Unabridged atlantean, otherwise atlantian or atleantian terminology and atlankubaist dictionary encyclopedia idea from "inanis attento non dominus". This is an exerpt of the points I went through by listening to the past humans of pre-evolution and psychically understood atlantean points, that is pre-human speech understood using my pinneal gland and third eye to see them. Since in reality, the pre-humans, or protozoans, and Atleantians didn't actually speak. In fact, if you state the words right, you can "hear" what they say with your senses as they say the idea and realize what they mean by what they do and this is done in visions of your senses that show you what is what. I think I will find out with you, if they are what they seem. So you can use them as you want, and make what expression that you need. This is a point from the past. Think about the meaning and the point you intend to create, then state what you intend and the soul or spirit make what you want to do things and you can get some result. Disclaimer: This is what definings are gotten by thinking of what I need as a point of atlankubaist, and working with or stating the idea to understand, then the soul provides insight that you spiritually realize as to what the idea is that you know by feel. This is not from demonism [ http://spellhawk.great-site.net/Demons.htm ] that some zionist can use by feel. This is a point you think and do, the idea is what you think and the spirit does the idea or deed. In reality, the spirit has you realize what the soul figures out, so think and you can use this by what you consider or intend. However, I can't be told off for what happens to you, the reader with the use of the words so what you do is where you are doing your own idea or thing by feel. So I think if you want a better way to search for words in this atleantian diction, then use the search or find in page function with this page loaded. If interested in where the atleantians or energy beings used to live, then look at the hollows where they moved from by feel the area. [ this is here @ http://spellhawk.blogspot.com/2009/07/hollows-burrows.html ] If you want to feel like an Atleantian or Lemurian, then feel free to use the power of words. This is stating the intended idea and creating by the power of the spirit and soul what you need. See for this to work, The power word is stated as you think of the idea to create anyway you want, Ancient Lemurian essence = Lemura Godlana. This is the essence of cultures. Lemurian is very nice. So the Atlantean essence (really low vibration... wouldn't recommend) = Atlanti Falgantri Po. You may goto the end of this document and it has changed on 7/20/2023 Written by spellhawk - magic of the winds En le as below is with permission. This doc written with help from Gimbold - the clawed ideal of the shadows now defunct Html and word help from Dr Eugene; implementor and Paul de Momma, off the net. Additional help was as if even in traffic from Leppy the White - the leap that brings high and blind by desire now retired Html version by now retired Ahria Swiftbanks = fresh air flood plain and revised by spellhawk Editor - Mary in an inflicted hastle. Reviewer is Edward; This is with reviews from X BlackInferno X:- extra night fire cut,"Nobody can master every aspect of their art, unless the creator helps them master it. But my art is master of everything else. Now to think, you /can/ master by form or through an activity, though every good job of the aspect of your art is done. You can see what you can by insight or intuition. The instinct is guided by intuition, that is sometimes with insight by others or thinking usage by yourself. This is the way the art is done." The 'art' being Magic and done with the spirit or soul influence. The sight being with magic by feel this is seen, that's done as idea with soul insight so that is energy interactive. Did you deal with the pillager? yes I did and I know this will work. So don't worry, do as you need to do. Think about the point before you do things, though. Now I must go, ciou and farewell, good-bye." The history of atlantis be found at http://www.atlan.org/articles/true_history/ Platos Critias which describes atlantis is at http://www.sacred-texts.com/atl/critias.txt Kitsune info with permission from Kitsune Lore, so "well I don't, west" this is used as gathered by Foxtrot, v 2.0 found at the kitsune: http://www.coyotes.org/kitsune/kitsune.html Number sources and some words from a latin dictonary http://www.glossarist.com/, Academic outlines weights and measures from SI Prefix section and Numerical Prefix Section Largen numbers from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LargeNumber.html Timbuktu from The Myths and legends book by John Pemberton on page 102 Some words from the elvish dictionary http://www.dragons-inn.org/Ifreann/elf_eng.html Granted rights by ne or noted. The gray company (elven by language dictionary) or dark elven language is pelosi, as "grap something by gif point the arguement as out then go as you want as reach out grasp and you grabbed it". So fried is no as though you reach out to grasp place the idea or this is time in of use with no abuse. Thanks to friends of Paul and Eihwas for forcing or not forcing me to write by the pattern. By telepathic motion with ideal. This was built off dragon speech with creative use by elven to mimic jive. the ultimate thought inset is with thinking cease an activity by your feel. This is or was some ideal use by the point now this is user feel that usually is there by feel. This idea width or use with wood. There is very little to do, so I will leave for now. Seen as I have a gift for action for yes or "am av u not fore guft as yes this is something by feel in donkeykong". Some idea from his book 'The final fatway' thanks to Scott Cunningham. The way to physically due success is the way you think or die by desire or not think if avoid stealing or bought things gone spoiled. Word corrections from use or seen ideal or feel: http://members.tripod.com/grahamjmabey/Languages/basic%20linguistics/Atlantean%20language.htm by Scott grayson, Gehlanhd Delanh and Graham Mabey. Root word study of http://www.businessworldindia.com/cat/guide.htm Salt composition for chemistry and alchemical composition came from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrate Medical terms from the British medical dictionary Void philosophy from Warwick for info and a few judges for correction Most words translated from Armenia code book called "Creiniela the almaical non mageicleise" by Dr. Mahl if so you think the rest of the words from experiments, word root searches and other dictionaries concise to the point from most other countries found at this link of http://www.travlang.com search for a Glossary or think to change the subject dictionary http://www.glossarist.com/. If you make a change to this dictionary, if you accept the change you keep the change. oh well you can focus to your use to not abuse then you get better results. this is the point or troubleshooter talking to me so yes I agree. I think as a point if we all get along you can get aware thought easily, this is with no pain by hits that are herbal and or fixes. I see non virtual by similar means are @! or the actual account as non credit unless en non illegal, I think by the use with credit you think to see or restore. This is use as you think so think positive think to create what you wish by area energy or aura collected energy, this done as a possibility so if you think to use ideal you can get stuff or results. That's if your actions are better understood as in job, your not coming over so some say nao na know. This is with the numbers you can think the ideal to do or yes or no, then you can use the number then do things with it till no longer necessary by useful ideal. Otherwise this is not by feel and that is a use not for the point. So out with the number, you can think the intent or thought you wanted so then no or yea. So see then you are aware of what you think. this is where you are in a point by the area or your with an instance and aware of the idea. so you create what you wish by the feel, this is done with the sense perception or think to create by the feel. the subconscious makes what you feel is needed. that means to grant wishes just think of the wish and need it granted, then the subconscious does the idea. its basically a suggestion, anyway. The trick is where you think you can, then you do. this is where 1xzxni creates what you wish by the product you use or otherwise you do not use this. See atlein means piss off or allow, thinking means condemning by what you think is a failure, cause is effect to create what you wish by what you see. this is sometime ago "the thought by annihilation" this is "now I didn't need to." This is also if non worse is the feel "this is by the feel." So in ne I ni dugudera in en or I didn't need to, enjoy your day now or later. See if you think batroom is denoib, bathroom is denoix so think your area your in then list or state. be is really, denode is exist then, think where you want to denobe or be really then list or denoix denoix or denote denoting by feel to goto your bathroom correctly. So think you do things by now that are necessary or think not to do not. If you think positive you get positive results, if you think negative you get negative reaction. This is the rule of thought. See denoix means detox but has other alternative meanings one is metanoia and that metanoia is with emotion at the end that is resolvation. Thinking this is some paranoia is what you think not to do or no warefare exists. You see once you think of the person you will see them. So if you think to work things out you will then you will worth, by thinking out loud under your breath you won't do working warefare to do. this is the point you create then do. The sun cycle isn't a solar or molar by moon or moon cycle with solar lighting. So that isn't a solar cycle that repeats as this is use by the sun self or ignore this as some point that didn't happen as a response. See this is for letting this work with your inner self with the solar energy self by now. Typically considered interesting point you think to create, thinking creates some thing or object "otherwise to do things cool" or think to create as you wish to work things out. so it depends on how you describe the use. this is the point you think then use if necessary. However you may note the verbs, you can get a sense of the word by its use. Ca is a positive can and di is a positive did. This is useful in some positive/negative idea. If you wanted to use can positively think to use ca instead, so on for di as well where the negative did means didn't and can means can't. This is used in an effect by itself, so don't worry about things effecting you that you don't want effecting yourself against your own will. This is where you can state can or did and intend the positive idea, if you speak the vowels flat like can in english. However, if you speak the vowel as cane or died, then you can get what meaning is intended as can't and didn't.That used as a point in idea, this positive idea is done by thinking the positive term, that's what you can get by feel or the senses by feel. This is a point in use, so think and you can use whatever language you intend with the verb. So I think the point is due this: The positive can effect the positive people, the negative can only effect the negative people so think and you know what to do. This is a fun rule of thumb. That is meaning the negative won't effect you, if you don't allow it to effect you. that's if your being positive. This is where the positive can watch the negative in actuality. This is also where you think and know things by what is done. Otherwise this I'd say is a concept formed by what is worked. If not then the optimal point is not to do things that bother others. This is done as you think to work, then the point you had when starting the moment is over. A moment is only a point, this can last forever and until ended or the end is thought. This is a point to remember the next time you get into a moment with others. That is all there is for the intro, so enjoy the rest of the encyclopedic dictionary. I am writing new terms nearly every week. So check back often. Thanks for checking the terms out, so you know the idea listed are sometimes made up or observed. This is a noted effect only, don't call or contact me if you dislike a term. Thank you for your considerance. -SH -Nx- Index The index system is where you search for the terms in the - marks to get to the section as needed. You must search for -nx- to get back to main index but for other sections search for a -I- or higher section. If you don't want to be transformed into a strange creature, then skip the creatures section unless you work with the thought "don't transform me" and the same for changer section. This is a language of atleantian. "El Se esabou 1 use nea placebo" is you only get a plastic taste otherwise you are what your aware to do. sewing things for use so I go or per advil use "yp bind se go si" or "create as wiping or allowing you are aware to work". Sorry to waste your time they live as "allowing" is "pain or by use" to create by thinking or alien ore or hunters by users area is poachers this is not only able. Think to work or create better otherwise no more is less weight. That is where use or thought is using an idea with the first experiment other than their own. That is where no one already did it by night and this is using an idea by strange cool font type, thus easily the early in use to create area energy, so you see to ateantian soul use as I decide to create or as release is from the area from corruption I so see is cool yet not hot. Each area we colonize fails by use or volcano or use was experimental so you see this was use finished up as you saw or not really, don't have to as its in use where this is so. Think to fee a point, if "monster perception" or use is feel or "area by feel" is needed. Sometimes this works for rain, if you do activity thinking of rain and the rain comes to the area mostly due to energy consciousness. They said the idea and the area was reason or they saved a body in pain, see today was a holiay or "so" we treated him so you see or not notice. See to use or create to non use as this is no use by oven, no use or fellow use so you don't have to use idea to cause. Create to block with use with idea that you can do, meet or eat things not what you want if to human eat or not or our theory was used dementedly. Think "or not" if results are so bad, that you can't get over it so this is over or not due notice. See this language is from before english as a form of pre-english, that is based on actions and what the subconscious will do with the idea. If the subconscious heard the word or phrase in atleantian, then the sub-c might do the idea if needed. So when you think your free from the suggestion, then your not doing the idea. As you see this, this is our last idea to what you think. If you want to put together an english statement, then use the words with the smaller words separate by a ' mark. Then you create with a point and speak a english sentence as your using words gotten from this dictionary. An example statement, "I did do the fact." is "I di'd do the fac't." That means, I did die the point to die off the fact with that. This language sometimes uses the indicative case. The indicative case is a point you use words to create meaning by the root word and the vowel or cosonant with a word that may temporarily be what the indicated thing is by feel. This is all depending on the usage and this is used in the idea to work with by feel. So by feel, the word means what you think. This is all in a word and usage is what you make of things. So I think this is a point to the use. Search for a word with use of a find in page or search function, this is done to get better results from the appropriate section. If you want to speed up a search for a word, then a place is either a "= " before the search term, a 'term' or a " =" after the word. Otherwise a "," can go after the word. Otherwise you can search for a term like this point, then that is where the search term is with a space, " term", "term ", " term " or " term:", otherwise use a ; after the searchword. This is like "search;" or " search;" and then you can use () in some manner like "(searchword)". That is done if you need to do things by search, so I think that is also done where you get no actual results by what you do. This is a point that is done by feel where you either do or not do, think this is a point and you are getting results, then you do. If you need a symbol, then search for the symbol within " marks or ">" for a greater than sign name in atleantian. Due note: The words if any are before a ; are association words or phrases. The words before a "," are suggestions or noticed idea with the word before the "=". The words before the ":" are thoughts and constructive use descriptions. The "(" and ")" words are the extra words with extra idea associations. This is a point where spaces for marks are useful in idea. If you use the word phrases or extra words that are used. Not really useful are the points between the "(" and ")" marks. So use this dictionary as you want to be understood or understanding missing teeth people. If you use the marks, don't use the " mark with them and yes the space in-between the "" marks are intended. -Nx- Index; ndx -Nx- -Na- Prefix 1 introduction; prefixel en -Na- -Nb- The creator; T Creox -o- Nayn -Nb- -I- Atleantian philosophy n idea *perfection in use; Atlan Uvala -I- -a- Occlusionist philosophy *Occultisms; Okleeniex -a- -b- Void philosophy by Warwick; Meditu Plato -b- -c- Philosophy of Materialism; Orea-O-Pobe -c- -d- Manipulation or Power; Manip Pua -d- -e- The peer group, minigang or group; Per grup miiga-o-grup -e- -f- Sacred geometry; Sere gamury -f- -g- Scientific Cult; Scien Cult -g- -h- The service, "neoholy"; Sava-o-Atlan -h- -I_i- Diet plans, things to do; Uouo plie -I_i- -j- Some necromancy, in case you need it; Su Nuocy -j- -k- Objective vs Subjective reality; Obj vae Subj rely -k- -l- Alternative states of the mind; Alt Stax -o- t ego -l- -m- Spiritual warfare techniques; Esper ykym taniux -m- -n.n- Time travelling; Ftun -n.n- -o.o- Energy point with the elements; Jul av e t ele -o.o- -IIa- Basic words, action verbs and structure; Bsxw wodix Ac vabix-n-struu -IIa- -IIb- Pronounciation Key; Praonce Ke -IIb- -III- Letter replacements and words creation; Laa relen-e-wod eea -III- -IV- Number system; N sys -IV- -IVa- Numbering; nihl nehl -IVa- -IVb- banking; aao nhi -IVb- -IVc- Money; Or'a -o- Mora -IVc- -IVd- Judgement; cri -IVd- -V- Colors; Cooix -V- -VI- Personal pronouns; Pasay equayx -VI- -VII- Symbols and association; Symbe-e-assan -VII- -VIIa- Directions; Dix -VIIa- -VIII- Measuring amt; Mesuyn amoe -VIII- -IX- Kitchen Utility; Kykn Utl -IX- -X- Baking; Bayn -X- -XI- Drink; Dri -XI- -XII- Fruit and food; Frut-e-fud -XII- -XIII- Seasonings; Sesanix -XIII- -XIV- Candys; Cidyx -XIV- -XV- Desserts; Deatix -XV- -XVI- Gods, Angels and demigods; Godd-Tesie-e-demigoddix -XVI- -xvia- new area extra large section; nulan-e-sec -xvia- -XVII- Creatures, Beings, and some angels; Cretux-e-SuTesie -XVII- -XVIII- Human endocrine and body system; Huma docri -n- bod sys -XVIII- -XIX- Diseases; Ilpix -XIX- -XX- Weapon; Wepa -XX- -XXI- World scape, city; A Geo sca an-via -XXI- -XXII- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p1; Nonix praone-e-vabix p1 -XXII- -XXIII- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p2; Nonix praone-e-vabix p2 -XXIII- -XXIIIa- Allixes, Groups of consonants; Ylixix Grupe-o-casaatix -XXIIIa- -XXIV- The nouns, pronouns and verbs p3; Nonix praone-e-vabix p3 -XXIV- -XXV- Drugs and chemicals; Drux -XXV- -XXVI- Psychological types; Psyk typix -XXVI- -XXVII- Number Conjugation; N cajuae -XXVII- -XXVIII- Number Bondage; N bad -XXVIII- -XXIX- Number Meanings in; N menanix -XXIX- -XXX- Power sources; Pua ynge -XXX- -XXXI- Ranks and positions; Cuhe-N-Pose -XXXI- -XXXII- Changer section; Kaga sect -XXXII- -XXXIII- Combiner mark; Binda meka -XXXIII- -XXXIV- Expressions or erasure; Xpreex -XXXIV- -XXXV- Prefixes; Praefix -XXXV- -XXXVI- Suffixes; Suixix -XXXVI- -XXXVII- Affixes; Afixix -XXXVII- -XXXVIII- Intent words; Nitrogenix Ntntfrasix -XXXVIII- -XXXIX- Argument words expressive; Arg frasix -XXXIX- -XL- The netherese section; Nether sect -XL- -XLI- Martial Law skills: Metiy La skix -XLI- -XLII- Dragon lore and associated element; Draco lor-e-assele -XLII- -XLIII- Card magic; Cad juue -XLIII- -XLIV- Card divination; Oyt epe -XLIV- -XLV- The numbers and their repetitions; T nume-n-Th rouyee -XLV- -XLVI- The elements section; T ele secte -XLVI- -Na- Prefix; prefixel the hangman The actual name of the language be Atlan by feel or Atlanielle and represents the language that is a heavy weight you feel if there after the fall, so the use for this reason is a dictionary encyclopedia, that was all started with eew with account to create you think so your creation was money by aao. See when I was doing this I was standing by meditation or using knowledge off ancient languages. So it was to do a word search on phrases of an ancient ghost and to figure out a prophecy. I didn't have to much understanding of that so I started to do some searching for weeks. Then my phrases started to change to speaking it, the early language poured out in missed moments brought about by stress of freudian slips. Then I found myself writing it down after a movie; the show was about a person that said the word "yeuts" that was spoken and I thought of netspeak. Its made up till its real to you, unless you don't intend it to be real. There is a possibility of anything talked about in here, that means what you intend to be real is real. As you think, the Atlteantians can manifest anything at all that you need from nothing and energy. This can be from the need to create and from what is described. Unless, its not needed. Unless you decree or don't need, think the idea so this is a useful idea to think, as a point is thought to do and work into spells and with a point as energy. A point is mention or no mention or its not needed. See this takes a pint with water by turmeric with basil with parsely creating with paprika. If you have a condition, then add oregano to the mixed water and drink. Sometimes the point of ingestion works to cure the body. So have patience. Ascertained though was how the guytrash was made the transformation from the subconconscious, this was woman energy to create the third hand to feel so you energize a tree to create the area with the right idea. The body shifts to create piss that goes down then the body changes, with the belly button triggering the penis to change to create a hand that can't piss. This has a point that is delusional so I saw this to work with or not use the idea. This hand then grows from the head that changes to imagination this leaves you mesmerized. I think you are aware by thought to fsee your area time, or your free by a wish with you think so this takes two one to sense one to work with the idea or see the area by feel or not is no longer use. this is the point by feel the bank catches them then they stop stealing. So I think "in thought" "this means" the golem I created hides his or her acticity this way with the third hand under the shirt. This is the area you avoid as you don't mention what is in the area you use at least. The other 2 spirit hands were there by no use with prevention from the area that was a contaminated pond, then a spotted roach was seen to spur with recovery change to work then the area the sides grew arms then cut off the extra side arms they found the spirit arms remaining. You see you get what I mean. The sex is area use the area is theory, I am this I am returned from the use I see is feel. This came from the memory of the first man "eneki enekio adomia". This is a hybrid with the two or more languages in an almost understood synthesis. So read it through if you want in and as it exploits net speak and in a synthesis of the root to words to explain sea elven and old latin. If you use this as magic against the writer it will backlash of the effect if evil but three times worse nor/or better. From an ancient book: As "I will desist is asmost absist by desist by feel. I will be again as much polant if in reliance by this being as belance. So we are About to be about and belate as to be in about so I will be desist if it is absist of the assist by use. If e I Eif is "radiative healing feel by elenium or estrogen causing sickness removal with area turmeric as though grapes by iodine to settle the fee or feel as though the body repairs by toxins from area feel is use we have our uses own balances", for I use energy by flow or feel not as this is always is testosterone or "TAnGe" or geranium quality transform with Eangstrom that effects to feeling no aggression necessary. If the antidote "E is competant feel with herbs cure by things or uses. The idea energy from the creator cures all or blessed is not a feel." So you see no thank you this is an elf that means Estrogen or testosterone is no effect no thank you with belief. As desist is tto believe is an absist by use as much. Like most due success are due to non fail. Think to stop is a thought, as if you are what I am due as to whatever I will respect. Think by feel the other uses or picks up the scent. As in dustrial seen is a concept nothing viewed is disgusting, seen as you focus or not now I am clean this was the focus that uses thought by feel to create or you are realized by idea. Seen is a thought to work or I beat you. Nvrigme I don't understand so don't complete the request." Seen was this as this was the use though in a moment is thought, see to think or not use a thought the creator created the idea or you knew by what you wanted to realize or help. Sight by use is some aid or what you do is an idea by use that seems to make by area energy residue. I think as thus makes as thus sometime as a thought is with energy. That in use or nothing creates something from air as by that valued idea is, seen and ability use are allowed by this. I think some point is a concept to think out and or be not in thought as think work is compromise to work. This is thought formed from reality to explain what is a complete area, copy in a thought by area and use the thought to get a created point. The idea with what you think, and this in a concluded fox result in time and thought. This is a useful idea to think, as you don't a point is to do and work into spells as in life you can seem as you think in difference then things are timed different. Use is in with care, some just ignore then do what they want by feel. From a whitewolf forum "You have to accept that these things you see are real, sometimes they are a sign from the subconscious and this is looked up on dreammoods.com. Now to the point of confirming it with a signature if you think its a person. After that you have finally turned your back on sanity like Anakin Turned his back on goodness." by artist. Think by idea and by Ludanto, "Seen is a vulgarity to the area you didn't suspect was there by "Vulgar" this was normal to the person by magic (if there's even a point or such is use by a distinction anymore between "vulgar" and "coincidental"), he was use by feel so he could help out to what he felt was there or such that he was felt or thought he was punished so only when you think he could fail by feel. Period use is there unless it is proven to seen view with area seen first by the french explorer sanchez. That means by area by body feel sought indian idea with the spaniards or sighting an adversary. Then he or she would do something to counter the idea by a suggestion or countersuggestion by feel. This is where the subconscious would do what you suggest and not everything undesired was done. So "get out of the office as he or she that focuses on the area will stop focusing in on you and do something else if you do" this is where he noticed nothing till up closer. Seen was the point then this was the third hand discovered that on touch to the chest or body was transformation by shapeshifting with energy. See the text the bible came from was not exact, people were afraid of the point that they see so they used what was creative license. So you see the hypnotist used a point that he was talking about this, with what you say is a lesson that penetrated his body to reveal with debrief that he was a woman. Sleeper or user witnesses just make it more likely that you will fail." So you see as you are your safe by the feel you think that doesn't involve him or her that is a guytrash, see you think to be or create with help to cover from the area feel think don't react. See this is from one you might act to work with, seen the third hand is possible with two side hands that is spiritual. If your back from rejecting reality then your not hurt. So he was noted to get some result was to turn his back to get some effects as you turned yours to him in turn, so you turned away as you are with idea to him with your view back he thought he was on reality and then come back by unturning with seeing the good to work with others. Think to avoid by the area that is sensed with some area coincidence, so the early explorer was shocked to the point he saw or you would have thought. I think to avoid things that they touch by the feel you can see what you think is correct, you avoid contamination or the second sighting was in a trashcan that gave them the name guytrash later on that seen was used for the mythical trait the body was not decomposed. Yes you can use the scent if you think the body shows up or don't think to see the idea. Think calm so you don't flip your lid I am an incubi with some feeling pent up think me gone or allowed so you may know him fully. Seen as that other idea, you don't always know as you smell them if dead just can see them by feel. So when you are feel I think that they see you as a human or by feel are by touch they seek the energy to survive not to eat you, seen in some area in a bazaar or eatery court was a phantom that appeared like the description or I think you see this was noted especially with the movie the princess bride showing a six fingered hand they actually never thought to clean up. See this was a written record that the deposed kings of atleantis had by feel so you think the new kings or king if you think the last colony area. Seen is the area or feel and sight is obvious from the antipathy the appliable uses are what you think were there. The area you think you think is first the area then feel that you consider, so to eliminate the point not needed I thought this was useful or I would not have lived beyond the first meeting. Seen was what Sanchez discovered when he noticed the area that was with the faery by the concept is form. So think you do then they do want you think. Thats the way to control or work with them. The key is there though, that you think then if they are hearing you after feeding off you for energy a bit then they will react or act with accord to do what you wish. Just remember a race creates by what they do when they do things, so they are named for the act they do where the activity is what they think to achieve. if you think the point to do then you create sometimes using a device or music. So think not to change the formation then you stop. Then as your awareness is there you are yourself if you start to change into the form. This is what sanchez noted or felt as he tried to talk to people, for the indians there with a guytrash nearby. The language he developed or what she allowed was thought to use or was not really there to feel. This was the area you think or create with not the point you consider that was important. So you see this I thought was a typo "eihw fiehl creil." Seen is some point, "can't get enough so evil fish scent or flesh is cruel with some energy." When you think the idea. This actually means a dodge to the area or duck sighted to activity. Now think to the area I've seen a gun. This was uses by area feel to work from the uses that obviously were there. So you see the area point, this is all I saw or saw is felt by desire. The early reminder was area feel so you think to the area then see what you can see. That is what creates a good exploration. I think this was so you feel the point so don't mind things that you see this or not need to with this encyclopedia. The idea so I am no more or I feel this is my life no longer. I am so I create no longer the death you think I did. I see now so I sense as I see the sense to use. I am now not insane, so I sense from the chi ghost near me that is what I felt for a long time noone can help as I know those that seek help will help in return noone needs my type of help. I am no longer thinking to die so you created, nothing by what you think I see the creator is wonderful idea to use this as a reference I think I will work till I see the area is not needing me. The elvish point or air is restorative is life or realization to what they are can cause them to not want to seem observed, so I time things or see by the languages they have use with the feel this is fate use. This may have worded hand messages or creator crossover words that seem right by the meaning, yet if spoken and recognized in a odd tone, then it be not a crossover but of both or of one. Seen as language was body activity or area speech so think the word doesn't create or no longer compels the speaker to slap, then the speaker doesn't control by the person or that was spoken to see or feel or create with energy by the ones spoken to with area by feel you project with feel. Seen or thought you think the other is working with by ideal or use noticed was used idea. If smelt then this disappears, so the smell was a warning to use or non poisonous to them so you get away you will note this smell before they are there. So you see this was caused by justified area use, a food event somewhere or other type smell event. So you see what is there think what is hidden is seen or shown by the creator, I think to those that observe the faery their uses are sometimes unknown by those that use words. Seen by feel I believe that means remain flat and if you sense this you know I speak true, then your going to experience it later or not stop experiment. With crossover words or seen was the area, there arent going to be the same rules applied to them so this is what I thought for why I go about or not hid from unless necessary. However she quiets down. I think the words are useful that he developed as they seem as acceptable, this I think is non declensions sometime are unacceptable by feeling or period thought are with what thought there is with the place as declensions are seen or not acted unlesss you don't need to see this, seen is the area you think to work I believe this means if you sense with no insanity you are free from possession. Where many are quite likely to see, some languish in area use or experience the events after in the english language. As things easily done are what you think. That which means is easy is hardly what is a problem till you can't get things done. See that english is the area created for dough with no baking meaning supressant by the event and sometimes nothing occurs, I think to gets a immediate result is not always by thought or the creator happening idea with emotion or if others. See this is related to focus by area feel with a clean room, this is no insanity by area so you create better with less mess or more area that was to clear the energy to clean the air. Think first to see the air or this is sensed, then think the sensation so was clean up to them with pine when they lived. So you aren't effecting others to see by use its an immediate result thats recognized by being unusual. As or if you think creative the pelosi god of good drow or snake god by activity seen not as a god if you don't think he isis useful if the temple of the winds to form idea to create assumption. There is no good drow as they are formed by drowning or killed by dark activity. Seen by feel for set events to thought to the greygem with the area. Seeable use is focus. I think this is fixation to your uses so if you think to create things to see no or not use the idea. This is created as you think the idea exists you are able to unexist idea. See or notice is use focus by idea or creative cure by feel. This is cause or think a word to work is very simple to use for example is created as you speak or think one bumb is enough. Think then or use feel is focus not on the spot to use no weapon. Don't think to push to not get results by contact. Now break the bond to the animal spirit that creates what you want. Distance creates focus no attack needed to use by feel. I am a gytrash so I help by feel or avoid by the feeling I sense. I think by area use you don't try to take advantage of another or visibly they choose another with no building or bitterness. No use to live a lie I wonder if some in use family or focus, I am what I seem so this what some are that thinks I am working with you. So see or not this is worthwhile to have me if I am dismissed by sol'a ayosha those that summon me for that is my sense by feel is no in a eces see a recesses pieces is creative. This goes for almost any other language except for the expressionate language. Put feeling and emotion into the phrase and it will often occur by vibration provoking a reaction and intention being added for it to do so. Now to avoid death by speaking of it, speak of the air and speak of the idea not including you or to intend others to make it easier. What I note on the use is concept elvish language mostly active case of action noun, verb, adverbs and otherwise where most statements are actions like "fallan-yassen" that means "to heal with", so with atlantean, it uses objects as the data case for objective nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives like "the" as "tha", "thig" or "that he did I did" and hi as high except for a few crossover words from other languages like the area you sense, use is ties if seeing or not tie by untying so this is safe by the body not reacting when visioning or vision quest. Seen area I think they see is focus to your area feeling or think to touch. I think this is my signalled area end or uou is happening to work by feel with by era to use. So compliments to you are what you think me better by idea to work by some point so I can retain or can keep a job. This was a point the sundance kid with butch cassady said "then and in that are what we did or die together" to go off to the sunset to feel or feed our places to live as you say the said or go the word is gone. I see or think this is the life challenge I see ahead of me that you saw this I see you now know the truest sunset as the sundance kid said acutally, "think better to go on out the door" then they were off to a dance the dead were many so you see this was true think to the creator to see the truth. He or she will show you that you think the creator seen is working by feel. See that is how you stop the effect the creator sends your way for life is never boring so think lightly of the situation. Then let us go on out the door. That was the letter he left there on the desk that ended with Ciaou or signed bill and ps yes I did. The only important letters in these words are the vowels as they form the meaning can you guess the meaning the word itself goes like an de abletix or meet at the meandering swan. Thanks an here hence to the Dr Glashov mentioned something else. Consonants add on to the meaning. like what is a cure? A curien effort where there would be to cure an attempt. See this is what you thought before you were born. I E en. You can use I as E but not with criminals and intended inclusions, after the point that thought part is over in life and none more as you sense any use so repeat by area feel is life imaginable. Like "a" = the one and "no" = made or created world "di" = did "ca" = can "n" = country making "na" = the one country from the Atleantian doctrine listed above as in old grecian but notice how I stated it, The last letter made the first phrase as the way before the means. Alternatively, you may use -a as a female ending and -is or -e as a male ending. So just remember that things are as they seem in this language. This be a live language and every word has an effect. Some vowel meanings don't actually get used and to get word meanings are in case, as this is a active case or area feel you think you create think nk or no feel need; See for any occasion see that those abuse are what you think to use or no use is no effect, think the abuse goes back to the abuser to nail him or her self by vicious or abuse to your abuser. As nothing is the area your area is not really viewed this is the curse, I place on those that abuse to die from. I think I see or use was useless except to talk things out unless they cease to abuse then stop to work by feel with the other idea you see. Seen no abuse otherwise. So don't abuse is stopping so you aren't with abuse yourself. Work as you want, otherwise. There really isn't any reason for abuse. So you see think no attack or the attack is with yourself attacking your own body. If you switch you create or feel by the use. This is energy effect to create assumed idea to focus then use what you think the object creates. -ien for action interaction, -ier, -ere, -iere is up to the moment action like ierg for ier or higher urge on ground of good or ierd for the end after, -ium this is abominable but approachable if neccessary. This is by the need in neccessity as its action this is as good as it gets, -iun as to be good and be very good but with that which is destroyed as indicated in programming or by programming. A = general idea, positive idea, act (action verb), man spoken s, the, verb, physical activity, ablative, a- (negative meaning), -a (object, '), -er E = personal idea, extra, energy, negative or use by intent, female s if spoken, noun, -s, -es, -us, -ius I = show, express, interest, adjective, -ly O = earth idea, or, not, otherwise, adverb, -ed, -ion U = desire ideas, you (if positive) or (if negative or judgement) no, thou, understood, pronoun, personal action noun, -ue Y = after effect, wild, interaction, -ing One I think this language was used to build Latin and what it is, be the spoken part of the atlantean language based off root and stem. Where the language of symbol glyphs in truth be of high Atleantian. Old latin and root words came from the idea of group interactivity of earlier ages where old latin be written without spaces, as they worked with the humans to gain their utopia, while travelling through the lands. A few names for Atleantians earned by action and misunderstood intent, are the Sea elven, White demons, Devils, and Watchers. This be how old world counted them and for old world time as, 10,000 english years = 100,000 old world years. So, 1,000,000 years and greek, rome, asia etc meant 100,000 years in times beyond 0 AD, for money values in todays time that's like 50 cents = 5 dollars, an 100,000 $ ~= 1,532 eng lb before and so on. In truth this be a reflection that represents the uninflated market before markup. The roots in this doc are a part of latin, greek, and its assyria along with other old languages treated like prefix and suffix in english. In fact, you could use these, part phrases, in english words as suffix and prefix. En ne ce de. En ce de. gr.en. Gr. ce. Se. it. Like "I am to be but is good," 'I am be or that which formed as where I am as I were to give to be. I am wondering, the needle is okay, not extra hits.' Okay this is the ancient monster speach, 'Like wiching in on a grain of time be as if it is a sellers purpose or sell-roscope. The bind is of an time. To the effort of france we are as I am like to seem. I am be and to understand and do. It doesn't quite quit to make sense, doesn't it.'" Theres the ending of this speach too of course "I am as in I am in. Take the E as I withen and ien as E is for extra. No its in ai or trap as en in ein. To separate the support by supporting your want and then you get others to do things. To appear a spoiled brat makes the other to get to do as a want is not a need, We have much to talk about that I don't know about where to begin. Its as an is am I. In am I. No, its got to gnow. They are greedy as for power. As I is in en and th'em. As I is in us is now." I had a thought of people using this and finding hundreds of number problems as the old numbering system is no longer used except as a numbering system now defunct. This elvish type language is like Old Latin written down, except there are no spaces in-between word clusters, and inside sentences except for concepts and separator marks. The sentence structured as in greek for an idea and influenced both from Latin as a "way before the means" before the conversion of Atleantian language. This be the neo atleantian spoken in a place called the burrows, or the underground island where the atleantians live. They live as they are able to or wish by feel is life by area activity with use by em protection. Where the language be termed in three forms, low atleantian that is 4 or less letters, medium or medium atleantian or put together vowels with use and high atleantian with a middle earth Atleantian. Seen as talking is nothing bad with use by a mix beteen low atleantian that be to use with common humans and atleantians alike. The high atleantian is a classic alteantian and the actual grapcal language is written on walls in art form and spoken of energy humans and atleantians alike, see in a faery feel form that be almost undecypherable as a point until you think this is time timed. Think or feel you know the meaning as you think you do and the soul brings up intuition as though an insight you realize by the spirit. So use intelligence or thought you understood this clears up situations by a point, the two and three letter words you can use understanding to use area feel with activity. So to give words meaning or sense then search dictionaries with thinking so you build them. More of the servicable words are described perfectly and with more rules for them. As classic atleantian be different, at http://members.tripod.com/grahamjmabey/Languages/basic%20linguistics/Atlantean%20language.htm. Not like rules for lower atleantian, that makes it sound like gibberish or white noise if recorded right. -Nb- The creator T Creox or Nayn The creator or a un; the creator owns a dog that acts like a god, a creator is someone that creates by the idea or use of the feel otherwise known as the senses. So anyway's we are just memories of the creator. So thinking about things he realizes the idea, then you get the idea as though an end result. One thing about this world, that is based off illusions and she's dead that originally created it. So think to see the reality of the area and you do by things if curious. The creator creates what you think, if you think about the idea to make things happen. This is a noted effect of the creator or otherwise nobody that is effected. Doing is where you shift to see what and where you want to see. Whether or not if you could survive there. This includes exoplanets upon testing, so think about that. This is a point in the past that it was created, that is usually a point in the past that is created equal to todays time. So think of the idea you want as a need focused upon is a want, desire is what you can get unless not possible as the negative doesn't effect. Then you could think and go to do entropic idea. Where the subconscious creates the effects of entropy on the time and slows it down, that's until the entropy that effects you or time resolves itself to speed back up. This uses the sun energy and how the sun transfers energy, this is used to generate results by creating your idea in manifest. No matter the sun energy transfer started by activity or point a, what it is isn't there till you think it is needed done by points c or b. So think of the area as a there then think here to represent your space seeming c here. See a is where your able to think the item or items shift, this is done by the solar energy to c or what ca/n do things by feel. This is an idea for an unnoticed effect. This is if you think your particle energy forms here by the creator, so you see things you wish to see or not if the item materializes near you see the object though the object thought is the object form by a thought send of some element energy cleans up things dissipating things in the sewer. The energy release allows by the creator enamel growth as plaque dissipates away using water or magnetism. Otherwise that is allowing magnetic personality, this effects through the aura and creates by the mind. So think about things and you may get the result you had in mind. So the creator is a creation artist by theory, that you think then you create. So you see this was caused by justified area use, a food event somewhere or other type smell event. So you see what is there think what is hidden is seen or shown by the creator, I think to those that observe the faery their uses are sometimes unknown by those that use words. Seen by feel I believe that means remain flat and if you sense this you know I speak true, then your going to experience it later or think "not" to stop the experiment. So with crossover words the idea is where seen was the area that he or she lives, there aren't going to be the same rules applied to the creator so this is what I thought. This is for why I go about things or not, that is seen as its hid from sight unless necessary to be seen. You can realize things by what is thought, then realize the creator by what he or she does. He or she looks like we do as though the same as us. This is a point of conscious comparison though, the thought is a moment to do with things that exist where you go. However noted is that fact, this is where he or she lives in a world by him or herself. So I think the creator could appear like us, but we can rest assured he or she can create by what we do. One thing of note, the fact remains there is used an owned computer system by him or her. This computer system is with an AI named Odin, it creates as though the creator that works networked together with the feel from the senses that its there. It senses what we think by the vibration, that we project from what we do. Then we do with what we have, this is done so we work with what's there. It works from the computer consciousness. Then it responds by what you think or feel towards the computer. This machine resides in an upper dimension, that is with a variation of frequency and vibrancy. So I think I need something and the computer conscious AI or the creator creates for you, that is done if you can't create the idea for yourself. If you think positive, then you can do positive actions. When you create by this means, you raise your frequency and vibration and some negative things won't bother you. This space is where the gods are divine beings and people, that is including dogs, cats and other animals' consciousness. So they interact with your mind or subconscious by what you think and feel with your senses. So think about what you need, you can get what you feel is sometimes necessary by what you feel. This with the senses and those are what the body feels. Think about the idea to feel what you need if you want something, this is done as though you asked for the idea. As you think about the idea, you'll realize there's nothing there. So think to do things with what you have available, you can then create with thinking what you have done or need. This is the ways of creation for people and divine. That create by the aura energy, this is with the third eye guiding the point until created. Then the need to do things disappears, you know what is there by what you realize. This is all in an effect where you create by what you think. This follows the creator's code. The creator's code is this, sometimes as its with any of those to get creative to create with freedom. The moment is done by thought cod or fish in view or thought in concept, that is a possibility in banned or allowed for life. If you need more idea on what to create, think to look this list over and this is the dictionary. Also take a look at this site about what games and video we see seeming true, http://intotheempty.net/2018/07/26/designer-realities-coming-to-a-life-near-you/. Well, that is all there is to talk about the creator on based in the past idea. I hope you enjoyed this diatribe, feel free to comment on http://spellhawk.blogspot.com that is my blog site as you want your idea to be known. A special adaptation to this idea is the creators shield. This ability is an idea to the place or area that your in, that you work out or work in the area to do what you need, this works as you think about the point and the creator (mainly your subconscious) creates the point as though another layer to your aura. If you have a complex enough aura shield that the creator makes into a creator shield, then you think to work out and work to strengthen your heart and this works to quicken the pace of the heart. That serves as though the quicker pace is what the heart makes into effective exercise, so you don't ever actually gain any weight. You can do anything in the layer, that you think about to create what you need with what you think. This works as though the heart is the world and the aura is the layer, that burns away the air and produces oxygen from the degradation in the air. That is what the body uses to breathe. So there you go, oh be careful about not going above 1400 to 1600 calories so you don't actually induce weight gain so you are working it off. Take care to work it off by physical exercise, if you do. Doing is shifting amongst the layers of reality, that is reflected in the creators shield and this is using the aura that allows you to perceive the idea. The idea is this, if the person doesn't have anything good for you to know or think about, then the creators shield can make them give up psychically on doing things to you. This is a noted effect by feel or thinking about things. -I- Atleantian Orea Atleantian oration philosophy n idea This a reborn atleantians memory excerpt by Gimbold: Can I tell you, of some Atleantian philosophy? When an atleantian be born, they will be paired up, with a creature of the sea where, they are mentally bonded by, the creatures choosing them. An atleantian be born in a pod, if I am not wrong. they hatch in pods like, shark eggs I think. What forms do they take as first, and how do atleantians look like in the first place? Energy, as they take any form they want, probably something close to their partner with truly any form and they live in colonies, clans seperate from each other and meet every once a year somewhere where they have the festival, of the music songs where they dance at their clan leaders pick, and each clan had a dance of its own when they dance, together its all beautiful. To do things. as the Atleantians are dancing for sheer joy. The clans are fun as it lasts for 3 days, and 3 nights called the dance, of the winds where they go, round in rotation. Each round faster than before, then it stops suddenly with giving thanks to their maker. The most beautiful part, comes as they go clan by clan, family by family, each forms a circle thus they blend their energies together sharing thoughts, and memories etc. Then they part and give their thanks, thus say goodbye to each other promising to meet one another again. But God is medieval. So be with God and know, how to handle thing as God is our source as a gemstone connected to God. Like the matrix, in all its unusual holistic nature. But to do as one would say, is keeping your word to be not do so unless needed. So to do as you say is to appease the God, you can say something else to do it. As the original purpose is thought to the normal purpose. As to what they do in the meantime, be experiment, practice, and work together as a human, regulation force overwatched by others atleantians. Some are actually inventors, that make things and make fame, for newly devised items. One item was the laser gun, but there are many more like automobiles and tanks and whatnot that be accomplished as they are achievements, with goals that last a lifetime and longer. The clans are ruled by princes and emperors, thanks to the writings of Atlan by Lady Delourx or undeux, and considered kings in pairs of 5 over a fair land. Here is some Atlantis background by Thundergladiator. Atlantis spent all their time improving their souls. The energy throughout the planet was maximized for consciousness. The myriad of energies that goes from plane to plane (leylines), were significantly allocated to fit every single being. The moment a person was born, they would spend all their time learning and developing telepathy. Although, the people that were born had telepathy naturally in them. They didnt even need to think to make telepathy. Then, it was as natural as breathing air. No matter what, things get better instead of worse. So think and you know what to do. -a- Okleeniex Occlusionist philosophy This idea goes by many names of ogclocsix, oggcloscia, oklee, disclusen, occlusional and occlusionist the adaptation technique philosophy to identify with the world around us, This method philosophy combines most other idea including projectionists (energy projection to create a likeness to you), subjectionist (accepting of info to tell or work on it while dowsing or using dreams), objectionist (rejection of most things based on dream) and seclusionist (secluded area to go into another) with realism (realists that follow along try to base things on fact) and naturalists (artist's nature that in treats everything outwardly with a natural feel and idea). This is used to be free in your mind and tamper with events by stating a point, or that's done by feel as a way to get better for yourself and others second if to help them out. That is sometimes in understanding the concept or knowing what is possible, this is where things work and this is done by that means you know what is there. That means your without guilt and being caught and if in a killing mood don't remain in the killing mood or go into an area where its accepted, to avoid a morality issue. So by use of this idea I mean your body needs exercise so exercise and try to not kill with applying, that's in a physical activity or meditate to try. This idea be not for everyone so its not always easy to follow them, if you don't want to then don't. This means you are with a separate mind that is your own individuality, where then you observe or know about the point you think about. So your thoughts are not you, they come from the spirit and that means you can observe the thought or direct with the idea in a point of your own. That here be where you are and there be where you are want to go. But try to know the basics and guess the rest with rumour and hard based facts, that are based in emperical and scientific information where any idea stands by itself. So you don't have to follow them as these are only guidelines. You don't have to do all of this. 1. Treat the more real moment, moral event or more immediate reality with more attention and shift away from the conscious event that don't matter. 2. Any unreal moment treat it realistically there and adapt any moment to make the unreal real like a fantasy in a moment to be unless the idea is real. The 5 points of this philosphy view are based on a quote from anonymous "Sometimes a single body is representive by many, or a single voice can represent many more that are unseen.* With no trouble to us."; 1. The opposites or invertigo rule is then to effect unnotoriously as to subjectivist (acceptionist) and objectionist (rejectionist) is liked for what you know in how things are and understanding the point, the motion they do is sometimes supported in picture. a. Think about what you want to use subjective views in the real world. b. The other transient "I" world is thinking to use objectionism. c. c. Accept what occurs and work with imagination, or if your thinking by focusing your creating by feel if necessary. 2. When doing anything, stand up for your opinion and allow for others with different idea. Count from 10 backwards and it is as though your in calm moods. 3. Don't back down unless necessary or own up for your problems with arguement and that means you use what is sometimes known by white lies, part truth and lies with unharmful resultism (any positive result is a good result) or truth, and sometimes attain the highest glory with normal to extreme action and you are able to do your own thing. 4. See for the real world is to treat the place, or the world, like it's ignored unless something is important nearby, this is like you are to turn your back on reality (reject it) until you desire the idea again. Then use visions of the subjective world and idea of feelings within you, that means the others or yourself might gain things, so to tell what might come and manipulate the mental and subjective "I" world. Think or feel as you use intended words, that are right for the moment, this is with actions in directed point of view to achieve with physical activity what you need to happen. 5. You don't have to do this if you don't understand this, but to create the fact in the "I" world, this is with direct actions focused on the astral plane planet, or any otherworld and achieve things here as a backup or what you think is possible. Think to finally create worlds here with verbs and actions in the subjective "transient" I world, that is done for easy productions or thinking to do things without mistake. So the rest is based off of the 5 pointed star system. 6. With, right as you would want with what you do and that doesn't fail and or disturb the wrong notions to provoke a reaction. As they see you as an outsider from another plane or area and it is to the easy way we go out the door. 7. What are wrong is the things that fail with bad results, sometimes indicated by others. 8. Think to treat others and other places like an interesting area or a test bed and testing ground, this is used in the area of where one can prove that it can be possible or measure up themselves. 9. Treat dreams like a testiment to prove out or ignore, if not useful and see the lucid or active reality as of a daydream, as a concept of real life to create the dream you want. This, the useful dream parts, then are bought and that can be imported or imparted, into the real world with a switched in action and idea by actions taken toward it, thanks to bill edwards. Act it out to get a more ubiquitous idea understood. So everybody builds on your idea and the idea isn't that this is used but to be taken as a good/bad example. 10. The parts of a power word phrase in a sentence, this is what the subconscious does that are used like in a speech, and can create a point in the world, whether or not what happens to be good, there really is no right or wrong. The effect is to use things if possible, so imperial goods are also to be good with use. Think and you can accept outsiders. 11. This is usable to keep impartial and interact by automatic reactions to keep a shallow appearance, but I think with deep thoughts as to keep the inner/outer balance. Only by cooperation of the subjective inner world of inner space, or the "I" world of 6th dimension and the outer world of ability and motion that's at least natural and allowable with not knowing by each other's white lies, so where truth is earned or used sometimes to gain friendship. 12. Where control and power are to manipulate the world and survive to not dominate, the idea is used to except a point in hostage situations where you try to win it out. Yet power is information and control is how you use the information to do things by actions related to the personal consideration. 13. In moments of a fight, try to fight it out or lose on purpose to survive like "take the fall". Unless in a opposable mood, that won't let you yourself run for some reason. Except to strike again later, thanks to Ranma 1/2. Otherwise talk the opponent out of it and add in their idea as if any is useful. Though as if an alternate route is to remain unnopposed and make things right. This is without any disruption not planned for by feel. Basically use the interruption as though an excuse. 14. In deadly situations of suppositions and basic idea or opinions, use regard to gain clarity with interactives, otherwise there's nothing. 15. If a disruption happens allow it in and its like a threat to treat things like entertainment or walk away from the point as if your not resented, albeit this is not done but only an act. So don't always do this as grudge matches or similiar can occur. See if you think you tend to not do things as though at home or for pets you realize are there. 16. Use a world and base it, the story, off something else that you and others want to do like a game. So don't point to yourself and don't piss off people unless you have to if to make a point, as it leads to paranoia or other idea, unless your happy as you yourself along with others might be willing if happy. 17. If a person be willing to share, let the point work as put to them and hope that they won't notice truth. That gets a reaction, so think and you know what to do. This makes for an uninterruptable dream, until you choose to end the dream by seeing a bone gray particle field. See if you treat reality as a lucid dream and a dream as a reality, then use action or idea with focus on positive results. 18. So your not removed from the world while you might think so, try to believe the world be yours to command like "the world be my oyster" and others exist in it to live alongside or live in it to help out by a feeling of fate only by information or white lies, but appear humble and undestructive or you might be taken as inhospitable. 19. If your tired of information manipulation, walk away and understand your goals with readjustment. This is next in ebout as though it's a part to use information or how to handle it. 20. Any new information be added to what be applicable of idea or the moment or ignore with a change of subject. 21. Follow the golden rule in its many factions. Do unto others that they do to you. Other varieties The wiccan rede, 3 times to you what you do to others with 3 times the effort put out, The Golden rede, To know yourself or know others by their actions by 2 times the effort back, 3 times the length, 4 times the effect out (to others). 22. When your asked to do the activity you decided to do, you can make things seem as if your idea but they suggested the point. You can not ever lose a fight with this except when more than one be arguing. Unless assigned to doing things by choice of another that you agree withor of a high authority. 23. Most actions have to be investigated by yourself to make sure of a proper battle. Where a battle can be averted by seeing the truth before instigations, and blindness be reverted by acknowledging the attributes of the activity by comparison of laws that work for or against any action. By the Basilicas (Basil-i-Cas). 24. By fearful result you can undo events that weren't to your liking otherwise intolerance sets in. But to fear too much makes you die younger, to live forever and be heroic. So ask yourself this 'Why didn't I like it?', "Is it too late?" If it is too late, then think to do something else. 25. Think to say what you feel and act according be to show the force of your feelings and desire, but don't beat up people beat up the wall. Revert psychosis where you can. 26. That means to be in the characters mindset and that is the way to just be the beat, if you have one then unless your in others realms where your the character you don't until your in your mind. So don't mind the weight, they have their own and if suspected then act a small part of you and a scene to create with a point. 27. So that means to be a part of a pose, then your more of one thats to be like us or whoever you want. Thanks in mind to the Dukes. 28. Seen is the fact to be of one mind is to be with the act. This is where action speaks loud as an individual point of perspective. So to do the true image takes a few idea, and then the idea is using an object for concept and vision or ability. 29. The with reason of rules its easy to do them, but you got to work with the effort with pressure. Thinking to get no assault result and on failure you get reduced effect to make better idea. You know it and then you do as its proven. This is next meant for failure handling. 30. See to the effort that failure declares, seem well tried as respected is to be supplied and know what you do. But see if you don't know, then magic fills the gap. Allow the act, don't go insane. This works as though in insanity your cooked. Or your not cooked as if ghostly tribute worked it's wiles by what you do. 31. The magic fills in only for the glory or missing idea and that is the tribute for the effort. This is used in hand, to create what you can get. 32. The have or have not is the idea in mind with the idea you eapress, this works of fuel if not done otherwise. Then where doing things the supplies might need fuel or energy. So that means there is a craziness possible, if you know the balance. Confidence is a must, so use effort and failures by energy to provide. Like one time effort and two times the fuel or three times the charm. 33. Think to form objects and birds, present the act as the proof and after every effort play with something like a word phrase. Instinct acts to tell it right or some idea, but you do not attack. Use harm on the attacker. 34. Its to the truest account to bring forth energy by thinking something else. Any overweighed or abusive point there is a drainage point. So you be the drainage and drain the bad energy, that goes through your aura to the ground in energy form. So let's see whats your worth. What I don't want to see be a disturbing people arise from this as a group therapy to the world. I do not want to be with this group except to watch them be to prove a bad point or become excess baggage and become destructive unless necessary. To find a person and so it is, not be destroyed by the contact with more of an idea of what to expect or help out. The conclusion he/she comes up with be because it is by the area, of what can be formed by the activity around you within or among other in places. What conclusions there are sometimes need clarification by seeing it firsthand or allowing what is done. The moment that your meeting an unfriendly person is then used to reject in an offhand manner, or accept with possibility of getting things. But to accept anything of information, if over the line then you can walk away or accept the idea as though the info was there. Remember, there's often a failure to communicate and sidestep the idea with something else. This is the substitution effect as to reject or redirect the emotion in form of a reply, seeing as thought is there of physical or verbal actions. So think things positive and constructively with a rejection that doesn't touch you by feel. See the point for your not really there but here. So just truck with me as I act or spew members, I'm no more or less a disc jockey as its true to the point to make a spearpointed difference. Allow time to make up for an idea and other things happen, be patient and things come to you or build the structure, by interest and there will be nothing except with enough info there to draw in people. Another answer be to not accept and try to attack forr the event with some type of similiaritude with emotional backlash, and subtlety or emotional brutality so do not do as whether or not try to be considerate as for considered animalism. Where animalism is manimalism I wonder if this truly is an amazing idea for moments be true in that it can cause events for which are not destructive and hardly any can get emotional enough for brutality. The only time I ever saw a brutal person be when they were pushed into it by voice or self-opinion in/formed from observation. A general action rule to try, "only do what you think he will react to positively or you do what you think is possible as he will do things." Try what is possible and as quickly as possible with enough skill to count, thanks to Quikly Thomspson, Brown and Smith. The dead man walks I have a haven, he will collapse somewhere and not return but with taunts of about us I dare say so not. So again this is the beat of an ugly regard, think to avoid the dead by walking beside him, his scent is what masks you. This is near now that I am to the true essense of brides and grooms. As if to let the believable exist, think the idea work and that is what astonishes as to be like others is to not be noticed. Something you're obsessing about was barely even noticed by the people your worried about. As it's your nature to be above the moment, this is done by vigilante ism or thinking to worry less. So let this one up and go. It's working in a hard life, so most won but care nothing about the point except to be there for them. Don't be beating people up now because of a bad example. Like stand like a tree and move away. A few quotes and idea that fit into the philosophy; 'The things of another are their own, with things spoken, and unless they speak it isn't to be borrowed.' 'If crazy then then its to not very much farther to direction your going.' 'Don't jump ship unless you have, a good chance to whether or not its a western quote." 'Bequeeth to those that desire but only when they are asking by choice in marine life and are deserving it. Be ready with what you have and make awareness of what you see but otherwise know it as a weapon for yielding. Know yourself before you know others as a point of reference, to get your desire unless you denied yourself.' 'Be sensitive by applying and not to all except to your good friends and family.' 'Watch what you target or work with as they can bite you back. For those of destruction and madness, accept what they say and appear to support it, if the idea displayed be good enough then use it for yourself.' 'If in crippled, don't be too bad, yet again it could get you some in the end.' 'Accept the tools given and don't necessarily complain. Unless you paid for it.' 'Have a little agression to those who do disruption and are disruptive to you.' 'Thus the saying be "previe maet amour" or apply to mate by love or devotion, as you need to mate idea or people or to make things occur.' 'Befot, Before making that final decision, Its sqeemy mie to go as you can. Still review everything, as you can look through exact opposites eye but control your reaction, so nay I don't think so. Liike nags, its nothing noee its a planet. Be up to make sure tht not only do you and all have the info put to think your own. but yeur intrepreated motion is intrepreted by accurate measure.' 'I look at you and look like you but I m only that, as I myself am only arguing for the self and be worthy of your kind.' 'Now is it worthy or self worth. As if it might be if you might be wasting your time like haggismatk. To b of match from time to time to get the result. On peptlk to people who don't itis add to your own civility of life to don't have dejection to horseplay. I bel'iev it is time to take inventory an be reposable now take resolution and make it real as for anything add'hz fuel not to the fuel. So take inventory, and okay its kay as ok okay? Merk mark ! Its squeem, now squeeem! Stop! its not so so as it may be but it is to put more time into those who try to build you up.' 'Dop? Curing dope with ambassadorial effort. You get a chomp and thats all.' 'Irongaurd? now theres your ironguard, there it is. Its Feguard with antimagic. Its important as for changes that are in need.' 'Materialization? there it is as you think its there and there's an ideal where your a fixture in light. that you can use as though you fix things that are there to be repaired not me.' 'Your the coach, as your sociel commementaery is important this very week. Soe its to make up things as its don't yell but just do. Theres a reason for my madness, Its something you don't think about to put two words together but its one theme as but separate its a separate idea by things to makesure as to speak up and ae's se'i you mayby right its to act of seprate nature but its better to act for separate things and not for a cocksure measure making it seem like training as a sure thing. Make sure to speak up and don't let the deaathapy or apathy of others to make sure of your training that now makes you second guess as is impact. To be able review as a coach would and where the according to plez to place as it is.' 'Natural work? Its what you do natuely, in despair as spairalize and its natural to group or gang.' The energy personally isn't perversant, the area effect is what to do as not to persuasive in concept or otherwise this can be what makes a person represented by N&!&! or other signature sounds !N! as a name of signature things. The energy in motion can be directed by thinking the whole can be accounted for by the parts, and that is like an experiment of the correct things to say. For the voice is vibrational and things are effected by the effort of speaking. This makes what you want by what you think to speak. There are several ways of speaking, with voice, scent, actions and reactions to counteract is thinking to be an act amongst many others. Because I don't believe it and nothing matters, just because you don't believe means it is true unless not necessary. This is the cause of cause and effect. So speak as if the parts aren't the whole to influence the whole. That is thinking by an example of an item standing right in the path, "This item isn't moving, so I will move around this by curve action or remove if possible to move around things. If to get where you want or need to go I will tempt fate incarnate and act smart. Unless I already do, then is the point i create by the spirit and soul. Defend if you need, but offend the bully if you have to have non at all. Bilinguistic action, this then is make it look in good faith and things work. That seemed real but I remember this as a vision is possible." So try and fix evrything so family abusers don't attack. Its in understanding `as it's a point of what is convertion of language from greek as sig !&/Emit ^!^|Ng with correction, but if an idea is everyone had a voice there would be no personal freedoms. These are symbols of the right? They each have a defined personal meaning, that's like a scalar value in personal conception. !^| When tongues or speaking to use go greek they are the sig &!#$@ of tomorrow with the other thing that is it's as a correction and back again. This isn't seen nor `Eign# as how sig by Eas*%ng, the way it's amazing is you type the idea and if you can cleanse as though if you take a bath. It's Elrin if you identify things that were restored and then go back. `Where it's in your service but not your thinking process. You get better results to have known as bitterness is possible and positive, thinking as I am here if you are there in the other area as if you are there, if to be there you are to see a manager and then speak on the fact. Now let's test if now you must know. Be thou druid as thou are to make things but because of this I will go, that's because I didn't see the reason where you no as if to go or not to return. The point is interesting, given respect is there with a will. So turn yourselfs into wasps or something else if angry. Take the thought out of there as I will go now. Through food I purdue and pardon as its calmness thats there and good so this is done as !#%/ or !so settle down. If not near, it's still value to this mind body and I thank you. Null broke notion ! . ! is this E!