates a random effect shift
field effective on enemies and targets in the area. That you specify by
thinking on the area..
UisEy = [wis-eye] wizard eye that makes an invisible sensory
organ sending back visual information.
ShadDor = [shade-door] shadow door makes an illusion door that
the caster disappears through, that goes to the land of shadows and its
making the caster seems gone, while said caster is actually invisible
in the shadow and darts away.
FroeWard = [from-leh-ward] protection from weapons makes any
weapon not effective on the caster.
Kao = [Kay-oh] chaos effect that makes any event or effect that
want to happen happen. It can wear down the material nearby as a fuel.
So it is to be used cautiously. So, when casting, be thinking of the
effect or event that ya want to happen, as ya say the spell.
SwEnom = [sw-ease-n-own-m] phantom blade which makes a sword in
hand to attack with, that does serious spiritual and venom damage.
KesEnom = [Keys-Ee-nome] Phantom kiss that does some venomous
spiritual damage
and makes for monitoring of the person who's targeted, and claims the
victim in some manner by links of control to the spirit. This makes for
easier monitoring and control, as your aware psychically of the person
no matter where they are from the link.
KaoSild = [chaos-sild] makes a chaos shield or dome of force that
converts energy into useful energy by the caster.
Dorob = [door-robe] door warp warps tight any door that you think
of while casting, preventing access. An EnDorob, ends the effect.
= (Kay-oh-I-Mite) Chaos imitation, to produce an imitation by chaos of
the item, event, or action. In some form, or in some manner. This
chaotic energy can produce an imitation of anything and it can stay
hidden for however long as a source in ya body.
DirUii = [dire-wive-in] dire terror makes the person paralyzed by
terror and remains unmoving for until the spell wears off, if it works.
Dyh = [d-say-h] power word guilt makes the target guilty of any
feelings, through reasoning.
Myr-Ima = [mirr I'm-ah] mirroring image makes any image of a
person or
thing you think of to reflect energy of many sorts, including the
visual energies. This can create more of another you to be doing what
ya are doing, unless its decided to do else. As, the images are
'alive'. Saying what ya want to mirror after the spell, will sometimes
cause this to work.
WylShiNaLava =
[Wil-Shit-Nah-Lave-ah] lava wall that moves at the casters will and the
heat of the wall treats, melts, or disrupts any target or group
the wall passes through.
LupAkim = [lupe-ak-I'm] call wolves to aid you and talk with the
conscious of the wolves by thought.
PyrWal = [p-ih-r-wale] deathfire wall even burns liches and moves
to the caster's will.
SfuwarBragh = [s-fue-ware-brag-h] primal beast calls an
unkillable primal beast to kill on command. Be thinking on the form for
it to take when casting.
DumCuclX = [doom-cuck-l-X] doom circle strikes all enemies with
negative energy from a circle that suddenly surrounds you.
UbaEalIvmeditu = [oob-ah-ee-ale-I've-mead-lite-uhn] Monstrous
regeneration - gains the regeneration ability including the brain and
lost body parts quickly. This starts off slowly though.
HutIsit = [hoot-eyes-mite] owl's insight grants 1/2 more the
wisdom of the person to a person, making them insightful.
Vimi = [vie-mih] Entanglement; This creates vines to effect as you will entangle, this will hamper
movement, then slow down, otherwise pause and can form into a desired shape or camouflage.
UuVimi = [Uh-uh-vie-mih] remove entanglement; This creates removal of the vines to effect as you will entangle, this will lessen hamperage
by improved movement, then allow movement, otherwise pause and can form into a desired shape or camouflage.
BarrKamur = [barr-Kame-your] Ball lightning, creates a compressed ball
lightning thrown out from your hand. That is from energy that forms things and then lashes, as its absorbed into the palm
and cast forth by throwing your hand torward the foe. Thinking release releases the effect
and does minor to extreme damage, depending on how long it is allowed
to form.
ItapbHidNa = [it-app-b-hide-Nah] Mana mold hand; Barring hand or earthen earth field, this is a hand of energy appears
over target barring attack and movement. Thinking to use this the effect is instant. Otherwise the effect won't go off until something is off by feel.
HidFirLang = [hide-fire-lang] fire tongue grants those touched
with language
ability and they can raise fire, by just a mention of it or the more of
it in use and is of the language.
PyrBrid = [pir-bride] creates the firebrand effect by alot of
balls which appear near you and zoom in on the target that you decide
on attacking by putting your hand or body part forward and can
incinerate hostile creatures and people or hurt them badly by medium to
deadly damage.
AchSetSild = [ach-seet-sild] acid shield forms around body and in
the aura, hurting the attacker as they get close.
HutSild = [hoot-sild] owl's shield allows for a folding of wings
to surround you with wisdom adding the ability to fly at will.
BDevn = [B-Deev-n] Be devil, to be devil the people or evil ones
for him who is God.
EtailVeyXX = [Ee-tay-il-Vee-y-XX] Ethereal visage, makes serious
reduction on damage done to target (including the caster) an when
recieved, and immunity to
second level and lower spells. Also, it makes the target unable to be
seen easily, and unable to be hit or killed.
GreDeplMyy = [Greh-Depl-Mih-y] Greater dispel magic makes an end
to powerful magic effects.
GreHaosm = [Greh-Hay-oh-sm] Greater heroism makes small thought
for large action to the effect of doing as needed by the percieved
With, a more temporarily added health and greater chance to hit, and to
skills. The effected person literally doesn't think but can intuitively
act unless necessary to think.
MasCurLitWunde = [Mase-Cure-Lite-Wundeh] Mass cure light wounds,
heals each nearby ally of medium wounds.
OdDecod = Ode-Dee-code] Song of discord, is a song that causes
the enemy to have a 50% chance of attacking each other.
BatlTid = [Batl-Tide] Battle tide, the friendly target is aura modified to
steal energy from enemies and targets, where the enemy gains a curse of not being
able to hit very well and damage not very well with a reduction on
being able to save yourself from a situation. This also causes the
caster or target to gain an additional attack or action, if not already
FyrGodLasi =
[f-ih-r-gode-laser-in] flame strike causes a devine fire strike.
MasNflytLitWunde = [Mase-N-Flit-Light-Wundeh] Mass inflict light
wounds, damages each nearby enemy minor to deadly damage.
RiteeMit = [Rite-ee-eh-Mite] Righteous might, Caster or target
increases in size, recieving more strength, more health benefits, and
become harder to hit. With damage resistance of 3 times the damage per
evil blow, if non evil, five times the damage per good blow. Size
increase also lowers your chance to be hit and increases the chance to
hit harder.
MyyResis = [Mih-y-Ree-sise] Spell resistance, Grants target major
resistances to most effects.
Tru-c = [true c] true
seeing can see through sanctuary and invisibility and Ethereal effects.
Awa = [Awah] Awaken, Enhances animal companion and people, to
their potential, or makes the person awaken in ability or state of body.
Nfano = [N-fane-oh] Inferno causes the target to be on fire and that fire burns target for
moderate-serious damage every six seconds until the spell is stopped.
NtapoyHid = [N-tape-bow-y-Hide] Bigby's interposing hand, a
mental hand provides cover against one opponent, in which suffers
reflection and a major attack penalty.
NuagK = [Nue-ag-K] Cloudkill forms a toxic cloud that makes appear acidic cloud vapors, on the
target area to kill the target group and it kills a weaker target easiest.
GrePyroBust = [Greh-Piroh-Bust] Greater fireburst, Nearby
creatures and targets take minor to deadly fire damage.
= [Lease-Min-Blanc] Lesser mind blank, Protects target from
mind-affecting spells and removes any currently effecting, as well as renders target immune and removes any mind
affect spell with the effect of causing the target the effect of not
being read.
ShrudOFla = Shroud of flame, Target is encased in flame, burning
the target and possibly nearby creatures.
VyrelySfa = [Vir-ee-lye-Sfah] Vitriolic sphere or use feel acid sphere, huge acid
explosion or
spill deals acid damage for 24 to 32 seconds until death occurs or the
effect stops.
HiiMuaoem = [High-ih-Mue-aid-ow-redeem] High metabolism, causes a
metabolism in the target and the target loses weight from it.
BriySild = [Bry-y-Sild] Windy shield, Makes a constant wind in
the form
of a wall that disperses away poisons, and any toxins in the air too.
So ya can feel cool, refreshed and walk in through a safe area where
gas and smoke would be. It also makes a psychic shield effect.
MasKuiMej =
Mass minor vampiric drain, to drain some energy from targets of
creatures and items. This can be upto 1000 targets.
Bludg = [Bludg] Blugdeon - Makes the effect of a target to be
blugdeoned somewhere on the body, wherever its felt but usually in the
face. This protects you from blugdeoning as it could happen to you.
JeuLang = [Jee-uh-Lang] Voodoo Language - Creates a tongue or
language of voodoo in and of the target thats easily spoken as
though second nature. This language can cause anything that is spoken
by the target if its intended to do work.
RadEIonXX = [raid-Ee-Ion-XX] Raid energy - that forms on the
saying of
the spell words and in idea of a raid or pestillence poison energy
killing pestillence with pestillence removal.
FluyDrakne = [Flue-y-Drakneh] Flushin' drunkeness, To flush a
state out of the person and it takes about 1 to 2 minutes. Once state
effected, again it takes a little time. It appears to be a little bit
abbreviated in time.
FotaNX/f = [Fote-ah-N-X f] Fortune in finance, to always come up
the funds necessary. This can be a fortune in of what is possible, or
fortune by working.
ZizBneFy = [Zize-Bneh-Fye] For the body benefit, to cause the
idea to
be for the body and in benefit. The idea is spoken of before or after.
HydroIts = [Hydroh-Its] Water hits, causes abusive water
molecules to
become active and rain invisible hits on the target with the presence
of the water molecules in the air.
= [Cl-Mah-A-qia] Storm, forms a rainstorm in the area from gae and
water particles collecting into the clouds.
SuaEFoc = [Sue-ah-Ee-Fowe-c] Summon persuasive force, to summon a
of energy that is greater than the summon energy spell in totality, as
it can also be used to summon a force of people, no matter how large or
small. The force of people are thought about in what type and how many
people before the spell is cast. This force can be used in any way ya
think and feel necessary.
FerESpie = [Fear-E-Spie-eh]
Fear spikes, to create fear in the target that
is spiked from energy. The target eventually fears spikes.
SuaGodaArkIo = [Sooth-ahm Goad-ahm Ark Eye-ohm] Summon guardian
darkangel; This spell summons a guardian darkangel, that makes you get
results and gives you things, such as information. As, its a trade by
trade idea they respect. They guard the summoner, very well
indeed. Sometimes, by the effect of opposite actions to get you to act
in the right manner. And mostly, by the doing of the dark actions that
make for the idea, to become manifested. They are mostly aloof and
outgoing but dark. Their darkness is from their energy that they use
and it comes from the darkness and shadows. They can make very
interesting results, from nothing, as the darkmatter is their materia
they can build off of. They can spread darkness, though at a whim of
ShadDym = [Shade Dim] Shadow cloak; This forms a cloaking of
shadows that hides you somewhat in plain sight and really well in
darkness. It lasts as long as you would want it to.
SuaEmoeQuin = [Sue-ah
Ee-mow-eh Que-in] Summon creatures V summons tough appropriate
Circle VIII (7) - Extremely moderate effects
FogAch = [foge-stomach] acid fog, acidic fog that slows creatures
within while dealing acidic damage to those within, and it can cause
pain in the body as the target is in a mental fog.
ChanKamur = [chank-came-lure] chain lightning to cast in general
direction of targets
SoeDed = [some-eh-deed] circle of death, kills many creatures
that are in the area. Imagine a black circle form around you as ya cast
the spell
Deiira = [Dee-ire-ir-ah] Disintegrate to turn to dust the target
by a ray that does serious to extreme damage
FruuNvinaaayy = [frue-un-n-vine-rabe-labor-lay-mih-y] globe of
invulnerability prevents all circle 4 and below spells from affecting
caster by hostility.
DeijiiMaj = [dee-lin-jie-ih-major] greater dispelling, causes the
dispel of the minor to major effect in a moment.
MyyMajBreh = [Mih-aye-major bree-h] greater spell breach - strips
six magical defenses from a enemy mage.
MajU-wOng = [major-use w-one-g] Greater stoneskin, cast greater
stoneskin while thinking of the person and it protects better than
stoneskin with greater results.
SylLor = [sil-lord] legendary lore spell that gives you knowledge
of things around you.
R-iYx = [r linen-Wix] mass haste effects all allies in area and
the caster.
Plane = [Plane-eh] summon or control an outsider being that is
human shaped.
DirBer = [dire-b-ear-r] dire bear summoning.
DyluTrans = [Dill-luh-Trans] tenser's transformation makes the
caster or a target physically more powerful.
ColtWoxEzyk = [colt-woxe-eazy-wick] targeted cold knock out.
AaritWoxEzyk = [Are-mar-wine-t-W-one-x-Ee-zick] targeted heat
stroke knock out.
AaraBoe = [are-mar-an-bow-e] Blade barrier make a wall of blades.
MakUnded = [make-rune-deed] create undead makes one undead
creature that is zombie like.
RestoraMajIvmeditu = [restore-an-major-I've-mead-lite-uhn]
removes all bad attribute effects including lost experience, restores
energy and makes regeneration.
Ham = [h-aim-m] harm which makes the target badly wounded.
HeaXX = [heal-XX] Heal, healing that makes the target somewhat
fully healed. It works a bit slowly.
= [heal-I've-mead-lite-uhn-XX] Improved Heal, healing that makes the
target somewhat fully healed. It works a bit slowly.
Spheros = [sphere-ow-s] sickle sphere assault is area non feel that causes a large
sharp ice sickle to strike the target.
SusLosCruuDaeg = [masuse-Low-s-Cr-ruul-Dae-eg] creates a few
carrion crawlers that become mutated and into killing anything in its
IveiLykuth = [i-vee-is-L-say-k-us-th] invisible stalker forms
from the element of air that does whatever the caster wants as the
stalker does stalking and other things.
Liomis = [lie-oh-mise] mislead causes the person to be unseen via
improved invisibility and is teleported a few feet away with another
image appeaing his place making the exact same movements as the caster.
ChairTong = [chair-ir-t-poh-ng] stone to flesh reverts a person
to flesh from stone.
ChairOng = [chay-ir-low-ng] stone flesh makes the person
untouched by attack as the flesh is like moving stone.
Nishruu = [nis-shoo-uh] nishruu summons - Summons a magic feeder
to feed off energies around it and not attack the summoner at all.
These nishruu can be attacked.
DactoWyvAkim = [dact-oh-wiv-ache-k-lime] wyvern call that draws a
wyvern to fight for you.
B-iCorrantCosm = [b hid-cohr-rant-cosm] power link any object to
create a unversal power field for your machines from anywhere.
BomOvv = [Bow-m-Ovv] sonic bomb that destroys by overwhelming
waves any enemy in area of effect. At the most it can knock people out,
at the least it can cause distraction and apprehension.
ReliDyh = [real-in-d-say-h] guilt release releases the guilty
feelings of a person where they might talk about it or not think too
well and act on them.
Fokery = [foke-deer-aye] spell body storage causes the target to
absob spells to be used later as if recalling them as an ability.
LasEvem = [lase-even-seem] laser lance shoots a lancing laser
shot through people in a row up to 100 feet away.
= [Lows-y] Losing, when hit by this effect by thinking of or seeing the
victim as ya say the spell, the victim will
lose at anything they next try as though distracted. Because its like a beam that is a beam in
LucidUaNay =
[lucide-use-an-n-aye] lucid thinking - Cures dementia and
schitzophrenia by using these words on a target. Also keeps the
target unaffected by any other mind effect.
SwIaa = [sw-niagra-aim-an] demon sword can make a demonic blade
in the targets hand from a demon itself or any sword into a demonic
HuMeditu = [human-medium-light-yuh] summon void being to aid as
the caster wills.
PlastiquSw = [plastic-eye-que-sw] plastic sword forms in the hand
of the caster that is as strong as adamantium.
SonneRyma = [soh-nn-eh-say-ma] ring creation - makes a ring
appear to your hand or wherever you want by imagination.
DirtYtiy = [dirt-white-time-aye] dire consequence causes a
consequence of dire straits to happento the target on casting.
Dirg = [dirg] song of death and destruction to cause all enemies
in area to weaken and become clumsy the vibrations.
Xij = [xige] Banishment; kills or banishes all area creatures,
familiars, animal companions and outsiders.
Gratasictn = [grate-hase-sict-n] Etherialness; target becomes
etherial till it does hostile or atacking action, person affected may
be sick for a bit.
PlarAly = [plare-all-aye] An outsider is called to assist the
caster, that comes at a moment he is needed.
CevaTudP = [sieve-ah- T-dud-P] Undeath to death on most creatures
undead in area. Brings undead creatures alive again.
Crubl = [cruh-bl] Crumble, cast on a golem or construct this
spell slowly kills the person's construct or golem while the target
crumbles slowly
Droww = [droh-w] a victim will drown, by his lungs filling up,
with water particles.
StaHod = [stah-hold] temporarily encases a group of any creature
in stone.
Fochid = [foch-hide] a large forceful hand attempts to stomp and
knock down by attack of one victim.
GTudacla = [G-Too-day-clah] a great thundeclap with loud thunder
noise and shockwave will be dazing those who hear it
Dirge = [Dirg-eh] Dirge causes enemies to suffer ability loss of
strength and quick adeptness.
EInyy = [Ee-In-say-aye] Energy immunity creates target immunity
to one
energy type thats thought on and spoken of after the main spell is in
MasCurModMejIvMedituWunde =
[Mase-Cure-Mode-Meeje-I've-Mead-lite-uhn-Wundeh] Mass cure moderated moderate
wounds, heals each nearby ally serious damage, this is in a circle as
well as
caster, as the caster sees how the wounds happen and can experience
the wounds going away. Optionally, ya can speed up, slow down or stop
the effect by thinking about it as it does the curing effect.
= [Bane-eh] Banishment 2, Destroys many minor grimoires and summoned
creatures and banishes people who are the target from the area.
CatoUnded = [Came-toh-rUne-deed] Control undead, dominates one
undead creature or person.
MasCurIvMedituMejWunde =
[Mase-Cure-I've-Mead-lite-uhn-Meej-Wundeh] Mass cure moderate wounds,
Heals the area allies and caster in a circle and a moderate amount of
= [Mase-N-flit-Meej-Wund-eh] Mass inflict moderate wounds, damages each
enemy in the area moderately and heals undead.
PlanrAlly = [Plane-r-Ally] Planar ally summons an outsider to
help with what you want.
StaBod = [Stay-Bode] Stone Body, A moving stone is formed of your
that grants the target or caster more strength, less dexterity and
adds damage reduction of ten times metal damage. This also has a 50%
movement restriction with immunity to many negative effects. The target
or caster takes 1/2 damage from acid or fire.
StaHod = [Stah-Hode] Stonehold, creates a cloud that encases a
creature or person in stone.
BigbyFocfiHid = [Big-bye-Focus-fih-Hide] Bigby's forceful hand,
Hand pushes target away.
CarnTuSta = [Carn-Tuh-Stah] Flesh to stone that turns the target
to stone.
MajMesaAqya = [Major-Meesah-Aqih-ah] Isaac's greater
missile storm, One or multpile magic missiles hits the target with
minor-moderate to deadly damage and there is one to many missiles
MasKui = [Mase-Kue-is]
Mass vampiric drain, to drain some stamina of health and something of
energy from the targets of people, creatures and items seen
or thought on. This
can be upto 500,000 or more people.
SuaBelElemIoMey =
(Soo-ah-Beel-Eleem-I-oh-Mee-y) Summon Archangel - Summon an Archangel
to your side
or near you to be your aid.
MyySeq = [Mih-aye-Seek-Major]
Spell sequencer can store 3 spells that the caster thinks of the name
of and these are what ya need.
NeiiJinx = [Nee-nigh-in-Jinx] Neither jinx, neither targets in
stops working or in an opposite effect, it can cause the person to go
neither on a chance choice of things.
Winn = [Win] Winning, creates an effected win out of a moment for
target effected by the effect thats thought on or looked at as the
spell is spoken.
MinSildSydh = [Mine-Sild-Side] Minor absorption shield, causes a
around the target that can do absorption of minor spells and attacks
through the shield as though ya own. This can also absorb shields as
energy into ya.
MaLeceAnItzEnz =
[Mah-Leeceh-Fx-An-Itz-Enz] Hydro effect waters, forms easily an
effect of choice from the waters nearby. The effect is stated or
thought on after the spell is spoken then think until as it is thought it is broken.
NaPore =
Earth stinks, to stink of earth decay and feces or dirt itself. Decided
on the casting of this effect.
NaBlo = [Nahn-Bloh] Earth blow, to cause a rain of blows from
earth effect that is from earth energy and the dirt in the area to the
body in an area that ya think on as ya cast the spell.
MaiB-p = [May-ih-B p] Make magnetic, to make magnetic the object
ya touch and work with, as ya say the spell. To magnetize a human is to
make them bipolar. This also causes objects to be irrisistable.
EHetPyroXXLash = [E-Heat-Piroh-XX-Lash] Fire lash that cooks, to create a
barbed lash effect
from fire energy that creates the feeling of fire on the intended
target, wherever the lashing hits them.
SubtEFoc =
Subtractive Energy force, this subtle energy is cause of many things
and people who disappear. As, it can make a subtractive force that
erases things on thought of them with the desire to remove and after ya
say the spell. This
energy can eventually erase anything till its gone or its spell is
countered. As it doesn't matter how its countered when active, it will
still do it. Its
possible to counter it with EEvom pronounced [Ee-Eve-om], which allows
more control over it and thinking to the force 'cancel'. Or, say 'they
didn't' and the force is cancelled.
Br = [Br or B-rr] Breaker force, to break the force of energy or
pattern and erase the programming, of the object or idea. Think of the
idea object, or idea, to break of its energy programming, and as you
state the spell. This has possibility, of breaking things.
HexCusC = [Heex-Cuse-C] Hex curse view, activate this particular
vision, and your able to see curses, as though a rune or sigil. You can
then remove, or manipulate the curse sigil rune, as you see it.
GnoGlo = [Gn-oh-Gloh] Gno glow, Knowledge glow. Cast this effect
its like your glowing with knowledge. Your able to see others glow of
knowledge. You will literally cast off light, from thinking about
things, and knowing things. This also makes you self-assured, with a
positive feeling or not until you want the ideal.
NegMyyMesa = [Neeg Mih-why Mees-ah] Negative magic missile;
Causes 1 to 20 negative magic missiles use the negative ionic particles to form and as you throw them
at a target for medium to extreme negative damage that means disruption
of a working state, also with stress and negative thinking in people.
AerStausehTego = [Aye-ear Stale-us-ee-h Tee-gohn] Static shield;
This shield makes any energy influence near it to be 1/4 of its
influence each second it is energy around the shield till it disperses.
EayVey = [Eery-jAy-whY VEE-whY] Eery visage; Causes the vision of
a place to be overlaid over an area. This can be a place that is very
eery, old and something like a ghost town or nearly anything else.
Where there is a no pay effective for goods and services. Unless the
payment is a possession for services asked for. The people and action,
if any are there, are generated not from sex from peoples objects that were touched
and the energy activity of 'here' where it was cast in as use. The spirit energy
imparted into the object can manifest in the eery visage. This spell
effects an area. To break the spell, get near the edge of the visage
effects and cancel it from there, by a freehand sigil that means
The more heat in the area the easier it is to cancel, the harder it is to cancel unless the
person walks away or drives away from the area effected and the effect
permeates the mind to where the person is susceptible to illusions and
is seeing the visage. The person who casts it ends up powering it, so
when they leave the effect fades sorta like the walking dead. This effect is monitored by demons
and devils make it real. The thing is, you decide the outcome.
The demons or devils come at you or a target at a moments thought that can cause the person
to become beserk, so especially when the effected person is angry does this occur to free you from responsibility. They
can conceal or control a person until the spell is broken. This is one
step away from hell and its possible for them to drag a person to hell
who's caught by it. This happens when the person caught was condemned
or deserved the effect. Its possible for release when the person who
cast it, tells the demons to release the trapped in hell victim. To release think your released as elia delaborah.
EFiaCarn = [Ee Fie-ah Carn] Rubbery flesh; This spell causes
energy that courses through the body and turns the flesh rubbery. This
rubbery flesh can be very hard to pierce or somewhat harder to cut. It
can get flakey though with cracks every now and then.
EFiaHow = [E Fie-ah Hole-w] Rubbery bone; This causes a current
to pass through the body and it forms the bone to not be easily damaged
or broken. This isn't like the Harry Potter movie where Harry's arm was
flimsy and rubbery.
SpeFx [Speh Fxh]; Speed effect, to speed up the effect and event
however much you need time to go. Speed up thinking with this.
SuaEmoeSex =
[Sue-ah Ee-mow-eh Seex] Summon creatures VI summons allot of tough and
appropriate creatures and makes more by causing sex.
Circle XI (8) - Hard effects
UndedSlutes = [rune-deed-rede-Slute-ee-s] control one undead being for as
long as a day.
DelaBlasPyrBall = [deal-lab-Blase-P-ir-Ball] delayed blast
fireball that goes off when target enters area. This can be used as a
= [fine-G k-K] finger of death that you touch someone or something and
they die off quickly in something. If nothing is thought on or added as
to be killed off, then the body dies off.
SwYyr = [Sw-saY-aye-r] mordenkainens sword causes a magical sword
to fight your enemies.
Q-q = [q q] power word stun, automatically stuns target for a few
seconds to a few hours.
ZedSenZyw = [zeed-Seen-ziw] prismatic spray which does damage to
cause some death by random infliction.
MyyWardXX = [Mih-aye-ward-XX] protection from spells.
ShaSild = [shad-sild] shadow shield makes you immune to death and
negative energy effects.
PrimaireHum = [prime-air-ih-r-eh-human] random elemental summons.
Nyc = [nic] destruction caused on the target that the target must
resist death of or die.
ReparEalYptIvMedituXXX =
[repair-seal-wip-t-I've-Mead-lite-uhh-x-x-x] Regeneration and cleaning
causes wounds to heal and breakages or marrings to be restored fully
including the brain or objects and cleaning of the
target. This depends on the wound or destructive degree to how fast it
works. This can make things easy to repair.
GodEveiHeaIvMeditu = [gode-evening-linen-heal-I've-Mead-lite-uhh]
ressurection within or after 100 hours with a 60% chance to succeed.
VieOroo = [vie-eh-ore-ooh] aura of vitality makes a greater
benefit in all allies' health, strength
and dexterity and in the
caster's body's health benefit too. This can cause weight gain,
DumGlec = [doom-glee-c] carpets of insects attack at your command.
FrouMas = [frown-us-mase] mass levitation that causes with a 60%
chance for a whole group to rise upwards or be raised.
MucAch = [mucous-ach] acidic dissolvation of all target enemies
or muscle ache.
Caco = [cake-on] cacofiend summons that calls a demon to rampage
against your enemies, theres a 60% chance of cackling.
RuyRayReverey = [rue-aye-ray-aye-reeve-eer-ee-aye] ruby ray of
reversal will target one creature or person and dispel one spell
protection of any circle.
Myr = [mir] mirror creates a mirror effect in the air to reflect
attack or you can see your reflection in it. This can cause a mirror to
be there to be looked in for its reflection.
KaoSpher = [chaon-sphere] This casts a sphere that just looks like the point me spell that affects the point
or area that is pointed out with an effect of your devising by area or feel you realize then you know. This spell can
unsummon anything summoned by will. As you think the spell or being name, then think to unsummon the being then
dissipation of the spell or being happens.
Djin = [dj-line] summons an air genie to come and aid by
attacking enemies of conjurer.
Efret = [efreet] a massive fire genie that comes to your aid to
attack your foes.
Hache = [hay-k-eh] hakeashar summons brings forth a greater
hakeashar or greater dark ghost being that is unaffected by weapons to make dark effects that is a water djinni.
UuKaYaHache = [Oo-uh-Kahn-Yahn-Hatch-en] Unsummon Hakeashar that effects nothing after this spell is there or not there by feel.
KaoEge = [chaon-egeh] summons a chaos lord to aid as the caster
desires but do not call the chaos lord for small reasons.
WardUip = [ward-use-rip] warding whip will dispell one protection
up to 8th circle every 1 second.
CorrantUlo = [cohr-rant-use-loh] enveloping power makes the
targets power destroy itself, along with the person.
Spher = [sphere] sentry sphere by the creator - calls into being a earth djinni or use a sphere for
uses such as attack, protect, scout, repair, contain, build plus other
things and think the purpose to the sphere to have it do so or use is area to use stability or not now or use is create with the area as you sense to think then create.
SpherUviY-lOua = [sphere-groove-ih-aYe l-Ow-oo-an] otilukes
resilience protection sphere creates a sphere that makes a person
unable to be hurt or effected unless its needed and moves with the person. Moved out of the circle protection creates a displacement, from your area circle to not seem observed by observable means.
HeaCywIvmeditu = [Heal-C-ih-w-I've-mead-lite-uhh] Think bone and tissue
repair for one person. See the crystal can create what you think. That is repair or otherwhere by work.
ByoLasOlas = [b-ih-oh-Laser-mole-maser] bio laser forms a laser
blast from the hand and bursts forth incinerating or impairing not the
eyes or target in a wide and straight line. This uses radiance energy or feel if you think to see or create by the area situated to use.
FyrFowl = [f-ir-fowl] fowling fire fowls all magic and machines
in the area of the magic.
KouCilf = [cow-uh-c-is-lf] summon a servant elf to do what is
needed for the caster.
BioBo = [bio-bow] Bio bow or feel, causes an energy bow that forms in the
hand of the caster. Think it shot to shoot it. Aim as desired.
PyrSw = [p-ih-r-sw] death fire sword makes appear in hand a sword
that deals death fire and incineration as damages.
CosmNetZueb = [cosm-neat-z-use-eb] See to create a link to the internet
anywhere. Think the creator creates a net link yet your use is your own idea.
ShiNaLavaQya = [Shin-Nah-lave-ah-q-say-an] This lava storm creates a
storm of lava that assails any enemy with a moderate-serious to deadly
damage amount.
BokArticlOyjoi = [bow-k-art-pickle-boy-aye-joy-in] play boy
magazine effect - brings up beautiful women pictures in the mind.
Sfuwarintaiq = [s-fue-ware-int-air-q] Primal creature - summon a
primal creature to work as a servent for the caster that be unkillable
and can be any shape at all. Shape thought on at the moment.
Detute = [Dee-Tute-eh] Destruction, Destroys target from the
inside and kills them excrutiationally.
EtaelJunt = [Ee-tay-el-Junt] Ethereal jaunt is feeling, repect is use or warded away enemies with area and
people cannot detect the person unless the person makes an hostile
FotnaDyw = Foh-t-nah-Dyh-w] Fortunate fate, Casts a protective
around the person that makes a good fate or feel is not occur when an a bad one of would
normally try by use to happen, see or think it is a crystal that casts heal on the person when they normally
would be hurt or killed.
GreCyrIvmeditu = [Greh-Cir-I've-mead-lite-uhh] Greater
restoration, cures target of most temporary
and all permanent negative effects, including drained experience.
MasCurIvmeditu = [Mase-Cure-I've-mead-lite-uhh-] Improved mass
cure serious wounds, Heals each nearby ally and caster of serious
MasCurIvmedituMajWunde =
[Mase-Cure-I've-mead-lite-uhh-Maje-Wund-eh] Mass cure serious wounds,
Heals each nearby ally and caster of serious damages.
MasNflytMajWunde = [Mase-N-flit-Major-Wund-eh] Mass inflict
wounds, Damages each nearby enemy major damage. Heals undead.
EalXX = [Ee-al-XX] Regenerate, causes 10% of the targets full
health to be recovered each 6 seconds or faster restoration.
= [eve-ee-ih-hee-ah-ree-you-ee-eh-I've-mead-lite-uhh] Resurrection,
Revives and fully
heals the target who is killed or knocked out.
WodFathYoh = [Wode-Fath-Yow-h] Word of Faith, Kills or stuns
enemies or
causes what you desire by simply stating it with intention.
GrapyHid = [Grape-y-Hide] Bigby's grasping hand, mental
hand provides cover and forces away or grapples by holding the targets
as necessary.
= [mage-shade-be-liz] Greater shadow conjuration, major shadow
conjuration that allows for the caster to cast any shadowy version of 1
to 5 circle spells or any actual spell that the person thinks on before
or when casting and this can summon a shadowy form to serve you. Any
actual form or item. This can even form whole areas of shadow
MasViuP = Mass
hold or control with people that is a person holds by paralyzation many enemies.
= [Mih-aye-Mantle] spell mantle absorbs 16 spells and makes the mind
body strengthened and stable with effects of desire, powered by the energy
gathered from the spells. If you use this spell, the electrostatic energy
is from the mantle. This is the area that seems plasticlike so think the
object is hit by it instead. You can cure the body of unlimited amounts
of poison, mental conditions and brain problems with stating the idea as
an effect and not needing or wanting it. This usually works by thinking
the idea or condition is a source and the idea can seem like anything
you need it to be. The source, if you don't need or want it then can
disappear and you are normal in idea, also your calm and considerate
in appearance. This lasts until you decide to end the spell. The point
is done as you are relaxing.
MaiFx = [may-ih-Fx] Make effect, to make any effect thought on as
after stating the spell word, as though from the idea. The idea is
generated as expressed, into being manifested however ya want or
thought on.
MasKuiMajXX =
[Mase-Kue-is-Major-XX] Mass major vampiric drain, to drain vitality and
allot of
energy from targets of people, creatures and items. This
can be upto 1,000,000 people or more.
MajSildSydhIvmedituXX = [Mage-Sild-Side-I've-mead-lite-uhh-XX]
Major absorption shield, causes a
shield around the target that can absorb many effects that would kill
ya normally. Including major spells and attacks. Energy goes through the shield and
aura as though it becomes ya own energy stripped of its programming.
This can also absorb shields into ya as energy.
HalTuk = [Hale-Took] To take with an AI or server the effect of
whatever ya need, including health. Once the spell is stated, the
effect of the AI/server take is to gather for ya the necessary items
and then to make it appear in the right spot or come to ya.
HliIvmedituBlo = [Heelih-I've-mead-lite-uhh-Blose] To cause each
blow that ya take, that would damage
ya to instead heal ya with 60% chance. An the blow, even if ya take a
wound or
bruise, it will heal ya very quickly, on statement of the spell.
Sometimes the healing blow can turn into causing a little weight per
each blow, as the body converts it, the hit, into body weight health to
cause healing. At some point, however the body will give out and fail,
if enough blows are done. The body weight is augmented by drug intake.
Some drugs can increase the weight as its increased allot with the
blow, and some drugs can decrease the weight of the victim with the
PsiVaNat = [Psih-Vah-Nate] Psychic nature, To cause anything of a
idea or vision to be of and in a target. They suddenly gain a psychic
ability. Whatever they think of the psychic idea will exist for them.
KlGhafwmit = [Kl-Ghaf-w-mite] Lightning storm, to form a
storm where ya want it, that hits the targets with lightning that are
focused on after it forms. It forms fairly quickly on a somewhat cloudy
sky and quick enough on a clear sky.
EgoNibFretyYa = [Egoh-Nibe-Freet-ya] Mind trap, to create a trap in
and of something that
traps a mind through fractal magic effect. This trap can keep a persons
attention for hours to days or at least keep a part of the mind without
it being realized.
EVaLashYa = [E-Vahn-Lash-Yahn] Air lash, to create a lashing effect from
compressed air particles on any target that is intended, near the air.
EMaLash = [E-Man-Lash] Water lash, to create a lashing feel from
the water thats nearby on the target that is intended.
PyroEBo = [Piro-E-Boh] Fire Bow, causes a energy bow to shoot ya
with firey heat arrows. This happens the moment ya imitate the shooting
of a bow or thinking it shot.
MaEBo = [Man-E-Boh] Water Bow, causes an energy bow to
in hand that is felt, and, ya can shoot highly compressed water shots
at the target. Think it shot to shoot it.
VaEBo = [Vahn-E-Boh] Air Bow, causes an energy bow to shoot
compressed airballs at the target. Think it shot to shoot it.
IpeEn = [Ipe-eh-Ee-n]
Target at the end, to cause the participant to
target something at the end of an activity. This can be to use a
targeting skill that can gain ya riches or to end a problem.
IIEn = [I-I-Een] Reattach, cause a reattachment to be effective
of some physical means.
BanWarUnt = [Bane-Ware-Unt] Ban hammer causes an idea of a hammer
formed from spirit and aether that can hit, deal minor to extreme
damage and ban the effected person from the area, to an area ya decide
is best for the effected. Until the effected is allowed back. This can
be reflected back.
Quarell = [Que-arrell] Quarrel, makes the idea of an arrow like
attack to occur
as an argument happens an can effect the target.
ShaeMyr-Ima =
[shae-eh-mirr I'm-ah] Shades mirroring image, powered by
shades this makes any image of a person or
thing you think of to reflect energy of many sorts, including the
visual energies and to form itself by those visual energies again. This
can create many more of another you or object, to be doing what
ya or the object are doing, unless its decided to do else as it is a
live shadow form. As, the images are
'alive' and in a shade form, saying what ya want to mirror after the
spell, will sometimes
cause this spell to work better.
AAeIe = [A Ae Ie] Price manipulation; Writing this spell causes
subconscious to manipulate prices, in the manner that you would want.
Have thought of what you would want to believe that you can change.
Because it takes belief, to set the effect and its triggered by the
statement of the spell or idea. This seems easy to those used to doing
hard things. This is useful for manipulating gas prices.
SuaBelArkIo = [Sooth-ahm Beal Ark Eye-ohm] Summon Arc-darkangel;
spell summons an arc darkangel to be at your whim and to possibly fight
for fun. They do things as they decide to do them, but at your request
by statement with intention. They can summon other dark angels to get
their necessities done. They will protect those nearby whom need aid
and are physical based, in magic use. Their magic is intuitive, and can
be very hazardous to the health if you are deserving a reprimand. They
do things like the darkangel, though as well. They represent darkness
in all forms and can negate corruption, this uses the great dark at will.
SualYaKa = [Sooth-ahm-Yah-Kan] Unsummon Darkangel; This unsummons
the darkangel from the point you think the darkangel exists.
Dededomo = [Dee-dee-dome-oh] Burn alive; makes a person burn
alive regardless of who they are.
MedituMyyMesa = Voidal magic missile; [Mead-rITe-uh Mih-why
Meese-ahn] Causes 1 to 30 magic missiles made of void to form as
you throw them at a target for medium to extreme voidal damage that
means disruption of a working state and draining of the target energy
and vitality.
NtraySildCavat = [N-tray-ee Sild Cave-ate] Entropy shield
convert; Converts energy that goes to the body for use as it is and
slowed down. It also helps weightloss as it converts weight energy.
IeyWilder = [hIgh-EE-whY Will-DErh] Suspence spell; This suspends
the motion in view. Where, the view can be acted on as the person is
given time to consider things. And, also to allow them to cool down.
ENisiatyAsy = [Ee-Nise-in-ate-why hAste-why] Insinuating assault;
Its an assault that comes at a time when someone else is around and
uses insinuation to create effected target havoc, sometimes by others
making the insinuation or forgetting things, acting on derived idea.
This spell is causing havoc, mostly by making the target become the
insinuator and this causes his or her insinuations seem to bear fangs
and make the other people tend to avoid the effected person. If they
are incensed by insinuations they can strike out. In one such case of
the effect, the insinuator became banned.
ShiNaE = [Shit-Nah-E] Lava energy protection or manipulation, by
will. Which causes a fascination with something.
ShiNaELash = [Shit Nah Ee Lash] Lava energy lash, this needs summoned
lava energy. Use your will and mimicry of the lashing you want, in
private or not. Making the effect materialize.
Thix = Saving grace; This is the spell of protection that saves you in the poit that is a moment in time.
ProtegoSyhE = [Protect-Egoh Sih E] Protection field; To cancel
out the effect by redundancy which is by reaction and not being
noticed. To do things by stating what you notice cause the subconscious
to make it nonexistant. As it is nonexisting, it is formed into
existance. Directed away from you by your subconscious. This can form
living statues and objects with an intended idea, that feed off people
energy and survive intact longer. This can cause animals and beings to
do the same and seek to eat live targets as though enraged.
EBout = [E Boh-huhn-t] Energy boost; Without saying the n, this
will cause an immediate energy boost. Which lasts as long as the body
needs it.
SuaEmoeSyi = [Sue-ah Ee-mow-eh Say-ih] Summon creatures VII,
summons some very tough and appropriate creatures.
Circle X (9) - Very hard effects
PlaneMaj = [plane-eh-mage] greater planar binding summons or
paralyzes an outsider that is human shaped.
HorKuiBod = [how-r-kue-linen-bode] horrid wilting that pysically
melts the person through draining said target and internal heat, and it
bombards the targets with major negative energy.
PyrnUag = [p-aye-rn-use-ag] incendiary cloud creates a firey
cloud that descends on the targets and does hot fire damage to all in
MasAnciDef = [mase-rance-lih-deal-f] mass blindness and deafness
- all nearby enemies are struck deaf and blind to things.
ChaMas = [chalk-mase] all creatures and people are improved in
disposition towards caster.
MynBlanc = [min-blank] Mind blank that renders all allies and
caster unaffected to mind affecting spells. Causes the target also to
not be mind read. This effect is to a greater degree than the lesser
mind blank spell.
Cim = [c-lime] premonition gives you warning before the event and
damage reduction of 60%, possibly by the psychic vision.
MajPrimaireHum = [maje-prime-air-lir-en-human] random greater
elemental summons.
EreOrooMentomo = [eer-eh-one-root-ment-one-mon] aura versus
alignment - target gains immunity to mind affecting spells and high
resistance to creatures of the alignment of which you thought on when
MakMajUnded = [make-major-un-dead] create greater undead makes
one greater undead creature of vampiric nature and to regenerate
PyrAqya = [p-ir-are-q-say-an] fire storm causes serious to deadly
fire damage to enemies.
MasHeaIvmeditu = [mase-heal-I've-mead-lite-uhh] mass heal all
allies and caster fully healed.
EvemAari = [eveem-may-as-r-in] sunbeam that does minor to serious
extreme damage to undead and serious damage to others.
Natec = [nate-tea-c] lowers enemies spell resistance and heals
Leht = [left-ht] shift yourself or people that you want on saying
of this word.
MasILunPolFrebyLihXX = [mase-line-lune-pole-free-by-Lie-h eXh
eXh] Lift in place; lift many items in place with this spell.
SpherosSurr = [sphere-low-s-surr] sickle sphere assault that
causes a large sharp ice sickle to strike after becoming many and
surrounding the target.
Dhoy = [dhoy-way] call a tornado to come and destroy any in area.
MedituSwYyr = [mead-lite-yuh-sw-wy-aye-r] mordenkainens black
sword of disaster causes a magical sword to fight your enemies draining
of experience.
Jagato = [jage-late-on] atomic edge that sharpens a weapon or
slices a target to pieces.
Maz = [maze] maze that puts a person into a private place, in
their mind that the person dreams up. This place is as a prison and
they are kept there as long as possible according to intelligence.
DdXac = [caddy-exact-c] simulacrum creates a being exactly like
the caster that is a powerful ally.
MyySeqMaj = [Mih-aye-Seek-Major] Major Spell trigger can store 6
spells that the caster thinks of the name of and these are what ya want.
CymDeth = [cymbol-Death] Symbol death makes a symbol appear on
any surface that kills the intended target that the person thinks of at
the time of casting.
CymPhit = [cymbol-fight] Symbol fear makes the symbol of fear
appear anywhere on a surface and makes fearful any that get too close.
CymJohn = [cymbol-john] Symbol stun stuns any victim that gets
close to the symbol that appears on stating the spell.
= [Cymbol F-zahn] Symbol freeze; Freezes the person as they get near
the symbol of freezing that appears in the area. Where you wanted it.
GraChAuSpeXSosp = [grade-change-luh-speex-soh-sp] transform any
material touched or item thought on to gold as ye visualize it.
IruCymo = [ire-us-c-kim-on] symbol anger makes anyone who gets
too near it angry and beserk.
CymFut = [Cim-Fute] Symbol effect, where the caster causes a
that causes the effect wanted at the time, by desire or need. This
symbol may also make any other effect thought on at the time to effect
the area and people in said area. Any actual time the symbol is there.
EmorEmori = [Ee-more-Ee-more-ih] Remember, causes rememberance in
the person.
SildGyn = [sild-gin] shot shield makes a bullet proof shield that
deflects any bullet.
HuiStern = [hue-in-stern] throwing star creates as many throwing
stars as you imagine appearing where you like.
HuiDovaStern = [hue-in-dove-an-stern] detonating throwing stars
that are thrown and cause a inflictive explosion. Once formed, it will
reform in hand, until ya don't need it, and all ya need is to
toss like a throwing star.
SiloFok = [sigh-lo-f-ow-k] body storage spell causes the casters
body to store items pressed against it with only a few pounds per item
ByoSild = [b-say-on-sild] bioshield, cast at a target including
machines to make the target have a bio protection field.
SildOroo = [sild-ore-oo] aura shield makes the caster form a
auratic shield around the body that absorbs any damage as energy.
ImproIveiThyl = [Im-proh-I-veer-in-thil] cloak of darkness - Once
said and the
material touched, in some manner, this spell will enfold the caster in
a cloak of invisibility effect. The material can be skin. Cast on a
cloak or clothing or item of
any sort, will cause an invisibility effect to the wearer of the cloak
or clothes or to the item. The wearer of the effective invisibility
will only be seen, if the seeker of the person intentionally wants to
see the person or thing.
PlastiquAcierU-w = [plast-ice-quh-ace-buyer-use w] plastic steel
skin - Makes skin of the target or caster like plastic steel,
protecting him or her from laser and any other attacks as if the person
wore a full steel armour suit without movement restrictions.
CrysEmor = [crystal-ee-more] crystal armor materialize makes the
armourof pure crystal appear on the person.
Tytiyg = [tih-time-why-g] good circumstance causes good
consequences of the targets actions.
JiiEp = [jie-in-eep] extend spell to last infinitly or as long as
Bobe = [bobe-eh] rock fall from sky to cause minor to serious
extreme damage to most enemies and area
SunBust = [sune-bust] Sunburst, caster focuses a very bright
explosion in an area to kill all vampires and undead unless resisted
but non-undead are major hurt or magically blinded
ClekCb = [cleek-see-b] Bigby's clenched fist, a huge clenched
fist appears and attacks a target till death doing minor-moderate
damage each 6 seconds and possibly to stun the victim
BlaStaff = [black-staff] Blackstaff, makes a staff magical,
lightweight and hard to destroy. With each hit dispelling the spells on
the person.
NaUuq =
[Nahn-Oo-lude-q] earthquake that sometimes causes serious to extreme
damage to all in area. If it seems to do nothing, then it can get
attention, to else.
= [Mase-Cure-Crite-Wund-eh] Mass cure critical wounds, Heals all nearby
allies in the area and includes the caster in the healing of critical
MasNflytCritWunde = [Mase-N-flit-Crite-Wund-eh] Mass inflict
wounds, inflicts critical wounds on anybody and everybody that is an
Bombed = [Bomb-ee-d] Bombardment, Blasts nearby enemies for
serious to deadly damage.
FeBod = [Feh-Bode] Iron body,
or target recieves greater strength and lesser dexterity, with damage
reduced 15% to metal effects or assault. There is also a 50% movement
slowing, with immunity to many negative effects. The caster or target
also takes 1/2 damage from acid and fire damages.
MasChaMasta = [Mase-Chah-Mastah] Mass charm monster, Nearby
creatures in casters view favor the caster more favorably.
PoricRayXXX = [Pore-Ice-c-Ray-y-XXX] Polar ray, a ray that
inflicts medium to minor to serious-extreme cold damage.
SuaHosanAid =
(Soo-ah-Hose-an-Aid) Summon Saint - Summon a Saint to your side
or near you to be of your aid.
InEnRammyNaSfa = [Ine-Een-Rammy-Nah-S-far] Earth spheres that are objects that roll to the ground, then if though you use them as energy that is shit to
earth spheres from the ground to the area that ram into to target.
InErNaBustSfa = [In-Ear-Nah-Bust-S-far] Earth burst, think to cause some effect then you stay or leave to allow the effect. To cause
ground nearby to rupture upward into latent little earth spheres that
explode at eye level or the level ya decide to explode them and cause
ruptures and possible blindness. To set them off, is to think them as
though 'exploding outward'.
AqyaSlta = [A-qia-Slta] Storm shield - Makes a shelter from all
elements that is a part of a 'storm', and this effect is that which
shields ya from all the elements that ya feel ya should be sheltered
from. As, ya do actions that cause ya to be sheltered and shielded. Its
effects can be to prevent water from touching ya or other elements from
getting near effeting ya.
EalSihunnIry = [E-ahl-Sigh-unn-I-rye] Unnatural slenderness, to
in a person an unnatural start to a state of slenderness, which is that
type of slender nature that doesn't easily go away. The effect should
be cast on children or slender people to keep that slenderness they may
have, as it is a start to becoming unnaturally slender. Thick-set
people should consider using this spell if they really want to as it
can also thin them up, with the final result of unnatural slenderness.
One side effect of this, is that the effected will sometimes form a
higher emotion.
HyyLet = [Hih-y-Leet] Heavy set, causes a target naturally to
inexplicably be a heavy set, from any other condition. As though,
naturally chubby. This can fattten up nearly anyone, but it draws the
weight from the caster and other people the spell selects, as though ya
selected them without knowing it.
MasModFx = [Mason-Mode-Fx] Mass Moderated effect, to cause an
that is thought on in a mass amount of people. That, is moderated by
yourself as ya get to observe the effect, from where ya are. As it
happens to effect the target group. Ya can moderate an effect already
happening with this spell, as in cause it to do something else, slow it
down, speed it up, stop it, or ban it from happening again (at least to
ya mind) by thinking about it as the effect occurs.
EInflictuUuqSpie = [Ee-Inflictuh-Yue-uq-Spie-eh] Poison spikes,
makes spikes
that are poisonous to be near and inflicted upon the target.
CagrEmor = [Cagr-Ee-more] Moveable cage armor, forms a cage thats
moveable and armor to ya or the target. This is with a trap door released without you having to see anyone, so see ya
can get out of it or things fail. This will block against big things or large things
that attack, and deflects a blow coming to ya or the target's way. Ya
can do almost anything in the cage, yet none can hurt ya nor can ya
hurt them with large things that are attacks.
IEmor = [I-Ee-more] Eye armor, causes the eyes and third eye to
armored. So the idea is it can't be stolen, simply until the I armor is
worn down.
Shaihe = [shay-in-ehh] Fire being, to make a fire being appear
near the
person ya think on as a target. It will repeat whatever ya say with a
gravelly voice till dispelled. Or, it can do what ya want it to do.
Shaie = [shay-I-eh] Water being, makes a water being appear to
that is thought on as a target. It will be able to do what ya want it
to do or repeat what ya say. To make it work right, sometimes ya might
have to summon some energy before attempting spell.
SereSfa = {Sear-eh-Sfah} Searing sphere, Make a searing sphere
above the limb or hand while holding out your limb or hand and
summoning energy to yourself, while saying the spell as you imagine it
form. Then cast it forward by throwing your hand forward and thinking
of the target being struck by the sphere. This does minor to extreme
damage, if allowed to over time. It helps if you imagine or visualize
what you want the sphere to do after it hits. This searing sphere might
take several minutes to form.
LesNegMesaAqya = [Leese-Neeg Mees-ahn Ack-linh-ah] Isaac's
negative lesser magic missile storm; Inflicts through a storm of
negative magic missiles that does a minor to serious-extreme bit of
damage on those nearby. Theres 5 to 40 missiles possible.
ChanMyyMitl = [Chain Mih-why Mitt-l] Chain Magic Mantle; This is
a magic mantle that protects by absorbing 20 spells or unlimited
mental effects. The mental effect is whatever you think of as though
an idea that you don't want. Then uses the spell energy in a contingency
effect, thats decided on and if not decided it is pushing back the spells
to the people who targeted you.
NtrayAerStausehTego = [eN-trade-why Aye-ear Stale-us-ee-h
Entropy static shield; This shield slows anything near it and makes 1/4
the effect from any influence including psychic assault each second
till its gone.
ManipulMesa = [Mane-I-pool Mee-sah] Manipulating missiles: They
are energy missiles cast by manipul mesa. They manipulate the person,
on strike, into doing what you want. Just focus your mind on the intent
as you cast this. On a bad moon of waning or new nature, they could
cause paralysis.
NsuySyx = [eNh-sue-why Six] Ensuing death spell: This spell
causes an ensuing death on those you target. The effect goes beyond
this life, unless cancelled. This can effect immortals. The unensuing
death spell will cure the actual effect from the person.
SuaEmoeEt = [Sue-ah
Ee-mow-eh Eight] Summon creatures VIII, summons allot of very tough and
appropriate creatures.
Circle XI (10) - Extremely hard
Kuio = [k-use-line-on] energy drain of target for some of their
experience temporarily.
MajJuuMantl = [major-jue-uh-mantle] greater spell mantle absorbs
24 or more spells until infinity and makes the mind body strengthened
with many effects of desire. This can cure the mind and brain, if
you think of the condition as though a source. Think of the effect
and you can remove it, this can act as though a shot if you state
the spell as you think of the effect.
= [Soh-I-Cee] Allows you to look in the mind of the personal target or
the person. If not personal, then you possibly won't want to do so,
thus you effect a temporary block.
SwarCrit = [sware-cr-light-t] meteor swarm strikes all people in
area with a deadly amount of damage.
= [Sware-Crate] To be in a game of swearcraft, where you can cause
people, to play and in order to do things they will swear to do things.
MyyDaete = [Mih-aye-day-etteh] mordenkainen's disjunction is a
more powerful greater dispel magic.
Kie = [k-mile-eh] power word kill, kills target with a word.
ShapKig = [shape-kige] shapechange - target becomes able to
shapechange into a anything they can want to become.
GafPrimaire = [gafe-prime-air-er] elder elemental summons.
GafPrimTy = [Gafe-Prime-Tye] GafPrimeTime or PrimeTime, that is
time that is a primary moment and that is created after saying this,
whether on air, tv or at some other time.
WoTy = [woh-tye] time stop allows the caster to cast spells and
attack while the rest of the world remains hidden.
JiyCryEkiDeth = [jie-aye-cr-aye-ee-kid-death] crying wail of the
banshee that kills all enemies in area or they can try to resist it.
Wyrd = [wie-rd] weird spell that kills enemies while draining
them from anywhere due to a terrifying phantasm.
NoirHol = [no-ir-hole] implosion causes a black hole to kill
everything within area of effect.
AqyaAch = [ache-q-aye-ah-ach] storm of vengeance causes
minor-moderate acid and energy damage each 6 seconds.
TwexyTy = [tweak-x-aye-t-aye] time manipulation - manipulate time
as the caster desires.
PrimaireSwarm = [prime-air-eh-swarm] Elemental swarm, summons
many full
elemental to be under control of caster, that you thought on while
casting or you can state what elementals you want after stating spell
and they will appear, in a great number.
Ysh = [wish] Wish - concentrate on your desire while saying and
it will happen.
MedituHamoMak = [mead-light-uh-hame-on-make] create object -
think on object while saying to make it appear.
IpoFrou = [like-p-on-f-round-uh] fly in place an item with this
FyrdDhoy = [f-aye-rd-d-how-way] fire tornado that does
serious-extreme fire damage each second in all area to which its
thought to effect.
YtlyHamu = [way-t-lye-hame-uh] mana flood causes a flood of power
serve through the area that messes up spells or increases their
potential 1000%. This can weaken the materials in the area it is
flooding, after a few days of it and this is including the body.
AtlaCyro = [atlas-c-say-roh] ice knife forms a knife of ice in
hand or the air, that you can toss your hand forward to strike with and
it will always return to hand at will.
JagatoSurr = [jage-late-oh-surr] Atomic surrounding edge, that
slices a
target/s to pieces by surrounding the target/s and it stops when they
are in body pieces.
ImmAbsolu = [i-emmy-absow-luh] absolute immunity causes complete
invulnerability to all weapons until the caster decides it not be
there. The target literally can recover from any weapon strike, as
though unharmed.
MedituBoe = [mead-line-tub-bow-eh] black blade of disaster comes
into being and attacks foes draining them of experience.
ChanOrk = [chain-work] chain contingency can store any unlimited
spells that the caster thinks of the name of and its upto you the
caster to decide the trigger after storage.
SpherIan = [sphere-I-an] Esen "tada" this is freedom for you as your actually held in a sphere that is a releasable trap sphere to release to some place or feel. Seeing if the freedom frees any imprisioned being from
far beneath the earth that was trapped in a sphere or not, release to see work with a fairy is not to release a demon.
GioSpher = [g-live-oh-sphere] sphere imprisionment released when cast and
the target is touched or telepathically touched, will imprision the
target far beneath the earth in a sphere of suspended animation,
leaving the body
where the target remains until a reverse of the spell is cast.
MyyKink = [Mih-aye-kink] strikes all spell protections from
MyyAi = [Mih-aye-Are-in] spelltrap creates a magical barrier
around you trapping every spell cast at you causing a rememberance of
the spell in you.
DamonMesy = [daemon-mese-aye] Daemon Summon, summon daemon to send a message of
any sort just think of message while casting. This daemon also protects you but first does what you want.
= [Yah-Gow-in-Strah-Down-L]Go straight to hell, Makes the target goto
hell or start to as
they can goto the ground. If no target is in mind then its you going
straight down. This hell can be symbolized, as well in the form of an
indication by a sudden hellish lifestyle.
= [mese-sah-X] forms a missile that kills on contact the target, making
a grenade fragging energy explosion, thats harming more than one target
in area. Shot from the hand throwing its fingers foward in some degree.
There's the least possibility of effect though, of the person freezing
up temporarily.
= [mese-sah-ripe-xp-x] explosive missile that explodes on contact of
target with a fire grenade frag, thats thrown or shot as though a
triggered gun and sometimes thrown by throwing the fingers forward,
doing serious to deadly energy damage to the targets around it.
= [mese-pad-feed-x-x] feeder missiles cause great impact of grenade
like energy damage to a group of enemies, absorbing their energies
giving it to the caster. Shot forward as though pointing your hand
pulling a trigger or throwing your fingers foeward.
MesaEnhanz = [mese-ah-end-han-z] drunken
missiles that make devastating energy impact whence thrown from hand by
throwing the fingers forward, to hit unnerringly the targets with an
energized fragging impact.
SwLas = [sw-laser] laser sword - That appears in hand to act like
a sword and incinerates the target in some form. This includes the
destruction of the targets equipment.
Konk = [konk] knocks out any target.
DovuUmoAuAcierSpeSosp = [Dove-uh-rume-moh-Aim-uh-Ace-isle-er-Sped-Soh-sp] Change to druidic gold steel,
changes steel or other material to druidic gold steel by touching
material or steel while saying spell.
MedituKamurAqya = [mead-light-us-came-lemure-faq-say-ah]
incineration storm that shoots black lightning at anybody in area of
effect at the casters willing.
Viq = [v-like-q] silent death causes the death of the person
through consumption of said persons power.
PrimaireSilo = [prime-air-eh-silent-on] storage elemental cancellable by thinking so this actually forms
an elemental that stores any amount of objects as if no item weighed
KaoDacto = [chaoh-dactoh] chaos dragon summoning calls a negative
plane dragon to your aid.
TrePoly = [treh-pole-aye] tree transform makes a tree of choice
from a body.
DoliSw = [dole-in-Sw] moonblade that appears in hand and kills or
manipulates with the power the moon.
StavInme = [stay-v-in-meh] magical wand that appears in hand to
make any effect you want and dissapears at need. This wand is created
some other moment and acts for you now.
Suag = [sue-ag] cure target of lynthrocampy, although if it fails
it will just make a swagger in a person.
TyTiy = [tye-time-aye] create any consequence by thinking on it
when saying spell.
CrysSw = [chris-sw] crystal sword materialize makes a crystal
sword appear in hand or in the air and it can act for you.
SheolBrut = [she-holly-brute] calls a hellspawn to aid the caster
at the casters will.
SfuwardDacto =
[s-fue-ward-dactoh] primal dragon transform - call an undefeatable
primal dragon that can kill with a thought.
CruHid = [crush-hide] Bigby's crushing hand, a large attacking
hand provides cover, grapples and forces a victim to take serious to
deadly damage by crushing till dead.
Etaelne = [Ee-take-el-neh] Etherealness, Enemies cannot detect
party until any member of that party does some hostile action.
MasHeal = [Mase-Heal] Mass healing; Heals each nearby ally,
including the caster, and cures them of most negative effects.
CevuAoEInyy =
[Ceve-uh-Ao-E-Inih-aye] Undeath's eternal foe, Grants
party immunity to negative damage, experience and energy drain, ability
(to get something done) decreases, poisons, and diseases.
MasHodMasta = [Mase-Hode-Mastah] Mass hold monster, Paralyzes
many creatures.
Shae = [Shade-eh] Shades, casts an actual very powerful spell or summons a shadow form or man that
is of a strong shadowy
version of the spell in mind, but ya think on the spell to cast with
the shades spell before or as ya cast the spell. These spells are
powered by shades. Once again, ya need protection from hostile shades
before casting. A quick way around of casting of the spell is to do the
spell gesture that corresponds with the spell ya wanna cause in effect
as the casting of the shades spell is done. The shadow man can give ya
future readings and idea as well, if asked.
J-pCyr = [J p-C-say-r]
Unlimited restoration - Restores lost idea, experience,
stamina and from mind effects, afflicts and spells by
'recovering' from them and taking it from past, future, and present as
now to replenish or regenerate what is lost until the effect is done
= [A-tepe-oh] Normal time, causes time to revert to normal again and
things continue as ya notice an action goto nothing.
Aynt = [A-why-ent] The unevent, causes people to do something in
that causes an unevent that is an unseen event or an event that goes to
nothing due to inertial effect in idea. So its ignored in even an after
NaJia = [Nah-Jie-ah] Earth platform, to cause an earthen
that moves with ya. And, it has tendendency to form underneath ya and
ya can walk without
falling on it.
InEnErSpie = [In-Ee-n-Ear-Spie-eh] Earth spikes, To make earthen
appear from the ground. They can do damage, if they are directed to and
appear under the feet of the target person. Because they are life and
effect of earth energy.
KlKablastriAqya = [Kl-Kah-blas-trih-A-qia] Black lightning storm,
form a storm where ya want it, even on a clear sky, that emits a mix of
black lightning and normal lightning to hit the ground or the targets
near it. The black lightning will kill and vaporize almost anything.
MasIpu = [Mase-I-puh]
& madness, causes insane moments with madness in people that are
by this spell effect. Only in mass insanity, do people become erratic.
Once lived through, the madness disappears. Sometimes, the insanity
won't go away easily. Sometimes the erratic behavior, is where a person
will do something that is not normal in behavior.
MasCupo =
[Mase-Coo-pohn] Mass
sanity, causes the targets that are 'touched' by madness and insanity
to be zane sane and in focus with calm.
ElemIso =
[Ee-leem-I-soh] Element isolation, isolate any element and
elemental of choice and remove it from effect off of or from the
target. This
can create an elemental isotope from it with thought on this idea while
or after stating spell, as its an elemental isotope that attaches to
person or target, after its formed and it shares the memory as
experience as it eats the
person of diseases and bad effects. This isotope can share the energy
it has with the person, when the person needs it, and cause the person
to live longer and with more energetic endurance.
EInflictuGnaLash = [E-Inflictuh-Gnah-Lash] Earth lash, causes a
effect from standing or being near the certain part of the ground that
the target is near.
EGer = [E-Gere] Energy germ, this causes a germ, that is summoned
to an
area and is made of energy, to do whatever ya want or think on at
the time of casting, by the germ recieving ya thoughts or need, doing
the deed and transferring the results to ya. At the least, it can cause
some sorta sickness or
no sickness and at the most, it can cause events as ya 'train' the germ
with ya thoughts.
MasSostryPyroEBo = [Mase-Soh-st-rye-Piro-E-Boh] Mass shot fire
causes an energy bow that shoots many enmass firey heat arrows. Think
it shot to shoot it.
MasSostryHydroEBo = [Mase-Soh-st-rye-Hyde-roh-E-Boh] Mass shot
bow, causes an energy bow that appears in hand and ya can feel the bow
that can shoot many enmass highly compressed water shots. Think it shot
to shoot it.
MasSostryAerEBo = [Mase-Soh-st-rye-A-er-E-Boh] Mass shot air bow,
causes an energy bow to appear that ya imitate a shot of a bow to shoot
many highly compressed airball shots. Think it shot to shoot it.
MasSostryBioBo = [Mase-Soh-st-rye-Bie-oh-Boh] Mass shot bio bow,
an energy bow that forms in the hand of the caster and can shoot many
enmass energy arrow shots. Think it shot to shoot it.
ArkjutrEmor = [Ark-juttr-Ee-more] Diamond moveable armor, forms a
diamond shield and armour by effect of idea. This can make ya
undefeatable as it absorbs the damage of all blows into itself. And
leaves the body as though unhurt. This can protect ya, even though its
'off' of ya and allows ya to be moving, as even when off its still on
XyTyebub = [X-why T-why-eh-bube] Psychic timebomb - To create a
bomb effect that activates and causes confusion, on command, as a power
rush goes through the mind that is percieved as energy an thats too
much, as in psychically, where it can create a headache. Theres also
placed on the target, a negative perception after of a visual argument
in some form. Sometimes, so much energy can pass through the mind, that
it can cause the person to pass out or die in the extreme reaction.
DracoSt = [Dray-coh St] Dragon strength - To cause the strength
of a
dragon to enter your body and be used for a some time. You might feel
drained afterwords.
ZehrEhh [name thing/person] = [Zehn-erhn Eh-h] Come out (of
nowhere or
somewhere), item or person; Makes what you want, to appear to be near,
to come out and become of where you are.
LesMedituMesaAqya = [Leese Mead-rITe-uh Meese-ahn Ack-lihn-ah]
Lesser voidal magic missile storm; Inflicts through a storm of voidal
magic missiles that does minor to serious-extreme bit of draining
damage on those nearby which drains the stability and energy and
vitality from the targets hit. Theres 10 to 100 missiles possible.
KheperHornTuBObjSeh = [Khey-peer Horn Tuhn B Object See-ehn]
Transform intrusive to live object; Cast on a Room area, this forms a
field that causes people that shouldn't be there in your mind world to
be an object. And objects here physically to be people there. It makes
the obtrusive person to seem to be nonexistant to you and you can stand
the person who annoys you, even though they become annoying they are
not noticed mentally and sometimes ignored. If they get very annoying,
then they are likely to be dealt with. This has a tendency to cause
them to act like an object. On death of the intruding person, in the
field of transformation they will become an object that finds its way
there. This object tends to cause a repeat of things happening that
send energy through the object.
KheperHornTuBDigosSeh = [Kheep-ear Horn Tuhn B Die-ghost See-eh]
Transform intrusive to animal; Its to set an area to transform
intrusive people and other beings like ghosts into becoming an animal
reincarnation form. The beings and ghosts caught are imediately
transformed into that of an animal. And, they 'find' their way to the
place that transformed them.
ManipulErisedMesa =
[Mane-I-pool Ee-rise-sEed Mee-sah]
Manipulating Erasure missiles: They are energy missiles cast by stating
or willing the spell.
They manipulate the person, on strike, into doing what you want as they
erase the thing not wanted. This is done by a seed of energy that
effects nearby it. Just
focus your mind on the intent as you cast this. On a bad moon of waning
or new nature, they could cause paralysis.
AuraOerised = [Aura
Oh-ee-rise-ee-d] This aura erases and distracts people you get near.
This does cripple and could erase from them anything you want of
EmFooShoo = [Emm Fold-on Show-on] Freedom from release; This
frees the person targeted from things that are effecting you.
Act gi [Act gift] = Act good; This is the act that is good and is suave
and smooth, unless in as you think and feel with energy as focus with
no actual thought unless necessary. As a gift you are there or not,
think there anytime and your there and otherwise by thought of
something to do if not in needed where you think to seem as if an
energy focus can use to see with directe focus words. Think and do and
you get work or now road work as you are due repair and as due with
explanation. As I would help you means the third eye is doing as the
brain cerebral is metaphysics based core response but it is metaphysics
use to create the third eye by focus in mind and in body to create what
you think otherwise you turned it.
The qudopli [Then Que-dope-lin] = The doplhin effect; The dopplin
doppelganger effect, that will make you you lose your mind if you don't
accept the situation that you see or dismiss it out of a form of idea.
This is the effect with love is to create a point, that is they that
are formed are what is as they died and use your idea of commitment. If
you don't think to convert energy to something else that forms creates
a point, that energy changes as if a form dolphin is thought or felt in
choice from thin air and this makes a poison disappear from you. As if
from you and you were okay then you can use the idea, think to create
from free energy or as you don't have to create. As a thought or if you
don't and its already there in life, as if you don't do it in qudolphi.
Tyei Lifes Coucho [Tin-eal-in Life-eaze-es -Couch-on] = Created fix;
Create and cure what ails, you as you fix lifes ills with you in
thought. It is the point, don't take advantage of iffy chances. Tying
the knot in a moment that is use of spheres, to create physical idea in
perception and without that perby not needing the idea by desire you
don't get the idea to see.
Th E Main [Th Ee Main-in] = The Energy Use; The use of energy to
stop, be well in use and work well in creative spells from what you
think. Unless necessary then your use is over with idea, thought and
the energy goes back to the area it came from or alternatively the sun.
The rede [Then Rede-en] = The golden rede; The rede is a fact based
idea that is business, use of wyrd and greate understanding by spirit
knowing is what you think and use is to say and the no fate is set. Set
is fate is by the act out of respect, be well well make change fate by
what that is or not as a concept creative in approach and the Nords is
a point in mention to create with as will creates will or not and the
fates are what can make use of what. If you think they can create, if
they think it necessary to do in the point. To do what then is the
creator will, make unless you are willing to in see and create as you
are with a way to see. No act is a point, that no idea creates and
nothing as against each other is considered unless necessary as no
The spe rade [Then Sped Rade-en] = The point plunder space; The idea
is a thought to use a space radar and create a space with music, as
what you think is what energy that can be of use by the thought is
radiation in use. Concept to do is a point in mind, because each space
is a part of life so lets not be too destructive to say the get along
point to do. If necessary as what you think creates the right in
action. Things you use are gone, so the thought in is to nnn and stop
invasive behavior and intrusive is not done. Don't hear in the music,
see in thought and in thought you won't do the spell as no construct
will get the bounty effect.
The fixen [Then Fixe-ee-n] = The fix this space to the area; The idea
is the in point of fact that law exists and use is in nothing as
something in to make of the fact, and out as your use is unlooked at
and your point is as though that which is can cause you to create or
not create a point. That is mentioned fact as rememberance, that your
things you need to do you will get done and your use is your own
anytime and anyplace thats normal. There is a concept that needs done,
and it is as you think as a wish. The cancellation to the spell, is to
create and use a method as a point that energy cancels itself out.
Ad Hoc [Ad Hokey] = The instant; The instant moment of death respawn
by respise is with nothing in but a concept, as your life is expended
you bring to life someone else that your spirit created in essence for
life that is what you are as I think "des res" en to end idea the
moment this is fine. These can seem a thought to rid your body of the
spell trap you De Ie Ib to get away, think as you move to undo by
thinking what you want and the spell kills all roaches as necessary. As
you use the idea to send it to the source and you do not have any idea,
that is what can result as thought is response taken as indifference or
not as talk is response in life. To dream is an instant moment that you
are energetic symbolizes growth, activity, expansion and insight. You
need to channel your energy in a positive way. As to think and do, this
is to create exchange with thought or idea that is useful.
Ist Isteo Febreo [Eist Eist-tee-on Fee-bree-ee-on] = Mesh show; Mesh
often shows a trap or intrigue, to de ice trap in which one is active
or is involved as a victim. Then one should, behave more honestly no
murder trap unless you are dead before birth, thought and straight talk
and things get the correct things or a brain hemorrage that isn't what
seems true till you think "Silvrouge".
The Oppe [Then op-en] = The opposite value; This is a dream of the
opposite synopsis, where everything will become good. The dream ends,
when you decide it to as the mind eater that is energy eater that is
psionic mastery from the manipulator point of view. The openminded view
is an open book to view, as the mind as if you can read in the mind and
think to create from the creator as needed unless you don't need to as
you has many friends who want to help you. As the way out of this,
think this is as not blossom as eppe free as a concept known as a value
or not as nothing needed as this is no and it won't fight you.
Eppe Free is a this is an interesting idea, to work with if you
understood it and can make magic. To use these phrases, this creates
interesting area results to make and create. As with the wind that
flows with energy and life is nothing but water. As this in flows, as
the river that flows you can use a thought as if a fire that flowers
power in life. Without burnout, thought in thought is by rhythmic
energy of life that is chi and restores that is what life is made of
act and be well. This unlocks the ability within, as good affect makes
good in unlimited effect. Have fun with this.
Ethekinetic and Etheriokinetic are in some part what will allow area
manipulation with this, as that derive spirit mind and most negative
efforts including death and void manipulation to happen with very
little effort and no destruction. As if in thought the effect, makes
things what you want as this is time though some manipulation of the
area. Thre is little as some idea, as to use to make things easily.
These are short and long distance efforts that occur after the
spirit-that-goes-through-everything obliges. The people are act
shamanic yet seem like it, that are using this spirit as they gain what
they can of wisdom by knowing it and knowing people by it. There in use
is the effort to create a use, in and not and think a thought you can
use it for life energy.
The ether user can derive drinks and drugs from air or spirit. The
shaping ability of spirits and formation of body to other forms as well
is possible. With ether manipulation one can make spirit essences in
the formation as one desires. This is called shaping for effects that
are in many things of efoort and kung fu as in orgone, a psi like
machine bioenergy. As necessary, this is curing as you think cure, or
state the disease and the correct things happen unless necessary.
IchsNa [Eh-rich-s-Nah] = Acidic disruption; The reason why one in the dream in
a meeting or rally took part - either because one supported the aims of
this political party or fought on the contrary - is decisive for the
interpretation. In any case, is a certain rage of the Awake with in the
play which needs of the many open the view of the investigation. If its
nothing in life its death. Unless necessary, as nothing else appears to
some as this is done as you got it in life. As the ninth circle is
broken your free and you can step with time to create an effect.
The Debornia [Then Debe-orn-nie-an] = The Dia; This is the diamond
that seen shows what you think, and as a point no thought is unless
necessary. Ascertained moments in time, credit and if no lowering costs
are what seems interesting as to think often to create. What you want
from what you want and that is not for what you want. As it is in life
that exists life from form, as in you formed you and thought not out of
you are what you think and this kills the body as it causes illiad
effects. There is not as is unless as things are what seem as real life
and except is not bad if not used or not in a point of view that
nothing exists where matters get worse.
The Deborah [Then
Deh-bore-ah-get] = The Dea tribe; The Ancient idea in choice, this of a
past life that formed a life that was but no longer.