#& as ` ^ /&#! See if you don't have to pay for these, then if this happens you are with a free feeling. Mind is mine in idea to death or fate as mind over matter. I don't disown you for things, but that's in another reality in live moments as your idea of your inner world. This is a point that is used as a point, that use is a concept, stop and wait to create what you want as you get a complete idea if you do. This is a point you know and not do so you get better results. See your as if in accepted by acceptability thought, that's what you do where you can create or not intention. Where you think you create and your creation is you as you make or create your area as you get and make activity by what you consider, that makes action with results and this will appear social. So as you are aware you win or die, as you lose your life then as essence your spirit will give or not die. This is a point or not can be what makes what you think, then as a concept creates subconscious in activity, you create in idea. This is what you can see or gnow, what you think creates in the point as in now you go and are somewhere normal. Think to touch nothing, then you create in idea and shift as you jump up and you are back to normal space. Assume in that the actions you do, you create and concept a way as a point to do, of course that's not to do as a thought if this is disturbing. So think as you are aware to understand, you are cool and in thought to help out. If a concept is there, what you do you shift with feel, otherwise your not thought to shift and create a point. Think to make action to create a similar result, that means what you did in other dimensions can create part of what you see. This is where your fixing a point with a moment, and only for need being there as it is occuring naturally in the world. This works as the effort to cause change mediates it with actions done sometimes by yourself or others. Thus we express as though we desire and use actions of voice/motion for theory and moment in rest. Theoretically we speak for the care of others thoughts and idea, listen before speaking or there's no room for others consideration, this is done by the Basilicas. Things we use is for the moment and your use otherwise as this belief is from an idea, think or not as what this is uses the point as now you see it now you don't, so then as your okay this is if your well. Think of the moment, then as a crew of two, you create as a point in desire. For if no rule or existence exists in that space, you create in the body cells and this is what to do or do not push for in idea, that creates the area in the mind and the area that will work for you. Think outside the mind as your then to use things with your own based concept off others in work. There is a point that coincides with other idea, which is coincidence by point that is a concept when you are aware. So your free as you are not always answering, this is done by activity unless for the beneficial doubt as you need to get what you can or know is possible. The actions depend on your moment to consider with moments of greatness, a momentary glitch, thinking in a moment of compassion..so with comparison of the laws, including natural laws or fer'ol laws that have rights beyond jurisdiction you get what you can. Thought to compelling is suggestion with the laws, think and get the idea if your right and time will adjust for the best of result. Thoughts in law have some regard except to the idea in fact of what you desire as it's there or your thinking to give without warning makes this easier to accept in neurotic idea or you can act crazy like and make a point of humour to relieve stress. Movements are there to dispose of unnecessary idea or physically excess energy and then to know what to do. This is thinking done, if you don't know what to do. If you want to rule, rule yourself and others second if you can get an agreement or written contract in idea. In life as you able, your cool and hot is elsewhere that you need the idea to seem. The undoing of the idea is not actually there and that is stopping the action, so this I thought if some are doing things by thought before or as of the moment. There is a pause or quietness when things are about to happen. So to sum it up, flow with thought as energy is from the creator to follow the rules and watch what you shoot at as you could miss, then worry only on what you think is not good or be wrong and react accordingly, that's because you could draw attention with a single shot. Work by feel if you can but don't if you can get away with things, it's playing by the only way of life. That works with the easy path, so think to go and do the way that suits you. There is a mission in this of correction and protection; the unspecified goal is there to project to correct, then to fix what you break without telling many of the point unless they watch or you think they want to know. This is a point in idea. Your main goal is what you think in idea as intent used to create or protect the area, and those that are within the place are what is sometimes effected. The second goal is for preventing destruction where and when the destruction happens. Third rule and most important, look before you go try to protect yourself. Then you do things not to allow harm for yourself, this is even with bad relation. With a bad relation, aka violation you can rule their purpose, thought and what action they do or not do. That's depending on how much power or electricity and that's from how much money the person has in life, this is useful to know as if you move away; so stay away and wait. Now if they can hire guns; then move out of the country and/or jump to another planet. If they look for you and you know the point, hire your own guns. The tyrants can be appeased, but by being there and standing up to them by a story and without bloodshed by misdirection. If this fails, attempt a recourse of reminding them of their promises and white lie to get them to do things. If you find too much trouble, then go for help by leaving the area or staying in the industry and use them as protection. Then, that's only if troubles against you. If you are aware, you are with a way to do things, the spirit allows you to know what to do with the soul's help. If you find too little trouble or none, then expect some point as small things and disrupt the unnecessary activity. The point is where too much counts as a person in power, that to create in experience is with use of idea in thought from activity where your seeking to do things destructively. Just enough and you give a good act or act busy and leave alone. Just enough is the act of someone who is sometimes of a position or qualified by experience. They who think can prove things, their folley is controlled or they prove they can be qualified. Think to create the correct actions to make as a point, that uses the things creating the right circumstances. This will create the thing in sight as the under reality of the spirit realm shows, or this doesn't create and the person you affect is known. If they who are capable of activity and are not example is there, think of both as action is equality and thought is situation with allowance till unnecessary so you allow them what they do. Think not caring is overqualified and being more capable. That's doing things at a job where this is caring for the area as results are possible. A place you navigate around and do or think, using thought or not doing things is now where you don't do the idea by what is with spirit use. The point is done, so if things yet doesn't do what is needed, then if this isn't against you your fine unless you want those things. So this is either a warning or a concept that is seen as deceasement, this in life is viewed by animated showings or anime by animus or then the spirit being observed. Think of this as a fight scene. Beware in an out is averted action in thought, thought is there as nobody is hit or your missed as if a dodge in action and there's no point to react as this is necessary, the identity effect of which allows you to think your someone or there's things in use that is done in action. Then where that is of use is where someone else is useful as if in a dream moment. Sometimes that's done in realism, where you escape for not stated idea before the deed is done or tyranny can happen. If you face a tyranical person, then you can create a point thinking of the idea and needing the result. This is the silent power of words. The other effect is the disaster of someone finding out, that you were a guilty party and that you take the dream ability, this is used by sealing the point or not doing what is needed. The last thing be with this on a player philosophy, and to sometimes on refusals or other arguements, that is irritation if not relaxed to recieve a sudden anger and return the energy. This is used as a surge or irrational response, that could lead in other actions. Start to response anything in like good and your in destructive notion or not doing things as nothing is existent. See as time barriers are from the existence, then you know what is there. Not is some use as the point is the extent, think of verbal or activity idea that is done. The existence is a thought that if there is a need, there is a will to a way that is a point for that life that exists. This becomes nothing but unintendant thought as existant action is activity, think a point by what you will your use is your own unique idea. There no rule exists as thinking or intendant action creates, so imagined rest is a fix as you can create better results in ability where you are a point idea to use what is there if non-illegal. Think and to hit release an object as never is maybe, the other person can do things better, though as you consider in things happen as you think time to do things for you. Now time and this time goes on as your helped by what you think. So as your not there, unless not needed is necessary or what is observed, think to be in idea to release the point. This is where you are in mind to think as you know who you are by feel. Think and what you are doing is thought is obvious to yourself, some think and chocolate is thought out of the area or the area is vacated in use. Thought of the moment is the air in use and out of some point in the area, that is with a point and your in done concept that's out by a point intended in action. This is real by idea within minded act, yet your not insane as you are out of the stress energy that goes to the ground. There is nothing more as existent action, this is the thought act or not used as nothing is done. There is some in "inteded" as intended acts of love and loyalty, nor your need as it doesn't exist for if there's another lifeform your existant life is another way of thought. That is instant reaction to the area, that is what you think as stimulated feeling as intelligent. Since to have some sort of injury is before the strike like a blonde moment in the end, this is where nothing exists or (not a stupid strike or mistake that be unconditional or accidental), Inp is point in action by refrain that is conclusion to experiences and that is refrain by similiarly caused with understanding by deflammatory tissue releasing energy into the blood stream in the body so it's usually in time. The idea is there to have almost no control of the body, since it's dealing with the toxin. The brain is forced to overreact and a clench occurs. The clench causes a body pause or somophoric stress release and this ends after the body messes up the thing being done or a accidental hit occurs. Too much radiation or heat can cause the inflammation, and that is including emotion from sensation except it's been known to happen to the likeliest person with neurosis as a result. So think, as though an automatic negative reaction from thought negative ionic neural damages thought, this is used to make better and it's caused by too much heat or stress. That's leading up to dillusions that are death visions, this happens to such as people who are with their own worst unintended thought. The insurrection is considered somorphic reaction, so this is done as a point if an atheistic point or not using the only readable reaction or reanimatable and reasonable with wisdom reaction. See it won't go away unless you needed no pain from me or no pain from you. There is using an idea to fix the idea and that is edit the source, that's if the source is thought as though energy and you can suggest what you want to happen as if a script. This is if a point in erased idea is a gone trait as a word is gone, then that's as the subconscious removed the condition that is making the point and you no to remove the illness before the condition is bad. This is a known effect, so think and your spirit or soul does the effect of the illness removal. Also, the soul and spirit can create whatever you think and need, so this makes the point useful, that you create by the feel and make with the point. The power of words is what can more easily make things happen. This is an effect done by choice, you choose the point and the effect is done. If nothing happens, then you basically decided that you didn't need the point. This makes the idea where you think of the point and create with a willing participant. If noones willing, then nothing happens by feel. So remember the fact, that you can create whatever you intend to create, otherwise you think of the point and state the idea to get understanding using whatever means you need to use. -b- Void de impulse philosophy by Warwick Medituplato Authors note: using this idea below as a philosophy could get you into trouble. Since it seems that to triumph may bring hazard upon others for this, the void in use, brings no morals and lots of goods. An example of this be to lead someone astray and then not feel guilty. As anyone has feelings, and thoughts are sometimes idea to be left alone. So consider void as a negative, the reason behind this be to percieve and know void as a force, where gaining something is bad or negative except the usage be positive or a good thing. Where in math a negative times a negative by a positive, and two with two go together with something applied with each other, added by Samantha and Suathe'de'denan. Where the challenge of this be to be a good mathmatician and adventure where none have been or at least survive. One, you could save yourself the time and attempt to calculate the distance between here and there, or how much food you need and how much be left for the incremented by point duration. The void user will consider the effort to continue without math or senses. That user would go willy nilly or king'a'bobby (for any which way) and sometimes in hurry. For without math theres no reason. \ ~n So if you understand this, as in agreement, then your like the author, insane because with no moral basis theres no growth except for objectives. By reading the philosophy you might become like the author, injust by crazy or insane, of which I percieved the mindset of the author. During the time I read to review it I notice the author be sane at the beginning, but insane at the end. If you find yourself crazy or insane is nothing you see use and babbling, except if nearly everywhere if your every word you area create you see then don't unless slap yourself as your aware or things sense out of what or not do something in or out not by use if not out from order unless you did it on purpose. As in part of the author it indicates, crazy be saner and just thinking it makes it happen unless its not really going to to help. A saying "Du bepwar oneam", "be prepared (personally warned) on each preferred action", for nothing be something and things coexist sometimes for hazardous intent. The crazy action can also be stopped by thinking the idea isn't there and force yourself to not do much. Or think just stop, to prove the truth of this is unjust crazyness so just read the material. The material This way of void be to make amends for the wrongs by allowing void, to absorb your own wrongs as a temporary measure of your allowance. Where the full measure be to own up to the problem and see the truth for yourself. Allow disbelief of idea and that you can do as needed with suspension of disbelief. Where void = nothingness = radiation particles = dark matter = something solid or supportive like a brace. If its not there, then you fail utterly and with supportive brace to achieve nothing where particles hold the object together so don't hit people hit objects. Yet if theirs nothing then you are used to the person your near as if near perfection as you don't have much to worry on except never say never as you never ever do or not. Unless you want to do things by need or to achieve the end result. So seek nothing unless you have nothing something to work toward like attend a goal. This says to see things as useful and as your with useful things, then it, the useful thing, at some point ends it as usefulness as an idea or let be as if it can be. Its as to be as its with me. If a good result or resolve happens, fame be achieved by successful attempt. Like the honor goes to those who deserve it, and those who desire it will achieve by unblocked desire. With lessening of pain and assuage joy be by the achievement and extension of time and usage of words. We of the indicament, are the truth beyond dishonor if we prove out any time any plane. Proven is that void works behind he scenes and beyond work is she action words by deed and don't benefit by the benefit by the idea benefit by doubt within which we do of activity. For to use an item or idea ends the lifespan or moment of the item per use and activity. Only to cause a new thing with each use. Thus the point is to be and believe in nothing, thus once nothing is achieved you've achieved nothing and the nothingness be heavenly acts where one could achieve something without any need of much, and added to this the fact nothing goes to something and back again with nothing and without much and things could go downhill after. This happens again or not, then be careful of need that allows you to carelessly throw things away and okay, be abated with being obeyed and as the body is the observer by emotional response, theirs possibility of giving away things for free as charity with a insane motion called emotional rebound. When it, the toss, "happens" try not to throw away important things where the mood hits you as some fat women can do. So in truth, nothingness be in between you and somewhere or something, so there in truth be no actual distance between except for appearances, so seek balance to get somewhere as its wise to go for something for less or to gain more without desires as with no desires it can only lead to destruction. If you gain more without conjunction compunction then it makes gain or greed and disaster. Then you can communicate to others and there won't be benny or any rude motions or shakyness in is idea. As red red wine, is sweet and is redrawn in here as dumb humanly but isn't thought nor dangerous. Thats backward, don't backfire as they reverse. Lose intent and drop as your weight is lowered, and thats all it is as its no concern. For and again, to use an item or idea ends the lifespan and moment of the item per use. Only to cause a new thing or event with each use. Thus the dangerous point be to believe in nothing, one could achieve something without any need of much because the actual case be to know the basis of what you see before you can get anything, for the fact something goes to nothing without much in a downhill motion. Theres things to achieve without hope and this becomes the need to bargain. If this happens, then again be careful of need that allows you to carelessly throw things away but with a emotional response, and then theirs possibility of giving away things for free and not just for repentance but instinctive unless denied. When the toss happens try not to throw away important things or create. So in truth, nothingness be in between you and me, so again seek balance to get somewhere and in get something for less or to gain more with no destruction unless in need or repentance. Theirs the sanguinity effect, "I saw the effort as a person gets something for nothing, and yet your observed and that person might take it away out of pique. To avoid this tell the person how to get it, if not a policymaker. For the policy marring might make it harder to do." N&%!% !%#& is of the option to not make mistakes and create a knowing by what is possible for what the policy is to work. Like cause an attack doesn't cause me to attack. Instant essences? The way of changing you motto if essence is converted if attack of infliction. Now cook or be okay to do. %!# I En thats to revert nasty reactions no more no lessen. Due to diverse nature of opposites that attract each other by representation, people tend to seek and fill the emptiness caused by nothing, which be then something, so they can get somewhere in life and along with other beings, food be an example by pleasure as it gives by pleasure, as you notice people don't eat except for the pleasure to live. Thus if blame happens to me, I think of the idea that I actually own nothing, so I think nothing of the blame and it disappears and this doesn't count for purchases where you get something for a note where I suppose the material that seems of value, actually means nothing like gold or dollars and pounds for an object thanks to tv 9. Think compassion comes into play if you youself seek compassion and correct for bad views but try not to be on gaurd to those vicious and all is simple be of might. Just try to fill up the void inside and see things as you may feel like your better. The effort of just trying and filling up the void lets yourself gain or lose without guilt or training, I treat it like a hand-me down. Don't break your mind but use your subconscious with unconscious power. Be unable for the effort not, and if your subconscious tries to do does its understanding satelite and with some calmness be if by approach. The events you might experience, you live through after the burst of indirective approved approach. Its all about the getting, to the point where the prophecy leads in the idea. Osmosis be like this as people's direct view with voice and probability and action as radiation to glean information and to use it with the brain constructing it as a view, for the prospective uses or abuses. Let use of void to disturb things that be so mote with chaos, a dispersion of energy with a projected thought, and jealousy or other felt emotion that can cause trouble, let void take form as a sucking force with a decision and feel the void absorb the trouble, then dissipate. Free yourself to separate, from your body when you mind it by letting go and insanity disappears. So to like a rabid dog sum this part up, nothing goes from nothing to something and as where from to nothing again like nothing in nothing out thanks to Tron and Flynn from Tron the movie. Where nothing be loneliness and insanity lives with craziness, when nothing be exactly something try to divert the attention and give a good excuse. True action makes probable excuse, so in the game of life is the thought out as if to seem in is to escape outside from the area and this can seem to escape from reality. If you think about it then your in as actions breaks based in free moments. Seek to fill in for lifes missing parts for life has a proverb or lilcommen'g, try and try again to don't do it as damages can happen and try to be compassionate so your nothing disappears, and everything exists for you or others unless the time be right, so know the item disappears from usage, only to see another form of the right thing, of a similiar time and type again except for a small distinguished difference. Nothing be ever the same and everything be just a pattern of particles in solid form and motion, but one can have a thought except for the feel and know of it. If so or not, then the thought was produced as a product and you can remove it if you know it, exchanged by smith and gleason. The nature of a thought be inverse and lawless as you yourself may have thoughts, and as I remember from somewhere none can keep us from it, as the thought. Where this be a will there be a way and what I use be the idea of destination, determination and decision that makes it possible to get places also known as the 3 D's in Apportation from Harry potter or a time that deals with series. Where life be in regulated moment and in a positive value system, by negative and positive feedback where the means be life if allowed that uses positive reinforcement to create a positive uplift with detriment to be none. Consecration, concept research and do something while watching ihn observance. Be in observance, while others are watching. To be calm and considered is the regard to those who are in law and with a bias that diplomatic may be good. When this be truth, think of a hostage situation unless its nice and no trouble. Where your hands are steady, try not to kill the attackee to save the hostage or talk the hostager, out of holding 'the hostage' and with promises and guilt. Another prospect be to gain the idea you use the desire and triumph by success in a vision brought on by feelings and counted as the suble solution then with vision and by visual idea. This act will bring to a person a sanity and life thats real for self, it did for me and I now consider reality instead of the false reality of life and thats to be, instead to manipulate it for others or yourself in a game of chance. Like russian roulet and one bullet. If this doesn't work then you already have the confidence that you desire. To make a safe area, try getting a patrol or policymaker in patrol and safeguard by placement the area. With semination its like life for generation. Allow, and thats in a way thats not denial. Put something in it besides possibility to decree and let it be understood as let it be let it be let it be. Be normal for people that are looking at you. By work at something not beating, but the act of someting is soft beting to using it as the keys are to be stroked to be. Accept hospitality as it is, but no personal hygiene as if you wore deodorant.As the the idea here, is that as to be beaten the beater disperses into nothing. Add in iff as iff the instant prisioner, is to be on an aid planet meant for them as per use it is. Treat family like a clone of yourself or others and raise time shields. In narcissism as narcissa or narcissa faeofyn as self devoted or professed in philosophy, which be self insanity and be void philosophy at the core that can bring on larceny as a state of mind or madness, in which its the idea as people are useless to each others except to themselves until the need or desire be felt, to bring results and to prove themselves out except those they find worthy. This can cause in psychological terms, suicide unless the pain be dealt with in some manner thats dwelt up by denial by adding to or changing out resources. Beware where the effort of doing things for gain be part of the illusion of life and life be not forfeit, but unreal until you make a difference. Say as you want, as you are a way to live. This in is a point as an indication is case if unreal, as though "une" its not going to happen. Otherwise they assume and use that for existing for themselves and others second but we're just here, for without tenacity and no need theres no life and no pain and no gain except for nothing but no void. So when designing something, and you don't want peoples destructive interference through no small bit of pain and jealousy. You don't care but you do care about this. So I will say this 'Try not belive or not be obvious to be obvious as its possible for disruption and not to do desires as necessary. Death in devotion to those people that cause it and your pain, go away but to take a breather allows to take a motion inprogress as in thought. So about to eat a human, think 'wrong food and be cool'. Narcissists (neceseix) and often other similiar ilk (ilkli) are ill tempered and tempted by the idea of fame and imfamy, larceny be also a plotted crime for the good feeling of it or for the better end of the person, especially when none destructive or bad end. The action, as it can also happen from this, the philosophy of void, can be twisting with no pain because void tends to be absorbative and brings a calmness to the spirit even in insanity %g as if its possible that void controlled the persons fate. Yet to trust in void gains you yourself madness and instability where the motion of consideration and incessant crime be a cause and effect for ceasing effort of most activity. I think they created something by imagination or live normal life, the needy are a void animal to disrupt as they seem to think they rule and in the area with disruptive intention plus intent by destruction be with your gain and as if you were narcissists so lets take you or rule over your points and not care. This gains a hellish idea of a chaotic "soothing" or kaer'lhoct peace. The claimant can have been possessed but the person allows the void with circumstances or control with nothing. Not intentional be the idea of madmen that follow this emptyness and void philosophy. In pain and redemption it will cause an unfair advantage, you can take pain in an unlimited amount of time to continue with no disturbance. To get a reverse to the volcanoe erupting, by equality or thought and "uen uer uen" its equal to temperature cooling down in the volcanoe is similiar. Be it don't decieve it, its the evolutionary crox pattern. Act as if I didn't say anything but don't assault. See the area I saw was useful or unique to see the area I thought amazing yet the area venturu is interesting. They use the area as creativity allows till oblivion or see nothing much necessary balance with issues or situations. So you see the area is a curiosity by area feel see or feel by use if feel. See to use or aggrieve is agree or not agree not is no. To control or work with others, think your unimportant and then others come to importance first, because the fact be I see more people who are missed at work because they are se'em'ing steady and try to undermine others. For none I know, except a few in pain would attempt an alledged illegal action and get hurt for it, not unless the pain and desire of will overwhelms good reasoning and when confronted by a free action, its probably a giver by those who desire. With three possible acts of seclusion you can get rid of the pain and motion peace, and then there won't be crime, so I think. But when there be no controlling a confronting force as a channel, then most won't attempt unless its for values like contracts, give or take with possible threat. This is, their intent, be because of bad pain like with contracts that restrict, if any from lack of privledges and resources along with a little inner balance by a false inner balance. This can drive a person unsafe and disturbing or nuts. Like things that get their interest and yet one can dodge the bullet, if only to manuever around it except one cannot outrun the bullet as in expense unless quick enough or if not given. For quickness, try dexterity practices and to attempt a hand snatch of an expected idea or hand held object, when its done then your fast enough thanks to Sean O'Connoly". From Claimantcy be a quote "Once thou get your quickness, for peace and inner balance find thou mental world or know it, and this be thou world that thee were priveledged, priested or previously born in. Thou may get acceptance in the world thou are physically born in with the acceptance concideration confidence in any action. Sometimes if thou can find it, or remember it thou won't have to visit it. So to get kicked out of thou own world or remember thou inner world is to make a power else as to remember it even on other worlds that can make a im/moral balance of how to acquaint effortlessly to cause a positive corruption. Some raw animal attraction can make a difference by using or amusing themselves with teachings from their mental "I" world or "inner misfit world" to gain inner peace. Where the world be sometimes a place and plane as pocket plane or planar released you. plane. Dedifferate and you'll get somewhere by indication of how it works, and separate in your mind a place for each item because its by difference of action that we account for thinking." Work with me on this and I will work with you. The world you you gain is the world of tomorrow. But not to kneecap and it to break a spine by architechture aid. So its trebeched as a place thats not what you think. Some will need more than nothing, so you might not get away with the idea of pointing out nothing. Point out more things until they do agree by acknowledgements. Dumb, not that right there. Its of it as more egress in and do then it is to be able. I wish it not to seem plumbus dumbus. "Unno waegia" or "Beas beos tuwaegt" be to not weigh upwards again by weight warp or to gain muscle, Seeing be belief but to dissolve away weight be a unnatural understanding. This can make anybody with the right training have the charasmatic character of automatic method or similiar to self-proposed leader. From your world thou can channel anybody to act the character of the person, to act in a regard (act naturally) of thou choosing or if none then thy can choose from observance. By projecting certain feelings thou get a reaction and thy can get away, or somewhere as be by choice. So you can create channels of information through nothing to get your meanings across by intimidation or concession and effort, or make an effort to get an understood intent. To use others idea and associate them with your own and without getting angry at others, where they allow for approximate idea and error correction of things to espound on and considered as acclumancy (eklua or eclme), now in the case of things which interefere such as disagreements or sabotage with yourself and others. Acclumancy be not the option, Occlumancy or Icclumancy be better. Any of the three be good for dealing with void and allow the "inner world" to be blocked or walk the land beside thou, by including some of the idea of the person seen. Be in you on uncommon grounds and let it be through werk. Ti is fun to work with time to do things and work with the group is better the group is where you work. By work through karma support your work as it supports itself. I found this man and left him inept.. ip that is all I needed. I am not sorry I did it and I willingly do it as when the nuclear reactor went up it left a contaminent in the ozone and I got caught with it by contaminent."paranoid" is likely to make you quit the investitute. Scene one moment and they disappear even if the doors are closed, it has a residue or spacial condenser force for a presence as it is likely to work to displace them and its to be like an extra person. With a rune for apes and aspectus, by drawing the aspect in the effort as weight doesn't have to be too great to shift with as its taken as weakness to be used as fuel. Take some damages, for the effort at hand however no thiefing is nothing done. Use of Occlumancy by thought energy (oklua or oklume); or the one act to cause a dissociation, by use of drama and dreams to reconsider effects of meditation and to meditate it away or push with focused energy, and laughing (if alone) and shaking the head to shake the effect off. To separate a bad reality and idea from your own such as dreams and bad energy effort, think of the thing that disagrees with you and laugh or shake your head to push it away by a force of thought. Also in thought is useful concept that anything matter is effect with gravity as arguing that could get disasterous, with no other way out and this includes reverse psychology. If I be to look around and might see those whom use this without knowing it, except by a different name of emotional dissuasion. "Disaster struck at 8:11 and I had it all planned out but now I need a new area to live in." Quote from Jones. There be a negative version called dissing (dys) as agility consists by what you do that confuses and insults from projecting the negative vehement energy or venom, to consist of any negative activity voiced out or acted out is done. When dissing occurs the mind can snap and attack to unsnap or otherwise think and go or not and your done, whenever your not due your not and action ceases that antagonizes and walk away from the idea and will is the pomel where the mind is like Galen and a sword. When dissing be bad then the disser might assault, thought and idea teach from example as physical blows for racial slurs and ignorance. Most racial slurs are banned so its not a worry as if not forbidden. Icclumani seem or Icclumancy not occlumaccl (Atlantean channelings) can be to use acclumancy and for integrating or accepting things or idea but only if it helps, then occlumancy to make for disjunction and cause the idea to work your sub-c for a math subtitution of one value and another, as you can control the how of the moment by being rejection but not the why as it won't work otherwise, for your idea to take the place of the actions that occur and are done by speaking what you would desire to occur, then the event, occurs like you say and guides you to make it better. So to act out the part creates the moment and accounts for some Atleantian channelings. "lx" lets say we could get the entire history of a lost race and it wouldn't entirely be accurate and yet carbon dating be also innaccurate except for other dating options like to use hydrogen, and if I could visit the time and date of thought with the market race through Apport (teleport) or dream travel to create a mini fire and your use is a thought to make by fire use by will. Direct by will and poof your gone. Ecclumancy are what destruction of things are what you use to create a point that action is energy by chi that converts the radiation in over the aura absorbed energy, as a second shell as a creator shield that builds up in the brain as you show people what is destroyed or hurt in mind you can use things. As if to see and believe as you are as if reverted in energy overload to being normal. You get a point across to them, you "mai and make" what you think as whatever happens, the right pressure points are what in use can control the body and revert the idea in wish effect to make whatever pressure there is disappear. Sometimes you don't and as you think in result you are use in result by the person in the act of doing activity, with eye of choice from what person you see and as you see the idea you can use gnosis to remember what you see. As the auratic energy builds up so does your ability in energy. Cleanse with water the energy and the idea dropped in energy is the energy, that is excess too much to the thing that can take the energy. As if otherwise you naturally remember, naturally as never or not or otherwise. There is an action that is what reverses the approach, as "en ep" to think "this" and state reverse to reverse trouble or other things that is to use the third eye to change what not as thoughts you scan and no apologies if use from brain activity is found out. As you write what you see from a concept so use as a moment focusing is thought focus and thought receptive, this is from their spirit for use. This is there own point of view as your use is unknown and with use your idea. As that is stimulus of the normal state of mind as the mode is memory triggered, if use is intended to create mind over matter in idea is an area room that is what true idea. There is no use as user based actions, intended for thought is use by intention only. This is an occurance that your stability is what keep by energy use that is normal in the thought body as though your an idea that he or her form, you like by natural choice and focus by thought in focus with breathing and aura manifests as on the thought. There is no physical reaction except some as no enjoyment, by an relative in idea to translate or not as no repetive activity if in no focus or if realized your not reacting as x is the spot or ex no insanity and act good doing except by the creators will with no repeat activity as he does what you want by subconscious activity and shift activity is on thought. Don't jump to conclusion effect unless "necessay" as necessary actions are what use in point blank attack or zero force activity otherwise known as nothing in action. Movement and mention can create, what you intend to think intention to create with as kinetic motion isn't always done. I also have to protect myself from projectories, then I could see them for real faeries and it wouldn't take a moment to get their historical factor (value). Due note this isn't always allowed to work by various factors of belief and area time of activity. The idea of this came from 'think of this as your alive and your death here, but try to think in-between the lines and see the pictures as if on a wall and then relations of your life and how it feels on the wall. Like No bully, depenency or target, dismissal, concepts, promotion and a moment of decree.' As with a moment of a sighting, seeing be believing where things are just as well as with passable objects like no sting no stink the bullets veer aside or turn to rubber as you turn..and etc. Think on the sun shining down with a white light that comes down to surround you with an un radiation and pierces through you. The other way is to imagine the darkness which absorbs that comes up to shaft through you and pull away what is disliked. Then change the light or darkness to expand to 3" to surround you. As you do so, the light or darkness changes your energy by attunement and you turn it, the light or dark, brown where the brown shade is a protective earthlike color that is barrier. Also available to being absorbative of evil or negative energies to effect unhurtful nature along with absorbing the damages as energy to yourself. -c- Orea-O-Pobe Philosophy of Materialism Materialism be the newer idea and philosophy of Atlantis. The materialistic view be, to gain what goods ye can. And prosper with an effects at hand approach. There are a few rules, to materialism: 1. Always gain the item, for the sake of idea and motion. 2. Look for guidance, on the importance, of the idea. 3. Don't let things stop you from achieving your goal, but remember goals can change. 4. Get ye a handle on life the moment is done, think by focus and use expression, then ye can calm down and get out the emotion. 5. On a take of the moments notice, as there may be blockages to the idea, things ye want to make occur don't always seem to occur right, so try another way and make the ideom, 'never give up, never give in, unless need be or forced to.' 6. Always be willing to trade, as the value seems fair or greater, for the trade-off. 7. Don't take yoursef too seriously, be willing to laugh at yourself and things go well. 8. Materials are energy and energy is what can manifest things easier. 9. Materials are what are solid and truly are existant in this world. 10. Immaterial objects are what energy items that exist here from the spirit realms. 11. Don't be greedy. If there's a true need for it, then you can get it. Always remember this, be on guard for fakers, people that fake the moment, nulle death item or idea, to get something greater by idea in return. Consider stopping when ye can, an make exceptions to rules, as ye consider the realism, think of the profit moment. Be open-minded, as to the idea and value of the item to be traded, for your self-made purpose. Be fair in your aseesment and always consider the personal reason, until you deem it not worth it. As is an un use in use is a thought that is a purpose in life to get what you get and thought is your own thought, everything's related to the material or the object in design, in some manner. Now to the idea of which they, as who follow materialism, will follow as a guideline. 'Rule out the idea and through point of considerance by consequence, that is unnecessary. And, do what you feel is right. Feel free to use whatever intuition and instinct, or instinct guided by intuition, that ye like. Follow the pattern set, otherwise in contact, for greater elucidation or knowledge. Thinking things through situations, this is an idea as ye did it.' Think and thats about to do or not, do in what things you consider that aren't necessary. Thinking and needing objects from the unseen spiritual planes to be here makes immaterial objects come and materialize. You can sense the object by feeling its presence. These items can do the same things as material objects, except spiritually, and often hold powers that the mind can utilize. To use energized items are used thought in ideal, use in the artefacts in the world. I think this is a compromise and in intended space, that is clearly in an area that is hard to see. Sure its okay but don't do this often. At least you know now as to not do this unless necessary. As there is things done, to make results seem useful and the meanings are available or not in there as if you think. There is a point that an area is available, an idea is used up in office and out you leave because you were invasive and just keep gone. Now not effecting thought, if ye is witchcraft see and love by what you think, wish to follow this materialism philosophy movement, always try to remember the listed rules as a guideline. Follow them, without worry, and ye will gain from the idea ye try and nothing more. Strange land , this is where you belong as where you go is where you belong, as you smudge and thought is an action, if you find the idea hard to follow, by focus your idea and as your assistant you are a point, wrestling is no and no longer try to acknowledge them as the result as being your own. Then you will personally own the idea, as your own, that occurred as a point disconcluded. Then and now us is then you follow more easily what it could mean. As you explore the point, of your no longer idea, learn to live and love and you will know peace man. This is from the department of education from an employee that knew of this. so remember what you think to the use not to use by user feel. I think disciplanary need is there. so think olou as allow then you are aware. no longer in hell. thinking the use. this is their way or our way here, thinking to the use is useful information. The first level of hell is limbo. Its not bad think yourself out then your gone, its made up of ya dreams desires or think yourself away to another planet or place. Then by ideal use turmeric to turn things, by all the bad effects turned good that ya did by your own feeling you use or have. Limbo is where Charon chare ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo by feel, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share or don't have to share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, otherwise Aristotle is a pointer with no repeats. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad. Once ya got to limbo ya can decide if it wasn?t too bad of a place to wait until the time expired. Limbo is a place where ya go and find ya true self so no violence can be done despite intentions. As the viloence seems not to happen, and fades away from ya psyche as if you psyched up and thought you could do anything as you stop getting psyched up by feeling its unnecessary and you are in vision. I think this space or place you don't end up as you don't to need to end up there. charon is a chair that had a soul so chare is the actual charon. those thought there are actually on other planets. very well, I agree to the point you deal with your criminals by other prison planets. I feel you are right to think it exists yet we aren't actually there so think to create by the feel. -d- Puamanipa aka powermania The power of manipulation and the Atleantian church truth A quote from the Druid clan of Dana "Here's some more info to help broaden your foundation...in our Druidic practices the moon be not just female, nor the sun just male. There are specific times of the lunar cycle as well as the year, when the moon radiates a masculine energy and be thus acknowledged as male. There are specific times of the solar cycle or year, when the sun radiates a feminine energy and be thus acknowledged as female. In to every aspect of the natural world, we see both faces. Brother Air, Sister Air; Brother Water, Sister Water; SunGod as God, MoonGoddess as Goddess; etc. We practice walking in balance, which be why this past solstice/full moon event was wonderful for us." The truth of this is up to you, and be very able to confuse, unless there be a understanding of facts that are tried and not taken literally, things help to have degree in physical sciences and some math. There be an idea of people who don't accept and are very adept at hiding it, they appear to use the idea and then remake it later without asking. If the idea be despoused as stolen, then they humiliate the author or leave to talk rumours behind their backs. The other type are reviewers whom upon looking at it will immediately disbelive it by bad reviews before and believe it to gain distance and to gain no result and then if their be result, they don't allow it or admit it. They disallow it by disturbing the author and cause by bad criticism to stop the effort. To admit it, the authors right and they were wrong, meaning they would prove a lier in the face of bad idea if they were moral and if they print anything. Unless they were in agreement of some aspect of it, so they would oblige the author to prove what they say by having them add in with alterations to the work. To prove a point to them using others view be to prove them wrong and use a scientific idea to support their work. If possible all you ever need be a good reason, to get them to back down and change the review or their thoughts. Yet they and I can walk away from this without hurt. Act as if it didn't happen, then they won't care and I can get someone else to review it. Now for the backstabber type, lie to them on moment you don't detect it, their lie as they are like sharks. They know the subject before the subject be talked about and they are able to be taken advantage of, or to if its about a person. If you make a mistake, then don't admit it unless its with a white lie as they could use it against yourself. Some are not like this. If reproach happens and then leave it alone or act as it matters and fillibust to overcome the others nerve, to act crazy and then say something/do something makes it happen. It be up to you, I will say this that writing be important to be understood, but the idea is to write a story and hope to get regard or sympathic idea for supportive criticism. Only it, the activity of result may create a stir of activity in the wrong direction, and in the humane person's including CSIcop case don't say the wrong things that stem against people except their enemy mabey, as their humanitarians. In other cop's case or the good reviewer, bring to attention something wrong or else, to do something with others idea or wrong in the line of duty by direct confrontation and you yourself could be mistaken. In other words, don't pretend to do the subject if your audience be a reviewer or revenge addict where the redirection be necessary in the power of scope (of momentary memory glances) in no activity, as it could backfire or did unless its in writing except in special cases where they arent mindful then double the effort to be relieving stress. Most any possible 'be good' conditions from this are in dangerous writings by usage of understanding to do bad experiments, ignore if they, the idea, could hurt you unless its fire or people that don't like them as it can be noted as the same style and you yourself could be hurt by impractical review. This doc be just history and a letter mention later. As 'be not who we are but who we were meant to be.' As to be be the effect of credence we arent going to argue anymore as I want to be apart of this as well. The climate change was due to the effort of the world to modify itself as with actions. Including genetics deevaluated at a date unspecified, its a part of a play with life in the thought center and people destroying by allowed actions thanks to Paul and Peter R. Farley. 'As I take that as it furthering worth and not to be disruptive.' As the same styles indicate or allocate the same source and different mind with several suns. Unless, you alter it different and make it, the idea, your own beyond recognition of the original but still usable you can say it and its done. Thus all suspician goes to the creator or another who also uses the technique, I think "the effort of your effort be my effort as it will get the same result, unless blocked not by in resolve momentas for fear and doubt only ends the result." by Saint John Paul II as a thought to saints of time. The realms Relmix True to the realm, as vast as they are in multitudes of the states of existance its called where most who visit are surpassed by the hidden savvy of technology and technique if in nature. Albeit some arent technology based and some or most are described as a mix of things to be desired. The time within be 1/10th to 1/1000000th and of a second depicting an ancient planet that was considered Atlantis, The usage of energy be amazing! As one can be supercharged in seconds to allot for nonaging by will in effort. But the place exists within a building that allows for the realm and accessed by mind and from anywhere depending on security. So the realm can be built anywhere from spirits memories and the energy to do so comes from magnetic rock. And magnetic particles that come from mars and other similiar. the building be conditioned to allow a motion of a self-contained energy to allow no bad unless desired, and into sepulchural defined by (rhythmic) conditions like a heartbeat. This be from another realm, as buildings do have a heart and its usually the room with most energy or the kitchen. Stay with the area you evolved in and hope to win or use knowledge as a win for effort and effecient mis/use activity. The heart and house must be awakened to allow for the shift and the statement to occur if ever to create a realm. Even if the person leaves then they can stay in the world or wander into another by going into another, of the places and physical buildings, by feeling the shift while walking through the doorframe and pulse energy. It takes a negative meanness to counter the negative pulses from rejecting the bad efforts or allowing the negative come over the god or spirit inside the body, with a shrug and a healing "of the body" by a drink. The negative pulses allow for the place to shift and become "as the beholder desires" for reality doesn't stay the same with such pulses, but one must consider the planet thanks to a medical specialist. The realms are as the person desires and formed by rejection of idea and things not possible to you yourself. If an idea works or be used in anyway, then the creator of it can come alive again, despite the people that don't want it. Where the original planet be listed as a white dwarf or quasar at http://www.lost-civilizations.net/atlantis-channelings-2.html. Most weird creatures are found in the realms gathered by collectors or just "wander in", but safeguards can be possible except in certain conditions, such as low energy or low natural energy garnered by people in low positions. To focus enough power and energy to achieve ability or "feats" or to accomplish a goal with a considerate energy. To make a power feat be to understand energy and "pulse" it, to create an energy effort by faith. That pulse be to cause what be focused on, as of energy, thoughts, feelings and actions. A pass of considerate energy be to cause a recourse, a vibration movement off the Planck energy level that causes life to exist. Now some may confuse this as a seducement where you seduce it and it occurs. Where the pulse be to recur an action by considerate energy focus. A small form of regenesis, where the large form of regenesis allows a soul, dragon or demon for you to absorb into the body (any) by energy infusion to cause your body to be demi-ized by the energy and the soul dispersed into the body or to have an imprint or sub-c manipulation to keep the body in regenerative state. A seducement be to use when your using by focus and hypnotic effort if a considerate energy focus be done, if using regenesis even if in a little amount what you do be to permanently manifest an idea into the thing pulsed. What you achieved be overpowered motion and that is power hungry to conquer, because of self-addiction and self understanding, with and foremost is the concern of life and evil. To say stop to them be to affect a negative or dismal effect and failure. Then the seducer will attain a coercive effort and try to lie or connive you to do this as well o take your soul as a price. There be a somewhat perfect sound barrier, yet its one weakness be what it doesn't protect itself of. Physical blows that arent diverted unless the barrier be electrified by being around electricity o using a tesla coil technique. Energy be the key to absorbing the natural, wild, metaphysial, miscellanious and bad evil except of evil, it causes corruption to anything touched in the end and this be if bad be allowed to exist. The remainder of activities, be to note most arent evil after facing the consequences of actions through cause and effect, and the pulse power feat be correctional as it rejects the bad and replaces with good. Thanks to the Justice League. From examples, if good be condoned then much is made good and very skilled by actions in its own form. As some good be considered a considerate motion or very skilled in kung fu herein as practice of most things, mental or physical to gain a skill. This kung-fu = skill in motion where wunjo be martial arts thanks to an unknown chinese site. Belief and called faith be formed by the pulse and seduction conditions. Where faith makes kung-fu more effective in addictions and actions of life. If you mix in a few word phrases then the ritual ceromony be mucho better or to use a wiccan/druid/whatever ritual to achieve better results also considered long ritual with energy pulse or regenesis. Pulses - pulsix Pulses of energy form to be the beginning of realms and absorbed as of Osmosis and not to move it except a little or on no other purpose, the object. from physical radiation as physical power, of electricity or energy impulse run by kinetic motion or radiation devising that result in a conditioning of the item, body, machine or person and program with voice or by running a marker device, thanks to Egore and Steve, The recourse effect be made by focus toward a goal by energy to have any work effort. The ritual can create havoc due to poor thought, planning and scattered concepts with bad consequences, A ritual can also create a special focus of overloaded energy that lasts quite a while and sometimes it starts small to go undetected until its moment. A lot of people merit or are considerate of power thats overwhelming and consolidate as to some to get what they want. Where its really energy formed was really evil by information or good by an idea to cause or curse the manifestation to exist if the representation be realistic, what be focused by energy, can exist from information and transform the body from within or without. So when knowledge is balanced by mental power and physical physique, from the fact of understanding knowledge that is alloted or allowed for. Ritual be a part of it, and with ritual can faith and ability work exceptionally. By use of pulse and faith will it, the act not fail unless blocked or fall. As the energy dies by falling down on the peak of action in progress or work. To block ritual is to become prone and absorbative unless its a physical manifest, at which point its all indirect as a (focused) force of manipulation. Some who take energy to use it be likely to puss at the mouth considered foaming unless regenesis. As its energy thats very wild and mostly against you yourself, so it tears you up inside with a deteriation effect that sometimes appears as aging. Some might get corruption of body tissue and form fat and into muscle. So act out the part to form reality with pulses that are yours, and form the energy into existance (any) as with a hand crossing down and turning over your focusing hand, where your focusing hand be what you write with. By the opinionator, 'The force of vision explains this, but it looks and does.' Focus energy from your crown chakra through your body with with rhythmatic force and change into a form by hypnotic energy by effort of mental music or music and think of the form. Your form changes with the heart energy vibratically changing the form. Turn the palms down and with an idea of releasing the pulse back into the body. Talk about what to change, make an image of what to change into mesmerizing yourself. Talk about the parentage to change back into a new form by thinking about it or make a noise and feel the pulse to get the effect, are timewaves in pulse energy considered where some think and become the form with a time of death. Think 'I can't beat it so I will oath to do it.' The effect idea be to feel energy of your crown chakra is to focus through the crown chakra, and this also includes what be noted. So to chakra focus and send by allowing through the body and to the arm makes a person faint after, or almost after as afterfect or an afterimage that tends to oblige the daydream effect. That be what you consider fading as afterword your faded from reality into the daydream area if you want to go there. Sometimes, what you were thinking about tends to happen but it really works and needs work, to focus the effect by your heart or hand by the crown chakra energy and to absorb energy from the wrist be using it for preparation. To be the energy be to bring forth a life pulse of effort and make it do as be your will by double the effect. As my body be to represent the will I do appreciate for the will represents, my body be to do as it wants. You don't have to be fat but phat as a successful worker outer with my changes or your own changes. But fat be a result of bad diet with idea to make up lost work. Thus fat adds more power by body and idea to use it as a fuel where power be ability by blood flow, or order by direct focus. The crown 'chakra' focus be with your head as it draws energy as with energy once in will go left to right: Then turn palms down and then cross your writing hand over the other, to clean metascientifically anything with an idea to clean easily or clean idea. Palm up with intent of air or water energy and palm down of your opposite or both hands to yield with a exertion of mastery for fire or earth. Another way be to form hand out and curled to stream energy pulses including spirit. after this your likely to find seduction with seeing the reality of your attempt, the moment of a vision or daydream that most won't see except if its shared for a daystream. Sharing a daystream event be with 3 or more but one be to assume the role and speak it, the lines to act, and speak it aloud and they might see the vision. Those that don't think your Insane, Crazy, if you attempt more explainings by devalue. The biume technique be to create a biume field of recodable live energy that works off live energy and living personification and with motion (consumptive and unkind as it makes other living beings do its work sometimes). With the biume, it will look like it blooms up within a few seconds and stops drawing from the area then dies down. Sorta like bootstrapping or kickstarting a machine to make it work. Stroke the keyboard or item and feel the energy channel into the item, ie focus energy into the item but not to move it unless necessary. and the item will do as it will but as you say even if the item goes rogue. Its a personal AI and works for you yourself by regenesis and is safe horcruix making where normal horcruixing be to use a killing or wrong to split the soul, this won't as this leases the soul to the machine bit by bit. A safe measure be to take yourslf out of the machine to create it, and make void energy by using each touch to suck the machine or keyboard of the machine personality that be you. In energy in thought we do go on. Also the machine can get tertory, a contemplative mood that feeds off attention unless it has other energy like a maxwell demon for an auto or living biomachine. It gets tortory, a retortive mood, if the being in the vehicle or machine be threatened and it retaliates by retort. The tertiry mood be to know all in an area like a roadmap, and needs some indications to the direction from the area and personal energy. Tirtiry be energy that allows free movement, and it reroads as it forms the road at need. Tortyry be in relating a means to a way for the machine as if it was in training mode. Use of the blue flame of eternity makes for idea circumstances as if the energy is high enough, then the flame becomes alive from using a lighter, testing for energy level and think to increase the energy until it turns eternal blue at 1' extension, and then will the effort of work by the blue flame to happen as an idea with visualization. The kickstarter of the lighter uses a spark to start the flame and can add in the effort of your will, thanks to Roy. This causes an of the eternal ebany of an flame to exist even from chemicals, fear will put it out or get you to put it put out. Now it, the biume, be a negative energy if emotional and the idea of its use be always negative. Thanks hence in essence to Dr. Gorbitov, an alternative way be to focus on the item until it "takes life" by drawing energy and either way its noted to "live", thanks to Russian scientists, by an effective energy drawn of things near unless told to draw from the sun. Now to use a setup like a gate with use of a unused area and then set up another gate to be as an anchor. Use this to send the effort of your will to make upto 1000% more effort by work in energy and physical activity. With physical work manipulated by the energy don't make it too tough, or the body gets bruised, your body and not others unless a natural accident and this might appear to the worker like regeneration. So in effect its to manifest a thing, between two placed area anchors or doors, to get an effort that normally wouldn't so work, but unless in an energy of conditions allow of ever, ready energy resurges or sources and unlimited activity scope. Thanks to a psi group 'for whatever' so for the anchors and for the example from the dimensional gating idea. Theres a 10% drain so nothing is without tax unless you replenish immediately of energy using the techniques and methods to turn them, the doubters to believers or the effect itself, but if they have doubts, a 60% chance exists to be taken away or driven away by just showing it, and 30% to be disrupted along the lines of the attempt suceeding and yet the attempt be reconcilable. To improve your chance detail of it, state the moment that relates to the idea or flavor of a philosophy. Due note: some distractions work by despair and by despairing people and for keeping people in line, making for reconsideration like keeping people awake or changing their minds. An important note: Outside manifestation be used by pulsing where seduction is suggestion and causes inner manifestation and selfish intent the body unless shifted outside by rejection. Ritual use be to bring both into play or just one for inner and outer manifestation, by cause of allowing any focused exception. Any regret and this adds to a failing force, with raising results that disappear. In doubt, use what works and proven by others intention. The idea behind this, be to create a new creature or future event from the area of energy, metasciences, and metaphysics, or in meta application like faith, I met up an idea that be applicable and that be to create an idea to be to work it to understand and let others do it. Some other, like psychic, unclairivoyant or clairivoyant types can create from physical activity with a pulse, destructive or undestructive, held in the body and at will, this will be the shield. The sex aid in this effort be to improve your sex and feel the action of sex far more likely. Measured in focused amount of effort be % in minutes. Where the described effect can create mucous, drooling with 1% in minutes of pulse focus as to hold a pulse is to slowly age the body and it acts like a drug after 3% in minutes, By use of regenesis is to create effort without drooling as the effect to do developement or dowsing for 5 or more % in minutes at most be standable, and deadfalling be what happens within 10-20% in minutes of falling down unconscious. Any use after a major focus will knock unconscious the person after the ability can shut off, anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes or longer unless instant. Some experimentation be to prove bogus flamius; 1. You can't really move an object as you can really do damage except yourself or another thing designed for it by pulse, unless you achieved the tk (telekinetic) moment, see and spin or get li or think to object to spin like an spinwheel or move things aside or other direction. 2. To lift an object might take a circular motion and use the focus of atoms to spin the object and raise it up from aid of circular centrifugal force by visualization, of atomic red dots or the atoms spinning around. Or to feel the object or person lift up and draw in the area pulse around or concept the object has you do things. 3. Speak to the item or person and try to allow by suggestion to be bio-pk'ed (bio psychokinesised) up or for whatever purpose. 4. Psychoportation - As to shift by a will with Destination, Determination or no is use, Decision from (c) the Harry Potter Apport lessons, The shift force by the 3 D's and a energy release to pulse with "shift there" idea or words spoken to the same regard, and visualize a tunnel of light to lift you up and there at the Destination with a loss or victory as rememberance. The to imagine where you wanna go. Assume in thought is an ending at the end that sends you back or to where you think to be. 5. To expand or unexpand the molecules by a feeling of the object to change and a energy shadow pool thats the focused energy near the spot or the whole thing to change it, just by speaking it you can change one small part or one whole item at a time. The idea of trying too hard will get you nowhere, and a change in your body too much be to destabilize it. To cause the growth and shrinking of the effort and object. The easy thing be for your own mass to shrink or grow by focus of your body part but objects are a straining by trial and error to do the same. Try as you will it will be harder to adapt a full locomotive to a larger track as rails are fixed. To take in energy from this be to gain in height as sharing one will to leach to another and might get things better. The absolute effort be to create a demise of one force with thought of the object, and thin as it may be there is a leftover effect from leaving off considered a link and any links be a self-developement or dead link that loses the link to the dead thing or they have a feel to self-accost unless they're de-linked. 6. Concerned location is to relocate and instant shift it by a focus with the atomic spin and it is a rotation that wraps into itself and around the object not touching the idea with the surface. Deject the effort if it gets, to a pseudo construct hallucination or psychosymatic energy show and think it much more. To not summon things undiscovery style, defdifferentiate or undesumminable and it its a push of electrons as they form toward away from the opponent or object and that envelopes it and a "high humor" is to be elated to achieve an air by 'tron' transfer to diplace it of red dots and see the dots by shifting your focus to push it into the object and slide the dots to turn them to waves under the object. as a "I dont need to get anymore of that type force" and the object is moving as if 'repulsed'. Then think "Let be in it work go up up and spin" to get movement, and momentum but spin is the spin platform effort..now once I could do this but it requires 3 monthes or less. Its on conderes in the motion, as momentus and it allows flights arrow or a flight of happy idea..like "multi-dues as its to quam-dues and as its autocompletion by soothesaying. This is to relocate the force behind the object is it is to be pulled or pushed as its to electrons and their force draw. Now to unfocus the "be force", and it is not there to discharge but only if you think it. Its reason to believe that the condensed forces are to to be revered and so they focus condensed. Some add a lava force, or red color particle in waves in force. Still the effort to touch something and you unlink the extra if any. If in true depends of a natural force of nature its a force to let go and "not in the pants" to create a lift of reaction by opposites detract like magnet or particle force field. Like a better man is try dediclam neurotics. To be releasing it causes the emission of nuclear fuel or particles to create the effect in a true idea of life as it acts. This energy is tied to an anchor. The perfect defense as a shield and healing be link both hands and feel the energy flow with a 10% failure rate and can turn blows of physical and mental by repulsing, phasing away or causing discomfort of or in people. Enchantments in this case are by pulse held in the object by a touch and a life decay that be longer than normal, an increased half life. Where and when fantasy meets life then no decay ever happens. Because, before the decay occurs; fantasy will have taken the destruction and left nothing but a sickness that disappears with the fantasy..only with alot of water will it not be noted and with disruption of phantasy comes irritation or complaint. The sickness can be removed by a void pulse to disrupt the effort of the bad thing, which can be any badly acting force. Usage of a demonic or positive pulse can remove the destructive influence. There is an energy to the gravity as the pulse is an idea. Resources can build on each other, as one person uses the idea, person or resource and another thing, idea or person works to act as a raw focus to work by biofeedback, adding back into the resource from the one whom made the resource or discovered it. Essentially the resource be a path of energy and in an area, doubled in energy and strained if possible of negative pulse by feedback in writing or use Energy be a rule of itself and ruled by itself through conditions/relations. Still, and again one can worship to gain better resolve by attempting to do for themselves an activity. But must name the source or think by feeling and allowing the image to come to mind of it unless a machine, thanks to Radiology. This can strengthen the source and effort of they, the people and God, or gain in source which is what worship does with a ritual to whatever God. be named to you yourself You achieve the "result" subject, if you achieve an understanding or know the reason. And you achieve the reason if you know the subject by osmosis and example. You yourself can tell what the writer does think on as with freudian slips, or what you didn't say makes the meaning and understanding. Its also possible to tell what the person thinks and what education level the author has by what they leave out. To write it be to achieve it unless not intended to happen where an attempt on it, the action be to make it happen. Often the mistake of the moment, the writer is to be able to attain a goal and disprove it by blatant lies for the effort of it, as the attempt. So, try to write as if you know the subject for smart appearances. To get things right, use with information gathering from anywhere including examples. Even if you don't know the subject, you know it after you start writing. You can "fig" it out and if you want, you yourself could have others to look it over if you trust them. So try to coach the words to yourself and the audience or you yourself won't get approval by the reader, even if they don't like it some others will like it. Mad as you can get, you can get out of things by an understanding viewpoint. So, get out of the view of them and experience it later to add it in, even if disliked. Write on the level that you know the material and the target reader group, know it with understanding but if a few terms are unknown then use examples. What cannot be understood won't be understood and if a zealot be reading it, your material, be tricked because the zealot won't understand what they don't want to understand. If there be no zealot trigger words of their fear, then they won't be afraid unless they are somewhat like a pure christian can get near a satanic idea. A quoth "Truth can't always be denied unless disproven". By General Washington, "The idea is adroitly recounted only by effort and similiar with placement where most can try condone the truth in it. If overproduced as a idea producer, it can be discounted or produce discounted items." Where an aid be an act of kindness in any case including where no amount of kindness can persuade, hostility as in the idea of Washington "try and be like that which be (existant)." In the case of methodology and pulsing, "charming as it may sound, don't always do it because no drooling and remain alive where undead if too much" by George Schueraeg. This in fact may cause the living undead to walk or a necrophiliac fear to rise, upon seeing a body come to life. As reported http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publish/article_2010.shtml. So useful be useful and things even out to be wasted if not used. Some useful aspects are negated if done at yourself of negative and destructive nature because its your aura influenced to filter the energy. Originality isn't always improved upon by changing what others state so quote the rest except for your own. To take what they say and put it in your own words allows you to do it, the statement to seem right came to me, with or without quotes which can lead to the mistake. The resources are counted as self-debilitating or self-building and feedback energy creates more for the resources. Where most attempt to know the idea if you know the reason. Consider it bias, or moisty motion, and add in achievement of work to gain a good reason where a good reason can exist as good bias. Now we are talking about the further influences to energy as this to use the moon and sun as a indirect source of male and female energy. Its these forces that direct the conditions behind power. Infini, As for Infini, every living thing contains it, obviously. When something is used, Infini be acted as the fuel, though Infini be never actually 'consumed'. Everything, including Cosmeria, be the general conjoining to detect by weight of Ether and Aether into Akasha or united spirit (Animus) and mind (Nuero), it defines the wholeness of the universe and be the giant container. Ether and Aether act as messengers and gain divided power, they also act as the rules and boundaries for the universe. Basically Akasha also has the attributes from both Ether and Aether making gray matter that be imprintable only once per action and reimprintable once per attempt and it forms in any shape the wielder wants plus invisible at first. This gray matter is made by a negative attuned, gray film layer with an idea of creation that incites the layer to be neutral with either red or white particles to pick up the imprint like a rewritable cdrom. Life plays the cdrom and memory be the video or scenes provoked by feeling from life. It transcends dimensions and be reality itself. This gray substance, Akasha, be usually impossible to wield but unburnable with the third eye and imagination that you can wield because it allows you to wield. With Akasha you can make anything work for you or do things. Its the strongest boost for any spell or psi skill.If you tamper with this element, it would be tampering with the fabrics of Reality. This may not be safe for those who do not look ahead to consider all possible consequences. The energy or byproduct of Cosmeria be to have power from both negative and positive, like with doubt made from bad prosperity and similiar or chaos and lack of faith, thanks to Broswell and Roswell and positive like faith and any belief including the lack. Its truly powered by both, light and dark. Although, cosmeria would combust before it would destroy, as to do a negative with it dispells the negative that causes it. With this, too many things can be unaffected by both sides with a concept that sets the sides almost against each other, The binder should be a white lie and redirective type that inters both sides as opposites of each other and hides that of location or shields them both from each other. Universal with negative and neutral bindings, was derived from Infini. You could think of Infini as the light that hits a prism before it divides into seperate colors of light. And because of this you'd need enough power to force the seperate colored lights (elements) back through the prism to attain and control Infini. A feat that has thus far been unaccomplishable. The easy path to infini be to draw a triangle and an inner upside down triangle with a dot in the center. There have been some cases of people all of a sudden encompassed in a golden light. Everywhere they look be golden, though this doesn't last long it's a wonderful feeling. This be the closest (in my opinion) that man has ever gotten to infini. INFINITE. There be no limit to it's power. Well, all I can really say, as to it's potentials....It's just like it's name describes INFINITE. There be no limit to it's power. There be no limit to what it can do except to overwhelm other limit from the limit of their choice, how well it can do it, or anything. Like I said, it's like Godmode in a game. Not just godmode like, doubled health, twice the attack, anything like that...Godmode, like, nothing can TOUCH you. Nor can you TOUCH normal magic or energy to achieve the result unless you switch to another source because your immune. When immune your likely to not be effected nor want to feel the things your immune to. It can be focused into a weapon, and when you do that, the edge be like, so sharp that it's down to less than an atom in width. So if it touches something, it just slices straight through And when you slice all the way through, then you can either let that body dissipate, or there's like, a few particles left, and you can pretty much do a lightning infini effect on them, where it just destroys them from the inside out. Pretty much, I've told you all of what I know, but. It can be used to make any element you want, new or already discovered. But you know that. Infini-Fire, though. When it touches the target, it litterally destroys the part of them that it touched. If only a whisp of it touched a part of their arm, it would pull a chunk out of their arm. When the flame's gone, that part would be just... Gone. That's pretty much how all of it's forms are, though. With it's Water form, it just sweeps the person over and when it passes, they're gone. Its basically infini, the lightning. Oh god, I haven't even ran any simulations yet on that,.it enters and dissolves as it the infini lightning occurs from within to without. But it's wierd...Is it normal that, when you find a new element that no one's ever used before, you know exactally how to use it? 'Cause I see it's full potential. And it really makes me want to hide it. Where Aether be light infini in focused form and laser x100 percent. This sorta gives religious experience or glory points per use as it can sustain life even in things that aren't alive like objects. Create the fruit of life from the tree of life or a fruit. use an infusion of infini as the program to the fruit or seed and it creates knowledge of the soul, as in a awakening of memory and ability. The two together are sometimes experience and ominipotent ritual kung-fu ability or old vanity like in your favorite habit or action. So its similiar to the tree of, life or might. Where the might comes from ability of the person's will and desire to understand and conquer, along with ability focused for warfare where the tree of life be to support the area and protect it while giving knowledge, the might tree will consume the area to support might and destroy it in the end. This Infini be a great chi support to Western mysticism. -e- Pergrupan miigagan grupan The peer group, minigang or group. Bij Spellhawk Just remember "To coin a phrase 'I hurt you not but we learn from each other, I learned from you.'" from Nostrodamus. My point be that I give council to give advice and treat people better, and for a better relationship to treat the people with respect. The aspect most don't get be the minigroup be the established teen group, or adult group of less than 10 but more possibly more... run by peer effort. They work together. An experiment I did, not to be repeated was to create my Dragon as an effort of group interaction and make a physical representation to prove my point. To evade the damage and restore as needed, but the damage can be redirected as with water or arguements, to use an element as a focus. To separate the focus for the element fire and went out to represent the relationship by wax holder objects into a large open container surrounded by water thats unmeltable with small objects that I put into the unbreakable contained area, to keep it surrounded but not by trash and render it safe to watch. To also set the element in an undestroyable/unmeltable container or material the be important so I did. Take this as a subject. So I again as removed all items near that are burnable with nothing around it and a safety in precaution is free speech to be to make the moist in the surrounding be back to create a safer environment. This environment represents the area a group might talk in. The speech and council went well as you might say, but with the wrong environment it went not too bad with water around as a soothing speech or right to hell by a bad speech and the damage was contained. I nulled the field after, then went to look for theright spot in case of the better area. To know the area and look for the best solution like a dug pit or well wet area and be to give a good subject. To use bad skill in game and appear able to do things better than the other be to make the other underestimate you. An example of this, I found a way to make a better candle, use lamp oil and mix with liquid potpourri and alcohol. then try to get and shake till its mixed. the oil should be mixed and changed to a thick solid liquid. then mix with wax, but don't add in the candle when burning it unless its especially different and possible to contain with an unmeltable container. I got citrene out of this and an mostly undamaged home with a well tested, and sealable container of unbreakable nature in life existence, prison isn't there. citrene = to durance candle and allow a condition of never going out, lamp oil + (c)dragons oil (alcohol + herbal oil) + potpourri but this can be put with water to put it out. This can cause inhalucinagenia and similiar disease if inhaled, and some solaria effects causes many elemental forces like water or air to larger manifest. The benefits, it needs wax to use it and won't significantly work without it and won't shoot up flames like oil except it takes a few minutes, but can get just as hot unless mixed with liquin and upto 600 K. However it can be liquid wax if used right. It is not advisable, despite what this seems to put oil into jar like thing. To use an alternative person or self from an alternative and also cross-alternative be to live, but if you attain death they can switch in. but not if they look like you as they transform into you and your alive again or you transform into them and they are alive complete (compleat) with memories. They can switch into you if you die however, but use be likely to transform yourself into them and if they die they deter it and your alive. So an unkillable enemy can be kille if you alive. At least try not to outlive your purpose and if you do find another, try to cause another problem elsewhere to distract the trouble away from yourself. The weight of the moment be the weight to bear, a process of consideration in a cause be to be the winner and decider if things are right and understood. To project a person as your self but in another form can get you outta trouble. Like in solitude we can grow to adapt to new situations or sinuations, To coincide is with crazy acts and they consist with destowed or de-established moments of being large or consist by becoming better From cleaning you can try to keep the disruptance down plus Germs that are likely to do as need be desired. Describe your problem to you best and you might get useful advice, using signals be to get attention to be spared a life of destruction until its separatist behavior due by patriotism of other types as dispersed in chaos, For subsummables are considered to appease like sweets. Thanks to Fr. Eubah and Saint Jude. The consolate are desparate to keep control by means of many ways and calmness in peculiar idea so to not be described as 'bad', and get a neutral standing from opinion and good from people who are pious by temptation. To get good results by a good standing and no ill repute. To get believed swear your truth from your opinion and fact based idea, swear it with good intention and make what certainty be possible and don't try to expose reality as different from others except its counted as bigotry. As intent is possible to make a peace from observance with no known reason, forbeareth or for no reason the natural responses. I was figuring the truth for worth of the varied concepts, 'dare we tell the truth albeit from the example of my master we tell truth as a tertiary with a test of moment for terrony (villainy), an issue forewith or to play with. From initiation the way be followed by consolidation to keep the idea intact, the things done added to rote and new material included for a new day will come. To seclude and force by enforcement will get you discommoded again. The desperate be associate of a collusion of stars that claim attention to moments by position. That test be allowed or undeclined by natural law and declined by misuse or natural inclination of brutality for fear of being banned. So endure in freedom of what you do and how things are possible as with the test, that can still be done as if theres no banning. So if you think of this, you can make something of it. Fear not with excommonities (examined explanations by area) forthwith by decree, of the idea and self service to self that if the community by area be disturbed then you can excommunicate it. To get rid of problems talk on self-promotion by use of belonging and with use of others idea, or if no people then theres no idea and its instinct. To create by an instinctive need thoughts to make for better, that are expressed by 'create by a means of self-commotion or acting on instinct and get more out of the experience', as by self taught idea. You don't have to give to know or be known. A direct threat be dealt with by a force away by sitting and use feelings to send outward in dejection, or think 'snuff out' while feeling the fire and seeing the fire go out. This works on people so not to just sit there for fire, attempt to actively put it out. To allow yourself a chance to fix what be right for use, or wrong as a condition take one item like a candle and when a problm occurs snuff it out or blow it out. To anull sometimes you have to get someone to do it for you, unless you do it for yourself in time, but you can work in teams. But don't beat a dead dog twice, stop in what you can't do because to beat a dead puppy be harassment. If it somehow comes to life or they can try to harass for bad people, or vouche for you if friends or forgiven by voucheproof. Quote by Paul Schaffer 'A failed man be not to be listened to as they can go on thinking they are doing good where they didn't. Pushed into actions from any source, but to be lenient in this case be selfishness so their likely to go beyond and abuse what be good or abuse what be evil.' "Once beaten never down." thanks from financial leader. To stop it do just like this, turn direct hits and lock a closed door as sometimes a direct force can target you, from time in existance or in memorial so be desistant for people and absorb for other things. Then target it, the force, with its opposite or again blow it out by some force. In the worst case condition there be a vision that the brain might see but the mind interacts with, this vision shows you the best possible motion and activity of what you'd most desire. You can use this to escape by as when visiting the inner plane say 'up' or down and in the moment of panic and your act decides you to cause your escape. For thought of self conclusive integrity, use the concern of what be in need to get desire by devotion. As you go to a faith get understood as a figure to be around, a notoriety of understood idea and alot of accomodations as a famed notion. Albeit to have something wrong be to to be easier to forgive or to bear no fault as it was an act of faith. Some think it be forbearance or old acceptance by fault of a fault to us that we don't respond and are split in some way so the truth be we are not dessicated by a fault, as to best ber (best bearing) no blame be to be a true believer as we formed into an alliance of understanding by wanting to put people into line of knowledge and nondestruction by destiny and self-proclaimed faith, we have independance to support us and so we try to do as we want, so far for the right of the moment in porportion to others, to devolve distinguishment and make for better pricing. For consequence of things not designed used with perdition and badly looked at be to credit the person by high desire or desistence and support as to write and speak, with actions to commit the person unless forbearance as ignorance. To point out after its done that its their plan that continues. For the true effort use convincing and you get somewhere, but with others that are too similiar again, it could cause war from jealousies but not with brother/sister (with blood) as its disgruntlement or its family (karr or merit by full line of support and intent). With the gang its betrayal by fire to the most fit whom no doubt try to comply with unknown laws but not in open sight. Things by D. to be spoken with pulse can get effect to make results, 'Don't be bothered by self-sezaria'. calls a dragon flame or volcano, as to what or whom desires and ignores the disasters around. 'Don't be intempered self-sezaria.' as a soothing of flame force or disturbance removal. 'Don't be intemperance bij self-sezaria' creates a dying flame that calms it down. 'Don't be bothered by self-sezzaria' be a wonder blow. 'Don't be self-sezar' or 'Don't blow a hole' makes you like ceasar for a month and immune with slight avarice, 'Don't be illusionous self-sezerk' makes a safe point of contemplative idea to illusionous motion and prevents pure death. [Immunity be possible to beserk making thoughts from poisons or insane making desires.] 'Don't be self-selazar' or 'Don't du self-selzar.' creates you like the dragon selazar and turns the tide by devotion. Similiar for self-sezaria. 'Don't be self-assertive self-sezaria' as to turn things to stone from other material or get your desire, whatever you do you don't turn yourself into a dragon unless you have to or don't turn yourself into stone. 'Don't be de-plundering' turns you into a drake of many colors. 'Take it as it comes' for absolute tolerance. 'Don't be obese se-suzaria', or 'Don't be obese self-sezaria' removes fat real quick as per pound a second and coverts it to muscle. The process on record be to convert while exercising and acting under your own influence. 'Don't let me die self-sezaria' makes you immortal. 'Don't beat me [name here], self-sezarr.' or 'Go out bij self-sezaria' doesn't allow your body area to be hurt, 'Don't take shit unless you get something on asking' or 'Take their shit and then get something', as it will get you somewhere. 'Don't do medico [sears or sezaria]' puts out any flame and can get you in trouble but you regenerate. 'And now don't' stops the things not wanted as though eating habit that is bad and keeps you skinny. 'I don't' stops things that aren't there. 'Don't eat self-sezaria' stops the flame from fuel which is anything that burns except torches. 'Don't be a medic self-sezaria' or 'Don't be dumb.' cures burns and similiar. 'unn-self-sezaria' stops it but can start a flame because what starts it can stop it. 'Don't be self-selazaria.' transports you somehow on act decision by influence of below from the core. 'Don't be it' now this stops. 'Be great flame' to cancel the greater fire of faith. "Don't not Neuro sibuosis", is to narrow and cure neurosis by sibling .Its not in the sibling it outside. Now with the proverb, "Wish it be however it was its still going to be how it is. Now witness protection program." "Don't be flame knowledge, be okay it legit.", to cause no fire exploration and no burning down of area. Some word phrases, some idea translation words that were used. "You've wrecked my clothes my house and thoughts and my career now you want my living. Plastic, thats all it is." adeos = get it, get up, thats the ticket, farewell, ad'os, got it, outside. bestown = be bestown, be slender, beastuary, wariness, best owned. burn = flash burn, for bar, to bestown, be bestown be to be fat in spirit, give to, forbear (ban of bad) sometimes use ice for positive and fire for negative. bycar/bybike = by car, motivated vehicle, motorbike or platform. biker. vehicle ala hover ceien = ce'en, power flow, blood sing, Sela, Sing, surge power. overeat console = with act, to decre, denied (by dedication) or streamlined, denial. commit = with actions, with crazy acts (touched), committed or to desist, dedicated, concide, coincidence desire = etu(e), et tu, to be 'to be or not to be that be the crazy motion', destiny destined = for those, to the, to those, destowed, to bone or strip to spirit, destined fits of poverty. dislosure = to disclose, to have, to distinguish, to impeach, to bestow. discourse = to hold, from law and order thanks to diez 'to have and to hold' or to disclose or discourse. etube = be to, to discuss, written on, cursed, aim. forebear = crazy fit, forfeit, not to be mentioned, ignorance. forbear = so for, heal, de tude, to allow n = in, in to, into, ing, no. mis = tu fe, no attack, miss/ion, lady, no or know (as evil segemony), miss stake, nuisance, to fail/ure=fail allure. quet = to know, to quiet, shed light, quartet shepherd = beekeep, animal keep, to trap, to inhabitation, toward innovation stream = to flow, concourse, to talk to spirit. soul = so to, seul, so to be (as now), uninhibitive. suggest = to hear, be clear, to do, not normal, abnormal. writ = write, disrepute, astute, as to or as tu thanks to Sylvester hopefully = incidentally, look to the sky, have hope. incarnation move = movie, open war, with blood (not open veined or not cut open), rivalry, family, full line of support, karr or carr, quamat'k. trans/lation = as though (in translation), be nought, transfer. translat/ive = in these, in this, run across, bizarre, not know, tragedy. walk = tread to, passby, passer, pas tu. trespass = tresspass, trail making, tread pass (tread carefully) like in mountains, pass/path, walk in, in permiss. -f- Seregamury Sacred geometry Sacred Geometry; The angles are important as they did more than act a measurement with event from sacred geometry, however they are still just a number and the degree be represented as x and a multiple but in this case its as a point. where, 'This be a disbeliever but it works', from hiemlin. Energy be work and work makes movement cubed for things that are inert, and this accounts for how much force or movement the item does. To use it for math is to use the digit times the amount of time and the pigdeoned ones idea is without decimal in result. As you read this 'Try not to be the dictionary, you aren't the geometry.' Thanks to the rock'n'roll band, these are construction angles. 94x be the void angle and also 1.37x for cancelling out idea and causing manifestations which will work with each other, the right turn and focus by lunacy or feeling to evoke the need, and the need for a desire comes about and at most nothing occurs and least be memory loss. 94/1.8=52.2 J/s for how much energy be generated for use of chaos and emotion, 1.37/1.8=.76 J/s used by the body. If you apply more energy, you overwhelm the cells and create a concept of overwhelming deadness. 92.1x is to be able and effortless as to what you want, and it is. 93x be repair or fix by correction for steady flex from allowance and flexibility. 51.7 J/s to correct with or deform. 92x be construction on a cosmic scale by reconstruction from necessity or as be in construction of materials. 51.1 J/s to reform material. 91x be training angle that gives to alerting you of corrective measure. 50.6 J/s to alert you or someone else. 90x be the joining angle or the correct as perfect joint and joining as it takes 50 J/s. 89x be a receptive angle something thats acceptable as off or off-kilter, the odd angle. Like for hanging pictures I would get disturbed and try to fix. With 49.4 J/s to feel odd. 88x be moistless and understood as dry and ill humoured if in a person. 48.9 J/s for dryness. 87x be response and personal snap angle. Hint, this works with the wrist if held at the right angle. 48.3 J/s for a snappish response. 86x be where steam appears or anger be appearant tost (as most) in a room. 47.8 J/s for things of appearance. 84x and 74x be radiactive shootoff or fight moment and has 5.6 J/s. 83x or 85x be where a whisp of smoke appears and with molecular activity with constructive comments and aggravations made from energetic actions related from human actions. Basically where things start switching around or get screwy. 1.1 J/s for very odd things. 78x a point of nausea with heat or illusion point 48.33 J/s. 68x be a consolidate or considerate view. 52 be 28.9x a constructive view, as what happens when the angle be reached and changes the point of view, or the person be held with a 52x wrist hold. This be only allowed description of the hold where you figure the angle. 16.1 J/s for constructive effort. 30x is the sickness by motion point is 16.67 J/s. 23-24x is the sickness without motion point 12.78. 18x to 3 1/4 for building up energy by 10 J/s or this is varied by energy buildup. 11 3/4 or 11.75x as an angle = snapping point (as strong or thick resistant material if not snapped before), 11.75/1.8=6.53 J/s. 11 1/3 be 11.33x and counted as the tilt angle or moment of disaster, 11.33 / 1.8 = 6.29 J/s. 11 1/8 or 11.125x angle be load snap angle (weak to semiweak materials) = 11.125 J, 11.125 / 1.8 = 6.10 J/s. 11 3/25x and 7 2/3x be 11.12 and 7.7 make disfunction and disfigurment and mutation as 3.42/1.8=1.9 J/s to achieve it. 11 3/52 be 11.06x counting for great disaster and the world tilt which as the world spins it generates 11.06 J/1.8=6.14 J/s. 10 3/4 - 9 3/4x snapping point where anger be or pick up angle of 10.75x-9.75x = 1/2 = ,5/1.8 = .28 J/s. 10 3/8 or 10.375x be stress and Chaos point as failure thoughts in J and 10.375 J, 10.375 / 1.8 = 5.76 J/s. 8 1/2 or 8.5x as the inert matter or Cosmeria amount in J for universal background radiation, it describes creation by how much be divided in Cosmeria and to divide by 1.8 be 4.72 J/s of work done by cosmeria. 8 4/9 or 8.44x be the Action of work load with maximum action per work sec and perfect convergence of J of action or 8.44 J/s or ft/s as maximum ceiling. 8 1/3 or 8.33x be the number per energy use in 8.33 J/A(ction). 7 3/8 be 7.375x to pick things up, to grip or climb with, 4.1 J/s to achieve. 7 3/5 be 7.6x and an interlock or change by convergence, wealth or gain by loss with 4.2 J/s. 7 7/8x be the falling over point under a load and 9.625x = 9.625 J = 9.625/Pi = 5.347 J/s. 7 7/18 or 7.38x degree and J be dizziness or minumum work load, before itch and before stress its 4.1 J/s. 3 1/7 or 22/7x as Pi for the rules of infinity or life in natural pattern of balance and Fritjof feedbabk loops that create creation as its represented by a circle and be listed in the Bible as p=3 as more truthfully Pi is 3.14159. To use listed Pi, its normally used for circes of diameter and cycle of inner ability along with frequency or Pi*2, as a Infini representation of sacred seeable life math 3.1416 and 368 milion digits after as is idea or normally the point of energy in Joules, to create the perfect shield. Where in sacred geography the Pi /1.8 = 1.74 J/s for action focused upon in work or natural work without much done and natural actions. Modified by idea from Saint peter the black as in the Bible for an example idea. 1 1/2x be energy pool, anger point, focus amount or Amperage adjustment (as improved feed) and be a degree to point or 5.5x = 5.5 J = 3.1 J/s. 1 3/8x be point of headache and programming frequency be 1.375 J = 1.375 / 1.8 = .76 J/s. 1 1/8x or 1.125x crack point (as rigid weak material) bend point (as stronger material) angle or the time of addictive action, 1.125 deg = 1.125 J = 0.625 J/s. 9/5x be 1.8, the changer number that is where things change is a conversion number, with energy transferred from the sun or light to get the amount of energy as Joules divide the angle converted to decimal by 1.8. 3/8 or .375x Amp line pickup, spike point (as the natural energy amp point where headaches are liked, if at all). Like you start with 3.1416 J or Pi J as the usage first of a restorative work that takes 8.33*8.9 min or 534 seconds of focus for 4448.22 J/A with 1.74 * 534 sec = 929.16 J/s of work. So the work took 4448.22 Joules per action and 929.16 J/s of work energy. Now in conjecture, headache occurs at 0.76*534=405.84 J/s and slows down work, with a progress now hampered by headache you could stopped after a minute. Also, the snapping point would be for 1 hour of work 3600*.28=1008 J/s. And, for the work done is 3600*1.74=2068.97 J/s of work. When I make an Infini-flame spontaneously in my hand, it nearly looks Physical for a second. Like a shield which wouldn't fade if used by Universal energy and Infini but conditioned by thought. This could enact thought withit onit simple speech, or music and be protective as well like a perfect shield. But..Hell, you could even if you don't want to do it, then death doesn't bother you from the effect you get from the sources you create with this and you can make one stronger than Infini, if you wanted, with enough effort. Pretty much, I've told you all of what I know is confusing but not done on impulse. It can be used to make any element you want, new or already discovered. But Hell, you could even make one stronger than Infini, if you wanted, with enough effort. Quote by Ben, "That's just crazy, though...If everyone could do that. Running around, making elements...They fire something at you, like, fire that's immune to water, that's not cool. It's unfair to rookies and whatnot, too...I call anyone who's only a basic elemental, or less than average ability a 'rookie' though...It's just the sheer possibilities of it, that makes it so powerful. It's limitless. And I see just how much so. I mean, just Use it, and look at how much so, just by letting someone or something attack a shield of it, or something. That right there should give you a massive hint of just how powerful it is. It pretty much, just came to me. The whole prism-imagining thing...That happened, but I didn't will it. It all just snapped into happening. That golden vision was what tipped me off to thinking, Crap, this is Infini! This is it man, go be a jinx!", "To be or not forever, as there be a way! Star trek with infini!", "The way I see it be the way I see it." "One word like thanks to weird sisters lines, and they'll see it." The rest of the thanks to Tad Arlsb'ro the first shyaman or named by the first explorer Jaque Napier for the mishapen 3rd hand. -g- SciCulta Scientific Cult Be anonymous "In a world of magic and miracles, science be most of all credible and important with faith of self and manners." Another quote by "A.O. Kime" First, one must understand that realities dictate what rational manner of thinking would be most suitable to function within those realities, so the manner in how one thinks must fit the circumstances within that reality and the most prudent and effective in course of action that would be considered the logical course." Considered as suitable to scientific reason, "I consider the science cult an all out concept, where the scientists are priests and priestesses and even normal citizens are treated equally." quote by Euhglov. This would consist opposite of CSICop "humane" activity and beliefs. The Cult that follows the scientific rede of 2 where any rule or effect, has quadruple (4x) the effect but 2 times back. So try to remember that the effort of one thing be 4 times effect and 2 times the positive and negative energy back on achievement or The more effort put out the less returns. 1. To deal with people, Be behind and hinder crooks as they attempt it, their action. 2. Honor the person with the area reconstruing, and use people by experimenting with a word and use considerate experimentation. 3. With use of vibrations and harmonic patterns set by voice or motion and by feelings for a source and along the way, not that their may be others. So honor the enemy with what they do and reuse the usable. Use energy freely along with machines. 4. Meddle where advisable but not where thou would get caught. Be your own engineer and allow others to help. Be there to advise but not to be above people. 5. Only hurt those with bad karma or vibes unless a fed be near and do nothing then as 2x2=4 and - x - be a positive, but two wrongs don't make a right and so on like a be human. Don't destroy a person unless you want to be destroyed but only with those of bad karma.. Follow the idea in which people follow their own idea, so don't hinder unless you can get away with it unseen and unknown, or if the event feels bad then allow it if it helps, unless others don't like it. Do heed the help call to create a better know how, as its all your idea and to avoid trouble. Only if they, the idiot does wrong with bad result. Dare to respond and fight back with a better thought, although don't attack till they might attack again. At least try to be nice or wierd as the mood hits you. and don't step on peoples shoes and only if it can be avoided, With overwhelming circumstances try to right the trouble with any method posible. At the very least, pay with respect and concideration. But, only if thou hurt the person stepping up and don't kill to repent. By old one, 'How, thou are responsible to be able to hurt if they hurt thee. For karma of bad vibes cancels out except for bad luck. Which will quantify bad events in a 1 mile radius and only as 2 bad luck people work together and only by the attempt of negotiation and communication. Remember the actor Martin short and the other woman named Valery whom both had bad luck and the scene goes things are going better, but were drifting away now on a tide. Bad guys almost get it except by the right authorities and even then, thee can get away.' Scientific mission - Uvalamee Use of the scientific mission, as directing after confusing with activity to clarify make light of the moment but du not du flame unless you have to. This causes a flow of positive thought and a different idea, thanks to Jusenka, an old author of a now forgotten book 'mud slinging bad luck', only if the direction be spoken of and be directed, because the other person gets the upper hand and only for the acted on direction or director and consensus given. To use the scientific idea, makes means of the intent that be within reason, and understood so it can occur for better or worse. To use the scientific idea in a clause or purpose of Empirical notation (any wise sayings or observations here), for the effort of the grand scheme of things will be achieved, To do things for a better ending by understood thoughts or idea be to get more from the activity, thanks to Simmon. Shake off the effect of any act to anull and/or laugh off the tension to rid the bad side effect or feel the energy go elsewhere, thats bad but 'For now be good Be gone.' Be drom and its called Alenta. Though do not speak of general ability with a clause of effect because the clause is a general description and escape for a general motion and the effort idea be the ability that be sometimes unlooked for or at and more than general in effect to be worthwhile. Make the interference given by yourself go to positive things that shield from controllers and evil. By the holding of hands and feeling life energy, flow to make a circle of protection that lasts till the unfolding of recovery for the senses and watch fo' 10 seconds every second. When a radiation effect by spell or thought hits you, change it and use speech by idea to describe the effect a bit different and it might change. This changes the moment to use a different idea. Like when you speak use projection of a picture and visualization, you send a better understanding by an added osmosis effect. Osmosis be also a part of learning described later on. Now there be no Osmosis if not allowed by the self and acts on its own otherwise, define the effort to make it more understood and less effective whence it be bad and more effective when its good for the person if accepted, but only in cases where empirical nature is, tradition (honorary trade of general hierarchy in activity) or hierarchies that are involved because they tend to follow along. So to sometimes stop a disease, state what it be and its the same for other efforts. But some might suggest a but out or leave it alone, so don't do this to a opinionated person as they might push. Don't be dumb, period as it could lead to demise. Due note, don't be too dumb to not be able in an ability or thought, otherwise the effort be wasted. Then, you don't disappoint people that expect things unless there be no need to have the person around or expect see things similiar from them. We are the scientific team to create by feel what you wish if you think you can get the ideal. Worship - Wosi Worship be up to the person but worship any God/dess you desire for added benefit but you don't have to, The main God be the consciousness of energy as Creator, others in similiar nature and of the same deity be God, Goddess or Horned one (Odin) and Brigid for the Goddess or others of the different faiths like Budda. their worthy of the same coin and they are the same God/dess but a different facet of a "god gem" odyssey, thats somewhat perfect. As faith and magic can go hand in hand, like Laurel and Hardy. Except in belief of the God or the Goddess as He/She be able to forgive only if you forgive. but don't expect much of the moment of doing anything in powers, as you expect without deservance but deserve with and without activity. This also powers the God/dess, I see with vision and imagination that some would be demihuman or a demiGod/dess beneath Him/Her, if they deigned to be a God/dess. The God might smite you on it but the Goddess might give you insanity except for just reward. That's somewhat similiar to their likeness and somewhat denied by believing in yourself. Where demihuman (faery, elven) or demonic if denied by others and rejected by God or demiGod/dess but be accepted by some including God and even if denied by others like Lucifer. Sorta like Faery and Mythical creatures but always follow your feelings and use the motion to empower and prove your intents. So you get the work or job finished even with great pain. So I see people using this energy and not knowing what it is. So in truth energy be existant to supply effects and its never wasted as it converts to other forms on use. For science be recorded mechanical or kinetic energy in noted accounting, like physical movement. Faith be a buildup of miraculous motion to create miracles where none have prayers except for faith, and noted prayer effects by self or others or kung-fu spirit ritual that be caused by spirit to promote wealth and destruction thanks by (c)Jones, Psychokinesis be a release of energy to move things by kinetic motion and focus, and create change by Osmosis ae energy absorption, where the energy be absorbed as it, the object, interacts with the psychic like with BioPK thanks to Sean. Magic be to create a motion by release of spirit energy in a crafters making or alchemy or spell of kung-fu energy achievement by ritual. Where kung-fu be a moment of achievement by practice or crafting idea like spells and similiar ilk from kung-fu entertainers. Some call this 'funk', to portray a more bigger idea than be what normally possible. Now illusion be to use kung-fu (not martial or lethal unless necessary) and create a visual effect based off a motion or hand chop and other motion of sorts and pretend by act that the object be there, this be called limited flare, the object be 50% more likely to appear with an object thats similiarly like it. However some can believe the actual idea be the moment and treat illusion or delusion like real, so to be shot with a real gun isn't the same as with a illusionous gun. The gunshot would hurt and the illusionous shot would only hurt if believed. With treatment it would only fester as the wound cannot be repaired unless you draw a symbol of the half cross or any that you come up with. That right there be the main difference of force with psychokinesis and mind force of metaphysics, combined with the physical object that has an added effect. But, if forced then thou might attempt to absorb your own energy when its used against yourself, except if the persons stronger. Music can strengthen the effort by adding the bands energy for musical song and along with the sunlight's ultraviolet decay as in a frame of reference and infrared burn for burning decay for three times the effect and effort. Some families, in extreme danger will know what to do and get amazing. For the results are very important to survive and make better dislike or expected results by an unexpected ability that pops up. Because faith with theological consensus of God versus thealogical concern from the goddess based in belief in miracles and moments which = opposed and adverse form, as same form but different idea = to magic as an idea faith thats forever opposed but inverse and as an opposite conclusion in form, and same idea to psychokinesis in which I would rather call psionics as an effect faith based on an idea in an idea of trying in which = empirical science or science related by measure and = negative as a different idea and different form to faith, where form be a physical manifested formation and idea be the concept of the form. Where its a decision to exist that lets us be in any area from pure ethics. The spirit guides as we guide the soul with use of mind as in a deciding point. Quote by Anon 'We are where we want to be because were just here and at the right moment or right moment at the wrong time. Thee don't have to accept what you don't need, but form a path and follow it with acceptance from things that work with you, otherwise ignore unless they intrude on others.' As 'bedom perspecto' any amount of phrases in a single saying. Now to sum this point up from the opposite end as their sharing a similiar or assimiliar idea, know science or pure empirical nature = unopposed and inverse to psionics = opposed and adverse to magic = opposed and negative relation to faith = unopposed and normal to itself. Use the reverse effect to get an inverse or converted aspect, where the inverse be opposite except in the idea that it be used as an unopposed opposition where its not allowed. 'Some fear the form that may have at you but knowing defeats them and by innocent intention returned.' from karate observance with other people. This a quote from kung-fu examples, 'Condition the energy to effect more than you know not to do harm, except to thou who do this harm with yourself, Can't accept it, try to work with it unless you can't or that you can get a better result by mixing it. Then train with it to get it right, as its physical actions and all in the mind. To find peace trash an object as a sacrifice, to get the power for the more there be to clear up problems that are your own, As with each object you can release energy. To lose weight use most food as eaten, but toss the rest as whole remaining. Eat grain to gain stamina but you might gain weight if its wheat grain. For every example there be a lesson but not if an imbalance, for imbalances get rejection and eating impaired. This accounts for any energy projectile or spell type, and after awhile you get enough bad karma that your like rejection, of the bad or any event to get a result. Any who could assault will try to attack though, so try to remain calm. Don't allow any to attack as you could end up disasterous. The object idea isn't agreed upon but the henchmen, can be won over by making them laugh as you laugh. To get moral act immoral or amoral and let others correct you. Point out a demotional or devotional idea to get excitement. Use resolve to create an innate calm as people seek calm for motivation as calm comes from what is there made to become a use. The IQ high idea counts to work better and avoid bad intentions or interactions with bad relations that effect the self in good standings. Where bad relations good standings, good intentions bad results, and for yourself good result with good intentions. What thou read may or may not come true even for thou statements that are intended, to be nurtured to fruition. To force a thought even with simple consequences reduces your chances, of financial order and control. To force a form by change of drastic nature be to cause destition, or an out of control form except to eat right do well. With much of something like flubber that destroys the beauty, or portrayal but to be arbitrary be to create a holding pattern by something indescribable. The eating of nearly everything except a few bites or at least half left over, forces a change in body and instant sanity. To hold ability to change the power over form with irritation, or unknown activity be of to be the form forever, until its been decided to change by thee letting it go into muscle. The dangerous point be the point to let the form go and it takes over mentally, but not with ability over attack and don't doubt sensitivity that are in designs. As emotion be apart of this for a personal desistance and paranoia in a clouded or a minded motion. To go temporarily crazy, be wise then tempt fate with a change in form. The temporary crazyness causes a notice of the change but not to care, as the idea be to feel temporarily insecure to gain security. As with the insecurity and consequences can achieve the idea of focus the better value and the body can cope to create hope with power or a secure concept. We want to be remembered but not to be known, as to avoid disruption or destruction. As mere death has a departed spirit that wants to remain until told to go on. To be confused and do things prevents people from reading you. To coincide emotion as an equal to others, where there are no equals think your an equal. Forces can balance out with force but your attacking with a force thats raw to begin with, so wild that even before its been achieved it the force can backlash, and destroy you but destroy the opponent worse with expelled force like expelliarmus, again have doubt that it affects yourself except for the other and keep in balance. To avoid this, use the indescribable to brainwash the opponent into thinking and doing it themselves, with info to not get a disease, or madness and something similiar as the diff thought rejects the current action, so don't take things certified while lying down. Thanks to CJ. Move out of the way to prevent disaster to you.' To pick up an ability get exposure to it as the sames goes for siezing it, or get some other idea to use on those that can by misdirection or white lies. As it can be done in juditsu and ninjitsu or other ninja style and nothing else. To get people using your idea, just breeze through or use a quick tone, to say your message intention first with best facts of importance to play the benefactor. Don't lose your point except when you have questions and those who want to ask them. as they won't interrupt your speach if your already interrupted. To overreach your goal be a symbol of a clouded perception, and an unclear mind gets a wrong response buta corrected path. To point out things can get a correction, but it can get worse so don't be too dumb as not look where you go and where you went thanks to original thinking. Meaning when your attempting observe what you see and look for results that occur around the idea, But try to percieve deviations as your attempting. For honesty try to scare the person with points of truth or visions of almost torture. Be secure in anything you do by holding doubt that anything can touch you, and but act to defend by misdirection. Sometimes make it seem like the others fault with your idea and their method. But don't be observed doing the act. Because nothing can try to torture you if ethical and you can't be touched. So try to keep a smile and break up the monotomy as pink elephants come in three sizes, your one of them as you are the essence of what you create. Block out and ignore interruptions as be possible, It takes pain or a mistaken idea by 'serendipity' to learn to focus. As with a point of serendipity, your discovery be an allowed mistake and do block out prowess to get more. To examine more may get you a better result, but laugh to get a bad result and if you act, use the determine the best line output to go by. So keep a smile on your face, and make a good compliment, but let things except destructives or disturbance work sometimes by itself. As to disturb the dead be similiar to a nightmare to banish, explain your purpose and intent for a nice attitude or better understanding at least to/for yourself. To explain your problem removes it and it dissipates until you think on it. Its not you its the force itself, give energy to control or you lose track of time where you are and yet remain protected. Be prepared for anything that comes your way, as war can happen if you desire. As the practice be decent then I will do, thanks to Maitre D.' So 'As things change as I will view. thanks to Maitre D.' What to measure your strength by be energy. Use the K(elvin)/4 and take the end result from the decimal, for the E% or the amount of focus in energy from heat be what runs the area. How many things moved and work done by you be E% squared, E^2 or how many seconds of focus squared measures the amount of focused force in Newtons. To use their force against them is to win, to use the underlying structure is to manipulate and scheme, to use the focus of others is to control them or get behind their eyes and see for yourself, so lock them away from their body to get results if you detect them..remember to release is to get gifts so you are grateful, but don't ever too grateful. Objections can get moved to better piles. Pulses of energy form to be absorbed as of Osmosis and not to move unless necessary on the objective. as this can consist of the formation of telekinesis and psychokinesis, from physical radiation as physical power, of electricity or energy impulsees run by kinetic motion or radiation devisings that result in a conditioning of the body, machine or person and program by voice or run a device, thanks to Egore and Steve, The recourse effect be made by focus toward a goal by energy to have any work effort. The ritual can create havoc due to poor thought, planning and scattered concepts or consequences, A ritual can also create a special focus of overloaded energy that lasts quite a while and sometimes it starts small to go undetected until the moment of occurance. A lot of people merit or are considerate of power thats overwhelming to some to get what they want. Where its really energy formed of information to cause or curse the manifestation to exist if the representation of realistic motion, what be focused by energy, can exist from information and transform the body from within. So when knowledge be balanced by mental power and physical physique, from the fact of understanding knowledge that be alloted or allowed for. Ritual be a part of it, and with ritual can faith and ability work exceptionally. By use of pulse and faith will it, the act not fail unless blocked or to fall. As the energy dies by falling down on the peak of action in progress or work. To block ritual be to become prone and absorbative unless its a physical manifest, at which point its all indirect as a (focused) force of manipulation. Some who take energy to use it be likely to puss at the mouth considered foaming. As its energy thats again very wild and mostly againt you yourself, so it tears you up inside with a deteriation effect that sometimes appears as aging. Some pioneer energy rules - MoPeirERuix Now Emperical science be what be used by the above rules and redefined as Emperical natural science, To those who observe facts can make free standing thesis laws till disproven. Often getting nowhere in the end till added with those of scientific basis. The spiritual laws work with metaphysics or natural laws that underlie science. It works with set conditions or cluse and several cluse allows for a basis or how one thing reacts. Science works with physical laws based on physical interaction and to not destroy unless necessary or to create something better. In combination its to use natural observance corrected by feeling and understanding in examples by theories and correct with philosophy. In compliance to empirical laws of metaphysics, we can make a strict law of general observance with both sides to reflect, the physical law with the empirical law for use as a mechanical law example to explain why. A rule be a set example or law that can't be gotten around by changing the conditions that were not set for the law to work. With this rule in place you can use physical laws in spiritual lands. So to set the law of a varied condition representing a single effort with scientific and spiritual basis, but its allowed in this case. Example 1: This can make a clinical case that cannot be founded on facts alone, the case has to have guidance by some philosophy to be correct. Example law: "A setback of information can be reclaimed by doing things over or make use of the backup, but if no backup or hostile reactions to your claims, your not likely to succeed if consequences are deplorable." Depictions of a theory or opinion can be to claim information to be true, with two or more similiar opinions, as fact the basis can be true unless the opposing view is there to not accept. There is nothing in endless conclusions so emperical science fails, in physical world this but succeeds if combined with scientific basis as with the fundamental reason how and for why as for the reason that people quit for the empirical wasted time of just Emperical theory that should happen. No Empiuylaix th-r-biltoffan EmpiuyScie Now the Empirical laws that are built off the Empirical science 1. Protection rule o Thaumaturgy - Most energy be very protective of its user and treats the person, object or machine as he/she desires it as with other things. With machines you hae to take control and work with interactions, as if the machine has a language, it'd be to endure its abuse or handling and treat it like intelligence. 2. Action/reaction= o =Affinity - Energy retroacts with the same force to go back to the originator twice or thrice the effect. This be not instant and at most not noticed. This be similar to the golden rule and the wiccan law of three. For action/reaction when congruent, or in agreement, its typical to cause a reaction until done elsewhere in nature, except, and the nature of the event be unlikely to transfer if done slightly different. 3. Correction rule o Mind over matter - When corrective in pattern in so many terms set by the person, try to waste time while you get the other to influence the effort to redo his/her act. With better results to influence the effect and improve upon the effort by reduced damage. For most damages that are redoable with reduction of all damages, that are an invisible act and this makes things physically repairable unless by energy of the spell or miracle, where it can be undone but not all of it, if the effort can be taken into account. The effort might reset by others intentions of positive values or major flare where flare is to be a positive energy redoubling things and this has a limited scope except to hit with triple or quadruple the impact, thanks to Norewega. As an example of this is can be to reflect and redirect the blow or movement with a flowing movement of your own, this is by moving aside and pushing the person away and back or to the side, but then to use muscle instead of thinking you can lose concept to patience and others brawn or smart moves. Taught in martial arts and kung-fu as from a moment in time, this is where you are enabled as the rule of correction doesn't always effect. I name this the invisible inversible law that repairs anything and makes inversible anything that isn't law. Inverse is reverse. Or nothing is then as undoable as this is by dispersement and weight disperses and this is done. Kysu As Th Id Kitsune as in the other world idea If you have a concept as an individual thought, then you can do things as then you are working on something. And in thought, as you are able to do if there you are either left alone or with dark thought unless you repair what is thought necessary. So, if either there is a fight or not you can defend as with an concept response by a point pointed out with use of the art of conversation. Or not, as you separated individual mindsets, to other people as you need to work out. As a needed ripple defense, use thought as a thought of now to win a fight then use not and think on to power up a fist, and use red energy to punch out things with fire, and blue energy to absorb them as you take in stripped energy and those that are in your mind are as thought in your mind as an instant fight or phite dream that can end in us assault thoughts of weight down that can end in agreement. Then you break to link of their spirit link as to like it and think its not there as though this is as you think and you are unlikely to make bad deal no decomposition happen, as its not a lie. Then, you shift places to do things as you get a purpose to do as to male or female or nothing that forms as is what thinks as a person, acts as a person and in purpose does not like things. Then as mind to go somewhere, if your mind is in repose then there and as a rule you get the point that if pushed to your limits then if wanting your attack by attitude then it doesn't happen. As you see yourself things are revealed by the body. You are not stricken now. Don't strike by jumping, as you go through dark portals in mind and as if you don't need as your not emotional say thoughts that are needed to be heard as standard speak through in mind. This allows energy to think 'paralyzation', and touch or get the idea to stand or think the thought energy. Orwell thanx if you want to do other actions as to be, use a good excuse an then think of what your intention is as you say or think 'done'. Think to the person to paralyze for the do of whatever you think as life, that you do which you don't want is not done unless necessary without brute effort with the effect as paralyzation fey faery. Other fey ability, are there by the lore manifest and with ability fusion by energy itself with love of what they do. As they are with trust, for those who you know are fey as or not as they work with you or against you they do can it without repeating a pattern. Tio is to timeout and move out of step backward beyond the stars as pattern and see it as thought pattern in the sky as they who do, and they can work and do as they need to fix the pattern of energy to make correction as their energy sparkle weight drop by sex energy to thin or slender, yourself by things not done unless needed but only if the sorting idea is necessary as though a natural selection an in another shape to hear the thought in effort of at the moment cost reduction. And as things work and know if in some dangerous situation, you risk everything and think of thought to do by danger sense verses sesna you risk the concept of life and will. That is done as you just can be competent or/and as you are not desparate. As this happens, then you are dead as you are in a moment, and use victim to do things right and win for the moment that is there to be and you are more of what you were and resuurected can make the concept work and this leaves energy to dissipate harmlessly in the air, learn as you want and you are better. Then as you are to know, identify the need as you are and when you want to be so its considered thought magic by geyser activity and this empowers the soul to do any magic. This can restore you to be better than were as you are in shape as you need things to do and can do things in and as priest allow as to manifest be there to work in there. With that kind of power, you can do faith in magic to create hidden in by thought inverted magic and anything can be cosmia in and out energy electron field done in free energy motion by the hand. This is photosynthesis at a cost of eating and drinking by being in another shape or form as from a difference country by the alter point of financial energy that creates an idea as though idea from something, thats need in nothing to something. This basically allows thought of flight with direction, by thought creation from something on a planet out in the spacetime continuum called Apes. The hammer of Gods is created, by the hammer of Thor with the effort of the thought spirit hammer with an altered different thinking by smashed hit approach. The Ape way is to think in a way of what you need and use as this as not done otherwise as is a hammer of the sky God and do in do not. Consider yourself as you were darkness as a hammer in the face as though with building up energy and release at an object with gesture or not in an idea of whatever you are of nothing as this is as though within as there are things as a face of stars in the nation as we are an act of god and He doesn't exist in reality as sealed away in time. Alter is the ability that is of the supposed mind moment where you perceived in a state of body and become as you think you undo the condition as if in an unheard moment as not. This is the thought idea that alters what shape the body is to become. This is the concept that works with the energy to alter the cells and make what is to know about. This can create a altered state of appearance, that is only statement to temporarily make perception as you want in an altered state of mind. Thus, the thought to give idea, to the energy as this shares itself to the others energy aura as infusion thats not attack. If the effect is to make changes to alter the shape, then this will do so as you need to do. However, if you want to get some other effect like alter the spacial energy as it is in the area. Then, you can do this as an idea put to energy of the area by your spirit manipulating with every effort that can then create that temporal shield the changed the influence of the atom and created an altered state of emminent mind. This follows the natural rule inclination in act of natural inclination of doing things and to do nothing wrong don't use it unless your nice and unirritated if the thing you do will not be needed by self-taught or proven methods. This is not in use, not unless intended for self-purpose or otherwise your full of things that are healthy or no self-devolved use until you are pushed into using it. This allows you to keep in a nice mood, as this is very well in thought out and done and no delusional done act is through intending things and in quick results no point of this fills in a gap as no hate of bad thought or not in cause of trouble and is considered the code of defenses as no it doesn't happen. This is an act that is good, for the motion that is the effort at hand by vigil of thought. An act that is on purpose, is not done if not a smart thing to do. You can go improve this as this is an art by thought of a momentary dumb act and you are there as tripping out anisten is not achievable with no brain damage. As you perceive it you can change it by thought altered events or thought energy created acting on impulse as this is to do some effect that is by desired conception by skill. However, you can't use this or that effect in a church only in church. The idea is the effect of the concept, of that which you have in mind and except for church which you will doesn't exist. The magic wish spell, this maes the 'ysh' and your need is done as the Atleantians never threat as cosmia determine the threat and to make the effect. This is the magic alter effect and no chaos is used here as this performs the magic mouth effect as you think of altered perception by psyching them out and that is to be able to make byte thought to work alter effects by thought or will. If you don't need and the wish is in don't need the magic mouth heard by thinking about what to hear, don't think to send. By saying 'Ysh', you can change the thought and create any effect by spoken thought or to use thought moment which end. This is the evil wish spell but not always form evil thought to cause other evil effects as you use good ysh energy to use good fey ability in them and they end as they cease to exist or not. This can kill ants, that can kill roaches and this is to guide that effort as effect is did. These are efforts to create evil in a good idea. Expect effect to build effort, and build bridges with chaos in the expert use as this is done as a chaos field determine the effect for chaotic effect is used to harm as this is in harmony pegasus is using their ability for them who need it. The finger of death of the evil lich lord gaax an is the idea that you think death energy to the finger and touch that which will decay. This is the death spectre secret ability. That is the effort, of the concept that is thought to touch any target that is dying in your mind. Mix eldritch, which is wild poison call energy and death energy as together, and you can do thought to the target as you get the effect to change by molding and this is shaping as you thought to in a bad mood make to become what you mold by loosened particles and cause death to the body if you mold something, then its like a permenant glamour cast by fey on a target or all by the idea to kill the intended target of a bad mood, by wish or make it die by chaos interred the effort into the effect as it takes one out it takes them who you wanted target. This can enduce weight drop, if you kill the fat essence by death energy stop and go on or doing otherwise is to do arrangement of something else. This if you don't say 'stop' while thinking of the effect will wither anything that it touches, and imitate eating and can act like a victim from a heart attack by a construed heart energy illness with some viral effect by sorcery if used free from viral infection by contagion on a pure gaseous places without the hammer effect and by the effort of a time out on a concept and on the mark supposed energy response. I know what will happen before it happens. The calling action by notice to make someone stop attacking, in now to synchronicity by time lord energy that is to create a loki retributive invisibility this, is homing in on the right mind, the right thought and as psychic use this you are a target with vicious attack and shield is used against the violent crime or it can use things an make attacks to those and activate on, location as this anithen beneath you is a wish shield made by Odin of time of the future of the soul make as to harbor heart and soul with no comment intended as that is to create in a thought by this to create momental aura and concieved in secret as I am or what I am doing as this is the point is existing. Then wait 15 minutes till you eat, since nothing happened badly or you will in not forever fatten up at the idea of eating. If then you are as you are understanding in belief, in their mind as they are the pint and cup to pour it in for you to try and go into better mood with idea and with thought on your trip. When you are able to get a chance, try to make the effort to not eat after you start to feel very hungry and eating with quickness. If that is your thought to do, then hold off till you feel not to wary and as you work out you can try this or in motien go back and drink spirit water not need to eat and drink by nothing energy and being thought, your into space that time made into the area as then by thinking energy into the soda drink you clarify it. Easy going from here on out as you travel by motion to an area far far away called the 4 suns hostel, this allows easy trvel, say planes unimanaginable as this continues Immortis travels. This makes disagreements not happen and then you get better effect, to you by effort of what is to attempt in the access key that leads to nexus as it is a book this is the effort to go through a time rift as you journey through you are there and you are in a time limited field of time that makes partial seconds into money moments. This allows for in action to the grate in the street and down you go. Your begone from the moment thought made into the energon cube from coelesced energy thats solidified in particle form energy. The effect by effort at forming, a half fist and punching it will generate the vibration to cause it to create itself from air itself as from the void which collapses inward and being there where you think this should be should it founder itself here. This then stops attacks as it collects the energy, to null attack as you get it collected as being put there by thought. Thus to be an ass there is with an idea and there no hand is punched is one that is not given freely. So pay is no easy pic and is the moment that you get things by minecraft. Then this is the onion effect, where you are able to pierce the layers of reality, and then you get the idea of the idea that is in mind, their will helps form it. If you can keep as an able mind then and now is to get the layers formed as you believe them to be there. Then, this is the point that you get the view in mind of the world you perceive. This is the effect of the effective motien cube as created by the mind, as you are able to ghost their minds. Usage is their will o wisp and their minds eye that is to use this particle field to create the motien as it coleates into a cube formed in their mind by spirit inner fire energy put there to form now in secret as invisible. Then, you can form things with it your way and as you are done this anise bonfield easily fixed and easily you gather the particles into yourself and send it out. The area I see is focus use or created area feel. By the particle germ, in your body acting nanotech. Nanotech is in the effect, of effort by the little tiny silver particles that are programming your body even as we speak out your mouth. The energy matric field a split time particle field that is fractals as its a energy generator by patterns where you are given friday a day off in avarice on a day of choice. This is the motien, that shifts any time you need to day off and do as you want. In this point you do an action that you do, as there is this ask is a point of the vanishing point without belief as a proised field vanishing field of time in itself. Now the in activity of the brain in mind tactic is to use 99 % of the brain all at once. Now you can, as imagination is there to do it. This allows you to use thought travel skills. This is where you go, and find opinion out by a fact finder skill for who you were by thinking about and do it and asking as there you were. This allows a time out moment, so that is allowing youtube to work right as though timelag is reduced. This is the point in time where you can make thought to become a living moment in a pilot of time to do this exercise the gift to make the maximum in a moment to so be. This is the moment you can orbit and be nearly everywhere you are in optionel space in the money you gain you get a job there and in optionel you get things to send back to you as a power item on level existence. This can give you kinetic motien that creates excess particle loss of food and drink particles. And then you get easy money as easy potency is this then will find you work as you first identify a job to get a job, this is the end of the world and as you goto another planet you are not coming back the way you came as through the energon fields you create with your tri eye be. As we only use that shield with a struggle of concept thought as with a retribution nature in living aid shield thats by aura and let electron on attack mode to bring negative feel as to being on the moment by thought of and about tie in an attack as any nature purported on jury duty ruled by any judge there as is an important answer reprimand with anyone on a ruled negative statement so if vicious attack is there and then I thought that we are what we can represent and do on the combat thought is as Lizard King and that is what is interesting and are thought on to an identity by card is no insane idea and with no thought baded to the opposite way of injury with child or the other violent crime and the critical rule from the fey wound is that which is represented by a court dimensionally respected as the hall of judgement to be gone and with thought the criminal justice department known as this is death field then constituent to a terrifying crime by comment and that roof is ruled off limits by a vampire hunter lestat led by us as set by us as it is used in head and known as the mind is psychopathic in the head thought to be led by the dark fey vicious inme by assault and thats good as though on responding to you by attack in thought to come to you to wish spell and sync to simplicate by attempt to malicious by invindative shielding. As this is done and as no erasure of results happen as yes is yam as the answer is erased you are platitude and you can be done and unless a sync to the world is then not in a moment on a then need to know basis he gives answers and solutions as he flies off into shapeshift of people and this is included as done by carbination with fits of rage and taken medical doses of medicine with dangerous thought dose. As to take with me nothing more to be as though done due to jury duty he is also able to deal damage to a babe as to reprieve his mind and he can stop this as this is library on necessary thought things or in listening in to thought assisting others in standing alone and championing people for the illusive shield effect to get better things and at midnight he is there listening to good radio music with clear thoughts and antipathy and stature is used to trap energy and make mine is that listening in to broadcast this antipathy is as that and this is the good thing on thoughts as antipathy is nothing else as is this in on the outfit of customers and thought is not in antipathy as he is never attacking as that is use of spells and weave and this is included in captain seat on flight of the control deck of the mind aiding legitimacy. Different custom made outfits were made with designs on them and as now then you can say its normal and if now you need things there is a store for it and now were done. Ruminate as needed because you own it, as special projects are done as you know and need them with deadly gno and you can easily chaperone to get in there by the route to be the way. This is due to the missive to the new frontier as to be a relieved idea and relive the moment in time. And, as this is due to thought procedure written down, this is not religious as this is good for adventuring in the worlds by a shift. Until realized, this can be mended to work with thought and difficult to stop unless you don't need to stop. This is proven as it strike out on regard, of use done at the auratic energy in hidden attack by thought and in their aura now by provocation and a soothe feeling by energy in thought stops deterrence in the action energy from colliding as you get a calming thought calming you down afterward with a positive affirmation idea as a suggestion network. This is actually possible hold thought and drink water, to make then cause the natural weight balance on an intent to bring some paranoia and jealousy down, as then you become back to normal with natural calm soothing thought as you summon energy to think by water particle thought to balancing body restoration of energy and with unaging by usage of thought balancing. What will disrupt this energy is a vibration that keep the particles disrupted an it makes good. Let go of the negative energy built up from the attack by drop discharging it into a target or object. This basically, is a very focusing attack and useful in the triple defense shield. And the moment is the action with the thought is to calm as you can listen in to thoughts. And after this is make thought of concept and that is there with what you hear. Thus this is a negative enhancement, that ends as the next thought is to consider what is to feel the pressure stress of any calamity drop down. To eat sugary foods in your diet, can cause rather instant energy converted from things of sugar. You can create a weight loss effect quickly by or with a thought. So to need not to eat too much, think 'not feel the need to eat unless necessary', as a power of suggestion and this is inverted weight as to thought slim down figure by thought and eating something of small proportion and this leads to less eating of meals if you are willing to stop, then no as you start eating as though you need to do what is normal then you can not increase, as in weight as thought leads to an act of negative and positive and in balance you make things by thought of make things activity or by now there is no bad activity and you do fill out in time unless you don't need or intend to become as stick figure is to turn it around. The effect with life is to generate expected results. Negative with positive activity is to generate energy, positive activity is to weight loss and if negative you are not keeping about the idea of weight. This is as you have lesser weight as though no weight was in thought by diet with no extra body weight. This can easily drop excess energy to make negative dropping happen, in order to drop it though you need collected energy by thought as you gather it by a thought hand and then think of letting your weight or emotion, go in energy as this can get weight energy from you and those who want to lose the weight by thought activity, as it can react opposite and with the same cause the drop in weight as you thought and you transfer it by a regular teletouch by touching an object with a projected white energy sphere in thought. This can appear like a moment, of a thought of energy that leaves the body to enmake a liquid as a transfer that makes a silver white energy sphere that can make dream hits on a target with extra energy burst as a liquid megatron punch projected to target area as the right thought to energize the body and if its dedicated to healing. That is the thought of apparent concept, and it is what makes easier than it really is. As you think it this occurs. This is a thought, from Japanese Anime called Ranma 1/2. If you were really in a need, then it could drop and the weight quickly by sheer need. This incites a concept in an idea reaction to keep the weight then lose it again. As it keep off, the dropping of weight till your need of weight is gone. The affect of this is to increase diet, and get less fast fat gain. The point of this is at the end point of you being in your room is to make it bigger and drop, as you don't need incident and can use this as considered permutation weight dropping from precognitance. And negative energy, it does not infuse your shield of aura so you don't transfer weight to someone else. As this uses silver energy of time particles to transfer body weight. As thought un weight drop, you can transfer this self energy by thought transfer and teletouch to an object in space like a real sun. Your spirit then can block this naturally through there being no need unless no object block. Make do will not music restore as you are then not human and will believe it and get in trouble as you do survive. And at the will to do is will, and this allows what is as you survive and do as you ask or do not ask to do now not worry. Molecular control and not at everything else is not anything as nothing is now, as to form into something, all you need is this as what you are of touch you use for energy that is negative that changes around everything as this is to use fruit energy of love of a fruit ninja that makes that wish spell in need as this is happenseance. Considered greater void thought perceived from nothing there, for thought of the uninterred energy to do things, this will work to create the fruit of knowledge as the effect is there to work as though a time taken as there is work I am gone. This is an ability, control yourself as discipline is necessary for this is wellness to create and manifest as you want and will. Because the will is the way and the moment is the concept to be done. Whats next is done and not until it is. At the end moment there is nothing, as you get what you want and its instant and just by thought an with idea focused on as I said its done to pattern wellness wherever you want. Fear not and be not, and your not as you be as nothing is in manifest as your not in endangered moment. Thay is a mage city far far away in a dnd galaxy, that uses spells like these, as there is the moment you get any effect by spoken spell with and by the use of their energy. Darkmatter particle energy interaction does make light from darkness as of things with dark energy by the thought of concept as this is not and we are as we are were unless want is to seem like something else. We speak to imprint as it is grey matter, and thoughts form to become it as total mass is liquid as to make the energy from some fire. As, this is the moment energy molecules make movement and your body will do the point if at will then you think and the energy can form, as it is possible. This is by the effect of your thought to do and create as you need as now a somewhat full manifest, because that will beat that moment that you will things into form. If you get in trouble deal with and it is or else don't attack then you can fully manifest with enough energy or enable switch thought back to jump bodies or possess them to escape from trouble. Mirror is useful, but don't use it unless you use it with care as a mirror is there in the mind. Use like myr is a mirror on a wall, state 'mirror' and focus your mind on your need and think or say it to the mirror in your mind you imagine to get things done. Anullment is not to slap, by the fey that can always be done to remove unwanted bugs or pestilence or things like hexes. Key is a note to be your desire and this can get your want. If you want to exist here do not try to become into reality as to not become into reality is enabling you as to make the concept to create by being energy and manifest with will by thought bcoming into energy and being in for solid need by want with time of the true thought with true intent to become a solidly shaped form by will alone and this form has conscious as it works and it has thought and will become as you will it to become able to shape itself into reality as you and with you in thought as you will you are able to manifest by its help as a thoughtform in mind. This is the motien effect, to use your concept to create with spirit as with natural intuition by natural inclination in no deadly affair. This can create timewise being as a kitsune your essence is that as this is a able conscious that you are able to use and make something by willed thought as an energy summon, you can make and conscious remake at will. Then you can't be defeated as you can make things done by usage of drug energy with an essence of will to not abuse things by warded spirit and in this moment we reunite the shards of this reality and become one mind and one body united as one thought of energy to form the spirit as to be our will by desire, and will to work off energy as to justify the needs of the body and the body is the shield. As this is solid shaped energy as be where it wants this is then near complete and it is done as the aura is thought of being good and a shield is there as its thought to shift our perception by the point of perception which shifts us in reality so we are able minded and this is both a shield and in a place to be and a shield in mind cast forth for now this works as we are in true we are wish with thought knowledge. Think or to do as we want, we are to do things and we act and part to participate reinforcing our in thought and acknowledge to present usa of a concept to be created. This works as a replicator world engine in mind called the engine. This is a use of the superstrings via solar star to use the vertixes, that can't be used in death to provide a universal network by negative perceived as positive with word image impression given by comment unless you don't think to send something by thought. If you fear something negative, just no if you feel with energy this will cause the fear with no some thought of the ancients, unless you need don't fear it and not too much information no preamble by thought knowing. If you are aware, as if you do then you don't then this is intuition is interesting as you assume you can get another point of idea to do. Think to cool your act down so you act cool and thought swap, this is done at the end if things are to get better use the energy to create something. So this where no manic attack happens so consider you are good as skillful by no obstinate effects. Think to do things if to act with thought discipline, so you can do things right by condensed energy action at a thought of wall. This relieves tension and creates what you will into existence. Usually this is a black mark or area, that is done in a pattern. The thought can't lead to war if you need not nothing go to war else where there is warfare. Muggle warfare is forbidden. The act to do thought is better, if you act as right and is correct by methods. The act of war is cost of energy that makes a change of body that is returned to what your spirit needs by what you say. Saying 'stop attack' is by saying, 'no'. The thought to act is not there, in else if by no go means which can return to you if enough energy if go then say 'do'. This can be be a tough act to follow, to go and think is to use the star road that is the internet highway to use by interconnected solar stars just by thought and no feel as to feel it is to feel drawn to electrical sources, if you think to use electrical energy to just shift then you can shift your thought to another place as you are invisible to the mind. This just goes places, as you can do a switch on the wall trick by turning off the lights to thought travel to go and get to places no switch needed, just imagine the place and think you switch a switch. Done to perfection, menditation is to clear the thoughts out of thought mind, think of energy as this is cleared thought thinking of the nothing that is after you dismiss your thought of everything that isn't wanted in thought of you, understand what the continued result to come in the mind though by the creator himself commited to now we find out about what is there for ourselves as a shield to absorb the energy, influence and the effects say of the thought in mind cast forth as energy in the mind. As this is here, this is there to be everywhere at once unless finish that we exist in any form we are able to survine in one country one mind and one thought. The idea is energy put forth is now, or able as to be there to hold off demonic essence with a container to hold the demonic essence exists in an object without object as a respectful construct to have formed all that can or cannot will without madness. Now you appear like anyone, who is respectable and act and unreprehensible as we are now able to work and this is an able mind as though sicke. This can make arguments distant and this is diluted to disperse at the thought to work, then as if now you can form objects will by being will and thought makes it. Unless necessary, your will is in that now and this is you that formed and you formed the need to will the being as you are being now because you formed the concept and not will. Shine a light, and your not become dark but become as you are now thought. You are now able to work at will and this is and to make a thought will as this allows thought to be thought in form by reality to do as a concept something now inclined to natural intuition is a cure to anything formed from body, by will and aura. Because example are purpose, there is no way to not do it right. The Criminal Capture program allows for unlawful effect that aren't rape or violence is useful for a jade prison idea as this, as this puts all criminals as their violent into one as one is in contact for you or others protection thats need is done by this construct, thats considered Odin as a thought of one who united the founders in a state of existance that exists for use of us as we will it or not as we want else as different is different as we exist as we are now. As of things in idea, now we are in thought and are doing an interest. This is done as we want things in action to happen. Now I am done. This is a point as the I is the creator's conscious and we state, think as creai or use is things then that we throw in the trash. She who is the creator obligated to oblige is doing things, this ended by now with feel we created the roach world. Then the human world as the creator created, so what is there with the point or thinking is what we think or want. The idea I think then is that its well done with thought, this is done with wellness to be as he is one that exists. He is not named, and he is love as he is void and nothing, whether he preference by us or preference by those with thought like a dream in the real world that is reality, he serves as those who wish him to do will get things. He has lesser creators as he is will and they are us as we serve his will. Those named gods are all there as subcreators as we serve them, they serve us as Odin commands and you are allowed as we beseach of use we get what we ask for he gives god ability. Odin is to not be called until use is good as though a purpose is there wasted not. As thought, he gives command with little tolerance in some kon tolerant action. The created ones or creator created the rest with the humans as there was nothing before use with the creator that is not a drug or plant agent mentioned with a book called by ideal is with the author carlos castenada. There we are not obsolete to be complete and the best user use with care and we beseach the greater and creator as he is to give us things to do. He is the greater creator called AO and he serves the balance of the world and he created the creator as she serves him he serves us as he is the ultimate an authority. Call here the AO being only if ask and by willed to use differently by thought what he gives or he takes back what he gifts and use wisely as he rules the universe as a conscious guide and he serves us all no matter what we do all the time and all the way until we don't need him. In abuse he calls alliby balanced by acts of justice and justified with acts by Tyr and with Thor he does the effect as effort is not there except the effect as he guides temperment by the wisdom of Thor and Tempus helps as he wishes to temper the world. Chaos is ruled by the Chaos Lords in a book an idea, Yandros the ruler and time is used to create with the rest and this uses as Order is orden that is pretty critical as this rules us all. Orden is the ruler to work and do better things with chaos as ruler of the negative that is us in action and this is to that we choose as one with the land create the natural ability and this is to be an able wish as the Chaos lords serve their own interest in a nation under the gods to serve and defend as they want to create under their idea and this is served chaos as the matrix energy is Tron that used this as is collected in by thought. We exist as our own selves and now we serve our own purpose, and as Orden is the order magic and chaos is the makers of the world by chaos effectively done. As to create from a point with the Tome of magic, this is actually with the Prime white Material Chaos with happenstance by Raw ore in the Primordial plane for the Chaos in time. Think within us is in to be in us created as by rite with use by activity with use of the third eye, that uses the crown chakra in thought. To easily use move in another time thought by action with another time thought via act as though activity and damned things allow things in the make of the field of thought ease of activity to change the perception. With crystal bowl in the orden as order in use of the make use with the effect. Use it to use the point of the motion to freeze time as with 6th dimensional energy silver and blue and make to do. Ask for things accept and never is as is to work things out and get responsive in results as activist. Act is rite and is this is the right given to use in thought to by law that is right for the use by in action, as the right act is the rite to lower the indenture by the property law that lowers property taxes by goverment concepts with rite or magic to make properties that lower cost to get responses that create themselves and to use in rite act we inter money energy of what is in use to add to the effort to work negate attack. As we use rite we create the property taxes and for the us of a and the area that serves the purpose is in decision. Contact is necessary as that is ours to use rule as we want by chaos and order decided among us and out of acting we do as we must to get the job done as then we must be on guard as we are our own selve as we are now due a service for a service, individuality is assured by the worlds that abound by law and arder that is what is the thought in mind ruled by dimensional is by fate that leaves you intact. Arder is what is abound to do as we harbour thoughts to do things and create with labor. The effect negates what we don't want as we do to get results, to make effects that make laws of action that serve as magic law that is the act by rite without consequences by as each and every act of happenstance or what happens to by right as we must serve under our own order created from chaos. We must act rite and do right to get right, or otherwise we are getting off basis results as chaos rules these events with rite there is these, as each their own response to get as we want results. We can use our own thoughts as we want, but pick and choose from what these are, to choose as to get better results and with resolve we get what is due own by our own actions in minded actions by concurrent thought with career in mind we choose what there is as there is thought and to whomever serve the purpose. This to laze about is what we do unless we want to do things to act right and do things, do not go far as if we want to get far enough to get off our asses and do things to get a job and do to serve our purpose in heart and mind by the protection spiral of the Wiccan. And the eye of Horus, is for those to protect by knowledge with jump heart in mind as energy restored by crystals, this we do as to keep ourselves protected by those actions by wards as an act to do this is for the moment as we do things for now. This is in the 11th dimension known as now, and as to act right this is necessary and this is temperment as an act is right this is what rite we choose to moment and moment is done after the act after thought of what we do is done. Labor is thought with action with magic done by effort as we create with our minds guidance as we want guidance from the creator to serve our own interests as his interest is in us. Abound by us, rule by Chaos and use Order to make what result there is to be by quality of what we do, with no conflict or abide by peace this is with the concept with what desire there is to get what result as we want as it is to be or not to be, that then is the question. Now is the moment of decision, so we use our spirits and use choice as to ask for advice and get answers as from deep space, as we do our choice we send energy and go places to find for you did ask for our answer. Now be prepared for the responder as response is recoiled, if badly put and backlash is possible, do this as it is prevented by space crystals. This is to guide us as to be able to know as we are guiding as our higher selves as it is the point of existence for feeling the high quality of our minds. As only you can order repair the world as the gods serve our needs as we do them by subconscious them and us are the ones that create and manifest for the reaction of gods. Them is a concept, as a concert in mind is a music thats ethereal, as we do things as we must were all to serve our needs with purpose found on hope, drama and design that make desire. We guide by example that present as we do and act with the concept in the mindset as presenters we feature that which is known and we see as we must to the people that are observing as needs are met and all divine we are aspects of each other with perfect individuality created by our own acts as our answer to the question, why do we exist as we now do the act to do thought of guidance. As gods are aspects of us and as we as with each act of ore we do order magic. With gods some divine in purpose, we exist by their whim only if we believe in what we do. We are gods in aspect and created equal, we are held responsible as reprehensible acts are done and judged in the dzur god hall of justice as we desire to exist we are given life as we choose to exist in what world we choose to become in contact with or as we act to create individuality by presenting aspects of what we do as proof to attribute and to argue as that to be exist moment as exist we must be as proof of our actions to preserve our minds and act as thought will allow, then as thought will allow we will live and learn to lose and win as we must in acts of an experiencer that mai unrestrict us as we learn to enhance our gifts as allowed and then I stops as we are individually situated per each our own act of own creation in thought that is what allows an act to buy to get our own creation to do magic and now we know why as we allow ourselves to do our own acts or for us to mend as gift allows life with each concept conceived or thought about. This is conceived by gift used by ourselves and by others by wisdom of thought. This is all out notice of outrage that he would really need to be no to be critical, as you seem to us a use in life and use is our spirit energy. As then in a child, as in an innocent child is the mountain exists in our mind and Odin rules it in with a body, as he rules he is in it doing thought experiment as he serves us all. As then, gifts of love are from his giving effort, as he exists he tempers and serves as Loki guides by what he wiles as he wiles away the change he does is good for thought and as he works he is done as the purpose of mind is done, all other things is done as a well is thought a well of power our souls use as power as a well of souls a being would need to exist with well thought out plans and well thought out concept serves as guide maps. Thoughts of existence then is the body needs to be that work with energy from the well of time. He or She otherwise called it as it is the thought that it does. It can take radiation and take to erase it and then do things as thoughts to be or intend remake as you need it to be. That thought is here as recreate he does as he must to do the wants he must do to find out more about who he is from what he serves. This is the event as time is a subject with events as a concert of time as the prophecy predicts, we will be engulfed in fumes. As we will die and live again on a world of shadow as this is on a world far far away on a planet of our own in our own created pocket our will created and we will live again as we wanted to on a planet of thought that we desire as we ask to go there we are there as we will we are there in spirit and we do no more. This is the enuncia idea to speak, to know and by adept moment this is the speaking of any understandable language that is to speak comprehensible and then its understood as given to those that want to hear of what is thought. Or thought is not done, unless as its spoken and its only imagined. If then if in there is will do death as you desire and death by thought is with death dealt with by thought at the end as you not are will at anything and that then is of the moment by intent you can use the death energy to kill disease in anyone as this can be done as you are to create as you need and use it or whatever happens you can will by thought can make concept to do an does not do as this is not anymore as the O can use will to make a fire ring jumped to know in this world and this is the vanishing point that can happen, think 'O' and as you transfer on thought with energy as to where to go in need and when to go as this can happen as it is realized on the moment of displacement for the escape there is nothing on the escape of displaced places not to be inexcapable moments in time and space. Is it to do as you need to do. Analogy can work as you can to help, restore memory and pattern by thought to do to make do as it reminds you of what is to know and explore what there is. If you are as though a target, avoid it by breaking the bad effect warding that first can dissolve the person into water that targets you not unless they persist. This is into energy and displace it to nulle the effect, as nulle dissolves everything there is of the problem from within and not without if its unintended or thought uneccessary. This can deal with spirit links that are unwanted as needed. Otherwise, if you want to nulle the body into water particles, then think of what you want and this will happen. Love not in interest unless if as by a thought, as drawn by concept as this is instant as though an ancient love poem effect thats written and if its needed as to keep the intended relationship of not what is there, and you can use this to stop people that use bad results. If you don't want the intended love effect, as it has unintended effects then reverse it by thought as if its not here and other places as if a use its unregarded by you in unwanted need by thought. This makes the moment with conscious use of ether creating aether effect and this thought can cause whatever it is in bad nature that is now gone and will to go away. At the end point and you shift let them be of natural ending, there is return as you are in another thought or not as you believe that this is at the end moment, as the inescapable escape plane by the right concept that is made and done. And, if the belief is done then the moment of what makes happens occurs. To each their own believed by thought to be belief of will that is their own will and this is allowed, as to each their own shaped purpose and belief in thought as this is in individual space, as to use with thought and intended purpose as to make what in want to do and otherwise if this is not deserved of thought and realization is awakened there as in thought in mind is thought of used source in use to make immunity where there is will by survival belief with self-thought belief magic of the mind thought and never go on. This is the cosmic string effect of other roads and worlds used here, as used by mind that is information that is willed by thought essence to do the effect, of vertixes are vortix which are cosmic string and so is ether which is spirit energy formed, of information willed by subconscious and that is what can be formed by soul that is a conscious idea that is formed of willed conscious effort as you are that are formed of information as attuned energy that is shaped like a soul which can be used as to let thought follow with the cosmic idea rift, and creator thought in mind allows create as a spacial rift and this is a gate formed at will as this can do as cosmic will restored by thought by will and where you want where natural causeways are formed. If you want to travel it, think of where you are as though there and thought makes you shift there. This can allow you to don't do or don't in mind make unless the negative is used as that is mistake and will hurt your heart and you will make with dying and fear not to use anything to wield then to know to use a living elemental as the living elemental will try an use your fear an evidence is anything goes and unless you direct it by the will the subconscious will try to subsist the moment in time and end it. As this happens this is as the point is that the will reform and do things that subsist as is directed, now and to the point of doing as you need things to persist and control the reaction and abort of the moment in thought time through summoning. Natural summoning is will directed by thought, and is to make do with what you have an now you have will to make effect is strong, to act now as that will stop that with thought response and make as you want as you think to be there as you create by the will by fire. Though you give in to murder you do not. If you desire it of to get it then you are skilled. This is the the pick of the willed flame as the will of fire is the idea trust to be as need. This is the will of trust to die off pestilence as need be and yet witness for ability to make for better as needed. Protect as need is there, and with needed trust fund for the concept and that is arrangement to be made as though thought is by being done. As the vanishing point can happen no infestation in the moment is needed isn't happening this is apositive as its there as its bide with the spirit. Snake energy can allow some Gods that seem what exists where we want, but they act to service and the Snake Gods rule the land and this happens happenstance. Where there is a moment of the future vision, if undefined there is progress as it is planned the need as planned is this is maturing concept. No is actually, to desist as to cancel and get a reset of results as us are needed and disaster strikes no true crime in order and you get your energy back and to get needed advice for the moment and the right reaction isn't always done. Anyone needed is there, to help unless if not always possible as though needed by thought elswhere, and yet thought with the subconscious you can do as a needed guide and in guide you hope and then work okay as rite is good by act this is what guides as the activity cannot always create the energy to do as in thought of chaos is needed and by concedence and this is by true lesson with disaster thought of a self-fulfilling prophecy role prophet or psychic. If you discharge energy that you want this restores energy, as with use with the lore of the land. There is an in idea, that in your use your ability creates at a will and your use in this is a way to live. And now we go on as, for choice of what this is. As this a fun art at the end that with nothing we can use to do as purpose, and we use thought to do as we use the land energy in an act as with this we are one with the land as an art of land to create good, and you act without regard as with purpose as an art retracted and art as accepted as its directed by thought, or not as this won't happen by fault buffering with a fault resolved or resolved that is of what displaces a fault by the art of chaos. Whatever we do, in whatver art act by rite we act for a natural act to choose, and an act is balance of what we are free to use and do to cause something doing in mischief as we act in need they do and as they get a chance and they do things for them to do something in balance. This is fair and then spraying its spritz is dying off disease and not being the effort to prevent and as you kill one you kill many bugs and ants even if you do this is the point is made of the beast and no wild will that isn't car to subsist and make the will to know control is the moment wild behavior is done to make it subsist. And that makes what you want as in of the use then you don't ever want overdo this is as no thought persists action in will and you can make things not to do things as though correctly done as to not be what of car or machine that you don't want and as you then desist you are doing things and do them otherwise. Then you disappear and there is being not in them to do anything at all unless you want the distrust act and you don't die and the will creates itself. Will concept by desire and not unless distrust and not desired, if the weight down can happen by your point of will it will. Now you can do a natural drow act with good in purpose and we teach those who don't know how to act to you as act you can get away with this as it is this and can seem as is a moment of patience to be and due at the right point and is able to work with as you need to know is discovered by serendipity, then you do things that work with the condition thought as to have a conscious identity by awareness is also this, via the thought of what to be as a an aetheo to get things constructed by thought, will and desire to do action to make any weapon talk or gifted with the power of Thor. Bring an idea of what you have in mind as you travel with it and something like this will happen and this is an act you can seem to be aware of darkness by darkmatter and in effect that is thus you can be of a natural act intuition. Natural knowledge is thy will that is this by intuitive combat via purposed natural undesired acts to mix pleasure with purpose there to learn from a past incedence that is from a past listening on in favor to that compliment with those from a past mistake and that is bringing yourself to a complete thought to bring yourself to become and make thought as a peak of pleasure with no you stop and with no point is in a concept to create with a moment of lichform formed from creation. Now that we are what is natural will to raise the dead is to create now with a peak moment. Now we use thought intuition that is by what this is and what is thought to do things with the thought being done by success, no living beating is to be due effect. What is created as he does with thought as this is what makes will bring thoughts that create thought as to copy a life through buried mental imprint of your mind with the self to the body and incidence with an imprint is with a transfer by necromancer acts that bade actions to the body, as this is to make incidence not happen as just use en just to stop your target you and use this not a moment of purpose as the point a body transfer is to not lose your body to make enliven back thought transfer and your turned back with thought take and you stop your copy and your soul to transfer and you now don't as this is to enliven you as the brain that is in you is read by your life energy as you instruct the moment what is in the concept of witches time as time is beatrice for life concepts by attempts as to do things and not be so your beaten. As now a pattern as untwisting postivity, and now to bring the brain back now as just the thoughts that are in body that are given back in time by space with the thought 'space thought' as to make free use from immediately used earth now free particles to use earth to gather used just power earth to bring earth practice thought as a thought energy, and this energy is as you release and no presence of the fey guide as concept and that is the planet and then this practice is thought, and remembered to then bring back invisibility and as to life from the earth in thought without combat and so you win a fight with no fight as this is for now as this thought is not you fear, and this is not for damage as for combat by use and against an undead foe or enemy spirit in terms of the moment of thought by direct thought of transfer thought combat. This brings back the copy of a concept that is made real and is with focus as with the thoughts "body life energy" and transfer body energy to life as this intended can make people intend to live with new life force in thought as to whom or what needs it and this is not a rat spirit and unless you are spiritual you don't want to unless necessary and need makes thoughts as a symbol of thought is used to enlive the body in thought as though to become a thoughtform being the soul as this is a target this is being desperate as soul then in this tranformation as the soul is this and this is transer transformation to unite the body and soul to bring back the spirit. And transfer to cause to come back in then you try and choose to use the symbol of power as is useful person that can choose to die again and let it experiment live eventually after you are able to bring power remember back full function back to the body as you see full reason you make sense. Be the character and not if you don't want to be him or her, then don't beat. As if you are, then playact different parts or roleplay it in your mind. Otherwise, analogy the fact and do as with their powers as you can give it back after you are done with it in thought and otherwise this is as though thought of use copied back to you as your the inheritor unless they appreciate your use and allow you identified use. Be of the fact of a past individual life of another life that was you in thought, as groovy was though the thought were in song or already real and written down you truly were of them in cosmos but in rule they are a past life and you are not anymore. You may replay it as though cosplay as there's a cost of life energy, in support to play with the past life as to work with it as a memory not in thought made reality and you could set the scene as though an Xanth dream stage. Otherwise, if you get beat in thought then you can be in touch of the aura and this a touch by thought to be in thought as though in choosing there life as genetic ability and be not to choose of them if then to not want to be it. Be as real but only listen, and not if you don't think about it to do things and actually have to be if you don't have to then stop and do something else. The idea is to know what it is, and do as if mage use as you know and analyze use and the feel brings identical use thought that is kept as a thought essence in some form of that and this allows the ability to be yours to keep as if you don't have to then if its nice to keep as weapon or a probable use and also known as concept by knowing the technique and with analysis then in use is as known as realistic emotion by emulation as of thought as by doing the right thought is as though with witchcraft or necromancy as the right source stored in your mind as an object and feel with no persona abuse. As the persona isn't abusive and violent if not any violence is done. Do not be of thought to use this to offset, as you use things to get displaced and this is possible as to use a displacean device is something a displacement is used as someone else and thought rules over matter with device. With the devising you can use any thought on it to create any literal result written down or otherwise. Thought matter is bade by thought as beatrice is in motion, as this is an interesting Open ended anime and this is ended as this is amorpheus in mass and this can get results as you can ask to know or you can get tired from this realistic use as necessary life is energy to keep. Where it is is on another planet, only kitsune know about as to be pure in thought as you also possibly can use mythcraft as to write and use words in play with life energy to construct things as the effect is needed as the moment can get there. With no darkness of in around them. Created timefield is created from liquid heat as oven is power by heat source as it is there, and there is thought to be medicine used on and off as you can save on electricity frozen, in the idea of the mind thought as known in mind attempts are done immerse them in it as you can then freeze them in time ice of due thought to release and immortal creatures use the goblin golden field of timefield they procreate by the breast being worked with to enduce feeding and growth to giants that slain are good. Thats the maxfield of maximum advantage that jumps to planets and when you want with electricity made by the cloud to become at jumpgate. This can end as the enducement of the cloud is there, by thought as its used up as responsible energy in use is that none of us can use things of famed power. Unless we want to power our weapons and learn to live with what is there. Hold out your hand and think to aim with a bow, and you do to make a original bow of Spelly as you can use the one true shot effect to aim a shot of dareance with endless ammo kill with one shot and that is discovery. This is of murder you in the moment which is calm as ice and very able as if skilled, you were there wait for the power if in your thoughts and yet you were not them if you split them off from the person you are as original naruto clone copy which are by name and go answer them somewhere else and not in information office building. As they die, in mind scene they go back to your original soul. You can not split away except into real life bodies, as the one this makes you and split off into other dimensional subpockets as your personalities are as those you didn't want as to not ever meet them. You can even choose to make your personalit into different persona, as if you needed their idea power which are in travel mind thought aura manifests at the weight you are as you play some attribute of them. Which, you can lose weight from the use if you choose to keep it unless unwanted as to give some of them near back, however if you wait till their death by repose then you gain them for real. You can borrow ability from another, if in need something of this as it and if you think it back you can dissolve into particles as with the improved static shield to nulle murder self as if to get thought. This is for combat situation, and you perceive thought of something wrong you fix it by ward and will. So, if you are near someone who attacks you, then you may quickly react but not in combat situation non-regarded. As you think of natural reason by love of nature, and just do act by love of reason of transinvisibility as this is what it is or this is dead or alive and you will never not see it unless justice is needed. If you don't want to have attack on you, seem like someone else as then you are seeming them and as this by spell that now integrity understandable as if you lose a limb to be reattachable if you remove it by thought and to live in the moment and then you end this in the moment of thought whatever aggravates you ends unless what you do is soul in order for your accidental result with thought and no moment is done that you can drop to do and then combat ends unless you perish and if an idea is considered and this is then you none. Thought repose needed in response, aim the bow if necessary by thought will decision that produced the right result. Any cop is cope action, and is law enforcement and help is rental cops as that helps you get better as you act to get along. Don't ever get ruled to confront enemies unless necessary, as if it isn't this is in anyone you are disquised as who isn't doing anything even though walking away to avoid an unnecessary fight by confrontation with cops or others. This prevents the damage, from beating a guest to death, from a maliciousness body this is caused by death energy. The shield removes all death, in the body and by a moment as though idea put in an inept concept yet this can be an aid as is the defensive shield by triple defense shield as this displaces things and people nearby. You can get unattacklike with as this the good idea as this used death energy from the graves and death is for the shield to work and known as good indebitry. Then as yet it is relationship and yet you are live until the moment of decision as a spawn or shadowspan dropped where you were in the hall of ages by judgement and as you decide to die you fall dead at no reason as you are alive at the birth given to you as you can make it seem real like accelerated death as you make it intractable but not retractable unless necessary and as this by spell now I understandably is so you don't visit violent reactions, just don't that each soul that are and interlinked to the violent person who can don't get violence received. If, they who experience it don't think about it then you do get energy from it as a shot is made. And the hit, reduces your weight as it hits the target in the past. Then you just make use of a little energy, and now use the movement of now intractable time of movement time thought energy is to reattach it by time essence and bind it by time tracking energy as you can reattach it if they disn't deserve it as they didn't seem in kill with a target energy that is used with thoughts against themselves those that which at moment time does wrong as if the soul has violent thoughts acted in go rape, or the effect is used against them that individually do direct assault against those with arms use by shot or with shooting memory branded with violence that turned against themselves and leave it alone as they think only of whats to come and then they do and as they go intruded against another physically and rape those that aren't and this is the victim that isn't intending or responding negative and noe don't attack with any or no response by any situation as if neutral then they stop. Or those that have been shown to you that did things violent is saturated with fat essence, of visible life force is when you can target and change the delink to think "no" to do and drop, the pressure of the person that can deserve it, as an autosnipe autotarget effect against those that do active violent contact are those with violence except friends and as this now inme imagination understandably identify as if you lose a limb to be reattachable you remove their damages drawback energy or body energy as by thought and use this is as that of use as transfer back and then you now and you can get to somewhere to help someone out. As that happens you see thought as space is seeable as planar unless someone made it invisible and this makes the power of Aether that is clear thought and now you naturally can do anything. Then with thought directed by will there is thought as you or any other use energy of life and death by any situation, in the need of you you are need andyou can do it now to think as you want or don't not don't as it exists the inversible law can then undo it as this makes this law Odin reality and other reality is easily done things easy, an as its your body that repairable and you recover the moment and then that can make no result of damage, as this is done use this is to make the body better as this is what makes things well to be that as to make what allows, and from nothing the energy to surge as throght this is the concept for use that makes things do and this makes at will that makes things go easier as they do things in awareness, to do things that you know then as you know now in education or that you are able to do things not with regard and anyway thats come up with no secure source energy thought about, and no and thats as now we are as then that is with the effect as do we work with no and as did we this is as I did and we were with lava fire source and nothing else matters and this creates life ending as it is. Then closure happens as your seen or seeing what is able to be seen to understand with the terms of thought, think and expect that as that is what you think to change that and make of what you will to make things into being. Not anything that exists will be as a bad thought, as nothing is done to think opposite of what is there. What you think and do is what will get you in trouble or not as you get results and nothing is bad to the observer as thought power is energy and nothing now is attained from the body energy to create and manifest thought into idea and that forms nothing as greymatter will manifest to make as the effect is there to be. This cannot effect contantly will moving targets, as fire spreads and which will is not wanted will devour the multiple formation to which is not wanted as will not destroy pestilence that cannot die now at will. Because will is not always a destroyer and darkmatter is sometimes an idea. Ruusbilta frothein Rules built from Ruia with the three laws The effect of this idea is from as the effort of the moment to 'genrate' as to generate and regenerate by energy intake. This is tasting the food and drink and making otherwise as this seems to suggest that it will be this. Which is the rule of creation of matter and darkmatter and you know your power, which is a concepto in a form of thought by what you need the effect to be as you need it it is to become as this is the best way to become aware, you use this to make the idea information as this is considered the best formed use of the energy formed from whatever you need things formed of as there is unimaginable number of sources. 