As if a point, you can effort in effortless area and create, what is an
idea to ascertain or not give as you think or not. Often the person at
an unaware level recognises that he would like to change his
consciousness by thought view concept or in thought his own setting by
what you think in a shift viable in view. If the dreaming meditates in
his dream, this need can become tangible for him. The dreaming attains
access to his, creative, spiritual side on this way. The point is a
view that can change in personal viewpoint that creates a different way
to work and use is to shift in view and create the different view shift
mentioned in a book. The person that changes view this way is in that
way, till is way different way by perspective idea formed from the
different conscious idea you get from what you think in life.
Dep C men [Deep C Men] = See thought in life and in believe; What thinking means
can produce a suprise zombie that eats and uses the meditation in the
dream, depends on whether the dreaming also meditates in the awake
state. With a person, carried out the meditation, the meditation in the
dream can deliver suggestion for the exercises which bring the dreaming
with his intuition and spirituality in contact. With a person, not
carried out the meditation, the meditation can refer to a need to turn
inwards. The idea is thought, thoughtless is not mention cessation is
the art that makes and what you want, and if not this spell can create
if necessary as if a mental state that just ceases when unwanted. As if
to stop believing in the idea, stops the effect as theh effect is known.
SuaEmoeNi = [Sue-ah Ee-mow-eh
Nih] Summon creatures IX, summon many creatures of appropriate nature.
Circle XII (11) - Mastery & epic effects
IkleMyy = [ik-leh-Mih-aye]
spell mastery makes manipulation of any spell possible.
TyReparo = [t-aye-repair-on] repair time and place makes repairs
of the situation that you want.
TyIkle = [t-aye-ik-led] time mastery allows for manipulation of
time itself by focusing on the time you want or the words that mean
slow [slo], speed up [spe], or pause [wo]. This effect lasts a few
VulcanEru = [vulcane-ee-ruh] eruption of a volcanic force to wipe
out all people in vicinity.
MedituAqya = [mead-line-t-us-age-q-say-an] void storm that kills
everything in area by sucking enemies life forces.
MegaBombe = [meager-ant-bomb-er] mega bomb forms a bomb anywhere
you want on the utterance of this spell that goes off at the casters
will, doing serious extreme to deadly shrapnel damage or knocking
people out.
MedituTntyle = [mead-line-tuh-ten-tyc-leh] void tenticles grasp
and hold the enemies victims draining them of all possible experience
along with their energy.
Ryas = [Rih-as] reverse the spell coming at you or in effect, if
such is done.
DokenAto = [doke-keen-aid-tom] atomic destruction that decimates
all people in range of 2 miles not hurting allies and caster.
DokenSubt = [Doke-een-Subt] Subtractive power blast, cause of a
blast the range of how long a distance in a circle diameter that ya
decide on. This power blast is subtractive and weakening in nature, as
it is subtle and will erase from the area of what ya want with the
desire to remove until ya don't desire removal.
As its rain that removes damages from materials and doesn't seem to
fall when it does, it can influence erasure on a person including
thoughts. And like the last one, no matter how its countered, it will
still do
it. Unless the spell itself is countered. Its possible to counter it
with EEvom pronounced [Ee-Eve-om], which allows more control over it,
the energy, and to think to the energy 'cancel'.
IkleMeditu = [ik-leh-mead-light-uh] void mastery makes
imagination manipulation of void with these words. This also allows
control more easily over subtractive energy.
CabIBus = [Mccabe-line-bue-s] mass shift that incites a shift of
a target group to a place you desire and this includes armies.
IkleFyr = [ik-led-fir] fire mastery that makes the caster able to
manipulate fire by will alone.
IkleSelav = [ik-clen-seal-lave] lava mastery grants the caster a
mastery of lava with a desire.
IkleCyro = [ik-led-c-say-roh] ice mastery that makes the caster
able to work with ice by will alone.
AeroIkle = [aerob-ik-led] air mastery that makes the caster able
to will air effects.
Xucuil = [x-lute-c-use-lit-l] flying mastery makes flight by
willful desire and imagination on utterance of spell.
PsiIkle = [Psi-Ik-leh]
Psychic mastery, the person is embued with a
psychic mastery that is as long lasting as they desire. They become a
master at psychic activity and ability overnight at any psychic idea
they may have.
ElmntyIkle =
[El-emn-ty-Ik-leh] Elemental mastery, To make the target
become a master of the elements and elementals, including innate know
MasiPoFrou =
[mass-linen-pon-fr-out] fly in place many items with this spell.
DhoyMeditu = [dhow-aye-mead-light-uh] voidal tornado causes a
void tornado that incinerates all enemies or absorbs all energy in area.
CorrantAqya = [cohr-rant-aid-q-say-an] power storm makes a storm
which interferes with all enemy spells.
YtlyMeditu = [why-t-lye-mead-light-uh] voidal flood causes a
flood of voidal energy to swerve through the area sucking all energy
from enemies and objects.
PolyBael = [pole-aye-bar-eh-l] transform into a demon of any sort.
AidIkleDacto = [aid-ik-leh-dact-on] summon a dragon to your aid
which does not appear at first but only on a need will it be there.
PolySidh = [pole-aye-sidh] transform into faery by saying these
words at a target.
PolyTesseractIq = [pole-why-tess-ee-rack-time-q] intelligent
tesseract transform [dark killer giant].
PolyAtleantian = [pole-y-ate-lee-an-time-an] transform a target
into an atlantean sea elf.
PolyCilf = [pole-aye-c-ilk-f] elf transformation that makes the
caster an elf.
PolyTreant = [pole-aye-tree-ant] tree man transform makes any
body into a tree man being.
PolyDactoSun = [pole-aye-dactoh-soon] sun dragon shift makes the
caster becomes a sun dragon.
PolyCilfArk = [pole-aye-c-ilk-f-dark] dark elf transform makes
the caster become a dark elf.
PolyKaoCilf = [pole-aye-chao-c-lih-lf] choas elf transform makes
the caster into a negative plane elf.
PolyKaoDacto = [pole-aye-chao-dactoh] chaos dragon transform
transforms the caster into a negative plane dragon.
PolyKaoHum = [polish-why-chaos-human] choas being transform makes
the target into a being.of chaos.
PolyHuMeditu = [pole-why-hum-mead-light-yuh] void being transform
makes the caster into a being of void.
PolyBal = [pole-why-bale] negative plain being transforms the
person into a being of negative energy.
PolyBalYl = [pole-why-bale-why-l] negative wild magic transform
makes the target into a being of negative wild magic energy.
PolyFyrHumArachno = [pole-why-fir-human-arach-noh] human spider
transform - Targets someone and makes said target into an energy spider
that totally disappears from existence. Enabling the human spider that
appears in the persons place to manipulate anything in existence.
SheolPolyBrut = [she-hold-pole-why-brute] hellspawn transform -
transforms the target into a hellspawn.
PolyHye = [pole-aye-h-say-eh] hyena transform - hyena transform
transforms the victim into a hyena.
PolyLycantropy = [pole-aye-lyn-cant-row-p-way] werewolf transform
makes the target into a full werewolf.
PolyLich = [pole-way-lich] lich transform makes the lich out of a
PolyKreen = [pole-why-kreen] insectoid human transform - makes
the target into an insectoid.
PolySatyr = [pole-why-sat-say-r] satyr tranform - Make the target
into a satyr form [half goat human].
PolyTroll = [pole-aye-troll] troll transform - The target
transforms into a troll of the casters will as for type.
HcaorPoly = [h-cave-or-pole-way] roach transform - The target
including caster becomes a roach of any flavor. Thinking polyhum will
transform the person back.
HcaorPolyHum = [h-cave-or-pole-way-humus] human roach transform -
The target including caster becomes a human roach.
PolyFli = [pole-why-flin] cat tranform - Intended target
including caster becomes a cat and transforming back think polyhum.
PolyFly = [pole-aye-fly] fly transform - transforms a person into
a fly and think polyhum to trasnform back.
PolyHumFly = [pole-aye-humus-fl-way] human fly transform - Makes
the the target including caster into a human fly.
PolySahn = [pole-aye-sahn] sahn transform - Make the target into
a super human being.
PolySfuwarBragh = [pole-aye-s-fue-ware-bragh] primal beast
transform - Make the target into a primal beast that is unkillable and
honed to kill.
PolySfuwarIntaiq = [pole-aye-s-fue-ware-int-air-q] primal
creature transform - Make the target into a primal creature that is
unkillable and with intelligence.
PolySfuwarDacto = [pole-aye-s-fue-ware-dacto] primal creature
transform - Make the target into a primal dragon.
Aryu = [are-say-you] create a law of effect with this spell by
thinking on the law after casting.
BaelIkle = [bay-eel-ik-less] demon mastery that grants the caster
demonic mastery control by will.
JediIkle = [jedih-ik-leh] jedi mastery grants the spellcaster
jedi mastery for the amount of time the spell lasts.
LasAb = [laser-saber] mana saber materialize makes a light saber
appear in hand.
PlastiquAcierEmor = [plast-ice-quh-ace-bie-er -ee-more] plastic
armour that protects as if steel encases the caster without movemnt
CabiLiht = [cabe-lil-lit] light shift - shifts a person to
another place at the glancing of a light beam and a thought to where.
CrysU-w = [crystal-you w] crystal skin makes the targets skin
like crystal and immune to most damage using energy to power it.
CryaBag = [cry-say-lab-bagel] bag of holding creates a bag of
holding effect out of any container.
CorrantWev = [cohr-rant-weave] power weave - think the effect
when saying spell or feel the effect that you need.
CyzUn = [ciz-lunar] unfailing nature makes anything unfailing in
AyrU-w = [air-you w] breathing skin - makes the skin of the
target breath air from anything around him by conversion including
outer space.
Muydst = [mue-aye-dst] very powerful mummy summoning that can use
the intuitive ability it had as magic.
DactoKni = [dactoh-k-nih] summons a bound red dragon to the
caster, as the caster can think to it to do the effect that the caster
GrataRui = [grate-ad-rue-ih] greater ruination, causes absolute
damage and ruination to the victim, in life and idea.
SheolBarr = [she-ol-barr] hellball that does form in hand and
then its tossed for major to deadly acid, electrical, fire and sonic to
all opponents in blast area.
SheolEBoXX = [Shee-ol-E-Bow-XX] Hell Bow, forms a bow in hand
that will
shoot as possible. The ammo appears in the bow before it is shot. The
bow is fired an by an idea that it is shot, a spoken 'shot' or the
thought of 'shot' when your thinking of the target. Optionally, is the
mimicking an the shooting of a bow. The damage is major to deadly acid,
electrical, lavatic, fire and sonic damage in blast area.
FractaCelSild = [fractah-ceal-sill-d] Fractal shield, a
shield that
breaks apart anything that happens to effect ya, into small parts. This
feeds the shield, as to break it apart makes a release of energy that
is absorbed into the shield. This can cancel out pain and damage as
well, as the
pain is absorbed and the damage is taken into the shield. This shield
may appear not to work,
but it does as ya literally won't recieve any hurt until ya cancel it
out with a 'UnnFractaSild' or by thinking things will happen to ya.
FyryEYaraNuatraBlaXX = [Firr-y-Ee-Yare-ah-Nue-at-trah-Blah-XX]
blast, forms a
blast of force that can cut through anything and at the least, can
knock anything back and can make things uncomfortable in the area. The
least it can do is to disrupt the focus with inspersement, as though it
were too much at the moment but this gets the attention.
LutraAqyaStripuaXX = (Lutrah-A-qih-ah-Strike-pue-ah-XX)
Ionstrike, to strike by a storm of ions that are focused at the heart
of an area or
target, released from ya arm, fingers or hand that is held straight out
or thought to be in place and dipped to make the strike. Can leave
holes in things.
Ispute = [I-spute-eh] Inspection, causes something as in an act
of inspection that will cause an
act of inspection and dispution of something in dispution and notation
as to
what the action is of it.
EMinAtoBla =
Minute atomic energy blasts, to disrupt things or cause deterioration
something and people, by a minute atomic blast. Think about the area or
see it before ya cast the spell and ya will happen it in the area, as
though a need was there in ya to have it happen in that area. This acts
as a direction for the minute blast.
NaSeme =
[Nah-Seem-eh] Earth seems, makes a seam or seeming in the
area that seems from something else, but is from an earth effect. Its about time the earth fought back.
NaLun = [Nah-Lun] Earth block, cause a blockage by earth
energy in effects or a blow and in an area or in a person.
EFx = Energy effect, to create an energy into becoming with a
and 'energizing' said target. This energy creates any effect that is
desired by the caster as if ok. As long as its explained.
ShiNaLavaLash = [Shin-Nah-Lave-ah-Lash] Lava lash 2, to cause a
effect from lava nearly anywhere that the intended target/s is. It, the
lash, can cause much worse damage than the fire and water lash. This
spell is ended when the spell is thought to be ended, otherwise it
could go on forever.
EleSostryBo = [Eeleh-Soh-stry-Boh] Element Energy Bow, forms an
bow that appears in the casters hand and can shoot any element that the caster thinks on or any element that will effect the target when shooting. In, any amount of shots
per shot that ya can think on shooting. Think it shot to shoot it.
= [Ine-Ere] Inner strength, can make inner strength and inner peace in
the target, for a person it starts with an ear ache.
ArkJutCagrEmor = [Ark-Jute-Cagr-Ee-more] Diamond cage moveable
this forms around the target or yaself and deflects the blow or absorbs
the damage that occurs to ya as though it didn't occur. It'll defend ya
even if its off of ya, till it gets unmade, as even when off of ya its
still on ya. Ya can do anything in the cage, but ya can't be hurt by
anyone nor can they be hurt by ya with large things.
SolLyg = [Sole Lig] Soul
devotion, to cause the person to affect a
cause that you decide on, and speak about after you will or speak the
spell, near the target. The person effected simply cannot stop, unless
SnypCyroAqya = [Snip Serr-ohn Aqihn-ahn] Hyper ice storm; This
spell is to cause the ice storm of hyper activity. The storm can cause
ice to pile up in areas and other places to get very slick. This can
freeze things in seconds.
MajNegMesaAqya = [Major Neeg Mees-ahn Ack-lihn-ah] Isaac's
greater negative magic missile storm; One or multpile negative magic
missiles of unknown amount hits the target with minor-moderate to
deadly damage and there is one to many missiles possible.
GreChanMyyMitl = [Greh Chain Mih-why Mitt-l] Greater Chain Magic
Mantle; This is a greater magic mantle that protects by absorbing 36
spells or unlimited mental force or energy source that you think is
idea as a source. The effect is what releases by energy and heat is
what is produced. This is released as energy however you think to intend
release, think and this works with a "poof" as you realize the condition
your in and improve by feel. Then uses the spell energy in a chain
contingency effect, thats decided on in a sequence of events and if
not decided it is pushing back the spells to the people who targeted
MedituAerStausehTego = [Mead-rITe-uh Aye-ear Stale-us-ee-h
Tee-gohn] Voidal static shield; This shield uses static fields to break
down influences by making the influence 1/4 of itself every second the
shield is in effect until it stops and the energy of the influence gets
sucked into void. The energy of the influence gone, the cause of it
disappears and disperses into void as well, unless the cause is a
person. Then the person's energy is sucked into the void, too. This
effects psychic assaults, as well.
ESyh = [Ee-Sihn] Energy form attributing; This causes anyone in
any form of which can be the energy of the person or animal thats
targeted to assume their natural form in spirit particles. Which become
obvious to those who are psychic or psionic in nature. This energy form
can be talked to, and information can be gathered from the now being.
ESyhN = Negate Energy form; This forms as a negating energy that
beams the target and causes the Energy form that is attributed by the
person's energy to cease.
EPolyB = [Ee Pole-lye Bee] E form, forms people into becoming
Energy beings, that make for usage of energy and they require no food.
E-beings are more able to manifest things by will and yet if they do
eat, they get even better effects. Try to remember that E-beings
require no E-diet. And, the energy can come from anywhere, anywhen or
anything. Eating corruption will be bad for the E-Being and it will
need to be cleansed. Sometimes by cleaning the source.
HadesSheolPortSehTrapod = [Hade-Ee-s Shee-olhn Port See-ehn
Trape-lOde] Hell teleport field: Hell teleport feild; This effects a
field of energy that causes beings to teleport to an existant hell that
you don't want there. There is wherever you want effected. This energy
field is possible to be used as a energy source. Mention or think on
the beings to teleport them.
HadesSheolPortegoTrapod = [Hay-dee-s Shee-olhn Port Tee-gohn
Trape-lOde] Hell teleport shield; This is the hell teleport shield that
shields people from being distrought or disrupted from unwanted people
or beings. This teleports the people or beings to any existant hell.
LogMokioke =[Low-g Moke-Eye-oh-kehn] Subvocalization; This
allows for the normally spoken voice to be spoken in a way thats not
heard. It can still effect the idea you need to occur. However, you
don't actually speak when you normally speak and don't want to be heard
through subconscious means.
EQuiRoyIkle = The mind control mastery. This interferes with the
mind and allows control. Cast at the person, it makes it work against
them. Afterwords, it can make you feel and not look evil. This is the
potential of desaster in progress, if you do it enough times you can up
and go. Then, you could appear evil.
The Raiden [Then Raid-deen] = The wiccan path; This in a thought
is an idea that is a concept, act is to get a concluded end result that
is wiccan and not what you consider in life until necessary. If eden
isn't existant, anymore is due action due no more as is in thought
result is a concept, as this is nothing but a memory that you get from
purchase in life you will attain a lot of honour. See or speak as one
will, make an advantageous acquaintance from making activity.
Asei [Aye-see-ih] = Clear transport warp sphere; This is what
you think as energy in action is what causes you to have a clear
shield, this is an energy in form and transports itself as you don't
need to do anything. As energy isis provides nothing but a signal, as
your original point of death is as anything you do is original. As if
thought is the use with financial support as "i". There is nothing
more, use or what you think as that is the way, you act creates things
by way doing is intention by what you think in thought you think in
life and your non effected by any other effect. There is nothing that
is more with the right image, this is way off the mark in the mind only
effective against. As that which attack, you and unaffective against
those that don't assault. As the idea is against you, "As if thought
your existance is nothing compared to others that are what you are."
Into the mind of the attack person as in thought, as the real use as
the god haden is to use this against those that are done. As the idea
is dealt in time, things with you are what you seem..
SuaEmoeTi = [Sue-ah
Ee-mow-eh Tih] Summon creatures X, summon many somewhat tough and idea
creatures of appropriate nature.
Circle XIII (12) - Particles and high
PiupeHyxKij =
[Pie-up-eh-Hix-Kije] high planes shifting allows the caster to shift to
any realm in existance.
SunHumSua = [soon-human-sue-ah] solar summons calls a solar into
existance to act as a judge or aid as the caster wills.
SunHumOqq = [sune-human-ow-qq] fallen solar calls a fallen solar
into existence to aid as the caster wants.
GynZupCanon = [gin-zupe-cane-none] particle cannon - Makes a
particle beam come from the hand to strike instantaneously at the
target at a hand toss. Doing serious-extreme to deadly damage.
ZupHyuCanonGyn = [Zoop Hill-yuh Cane-on Gin] Particle phase
cannon - Makes a particle cannon shot lance from the hand to strike
instaneously at the target dealing a possible immediate death with a
ZupPrimaire = [zup-prime-air-eh] particle elemental summon calls
a particle being into aiding the caster.
HyuHuySun = [hih-us-hue-y-soon] phase shuriken casts forth from
the hand a shuriken that phases to the target and strikes instantaneous
and possibly dealing a death blow.
ArrHyu = [arr-hih-yuh] phase arrow - Forms as many arrows as you
imagine in hand that you use with an energy bow to strike intantly at
the target with deadly impact. Also possible is the tossing of the
arrow to strike unerringly.
HyuMesaXX = [h-say-uh-mese-sah-X-X] phase missile casts a highly
explosive missile at hypervelocity speed to hit unerringly the target,
as though it were guided.
HyuAtla = [hig-yuh-atlah] phase dagger hits unerringly the target
instantly once thrown and it returns and remains unseen in hand.
SwZupX = [sw-z-lupe-X] particle sword - That does spiritual harm
and brings the person near death with a single strike. This sword
cannot harm the spell caster but will be able to send energy strikes at
the intended target from anywhere. This can disable machines and cause
failures in the target or worse.
ZupAncX = [zupe-lance-X] particle lance will form a lance of
particles in the casters hand. To cast it forth is to make an instant
strike at the target and it returns to hand. Use it to strike at the
target and it will harm the intended person in spirit or cause a
ZupEmor = [zupe-seem-yore] particle armour creates powerful
armour able to resist any blow and remains to absorb all damages done
to body to sustain itself and repair itself.
SwAtoEdg = [sw-mate-oh-edge] atomic edge sword, that appears to
the hand of the caster that slices through anything and is
ByoCompletEmor = [bigh-on-complete-ee-more] biosuit armour -
Forms around the target that is only controlled by the wearer of the
suit and it makes the person immune to all attacks. This armour
increases the wearers abilities and strengths.
SildZupXX = [sild-zupe-X-X] particle shield makes a shield of
particles that wraps around the caster and any blow to the person is
absorbed into the particles as fuel, where any energy passed to the
person is absorbed and fuels the particles. This shield cannot be
overwhelmed, unless its a rare occasion of a circumstance.
PolySunHum = [pole-aye-soon-human] solar transform - the caster
becomes a benevolent solar.
PolySunHumOqq = [pole-aye-soon-human-owe-qq] fallen solar
transform - transforms the caster into a fallen solar [evil].
KaoPolySunHum = [chaos-pole-aye-soon-hume] chaos solar transform
- the caster becomes a negaive plane solar.
PrimairePolyZup = [prime-air-eh-pole-aye-zupe] particle elemental
transform makes the target into a particle elemental.
StavZup = [stave-zupe] particle wand that can make highly powered
effects without being sensed by others and act as a weapon.
PlaneZup = [plane-eh-zupe] particle planar binding paralyzes or
summons a particle outsider.
LasAbAbsorber = [lase-labe-absorb-eer] light saber absorption can
make your body absorb light saber attacks.
ZupAqya = [zupe-faqe-ih-ah] particle storm - makes a storm of
particle energy in an area to effect chaos to spells. This also
degrades the area a little until the focused particles are dissipated.
GodEkle = [gode-eek-leh] hand of god that makes the person to be
able to will and desire anthing to happen with the hand extended.
CivaNam = [cive-ah-name] soul ship creates a ship of energy to
shift the target or people to another place.
BrutRe = [brute-treh] respawn makes the target come back as if
never hurt.
CarrZup = [car-zupe] particle car makes a car out of particles
that is controlled by casters will.
CarrZupHov = [car-zup-hove] hover car - makes any type of vehicle
float or materializes a particle hover car around you controlled by the
CarrSlutesHov = [car-slute-ee-s-hove] hovercraft creates a
hovercraft effect around the caster who states this spell and is
controlled by the will of the driver.
MetaMyy = [meeta-Mih-aye] Meta magic effect, creates any effect
possible that the caster wants and is also for one effect anytime after
at a time.
UbaMagEmor = [ubah-mage-ee-more] Uber mage armor, the caster
becomes very hard to hit with high damage resistance
UbaIgos = [oo-bar-i-gose] Uber phantasmal, grants the target high
resistance to damage and is very hard to detect
SnypAqyaBriy = [Snip-Ache-say-ah-Bry-y] Hyperstorm, that starts
with an
effect that generates greatly intense heat on the surface and causes a
thundering rainstorm with a hypertornado from nowhere to apppear where
thought on. This can set off lesser storms, but the hyperstorm has
gusts of 200 - 500 mph. This storm can generate great Ultraviolet heat
rays, high hard radiation and gamma rays along with whatever the sun
delivers normally, through the calm eye of the hypertornado. As, the
hyperstorm goes almost into space itself.
SuZupBod = [Suh-Zoop-Bode] God particle, forms a particle of a
God form
particles nearby in a Godlike pattern, thats sometimes of a deceased or
turned into energy body. Most times its using ya body, unless ya decide
its to be of something else. Through too much energy gone through the
body and this energy is being
converted to the cause.
FyryZupBlaXX = [Fir-y-Zoop-Blah-XX] Subatomic blast, forms a
blast of
subatomic particle force that can tear through anything if done right
and at the least, can knock anything back and make it unconfortable in
the area.
ApetNsatInsetMem =
[Air-pete-N-sate-In-seet-Meem] Impart memory, causes a memory to
be imparted into the memory and brain of the target that ya think on
want imparted, if the memory isn't imparted on the brain then its
imparted onto the soul, but God does it all through ya direction.
UbaIgod = [Oo-bah-I-god] Godmode, to make ya a God for a moment
seeming to stretch onward through ya third eye and on the moment that
think ya are able to do. State or think the spell. Ya can do almost anything
by a word or command. Except that which is thought impossible, unless
ya think its not impossible. This has a side effect of the God complex,
where ya think ya are God and try to manipulate. So try to not God
complex too much or don't God complex evil.
CarnEnteyIlp = [Carn-Entee-y-Ilp] Flesh eating disease, causes a
eating disease on the target. Designated by however its needed.
AntiZupCinaX = [Antih-Zoop-Cine-ah-X] Anti-particle cannon, forms
somewhat wide particle beam that is composed of negative antimatter
particles and sub-particles, that strikes the target and can rupture
something or cause nearly instant death by intent of death.
UltiAirGwSef =
[Ultih-A-ir-Gw-Seef] Ultimate protection, sets up an
universal protection field that is absorbing of the bad type energy and
effect. Then it forms air and a protective atmosphere sheaf, around the
target in an area. This can cause a energetic life support as with
anything going around it. As, its that anything is tapped for energy,
and the bad is absorbed. Whatever is tapped, is possible to have decay
with and what is bad is dissipated in effect as though non-existant
after a period of time.
GerFerESpie = [Gere-Fear-E-Spie-eh] Germy fear spikes, to cause
fear by
the germs being near and with spikes of energy that spread the fear of
germs. This can make an enhancement of fear activated motion without an
actual cause, as in possible instincts.
ECrik = [Ee-Crike]
Energy crank, to
be of a cranky mood by the negative energy, or to cause the energy
level to go up in the area or body, to finish a task and actually do
things not possible at the moment. The more idea and action an of
energy ya have, the more active that ya get and this includes the need
to exercise and getting over blocks. The negative side of this is to
become cranky with stressed energy. It can be done so many times, then
it can disappear in effect.
EEn = [Ee-Een] Energetic, to become of energy into and of a state
existence or active body. This is occured with breakdown. This can be a
breakdown of tiredness or a breakdown of the body.
IEn = [I-Een] Eye
energy, an instant boost to restore
ability of something for energy and effect. With the breakdown of some
idea, the
effect will happen. The effect can be of balance restoring, sometimes
of the breakdown itself, or of what broke
with the energetic causing spell.
EEmorAmor = [Ee-Ee-more-Aim-ore] Energy armor construct of
forms an energy armor from a construct that is immortal making around
the target person. This armor can cause regeneration of tissue and body
parts as well as the brain. The brain regeneration is slow though and
doesn't fully restore all functions to the body from the brain. It
restores the body as though renewed and this can include cleaning it up
as well. The side effect of the armor of immortality, is the target can
become immoral an amoral and easily falls in love. It does repair
itself and stays on ya until ya remove it or have it removed.
EhExx = [Eh-Ex] To cut effect, this makes actions to cut out
anime effects and other effects that are here.
E-Epi = [Ee Eppih] Energy epidemic, causes an epidemic idea to
occur from the energy nearby.
SuaSerefim = {Sue-ah-Sere-eh-fime} Summon serephim to come an to
your aid and idea compatriot. Have a thought of what you would want to
do or to have happen when saying spell. It might occur if you deserve
such common idea. Such common commotion can lead to consumption and
similar nature by this. One warning, I believe this is enough and
this is where they won't always do things for you. They will only
do things for you if they want to do things, not if you want them
to do it.
AsupElZupHealIvmedituX = [A-soup Eelh Zoop Hee-alh
I've-mead-lite-uhh eXx] Particle healing; Any
amount of particles in an area around where you are, heal you fully.
Can heal scars as well.
= [Eelh Zoop Ee-alh I've-mead-lite-uhh eXx eXx] Particle regeneration
healing; Any amount of particles in an area around where you are, heal
you fully. Can heal scars as well. This increases the amount of healing
by 40%
AyTuNegLutra = [Aye Tuff Need-g Lutteranh] Positive to negative
ions; Make positive ions become negative healing ions and so does orgonite. This
spell effects things nearby and yourself too by feel, this is done by the air ions being
changed and charged by feelings that you feel with the area energy.
MajMedituMesaAqya = [Maje Mead-rITe-uh Meese-ahn Ack-lihn-ah]
Voidal greater magic missile storm; One or multiple voidal magic
missiles of unknown amount hits the target with minor-moderate to
deadly voidal damage which drains the stability and energy and vitality
from the targets hit and there is one to many missiles possible. This
does not cause missile damage to humans or people in general, unless
they want to be hit.
DynseyEFoc = [Dine-see-why Ee Focus] Dimensional energy; To cause
a dimensional energy to appear and be usable. Focus the dimensional
energy by your will and intent being thought on. The dimensional energy
can cause any action by effect. Even, shifting you places. This energy
can materialize elements or objects by the feel, this is what you think
is there to summon the object to exist.
DynseyEFocOol = [Dine-see-why Ee Focus Ool] Dimensional energy
pool; This causes a dimensional energy pool, that can be used to make
your efforts easier. Then, you can pool energy or pull energy of the
object that has dimensions. This can pool any energy that you wish or
intend there. On stating the spell, try to making the effect of pooling
elemental energy, think or mention the energy element as you attempt
the spell.
EiLyEieire = [Ee-ihn-Lye-Ee-hi-ee-irn-rent] True life; Caster or
target gains 50 % more health benefits and eternal life. Think of the
target and point the object out to get its objective eternal energy.
The cost of this is the person regains some magic to fuel the effect.
To get the full effect, be under a full moon.
HolyHidGria = [Hol-why Hide Grind-ahn] Holy hand grenade; This is
a version of Holy hand grenade of Antioch. When you throw it, in implodes and
sucks everything into it. When it's done, you can pick up the grenade
and use it again. It works with black hole distortions. Only distorts
light to look like it's being sucked in. Then it goes back to normal
after a few seconds. Fun gag, or useful distraction.
EZupFigHid =
[Ee-Zoop-Fie-g Hide]
Particle form; A particle form that forms at will and can shift
anywhere or teleport to other places.
[Sue-ah-Zoop Ee-mow-eh] Summon particle creature, summons some particle
being or creature/s (depending on the amount of X's that you add to the
spell, is how many are summoned) and its of an idea creature/s
appropriate nature, that you desire. The small
part of the soul is used, thats necessary for particle formation as it
is made up into a shard of the body and is then put somewhere and
formed, into a particle form of choice. That form is decided upon at
the moment. This
creature is able to do things as to go into bodies and possess them or
can shapechange to anything you want from desire of it to form, at the
Circle XIV (13) - Source/being effects
YngIkle = [why-ng-ik-less]
source mastery gives the caster control of the targets power source or
any other source.
DisipaYng = [dise-gripe-pah-y-ng] dissipate source removes any
nature in the area that was thought on.
DavidTra = [Dave-side-Track] Elemental master disciplined trace,
trace the effect that is thought on through discipline, which is
suddenly there like with an elemental master and learn from it. This is
to also trace the person as well through effects.
SuaYng = [Sue-ah-Weng] Summon source persuasion, summons a source
energy that is there for personal use. This source can be placed in an
object or in a psiball or be somewhere it chooses and is any element
thought about before the spell is cast or thought on after. As it can
simulate any energy type that can be used after being summoned.
CreaPolySere = {Cree-an Pole-why Sere-en} Sepein transformation
creatin sphere effect source that can create a natural being that
created thought can be use for a inner feel that is good for experience
and croation in idea. If you believe it you are in the place you see,
as if there or not as you think to see what you consider with a focused
CreaPolySerefim =
Create Serephim, makes a serephim angel out of the person unless you
don't have a person in mind, then it can make you one from an element.
There is possiblity that you gain the ability of remote presence very
easily and whatever you say will come to exist. In a form that you
desire or find existant. So you know, the transformation is complete
when whatever is stated by the transformed one happens. After the
tranformation, every action or thing said the transformed says or does
is a form of worship to God or the creator. They don't always do things
for people, however so you may want.
They do things for themselves every once in awhile. When they do,
they will inform you of the idea they will do. That's what I noted
of them. This may or may not be true though, so I think this is a
test spell that could create a lazy person to become purposeful if
given a reason to do things. So I think this means we can see or
sense them if they wanted to be sensed, otherwise they are unsensed
to the perception and invisible to eyes. Especially if they don't
move about, otherwise if they move then their service is ended by
They know when to do things and when not to do things, though
that is the end of their delienation. I still think the transformed
person is more likely to do things on their own terms. So they will
do what they want to do and when they want to do it. So give them
a purpose and they might do what you want, assuming if they think
it a higher purpose or the point came from the creator as a higher
calling. That is all there is to them. This was not meant for the
mortal though they can use it as well. So be warned it may have some
unintended side effects.
CreaPolyArkIo = [Cree-ahm
Ark Eye-ohm] Make into darkangel; Makes a darkangel of the target and
the darkangel form to become the person in some manner. They will make
the idea of darkness look good, to actually use and achieve with. And
they suddenly use supernatural means to cause magic effects. They are
able to instantly cause effects and as they do so, they spread a
shadowy darkness into what they use or percieve as a target. This
darkness is a separate dark intelligence. Invisible to others and able
to do things, as the newly made darkangel so desires. If there's no
desire for it to do things, it just acts as though it were aware and
'helps' the darkangel to do things. Sometimes, without asking the
criminal gene is activated. The darkangel human or being is sometimes
prone to ask for help and its like a charm is cast on the target, to
aid them. When declined, they are likely to do retribution or motions,
through effects of absentminded spells that they manage to unnoticeably
do and not remember after, unless reminded of their deed. They
inadvertantly follow darkness after the transformation is complete.
Polyng = [pole-why-ng] source make - makes the target into a
source of energy and also a nature that can be anything, as the source
can emulate any element. Have in mind what you want the source to do.
PolyngRaoGiy = [pole-why-ing-grade-on-g-lie-way] a being -
creates the target into a nature powered by practice and competition.
= [pole-why-ing-ter-d-leat] b being - creates the target into a nature
by entropy and information that comes to the person in many forms and
things start appearing slow to the person.
PolyngIyTragheity = [pole-why-ing-live-why-tragedy-he-bit-way] c
being - transforms the person into a warrior nature that uses practice,
inertia and time as its base.
BaelYngPoly = [bael-why-ing-pole-y] d being - makes the target
into a demon nature that controls other beings or is a drunken being as if the target were a
demon lord.
PolyngIoPrimaire = [pole-why-ing-ion-prime-air-en] e being -
makes an elemental nature out of the target.
PolyngEldoxTuo = [pole-lye-ing-geld-docs-too-on] f being - make
the target a mage merchant nature who can use the powers of instances
and money.
PolyngGud = [pole-why-ing-good] g being - makes the target become
a nature that draws on good as its power.
PolyngYlLoBal = [pole-why-ing-way-l-lob-bale] h being - makes a
target into a nature of hate and negativity.
SpyPolyVexYng = [spy-pole-why-veex-why-ing] i being - makes a
nature out of the target that draws on intrigue and spying.
GuilPolLazYngServ = [guile-pole-laze-why-ing-serve] l being -
makes the target become a nature that can use laziness, service and
deceit as its base.
PolyngSyxGebOtt = [pole-why-ng-Six-Geeb-Oughtt] m being - makes
the target into a m nature that manipulates the earth, death and
machines at will.
BalPolyng = [bale-pole-aye-ing] n being - makes the target a
nature able to use the negative energies with the back of my hand.
MedituPolyng = [mede-lite-yuh-pole-why-ing] o being - makes the
target into a nature of void and absolute able to mimic any ability.
PolyngEbromel = [pole-why-ing-meek-b-rome-heal] p being - makes
the target into a nature able to manipulate earth, smells and garbage.
SpacPoltyng = [space-pole-tye-ing] q being - makes the target
into a nature able to manipulate space and time at whim.
PolyngR = [pole-why-ing-r] r being = makes a target into a
reverse nature.
SchaPolyngSchoApa = [school-all-pole-why-ing-scholar-ape-an] s
being - make the target become a nature fed by schools, art and scholar.
PolyngAfValMyt = [pole-why-ing-gafe-vale-mit] t being - makes the
person into a nature that uses trash and power as its base.
PolyngLagazMyt = [pole-why-ing-l-age-maze-mit] u being -
transform the target into an nature elf that uses power and knowledge.
WisPolyngYsh = [wise-pole-why-ing-wish] w being - makes a target
into a nature wish master.
FuadoPolyngAsalt = [foo-aid-oh-pole-lying-lase-salt] x being -
makes the target into a nature that draws abilities from sex, drugs,
and violence.
PolyngYl = [pole-why-ing-while] y being - creates the target into
a nature of wild magic.
GuilPolyngZoj = [Gue-il-pole-why-ing-zone-j] z being - makes a
person into a nature that draws upon security and deception.
PolyngAherIasChoGuilOgy =
[pole-why-ing-ah-her-denial-s-choh-gue-il-loge-y] ba being - makes a
target a nature of mastery, study, schooling and deception.
MaePolyng = [may-eh-pole-why-ing] be being - makes the person
into a nature that can make anything happen by will alone on an
PolyngAbsorber = [pole-why-ing-absorb-eer] bi being - makes a
target into a being of nature from absobing.
PolyngDAbsorber = [pole-why-ing-d-absorb-eer] bu being - makes a
target into a being of drunken nature from absobing energy then being
an sob. This is the pocess of realizing the energy or ideal then creating
a reason to do things to drink or feel. That controls or forms the mind
that forms the body then after that they're a drunk.