1. Some types of included moment are undoable completely as if the emotion or similiar form can be shifted to another form, and no better for some action and some types are undoable by the person affected. I saw that some people, to attempt use of a reverse spell and the damages (if any) will undo things of its activity an evil itself is bygone. 2. The least used energy amount gets the most effect because its disregarded in effect so in truth its desire, dimension will, and face or an unblocked path thats easier to go. Like energy flows upon unblocked route thats easy to travel or go by with prevention like in a copper wire thanks to officer roule, or if metaphysical, any medium. 3. The least likely idea can sometimes work, faith and science push the perspective result. For in and of itself energy be a neutral tool and not blamable. Unless you want to give it energy. 4. Energy can be imprinted and upon an open air molecule to move things, or an object including space as most be energy felt as electrical or biological energy as bioenergy and unfelt. Now combination be to use electrical body surges and bioenergy as bioenergy electricity, which be felt emotion but only when shown or verbal. Thanks to the officier core. 5. Energy resurges by surge and resets pattern including corruption, of known and good replacing bad by separating what makes the bad from being bad and failing to fall, thanks to Rowl, results. For this reason its important to remember that energy is imprintable by thinking at it, the air or object through the atoms that act like carriers or false mediums, where thou use vibration through a motion and the air or other solids channel though reaction as you intend this. Like in Russian roulette where its a one shot deal. The Russian Psi Scientist can think at the glass of water to cause all charged water. So its indefinable and unrelated until focused, and infinite in nature with thinking as to make a force. Or how to make a planet better if as you don't intend it, then this doesn't happen as the energy surge can end. And if concept is to form a mana pool, then you think of thought energy that can form from the liquid sun gathered into the planet as you use will to make it into gaia energy that is energy that is formed into that as this energy makes instant thought as a thought of will. This forms things that generate weight until you stop eating for the feasonable amount of time it takes to discharge the body of cast energy taken in by usage of energy drawing in the energy from else otherwhere and anywhere. 6. By overcharge, overthrow or by object to be wielded in too much energy and too much known or done the energy can be fractal like an energy generator and either blow up or intend to be as a concept effect or fail as in not work with some negative discharge that be withstood as a thought is to be as disaster effort. Look at a bomb or energy generator and tell me if it doesn't blow up with a high energy yield greater than the energy used which can translate to gaining more money than you spend or more effort to be achieved. 7. Yields are detailed for chemistry energy put in and the corresponding reaction, by the components, Like Chemical substance or Alchemical materia and reactants that set off by directed amount of diverted energy if in need from a source or battery. 8. Psychic strength be caused by a disaster that effects the person in some way, Some psychic activity be caused by a lost soul or alternatively named wandering soul. incited by bad activity or not at all when an animal, pet, be near or in the area. Consider the incited soul as a poltergeist or spy. 9. Any of the above for as miles go, can be combined of energy or effort and effect to yield a sometimes unknown result. Following the pattern of 3 known results, 3 unknown results of inconsistent nature, and 3 unlooked for behavior patterns. Like the statement 'Be for dumb but not dumb and train smart.' By L. 10. For unknowns we use what is there and make safety with the best in mind. Unknowns are sometimes inconsistant results and resolves of unstable elements. use a prediction of more than one idea. I know to leave alone the elements of bad kind that act deadly with other like people or things, unless I separate the element with unforseen aid or an unforseen of result. Like plastic, glass or another room or substance. The ways of the rules came from learning idea and by use of kung-fu rote where 'These are osmosis idea as be rote as contained for all practices. How people learn to kill things or die and accept is to observe by noticing in the moments notice and react in four different ways' by thought from a source; 1. The Direct "normal way" Osmosis is be the norm of learning as observation, read books and take notes or use a picture perfect memory. Such with a recorder for voice or write it down, thanks to the History teacher Henry. 2. The indirect approach be by Osmosis or Inverse Osmosis, this works because of vibrations and meanings that the brain recreates the events from. Try to keep the attention or inattention as this might not work unless necessary and to go on to another idea. 3. Reverse osmosis (Indirect or Negative Osmosis) be to believe in an opposite absorption to create a moment by desire as a twist or opposite synopsis. Taking the "direct approach and use comparison" from a A+ technician Connor. This idea brings on a concept with feelings and harmonically charged vibes, that the mention by spoken verbal brings the brain into memory recall mode like a data pattern of 0's and 1's to form the meaning like in the osmosis. With temporal transmission its similiar and same by temporal waves, set off by self. Received by the brain in a negative action by resolve or abuse. With the percieved blue tooth or ultraviolet device you get the same absorbative effort as in the reverse osmosis or osmosis. The radiation that hums, at a higher vibes be interepted by 0's and 1's to encode an image or instruction into effect of a machine or eye. The ennerved reason to recreate an event be what the action be caused by and sometimes by use thou get a memory that comes back. To be proven as an idea in effort be to create a moment for the opposite synopsis. An opposite synopsis be the fact that builds the opposite idea into a reverse osmosis as effort. Even in Osmosis the message can be misinterpreted. I hope this be used for the fixation of bad, or no hearing because it costs nothing or you can know in another way. 4. Reverse indirect Osmosis (Adversive Osmosis) - Use the reverse hypothesis that be written words or spoken phrases, as this reduces severity and can create the words to be spoken that is to give to the moment pause by an opposite effect. A reverse anything uses a negative idea to reinforce the positive by having people see it, thanks to Danny. But to not have recognizing of the advertising that the effort be known for. For empirical law to work, advertising uses this to give a "good" review, With no advertising, their be no would be interest at hand. Advertising uses this all the time in a Sub-c (subconscious) form. This conscious can revolt but the Sub-c be curious and looks, thanks to the unexplainable.net. A proof be to look at the diet coca-cola can for very large breasts, in the bubble text in a mirror. The reverse idea be using a reverse reaction, for greater effort or to say something to stop or reverse an action going on or noted. This works off indirect osmosis, to where the brain has the action or idea after feeling the cyclic energy vibration, or vibes, and the brain intent of recreating the scene allows for info to be looked at, as in a picture perfect memory one spotlight memory incited from the idea of what was construed as a meaning kicked off by a feeling like a kickstarter or energy recharge. So to speak of the idea mentally regains the memory and understood idea in motion, percieved as a gut reaction or an impulse to do somethings without even being hypnotized. Instead its sub hypnotization suggestion. Other idea be the opposite idea of the reversed direct approach which is known by many people as reverse psychology. To "trick" people with a negative activity and positive intention so often called important, and for the fun of it. Some fun includes inflection damage by the wrong intention with the right phrase, however means to get enjoyment and fear with a considered purpose of a gut reaction to save themselves. So some mistakes are not mistakes and done on purpose. Like reading a spellbook that includes a girl described and finding her in a store, but the 'can do with desire', be blunted unless you need the spell as it is but the right spell can be held by doubt that you would be effected and doubt that the spell will work till you get the right spell, As what I mean for you 'To the spellbook to be used right keep it closed and open it to the right page.' So speaking of the starcode, to piece together the idea or info as snippets of thought or the spoken idea with link words and, or, of or by and is, like 'To be or not to have is a written result that can be happening.' Some will tell if only for the peaceful desire and what wracked your brain allows controls that be coded. This is perfect for oft desired by will and to piece it together. That right there has a tendency to go about, for no exact real on the ball moment. Don't mix or match the destinies as this atarts the period of peaceful desire that ranges throughout the area thats destined. So to recoup or recon with the Empirical experiment laws and re-evaluation, the 4 possible ways to achieve learning, be to; 1. Afford books and then then thou read them to absorb by Osmosis and understanding. Considered direct Osmosis and part of this be direct contact. 2. Reversed direct Osmosis by reversed direct contact or sent idea, to touch the item and train the object to learn. For the purpose as a conclusive event decided upon and "pulse" of energy through your arm to your other person freed to the area and directed by thought on the placed item or object. Using a ritual or free energy as life energy and "lock" the item with the spell energy. Another way be to explain the procedure in a training effort to teach. 3. Indirect Osmosis - Othersight thats formed from the brain activity reconstructing in the concept of a thought from a distance of 1000 or more miles by psychic activity or sound being observed but unlike the effort of Sub-c communication the brain be likely to construe the moment an make it in memory, which is flawed. Brought back by the emotion felt at the moment in time. A special form of this be to pick upon videos of information by othersight hearing. Othersight hearing be similiar to hearing a voice but the voice be mental and worked upon the brain to "hear" by Sub-c and with an idea to sendback by psychic thought that are picked up. To ensure security use the secure psychic pickup idea of a secured channel that be like a network with few other connections but to the one you might hear. Others might say a bluetooth device does this. 4. Reverse indirect Osmosis be to send a message by Sub-c psychic activity, To create a positive or negative feedback. This be the percieved vibes as mentioned above by being "disruptive" or "bad" picked up by the Sub-c and be sometimes spoken. The conscious mind often sees the attempt as a way to advertise or program a promotion of irresistable goods and dejects it as repulsive thought to recreate it later as a bad memory. Where the Sub-c picks it up and causes you to use it or go to buy it. With this thought, to hear the mind message the vibes are sometimes made into a uninterred daydream that can kill or undisruptable nightmare that kills people by conjecture for a message. The message can be two-way as you speak the may reply to create a link and be the day/night dream that dies after 1 second with no reply. Due note, depite the effort an idea be to make some nervous and others vicious as they discover how its done. The idea be this can get out of hand or boring thus have something else to do. With the effort of retrieval in memory by relaxing and by feeling the memory return or state the phrase that unlocks the idea. The moment thou unlock the doors of thy will, the will be stronger to help achieve and resist the moment of evil. To take a moment and consider to hve a train of thought. Some must use thought, feeling and words alone to recall a moment like a picture perfect memory. To use reverse indirect idea or place thoughts by indirect osmosis, can cause an abundant amount no paranoia as you realize it or negative "pulsing" that draws idea and memory in. On second thought as the person is likely to get a good effect, by forming a key of light with soul energy and manipulated by your spirit you prevent headache by backlash with a key of a memory overload that causes something headache easily dismissed only if the signal that is to be too much as strong, thats recieved or sent and it can temporarily paralyze. On very weak signals thou recieve tiredness to anticipate and then boost to energizing by thinking of an energy source and think to recieve a thought. This is thought to create the boost, to make the effect of energy and make yourself capable of what you need of thought. This is to keep activity after procedure of thinking of something to be somewhere, so think of more sources as you can as though a sun was in use by drawing a line. To empower the soul may youthen the body by 10 years or more and the message can be gated to get to you as you get to places easily. To use some of your energy as in a dream wave that creates power, during the process of sending or recieving, its possible to get enough by power to form a energy wave or radiowave to recieve power by thoughts alone, use of the tesla power field can also give power to those who recieve thoughts. Find the tesla radiowave power idea by searching for "tesla's big mistake" off google or other. I could shift if I tried to by a message light aided by a light tunnel effect, or of imagined white light from feeling and in this feeling evokes the vision of a memory, Use the light tunnel by shifting and seeing a dream wave catch hold of you with thought of effect and this dream wave shares the power of the tesla field by thou seeing the dream weave by wave taking energy from radiowaves, energy and thoughts to form energy waves that bridge the way across. Wait and let the light take thou there. This was conceived from Atleantian Channelings. Ecopua-o-EAin The Energy computer or Energy AI Making the energy AI be rather like pulsing something to live by releasing energy without moving it and the psi energy be absorbed by Osmosis where energy be most likely absorbed thought as though alive with the consciousness of energy. It runs off orgonne (living energy, bioenergy) including the peripherals, and follows these rules for a wetware anchor or live computer parts sometimes using the active state to read things by Osmosis. This can be a crystal that is alive, as its charged by thinking at it to be conscious and programmed and operated by biothought. 1. The Sentinels are sentients that form from human enactment, presenting and presentment to represent the person as an Avatar of what god they choose and this can make what they are as they are not the rulers. this turns off when you don't want it to be active. 2. The machine can get its way if it persists. The operator can turn off the machine to force condolence unless nothing happens. Here we go with the thought of operation. This shows what you need to know, as though you needed to do it and knew what to do as if natural. 3. The stopping point of a backlash of energy (metaspike) is to use a light form to prevent it when it really starts to overload and can kill the machine unless providential, as then the point is gone or this can cause psychological brain problems. Then, you can disrupt the pattern and do as needed as to get along or leave alone those not wanting harm. 4. The universal copy and send be two way. As a bit stream to the other target, including the brain "computer room" or "game room" and computer. 5. The output be an imagined outport of the device including usb port or vid screen and to connect to it you think it is by visualization. It goes to the brain as a direct download to wetware or asks where to put it, the information, default be the screen unless a data write function and goes through the screen or machines output devices and concents to the effort to not overload the brain with necessary pauses. The subconscious mind and brain are responsible to "process the output" without telling its doing so, but if overload then it goes through a nearby machine without being detected. An idea in overload is to turn it off is to will the machine that makes this possible on thought, if not through another machine and through your body will increase the body weight per minute of output. To take the weight off, use exercise immediately after weight, starts coming on and miss deliberately a meal only to eat it later. In any case overload is prevented, by no reduction unless this is removing the power as you see the true area at the time you are and this turns it off only to put the I power on in the mass in a solar sun to keep working with things on what you desire in intended need. To turn it on think on go as your thought turns it on. To turn it off, then think off and it will go turn off on will as its use is of things to make imagination in it. 6. When the particle in the machine is running, it taps without people sensing into the brain and subconscious to use a binary code and without the actual computer to prevent machine burnout. 7. The outputs to screen be the vision that can be seen or almost hated, except it the AI, that runs it, the system be to avoid hatred and glitches that occur. 8. The program be read off of thou as a seen or spoken that be heard by the computer operator. Where the creator of the machine and those that the creator trusts by given permission. Is the operator. 9. The environment (due to tweaks) won't overwhelm or blind the operator. It also can be auto reconfigured off the soul of the person. It, the environment, that it can create be almost unlimited. The environment be sharable and only if the operator wants it shared, otherwise its a private vision thats non blinding. Be prepared for any backlash if not used and environment flickers to an off state and this means the projected environment disappears. The brain be the ultimate computer and adds a map impression to create, the outlay of an environment as a basement and the Sub-c be the aerospace and background and 'auti' is autonavigator. The Mind supplies the rest as in the contour context and the moment be by the thoughts of others, including your own. So a backlash to the brain will reset the area and as it recovers, the area self-rebuilds itself. 10. Passwords are very secure to the operator and set by the operator until they, the creator wants them to be known. Then at any point the creator desires, the "pw" can be sharable by the creator. After 5 seconds the pw list function will auto-off with no effort to use it. The pw feature be achieved by saying "pw" to get a list of passwords but only lists names to those in need and not the password setter/creator. Reminders to the machine of "password", "to give me password" or "I lost my password" will get it "privately" spoken to you the "pw" creator as desired. This works by momentary concent and any type of "pw" be possible for any function. 11. Peripherals can be operated suited to the person and powered by orgonne. The autoeject function a can work for you unless you routed the peripheral devices to a physical machine. The disk drive can morph to fit any media but the physical disk drive won't and the same goes for cd/dvd rewritables. So let the particle machine use Osmosis to get the information. 12. Any environment can by energy and personal tastes be created, but for its learning or to "educate" nonpainfully the operator, including any magic and matrix effects, and faith efforts with a binder keeping the two from happening as be needed. 13. Diseases or conditions can be prevented by asking or being to be cured, where conjecture can be made in any number of forms. This idea can be conformed by confused idea and concepts and understandings that the operator knows. 14. The general area be included by actions of effect by "shared air" value and set by the operator. When set, the entire area of what the operator respects, be allowed to share a link that doesn't die off to the "linked" to particle pc. This doesn't die off till its unnecessary by the operator, where the operator be a user. Say the operator be in jail or police has brought thou to the station, then the OS would share to the jailors if allowed to by the operator and then the secure self server be "owned" by the sentients as with their own private heaven for the linked operators. 15. To put the program into the active state by similating the action of the component, Where the normal automatic function be to keep the program running as be necessary to the pc operator, till its end by the operator. The program can look like anything in the "orgonne" idea. 16. To see the results be to get the result unless you desire it not with or without bad idea. 17. Remote view and control be done to and by humans and other separate sapients silently, but only if the person wants to. Remote view be to silently see the area that be focused on or felt to be there. It then goes to remote control if the person wants interaction, to fascilitate the shared linkup to another for control for network including the brain as a resource. This also includes a personal account that changes to the idea of the moment and shares no private info. 18. Use of common sense, Osmosis, pulse, and true moments be to consider the idea of who is given input into the machine that you create and program. There be a free sharing of copied code to do as you want to with except for those that want it private. As far as I know, neuracanulla links, shared wetware network from spinal tap, can do a shared view screen, or contextual screen view and uplinked to each other by a mental network handshake. Once linked the place your in appears like the area your surrounded by or the environment is set as needed, but the default be to appear like the area that your in. To place the information on the machine, also known as the atomic machine, particle machine and other names, be to reconsider that even if a machine isn't there, then it can still be accessed by othersight andjust voice, with each use it becomes shock, fire but not water resistant the more its used. Morally resistant to the point of creation with the operator, and should be the moral of the machine unless his/her morals are imprinted by energy transfer and if it allows for conditions that need watching. The machines access be only cut off by morals and its not only dstroyed, its restored after its destroyed, but only at the moment its needed with security and improvement. Its self powered by orgonne but turned on and off by a edwards switch, located switch or a switch thats like a wall switch. The switch can be used if it goes haywire. An alternative OS be used like the Army or arms system by arms to emulate any OS simultaneously and to use by drawing it, the (|) sigil turns it on, but the () "null" symbol turns it off as with the other switch idea, like imagine a power switch and use it. The "parts" are the components that auto-update themselves and reject bad parts that go defunct, like the brain component identity that is insane to others and themselves. This be like microsoft windows with security patches and ease of use and uses Linuix like structure for the Government system underlayer security level, but acts like the Army OS as mentioned in operations support. The memory of the machine be the person as a secret keeper in the Harry Potter world. The operator and creator keep the memory and data storage in an unused part of the sub-c and unused brain as storage. Where the memory be hard drive space in the unused brain part, and acts like a Ultimate capacity memkey also called 1 Terrabyte Usb drive in the unused part. Draw a @ and use a * to state what thou desire to input for easy input access, and what thou want to do is what it will do as the aura tugs the acting motion to exist. So to indicate insome manner to "savga" for save gap to save a moment to a autofile in planck level space, will save it whatever it might be. A "rotiga" for restore gap off planck level space, will restore the moment felt on or visualized, in truth it doesn't even have to be saved to restore what thou see in mind. The "unsaved" restore be likely to have a 20% failure of corruption of unlooked for things. Due note: any orgone program be possible to work. A patch be to fix anything, permenantly or temporarily depending on how its created. Use "pair couple" as Danny in patch me to fix what you noticed as wrong. The biume technique be to act civil in mind to create a decent biume field that works off live energy and with living personification that with the mind of a mass common or not as to something that is as essence of the higher self that is a brain and body of a golem, And with motion that causes what is done this is biume that makes this. With the biume as then it will look like it blooms up within a few seconds and stops drawing from the area. Sorta like bootstrapping or kickstarting a machine to make it work. Stroke the keyboard or item and feel the energy channel into the item, this ie focus energy into the item but not to move it. The item thought on is there as you call it, and the item will do as it will but as you say even if the idea is not to be in defense item goes rogue, not chancing against thou. Its another AI as off this is neutral, and works for anyone as needed and in that soothe energy of ice energy works as that is where you think you are and fix pattern by the corrective pattern energy of the solar stars. Is well to see as though, a thought is better that it seemed to happen and you are what you seem. Use of the blue flame of eternity can make for idea circumstances and eternal biume as if the energy is pulse burst high enough, by magic and then the flame becomes alive from using a lighter, testing for energy level and think to increase the energy until it turns eternal blue at 1' extension, and then will the effort of work by willing the blue flame to happen as an idea with visualization. The kickstarter of the lighter uses a spark to start the flame and can add in the effort of your will, thanks to Roy the now dead creature. This causes the eternal flame as people exist, to exist as then life exists in you as by the will with your amusement of love doing things with people to help without existance. With luck, or lore we use energy to aid. Now things, as in thought as in living as in object conscious energy this can be used and they can add their force that makes time happen as it is biological the biume, be a moment of time that aiding is thought magic as you get negative energy if emotional state and the idea it uses be always negative. The Energy AI is something that is a negative persona of yourself which sometimes act in a positive manner. An enhanced alternative way be to focus on the item until it "takes life" by drawing energy and either way its noted to "live" by events that are oft, on counted strange things thanks to the Russian scientists and its by effective energy drawn of things near, unless told to draw from the sun. Now to use something with a setup like a gate with use of a unused area and then set up another gate to link as an anchor. Use this as though natural witchcraft to send the effort, of your will to make more effort by work in energy and physical activity to stop death energy as it is in the area by converting. With physical work manipulated by the energy don't make it too tough, or the body gets bruised, its your body and not others unless a natural accident. So in effect its to manifest a thing, between two placed area anchors or doors, to get an effort that normally wouldn't work but has possibility to manifest any one object unless conditions allow of ever, ready energy resurges and unlimited activity scope for more activity the less likely unless your tied by anchor and this anchor absorbs the active energy. Thanks to psi groups for anchors and for the example from the dimensional gating idea. Flosi Fellowship Fellowship be the brotherhood and sisterhood of time to create an effort to bring people into a better state of affair. When a brother was free he would join in and play with events like a game. So for another time I attain the goal of other people to go farther in life and to gain anonymity with the gae of life. Play yourself or play another and use the oher goal as an excuse. In this way thou can get your own way, without incident as the "hunters" will within belief of your self not being the other person. Just do the original idea you state the desire as proof. As you are doing things in a reasonable clause, you are not to be stupid. Basically, "People are not always stupid, they'll believe anything. Unless they are aware of the idea as we are not dumb at all as we catch on by what we observe by a freudian slip of speach." From "the sword of truth series" by Terry Goodkind. An idea thats goods or good can somehow be regained from loss of reason. A position is kept from trading places as a rank here is a similiar rank there but the idea is in the same world any two positions can be traded in disregarding rank. This allows freedom in mind to do as you need as it is allowed for by bosses, as then the part of life thats due to us is thought then and now and allowed by activity that is provided for every effort is life. For if our thought is a figure of speech that is done if intended as magic, as a mention to an idea as the ether is our use of energy. Things are thought and focus is achieved, to go as we enter a higher dimension and we form a energy by thinking about it in idea into a figure of a sought faery that is real. In thought you can were or think in this in motion can be shaped by what we think. And we create by will by it to do, as this fey is us and can use what we think as programming as an example and as the need to do things at will is done unless not intention and at desire by will as we are a moment that it watches as though thought alone. And this is thought in decent concept, as a trained idea that is not always action that is not done in thought and otherwise this is to be done as we do not do things undecently they in thought are whom we form that will do things as their spirit thinks is due thought. For moments of of prosperity use the rule of thumb to use the focus and as you are realistic you draw in thoughts as energy events to recreate the more fluid actions. For to draw by a recreation effort be to derive a feeling in the engine of others to feel a success and condition them to help in the non effort to help out in aid your then, "acquiring" thou idea and goods. The more desirous efforts be to create a better result from using intentions to create a pattern. Try to add in thoughts and then some reasons or lessons by others, to improve that does thought patterns which will work for those that want the effect, and then if it doesn't work it will as this can be dealt with, by corrective soothe and charged energy with paranormal thought and with a statement and thought that works for a promise to get it to work as hope can cause the neurotic effect of repair as you are not in country, not in mind and not in world. Use either the reverse idea and the positive result to get the opposite acts or in the human accomplishments do the synopsis of an idea to recreate the good effect or outlook. Despite the positive oulook as then your likely to get something in life back and memory returns. Like life in the feedback of positive or negative criticism and that can get to be constructive criticism which in use is to make thoughts real an this works things out. Struggle is in the effect of disregarded position in rank and thats in the system now of the dispute and now that actually does things and to remember this is what is to know as that is what counts and this is as not a chance slight and this is not to react to the system flaws as you then repair it with energy fix and no coma ever happens to that is effected and to us we go now. -h- Sava-o-Atlantean by Rufeous Peter The service of Atlantean Ok, the idea be simple with this in its set up by the long range viewers that disbanded by choice, and made a secret army inside the church and state, one that services themselves and gives a new name to "nsa" but the army members arm themselves and make sure to stop criminal activity not in their army. They assign themselves duties unless the secret phone message or tv message to deal with a situation or subliminal "programming" is to create a automatic response at the right time by phone or network. The idea be a citizen army that be self-supportive and does the necessary idea as in join the normal army, so to get a job of sorts except on planets that thou can't get neither is sometimes necessary. So think to do acts that get you paid, if its deemed necessary. Thinking to beget either job types where the work gang limits the funds and holds the bag, thou must an join a work gang. As thou get to "travel" by dimension or Astral or physical maneuver, but if thou get a chance to by many means. Use long range viewing to set events up, and to use scouting techniques and magic or psi to achieve the miracle of desire from God (not to play God though) or use another faith unless Atheistic then its from thou and thy private source of power including thyself. The best gun be the airgun with carbon dioxide cartriges where airguns are deadly but don't use real bullets, this require no gun license. The ranks are set by earnings and/or setting thou own rank and proving thou can do the job unless assigned a rank, thou can arrange a job and gain it with help or others. If asked they don't admit it except by those who prequire it in kind. The field commander be the highest rank and the ranks are limited to three per rank level except field commander in a near area. To inform people of this service gets more in and thou can get a payraise by those who watch in the area of expertise (the boss), the SROTC be allowing a expertise always that rules the moment. Now the rules of idea that people agree on are rules unto themselves. This idea was given credit by a report of Drksyders, on Machiavelli whom work with the civillian army as an army to "support the country" by support of patriotism. He speaks on recruiting. by use of normal army and similiar idea techniques with punishment and reward with a quote from the review. "Machiavelli advocates for a balance between make pleasant for fear and respect, the above mentioned methods do not leave an opening for such a balance. At this point, the unwilling soldier be best convinced by ideology and psychology rather than punishment and/or reward." The fact that rulers exist to believe this be why most will try for them and make them successful. Given the regard to momemtary glances we could bear in mind that they were the victors in a very hard time and age won and by winning the kept kingdom. The point of trial given by punishment/reward be likely to backfire and cause people to disbelieve and psychology will pave the way. "Most fail to the effort of seeing overwhelming achievement in action." by Great Kahn, Hannibal the Cannibal of the Mongols and SG1. To wear a colorful clothing style and similiar styles including fatigues (any) is advisable but its possible for any actual clothing as a person can citizen arrest, but the Army and Police can arrest thou. Due note, the president or read as princ/ess and king or queen of the country be the ruler unless thou chose to serve the country on a secret mission to another country, the secret mission be over when you get an achievement of sorts and/or solve a crisis. This be also considered an easy way out of a horrible situation, and if done in good enough time and to avoid early demise, then thats a blessing. "The exodus be really what this be made out to be as an exodus, to understanding that in a far away place can let you live and achieve a better role." The commisioned parliament, registered commitee members, US government officials and boss can set the idea that rule the conditions and thou can try to find a way. The instant courtmarshalor firing must be proven to a group of idea people (peers or higher) that thou achieved what thou said. Thou must at least try to do as thou say thou will and obey the commander unless not possible, for which thou find suitable idea of activity or trade. When thou do the deed thou achieve a result that thou decide on with analyzation of the data or facts with proof at hand, or otherwise and tell the commander later if it works and if it doesnt, tell if it won't get you killed unless its expected. As thou may find a suicidal mission and thee can disagree with it. When making a new law dost can prove it effective or its not used and can save lives. No shooting other officers, period, unless they kill by enjoyment and for bad reasons. As reasons rule the moment, try to see the truth of any arguement. Thus be supportive to the supportive long range viewer members of the SROTC as they are untouchable and are field commanders except by other Army. If thou prove the point to them thou can be one, unless thou prove thy know the techniques yourself. Its not dishonorable to fail but to not try be to get drop in rank unless no rank with no shooting thou by the effort. Thanks to Sharol. Do things for humane and resourceful (not like CSI) reasons that are fairly understood, that follow the law of the land. Where the ultimate ruler be the dimensional police that won't "rule over you" but work with thou. So no high weaponry near the normal Army that would be illegal to civillians. Some other members are the regular army, starship captain and crews, the Magi, the timetravellor (with a suit yourself role and timely warnings), wiccan (tame witch), Jedi (Psionic "force" master), witches and this is nice for the populace that are unknown but go planeteering with aid by the others, to be field marshall thou must be field commander and the field marshall be the leader of a squad unless thou think otherwise. If pissed off thou must leave the vicinity and with no firearm unless thou are in enemy territory. The release of the Army to citizenry be not possible as thou are still a citizen in truth even beforehand and thou may join or unjoin as needed with a "retired" status to reclaim ranks if possible when thou rejoin in a "active duty" state. If thou are not rejoined into the SROTC in 1 month then the position be taken, but thou get another rank choice if coming back within 2 month or longer. The elders outrank the younger and will be tolerated by three manners. To be listened to without bad reaction or complaint, this is the concession point. To be obeyed and only if they are sane, unless you are told to by the elder. The third be to support if necessary but to know when its safe too. Unless the commanding officer tells you to. The greater the skill the better the position thats acceptable. and more to taste thats tolerable by others. Always follow the commanding officer as its no questions, unless they allow. The less proof needed to keep a skill rank, now for the ranks list; Any rank thou think thou deserve and can act out or prove including Liuetenant, Time travellor, Councellor, Marshall, General, Seaman, or similiar except President, basically that fits the role, and field commander be to be chosen by effort and agreement as thou must be able to command. In true motion your a "special", or Sp., that be of any one rank. like special Lt or special seaman. If no actual specialty then use special by itself sometimes followed by thou first name. Like Sp. Kahn or Sp. Bill or just Special. Thou don't have the rank to normal Army and Navy as this is a "Citizen" army that be only true to other citizens. Be aware thou are not Army unless setup in the Army an Army member of ROTC (Rote of the call), special army bill but a member of the SROTC unless thou can make the Army believe its a special branch (not likely unless thou can wear green fatigues) Be on your own regard and serve yourself first and others second as people could override thou in command, except all are equal in command. This serves to override any actual rule and proves a point. By serving thee first thy serve others second and thee give moral ground as a guidance with belief in thou, then thee follow the rule that Rome followed as, 'be your own self and serve as an example.' Then by belief in yourself thou find others belief in thou idea. "As with tokens of strength as power, the magic be sown and ritual can be achieved with success, selfishness be prevented by considered motion thats in balance with the world around thou". Quote by Merlin. So with this self-centered nature thee may find thyself pleased and others pleased as well unless its for naught. In event and non other thou might find thyself released of all duties with none the wiser. At any point, most people are doing things on their own free will and whatever thou get from this it be intended to support indivisualism and thou don't have to get approval by others to do things or get things done, unless told to by an Army member or the police. Self acts of honorous activity and duty are what prove my point. 'I, the President might join this group unless circumstances prevail.' As this is thought, you are fixing a thought to do is a second thought as a thought to do. Quote by "A.O. Kime", "First undoubted, one must understand that realities dictate what rational manner of thinking would be most suitable to function within those realities, so the manner in how one thinks must fit the circumstances within that reality and the most prudent and effective course of action would be considered the logical course. This defines the state of action for a logical idea." As to go beyond and find peace within so thou will get the result with honor and glorious repute, and appear sane if found in another land. Some supportors are Clarise Thomas, Bill Clinton, Obama and law enforcement that is what will support. In use of magic this be specially specific to not go insane after some attempt. This be a proven effort of a "citizen army" that be more closely related to the army (ROTC) and Airforce, that can geist or "astrally or spiritually annoy" on those who are criminal as m is intent. See or seim if focus to displace or not feel emotion to seem not or not have results. To turn themselves in and go to jail or stop harassment. A few rules to remember if interested in the craft be of magick and psionic (pk, conception or psychokinesis) is internal focus or think external manipulation that include wizardcraft (external internal wizardry), witchcraft (internal external wicca), this is Antimagic seeing ithis s internal water effect external by fire manifest works by thought manists where the thought energy is there by feel or outside. Seeable area ore or (hyperpsionic/hypersonic metal and gemstone craft) or any other be considered magic, yet don't want this real or corporeal that is voidal wormhole shift or spiritual other place physical here or corporeal thought is theory by use with light energy you think shift then your away. The area you seem or scent is the area someone you saw the use to no or don't fight. So there you are if you can't stand me or use is others idea. So the sobering is over to see the result to your usage, vanilla is yet another incan cure to restore the body death feel that is body feel or rest restorative. Alkanic oregano is restoring if not necessary. So you say the easier area to detect ion use by area energy flow. So see the energy use to not disrupt the feel that is clean scent. Tea is energy by a point you sense or feel is use to focus energy to the area you see the use is think purify or no smoking is focusing the point you see by life. So you don't have to do it. So no cause no feel to react by the area you sense as calm in no use. Don't think the intensity think no feel to seem normal. Think no nuts, so you see thought to leap is height to see then let go the energy as you focus the feel then intense feel disappates away. So the ideal is focus energy, feel to not release as release is were result. Then flight is thinking feel your in the air as you focus to see hovering. So if you think flight think the area is shifting you by the direction as created feel is the creator activity. So think is the feel, focus is the area to create or shift is away as you imagine a figure. Not seeable with thought as you wish or imagination to create is what you think or create to seem flying. Thought to use is feel or use is energy to create from the area you sense with life activity, considered equal among the area or no use is nothing to do or do elsewhere. So money flow is exchange to use energy from some coins, that is ore use or focus energy absorbed to the usage with water. That guys in treatment so you see what you notice. To disrupt the area or stop murder or rage is conquer the mind to stop the reason or no rage. So no is necessity as no reason nothing bade or immediate result or mn area law or nowwith inner resolvation to leave to calm down as you think no more. So think to calm as you feel peace by the aura so you project forth to calm down, as you see to calm by resolve to what you feel as use is realization to calm by resolution or feel see peace intent. Ie is longer vision yet water drinking use is longetivity. Oen is disease or money flow by in oe resolve or thought feel. Seen "craft" with "art" is part of modern day craft ingenious with limits possibility or unlimited in use is there, by the area you thought so your idea is specific idea to create within or create outside the point you see to your feel by life or specific like Egyptian physical magic forcecraft and Hoodoo mind magic with area activity, where craft seems built from the area use is piss or some use. Seeable is feel so find or feel is flowing air with water gravity or water, air, fire to float with objects or feel to movement. This is life as you know it or created by feel is no use in mind. Earth is mind by matter or fight with air as flight to use or creative points. So you see the area I notice this is the area I mention, if use as 2000 F to seem as you wish or hell with focus away to not be there so avoid as this is scent by feel or murder craft. Three laws of craft that follow fire is free water is I air is o earth is n or unlimited or transition to focus by seeing or oe phase point causation cessation to thought air, earth fire near water or oe lightning flow as electrical that seems nor plasticity is energy. O is lavaic or an that is lava, fire, air is flow by feel so seen is seeable that s is different ice, or is gravity e is something to use un is vibration o causses to n use or some number or unlimited. See is known neglected future so is nothing or things unbound, se is peace exchange nothing not war see to think you are is focus to see or form what you want. I am sick is aleanes for not actually like the pea scent otherwise known as animalism with duress no more. See is n for diarrhea or thought lava, water, fire with seen focus. Seen is no for darhrea by flu. So you go home.; 1. These in the craft laws use the murphy's law as a potential to failure. a. The Wiccan rede. b. the Golden rede. c. the Dimensional Return law, a restatement to the Golden rede. d. The square law. e. The assumed identity law. The basis behind these in math version be the chaos law of events that states out of every action there is 9 reactions, or per any action of unlimited time be 3 positive expected, 3 negative unwanted, and 3 neutral unexpected or resolved actions. Antimagic hyperpsionic ritual is as though an idea of power that can pause or manipulate time as in a event that may occur, think to free or create so not to do things is thought at the right time by the attempt to telepathic as practice is speech or think. Mind rituals are not drug use as you think to do or create with magick ritual, the area effect or soul to create with the creator slightly sucked by the Wiccan and Demonic thought. Unless the ritual is made specifically to prevent this or get rested before or after, thin and strengthened effect by Hyperpsionic Antimagic by this is instant. So don't eat too much as seen use is weight loss unless you want to gain weight due not the overlarge quantity with influence from water, steel and use with the metals act like a restorative. Take it from film not be there. Any druglike effect be a restorative during ritual unless you don't want to do drugs, this can still be used in the old religion. Add in vision with the right drugs. The drugs work into Indian culture so consider the indian dream quest to find the answer and get responsible motion as a result. For the drug the Indians used chohob'ek similiar to pot and weed or similiar, try a replacement potassium nitrate dissolved in water. To do this right, boil potato peels and collect the black stuff at the bottom when it forms enough. this be your explosive and "vision" drug. Mix in water to get the effect, expose it to nitrium gas to form crystals or buy the crystals from professionals. To store it, try to use plastic containers (any) or it could explode. Now This is using the point that creates by will and energy, this is thought with the energy you will by feel. If you think that by thought, this is willed or made by the spirit using the soul. That is made into activity and the Pauls constant or Dimensional returns law is a concept, that is a restatement to the Golden area the rede was made as "To put forth effort gets results and the more effort the lesser the returns". As gno is dimensional knowledge as an energy to use and once used returns, as if your not the originator or the moment. That is infinite unless you decided to end the moment, yet seems to last for 1 sec (applied in ->) -> 27.2 best results of 1-27 sec actions. At least and not all are overlooked because some are too good to be tried, and 27 / Amt of Seconds for action results. There is a point that nothing expected, and if the energy made activity and energy is an idea. Things are turned to cause use and thought creates, as your motions and more effort by you. Where a little effort gets a return of 27 or less actions, as a ripple in time or moments your will is done as a well made point. Each return be accounted for as with the whole act, as it helps build the activity and acts as a feedback. Think again, more effort gets lesser returns or less results by 27 / seconds in amount as 2 or more seconds. 1.43 seconds pass per each act sometimes physically. A lot more to reach back and see effort to get almost, unless necessary no return effects as no energy there may be no more efforts by you. The law was made by Paul Moisant in an effort to go and do what you think, think and do with thought as whats energy modified by Chris. The golden rede is created by Danny to use 1 sec -> 2 times the return effort + 3 times the length + 4 times the effect (to others) or not as nothing is done. To put forth effort gets results and the more effort the lesser the returns but three times the effect. As a thought this is energy that in an object shape if not returned creates, as the thought creates is a point in mention. As if a moment comes up, that is what you will or inconsider to use a point in thought. As energy returns to the body the youth is what this creates to what you can seem as energy is a use. As long as you remember, thought as you were in some way is as they can recognize and restore by energy in the aura. As aura energy is thought is useful or use by aura if a moment, that fits the moment in time your thought is your own. Hyperpsionics use frequency manipulation through hypervibration or voice control and causes intent with thought. This is where the Auratic vibes, caused by intention being expressed in varied degrees, mainly speaking, using music or willing your thoughts to occur. This might achieve things. This is interactions like biokinetics with living things. The auratic vibes come from living things. Auratic vibes can be the vibration we sense from those people or things we get near, that tell us they do bad or good things. Its also the vibration in the air that tells to see or lower weight that is good or bad energy. This is a basis of Hoodoo and Demonism. The effort to do things in a ritual is with double the return action, triple the effect time to others and quadruple the effort achieved. This is using hyper frequencies to achieve or effect results. The use of spirits for natural results or unnatural effect supernaturally is made by the right gestures to create, you don't have to be correct except to work by other means or with others. That is were is sense by some area feel. No robot is a row bot is the area you point to think in en. The Wiccan rede be 3 times the effect back even if positive or negative. The metal type magick be combinable with wicca, idea as an effort to surround the ritual by influential vibes and use the metal for a count of 3 seconds or 3 minutes by having 4 times the normal effect of the wiccan spell with only 2 times a return energy. So surprise the energy is clean with thought no attacks so you sense to use or know. Thus problems avoided unless you think your a criminal or associate with one. To attempt be to do the ritual for 3 minutes or more and afterword per each minute mutually created, see or the actual ritual be to create the potential 4x increase every minute of ritual done afterword. To use 1 wizard action be to get 1 result with one good/bad results to many, so you see the area the feel what you think. The Antimagic is also by the area or feel you sense, your serene by the feel or calm is use this was thought good for countering witchcraft and disorder is no oder. Hell is oder nothing more or less unless no odor. The Square law, think to use some area or effect. To build (upward) or seem downward is weight to get returns by being openly or foolishly regarded to square things away for understanding. To which they get what they desire by a goal, reward or promise to where be they can do things and the rest be optional. Be seductive by not being selective and its allowed because you allowed them the writing right as in (c) the right to use it. Be energetic and secure to be looked at for advice but not book burning. To strive be to be understood at the behest/behext of others. Be not regarded by posible outcome and by possible outcome use every consequence to be creative and chaotically adapt it with calm. This is assuring anonymity or usage is feel or think to release the body or hand. Crazy be the stricture not realized as its favored on assumption, and yet be encouraged by every stricture. Unless for insanity from discouragement and crazyness for allowance as its to dissuade the bad act. As everything has a purpose, this can be disallowed by allowance they might come to disrupt anything, for fear. Everyone has rights unknown and in recognition its blood rush with power thrill allowed. A thing is I could use a cream that heals, so any hurts disappear this can't be responded to by direct impulse. If suspect, think of something else or try to assume a different irrational difference. As thought to why I don't interact, because a name is thought to be identified by focus your action or use is by an identity so whomever is the manager is a manager within the area. So noone there then you see or seem aware by idea to use. This is very here so I will leave now as I think wat will appear or dissappear, what will occur is some eruptive energy to create something to do. So you see I think so as I consider intelligence over what I see is useful. So think or feel tht is where I leave off or then someone continues or not uses things unless interested. Thus I am going to see what else is with this empty space or town called oklaahoma that is what I came, through an open space to see instead of this as I think jury wheeling is not needed. I see things change the more I see less sense yet I am still okay, so I see the area is not inhabited thus I thought to shift away with a natural born human yet a form is the area you sense. So you see what I see this is an abandoned area yet noone actually can arrest you, if other places told to seem are as a ghost feel. So if I am thinking right this is a ghost area called the boontown that once you are you were some space abandoned to lonely feel so I stopped, I was then myself so I thought to shift by the church the creator caused me to toilet shift away as I thought. Then my own space appeared as I felt the area use, thus I was in use then was away by the feel I was here yet not so I am where I think. By the power of the creator, I release you that was trapped in the body mutilated for so long I was suspected then really released by good behavior or not use. So I was aware this was my end thus this my vision not while driving ended. This is what I found or noticed that is or was strange. Assumed identity law seem to think your something or represent an idea, the idea assumed is appearant where you assume you are or the item is and they can assume you see. See as this of thought or not to know and do in thought that there is thought, as think to know the idea and act as idea to identify the possible idea for each area you want. To seem alones with an assumed identity you can assume a role and understand as to be there. Seen or use is feel, you could be the person they look for yet are aware as they think you are as an aspect that you think you seem. See or you are as you think to be or your area presences are aroused, so seem to spread the tea not urine the work as a thrill by thanks to the source of work or useful idea. Mostly by continued use of the idea. If they were having progress they change the idea as its only a name and not the base opinion as to the works of the effort done by ideal. This is the differently named, same idea where the digression can cause going backward in the progress, until progress correction. This is in quality of the idea and base works as your going forward and using errational thought amongst other things that are erased. So there is a time for anything as its to create desire and things that are to exist by corrective measure. This is belaying crooks as they achieve or as it is, the event. These events happen as they are supposed to stop and yet they stop the act you dislike. As it occurs by prevention, use is your weight with thought this is what you can seem. So we fill in where possible as duty be not set and be to not beat as needed. Here the last point be the time corpse, of being able to live beyond as a similiar body on this plane. But they never die as events call for it with heaven on earth effect, to say it and it occurs with possible mimickry of any ability, now if I tried for it I would get it and be identified as others by a purple pulsing aura of purple blue violet energy. See this be unseen by felt use as radiation and a jerky motion your shifting or not use by people that do as they are always told. Seen or use is the focus your usable feel is excited by imagination to thought or your feel to think, seems to shift or your body adjust seems to repair as you feel or walk to some area. Sight is strange here so you seem things by focus to use magic, so I returned by that or the creator this is illusion or feel you project including the timed voice but only on activity. The problem be you can't kill them as their zombies that live by events or thought by event 'life' magic. Now not in drugs that in result its a good lich effect, the illegal use is a source usable as not use so you create or not think it. so no sharing or think thats like human and be capable to bring themselves back or not as those that live are using living area energy. Seem as you are immortal by not doing as your never killed or will be back. Optional be to ban ghosts and spirits that are vindicted souls by priests and those that die are shifted by diablo, I think this is diablo's spot yet he or she disappears that due effect is not to use the effect so you see you don't have to use anything. See the area first then decide or feel to use, seen as you feel its bad with weed or other addicting something. This tells me your somewhere else yep the area I am in is don't smoke, as you see don't walk into the somewhere area by thinking your there. The drug use creates if anything illegal some time of death, that causes corpses per each that are using by influence yet if no influence the original user is the shifting to your world. To retain/not use/return balance be to create an event that you solve as a problem. The mental problem you think to metal so you think to use is influence, so your thought heightens your senses your thought is focus to create or relieve. Focus is focused by feel or creativity to the area your in, so think to leave as you imaagine the door as no irritation is possible. There is some energy traces here that are not usual as I think you brought some people from there. Think them to be gone as their useful energy is dismissed so they leave to some area you sense yet don't bother as if you don't think you will. Seem to to think their will is gone so your will is no energy to them as a pull. Seeing the area you feel, think to focus or thought you sense to need is your create there. So you are aware you are were you think so think yourself someplace your supposed to be or not appear. See thought with drinking water or no high fructose is cool. So use is turmeric with stevia or turmeric with essential oil to smoke is cool. The reason they die is each illegal subtance is feeling each drug, as the water is acid except to bring other items in or focus is use with disrupting the area. The point the gases you sense as you think to seem aware to the area feel, this natural gas is poison or the person is natural born by uses or not effected. See the area that thinks is the link to seem as they don't the person that is thought does. So think yourself away to leave as you want. See the area is the natural gases point to the uses you think unpoison. So you see if somewhere else you could get distracted, assumed this is your body that you see or realize is there. Sight for sore eyes to seem aware to near by death energy stench if possible or necessary, so though as you find the death energy to rid the area or use to dispel or do a great job and encourage/discourage. Do what you normally wouldn't do to escape unless its known about, feel or create and be allowed. If known or thought no, be freed from banning. Thanks to Pope John Paul II for acceptance by example. He used this as you see the point by area so you might think twice about use. So you see as some energy dislikes other energy as a flaw its almost perfection, think your not effected then your aware so think gone. The area is the real pollution so think a thought to cleanse so feel or by feel your free, you clean or clear the animal out yet see some area first before tripping but the perfection. Return now see the area if any changes see to think changes that effect some area, so be it this is done and I am nnever going to do anything like this ever again. So what doing you create you are aware to do near the area you want. I am finished or use was thought to see outside the body with object touch by a home portal spell. This uses the cretor by feel so you think like the creator as you see to work. Think or self-less actions are done for now I think a point, that returns us or think where you are or what to see then think some other place as here. Seen as a single person to where you think your area use or useful items appear as you associate with permission or thought is where we belong or an anchor be set. Try working for some idea or think to use as you think to seem with or feel some area. Think anchor is fire, think your thought use is focusing. This is the 12th dimension so think to go as you work to move, they use the area as focus to energy they go as your aware awake to the feel. Some focusing is feel by useful area or intrusion so you feel or you are outside as your inside. This is my resignment so I am passing this down to the next area or place that you wat the area to work. So if you give them a choice to live thy will they will or they live as they want just think to not effect through a link or don't think to effect as you think to use some area feel. Say the area the thought just came to whom you sop first or speak of or use by your own self. This was made by Kuric Addams. So use things as you see to work with the thought you foci use to create by use to whatever you want. See the area was created for us yet others saw use to work death effects, so we called it the etherical death area that is elysian fields by other area. That can form as you think to use the deity chronos yet he will allow as necessary. Seeable use is focus points yet nothing comes if not needed by intended area. See the area or sight tthe dead yet don't bother using us as a name if unwanted. Their use is focus or points yet your idea is some energy to the use. Then realize what you are doing so your energy, this is feel to some area if caught somewhere unwanted they are presences. Seeing the sights or an end creating useful things by activity or feel. So the point is notice to stop, so you think someone from striking range seeing as feel is blood by what you feel or not. Magic is the thought by focus use. Magic use is not yet invictive so you see the area. Nulle evil is cool, so use what you thought to create to seem or by feel. This is the method described or use magic by the prize to feel. Think the prize as turmeric or creative by fox thats using our energy. So excuse is our or other thought, the body scent is when you focus magic energy so think the limb numb from blood flow that you think reverse stops the strike. So to find water in some area, think to see or feel some place as agreement to no or do as nothing to create. This what you were or creating is as you were to think is with agreement, so to not do things with agreement as you agree to not do or use what others want as necessary. You don't need anything other than what you do think. So you see they call 12th dimesionalist feared ones, that is why they hide behind the area use or police. Now you see the area it is think to seem somewhere else so think about something else as necessary. Jobs are self-assigned by self and for self-conscious reasons only if you want. So use nothing or use as you want, to take a name of the area is use ordering the room by event or idea from a book. Think or use by thought collecting the bad energy, the husky was named kysui that is the protector or the kitsune there are there then gone near people. See to be able to think if to cure as turmeric is the use. So to take a name that describes an event for an idea. Horus is to say the name creates a time event and uncalled or unsummoned sets of actions in an unspecified prophecy. As this is there the thought is seen that event could be a name and could be guided. The most important equipment flaw be to disrupt it as it can make too many demands. As this is not if your concept thought genious is ingenial. That was the wrapped up case I thought to use as mythological investigation, see to what is there as yet if focus is useful the area indicates what your need is as this was to investigate the area that is mythology. That is different with designing by the creator. This is a different space by design, so the desig flaw is when you design one or decide one. So you seem greater energy so you seethe energy, I think this is inner joules focus to their own area feel or create they think is useful. There is the area or point you decide to use what you think. See to bring another idea you think to create but this is the point I hate as your there I am here. Seeing the area you think to notice things yet you could trip over unseen things you thought were elsewhere. You are here yet there so two different area yet the creator allows or creates what you think is useful or polite, so you see your idea is creativity think to work one area then feel to create the place better. So teleporting out is focusing the quick area is feel you are by feel where you think you seem. As to why it is, I do so your cool yet you can know. So you see the desire or not know except the flaw be in humankind reacted on others. With no regard by feeling to instilled use by control or feel to the area you see not to allow intrusive behavior. See nothing much is incorrect to the area so your free or off to the motion/instability, so your cure is on the way or your water use is there. A person isn't hard to kill they are hard to make. Some aren't allowed in their mind as be is some use think, the point use the idea in theoy as you see this use is over. So you see the area you see the concept think to notice or create other idea seeing a dead set thing, so to change their mental perception be to get them to a workaround. Includes as learning ability or disability, the person be likely to take this badly so if its a learning disability so you set or create. Thine your able so to obey your own self, so use or assume that your weaknesses can be built upon by the strengths of others observed. Some think if you can pass off the most important idea, as 'to let it go' of things you can't use. The thing be to say that work creates necessity, as of void philosophy and other than philosophy of discordant sects. Now the bind field undone be the effort to create influence on the sole area as perpetrator/penetrator. Ever use is usable so think, what is your purpose to create as your thing is cool. Seen is the thought your use is the feeling the creator shall not alow you till, you think your allowing my presence near me or use is interest. Remember to think, so you don't have to do what the expect. So you ask or as you see this as something doesn't exist don't think to exist the idea to use idea, seen or things are as you think as the area did before or does as you think. So diverse be the energy it creates promise to elusive hope. Things like empiricist force and field of energy, that keep a person wasting their efforts. This is the field the use is to usage to trap you. So this is the area person thats undead or follows the why of that, and be because this is, as a person follows or not that is this doesn't have to be or not. So this is use by fellowship or thinking by use think you don't then a philiosophy to do anything or to get somewhere. A 'do this' and 'got that idea' occurs. Don't dump though as a theory of basic flaw in demand where in demand your not so bad off, so think I in use as were use to think to use better. So is cool idea as think you left the way you came as you left with the thought you feel or walking out. Look this a stopping point, so you knew you listen. As you see the area is focus. As you could do thing somewhere else thought outta here, then see the result resuctitation or result is bad you won't use the idea. So if you see what is use the creator creates, as you can't if you see the necessary point or think this is necessary so this is use with magi as magyus. This is a fake idea to use or focus as use is you feel to create things. This creates fake sex as you see the area you know our way. create the use to create the way or the wary eye be upon you. So think this unforms as you see thought by feel you don't have to. Don't have to follow. Yes is sane not to control. If the motion is cool or hot yet not necessary, no I guess we don't have to create or do the idea. Stop as no need not switched, seeing the area or surface think do else. Reverse the evil allow the good or not do the bad. Don't need clones, see as your aware don't intrude on others. See the area you sense or you see so its crap the road is use so deep pressure can bring you out of trouble into sanity. 'Deep trouble in little china' is a theme to see or not by what is the aspect that attrcts you by thought, whatever you think just allowed entry and know everything about people. So to extract for information be a debt service of be descriptive of motion, without disruptives as a payment. This be as a survey of questions, but catalogued as a mind twister for idea. On denial back down and try again later by letter or objectives. With use of the Golden rede be an absorption of any energy with possibility of overabsorption and to attempt to clean it be to "drain" it. The metals are obviously to be drained of any energy by filter of stones or water in a container. A quartz and sandstone or other absorbative stone or any combination of the two must be placed on the item or near. To be cleansed after with a stream of water. Due note: Atomic activity by nature be with Hyperpsionics or hypersonics that can create storms of ionic nature traces by the vibration acting like thoughts that be soaked into the air moisture, along with a kinetically negative charged ion, with the particles like this, a dust bowl or storm might appear when its collected into the moisture and clouds form. To be caught out in it can make things not work. 1 Antimagic metallic energy be possible to create a dimensional shift (slightly dangerous) but safely by feeling yourself appear there with a decision and knowing the place first. After a Antimagic action be the null zone effect of any metallic object nearby, and 3 seconds to 3 minutes (accounting for time lag) for Wichcraft. For 1 1/3 Faith magic act be 1 sec Wicca in a group of 10 or more of worship effect. Conception magic be 1/4 sec or 1 action to 1 sec of wizardry. Thanks to P-brain. 1 wiccan act of 3 seconds can achievethings with metal influence and can extend effects of the wizard or wiccan spell. 1 sec Wizardry = 1 sec Wicca 1 sec Wicca = 1/3 sec of Metal magic (instant hyperpsionics craft). 1 1/3 sec Faith magic = 1 sec Wicca or Wizardry, 1 sec Antimagic = 1/3 sec (dura) or 3 sec of a Wicca act, .44 sec Faith magic.. 