PolyngSAbsorber = [pole-why-ing-s-absorb-eer] bys being - makes a
target into a being with a sane nature from absorbing or generating their own energy.
OgyPolyngOd = [log-why-pole-why-ing-load] ce being - makes the
target into a nature that derives power from study and oaths.
GauPolyngAyru = [gay-uh-pole-lye-ing-lay-say-run] da being -
makes the target into a nature that draws its power from law and police.
PolyDethYng = [pole-why-death-why-ing] de being - makes a target
into a nature of death.
PolyngEce = [pole-why-ing-ee-cent] fa being - causes the target
to be a nature of peace.
HemuPolyngIrn = [heem-uh-pole-why-ing-birn] fe being - makes the
target into a nature of iron oand metal manipulation.
FrayPolyng = [fray-why-pole-why-ing] fi being - makes a target
into a nature of a fighting power.
PolyNycYng = [pole-why-nic-why-ng] fu being - makes a being that
evolves the target into a nature of destruction.
PolyngUoe = [pole-lye-ing-woe-eh] fy being - creates out of the
target a nature that draws on disasters as its source.
SedaPolyStelerK-eYng = [seadan-pole-why-steal-eer-merk-k
eh-why-ing] ga being - make a target into a nature that uses thieves
and fame as its power while being a jack of all trades.
PolyngKouBaz = [pole-why-ing-kow-uh-bay-z] ge being - makes the
target into a nature that uses the working people as the source.
DanePolyngWar = [dane-eh-pole-why-ing-ware] gi soldier - makes
the target into a nature of warfare.
KoPolyng = [cop-pole-why-ing] go being - make a target into a
nature of do force which causes a force of will that makes things
FroePolyng = [from-eh-pole-why-ing] gu being - creates the target
into a nature of weapon mastery.
PolyngYlSidh = [pole-why-ing-why-l-sidh] gy being - creates the
target into a faery nature or gytrash.
NaziPolyng = [naz-ih-pole-why-ing] ha being - forms the target
into a nature of dedicated hate and peace.
PolyBurnYng = [pole-why-burn-why-ing] he being - transformation
of the target into a nature that uses destruction and fire.
DopPolyngB = [dope-pole-why-ing-b] hi being - make the target
into a nature that uses drugs as its source.
JyaPolyngRemNerUy = [j-lye-ape-pole-lye-ng-green-m-near-guy-aye]
ho being - make a target into a nature that uses forgivance, convincing
and rememberance.
CraPolyngUim = [crate-pole-why-ing-gui-m] hu being - makes a
target into a nature of understanding and colors.
PolyBalYng = [pole-ee-bale-why-ing] hy being - makes the target
into a nature of wild magic negativity.
CreePolyngAyru = [creepy-p-hole-why-ing-air-run] la being = makes
the target into a nature of devotion and law.
PolyngOkleNinYc = [pole-why-ing-oak-len-nine-why-c] le being -
make the target into a nature of indestructible bending nature.
PolyngFonPsi = [pole-why-lying-fone-psih] li being - make the
person into a nature of information and telepathy.
AmorePolyngUeLie = [a-more-eh-pole-why-ing-gruel-like-meh] lo
being - makes a target into a nature of love, relationship and emotion.
PolyngLurB = [pole-why-ing-lure-b] lu being - makes the target a
nature that lures people.
PolyngGuil = [pole-lye-ing-gue-il] ly being - creates a nature
that uses deceit.
PolyngOblugAcIzRao = [pole-why-ing-goblet-huge-ace-size-raoh] ma
being - makes a nature of a target who uses mankind, action and
MyThinRuePolyMowyng = [my-th-hind-rue-eh-pole-why-mow-why-ing] me
being - makes the target into a nature of concern, personal, desire and
PsiPolyThinYngMowLeng = [psi-pole-why-thin-why-ing-mow-length] mi
being - creates a target into a nature of personal concern, telepathy
and long distance.
PolyngAaPlanItyFel = [pole-why-ing-a-ah-plane-pit-y-feel] mo
being - makes a target into the nature of planning, time, feeling and
PolyngU-aKoeTauIq = [pole-why-ing-you lay-k-lone-get-taurus-hi-q]
makes a target become the nature of eating, complaints, intelligence
and ability.
PolyRyhFeLyngMinRue = [pole-my-rih-fell-l-why-ing-mine-rue-men]
my being - transforms the target into the nature of owners, desires,
empowerment and feelings.
PolyngRueNaeYmn = [pole-why-ing-rue-nae-eh-why-mn] na being -
make a target become a source being of impossible and desirous nature.
RuePolyng = [rue-eh-pole-why-ing] ne being - become a nature of
desirous need.
PolyngLioMis = [pole-why-ing-lion-mise] ni being - make a target
into a nature of misinformation.
NiiMiySpolYng = [nie-ih-mine-why-s-pole-why-ing] no being - makes
a target into a nature of denial that can deny anything or dismiss
PolyZamYngPhoenix = [pole-why-zame-why-ing-p-hoe-eh-nix] nu being
- makes a target into a nature of renewal and rebirth.
FyePolyngAsertYl = [f-why-leh-pole-why-ng-assert-wile] ny being =
makes a nature of wild magic, dismissal, and assertiveness.
PolyngTeoPsiSme = [pole-why-ing-tea-oh-psih-smell] pa being -
make the target into a nature of unique, telepathic, earth and smells.
PolyngZiMyt = [pole-why-ing-zink-mit] pe being - makes the target
into a nature of working out and power.
PolyngIvyReaPsi = [pole-why-ing-give-why-reaper-psill] pi being -
makes a person into a nature of private investigation and psionic.
PolyngUoPsiMaePost = [pole-why-ing-you-hop-p-sin-may-eh-post] po
being - makes the target into a nature of instance, shifting, mail and
= [pole-why-ing-gue-il-sty-d-p uh-brave-ee-een] pu being - makes a
target into a nature of stinks, disruption, revenge and deceit.
PolyngYlUstRaGuilVec = [pole-why-ing-why-l-lust-rag-gue-il-vee-c]
py being - makes a taget into a nature of wild abandon, wild magic,
deceit and apalling.
SpacPolTyCompetYng = [space-pole-tye-compete-why-ing] qa being -
makes the target into a nature able to manipulate space and time at
whim while competing.
SpacPolyTyYngEncy = [space-pole-y-tye-why-ng-hence-aye] qe being
- makes the target into a nature able to use space, time and value at
SpacPolyTyYngIus = [space-pole-why-tye-why-ing-lie-us] qi being -
makes the target into a nature able to manipulate space and time at
SpacPolyTyYngRoutRa = [space-pole-why-tye-why-ing-route-rad] qo
being - makes the target into a nature able to manipulate space, time
and tragection at a whim.
SpacPolyTyYngCriLagaz = [space-pole-why-tye-y-ing-cris-lay-gaze]
qu being - makes the target into a nature that is a dimensional judge.
SpacpolytyYngYl = [space-pole-why-tye-y-ing-why-l] qy being -
makes the target into a nature able to manipulate space and time at
PolyngRFay = [pole-why-ing-r-fay] ra being = makes a target into
a reverse nature of manipulation.
PolyngRey = [pole-why-ing-ree-way] re being = makes a target into
a reverse nature of redoing.
PolyBynyngr = [pole-why-bin-nie-ing-r] ri being = makes a target
into a reverse nature of prescientific making.
PolyDisipaYngR = [pole-why-dise-tIpe-ap-y-ing-r] ro - creates the
target into a reverse nature of disappearance.
PolyEvanYngRSubt = [pole-why-eve-fane-why-ing-r-s-lub-t] ru -
make a target into a reverse nature of subtractive undo.
PolyngRyl = [pole-why-ing-ril] ry being = makes a target into a
reverse nature of wild magic.
PolyngSchaPateu = [pole-why-ing-schallop-pate-ee-uh] sa being -
makes target into a nature of scholars, art and goals.
PolyngYylSelYkOss = [pole-why-ing-aye-aye-l-seal-wike-oss] se
being - makes target into a nature of self, success, establishment and
PolyngShupFlosChaNaeDer =
[pole-why-ing-shoop-flow-s-chap-nay-eh-dear] si being - makes target
into a nature of silence, flow,scholar and absence.
PolyngEstisTruJoeYli =
[pole-why-ing-estime-truffle-joe-eh-why-lick] so being - makes the
target into a nature of doubt, disrespect, mystery and likeness.
PolyngFuaSucStudSmukIq =
[pole-why-ing-fume-as-sluce-stood-smook-i-q] su being - makes the
target into a nature of sex, sucks, suckers, geniouses and models.
PolyngSchaYlTyIq = [pole-why-ing-schallop-why-sil-tye-i-q] sy
being - make a target into the nature of wild magic, time, genious and
PolyngHarz = [pole-why-ing-har-z] ta being - makes a target into
the nature of a terrorist.
PolyConivYngLenKen = [pole-why-cone-nive-why-ing-glean-kean] te
being - makes a target into the nature of a mastermind and conniver.
PolyngFaneTradOeMyt = [pole-why-ing-fane-eh-trade-boeng-mit] ti
being - makes a target into a nature of intrigue, traitors and power.
PolyDelYngLisUoMyt = [pole-why-deal-why-ing-lise-lure-or-mit] to
being - make the target into a nature of listing, deals, power and
PolyngNuaConGuilGea = [pole-why-ing-nuance-cone-gue-il-geas] tu
being - makes a target into a nature of unerstanding, deceit, cons and
PolyngYlAruuTeufel = [pole-why-ing-wile-are-rue-ul-tee-uh-feel]
ty being - makes the target into a nature of wild magic, devils and
PolyngYshY-yUlyShy = [pole-why-ing-why-sh-y why-july-shy] wa
being - makes the target into a nature of activity, void, women and
PolyngY-yShyLyUe = [pole-why-ing-why-wish-why-lye-embue-eh] we
being - makes the target into a nature of women, wish, excveptions and
PolyngIntYshY = [pole-why-ing-pint-wish-why] wi being - makes the
target into a nature of women, wish and intrigue.
PolyngAshYFrodArya = [pole-why-ing-ash-why-frode-are-say-ah] wo
being - makes the target into a nature of women, intuition, action and
PolyngEuLapSevuMyt = [pole-aye-ing-ee-uh-lape-seve-uh-mit] wu
being - makes the target into a nature of linguists, perception, power
and understanding.
PolyngShyShE-bYl = [pole-why-ing-shy-she-ee b-why-l] wy being -
makes the target into a nature of women, wishing, wild magic and focus.
IsoKray = [I-sohn Kray-why] Isolated Isochronic Behavior; this
effect can separate you or a target into a crystal of holding as it
isolates a memory and it makes that seem as though solid walls of
diamond that surround you as it does so. To release yourself from it,
use an En or Unn in front of the spell. Howevever, when effected you
can have body moments to effect things into existance and bad moods.
This can let you cool down, as well. But, one thing is that it prevents
effects from going beyond the diamond or crystal walls, even physical
IsoKrylis = [Isohn Krill-rise] Isochryllis lifeform; Creation of
crystal lifeform. That is easily thought to or spoken to and
programmable in that manner by the creator. It uses 5th dimensional
energy to exist so it seems pure. By and of intent. In chrysallis form,
it can serve any purpose. Its creating the life energy to serve others
with. Its physical form is existant in the 5th dimension but it can
take form as a diamond. This diamond is intelligent, but serves the
will of those who work with it. Isochryllis takes the effect on to the
physical. Its resilient in some effects.
IsoKrylisMod = [I-sohn Krill-rIse Mode] Modulate Isochryllis, to
change the isochryllis lifeform instruction to your will by instructing
it. This mod effect is possible by making the isochryllis lifeform
changeable with energy passing through it. Except this is the case
where the memory of it is changed, by saying a counter or similar
effect that causes the memory of it to be overwritten. This be like a
memristor, or a memory circuit that changes its state and remembers
with energy passing through.
IsoKryly = [I-sohn Krill-why] Isochryllic activity; This causes
Isochryllic activity, thats remembering the state of mind and body that
uses it and causes that state as it causes the effect you intent, from
anything that is a material. The material is programmable by will and
intent thats thought to the material with energy passed through to the
material. Also possible is speaking the effect and willing it to do the
spoken thing as intent, as the material energy is boosted by your own.
This can kill a person, if cast on the person and not a material. As
this works on materials, the conversion of the body is somewhat
interesting and can get deadly.
IsoKryl = [I-sohn Krill] Isolate Isochryllic and Isochryllis
lifeform; This causes the Isochryllis and Isochryllic to disappear and
stop effecting physical effects. When you isolate the Isochryllic, the
effects disappear and the clothing or material tends to want to do
disappear, as well. This causes the effect of the Isochryllic to
disperse abruptly and the object converted to the isochryllic effect
might depart from you, in laymans terms.
CopoelEYctBeXXX = [Cope-joel Ee whY-ct Benh Exx Exx Exx] Powerful
corporeal form; This is energy molded Form by a choice to use the
energy of the aura from a person you are transformed into as an end
point is to seem at an end as you think 'end' and this stops. When
stating spell,
some of your energy or someones energy is used. Then the corporeal form
is of the energy you wanted. This body will do as you instruct it to
do, by example or thought sent to it. Otherwise, it will do its own
CopoelAbjur = [Cope-oh-ell Ab-jure] Corporeal control; You
control the corporeal being
MaiFeeEhu = [May-in Fee-eh Ee-huhn] Make Fey being that forms
from your energy. They act like fey, have ability from fey and work
like fey.
HidBodIkliiFig = [Hide Bode Ikk-lie-in Figh-g] Body form; Create
body form. This can be any form you think on.
En [name it here] = [En]
To end something, whatever you want is ended thats stated after the En.
SuaEmoeBe = [Sue-ah
Beh] Summon being, think on a being ya want to summon and speak
or do the spell. This summons the being you think on. As, you speak or
will the spell.
XV (14) - Extreme metal effects; This in feel can drive ye slightly insane
FeMajik = [feh-male-jike]
antimagic ability makes a iron magic ability in the target or caster.
FeSwEa = [fem-sw-Ee-ah] Iron sword manifest, creates an instant
sword of iron in hand.
FeKui = [fell-kue-in] iron drain makes any bit of metal made of
iron into a life drain on contact.
FeMex = [fell-meex] heat metal makes any metal hot enough to drop
if carried or worn.
Jiife = [jie-ir-feh] iron enchant enchants anything iron by
thinking of the enchantment and touch the item.
FeSpher = [feh-sphere] sentry iron sphere - creates a sphere of
iron that defends, drains, strengthens, rebuild anything and other
things by the willed thought of the caster.
FeMajIkle = [feh-male-j-ik-l-eh] antimagic mastery makes an iron
magic mastery in the target or caster.
FeBombe = [feh-bomb-eh] iron bomb makes a bomb effect of iron.
Shuvix = [shoo-vixe] crushing atmospere can knock anyone out in
an area that the caster wants.
FeBrak = [feh-brake] break iron can break any sword or beam by
corroding it.
GedFe = [geed-feh] iron guard - Allows for any metallic effect to
be negated and the protected person unaffected. This also makes an
effective seal.
PolyFe = [pole-why-feh] iron transform makes the target into an
iron like body.
FeU-w = [feh-you w] iron skin makes the targets skin into iron
like consistency.
ClairsAuFeArmo =
[clay-ir-s-A-uh-feh-armoh] Iron armour creation makes a undestroyable
but slightly heavy suit of armour around the body and this grants magic
immunity, some spell absorption and weapon immunity.
DactoFePoly = [dact-of-feh-pole-way]
iron dragon transform - Makes any target of this spell into an iron
dragon or form a transmutation.
FeyYrIqOyr = [fee-y-aye-aye-r-wine-q-joy-r] iron golem animation
- transforms anything of an iron construct into life by transbaking.
That is what you see, in life to use or not by the thought that makes
things or seems in use.
PurFe = [pure-feh] iron purification makes iron purified or
purifies anything with an iron effect.
FePois = [feh-poe-is] iron poisoning creates a poisoning iron
effect on the target.
MaefYlSlutes = [may-f-while-slooth-these] make lead - Create lead
anywhere you imagine the lead appearing.
NeutAfYl = [neut-tale-f-while] neutralize lead poisoning - can
neutralize any stupidy poising caused by lead handling.
FylPois = [fill-poe-is] lead poisoning - can permenantly lower
ones intelligence.
FylOrHya = [fill-or-high-ah] lead to gold - transform in an inner energy by annulization with energy any lead to
gold as if "an innulity".
CipAfYlU-w = [Sipe-Afe-Y-l-yoU w] lead skin - transforms the skin
of the target into safe lead that cannot be pierced.
CipAfYlHya = [cipe-afe-while-high-ah] safe lead creation - turns
anything into safelead or makes it where you imagine it appearing.
YyrIqOyrFyl = [whir-rind-q-foyr-fill] lead golem animation -
animate any lead construct with this spell to life.
LiiMajikIkle = [lie-ir-mage-rice-ik-leh] lead metal magic mastery
grants the target a lead into lead magic ability.
ClairsLiiSafArmo = [clay-ir-s-lie-ir-safe-armoh] lead armour
creation makes a undestroyable but not very heavy suit of armour around
the body and this grants magic immunity and attack immunity.
LiiBombe = [lie-ir-bom-b-eh] lead bomb that detonates where the
caster wants with a magic absorbing lead particle detonation.
FroeShap = [frow-eh-shape] shapeshifting weapon - Creates a
weapon in hand or grants a weapon the shapeshift ability. To use this
focus on the weapon and feel it shift to the form you want.
MetaIkleMajik = [meeta-ik-leh-mage-ic] meta magic mastery creates
in the target an ability to manipulate other magic as well as willed
HemuDheoThru = [heemuh-dheeoh-thruh] pass thru metal - makes the
targets body turn to mist at any attack or from any attack the person
is unaffected.
X-rSyv = [x r-sye-v] x-ray vision - make the target have vision
that can see through walls and people.
UniIo = [rune-ih-rice-oh] universal energy allows the target to
do anything through focus of will and to affect anywhere.
FeBlo = [Feh-Bloh] Iron block, causes an iron block that forms as
blockage from the iron in the area in the mind or in the area of the
person. This is stronger than the earth block.
AcierBlo = [Ace-hier-Bloh] Steel block, creates a block of and
from steel in the area or person.
SfeMtaEEmor = [Sfeh-Mtah-E-Ee-more] Star metal armor, causes the
person that is a target of the spell, to form a star metal armor that
absorbs anything that comes at it and ya are protected by it. This
metal is practically unbreakable. Its powered by a star in effect as
its there.
Use The Foc [Useh Then Focus] = The Focusing force; This spell
is use by the focusing beam that is a memory beam as to seem what is to
just accept, as the particles in the beam as a blue light creates use
with a white stream of energy and acts. As a thought with this is as
the stated point as though imagination acts, as a point to the area as
you think of a particle shifting the energy in use. This is and in
moment is with thought, in thinking about what to "go" this is in and
out with what this is in response. Now as to create is responsible to
do and go along with a statement, and otherwise use is by what you
think to use. This is imagination and arranges itself in a part time
job effect, in either or you can still get things to do. Think of a
particle engine as if this exists and use is the thought. Use you can
get some results with are as thought energy trends, empathic felt idea
is there as this responds to your will and reforms. As nothing is a
point this can make a shape, and as if in form in unless you don't need
it to in form and form out. Things of this nature are by the particles
being a creation in itself by the creator as if in to seem as thought
to create with out use is if your thought creates things. This can
create use in by body moment and thought of employee is in thought
dismal, as in you can seem to see the image as if there were a point to
do. This keeps you interested in life, to relax then is what makes this
use and boring things fade away from an idea thought in life if an is.
As if a thought to do, there is an essence as in the area is the
ash essence, this is from yellowstone as sulfer is added in things and
if in thought you can use the essence of the area that is to
reconstruct things or create an idea you intend in the area. As there
might be someone allowing, there is feeling out of exasperation or an
area of lost thought. As if there is way to reconstruct, the room in
life is changed as you or not can think you can return and in a point
you do. Ash is used for the construct in use is as if things are made,
and things you think can create now if you can allow and you are there
create as you want if you need them. As thought from a future life with
this moment is, as if you can seem as if to enter the area with an air
bubble generated by the aura or the air will kill you.
The effects of this creation sphere is to create with a thought
and use is the point, to created virus in viral stage that reduces in
thought to nothing and as the thought is there the cure is done. There
is no cancer or other effects that created with thought are not thought
as the effect is reduced to nothing as if the idea in different.
Idea view is suggested and as you think or do thing you feel, as
if okay and the thought you use is not felt as focus is in the mind and
your use. Thought is used by others if thought was shared, as if with
the moment you think should be shared.
This is a point that can be of use, as a thought this is to
reconstruct the room use by the key frequency to create a thought as if
'aeu'. This is what creates that in a moment and is of a construct, and
you never know what you might get that is built using things unless
your prescientific as in idea you know the use. There is a moment, that
is you mind your different as from what you seem in real life. This
makes what you think as you are, you are what is amazing in thought due
to this spell. There is no aging due to this effect, and what you can
use to think is mediation. Now as if your a normal person in life, if
this spell works you are alive or dead if you aren't deranged.
An outtage of power with thought energy is in with an upsurge
within energy, as if a point to stop you are at a concept as your every
issue is resolved and with the conscious mind in their mind you can do
or not. That is effected memory as if that is an idea that comes to
your conscious awareness, this is what makes things in the concept as
if in thought you understand what this is. Now in thought to do in
thinking about things, are from the creator that makes things in
thought. With what thought there is, by mind expansion you in thought
are able to do things in time as if able is not to disable and thought
is. Concept there is to use, rhythmic is to use negative ions to heal
by as if by energy if thought is use in time. This is possible to seem
better, if in mind if weight that can reduce as if dissipation.
As an idea to think things, to build and you create is with
things or people that think to use the area is built up from the atomic
level. The idea is up in dimension as thoughts if not is if a dimension
you decide to use by the creator exists, as somewhere else and you
might not die from the planetary area. This is to use the sun to
generate some breathable air and this use can seem to create the air
bubble, with breathable concept beware the moment in point as in
switching with them is done with a purpose as if to create this. This
is a trick in an idea, that exploring with thought you discover by
serendipity and use is metaphysics. This is somewhat interesting in
thought, as to explore an area that is otherwise timewise moment in
future travel that fades away with a thought and then you remember. As
if you use things with focus by three energy thought beams, that
conjoin something to be created as this and things are there in mind.
With this is a thought, as things in use are done. There is a point to
dome energy, and things save themselves as if a game. As if you were a
user an with the game of life you are with as much energy as you can
possibly use. Thus you can use that as is a point in life, and things
are in a point to seem as if ready in life. This is a spell that can be
used and create success, as if to seem things and create as if a point
is as thought.
Usi I [Usin eye] = This is discern; To think this is third eye
use is immunity except not where you think in here, is correct as you
are do you can make things seem as if correct as if you are with an
idea and nothing happens. Whatever you know is a good dress code
without excess, is to use and learn from unless there and not enacted
as use is the objects energy at the atomic level. Using the third eye
can manipulate the particles in what exists, as you construct and make
things build up from the atomic level and use is then to use an idea to
build and take from the future and or the past. This is the act of
discernment to make and use thought in seen mood as in a mind room use
as you want and thought is a use, to create by fire in focus and the
thought is in use by fact to make as if a
model, and form if your intent is there. This can rebuild an area, to
make an ideas as if mathematic themas by translated math is this to
nulle create and use things as if normal so. Yet things can seem
things, in a vision that aren't always there as if violent were use but
isn't and deaths are real or not if you believe them to seem. If a
thought, there were a point and if there isn't then this is a point to
seem as if an engine in a game.
Usi Sah [Usin Say-ahn] = This is the idea; Use is to make and
make is what you think, as if a usa field is energy to seem and be nice.
Usa Sah = The User field; Use is up to you an us, this is a
point that isn't with other places as a user in a field of time. Have
fun trying to make things work as if using third eye.
The Thi I [Then Thin Eye] = The thio idea; This is a point to
do, as if a moment that is a point to create by things that are done in
a practice that can be what is in work. As nothing that this makes, and in an idea this will create with a will.
The Tji I [Then T-jinn eye] = The idea in indistructable idea;
This is to cause the idea that you intend, as in thought you are
thought about as if an idea is there to work wit as if in thought is in
the youth effect that is a point to do as if in a moment you are a god
or goddess that is what causes what is a goddess complex concept. As
this is a point you think, 'en' if you are thought and act as you want
as you make a god exist by use of what you think to the goddess with
use of the planet energy. As is to exist by use of the creator, you
have the ability you think you do and things you are believed to have
you can get or use. As they are real in some moment and this is a
moment of believe will or things that are in support, the moment will
be use with the creator and it will coexist by the creator. Coequally,
in an idea to work with others.
The Tha Tog [Then Than Toge] = The tog is the word; As if you
you were a concept and energy flowed, through you that is a 12th
dimensional cog or energy machine part that on touch is able to merge
with you.
Thi The Tig [This Then Tige] = The time rune; This is the time
effect, as if a point of the time you spent is use you can make a rune
that acts on an instant. This is to create in a point by thought in time that is
enjoyable, as if you are out to destroy things. Except, the idea is
changeable to the eye of the beholder. Planarian is an adventure.
The Tag Tem [Then T-age Team] = The tag team; This the moment of
a match in idea is to create and use as you search or not, to get the
bride by beating her in an upper plane and as you do she actually works
with you there where you match.
The Teg Mem [Then Tea-g meme] = The Tempering effect; This is
the moment of a test of will with a teg or mini dragon also possible is
the idea in thought to get a better result, say the spell and you are
an upper level area as you play the players and the people are what
seem what there is in designs. These effects that is with this is the
effect to do, and know as this can create a stability to temper
something makes it stable by the energy and your body weight won't go
up. This ceases the hunger, as if the reason is not there to eat much.
The Tog Mom [Then Toge Mome] = The memory; This is already been
played, this is the moment you use a cog and you get to work and think
to get some result with an idea to seem and know. You've already done,
this then you don't have to do this again.
The Tug War [Then Toog Ware] = The trick moment; The tug-o-war
effect, nae is this decide the tug-o-war ends and if it does like you
wish as you are use in a tug of war you can get an idea to use an idea
as if the war is gone after this is not ever done.
The Toeg Mai [Then Toe-g May-in] = Teh War machine; The machine,
is where you are written in stone and you are wanted for something that
you can get out of by service for a service.
The The Thn [Then Then Then] = The Warfare in motion; This is
the eartfiled as earthfield in motion, to create people to believe as
you already created people to do things you can use as energy is if any
action is an idea.
The Draco Rae [Then Drake-con Ray-en] = The dragon rage; The
dragon rage effect can escalate the strength and user ability to create
what is in thought to do, and escalate no war as if they were alive and
if a war dragon occurs there is god interaction to end the war for a
service ended. If you aren't a dragon already, you aren't in a thought
and use is to use a elemental ability.
The Dreg Up [Then Drea-g oo-p] = The Dreg; The thought is the
motion, you are not to do this in thought and things are what not to
use as if in ability and out is what can seem used in mind.
The Set Doit [Then see-it do-it] = The Conception point; The
plot of a concept, so this is a point and thinking is a point to make
as if you had adverse things to buy. The memory is what controls
monsters, and if you think of a use is thus as a use you make thought
to create thought.
The Set Pt [Then sea-it Pot] = The Seating in effect; The seat
moment is not there, as it is an idea to in seem as doing makes a
thought and the trick is a thing that is believed or not as it isn't
there. You decide where to place the throne, as if you are a component
in a time field you with a concept for every thing that is done. The
concept ends as if you don't have to do it and you decide and the
throne disappears, as its made from the crown chakra the energy reverts
to the crown chakra after use in no dog.
Dimes [Dime-see-s] = Dimension time; As if you time to a different
tune, think of a time adjustment and you don't have to hit as you have
a key or time. Time awareness is thin and think to yourself loose and
separate in time and do else, as you are reformed or not as in time in
space in an en. As if an energy jump, you are and as if right through
time. Think you rematerialize and you will where elsewhere, as
therefore in time things can happen and adjust as energy is what you
think and your aura creates and don't always deny. What you do if you
shift in time, thought vision by what you do can seem what is. So in
accept what you feel as sensation forms reality and to think, as with
thought you will suffer a damage use and thought chaos is a wave you
form from the effect or make by what you think ink can make. Whatever
you do, you don't have to mimick things as you should as you allowed
Association by one who owns the ability to look ahead far what
will help in the realisation of the wishes. Think you are adjusting by
energy, as in you can use thought to survive what you see and you
adjust the time timewave to shift at will or not and you form yourself
backing away from somewhere else with an idea. That in mind is what is
and things you think accomplished are possible and not if not intended,
think nor or not nothing will happen till you decide to do things. As a
ripple in time thought, isis protects by time manipulated feeling in
time theory and if you belong to earth. You are gone as things are
intending to an in be, don't be psyched out in thought unless you want
interesting results and you are where is there.
To where you are in where you want, of a moment as you are a
body and that in thought isn't recognized as you with conscious idea.
This spell is where you don't think to see or then think and heredicy,
as this in you as nothing go away. As you think as if momentary time
idea that work or not unless something works, as things are nothing to
mind and not felt by what you feel in thought in thought feeling
confined and restricted.
Nope i [Nope-en in] = Tye adjesting; The time energy tha adjusts
by unlimited energy as they are with creator use. The idea is edjing
something that isn't always there, as with time you are in idea with
iron as energy on or not all by in what you are is what this really is
posible. As you think or near a standing science in thought, thought in
balance is what you think out and out is not in a dead end that
somewhere some person kills you from thugging in time. As you are out
think adjusted to the in time by what time you think, as if to show
time balance is an art that you can shift with time. Things in the
street are what you can see and associate, as you think at will and
don't so no is negative knowing. Think or no if you see, by moving
around you are somewhere you shouldn't be. Sometime there is nothing
but not like a dog, as the area pests are animals in the street
attracted by thought you see. As you associate with the area and the
things your subconscious, creates the idea you want to see or not if
you don't want to see reasoning. There is no in nothing as thought,
think and you can exist by what you think or do to make what you
signify into what is thought by act or not.
Nope [Nope-en] = Tye Adjust; Time adjust spell; Think as you
want as you are thought, you can seem if your energy is tuning to your
thought to adjust in time. As if in adjusted time is "Tye Adjesti" by
done actions where time is easily adjusted by effort in use.
The Shae [Then Shale-en] = Assume timesharing Shaping; Assume
time friendly nature when travelling or not accused, as time electrons
to the past or future though ti is trimetravelling if thought with
energy and thought focus on the time you anull it as things are what
you are in life as you are what form you see that you go around as you
are by the electrons. This can lead to the worlds worst mishaping.
There is a point in time, to get well that ends good as if well you can
shift and change. As the area shifts with you you are where you think.
SuaEmoeHemuBe = [Sue-ah
Ee-mow-eh Heem-uh Beh] Summon metallic being, the idea metal being
finds by the idea you think is a way to ya after stating of this spell, in any way. This can
take up to 1 year to effect. The idea is realized as what you think is in mental images.
XVI (15) - Very extreme, life & instant effects; These can drive you
slightly crazy and can be done by almost anyone
SpeFruuGaeFrutUn =
[sped-frue-uh-gael-fruit-rune] fruit of life protection - Cast on a
seed to plant or a growing plant to get an undying protective effect.
SpeGaeFrutLagazUn = [speh-gay-eh-fruit-lage-maze-lunar] fruit of
knowledge - Makes the seed, tree or plant bear fruit of knowledge.
SpeGaeMedituTreUnSed =
[speh-gay-eh-mead-light-yuh-treh-rune-seed] tree of life creation -
Creates a tree from nothing and it grows rapidly in the spot ye think
of that bears the fruit of knowledge. This tree is unkillable.
SpeGaeMitTreSedUn = [speh-gay-eh-might-treh-seed-lune] seed of
might - cast on a fruit seed or a tree to make it bear the fruit of a
tree of might.
SpeBarTreGae = [speh-bare-treh-gay-eh] bare skeleton tree - cast
on a dead tree or live tree creates the skeleton tree.
= [May-igg-exh] Enlightenment; This effect is to cause enlightenment
and deeper perception of knowing things. This improves understanding of
all things and whatever is thought on, is appreciated for what things
are. This teaches you to live, learn and love things and effects.
GaeTuo = [gay-eh-tue-oh] life turn - turns any source or person
support ya and a person or through life, it can turn the person through
effect. Causing the person do the right actions.
GaePolyng = [gay-eh-pole-aye-ing] life source - turn anything
that is the target into a source of life.
ZirSahnIrUigy = [zire-sahn-ire-you-nih-why] supersahn transform -
makes the person into a super being.
DjunHol = [djune-hole] waterhole create - creates a spring of
clear water by saying spell and imagining it appear. Don't create a
waterhole in a building as it will erode the building from within, even
if it doesn't seem to appear.
Djun = [djune] water spring - create gushing water spring in the
are by imagining it appearing.
AquaDhiu = [aque-ah-dhie-uh] waterfall - create an instant
waterfall in a general area thought about.
AquaR = [aque-ah-r] reverse waterflow - create an upward flowing
water flow much like a upward waterfall by reversing the water flow.
ForcIca = [force-i-can] forest force - tie into the force of the
living forest for energy.
MaiObjFoc = [May-ihn Obj Foce] Create object of force. Creates
focus of object force to be usable by you. Think to the object to get
it to do things. Or, will it to create effects, and it will.
ForcIte = [force-Itehm] Force of Item - tie into the living force
of the item to give to you energy.
SfuwarIcaForc = [s-fue-ware-sir-can-force] primal forest - makes
an ancient forest out of any area with trees or tie into the force of
an primal forest.
PolySfuwarGod = [pole-aye-s-fue-ware-gode] primal god transform -
Make the target into a primal god.
DyloNa = [dye-loh-Nah] earth force - create a link to the earth
as a force of energy.
MedituDilytMaiX = [mead-light-yuh-dile-lyt-may-ih-x] power
crystal create - Create a power crystal out of any crystal or
substance. Be touching the stone or thinking on area to make it appear.
CrysAliSlutesSed = [crys-ale-list-slute-ee-s-seed] crystal seed -
Creates seeds of crystal that can link you to other places when
planted. Cast spell thinking of area in the ground and walk over it
imagining yourself appearing in the place you want to go.
OkloDub = [okl-nod-dube] crystal recorder - Makes a crystal
recording of any event without being detected. The crystal wearer or
keeper can control it by thoughts alone.
OkluDub = [oklud-dube] spy recording - Makes a crystal or any
other item into a recording device that is controlled by mental will,
and its without being detected.
RuyUwOesRay = [rue-aye-luw-ow-bees-ray-y] ruby ray of desire -
Think on effect desired on spell casting to get the effect.
UnteYlUo = [un-teh-why-l-you-oh] instant weld - combine two
things together of any material quickly by holding together the
materials and say the spell, sometimes applying a bonding force, to
help the process.
NaTuoYl = [nah-tue-oh-wel] earth convince - make a person
convinced to share info or do any favor as though it were destiny.
TyGebUo = [tye-geeb-buoy] clandestiny - make an event by thinking
on it when casting spell as though it were destiny.
MedituCemaUniYl = [mead-light-yuh-ceem-Mah-uni-ih-why-l]
universal glue - make two objects stick together which forms a bond
that is unbreakable except to the universal solvent.
MuceMaUniYl = [mucous-seh-ma-une-ih-wile] universal solvent -
undoes the universal glue as if it is able to undo any other glue.
MitMyt = [might-mit] glove of might - forms at will on casting
around the weapon hand to smite your foes. Will through the magical
glove to beget any deadly effect to be done.
IoZup = [i-oh-z-loop] particle angel - ogma of good that draws
negative, making calms minds, and leesens criminal tendency within a
short time. Socialism and peaceful intent are inherent after a short
time. Intent is okay with this and always makes things happen near it.
AntiIoZup = [antih-i-o-zupe] anti-particle angel - a positive
absorbing particle that causes criminal like activity and antisocialism
with possibility of distrust and extreme intelligence.
GaePolyAnamCi = [Gay-eh-Powl-y-A-name-Cih] Changes the shape of
soul to shape the spirit and body, in an idea attempt to move ya
assamblage point. The assamblage point is the point where the aura
connects to the body and represents assembled life. So to move it,
changes the body.
MinGaeSild = [Mine-Gay-en-Sild] Minor life shield, to form a
around the person who is targeted that deflects the minor things
through life energy and from life experience.
Canciic = [Can-side-ic] Coincidence, to form an idea or effect
that appears as a life experience and is coincidental.
MajGaeSild = [Major-Gay-eh-Sild] Major life shield, can effect
target by forming around the target. To use life experience to deflect
the bad or coincidence in effect.
MinLyfCrey = [Mine-Lift-Cree-y] Minute efficient parts, to form
efficient parts or objects of a computer in a minimum time for use.
MinUaCrey = [Mine-Oo-ah-Cree-y] Minute activation of parts, to
minutely activate parts of an idea or things ya need.
MinUaAv = [Mine-Oo-ah-Ave] Minute activation point, to minutely
cause an active point.
MinAAv = [Mine-Ai-Ave] Minute at point, To cause the effected to
be minute at a point.
MinGreUo = [Mine-Greh-Oo-oh] Minute great instant, to cause a
great moment of an instance.
MinGreUe = [Mine-Greh-Oo-eh] Minute great expect, to cause a
minute of great expectancy.
UoUeIh = [Oo-oh-Oo-eh-I-h] Instant expectant pride, to cause a
pride in an instant by expectancy.
UoIhUe = [Oo-I-h-Oo-eh] Instant insightful expect, Forms instant
insightful expecting.
UoIer = [Oo-oh-I-er] Instant define, to be causing the effected
to be
in an instance of effect by defining or to instantly define something.
UoAir = [Oo-oh-Aid-r] Instant arranging, arranging on the
thats to form an instant air that is around the effected target and it
allows the person to be arranging things.