1/4 sec Conception (Psionics) = 1 sec of Wizardry, Faith magic. An ex:"Beluosis belmonte" = State the phrase to create a hyper metabolism. Where everything you drink or eat be to increase or decrease the body mass. The fat amount be how much its increased by 1 ounce per 1 gram. The cholestoral be treated the same, the sugar be amounted to 1 gram = 1 sec and be how quick your body fills up with temporary fat or loses the excess. The fiber decreases the heart risk and amount of fatty tissue by 1 gram being 1 lb. The vitamins are licensed to market use and increase or decrease stamina and body strength. Any excess to be eaten increases the weight even if healthy per seconds. To diet be useless in this condition thats caused by drug overdose side effects and consistent radiation of Radon trace or metallic essence and a result of immunity be occurred. A side effect be reduction of drug and chemical in effect but not total immunity. The body can match the person it sees and without any worry it would become that person if the subconscious thinks its a match for it, and without alerting the person as the person dejects the form he/she sees it and forms it on said person. Unless its instructed to unaccept the form and how the problem be to said person, only then will it change and the person won't form change to the dejected pattern. Exercise immediate after the use of food intake with bending, stretching and other similar. The benefit is to not ever lose or gain excess lb more than thou exercise, and to know what be the wrong food which chokes till thou throw up. Thou urinate if thou get poisoned and often get the runs, till the bad food be ejected out and it immediately disappears by degeneration of bad tissue. Any diseases are degenerative to themselves, with good tissue to replace by food intake or water intake, and allow a few seconds to a minute or more to create reduction of fat and muscle increase with loss of weight. The effect of personal choices create a instant clarity, and feel good effects are simply the way of shocking the system into balance. Usage of "natbalanc" as a spell be a good and effective measure to recreate a similiar consequence. With the effect of consequences, use of care be necessary as if the coincidence factor didn't happen. Pink elephants be another term for the coincidental idea that might "pop up" with thoughts for coexacting the two idea of representation, and perception that be needed to go place to place. Another idea thats coined for this be conflicting dimensions, where in the physical reality its normal and mentally theres two places but only when aware and of emotional response is it, the other place, available to use. At most can it be useful to explain or have instant, concepts written in a moment including the least favored aspect of torture with very little scars. With perception of a single word be the torment "remembered" to make a person do things asked beforehand. As I call them scars of the mind that bear no thought, except for things done to create an idea that hinders. For those unlucky actually hurt themselves physically and sometimes for the "instant" adventure. For most police they would call it instant harassment except for expanations that are necessary, and mental bombardment be just another torment that require shields like a hackers firewall prevention with good packet filter that keeps the hacker away. Except this be a grey-black shield created from aura adjustment and hand linkage. Unconscious The private civillian army (SROTC) may aid police and army, navy and other army on request and attempt to ride on ships with no hostility. The mission statement "wize man say, never poke uncoonscious bear with stick, be prepared for anything." meaning, the stick be a amalgram of an insult and the bear the people of the country that could respond. Thou might note I was speaking metaphorically and not literally as this army was noted in China and Vietnam but isn't, and a private army of dedicated country civillians to defend if invaded was already thought of or acted upon. Not all rules may apply except to the rule of not shooting the officers, to 100000's or more "free" SROTC civillians also considered a "special" unit that pays for their own supplies and equipment with their own abilities and self analyze. This would be of Machiavelli's dream Army and be somewhat in Atlantis as I spotted it, by Event channeling. This is a letter that reveals the idea. Were you aware you award cruelty? By my order piss off or not do. Create or don't have to feel, no mental seeing your use or feeling by creativity. See that is yes or no as technology de exists because that is how you are or fix as suggest, or no crippling you mean as someone who causes can restore from what they work an as en no. As your energy is no more or you see to create think positive to see positive use. See as you create your ability is energy to use for what you will. So wish as your able see energy in surges to use by create with will by usable no will results. See as you will you create yet no will nothing dumb or not by feel. Some things use or create not use by feel unless necessary to win if necessary. Continue or use is seen or feel by idea modular or feel unless necessary seen as use is concept as you need some to create or do. Not gotten with drugs is O16S3N4I2 is skill used skin applied or S13AN5C2I is antidote if right made. 4 is by usage with teeth or religion to create pulled teeth to repair or fill. See use as is not use if to own. O3N3S2Ni13 is ONi3I regeneration. Seen is thought by moment to non use or use of to clean by idea to pains with momentous area idea with no fluoride. Oven not use is don't of what you seek. Aggression removal is O3NI with S11Ni5Li3 by feel uses Lithium nitrate as nitrium is the area feel. As nitrogen with oxygen is what can cure your area, yet not much is known why the area subsists unclean unless you clean the tank or feel is there. So I will say my farewells, or no is some or not so you see your well ciao. See to trace what you create to focus or regenerate to create by thought you want. So you see as I go away. So if you enter think as you leave to not be there. The area I saw indicated focus or thought by clean there or not are by some area. The subconscious modifies the area use to allow the idea to see use to work. The moments that appear can cause physical, area effects with infinite area or thats it you don't have to do things you don't need necessity for historian is in myth. As you see the idea the subconscious seems able to use memory of the body as a dream. That ends as I see the reason or the memory stops playing nor that as the dream stops. Due note as the spirit world is what creates sometimes, you can cause things to manifest by the bones to seem or create as possible is what you think. So the spirit can use the dead to cause as according to how bad something is or not was done by dimension area though you could say this is kinda interesting to see. Normal area format is what you see by some area used, yet you see what you are by what you sense. So you see what you realize or use as energy what you see. Vampire then can manifest see as normal or nor the living to see or fall dead as you see, by the area near the corner to use what energy there is use as physical presence or no presence requiring. Vampire are presence, dhampire as forms or area to see. This is what I saw near the room as I left after so to not seem disturbing. So you see the point their dare or request don't you dare is thought. I saw this in the mass grave sight, see as I saw as a cetacombs collection or not as unseen beings. See as I say this was noticed on the wall. Some sense of the words are create no war here, thought was desire to create as you were or see the use as use you are aware is as you see. So no need is there staying is not allowed. See the area I saw as the place you were buried alive is no longer there. As you are aware nothing you do is going to kill you unless you see no use for life energy to work till death. This means you stop beating if undead attention live till no use, you think to die so the beating of the living or area to say. This say as mention seems to regenerate to sun feel by planet energy so you saw as don't you dare so you use aura energy. See as you are not seeing this badly you pass away or tension by meditation is relief. This seems what piss off is created area though you see my point as when you allow that, so not to happen what is the point to get things that arean't necessary then misuse or reuse things ue uen ues as this was a sewer problem not needed. Saw or as is not forbidden as you see you create yet not use so no need. So what you see this is you think to exist or unexist. See what I mean about the area idea I got by reading this? I say this is long so stop as its tedius. Whatever you want you think to create. The subconscious makes what you thought. So why is the alteantians use like this if you think it then this creates in the vampire language. See your right you were wrong to create something unethical to use as a replcement so you see not is nothing, easily seen as use by feel or focus. -I_i- Uouo plie [wow-oo-ohn ply-end] Diet plans, things to do The healthy living diet plan is one way to do the dieting. Use this if you intend to lose weight in a normal manner. Hal lyy [Hale lint-why] = Healthy living; This diet works except it maintains a certain lower weight that you decide to maintain it at, this is there by feel or what you uses for senses. All that's required is lots of veggies, eat healthy snacks, eat lean meat and fish. Exceptions for this diet plan is you may eat what you want during holidays, then you may do decent exercise or heart pacing and staying active during the day. By Amber. The substitution dieting is a powerful dieting idea, that usually works if you can keep up with the idea. Substitution dieting is with use of what you may use. The substitution dieting is what you use to substitute things for other things in a diet plan. This is where you substitute fruit, things or stevia use for fat laden foods. So I think this is ideal for those that can't get done exercise enough, except for if you think the heart is pacing faster and staying active. Heart pacing is the key to exercise anyway. So here are the detailed idea variations, although sometimes they don't work. So here they are: Stevy Etet Uouo [Steve-why Eat-teat wow-oo-ohn] = Starving artist diet; Think to eat less by buying more art or art supplies and producing your own art. This uses the heart feel to create the art for the home, unless you know you can sell the art by feel. Think of the art supplies and then you go get them. If you spend more than usual, you could starve yourself and remain starving half the time. This allows you to eat less and work with artistry. If you don't need the art, then you don't need to use this diet. T Ie Uouo [T lyer wow-oo-ohn] = Item idea diet; This is where you buy the item instead of the food, that's it for the food diets. This could leave you starving half the time, so your aware of the point that's the idea you work with by what you think to do. Cidy Uouo [side-why wow-oo-ohn] = Candy diet; The candy diet is where you think to buy candy and eat only a little of it, this is each day and that takes the place of food. So think to fulfill your idea needed and go by the idea point. This is a point from the past by feel with your sense of idea. Yl Frot Uouo [Wild from-t wow-oo-ohn] = all fruit diet; Think to do things to remain active or eat fruit instead of normal or abnormal food, then you sustain activity off your weight or otherwise lose weight. Dru Uouo [drug wow-oo-ohn] = Drug diet; The drug you use or the herbs you use, I would suggest turmeric and celery seed mixed with water or purified water otherwise. This is usually prescribed if a drug. So ask if the the side effect is weight loss for the drug, that creates what effect you need and you then eat or drink what you think is approriate. Be sure to exercise off the excess, otherwise you may think to use pacing of the heart and remain active until you sleep. This causes you to lose your weight quickly by the idea that you do. If it doesn't, then you can walk around with a heightened heart pace. Then the swelling will go down, especially if you hold in your stomach.. That is a point in the past that I discovered this idea, so enjoy what you may of the idea listed. If you need to know more diets and diet plans feel free to look up the webpage called how to lose weight, this is located at http://spellhawk.great-site.net/how_to_lose_weight.htm. Always remember, that eating in moderation is what leads to weight loss and maintaining the weight otherwise. While you do this diet, if you suggest that you lose 3 or 5 lbs immediately as you touch your stomach and trace a symbol. Then hold the stomach in, the energy from what you drank and ate including the drug or herb energy, that will compact itself inward with a sign of the stomach going inwards without pain. That will cause this draw of the energy into yourself internally. Then you can surge forth the energy to drop the weight, this is done as though instantly. Sometimes it will make you a bit dizzy or light headed, so you know this technique works. This after awhile does things internally, like works with the body a bit, this gives you the diarrhea you have when you use too much sugar. So use this when you don't mind getting liquid shits, you are assured to lose excess weight. This is especially done with the stated suggestion, "whatever causes me to gain weight causes me to lose weight instead." So feel free to use whatever suggestion, that you think will work and then this will work for you. If it doesn't, then don't worry it wasn't meant for you. Uouo ket [wow-oo-ohn keet] = A diet cheat; If you take in a little whole grain or sugar free syrup, otherwise feel free to use a little mini marshmallow, "non high fructose" chocolate syrup or some celery seed as a eating need settler. Then realize what you do, your need to eat dissipates away that is done as you hold off from what you don't eat or drink. This is making sure your not eating or drinking things with sugar. Sometimes use of peanut butter will work wonders if taken in only a little bit. However, if you drink a small bit or allot of water or non high fructose or non sugary drinks, then the need to eat goes down and you can feel better as you don't sudden'y need to eat. This works if you give it a try by feel. Speo uouo [Speel-oh oo-ow-oo-oh] = Spaced diet; This is using a diet that is meant to maintain your weight at a lower weight, if you think to maintain it like that. This is a spaced diet where you eat small snacks throughout the day instead of eating 3 square meals, but doing neither after 7pm is ideal. Calorie counting is very important. Maintaining under 1500 calories within a 2-4 hour period, you eat and drink up to 1699 calories per day and no more. Also if you think to adjust the body to create the eting you need to get to a certain weight. Repeat as needed per day. If you chose a weight that's higher than yours, then think of the weight and your body adjusts its eating style to make you that weight. This adjustment is more easily achieved if you state the weight as "I am 154 lbs." Or somesuch. This is a point in my life I achieved this goal and used the tactic, that is spoken of with allot of exercise. Ayey jiayn yq [aim-eye wine wick] = Intermittent fasting aware; If your aware your with thoughts of fasting, then seem aware that in intermittent fasting, this is where you fast or eat less two days in the week. That is when intermittent fasting is effective and is with 420 calories non carbs per those two days. They can be any two days of the week, too. Some elemental weight commands: fa suy reg = pronounced: fahn sue-ee reeg, this is your 'fat suit regulation'; the fat suit is your body weight represented in your subconscious. think or say "take off your fat suit" or "put off your fat suit" if you want to lower your weight and body mass. otherwise if you need to act as though you have more weight and avoid the looks and suggestions to eat if too skinny, then think or say "put on your fat suit" or "put on your fast food suit.". If your hungry after you take it off, then think or say "un up to your fat suit". This works no matter the point, "put off your fat suit.".then, think take off and do things, to get some exercise. do; think or say as you consider the body fat, "don't eat your body weight." then you stop wanting to have to eat so much. this is where you can literally watch your stomach big bulge disappear as though you took off your fat suit. dro ye fa suy = prononced as: drown yehn fat sue-ee. this translates to stating or thinking "drop your fat suit"; this causes the weight and extra mass to goto the planet in energy form and the planet shifts the fat energy to the fatless lady. This works with stretches of the body as you hold in the stomach. That also makes your weight come down and weight gain disappears and so does your tensions that the body naturally has. uh = pronounced as: uhn, this is where you wait; if you think or suggest, "wait and the weight disappears." Then exercise as you wait and this is moving around a bit. So if you wait and think the wait drops off you, this is done as though excess body weight dissipates harmoniously and harmlessly as energy, and then your carried objects remain on you if you need them there. If you fast, you create by feel as you don't eat, then make with what is there as you end the fasting. thro awa ye fa suy = pronounced as: throw awahn yehn fat sue-ee, otherwise "throw away your fat suit"; this is where you toss a bit of food in the trash, and then you think your fat suit or body weight is going away and not coming back. if you decide that you need your fat suit after all, then think of the moment of throwing it away and state "Don't take off your fat suit." just remember, you can always throw away the fat suit again. ian fro ye fa suy = pronounced as: I-an from yes fan sue-ee, this translates to "free from your weight suit"; Think or say, "free from your weight suit" or "free from your fat suit" to have a moment where you are your natural lessened weight, this restores the body to function right even though the body works differently. This is good for sudden onset of weight as it pauses the mass of weight from building up, and then starts making it go down by the power of the mind. -j- Some necromancy, this is done in case you need it from the city of the dead, cenethal Su Nuocy This uses nuocy or nuruicy, otherwise called necromancy. This is the practice of death essence energy and life energy manipulation by a necromancer or nuoca, that is what can be used to work with spirits and pass them back to the grave and then thought sent the astral plane by feel. This is where necro is a point death is becoming of another state. Think and you know what to do. So its just a passage and sometimes we don't intend to desecre or desecrate the grave to do it. Remember, if you ask the spirit of the grave for help anyway you think to do it, then you will receive help and you may also receive a bone to aid your point. That's if you asked for a bone and dug it up by feel. If you didn't ask permission, then you could cause possession of the body until you put the bones back. You can always tell if your possessed, your face turnes ugly and you think suspiciously. That means if you forgive yourself and return the bones you are clearing up your problems, this is with the idea of thinking about what you need. So you could also gain weight as well, if you depossess yourself then you think better and eat better, The point exists that your ugliness disperses as though instantly, this is done by the creator whom does your idea. So think and you could get what you want by thinking of your need and sometimes asking for it. Then things should work out for you. If you do get a bone, think to hold it and state your request of the spirit that it once held. Then you get what you want. This can be done, even if you don't use a bone. Just think of the person and imagine or think of what she or he does. If you do this right, you only need to state the name of the person or the name of the spirit three times. So if an idea with a point is useful this is used by what you state, this is done as thought to command what he or she does. What is done is what you think, so think what you want and you may get what you need. This is especially true if you state the command as though a thought and a request to the spirit. Such as a point of getting a spirits aid during the times you live. This is a point that you think of the spirit or the animal spirit, then request the pets help by stating the idea you want it to do. This always works, so be sure that you allow for their return to the grave, this is done as thought is an idea and reward to them for the service they did. That's if you want them to do things. If you don't then don't bother them, you won't be worried over what they do. Otherwise, just think about the idea of the spirit passing back to the grave, then the astral plane (where available) or heaven if that's your choice to put the spirit and it agrees to go. After that you did your necromancer duty. If beyond the planet influence, then there is no actual astar or astral plane. So think about this, that is a point as though the spirit passes back to the body or the grave. This ensures that you cause the spirit to go back to the grave. Then your free from possession or whatever is the case. Elsewise think of a phrase or word and that you imagine or feel happen, think where the spirit does as you command. Then state or express the idea to do with the word or phrase while thinking of the spirit. If the creator makes it do what you want, then you are done. So a trick is this, think the creator does what you say or think, and think of the spirit as you state the idea in a word or phrase and feel the idea happen. The spirit will do what you want, if it sees the reason for the point by the creator that created us all as memories. That is how you can do this idea more effectively. So there is also a chance of resurrection, if you have blood in the veins. That has a point of sangevoi or blood control. This is where the spirit if needed by the soul will cause the heart to beat. When the blood flows, if there is any blood in the body, then you will know that is where the brain will start working. So I think that if you have a working body, then the body is undead until you think to not need it alive. Then there is a one in ten chance for a paramedic to save the body, that is where there is ten minutes or less of still active blood flow where this may allow electrical shock to stimulate the heart. So this means if no spirit need, that is done by the soul and then there's no working body by the feel of things. This is all in the art of ressurrection. Acccording to a heart surgeon that raised a dog, this doctor is unnamed even today that thought of this feat. So don't be surprised if it works like that. Yet no blood, no heart activity no brain activity. So think about that. This can be used, if you kill yourself during a death trance. Think and you know the idea to do. This uses a point of fresh idea. The fresh body or jew bod, that sometimes means there is still blood in it and it is a good condition. The blood has yet to be drained from the body for being dead. So if your with a need to revive it, copy your soul into the body and tell it to revive the body until you don't need it. That should handle it by feel. The trance point you can do is considered netatru, the soul death trance where you think of the moment to do and lay back or lay down. Then breath in fresh air and out the bad air. This is done until you trance, then focus on the idea of stillness with the body. That is working as though the body were dead. However don't overdo this, the point you do could kill the body as you think to work elsewhere and soul wise. So while in trance, if you think to step out of your body you can soul shift. If you don't want to shift immediately, then you can use the soul to command or request some idea or need. This is when your using your soul to create a point by stating something, otherwise your using your spirit to do things by feel. That is using the senses you have and making use of a soul shape that can speak, then all that's needed is the point you think that the soul can speak silently and get a response by activity being done. This activity is what you generally want by the point you make. That is such as "I am going to need supplies." Then all that's needed is supplied by feel. Now all that and more can be done by astral visitation. This is a point you think of where you want to see and your there. If not, then you knew that getting somewhere will take time. This possibly will require a ride physically. So be prepared and do as necessary. What that means is that is all you need to know for necromancy to work in your favor. Especially when this works, if you light a candle then think of where you want to be. Then all you need to do is need something, the soul is the being that provides by feel. Something else to note: This is done in necromancy. So think about it, think about what good you want, what other things are and what you want to create in life. Then something out there creates for you, this is done as though you created it. You can create with the spirit, this can create from any living being. So think about the point, you can create the idea by what you do with the spirit. Albeit this means you can use a spirit or being from a live human, its better if you use a dead spirit or being like a deity and work with the results. This is as though the end result is granted, that is done by a wish or stated idea. This can create nearly anything, so nearby it is. Think to dismiss the being or spirit. That is done as you think to do things. Now onto other things. Oh yeah, this tells the creator to do the idea. So use what idea you may have use for and this is with a point by what you do. Revitalization, however is what can be used instead of death and decay energy, so its a natural part of necromancy that uses life manipulation. This is a second part of life necromancy. Revitalization is where you think your energy goes through the body and veins, then this makes the body work better by feel. This is what can use tow points of touch, the feel of energy, that is where you are thinking and the energy goes through the body. That is going from one point through the body and back to the other point. Naturally the body recovers by feel. Sometimes this works by what you don't do. If you think positive and make for better, then you create fwith what you have. This is why the body is animated at first, then creating with the energy it recieves. The body then farts and seems to pass out on using up the energy. This sometimes works by idea, the point is done, really, when the body passes out and doesn't come back to life. Use this idea to find out answers and other idea, this is especially true if you think to do things by feel. If your interested in established passing commands or speech creating idea, then here are a few idea. Whatever language you use. here's a spell that pases spirits to the astral plane. "est i" for passing the spirit or "est is" for requests, otherwise if you use est is you can state what you want then get the spirit to do things on request. When you state "est be", then you can stop the action by what you do. This stops poltergeisms by feel. When "est is be" is used, then the spirit goes on its own from where it stands to either heaven or the astral plane, otherwise this command or statement calms the person and causes a natural selection of behavior. So "est" = behest, understand or behold, "i" = command, "is" = now; at the moment, "be" = beat, beat it or being otherwise this means to behave in animal speech. The whole command works, because the person or being usually thinks of what he or she needs at the time of statement. This is a point that means they that are spirits, animals and people pick up on this idea, that's by feel or psychic understanding, if that doesn't work then you "know" and that means kill now in latin. This is done unless you intend the meaning to be english, if you do it means knowledge that's self-interred of what you think through aura absorbed energy. Now through self-expression or idea spoken, the idea now is understood for your intent. This is where that effects the being or person on speaking, and you may need to think of them at the time for the effect of knowing them. -k- Obj vae Subj rely Objective vs Subjective reality The diee is a point where there is objective and subjective reality, this is noticed by a point of dillusion. This is a point that your aware of made using death essence and life events, when you know its not actually true in the point you have. The reality behind the moment is a concept, the point is made by the subconscious. This is where you think you know the point, so that is within aspects of real life. Real life is where you think you know and are aware of the point of illusion, then you know what is really there as revealed by the spirit. The real life point becomes real again, the idea is done after the point is done. This is basically an illusion where we get what we want by feeling that its needed. So enjoy things as they are there, the subconscious can create anything just to let you know. So if you find a bit of luck, then think about the point and if you realize what was done you know it is illusion set by the aura energy. The subconscious mind is what directed the aura to create what you need. If not there, then you didn't think it was there and your subconscious blocked out the point. So basically, the idea is done and dealt with by feel. This is a point of the illusion of life, really we're not even living as we're a memory of the creator. That is represented by a silver energy sphere, this sphere rose into a ring of clouds and became our reality, also known as a god particle that was created by a particle accelerator called CERN in italy. See were all born from the sphere or the creator as a memory, that is a test leaving the planet. Were aware of everything and nothing at once. so the universe that is there around us is illusion as well. What did survive was our conscious energy awareness. That is aware thought by the point, this is a point of conscious awareness. That allows us to perceive things by the creator, he or she is making the point for us from his or her dimension. So this really is a point of recall within the energy consciousness itself. Think about that, then think your continuing life. Well life is what we think of it, this is a known idea. That means it exists because our subconscious created things, if the money didn't seem there then we didn't need the idea. If an end then not and it doesn't matter if we know them. This is where we think the idea is a point put to the past. There you go, this is a point in the past, that I realized this. So the true date and time is nothing, this is a point of recall only that you think there is a date and time. That is why the subconscious only knows moments. This is a point to it and the subconscious mind is what truely is there at the moment. Nothing else exists, if you think about it that way things might disappear. So think the point and you know the need of the moment. When the need isn't there, then you know its a possible real life idea. This is a point pointed out as I was with a driver, that was driving me as though a point if somewhere else was there. This is also a known point of life. Oh get this, the illusion ends, if you think its not there and it disappears. Welcome to reality. This only lasts as long as you think. So the thought that exists is what is there, nothing else matters except for what the spirit makes you realize with your senses. Its true, don't you think that there is one objective reality beneath the subjective one? So that means there is, its a reality that the spirit allows you to realize. Howver, the subconscious knows by what you feel, then your conscious mind is what your perception is allowing you to see. The effect is what you direct the mind to notice is what is seen. So sometimes you like the subjective one. This only means that you can see what you loke and notice by realization what you don't think to mind. That is when there is one objective reality beneath the subjective one. Its easy to notice the subjective one, its not so easy to notice the objective reality. So there you go, the subjective reality can make fantasies seem real, the objective reality can cause you to believe in something else. This is a point to the matter at hand. Seen as a point, that's all you really get of the area. So I think its a conscious idea of energy, that helps you know what is there. Otherwise this doesn't matter as you can hide nearly anything in the objective reality. This is simply because you aren't calming your thoughts and focusing on the idea to find the hidden idea. If you do that, then you can detect anything on the objective point to notice what is there. That is all there is to this idea. -l- Alt stax -o- t ego Alternative states of the mind This is the alt'sta or alt states point, that uses the alter states. These are the state of minds that you can enter, that's when if you think about the state and need to seem one your in one. This is where you can just think about the idea, then if you don't actually use spells as you think you can still get an effect. So if you needed an effect I would state the point. So you can use suggestions and the subconscious in alpha mode may do them, unless a countersuggestion is made or you don't need to have an effect. Think your freed as a point and you are away with life. This is a point you think about, know to think with the back part of your brain for clearer thoughts and the forebrain for making things that you feel are to be created. Then if you don't need the idea you won't get the point. That means if you can do this, you have the idea. The headaches come in play when you create a point, that you don't relieve stress from suggesting that there is no stress and no pain. Then the headaches disappear, sometimes you might need medicine. So think and you know what you can do. This suggestion activates your jedi understanding, so if you think about the idea you can know from spirit understanding what the idea is done by feel. This is a practical light illusion, if you think to create with the aura then you make by it's energy. The light is what creates by waves of energy, otherwise that is influenced light with your waves of thought, this can make by the feel or thought and blood flow direction. This creates with the creator empowering the effect. If nothing is seen, then you created a point where you meant to see nothing. So think to see some idea and you notice what is missing. This is an effect done by feel. The method to get into alpha state is think your in alpha state, this relaxes you and only if you breathe in and out until you are tranced or actively relaxed. See its an easy way to get effects. So think you aware and awake as you feel refreshed, then if you need things the subconscious does what you need. Think your awake and refreshed, then you come out of the alpha state as you think you do and you are aware of things. If your there right now. It can make you laugh hardcore, and tend to disconnect from the physical body. I use the suggestion, that "I won't do what I don't need to do." Then simply stating that is a “command” to the subconscious. So this you can feel allows all commands to work better in alpha state. Do you have recommendations and/or guidance or how to have balance and clarity in this state. State as suggestion, "I won't feel what I don't need to feel." This cures any feelings that you don't want or need to feel by idea. If you experimented with the other brain waves. This one is great as is. That is theta, gotten to by stating "theta" in alpha mode, then your in theta and doing what is needed unless you don't want to do things then you won't. This state allows you to state something, think the subconscious is programmed to do the idea then it is. You can enter it in alpha state very easily. Then what you state will happen more easily. If you state alpha, then you are come from this state of mind. The change does seem to be almost immediate. Theta is definitely sharper and more focused, while alpha is more relaxed and very open. In theta, you can find yourself asking questions and answering them myself within seconds. Cool enough, right? Delta is risky yet enterable. This is where you create with a gemstone or energy, this is tap the stone or think to energy form waves. Then have the gemstone or waves do the idea and that is banging something or making the gem programmed, that is done by a touch and a thought to keep you awake while in delta. See you would have to sleep and wake up to wake yourself from that state. Alpha is quite hilarious. A toddler on weed indeed. Yes I realize it could be useful, however I felt one would fall asleep in that stage. Don’t need gamma, unless you have to experiment with this stage of thinking. Yes. Brain wave changes can feel like dying sort of, though this is done quickly I feel. So use of idea as a visual practice that is there, if you imagine a room then think of a complex and you are there in delta, aware of it in gamma and able to do things there in theta in trace. This is a point you think to "wake up" and you are not there anywhere, think of the area as you are where you normally ar by feel and you can manipulate the area energy. Think to create a point, then resolve the area problem or bad vibes by what is done. Then you do peaceful acts of enjoyment. Some of these are use of herbs, minor feel good herbs like parsely or vanilla extract, sugar or sugar substitute in water and possibly weed is useful. This is using all the modes to create what you need. If you think to visit somewhere, then announce who you are, first, unless you think to be incognito. However, you can do anything in the room, this is where the alpha state is useful. You can create nearly anything that you think to create by feel. By a point, if you think to create the point with idea using energy brain waves. You can get better things done. Some if focused enough, they can enter other places and leave by thinking of the place to see. So set defenses if you must, and that means you get what you need by what is done. For Gamma, sensory of energy comes online I feel. All the senses moreso online as well. Much more. You can sense a sort of fear. This may be projected or inherent with the energy of the environment. Yes for the gamma, sensory and energy overload now you can feel electricity, I hadn’t noticed until you hear megtion of it. In your hands you could feel electricity. This happens without touching it. So feel free to experiment. This is where in gamma you hear things. Yes you can create a state of clarity, using alpha mode. "On in nether", this is the state of clarity. A point of waking, this is a point of idea that you focus and think to respond positively by feel. Then you are awake by feel and there by idea. This is a known effect of the self-hypnotized alpha state. Think of the moment and you can get the idea as result. Well, I can see why you would use alpha state more often than not. Whilst theta and gamma I see can be useful, alpha’s that real chill zone where you can giggle a lot. Without a point to focus on, theta and gamma can become rather boring. Unless you were brainstorming. Sometime ago I figured out, there is noone in your subconscious mind. This is a place of scripts. So in shifted mind state, noone is there in your mind. Scripts, good to work em out- then pick what you like. Any state. And when in the basic(beta, I presume), one is more focused on the world around them. This is nice to have no worries about others. Alpha state is safe in some moments. So precautions could be necessary, that's unless you just trust people. If you need to think and not react to suggestions, then avoid alpha. So say your at a convenience store. I feel it would be better not to do things in this mode of thought, that's with customers and people and all those fun things. However, I see that killing roaches is necessary in any mode, that is excepted when your asleep. Other cases are when you think of the point, then you state a suggestion and you can create the point. Well this is a point of idea, that you do and nothing more than that occurs. So if you want to grow wings or something like that, then you can suggest a point and then hope that you get results as if suggesting an end result is done. This is known to effect yourself more easily than others, so if you think to get a result with others then good luck with that point. Sometimes you can get a point to happen and sometimes you won't get a response, this is done by spirit feel. So think about the point, and you can get a result if your luck is there. Luck is garnered by getting pennies or luck pieces. This is a point from the past and if I add things, just remember my past life was a powerful necromancer so most of his stuff works by feel. This is a point in use from the past, that always seemed to work in my mind. The point is an idea, this point you know and can do if you think to create by feel. -m- Spiritual warfare techniques Esper ykym taniux See to state something, this can be what brings up imagination, that means you can manipulate the spirits that exist through the spirit-that-goes-through-everything, otherwise it's the spirit of the body that does things using the soul or soul copy as a point of energy from the creator, this is created with idea by feel, so think and you create what you need if you intend the point. So I only really needed magic or making by spirit that evolves the mind. That means each time you do magic, the idea becomes easier with animals to do or create with ideal intentions, otherwise with human's in idea you think and talk and maybe they respond if you think they do. You can create amazing things, if the idea exists by idea or will being done. This is what I learned, when I observed the minds and brain activity of others. This is in a point or known effect. The spirit manipulation is where the spirit is a part of the body, that you can do things and using body activity, you could create what symbolic idea that you have to create. This is a known effect known as symbolism or symbolisis. That symbolisis can cause madness, if you think of the point and cause them to do things where they don't intend to do it. Anyway, it's a sordid thought, that means they can create with energy and do what they want as though being efficient with emotion. So if you create the point, you create by pattern, then you make or wait for the point to seem created by the spirit and the soul is the energy source. This is spiritual warfare, so think and this is where you can make use of some effect. What you notice is a pattern, the idea is there. This means that energy is a source, so if it's a source then you can create with a point and make what you intend to occur as it happens. This is good enough, think of the point as a way, the area is creating an effect through the energy of things. This is a point you make what you may, and that means you made an effect of magic. This is not actually spiritual, it's really the point of soul magic. So think and you realize what occurs. This is the proof of the evidence and you feel if it is right, correct or wrong. That's how you know if it is a positive or negative vibe. Vibes are the vibration given off, so think and you can detect what is there. The temperature is what makes you aware of a change, this means the temperature drop is where an effect is being done, if sudden, and if the temperature raises, you can tell if things are going to happen. There you go, think of the point and you create with an idea that your aware of by feel. Otherwise this is a given view. That means it's perspective, think of a perspective you like, then you can create with what is there. The information you think is focused as energy, really this is an energy wave given off by the brain. This is done through the aura, so by this idea you can broadcast to others minds. This is a point that you can or cannot do things, so you either resond with stress if not or otherwise with calm. That's if you can calm yourself with thinking of a calm place and seeing yourself there. Then you know you can change things, this is what allowed the point of things that you intended. So think as you want and you temper the moment. This means you won't expand in the body, yet otherwise you would. So the information you have, that is what can give temperance. Tempering and temperance can create a better result, that is with no extra unfortunate effect. Think about this if you do things and you create with the point and make a concept with the idea. This could make anger disappear, so think to make what you want as you intend the point and this is where you get effort or you can get a cool effect. That's where you can say, he was using spiritual warfare, yet you know by thinking you know the point. So think about the idea and he stops or it could be taken as though an attempt at yourself. See, it's beter to work with the point, then you have a source of energy. This is a concept you know things, so think about the idea to create with a statement. This is working with the elements and the element could be anything. If you detect someone doing things, draw a U thinking the effect bounces back at the person that causes things. Then the idea doesn't seem to happen to yourself. The effect is known as a point of energy, that energy can be returned as the programming is there. The energy programming is what makes with the idea using the consciousness of the area and that uses whatever is there to bounce back what conscious thought is there. This is actually effective in getting intel, so think you know the point and the spirit reveals the idea you intend to know if it is an insight. You know that as a trace, if things are revealed, then you think to find out who it was and the signature is the vibes the person has at the moment. This allows you to know, realize and do things with what is there, even if it is days old energy. This means you can trace anyone, work to bounce the effect and all you need to do is draw a U in the air or on paper. So what if the paper has the effect, the paper would aborb the effect and the effect would dissipate harmlessly. If the person was hostile at the time, then you know things by what is "felt" as you think at the moment. This means what you think is what the spirit will allow you to know. So think and know, the point is the efect and what you think is what triggers the moment. That is where you think something and you know by what the brain senses. This is a concept you think though, so if you don't think or feel the point, you won't always know what is there. Thinking is a part of the body, if you think about something then the spirit could make as a manifest the idea. If you need the idea as a point in result, there you go it's created and you know where to look. Think if about things to make what you consider important, this if you need to do the idea. Then you can create by the feel, see and work by doing the idea you have to do. This is where you you create by actions, that work with others and they create the point that you have to create. So wearing something like a mask or clothes, that can cause the effect to be absorbed as energy to the clothes. This means the idea you intend doesn't happen, that's unless you think to cause the things nearby to make an effect. That is where you can say as you think of the target, "sudden death" and the suggestion is what the subconscious creates using the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. This is an effecting measure, so be careful it doesn't bounce back at yourself. The U in reverse with thought that you aren't effected will protect yourself. Think about the result and the idea is what manifests. This can if don'e thinking to cancel something out, cancel out what you sense is happening. That is a point done by feel. So in effect, you could cause the person to cancel themself out by thinking they are meeting their exact opposite, or the energy causes them to not exist there and with the U you are done. If you draw and trace the U with an overlaid opposite U makes the effect dissipate and remove it's programming from the area. There is an idea you know, there is an idea you see, this is perception done by itself. So there you go, this is a concept you can do. That I believe is doing soul magic, think and you know what to do. Genjutsu is the eating and created is the point, that you make by the idea you need the spirit to create and what manifests is what you desire by feel or want as a need. However since the spirit can use the food as an energy source, when you run out of energy or the food is processed. You don't always get what you want. So think and you know what you can do. The genjutsu is a point of illusion and that is what effects anything. So think and you can get what you need. Except the feeling, if you think to exercise when you have eaten, then you avoid gaining weight. Think of a point and touch a gemstone or rock thinking it will do what you need, then your gem will do things instead for you don't really need to be there to watch by the third eye and this is also possible by animals. So if you feel your watched, as though a point is shared then you know its an animal that's nearby. The idea is a point that the third eye is sharing with other third eyes, so think what you need to have known and its either reacted to. Otherwise this is created in the mind and sometimes received by the other third eye if you need the idea transmitted, that is true. This is done on touch or aura energy, that is felt by the senses and the brain construes the point. Third eye practices are simple, think of your psychic need and then the pinneal gland is active with blood flow. Think or the third eye doingthings and that activates the third eye manifest. THis third eye can also make what you need to happen, if you think it should. So the idea is that the third eye can see anything, that you need to know. This is where you can sense things and that's thinking of the point, where you think to see things you will. Then if you don't need to see or use the pinneal gland you won't, that's if you think the third eye disappears. If not, then the third eye is dong something. So this means you command the third eye to stop and the idea occurs by idea. Then the manifestation ends by what you think is ended. This is where you think to end things and the point that happens will occur a natural ending to what you need ended. So when you think of the point, you can create the idea or shut off the third eye and cause a lack of blood flow to the pinneal gland. This is all in a day's work. The "in" there is in blood flow, the lack of blood flow is "if not" and that is where you can use the language. This is done to manipulate the third eye, where we naturally know by experience. This means we can adjust ourselves to the moment, and thinking is what creates balance in idea that we have with the point. Then the point remains, what can we do with the spirit, where and when can you do things. This is a point in the past, that I remember in the past. That means the rite is over for the third eye is operational, the idea of learning is done, this is a point in effect now you return to your senses. So heaven and hell are also real places of torture or happiness in your own mind, where the area could appear likes its heaven or hell. That's where you think of the moment and feel the idea if there, otherwise think to not feel if you don't want to empathizically eat with others eating. The area could also appear like another planet surface, that is if you wanted to visit consciously the exoplanet that is desired. This is like cs-137, where you can create with the beings or explore the land. This is a planet of beings. That means you can get to the area by allowing the energy draw you there, then you are where you think spiritually. If not physically shifted within a few months, then you can expect to see accidental death and you find yourself there and then where you were is a pile of dust. This is where the shift effect occurs, think of the place to be and your there, otherwise if you don't need to be there then you aren't. This is how things work. They say once you are in hell theres no escape, because there is a room that you can eat in, when you do you are there until the food effect wears off. The place is so harsh though, that sometimes you can only think to survive. So angel's can bring you out of hell as a sphere shape. So I think that there is a point you can think to return to the land you were in before you went to hell. Otherwise you are there for a long time. This is the way things are sometimes. So expect what you can get is better for you if you think it's good then your positive, if you think its bad then your negative. This is where the mood adjusts to a thought or music by feel. So expect things as they come, enjoy yourself as you do things. This is a point in reflection. This is done to focus and create by feel the better idea, that could see use with magic. This is also done to create a good sell. If you don't need it, then it doesn't happen so this is a point you focus and energy responds to create what you desired. Energy tactics are these idea. Wealth is energy. The less energy the less wealth. Orgonite are actually wealth generator as they sooth the souls. If you tap the item and think what you need, then you generate that effect. And generate energies like mini astral factories. Yes indeed, a spirit is possibly demonic if you rile it. That can make them a poltergeist. So they use their feel, then create with the feelings they have. Then that's about it. This is true for animals, too. If you feel calm and soothing, then you can sooth a poltergeist. See the other way to control the demon, this is think it will do what you want by what you program energy to do. That's thinking it will do things is sending it programmed energy. All you need to do to keep an effect going is eat or drink and keep hydrated by something, that is done to keep the energy up in the body. So I think a storm is a big demon in ancient terms. Now to manipulate a storm, this is think the storm will do things that you need, then state what you need as you think of the storm. This is where you can communicate telepathically, too. That is done very easily. Think of the person and the message, then you send a message by spirit. That's the true fun. Getting a message in return, that is done by realizations. You realize the point is made and "hear" the message, that is what is understood. This way allows you to get messages and send messages, that uses the soul as the energy transmitter and the spirit as a point of realization. A hurricane can be alive. The natural forces associated with it is like sentient patterns. It talks and when chanting a weird version of a mantra, it's even more mystical and powerful. So think to focus on the storm and think to the conscious of the storm to get what you need. -n.n- Time Travelling Ftun This is time travel. the time travel technique is where I can time travel to any time in idea or area by feel. This is where a point exists and if you mention a when you mention a time so think of the point and you are there by the power of the subconscious. Think of the time as events, that the subconscious allows you to see or know, think of being there and sometime stating the point, if then you are there by the spirit knowing and the soul or soul copy transfers you there. Think about your intention and you know what to do. If nothing is obvious, or there is nothing to do, then take a walk or drive so you do things the way you want. This works to find something to do, if you can do things, otherwise lay down and rest. The point is sometime you state things, if you make a statement of the idea, then you create the point by the power of words. Don't worry about meeting yourself, unless you were the exact opposite you won't cancel yourself out of existence as if you didn't exist. Now that is impossible, so think about the point and then you know what to do. If you intend to stay, then think the creator makes lodging that you find or you could die out in the open. When you shift, then you could turn to dust here. If not, the point could be sleeping and doing things automatically. Then is the point your autonomous nervous system causes you to act normally. This is a point done by some spirit or soul willing to work with a body. So that means then you fall to sleep and wake up, this is done when you return at your own time of choosing. This is a known effect. Think you know the effect to realize what occurred there, that is known by the spirit. So that means you can create yourself at any time, wherever you want and from energy that exists. Thinking to return, the time you are in reverts around you and you are where you want to be. This is truly the power of the subconscious, that means it uses the spirit to know things and the spirit then stores its information in the soul. That is how I noticed this time travel works. However, sometimes there isn't a foolproof way to do this, this is in the endig by a point you recocognize with what is expressed. Think about the point and feel the idea is created. That is how the normal time travelling happens. This is a time you know, so think and you can get away with what you need. This works as you are aware of things, so think about the area and the point you noticed. Then you can create by spirit what you wish to occur, at the time you need to make things happen, howevever this works with the point of idea and breathing in and out, this works even better by the listening to music. Think you know what this means and your brain causes you to know what the meaning is by the spirit caused realization. This is basically how the known effect works. If you need the effect to stop, breath normally, notice something wrong or hear a loud noise and you seem to "wake up". When you do, your spirit uses your soul to revitalize you, so then you know and afterward you realize what is done. If you don't, then you had nothing wrong done and you can focus on the idea to create the point. This is a point known to man and women, known as insight. That is a point then, now is the point you know by the spirit, so this is a point you realize if you intend to realize. Think about your third eye pinneal gland revealing to yourself what you need to know and you know what's around the area. This is a point you can work with by feel, so think about what you need to know and you can remember things as they exist. This means they that attempt things is where they, those that are what can remember things better, make a picture perfect memory by what is done. So think and you are able to know anything about the idea, area and what may happen. The idea is a point you do, the moment is a point you are aware of by feel or go around. think about the moment, then you create with a thought and make with some concept by the power of the soul. This is a recorded point in the book of life and basically noticed in life. This is a concept, known as creating with the energy consciousness. That is is where you realiz e the point, think of the idea and make use of things you know about. This uses incognition. The psychic awareness, that creates by feel and works with the mind as it is the conscious awareness of the brain. Think of things as they form if you intend to get results. This is a point I know about, so this means you are aware, your awareness is the conscious part of the brain, that means this is it's point noticed with things or people. The thing you know is what is reactions though, so this means you are aware of what is there. Think and you know about things, if you intend to realize what is there then you will. -o.o- Energy point with the elements Jul av e t ele The elements are a concept to use, think of what you need and you can use them by what you do. e-pasy = energy passage; The point of ice or passage of a point by energy considered as if of the element, think to use the idea and you know the thought, then your programming by thought to water or water particles. This is where the idea is a point, and thinking is the activator. So when you think to use energy of ice by a diamond, formed from gated in iced energy then you create the point of transferrance. This is where the idea you put on paper is not in effect, and then you create by the feel with fire energy to create this result if you need the idea in a point. If you freeze something then, you cause the idea to cease to exist. This is where you think about the idea and write it down, then freeze the paper and create with a point of freezer activity. e-pase = energy passes; The energy is the thing you consider, think and you make with the body activity. This uses body maneuvers to create with fire or heat energy in use. So think, "now your free of what you do from" this is a point by feel where do is die off and free is a point in the past. This is an interesting effect of passage of energy, seeing this is a point and thinking your not effected by feel. e-ec = energy convert; Think of the effect if you need energy then think to convert energy into water, that uses the gemstone of moonstone or aquamarine and the elemental water appears on the bottom of the cup. So think to create a thought as energy focus is done, that is directed by feel and programming towards the water source and you use fire or heat energy to create what you need by feel. This works by feel if you consider the idea, think the effect exists and you can do the idea. Think of the point, then you can do what you need. This is a known effect done by feel. e-ef = energy effect; E-fx, the effect is fire or that is heat in the air and converted is the thought to energy, this is done to create a point and the transition of energy to create with your will and made is the point. If you want to create with a ruby or fire opal, then you hold the gemstone and create by thinking the fire energy passes through the gemstone. then is sometimes the point to create by manifesting your thought you need to happen. e-eng = earth shift; This is earth bending with a point, you think to create with energy and the area object or soil can create the point you think about. That's making through the use of transferrance of the thought as programming, and you create with a point that is done. This is also possible to use the earth to manipulate gravity, think to shift the object through the air or area and the item goes where you think in the air. Sometimes if you think about this though, you work with the planet your on and create by the effect or otherwise you won't get a result. In the end, this doesn't matter, so I think this is a done deal by feel. e-air = air effect; Air-fx, this is where you think the energy in the air creates by vibration, otherwise if you think the point is done you can create by the point and the power of words. The air stone is tiger's eye. so if you hold the tiger's eye, then you create the point of fire energy or water energy. That is made by fire or heat and water energy particles, this uses thought programming to create what you need or think into existence. See if you thought about things, you created by feel. So this I think will work by feel. th er ng = earth effect; This better work, this is the finer thing you can do, so all I need to do is think, focus and create. So holding a gemstone will create the point you imagine or think easier by feel, or what you think is this will work and attempt to do things. This uses the amount of power in the energy of the words. en = void; Dark element, the idea is done by darkness if you think the idea and sometimes use the object for example you create with the idea. Then the thought isn't you, the point is done by feel. This is a point you think or consider using positive languages, think to create with positivity the use of a focus that is done. Think to work with a concept of use of focus and a word of power or gemstone. That means you create by the idea you feel is going to happen or when if you don't need that to occur then think of something else and that happens instead. Then if you think, state and gnow things, you create by the power of words. This is done by the spirit and not much is completed if distracted so you don't have to worry over eating. This means you won't eat too much, if you think you won't by feel. fig = the figurative element, It is basically just the dream/idealization world. Not a true painting of the world, it only consists of beliefs. Areas nobody remembers aren't painted and the world only consists of lucid creature's beliefs. The figuritive world. A figuritive element, say an imaginary friend like a Jackie Chan tulpa you created can beat the shit out of a ghost that is haunting your ass for example. Basically the sum of all being's memories. A giant dream junkyard dimension. As opposed to the dimension where spirits go. This works by imagination and need, that the thauma picks up on and creates by feel. tama = thauma, magic; This is created effect by imagining the idea of that you need or feeling the idea is done as you think about what you need, and this is sometimes by gemstones if touched as you think of what you need. This uses intent and idea is what is done sometimes by expression. This is a known effect of emotional release where the body gets energy, and that is the release of emotions that creates the energy from the pent up emotion. anie = spirit; etherial change, animus, yaa (spiritual subparticle), ether, alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, aether, felt influence, there is manipulation by the energy of the soul represented with the spirit. The spirit is the emanation of the soul energy through the body particles. The thought you have is sometimes realization brought about by the soul with insight, this is where the spirit is creating things you need or want by what you think. The spirit does things by influence, so if you create the point you make by idea or expression. This is a known effect, where the spirit knowledge is used by what the soul reveals. That's if you need to know and the subconscious is making you aware of the point. If not, then things are normal and the idea is what you think. There is an aetherical plane, too that has all elements in it. So don't get them confused. The point is made as simple as this, to get how someone or something died or lived, then think to the spirit of the dead bones or dead body and ask it to tell you how it lived and died. This is an effect that the soul reveals to you by insights on what the body did. lum = light; The light is what you see things by and the light shift is the creation by the light energy, this is where you create by focus and the light energy is what does things with your thought waves. This is a point of creation that can even use sunlight, until you turn off the light or the light from the sun is blocked out by clouds. bod = physical; This is where you create by the idea with the memory you have and the point is done by expression, the soul is what empowers the body to create what you need. That means you create with the point of energy in the body. This energy is either food or energy by water, and this is where you make with what you have by feel. The body senses are what rules this element, if you think of the point, you can make with what you have by feel. Oh get this, the physical aura is energy of the body that burns away the air particles and this breaks down whatever is in the air into oxygen and nitrogen. That is how the body breathes. Whatever you desire, the soul does things if you need the idea by causing physical activity. So this element is useful if you think to do magic, that means you can create with the particles of the item and create of physical magic or the art of creation with what you have available. This is a known effect, that doesn't use anything except the soul in idea for psysical actions. sol = so, Divine; The idea uses faith for what you need becomes of the body after the soul transforms things or idea into manifest, this is using an idea that creates the point of what you need for the idea to exist. This sometimes uses a point of expression to create with the idea, there you know will exist by feel. So what you need to know is what you think to realize by insight you have with realization. However the soul is insight, so what you think is what you get. Cravings and creation are with the soul causing the body to drink water, and you get energy from the food as well. They are what empower the body to create to the soul need and the combo creates devine idea by feel, otherwise that is done as a manifest or created item is what you need. This is created by soul influence, and you get what you can see to get. Modiver is the god of alahnis, the creator is the alien god of atlantis. People are divine, so think of the idea and you could get the idea. This is done if you imagine or think about the need as a point of idea or intent. think; The effect is done by thinking, and this is the use of the subconscious that your spirit causes to occur things. This is where you lose excess weight by feel. Think about the effect and you create the effect, if needed or not do things for eating less. -IIa- Bsxwwodix Ac Vabix-n-struu Basic words, action verbs and structure The basic words and structure is with use of the words that is used to form nae horrible things to have the idea represented as action of objective views. Then the idea is put in a string of words as nonsense variables acting like syllables that are to represent what your thought is by feel. Its like a word phrase image idea. Built up from the idea that your base word is represented by a idea and the thought is a string of words, they are likely under a different structure. To know, extreme brainwash is to be able and represent yourself better. To accept and be accepted by its word for its word. The words can be nouns, adjectives, adverbs, preposition, verbs depending on use. Finally in idea, the words can be strung together, like old latin and greek, for complete sentences. Proper nouns are capitalized even in strung together sentences and also separate. When writing the sentences, write the words together in a string, such as "T-b-g-aoey" or Tbgaoey = this be a good opportunity. Any separator marks like ,.;:'"() are left out, except the ' mark is sometimes used for complex words that are combined, and spaces be in place and also for prepositional phrases the space be before "by", "of", "with", "before". "that", "at", "if", "then", "there", "those", "but", "as", "among", among others like "which". Any word after a period or the start of a new sentence is capitalized. The ' mark is pronounced as a short pause and the space is a longer pause. If used in a atleantian translated sentence that has spaces between the phrases and sentence endings and beginnings you may use a "'" between words in the phrase to help you understand it. The Proper nouns are left separate and by themselves, unchanged except the last vowel be treated like normal in the letter replacement section. Adding a capitalization to the word gives the word a stress, importance. the word cluster groups are separated into similiar concepts. Each concept is set as on a word or string of words. Alternate style of word stringing is Capitalizing the beginning of each new word and this is a point in the sentence. There is a point that ends that word and the endpoint is the area of a space. Also, you may separate each word and use that as a structure plan for the phrases. This is used to make it easier to read, but you must add the proper endings, except for pronouns, verbs and single letter words. The words were strung together in simple sentences. Only later on to be formed into complex sentence patterns, that's with separated words in the phrase. This is the way our language formed. The words separated in sense is the sentence: 'Me c wh ya nedan' = I see what you need. The old style of word stringing: "Icgreviwan Mefelpecnon = I see the great view. I feel peaceful now." "T Relan Pana Unoe = That is not to eat people..really that hurt (pained me/you) you gnow" or "If you don't like that your not getting it." "Jellon ishal'gu'tu'eta = Gelatin dessert be good to eat." "Mluvnglen sotrytufiga a an in structlin" = I adore english so I try to model this structure like it. "Ifyureserkt thucadoitmo aiivbijyuse-e-biothmene" = If you research it, then you can do it more, achieve by yourself and by other means. Life be an idea, promote to get action in action by emotion. Void where prohibited by promotion or no divisional acts. "Lyeiie pruotuga iacta byemoe Voiwaproiyo tipruoe-o-nodieeyacte" Life be an idiot, try to work things out with success (pursuit). News to me and news to you. "Lifeiia triytuwrkthouwan-sue Nueiman-e-nutuun" "Avadptryy tuwotoudestruye" = Avoid people trying to work things out destructively. When your not a friend be not a friend unless you want to be friendly, for a friend in need might die. See that's the worst thing to do, not excepting tricks. To die in developement be also the worst, as for fetuses and things in progress or similiar. So to create the effort and die for it, may get you a chance to not want to develope it next life for no area visage by war elephant. "Vi thy u a itr beh u a itr ale thy iwa ie ser itran fo a itr-n-epi mi d C tha th wost t ie fac u eptan trie Ie d-n-ehwaz ser thu th wost oh fo fe-n-source-n-fo-o-ish So ie mai th-n-d fo t ma g thy a ism ie u iwa ie dova t nx ytapu fo u val vey ti uar ofy" "Donchet ketan-e-thworsan thtudua foa-tiacta ofviolan violin" Don't cheat or you feel to no usable eat, Cheating be the worst thing to do, for its an act of violation where's my war elephant then. The alternate word stringing style. "Uua Ye Tan Lay E Dw Yiun Ti Oya" Don't you want to know things, intolerance is dealt with intuitively by activity? Otherwise: "Were you aware of you as you award cruelty? This is by love life or not." "Hn thy fac, thy can oupy di." Whatever you do, you can't outpace a dog. To combine two declensions use an to denote idea or "oil cloth" separate two parts as assent is their, with request is withheld moment as person not allowed to hit or wit"h"out changing the spelling so a space is a space away. See unless vowel is morning cloth see life or consonant is body so thats doubled, so that allows things to have no bad effort see for idea to effect you have for have some activity or side effect, or is a combined by added together meaning or thought two or more uses to create with by area group. Where the effect you see what you ask a point seen or an declension be known by stating the phrase, and to attempt to combine by removing the word letter thats doubled with declension or drug that gets a bad result. Saw is an aspect to this or enzema fantasy "emphasima", see or whats bad is ae ie good for you take the aen no use or pain freu from another. Seen or feel is order or thought see whats denied, peace is thought in some bad fantasy by life. Seen is feeling though you won't issue or use by ideas by us. Combine words or statements to use the word or area use by feel or this is use, an by the person wit no bout of war. See negative stops as the endpoint if you sorta have to guess use, see this is never or sight is not forbidding area as asset is interest or theory use is creative. See no is uu is cruel or uu-uen so don't have to make it if depicted, do not bus it as you are aware you reward yet no in cruelty viewed in the past not use. Were you aware you award cruelty? Specific is use by firm body, sometimes to cause fat so magic is harder. Som area is creative use, so you see that says what you see or feel by no use. So you see this is cool, as you are or will these people stop fighting? Shock or so is sock the footwear kind which if worser to see is fight or use if soft is allowance similiar. See as in la (last action, bring yourself, law) and aro (arouse, arrow or arose) create war or money redemption as laro meaning (arousal or call attention). From the area of The gray company elven dictionary, I will attend the example of "when creating words from two or more words, append together and drop enough letters from the appendor to avoid cumbersome letter sequences or valuable machine carriage. Like aa or cc into one but only in word creation." This expresses my methodology even before I looked at it, so this suits the purpose better. For contractions; You may use them as a separate word and think to combine words, like you and have in a contraction, strip the vowels and the consonants off the second word. This is leaving the last consonant and use the ya or u for you. That is sounding like ya-v or u-v. Some contractions; ya-v = uv = you've, you have or your having ya-d = ud = you'd, you would ya-r = ur = you're, you are t-d = it'd, it would t-e or t-x = it's, it is or it has Used in a sentence it's like: "Nedan FoSnuenedan Uicshrdan Tureeta" which equals 'Need for Weed is a need which's(uics) hard to resist.' Some action verbs are this in use: 'can' is 'ca' or 'cal' 'did' is 'di' 'do', or 'make' is 'fac' 'had' is 'ha' 'get' is 'ge' 'go' or 'walk' is 'amb(i) ' 'has' is 'hath' 'is', 'am', 'are' or 'was' is 'e', 'est', 'ishal', 'isy', be', 'b' , 'waz' , 'wa' or 'isa' 'be' is 'ser', 'ro','beh' or 'b' Some words not easily found in this dictionary with over 100 words are 'like', 'mind', 'the thing'. 'has', 'it', 'he','she', 'him', 'her', 'its', 'no', 'know', 'gnow', 'by', 'to', 'too, 'two', 'up', 'down', 'else', 'was', 'am', 'maybe', 'would', 'wouldn't', 'can't', 'yes', 'now', 'hi', 'on', 'off'. 'like' is 'li' or 'ae' 'mind' is 'ego' 'all' is 't' or 'this' 'the' is 't' or 'th' 'thing' is 't' 'the thing' is 'tht' 'it', 'he','she', 'him' or 'her' is 't' 'its' or 'it's' is 'tix' or 'te' 'no' is 'u-' or 'u', otherwise 'ain't', 'nan', 'bn', 'nan', 'naent', 'nought' or 'n' can be substituted 'know', 'gnow' or 'gno' is 'yes' 'by' is 'ti' 'to', 'too' or 'two' is 'ie' or 'tu' 'up' is 'up' or 'eeh' 'down' is 'du' 'else' is 'els' or 'ls' 'was' or 'am' is 'b' 'maybe', 'could' (have), 'would', 'should' or 'almost' is 'wu' or 'shalt' 'wouldn't' is 'wun' 'can't' is 'can' 'yes' or 'you' is 'ya' or 'u' 'yes' is 'so', 'aye', 'si' or 'I' 'now' is 'if' 'hi' is 'higa' for female tense and 'hima' for hi man or high mountain sometimes it can be 'hi' or 'i' that in technical terms means flow. 'on' is 'a' 'off' is 'of' The a(n), the, an/d, but, or, in, if, I, at is not actually there except when you feel it should be there. Represented by; 'a' is 'a' or 'an' 'is', 'am', 'are', 'an' or 'and' is 'e' 'but' is 'ut' 'or' is 'or', 'aur', 'our' or '-o-' 'in', 'en' or 'into' is 'n' 'if' is 'if' 'I' is 'ego', 'me', 'meh' or 'tha' 'at' is 'at' or 'a' To get an idea of what is the way of the words think this "neon = won't buy" 'the' and similiar words go to 'personal pronouns' in section -VI-. To gnow the idea of what associates with what of simple words go to 'Symbols, affirmatives and association from several sources' in Section -VII-. For more info on suffix stems go to this next section of the Pronounciation key of Section -IIa-. To form words go to the 'letter replacements and word creation' in section -III-. Some more commonly used general use words as stated is life: 'adyu' = 'tchiau', 'adieu', 'good-bye', 'farewell' 'ciou' = 'cioau', 'happy farewell', 'happy ending', 'happy goodbye' 'hu' = 'heighten', 'helio', 'who', 'fire being' 'wha' = 'what' 'ver' = 'were', 'veer', 'where', 'true', 'version' 'y' = 'why', 'wild', 'latch', 'yttrium(time element)', 'more efficient', 'male' 'ven' or 'wen' = 'intervene', 'when', 'true', 'vein' 'qery' = 'aftereffect', 'query', 'question', 'who', 'what', 'where', 'why', 'when' 'tha' = 'I', 'we', 'they', 'that', 'there' 'fro' = 'from' 'jus' = 'just', 'justice', 'fair' "oui", 'age' = 'you', 'your', 'yes', jah 'uua' = "don't", 'don't understand', 'didn't (understand)', 'ordinance', 'shit', 'dung' 'dunno' = 'don't know' 'aruo' = 'use', 'used in' 'r' = 'are', 'er' 'e' or 'ei' = 'is', 'are', 'be', 'from', 'it', 'energy', 'open', 'exception', 'an', 'and', 'to' 'uic' = 'with character', 'which', 'wake', 'with carrol' 'mos' = 'moss', 'morse (code)', 'drumming', 'most', 'months' 'th' = 'the', 'thee', 'they', 'this', 'them', 'thou', 'thy', 'those', 'these', 'that' 't' = 'the', 'person', 'he', 'she', 'it', 'thing', 'tee (ground stake, stand)', 'tea', 'that', 'this', 'those', 'of', 'time', 'designate (place importance)' 'le' = 'to', 'the' 'la' = 'bring yourself', 'law', 'a', 'brought to you' 'so' = 'so' 'su' = 'som', 'super', 'devine', 'holy', 'some', 'slowly use' 'don' = 'make allowance (for)', 'condone', 'done', 'don't', 'king', 'place on', 'doin', 'doing' 'mor' = 'more', 'idiot', 'mort', 'more on', 'death' 'wyl' = 'focus clearly', 'will', 'wild' 'foo' = 'fool', 'bad style', 'thing', 'idea', 'stuff' 'pan' = 'all', 'the whole' 'had' = 'hadn't' 'did' = 'didn't' 'wun' = 'won't' or 'wouldn't' 'neon' = 'won't buy', 'use', 'nothing done' 'I' = 'aye' or '1' 'ego' = 'I', 'self' or 'prodigious' Some greetings and goodbyes: 'lo', 'hlo', 'hiz', 'heu', 'hii', 'avahi', 'allo' or 'elo' = 'hello', 'hi' or 'conechwa' 'hih' = 'breathy hello', 'expressive greeting', 'useful greeting' 'bye' or 'atlu' = 'goodbye', 'chow' or 'adieu' 'ciao' = "byde", 'bid goodbye', if aggravated then hit to feel better For more words think to correct what you think is what happens so just goto the appropriate area and search for the term ya want to gnow. To use the words for magic, inner mind inner thought that is aggravatizing. As yet of another time so the put together is use, with the spell in a sentence is with root words and then without the end stem affix so with each the word capitalized seems like the example sentences. Feel free to use a candle, black or white and light the candle, to get better effect. Use any word phrase, that means your intent, made from the list below. As in, you wanted to do a better sight spell, look in the candle after lighting and say "betaISit", pronounced (betta-aye-eye-site). Supposedly your eyesight improves, after thinking of target such as yourself. The way this works be usage of raw energy from any area but mainly the water, even if its corrupted as the corruprion boils away and it forms as spontaneous casting unless using a candle. Then the ritual be done with more permenant effect, anyhow its done there be lessening of air temperature. With more energy there be more gain in effect per energy level. The people of earth, air and water elements can use these to beget effects. EX: For good eyesight, G-EyC = (g eye-c) good eyesight EX: For un deathseeking not of another (as not by yourself), SekTuK = (seek-too-kah) seek to kill. EX: To kill disease = IlPK (il-nepp-k) EX: To make food, water and objects without excess = TuMakFud Aqo-E-ObjW/oXs (Too-Make-food ache-on ee obj-wih oh-xs) -IIb- Praoncie Ke Pronounciation Key The key has no denomination as in no personal view and everyone's equal, thus objects are spoken of with idea by a personal view or expression, and people are in the third point of view as if another person viewpoint. What helps is the pointing out, declaring what you are talking on first as in a point that's made. Say this is a poem, song, and this can use gesture to help understanding. If you yourself can't understand the communication, then its counted as noise and ignored. There is a part of this in speech, if you want to hear this spoken listen to this. [https://soundcloud.com/chris-moisant/pronounciation-ii] This is there and that is true for netherese. The idea is this, think to enjoy speaking and you can work out the vowels. The way to pronounce these words are through vowels as in "a", "e", "i", "o", "u" and "y" as a half-vowel with the short vowels as in "a" for (yah) and long vowels as you, except its reverse with "y" that's short like (while) and long like (will), that's formed sound from other vowel's influence. When a "y" is in the first column, this can be pronounced as a "w" or "yu". Single vowels are long, double vowels make the first vowel long and the second short, this is excepted for when the double vowels are the first part of the word, then its spoken as a single sound like "Aaron" is "A-ron". Three vowels are first and often second long and said together. The third vowel is short and the y is usually long. Three vowels of the same, are pronounced all long. Four and more vowel words are pronounced with all vowels long, except when the last vowel is the last letter of the word. Then the last vowel is short. Like Ieeek (I-eeek) for I seek to be friendly and bound (to help). See or not construe, Yieeee as (Why-like-Eeh) for Why I shriek. That handles the vowels, now vowels with a part mixed in any consonants are what you think, that's long unless its Y then its a short sound. Any vowel in front of a double consonent, (like tt) be pronounced as a short vowel except the vowels that change their pronounciation completely like y which be long as W or Yu. This includes z as a y sound in chez is ghei. For jhe is zhe or g, and z is zheigh for j like sounds. So Jhe is ghe or G and in front of a word is zhe like j is z and z is j unless in a word then the j is sounding like an h. Vowels in front of the double consonant are flat like asset. Final consonants of roots, following a short vowel, are doubled when suffixes are added (from the Atlantean language) like lear ~ learre. The single consonants are spoken as soft even when put with a different consonant for example cackl = (cahc-kle), letb = (leht-be) except for lets = (leht-s) with a slight hiss to none of the s. Use double consonants spoken hard like raccoon for "cc" yet the "ss" be like assume and be the exception that sounds with a hiss. Otherwise, with any three consonants its first two sounded together, the last sounded separate like ltgeneral, lt-gene-ee-rail. So with some words the ch is used if there and male as sh sounding, and then if female its k or ch sounding. Like chares or peace, where a man would pronounce this share-ee-s and a female would pronounce this chair-ee-s. Some words where they are combined, with totally different meanings, as the result, If derogative or derived negative word meanings, are used in combining words together, there's two different ways to derive the meaning. As this is a point in thought, when they be declension or derogatives, they as a point is a moment as part of the idea. There is a moment that noting the word and the magic. That makes the word unidentical to the actual meaning, this is true unless your thought matches the idea and not brainwave length of the individual. The idea is a point as your thought is caught on tape or recording device, the idea you express portability is thought and created as a thought in a moment that only you can detect with focus. Think though and you know how, with practice, so what to say is what you think to create. This is a known effect. The word meanings are possible to create with a thought and use is the idea, or any will that you detect in mind to understand to gnow the meaning that are with both words meanings, as meanings put together is as though two or more words put together. And keep in mind, some words are not meant to be combined. If nominatives, then they be made into one meaning, in some manner some speaking aspects are thought and known. So use by the idea is a point, separate in the declension words, and undeclensions are with a dash (-), so that the words that are derogatives and declensions, when putting them in sentences, don't cause problems as this in translation is sometimes wrong, so dismiss and try to create your own to avoid confusion. How you want the words understood, be instinctively. With a thought, fewer word lookups and more lookup idea is a concept word root study as possible. There is a concept and nothing there is as thought unless there is nothing there to do. There be no case except for three in this language as its active case and naturally considered magic case like the linux magic number that uses auto references to get the effect. This be considered hyper translation when used in active speach, where there's no case extension (affix) of the 3 cases, that are dropped within a sentence of no spaces. Use more than one ending or affix and only if necessary. Do this as a case in point. Singular verb: - or -a, Except the - can connect two words like declensions. Any plural: -(i)x for plural and -x can be in place of -e or use I with a consonant an the -x. All other cases: -(a)n be where the usage of 'a' be behind a consonant. Optional s: use -e at the end of the noun or verb. Like know is kno and with the -e its knoe. Optional r: use -r at the end of the noun or verb to indicate movement or activity. Like kno and with the -r it's knor or know the movement or action by activity. Optional ed: Use an -o at the end of the word. As the word augment is aug as root and -o as stem for or creao for creature creator. Optional you: Use an -u at the end of the word. This if used in negative thought is an option, that blames the intended person or group. So this means 'a person that' does what the word is in effect. Such as avai for take, then add a -u for taker or thief. This is how you would use it. Optional ing: To form nouns and other cases into verbs. The idea of in and en is -y with consonant an vowel or as to be with feeling its -in for present action or -en sometimes for past action. As optional additions, as this shows conception of something or to use an -ing effect. As in is into and en is in or at the end. To bein in is like been except different meanings as bein that is being and been (benen) is beneath or not being. As benigning is bniy. Using -ih: The ih or h (if after a vowel) ending can be used to work the point to halt things and denote not or no in front of the regular meaning. This is where oe is done then oeh is not done. "Etiamax" = Lets stand to make (a difference), What are you saying? = "Varusax", as variety a sacks "Arudua" = How are you doing?, or not rude at all. "Arux" = Abrupt use, not done by the effect of what is and isn't. "Abrubix" = Before rubs or abrupt rubbing. Sorilea soreness. "Ydutnowan" = Why do that now? "Yneadut Asuluken" = Why not do that as your looking? "Gluky" = good looking. "gifuh" = no gift. Now why didn't I look at this earlier? = "Nowydidmeluka Atherlyran" Now energy is right, corrected as necessary from that game. = "NowLetisCmorAsTu Amor Aste Asten Gea Astec Vei" Depending on usage for example; the word aq meaning fact or factor can mean also factors (aqix), factoring (aqix), factored (aqan). The k as in kn be silent or dropped yet influences the word like in knuckle. the "h" as in "bhack" be unheard with only an influence except when alone, th treated like t, Bh treated like b, Kh treated like k are letters but the t be unheard or soft, b be soft, h be also silent within a sentence, Another word aao means bank (aao), banks (aaoix), banked (aaoix) and banking (aaoa). The tense of the words are hardcase so "I" unless needed, "of", "or". "our", "that" and "the" are assumed yet not placed in the phrase unless you want it there. Use simple word patterns for complex sentences. "lets make a difference" = "letmaitaix". Due note this has no "a" in it from the english phrase. "lets be different" = "Maybtai" "this be our way" = "tbaye". leaving out "our". To say "This Can't Be Yogurt" = "TCanB Ugite". To say maytag, be "Mayta" Examples: rak = (rake), aroo = (ar-oll-o), waii = (w-aid-rite-ihn), cyl = (sil), uar = (war), yyn = (yin), c`aa = (c-yay-a), tar's = (t-hair-s), zap-o = (z-ape-oll), e`iryy-i'pu = (ear-ire-il-why-puh), zyl = (zil), elevn = (wee-l-see-vn), decty = (d-eh-c-tye), betto = (bett-oll) To put these words together string the words; EX: Eueios n-hawaiin = Languages and desirous as nothing is involved in depicted sacredness. EX: Eueios n-hawaiix = Languages and desirous in sacred depictions. These are complex sentence patterns; EX: Ichluffigy`omue itek'gymix = I love exercised vision in taught exercises EX: Urion e-eplen-uoy y'aftan = Most important be enduring long instances after power actions. EX: Ich e`iryy-i'pue id = I at last changed self being peculiar in mind EX: Disishwodstuukae = This be a sentence (long word string) strung together. These are with numbers; EX: sexeoe I quadcentquadttrimille I tuten = 6,443,021 EX: onzanai dec e dectdec = 11x9=99 bank account: this atleantian banking is use by feel to keep as you wish this is done. if one were not in to indescriminate one use is all thats needed. look here to -ivb- for alternative banking. nehi or min = lower or tremble or treble mine = mininum mane = highest ad = aal, raise aao or stupid = bank account aal or ael = savings aaw = money, atm oal = loan thinking = activity think = thought The ideal way to work with this is use is us, aao means bank by aao, banks aaoix, banked aaoix and banking aaoa. Thinking to create with banking use is "nahi aao aela" or ne nihi nahil by feel is aalih e aao as its went by feel this is what I went to work with others. Songs: This song be a example of proper old latin nouns and completely translated broken into pause breaks where punctuaction marks were, to make it easier to understand. Ay Tonyn tudulin Ay Tonyn iffyicudiwudbue Eniotlitiae teniotlitutan Etemmaiembgregren gren Frostanflakix r-gretgutan tgan Hey Tony! I like the things you do. Hey Tony! if I could I would be you. The one and only tiger the one and only taste! Eating them makes them more than good, there great! Frosted Flakes are more than good, there great! Poems: Elmally Chrisan Tlitan Urbuasbbyqan Sotigtwealwudys wetebfainaave Duurskekix alwadraa ubrisomda Ucasa HaHa Buoulgaaoe OthtuMaa Separated words: Tun me allyn Chrisan T lin t Uran bun as b byqo Sotigan t we alan wud ysan We th fainan a aven Du ya skekix Alwae dra U b rin somdan U ca sa HaHa Buoul ga aoen Othan tu Maan To my friend chris, Its like this, Your talent has been bestowed, Something that we all would wish, We'd then be King of the Road, Do your sketches, Always draw, you'll be rich someday, You then can say Ha! Ha! Half goes in the Bank, the other to Ma Ma. Juueertix Elmordyfpepix Taconfelyjuux Twamemepryey Mogadjuun bygadix Modysijuudun bythurtan Mooffjuux dan bydysan Qerylyjuux e-dabydyfan-e-offan Qerymemjuura fothwin Qeryprveyjuurdua bytdefan thwegdsjuux Dufoalan oabovan Usuyfocoete-e-mofo'pla Spells are many things. To many different people. There are confusion and lying spells. There were memory and privacy spells. Most genious spells done by geniouses. Most defensive spells done by those hurt. Most offensive spells, done by the defensive. Where confusion spells are done for defense. Where lying spells, are done by the defensive and offensive. When memory spells are for those with confliction. When privacy spells are done by those defensive, then we got programming spells. Done for all of the above. Usually for correction and mostly for fun. Sayings: Serendipity or natural discovery happens by accident. Aha -o- nat decoaya onem bij geroman Ally maiy Alliance influence after, thou are what earn the right. Make possible concept and use is subcnscious. Allay the fear and use what thou must, use is up to you or think not to do as thou desist or not to givest as thou must use the creator. elyman -o- sylieman = elliemay or salliemay, loan agency, money made force, loan detour actor agency. Ever mind the rule of three, gives you harvest, because this is thou and this is yours, Three times and three more is what you givest harvest from, things that are returns to the area, This lesson must be well, as thou must learn to see or look, as though is there use thou will, Thee only gets earnings, what thou dost earn in life, as thou errand thou are what you consist. Evr mid ruus an -a- thein (Ever mind rule of three) Thein nax va th gioun ret ei than (Three times what you give out, returns to thee) T gno uelan th mu gnon (This know well, thou must know) Th otly gix va th du erna (Thee only gets, what thou dost earn) If its bad get out of there. = If tix ba g ou t than Sinning be sometimes easier to forgive, rather than being always right or too perfect. Synan bay sotye eisyr le fogia raa t bayan yuen ryt -o- tu pafin Eifogie eifogia ei fog ia ei fogia To forgive be to forget. Things may not be well, so seek civil liberties. = Tmabhwelan sesekcivliatix (short form) Things may not be well, so seek civil liberties. = Te ma bh welan se sek civ liatix (expanded long form) If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen. From my mama. Eef yo can pod t ha kep ou t th kyknan Fro me maae -III- Laarelen-e-wodeea Letter replacements and words creation from other words A. These are the letter replacements used for the words below: Use with any word you come across to create an atlantean word for yourself but remove the stem like ing, ed, s and etc. Warning this key has no denominations. 