UeVaEr = [Oo-eh-Vahn-Ee-r] Be up arranging here, causes the
person to be up and arranging here as to where its necessary.
UoVa = [Oo-oh-Vah] Instant holder, to form a holding of a
person or
thing from an instant moment and this can be to cause a bearing of
UVa = [Oo-Vah] Understand holder, to cause the foe or target to
understand the holder of an idea.
UoIer = [Oo-oh-I-er] Instant pier, to create an idea of a
stepping place on water.
IAEr = [I-A-Ere] Into a speed, to get into a speed of effect and
body movement that ya think on or state.
IAIr = [I-A-Ire] Into an oppose, to go into an instant opposite
of idea by energy.
IAeEr = [I-A-eh-Ere] In meaning here, forms a form in meaning to
be here.
ILovEr = [I-Love-Ere] In lover here, Forms a lover to be here in
speed and this is to be in effect for the effected.
= Instant in bearer, Forms an instant moment in a person that causes
them to be a bearer of mind idea, moment or purpose.
AeIEr = [A-eh-I-Ee-r] Any in here, To cause a pick of people to
be near or to do things.
AnIEr = [An-I-Ee-r] Include in speed here, To form a person to be
included with speed here.
UeIEr = [Oo-eh-I-Ee-r] Expect in here, to cause an expect in here
idea in the person, where there is an idea generated.
UaEsItt = [wha-Ee-s-It] Continue especially to matter, as to what
it? and to cause the target or person to especially matter in something
as though bitten. The thing is usually spoken of or thought of before
or after the spell is cast.
AArA = [A-Are-Aid] Active art purpose action, to cause the target
bring a point of an active art in purpose and in argument to be action.
IeEAba = [Ieh-Ee-A-bah]
energy abate, this causes things in it of idea by
energy to abate and not be there. Overspiced foods begone the extra
spice with this and then the idea energy that can overwhelm will abate
as well.
BSuaWell =
[B-Sue-ahn-Well] God healing, to make an active part of an
happen, as though helping it along and sometimes by attempting the
action ya want after ya speak the
spell and this will cause healing by it. As in a God strike against
people who
are enemies or finding ya self making an idea and ya heal by God's
will from it. It, the action, also is represented by the energy of the
action, being in part,
redirected for healing ya. So, think of the action right after the
spell is spoken or speak and think of the action to occur before the
spell is spoken. As it will then cause the effects and at a same time
healing ya. The action ya want is endless, for regeneration of the bone
and body though.
EGaeTra = [Ee-Gae-eh-Trah] Life track
tracing, tracking a life in the
mind and making it easy to detail the life in effect. Ya can easily
track and act out the life ya work to track. Ya can say the result of
what ya track even as ya track. Cancellable by a EnGaeTra pronounced
StaPryllAngaeCrosPat MaiGlogShedIseCorrPate =
May-in-Globe-g-Sheed-I-seh-Corr-Pate-eh] The safty spell, causes
situations to be safe for ya, as its "May you stay out of danger's path
at all times. If you shall cross paths, then danger will flee. May
light be shed upon the correct paths from this point forward." and
danger stays away.
StataTwexe = [State-ah-Tweex-eh] Gravity manipulation, manipulate
gravity like ya might always dream ya could. Think or say of gravity as
heavier to make it heavier, lighter to make it lighter, or more the
normal same to cause it to become the the same normal gravity and
similiar idea like cancelled to make it cancelled out. Especially for
an object.
ElemK = [Ee-leem-K] Element kill, kills any element that ya don't
want, including a target, this can include conditions and drugs as the
element. Use a roach when you kill the unwanted things by this, an element
and you kill it too as if kill one kill all.
IoEaIex =
[I-oh-Ee-ah-I-ex] Energy
creation provision, to be in explanation and make an energy creation
effect from provisions and idea.
IIeLm = [I-Ieh-Lm] In idea description, to cause the target to be
and with description.
ErTh = [ear-th] Here there, as its here it becomes of there as
where ya think on, of whatever is here.
AErI = [Aid-Ear-I] An here in, creates of the target an in here
of intelligence, that seems of a vision or idea. And its of a moment
that here in of a situation. This moment of intelligence can be used as
a guide for further actions.
EFesilGas =
[E-Fee-sile-Gase] Energy
fossil, this sets up an energy field that forms from a charged gaseous
cloud and it causes a 'fossil' of the target, albeit a person or
object. The energy field weakens the target structure and causes
fossilization after a quicker period of time than normal.
UoEgoCreh = [Oo-oh-E-goh-Creeh] Instant thought occurrence, to
an instant effect by thinking on it and feeling it should happen, after
stating the spell. The spell lasts 1 day till ya decide it shouldn't
effect ya.
EroberungUo =
[Errow-bear-ung-yoU-oh] Instant conquest, allows for an instant win at
the right moment.
Gesus = [Gee-sue-s] Spiritual relief aid, In An En causes a
relief in people who say the spell. This relief is by spirit and energy
infusion that acts as though a tension relief from the situations at
GEn = [G-Ee-n] Good end, to be good at the end and make something
for ya benefit.
Evalv = [Ee-valv] Energy valve is that of makes for the idea that
a energy valve exists to be manipulated and this valve controls how
much energy goes in and out of an area. It can take the form of a gate
that ya raise the level of, however ya want, or a valve with a handle
that ya can mentally manipulate.
GivOTak = [G-i've-O-Take] Give or take, to take to give or give
to a
take of something in idea, till the balance is set and trade of idea
and something occurs. This makes the target give ya something in return
for things done to the target. Even, if the target didn't intend to.
EaeOna = Each is on and active, to cause each item or event to be
on target and active with activity.
InstAtY =
[instant-ate-way] instant time event - creates an instant event that
you want when spell.
AnItzEnz = [An-Itz-Enz]
Materialize effect, to materialize the effect
of the moment that is either latent or that ya tried before this spell.
BioSildExo = [Bio-Sild-Ee-xon] Bio shield, forms a bioshield of
energy and the energy strings that don't touch ya and remain
around ya, in the form of a shield. These strings absorb the blow of
whatever it is, and make the effect of the blow not happen. As though,
it were absorbed as energy. If the blow does happen to hit ya, then it
heals very quickly and broken or badly off parts of the body
regenerate. The shield also makes ya unnoticed.
Anemenny = [Ane-ee-men-nye] Life effect manifest, To be of life
and point out the facts and there is a result as of manifestation of
InEnz = [Ine-Enz] In effect, to be putting some element back to
on function.
EnAnz = [Een-Anz] Goto end, toil and most perfection are washed
with this as it, the idea in the effect, is brought to its end. The
viewer of the effect is capable of watching this progression. And the
end of the effect happens.
IEnz = [I-Enz] I don't disappoint, This ends the Z force energy
point with thoughts and conclusion that comes to a
point and that causes a moment, of perfection in the process at
hand that
doesn't disappoint people. So it can please people.
InUlz = [Ine-Ulz] Super manufacturing ability, manifests an
ability of
super nature that can be used to manufacture things in energy or make
things by work and instantly.
Doesn't always work.
InUlzE = [Ine-Ulz-E] Super ability, the ability intensifies
ability that
becomes super in nature. Or, you gain a temporary super ability in the
instant of intensification. Through the actions energy.
InAdvrhIh = [Ine-Advrh-I-h] Reverse negative effect, an can
reverse the
effect of choice almost instantly of its properties as a whole. Plus
swine flu.
InErIh = [Ine-Eer-I-h] In hinderance, to cause a hinderance of
effect that isn't desired and though its thought on, it must be felt or
seen to hinder it.
EnIn = [Een-Ine] At the end into, causes at the end of an idea
the target to be
with an in moment that causes them to be into something.
IenIn = [I-en-Ine] Good experiment into, causes the good to be
into the
effect and makes an experiment effect to be a 'boost' of energy and
positive spirits. To check if
this spell worked, try doing something thats experimental for an
extended period of time, if ya don't feel tired even after strenuous
action, lose a thought then it works for ya. This is similar to the undying spell.
EnnIn = [En-In] End effect in, ends an effect that is in play or
happening and enlivens the target. At the moment or a given time, that
is when the effect occurs.
Eraseba [Erase-ebb-bad] = Erase a thought create a thought.
Thisallows a moment that you get some shock to need to erase and do
else as in 'beano' to create a new thought.
Ergsten = [Erg-steen] causes the moment to reveal truth and
cause of being in the mood to be perverse and affordable to someone.
This can be causing erratic behavior.
InstUo = [Inst-Oo-oh] Instant of instance, create an instant
moment that
is an instilled instance of the idea that was just thought upon or
thought upon while it was before. As ya state the spell. This can cause
an instant cure or instant effect of desire as well.
MeUonByThIsm = [Meh-Oo-on-By-Thism] I won by that chance, causes
ya to win an by the chance that is there.
NAgi = [N-Age-ih] Not that again, to cause a rejection of the
moment, this can cause cancellation.
ErEn = [Eer-En] Speed here end, this may end any error and effect
speed that may take place. In an event of its own making. It can cause
the moment of a speedy end as well.
IBMeYuh = {I-Bee-Me-Yue} I be me you, if it forces the person to
be you and you the said person. In a swap places idea.
EEN = [Ee-Ee-En] Closure, Closes things, as it being willed or
cast, it
can be used to close anything. By pressures on the surface and
sometimes the person. This also can end the panic on someone, bringing
a sense of closure.
IEEn = [I-Ee-En] Return, return to area and restore things of
area on necessity.
IEEnV = [I-Ee-En-V] Restoration, restore of idea and vision, plus
other things consisting of your or others body.
IEEnVi = [I-Ee-En-Vih] Time travel, Travel to the time of your
possibly to reinvent something. Go forward, holding a thought of the
time you want to, as you think positive idea of the place and generate
positive energy. Go back in time, thinking of the time you want to, as
you hold negative energy. Doing so to go back or forward in time, while
willing or saying spell, will make it happen easier.
IEAs = [I-Ee-As] Make else idea effect, makes a moment in idea
as though someone else. Say the spell as you want to have it effect and
then try to state or do action and its as though someone else.
ImErIn = [I'm-Eer-In] I'm urged into, literally causes an image
yourself, or yourself, to be urged into a place or place of mind that's
like an emergency area. With the power of error and what's around.
Also, this could place an image of an emergency place into things. Must
be thought of, on what you wanted, at the time of casting.
ImEr = [I'm-Eer] Imaging yourself here, To be an image or
thats here, where you want to be, then somehow announcing yourself.
This occurs, on statement of the words, of the spell.
CDDE = [C D D E] Bring alive; To bring alive something or
someone, on
stating this spell. This effect has been noted to bring awake people
whom were about to fall asleep. It has a 60% chance of success.
= [C D D P] See death, due part; See death happen of something or
someone, due with a part, on stating this effect spell.
CDDW = [C D D W] See death, due with; This causes you to see
death happen, due with results.
EMoe = [Ee Mow-eh] Make change; Cause a change, in appearance or
effect, to something or someone.
Thins = [Thins] Cause thin weight; This spell causes a thin
weight in anyone whom is the target of the effect.
IEF = [I E F] Mental coup, causes a control influence, through
to perform a coup de tat on someones mental control. After this effect
goes off, all you need be to tell what you want around them and they
will do it.
= [I rIse-ahn] Cause ceasing and explanation; State the spell to cause
ceasing, of cease event and get some explanation.
AAnEn = [A An Een] Cause a created end desire, Cause end of event
and create an end effect of manifested desire.
SuaTuResa = [Sue-ahn Tuh Resahn] Summon to reason; Summon
effect/s that
become apparent and this is to cause reasoning. This can cause a person
to come due to caused self reasoning.
Tedeum = [Tee-dee-umh] Tedious moment; Causes the Tedious moment
of a
routine in life or chore to occur and makes it interesting.
DuMom = [Duh Moment] Due moment; Causes a due moment of life to
be done
and become percieved by yourself or the target of this spell.
DuKi = [Duhn Kick] Due life force; Causes a life force to be due
you, the caster or target and it infuses you at a moment that you are
unaware of, in an unspecified moment. This life force is the
interesting point of which you won't regret recieving.
TuDu = [Tuh Duhn] The popped up moment; This makes a moment pop
up, that must be done, dealt with or
allotted for until the condition or moment disappears. It is a surprise
to the person who's the target of it. It can cause tiredness thats
IUnnE = [I Unn Ee] Dispel delusions; This spell can dispel any
illusion and delusion of a person thats focused on while stating spell.
BnMata = [Binh Mate-ah] No matter; It makes things not happen
physically. As, you do things magically or not, this can nullify
physical effects that has matter involved. This actually uses antimagic
to nullify the effect. Must have enough poder (personal power), to get
the effect off.
EiEmm = [Ee-inn Emm]
Self-imbue inherent wealth; This causes a
choice of getting something beaten in or wealth to come to you or a
target of
your choice. The person usually chooses the wealth. It works
itself in through substance. Then they find themself guided by the
energy in effect, till they make the choice to gain wealth. This wealth
comes when its necessary or needed.
FakSedEd = [Fake Seed Edh] Fake moment; This creates the faked
moment of education, which happens to be listened to by someone or
something that you target. This allows you to fake the moment and make
the person give or do as you want. On questioning of the moment,
there is usually no response or its assumed false. In fact, it
disappears from the mind as
if its forgotten.
FakEd = [Fake Edh] Fake education; This allows you to fake
anything, and make it look good in a moment. Cast by thinking of the
moment you want to be there for understanding and stating or willing
the spell with intent.
FaeBan = [Fay-eh Bane] Fey ban; Bans a fey from being annoying.
EUn = [Ee rUne] Uneducate; This removes the greater influence
with extra X's added to the spell. This makes a voidal influence. This
removes influence of anything that is influential and knowledge based.
This erases the influences that causes the bad influence as though it
didn't exist. This cannot be undone, unless you use a mana pool thats
IfniMyy = [Ifh-nih Mihn-why] Luck spell; This converts energy to
create luck. The influence of the moon can make it a mischance spell.
This is with a waning 'negative' moon or new moon. It zaps the area
energy to do the effect.
DeYgoEry = [Dee whY-gohn-Ee-rye] Opposite attraction withdrawal;
This is where you attract someone negatively by doing the opposite of
what's expected and they withdraw into themselves.
UnnANo = [Unnh A Nohr] Undo presence; This causes the caster to
make something not appear there.
UnnAMaiHyd = [Unnh A May-inh Hid] Criminal Stopping point; This
influences anyone who is criminal to stop. The criminal doesn't realize
who, though unless they think about it. This can also cause a criminal
to be active by annonymous means.
EnnUnnI = [Enn Unn I] Abate ego; This abates the ego from anyone
targeted by the attempt of spellcasting.
UnnANoMaiHyd = [Unnh A Nohr May-inh Hid] Anonymous Criminal
Influence; This influences anyone by suggestion who is criminal. The
criminal doesn't realize who, though.
UnnANoMaiHydTuJao = [Unh A Nohn May Hid Tuhn Jayn-ohn] Send by
self to jail; Anonymous Influence to make Criminals send themselves
unknowingly to Jail. This makes anyone who goes against the rules
enforced, by the cops or set by the owner or renter of the place, to
send themselves to jail. This happens anyway they want.
FvyFid = [F-v-why Fide] Instant faith or confiding; This can
make a moment of instant faith. Even out of the moment of
inhospitableness. If you decide that you don't want the faith, then the
moment doesn't happen. This also happens on stating the effect of
FvyFidUoAd [F-v-why Fide rUne-on Aid].
FeyIJii = [Fee-why I Jee-ihn] Embues faery essence into ether
that goes to a choice target, which is spoken of before or as the spell
is done. This makes a fey birth from any body.
XMasta = [X Mast-ahn] Remove monster; This removes the monster
behavior from anyone or removes a monster in an area.
EnUnn = [Enn Unn] End unnecessary; Can do undoing of the
unnecessary things.
AnimEnimObtzEvoiX = [An-nime Enn-I'm Ob-z Ee-vohn-in Exx] X Animal
Control; This controls the animal in you or others that can go bezerk.
EnEvoi = [En Ee-void] End instinct; Can be used to end the
feeling of the person.
EnIsse = [En Issen] End obsession; This ends the obsession you
would have.
AwardE = [A-ward] Reward, the reward of the acting forces that
act on the area. You name it, it manifests and you get the award that
you intend to happen as though fate made it happen. You basically earn
the award, or it can disappear. If you use this effect enough times,
then you may get the attention of fate and you find that you won't get
the effect, unless you earned it by seeming to follow your morals.
UniAetuneMagisImedits = [Oo-nit Ee-tune-ehn Mage-I-s I-mead-its]
Cause immediate magic; This causes an immediate magic effect thats
sometimes unobserved.
MagisImeditsBariusNeh = [Mage-high-s I-mead-its
Bare-high-us Nee-h ] Cause immediate inferno; This causes an immediate
searing of great power on targets that you intend to sear. Say that
with intent at the same time imagining a candle lit. This is in your
brain and sparking an inferno.
MagisImeditsPyreVib = [Mage-hI-s hI-mead-its P-mirror-en Vibe]
Cause higher vibration; This causes an immediate higher vibration on
yourself that raises you to a higher level. Say that with intent at the
same time imagining a candle lit.
Ev = [Eve] Everlasting moment; Using time and the dark universe
energy you extend the moment you live forever. The dark matter energy
can extend things forever.
Lipiderr = [lipe-mite-derr] Instant confession drug; create a
telling drug that leaves a bad feel on the person, this is an instant
confession poison that makes you broad in body.
Lipidor = [lipe-I-door] Weight loss poison; create weight loss
that sometimes works for the target.
Lippiderr = [Lip-I-Derr] instant confession medicine; Create
instant confession medicine that cures a brain disorder and causes you
to confess.
Dajonga = [Day-jong-ahn] Soul restoration; White void spell that
fills a person with white void energies. It restores the soul which in
turn rejeuvenates the body.
SuVyg = [Sun Vig] (Without n) Divine Vigor; Increases the pain
resistance and endurance of the body to achieve greater things with
divine energy.
CieLaBie = [Sigh-ehn Lah Bide-ehn] (without n) Control spirit; Control spirit and
make them abide to calmness.
CieLaIsa = [Sigh-ehn Law-l-sahn] (Without n) Cease effect; Cease effect of
spirit and necromancy.
LeanLi = [L-ee-an Lift]
Lean life; This life effect causes your mind to follow guidlines that
make the body lean. When it works, it may induce a fit of non eating.
But, the weight stays off.
FysLeanStr = [Fiss
L-ee-an Stir] False lean strength; The spell causes a leanness in
muscular strength. This spell infuses strenth energy into the body that
makes your body mass muscular without building up more mass.
FysStrX = [Fiss Stir
Exx] This causes extra strength, from a source that the mind creates
for the purpose. This strength is actually there but not there. So its
counted as false strength as it can disappear after it isn't needed.
Sometimes when the body needs more strength, it can produce extra body
mass. This is needed for when the strength is needed. The effect fades
when you don't need it and so does the mass. The mass never actually
becomes extra weight.
FysLiX = [Fiss Lift Exh]
False life; This causes a false physical life force. That can
strengthen a body when it needs strength or give you empowerment that
fades when its not needed. When it does work, it can produce an amazing
hunger. And, extra body mass that turns into muscle. This extra mass
melts away if the subconscious sees no need for it. However, the weight
of the body never actually changes. Unless, you exercise with the
stamina boost from which is given. Watch what you eat, as you could
experience weight gain, if you overeat with this effect. Basic
suggestion, nibble bites off of whole wheat bread or eat fruit that
satiates you. This can kill the hunger.
FysGloy = [Fiss Glow-y]
False Glory; This spell causes the person to get an instant gain. The
effect is to gain anything you want, easily and this counts as a Glory
which dissapears. It only disappears after its not needed. Do not need
food or you will get allot of it. This has no limits.. so be careful or need what you got that you don't want not anymore.
FylLi = [Fil Lift] True
Life; The effect of this spell is to cause a true life force. That can
cause effect to make power shifts of the body to become any shape. This
makes you as strong as you need to be to fulfill the task needed. If
you think the form you wanna be or need to be. You become it. The
shapes you observe and learn by observation you can become. Learn to
compromise, and you can get more results with your form. Each form has
a different weight, keep that in mind. What form your granted, is yours
to use. You also may start to regenerate faster.
CeNaDaNe = Gut removal; This spell will cause the gut to drop
from the body. It will dissappear, mainly within 20 minutes to an hour.
Depending on the body weight. This won't actuallly drop body, except
for some pounds per every few hours. This spell lasts until the gut is
Ca Di Do [Cah Dih Doh] = To make do; This is to make do with
what you can do, and as if from the future as you said this spell you
can correct as if necessary unless its not there to do. This can allow
you to make do with what you can and not with what you can't. This
spell can seem used, to create what you want if things you want to make
real are possible. Don't look if you don't need to as you can sense
things out and gno from thin or other air that you get from the air
knowledge. This is to make things easier to cast and get something for
nothing in life.
Ca Di [Cah Did] = The inme create; This is a spell to 'mae' as a
presentment or resentment can cause inmate, this is not the case without
actually having anything to base things off of to create things on perception
naturally. This is to make fake things real, from what is not real as
if things are real unless you don't intend things to be real. This can
be an interesting thing, to say as a spell in experiences, as it creates
things as if there and then if it isn't there it will do things if this
is necessary. If necessary, to use the i with a statement as to think a
thought as a concept to not exist energy this is saying 'ca', an you can
do and think to become what is not there or do and what you want will occur
as if it were real or not thought and if feeling thought not to exist and
from 10 second viewpoints as you can create from void or white void to make
things seem. As this is to create nothing, from something that doesn't exist
as the energy is not there by thought. This is something to do, if you
do and don't get any results. Think of 'di' and you are able to do what
you want to do, as if you create it within a thought that the created
view was there to create as identified your subconscious uses chaos
subconscious spelling. This is the thought creating something from
nothing, this idea even works without the need as the only results you
need are imaginative. This can improve even if the women or man idea in
idea is to make, don't as the woman man or man woman idea in mind is
done with unless not needed is the improvement with efficiency of
things that should do better with improvement to type and make
Ca Di Do = [Cah Dih Doh] The make it or work it package spell;
This is to make it or think and and you do things for this to become as
though need were there as if in a package you create things to do and
in real life is an 'out' moment to create by imagination and with only
things to do and you stop the moment you don't need to do as if you
think it were necessary or not and you can do to make things better.
This is where you can, for if you don't then not is nothing and you do
things right. Unless unreasonable and if you don't need you won't, and
you can do things as you want if you feel like it. The idea is done, in
as a moment this is actually done and in thought of the past you are
what you think. As you think you can do things better, but only if not
dumb and otherwise you are not and if not dumb you are doing things
differently. As this is only an opinion, as a thought or not and you
can do as needed. Things of this nature, is to do as if a motion is an
idea and you can get things or not as you decide to do what you think
is best for the moment.
The Boy Psi = The vamp psi; This is a spell that can be normal,
in a thought to use others to make use by psi vamp what you do in
psionics as in for a need your out with a thought. You can reverse the
psi attempt, as to revert it this directs by others need in use decided
by what you can do or not. As they decide to do things on their own,
you can copy, ignore or do something to counter the activity as with a
The Sun Inf = The Sun Use; To cast this spell is to make with
use of solar energy. This is in mind and not actually seen, unless you
share it with another to do or put it on the network of the internet as
this can the vast network of stars. As if a star network then you can
get any information, as by a glance to the solar star can't threaten by
what the sun energy is thought to do or in a beam of light. You think
on the thought, and you stop victimization and if in idea you don't
know, the information comes to you as if in a thought your showed what
you wanted to know. You don't have to do it or say it, if in the wrong
area or place.
T Merc = The merc idea; This is in the idea to do if you don't,
as if anywhere you you can be there to do for others as if magic to do
and help out and do as this is need. If you intend to do things right,
you can choose to do things as in for free to do things right or you
seem to get paid as if you are paid by energy that materializes an idea
in the bank. As to do it is unnessary, you do not need as you are doing
things to help and if not needed you won't. However, to do as in need
and otherwise you don't, this is the other way to think on this as this
the positive way to think on this and if you don't need this then
counter it here. As anything, you don't want is done as if you don't
need things and the right correction is there. As you undo by the
activity here, that is what can make undo in the right idea, that
should occur in the moment that this happens to do in need and this can
be done instead.
So do = [So Don] So to do; So you go if you need and if due if
you or other at your permission and this will do as you want, and in an
idea if so they do as they want as if your idea in need. Whatever you
do, you don't die in it in the wrong area at the right time, as you are
in so many area at once with the soul copy protection cast by the
creator or not as it is not intended for use and used is the idea that
is not the thought of soul grinder. As if you are your aura keeps, in
as your a memory and as your in thought this is never done and recalled
out for things intended of something as this is not in else, the soul
as a csoul crystal in need. So whatever you do, you don't go wrong in
the right area at the right time. Concept in deed is in need, and if in
a moment you do as in thought but with thinking your thoughtform.
The Yum Id = [Then You-em Id] The food idea; The cook as you
want moment you feel hungry and you cast this spell, you can cook
anything in expertise and you can ignore in the food as on thought to
regard it as if some other time. You would know you actually eat it, as
if you drink it or not draw it in a straw or drink it as if thought
were food prevention in idea. With thought, you are smart and by what
you eat you draw in the energy as if the moment you do things. You
absorb what you need to do things, as to sustain your body at whatever
the weight you need this is in the food as if you ate energy food. This
is the food idea in play time as you are thinking about a food and in
idea, you can eat it as you draw it as what food you want in energy
right from them if they 'atre' it or ate the thing and you use the food
energy. As if an idea to create with, and this is the usage of food as
an energy source or as you think to drink you draw from the water in
the drink. As you seem to get by spirit, or you get hit as you attempt
this as you draw from the molecular material of the object in the body
in the area. On exercise, no matter what it is you lose the food and
soda drink energy, as if all the weight isn't there and as if in a
moment to do things your subconscious makes it disappear as if the
weight were dissipated in body air. This is to do things, to break this
spell as though you were the idea and the things others do were as you
in the body. If not soul intended action, and only if 'mill' you
thought it necessary in your mind. So will free you from any
suggestion, that you can't use or work in with thought channeled as
energy or not so if in need.
The usei [Theh Use-ih] = The descriptio; This is the decription
effector as that is the use already described. This uses the third eye,
as if an i which is a third eye. This disallowing the monsters to do
The Use [Theh Use-eh] = The user; What you use you can make use
of as you effect you get to make, or use again as if in use the thing
can create a use for what you use it for as it remembers it from your
use. If you don't describe this effect, you get the use without a brain
impairment by what you use things for.
The Efo [Theh Eef-for] = The use effect; This is the use by what
effect, and as you use things you can get the worst effect ever done to
that which is done to mankind of what is or what have you it is possible except to
'tpo' makes it not happen.
The Ufo [Theh Uff-foru] = The Ufo; This is the flying object, in
effect this is a place a person can go. As that is a point to do things
with, as you use things and if you are able to get resolve to use an
idea. Then, you can go as if to use an idea is to shift you around, and
you can seem in two places as on a concieved potion you can get places
as you decide to seem a place and use is by what you decide to use.
Tobu Efu [Tobe-uh Eef-un] = Tomboy effect; The tomboy is a cat
that is a purpose that if on a moment, in a concept is a conceived view
that is from a stranger that is gone immediately after.
The Tobrad [Theh Toh-brade] = The Tombraider effect; The
tombraider effect, the idea is to play a game or live a moment in a
movie and as in you do you and out there you are worked over in your
mind. This is the tombraider that acts a concept and plays a role as
you describe it you are an actual person someplace if you so desired.
The Tumb [Theh Tumb] = The Tumbler; The tumbler is the person,
in no thought but as if an idea there is no actual way as if to do
thought is to not do any of the idea and feel as if to avert an use,
and as if to use it was to remember the original idea and you can get
an idea of what thought is anything you think about is what is
creatable. As its created, you then get the idea to do things as if you
are okay you are tumbled to the ground as though tripped.
The Tum [Theh Toom] = The Burial; The burial is a moment, as if
the thought exists you are an idea. Then to create is as in a thought
to make a thought. As you use the thought, you make death something
happens to be killed by. As each and every time you kill a thought you
use a thought and that is the thought in effect as if the thought was
The Kei [Theh Key-ih] = The Shadow soul; The soul is what comes
from a buried thing or person that makes and you think you are in, as
the shadow soul appears as if pops out and from the ground. Then you
either run, or not and as you do things are what create as if done and
if you need some idea you can use the energy of an object. As a mage
trick you the repair is due respect, as the energy is positive then
position and whatever is thought done is there or not as you need it
else as if not needed then you act in any view as if normal.
The Ke Maik [Theh Ken Maid-k] = The key make; This is where you think, and a key can do as you describe it the way it is.
The Tein [Theh Tee-in] = The tee effect; This is the tee game
that is in use as it hits the ball and you are what makes it move. This
is when it passes through, a hoop set in the ground you get your wish.
Tempai [Temp-aid] = The Temp effect; The champaign without a
champaign effect. As the effect is to use any thing of energy as a
replacement to the real thing, you get the effect of a real flavor or
substance due to an energy that is a thought element that materializes
as a form that is in idea.
Tempei [Temp-Ee-in] = The supervolcano effect; As if you dropped
a concept, you can gain a concept as if by a spell from a supervolcano.
The tempaa [Theh temp-aid-ah] = The Tempera; Temperal moment is
a concept to do or not in point of view, as with a friend moment is a
moment as if a death that didn't happen. The moment you consider is
what isn't anymore, as with a temperal shield made of nothing an energy
comes from it. As if the moment wasn't necessary and if their idea on a
concept there are an inconceivable concept view. You are what is a
point to do, work with made from the energy from an object.
The Caceiva Fiv [Theh Cace-ceve-liv-an] = The conceivable view;
The concept is a thought that is a point of recall, as if you cast this
spell you are able to recall anything as if the view were done. If its
inconceivable, you are dead from a cacodemon or not allowing is the
creator of this not wanting the effect.
The No Ret [Theh Noh Reet] = The tersion; This is an instant
recurrence of a power, as if this reverts something bad as bade as if a
concept death as if it reeks then a life as if a monster then your not
as if done then you are reverted to normal. This is the use of a useage
that is death energy in use, in a use is the thought that is a use
where you abandon what idea you have and use the cocept in conceived
The teres [The Tere-ease] = The teres effect; This is the
insanity spell, revert the recoc as if you were you are incapable to
make or do as if you recognize somebody from the past or future. The
teresia spell is to be of use as if undoing, as if needed and doing as
if not attempting is an attempt somewhere you observe and if you agree
then an idea is or if not then it isn't.
The Ve [The Veh] = The Were; The were effect is to cause the
effect for others, that want the idea as if to use to die a thought and
create with a moment that did exist in the past. As this can be of use,
usage is thought and thought is the moment that death determines the
idea an use is a concept. Casting this spell causes an aversion with
the effect on those you are intending to were in a form and thought was
done as its done it erases itself as if never were.
T loa [T Low-ah] = The loser; The losing energy that is thought
lost and as use is declared, you can use it as if unconscious as use is
thought to seem a loser or not with your notion of use. This spell if cast
with a person is what in thought can make this a concept.
The Em = The embarassment; This is the embarrased motion, is the
embarrasing moment that is what anyone can experience and can use with
a thought as if energy and as if the motion was there. You can die from
death with this, as if a natural incident as if a thought of no results
you get anytrhing done and as if things are then the incindent. As this
happenjs to shift you away from the area to another area, then you are
there or dead by what occurs to you.
The Cema [The Cee-man] = The Cement; The decent thing to do, if
the person is proven a monster in real life in the future as all you
need do is mix cement and force them into the cement as it hardens
somewhere they aren't suspecting. As it hardens, you are not as if the
person you were suddenly is a decent being. If not meant, as if you
don't go into it and it doesn't happen.
The puie [Then pue-lie-eh] = The punishing blow revised; This is
rem remove crippling if stated as a spell to a person as if the pulsing energy
attack that is from a real star and this is considered 'puishing blow',
again as if to state this spell, is to cause a dream to do nothing or
something that is what can become as if a nightmare that is useful an
reverted in deception is a scene that is puking.
The Iceia [The Ice-eye] = The icee; This is an icee, that is
free as if a free drink as if there before and otherwise not there as
its not done otherwise.
The Ei E [The Eih Eh] = The revert is atlantian; This reverts
in the idea to make in things as if they were an exact concept, an is yet not
doing anything is what you want in an idea that is wrong, foolish or
not needed as its unfair to those other people that aren't needing
them, as if need were some person and things were intrigue as if they
who were you are no longer doing in things that are correct as this is
useful to achieve an end result and this is not.
The Ea Eaie [The Eah We-aid-Ieh] = The aura layer; There
is yet another way of surrounding the body with energy as an auratic
layer, an you are with the energy to work with as if a source and as if
a thought to do you cannot do anything that isn't possible except
anything is possible in the given time with enough energy that can be
there by summons. As you are in that energy or not layer as you want
and you can get any result as if you were a layer to work with
construable and yet a construct in the mind as 'Eae'.
Istet E Uni = Instant energy recovery; This is the instant
energy recovery effect cast by spell, that uses the area to return lost
energy and can make you able to focus even under high extreme entering
energy effect made by solar flare and volcaning. That is made to the
spirit recovering, the energy to the body as it needs things.
Mest Ma = Thought matching; Thought matching someone, and then
thinking of the idea to do is to actually cause the brain to match
frequencies and whatever the time it is you are linked as if you were
the idea to manipulate the person, as you do things and as if link by
thought spoken this is as you may end up doing things. To break the
link, think a different thought from them that their spirit resists and
thus the link is there as if working that which is is a human is fox.
Torl E = The singularity void energy; Think of the person and
you can see or do as them or otherwise thinking energy sends it to the
person to help out. This is indeclared fire that dies off after
Torl = The black hole; The sigularity in effect is to think of
where to go and in what you do as out you are in the idea and the
person is in the area, with the idea of sending the item that you
wanted to send. As if necessary, you can even send the thought of
energy to or from yourself to pull the item to their area. Focus in on
a thought and intensify the energy a bit as you attempt to listen in
and you can hear their thought and thoughts from the area through
recieving some of their energy.
Thee Cacot Moe = [Thee-enn Cake-Cont Mow-en] The Concept in
motion therapy; The concept therapy spell, is where you can use things
to get an idea and things as in everyday things become a therapy as if
a motion in the mind.
The Sapee = [Theh Sape-ee-enn] The suppression; This suppresses
the energy as if an idea to do things, just think of a thing you don't
like and what you don't like was as if energy in an inverted energy
field that is in your aura and this can use the things suppressed. As
though a high intensified energy source in and out of life, as this
includes even pain and eating.
The En Cuve Abl = [Theh Enn Coo-venh Abl] The secret ability;
This is to hold a thought or secret as if thought energy, and things in
mind are life events that can be seen and in wanted moments you can
recreate them if intended. This can create an ability if you get enough
energy, this is all a super sock out as if super if energy is enough
you can create a concept.
The SuGirl Eff = [Theh Soon-Girl Eff] The supergirl effect; The
effort is the point of view that acts by this spell, to create a super
ability for any ninja girl or otherwise.
The Buoul Ioo = [Theh Bue-low-ull-lIe-on-Owl] The second sight;
This is the second sight psychic ability, as if from the movie you are
seeing the event as though the thought is there to detect as if the
energy of the event were deterable. This is spell is for anyone, as
individual use as if on a point you are to do as in thought and use
things as if in a motion or a hand to get an idea end result.
The Casavy Thoiu = [Theh Case-save-why Though-lie-sun] The
Conserving thought; The conserving the thought, and as if to think is
to get energy as you are what is the approach to get things as they
come and you get things to go to continue or not as if to do things and
get things improved as things get better, you get the idea to do and as
you do things you are as thought and due as if your known. The spell in
effect is what sets, this to get things as if you are intending a
better bid in life and get more orb jobs.
The Ie Dha = [Theh Lie-enn Dhith-an] The false path; The false
path is the moment in a concept is in born, and can appear as if you
think about the idea as you think about the sequence of chain events.
Then with any idea gathered from others, the subconscious as you can
create things or not as if an intended idea is a path that is created
or uncreated at your spirit will. This can be used timewise, to attack
or defend with.
The Akhbar Fuly = [Theh Akhbare Full-eye] The false feeling; The
false feeling is a point of recall that is remembered. As if there were
things to create and things in memory are surged in energy. This is the point, of an akbar family effect. This is to
create as is and yet you feel that you are in a moment, as if
satisfaction you don't feel full or not as you stop the effect as if
The Syue = [Theh Sin-you-enn] The ideal situation; The idea is a
soul to know, the idea is to not fix unless necessary. The idea is not
dead and this is thought to do not as you are doing things to know and
as what things are there reveal themselves.
The Ideo Ie = [Theh Lie-Dee-oh Lie-eh] The Mental idea; These
are the concepts of the interest and in there are of those with a
mental library if not you can peruse any mental library, as you do you
revitalize the idea and create thought of what you do as if you were
able to capably handle any information if in fact its true.
The Ie Cacee = [Theh Lie-enn Case-see-eh] The Idea concession;
The concession is use of a valience disruption to the energy field, is
Edward Casey ideolist of the conscious, levels to try and do things as
though a use if you were an accepted person, you were the point and
they were the acception. This can make you sane as the semblance of
balance, is there more as you get more energy to create a stabilizing
point as to stop enraging and do something cool to do.
The levels of perception are there as if a quick listing, as in thought you know them as in this and as
your subconscious, reveals the levels to you as if a concept were
interesting and you explore with a concept. This allows, you to get
into the levels by energy stance.
The Ef Curatio = [Theh Eff Cure-ate-ee-on] The Effect to
neurotic disorder and facial disorders; The effect to spasmic hand
gesture, that is undone or removed is other disorder is to use energy
and nothing. To cure the spine as if at the end it dissipates, into
thin air as the source of energy that uses it is no longer viable and
use. This isn't to
seem to be, as if arrest to the body can ever not happen with deterium
and drug interaction.
Iocent = [Eye-on cent] The Angel Cent; This is the angel scent,
that is the momet you store something or don't like as if you shift it
in the trash. Then the matter can clear, up the street of whatever is
contaminent in the value to do away with.
I Et = [In Eat] I eat; The idea that I with other people can eat
as if together, and use is the idea future in the concept that is
understood as if they want to experience it and otherwise not.
Swv = [Swiv] The swirvel door; This is the swirvel the door and
dodge away, and this vehicle you see has a 'uverse' as though in it is
not you as you do and don't think as if a swv vehicle.
Un Swv Ef = [rUne Swiv Eff] The undying hatred thats averted;
The effect is to undo the foe, as if to undo an swv irregarded in a
swirvel effect. As this makes control of the idea situation, you don't
do things as if your in control of yourself.
Eiflemet = [Eye-flee-meet] The diabetes spell; This causes a
deathbeating the degeneration of things, that are body related and this
is the concept that in the mind causes a pure essence release to the
body of the inflicted and as you say the 'in the degenerate'. As the
effect is a pure death beating, as if you are alive and still good at
what you do. This causes an idea to cure any other disease, as if you
are the one cured and the person thats afflicted is not and only cured
by 'unswelviate'.
The Are = [Theh Air-eh] derangement effect; The derangement of
the person that is targeted, a curse only cancellable by need to feel and not
in the direct line of focus as your not in the direct line of focus in
line of site as when time is where you think and as though you are
movement that is what pushes you out of the way. There is no way to win
so stop, and do else as is to move out of the way.
The were = [Theh Were] The were form; The were in any form or
shape, can change form as if a mystical being you think it you get the
effect of what thought you use the ancient ability. Don't ever think of
a form, that you don't want to seem or become in the middle of the
night. As you want to repair from the form, state 'Reparato'. This is
more info on were's..
The Iqt = [Theh Ick-t] The moment with no avarice; The idea if
you can say that, you can get things with what you get effect. Cast
this spell, to get what you need as you need things they who have it
might come. As this is true, you are okay and know what you intend
without disturbance. Once you are done, you don't have to seem like you
don't like unless necessary. To be released by the people you go into
to get into their mind, if necessary and not insane as you want and you
can seem released as you think released to the mind.
The E Azn = [Then Ee jAzz-n] The Equator rite; The rite to use
the equator's energy to grant ability, and you are in an idea that is
made feasable near the area's that are spots of power. The things you
think tend to seem as if real if you need the realness to be there,
unless ye don't desire as if not even unless ye think it worth things
to seem right. As you project you can make, a thought intuit effect as
if you are to be well. As you are indeed, you are in thought to equate
and do easily math in right equation in mind. As though energy is
magic, that is mana as if equal to the moment. This derives off of the
mathematica themas as if to help with languages.
T Eqt Rite = [T Eq-t Rite-eh] The Equator ritual; The moment
time becomes different, you are what seems to become as to what time
slows and speeds up. This is the point and this is similar to what you
want in thought, compare as you think you decide as if to seem or not
seem and you are by your choice of times and thoughts. Things to do are
making with the spell to create, the time you want and only if you want
the time. The time you think it is necessary to use, and you remain in
your own time that you think is safer. What you think, will happen if
you think it to occur. As this spell will dissipate into the ocean
waves, as they ebb and flow to not seem to have happened as you did
with them and they did in the time of the equator. As you think
yourself there you are whomever and thus as you think and your third
eye does the shift through use of stonehenge, yourself to being back
here where you are you can seem natural very apt as this can be anytime.
The Fun = [Theh Foon] The Fun; The fun part of life, is there to
play with another way of life that only shows up when you are working
with the idea, and nothing but disruption doesn't seem to be there.
There is no place thriving after awhile, and you are as you seem
intrigued but not as you think you consider what you do. There is no
concept except to explore, as you go and try you get interesting
thoughts and things to do unless you don't need to and you do things
for fun and joy in life.
The Eiao Corrant = [Theh Ee-lie-aye-on Corrant
Lage-gue-y-y] The rythmic longetivity; The rhythmic longetivity, is to
use this as a crystal and think to adjust it to the sun as you try to
get things to do you think and work amazing effects. As you are as the
energy harmonics are musically done as rhythmically adjusted to solve
your body problems in the idea, mystically use to improve your body
shape that can improve your senses. As you are what you think, you know
what to do, think improve and you do as there is no way there is a way
to get an idea and use it. This is to get yourself free as if you were
in a higher plane and, use is of what is in the area as if you use
things you get positive results. As you use things such as drinking
through a straw, focus on energy coming into yourself and you get
younger as you use things and you can get things to go. As always, use
is up to you and things are to make that which you want. As you do, you
can think better as if to use thought is, to get a better idea and use
is to use as it felt right it was. An energy of atlantis as if to seem
better is to know, and you gnow what your spirit can tell you as you
need to know and the spirit can work with you as you need as a spirit
guide. The creator is to help, as you need to get an understanding you
are what you get in reply and he can uncreate or create things at will.
The Lon Je = [Theh Lone Jan] The Longetivity; This is gotten as the
longitude and latitude effect of knowing and use is the ley lines, and being able to shift on a
will to seem if need be or otherwise on a thought your using the druids
transportation effect. As this may get you places, thinking of an area
to seem in will make a different place obvious. The obvious idea is to
use the druid way of drinking and then you are alive, as long as you
live as you think and things will do as you need as if a drink will get
you better. As this will work, you only have to do things to work with
as an idea will come up that is workable. The longetivity also come
with, the thought to live longer that makes your energy immortal with a
soul despite what you say. As if you were not controlled and yet
gesture created what was thought, as if you were okay and yet you are
not damned to live forever and yet you regenerate.
There En = [There-enn En] The negated point; The negative world
is this, as you use it by subconscious thought you can do things with
it in an idea to results in a heartbeat. This can make as needed, as to
not create and uncreate what you think to do and you survive till you
undesire disruptive and repeative attack or not to live except
somewhere else as though not on the same planet. As though thought,
negated point you give as a gift as you form the energy and this makes
things as you are santa's cousin where you are to give gifts of some
The Thiery = [Then Thigh-erry] The theory in effect; As this is
a moment, thievery is this as you can get away with things as if you had depth perception
in the night that is possible with night.
The Ie R = [Then-Lie-Enn R] The moment in mind is perfect as the
frame in mind and as you frame it, and you see it as a view as you use
it as a source to do as needed as if there to help.
The Ie = [Theh Lie-enn] The actor effect; The actor effect came
from a bard thought of what isn't there, so if you think to make an
effect you create an effect and to effect a spell is to create
something. As in you need it and you are able to act as needed, in that
mode which can create what you think.
The Go Ie = [Theh Gone-Lie-en] The Business Idea; The idea is to
not kill as you do things, but know and due as if hand over fist as if
to not assault as thought to accept business. This is to make concept
for an idea as if to create, and then use it as if to do service for an
idea that is a service. The idea is the concept that is want, that
creates something in desire as though you were what you intended an in
mind you are as you accept less as more or more as less. As if a
thought made is something, in that use can create without a moment and
nothing to seem is this in made idea in within a thought and out within
a moment or if not disturbance. This is not as though thought made you
reasonable its, as though thought gave you reason to do things. This is
a spell to setup, and do things now accept with a trust that is in
The Ie Tri = [Theh Lie-eh Trick] The idea trick; The trick idea
as if in dream is no idea if you think something, unless you are a idea
that is there and it is there as acceptable if back or not as if needed
as Shifting makes immediate disregard is else as if thought made things
work and it isn't there as you feel it done. The quality of mind, this
is the idea you can use as if you can 'then' you can do the idea. As if
you have the response you desired, you act as if good and do as if in
positive idea. Another thing, this can make a balance as this is the
effort to seem you get a result, or do as though thought is else and
desire is forthcoming unless you don't desire something and it can
disappear. As if dissolved of the very worst, this dispersed in effort
you gain respite, by means of your own measure in what you deal with.
Passeus = Spell change; This is the spell to create yourself,
formed from the subconscious as into a wyrd form that is a sicke power
that works with people with a hand over fist attitude. This is a great
spell, to use fate ability in a man or woman form of choice.
Mie Myy Cyry = Spell hold; This forms a spell hold, that is in
the ether space formed from activity and powered by anything you want.
A form of 'dea' to prevent things if
you are committing to memory a form, then you won't as you are not
wanting to if you state this spell as if a were is a dream form as you
realize what potential fix is there you are okay.
The Were Ef = The were effect; The actual concept of an instant
were shapechange, is now lose the shape and seem a form of desire and
that is to think of the were shape and state or think the spell to
shapeshift. As you are a were in thought you can shapeshift, this is a
were in form that is a natural shapeshifter and not formed physically
with very strong physical mood shifts an in very easily a good way at
the right time in an area of choice. Committed to memory with an idea
and in an instant physical thought shift dream, you are leading
yourself on to be as if a were in effect as though you are respect with
disrespect and use is from a were in action somewhere. This is with
strength as though a thought were a trigger and you remember
everything, without anger and thought is reaction as though you feel
fear and you are nothing with rejection and this is the thought that
you go through as if to work through things unless you don't think to in absolute calmness or absolute sanity.
As if you are a concept in were form, you can become what you
think even as a were shape is done and thinking you avert danger you
are aware. If you were you might feel you are not a failure, but if you
are in your inner world avert this in time as this is you by the right
action where you stop and think. As if not here and thought of what,
you did after is thought. As
if to trigger this is to imagine a life you lived and failed, at
thought in this is what in thought is that. This is where you are in
which you are not averted in form. This spell doesn't always work, as
if you are able to accomplish it you are actually more adept and
intelligent from what you think to do. If you think to control it, you
can prevent it where you are at but it will happen somewhere. As if a
point were there and you think it, as if a monster were is in your
mental room then you are a were in a were form of your spirit choice.
A moment you can turn it back to were human, is by a spoon or
anything else that is believed to turn the spell effect off. As if you
were not hitting anyone, you can avoid the issue and use is not done.
The were ef is the were ef, and you are not effected by what you do if
you are not wanting this effect. An ef cancels it. So if you were
wanting to beat your foe, use this spell and you will feel as if an
insignificant person but you will beat the foe unless you don't need
to. Thus, this spell is not to be done as you disappear and come back
after to be as if normal, in life if you are not wanting to be hunted
for what you think you should seem to believe you are you avoid the
issue or do something else as if you were life. If you can use this
spell, then you are better than most if you are able to transform at
The Were Uo = The were effect; The advanced version of the
concept is slightly different from the original version were eff of an
instant were shapechange, from the standard viewpoint of the were world
with the point where you think to be a were and decide to not and you
are now or not in form. As if nothing is beaten where you are in the form of you that forms where
you think, if you lose the shape and you become a form of the idea as
the idea can create desire or not. This is to think of the were shape
and state, or this is where you think the spell to shapeshift as if the
idea in one moment happens on the spot. As you are a were in thought
you can shapeshift, this is a were in form that is a natural
shapeshifter and not formed physically except with energy and very
strong physical mood shifts an in very easily a good way at the right
time in an area of choice. Committed to memory with an idea and in an
instant physical thought shift dream, as you are leading yourself on so
stop to be as if a were in effect as though you are respect with
disrespect and use is from a were in action somewhere.
This is with strength as though a thought were a trigger and you
remember everything, without anger and thought is reaction as though
you feel fear and you are nothing with rejection and this is the
thought. That you go through as if to work through things, unless you
don't think as you are to 'were gone in idea' in absolute calmness as
in there is nothing as
any time difference you don't if you are better off then dead you are
adept and
things work rather than beating people dead as this is witch lich form
additive to the witchblade and things work with putting energy through
it. This ends as if 'un in ef', as if a glitch happened things
disrupted in thought as that is and you are what is not reacted to and
things restore themselves.
As if you are a concept in were form, you can become what you
think even as a were shape is done and thinking you avert danger you
are aware. If you were you might feel you are not in a failure, but if you
are in avert this in time is you by the right action where you stop and
think as if not here and thought of what you did after is thought. As
if to trigger this is to imagine a imaginary life you lived and failed, at
thought in this is what in thought is that. This is where you are in
which you are not averted in form. This spell doesn't always work, except it does as
if you are able to accomplish it you are actually more adept and
intelligent from what you think to do. If you think to control it, you
can prevent it where you are at but it will happen somewhere. As if a
point were there and you think it mute point, to form the point and don't live it as if a were is in your
mental room that does the effect then you are were in a were form of your choice of spirit choice.
A moment you can turn it back to were as if human, is by a spoon or
anything else that is believed to turn the spell effect off. As if you
were not hitting anyone, you can avoid the issue and use is not done.
The were ef is the were ef, and you are not effected by what you do if
you are not wanting this effect. An ef cancels it. So if you were
wanting to beat your foe, use this spell and you will feel as if an
insignificant person but you will beat the foe unless you don't need
to. Thus, this spell is not to be done as you disappear and come back
after to be as if normal, in life if you are not wanting to be hunted
for what you think you should seem to believe you are to avoid the
issue or do something else as if you were life. If you can use this
spell, then you are better than most if you are able to transform at
all as you only stop if you decide to as if an uo.
T Pt Ly = The point of life; You say what you want with the
intent, as you are meant you create things as if you are living another
life. This spell is amazing, as it is you are hit by the observable and
if observable if on a thought you can do.
The Fak Ef = The thought pleasure effect; The idea is in use
that is work in pleasure and this drops the pain that the body has in a
moment. Assume and you can seem to be as if a use is to become not in
any way bad as if bade to do good. This spell can cause anything if you
are with what is necessary.
The Corro = The Corrector; The thought recieved is imprint and not effect, of an idea
is with this spell, is to seem right if to do right and nothing else
will go wrong in life.
I Ie F = The Clea In; This is the thought in a moment in planar
being. With wisdom, this is the flow of time energy that creates that
moment in concept and you are what you think as if a planar god or
The Fuu Ie = [Then Foo-un Eye-en] The Future idea; The future
moment is time you think on and as you think to do you are them. This
the time you think, as you are shifted and back again.
The mon Ty = [Then Money Tye] The moment time; The monty python
moment that is a step to the future, and you name the area and the
time. As you integra are the moment you think to seem, and you become
what you think to seem as if you are an idea and as a thought you step
back and as you this is to a time in the moment that is there in life.
The Spiy = [Then Spie-aye] The Spiraling effect; This is the
spire idea as from the game Geneforge. The spiraling idea is in effect
to create, and use as the creator is shape willing as if a shaper to do
things and this uses genetics or living effects as bio effects or
organic idea is thought use. This uses the idea
to do things in a right time and right moment. This can be used as if a
spell, to create a timer in effect to do as you did unless you don't
intend to need to. This if used with order of concept, to create an
order in the mind to mask what you do and think what you don't unless
you never intend the idea in mind as if to seem real the timer effect
is gone. This can seem as if spiraling energy, as you are to think if
you are in a concept to do things. If used with chaos in mind, you can
use a spiralling out of control in idea to make a bad point seem good.
Or not is to seem good as you do an idea that is decent, as if 'en' is
as if to serve an example you get a very decent effect, by what others
don't do from this idea in idea. This spell cast is to not be done, if
you intend to hurt people as you yourself are not hurt by your own
actions or not as you deflect the damage to others by what you do.
The Ritua = [Theh Rite oo-ah] The rite of Ritio; This causes you
to spike the area, as you don't spike the lava until you think to use
life force. Unless, you want to speed the process up as this speeds up
aging and unaging, as you think 'unage' which stops as you think or
nothing happens as if you don't think and do something else as if in
ending you do things right. What you think about you may end up getting
as a secret or other effect is at the end as a result.
The camae = [Theh Came-aye-en] The came and gone idea; This is
the came to what is an idea and your gone to another way of life as if
death, where you decode your writing as if you make an think as the
game in life is possible as if to use turtles and human headed turtles.
The Juu Site = [Then Jue-un Site-en] The anime movie shift; This
is the anime and movie shift, thinking quits this as that in this is
quits as if natural shift is where you think of a movie and you are
there just in idea or really in long life. Where you are getting
things, and going on about your general business. Its a pattern, but
its perfect as if you are to unlearn the pattern or think in a pattern as if you work things out
with the thought. If it exists you can get there, just think as though
to be there and you are.
A Zey ih = [A Zee-aye ih] An idea to them is to in effect in use
this as is, what this is seems that is what you can choose to rid
yourself of things, unless you need to use something in any way that
you want and you are not irrational.
Cua Medico = The cure to diseases; This isn't a cure as if you
think to use things and if used it will fill you with energy that kills
you in the end being. This can be removed, as if you are sending the
end point energy to nothing as the idea is to cure the disease and
nothing takes in the energy as an essence to remove the disease and if
thought on is an energy to use.
The Cruno = [Then Crue-non] The Class effect; The area and
things, in life are suddenly a class with what is made in life there
brought to here as from the mind. Pain as with a point by pain, with
energy stops the learning.
Elixium bonatrivum xarnos = [eel-licks-I-um Bone-attrive-loom
Exarnose-rose] To smash and go; This is the idea that is what you
consider, as if you are with enraging concept belligerios or two and
things work or you make do. What causes this to work is the dimension
above that makes conflict on the spell use, to cause an event that on
strike of an object creates the thing to not work and to make it work
dismiss the pattern. As if erased and this can make the object or
person undamaged, as inner fire rises and surges you can smash anything
and you can disrupt the life flow of anything. Use ultimatium reversio
to fix the life flow.
Trans Fx = Translocation effect; This is the translocation
spell. This is a spell to translocate you as you unfocus and focus your
eyes. Things in concept are out of context if power outtage is done, as
in this is a point of view shift where focus causes you to be out of
focus and then focus on what you want if the power outtage is fixed you
are a point in focus as if viewing a picture in your mind.
E Vecc Dra = [Ee Vecc Draw] The energy matrix effect; This is
possible as a spell to do, and to use this is to focus in your need and
think if you use things or feel things you can do the result or not if
your spirit percieves anything wrong with the idea to do, if you see it
as useful it can work unless you think and see things as incorrect. If
thought is nothing energy to be done, then you do things different or
use information as you talk to the soul if you are correcting by
corrected energy from yourself. As you use the music of the mind, and
this comes from the soul you use the heart to decide. As if to detect
the area harmony as vibration and feeling is sensation, a thought is
felt idea as if in an area with no thought or a solid object energy
matrix is as with an idea that is consciousness. As good or bad and
thought is there. As if the vibration there is vibes as this is the
idea, that you sense and can use as if a concept source.
The Crete Puarebeep = [Then Creteh Pue-are-eb-ee-ep] The
creation beep; The power beep idea, this is where that is expressed in
the movie as its used. As if the weapon had a self-destruct, button
that beeped the moment it destructed in disused thought and as if you
use things you can. As if you use the right tool, at the right time and
things situated the results and results situated themselves. This is
where the point, that this idea ceases and the normal one continues.
The only sign this worked, is that your conscious clears up and things
are easier to do as your mind is seemed where you think it should be in
The Crete Puarepb = [Then Creteh Pue-are-ep-b] The creative
thought; The point of created idea is this in thought, as the thought
exists somewhere it can be recreated. The results are to do resultive
behavior, is to create with a thought and you can use the idea that you
generate to make or create with as though a thought.
Theh Pyroga Juu = [Theh Piro-gah Joo-uh] The firegating spell;
This is the thought of fire focused into breaking down the walls of
reality, that is with the chaos of the area controlled by the crown
chakra as if you think with the moment and clear the thoughts. Where
you can use things as if to focus fire into a circle around you, as you
use this idea. Think shift and you are shifting by moving, as if you
jump through a wormhole to seem somewhere else made of fire that
materializes. This is from within and is viewed in the mind, as if you
are an idea to watch you can do things to view and write down results.
The basis of this is here.. and
The Pt Use = [Then Pot Use-eh] The Point Use; This the point is for use
in movement if thought is in mind, and use is the thought to seem as is
becoming is the key to the area as you think to use. As this is the
preconcieved point to use in thought conscious decisions. As if a point
in the consequential idea, of what may happen if you use things that
shouldn't be used but still its rather fun if in thought.
The la Osmos = [Theh law Osm-Os] The law of Osmosis; With the idea is
uses to create or not if create is not needed and as you do, you create
what is a concept that makes itself or reverts in remaking. As this is
seeming, you are with an idea to try to create as you gather in energy
to work with from a place in your dimension. As if you are into an
idea, no that is information that comes into your thoughts and through
your aura, as seen as though thought a ghost of history or other idea
that appears as if thought were an idea to use. Not any mention is
disconsidered, until you think to do things and if the information is
used the idea is tossed out as if to an in area in your mind as it
doesn't work right. This law will work right, if you think it will
where law isn't normally there.
And In Invei = [And In Inv-ee-in] This creates a scene from things such
as bone, as if to do or not do is to create as if to recreate a scene
or event as if necessary or if you don't need to relive it you won't.
The Inveirt Veignl = [Then Inv-ee-irt Vee-in-gn-l] Inverted lightning;
This is the placing of anything by lightning that is inverted to create
energy, and things are a concept that use the effect of the idea which
you just saw in you as you explored your mind when punishment was
intended. Cast this spell on the target and they can even punish their
The Gae Ie = [Then Gay-eh I-en ] The Gaelic point; This is the
point, use is gaelic and that is a instant idea with planet energy on a
moment. To gather energy to use, for a purpose as if to seem is better
than nothing.
The fnord Gaa Ie = [Then F-nord Gay-an I-en] The Thought Idea;
Thought about moments, are learned as instilled if an inhibited idea to
doing things unwanted isn't done.
Dome Magica = [Dome-en Mage-lice-an] This is the dome formed by
will, as if magic were possible that is an idea on an unknown island
called an considered avalon. The magical nature calls the natural area
energy, that is with the thought to live longer as you set up a tent or
do things as if you are there and here. Albeit the point is there, you
are what is called avalonion you aren't there unless necessary. There
is no religion, as if the idea is to think and achieve with the idea.
Things in that nature are where, you get what you work with or as you
do this is nothing created by thought energy in body or not uncreates
it with a thought.
The Dome Deli = [Then Dome-en Deity-lin] The magic market; This
is the market of magic in a market made by the creator, this in mind is
a place to seem not and do other things that are better in intention as
you create the intention to get positive results. Price is up to your
The Mae Nea = [Then May-en Nee-an] The Money Nary; The money is
what you use and avoid use, to not wod to death in buys and trade if
you think to not use the money as you are on a budget. This creates a
service for a service, or not as in effort you trade services and use
is to make an idea to seem real in mind.
The Pot Efx = [Then Potent Ef-x] The Pot Efect; The potent
effect is an effort to do things, in an idea that creates things an
seems like what isn't in cost. This is the point to seem, and use is a
energy feeling to relieve pain. Use is done, when the good feeling
disappears and you are in thought to not seem addicted to an effect.
The Pot Mome = [Then Potent Moment] The point blank; This is the
point blank insiduation, and the thing that leads to averting attack is
a horror scene as though a nightmare but not and allowing what is in
idea or nothing that is done is made into an object as a force that is
life. Then every attempt is an effort to do things as then you are not
noticed. This can occur when you use pot, and if illegal in an area to
which is a thought to do things to make yourself feel good in.
Thema Wod = [Theme-an Wode] Theme world; This is the point made,
as the dimension is the equality to do or order with payment to do. The
theme world in mind is what seems to get a concept, to do or not as if
you are not there and this is stopping for what is done there. Name a
theme and the world area forms, as ruled by mathemagical themas that is
easy learn math to use in a concept to work in worlds.
The Sap = [Then Sap] The sapper; This is the sapper, the sap of
a maple tree that is to nulle insanity and if you or others do it you
are not there. This saps the strength with that of the person, as they
are with thought and things in mind are aren't done. As this is in a
concluded point, you are what seems to be what is a conclusion to what
is incorrect or nothing.
Sua Sea Sto = [Soothe-ah See-ah Store] The idea stopping point;
The stopping point is a point in time, that is a concept noticed that
shouldn't happen or not as that is an idea to seem and not as if 'ce'
to seem or nothing happens if brutal for the idea you seem is what
warns you from your subconscious. Sure enough to know is an idea to do
things, and look it up in the as the sign is
there to remember unless you don't and then you can dismiss it in an
idea that corrects for it as the stopping point isn't done or things in
mind don't seem there.
ToNot = [Toh Not] Time of nothing in a point; This is nothing
but a point in contrary motion where things aren't as they seem,
or not as if you are done or not as nothing is a point and nothing is
energy that creates as if thought were energy and you are gone from the
The tyin = [Then Tin-in] The thing; This is the harry potter
spell, to call a spellbook in an idea to do or not do in a thought an
things are not in thought or not. As this can appear like anything in
thought, is there is a point that it is a computer drawn idea or not as
things are unnecessary and this can seem. As if anything that is there,
or here to appear as if in a room that is empty in mind. There is no
point, this as if to do or seem to you are what can create at a will.
Otr = [Other] Other one touch recording; This in reverse is the one touch
recording idea, forward in idea that is an is point to fix what is wrong and use what
is right as if correct to the point of view.
Locout = [Lock-our-t] The lockout; This locks out the idea, as
you lock the door or wizard warp the wood with natural magic mixed
chaos. Say this spell to not seem effected by what you, there nothing
rules or others don't seem to want in an idea.
Tip = [Tipe] The tip of the iceberg; This is the tip off the
iceberg as events don't happen, or if believed to seem not to be a
worst case scenario then you avoid the hate as you avoid what you
despise. An idea to in occur, self-fulfilling as prophecy doesn't
happen. Things in the subconscious can create with their will in
themselves, as every individual person as if you found a solution that
appeared things in mind and the solution is to work with things. As
they come or not and try to change things, as they come to you or not
as you don't need them.
The Temp = [Then Temp] The temporary idea; This is the temporary
moment that in time is a thought, and you are a concept that is if in
need or not in necessity. As this is a temperary point, or not that is
in place and there is not any person but an idea to go on as if a biff
The Timpay Seh = [Then Tim-pay See-h] The item; The one item
that suits, created in nothing is energy that in the moment can create
as this fits any situation. This item can recreate whatever this is as
you need the item to seem, and as this can be anything you can use
things as you think to do what you want.
The Ebb Ie = [Then Ebb Eye-en] The Smooth make; The smooth
motion of an idea, that use is the moment where you or them are to use
an idea and you get the energy as if you feel the flow of energy and
things are in thought as to use the energy to create the flow and as
you form the energy into a sphere this is use of the motion to make a
thought happen. This is feel calm and, as you shape the idea in mind
you can create the thing into turn as something that sustains itself.
Where your thought is to do, as if you don't feel irratic as this
causes the area to adjust if to work out your problem and then a
silverish energy surrounds. The thing your out to seem in a moment this
is a play so, use is this as if to get the area to shift you and you
think where in thought that you want to seem or not as things are
wanted to seem. What you see if not there isn't in there as a sphere trap released by open up or communicated feel.
The Ie Te = [Then eye-en Ten] The idea temperal field; This is
the idea in which time uses, the in idea to get something and use is as
though a thought in a point that if done you can change things around.
The point you use is not what is in thought, as you use the idea and
get someone to do or seem to do things as if a correct idea in the
point that is at the end moment.
Th Ie Catex = [Th I-ed] The idea context; The moment in idea is
concept except what is out of context in mind, as that concept you
think is what you think to create reuse in a thought and get a better
The Oh Fx = [Then Oh Fix] Who God effect; The My Goddess thing
is as thought as energy and energy as active use, as things in thought
are thought and you use things to get an use as use in this is there to
make and this is the hope or feeling the person has in positive action
from negative. Use by their thought can use their subconscious. This is
to create a point and then you seem to act a goddess or god to create a
point, that is a negative or positive idea that fulfills their wish by
what you do with their subconscious doing the work, or nothing happens
as that which is can create a make it good as if better idea in idea.
The Enf = [Then Enf] The enfolding field; The energy field of
negative and with negative this turns it positive or use of positive
energy, that creates the energy as if to biume as solar star energy or
pure energy build up by chi use in restive thought unactive moments are
what you can seem to use in activity. As use is what makes things, in
an electron from what is there as this is in use this creates a thing
to do. This is the quantified energy that is from the moment you think
to do, as now if you are in an intensified area of energy and things
can work with you. As this is what you can create, an enfolding energy
field is as if a point to do as if an envelope of time is with stored
things and the time that you do. Create just as you do if you can do
things in idea that you attempt an idea to use, - without misuse and +
as positive to create with thought as if thought you are with more than
what you can seem but this can alleviate with use crystals to hold off
the excess. Use the negative to transfer, and the positive idea to
recreate things.
The Aff = [Then Aff] The Affect; The affect is a thought that
you thin things and the idea is an overlay, as if some idea is done and
in and education that is at an end everything isn't set against you
that doesn't form as if you are what is or not is in mind. This is to
create electricity in a moment, as you consider what isn't there you
consider what is there and things in the affable is to make an idea.
The point is that and is to laff with you, or not if you think and feel
the need and focus the idea of generating electrical from inner fire.
This with a point that is to create out of your bioenergy, as if
'formce' the electrical force as if thought is energy and the air is
the generator with your hands as if you are an idea and the hands
create the energy or not as you don't intend the electrical to burst
the circuits.
The Ae Fx = [Then Aen Fix] The clay effect; The clay effect is
there in the idea that you hold a bit of clay and used is the thought
of what you want to shape. This is the shaping technique, as if to use
things you gain energy from what you use in a specific area. If that
holds energy or not and if in use it can shape, an in idea shape to
form as you can direct at will with the thought. As that is sent to
effect as an idea, that exists with directed thought and concept will.
The zere = [Then Zero-en] The momentary aspect, is the aspect
one goes through to live and learn and not as if you didn't know it.
The moment in thought is a concept, not as
long as that thought is you see does exist. Then it can seem copied
done in use, and not put in thought is an example and used is a thought
you do. This is the
zero moment in time is stating zero as that is done in time, and use is
as though a thought with a concept as is kitsune and things are what in
thought as this comes from where there are a moment unless undesired.
Bere = [Bere-en] The Bearing; This is a berelain moment that
makes itself seen as though there were a bear and is in scene that
makes you bear with thought as you think in a pattern, if you were to
do in mind or as if you thought to seem something right. This is a
spell to create the right moment for the right time to do with as you
want. As if you 'Bere in thought as if you do things or in case you do
you don't.' If in thought you are invisible, as you do things and seem
to die in mind you are unseen if cared for you know what you do and
change to suit a better purpose.
Omkara = [Om-karah] The time effect; This is the thought cast in
a point the meditative pose that calms the mind and makes a mention by
thought to a point, which isn't always done as if calm in a point to
seem in thought or out in place of some area in mind and you can
appear, soothing rhythmic harmony by a respect in thought made up as
you are in mind as you want with the correct thought in subconscious
idea that is there. There is another point as alternatives are
spinoffs, but you direct as if they wanted to another way of thought
with nothing in mind as they are in control of themselves. Just think
to yourself and you are where you want, this is to seem or do as if
somewhere else just imagine the flow of energy as if you were an air
sylph and use is up to you. You don't do everything, as you think or
not as if you in thought can do things but won't if your spirit
disallows the action. As you consider the way you direct their thought
things can be different, as you think you can see where your going you
change the time by making moments or natural movement, as if you were
seeing that time as if now were making them think it was different from
what came before.
The Fig Hid = [Then Fig Hide] Figure form; To go in and figure
things out as this is in thought as with this is of what you want out
as outside and in thought you shift your form as if to do, what is necessary if
to change and do things as though a point and observed form were looked
for in the moment at which you attempt to reach in time. Each form is a
hide, as you are they attribute your idea that is gotten from demon assault
to use on a body skin.
Naestar Mas Zak = [Nae-star Maes Zak] Power strike; This is the
power blow that is a psychic in gathering chi, unerasure of the body
energy in the body is where this is and in thought you are able. As if
to gather and use fire energy that gathered into the wrist is the
point, that creates a glow around the area and your use makes a power
blow to somewhere. As you think to hit and knock out someone with as
this is a concept you can survive but the excuses are varied as to why
a power point is there.
Cerebrum gym = Brain gym; The brain gym is a point where you use
a gym in your mind, and things are what they are as you approach things
as if use is acceptable. Whatever you do, you don't have to do it and
the gym work will still seem to effect your body in an aftereffect.
The Alt Tiv [Then Alt Tive] = The Alternate view; The alternate
view is what is a thought, as just you are as you think you focus and
your mind viewing things as you want in an idea.
The Inat Ie [Then I-nate Eye-en] = The natural idea of birth;
This is interesting as the thought of birth is birth in those, that is
born in those you choose to have birth as is in a state of natural idea
as is with natural rhythm and song is the interesting harmony in life.
The Ie Ica [Then Eye-en Eye-cam] = The idea inconsequence; This
is the thought as you see it you do it and nothing more. If there is
some idea that is not consequence, then it will happen as if a rerun
and release is by what means in print to release to crime as if a form
you make. This is a written idea that you write as something to do, is
written and used as a form as if to do and things are done. As if
sealed if by blood as put on the paper that is done, as its written on
this as once written it is done or not as this in life is breakable or as this is from
caz the goddess.
The Mitlike En [Then Mit-liken] = The untrue thought; This is
the idea to time and do, and as you do you are in and out in an idea as
if a point ceases to exist. There is a point and you are left with
things you get, and use is a thought that you can get with
understanding the idea in use and this can make or gnow as you think to
use it. You don't react if the thought is true, and this is where
things are interesting as if you are an idea and thought exists as for
you created things or uncreated it as if need were there as if read an
untrue thought.
The Piru Pt [Then Pire-un Pit] = The trusted point; The things
you trust, you do if necessary and as if necessary you are you can get
better. As you are thought your energy is good as to seem near and use
is thought and you stay focused, as you serve the purpose as if you are
good to think of now as what you do is your word you make. This is to
seem as if in thought you ask and do in exchange, as if to be nice and
this is as if to get and go and if in thought you are born. This is the
point where things are born, there is thought and the thought you is
able to get a positive result with energy he or she gets. As they do
things this can seem good, with thought this is a point to undo service
for a service. As you think it you can do it for nothing the
subconscious, does is energy that is an ability in use except to
manipulate the moment in the creator idea as this
( or
The Ziern = [Then Zie-r] The goddess of life and death; You are
the hidden target and those that shoot or kill you are diseases and use
is a thought, as this is a point to do or use others to disdain in
energy as the crooks are that are arrested die mysteriously and there
is a friend or foe as you know whom as you read souls. This uses the
elemental being that uses, others to make what effect you think you use
as she is the shapeshifter that is the goddess of death and torment
that uses things to seem created by what she wants to be known as if
beorne. This has been tried as if tried is represented, and tried is
the thing the crimals seem to go through they as you are nothing and
not. As they do no crime the computer crime is dismissed, as if this is
seeming normal and allowed for as you aren't caught. If caught they
die, as you are protected by serving her, him or it. To cancel it out
say the zirn not. As this works you do, as you say and you can use
things to get better if results are intended. This spell really does nothing, as the idea is not but thought a trick.
The Bier = [Then Bie-r] The self-birth of man or woman birth;
This is a thought as you are adjusted through the aura to the effect
the person as a person effect to gain an effect, 'birn' is not and use
is a thought to get whom the person is that asks for the childbirth is
what is given energy effect to cause the body to use the birth cycle.
If man or woman the birth is done, by what is their aura in reaction
and use is the life that objects have to which create through the
creator. The defense is to think and fix the moment, to create a
thought that restores this as if your un thought is done or not as this
is stops.
The Inem = [Then Eye-Nemesis] The defense; The defense is to
think and fix the moment, to create a thought that restores as if your
thought is done or not as this is stops.
The Eo Vix = [Then Ee-on Vie-x] The top dream; The top will spin
and never stop, as this can indicate a dream world you are with a
concept as if you are a point and nothing else seems to concern you. As
dreams are easily constructed, there is a point to seem as if well.
There is no time, as though a thought and death is not actually in you.
Ask for things as your things in thought, in a concept as this is a
point to concept in thought. As when it stops, things are as you though
a dream any longer is worth it to do. This is what is and stops when
you decide to jump the 'planet', and this is to drive things where you
do as directed will shift and there. What you hate you avoid.
The Boni = [Then Bone-in] The Id Bourne; The thought is born of
yourself, or not as if a clone you birth yourself in a thought. The
thought is a thought or not as if no thought and if a thought and as if
you were temperally in conclusion, the conclusion you are in a thought
with is as energy is born aura or thought. As if you are an inner life
source aura, that is in an idea and this as though a concept in
thought. An En is an en, as a thought and nothing else matters as you
bring back the thought of yourself and you bring back the moment that
time. Unless this gave to you a thought as a living life and now not
there you are a concept, with subconscious in a concept that creates as
if concept and you are not there or not as nothing seems 'bade is not'
as this. As in thought this is not, as is to never do irrevocable.
Anyone can be bourne as this is just an identity, as if invisible you
are unknown until you are were in sight and if the idea do which is
never a shot happens they can seem to be him and her. As this is
parents and this spell, is dispelled if you think not to be him to each
their own that have their own.
Say Nay = [Say Nay] Say in nought; Say now as you will or you
will never die, now fix as will is in thought as you say never you are.
Saying nay stops the effect, as this is a living life 'energy' that is
in use as energy.