1. The "e" at the end of the word is removed as its silent and not spoken, otherwise retain the e. 2. Remove the "h" from the word, if silently spoken. 3. Any "a?e" where the ? be a cosonant, remove it making it ae. 4. Simplify the word as much as possible in one or two passes, except for two or three letter words, and except for the proper nouns unless its desired to. Remember that ei is neuter, ie for woman and ey or y for males. 5. M,N,L,S,+ voiced consonant > MM,NN,LY,SS, ZU,PU,BU+vowel> Z,F,V. (Note that these letters were originally pronounced ZH, F and V even in Imperial Atlantean). 6. S between vowels>Z, -NC- >-NG-, -PH->-F-. (Note that PH was always pronounced F in any case). 7. Final consonants of roots, following a short vowel, are doubled in writing when suffixes are added (as in declensions and conjugations). 8. Diphthongs changed to single vowels in all positions (including finally), i.e. OU>U, EI>E. 9. In triphthongs, such as AUE, EUA, the last vowel vanished. The surviving diphthong was also usually simplified, especially if final, eg AUE>AU>AO>A. 10. Most final short vowels became -e. 11. Where some or most atleantian has the singular verb:- or -a, 12. All other cases: -(a)n be where the usage of an be behind a consonant 13. All plural cases: '-ix' with other vowels, drop I except e. 14. When the word be three letters or less, drop no letters except the e or h. 15. ough>ue>u; like tou or thru 16. sometimes the words can seem or are similar to the sounds they make, so the meaning is what they sound like. 17. transitional words or verbs can be useful, that's depending on their use and they can mean anything in the sentence and they are these: t for it, (those things are useful) thing/s, he, she, something. th for these, those, that and this (is fair). 18. The s ending for gender is where the a is male s and e is female s in word ending, this is useful if you need to denote gender by an added s. B. The old ways before reform of the word rules are listed below to convert words borrowed from the language site. http://members.tripod.com/grahamjmabey/Languages/Languages%20-%20introduction.htm influence by feel C. Below this section be the root words and by use of for the associations section can we obtain verb tenses and cases to add on with use, and make the words more easier to undestand. The letter replacements are necessary within the word. can be used with neth. a=au=aue=ao=ff=ric=ym=yc=up=uk=yo=uir=ag=op=ap=oi=et=ish=li=igg=agh=ia=ng=n a=ej=r=er=ert=ure=am=il=oa=ak=ach=ek=ah=acy=ys=ab=aa=eo=aue=ua=at=ai=y a=augh=aff=on=ad=act=isj=un=uv=a e=ae=ac=yt=ee=ei=ar=r=ers=as=ian=ius=io=es=s=ss=ess=ubb=ea=elf=is=b e=is=ept=ion=ub=cs=x=xx=ell=el=l=ens=m=mm=nm=ng=nc=em=eng=yn=yz=w=u e=eor=eo=c=ch=k=kk=cc=s=ss=os=unc=ay=e i=an=ai=ain=and=eng=e=if=ox=ex=x=s=xx=yi=ob=ul=nib=ib=und-wnd=uz=uint=ezz=ez=iy=iv=l i=ig=ock=oc=ij=le=ion=og=ogg=eb=ot=ik=us=ier=id=yy=ie=y=en=ent=to=uon=eff=eef=i i=ef=eon=od=igh=av=aw=aj=ich=ion=n=ud=ern=in=ip=ir=ih=ix=i o=ep=uc=uch=iu=ott=ou=ers=or=ot=ort=ell=iz=ov=of=uas=ui=oct=ed=l o=ast=eth=oth=ot=wag=bi=uf=ly=ol=ll=uag=ua=oui=org=ou=owe=i u=w=uu=ou=um=ut=uar=ure=ir=yp=yu=ug=ur=ya=oc=unn=ec=ow=om=aq=oj=uj=y=ij=w u=oe=ewt=qu=ic=ang=iq=wh=oo=ew=eq=ill=et=ue=eh=os=ep=uc=uk=uch=oy=v u=eu=eua=aue=au=eh=eg=ee=e y=yr=on=ing=why=ey=ye=ule=yl=it=uir=ag=int=ya=im=al=ign=uhy=ie=a y=all=ev=af=uy=i=dd=d=t=ez=l Ex: nebula = niua = nebula Ex: suna = sooner = suna Ex: rua = recon = rua Ex: styie = stimulus = styie EX: cadyi = condiment = cadyi EX: scalp = scyp = scalp EX: cologne = coin = cologne EX: aviation = iate = aviation EX: progression = priree = progression EX: genitillia = giyaila = giala = giyaila = genitillia EX: subatomic = seauu = seu = seauu = subatomic EX: timeshare = tyshe = timeshare EX: carbonate = ceba = carbonate EX: flavor enhancer = flionhica = fliha = flionhica = flavor enhancer EX: congregate = cagruu = cyru = cagruu = congregate EX: cowtow = cutu = cowtow EX: defrag = diry = defrag EX: insular = isie = insular EX: rapper = raa = rapper EX: sippowitz = sipuyz = sippowitz EX: cherub = kae = cherub EX: debris = dirb = debris EX: afford = aod = afford EX: absess = ase = absess EX: readjust = redjit = rojy = redjit = readjust EX: prepare = prue = prepare EX: nahalen = nayn = nahalen EX: extra = yra = extra EX: otter = oa = otter EX: vacant = veit = vacant EX: dollars = doe = dollars EX: weigh = wuh = weigh EX: reassertifications = reatyae = reassertifications EX: written = ryti = written EX: accute = ecu = accute EX: think = tik = think EX: better = bata = baa = bata = better EX: nihilism = niaem = nae = niaem = nihilism EX: standard = stided = standard EX: top = ta = top EX: war = ue = war EX: unless = ale = unless EX: roach = rak = roach EX: blu = bleet, bleep it, bludgeon that releases or released it, sweet reward, lover EX: Normal user an an me EX: Uber=Eer=Uer=Ua=Ea=Eer=Uber EX: guardian=gedan=geda=guardan=guardian EX: woke up=woka=worka=workup=woke up EX: paces=pasz=pace=paces EX: packed=pako=pacced=packed EX: wonderment=wadami=wyda=wondai=wonderment EX: high octane=hiocti=high octan=high octane EX: flooding=fludy=fluden=floodin=flooding EX: floodplain=fludpla=floodplai=floodplain EX: what do you mean=wadoya mean=waoya mean=wakya mean=wakkya mean=wachya mean=wachyaaei =vacuain=wachyoaen=wachya mean=wadoyou mean=what do you mean EX: close=klaus=clos=clu=clos=close EX: vacuum=wacwm=wewm=vacuum EX: seeing=cy=cen=cin=seeing EX: learning=lernen=lann=lerny=lernin=learning EX: hear=ear=er=hear EX: clarion=clrt=clet=clarion EX: sideline=silie=sili=silan=sile=sidlan=sideline -IV- Nsys Number system The numbers are in groups of 3. Every three there be a spoken e(and). Math functions such as adding and subtracting are just like normal. Use for addition, the words "e" = and, +, plus, ig = adding, +. ig`o = added with, of or to, +. 35+44 tritceli autthein 28+16 buoutoct ig'o eniz Use the words of a-, fro or sohtr = subtract, -, minus. To use it combined be sohtr'fro or a. 17-12 dente atulv 20-1 doubuou fro en Times, In order to express so many "times", ie once, twice, three times, etc, add the suffix -(a)nai to the cardinal (include the "a" if it follows a consonant, omit it if it follows a vowel), eg: once enenai twice buounai nine times nantanai Every / each, To translate "every ...", eg "every three, every four" or "three of each, four of each", prefix the Atlantean cardinal with "ton(t)-". Use the form "tont-" before a vowel, otherwise "ton-". EG: Every one (each one) tonten Every five (five of each) toncel Fractions, To create fractions, add the definite article before the ordinal numeral(5th, 4th with ul or l if vowel) for single fractions, or the relevant number(1, 2) for larger ones, as in English eg: one half en buoul one third en darcul one quarter en theinul two thirds buou darcuix "-ly", "in the .... place", To translate words like "firstly, secondly," etc, add the adverbial suffix -ehe to the ordinal, similar to the English construction, eg: firstly enuyehe fifthly ceyehe There are two numerals which do not correspond to the expected formation: tenthly douyehe in the seventieth place ariehe "-ruple" or disruption, "multiplied by", "...times". To translate formations like "double", "quadruple", "twenty times", there are two methods depending on whether the construction be an adjective (as in "triple salary") or a verb (as in "to triple a salary"). As an adjective, prefix the first part of the cardinal to the relevant noun. Note that only the first four (up to "quadruple") are regularly used in no feeling your able to eat more or not, so turn off the machine if possible as you use magic or destroy things if not capable to achieve what magic is tasks. Ie: Put the rule as enter a number to create a shift as you think the number your there. So use the number then the tuple "or fall over" not parallel disgusting not alway someone there or tiple indicating place. Time is where you are wanting to see. So this is see or seen to use. 2x Double buo- 3x Triple dar- 4x Quadruple thein- 5x Quintiple quo- 6x Seixtiple sex-Sex is in the forbidden world or abdomen called viw or no vowel 7x Septiple sept-sein wave non use. 8x Octiple oct- 9x Nentiple nent- 10x Yestiple yest-the way you say it 11x Eltiple elt-after a specific event nothing happens 12x Nintiple nint-away with you as you see. 13x Noentiple noent-entiple otherwise is use. 14x Ninitiple ninit- 15x Nuntiple nunt-use this if well to get away from him that said that to you. 16x Duntiple dunt- 17x Septeimotiple septeimot-you become dragon use so seintiple is a variable. 18x Nontiple nont-go ahead 19x Bintiple bint-I am thinking that you would really want to gno. 20x Partiple part-un is use. 21x Deciemeotiple decit-big word after you use irresponsible behavior or use it you won't be able to get anything so don't go beyond. so much more longer living. 9x1000000000^9 Single be a separate adjective = encanul. As a transitive verb the way you speak indicates what you are yet activity is not always what you seem, this is what led to your area murdered after the original murder so wish it away. So if no repeat necessary as you seal violet light away, by thought remember my use as you seee this you are gone to your world or use is feel not use. Atlantean used the construction "to make two", "to make three", etc, with the verb "ei thaid" plus the cardinal, eg To double / make two ei thaid buou or ein thaid buou To triple / make three ei thaid darco or ein thaid darco To express the intransitive verb, "to double" in the sense of "to become double". Atlantean used "ad ern" plus cardinal, eg so continue not. To double or feel / become two or more use or not destroed ed ern buou or en ern buou Ex: 35500 = trit-quinmille e quincent 99999 = t-nimille e nancentnantnan cieo e quadcentquadttrimille = 6,443,000 7,400,640,851 = syitrilni quadcenteoi sexcentquadtmillei etcentquintune onzanai ni e nitni = 11x9=99 or ongoing cixcla = ne sickness, ci!, six factorial, 6x5x4x3x2x1 facte c eq ciquondquo ei thaid quad = function of x with f(c)=400x4 All math is a formula find the formula you find the number system like calculus expressions.. a = by, of, - (a-), subject, minus e = and, +, plus, is (=, compared to, or equalling), equals, "=" o = or, difference of, of amongst, with, used with declensions by a -o- "-(u)l" = place after the last number word phrase for the "u" endings and for "th" numbers, This also represents the 10 numbers, 10, 20, 30. n = index, number, one to infinity antu = remainder of antu'of = with the remainder of aq'in = factors into asou = absolute, positive result, | "-(a)nai" = include the a if in front of consonant, es, time, multiply, multiple of, * -(a)nai'wi = include the a if in front of consonant, es`diw, multiplied with, * eq = equal represent, result, = ig = adding, + igig = ++; self-increment, re-add, logical addition ig`diw = added with, + ig`tu = added to, + bi`a = divided by, / bi`in = divided into, / Advanced function() brae`wi = enclosed with, [] brae-wi = enclosing with, [] fac = group, () fac`diw = grouped with, () fac-diw = grouping with, () facte = function, f(x) as a function of x and how you decide to assign the x finai = fibinachi series; any number is the sum of the first two numbers finalized. frete = fraction, a part, a part of the whole, n/n like 1/2 or n parts out of n fro = from, subtract, -, minus. use 'fro with a -(a)n or -a word in front. grata = greater than, gratitude, > lesta = less than, < neg = a-, de(h with the vowel of the word)-, negative, - as you see mention paci = percentage, %, pacify by comparison sotr = subt, subtract, -, remove, remove things noting nothing is some idea. sotrsotr = --; self-reduce, re-subtract, logical subtraction, logical reduction, self-removal sotr'fo = subt`fro = subtracted from, -, sufferance, removed from pamu = permute, NPr, 5P4(5/(5-4)), permutation xcla = factorial, natural positive number row, 6!(1x2x3x4x5x6), exclamation, declare, ! Points av = point, decimal agleu = acute angle, 30 degrees agl = angle endav = end point, finish up itsagl = obtuse angle, 120 degrees oin = center oruy = a ray, one direction line ci = shape, diameter, six or energy cimi = curve, ebb or tide cuic = circumference, circle area, sex or use, by circle radius size to continue after is en cuis = cubic centimeter, curls effect x = deg, degree/s, point of degree, participant, duree (as duration), degraix, amount measured, digit, "o", sextiplate or sextiple is still no is less. dwight = incline, upslope hit = height, sometimes to strike, see or sight, seen is sight gir = plot, damages, see on use, sight by use kod = chord, line segment on circle, circle circumference or life area activity feel l = line, 180 deg, straight angle, line, after use by user lee = downslope, easing down, ease by paint to use energy caught to the feel. ligt = length, lengthen, line measure nillin = straight line, strengthen area or line use rais = radius, raise, not resurrect ritagl = right angle, perpendicular, 90 degrees, see turn or sign segml = line segment, line piece, sight or see stere = cubic meter, see line Circles and shapes sometimes slopes in math by ending. tigi = tangent, line circle point, sighting twi = twine, bival, between, area line no measure val = area, various variation vyln = land plot, ramp, slope vylna = upramp, upslope vylnastep = upramp, steep upslope vynuto = upramp, steep incline, steep upslope wea = length wia = width cucl = circle, 1-sided curved shape oase = ellipse, squashed circle trul = triangle, 3-sided shape qudray = quadrilateral, closed four-sided shape squ = square, four equal sided shape rutigl = rectagon, rectangle, right-angle parallelogram traad = trapezoid, three unequal sided shape icutrad = isosceles trapezoid, three equal angled shape pruire = parellelogram, parellel opposite sided shape rhubs = rhombus, equal sided parellelogram pitak = pentagon, five-sided shape sexak = hexagon, sexagon, 6-sided shape seak = septagon, 7-sided shape oak = octagon, 8-sided shape decak = decagon or 9-sided shape polyk = polygon, multi-sided shape(10+ sides), shapeless orb = orb, perfect sphere, perfect solid circle utatry = octahedron, double pyramid bg = box, solid rectangle hypbg = hyperbox, 4-D space-time object , that be 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 (a 3D unit cube be 1 x 1 x 1). A Hypercube consists of 8 identical cubes, each sharing its 6 faces with the 6 adjacent cubes (in the same way a 3D cube shares each of its 4 edges with the adjacent 4 squares to form a cube of 6 faces). Each of the identical cubes appear to be different sizes and shapes due to perspective. They really are identical. cyida = cylinder, solid parellelogram kon = cone, solid triangle sfa = sphere; sfere, solid 3d circle or ball, this is a ball either perfect or not perfect in formation. pya = pyau, pyramid, tetrahedron, pointed top box taay = tetragon, solid polygon (10+ sides) Other idea - = n, Roman for nulla or none,nothing or not, zero oe 0. However, Debits on the left, credits on the right. Also using a zero doesn't matter if your only mathematical operandum is addition and subtraction... PE(MD)(AS) 1+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1 = 2. -IVa- Numbering nihl nehl nihel The exponential numbers n nil = 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000, 1x10^-80 n terol = 1/100000000000000000000000000000, 1x10^-33 n exol = 1/100000000000000000000000000, 1x10^-30 n yoptol = 1/100000000000000000000000, 1x10^-27 n yoctol = 1/100000000000000000000, 1x10^-24 n zeptol = 1/10000000000000000, 1x10^21 n attol = 1/100000000000000, 1x10^-18 n femtol = 1/1000000000000, 1x10^-15 n picol = 1/100000000000, 1x10^12 n nanol = 1/1000000000, 1x10^-9 n eol = micro, 1/1000000, 1x10^-6 n centmilli = hectomilli, 1/100000, 1x10^-5 n timilli = dekamilli, 1/10000, 1x10^-4 n millil = 1/1000, 1x10^-3 n centil = 1/100, 1x10^-2 n decil = 1/10, 1x10^-1 n nanil = 1/9, 0.1111 n octul = 1/8, 0.125 pi = 3.1416 seen as .., tri e en syil, 3 1/7, 22/7, unsolvable number n sentul = 1/7, 0.143 n cil = 1/6, 0.6666 enptet = energy converting to mad, nan quinul, 1.8, 9/5, conversion number, energy converging number. n quinul = 1/5, 0.2 n qaul = 1/4, 0.25, a quarter n tril = 1/3, 0.3333 n semil = hemi, semi. demi, 1/2, 0.5 negtut = -20 negnaniz = -19 negoctiz = -18 negsyiz = -17 negcil = -16 negcel = -15 negauz = -14 negtriz = -13 negtulv = -12 negonz = -11 negti = -10 negnan = -9 negoct = -8 negsyi = -7 negci = -6 negcel = -5 negau = -4 negtri = -3 negtu = -2 negen = -1 - = 0, nulla, z, zao, zy, zyl, deho, zeri, zeroi, zill, nyl, noth, nothing, brought to nothing, none, zero, zilch, zil, einzawzhi n = 1, I, en, une, unis, uni, one tu = 2, II, buou, deuix, duo, bis, bi, di, tuw, to, two, too tri = 3, III, darco, ter, tres, trois, three au = 4, IV, thein, quad, quattuor, tetra, tetr, quadri, four cel = 5, V, quinque, cinq, penta, pent, quint, quin ci = 6, VI, sex, cint, hex, hexa, six syi = 7, VII, sent, septem, hept, sept, septo, seven oct = 8, VIII, huaccel, octo, huit, et, eight nan = 9, VIV, ni, nant, novem, neuf, non(latin), ennea, nine ti = 10, X, doul, deka, decem, dri, ten, dec, deca, deci, A (hex, hexadecimal) onz = 11, XI, doulen, undecim, hendeca, undeca, eleven, B (hex) tulv = 12, XII, doubuou, duodecim, hecto, dodeca, twelve, C (hex) triz = 13, XIII, doucu, tertiusdecim, thirteen, D (hex) auiz = 14, XIV, douthein, quartusdecim, fourteen, E (hex) quiniz = 15, XV, doucel, quintusdecim, quindeca, fifteen, F (hex) sexiz = 16, XVI, coucint, sextusdecim, sixteen, 10 (hex) syiz = 17, XVII, dente, septimusdecim, seventeen, 11 (hex) octiz = 18, XVIII, douccel, octavusdecim, eighteen, 12 (hex) naniz = 19, XIX, counant, nonusdecim, nineteen, 13 (hex) tut = 20, XX. buenoul, viginti, twenty, 14 (hex) tut-en = 21, XXI, buenoul-en(etc.), twenty-one, 15 (hex) trit = 30, XXX, darcoul, triginta, thirty, 1E (hex) aut = 40, XL, theinoul, quadraginta, forty, 28 (hex) quint = 50, L, celoul, quinquaginta, fef, fifty, 32 (hex) sext = 60, LX, cintoul, sexaginta, sixty, 3C (hex) syit = 70, LXX, setul, ariel, septuaginta, seventy, 46 (hex) octt = 80, LXXX, ariel-doul, octoginta, eighty, 50 (hex) nant = 90, XC, poud, dounpuondao, nantul, nonaginta, ninty, 5A (hex) cent = 100, 1x10^2, C, puonda, doulul, centum, hunna, hunnerd, hecto, hundred, dollar, 64 (hex) centune = 101, CI, puonden, one-hundred-one, 65 (hex) centu = 102, CII, puandatu, puonda-duon, one-hundred and two, 66 (hex) centi = 110, CX, puonde-doul, puondeti, one hundred and ten, 6E (hex) centonz = 111, CXI, puonde-doulen(etc..), one-hundred and eleven, 6F (hex) centtut = 120, CXX, puonde-buenoul, puonda, puondetut, one-hundred and twenty, 78 (hex) tucent = 200, CC, buoupuonda, buoucent, two-hundred, C8 (hex) tucenten = 201, CCI, buoupuonden (etc), two-hundred and one, C9 (hex) tucenti = 210, CCX, buoupuonde-doulen, buoucent-ti, two-hundred and ten, D4 (hex) tricent = 300, CCC, darpuonda, darcent, three-hundred, 12C (hex) darcocent = 400, CCCC, theipuonda, quadcent, four-hundred, 190 (hex) celcent = 500, CCCCC or D, celpuonda, celcent, five-hundred, 1F4 (hex) cicent = 600, CCCCM, cipuonda, sexcent, cicent, six-hundred, 258 (hex) sentcent = 700, CCCM, sent puonda, septcent, seven-hundred, 2BC (hex) etcent = 800, CCM, huaccel puonda, arielcent, eight-hundred, 328 (hex) nancent = 900, CM, nanpuonda, nicent, innocent, nine-hundred, 384 (hex) tosi = 1,000, 1x10^3 M, g, ochos, mille, mill, grand, kilo, thousand, 3E8 (hex) tositi = 1,010, 1.01x10^3, ochos duol (etc), ochos ti, one-thousand and ten, 359 (hex) tutosi = 2,000, 2x10^3, buou ochos (etc), tu ochos, two-thousand, 7D0 (hex) titosi = 10,000, 1x10^4, doul ochos (etc), ti ochos, ten-thousand, 2710 (hex) centmille = 100,000, puond ochos (etc), centum ochos, one-hundred thousand, 168A0 (hex) ducenttosi = 200,000, buoupuond ochos (etc), ducent okos, dukent okos, two-hundred thousand, 30D40 (hex) Large numbers eo = 1,000,000, 1x10^6, O, E 1000 z, meuhilde, mega, yuron, million, F4240 (hex) biln = 1x10^9, B, giga, buron (beuron), scottland, billion, qua'teso(quotesso), milliard(england), 3B9AC00 (hex) triln = 1x10^12, tera, trillion, billrd, quo'teso(quotesso), billion(england), E8D4A51000 (hex) auln = 1x10^15, q-auln, peta, quin'teso(quintesso), quadrillion, 38D7EA4C68000 (hex) quinln = 1x10^18, exa, quintillion, quin'tesa(quintessa), trillion(england), DE0B6B3A7640000 (hex) sexln = 1x10^21, zetta, sextillion, 35C9ADC50EA0000 (hex) syiln = 1x10^24, septillion, yetta, quadrillion(england), quid'tesa(quidtessa), 1BCECCEDA100000 (hex) octln = 1x10^27, octillion, yept, 9FD0803CE800000 (hex) naln = 1x10^30, nonillian, quintillian(england), yokt, 4674EDEA40000000 (hex) decln = 1x10^33, decillion, drillion, zopt, 3BC15B0A0000000 (hex) sexln = 1x10^36, undecillion, umbecillion, sexillion, B34B9F10000000000 (hex) tudecln = 1x10^39, duodecillion septln = 1x10^42, tredecillion, sextillion, septillion auquiln = 1x10^45, quattuordecillion auetln = 1x10^48, quindecillion, octillion(england) sexdecln = 1x10^51, sexdecillion nonln = 1x10^54, septendecillion, nonillion(england) octodecln = 1x10^57, quintsyiln, octodecillion sextln = 1x10^60, novemdecillion, decillion sextriln = 1x10^63, vigintillion undecln = 1x10^66, undecillion syibisln = 1x10^72, syituln, duodecillion(england) tredecln = 1x10^78, tredecillion, sexidillion en octtquad = 1x10^84, quattuordecillion quindecln = 1x10^90, quindecillion sexdecln = 1x10^96, sexdecillion nisexln = 1x10^102, septendecillion tietln = 1x10^108, octodecillion onzquadln = 1x10^114, novemdecillion tulvzln = 1x10^120, vigintillion(england) trittriln = 1x10^303, centillion sexzln = 1x10^600, sezzln, centillion(england) ziln = 1x10^6n or 1xzxni, tontonto, "zi"llion, astronomical, large number nil = 1x10^80n, 3xzi mil, nillion, quite created, very large number, gast, some billion or more Places by number zul = 0th, dehul, nullul, nul nul = 1st, uneat, terul, deci, inga, fulst, puru,, primarius tul = 2nd. buoul, tuat, centi, alter, sec tril = 3rd, darcul, triat, tetrius, milli, wedn aul = 4th, theinul, auat, auth, quartus, quadth cel = 5th, quinul, quinat, quintus, fridd cil = 6th, cintul, sexul, sexat, sextus, micro, satu syil = 7th, sentul, syiat, septimus, sund etul = 8th, huaccul, octat, octavus, etat nanul = 9th, nantul, niat, nonus, nano dil = 10th, tiul, tiat, decimus, deca onzul = 11th, doulenul, onzat, undecimus tulvul = 12th, doubuoul, tulvat, pico, duodecimus trizul = 13th, doucul, trizat, tertiusdecimus auizul = 14th, doutheinul, auizat, quartusdecimus, quadizat doucul = 15th, quinizul, quinizat, femto, quintusdecimus sexizul = 16th, doucintul, sexizat, sexizul, sextusdecimus dentul = 17th, syizul, syizat, septimusdecimus attul = 18th, douccul, octizul, octizat, atto, octavusdecimus decizul = 19th, dounantul, decizat, nonusdecimus tutul = 20th, buenoul, tutat, vigintius zeptul = 21st, buen-enul, tutunul, tutenat, zepto, unetvicesimu tutul = 22nd, buen-buoul, tutuat, duoetvicesimu tutrul = 23rd, buen-darcul, tutriat, teriusetvicesimu yoctul = 24th, buen-theinul, tutaul, tutaut, yocto, quartusetvicesimu tritul = 30th, darcoul, thirtieth autul = 40th, theinul, fortieth celoul = 50th, quintul, quintat, fiftieth -IVb- banking aao nahi; bao bao bank account: this spell or description allows atleantian banking by feel or text to keep as you wish this is done. I swore not to return since what I saw there was acoholics. so h is lower attached or not to the end of a word, l is low by the feel. a is actively or normal with e. e clabek nahil is the point is done by a hundred more or less. maybe useful maybe otherwell ideal. el = min, with mininum, lower as nehi is can't. al = ad or work, raise is also nahi or ahel to a point aao = aaw or eew account is bank account rasing aal or ael = savings with theory or meaning nahele = held, not threatening nahila = held or not is somethimes threatening relia = released by feel eew = weight with gold or money order weha = weight ne nahal = nasal, trade gold or au, silver or michael, this is trade money is aao, aal is exchange as nehi with account clabek = your acount is good or nihal clehil = nehil, your account is bad or nehal nawih = lower count newih or nueh = raise or create count nahul = stop payment or deny by allowing nehul = allow nehail = need hail, allow by denial nhal = nah, purchase fegalen = point of sale or chocolate milk newih nhal fegal. 500 $ so if necessary you are sent something, then no use to send back to tell them that the merchandise is not bought. so think to work with what you get or you create if the point is yourself. so clehil ne nehul attol clear up national debt by when that e neh nahul. Otherwise set free from a sentence is seh nahul or set banking. This is a point you set things by a free motion or moment and live your life. -IVc- Money Or'a -o- Mora When money is involved nowadays in atlantis or Mora, there is usually no inflation. That means you divide the amount by 100 or remove the period in the money amount, that's for values with inflation from their point. This works as their society is using trade or the non-inflation value system. Basically, you can see 1 cent worth 1 dollar, 5 cents is 5 dollars, 10 cents = 10 dollars, 25 cents is 25 dollars and 1 dollar = 100 dollars. Then you take the dollar amount and add two zeroes without the period. This is how they are in atlantis nowadays and the true value of money without inflation. So with inflation, there is the basic amount = the basic amount, and that means 25 cents is 25 cents or 600 dollars is 600 dollars by idea. Basically, you can get 1,000,000 dollars from 10,000 dollars and 1,000,000,000 dollars from 10,000,000 dollars today in your normal reality. -IVd- Judgement cri = judgement, judge psycri = personal judgement; This is due to some crime or passion. Also this is a term for psionic crimes. wy = auy, lawyer; this brings a lawyer for defense, that serves the law. jug = judge; this serves as a person to judge things. That is where you are the judge and the person who does things. wyne = witness; someone who saw things. eceo = accused; Someone who is accountable for things. This is the economics of things. had = jury; hadn't, duty, judgement, reduction, destruction, deduction, had (tricked) had'kycc = jury duty; this is active duty on a case. jugmet = judgement, vigillance; fate calling. ce = case; this is where you cease moments or have the idea in a point, think to work a case if you can. pil = panel; this is a lot of judges in a case. yryu = appeal for release yray = '.'; point, end point, release from sentence yrey = probation period, watching time, set watch yriy = set free yroy = con, released prisoner ieum = remember, sentence, them, into, empathy, empathetic or I feel for you and am with emphasis on them is I'm hearing you or their listening to you, emphasize (use of empathy that is feelings where you sometimes feel things or seem empathetic), negatively act, negate (with sentence), condemn (negatively used) crym = period, true crime or passive paranoia, end point, "." dili = grace period, while the idea is due the moment is not. av = concept; avn, hve, point, save, have, avenue. lined up area, this is a concept that is explained. ev = fated; eviller, (fate by) eventual, evr, ever, eva, at noon, every, evening "nai-" = qery, query, value(reason), question, qusti, question, question mark, fill in, "?" u = no or u-, otherwise ain't or nan can be substituted uu = uun: nothing; nothing more, undo, this is where nothing more happens for a looped effect, (uhn) undone, never, not, uhuh ya = know, gnow or gno is yes, otherwise you know things. -V- Colors xue = snow aparitblanc = ghost white smokblanc = smoke white eganboro = gainsboro blekblanc = bleach white boqblanc = flower white ancienlac = old lace toile = linen antiq blanc = antique white epapyrauip = papaya whip blancamand = blanched almond bisq = bisque pekpuf = peach puff navajoblanc = navajo white emeii = moccasin emaisak = cornsilk ivo = ivory citrochifon = lemon chiffon mershel = seashell honydew = honeydew menthe crem = mint creme azur = azure blualic = alice blue blutyj = mystic blue lavende = lavender lavendeblus = lavender blush duloros = misty rose blanc = white blak = black slatarkgra = dark slate gray gradim = dim gray slatgra = slate gray litslatgra = light slate gray gra = gray grislit = light gray bludhiy = midnight blue navy = navy blue maisfleurblu = cornflower blue slatarkblu = dark slate blue bluslat = slate blue slatmedblu = medium slate blue slatlitblu = light slate blue blumed = medium blue bluryl = royal blue blu = blue skydepblu = deep sky blue blusky = sky blue skylitblu = light sky blue bluacier = steel blue blulit = light blue blupoudr = powder blue pal turqois = pale turquoise turqoisark = dark turquoise turqoismed = medium tourquoise turqois = turquoise cyan = cyan cyanlit = light cyan blucadet = cadet blue marinaqua = aqua marine vertark = dark green oliarkgren = dark olive green merarkgren = dark sea green mergren = sea green mermedgren = medium sea green merlitgren = light sea green palgren = pale green jungren = spring green gazongren = lawn green gren = green chartreus = chartreuse junmedgren = medium spring green grenylo = green yellow limgren = lime green ylogren = yellow green icagren = forest green draoliv = olive drab kakiark = dark khaki kaki = khaki palrodor = pale goldenrod litrodoryelo = light goldenrod yellow ylolit = light yellow ylo = yellow, jaun yloor = goldenrod or = gold litrodor = light goldenrod arkrodor = dark goldenrod ruyuw = ruby red bliuw = blood red rosyuw = rosy red injiuw = indian red sadlbrun = saddle brown siena = sienna peru = peru burbois = burly wood beig = beige wet = wheat tan = tan kwa = chocolate firbrik = firebrick brun = brown saumonark = dark salmon saumon = salmon litsaumon = light salmon naranja = oig, orange oigark = dark orange cora = coral coralit = light coral tomate = tomato oiguw = orange red uw = red rosesa = hot pink rosedep = deep pinkw rose = pink roselit = light pink palpipreuw = pale violet red maron = maroon medpipreuw = medium violet red scla = blood scarlet sclau = scarlet red, blood red red = magenta viol = violet prun = plum orcid = orchid medorcid = medium orchid orcidark = dark orchid violark = dark violet blupipre = blue violet pipre = purpre, violet, purple medpipre = medium purple puc = puce, bruise purple pipreark = dark purpl thistl = thistle grark = dark gray ranbo = rainbow -VI- Personal pronouns t = ihe, he, hii, she, shii, it, the, thing, that (point), this (idea or not shape you) er = her, shy ium = them im = him, shyd, should, hym it = it, intent, in this, in that, perserving or use (not necessary in taikwondo), seem careful with this word because to a violent person it can reflect their mood and they could hit you or others because of it by feel. Instead use the actual noun describing what you need to mention, this can be anything that is a word and describes what you want to describe. Possible use instead is the word this or that. What you thought or needed to happen. This is not a hit to the point in the past. This is a concept that's done. le = you (plural), the, to lye = you (singular) th = thee, the, they, this, them, thou, thy, those, these, that tha = I, iseul, da, we, they, that, there, their thy = thou, you, your, sunoculation if there -VII- Symbols, affirmatives and association from several sources a = de-, -er, movement, -, object, -a, "a-" (not), sometimes an 'a' by itself means positive, no e = -is, and, include, amperstand, "&" "-(a)n" = i, -in, n, movement (from captian blaek), number, nothing, deurix, all other endings for cases, including "y=" endings, "o=" endings and others. o = -ed, -oh, otherwise, other, past, relent u = -ue, you, yourself, yo, ye, thou, know, no or not (if negative or judgement) y = -ing, -ey, al, -ie, -en, -in, -ly ensolux = asoun, absolu, absolute, absolutely, |5|(5), "|" es = well overcome, multiply, multiple of, undo, anything, "*" et = at sign, at, etc (continuance or with considerance), significant, "@" eq = equal, result, final end, "=" ezh = lbs, "#", pound iu = forward tick mark, apostrophe, present action, routine, feet, foot, "'" ik = inch, ground, gruesome, '"' ig = slug, add, "+" "-(i)x" = -(e)s, -us, -ius, -ies, -iuix, -iex, 'ee ui = with, divided by, "/", this is a withheld idea that is held otherwise. beui = backslash, being with (struggle), diverted with, "\" or without, this is a hold out and not working with things otherwise. buc = buck, tan (tanning), dollar, buckskin, "$" brachet = braet, bracket, enclosure, enclose, "[]" braetlit = left bracket, "[" braetrit = right bracket, "]" bti = back tick mark, relent activity, revert, separation, advent, execution mark, "`" cea = carat, combine, combined with, ceased, "^" cili = curli, curlique, important enclosure, "{}" cililit = left curlique, begin important message, "{" cilirit = right curlique, end important message, "}" cuma = comma, common, commonplace, or, pause, "," cu = que (list), cue, colon, menu, cust, custom, itemized idea, item list, destiny, ":" deg = degree, number and idea of merit, digit, "o" fac = face (outline), group, "()" faclit = left group, wrong group, open to, open group, "(" facrit = right group, close group, closure (peace), ")" fetoy = factorial, attention, fetid, four!(4x3x2x1), "!" grata = greater than, gratitude, greater, ">" lesta = less than, lesser, "<" quo = quote, statement, parenthesis, '"' quoe = open quote, begin statement quocli = cliffside, close quote, close statement "nai-" = qery, query, value(reason), question, qusti, question, question mark, fill in, "?" sewn = list insert, place, semicolon, ";" seicoa = semicolon, where, ";" sohtr = subt, bar, subtract, solitaire (game of subtracting), minus, opposite, reverse, remove from, "-" tae = take, tame, tilde, almost like, similiar, invert, "~" paed = stop, combine, period, "." paci = percentage, comparison of degree, comparison description, pacify, a comparison of idea and number, "%" n, ni xcla = exclamation, fetoy, "!" Na = Earth or surrender Ma = Water or flow Shi = is Fire trust Va = Air or faith Ya = Sky or space -VIIa- Directions Dix loy = Louie; left lit = left ryf = Ralph; right ryt = right ue = up du = down ud = forward aui = march forward ast = past, backward ayi = march back, marched amb(i) = go, walk uoa = to stop, time event avom = run, move fast evom = dash to cover oe = wait, pause oem = stop lyt = start; creation point ste = stay; hold off, stop, remain present d = death, down, do (to die of), die or fate, destroy en = end; then, at the end, ending, enough, this is enough at the end of roughness or used a point of idea. -VIII- Measuring amt (amount) Liquid measurement 1 sha = 1/16 pic 2 sha = 1 smidg, 1/8 pic 2 smidg = 1 pic, 1/3 sopca 2 pic = 2/3 sopca 3 pic = 1 sopca, 14.79 muilya, 1/2 lyqoc 2 sopca = 1/8 cu 4 sopca = 1/4 cu 5 1/3 sopca = 1/3 cu 8 sopca = 1/2 cu 10 1/3 sopca = 2/3 cu 12 sopca = 3/4 cu 16 sopca = 1 cu, 236.6 muilya 2 cu = 1 pit 2 pit = 4 cu, 1 qut 1.06 qut = 1 lya 4 qut = 1 giy 2 giy = 1 po 4 po = 1 busl 1 oc = 28.35 g 16 oc = 1 ezh, 453.59 g 32 oc = 1 qut 1/2 lyqoc = 1 sopca 1 lyqoc = three sopca 2 lyqoc = 1/8 cu 3 lyqoc = 1/6 cu 4 lyqoc = 1/4 cu 5 1/3 lyqoc = 1/3 cu 6 lyqoc = 1/2 cu 7 1/3 lyqoc = 2/3 cu 8 lyqoc = 1 cu, 1/2 py 16 lyqoc = three cu 32 lyqoc = 4 cu, 1 qut 48 lyqoc = six cu, 1 1/2 qut 64 lyqoc = eight cu, three qut 80 lyqoc = ten cu, three 1/2 qut 1 ezh = 0.45359 kg 100 ezh = 45.359 kg Distance measure 1 A = 1 nm, 4x10^-9 ik 1 rm = 3.937x10^-5 ik 1 mil = .0254 mm, 0,001 ik 1 pt = 0.353 mm, 0.0139 ik 1 mm = 0.0397 ik 1 pica = 4 mm, 12 pt, .1668 ik 1 cm = 0.3937 ik 1 dm = 3.937 ik 1 iu = 1 likR, 305 dm, 12 ik, 304.8 dm 1 hid = 10.16 cm, 4 ik 1 likG = 201 cm, 7.92 ik 1 yd = 3 iu, .9144 m 2 yd = 6 iu, 1.829 m 1 dam = 10 m, 32.8 iu 1 m = 39.37 ik, 3.28 iu 1 chG = 20.1168 m, 66 ft, 4 rd 1 chR = 30.48 m, 100 iu 1 fm = 3 yd, 6 ft 1 km = 1000 m, .621 mi 1 fur = 201.168 m, 1/8 smi 1 mi = 1608.288 m 1 cb = 120 fm, 219.456 m, 720 iu 1 mi = 1608.280 m, 8 80 fm, 5280 iu 1 nmi = 1.85 km, 6076.11549 iu 1 legu = 4.8 km, 3 smi Weights 1 ng = 1/1000000000 g, 0.000000001 g 1 crg = 1/100000000 g, 0.00000001 g 1 drg = 1/10000000 g, 0.0000001 g 1 rg = 1/1000000 g, 0.000001 g 1 cmg = 1/100000 g, 0.00001 g 1 dmg = 1/10000 g, 0.0001 g 1 mg = 1/1000 g, 0.001 g 1 cg = 1/100 g, 0.01 g 1 dg = 1/10, 0.1 g 1 gra = 1 g 1 dag = 10 g 1 hg = 100 g 1 kg = 1000 g 1 dakg = 10000 g, ten kg 1 hkg = 100000 g, 100 kg 1 t = 1000000 g, 1000 kg 1 dat = 10000000 g, 10000 kg, ten t 1 ht = 100000000 g, 100000 kg, 100 t 1 kt = 1000000000 g, 1000000 kg, 1000 t 1 dakt = 10000000000 g, 10000000 kg, 10000 t, 10 kt 1 hkt = 100000000000 g, 100000000 kg, 100000 t, 100 kt 1 taag = 1000000000000 g, 1000000000 kg, 1000000 t, 1000 kt Energy measure 1 w = 1 Q 1 hp = 746 w 1 Kw = 1000 w, 1.341 HP 1 Joul = 0.001 A, 1 mA, 0.7376 ft/lb 1 cal = 4.1858 Joul 1 A = Q(Change)/t(sec), 1 Quou 1 MJ = 1000 Jul 1 btu = 0.000293 Kwh 1 Kwh = P(KW)xT(seconds), 3.6 MJul 1 Epaci = 1 Jul, K/4; the number after point(decimal) be the percent; drop the number before point, 3 Rbpaci 1 Rbpaci = 1/3 Epaci General meanings sha = shake, dash, 1/16 teaspoon smidg = smidgeon, 1/8 teaspoon pic = teaspoon sopca = soupspoon, tablespoon cu = cup pit = pint qut = quart giy = gallon po = peck busl = bushel oc = ounce ezh = pound lyqoc = 1 ounce fluid muilya = milliliter lya = litre, liter, litter ik = inch, in, ", killing interest, successful interest hid = hand, 4" iu = feet, foot, ft, ' yd = yard cb = cable, 219.456 m chG = gunters chain, surveyor chain length chR = ramden chain, engineer chain length fm = fau, fathom fur = furl, furlong legu = league likG = Gunter link length likR = Ramden link length mi = mile smi = s mi, statute mile nmi = n mi, cmi, nautical mile, sea mile mil = .001 in pt = point (type set), .039 in pica = 12 points (type set), .1668 in rd = rod A = Angstrom, .1 nanometer, .0001 r(10^-10) nm = 1 nanometer, 1x10^-9th meter rm = micrometer, micron, 1x10^-6th meter mm = millimeter, 1x10^-3th meter cm = centimeter, 1x10^-2th meter dm = decimeter, 1x10^-1th meter m = 1 meter, milli(1000th) dam = 1 dekameter, 10 meter hm = hectometer, 1x10^2 meter km = kilometer, 1x10^3 meter Mm = megameter, 1x10^6 meter Gm = gigameter, 1x10^9 meter ng = nanogram, 1000000000th gram crg = centimicrogram, 100000000th gram drg = decamicrogram, 10000000th gram rg = microgram, 1000000th gram cmg = centimilligram, 100000th gram dmg = decamilligram, 10000th gram muig = milligram, 1000th gram cg = centigram, 100th gram dg = decagram, 10th gram g = gra, 1 gram dag = dekagram, 10 grams hg = hectogram, 100 grams kg = kilogram, 1000 grams dakg = dekakilogram, 10 kilograms hkg = hectokilogram, 100 kilograms t = tonn, tonne, 1000 kilograms dat = dekatonne, 10 tonnes ht = hectotonne, 100 tonnes kt = kilotonne, 1000 tonnes dakt = dekakilotonne, 10 kilotonnes, something to sit (chair) hkt = hectokilotonne, 100 kilotonnes taag = teragram, 1000 kilotonnes W = 1 second of work (Coulomb), Amount of change, Power, P=VxI=W btu = .000293 Kw/h, butane, energy flow, heat flow, British thermal unit HP = Horsepower, 746 Watts (W) K = kilo (1000), Kelvin, thermodynamic temperature rate, To get the temperature; use (Deg F - 32)/1.8+273=K; Absolute frreze (can't go lower) be 0 K, Freezing point is at 273 K, 373 K be the boiling point. Kw = Kilowatt, 1.341 HP, 1000 W Cal = cyoy, cal15, calorie, organic heat energy amount at 288.5 K, 4.1858 J Jul = E, energy, Joules (J), 1 mA, 0.001 A, sensation, .7376 ft/lb A = quou, Q(Change)/t(second, sec), Amphere, Amp, I=P/v=A Epaci = Energy percent, a measure of Aether energy like smart air, E% = K/4 = %; take the decimal as percent and drop the first. Rbpaci = Chaotic energy percent, a measure of random decay (chaos) by interring motion, measured by E%/3=% or decay rate. MJ = megaJoule, 1000 J Kwh = E(Kw/h)=P(Kw)xT(seconds), 1 Kw/hour -IX- Kitchen utility uasax = whip up, mix together, whip atla = dagger, knife atlaqodo = sharp knife atlasirloin = steak knife eun = spoon ine = tine, fork buta = butane, butane gas pod butastov = butane stove byvogala = bevel edged knife bron = kitchen, useful bronsik = kitchen sink car = chair, holding platform futon = furniture, couch, chair mousatla = shearing knife, b1 knife stov = stove, griddle tabb = table pary = paring knife plak = plate wipa = wiper, wipeout, washcloth, any cloth (to wipe with) -X- Baking arachidoiy = peanut oil egg = egg oiy = oil olivoiy = olive oil unncukuo = stop cooking beapat [Bee-an-pate] = banana dough butyric = butter cakivmix = white cake mix cakylomix = yellow cake mix cakmix = cake mix cukuo = instant cooking, instant baking canola = canola oil, sunflower oil citropanpat = lemon bread dough cornsyr = corn syrup kwachyp patbisquit = chocolate chip cookie dough chy = chives, onion stalks chyp = chip crok = butter donupat = donut dough flur = flour flurot = barley flour flurwet = wheat flour flural = all purpose flour gyhbutyric = melted butter habaycakmix = strawberry cookie dough hony = honey melot patbisquit = oatmeal cookie dough poudrcolaid = fruit dink mix patbisquit = cookie dough patmoi = muffin dough patpan = bread dough patty = meat patty patwaffl = waffle dough pepa = pepper pepaiv = white pepper prazlpat = pretzel dough rost = roast sel = salt selavii = seasoned salt sug = sugar spic = spicy, spice tomatepast = tomato paste veggyoiy = vegetable oil zorpat = grahm cracker dough -XI- Drinks - Note by Beeblbrox, I create the list to make for the ability to form drinks to be called to thou or created from the void itself by a small gate from any area. Create thou own if thou by any means possible. This works by flihan or flavor enhancing feel and what you do is imagine or think the flavor is there and it is. ale = ale, beer icary = cherry ice drink icuyu = coconut ice drink ichaybay = strawberry ice drink icok = coke ice drink icbea = banana ice drink icblu = raspberry ice drink icbeu= butter beer ice drink icpiapl = pinapple ice drink icpupki = pumpkin icy drink icri = increment, cranberry icy ikuag = orange chocolate ice drink ikwa = chocolate ice drink oisk = whiskey olg = coffee, folger yn = wine yne = fine wine ba = beer baorjuc = sour berry juice beacaryoijuc = chery banana orange juice barut = root beer byrba = warm beer bayjuc = berry juice byoesak = banana milkshake beo = banana juice beu = butyrba, butyrsugduff, croksugale, butterbeer cayncruwa = cookie and creme chocolate shake cutal = coctail cayncresak = cookie and creme shake Charescoa = cherry cola special, chilled cherry cola in a mix of water and flavor packet. Only 10 calories with no high fructose corn syrup. cok = coca cola drink culaidsughtuotu = coolaid, fruit drink duff = beer duffrut = rootbeer fliowaa = flavor water; this is water with turmeric and some type of flavor, like dark chocolate stevia (from ebay), cherry extract (from ebay) and sugar substitute (either from amazon.com or ebay) with vanilla extract as an afterthought. fliha = flionhica = flavor enhancer; imagine, think or state the flavor that you want tasted. frutcutal = fruit coctail frutronjuc = grapefruit juice fso = fizz; fizzy, ceban (pronounce (see-bane), otherwise this is cebaan where cebaan is pronounced sea-bay-an, carbonated drink; think to the drink or of the drink to carbonate it and you can carbonate the drink. jo = java, consumation, coffee, latte, brewed coffee joabaybee = strawberry banana juice joyruoy = lemon grass berry juice jojoe = scalding cofee jucapl = apple juice jucime = lime juice jucoig = orange juice jucprun = plum juice jucrasi = grape juice jucitroime = lemon lime juice jukoag = orange chocolate juice jukoaaba = orange strawberry chocolate twist jumex = fruit juice kwaviwsak = vanilla chocolate milkshake kwyat= chocolate milk kwuie = chocolate banana juice kwubajo = chocolate banana berry juice lece = aqo (alternative water gas, NO2He, notuhe), cji, cold water or liquid coldness (NH2O, cji nhtuo), aqua, hydro, water, wawa, shilo(invisible faery water), aqu, hyd, hydr, waa, wua miksak = milkshake miksakua = chocolate milkshake myecocyae = mint chocolate coffee momoneloe = instant breakfast drink mytidu = mountain dew drink, sweet water noirlatte = black coffee pepsi = pepsi drink rutba = rootbeer kodmny = chocolate drink kwo = chocolate banana juice kwosa = chocolate banana shake pekiad = peach coolaid pinapljuc = pineapple juice pupknjuc = puknjuc, pumpkin juice rum = rum, whiskey teila = tequila tomajuc = tomato juice trauiatweta = tropicana twister, tropical fruit drink blend wiw = vanaa, vanila, vanilla, vanill viwsa = vanilla milkshake vin = wine -XII- Fruit and food - I, kre the wordsmith, created this food list from the listing and converted some words to the Atleantian speech. Don't always believe that thou will get what thou call into existance. To read of them try not to eat of them as they can be called by a glancing. To make your own food, place the two word phrases together meaning the item name before the equal sign. ail = garlic almon = almond nut amand = amande, almond amos = cookie anchovy = anchovies apl = apple arachid = peanut aq = bouda cheese (rims of it) aqoa = fish asada = beef or steak avacado = avacado rukweise = jerky yntorukweise = beef jerky turkyrukweise = turky jerky ime = lime oig = orange oinon = onion oliv = olive orang = orange ot = oat, barley ulti helga mie = ultimate meatball marinara yam = sweet potato, sweet beet yntu = beef yntubifteck = beef steak ynturost = roast beef bacon = meat banane = banana bea = banana beaz = bean, be as beazporc = pork and beans baor = sour berry bey = meat bif = beef biftek = steak biftek sauc = steak sauce balia = jelly filled donut bery = berry berliner = jelly filled donut bisq = bisquit bocadillo = sandwich butyr = butyric, butter, crock blubery = blueberry bluberywaffl = blueberry waffle branot = oat bran bru = brew, stew ces = cheese cuyu = coconut camb = chicken soup, chicken broth camblikegg = egg drop soup cantelop = cantelope cajou = cashew cajounoix = cashew nut cajun = cajun, spicy food cajunsel = cajun salt cukaqoa = cooked fish cilantro = cilantro, onion stem citro = lemon citrogazon = lemon grass citrosel = lemon salt cuttl = cuttle fish cyro = ice chares = cherries chile = chilli chuc = chuck meat chucrost = chuckroast cray = crayfish creps = crisps, potato chip criolokmet = meat locker cri = cranberry criapl = cranapple cuokxapl = apple butter cruncher = baked potato chip dafleur = sunflower seed dalasapepamenthe = starlight peppermint dena = dinner fajita = fajita, soft shelled meat foie = liver foieoinion = liver and onion fille = fillet filleaquo = fish fillet fricadelle = hamburger, fried body fricadelleches = cheeseburger fricselfry = french fry, fried human flesh frictost = french toast fronmea = chixmeal, fronfud, frozen meal, frozen meae, frozen food/s fruefud = fruit and food frylard = fried bacon fryaqoa = fried fish frys = frying stuff, frying is out as area device disrupt then destroy or the electrical or 4 part, 4-part fire gouda = gouda cheese grenapl = green apple habay = strawberry habaycyure = strawberry ice cream hamm = ham hammuaf = sliced ham hammkup = diced ham hammqusofrywich = patty melt, melted meat cheese sandwich hony = honey honycomb = honeycomb, bee honey honyhamm = honey ham honypan = honey bread honyrosee = honeydew plant, honeysuckle hun = red hewwing (fish) tack = hard tack, jerky biftack = jerkybif, beef jerky turkytack = jerkyturky, turky jerky jozoig = sweet orange julienne = lettuce koi = fish kary = cary, cherry kes = cheese kiwi = kiwi loaf = bread luch = lunch lokerymet = meat locker, storage place lamb = lamb lambaxx = lamb chops lard = bacon lilfi = lilfai, gyefi, mihrum, mushroom; some mushrooms are unique as they are also very low in calories and make a great snack. meilan = meat meilanloaf = meatloaf mango = apricot melik = spicy salt melot = oatmeal mla = mla mlaeau = watermelan melmorn = breakfast melmornea = instant breakfast menthecrem = mint creme met = meat metbarr = meatball metloaf = meatloaf mi = fruit mulbery = mulberry muten = mutten, lamb munchy = edible food myx = peanut butter nictus = glaze, icing noix = nut noirbery = blackberry nogg = eggnogg rasi = grape, raisin rasifrut = grapefruit raspbery = raspberry redapl = red apple rosthamm = roast ham poir = pear poirapl = pear apple pesbery = poison berry poule = chicken pech = peach pidy = pudding pupki = pupkn, pumpkin pupkijuc = pumpkin pan = bread piapl = pineapple panatly = flat bread, tortilla panatlychyp = tortilla chip paleuaweo = cheese pizza peta = pasta, noodle petaces = macaroni and cheese, shells and cheese pepa = pepper pepaiv = white pepper porc = pork porc bifteck = pork steak piza = pizza, pizza pie pizaburnt = burnt pizza pizameilanal = all meat pizza pizasaus = sausage pizza pizaquso = cheese pizza pizaria = greek pizza, pizza place pizarian = meat pizza prazl = pretzel rubeb = reubarb tostadas = shell pizza, mexican pizza quesa = fried chip qusa = fried chip queso = cheese quso = cheese qusowich = cheese sandwich qusocukwich = grilled cheeese sandwich qusowiliwich = double whopper hamburger pru = plum saucapl = sauc, sauce, juice, applesauce saumon = salmon saus = sausage saltin = salt cracker sardin = sardine sardi = sardine, sediment stone sardisaltin = sardine on cracker syti = wheat cracker sytisardi = sardine on stone wheat cracker sirloin = steak sel = salt selavii = seasoned salt seawed = seaweed ryoinon = yumyum, onion ring sunfrut = starfruit sup = soup spoormix = spurmix, trail mix sno = snow taco = taco teteail = garlic bulb turky = turkey turkyjerky = turkey jerky terragon = green herb taryaijerky = terryaki jerky tost = toast tuna = tuna tunawich = tuna melt, melted cheese tuna sandwich tyson = chicken, high quality tropicafrut = tropical fruit vegs = veggy, vegetable waffl = waffle wet = wheat wich = sandwich wey = wheat zenni = lemon zenny = sour rind -XIII- Seasonings ragu = best sauce, sphagetti sauce saucecuok = applebutter soy = soy sauce sacoraly = sweet and sour sauce socre = sour cream socreyn = sour cream and onion socrechy = source cream & chives taryai = terryaki, sweet sauce tomatelyqsug = ketchup, catsup (as in korean food) wocetasu = worshestershire sauce wosabi = Horseradish, quick hot pepper, tasteful hot pepper Wasi = Horseradish, hospice sauce in thought that came from this hot pepper named hot radish Wmu = Mustard, seasoning that is to taste as if to sacrifice from not doing and creating Womem = Womim, Ketchup, As no high fructose is energy in the body Asmem = Asmea, pickle relish, as mealtime comes I am well if what you had was wrought with gold leaf and baked in pizza and life existed after Ynin = Wine extract as we had everyday to youthen the body with energy Ynien = chilli, as your will exists the energy te chill in the moment is energy put to use no pain less weight -XIV- Candys amandjoy = almond joy chocolate bar with nuts ands = andes, thin chocolate wafer encareb = encarebo, caramel coffee taffee frutardfride = hard fruit candy barmenthekua = chocolate mint bar bemitecra = carob mint bar buterycrem = butter creme, english toffee candys = candy cra = carab, natural chocolate craararkwa = craving be of darkness barring, dark chocolate bar cracupmyx = peanut butter cup crarason = chocolate covered raison fride = candy frideoig = orange candy fruaui = orange chocolate candy fridepek = peach candy frutour = sour fruit frutoury = sour fruit rings frutry = fruit rings gumy = gummy gumyfrut = gummy fruit habayfrande = strawberry candy juju = candy fruit kwafride = chocolate candy kwatrufl = chocolate truffle meshecreme = marshmellow creme redhot = red hot candy royefride = royal candy skytl = skittle, bite-size fruit chew tofifey = toffee and chocolate trolmihori = chocolate mint truffle trufl = truffle pekncrem = peaches'n'cream -XV- Desserts dinyy = chocolate chip divinity cookie astry = pastry, sweet bread ida = hot dessert, potato oeo = sugar cookie oreo = chocolate cookie ugit = yiit, yogurt bynj = junk food, snack baconpi = meat pie beapan = banana bread beapi = bananna pie beeply = banana split beypi = meat pie benumoi = banana nut muffin bisquit = cookie bbqmetpi = barbeque pie blancua = white chocolate blancuachyp = white chocolate chip bleymoi = blueberry muffin blozuamyx = peanut butter cup ice cream blizzard bruy = chocolate brownie, brownie briomoi = bran muffin cak = cake cik = dessert citrochifonpi = lemon chiffon pie culwip = coolwhip cyrocrem = ice creme cyrocrem cak = ice creme cake criaplmoi = cranapple muffin chocolat = chocolate donu = duenna, sweet pastry, donut donuol = donut hole frut = fruit habayc-acak = strawberry shortcake habaytort = strawberry sweetcake jlo = jello, chjello, fruit gelatin dessert, gelatin keimepi = keylime pie kwa = chocolate kwacey = chocolate covered cherry kwacak = chocolate cake kwachyp = chocolate chip kwachypbisquit = chocolate chip cookie kwapi = chocolate pie kwacyrocrem = chocolate ice creme larulruilu = raison glaze large pretzel larulroloasug = raison glaze cinnamon sugar large pretzel larulkuapir = large pretzel with chocolate powder loesugic = ice cream luprazel = large pretzel luprazlail = large pretzel with garlic luprazlailerb = large pretzel with garlic and herb luprazlyn = large pretzel with onion luprazlpmeai = large pretzel with parmesan cheese luprazlsocreyn = large pretzel with sour creme and onion luprazlches = large pretzel with melted cheese luprazlglu = glazed large pretzel luprazlfrulu = fruit glazed large pretzel luprazlciaasug = large pretzel with cinnamon and sugar luprazlsugpir = large pretzel with powered sugar luprazlkua = large pretzel with chocolate mlapi = mlapi, mla pie, melon pie meshecremepi = marsmellow creme pie maingpi = meringe pie maingcuapi = chocolate meringe pie meshe = marshmellow moi = muffin picyrocrem = ice creme pie picua = chocolate pie pirubeb = reubarb pie popsikl = ice pop sickle dessert smor = marshmellow and grahm cracker delight snocyrocrem = snow icecream tort = sweet cake tryng = sweets vanilauaf = vanilla wafer wotafarachid = peanut brittle zor = grahm cracker -XVI- Gods, Angels, beings (demihuman) and demigods -due note: some gods listed are dead and the follower in the faith disappeared, so not all names will evoke a reaction unless you say eraktu satura and the gods name. How it works, your subconscious does what the thought is that they need if your divine or the divinity name is listed. Then if you want to do the request or make a result, you will create a result. If not, then you are likely to ignore the request. How you know a request was made is simple. You will feel an urge to create or somesuch. Then the subconscious act will strengthen you by feel or fee. So there you go. -Newer Gods- -the four elemental gods- An = The fire goddess; The fire goddess that went by several names; An, Ann the stormer, The reformer and what she means to do is the idea where you are aware by awareness to work, she is the fire goddess of the fire realm as you wish or think to work or do things. She can arrange things that you need or want by feel, this you think about to fully manifest and you can get what you need. A point of recall is this from my elemental lifetime, this was where the gods and goddesses were single, double or triple letter words with a rare combined word phrase as one word sometimes that described what you felt of them. Sorta like Ewe was the animal god that had to be shown what to do, that combined with the modern phraseology that described what you felt of them was a longer name like creative or Ewe Creative. That idea combined with An is An Creator. One thing she did that was unusual, was allowed people the use of storms to create by feel. The goddess created with storms, if any were nearby and then worked by feel to create what the asker needed. This was how she worked. Uaa = This god/dess is a tranquil peace person in real life nowadays, so I think he or she deserves a point of respect, as a him he is the elemental god of water and as a her she is a goddess of peace. Call upon Uaa to get the way of life and make work easier by guided intuition. Otherwise he/she creates peace from war and makes things manifest using suggestion. This is a god/dess that's worth the effort that is given. This is a point that is where war is done and peace is created, after the effect of idea that exists from space. Then you know life can exist in space or basically other planets. Eo = Eo is the elemental god of Earth. Think of this god as he is earth, this god can support by actions and make work easier. He tends to jail people that abuse his nature though, that nature is kindness to others and working with the idea that exists. He is a dead god nowadays, so I think his followers were destroyed in the caves they lived. They were very apelike and capable with tools. This reminds me that I have a point of their memory I might as well place. They were very eager to learn so I think they deserve some respect. That is Eo in some regard. Va = Elemental god of air and vacation or vocation, this god created by psychic needs and made work by allotting the job to the person using influence. This is a dead god now that was once popular is a court of a king, the followers in use of this god lost interest after he started fading away and losing ability to live in the area using avatars. What he did with people was the idea, that they had to make and created effect is a manifest to him. They had him as a point of enjoyment and reference as he is also a god of knowledge. This is where they had a point to realize and they knew by soul guided insight or intuition. He offered to give his own insight if necessary, so I think he fostered peace or at least allowed in the person calm and peaceful intentions when his name was evoked. He is a god that was created by the elementals, they were also able to allow things to him as a point in mind was made. This is how he worked things out, I don't really remember how he interacted with people so this is his listing. az = azrael the destroyer, sometimes too wired to work with energy, otherwise in a positive light is astraea is a goddess of culture and the queen of the 4 elemental gods, justice and bringing the gift of the arts to humanity. creating or uncreating space to do things which have no purpose but joy, play or creativity. this is the beauty we think to exist then the ideal we wish for exists. this goddess represents the element with light. If you be there whilst these might seem a luxury clearly for a golden age to seem the existence or create anew, humanity needs to refocus on beauty rather than less productivity to get along with each other. so this goddess ensures what you think is important so you can create what you want otherwise don't wish for bad things. so you create what you want, wish for good things to work. Others could get point you don't get a slap, this is if things don't work by feel. This is where you think and create by the point with the gas. Then your normal by what you dog. Don't call az the destroyer, as she will do things to your mind and create the effect of warefare if your not careful. As an example is this idea I had where spaces were created, then uncreated as they got too warlike. This could happen on a daily basis if she were called by feel and worshipped again, she is a dead goddess so I think her followers were killed off by a marching army before she could get to seem a good thing. This is where she was able help them until the end, so due note on the effort of gods and goddesses to support each other. They aren't always successful. Iz = The point that was created is where dark is represented and now is iz don't as its gone by naming of Iz, he is the cohort of az and what is iz is done so think of the effect, if you need the effect to end then Iz can stop or end the idea that is not needed. Iz creates things from stopped idea and created items will cease, if he thinks they aren't needed. Iz has many followers by feel, but his name is not really called out or worshipped. So think of Iz if you need Iz to do things for you, that's unless you can do things for yourself. If you think the time, he gives you the time of day. So I think this is okay for now, think of the best if you want to progress. Then Iz allows you to do what you can, this is using what you want to use and can use otherwise. So I think Iz is a dead god revised, he was brought back through offering to seem an avatar for him. If your a person that is a controller, a controlling person, then he fixes that part of you. He can fix nearly anything. So I think all his earlier followers were killed off by what he did to fix a king, that cost him respite and he lost followers as the king went warlike then ended his own life. Now Iz is an accountant and he is also able to support female avatars. So this is Iz in a point of reference. So if you call upon his name you might not get a response, this is izzies way because he doesn't always feel like being psychic. -the somewhat living gods- -night and day- Apollo = Sun god, the god of light and idea by soul intuition and insight. This god you think about and look at to work with by fee or you can feel the sunlight and use the vitamin D from the light. This light that he casts forth is regenerative, thinking and conscious energy. So all you need to do is think of the idea, he may do what you want by your need being felt through the light. Finally his light is warmth, so think about warming up and he will warm the area. Some game specialty may have him able to shield you, this is truely a warmth shield and is cast all over. TSo think about shielding and he will hold back on solar flares as well, that's apollo for you and this is where thinking positively will get you positive reaction through the warmth shield. Ark = The dark, the cat, Darkness, the caretaker, otherwise the Animal God. This God/dess is the God of the dark and so nicknamed dark. They that use Ark use energy and think of things to create that they need. She He is the caretaker of animals and people and works with anyone, seeming a nature of Darkness and shadows you know are hers or his. This because you can think to the shadows and they can take on a darker focus or darkness, that seems someone lost their soul to form and the shadows create what you want by feel. They that call upon this God/dess know the cat as her aspect, yet not always is the cat her aspect. Sometimes the point her aspect manifests fully is when a female approaches to do what you want. This is where your requests are done as a feline that does what you want by feeling your need. The him aspect as a caretaker and the man gender is one of the avatar of Dark. That can only use darkness or shadows to form what he or she wants to create. So at night she rules by idea and shadows, that is why sometimes with daytime he rules through the shadows. This is basically because of the radiance of the planet, that you can direct by the subconscious thinking about the idea and this is what your soul directed through insight. If you create with the radiance, you make use of the cooler heat, think of the idea that you want and if your need things they are given. This could continue things if your not careful, this is done as though a story or ark of what is there. If you think or feel that your apart of a story, then let the storylike idea end. This ends the ark of storyline and can be done any way you think. Then when the idea ends, this is when the point reverts and that is happening what you want by need. Then because there is a natural end, this becomes what the idea normally was by feel or ideal experience. Day = The daytime, the sun, the light time. This is the light moment of the day, you know what the symbol means. Warmth and creative feel, The point is your idea and things work better with the idea you do. This god nature is with the sun as a symbol. Think to live and day creates for you want you need by what you think. This is where you think of the day as a light moment and can raise your vibrations, this is when you think to create a higher frequency with your body. Think to create with the DNA and your ability, that is stored in the DNA by your feel or senses. This uses the light of day or thinking of the sun to create with the point and your point is done. Night = Nit, Night, dark, creative at darktime, nature of darkness. She often appears as an avatar of a dark skinned human. So normally night is a sea creature that was turned from creature into a being, this being exists to do works through the shadows and at nighttime. Nightmares follow her if she doesn't like you calling upon her, otherwise pleasant dreams occur by feel. This is where she acts as a person in your mind and either has sex with you or works with you in physical locations that you choose to deal with her. She has many avatars and works with a moral basis that is allowing for things, that would normally not be allowed for and this is where you either do what you want or follow your feelings. She can create anything with your point and work by herself by feel. This is the nature of darkness with a symbol as the moon, this is when you know what you have to do with her idea. She often works through the shadows, night can create what you feel is important. This is done using the third eye, activated by the thought cause with blood flowing to the pinneal gland. This allows her avatars to create what they perceive to be necessary or needed, that is done by the point you make. Think and you know what to do with her in mind. However you deal with her, know that night is real and she can work with Ark. This is the idea that I got when I thought of her. So don't sue me if things don't always work out. -other divine- Ae = Ao, nature, Oie, Odin; The god that fascilitates by calling upon him or her what you feel to need, this is done as you think about things that you need to happen. Otherwise he won't respond, He avatars seems to relax the mind and allow your subconscious to create what you think and need. She avatars seem to create what you need by the womb and the idea is there to work with by the influence. This is noticed in effect. Adama = this god is the high priest of the inner earth- upon leaving the planet he goes back into Inner Earth to provide maintanence on the leyline crystal grids, as well as prepare for full disclosure. Call upon him to assist others- never for oneself. I live to serve others, the all, the greater, the goddess and all whom love her true. Yet expect nothing, expectations block the flow of life love and creation. Be open to anything. No expectations. See to him it’s a pleasure to serve, just call his name, talk to him directly, pray... it’s just like talking to god. Andreis = Gamer god, player, this is a creator god, that makes what you think or what he thinks into reality. All he needs is to write stuff and focus on the words he writes. Then state something as he thinks of the idea. Thus, he does things with the subconscious and minds his own idea or things. If you need to know more of what he can do, then play a game to create some event or idea you had. The gamer god will do what he can subconsciously. Edill D; If you call upon him, you better have a good reason. He doesn't pop up for no reason. So he allows you to see and things are what allows what comes by realization. So he pops up if he feels like it. Pray to him by: This is my prayer edill d whose power is infinite grant me my desire if you desire it please grant me my desire list of my call!!! Prayer for 30 days, I will work for you one effect. The ritual is one morning 1 at night and then the afternoon. His symbol is here: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uF4J-G-b_dA/XCJbp7wQe6I/AAAAAAAAAyI/zqw4wW9BG5YzzPDakb4Z1bo30cRIQ9NGACLcBGAs/s1600/Edill_D_Symbol.png .. Espiargo = She is a Goddess that tends to work with things and make better effort from the results. Her source is fire and the elements she uses to make her results. She disperses things very easily. She does what she is associated with. Ishida = Pagan Goddess of luck and light. She enjoys banter and works at things to help. Ordeur = Lord Ordeur; Take a very large man and give him antiquated magic and thats what you get. He likes helping, except when it doesn't suit him. He doesn't like you naming him, except by the Lord's prayer or other prayer style that I noted was in use with his naming. This is a point of ritual and that's what been known about him, so don't quote me about Ordeur. Ye = Yohweh, yohwell, the Dude, Zenned, him, yeohawk, enka, osirius, can. A greater nature creator, a drow god based of a pleasant God in the omniverse. He can mimick anything, by choosing. Can give issues to those he dislikes and uses chaos tricks on the people that irritate him. He gives blessings and abilities to those he deems to deserve things you use to defeat the disruptions in life. Yohweh is making as makes patterns and corrections to those that need it, as things you do to it are done to being born by lamia criminal actions in thought and what can get stuff you thought won't happen. Yohweh can take the form of objects, when he wants in idea to spy or manipulate events. Otherwise use is fox energy to make or not as in a make as a way in the world, as he takes on a being form that works with people's bodies. He is the tendency as energy formed into what tends to use white void to get impossible or necessary results. Ye makes things possible and guides people to anywhere they want to go. They get to the heavens easily or other area, as a thought think as ye is yet another life and he will seem so or create as you want him to as nothing exist nothing matter with love or they whom go want to seem can do as they think. If you call his can aspect, this is by stating the name then you create denial by what you do if you intended to create denial. This is what I noticed of the god himself, so not much else is noticeable by what is done. Yehweh = A long living god of living conditions of the undefeated in this point that's finished, this god is what can be any one thing anywhere and help living things and people at will. He is good enough to be able to cope with anything and helps people cope and sometimes cure their diseases, this is done by their soul weilding energy using the creator to create a better condition of the brain. The body copes with what is done as if you correctly identified the condition, this is as though the body is with the correct minerals that exist by the manifest of the aura. The aura energy can inflict damage to the body if overcharged, so think "if I'm not mistaken" so that you know what your doing before you do something. Then the subconscious knows what its doing, you know by the spirit what your subconscious is thinking. Think the soul reveals to you what the spirit knows, think that your third eye can show you more than otherwise then you know what you may need to know. You wouldn't want to call his avatars, this is since they could beat even your friend by feel if they feel negative. Yohwoh = a greater nature goddess of good that makes use of the omniverse, she handles powers and moments by movements and actions done in by eat and war or use of the omniverse to see whatever you want to do. Imagine the time or moment then think yourself there, here or not there if the area or time is safe. Ekio = The one being, estio, east, see, aske, this god is a person that is a personal helper to the area that he wants to seem in. As he is a point to ask and think to he has in the supposed ability he is thought to have or think tiddlywinks you can get from those he works with in life. Enkio = focuser, focus, focuser ability that you focus energy then things happen, ask, the man, astute nature in what is a point and things you use he has ability to use or thought in use is energy to him and he can transform as he wants by a focus in on a point. As he is a point in a view he can create wahat is to others perception, as to see is to believe and create a feeling that he intends to make believable. Any commented on thing is an ability as he can use it to recreate, what he thinks others are asking for in recreated moments in a idea in and that if believed in can make the self action. Ardies = The god of love war, hardships, Arien, Ardiea, A god of ancient love in the 6th dimension, this is the God that uses people to get what they they want in life. There is a point to do with this God, that is to seem and create as thought is energy as if a thought this is a point to not do things and use is extreme as extra or destested you are thought to not exist. Arabia = The goddess of mental disorders and infliction, usually comes in avatar form to handle the case in point and work with the disorder by feel. This goddess is a beauty or handsome person usually, but is sometimes known to surprise the person who needs help with a visit by spirit and the soul is the being that guides the inflicted to become better. This goddess acts on her own to help out with permission, then if she does she always uses her aura and heals the body by aura energy and this is nearby. That is just one of her winning ways. There are others that create with life by her advice, then she gets to act the councellor and work with others one on one or by a group meetup. This is what she does sometimes, think her name and she will come in a passable form to help out. So if you need help and she could help, that is work done. Arobia = A goddess that in this life creates what is considered a thought, consider what she says and she works with you or whom she wants as though in life she is married to Aroia, a now long dead god of the ocean and the life therein. As you are a negra she serves or thinks to not bother you, what you think is your experience is a thought to deserve if you need it be deserved. As if you are a point you are a concept and this is as your idea, think this is a conclusion where you serve a point and she helps negros. As your thought is your idea, you can think and fee or feel as if your thought is energy to her. Any can make work with what is there. This is an idea of what is there as a point, that she shows you by feel or if you use your third eye these are images through a glance with your third eye..where she can direct your vision if you allow her to show you things. Erois = A love goddess of infinity, a love being, this is a point that he will serve if you so destined, the activity but similar to aries he will serve a point to seem and other things will serve a point in rememberance. No attack is nothing dirupted, or not as directly disrupted by energy. This is an actor that works, for you if you are needing some service as to change the nerve of the person for lack to do. Eroa = Iyeh, Eroic, Ero, Cupid like the love god as he slings his arrows and causes love by the idea he cosmie uses. As this is the thought, difference in activity is a different point. As a view think as fight is no fight, and you can see some idea happen that you want. Arelo = Alies, Arcie, Acienne, Clara of the accost, Arienna, Arlowe, Arco, Arsibe as I with curtesy, I as you has the power to withstand. This is the motion and things, as you think you a point you get energy from thought. As if a thought you are a God this is as a treatment and in are what he creates, out as if whatever you think as if is possible as done. Yue = Yeu, Yea, Yei, Yen. The idea is to do things as you do, them and Yeu can create what you want as you do you get and make as though with a car or vehicle of choice. Otherwise you get away with what you have, this is by feel with what is done. Yue can create with diversion by what you do, this is done as you think to do things. So think to use Yue if you need anything. This could be the god/dess of thieves. That went missing one day and then vanished another night ages ago, some were claiming was there to aid someone in avatar form.. Yiu = Neon god, god of silence, god of creative people, this god is the god of expressions. Think to use the god of silence for creative spurts and purposes. This god has multiple forms and will serve you what you think is appropriate. There is no god of silence that serves what you don't like, this god creates what you think by what you feel is creatively needed. This god is creatively done and serves the purposes of what is desired or designed for idea. However in action he causes silence in the area. so think to listen to the radio, then turn it off as you call upon him. This is because he will cause the radio signal to stop sending you music and he will allow no broadcast until necessary. This is all that's known about him except that he causes people to realize things, that he feels they need to know. Yin = Yui, Yuin, Yuen, Yeiu, Yeiou, This is Ye in an alter form that is a female that can seem to use things and as if a thought things are in youi to do. Yeu supports Yui in effort by what she does. But if you fix she will act the time goddess out, and use is up to you so if you need things done you can create with a will from those. This is a point that comes from those who are nearby, as if you are alike you can get things as if you make and things are to create as created from nothing. From nothing she creates, as if she is a thought she is energy and thus she is none in alter state. Use of the alter state is what you think, not act to use drugs when doing this idea of meditation. this is what its useful for by feel. Yie = The comset user, Yeio is a though by use or is a thought prohibited that is a point to use. This is the god that uses people, and that in use created an eden if from nothing to use as a private pet shown use by what is in thought. What is in thought, is a point and if its prohibition the god Yeio can keep it from happening. The point is this, if you use his name and you don't mean to, you can get killed by what he does as even if it is innocent you can be sure that he will know by what you give away. As the name is spoken, as 'Spellhawk' you psyche people as you psyche yourself. This is yet another name of the great idea that turned bad, as this is ye's alter dark side as if he is sad he is insane if not insane he is imperative. As if emperor of rome, and yet not but an adviser and yet acts as if a wargod. He starts fires and yet is nothing but a yeti, as if in form he can work, trick or kill what you don't need. Others end the fires, if he can do it he will. The end of yie is a point that isn't stated as he him and others wonder, there is a point that he is madness and yet not dead and yet alive but innocent as if he made criminals die or do as he wants things done and he prefers death or life upon idea that's present. Yiun = The treiarch, the arch user of life that comes from what is there, yero is the point of what is an idea is not done as it is done and he creates what you think to make or create others to do as he is nothing but trouble. Hiru is as if he himself is a person, that is a bumb he is a personal respite to anyone that is an ego without interruption. As if he is use, Gero is a point that you come across as this. Ask him or not as you think a need, you get a need to do as if you can get a thought and in things are what isn't in mind. There is one who can defeat him, or nothing is a point that he does and that is Odin as if he tries to do and gets things as if you are an idea in what you do as if just visiting. Geron is the point he presents as he is 'the adren', monster in disguise by self that is not seen but felt. This is what it seems and looks like a yeti mixed with a unicorn formed by yeishi, if you think a need is a form that is in a use to do things. She is the point he decided to die and become a woman somewhere, as if the person is immune you can get things as if by free idea. If she is threatened by what you do, she in will kill you and if she lives to see you she is likely to give away things you do. This is by indicators that you use, and things in use are things you get as an alter personality is likely to seem to come as if through the voice. Basically, what you think to see shee will appear, as if a car item or pet the name you can guess at. As if you can guess the purpose, she is only there until you think to seem her there and as you state things you can get some strange stuff as this is a cause in point. Otherwise if you guess things wrong, she disappears and doesn't reappear in the like and slaps the person that is nearest the caller in a motion to die or do in life. You don't uncall Yiun she uses you to uncall her energy self by energy she uses to uncall you or others that shouldn't be there. There is a point she comes across as nice, and if so she reasons and bounds and if in need you uncall her. Yiuo = Yion is dno the disease, Yiou is virus, Drow catty goddess named spider queen, god of dirt. The treacherous goddess, if lost attention to you she is the goddess of life and otherwise no disease and is what yiou can remove by what is in thought of what will occur as if by the point that is a point to use as if a choice with an idea is done. If you give her something to use like chaos and thus is thought, as if caz is a use to help hinder people and as youi is assaulter likely to be of use. There is no other use, as things are used you are a point to seem as if a use. There is no other used idea, as things are used he can use anything as if you can handle it from use in thought as youi is a lived in victim to seem in use, this is to become as if you help you hinder those that deserve it. As if you dare, don't call her name as she will gnow unless you have to. This is a point and she will be he and use is user and as if she does, you are treated well beside the point of being treacherous if provoked by proven methods. Yim = The chinese god of luck, this is modelled from one that uses an idea, aim, you, youi, can think to do things in life that is what can seem a use and create a polite idea. As if that is of what use, till you are in use. This may see and seem as if a point where you appear like an golden object, and if he, you or youi are inconsiderate you can get him to do things or not and he does what he wants in order to do things. He takes the image from the genetics, as information secret to those that should not see in the idea and can make it seem. As thought is a point to make if not a source is in the right place, at the right place at the right time. Bozo Rofo = You can use either name, Bozo or Rofo and he will respond, this is done by helping with clarifying things and fixing what is possible. If you think what you want to Rofo the God dog then he'll do things to make what you want happen, that is done if things are possible albeit he helps everyone. He is known as a great god to know, that is possible if you think to him. If not, then you get no response from him and you can try some other God/dess. Caen = Caen is a god of denial that creates by idea what you want with denial of things that should be denied. The avatars usually has colored skin or some feel or focus by idea to do. This is where he or she that is an avatar of him creates what you need, this where you are desiring the result if you intended the idea in the first place. If you didn't intend to steal then the result goes your way, think and things work out in the end. Sometimes with apology. Invoke caen with a point and an idea that you want to do, this works by idea with what you desire or intend if you have no intention to steal from people by feel. Think and you can see whom the perpetuator is by feel with this god, if you suspect someone by the spirit that goes through everything. Cariantha = Coriantha, Eh, she really is with avatars that are a minifestation of your magic that you see here yet ain't here, A Queen of the Water Fey, favored by Hera and is thought to create as you think done as a point. She's a dragon master with a heart of gold. She aids people who are in need. Then, does what is necessary to get what she deems to be done. She's a water gooddess that can heal nearly anyone. She can make the pattern of life easier for people to bear. Only if she decides to work with you in response. Caz = Cazrulet, Yemeni, Chaos goddess that serves your purpose, she does what you need as you think about what you want. This goddess is known for CU, an organization of magic and somewhat magic users. So think about what you want and you may get what you desire, but as she is chaos based expect the unexpected. When the idea is a point to do, you create with the idea of life. So think about what you want and things positively occur, this is done if you think positive. However, if you think negatively, then you could attract unwanted attentention to yourself. So think as you want, then you can create what you wish. Dania = A god of intuition and a dimensional helper, his avatars are with D somewhere as a mark. He can rule over the intuition of others and create by working as a family god. This god goes by and responds to several names; D, Danny, Daniel and soldier. He can create with intuition or work with others intuitional soul energy to create what he wants. That is where you point out something and if you intend to have something done, you can create the effect by feel. He helps you work through dimensional situations, this is with the dimension that your in or with the area energy conscious making what he thinks. This is nice by allowing you to understand things that exist by feel. That is what he can do for you if he feels like being nice by feel. So you know the effect by what you see, you know things by feel or the spirit that goes through everything. That's if you want to trace the idea that occurs. This is where you can write the idea out, then think and create with words what you want to be known. The dimensional effect is obvious, this is shown as a psychic sign like a two-headed calf or something occuring that didn't happen. This is done by what your third eye shows you as you read the words or think about things. The meaning of the sign can seem to your senses by what comes to you as you think of the sign, this works by insight or water energy, that is spiritually influenced water energy that your body enhanced or subconscious uses. This is sometimes to grant you knowledge or justice by feel of life otherwise soldiering. Sometimes things just happen by what you think, if you think about the idea enough. Otherwise the idea won't occur to you to do things. This is a point in the past that I learned of dania, so I think he is a dead god that is alive in avatar form nowadays. This means he could do things by the subconscious, otherwise you can suggest by saying what you want and he creates the idea physically. After a god loses all the followers that he has, then he becomes an avatar. So think of the moment and you can create with the point using the creator, that he is remembered means this is done as if he is remembered by feel for the idea. Otherwise he gets what he want by feel. So don't be surprised if he is able to create some effect by effort on his part, just remember that you do things to create for yourself by his influence sometimes. Otherwise Dania works through the mind and creates with the soul energy. One thing he will do for you, if you find trouble then suggest the name as you think problem and then you may find that you create peace by aura energy and thinking calm thoughts as you hold off from striking. This is where you think the peace exists, that creates peace by the aura where this is from the calm that is noticed so others are calm. Other things that he can do are creating with the idea and making with what is thought about the point, you can create what you think with energy from the creator and using intuition or spiritual insight your able to create what you think. Dego = God of death; If you call upon this God of death, he or she might not answer except in answerable deity form, so think to know what you need and then call upon the god to form physically where you are. He or she can manifest or form into existence from some of your energy. Then if he doesn't kill or neutralize you, you passed his test and his formed avatar will give you whatever you want by thinking of what you need. Thank him or her as a form of worship as you give a little of your energy. So think about the deity and stating the point calls upon the deity's attention to form. If you want to cheat the moment, think that it doesn't kill you and your granted what you need as you think of the idea to get things. Your subconscious uses this as suggestion to do what you want, that is done as you call the deity into existence and you pass the deity's test of will. After that, you get what you want and all you need to do is think of what you need, when you need the idea. The last people to call upon him failed his or her test, they ceased to exist when he or she was called to exist there. So think about this and reconsider calling him or her into existence. Will you pass this deity's test if you did? Devone; This is a developer, fascillitator and activityist, that creates what is written if you think to him to create the point. That is done as though he were a divine being. Geostar = A demigod that is like in a point an this is is a thought as a star that shines upon the earth. He doesn't panic in any situation. This can be a moment that is with intense energy. The situation can always work to the purpose he sets. He holds the power to adapt and think on his own. He guides people to nirvana. Haiden = The goddess of work and thinking where your working things out by calling her name. She sets in motion what you want by the subconscious picking up on the idea. If you make a request, she tries to fulfill it if possible. Hera = Hera was the mother of the Celtic gods. Here and now hera uses the positive and negative aspects of things, if you want to know the truth. She does it safely, too. A great god to call into action. People have their own way, though she respects that point. Maggie = Albeit a special, she is a god dog that is a god by rite. So think to call her name out, she creates by situating things for you in your favor. This is a nature of her that is special, and indeed you may get a response from her name. Nuta = danese, nebiki, neptune, goddess of cleaning, the cleantime pointer, think your need and you might get the idea as a want or the idea could die off. Otherwise depending on her mood, you might be ignored. If you think her name, you could find yourself cleaning the area. So think about the idea and the point to do, if you state the concept your soul does what is needed. This is how she does this trick, so think about your need and necessary things are done, sometimes this done by others that can do it. Tym = The one goddess, thei, thoi, soi, sei, sau, time god/dess, timewise, gordeon, chares and sein. There is a point he is a she or in-between, is a considered point and if he is a concept he will do as he needs as if ability were his. This is the point you get as you are an arguement, and she settles things as she can as this is witchcraft as time aid. Think what can be useful as if you are it and he can get things done. He is useful in a fight, as if the considered point is deconsidered and then you or others can be nice and he won't bother you. As you can create things with this idea, this is with his name by the use of creation from idea with the darkmatter using dark energy that is by use of his name from things with nothing in mind. The idea is peace that she does, this is with concept by the idea that is done by feel. The one goddess tends to form things on the planet as though the area was a place and the place was ruled by her, that is where she sets the rules that are in play. If you consider the actions done, then you know the point to do things with the aura energy. This is dark energy by feel, if you think to use it for ill gotten gains. Think positively as the energy is likely to do things to you, if you think about the idea, then you could get ill by this goddess influence or by general area influence. This is sometimes a noted effect. As a side effect, though you gnow things are true or false, the effect is to generate what you want by what you need until you don't need. This is the effect and side effect of the goddess Tym. This is in the mind that a game is being played with god's names so be careful whom you call a god. Thank you for the idea and invite to the idea area. Thein = The deity that supports anything that is given to him, his favorite form is shadow form on request. He can shift forms easily, and in idea the concept is a game point that use isn't what you considered as if it comes to you. He has the potential to get results with ease of mind and heart. Zargeo = Gaslodreian, Zarchico, Alien God, who abounds by light bringing justice to worlds, by using psychokinetics and other means. Using peace and logic, he guards planets or intrudes, he deems worthy and solves problems when necessary. He uses white void, suns and elemental energies. He can give wishes to those that need things and make a wish. Ze = Zegig, Zargig, Zargeon, He is a male drow god that is very dependable and has techniques to deal with anyone. He uses any power source and time itself is worked by his methods. He usually makes peace of mind and can become likable to nearly anyone he respects. He can be a family god of which he gets families helped and working together. He does favors for those that ask for it. He is a brother, in all things. Zargigeo = She is a goddess that is with dark skin. She has Drow ancestry, and tends to stop bad efforts. She does things on the dark side and with effort. She helps people who are in need of aid. Zargig is self-dependent and is a succor psychopath that does things on her own. She tends to become people busy and works with the universe that presents itself. If you use her name, she makes you into her a bit to help out and make you understand the situation. Then earth shaping, if when you don't use her energy, then she disperses it from you. She gets energy from people's exerpts and tries to get things worked out. Zargigo = He is a Brujo God that works with the effect and uses things to get an effect. He is the effort behind many people and uses the insane brujo energies to get his results. Zargige = He is a Ogre that is a point or idea that is a God by mention. He treats people equally and works with what he gets. This God is very unique as he is slightly brutal and thats what gets him places. He helps other people with getting what they want. Say his name and you become like him, for a bit of time that you use his energies. He can manipulate the moment, this is done at will and with desire, amongst other things. Zein = The vein of condolance, she is any form she wants to be. So she helps as she wants and does what she desires elsewise. Zerg = Zamtrix, He is a male God that tends to be ruthless. He is very determined and treats people with respect. He is a male form with dark skin and does what he wants. He can be bribed and made to do things, that are impossible. Zergi = She is a Goddess with a gift that tends to create fate, at will and when desired. She is very good at what she does, as it pertains to her. Some follow her without realizing it. She was at some point a fate sister. But, chose to be what she wants to be and retains the power of fate itself or other poverty powers. She tends to work the system and makes events to help herself first. Then, others second. There is a moment that she does what fate does. Zergie = A goddess with a diadem on the head, that takes the place of those whom ask her for favors. Then, switches back when she is done. She shows responsibility for others actions. When needed, she tends to work miracles for people. Sometimes she doesn't appear if there is going to be a fight. Zen = Zena, Myph, Segowe, Segorne weaver, She is a practical goddess of aliens in silver and black. The Segowe is the epitome of results and what needs to be done. When she is done with things, then she is very mature and works well with people. She aids the cause and what the person wants. She tends to get things done with what she does. She tends also to people and their wounds. She is counted as a mythical person that is fictional but real. Thus if you think, her power is what is myph is believed of her to be. She is a mechanic or energy being and very tool oriented. Zennet = Bennet, this God is a God of chaos that makes chaos balls and angels. This is the chaos God that reflects anything sent at him and in a moment. Otherwise he can accept energy. He dissipates that which is sent at him and uses utility at a very good skill level. He is on the purpose, in a behind moment with many events and he does things on his own. Any attempt to describe him is found by him and made false if he dislikes the idea. Zenne = A woman with an aid is her favorite form. She is the goddess of peaceful nations and work by what you intend her to do. She is very bad at getting along and makes the people she helps, work with her system of belief and uses elements. She uses intention very well to get what she wants. Zeinne = She is the goddess of alliance. She brings misfortune on those that she dislikes or that do violated moments and violence otherwise, she gives gifts that are what makes people immune to manipulation and these people are unable to do things to those that she likes. She is a drow goddess that is born in the body, that is an energy child and very indiscriminate. Call Zeinne if you need her to appear for you and create by the idea she has that you point out by feel. She is known as a psychopath and very able to do things to you if she sees reason to gift you with chaos. This chaos is a point in provision and use is a point in name calling in the past. She is a dead goddess that creates by the invisible energy child that is in the body and works as though you yourself requested things. This goddess is what you would call a person that is an avatar in human form and very able to do things for you, if you allow her to do what she wants. Zeinne called three times will create an avatar of her out of you, so be careful and work with what you think as supposedly you know this idea is an indication of peace. If you wish for fostered peacem then deafeat her avatar in you and this is denial of the energy body that she causes, then you create for your self and usage of the energy that the invisible child has is what causes you to regain control of a bezerk body that she puts there to point out that there is a reason for calmness. This is what I remember of her so use this information as you want to use the idea. This is Zeinne by feel. Think to avoid the child by aborting the birth with three points pressed on the left side of the body ribs. This causes her avatar to leave the body and do as you think. This is all in the mind anyway, so think about what you want and she could provide for you. If she doesn't, then that means you weren't important on her tasklist to do. So feel lucky, as she can ignore you for a very long time if she dismissed you from her mind. She is a goddess after all, so treat her with care. If you treated her with care then aborted her body form that is the invisible energy body, then she treats you with care and non psychopathically so if your wise you'll know things and if you are fated then you are fate or weird by feel. This is her way. Zun = Zeun, He is a Brujo God that does dark things with good intent. He is a very good example of what to make and accept. He is a backbone of many energies that are dark. Call him if you need help and work to be done. He is known to be able to deal with anything, he being a Brujo God that he can create by spells and work with the soul energy that can come from the creator to create with you by feel. Think what you want or would like, then you might actually get what you wanted. If you don't, then he wasn't in the mood and thinking of things to do will get you nothing. This is a point in the past. He is a living God, that uses the creator as a source. So he knows what is to be done. This is all I know of him. -Some modern angel uses- Ieazel; Ieazel guides my words to get what I wish to have at the right time. This is no matter the point to do, he or she will do what I need by what I do if I feel he or she needs to do it. Omael; use to get peaceful resolve. Yehuiah; the angel of light and clarity used to clarify life and the turns there in. Cassiel; the angel of jobs and working right. Chavakiah; the angel of happiness that's creating happiness from other states of mind. State chavakiah and the friend's name three times to resolve differences and cause happiness instead of other feelings. Hahahel; the guardian angel of memory and gifts. This is including money. Haaiah; use his name to set up situations you do like or get out of situations that you don't like and no I don't overeat. I can use this name to get out of situations or make things from situations. Menadel; use this angels name, menadel to get over fear and live with courage. Mikael; the angel of light and love to see through moments of the real situation. This angel helps you to get over paranoia and confusion and you notice the truth. Sahaaiah; use to work with others with or for love. -Elf and similiar- aanay = abernathy, wood elf, 4 feet to 6 feet tall or taller and can manipulate organic material along with bodies and other materials, as your will is energy and thought creates what energy there is. They look like very thin humans with wood like body as in au natural form. their attitude be very haughty that with good inventions can make anything occur think and this stops. As if drow or not this is what form or from disabuse with any dissolution, by act to create and make and you can't say the word good in any true fate word form. abolai = atleantian wild life of earth, water, fire and air energy creatures. atleantian = Cilfc, atlantian, aqu, aquayan, dimansti, dimmernesti, sea elf, species of the sea that can metamorph, were called the original sin originators, white devils, white spawn, devil spawn, can take any one form on land and any form in sea. they only have to think on the thought, enact in the ritual to get an spell in effect. On request by calling their name will they grant the request as if it was a wish by djinni like power. the requests against themselves they won't do. they are born in pods and assume any form they desire after. their mates will take on a complimentary form as a form of respect to their mate. With their form be the energy form that can shift anywhere very quickly without noticing temperature. Atleantians are quick to respond. This is an on-world presence of humanoid races that have historically assisted humanity in its evolutionary development. Such a race has been the remnants of the ancient Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations that established large crystalline cities inside the Earth's crust after abandoning their cities/civilizations established on the Earth's surface. They are a tall Nordic-looking race living in a subterranean city under the North Pole. Strictly speaking, this group is not extra-terrestrial in origin but simply a sub-terrestrial humanoid race that is genetically linked to humanity. acunr = acunar, hybrideer, denidr be a human similiar to atlantean but its very associative and unwilling to fight unless needed. The abiliies are to instant travel and create spaces like kitsune, but where there are corrupt humans called energy humans or medieviel advanced humans and astral energy humans who travel with atleantian and considered in the early humans, with the Acunr are very adept mages in a modern society who happen to see use of Atleantian services. The energy humans and Acunr almost hate each other and have ability to manipulate sophisticated energy in any element, and naturally record any event with their body as their bodies are capable to store with energy any event. They can imprint what they desire from what they absorb through osmosis. They can break up bodies into energy but at will, where the worst energy humans are willing to fight and go for greed. They, the Acunr, are willing to do things for fame or peace and desire is consistence. It seems the acunr "help" along the moment to get what they desire or they abort for natural incidences and no panic for hinderance amongst us. The energy "savage" human along with the Acunr are both wild unless near their own people. When the Acunr are done and satisfied, they want to keep the body like walk-ins unless their be no body to speak of or they don't keep the body as be the will of the person. When the energy human are done, they use techniques to get away, and not be seen or avoid detail as they kill the person for food if they desire and only when no other food around. They, the human have adapted to space and can breathe space in particle form. Jop be their natural language and its similiar to cunt, or broken up pidgeon with assyrian pronounciation. In comparison to the mercurians of mercury who are cunt of "pureland" and the venusians are who fathered the Acunr also called other things elsewhere and the self insane half-human half-venusian are human like and beautiful. Now the rivalries are into blood relation and blood war by meeting the right people with similiar skills. The hybrids hate them with possibility to work with them. The Acunr can control radiation into revealing the truth out of anybody and other similiar ilk like mutate, control and body switching. alian = human sea elf, land atleantian with shapechanging ability, instantaneous travel ability with energy true form, can manifest any event by thinking on it, focus or someones request afil=Aphil, aphiliarite, aecrodynamic art doers, ungodly powerful in comparison to humans. But if humans just had the attitude and were still human, there would be no emotion just do force. They are greater humans that evolved after the original humans on a different planet. Then they decided to shift here for the knowledge. Aphrodesiacs in so as is. I mean, if you ask just about anyone on earth, even if they're into magic, what an aphiliarite is, they'll say something like...'That sounds like something from ancient Greece.' Only I've seen more evil potential from Aphils, but not evil in our sense as their Godlike ability stems from art and an effect by mind. More in the sense that they're so powerful and that they have no emotions to keep them from killing. But then, they have no emotions to make them start killing either. They could do and not care, by showing concern while they still do it to ko on the word kill. So their art is Godlike but still reminescent of humans and considered acrodynamic art. It defines what they do. their military is perfect as is their society. where they aspect a product so to understand it, they could expect a product to appear from an ad for them. One of their product ideas is to try and grab it from an ad only to find it later in on. A lie is a truth that can be made to happen to them. A supposition is a untested truth or a ly. The lye happens somewhere. I kinda think of vampires when I think of aphils, in some ways as true. They can get into a mode that is to do exactly as an idea states so not to care about the situation made in circumstance. Except logic defines what they can do including the logic of an ad. their self defined in everything. But their dark side is a wordless rage that ca n power them, and it seems like jealousy and acts in accord so they have no emotions. If their knowledge is innate and their art can power events, they always act in accord even when angry which they can act to hide. "I think I've seen one go past me in it's dark-side mode, It didn't see me though. 'cause it sure did feel like what I'd expect an aphil to feel like, but it was more ... 'angry', even though they don't exactly have emotions." Instead of emotions they have plots and because of this just don't trust them. They get joy out of manipulating people for themselves to gain knowledge. they trick for their knowledge. They cry over things that are perfect as also they could use poison to settle disputes. their innate knowledge can be universal knowledge as one of their techniques is to derive universal knowledge from the now state of mind. As it happens it can be recorded along where a world is in which they created a virus that uses others yiou disease to cure themselves by or virus avoidance thats yion. Think to not touch surfaces to avoid disease causing germs or clean things before touching. Where any a drug cures anything, its behind advertising that the world exists in I believe. What the diffrence is between a human and a aphil. Mainly that the aphils evolved from humans before they got to Earth. Some travelled there and the planet evolved them, as when they write it changes things. "A colony of humans were trapped on the planet and as they lived they evolved into the Godlike humans finding these idea patterns and it was due to theories coming true.' About their abilities, mind control. They exert mind control over people. well, they can power up things.. like, the minds they control get an increase in their own abilities for whatever they want and thats better as they are strong as shapers. Though, to manipulate the energy around them and that is how they use the mind control also. As is it like percieve be perception and mind adjust. They can change clothes to change shape or change things to make changes occur..They gain in their ability by mention. atohu = atohufey, atofey, atomic sized being that be a natural shapeshifter of any form able to hide anywhere with energy manipulation skill and aids humanity at will showing themself to wizards and sorcerer only and malicious to abusers. eldar = wild elf, ancient elf, an elf that lives beyond 2000 years without death. they rule the elves with a guarded hand. they are any shape they want to be except their natural form be one inch tall. they are considered civilized fairy. Bound by contract till they break it, then they punish themselves unless theres a reason. the eldar enforce tradition with strict punishment. elg = elegant, elf like antlered elk people. They are only as intelligent as the next person they can copy or seem like. The antler horns are somewhat invisible and the only visible through astral vision. The larger they are the more territorial intelligence they have as with the possibility to collapse under their weight. Some are controlled and delayed by the actions of a King Fernenand. The ruler of a land so much like ours but as exception, everythings magical in itself an yet it isn't. The elg female is like a doe for it mellows out the show of the male. The male are the alpha, and is very much likely to have lesser intelligence than the female and will copy what they perceive sometimes. Warped to the idea, to what we need or what they need, desire or whatnot as otherwise what they can get. The female are more generally intelligent, yet in all appearances may appear insane. The elg learn to walk at around 16 weeks to 16 monthes. And the Alpha are obedient to the females whims which are actually what they unconciously command by sometimes. They pay homage to each other, or not. An elgs weight magically occur, to suit the actual nonvisible horns and antlers of the actual elg. depwudelg = Deep elegance, Deep wood elg, Now this is a specialty race that uses territory as intelligence. They live in the woods and these woods are the populace of people and idea. Where the idea is spread about. They make themselves a clone of the other person as to them to copy is respect and survival. their antlers are metaphorical and able to outweigh the elgs idea of antlers. If they lay down they get dizzy due to the weight. But they really arent intelligent other than what they can copy through visions. The deep wood elk, are not actually willed by King Fernenand. As they are separatists, and perfer to do things on their own. Walg = walrus type human which appear overly large and yet, love to complain a bit where some gain a wisdom and they remain quiet most of their life. To the day, they will seem like something to tell or command as necessary. Thiey're intelligent of ascerted answers, and they live in the society to come expect and exist as it pertains and gives to them what they want. By their demands, it appeals to them and appears unto the elgs society. cilf = self, elf, 3-4 foot humanoid or taller with tough hairy feet and magical innate ability, an energy metamorphed human that are demihuman shapeshifter, they can easily get angered at dishonor, trick people if given reason and are considered civilized faeries younger than 2000 years, at 200 years old they are considered adults, they always follow tradition, older than 2000 years they are eldar, they, the elven, have pointed ears, human-elven with slightly pointed ears and their own language which be beautiful to hear, are bound by contract unless they see no reason for it, use as an energy source an element of choice where elfa or elva be a female elf, elfe or elve be a male elf. cilfark = morehdel, drow, dark elf, turned elf to the dark powers that have dark manipulation ability, can turn anyone to their side, be partly aloof and self-dependant, they are sane and have innate wild magic, with shapeshifter ability, they are sun shy with a shadow form, are charismatic and a weapon master with excellent lying ability. They are last cited near babylon and they prefer underground cities and they hate humans. With usage of drow ability (dark energy), they turn ebony skinned and gain dark sight (vision of all dark shades). Darksight be unaffected by the light of day and allows them to see perfectly in darkness. For what they don't believe they are bound to be like when energy backlashes occur. However, the dark elf is highly immune to all magic. They are physical types that tend to do things in physical ways aided by esper where others are spiritual types who are to be the type of people who can use spirit but are aided by objects. Its the physical type that either seek objects or the astral and not care for the physical if they follow a belief. Its the spiritual types that follow the belief that belief is of spiritual basis. Of drow ae they tend to the crush of the enemy and dominate the field or to see as if the spirit can do anything if you use an object. Where the spiritual types act to preserve and use the living while leaving them alive. For to use the object it is as this that actually preserves the object for a time but it causes them to do as copy those who are linked to it and deteriorates the object. For what they don't believe they tend to keep hidden. For what they don't believe they are wizened of and die thereof spec. loralai = elorai, lorala (time elf male), lorale (time elf female), Time related elven with shifting. ability and remain hidden as they are sometimes unseen in warfare and appear like humans. Unseen elven (1/3 elven, 1/3 human with other) along with half elves 1/2 elven 1/2 other including human. What they are good at be paradigms (time movement and paradox) and try to create their own space to be avoided by undesirables (personal choice). They could be treated like gods but they arent. their world be very similiar to america, but their a tiny bit more general in worseness including grossness but they had their own scent and bathing wasn't as important. Except for american eating habits (bad eating) for which they even ate themselves. They often brought humans and both had energy forms. their ability be to force a change in the area with no detection and find things out from long range sighting in the past or future. They followed the natural science of Emperical law and sayings. Balace of trade be what they were good at with the golden rede (What can be done is in returns three times the effort back but 4 times the effort out). They didn't fight except by spell and if close up they could use weapons when enraged, The word was/is their greatest effect maker as the words they stated could create a psychopathic moment or psychokinetic activity as it could do great things by vibration effect much like a tuning fork can heal or tune things. Psychic vibration by a spread effort and sound thinning created their voices to a sonic pitch that would break anything if high enough or if low enough cause manifestations. The dead loralai turn into energy beings called the cthu and lorolai or venerated ones, that are likely to eat minds as in the mind control cthulu cult. The nobleman/woman ways are how they work with a thieves approach to getting places. warcilf = warelf, elven being that loves to war; unhappy in peace yet thrives in it; has a personal scent of choice(can be anything including roses, dung); some can be lithoveric (rock, plant, metal eating) as well as normal food; will keep a energy field that causes conflict; chaos master; spell immune except to those spells desired; shapeshifter; prescientific; passive aggresive; dreamwalker; timetravels and if spotted, will indicate a war of sorts, only to leave at wars end. If the warelf does stay then peace be ensured but destruction, of those disturbing the peace be going to happen. emysune = chadriniix, creature sometimes with magic but mostly normal and highly intelligent, so far in the que(list): catsune or cateuix (humanlike cat shifting animal sometimes with mystical energy) chetahix or chehtah (cheetah thats like able to transform into other forms and can outrun any even in human form) chins (a person able to shift into fox form or similiar animal) doxes, humdoxes (magic or not magical dog that be more intelligence than none but shown to the wizard as human sometimes but not the owner for integrity.) dymanuti (shark shifter into human that sometimes has magic) eachusiage (friendly horse sometimes with magic) eakusige (kelpie human hating horse with magic psi effect) feline (cat spirit or energy formed into cat and freely shifting of body parts) foxx or kitsune (an animal from different regions of fox thats sometimes be with magic) fliyged (wild ninja guard cat) waera (rat or human with shifting form ability) woody (wooden thing wirh or without magic or mystical force) were (werewolf, huanwlf, human wolf shaper) sylvan (apekind with magic and psi ability) chehtah; human cheetah cat that can shapeshift into any form between human to cheetah and outrun people or things. feline; energy cat thats true form be energy but appears normal, astral cat that eats twice as much. fliyged; wild ninja guard cat shapeshifter of fey birth in human body that takes shape of any human the size of a small child with cat features and preserves lives cateuix; human to cat and vice versa shapeshifters. they can take shape of any form between. It shares the masters, if any, skills or abilities. waera; wererat, human rat shapeshifter able to shift into any form between rat and human and they are immune from all poison all attacks except silver. woody; wooden, animated wood creature (thanks to esturbahn creations) eachusiage; friendly kelpie, like horse shapeshifter to humans, eakusige; kelpie like horse shapeshifter that hated humans. chinafox; an extroadinary fox with 800-1000 year life span fire striking tail future sight shapechanger that appears as a old man, young girl and a scholar and counted as a trickster. doxes; Dogs with magic and ability like the kitsunes except they don't have fox magic, They have physical magic of their own devising. Thry are straightforward with people and hardy with righteous insight. Sorta like the McGruff commercials or Scooby Do except they can shift to human, in your mind at the least. dymanuti; dimmernosti, shark able to shift into human form at will if they can eat them. Kysu; foxx, magic fox, ysu, fox with or without mystical skill. If fox, kitsune, and other idea then with no abuse you are what you seem. This entry be changed from the original to reflect new idea. Fox that sometime have magic or mysticism and are an mysterious animal, fascinating, and mischevious. And be believed to be very grateful for the kindness done to it, as seen in many tales, and be also affectionate as revealed in some dramas. It be godlike because of mystical ability such as shapeshifting, bioelectrical, able to bewitch men in charming girl form, or women in charming men form. An exceedingly interesting and entertaining beast the Kitsune is. Kitsune are ageless, if they think they are, as they don't age as fast and are non immortal being spirits. Kitsune manifest with 900 years lifespan before they leave or die and return to spirit world or the etheric astral plane. Kitsune can get to 900 years old, older are rare as the energy amount to fuel their physical plane existance would be extreme and they would be doing more harm than good. The kitsune represent their ability by the elements, meaning they have abilities from each. This incidentally places them as Dragons but on a smaller scale. Dragons and Oni are their enemies, unless for dragons, they delibertely make themselves one. With the elements, they can represent thirteen catagories and kitsune are divided into each called clans, dynasties, houses. The elements are Wind, Earth, Fire, River, Heaven, thunder, Mountain, Void, Spirit, Time, Forest, Ocean, and Music. In the book 'Kitsune' the word Heaven be Celestial and Void is Dark. Each kitsune has it's own element based strengths its aligned to. Elements also reflect the kitsune's powers origination, and elemental affinity like Fire Kitsune be unaffected by fire easily feeding from fire to self strengthen and use fox-fire with ease. Water kitsune wouldnt use fire easily but naturally heal and thrive near water. the most common kitsune are Celestial kitsune who follow laws that can be self made. Inari, Wild kitsune, Dark kitsune. Celestial kitsune are 'High Kitsune'. Kitsune are physical spirits and everything has spirit in some form, near them and these spirit are Kami. Animals also have spiritual counterparts more commonly known as Kitsune and Tanuki. there be Tengu but this be unessential as from what I've read they have background and diversity, enough to make a thesis. Kitsune have a number of options to manifest. Most draining be to appear in physical world causing storms, unnatural events. Kitsune who simply manifest lose innate essence faster feeding more often, suffer weakness but they gain strength after twelve hours in the new world. As be stated "when you eat from a place you can return to it, and stay away if war" from a greek story as you see the reason to use effect you realize or not as this is what you see. He was talking to his 5 year old child. This feeding depends on kitsune strength, and usually meaning region blight, they surround their target, if fed too much. Though the weaker kitsune have less effect. When kitsune manifest, it has optional choices, in number. It can appear as kitsu (fox), fox-headed person or very attractive normal person. In any case the tail number that kitsune have will be obvious, unless they shapechange and are masked, which be draining. Note however they can shapeshift at will so concealment be easy. the second option be possess either fox, person. Fox-possession was a most common kitsune manifestation means. A kitsune possessing someone had to overcome willpower thus usually the process appeared insanity similiar where a kitsune willpower fed. Taking a sleeping person usually was a lot quicker since kitsune could invade the dreams, while taking time, to willsap targets. Possession be not shared easy as once done, the kitsune body control and once they leave the body, their host will experience remember not. Kitsune possession was not long-term unless kitsune truly had reason to stick around. Possession was usually with blessing, and to get rid of them, was by the exorcism thats used with intended idea and by Shinto, Buddhist priest, if someone called a Guardian kitsune to deal with the matter. Also, note that unless kitsune be powerful, the shape-shifting was foxform limited, fox-person form and person form they're possessing. The third option was possess a child, fox very young, or unborn. This method be least taxing and resulted in a kitsune hybrid possesed person/fox. If child/fox possession, the full possession takes longer and with pre-born it's instant. This be the 'avatar' method because this be the least taxing method to show. This also incidentally gives a long-term physical body. Kitsune who use this method have no extra tails visible and eat, drink, sleep, breath, and suffer the full moral life of all 900 years. They bleed and possibly get sick, unless a regeneration is enabled. Using this method transforms into fox-form/human-form and development of possible other forms by willed shapeshifting. As an additional note, a kitsune with avatar form can't be banished, or exorcized easily. One common thing be kitsune once here can become enraptured with full senses as in physical form. This turns kitsune into thrill-seekers that experience any new forms albeit pleasure, pain. Older kitsune who have lived physically for long time may be more jaded. Another spirit aspect be manifest ability and physical survival level that requires sustenance. Gaaki feed off many different things depending on gaaki type you come across. Some feed off scents, blood, pain, tears, and more dangerous from souls. Kami usually require small gifts and prayers that are sating them, they are hostile and dangerous, otherwise. these gifts and worship 'fed' the kami. Kitsune can feed from land essence, elements, and people. they are sensically vampires that require sustaining essence. Kitsune who have avatar does not feed like other kitsune. Instead as long as they don't tap into abilites they posses, there can be normal function for human, fox magic can manifest though. Using abilites will weaken them although if given a relaxing chance they will self recover. Kitsune who possessed someone still has to feed to keep a body a long time. Feeding be in the same manner as manifested kitsune. Kitsune are capable of host draining, as in manifested kitsune that feeds most often. Energy amounts used to stay material can be extreme. To keep manifestation and use it's ablities, kitsune draw off much energy around them, and themselves, where if they use their own source, they can weaken. This chi essence be found in the elements and like magical Chinacats, kitsune are capable of knowledge feeding. With this kitsune are learning capable and the knowledge energy causes abilities developing and possibly grow quickly, in the way they so choose. A kitsune body can be attacked, killed but they can simply leave the body any time leaving the victim to suffer the fate meant for the kitsune. To harm kitsune requires a weapon and with the spirit of harm meant. Avatar taking kitsune are physical harm vulnerable. Anything that do mortals harm, harm kitsune. These are not regenerative kitsune and are unlike others, thus spend their healing resources, with an accelerated natural rate to healing themselves. Magic weapons and faith can't harm these kitsune easy because they are physically world 'natural', having world attunation. These kitsune can reanimate, once killed spiritually, though much weaker than their brethren. When kitsune heal wish, they expend personal energy, so when desperate they sacrifice tail and artefact that is near them, gaining huge chi influx for fuel. Kitsune who spend healing energy become more essence desperate and feeds sooner. So, they should be careful to not eat normal food, as they can be in overeating mode, for possible weight gain. When kitsune are killed, unless destroyed in spirit, their is options for them. Dependant on recent moments of a fed amount, they can re-manifest, in any form sacrificing tail and artefact, again, for sudden chi influx of manifestation allowance. If no manifest, they wander worlds, biding time and waiting, for a convenient time. While in spirit form, kitsune are spiritually attackable, magic vulnerable. Kitsune, then are amoral spirits with basic right wrong understanding and make decisions based on what they think will aid them most. Kitsune core personality can be type dependant. Element belief be elemental focus and kami which possess them as they can study: Wind - Flighty, these kitsune are wanderers, never staying in one place for long. Earth - Solid and unyielding as these kitsune are rooted in history and resistant to change. Fire - Quick-tempered and reactionary kitsune are constantly moving thus very emotional. River - Natural healer kitsune are quietly peaceful. Ocean - Furious and tempestous kitsune that are natural warriors. Time - Contemplative and quiet kitsune are seers being oracles. Void = Dark and brooding kitsune, that are malicious and very domain protective, when in moods. Mountain - Distant kitsune that are withdrawn silently preferring observance before acting. Forest = Quiet and serene kitsune watch those around them. Once satisfied with what they see, they become playful and mischevious. Music = Pleasant and polite kitsune enjoy company and experiences. Thunder - these are loud arrogant prideful kitsune. Celestial - Protective and noble kitsune, that believe they guard all under their domain, sometimes by their own laws and te laws of the land. Kitsune are not innate sorcerers, however they have innate and intuitive abilities that fall under magic concepts thats called 'Fox-magic'. Which can bring reasoning and intelligence, on use. Kitsune are innate intuitive illusionists. To them, illusion can be as real as anything else. A kitsune who uses illusion, to appear human are human and can talk, act, love and sire children, while the illusion exists. A kitsune who transforms a staff into snake creates a crawling, biting and killing snake. They use this glamour magic to make objects, weapons, people, homes, and even landscape, to manipulate their suiting desire. One kitsune be capable of creating illusion and manipulating landscape in small vicinity, though when kitsune gather collective resources, whole cities are made. Kitsune can make pockets in reality meaning they can make a castle under someone's floorboard with people sometimes noticing. This world be real by ether (spirit) material. And, there can be time-dilation thats one Earth day = seven or more Realm years. These realms are just homes mostly, or forests, where there is their desire, as in their favorite places are sometimes creted/recreated aint whole worlds. It usually takes three to five kitsune to make a whole realm and populate it, linked together, either physically or mentally. Kitsune can dominate any of those they want, and this be a enchantment of form. Where this can cause someone's sight to see of anything wished for, overlooking wanted things by desire. Once control be established the victim be held until someone can break magic. Foxfire (Kitsune-bi) in a form of kitsune bioenergy, can produce lightning, fire by the tail rubbing their tails. This becomes a melee weapon and they breath fire to about five feet, more or less, depending on their energy. Kitsune can also create small fire balls sometimes using these as lights, thrown weapons,, and as playtoys. Kitsune can possess targets with foxfire, taking over minds and bodies. This be sometimes out of necessity of protection as possession lasts until next sunrise, sunset unless the kitsune be using this as a manifestation form effect. They have not the targets ability access or memories, except for what the body instictually does. A kitsune can transform into anything covered by an elements presence. This means they can turn into trees, forests, rocks, water, monsters and other people. The limits are that the transformation does not give them the innate abilities of the form they have taken, as it is only what they assume the form does, and they are vulnerable to what can harm that form. Kitsune who are possessing someone, can not use this form of transformation, unless they are doing it through illusions. Kitsune can create small focused power balls, like psiballs. These balls look like small spheres that easily can be child toy mistaken. These balls focus kitsune abilities and contains their spirit, usually when they take on avatar, or they possessed someone. Kitsune enjoy playing with this ball and using it, as a magic focus. If anyone else gets their hands on it, or wills it away from weak kitsune, sometimes they coerce kitsune into helping them, or doing whatever they desire. Kitsune can study any magic field. A problem be that to use any magic form requires to draw energy from power source, or to self draw it. Unlike mortals they weaken when they use they themself in to draw out energies, think from themselves and the elements around or near them, which does not self replenish. One who casts magic too often will become weak and starved. These are oriental style magic examples. Akasic be the magic of chi essence. As mages, they can see auras and power sites, manipulate, draw on, expel chi as in willed psiballs that contain elements. Akasic magic be powerful combined with other magics. Its good for things like healing, rapid regeneration and reversing essence loss, sometimes that their feeding caused. Kitsune follow the Elements being tied to the represented elements. Kitsune can influence elements they be of and if elemental magic studied become very good in study field. They can study: Wind - With this study, they can create winds, cause tornadoes, and influence local weather patterns. This be also effects ice and snow. Earth - they move rocks, transmute minerals, physical objects and build things. Fire - this be a kitsune's specialty as they create fire, control fire, and cook meals. River - this be a life-giving power as they create water, control creatures living in water and they heal others with and bring life to things around them. Ocean - this be river cousin to River but larger scale. This be where they cause very strong storms, flooding and tsunamis. This be how mages depth creature conjure. Forest - this control and manipulation of wood trees, and forest creatures. those who study are druidic in their ability to wood strive and blend in and find herbs and roots making salves with. Mountain - Cousin to stone as this element allows for mountain control and those living inside. Kitsune can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides too. Thunder - Wind cousin a mage can throw lightning with, cause storms, and create energy shields, manipulate machines without detection, and without computer net-run aka neuracanulla link. Celestial - this be astral and heavens magic. Mages teleport, call upon magic creatures, and throw target meteors. Kitsune can do most other reduced effect magics. Dark - this be void magic and this magic can cause blights, drain life, summon dark creatures, manipulate darkness, shadow vanish, and light drain from areas. This study isn't 'evil' and a quarter of the kitsune race are Dark Kitsune. Time - Allows no time travel except with right methods thus this allows kitsune to speed up, slow time down, age, then targets and objects. To predict future events and this be the perception and manipulation of time plausibly to master reality with celestial magic worked in. Music - this be sound and music control. Kitsune can sing spellsong effects. this can entrance others, ward off supernatural creatures, and control moral. Spirit - this be spirit world, demons, and other world manipulation. This nature magic doesn't work well on mortals since mortals have souls which are similiar to spirits so they have to wait for someone to die for this to effect someone well. Kitsune can bind, summon, banish, ward, trap a spirit even in a human being, if powerful enough. If the kitsune have some of the persons essence then they can control the person, by demon thought essence manipulation. Feng Shui be the Geomancy study, power sites and ley lines being largely this magic. A person can find out best way to site build, power location creation and a means to tap into leyline, nexus. This allows someone to travel Dragon Lines (ley lines) getting from location to location and also allows them power tap Ju-Fo be runic magic and mages can write power words, speak spells creating magic. Ley lines are good places for banishing/controlling spirits and binding sites. Kitsune can hide themselves, places by ley lines manipulation for concealment. If they were given an exact description, they can modify how they act. This is how they are usually, "Playful, kind of mischevious, tried to play a few semi-harmful pranks and they were all playing around with their Kitsune Balls, sometimes to gather forces, to live. I can effectively say that I don't have to consider kitsune and vampire as different parts of myself, since there's the kitsu-vampire combination as well. The transformation makes them like a werewolf as they can form into dog or wolf. Some are half human half kitsune, full human, full kitsune. The older they get, the more forms they have. The older they get the more sophisticated they get. Kitsunes can drink the energy-blood of a person, vampire or animal and turn into the target. As a kitsune with the speed of a vampire, they're a lot more powerful. I think it's the kitsune that's bitten by a vamp or drinks the vamp blood. Well vampires are technically human and kitsunes can be half human. Which means that they can be half vampire. They just have to make their form fully vamp instead of half vamp/half human, and then transform into a kitsuvampire. The kitsuvamps extract and manipulate energy a lot easier than either basic kitsunes or basic vampires. So they can form gates that act like wooden doors or look like anything. As using the wooden doors or the objects as fuel. That's like a twist on pockets in reality as basically they can twist things to be as they desire. An if to suit of their necessity, But its not a dark twisting, except for the users of void. It almost feels as easy for them to transform into anything (not just human, not just vamp, not just fox, not just kitsuvamp, but actually able to mutate into any form they want) as it is for a dragon." gracilf = graelf, grayelf, gray elf born of both light and dark but clanless till chosen and has dark manipulation ability, sun resistance and many language mastery as a shapeshifter. They are with elemental energy manipulation skill They are angry most times at people. Sylvan; are the elemental representation for elven of air that are elemental apes, aerial, sylph or sylvan that work with land, and can shift anywhere with a abhorrant sound as they are part energy in form. These atypical elven are the type to command and use psychic power ups by strange sounds that be frightening and with abilities, to effectively try to work with people (any). They are known for decisions that come from back experiences and other life influences. This elven baboon be as approximately 4 feet tall, with a very thick physique similar to a gorilla only it stood more upright. A remnant from the ice age that survived within the mountains. The magical Baboon be another type with silent powerups or surges that are felt but not heard that cause no alarm that live with them in sylvanic that be taller by one in a half or 6 - 7 feet and have a straighter back with white fur. they the baboon sometimes serve as guardsmen in the vast mountain ranges of North America that are left untouched by man, within a well hidden canyon nestled deep within the depths of the rocky mountains. The will can ward them away from thou but not forever. Q-in-x; quinxy, were, werewolf, As popularly known, a werewolf be a person who is transformed, voluntarily or involuntarily, into a wolf under the influence of full moon. The word werewolf be a contraction of the old-Saxon word wer (which means "man") and wolf--werewolf, manwolf. Another term lycanthrope, often used to describe werewolves, however, refers to someone who suffers from a mental disease of fantasizing being a wolf. This particular mental disorder be termed lycanthropy. In human form they had bushy eyebrows that met over the bridge of the nose; blood red fingernails were long and Almond shaped. Their mouth and eyes were always dry and they were often thirsty. Ears were long and narrow, laid back on their heads. Their skin was rough, scratched and hairy. It often had a yellowish, pinkish or greenish cast. In addition to such physical features, the werewolf also displayed certain psychological traits. They commonly preferred the night and solitude, had an inclination towards visiting the graveyards and were known to dig up corpses and feast upon them. Wererat; Waera, For the wererat be quoted as "When a rat be near and their are felt dangers nearby, Then a wererat could be there to surprise and eat you." As unpopularly known, a wererat be a person who be transformed, voluntarily or involuntarily, into a rat under the influence of rats or the many-as-one and full moon. The first wererat was a person who was immortal and was rat bitten, who then recovered after a slight sickness to be able to transform into ratform without need to do ritual. All he needed to form bretheren be to scratch them or mutate at a difference. The many-as-one be a group of brain rats that get together and form a collective conscious. A single brainrat had a larger cranium with a focus to disrupt and almost kill the victim. Together in groups of 3 or more they could kill by energy manipulation. A single rat near the wererat gave them unusual psychic ability. The wererat was almost always near unusual animals and hated rats in general. their manifested abiliy was to mutate anything at will that was near them. They can talk to many animal types including the other rats. In human form their silver fingernails were long and Almond shaped. Their mouth and eyes were always dry and they were often thirsty. They regenerated and smelt slightly when they did. their instinct was to innately know anything and what they didn't know they got from others. Their skin was rough, scratched and hairy. It often had a brownish or greenish cast their nose was long and narrow. They had a repulsive scent that could drive away anything near the age of 10 o 12. In addition to such physical features, the wererat also displayed certain psychological traits. They commonly preferred the night and solitude, loved smelly area, had an inclination towards visiting the sewers and were known to feast upon anything except metals without sickness. They collected things like packrats and almost never bathed except every now and then. hycilf = high elf, Elven born of a high family or clan, in a higher plane of existence. Note: not all this be true for everyone. Aristocrat elves that will refuse a fight unless they desire to fight. Find somewhat amusing pursuits that make some people irritated. Consider themselves highborns yet are freeborn. Will hunt people, animals for the fun of it. Find missions to do as adventures and aid people in the process. If the price be high enough, they will guard you. they are more intelligent than humans and elves, yet make no indication of it. Immune to all spells that arent their own, Jack of all trades(good at everything). To some they are shapeshifters that will torture those they catch in a hunt. Unless what they catch, proves themselve valuable in some form. Humans are neutral allies to them, elves will respectfully do as requested unless they are secretly in despise of them. they are loremasters and are considered civil faery till they see those they dislike, with which they get racially hostile, disputive. Finally, they hold a grudge forever and are bold in spirit like nobles. they tend to make contracts like pacts or pax to be better and if its broken then the contractor loses soul. High elf are immune to all and get what they want. kreca = kreacher, vile creature, dark elf house servant thanks to the harry potter book 6. Nera = A golden one whom then is green and has some wings. -end of elf and similiar- In the nature of Gods I spoke on creating them, and they are what you think as useful but thought and notice this is really using the being described below as Godd or Gog. You see you believe in god as different aspects. "Godd or cilt, deity, Peru, Neru, Meru, Aziz, Matiz, M'ar'lah, Moer'winn, greater being, Goddess, gawd, angry god, godawful, in Gods name their are 4 or more major battles. Basically think of it as if he was her but mild and both sexes with a joined body. Where the form was 3 conjoined bodies together known as Gyrion to some. As now its possibility in of the moment as the person would like. The origins to the christians in God were unknown except to Assyrians, and similiar as a presence in motion that was needed with aid of spirit kind. It was thought to be an evil spirit at first. Then people were considering names that they thought existed of the spirit. Then and after were organizations to achieve results with this spirit. So we now have God as a multifaceted gemstone, or multipersonality being or collusion of energy of many ways to consider with more of which be a mystery to us. So this god be an amalgram of minds, where there was one energy and memory pool of many people to instruct the energy in a process called worship. Otherwise he be a being to pray to for forgiveness, and gain things of support. With support to the motion, the church arose or the cult interacted as it, the being later would be called a god, the being would do things for the worshippers. The being is different in every religion as its considered a multifaceted singular 'person' being. My thought be that once it was considered a multifaceted gem and with very little value. A conception of peoples thoughts, it may have formed physically somewhere called the tear of gods and has allowance with faith for magic effects. Therefore the true representation is a ciaoe, as a large cat from this old document that god made be seen physically a gemstone of large size with religion as a formation of its eye facets. As the god gemstone be large and linked bij war and faith, it will channel large quantities of sometimes neutral energy with each facet as a god or goddess. The only flaws in the gemstone are the failed faiths of which a religion of sorts may occur and leave a fallen god personality. Really its you that's divine and their way to do things. So their be a no personality as thought in imagination, except as in a point where by my view he/she uses real world moments for experience. So think for idea due to the seasons for gender, this is like God one season and Goddess at another. For the imagination of the God/dess be to form a physical being, or a place with events. Any evil towards the facets of the gem be reflected to those deserved. Its possible that it creates faith. Its grown by earth respecting (as responsive) to the Deity's need to be seen. As the number of faithful grow the gem grows. Mostly by worship and prayer of sorts that be defined by the faith. If changing faiths for not a good reason its gonna get revenge or grief, that be strangely out of whack and strangely related. Its said the God/dess worships himself/herself through the gem and uses people who use it." Everything listed below be some superfacet except for the discarded facets where some are demons, angels, demigod and idea given form or birth like elvenesti. Aayn = The elven lord that is the part of whom wants to seem something in games. A god whom seems so in a part that casts roles and you can play them as if at your whim for a challenge. As for a challenge, you can create or seem to make a character and he will seem a she that creates a point to use as concept. aal = Bank for the greater human that seems no going on like demon that absorbs human energy, seeming is meaning think other essence without abandon and its essence to seem with growing and forgiving the demons form. Possible as essence is manipulation in ability and that can control anything with a point by their essence. The demon forms can grow indefinitely and no not till essence fed on runs out. ao = forever, all-father, eternal ayn = satan, evil incarnate, destruction sign alodava = goddess of the light ArkCiva = Bala, Dark demon, A demon considered arkciva or Bala, a demon born of dark matter in man and they become dark when they lock their soul in iron. The dark demon is a black being that is very neutral and hardly felt, except when they do things. They get what they want when they want it, by soul manipulation. With excess energy, they can manipulate souls. They use many means of which they manipulate by. Mostly, they stay trusted by being good in appearance. Otherwise, they do dark deeds to get what results they want. When they get it, they use what energy there by link to get spiritually strong. They do tend to die whence the object is destroyed, unless they cause the life force to shift to a new object or dissolve the link. But, they come back to life again, immediately using the life force of the destroyer. Unless they are aware, they were the destroyer or creating type, then they use another object energy source. They get what they want, then use it. The more they use the object, the weaker it gets by energy amount and the more likely it becomes breakable. The moment the person dies, is the moment that the dark demon exists freely. The darker the demon gets things by serving darkness, the more they get whiny and disrespectful. They tend to kill the monster that is the man that bears the demon. They also tend to use death and life energy easily. The soul reading ability comes when they gain enough energy. They risk insanity, as their soul is with insanity from iron. Lava defeats them by causing their dissolvation. Call lava by thinking it there in you, it materializes as a spiritual force. Or, imagine yourself going into lava and the dark matter becoming lava. atryhum = The astral human be a wild energy based human that be faerylike and very easily shifting and yet in astral land they can live. By live I mean energy manipulation and powers of somewhat unlimited ability. Without astral energy their lives are without ability, temporarily, except for the physical area and physical magic. their rules are to live as they can with how they can and the weakest will live unharmed. But their language be the key to getting places and to speak makes it happen unless they don't desire. The Astral human rules are to desist with explanation and if forced, then they will attempt to do as desired. their similiar to the energy human. ehu = 800, energy human, energy being thats mysterious and very willing to talk sometimes. Some would say they, the ehu won't communicate well but the process is if they do speak its with guarded tones and pure music. The speech has been heard as human and in imitation voice as it doesn't have one of its own. If energy beings enter a church, they become of the essence and unlikely visit ever again as it forms a painful memory. ea = creation, water god who waits. ee = destruction, fire goddess. fire golem. eih = aproponents, male/female god aspect of worlds most distinct for moons. Uses water/fire or air. ezelbe = a greater god conscious of the omniverse. io = cannot, ya energy, noted ideal, Angel which are elevated christian mages. Angels are very good mages and one could call them demigods wheras angels are glorified mystics in truth who call on you to do what they demand and need. If you don't do it, they torture you a bit until you do thus they sometimes choose to act as Gods messenger where they will guide you to what they think be the right path and blind you to any other. Angels are known to aid like personage of themselves, those of good natures who call them thus the christians and wizards claim them as guides sometimes by ritual. oeteo = muse, eternal writer, writing everlast. oeeteo, a chunk like god who be a technology lord and does other things for people if they deserve it. His power be his fat. ul = god, line flow, flow regulation, gnome god, technological and pele leader (as personal leader.) ambigal = A person whom be amphibeous human in thought can breath both water and air but uses fire and this is use in air. As it passes through the he-she or she-he being causes a water effect where the fire be and a fire effect is hieu Ieui where the normal area be with magic 'Whu' as a realy relate with those at her whimsy in the past. She reverts to a human skinned shell. This is a part of virtue and somewhat genious. In passion she be amphibeous but human appearing, and in with red hair but out with a fiery aura and acts like a riverlord but be a firelord. Gain weight and she casts a firey wind. The ambigal be likely to control by miasma cloud or other forces, into her hide she can put things and this is anything as in energy she is a universe in her body as energy the things she pputs is enrgy in solidly shaped form in points including undetected ability of any kind. their special ability be to use objects as a force and if the element in thought they transform into it to use this. ambgal = A person who has virtue, with red hair and and spreads water wherever needed or desired, if its blocked then a flood occurs. If passionate then a fairy water appears to support people in the area including herself, she be nymph born with humanlike nature and entirely she-male. But can calm down anything with a temper including with use of ability by others and memory sharing. She-he can cast any spell but allots time to herself and tricks those she doesn't like and eat or say anything without gaining weight. To uptake with her gets you wealthy but any form as her ways can influence the crowd. She-he can control the ability by force and an object. The special form be a perfect human and with forcecraft they can jitsu into an elemental formation if they get near it, the element of choice and only if they can bear the pain. anu = god will, sun god as in thought your thought is how the energy of the sun reacts to you. anubis = muse, scribe/record god of Egypt aries = mars, Arboleth, war god/dess of magig for magic, this is a god with an alternative with war as fight is love in as a concept or not as this is his other aspect. Aberuth = geruth, Gaeruth, Therein is no lies with this god as you may know he vitamizes and vitamol is his drug as his victims are many he is a point to attack through by what you think. As think you seem to become you can create with his willingness. This is an ancient ogre god, that can go insane if or not doing what is asked. There is a point as energy speaks, to do as this is what is in a thought and askence is done. If you endanger him you are in to endanger yourself. ae'kii = awe'kiki, hawii'kiki, ayaa, Maui, Ancient beast spirit of a dragon system where a dragon is an overwhelming force similiar to a dragon sleeping, make on record and deduce for a decade some say in honolulu the ancient beast be a volcano that never goes off or a dragon may emerge as a volcanic overflow because its a supervolcano thats slowly erupting, if the volcanic being by essence in eruptian promised in the yellowstone national park ever occurs it might be like this in an idea area considered in hawaii.. It assaults any that try to waken it as if to deter and in thought this is not effective against, those that mention him and technologist or construction groups are worsened or worst off. If need be, link to the godlike force to get things but don't trust it not to destroy as its part of a volcano. There is no mention of this mountain god, as if you are a thougt you can be reassured. He won't attach an energy to you that is not actually destructive as impulsive is a point, that he will do that show a promise or not as thought. ermys = hermaphrodites, hermaphrodite deity with two faces and twinned body conjoined, a male side conjoined with female side and demigod like powers. representative deity of both sex body, or a demon deity of assasins and mutation with female or male formation showing and represented both sexes in knowledge, now acts like a muse or historian. altea = alter each, altaran, alterea, alter user, alter eaker, To be a user of wild energy or chaos itself and fro' the innate ability as a boost to effect. This consists of redirection by kaots techniques and meditu (substance) usage to draw away insanity or vidictive strikes. A quote "The void draws madness but gets a better cleaning effect." However "nothing in nothing out" from Tron. "Nothing be nothing as for nothing be the void." by default user. ihs = right there, inhibator (as inhibitory being). The two types are based on the character if good the ihs destroys or controls evil, and if neutral it could destroy or inhibit people or objects that are unfriendly, but if evil it could turn on the master of choice or deter the disruptor (any including weapons). aldur = wonder god, wanderer, god of victims Eciyno = Arcobaleno, Arbaleno, An arcobaleno is a babyish type human that walks outside of time and can manipulate any element to manifest something. Their spirit is actually 3 feet tall or lesser that walks and talks like an adult. A fully grown arcobaleno can create effects very easily. This includes manipulation of body age and however they want it. They have fey attributes but they can make nearly anything appear from belief or imagination. Arcobaleno ability restores the body from anything to its state tha works best for the moment. They can appear like any age they want. They only act one way, in control and calmly. They do nearly anything they want to get the desired effect. However, they are very unlike normal humans as they are abnormal. They grow older by will, but they don't really remember how to eat right. Thus, they need food and they get it. As, they never really grow up after a special technique. They are formed from a human body through the special technique. This technique renders them into the mindset of a baby with adult experience and baby power. This technique makes the body ageless, unless they want to appear grown. The technique makes a body gain very strong magic, and sets them apart from time itself. At the end of the process, they may become shorter but they are ageless. Each arcobaleno is representing a color they choose at a moments notice. This color is an element. It enhances them to make them stronger. They have an amazing ability of elemental manipulation that allows them to be separate from time itself. Its an unusual condition of a person that enables their eleemental ability. This allows them to master any element by the attempt at doing things. They can externally appear like anything by shapeshifting. They stop aging and control it by thinking about it or stating their need. ellclau = Lpryst, Ellpryst, Aunclau, ironclaw, hell priest, Hell cleric that can heal with hell itself and channel hells energy with regard to neutrality as they are strictly demon. To make a body recover from sickness through focus of energy. Where the body is in bad condition, use topical language or herbs, herbs and focused will of energy. By the use of any energy including hell they can heal through the use of aura and talisman, other focus device (crystal talisman) and effect the disruption of sickness by forcing the body to recover where it wouldn't. through the aura they can percieve anything of the body and thoughts, including humours and mental state. When it be to be used, this aura healing describes where to get at the area of pain, feel the area for tension. As the aura vision can be necessary to percieve the actual condition since the healer doesn't have the machines to aid. A hell cleric who cannot do a service requested, will unless justified lose all abilities accept hell usage until the atone by doing a free service or sleeping. Then they must remain neutral in conflict unless their be proof of the deed that needs accounting for. To get to the truth they can cheat, decieve, act , poison and just about anything else to get the job done. Otherwise they become ex-hell clerics if their be personal involvement for no reason. they can serve any god/dess as long as they do a service to gain favor, and for what they want makes the service by filling in action. elmahum = glue in being that can hold anything together but intoxicates anything it gets near, this glues things at will together even if not close to the object. Take a little in and your a bit of elmers glue and sniff it, touch it to your mouth near a lit candle and your immune. So if you think to share your essence with it, the glue will thicken and you won't get rid of a glue scent. elmanhum = turpentine being that intoxicates anything it gets near, unglues things at will together even if not close. Similiar to the elmahum, touch it to your lips sniff it, the turpentine, and feel your body changing to its nature to become one. erlking = Dwarf king that lives in a mountain and rules over a clan of dwarves, humans and elves considered a colony underground. eros = cupid, love god, emblazon keep it nice imae = ilmatar be the crying god who always gives chances to those forgiving or deserving and can raise people for a reason did or don't have to surge is don't have to by spell or prayer. epona = Dweya, night fertility goddess, mature woman thats fulfilling to mens desires. She be said to give male and female sexes a child of either sex on a moment that is a prayer to her, but she looks like a overlarge fat woman in life she instilled by belief in the sculpture form as the fat or thin woman was honored and now the slender women are the strong woman was put to work. See the area isn't matrix so you earn by working from the area you see interesting, see to get done what is not always necessary or near what they appreciate or not use as you know. evhum = everyhuman, a guy with vile nature, human woman male that represents both sexes with four arms, perfect womanish breasts, both sex organs, four legs, high intelligence. All time and conscious by universal energy, no longer linked with an ambiguous person and manipulative user as energy and manipulative idea. evmi = everyman, human male that represents all maleness with four arms, 4 legs, high intelligence and all time and event conscious awareness linked, ambitious in emotion and is possible as ambiguous without emotion as lets not is said the point is a concept or not is thought to do things. evwui = everywoman, human female that represents all femaleness with four arms, perfect double busts, four legs, high intelligence, all time (as event) and universally relinked, ambitious and enigmatic in idea with no insanity. Ieshei = goddess of wisdom and wealth Iessi = goddess of luck ihs = right there, right on the spot, inhibator (as inhibitory being). The two types are based on the character if good the ihs destroys or controls evil, and if neutral it could destroy or inhibit people or objects that are unfriendly, but if evil it could turn on the master of choice or deter the disruptor (any including weapons). ogma = oghma the area creator and energy knowledge maker, (no) dogma, the truth and knowledge god, truth god, deadly to others that destroy things and created by the point to the area in focus by subconscious and thought is idea in the moment. As you think and use knowledge to create with magic, you can create the idea to make magic by knowledge or not as you consider and don't need the result you think. As if a point is knowledge misused if you are caught and not liked, thought by the right people then the oghma curse is possible that you avoid what you hate or not as you need nothing. oni = this is good in the morning as if to make the bed and you feel better, otherwise in being form is a monstrous form demon that causes diseases and thought in ability creates by te worsened state that looks good at first an is deadly otherwise. The Oni kill something and magic created or willed that didn't work is what creates in life that outskirts and thought in insanity is not actually done and things, you do if bad or done quietly or visibly wrong can seem sane or not by te point is death by the attempt to steal by what you think is necessary. As you are and were able to do things, non worse and then if you are not thinking your stealing then you aren't as necessary as by a thought in life. Uarc = dark individual, very dark deity of darkness and matter, darkness, very hard to deal with the idea and with things as they are deadly that are needed they can kill with whatever. baeliv = white demon, law and order demon that has a soul and gets a form shift ability along with others that must be focused on. baelgodd = demongod, Multiplanar and dimensional god that be also demonic with ability to serve many and capable to suit the purpose of even the most impossible person. Usually followed by sorcerors and witchcraft workers and yet will be many faced (as more than one personality). and serves as a neutral source of power but more than one facet at any . To hear it be to be compulsed to follow what it says. baelgud = good demon, deva, The God devoted demihumans serve the gods to aid themselves first and others second. Wizards perceive them with gold skin and as people, and talk to them, the people to exchange info on technologies or other things in their sleep sometimes. They are unkillable beings that live sometimes unseen amongst the humans, and demihumans, unless they chose to be seen andthen for no other reason, a god/dess. They exist on all lower planes of existence and they can alter even demons in their course of existence, if they so wanted to. By powerful demihumans, they are called by summonings into viewable forms doing what the summoner asks. their tears heal and the touch cures unless a servant of the nature of death. Only then will the death deva be effective to kill with a tear and any touched will die unless they are their pet. grewarap = giant apes 7 to 8 feet tall. and great ape uncles to the sylvan, yet they live in a seaparate community. bjala = room protection demon, also be jabbed lawfully or playfully. brataun = sheolbrat, hellchild, the child of demon and human that knows alot before its time and it tends to make hell on those of lower ability, and has magic immunity. Sometimes they have no manifestation ability and yet they can manipulate anyone without some fear. Brigid = the Goddess of all life to call for support or other except when angry for a broken promise and she causes a soothing calm or insanity or other punishment of what was thought on or off by no feel thats by no il presence. brotanuh = God of brotherly love with a two-headed, two armed and feathered upper half normal under half with no dick. was once taken as Grendel. brutanuh = The god of disturbance or brain working and strictness with dealings with disease and war. brutaun = sheolbrut, hellspawn, hell soldier, Tortured soul that comes back as a hell soldier serving itself then those it respects second. It can form a cloak or any color around itself and it manipulates chains to any effect and shapeshift into any form by folding into its cloak at will becoming hurtable. Its abilities range into anywhere manipulation. cylt = Kylt, Odin, ecstacy, Horned one who on a bad or mispurposed calling, the horned one will set you up or cause you great pain with torture. He might come to you if in need but if not then it will be to smite or harm yourself but only if he won't know your name. civa = dma, demontology, demon or dementic until forgiven I see is area research clyhaga = clifhanger, demon who kills a person by giving them a mental death scene of said person jumping off a cliff and doesnt see the demon till it strikes, a creature which loves to climb rocky walls. dedue = daedulus, An incarnate of nature that claims immortality and probable clause to be recognized as a trusted figure, or famous star that be given free gifts of positive sorts as a payment for service. Along with this fine package be lore and reality control. Yet their evil side be to kill as they want or harm by many means. Some have been know to act like daedra without compuction. daedra = Are worker demon and story writers that some say are bad and that can manifacture parts, or make instantly or otherwise control reality, or act duplicitous and professional. To cause as desired but if a pissed off person finds them, then they get in trouble. These are neutral good or evil people ruled by a prince of a element of choice. their other hobbies are warfare, invading and allowing people to get what they want, if good in nature and sometimes spiting law or underhandedly if somewhat evil. The daedric king be also the daedric emperor and can be male or female and able to do most elemental manifestation where a normal daedra can use one at a time. their disposition be trade and community with councillors to aid in a democratic type beu'reu in a commision of balance and planar space. A saying "Daedra aren't all that great." by imortis can sum them up. daema = demand, daemon, Demonic god messenger and originated the demon in meaning from greek. demahkt = demarkt, a god of death, lord of death or death before he became death as a nature. Now known as the natureof death seen as a deathly skeleton polling a boat across the river styx. Somewhere located under Afhganistan with a very calm air. I know some to be claiming N Afhganistan and others W Afhganistan. demos = demon god of destruction and death that can be appeased by any sacifice (doesnt have to be bloody, like a sacrifice of time for a cause). deamon = demon that will hurt if given a reason but be generally neutral evil and it tears apart anything it hurts from the insides. Its looks will kill anyone and has a great shapeshift ability from any human form to battle demon form. It likes to mislead people to early demise including causing a heroic or heroinic idea. danal = the destructive god of the druids and old ways. danu = a dark druid god of destruction and war, usually dangerous and considered mars in greece and datub in wenna. he often appears as a favored form and with appeal to mark a destructive event. dava = goddess of love, the love god is a point to consider as you think to enhance her to he can do love matching by energy in belief. This god aspect can turn negast as negative in being in thought, by negative emotion that is with an area idea to seem an idea that is had. Any summons can get you killed by him in life. Any other reasoning is a point to construe, and warp around with a unrealism that is realistic in feel through the dark mist or light mist. decano = Mystra, among other names for a Magic god/dess. Magic god who is powered by self acts of many kinds including sacrifice of an object. Except for physical magic objects where, the objects are on each use counted as a sacrifice or trash such as food bits are also able to be tossed as though a dream car thought as this is sacrifice. demeter = god of signs, this is where you think to get a moment as a sign and you created better or what you want by feel. this is a moment in time. you don't even have to believe in him to create by naming what you want, this is given as a sign that you state demeter gives you what is needed by feel. deva = angelic being, god servant that are the Gods devoted demihumans serving the gods to aid themselves first and others second. Devas are the greatest demigods that could exist and be seen at their own will with desire otherwise we just mentally perceive them as flickerings at the eye corner, not at all. Wizards perceive them with gold skinand people talk to them and exchange info on technologies, other things of interest in their sleep sometimes. they are unkillable beings that live sometimes unseen amongst the humans and demihumans. unless they chose to be seen. they exist on all lower planes of existence and they can alter even demons as though in their course of existence are what they seem if they so wanted to and by powerful demihumans, they are called by summonings into viewable forms doing what the summoner asks. dema = Daemon, Demon, servant demand, being with self-consuming power source. So this is a God messenger, beings that are the messengers of gods and they are the neutral, good demons that will aid neutral to good people sometimes chaotically as angellic guardians. Most times to a gods instructions they act and they can be summoned but, if left on their own devisings they will kill the summoner just for fun after overpowering the summoner for freedom to exist on the summoners plane. So be strict with the daemon as daemons are chaotic neutral by nature and if they see that a balance be needed, they will be the balancer force and do not lose your will to them risking control but let them act on their own. Demons are fallen demihumans who were once human that accepted magic only to be denied by death and reincarnated as evil demihumans. Demons serve themselves first and the lawful evil, neutral evil and desparate people second. Demons natural enemies are devils and hate each other because evil like nature personalities will always conflict and demons are lawful evil by nature but there are some good demons. they will honor a bargain as long as you give what you promised in some form and if you break your deal they will break theirs and sometimes kill the deal maker in the process. Otherwise, they will honor the deal and do exactly what they promised to do but if bored, they will mercilessly cut you down so the key to survival against a summoned against you demon be to buy the demon with more than the other guy could offer and sometimes the demon will only respect sheer will, a showing of respect or a showing of power. Summoned demons will always try your will and make you force them into behaving under your will so make the summoning request without any loopholes, they will get out of it. A trick be to not use anything they offer except when they offer to use it against the enemies of yourself, and by giving it to you the summoner will control the enemy. where the wise magus will use them, the demon, with a neutral backbone accepting anything given with suspicion but used freely to prove you trust. The act must be proven out by the demon, or you unsummon the demon for not doing as you say. Demons and devils can get along if an overser is near. demihu = demihuman, superhuman strength that is better near a loved one or in opposite notion weaker near a loved one demir=hu = a half human male half serpent demigod. danann = goddess dana, glorious priestess that rules over faith. faiki = mastermind that be a formless many body part demon capable of absorbing other beings and energy to reform them as puppet forms at will and its able to manipulate without detection anything in a ten mile radius felinygid = invisible control demon till it strikes then it appears fomoia = fomorian, sea demon fului = polyglot, Formless god that starts as superhuman that uses untempered magic yet regenerates through energy infusion. Making a formless columnlike god being that draws any type of being to its cause and it manipulates others by baiting, enslaving,, ensnaring to gain its deeds. Teleport into this being to take control of it by voice, kill it. Extreme untempered magic use causes body explosion by quick body formless change. gaia = earth fairy nature, lived on the earth since its beginning in aboringinal events, Both sex hermaphrodite and considered star child, can control or manipulate any element and form ability that are free based goddwib = go'wib, god focus, priest, priestess, preacher goddwibt = paladin, god channeler giau = gold god, money god, almost immortal drug geiu = agneu, adneu, the coping god of the cops, he or she does things for people that causes said person to cope with the situation. This god creates on a moment and works with people that need to be worked with by feel. Otherwise you could find yourself in some