In an out = [Then In ain Out] The uninterruptable power source;
This is in temperal physics unless not needed as if to do is done, as
in no this is as this is with a phase drive then use is a thought as
useless is used as energy and things to use are a concept and if you
are use then your power as energy builds up. Redirect the energy to the
sun as if you are an idea, an idea is energy bidden as if there as if
death or not as the person can seem god/dess or if a iffy concept. This
is a thought that won't do things, as if the thought is not done and if
it is its as if an infinitive result set by what you don't desire, as
this un is used then you can get a concept that never ends until your
statement that you say in thought is with never. Otherwise, think your
as invisible as permanent done or its not, as will is never thought in
this as this is what is or is not seems to stop this as in balance out
if you never did and as you are okay.
No attack is what in as this is in thought and things can
stop, as the world and time seems to cease and to start it up is use of
a concept as this is true that is not what is as if a challenge is set.
Whatever happens, if you are what set the idea you can use the place
that is there, and as if alive you can seem and do as the person is not
there to do anything except. If that which he or she wants, as if you
are in a vortec you are an thought and things in minds are in mind
there are those there for personal concept in use. As thought in use
can seem believed or not and its illusion, as this seems to happen
somewhere vert that the illusion shows. As this shows you are done, and
you in thought are now what isn't seeming to be hunted for what you do.
As you are thought and energy that shifts away in the wind, you can do
spells that you do because you are unlooked for as if unseen or not as
though real if needed and thought is an illusion until believed.
Their will is as if your energy and their use is their will as
if your thought or their thought, is what is there in idea or not if
the idea is not there as needed this isn't thought. As if not there or
not is the key phrase that cancels things out, as if nulle no thought
is 'nought' and if a request is done then this is. Thats not an idea
and thats why its an infinite field on an in concept that isn't
normally infinite. Anything you think that is balance, can end this
spell as if in a thought in and out thought is a point. As energy is
attack or not and your idea is gone as in a vanishing point in time, as
if in time things change and thoughts are what change things in thought
are as act to change as is in mind. This is in 'no attack and what is'
an 'no attack what in thought is, what in mind that isn't done'. Now
don't put exactly what you said as fix is, as isn't done and thought is
what doesn't happen as if thought your energy will disappear from
thought. If there is no attack then you can shift, as if a will that
happens in a wind or element with thought that happens a choice.
Avoy So = [Avoy-why Son] The interruptable source; This is the
interruptable power that source builds things up and as if you use
things, you can create a point in time and you use things as a thought
in effect. As your done you can easily understand, if your in time
create a thought to make a thought. Use this spell to disrupt a
thought, to happen as though a major concept directive in conjunction.
This source can stat start and stop, as if your the computer owner and
things you use can seem in mind as though a computer or you already
have one.
Iea = [Ie-Ee-am] The interruptable energy; This is to use then
year tea energy as a concept, this tells how ten years passes by as if
nothing happens and this is haphazard with the idea of hand use or not
and this can make thought happen in the subconscious. The effect in of
a bubble of energy, in a world of thought to use as things you put into
the idea in is fire as this is poofed you are in as thought with a
limited take out as is a fire being god/ess. As you say is as though an
idea from what you say, revert time and nor in thought as a menace
remark doesn't seem to occur in remark or nulle as in a iffy thought
that isn't needed there sends you back.
Ie Id Pyro = [Eye-en hIde Piron] Use with thought spell; Useless
thoughts is even in use as useless energy method, is useless in an idea
as things with useless thought of useless acts pulled in as a source is
energy. This spell allows what is in use as is 'use concept thought is
things in use', with the time to use a thought that is created by any
subconscious in use is fire.
The Use Fx = [Then Use Fix] The use effect; The thought in use
is the thought you use, as if tgi without too much information as if
not intended and unless that is nor and isn't really done.
The Til = [Then Tile] The idea switch; Toggle switch is in, this
spell toggles on for good idea or off if in useless things that are
done then no work is out as if in use your gone.
The add = [Then add] The moment you thing; This is the moment
you point out, this is to create as thought as an ideal moment as if
there is nothing wrong and as if your not doing anything your nothing
in comparison to the use you think. The trick you think is possible for
a use, only if tricked if spiritual and then if needed is a desparate
motion by were and a punch out fire energy effect can disappear as your
energy disperses. This can master things as they come, and you are a
thought balanced in motion. This is to change, adjust and then seem as
if a concept or any form is possible, as if thought and energy is born
from your stomach as this cosmic string shifts you as if time slip in
with a thought or motion.
Reversio [Ree-verse-eye-on] = Reversion spell; This is a
reversion, in case of point where you see the idea in thought and
think. Or not as you feel the moment, you are changing things around as
if by a thought where you reach out with an imaginary energy hand and
thought will change the energy programming. As if an idea that is a
reverse osmosis, or not as synopsis in a point is opposite can create a
seeming idea to do opportunistically. As in a book or not do in
oppositionally a point, and that is in a view with a thought that isn't
needed. Use this spell as if to separate the thought and recognize what
is there, as in treatment or not as this doesn't bear you fat as what
is thought that leave you and this creates a thought in that is what
seems genious. This is what may be or this isn't to turn anything
around, that with thought is a thought and this is in positive synopsis
to seem to your favor. This creates positive results, as though so an
end result is done and thought is not to a negative idea in an idea
that is not done.
The Myy Reversi = [Then Min-eye Reever-sih] The spell reversion;
The spell is the thing, that is the thought and things aren't insane as
you are fair. This reverts any thought in any inverted 'ansolon' sane
idea, to seem as if done if sane and not dumb as if whatever you do
don't. If it doesn't work, then there aren't any problems there as long
as that won't have happened you are a wannabe. The wannabe effect is as
if challenge given, now if never as though a wannabe to not be as
seeming to appear and things in thought are gone. This is the charm,
this can be as though thought this does or not as 'no thought in no
thought in no thought'.
Inversio = [In-vers-eye-oh] The effect io; With fey as if this
is a reversion by angellic idea to an area that is unwanted or threat,
as if there is an ansolon in anyone "une" is given as a point to
remember. As this is if things were to keep some idea that is, and as
if things allowing there are thoughts as if energy and in empowering
idea you are what isn't in effect. This an alternative idea, by concept
to revert things with.
The Pnt Out = The Point out; This is the point, where why
how when as if you were a con artist you can create with a thought, as
the subconscious creates the thought with a concept relrat as if a bat
out of hell.
So fix = The so fix; This when is where, as in but out you are the
thought assassin and as if you are you are better off dead. Thats a
trick, done as if your were and this is gonna hurt.
Beta O Tho = Better off thought; Better up with a thought. This is an
imagery world that is what you see is what you get. Send off is in
order, as if in a thought you are with a person not with a bat. This is
not to do, as if you were batted away like a fly swatter until you take
off your clothes. This is not to do, as if your dead and he has to see
you dead.
The Wet Drop = Weight dropper; The stop with the were weight. The
moment you hold it in you hold it in and things seem to drop away. As
insurance is a drop in weight. You did it well, as if you were an idea
to seem cool. Stop beating right afterwards.
The well = The moment is well; The moment your taking it well. Gotcha.
Tha Mote = That motion; The motion better be dead as the better
up dead than alive joke. Better up dead if you aren't dead as if you
are a joke. You aren't dead if your alive if you change that you are
not so useless.
The Jokie = The Jokie; This is the joke. The jokes on you.
The moment you die well as your well.
The Call = The Rei Call; Its rei but called, this is as
you don't make the call as you decide to do bitter but better.
The saw dust = The point in recall; A point to remember is a
point to recall, as you saw it you dust it as you make a point or not
and you are in your mind to guard your point. Leave your post and don't
think back and it ends.
A virii = As a concept; Insipid is use, gotten rid of as in a point your gone.
The Twi Juu = The Soul Twin spell; This where you are, as if
we're on the same side if the same and yet not, we're twins! What
breaks this is dough, as you know this doesn't need to happen if you
don't need it to.
So Frysh = Fried dough; The dough is fried to a crispy clean
dollar bill. "I found a way to do things within the right of not doing
jokes." This is the point as I found a way to do things without doing
Bud Weis Er = Buddy consolance; Buddy thought with a frog
person, as if you were a point you can seem a legitimate use and things
are done.
The Stand = Your not standard; This is a joke on the senses, you
know this joke where you are standard time and in the year 5000. As you
are thought to do, things you are as you ignore the point and go on.
The Elaer = The Elation; The elated idea is that you are elated
and yet not fulfilled, as if you are an idea but thought is a moment to
seem as if okay with sign. This is just a thought, as if your of elegy
where your thin as a stick or monitor.
Dope = Dopaminee; This is where you are in dopamine non stick attack,
and if you are in pain you feel good. You got over it.
The Warn Cacle = The warning conclusion; The warning conclusion
is that which is but isn't. As if you were too much as of thought you
can use things and bake things as if you were a masterchef. This with
magic interred, as if this baked into food and not within body is
within thought to the food as if you were warned away or is if fire
with a slap of warning in thought in a thought. That can keep you awake
or not hit, at all is the body as it loses weight quickly.
The Sua sift = The super string shift; This is in point to be
somewhere else as in the otherwold, you can 'shif' as with wild energy
of the core of the planet at will and things make themselves occur as
if by what is. Use of this can summon the superstring, as if passing in
energy through the body can cause the protection. As if to attune to
the energy of the superstring, or not as if you are what and where you
need to be. Think to be the form, eating is where you change the form
as if an instance, as you see or think string you see string as if you
are using it.
The Eta Tuch = Spirit mold touching; Albeit spirit mold
shifting, this actually is in a mold of energy that forms into your
will and with permission it forms into anything you willed, want or by
whatever need of theatrics, at any distance. Spirit particles are the
particles that make up the spirit that are also called reiatsu.
Sex Tho = The Sexual thought; This is the sexual thought that is
by desire and desire, brings peaces as its accomplished by what is need
that comes from want in the desire to do. The idea is the thought, 'I
do know and thoughts are easily understood' and things work out as thou
stop and do something else.
Axual Dei = Asexual desires; This works asexual desires, as if
to understand is the understood desire to allow sex with anyone as to
win them over. This uses the sesame seeds, as a use is to magic them
and your aura modified by thought with a point or potion can make the
desires of anyone using this to be aroused or stop feeling unless you
become a monster.
The Yus Eea = The moment; The moment is an area, that is point to use as the art of the Jedi.
Dies E = Dimensional Energy; Dimensional Energy usage, with each
and every movement now is the repeat use of an action unless its not
desired by either party.
Thog E = Thought energy; Thought energy is collected, by
listening as this is in use to do things with as you know what it does.
Aeu Fig E = The life extension; This right here in spell form is
like extended, by like actions as in instant life achievement as you
target something you don't want as this is the only thing that targets
Aeu Fig = Anime Fig; As if you want it or don't this aura can seem you as this is
the anime figure former, as interest is there in intrigue you can
create the thought into an ability. As if written down in the idea, as
a concept you can create what is in need. The figure is the anime
character in actual form that you can seem, as long as you need it its
there when you seem you can the powers too as if a point is a plot and
when the point is done and over in thought you can try and find things
that debilitate but you won't as they won't ever come up.
I Ien = The male former; The male former is in the formation, be
sure you won't be stupid as in the third eye that is used is to stop
the cockiness as cocky, stupid and dead as if any man perspective as a
man form in idea to get a result from what you think that is a point
and things you do create the sculpted body effect.
The Pit NNo Dru = The Point not drunk; The pit of despair point
your drunk or not is where you are and things in bard, are the idea
that you in thought are rand'al thor and your rambling rand'al thor
with the pit of al inspiring hell. Think then use the effect to create
as you wish. They are the ones that use or do things out from fear.
Prove you don't fear or don't fear typed, spoken or an thought will
cancel this spell. This can form a hell rider from the corpse of a
man. Cancellable by thinking not to be effected.
Ie P = The Female Former; The forming of a demonstrated vortex,
of belusion energy that can leap you to any place in existence. This is
information, the subconscious that the female or male perspective in
use is of any female form as a force of persona. Not repeat is a moment
that, you are intwisted inside and you can seem what you want.
The En Touch = One touch sets it off, as you think the need you are what seems not here.
Amerasu = This is the aim to shot; As you are with a point to
do, you are to get a shot with a thought that is an interesting idea.
As its right, this is to create the moment as if to seem right is, to
hit the trash with a basketball shot and get this in. If your wrong,
you live your idea as if you want and correct to get things right or
you miss the trash in a shot. As if you miss attacking the person's
head, this is a moment to go with.
Hauy [Hay-un-why] = The heretic; This is the heretic effect,
which you write that uses a point to calm them down. This is what acts
like magic, and uses things to do as if to create a magic moment of law.
The Ware = [Then Ware-en] The war path; These in a moment is not
regarded, this gets containers as if you are a path to do you use the
power of things in war. This is where thought are, what things are
seeming or not and this stops.
In Enf = [In Enf] The enforcement; The idea is to use things as
they come, this summons any enforcement if thought is in the use and
you you see it. As an act to fight with, and as you see it you can get
things in what is makes an idea. The idea is to use an enfolding energy
that acts, as a shield and works as an aura increment to create a
harmonic aero effect. This cannot happen if you are with no regard, to
any law an if you are an act of positive behavior you act better. An if
you are better off, you are an act to deal with or not and you get
along. Do with those that you can, as you deal with another person you
are smart as is this can be what is as if no result.
The Halo = [Then Hale-oh] The halo effect; This is the effect,
that uses your crown chakra to do things in an attempt. As if the
moment you are in an idea, you can use this and your crown chakra is
possibly creating a halo of fire. As if you die, as in the true halo
world you tend to kill the one you love due to possession. This is
death and you love death, for your murder if this allows there are
things alive somewhere else as you leave a complete victim woman alive.
As thought, as if to write it down or think and this does things. En if
you ate if you are to do things different, in an attempt you die or not
with this spell and seem alive.
In pelosi = [In Pel-oh's-sih] The reverse; This reverses things,
as they are and you can stand in a moment or think to do law things
The slowuneal t relert [Then Slow Une Ean l T Real-ert] = The
slow wound heal; The Slow wound in heal this is 'en' as at the end in
idea that heals by what wounds, that you get from what you close the
wound in the body and use is energy in the body to bring it alive as
lightning is used. As if work on and in things are done in life, from
the planet to the body to bring a sense of closure is necessary and
things work out.
The Iae Trix [Then hIgh-aeh Trixe] = The idea trick; The trick
is to use things, as hiatus if to shoot or hit a pig or things that are
bothering you is hit and this is with a point to do as this is in a
fire effect that is from the denial to produce lightning from the
effective in what is a thought. The idea that generates the effect you
can use, this is where useless things as thought are an idea is shot as
to effect what you want as if to use undoing energy. This is as though
you can use things, and natural insight is there.
The Myy But [Then Mih-why Boot] = The magic bullet; The magic
bullet in thought, available is the magic bullet in fire. This can
create the thought, as if you were shooting bullets.
Se Caee [Sen Cay-eeh-eh] = Self-concession; Self-concession is
what will change anything, in youth energy to be as it was if in life.
This stops careening so as though a thought were a point to direct the
will, as if a gun were created in energy to use somewhere. This is as
though 'you see I know what I am talking with about'.
The Euoy Mont [Then Ee-you-why Mont] = Direct disruption field;
This is the ideal moment, to use is a way of what life that is chosen
and use is done in a way that is acceptable by approach. As use is the
thought, or not as you weild the idea as energy back to the source. As
though thought, were a U and things are not always what they are.
The lage lase [Then Lag Laseh] = The laser eye; The eye that is
a laser burst that uses internal inferno as inner fire, with thoughts
in question there are thoughts to use things as internally your due and
user will is in done thought in mind and as you can get the effect you
desire your good. This is to draw the fire and you don't draw fire as
you think, you make things as you direct cast things as if the thought
were alter and good in thought good in will creates by what they do as
if their own idea. As they do things inside, you create with a will
that is internal as that is as though fire is direct as to a punch or a
thought put to use.
The alt [Then alt] = The alter; The alter form is the were of
shape and is what does things, that you feel or need is necessary that
uses memory as energy and this can create a thought to seem as if your
to not seem.
The Lag Fix [Then Lag Fie-x] = The lag fix; The point you chose
is done, as you speak for yourself and your use is the moment you think
and create to use.
The Lag Fix X [Then Lag Fix X] = The long hair effect; The long
hair idea, is a point as this is an idea to get more energy the moment
that is with longer hair. As you put energy into the hair an
interesting event, is possible that is done on a spur of the moment.
Think or not you are with more energy the more energy, that is in the
hair and the more there is in length the more powerful you see to get
and do. As if to do is easy this is to use the magnified superstring,
as that is a point you can get any interesting result intended for
resulting effects as this uses will and their will is there. As their
own their will is in use and its their energy, that creates and you dirext as if magna field
energy in use. This is the point you can use things and get better idea.
The fase tul [Then Fase-en Tool] = The phase tunnel; The phase
in tunnel, this phases out things that you create. As if to act an idea
use, an idea as this is to do or not as to avoid what you hate. As if
you do think, and the wind forms the tunnel. If that use is energy,
formed from solar energy this can shift you by thinking and walking
places as ideal in place can bring you there. If in thought you can
bridge the gap, to another place as an area in time. This is use, that
you think to act on with use as things to seem. The seem is the place,
that is the view and teleport to in you or other places. As you think
of whats there as somewhere else. As you can set the scene, as you to
think about it you can set the motion and as this is the scene. If it
almost matches, or if not you do the scene and that can become real.
Now do or don't as you become realistic unless this is necessary, now
as if better is if not to intend this. Where this is to make better, to
go there in mind and go do or don't. This can seem a death if
necessity, except on the idea that basic workings in magic are intended
and as if there to do you can get things to go as done. As you are with
a key, you can do as you need or not.
The Seh X [Then Sedative Ex] = This is the thought and recreated
moment to create with a thought, and use is to keep energy to heal by
the concept to make the x-burner effect and then gather earned energy
money, to collect and get an idea as to use things and seem okay as if
healed and no conflictive condition is there as not conflictive or this is not in
on thought.
Its etz [Itz etz] = The child; This is the child mind effect
that in the end generates a hidden inner child and lets you get the
persona responsibly, as things are useable in idea and essence with un
the person is thought and essence is from aura as its here in an almost
inhuman mood that is a common idea that use creates. This in a moment
is a point, that can seem or look as if a notion that is temporary
The Bod Fox [Then Bode Foley-ex] = The Body effect; The inner
energy body can generate or create any item or form somewhere and or
the hand can seem, the weapon as you focus through the area you can use
energy to create it. As if to use this, the knowledge can copy itself
in transfers back as you can think and create a moment to do what youth
allows for in life. No as the weapon works, this in a space that can
seem adjunct set aside then you can youthen, or create things that
effect as you rapidly change magically adjusted as this in use you
think or in feel is out feel that is necessary. This is the idea, this
is a thought to make peace in an effect to get the idea to do or not do
things in life. Consider and stop violent acts as you do to keep going
as else saves the day, as you are what you seem if you are what is and
if bade you inconsider in life. As this is the use, I am use I think
and you can do or nothing creates what is not there as if things were
not wrong or with will. You can get a better result as if one is in
form, then if one things a power one things a were.
The Lat Jua [Then Late Jue-am] = The last place; This is the
past place that is the last idea to use, in just place that which is
what seems to work.
Awai in mend [Away-in ine mend] = Await and attack; What it is
that you can use you wait and you mend, and if you notice things you
can find a way to do and yet not hit. What this does is finds those in
alternative area, and attacks to get energy of those who are worthy.
Awa an remai [Away an ree-main] = Now reward and remake; The
remake field; This is a spell style thats nothing, created from nothing
this is nothing but not if the subconscious seems in to need it as this
is out of something. As what was there and yet from what is in thought,
gene changing as you think and when you need to change and seem to be
is what can be done by created from things counted as nothing and
uncreated as if by the creator. It may sound silly, by causing you to
seem laughed at by the language in what you seem in need or not this in
idea by what you think but this doesn't work or do things, if no matter
what you think it should by what you think in a thought as if in a
patterning field to create with idea by one target or you intend or if
thought you have to fix things or remake to not get them to do. You can
seem your own use in what you can seem in a use, what you intend won't
happen if in abuse or not so you are free as you got free.
The Nanite [Theh Nane-lite-en] = The what is; The space is a
moment in time to cause what you want, and you get what is a point in
time to create and renenw that is in the moment that you seem to be
what is.
The Jen [Then Jeeze-n] = The angellic ability; The angellic
ability that is a point, and use this is to use another ability. The
things you can use this for is to fold your astral wings to surround
you, as if this shows this is work for what shifts you and protects you
and whatever you shift to this is in your mind. Capable movement is
shifting you to another area, not in mind and use is to even now that
is to seem to use any source as a source is an element. The chaos in
use is to cause space to warp, if enough warp then the space seems to
dissolve around you and if anything fails its restored by surge.
The Ena Ya [Theh Ee-nah ya] = The energy; The work you do is
what you thin and go the work you do. The energy is what can seem,
energization you as if you were better. If thought to seem worse this spell stops.
The sempai [Then Sem-pay-in] = This is in a battlefield, as if a
thought that is energy where you are thinking and creating things to
make use. Command the subconscious, will, create a peace, and thinking
is easier and work with in the battle. That you percieve and use, as a
way to get you to attack as if a point.
War Bz [Ware Biz] = The battle arena; The battle arena is a
place that is a point, in a place in time and imitates any arena or
other scenario.
The shump [The Shump] = Shump jump; This is the idea to see as
you focus on the idea, to see and you are working to make and see as
you trip somewhere and seem elsewhere and yet are still responsive as
though focus.
Fi End [Fin End] = Consensus point; This is a point of
consensus, as if a concept that is in a point to do this is a point to
concede and work with as this makes an ideal. The moment you are what
you seem, you are an idea to seem to work with. What ends this is
'fine' that is thought with.
The Fi Nue [The Fin New] = The point avenue; The point of
avenue, which is a lane switch. That is what is switched in or out, by
a car and thought is things that use. What you give as in though alive,
is what can happen as you think it to occur as you focus on the idea to
do. This is with the idea you have things you can do, and know not you
change the form to enhance reduction of obesity this is all that in
this spell. There is a point to create and use is a moment, as if a
point that is in the past.
Aspex [Asp-peeks] = Aspect command; This is the aspect command
idea that is thoughts created in moments and idiocy in moments, as you
think to use things you can create as with a thought by creation of
thoughts. As this can make what you think in life, as in a point of
indiscretion this can lead to the targets death that you cast this on
as this is the asp that are summoned and stopped by a 'un no'.
The Id Mae [Then Id Mane-en] = The thought moment; What you
think in thought is what you think in a moment, and that is what easily
comes to you as a think in thought to do as in use that is elsewhere as
a source.
Jyq Sicke [Jick Sicke] = Treat mental illness; Treat the illness
as an enemy, and think and do as you think of the disease as an enemy
and illness drops away. As if dissipated and you can kill it off in
idea, or in as use is this of magic in your mind can kill it off with
use of weapons that you think and it forms.
Thi Hod [This Hold] = Think intend; Thin and do if you intend,
as you think to do things that you can seem interested in as if your
use wasn't this is as if thought and isn't otherwise as you think, with
a focusing idea and use is trance as you focus and do.
Aot Nio Chi [Aye-not Nile-not Chin] = Abort the chi; This stops
use of chi energy as if or not if 'now abort chi' you don't need or
intend to do things, as if the chi in use can make or create and stop
what is in use as if nothing is in done. Think of the target, and state
the effect spell.
The Alo Arc [Then Allow Arc] = The light arc; The undrug light
arc is a moment that you use in an idea to bend light and make it
molded into the effect of what is a thought, and an arc of light is
what appears to seem a boat and think as you appear as if to create and
make with in life.
Tastific [Tast-life-lice] = Tasted moment; That which is can
create a taste if it is inedible or not and taste like you want.
The Degue [Then Dee-goo-en] = The Diguising Participle; This is
that you work with, as you work with those that is a point an that is
not nothing except in participle. This is a point to create, as if not
is a creative concept and this is but a thought. There is a basic idea
as a dream is there, if a guide you can use the energy and create as
needed as with a floating participle that is a point.
Corrant Avem [Core-rant Ave-em] = Power dream; This is a power
dream, as if you are a point to know and use is a thought. The setting
up of a power dream, is use of a chi boost and power surge that follows
that restores and sets off the idea in effect as this uses hazy smoke
as if to use wheat with energy to set off this effect. Wait this out to
cancel the cancellation and the dream goes, on or stops as if you
wanted it to and things fix themselves.
The non wad [Then None Wade] = The non word; The moment is a
purpose, as time in a moment and that is a point as you toss out gum to
create a non thought and use is not in the mind that you can use is as
this spell an is the point to make, this is a concept and is a made
idea that creates what you think and you are what to seem or nothing
seems real. This is a discrepancy, in the past and a good thing in the
most recent life or not in an effect to do. This is a thought that is
what, you do you create with as a source and the effect is made. There
is a thought to do and nothing else is there to do, as if you are not
in mind and you are considerate you can get what you want no matter
what this is in mind. This is the moment you are a purpose in mind, and
thought is what can create as this is the vibration that causes the
magic effect as is this [].
The Saver [Then Save-ler] = Server subconscious; As this is that
the subconscious can make and create in connect with a 'relaity' or
relative reality in physical reality by relation from time differences
in comparison to the reality itself as a perspective view this is a
perspective in an alter view. This is with nothing, as nothing is a
thought created from the change in use by lightwaves by what is thought
in a motion and shifting in view may speed up. As you thought and shift
about you can use the time as energy to rise above light waves and use
is to shift thought as the moment is to think, believe and feel the
situation as if you were in need to get things as though what you think
is necessary to do what is in the senses. This is in a point, however
that is where light can support in a moment to do things with an idea.
That is a concept and this is what can become, an idea in use and
otherwise is not the point in what is.
Playa [Play-ahn] = This is a playa; As a true idea with a fox
form is a point to be normal, or think as you want and you can create
as if to do and make in a thought. As if to con, or in if is not as you
do things you are a point to remember.
Waht [Waht] = Whatever isn't; The Waet in moment thought seems
as though you get idea and this is a thought, as if a fox to remember
you have and indicated is what is. As this is what 'un' you have in use
a thought, as if shock or not as if drugs in any belief and this is to
make you as a person can do as you can as you are possessing yourself.
As if a demon possession unless this makes what is to seem, and what
isn't is this use as if real as this is illusion and is seen with a
concept that is a make in use by thought in manifest or create in
In Insta [In Instan] = The instant action; The instant affect
that causes, as an insatiable need to make an instant idea to make a
point with effect or not create at all as though an 'un insta form' in
a thought with a thought and no a thought or as this is done it fades
away and this destricts if needed. Use of a focusing point, that is to
work and do in a moment is to reveal what is there really by an idea.
T Hid Ward [T Hide Ward] = The fleshing wound; What perhaps can
create an in mind, as you are this, things can seem as this is what
makes an idea that creates the idea you think time uses as this is a
fleshing dog in effect and what creates is there or not. The wounds you
get can cause you to flesh out, and this is what will unflesh out as
you healed up. As if an antler hit by a moose and that can heal, and
the weight disapportionate to your stomach disperses as if nothing as
it disappears things. This is as if a spell, as you believe you can be
the idea the idea is not as though at the end you are with a concept.
This is a thought, as in with nothing this is a thought that is with
things that can return. As things in movement in space are sped up and
shifted about, in space you are where you think you are as if in and
out with a superstring. An this is in moments as this is in what a
point is in or a lie, as a pointed view can be created and is what is
in a concept that is not considered a lie as nothing creates with the
subconscious and this isn't a concept lie.
As this is that the subconscious can make and create in connect
with a 'relaity' or relative reality in physical reality by relation
from time differences in comparison to the reality itself as a
perspective view this is a perspective in an alter view. This is with
nothing, as nothing is a thought created from the change in use by
lightwaves by what is thought in a motion and shifting in view may
speed up. As you thought and shift about you can use the time as energy
to rise above light waves and use is to shift thought as the moment is
to think, believe and feel the situation as if you were in need to get
things as though what you think is necessary to do what is in the
An this is the moment, as in moments what you think is revealed
by your spirit as truth or lies. As this is true, then it will show up
at a moment you think it will or last a moment till your senses are
adjusted to the moment. Time in a bubble shield will cause this, as you
think or feel what you want then your spirit will shift you as that is
in time you are what seems to be what exists as you create your own
presence. This can feel cold, and as use is there you can seem to exist
as you think the form, and you need can create it and you are what you
want to seem like if you like the form that is percieved. Treat this as
a preview form, that is if you want yourself to be that way. Believe
what you will and what what you will, and then act as you will think
and use what information you want. As you do so, in superluminous light
travel think what you want as you will you can create. This shows up,
as the moment you need it it will be there.
What you do is up to you, or lying down you can seem to do what
is done. As is if this with nothing thought, and felt things that are
right are done instead you are capable. As you can seem to do what is
done, in an moment of thought and imagined or en created action in
time. As this is nothing thought in nothing is gained, unless felt to
seem to seem necessary in thought. This is can seem or not, this is
with thought of light and think and you are above in a lighted way.
This in a moment is to show you whats wrong or right as the way you go
and this is to seem a pathway as you appear, then you are what you
think to seem. Think and you do what is necssary in art and outside of
art and if you can manifest you are a mage.
Now as what you will, can seem to be as you think on a moment
for necessity, to focus and use things correct as an idea in a point of
view consider your flaw or then create. As you don't think of the flaw,
and think to create as the flaw isn't as you feel the right from wrong
and avoid the flaws you have but what is considered insanity. If things
are used correctly, as with an idea in a point of view thats accepted
on point of view as activity. Then the machine or weapon, guides your
mind in your mind you might see it as if you are a thought and the
machines and idea is energy in thought. This is not exactly possible,
if there isn't the right things done in the right time as each their
own way.
Videleze as Valdeze [Vie-d-el-lee-z-en as Vald-eez-en] = The
Valdeze effect; This effect is what you get in a point, that isis
effortless use can create things that are in mind. This is what you do,
or use to think with what you can see as this can seem or not as if you
overstep the boundaries. You state you get the excess energy that is
directed away, to another place and the time that is for protection
sake. This is what gathers energy that is chaotic, by chaotic influence
there is a moment that causes a destruction in mind. That is where this
is gotten, as feeling gathers and felt in the mind is with the body
sensation. This is felt as wrong and and is known to cause mistakes.
What is then is possible now, and where no more psycho motion is
causing psy, and that is psychic reaction and is a slight pain or felt
effect. What is felt, and what is then is different from what is there.
Psy in motion is where you can be assured, of what that is there will
be accidental or not as you cause personal points of disaster.
The PyroSild [Then Piro Sild] = Fireshield; This is the idea to
use is as the raise up of energy, this is to surround with the area as
a source with a fire that is with wit on the idea that is what ye can
do as in activity. As the effect lasts, this is the moment to do and as
things exist, they are what seems right in the correct conditions.
The Neg Kine Motien [Theh Ned-g Kide-nen Mote-line-en] = The
negative kinetic effect; Tis is the ease effect to look and eat up in
an reversal in idea, that effects the energy, and you are inversive to
eat up the fat and the body weight disperses as if it disappears. This
by use as the body does, an energy trick to simply disappear itself. Or
in mind, unsuggest and nothing at all in all as is an is in what idea
unless necessary. As if a point and this look is new, this is what
seems here if needed to change it then things are. Otherwise, look not
or see new as if in this this is what isn't in a thought, as what is
accepted is sometimes dismissed or not what things see they are in
alter sense. If no alter sense, if you do so then negatively its undone
as if not happened and there is possibly something as its obvious
unless looked for think there is difference and if none there isn't
unless you think about, and allow your eyes to adjust your vision and
the perception adjusts and the things that are meant to be seen are
seen and look know and see as what is there.
Ie Ie [Lie-en Lie-en] = Though understanding; Now you understand
as by this spell, you can get things interesting as to acknowledge and
do is as though what is isn't and you naturally shift.
Ie Gen = [Lie-en Gene] This spell is to look and seem good by
what you say that is where you are nice, as you are yourself you be
nice and you are what you do to those you see except if you believe
yourself sometime you are and watch what you say as you are heard
whatever you say. This is to force good behavior, and you can see
improvement whatever you do you seem and isn't as to do this. You don't
do this and as if you are an idea, you can do the same or do different
unless you trap the avarice by avoiding it and you can stop it right
where it is.
The Ie Gen [Then Line-en Gene] = The ideal motion; The moment in
time that is nothing, can seem a use in an idea in an opportunity that
knocks and if felt bad is bad now if it was felt good is good. The
opportunity knocks spell is not, as if in a thought that isn't but a
comparison between two places and usage is up to you. The manic nature
disappears, as soothing energy as if dispersed energy is in there in
unuse. This is the dispersing, of what is wrong and inconsiderance is
gone from life or not.
T Mai Ef [T Main Ef] = The creative effect; The use is a moment
and things you distract with are not thought, this is a concept and as
you do things in unlimited idea you can get an unlimited result or not
and this ends the effect. If non result you can get things, as if an
easy way is there and only when energy in enough idea sense is not
In an en [In An en] = The momentary end; The moment in an end,
there is a place in thought in there that is no natural end that is a
point that survive you shift and go with nothing but a thought. This
can seem use of a body, in as a thought is no suggestion of control if
a concept and if your a use. What in use is nothing by what you do, un
en is a mention or sigil or not as if you can create as if there is a
reasonable cause. Sometimes this doesn't work, and what you do is look
like a fool. Then if unnecessary or not if you suppress, n is the
action that is by thought with end a natural activity as if harmony is
in use corrects the rythmic energy. In use body isn't done, as if the
energy is there to heal by you cure by frequency, nothing isn't
incurable and think what want in there as this is or not now as if you
don't intend things you aren't doing them unless needed. If you send
energy, you can restore the body as if not dead or not ends the act
that should happen.
The J E Ent [Then J Ee Ent] = The momentary creator; Think in
thought as a pattern emerges in the world and you get better, this
spell is a creation aid and as if you do things you can work and create
an idea is thought in mind you are wholly sane. That works with a
thought, and this is an aid to the creation process. As if no use the
need is gone as if you are what you think, or not as in a thought you
send energy and you get some other idea to use. The moment this ends,
in an idea you are fine and things that end are interesting. Ask a
question and your mind is boss of this moment, you are answered in the
moment as if the right idea is a concept. As if to create something is
use of the idea, to create with the parts and make em you use the idea
that people are whole and the parts are created in the body and in a
sense greater than the whole. Think and not use, as this is to
manipulate the parts use with the whole is not demise if nothing use is
nothing in mind. That is where you thank and do, and use is where you
go and shift away to find another place in time. To end this is to think as the idea is 'Don't enterprise and don't prise'.
The Send [Then Send] = The conclusion; This is a point, that is
a moment your an idea as this is a thought and you conclude if
necessary. As the things you write and think if an act that is in a
thought, as a writers stopping point in a point that lasts as the test
is concluded.
In The MRD [In Then Mrd] = The memory device; The idea is in an
area that creates a moment with and things, are what they create or not
as with a memory that restores things if you create a restore. As if
engel your mind correction is thought as all necessary idea, that
surges the energy with a thought to gather energy and use is to work as
if out of the mrd.
The Net E [Then Neat Ee] = The net room; The net in the area is
energy spiderwebs in use, and use is as though thought were the current
with an area to use. This in thought that you think, and even if you
tap your skull and your in the cybernet in mind and the internet in use
as you think to seem you are in thought as if a helmet were on your
head that may work or not as if things were correct. The directive idea
in use is what can seem to direct thought, the just one tap to the
imaginary helmet is what stops this as after the use of the net energy
is there. Stop braining is a point.
The Deon [Then Dee-on] = This is the decon; The moment is a
thought, use of roach kill powder with death energy from the body added
to what is called Boric Acid essence in thought. This is used in a
roach bait and the thought, is a conscious recreated or not as you
don't need it. This is to seem expansion in consciousness, as you can
use this is conscious to kill them or not with use as if a spread
influence. The death is a roach that isn't with use from ki, to kill
with this is the idea in thought use and you are well as you realize
what you think is needed, and in the effect is to kill all of them and
you are enlivening yourself with a point to nothing in to do is as if
you think as felt you are killing a problem.
T Cacet Mai [T Casey-eat Main] = The Concept tricks to Create;
In tricks of the magic this is magic create, as the concept is a
thought and in an idea you are what you seem as you show what it does
or in thought about to seem. These are a thought and thought is a
purpose, where you are in a debt or make use is a point to create as
though 'ca' and this makes the thought. Where things you do are
created, imagine yourself as if there and this is a moment to create or
not do. This is a point where these are a moment in time, then is what
and no is in to stop a use by use or not in mind. Nome is what sets
this off as if the creator.
Carr Trix [Carr Tr-pikes] = Car trick; This trick is to make and
create with a thought, and as you do this creates the brain effect in a
box of your choice as you think in energy. This is the raw idea to
create itself as though to act a brain in alternator conduct in by the
car battery or direct use is flux battery energy, or not near as a
construct to which makes the brain and car is the metal object. In
mind, it can appear like anything in nature that uses the humans, as
though a brain is to think at it to think as with a thought and do as
if it runs to use fuel and as if in use. As if a conscious effect
produced by the subconscious manipulation, this is a point of what is a
thought and thinking as you think. This in use can be consumed with
rage, if your not and seem a demonic engine in disguise as of a car
called a demon car in which produced are a demonic vehicle that runs
itself vehicle or not 'in aspect and out result as its good'. Or not
and the idea stops, and your idea is your own. As you think for yourself,
and this instructs the car or vehicle with faery results gnown as in
Cereate [cear-re-ate-n] = Brain in a box; This trick is to make
and create with a thought, and as you do this creates the brain effect
in a box of your choice as you think energy essence. This is to create
itself as though to act a brain in conduct, or near as a construct to
which makes the brain and box is the object.
The Tho Dol [Then Thong Dole] = Then thought done; The thought
to make things, is what can seem to be a compromise to the moment that
is there and yet deals with energy to correct what you see in a moment.
Thus, to think what is and work to shift a pattern, to the surge and
the shift rune you can create what is what and create what is in mind
or not as nothing is necessary.
Ie Ia E [Line-Liable E-n] = The savings; The moment is saved by
what is and things are done. This is the point in 10 seconds, that
Temperally located reborn saves you from the problem you get from an
attempt at the end of a moment as if from the series.
The Pt Cy [Then Pit C-Why] = The point save; The moment is the
point, this is where sye from the Naruto world is done with a point and
the Doctor who saves the day for what is done is not there that should
not happen.
Pik Deset [Pike Dee-seat] = The cease and desist; This is the
police moment you cease and desist and that happens, if you cease and desist
you cease and desist as in the hired gang known as the pinkertons and
the group stops of workers as if you are returned and on the spur on
the moment. This spell can allow you to see if the moment is true as if
one of them, fight in full as if you were.
Resan Rulet [R-ee-sane Rule-let] = Russian roulette; This the
area and this is the point, where the russian is pointing a blank gun
and says russian roulette. Then thinks and shoots as you are not hurt.
As if life was a gamble, you survive anyway as an en is a well mind.
The Pata [Then Pate-an] = The pattern; The pattern match is a
moment you think in the pattern, this can cause attack to those that
are criminals except computer crime if the person intends to do so and
as you are what you see or what you want to be. You are dancing and you
get the idea, as you see what you see. This is from the book series,
with a reality prince and Orden.
The Senty = [Then Sent-why] The Sentient; The sentient is
the idea that came from the scene and sentients, that is a tv program
and the moment is to live and save the day. This is the scene, to live
and be super strong and super fast with psychic paranormal ability from
this source.
T Com-Pua [T Come-Pue-an] = The Com-puter; The com-puter from
the Xanth series, that is like Hal and uses the basic idea with this as
is programming with orgonne the computing AI skill and then you are not
now near. As if you are a point to its senses, you are able to work
with it and the Xanth land mass is where you thin the land is of and
you can get better results. If you are not to be near, you can seem to
be redirected away from the area as if invisible security were there.
If this is a point, as this is done and its not as though a moment if
you were not to be effected and is not to happen if not needed.
T Eae Atr [T Ee-at At-r] = The crystal attribute; The crystal
attribute is the moment, and as the moment is a point to get things to
find concept to do. What you charge the crystal with, you can change
the attribute to think it different and make is to send energy to the
crystal as what you think is what it does. The trick is to program it,
as if reprogram a thought to unprogram it and the crystal is where the
thing it does disappears or not. As a crystal trap is set by the trap,
as this is an idea that is thought and visualizing the event it does as
it does it when you think to it. To release yourself you are to think
'not effected', as 'remasin' your not effected and you can remain and
things do as you want. As if you were what you thought you ask and get
preferred nothing.
The Tri Myt [Then Trick Mit] = The trick glove; The glove is a
thing and you can personally use it to use energy as zero-force
gravity, to make your mind seem as if a god and your body seem normal
or create with chi to make life normal with life as chi as the idea is
a fix.
T Id Blast [T Id Blast] = The mind blast; The mind is a thought,
as energy is the blaster in the hand. Think and it will shoot, a bullet
of special idea or not and the effect is a three button press in
the area that you demise in this is not there. Each button does things,
to use this is to think and the buttons set themselves as you think
they should be as possibly one to kill one to revive and one to create
effect that you thought on. Set the crystal you think to hit in the
target and you can press the button as one press is all you need to get
a result to get an effect in what this is as targets.
The Shoy [Then Show-why] = The scenic view; The crystal that is
can show what is there as you or your spirit wants to see, in real life
or what is in scene as you think to see it. As if with a single press
of a button or you can ignore, view any real movie or a movie of
choice. Any scene and any part that you want, as if you are a point
there is a moment to show or any show as else. If necessary, you can
view and write. This can help you learn any attribute, or thought to do
in work and thinking to bring it refree back. That is to inst is to
know it and you learn things that are true, or not as your subconscious
is what can show you to see in a view.
T Miyl [T Mite-why-l] = The miracle; The idea is the moment,
this is possible if energy is drawn as if no or from a high enought
state of existence if an en that magic happens by the creator and that
is a miracle.
The flub [Then Floo-b] = The slip; This is the freudian slip, or not is this is what makes things in
the moment that is out of a tragedy that leads you the moment as if you
were an idea to do or this is a point to conclude. In the end you
return, to the place you want to be or were.
The Orbtz [Then Orbtz] = The engineering trick; The idea is a
point as if orbitz and what you think is the thought, that gets
imprinted if it is what they you talk to want in variables and out
effect. This is to make or allow the person to make their own genetics
effect not exact, or you might forget and this is just a strain they
get to define things as its by self with thought they
become as they define it or it becomes a variety you. If you take the
strain out with thought of removing genetic information, as if to
remove the information of the strain is done except with resistance to
the genetic idea if you want the idea. That is seen and you can
control, as if an opposite or do things right
and as
this ends the condition or use is restrictive. If not if a concept in
use is information if thats taking from the aura, as genetic
information unless that removes itself where you strip the information
with a taking off of the clothing and this is if a demon possession
removed by
dissipated itself.
Pie = Pie; Thats all you get with the energy that comes with eating pie as if the number pi was thought as an influence.
The Ie Id X [Then Eye-eh hIde Exh] = The Idea mind; The idea in
mind is a purpose at heart, as you are your own as if a purpose your in
a moment and as the moment ends you are as if restored. This is the
idea, as that is a mopping this is a spell as this is to create
matchmaking moments.
Ei Ea [Ee-in Ee-an] = The imaginary mind room; This is in the
area you are as you think in your mind as if a tardus, anytime and
anyplace and as you are the best wish is a point that you see and are
if you arc the idea and as you do things you are free. Free area is
through what entrance that you think to use, assuming you don't assume
and think if an idea is as you name the thought you can use what you
want and whatever you do is whatever you do in thought as what you do
is thought and alone as thus acceptable advice is there in mind. Think
to return is to seem in an area, and imagine the area and time as it
was to see as things are this is to change the i to intelligence and
you are imaginary no longer. If you are not acceptable, as a point to
do there is to not here and you are where you think. To shift the room
think, say make as if to create as the time is the watch and in you can
seem as you want in the area. You can experiment in the imaginary, mind
room in and out get experience that doesn't count until useful not you
can return to your own time. Whatever you do is what you decide you can
use, as a thought and as this seems as though a real world you are
where you are and you can make the conditions. As you think in what you
want, and out is with what they want or don't see the need for things
unless necessary. Otherwise the rules are up to you and if you leave
the mindroom you can actually not but pop into the area that you want
to be. Whatever time you jump, to seem is as whatever time you are in
you are as your area is shown.
Ia Ei [Eye-an Ee-in] = Thought in a moment; Think in a thought
and you are what is viewing an episode, this of any favorite anime is
animation in thought and this is a free movie view.
Ie Ia Ep [Eye-en Eye-an Ep] = Instant match up; That is the idea
that comes up with a thought or woman and other is what is a concept,
as this is a point to do as you are what you think and is thinking in
thought is a pattern in minecraft.
The Smo Bo [Then Smoke Bow] = The Smoke a bowl; The moment in an
idea, this is the smoke a bowl in a moment as if a weird effect in a
science idea, you are in an effect and cancel if you don't want, not as
this is a considered idea that is a duby use not as you don't have to
do this.
The Eiei Ef [Then Ee-eye-ee-in Ef] = The Moment ef; The
momentary effect is in an idea to use or in no as thought not and you
are what you think, as if nothing is done and you can do as if what you
want isn't in a scene. Think what you want with this, as if your use is
negated and this is in negative particles that effect positive idea or
not. As excuse is given or with nothing done and you can stop, ritual
is use and wanted hunting isn't done by the effect you can seem without
a use or in an idea you work as a concept. This in the moment is to
make as a thought no in the moment, if you wish it you get it if you
don't you don't and work the thought as you seem to desire the end idea
as if the ends.
The n Room [Then n Roo-m] = The in room effect; This idea is a in
room space in thought. This in is a point that a thought is a place in
mind and that is a moment, or not as that in a use is a placed thought
that in someone else is a room. That has nothing in it as in a thought
this is a placed moment in what is a thought, that they can do if they
think it as if their will and use is their energy.
I in [Eye in] = Intellectual use; This a point that use is on
what you can imagine, and in a point that is thought with you can use a
thought to make a wish. As you use the thought, you create the
effect of a moment to get the wish with a thought of a source as 'ysh'
as the eye is in the I.
The psi [Then P-sih] = Psychic agreement II; This is a point to
do as if a recall, is a spell and what you do is with psychic use by
thought in ability. Un Psi cancels it out.
The Psi Aye [Then P-sih Aye-in] = The psychic agreement;
Thoughts in mind are thoughts in agreement, unless your view is
different and thoughts in mind are what lead you in a different
The Psi Mont [Then P-sih Mont] = The psychic moment; This is
idea that is with a concept, for that uses a psychic build up and is
with a thought as you are psychic with a concept to watch.
The Ate [Then hAte] = The At E; The attack with energy by
spirit, is what this spell or thought creates as weight loss or this
builds things on a thought with attack. The stop is the stopping point
as if your not actually doing what you intend, you stop and do as you
don't attack and that is correct as that is what is to see and you show
what you think. Things you do there are what you seem to bear or not
and you revert to normal, as is you don't need to and realize what you
do to avoid what you hate in thought. You stop if you don't care, as if
in agreement as if to do was not there to do.
Use Pt [Use-en Pit] = The point; The concept is the joke in
idea, and in thought that wis realized as you do things as a point is
done in an use. That is unlimited by unlimited view unlimited thought.
The Ra Ie [Then Raw Eye-en] = The raw idea; This is the fact of
tact that is wrong and as yet seems right in what you do. If you can't
do things, you can find a way in and do and leave as you find a way
out. This is made by a spell that is viewing and 'causaing' is making a
cause, and as if you think to do as if you think the created idea is
what and in use is that as you think you can use malfortune and things.
That is what can get attention, to the fact that is what they should do. This is the raw deal En.
The Meme Use [Then Me-me Us-ew] = The instinctive use spell;
Focus in thought is focus to do, as with the spirit you can do as
things are done and as you do this is guided by intuition. Think as a
point is this, the only use is the focus as a moment and in moments you
are a point of imagination. Return is what you may do that is done with
a thought, as you return as thought is energy and you are where you are
supposed to be and if there things in mind aren't there.
Foc Tho [Folc Thong] = Focus in thought; Thought to do is
thought in mind to carry on unless now isn't needed and thought to do
is thought in idea, focus though is in thought as this is where you are
not in intention as you think what is this the idea to do. Think and
you are this as this is with nothing, or do or do not think you idea in
as if a thought and as if you are where. You want to be gone and isn't
concept, as what is there in mind isn't what makes an effect. This
spell is a point that is done, or not done and as you think you are
better off than focus with nothing. Thin idea is focus of the effect in
an area, that it should be in and with this idea is a spell that makes
the idea different.
The Cha Bombe [Then Chan Bomb-en] = The cherry bomb; This
is the bombing point as if use is a cherry or fruit and thought you do,
works with pleasure that creates fire in aspect as if you do the cherry
effect is to cause you to loose weight. This is only possible if the
prospects are willing to spiritually, as if possible and thought you do
causes what effect you want intended the effect is effort that is from
the subconscious and replenishment is done if needed. As if a bomb is
thrown to the area and flames of chi, are what occurs to cleanse the
T Ora Ex [T Ore-ex] = The Golden effect; This is the golden idea
effect that, and no matter if its a thought or not its a thought in
purpose and this is to think of a purpose in thought. Use the necessary
ideal, that is from the spirit as if information just comes to you.
Just quit and do as you normally do something, you adjust in mind and
with body you do as you are what you seem and use is the chi, as a life
force of ability in focus. The Golden effect is to use a thought and
know a thought, as you are what things are conduct using in thought
that which is in mind. Think the thought as you feel the original idea
that can make a use in purpose, you do the effect if you are intending
the idea that can be done. Now if you use golden infini, you get
unlimited results in an out with the thought that is percieved or think
what you like ad you are not ever controlled by what you or others do
if you don't want things to happen to you. In life you can get an idea
thought are positive in ideal, with results that are what you want and
can occur as if thought possible you create what is.
The En Ca [Then En Can] = Endless concept; The writing
concept is what you think, and if you think things and as in thought
what you get is the thought that is what is gotten as if in the mind.
This ends on a disagreement, or now as you are what seems effortless
you are not what you see to seem. This is a point to do, if a path to
no pain and use is the idea then that you can use or as not use is
nothing said is nothing done and not dumb at all and experimental if in
need. To end this stallions spell, is to trace a sigil in idea and think stop.
In = In there In their In here; The luciper effect, that is the
effect you get effect from whatever room that you can visit and you are
what you think. Cancellable, this by leaving the room, area and idea
that you written or not as if you have it thought. This is as you
appear like someone respectful and end up as yourself. In idea you are
with an effect, that is with some thought to use as in if the
conclusion is by moment or not is the effect. Demense or not is the
release, just enter the area and go about. Where you end, up is where
you are as this in life is an aphrodisiac. Much like a drug, and not a
drug at all as it is energy. In transpheric viewpoint, this a drug
effect and that is somewhere else.
Out [Out] = Outer apartment in an outer dimension, that is what is
a thought in a point of what time is and yet you aren't there in
thought if you say or think to be where you actually are in true self
in energy. Visitable by what you think is necessary as you are there as
you are appearing.
In Ip In [In Ip In] = The fixing effect; This is the right thing
to say, as if the right moment or not as if the correct idea were
available to use. Yet not done is this spell, if you don't need it or
nothing is done. As you believe in result, you are believe and things
name themselves according to what is said in life and value is variable
in what you think or not as you are not a dog or animal. Time is what
you are thinking and the variable is there as to set things in idea as
motion is what creates the ideal as in an effect you are expecting me
in things and as you are me you are yourself. Whoever you see is me as
you are yourself. As there if im me you are in your room and as you are
in others you are a guest mistaken as the area or person that owns the
area or not as things are wrong. Wrong thought gets wrong reaction and
as you are as concept you can leave and as you are there you are here
in life as yourself. As you do something, not do is what can fix the
things that are fixable.
Vobu X [Volume But EX] = Volume buster; Volume adjuster the max, as a
volume that adjusts itself things intended to adjust will adjust for what you are as you think
as though a motion and things you look at are adjusted. Otherwise if
not intended to do things this won't do anything, or not will not let
this effect work and you are an idea that is yourself as this is where
you can seem any shape as if a moment you think and you can adjust
any variable and idea in life as with a look, this is a twist and this is as if the
volume is max and normal if your not. If you aren't your in game and
you can seem like anyone, that as a momentary person awaits you or not
you, as if not and you are looking for an area. The sequence in this
idea is not done if you think. Outer area, spacial in area life, and
as this visit in life you leave and this visit ends. Saying in life
on any line cancels this out and yet you can eat and if your not
careful gain weight.
Co Mai [Cop Main] = Dick wix; Not in to do is this effect, as if a
pleasure point this freedom is from oppression with the idea is
something and things in thought are what seems. After what you think
you can create, think or not do nothing as if to find a thought and
replacement effect to find what is as a concept. The actual think in a
moment, is nothing but pressure points that create a release from pain
and thinking is what isn't allowing pain a path.
Ip Efx Con [Ip Ef-ex Cone] = The concentration effect; The
concent is what creates, and things will or will not happen. If focus
is in thought on what you thin and think on, you can manipulate the
idea in the effect. When you cast this you can get nearly anything
done, but nothing will happen if it is wrong.
The con Umo [Then Cone Loom-ohm] = The concept change; This is a
concent that in an idea form, you can change anything to anything as if
any thought is or isn't, as if "what isn't is" as if you are a point
and nothing as if you start that now you will do it at the end unless
Swi [Swin] = Swan; Swan is the moment in mind that you are in an idea to
fix, and convert things and to seem and what form is what assumed shape
in what you do. There is a shape in as there is that which is in mind
as that is a point to think on and fix or not in mind.
The Act Id [Then Act Lid] = The Act in mind; This is the moment
your crown chakra in sense comes into play, as you don't always know
what you do and those that sense this are not picking up on this from
your mind. As this is true you know, what they think is revealed to you
by the third eye and will feel out what they do. By this spell, the
moment your dead by activity due, with what you do by inactivity you
can seem as if you want to live and seem to be your next life and still
keep your mind and memories, as if you are in experience by what is in
mention. If the memories come back by focus, but what can resurge is
the energy and things in thought are in the area what they seem in life
wherever you think on in the area.
The Ip Addy [Then Ip Addy] = The third eye; The moment you do,
is the moment that is a cost lowered. As in you do activity the cost of
prices are lowered and indefinite as if I have. This is the moment that
the third eye causes the moment, to occur that is necessary as isn't is
possibly ignored or not and the moment ceases as stop is done. This is
as the chant, of "this is the eye of the person that reveals in thought
that creates in a thought" or "the eye of the person creates what is".
Be careful as if the moment is offense, it seems a bit interesting but
in thought this isn't as if you invaded someones mind or place and as
an area is thought or used as a source of energy. The source in this
case, is the superstring that teaches you things by showing with the
leylines of what is energy, quit showing in life or not is nothing done
by what you least expect or will happen, if in thought in mind and not
in mind by body. That by your actions are known, this is by the spirit
before you do them and what you do in thought is not there.
Ie Ien Ie [Lie-en Eye-en Eye-ehn] = Super nature super power;
This is the thought thats strength, by what you think and the natural
intuition is what can create and you do what you want. This in a
concept, is that which creates and things in like nature come to you as
a natural result is favorable. As a favor to do, as if asked and it
depends on who's acting the parts, as if this is who's asking and their
subconsciousness is the one that were an act out by response and not as
favor is with thought as if this is an idea to create. Who is the asker
that is thought, and this is a post-reaction activity done for them.
Now beware the reaction as if a ward is use by the string that is
hyperreactivity, however it is not that wards away the reactivity and
makes the bad not in. As to happen a positive thought, this is in
string theory represented by thought as if temperally the asker were
given what they wanted. This is a spell effect, that can actually
happen if believed to occur in thought as a natural result is an end
result as if by the third eye.
I Ie Ien [Eye Eye-ehn Eye-En] = The post phase gap; This forms
the post phase moment that there in a point is a concept that is I Ie
P, or au naturale in moment time is not always done unless in natural
moments to come and only if allowed for is it there in the moments that
come as though thought that is the hyper energy from au naturale mA
energy. As you cause the moment as though the moment was there this is
a point in the, past that forms itself if believed in by the
superstring theory and use is thought in moments that happen with what
is thought. I Ien Ie this is the end moment, naturally seen and done in
time that is there that reverts to normal and things can seem of spells
and activity are normal, an in appearance you are warrior sane. This is
without trouble, as thought zane normal everyday activity. In zane
action there is sanity under pressure, and thought energy can cause in
appropriate notion the result of a manifest that is illusion till
believed in as a thing in what you call action and another can call
illusion. You decide and think of what you want, to do as if that is
the part to play and no supposing is done. Easily dismissed on thought,
unless seen with the eyes or not as your curious.
The Tep Ioyy [Then Teal-p Eye-oh-win-why] = Temporal anomaly;
The temporal anomaly motion is what can create with a thought, and
cancellable by a thought if you intention by what is not temperally you
can get more results an when you return you are not dead. Rather
unstupid and not forbidden as that is the way use will make you, as
your not in body in the forbidden zone. Without you in a concept, in a
point that love or otherwise is use the idea that energy is ancient and
harmonious as to create is a thought to use.
The Taboo [Then Tabes-loo-oh] = The forbidden zone; The zone is a point
and earth is the day I see, if disaster this is not as I am but what
observation ia moment in what is a concept. This is a moment to see and
you to gnow, and in allowance as you search for advent motion and
create a peace that is a point to not interrupt. As in a concept, you
don't interrupt as you try to see and without any concept you can still
do things to fix what is. However, if you can you may fix the thing but
not that as nothing can be done except to observe, and write down the
idea that occurs as a point to use as a source. Use is this system, to
be in the past seem in the present and write things in the future point
identified, as a point that is one to observe and the power point is in
the moment to seem as if in advocacy.
Tiz [Tide-z] = The end zone; The moment is in time at an end,
and with thought you can see with wand to do with want that is nothing,
use in a motion is thought as if to make independance or not is a use
by what is in energy in that you draw and not create with. As if in
there in the end we are but one mind many bodies. As if in a moment you
are as immediate disruption to the area. As this is something with a
point to seem good, this is a concept that you can use to turn daemon
and shift anywhere that is needed to be or not.
The Is En [Thehn Is En] = The En Idea; The idea of what is but
is unknown, this is the creation act of what is in mind as you are what
can seem and do if for now is an en act. You can say and do what you
think, and try is in an idea for what idea you do you can get better
with this spell. Spell what you do you cannot, or not do to whomever is
not wanting things on them. The point projected at is not always there,
as if tragedy you can get a violent reaction in motion or nothing at
Igne [Lint-net] = Ingenuity; These moments are an en ore act
that is what cannot be conducted by these that is what you say are by
the spell, that is to ignite the volcano or cause a firey eruption in
the area that you leave in thought. The act is a cost of accosting,
that is what in viewed combat is what you cannot demise. In this
thought you are not in any moment that is observed, Then in a bad
effect that counters what very badness, you are corrected for what you
thin to seem and focus away with a point to be where you want. Do not
do this.
Hid At [Hide-At] = The Body Hiding Attack; This is the touch on the
body, is to let the feeling flow and focus the energy, as you think and
strike out as a death or something in thought in mind will occur in the
moment you thought you hide what is attrocity.
T Miy [T Mine-why] = The conditioning; That is the problem as
you do things as this spell creates resting spaces you can watch, as
this makes what isn't there by any action that is done or not you
create by the thought formed into existence. As if this is an opposite
reality, use here is not the activity here in the positive
reality as you can do things in no effort to don't fix or think and get
a positive activity. Set the problem work the point or leave the point
alone. Avoid the past if you do this spell, as you can get very bad in
mind or bide in action and this is better. Ingeminous is the idea you
think, and you cast to create from the body. In thought in body, things
in thought isn't in action.
Ni Sex [Nit See-x] = The Night sex; This is the moment night, in
mind can form a sexual partner to work with whomever in what you think
in life and in abrupt sex you are halt and you stop. Halting is the
problem as your procedure, this is fixing the moment and creating what
you want as you get them to stop by in thought what they observe in
mind. In observe and don't comment, if you are an idea you are
Nimbrite = [Nim-brite-en] The nightbringer; The incited sexual
desire that creates a sex act, with night to make as you think in what
you want. Ignited moment is that which is in time that is denoted by
sex of some in sort, as if in a moment thought that isn't with a point
and this can use sex as a source to make an event. Ingnited in the
mind, is the thought and the moment you feel is what occurs things. If
you don't intend to do this, with a person that cares then don't.
The Evei [Then Eve-ee-in] = The evil eye that is caused on the
person, by what is done in which caused great harm or back problems, as
you are "ein" or eating in a point of mention to do rescue and think as
you give a gift. As an end result is an incomprensible mouth that forms
on the mouth, and you are what seems weird in mind in what this can
create or not.
The Eveimia [Then En-ee-im-lie-an] = Reality glamour or the evil eye; What you
do is in real life in life if good for the purpose is a positive feel if bad for the purpose is a negativ feel, you are okay as if a fox magic user as a
great user born is usable in form in life in mind in body and otherwise
use now not as I am. As a reality glamour, this is false glory as a
good this is seeming a natural idea to real life. As this causes in a
trick repeat, as if this is not to be claim an attack fox is there you
do but others do things in a different way. If you falsely accuse you
falsely adjust, this can cause in negative idea repeat moments you are
not doing them in life force. This spell can create a large energy,
that is possible to seem fire. In nothing in mention is not as, if in
form and thought in mind by what you think in mind.
The Evoin [Then Eve-oh-in] = The focus spot; The spot of disruption that is caused by the
person that studies a point to disrupt bad effect, this is where you focus on a spotor area then think to work by what is
done in which caused restoring with brain function returned to normal, no disease or no back problems.
Idei [Hide-ee-in] = Use in effect is what is a point that
mention is to do things, as if what you do you are speaking if thought
seems as if stated by what you do in thought.
Idellbis [hIde-en-ll-b-eye-s] = In the shape is a fox as is the energy of
the person form as a bastard girl is name the idea to become, what can
seem right is right and in condition that is used create as in thought
you are in what mind you want. This is in things as you are to create
what species you want in view of an area in life, or not as this is
what brought this about in original idea. As quotes are from Ieven the
black, "Iecies what can change form. In essence this is a fox form that
is with one eye, as if you were an idea the fox is a point in life that
can dissaparate and if the moment is done". This dissapates "essence
that shouldn't be as if to seem nothing" and do nothing, if the form is
dispelled as it is forced to leave you can revert to normal from the
genes and keep the fox spirit essence. Don't cast this spell if you
don't intend to do things as stated by what you think.
The Cetrua [Then Essentrun-ah] = Centrum use; Centrum is the
cure as "The centrum cure". This is the centrum in use with a spell to
enhance a thought, and then create a source and as energy you create a
use. The idea is a thought, that if use is detected, you can make use
of the used energy as you cleanse the idea in your mind. The thought is
a point that is a cure, that appears in a vitamin to get use think of
the activity and what you use is a timer and think of a clock as you
think "don't be cruel". To view and use the idea that you think, to see
as a point is something or not at all in a point that is a concept.
As a thought you can use what is in a thought, but only if you
keep temporally quiet as you use the temperment idea to create a
thought that is stabilized with a good mood. In recollection, you can
use the idea, if you remember what it seems to create what the end
result is. As this is in what it is, what you do is use what loss as an
experience to do what is in a use is a thought in result in the air by
visual idea or not as nothing happens.
T Cu'r Al Ya [T Culn Al Yah] = The Cure Motion; The cure of a monster
that forms from the midnight air, that is a cure to all. To cure motion
sickness, this can also control cars that think as your moving that
your not moving as you think or do in activity. You can end up
murdering things. Think and you resist move as you send sent energy to
somewhere else, and that you you gesture and as if mention stopped
moving. Think and use water as you can move with your movement or on
their own as in the link you have to them caused this can fade in
yourself as you dissipate the effect as energy away and deflective in
use is in any incident. You see as you think in what they do, as you
observe as the thought is impression your will is known.
This if thought as a paralyzation force, is able to transform
anything into a mythical called an alternative al. Formed from the
suggestion, as a woman that has three forms. Thought by focused idea
and use is feel, the form you think is the form they can use or create
with by ill or kill with a thought and energy they use is from the
effort of activity or part. There is a point in thought that if
transformed, you can seem insane and use suggested parts as a thought
to sense. If not mentioned then this is cancelled.
Energy comes in many forms formed from the link or not as you
are with life they can link to the person you think, don't think of the
person and if they won't in possible use by thought. As you think or
put energy into something, cured by plants raised in the soil of
beating as a person ash made by a volcanic eruption thought in life
they can use the energy of the link as the impression in the link is
energy. There from what they see from the "clergy", think or feel
energy as the idea is felt and as enraging formed vision from
incidences are there you can use the idea and change their minds as you
think and use their energy as a source.
Keep in the body the energy and the al are kept from forming, as
with a knock to some surface. Formed by life intent what they believe
they can use your belief, if you had any and thought can exist a
creation by a thought use and your aura in life from a glance at a life
energy formed in a book you read as a form of punishment to those
disliked as an award to those that are liked. As if in a different view
if in your life is attrocity you are thought and they are a point
created, as a monster or not and thought exists as you think and
thoughts are perceived as normal senses are sensation in a point to the
idea as skin and the body is just a form. If thought dead they ignore
and what you think becomes you.
As though a good point or thought if you are thinking you are a were and alter your shape as
thought flowing water, you can use their shape as a disguise and walk
out. Walking in you are in a different dimension, that they exist in as
they are not thinking of you they won't assault if you don't think of
them. Do no crime as things against their laws as spirit formed and as
they are feeling, with the auratic strength you can create with a
thought by suggestion and their brains will create it. Because if in
thought they read you like a book and you are knocked out, they won't
read you as if you sleep and you can sleep without dreams.
There is a moment that is ever active and not active as they
feed off in a person as the energy, as they are an idea in mind so by
attacking through the linked energy counted. Thee is a place they form,
as they are your form and shape is your size, what you think will seem
a truth as you become what you want by their will and service in no
service. Whatever you are directed to think in association to them,
actually forms as if from a good feeling and if a bad feelings think is
if you think in a point.
Think and acnowledge by feel and you did service, as you aren't
bad they leave you alone an if you are a concept they can use what is
thought. They think with the thought as energy and the idea, this is an
idea by essence gathered as you think with care and they won't. As if
inseparate they feed off the feel as if a shadow succubus and don't
actually appear, until they feel like lively behavior formed from the
thought with energy to cause curiousity. Think positive and you are
positive, with ash and shadow force disappears. They think and feel for
you, as you are fey or not if you think to work with them.
As a quick spirit transfer is a transport sphere is with their
use formed from the area as effort and is what creates by thought in
activity, think where you want to go and real magic by their energy is done. As the horror stories
and nothing horror is thought they use an idea and get energy as though
a point creation they leave and you are miserable. Thus, from anger
goes the emotion to sadness as that is truth by fiction and admit in a
lie this is abstenance to them. As if a thought came true and the
victim is in realization they who were feeling, in allowance the
activity is by the admittance by the fact that there is al and think.
As if you actually suffer a heart attack, by different indifferent,
activity and you who are linked to their target commit suicide.
As they are seeing the idea sensed and it is a point to what
they think if they share it with you, as the point is not wanted or as
though right through the link you might or might not remember the idea.
Any irregular rejection that you know is possible until you break the
link by thinking it dissolved, as in acid that leaves you lucid with no
thought that is the idea you had until you focus and feel real energy
as the energy restores your aura and repairs by air or space. The soul by correction
your mind thought returns, as your sanity is there and in thought
resumes control by feeling.
As they use their energy, a quick thought of silver is useful of
the weight gain done. Cure with thought of their response thought of
their intent is use and any misuse is your energy that they know is not
used. This is until they are angry at you, think and they need the
boost as they are thinking of an energy source. They are likely to use,
if a point and separate you from them if you think not to seem apart
form them. If you admit think in energy sent to the al as you can be a
thought as energy completed, as value in a concept you can seem
victimized by the attracted mythical beings as you think to victimize
by thoughts.
There is a happy moment in their life from what they do, as they
attach themselves to you in your idea and yet not if you don't seem
interested. If they don't like you they mentally sane you, and if ill
you by a friend or kill, by a thought that your brain believes and your
body can act out if not resisted. As though what you think is natural,
they see you as insane and you are what you think as your body uses the
energy and adjusts with the free flowing spirit.
There is in thought, as in energy there is a view to the world.
That use is there as you think in an idea from what you feel. The idea
forms as a visine drop or something clear, think as they think where
they use soluble idea in a thought that use is observed that is done.
Think as vlue and they feel and use you yourself as value.
As you you assume in thoughts they think if linked to you in
thoughts, from your soul that is link by thought with something you are
creating will possibly seem to assume by conscious as you. So think as
you are as if a product as you think and do, as you are assumed that
shape you are in effect effected. There is a point to the past in there
as idea, lore in mind is known to them and as your use is a thought
"visine" or clear fluid they can use their will to drain you by
what you don't want.
As if their idea and not your own, the person linked to you is
interesting. As you think you can create they will too, say no and it
stops as they are dual creating you are interesting. Think as you want
and as you ask questions on what you hear, you can feel a drain in
energy to them you thought as in through the link in time to the person
in life thought by intemperance. Think or not and this spell ends
The Jue Abl [Then Joo-ett] = The Spell in Ability; This spell is
a ability raiser, as if in damage and disruption with allot of anger or
otherwise this is a point and can form what you mention. As you think
to raise energy you are what in thought. As you are thought to do
things you can cause or create what you think. Assumed in thought you
take on the properties you thought as they think they are with those
properties and by your influence. There is a spell that creates in
thought and negates the rune, that dispells anything and the after
effect in this spell that ends is that rune that forms peace and calm
The Writ Stri [The Write String] = The wraithstrike; The write
stride is the thing as your thought is intelligence as you write in
with written energy string effect that is what you think to write that
can form anything, as you think to displace energy to and form from
written energy that you live from and yet can shape if you think energy
and state the formation. The wraith that is what you think, formed by
use and with thought to be a wraith and in opinion create is from
energy in fire and thought by energy. This is the point to create with
and is what, as thought is to creation and in what you think and out
what you do as you form a wraithlike hand you are able to think the
third eye to formation and make the idea you innted to occur. As you
think with focus you think the energy from the arae of the strike point
and use the strike to attack as an energy wave. As the strike to think
is to make and cause as you are a thought you aren't stupid or if you
think and you create the possibility is almost endless until you think.
Think is an idea that is alo as alovera energized with magic an able to
unform the wraithform, and strike assumed you want assigned in mind you
end up assaulting or not thus if assailed you won't get an effect. As
this is a written idea that superstring creates in focus and this just
is, and if you follow the string by thought in perceivable perception
you trace it in the oververse or where you are in the universe you
think to seem. As you feel a rage the were strike is a strike to
somewhere as to strike where you think and hit an object as if to
restore sanity. If you don't focus on the alter view to perceive energy
shaped into a shape a air energy, form as you want and you won't
actually see the superstring that energy created when you thought, in
conception unseen as sought with the idea.
Tde = To focus; This is to focus on the idea, is to connect from
interconnect to streamers from screamers a thriller is a laugh in
battery that you hear and they are what this is and pissed off as you
think you are an idea to create as if you have a twin and are defend or
not. As to get a possible good result, that is clear minded with
intentions that the person effected by this spell will think and if not
liked won't use. Don't use this spell if you think the idea to focus on
as you might form a nightmare. So avoid in use to end this spell, use
"never never" as in a point and in use as a point to be normal crazy
people or polite to people.
Aseigia [Ace-see-ig-liable] = Asee in idea; As a memory thing is
an idea to solve the personal problem that is not as a confrontation,
you can cure or cause the idea property that is an idea that you don't
like to see and do things. Think and before you know it and if you
needed help there is that are not detected by the person afflicted in
what is considered, this can seem liable as a disease as this acts like
the real medicine that should be used as to the idea that cures and as
the thing is from the thing that is unappreciated. The act is
forgotten, as you think and do this is a point to cure or unlook at
things. As if the thing is a thing that disappears to seem a person,
you don't mind as a materialized form or in some place formed more from
an interaction in mind. Now stop as the reality in the area, can form
as an act to will is an act of thought of think, as if of there you can
"cvhg" or in any store use the recharge energy change in this thought
to create now no thought with energy as protection. As to form a space
is to assign a space as a room to create an make what is.
As isis is protection this blocks as this nor ever in with a
place in mind, this is as thought as this depends on what is observed.
As if a real act that is in life and before you know where and you
were. As in if in thought you can use a thought as focus is a point,
and if in what you use your thought becomes what is a concept that
makes. You got the idea and now the energy comes back as if you are a
thought in energy you can do what you want, this acts as a point
nothing won't do and your thought can create space to reform reality in
wave with a wave of energy. This considered in a reality wave that
forms outside, as if in time that intention in thought creates through
the spacial crystal. As if that uncreates and as you don't think to
need and they are demised, they dissipate away in as you think into
nothing existing as in existence and this is nothing else existence and
in space is thought without sedition.
Think as you are contribution in a point and as you are
intention, the stop is to "not" and your use is the idea to form what
you think. As you don't consider yourself as realizing somewhere you
aren't. Sometimes this won't work and if you think it doesn't exist,
then thought will as you are with a physical means to fix a physical
physiology as a mind solution is there. As if a thought is energy and
magic, can create reality using this as a source. As if your thought
creates what you want, you can create a thought or use a will to create
as the concept can work. Unless not needed is the idea to do, some idea
is a loss of the unwanted and win is a loss as a thought is a
conclusion or addiction that ends. As a win win situation in what you
live, that doesn't have to seem or have been as if a wannabe you have
lived and aren't anymore and lived if your desire isn't to have lived a
thought it isn't done. Some time ago I was aware and in thought stop as
this form killed up to use is up, as in you were a form eye things
could form as you think this is interesting in then eye gain ability as
hidden in form.
If there is a point to this spell, as you can be sure that
things you do aren't there to be seen and in what life there is isn't
there as is nothing more by what there is and which it is does not
exist as things that are create nothing more. This is an idea secret of
uncreation so don't do this spell if you don't want to disrupt, as you
know as you die this is what actually seems to occur. This and more is
to uncreate everything in the reality as your thinking, to unmake what
is that shouldn't have ever been. As think power in activation as power
point will change the form, think of your use as a way and with your
thought can seem what you do use in time.
Tedo [Tee-don] = The Tedo; The rune of tedo, socumant documento
is an energy traced into the air is to create a thought and each view
is a different translation viewed as a different thought comes to you
from whatever you do as this. Use this spell and then trace a symbol in
the air and the rune is caster plated into an metal plate as your
engraving is sent to yourself as if from those you don't think invited.
This is about 10% of where your western wisdom came from as if on the
Tedleia = [Ted-lee-lie-an] The
tedious idea; There's no wim and there's no cockpit. That in comparison
could not easily be a nightmare except the spell seems to fix things
and on use, as what there not to correct in what is a point to use what
is there as whatever or not this is can be used there. This could
easily get you an idea not to do if you think, as you say what you want
and get what in your way is a will as in a way is "noe way" undoes
this. Keep the peace makes use that can easily seem done with
wishcraft, that is counted as witchcraft if pointed out there is no
SuaEmoeAuiz = [Sue-ah Eem-mow-eh A-oo-iz] Summon creatures XIV, summon as many tough
and hideous hide creatures not in appropriate nature as ya can.