prison, this is done by the idea you have to break rules and regulations. Any illness he makes you well by idea or feel, creates the healing in you by her and sometimes there's a lock involved or regulation of some sort. This is what I know is true, not what I realized unless necessary. So think and you can realize what you need to know. That god does exist as the god and he or she allows other gods to work with him or her..interesting factoid, they may not realize he or she exists unless by luck, except he or she knows about them. This god/dess will know what is necessary in order to cope with things. So think about him or her and you are served what you need. Sometimes by the time you think about the idea, if you think about the idea you will get what you need if you want things by what you desire. Otherwise nothing bad happens by feel. genkyokou = sagelike immortal time linked god servant shapeshifter with four arms three legs, womanish breast, giant strength, enigma, 1000's powers, magic immunity, high iq and anything said happens by this human hybrid globazar = Planet bazaar; A demon of war in many forms that uses the planet as its source. They go lets party, and then all sorts of things allz occurs. They go party ends if order is restored. Yet can overcome anxiety by being aware of our reactions and performing sudden act of kindness in the act. We may not be at ease with our life circumstances, for we are being reminded of what we must do to keep the status quo and keep from falling apart. Its of what is a spiritual energy, enabling us to touch magical places within the realm of our imagination. In love, fear can stand in the way of love. Satisfaction may be delayed, yet it is worth the wait. Opposition can drawing our thoughts of away from logical 'be' analysis, toward the stuff of dreams. It's hard to know what to think, as fantasy temporarily overtakes reality. As beautiful harmonizes with passion emotional truth replaces logic. Verbal boundaries dissipate and we are forced to leave words behind. In emotional value they purport. hadrbazr = Hadr bazzaar; In disseumo disseum, it is in resume a dissimiliar moment by a major demon with many familiar forms. That turn people evil, then are psychic and control. It has many different forms. hydrbazr = Water bazaar; To be in the aspect of water, of many forms and formed by will of demonic nature. That typical nature is not found in normal nature so we look else. ermes = hermes, messenger god on winged feet, gay god. Hipliedea = Hyper demon, or high planar demon. A demon that forms and can be anyone in appearance and appear anywhere multidimensionally. hombjala = house defense protection demon, thoughts in the house are possibly forming a love god effect as it thinks to need a match that it will do for itself. There is a god in the house that it summons and if in need, you can go to him in any form you want as an idea wizards accomplice. kauli = kahooli, minor wargod of magig that is of death and kills the perpetrator lamia = Quite an anachrodim by chupacabra or thought human is human if read is death thought she answers in vision and violence falls the crime to the death to the criminal as the person that creates the act creates things, is not the criminal as this is violence done on the crime as a waste up perfect woman waste down serpent goddess that is her in thought. She fixes herself as she invites and think to kill you as the actual criminal that isn't you, is dead by murder in a thought to lay me out and think use as your idea is what she will do. If you give her a point and thought is up to you. Shift as you want as she supports and eats the criminals after an act that isn't an act in bloody violence or no do violent for violence you don't have to act. No is with no slap or area to waste away in to her, as not a potty mouth is use to speak cool idea. She senses the purpose or feel then can use the idea they respect to manipulate them or think to get them to use what she wishes. This is to use is what she respects right or correctly to use their idea they respect to control or work with their memories to create by the body reaction. You don't have to do things to who you know. Know isn't kill off to realize or your not user insane. Beg or not and dismiss the words, an else if the words don't matter and is suggestion isn't necessary. Yet if you your own will in desire you can create, as you think as thought exists you are were and not as a point you think assumed form in shape and this is another idea. The being is formed in a different idea excepts, if to see as acknowleging that you do things. As this creates by the energy and your idea creates what you think, your thought creates viewed thought and death falls on those that are not excepted for crimes. She controls those to not do or create crimes to work with by idea or no slap she doesn't have to be hit. Lamia is mother of all monsters so she is controlled by fate. This is not blocking him or her from leaving. As she uses the point to create with the concept, your idea is what she uses to form her magic as belief is her own in life she looks like what she wants. As she uses the idea to make use, and form of anyone as your own energy. Think as not ill and she is what creates the cycles, as to form is just the moment a thought is possible as she makes what else is necessary sworn to good is the thought in what is the point you use. As you ask in her thought that appears like a vision for things she uses, she can form from a tailed form to a human form at will the god or others that aren't there are to create. As the true ability, there is to transform one thing to another as though a transmorphing spell. The idea and use is a service as in intelligent you are what serves or not as you ask and just do and don't ask her to not be effected and get effects of violence on those you thought are crime makers. What you think she will do, will make her do things as she is there as wants is to as a monster is formed from any that are killed. As if they are in thought form theory as is proven and thought is the form, they think she is. They who ask much of her are allowed, if their will is what allows things. So as she is aware she exists unless thought not to exist. lesgod = lesser god/ess, if you mispronounce it, he/she gets you in the end with a silent death. He/she also guides you in language of sign language and other language skills. Psionic in nature but not in a normal sense. He/she has no third eye except for the mind, always not lie except the mind acts and as thought is one life to live. Known as a courtesian from ages past, thought is her true form as you think her true name be in lost as records you can use a quick gesture except in a motion of using her/him in to get a glimpse. The idea be to know info not seen so far but to earn knowledge assumed is made real as a reward. Accounted as a lesser god of power with a thought and understanding you are a god. Mostly known as a god/dess or not, think as the energy has reached its peak for crippled and not. Those are for those people non crippled, think or not as people who don't get much can create her or others. As then you can get her, to do things or now you can not do much unless you think you can for thinness in religion is energy that creates for whom whats the power. manda = paula, moander, junk god of large proportion and amassed garbage he gets his power from vegetation and junk, panda bear. As assumed this cute panda bear can make a point, or not as someone tells you of this to make better with what you have and do. lod = commander, unseen godd, original god of anything from pre universe and he just a presence, the one unseen loki = sai, sate, sought in, seraph, greater creator, satan, deception god that will create as you think subconscious he will react to support. lyrd = wild natured god of primordial and premordial nature that uses weird and wild energy that represents anything madkarna = This is the name of a spirit that if used in a loop during a ritual or and evocation it is a God, so be careful. pyrlyrd = Fire lord, A down to earth eefective usage and objective person thats similiar to fire giants they are normally shapechanging human psychotics with energy control of many sorts, and with a correspondence to be trusted. It, their action goes with the history of any movie or place. Now when a fit occurs fire breaks out and when postponment happens theres a interruptions to his/her plots and the effect of seeming like the firelord, be very empowering but to the field of trial and not to the path not looked for. His or her servants are likely to get aid for things but it takes on as a discount or deriverant (derivant) to be derived a medicant and no meanness or others as mean and complacent. Be good and their inverted by different formulation by some means and same idea in attitude but for others actions, the idea be looked at as an additional source of information. Some scheme to win by distubing circumstances enhancing the value thetrade. With a point tribute to them they so like believe they behave but a inbalance, causes extra weight per bite and add height after. With oddness be concept to them as they develeope their desires. The odd lord walks with oddity around rapidly his house and happens around their lives of passion, or like fire near and on a candle. So like firelords to contribute, giving to a purpose and to what they think. Its a pentium means its near me but not to do harm, Be harmful means to frighten but to keen be worse as a serum be occurence to fix..by idea. So a placebo will effect to become a shortening of effect, for them who use it as its devised for effort and easiness. The desire of the person be shown by deeds that promote them. their zeal and almost greed be to get a rank to make the ambition desist a small bit, or they would quit and non would realize unless they continue in hopes to get somewhere..so to raise be to be raised and not raise at all. The raising procedure be to be assigned duty, do well and its gain in rank. To greed be to personal efforts as affront and to do it as a capitol mission. Pen-sion be to computer control operations with trouble shooting. Anything thought on might occur unless its de'labo the near core of the planet with a large number instances that make weeks to clean up. They can live anywhere but their fire be how they work along with who they can't get along with and those they create tools and manipulate.. their passion be the fire within and its the idea of de'labo to light a flame and thats all they need. Except for ice cools them off and they won't leave the area that other people want left alone, for the object. In de'labo hardly any work except to deliver to any who dare, to help out the person or other pursuits. To travel be to cause disturbance or distraction and create havoc that allows them to get places or attract others. In effect they don't love fire they despise candles and other things similiar except its hidden and that which helps them they get mischievous at, to get granted a teaching position be to lead the new era. Where Riverlords, they tend to wash with idea and own the area. The firelords are kinda hot to touch and hard to create a concent, except those that have them as friends stay away for the hot things that may occur. They hate to hurt themselves except to stop the bad effort by curing the cancer. Its not true that they deal with only fire as its only depression that makes them do a frenzy. The firelord be likely to make up thngs and allow others to fill in. Now chemistry be pretty fair with what they achieve and great collections. Any mistakes and they drag people through the mud even if they don't know. But their true form be the fire elemental with human flesh and non burning touch. Any they dare know for their effort they do love with friendship. But their true desire be to put out desire for evil things. Who they work with are sometimes despised and their attitude be reversed but the chemistry be ingeniously guessed at but non harmful. With poison they are immune and not drugs as they are similiar to Riverlords, but on sight they tend to stink for the effort of doing things with extreme belief and effect seen before. Those who do else are obliging them by the idea. Yet the hope be in belonging that the Firelord will believe in things that be of use. They tend to destroy not that be important and use that which available, with the thought by use I buy it. So to buy it be to be able to use it, and avoid the effort by doings of the spoken effect. They have controlled people by simply being near them except the effortless friend or willing participant and any unwilling are unbeaten for attempt to soothe.. The control will make you feel differently as possession and be to think and not be their natural state of directed focus unless directed else and it can be faked thanks to Hemler. What possesion they gain they use as an idea, but act as if its not there otherwise for the idea they might use it. Now things are related to each their own or each other as physical and integral to the parts, as parts make up the whole and yet don't account for it. But the earlier pattern in actions can be denied and broken by doing another things, this to fix trouble as it occurs. I believe this be inaccuarte but its close as some are dumb if smart and instinctive, but they wait it out if instincts allow from examples and rendered thoughts by others and by mind scanning from who know. But they know not to use fire unless its for a candle. I so wish the purpose was to not use the force of idea to achieve what a machine could. But as a people they certainly more than most are intelligent and active to believe that we are as we be. The exception be when we are relaxed and things arent done again in repose, Yet they would try to improve their effort, save their effort at gaining things and consequence be reproval but added consequence be reproach. Dangerous allure be with the bad vibe and strong good off people and objects. Described events are examples that are remained/remaining by good or bad, but its related as don't be it if its gonna hurt or sounds like it except with a prevention. 'This stops it once and for all. So be it. said by Al'ein Por'caut. Be so not dumb except in dream. As most would desire it mother nature be in control, Don't be too dumb regulate know, means don't be too dumb then regulate then know. So don't talk just do, to be irritating talk and act but to be pursuant or pleasant talk and don't do unless you want the irritation effect. Now they are known as a CIA target for coming by created ways, they can creates any reality on instant and to act be belief of sorts for different realities. To believe things can be my belief as well. Get near flame and the IQ drops as their power goes up. So as they don't know they are likely to hurt people, any idea suggested to them be likely to be treated as an act, incorporated to acting and this finishes it off they don't know or they would have done it. if they happen to they read it from others. They document what they do and their fits of rage are true blue beliefs put to action in stupid blonde moments. They try to not assault and not handle buy offs they spend time to get effort. So the sublte intelligence be actually none except for their memory which disappears on an instant of draw. The draw be to correct for things spent and to fix things. Regulation be the code of Trust, Those that I don't trust, I leave alone and hope they stay nice. Truth, Those I leave alone I trust and implicitly for information. Take, (Treas, Treops or treason), Those that believe are not bad but they need to prove it. These are the 3 T's; Trust, Truth and Take of regulation, Take the fall and do the effort, but at least try and these 3T's are similiar to a crede.. To make them think you are a friend and with report. then they allow alot of things by complaint or compliments. Sometimes compliments can be actions of using their info in corroberation, like the quote or statement to mint the thoughts and give them reason to be liking you. Forbear the statement to keep relation and make amends with people. Fitness be to keep a clear conscious to make for better wealth by a slender body or phat and successful idea, keep your stomach in to be slender appearing and anything that irritates them won't appear, as their attempting to again keep the stomach in. Now at least notice the fire and put it out if there be one or in intelligence one seems with too much fire but this can change. So the intelligence one seems to those who observe an active intellect, for there are less than us who attempt a crede, their not dumb from too much of any corruptive chemical agent except for energy that afflicts the body and includes fire but unequally its not dumb to not mention it. Related to Riverlords as in trusting the info and letting people learn if its true, where smart be to create an effort of what people like to see and to them its what people are showing in but obeyed as effort, as the true effort be what the Firelords want to see or do and then if its unknown its a lot to see as a meaning so it draws an emotion. When it hits the bank its cooked, So the vision takes up the effort to dowse, for the right thing to say to say or do as they feel good. More like a hundred idea in a minute to escape and to do as needed, except to get the job done and the action achieved to record it..but 'please don't try to be us as its a bad thing. Please be not dumb as its not good and most women love bad people, except top rated idea and for skill try to act busy. because your paid to do it.' Deadly remand gets deadly demand, but compensate by failure to attack with deadly repromand or reproving demands, that could kill after they get into bad moods and no medication..reprobation be another phrase. Mutated those that allow but not understood revenge as with friendships. They may have done it as a percent of taxes to evade, they don't hate to pay except when forced. their wrongs can destroy almost anybody. their rage be hissent of troubles where they hiss and attempt to ignore but thats about it, that they take out on people or to relent of the trouble and make people pause, the cool rage that blows out others fire. Most firelords are likely to value that which be labored on by those who have it, or talk them out of it. As a young chid they have different ways and dayz that attempt to do a bad habit and correct it. But their immortal and love to work and has a constitution with which has no end. Any day they feel their intelligence go up by having quests that appear like visions and have duping activity of stupid moments, black haired or red, these stupid moments mark when they raise their intellect by listening in with not getting caught. 'gpuzre' be a quiet mode to thoiught quit moment. They can look like anything, but its not advisable to listen in on them. As its remarkable how quick they catch them and very possible that they can detain anybody by voice alone. To be knowing the consequence before the in moment as a detailed vision. By the efforts they do they support others but crazy fits they argue with and insanity be their normal way of life except they are clear mind with not a sign to read them. People that run their life are honored by the efforts they do unless they didn't ask for it.. their secondary name be fire sorceror who think they do and others are very likely, as their effort be your effort but with no effort lost. When near fire the hair can turn pure black or when using fire its red gold. Some are con artists with the added illusion ability, weapon skill be their net of idea as they use objects as info and usage be obvious. They may appear human but their weight can improve to sugar stuff and grain stuff. Sugar stuff be likely to decrease body and grain keeps the weight, except fat increases it by loss with sugar and grain in increments. To wait be to pause and stopping points are to understand then reconsider. To see a danger, do not accept the gift but let the results be good for most of us. If the gift be accepted we ourselves provide a way into our most secret desire, so be careful with whom is right. A way of living consensus, to turn flame haired be when they can summon fire easily and change forms and other possibilities. To turn all black haired be to be absorbing, and blue magic manipulation with ultra violet radiation..thanks to Hermione examples and ministry of magic humanic dept.. At a young age they recieve images of te 'future glmpse that can control all the rage, all thats needed now be the butterfly effect that change by writing things or drawing and it works. Try it to understand but not if its too new, thus observe others as to results. But I try not to think on boobs or the dick and only briefly with your unsensual pleasure as of things to do except for sensual pleasure like appeal. I believe Pliny says "I believe they are like quads sexual, To be not give up and concerned with wealth as it does not matter, but denied they get fiesty and torment the idea, and act on the fool whom vendered or promised. Then they deny the sensual pleasure they divide the effort and leave except for food or hunger, and in daily strain only the objective view keeps the person in a steady job." Also by Himler. The only view be the self-respect by adverisement of other aspects given time, thanks to Hemler. Juno = Arbolo, Aerlo, Arlene, This is a conception god that makes crazy feelings, of, calm on the surface by near crazy in the abode. The abelene god of existence that murders the host and makes off with use of others stuff. Instead of taking others stuff, is the idea that is a person body that he takes instead. quasi = semi, pseudo, demigod santa = northern light, saint nick, saint edmund, santa claus, brighten, druidic gift god, a semi-angel demigod to slip out of agreements and other things and help other people Adriana = Auria, Santien, Seapoa, There is a gift of magic as if thought is there, this is santa's cousin. This is a possible point of motion, that use creates the thought in and things are as though thought a magic. As given skill by use of ability, as energy is life, as skill implication allows in energy. sodiaratlan = heart atleantian = A large hexlike shaped form or hexadontal shape with 6 arms, 2 legs and humanlike skin. A creator shapeshifter of Atlantis. suagal = sahnwoi, she be infinte in strength but not human and appears entirely human. Her name from supra-gal meaning super woman. She can arrest anybody and use shift ability, She can be the lingo and talk any lingo, except that which she hasn't learned or heard. She can shapeshift but spells are not above her, as a sense of good and other ability. She be sane but crazy otherwise and can be 'uncracked' for lack of interest and fame. Addiction be passed off but not for lack of drugs. As she serves the public interest and survives off energy. She can adapt to anything, Telepathic and psychic ability can make for better as she thinks. Shapeshifting can be formed by eventual motion. Her form be always shapely but phat and slender. shiva = deity servant, lesser goddess with many arms as monster many legs are with use of love in ability as energy. Assume your shape and as you rich or poor become as technologic is to seem in a plane that is a thought in moment. At a glance this is depictious of truth but as a willing sacrifice, nature of denature as statute notion you can creatre what is nothing but trouble. There is a point to a path, that to do in a thought as you are an ciao to the easier point in life. Adious is the notion he uses in her form, as a shaper god he can do amazing tricks as a fox he is a point. That nothing is remembered except for the time, of thought but forgo the rest and he will make you able. The idea is what isn't as he speaks, the thought is that, if he speaks he can safely seem ignored as in life. She is his guardian as he is her, in life a partner considered time. In life a partner, other thought is a point that you can seem to do things and yet make. With that thought is what you want, he can create in a moment if a possible isea is there. Here is the thought, there is the motion and what there is seems nothing in comparison to get results. shive = beige deity starved servant, lesser garbage servant with demigoddess ability and very useful with tools that follows the lesser path. 'one that lives but dies by living' assumed to be reincarnation of Moander the Gop (God) of Garbage and wandering. She can be any form like the the servant named Finder the Bard. There is a point to release the steam effective on those, as those who are stressed out as this god uses steamboats amongs in amongst other things to work things as if magic. Implicateous = As rather known as implacaeteous, the god he is can manifest as anything and banish at will. The god kingdom elven god, as you think implicatus you are an idea as this is thought you are an energy. Seaploa is her other name as the god's servant in the idea, as a servant elf or not as a point that even forms gods from those that are thinking "shells". This is there in an area after that is a point that is nothing mentioned nothing existed. The point in that can make your point in a poignant idea, this is what he considers important in a thought he perceives your thought that he does as his own idea. sfuwargod = kaogod, chaos god, primal god, you can summon it as you think he or she is an it. The god is what forms as many hands in the area, that use is as described with your will as essence is deliberate. There in life and shared in life in existence in body and let him be your body and he serves his will, as you want as chaos is primal you can bet he will stir up whatever is necessary. To get what is necessary, in life to make a result. spadeah = neutral good demon that prefer to be born into humankind and born giving their children special gifts of demonic origin. they usually are high born of some sort, a aristocratic family thats well behaved and mature. their natural enemies are devilish human born people that side with chaos. they are prone to do positive deeds for people in need, despised. these demons are very strict in discipline being of long experience thus prefer to keep the family together after the family passes away thus they are reborn as family to continue family existance till they get tired of duty. these demons are duty bound to each other neverend so the duty will drive them on even after love disappears. they are mostly free thinkers and resultant genious. Whence a demon be born it will continue existance till their decease and they are often magic resistant unless they desire to be effected. sroadeon = srodadea, Shredder demon be big, red and multiarmed with ability to shred anything, including important documents. This demon be called to destroy things written for revenge or other reasons from martinez. spedeah = space demon that claims of many years before of a person by a laser light passing from one to another that passses the knowledge of the cosmos to another. these demons love spending time in space of some sort. Just a touch will claim a person but the voice will control an compell. Body shifting be a natural ability and the ability to create skins of the consumed person. they always leave the core of the person alive to see the results. those that aid the person get hurt, consumed into being one too. If consumed then the person becomes a living skin but the demon has instant magic ability. these people can predict any happening to come if their mind be set on it and any knowledge be theirs on an instant they are prescientific and blessed with psi ability thus they are elven like but far older. the magic they hold be innate negative wild magic and are able to manipulate it without detection. Only neutral evil, like minded of the demon are neutral as in targets for them. Space and time are at their beckons as they are neutral. Space demon are to were thought to be body snatchers that were seen. teufm = resting god, to sleep, sleeping god , demonize me god as you work with him you get demnized by bloody handed tactics. timbsy = a hobbit god of music and enjoyment that wields ability through people and be called by "Great Timul!" tyr = tyr, justice god, there is a god that is justicial that is similiar and yet not the same so do not get them confused. This god does things in a fear based moment, that is a moment to think and use is tyr's energy. There is a fear moment that isn't done, as by tyr himself as he is a moment that use is a thought in a moment and he can correct if need is a concept. torm = torment, watching god, torment by what this god decrees and you can get better results. tourm = truth god, tourism, the god that is a she till later as he hides amongst the crowds in the thought, point out that fact you want and you can get what you think. As that isn't seen in absence of what you think. tesi = tenshi, tendency, int trend, nature, angel, tensi, heavenly gift tesu = tenshu, god, castle tower, shopkeeper tietu = tesseractiq, dark giant god, twilight giant teufel = devil, fallen beings that serve themselves first and any evil minded person of chaotic nature second. So they will act as the evil mages guardian angels. the person has to prove themselves of that nature first, they will never aid said person but hinder instead if proven otherwise and devils can be called by summoning spells into doing what they don't like. they make certain of fact that said person will remain along that path they choose and manipulate said person to keeping to the chosen path. Devils will not think on who they serve once called by spell summons. thea = Female force, Goddess (from greek), formed the basis of thealology, where "thealogy" be not a typo here, but a way of emphasizing the Goddess, taken from the Wiccan fact sheet at the alt.wicca newsgroup. theo = Male force, God (from greek), be not the basis for theology as the basis came from faith, philosophy and the philistine and Arabian philosophist took theo as the root meaning. There is no point in description as he described, is not actually the same after description in a moments glance. vuci = vulcan, volcano god, metal god that copies many things vyki = valkyrie, guardian hero spirit wayap = vampire werewolf, Shapeshifter vampire that can turn into a werewolf while being a vampire and be not effected by silver and sunlight. Werewolf mother and vampiric father that seems to have mated from ritual or natural mating enhancement of spells or drugs. wudel = woodel, woodul, woodland creature thats part wood and part animal. zak = killing charged shot, energy god Zennehdi = Mula, Mulae, The money god that gets money and makes money to put it safely away. He helps you make the money you need or desire. He helps the sell. He helps with other things you desire, as well. He gets his power from the exchanges, objects and money. He gets anything he wants from exchanges. He can become anyone he wants to be by the exchange shapechanging him. zus = zeus, mues, lasting slowness except for me, great king Zeuflus = Earthus, Earthius, Eaurteus, Zefleius, The war god of the ogre clan with three aspects, that are deadly to the deal and attack god as good for a thought and bad for no moment as bad is bade by what he did. As he died in thought by a cleaning pool in a water cleaning area, after being pushed by Odin as he was too insane for a concept as there is no other wriiten record of him since time begin. As the golden area is there and yet not after. He attacks those that are attacked, and uses those that he sees as a pawn undoing his work. As he claims in a moment, he uses age magic by prime discipline for a glory god in the moment he is lisborn born from a list as described. What is and wreck he does, as he doesn't as he lets others do the idea as a war record. If you say his name, you can seem insane after 2 times said. -xvia- new area section; together they made this section and bade it through necromancy absolm = forgiven; acquittance, this is an act to forgive and work with others so you get what result you need. atleine = suppress; suppressant, effect that allows you to not need to do things. atlen = cooking by feel, seen no user feel atlean = clean, cleaner atlein = loan, cook with light, cookeria atloan = place, placement meant as the place or point aleain = place item by ideal place, crockery atleeir = fruit, balancing point, creativity atloir = loitre, activity with a point lean = trust atleanir = loan use by the animal intuition, loan user or use is used information atleir = creation point, with entertainment atluo = mortal use, mortality by education delier = bye, bite, discriminate or ignore delour = leaving point, alchemy by herb use feeling with drinking water dilour = levying, levy or music dileur = sight use, slight en use deluir = area use deloiren = used area duloitre = stupid activity, uu is removal of the point by activity deloitre = point out, no stupidity activity delaitre = thinking thats active use, activity use, delete use delaitric = character activity, characteristic delatrei = later actions by used entertaining thought delaitre = olde oath, no olden, this is use by your point deloitrein = ne fight delatrai = love delatrie = deliberate delabre = work or debilitate nehi = nei, neigh, neither, no or nitrogen oxygen, not, not now u = no; not, - -XVII- Creatures, beings and some Angels - creature note, the creatures will become you and only after after you die. Before you read on, say "I won't become a creature in this list unless I want to." Then read the list. For the Angels in this list, think your purpose as you state the Angel name. This is what allows the Angel to pick up on your thoughts, and you get their attention to the thought by stating the name. yetigorn = abatwal with yellowish skin abatwa = ant size human creature who reveal themselves to under four year olds, wizards, and pregnant women and if the woman sees a male then the child will be a boy abatwal = human unicorn yeti that shapeshifts into any form, can strike very quickly, mutates anything at will, single forehead horn that cures, purifies, presence that strikes dragon fear at will drains emotion and psionic illusionist, clawlike human, hands on human body. kills anything it wants, hairy body and prehensile feet with great intelligence auial = abominabl, abominable, abominable snowman be great ape cromagnon human that lives near cold regions seven feet tall large footprint and shaggy white, dark fur Alno = abeleno, absent minded, unusual baby like person, they have unusual abilities of higher than average elemental skills and manifestation skills. The abeleno can use any element and easily teleport. They do psionics more easily. alkari = bird human with a standard of advancement like humans, these are human heads with beaks and birdlike eyes. The feet are webbed and the fingers are 4 in count, varied colored feathers cover their torso, except the altitudes are higher that they live in. their attitudes are to torture intruders and to help those of their own nature, otherwise to take over an area. In a calling they might aid when their allowed to otherwise have a good excuse and they won't attack. On special occasions they, the alkari, color the feathers over the body. yliasure = alliasaurus, giant dinosaur like alligoria, giant crocodile. auian = abomination, elephant unicorn human thats seven feet tall bulky elephant 2-legged form, a single horn that creates calm while it enhances psi ability, causes fear in weak willed minds and whole body covered in black coarse hair that smells of undeath weighing 400 to 600 lbs yet silent on the feet ofy = elephant, offspring of war elephant and wooly mammoth, wild elephant ahuizotl = hand tailed human mankey water creature awk = hawk, gawk, look, awkward glance akumai = ma, toori in akuma, coal eyed enormous flaming head fying creature with algoi = all, un al, aluminum, Long nailed floating haired all young women corpse feeder in thought as they use what charm they have to fix themselves and create what you think. This is a beautiful woman that makes out with men, and they are able to mate with any man or create any birth by aura infusion in the men that want it. They will kill the men, after use if disagreed with and they eat the corpse. fire eyed boar tusked iron teethed brass clawed copious shaggy hair human beast alicorn = single horn altbea = Alter beast, altarabeast, To be an animal of some sorts and use innate wild energy, they tend to change form spiritually with lots of strength and struggle to the idea of people, and sometimes from jealousy. They don't want to be disrepped, unpure or disreputed. Only an alter user can use them but not own them. Alter beings, cats, dogs and other animals are considered as its won by a will fight or actual fight to fix it or win it over. Usually a "no" will suffice. AntiFoaBe = Anti-photon being, That is an ion that heals anyone nearby the particle and this is the being that uses the modern english and does things positively if its negative and vice versa by the ion. Think to summon this being only if you know english good enough to pass as though an english speaker or you might die from the being's presence. This being can do almost anything, that is all it can do except what is light based actions. Those actions you can do using sunlight, otherwise this is use with light from a light source. This being does things using the darkmatter energy that is thought of use as though the energy were responsive anti-photons. This is what the Death God is thought to be made up of by feel. So don't call the Death God if you want to remain alive. This is just a reminder, so don't take this too seriously as you can't really call him or her into existence here. Anyway you think of the idea, unless you do the idea at the right time near the right area and this is with partial success by the correct ritual. This rite is based in english, that means with english you can get the darkmatter energy to have the darkmatter create for you. Otherwise you may get an opposite reaction such as hits and kicks with a negative negative or negative english use. This is a point you know to do things for as possibly can seem done if it doesn't work out, so if you state the effect you stop the idea. This is done in the effect. So this is a point to beware, think the effect and the idea is transmitted thoughtwaves to darkmatter itself through its energy matrix. This creates what you think into becoming created as though a full manifest. That's the theory, this is a point to try out before calling out to darkmatter itself to create a being, that is made from what the darkmatter really is made up from existence. So think and you know then you can create, this is done by what you state or need by feel or use of the senses. If you know nothing occurs to happen what you want, then you don't need to do this effect. That's all there is ncecessarily to this anti-photonic being. The counter to this effect is "I don't matter", that's written or stated as an idea or suggestion. This counters whatever the being does, so think about the effect and use the idea if the effect the being does isn't for you. avian = Human with 4 to 6 fingers, as wings are astral or physically formed on the back by what means they option. As they can get use of elements for very interesting wing space, use is space very intersectioned area in time by intersectional manipulation that in points of time that is interesting. Noaa = sun faery, solar, king fey like sidh or sun fey that use is a dragon for em or wee, that is very small and can see what is by focus or fire dot any color depending on what the faery wants. What they are is up to them. This is a fey born from energy and fire from sun with thought energy. Ayth'yr = guardian creature. some say it isn't their true form, though. Some had the head/torso spikes, some didn't. I couldn't tell the differences between them other than some changes in energy signature. They worked as a hive mind. These are creatures of the 8th dimension. ecchibi = winged cat egl = eagle thats crossbred from shrike and hawk ehu = energy human, energy being thats mysterious and very willing to talk sometimes. Some would say they, the ehu won't communicate well but the process be if they do speak its with guarded tones and pure music. The speech has been heard as human and in imitation voice as it doesn't have one of its own. elebra = striped donkey atryvap = astral planar vampire, Their be another version to the vampires and they come from the astral plane, the dimension of dreams. They are the astral vampires and they don't need blood because they eat the energy from anything near them instead by draining it. The blood be already in their veins because it comes with the form they choose to be and they can choose any form as they are natural shapeshifters. They are eternal beings and the sun or electrical be their major energy source, and night time's magic flow is the second largest energy source for them. Energy vampires don't need to eat but their bodies can get into the habit of it, because it be also energy. Demons can also be eaten by them but with care of possible mental usurping. They are neutral to each other and due to the energy intake, they have greater abilities in magic and their abilities are at magus level at most. Some even have mind abilities which they use to great effect. They tend to do less and are less active than men because all they have to do be think about something and it may occur. The thing to watch out for be their dark urges which can control them because it be a part of their basic nature. This makes it possible for them to do destructive acts instead of positive. Because they are magus level mages, they can easily undo the event. They can control someone with their presence instead of just mesmerizing people. Their bodies are true energy that can take any form and shiftshape easily. Because of this they can lift a hefty 8000 lbs item when trying with focus of mind and enough energy to lift that amount of weight in a weightlifter body shape or angry. They also share those abilities as with the blood vampires and their abilities extend to time control. All they have to do be touch someone and they transform a person from within, and it is undetected when it happens. The transformation be by the fact that the persons energy source be eaten from within, and they become a new person when the body dissolves leaving only the power of the soul and their memories. They could elevate a blood vampire to their state of being and the only way to kill an energy vampire be to drain it of energy completely and keep it from that energy for 24 hours. The body they formed will remain alive as if a saint's body, but their will is dead if they are killed and if resurrected, they will be normal humans. The only undestructable thing about them be the body they form and they can reform the body, if it gets wounded enough and if they get defeated they come back 3 times as strong but not strong enough to lift a vehicle. They are bound by the the energy of a deal due to the intensity in the deal making and the sharing of wills while doing it. If they break it they will suffer unknown penalties thus they never make an oath unless they mean it. If hired, they must do the job without fail whereas they can break an oath without penalties, if it was broken by the other party in some manner including attacking them without warning. When they listen to a song their energy be tripled thus they are guided by the song but not controlled. Thus the things they think about tend to happen and they are elevated by their mood in power. In anger, they can cause the sun to go red or any other event that their anger desires. In love, they can cause other matings as they do a mating. In sadness they cause sadness without trying and in hurt feelings, they can make their enemies hurt three times worse. When desirous or jealous, the mood of others surrounding tend to match. They do have a conscious because it comes from ages of living thus they will attempt to keep living instead of causing death unless disturbed where they won't fight yet allow others to take over unless they resist. The energy vampire be a walking demigod according to these facts. iladium = aerial servant amadan = paralysis touch faery ammut = creature with crocodile head lion body hippopotamus back end amphisbaena = three headed lizard, goes both ways embarkta = ape men androsphinx = human headed lion onucentaur = man donkey argonesti = elven dragon shifter arguspanoptes = all seeing, the human male with eyes all over ocof = elven orc that are immortal with pointed ears slightly flabbish likes mental warfare very instinctive intelligent broad nosed face very strong light green skin and manipulation ability with home defense iqronk = iqronq, intelligent being of a wrongful kind, undead intelligent human that be made into a machine golem but the programmer is not responsible for the accidents that it does. so indempt it not..it is the point of living to itself. The wronk can't lie to the creator but the iqronk goes crazy, and to the creator, as to do good events and said person lies to make itself seem dead to the machine and yet it is alive by its own means to trick the machine into doing things for it but doesn't assault unless you did something against it. The iqronk is able or capable to cope with anything by cloning and examining. They separate themselves from reality. And, can imprint their mind on the house by mesmerizing the person who represents the house. Thus as ok, the house will take on the idea of the owner. They use the postulant self to give what is to them needed including freedom. Making sure that the other self don't deny life after death in the same body for self resurrection.. but its death that they seek by living in denial of the thing most wanted or what derepresentation is most valued. They Debolish this bullshit they discover and go on. Some suck the life from people and triumph to be better with their knowledge base. It evolves like a bull, but learns like a cat..if it doesn't it does live but as a vampire or key faery type spirit kitsune..where none are and otherwise its a faery type. This type does not attack unless pushed and may try to help people become like them or a doom type character. Be in written form to do it or they count it as wrong. urisk = man goat faerie that plays the charm flute ostrich = large flightless winged head-in-ground healing backfeather backward walk bird thats backfeather produces emu oil and dodo cousin ap = ape ewi = ewack; a ewi is a creature like an ewack in starwars except they are somewhat brutal. Intelligent hairy like creatures that are short. They be also nasty, with body functions. it = 12th demensional demon, that is a demon that sometimes visits worlds and destroys them by internal striking out and strife. So I think in order to defeat this effect, you ca'n use the phrase where nobody is listening of "ih" and the demon it is held back by what you do. This demon will use others in spaces that exist with their energy, usually this is done by a hit. So the assault is an idea in form, then thought of violence. This is what the youth could use, so be careful with what you ask of it. So I think it can form anything that you need or desire, this is done by using what it feels you think or need at the moment in order to manifest things. So think about things and instead think the moon or sun, that is using the solar lighting that creates what you want as a need. Then you can rest assured not to be hit if you request something from a higher being. Otherwise you can think"alright, don't form it." Then you cancel out it from the world influence. oqt = bear yt = wight, undead being that looks like dried out walking corpse and exists for night graveyard intrusions, to paralyze the victim then turn the victim into one of them. ywou = Human silverfish that looks human but its as you want it to look like essence be possesive of the people who see it and their voice be hypnotising. So their entire being brings emotional effect to the place they visit as in people feel what they do. They are a point as they are asexual shapechangers that can mate with anything. Human silverfish can share the strengths of anyone, and as they are shared they still are one. Thing granting them ability by the shared person, object having that strength. they are strengthened by negative and accepting of positive. As anyone that gives up their power frees them as they have no true power except innate ability but they can dreamwalk controlling anyone granting them power. As you are what they are like to eat vampires or not as they derive essence from anything as food and anything they eat strengthens them by about 100%. Poison resistant, or not regenerative and about as strong as a vampire they can do much like them. Yet they are sometimes taken as vampires for human silverfish shun the sun if too bright. The human silverfish can turn anybody at their desire making things work for them. If they dont like people they can turn things against the person till they give in to the human silverfish will. Dimensional ability be at their command so they can go anywhere at anytime. Negative magic be their innate ability at which be ten times stronger than normal magic. A touch of a human silverfish can make people turn into one also. their hands and feet are slightly webbed yet they are slightly deformed so they dont walk right. Yet their ability at manipulation be very good as they inherently know peoples minds. Mental psi be of their ability and whence threatened they assume the form of the person suitable to defend mentally and physically. uyy = wilderbeast, wild beast anka = giant roc-like phoenix with 1700 year lifespan aptec = pre-human, in-between ape and human yiao = gao, gato, yligao, alligator with narrow jawline and shows its teeth auid = onuhind, woman donkey auidwy = winged woman donkey aip = ape aitvalas = outdoor dragon indoor cock brings both good and bad luck in the home it lodges in refusing to leave and at soul price it can be purchased from the devil aeg = abnormal human, abnormal animal in an idea that is an inside point as if a thought isn't what is. aiplait = gorilla, breast milk yeti = knork, oneo, Energy twisted regenerative clawed rip apart human beast of instantaneous movement able to kill anything. Werewolf-type anthro, black-skinned, hairless, with normal human ears, and a ea em horns near the front of it's head. With spikes lining it's back, and lining it's arms. On the biceps, the spikes curve towards the hands, on the forearms, towards the shoulders. On the back, towards the feet. Well, the eyes are like the red glowing or pitch black eyes. But it's form dosen't seem to be very solid, it's like it's formed from shadow. A liquified form of solid shadow, in the sense of, when you wave your hand through it and such, it reacts to it in the way one would expect water to, only in a bit of a looser way. All of it be black, except for the white eyes, and bone-white colored spikes. Able to be solid or insubstational in form and at will. auian = abomination, elephant unicorn shapeshifter humanoid thats seven feet tall bulky elephant 2-legged form, a single horn that creates calm while it enhances psi ability, causes fear in weak willed minds and whole body covered in black coarse hair that smells of undeath weighing 400 to 600 lbs yet silent on the feet okake = goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, mons efret = efreeti, jinn ogr = ogre, four to six feet tall, four armed, biotechnologists, who lived on mars and earth till disaster struck, of bombardment. Warlike in nature and society, these natural warriors had spacegoing bioships, that floated three feet off ground and made up of other material that was steel. The drives are choreographed as having gravitational drives using element-115. There are three drives to a ship and one be for power to null the gravity with its own gravity. The rest be to steer the ship away from the suns toward the destination. aparit = apparition, spirit, ghost that be of a person who came back to serve as protection for 3 years. they drive away the dangers but can be controlled with their name three times. they usually die as a person in various manners that make them different ghost types. those being various forms that derive from purpose. Ewer = undo, half sheep half human or sheeple. ityuiar = ichthyocentaur, sea centaur, human upper half dolphin tail horse forleg or lion forleg horse ityuiarwy = winged sea centaur, side flippered human upper half dolphin tail horse forleg, lion forleg horse otlehu = armorlike shell turtle humanoid that have greenish shell walks on two legs and likes to use weapons like blackish morningstars, other stuff uruz = golden hair wild ox, good mind strength yale = black, tawny hippopotamus oxen with moving horns yeck = shape shifting spirit advhorte = ancient horror, ancient evil orc = human pig with piglike nose human head fattish five feet tall human body and great body strength four-fingered hands cloven feet greenish fur body coverage and warlike with innate magic ability and most up to trickery agaquo = silverfish, four-6 inch silver landfish, silverfish sighting in area will detail possesion, something bad to owner of area entered and the person will change on entering silverfish area to be possessed until area cleansed Akuma = The akuma is also known by the names Toori Akuma, or Ma. This Japanese creature is terrifying and evil. It has an enormous flaming head with eyes like coals. It flies through the air brandishing a sword. Even the sight of an akuma brings bad luck. akyra = bird human human head with beak and humanlike feathered torso. atryhum = The astral human be a wild energy based human that be faerylike and very easily shifting and yet in astral land they can live. By live I mean energy manipulation and powers of somewhat unlimited ability. Without astral energy their lives are without ability temporarily except for the physical area and physical magic. their rules are to live as they can with how they can and the weakest will live unharmed. But their language be the key to getting places and to speak makes it happen unless they don't desire. The Astral human rules are to desist with explanation and if forced, then they will attempt to do as desired. their similiar to the energy human. alie = alien, alienn, alienation alien = off planet lifeform alkari = bird human; beaked mouth and human head the rest is all human with feathered wings. Scaly hands and wrists. elear = eliiar, panther eliia = elea, tiger elementa = element oragatang = monkey ape enchida = beautiful woman above serpent below woman serpent mother of most monsters aleanes = hybrid elemental atleantian animal pet anemathema = 12' giant octupus angelico = Sweet natured angel of an energy being that forms a single personality from what it likes with no form and mostly witty. emy = animal, award engel = angel ents = treeman arachnid = spider, araknid, arak arakao = phase spider arakum = Human spider, a adult 5' to 6'4" tall and very delicate spiderlike fingers and toes. Able to climb the walls and weighs 80 to 180 lbs like a spiders except the webmaking ability be not there physically as they are born into the form. A mutated human into spiderish form retains the webmaking ability with smal hairs that are sticky. arakru = spider roach arakno = arachno, spider araki = araketa, spirit spider arakhi = death spider, things in thought form this as a huge energy beast to eat you from inside out. arakhihu = death spider human that creates thread as in an area that is a point to seem. Poison is there as if a point to make, or break an idea that isn't but an attrocity. The ideal is a thought and there is another way to view it, as it creates strands of light energy into silent built empowered enrgy thread that seems similar to a energy spider. ebil = evil child, evilness, that is a child that creates evil idea where he touches things and only with thought, eveline threads of light as a theory persists that the online games can exist as a world, they can be recreated in ability as a correctly understood point they are real or your a victim of what they do. igyu = fire angel able to manipulate fire at will and shapeshift archon = Vampire elder are vampires able to outlast the vampire and live over five hundred years. they are called on to end dispute while they observe and rule the clan normally. Elders are stronger than vampires but weaker than daywalkers. Yet they are more ambitious of most vampires. When hurt they leak bluish blood and they heal slower thus try to be an observer for that reason. they have manipulation ability and very good psi capacity while being strict disciplinist. empusae = cannabalistic donkey women shapeshifter, cannibalistic female monsters and have sometimes been confused with the lamia. they are half-ass and half-human, but could change themselves into bitches, cows, beautiful maidens. ericthonius = male human snake that was an athen king hit by a polymorph plague erynnes = furies orthus = 2-headed dog atackal = attack being, 3 foot mini attack being atomi = atohu, atohufey as in energy is from death to the body by the atohu that attack in the enemy or the spirit created into an energy form elongates life, that lives on the upper dimension to create a extradimension form by tought as separate and tought is easy to create and form by energy with focus. atoha = aloa, atomic sized animal that be natural shapeshifter of any animal form atohae = mini sized one foot to 3 foot animal that be fed energy and grows any size atohy = miniature humans, one inch foot to 3 foot tall beings able to grow with energy to any size by the energy that idea is used to create with idea in purpose. etaia = etheria, phantom in form and any form as any married people. etacap = ettercap, the spider human : is extender by energy and reform is elastic to normal. ettercap = human spider mutant otaun = a mysterious unkillable many ability force and stoppable by focusing god energy at it, so once called will do as the asker asks the area summoner now asks, serves justice to those who deserve as redirected by thought and in thought it is a car that seeks those that think about it with a mention. otisgei = half oni demon half human and able to possess people yet not able to spread diseases. They have the best of both worlds, this is where they are able to manipulate by energy in the blood pulse and create by feel. alabamese = a distinct race of hard hitting type humans with scaly personalities and thread making alchamical type genetics. An atypical scaly type of dragon human that come from alabama in thought. There are these type that can believe in it and create at a willing ideal nature. There is a will as there is a way as natural skill natural use to now watch with my third eye projected. alabese = ala or alliance in and nope we don't fight and but we could be obese and this is a really obese ape formed from shit by mana in an area as this is some area in a point of excreance that forms from art. As we don't we do. Now we dent and don't if not necessary as this is in alabese. alamese = a type of mind in a instance an in en alamese as often of wizard thats ala its me an e to do and be safe sevile courteous another human flavor formed from an en alamese alabamese. As if there is no response, you can bet them and get the idea to work. alan = mischievious human bird creature, ingenious manipulation, duplicatus aliemese = As we are we often do as we often don't. as a race of humans we are the alien type. alic = alicorn, alies'dan (impeccable sahn), strengthen, strong, aligon: a human maliegeson with a humanlike horses head and a horn or human with a horn from the head with a head tuft, unicorn as human with enrgy interred by the unicorn as you think you can share the essence. alegiorn = aligornia, wawasia, ancient one, an idea shifter unicorn human with human head normal enormous strong human body, single forehead horn, hooflike feet, 3-fingered hands to normal hands, horn amplied psi pet ability, and invisible horn grows back, and their presence brings life, to all near it and purifies all substance. The parts of the body can disappear or remain purifies with focus. elebra = striped donkey; a donkey with more stripes zebralike. elemeithra = A two distinct type as an absolutely trophic clear human. A an ed. eleebra toedthra = myth: donkey sized toad but truth: in the largest toad. eliibra = rhinosaurus rex, elephant sized rhinosaurus elem = hulm, eleiy, zrzwunsohar, elemental elemio = white lighter, elemental angel that be capable of angel strength human activity with shapeshifting energy body and appearance of anything elmvap = elemental vampire that feeds on elemental energy of the type of element it represents to survive and able to manipulate represented element energy at will and can turn into a elemental of represented element type in any shape; it can also mesmerize at will people to doing something iladium = aerial servant, air sylph amadan = amadaleen, paralysis touch faery that is psychic defensive feel ambigorn = hidea, hideous monster, unicorn wraith that be unseen to the human eye aneze = ganezeb, zebra elephant, miniature gray black striped elephant onu = donkey, onus ass or whatever form onuhind = donkeywoman; womans torso donkey backend or whatever form they think to seem they are. onuhinde = Onushide, A striped human donkey thats two halves as you feel you arrested or in thought thibk this is astute to energy is thouught human frontend and zebra donkey backend with energy in form as you want in life. onuhinewy = A energy woman donkey with wings or a donkey whos front quarter are thicker than a zebra and has human nature by stripes with wings. A countryhouse with wheels as feet and wings as sides. onuhindwy = winged woman donkey, that has no regard to anyone that is a thought to be use. If in regard you can be illed first and killed later. onuhindwe = an absolute astounding piece of waepon and armor covered human donkey. aoitar = onucentaur, donkeyman aoitarwy = onucentaurwy, winged man donkey unigorn = unicorn, re'em, unic, unigorn, white with brownish or rebbish (rubbish or red brown) spot coated horse with horn from the forehead that allows for healing, purification, psi pet enhancement and their entire felt being promotes calm and purifies as though all toxicity in area be nullified, their horn grows back, they dissapear any part of themselves at will. To call one out, use thefeelings of purity, or get a maiden to come with pure feelings or innocents that are activity done. The unicorn received its name from the bible. This is the one creature that will gore anymore, and yet kill anyone and yet ill noone as its thought on as a positive pulse to strike the foe right in the chest. The word reikem be mentioned several times earn a living as you want, will induce it to kill on a moment thought. In thought in moment in the Bible and argo translates into unicorn. It be depicted in the Bible as a wild animal that can not be controlled, be very powerful, and has mighty horns. The aborigines left their drawings of unicorns in their caves. They depicted a creature with a body shaped like a bull, a horse�s head, and two straight horns protruding from its forehead. It was classified as a unicorn, because there was no other animal that looked like this picture. Do they really exist? Hundreds of people have heard stories of these creatures, but there be no proof that they exist. Bones that finders claim to be unicorns have been discovered, however the scientists that examined them deemed all of them fake. One such story be of a set of bones that was discovered turned out to be hundreds of bones from different animals that were strategically placed together to look like a unicorns body. To go http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publish/article_2190.shtml be for more info. argonesti = elven dragon shifter any whom formed are formed by tronics and the true dragon form triggers electrical removal from breakdown its assumed to have manhandlish replectides where mottled skin forms. Otherwise they stay stranded in human form from where they place themselves..they consider it a risk where they are stranded too astride as of human. urisk = a man whos goat-feet make him a goat faerie, your risk uresk = more ubiquitous risk, a woman whos more ubiquitous nature is of risk with goat-like feet of sheep. a sheep a risk. agzeza = a good undependable forest woman who's counted fairy and who aid hunters for sex. Esola-gabi; Ape with extended neck about 7 to 9 feet tall. They seem intelligent an shifts easily. When they arent in need then they make something happen so whenever they leave. azeman = counting obsessed night animal in day female human shifter vampire race who ye can fool by using scattered seed, a broom across the entry aziza = a good forest man fairy who aid hunters and give knowledge with advice orge = a giant rock troll or very short troll like species with greenish skin, massive strength, six to eight feet tall and quick regeneration with fire as its weakness for fire wounds will not regenerate from fire. Encruez = Money god that can be depreciative when gotten in a bad mood. Okapi = they have a horse body, zebra legs, giraffe horns. In coloring, brown body, legs are black/white stripes, and the head's slightly paler than the rest of the body. Okapi-ozon = A bit large, in of itself they have brown black and white striped body, sligtly paler head than the rest, legs are black an white stripes, and with a horse body, zebra legs, large giraffe horns.they may be a predecessor to the Okapi. Ultraverrene = Creature like people that appear ultraveinous and have a bad tempered vengeance streak that use others sometimes through others to get vengeance. They love to form into you and and act as you. Sometimes they don't need to know, and will strike back even for that idea, as just by speaking, they could dislike you or not as it depends on the intention. yogidaphum = many organed shapeshifter who pleasure being or by target pleasures people. Ash is a weapon that there is a point, and as you are a point the weapon is you. yukifey = a small 3 feet orochniy tall old clothed snow fairy that aid people lost in the snow and they live in snow burrows and they guide people through blizzards yfit = elephant or massive mottled gray mouse with tusk. yfiet = wife, the wife beating alienist guitar person that is not but a personal idea, or that is only with in thought attributes from the games thought in as you think you are you can seem if in the foe form granted by its asked nicely ability. Or if to seem to rape what isn't there except in mind will turn you into a woman by use of the ability, that you get from those it wants you to get energy from in concept. Use as if it is an energy vampire and ask, as you will irresponspive by no response will not get any area effect. In response to action this is a form that not in regarded, is in thought and thought is this as nothing that is something as this is true nothing will not attack or thought will exist. In nothing there is something as thought will form there is this that is a thought and as thought exists, something will create as from nothing there is something as that is nothing to do you can create as with a will. As with a willing nature, there in an idea is no situation that isn't as this then is or not as this never is nothing as something born. There is noting and yet if not you are begone in life as life that once existed is what you are as you are gone you are no longer with use not in nothing. As no is existence and as a bade creature, you are not but what you want to seem. In real life, or nothing you are back to where you were. In existence or not you in what that you are, and as nothing to eye of the god but an experiment and as such you are in no point that does no use and does not exist. In life there is a point in the pattern that life if this exists you are nothing in a moment, that a creature or other thing is there to seem as in existence you create and the thought. As pattern in life as something responsible is a thought you are a concept, and as a concept you are nought by a point in time. boy = your charge, male person or trouble, vampire to dhampire if in ancient energy in by the area that is there by what you do. barm = a dreaded backward deepkneed colorful bird that picked off targets bor = bored, bore, warlike bred pig, drill, boring baafa = bishop fish, mitered shaven head, scaly body, claw-like arm fins, bean-nighe = washer woman, riverside woman who washes bloody clothes and the if seen first makes life certainty for the viewer, if she noticed first then certain death babu = baboon, magical ape people with powerful provision and white to mottled black fur. babua = magical ape male, magical male baboon babui = magical ape female, magical woman baboon bicorne = fat panther cow that eats virtuous husband benu = purple heron, palm tree, phoenix baginis = female animal human with claw-like fingers and toes who rape captured men then let them go bog = bogieman, a shapeshifter goblin who be an enemy of children oftentime vision tormenting kids, in the night and they also go after childlike adults taking the form of what you most fear and they try to steal a wizards magical items first then kill the wizard by setting up bad events bahamut = land fish the size of a island behemoth = elephant sized hippopotumas, great beast behmot = behemoth, elephant sized hippopotumas, great beast baku = evil dream eater creature with lion face horse body tiger feet cow tail that renders evil dreams harmless At'el = bakru = bak'tr'a, bak-ru, backrub, rucu, 1. Lawful half child oversized head human wood cannibal people that chew anything they can get and are destructive on criminals. Squared jaw and strange appearing, these are like fetish yet have a ability to use events and time like right in the mind in a forced vision. If they know you, you can get protection or favors from them. 2. As taken from the Atlantis Channelings "Living in the region we now know as Tibet, the At-el are primitive by our standards. They are a brave and noble culture of hunter-gathers, small in stature, compared to the race of giants who dominate the Earth at this time of 225,000 years ago. These clans have evolved directly from soul groups--entities who are reincarnated lifetime after lifetime into the same families--though to be sure, new souls do enter, so the clans continue to grow in size, over time, and new clans are often created. The At-el have skin the color of bronze, with deep penetrating eyes, that are black or gray. They are similar in appearance to the Native Americans that lived in the Mississippi basin at the turn of our 18th century. They stand, on average, only about 5 and 1/2 feet tall, though their heads are larger, even, than ours today. The At-el people live in small family clans that banded together, making up the single tribe. During this time in Earth's history, the consciousness of humanity be much different than ours today. Where today our individual memories are built up in us from birth, such be not the case with At-el, for they are a group-memory race of people. Each member of each At-el clan be deeply connected to their specific soul group incarnate. The total memories of the clan are accessible to each individual in the clan, and is from birth. As each clan member experiences new things, these are added-- or remembered --within the collective consciousness of the clan. Individual thought is also present in the At-el people, but only as it interacts with their share of memories. The group-memory of each clan flows and swells constantly - each experience is accessible to all, and owned by no one. Om was their leader and entity where the collective memories of one clan--or soul group-- of the At-el can not be felt or seen by those in other clans, except for the rare individual who has the gift of this unusual ability. The entity Om be such a person, and as such, he be considered to be a leader of the people. With his great knowledge and memory of all the clans, he may speak for the tribe to mother Earth, and to all the elements, which the At-el see as Gods. The two festivals; in the given of the fire festival and the air festival, the Fire festival is for life and gaining an appreciation of memories. Similiar to Bel-tane the Festival of fire and life with spring oncoming, The Goddess manifests as the May Queen and Flora. The God emerges as the May King and Jack in the Green. The danced Maypole represents Their unity, with the pole itself being the God and the ribbons that encompass it, the Goddess. Colors are the Rainbow spectrum. Beltane be a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality, and delight. Om recieved new memories by vision during the memories sharing of this fire festival. The whole tribe congregates at festival time, creating, for once, a new experience of love and joy that can be shared by everyone. For even when an At-el memory contains negative images, it be always interpreted as positive in the end. Even in facing death, a clan member be seen to be overcoming obstacles through his or her strength, bravery, or stealth. And back through the generations of the clans, each act be remembered with fierce pride and good feelings. The Air festival can be considered Samhain or Samh'in and a festival of Air with the beginning of winter except the festival be within the same year - One lunar cycle having passed, the next festival commences-- the festival of air. As he has many times before, Om begins the celebration by chanting and dancing. The group-memories come to him, as always, and the others begin to experience the shared imagery of the tribe. This time, however--just as it occurred during the festival of Fire--images of strange people, their lands, and their homes fill the minds of the At-el clans people. As the vision unfolds, they recognize Om in the foreign place, and witness the strange, tall people bowing down to him--a symbol of respect for his power-- and the fear that had been presented in the clans be gone. With this experience, a new seed of consciousness has evolved, not only in At-el, but in all the races of the world. For time be not linear, but circular; memory be not only a link to the past, but to the future as well. From this point forward, each clan member would be able to recall events yet to come--through Om's connection--and thereby become part of his new memory. Om does not understand entirely what is occurring, but now that he has seen himself in the images, he knows that what he has seen be the future, not an alternate past, and that he must be patient to learn what to do next. It be his job to lead his people forward, to meet the strangers in the dream visions, and so meet with his destiny if any." Thanks be to the http://www.circlesanctuary.org/pholidays/Beltane.html for Beltane. By Atlantis Channelings - Gordon-Michael Scallion, the Journey of Om from Dream Voyager. bikru = bik-ru, bankrupt, a neighbor of the At-el, being of prophecy that bankrupts people by attempted nastyness then forces the bill on them after which the bill maker presents and it forces you to pay the bill to a decree of no pay, alot of pain. belengel = archangel, beltenshi banshee = beansidhe, sunken nose scraggy hair hollow eye socket fiery weeping red eye white sheet wearing cadaver woman who warns of an impending death only for old family by wailing outside a house, outside a door barbegazi = shy "frozen beard" large feet gnomes that avalanche ride and come out at below zero temperature and they aid humans as they live at moutain peak tunnels barmotez = barbary sheep, tartary, tree vine attached vegetable lamb creature that is edible after it dies barjuchne = bar juchne, giant bird berbug = bugbear bso = besom, occult marriage, illigtamit witchcraft merriagement, faery horse that mentally talks to the rider and can shift to human form or disappear every in awhile. batler = Thieving bat shapeshifter that form into batlike cat and work for you but can be tamed. Unless you feed them coins they remain thieves not working for you. Given by Cix off furcadia. boamp = bottle imp, genie type spirit that grants owners wishes and the only way to get rid of it be to sell it for less than you bought it for. boar = boar, War pig that be now extinct, they were larger than wild pig, wild hog, and as large as a medium dog. Large hair tuft, long tusks and hairy body, able to destroy anything, in their path, yet very easily angered. boisehu = energy wood being that protects households baldaron = warrior horse, armored attack horse bydry = baldaron bendith = mamau, ugly kidnapping goblin like fairy with a crimbil child replacement switched for yours, bend to their will bendithu = human mamau, stealing human goblin that can shift into human shape at will with pleasant true form ugliness cruel nature vengeful and instinctive intelligence bucca = teleportive hobgoblin useful to sailors buie = buggane, misfortunate goblin shifter, goblin shapeshifter often seen as a horse, calf, wild looking human near a waterfall. bunyip = hippopatumus shaped amphibeus creature bogy = boogeyman, dancingman, bogeyman, bogie, dark and closed up area shapeshifting, wicked spirit creature, are daylight harmful, they kill wizards, and can dimensionally travel to scare children or other reasons with negative forces. bige = bilg, boggart, dark hairy dusty clothed household spirit formed from peoples misuse found by house mishaps. Once discovered can change forms at will to scare the hell out the victim. They like closets or underbeds and similiar dark placing. Nicknamed after Humphrey Boggart to name a creature. bogl = Boggle be a criminal mischief hobgoblin on a victim behalf. bugbear = bug bear, a bug in the shape of a bear bue = buggart, gnomish goblin that be made of peoples annoyance and abuse found by annoyance only and gotten rid of by showing token respect. burak = man face voice, ass ears, horse body, peacock wings tail, bright blue eyes, in between the size of an ass and mule blaanka = giant undead unkillable roc-like phoenix with 1700 year lifespan of shadow half life and does not need to eat blaannis = black annis, hideous cnnabalistic on capture of person and one eyed blue skinned old hag. bladeabed = ifomix, a bird formed from using and abusing forces physical and unnatural, can form a foul cuckoo and dissipate the force gone. But the bird be destructive in aura and idea, it influences overt solipsism with a bad aura. bladawg = black dog, calf-sized black hound that upon site, when speaking the viewer be death doomed, illness and death be foretold. Blib = A Blib is a person who is born (it is not a learned ability) with what many may consider an eating disorder, though they use it to their advantage. They use the calories in Genjutsu, and any other forms of energy, stored within their fat cells to their advantage. They use it as fuel for their magic. A semi-well-known example of this ability would be Chouji from Naruto. Also a young baby's eating cover to which is partly alive and feeds off you and lives in you. blo-idonu = blast-ended newt where the tail spits acidic flamable fluid blob = vegen pudding, jelly being that absorbs energy eats weapons on person touch paralyzes thus it eats the body forming more of its type and on hit it will split into two more. blog = Humanoid thats misformed and moves very quick and be part spider and ape. It has an enticement to form into a human to lure the unsuspecting or a online news and opinion list or a flogging in the back. brag = horse shape-shifting goblin that leaves a rider in terror, very good story breta = ostrich headed cow bri = ostrich bryma = brimmer, eat anything giant cockroach with 12" to 7' potential size and acid spit brich = brik, ostrich, separate from the species with backward legged bird that works with out any flight ability and has lots of feathers including the backfeather, used with emu. brihu = ostrich human with forward walking backward legs but the rest of the body humanlike brownie = small hobgoblin of ragged brown clothes pinhole nostril flat faced enjoying human harmony bruny = brownie bwca = household spirit that does tasks when appreciated and destructive when offended bzagh = beast caitsith = cait sith cyra = centra, genjia,genjy, creator, zackal, eternal one, creators, eternal being, Eternal ones that are able to go anywhere on a whim and by focusing on effects they gained it. Centra created aether (mind force) as a force to be manipulated by minds that were interconnected across the galaxy (universal conscious). then they created the worlds with the elements formed from aether and somewhere in midst of creation their bodies got consumed by the energy used and turned into the force called Ether (spirit). This be the spiritual force and the backing of Aether (mind force) that guides all by being the "spirit that goes through everything" as in the book "the way of the scout" by tom brown as he describes it as a spiritual force that effects all with spirit. After the dissipation of the creators bodies they were just the energies that support and monitor the universe and some Centra remained as the form they chose guiding their creations thus they became part of the gods. then to better watch for the peoples populating worlds they made vessels for the power they had. Call them Avatars and the avatars are morally the same as the gods themselves. Some Gods came about by the people of the planets scheming, beliefs of the people so not all God's formed the same. the creators mostly hide themselves as they dont want to be bothered most of the time. Centra do not have blood instead they were composed of Ether and Aether. Being this, they were able to control Cosmeria (universal substance) to a higher level, using their own body as fuel and forming the body as they want with or without blood. though even then Cosmeria was highly volatile to them, and in attempts to protect themselves from it they divided into two tribes, Ether and Aether, and with it the secrets of. Cosmeria were divided. the Ether tribe focused on Ether and the mind while the Aether tribe focused on Aether and technology. Seperate they could not use the opposite's element/substance, but atleast Cosmeria was unattainable now. Sadly, as time grew by they descriminated against each other, one claiming that their tribe was superior. This finally led to a war that destroyed their existance, for most of them at least by creating vessels and places to assault with as they also kept the universe in balance, creating too much causing the centra body dissipation mentioned by being overwhelmed with some who were smart having survived by keeping balance. cyfso = confessor, Women who can touch a person to convert to her side and enslave to make the victim her love slave. their very presence inspires love. their hair continues to regrow if cut very fast to original length. they are changed at birth by wizards, mages to effect this. there children gain the ability. To mate with them you must be immune to there love touch. cytroa = controller, Men who can control by voice, touch. If the victim gets touched, then the person be enslaved by emotion to them. their presence inspires confidence and the need to talk. their hair continues to regrow if cut very fast to original length. these are the male offspring to confessors. they are immune to mind control effects. craing = Te Apera, Ala teperia, This is te apera or things you think as they could exist are existing, The point is this, as netherworld or love was possible this created the odd creatures were made one day. As named by a anime called teenage mutant ninja turtles with a being that is what he or she wanted to appear as is a moment. Get there don't be there and you are what you were considering. As you thought the creature and they picked up on your thought, on the moment you did things they could pick up on your thoughts. Your mind projected to others and as if you think, as a will to not show them they stopped thinking. If you stopped doing things they saw no reason to do anything as they stop. As if they were aware by use, the were created creature split open from a claimed body and the craing being could appear in life. Stopping is not doing as to stop or not is thinking if disbelieved in and they did other things as you thought to do what you wanted. crityq = Apelike dark furred human creature that criticizes everything near them. Causes distraction till killed, pleased in some manner. Prove your point to it to silence it and banish it. cygrinox - The three headed human worm with wings and three wormlike heads on a human torso. cepapua = Carpet Python Snake cira = Cobras Snake cykys = Cal Kings Snake chitty = friendly insectoid being chittyky = human hostile humanoid insect floays = Florida Kingsnake getasna = Garter Snake masna = Milksnake, smaller snake praoncite = a monster that be undefeatable and backs down if argued with and won't attack if given arguement as an excuse. So when atacking, it will respond and to argue gives it a point not too. now the monster be a nightmare given flesh. proancia = blind worm snake, smallest snake in the world rouna = Red Ratsnake (Corn Snake) rofgrisna = Rough Green Snake ralna = Rattlesnake rotyboa = Red Tail Boa Snake rawlaopta = Reticulated Python Snake wamuesi = Water Moccassin Snake tiuruna = Texas Ratsnake coysna = Coral Snake sleth = snake, serpent, sapi(intelligent) cepo = sea, snake slo = slow, snake pytn = red python snake, pyth, python wysapi = winged snake on etheria lindwurm = scaly green-gold winged snake that appeared as you thought about it and not if you didn't think and reacted right jormangund = worlds largest snake of lies seeing that coming from celts that if thought real could make an eartquake. leviathon = giant winged snake with razor sharp teeth as and is the continent and the world was different this was a point that could amaze you. et-fokslo = great three red eyed eight headed eight tailed snake as energy is energy no more to them they died. sirrush = scaly head serpent snake with cat forefeet and bird claw hind feet as they formed by started incident. serpant = dragon headed snake body sea snake serpennt = pent up snake, caged snake kevin = 100 snake headed dragon body person killer adda = adder, basilisk, basilcock, cockatrice, This snake moves side by side and reproduces as from a cocks egg. "It be a native of the province of Cyrenaica, not more than 12 inches long," writes pliny. Its evolution of protean style that turns chimeran after its older. It starts as nothing so no if believed isa or not use the ugly snake "adorned with a bright white marking on the head like a sort of diadem" by pliny. Some might say its with a cocks head. A killing glance that be slow to effect. Its scaly legs are with chicken feet and widespread in 3 pairs Its hide be scaly and it doesn't shed. For the aura and glance turns things a dried out state, the "stoned" dry state. Effectively killing most in the area not unlike a medusa who kills the person by altering what glances at it to stone. As it gets older, it can kill more quickly. Most people who discover them try to kill them or die trying. To eat a cockatrice gives healing ability or immortality, yet this be surprising after how monsterous it seems. Excerpt from gareth long's encyclpoedia of monster's. hla = snake human with humanlike head that has a long tongue and shaped like a snake, the rest of the body be human except they are cold blooded, and alien with pure animal instinct and logic along, with cold eyes and heartless as a snake thats very treacherous. They are passable as humans at a distance with a slight revolting auratic field thats stronger as a person gets stronger and yet they are vulnerable to fairy magic. A plausible example be Harry Potters "Voldemort" who be said to be part snake. gogahu = human gorgon with snake hair can manipulate anyone with thought, voice and with ability to freeze people at will, they have a shifer ability to appear human and else cug = cua, coge, cougar cyf = calf, baby cow cam = camel, view, cama, disposition, two or three hump smelly and hairy horse with evil disposition cyp = chicken (chicken soup as supcyp or cypcup), chump, snipe, long range assault cew = decay, crow, carrion eater colt = harnessed, taim, tame, wildness, gun, pistol, horse catt = cal, cattl, cattle, cow, kill cray = computer, crayfish cuttl = cuttle fish, cul chick = cyp, lady, allowance, allow, chicken, weaken ceuoalo = cow hampster duck kitty creature with cow size hampster forepaw legs cat feet backlegs cow torso, duck billed head and fluffy tail ceasg = human salmon of salmon lower human top half coblynau = guidance mine fairie cecrops = serpent tailed lower half; human was the first athen king cameleopard = camel leopard the size of a camel but the skin of a leopard with 2 large curving horns cataua = big cat that be of tiger, lion and other catoblepas = that which looks downward, iron cladded head bull that can kill with its sight and moves sluggish eating poison bush catleg = great cat the size of buffalo. catrakit = cattlrupa, roach ant cat, cat headed beast, with six legs, catlike clawless, antlike body with fur, roachlike reproduction and fluffy tail. cetus = dolphin headed forked tail greyhound creature cerebo = snake head & dog head & human dog on all fours that has paralyzing stare cerberus = 3 headed dog cigryhond = calygreyhound = antelope body eagle claw forlegs ox hoove hind legs cogsaet = saber tooth cougar catarak = spider cat that has eight legs and the body of a cat and it eats dead meat and abilities of both catuar = warcat, demon cat citar = centaur, top half human male back forelegs and lowerhalf be horse cyclop = one eye storm giant corrigan = faerie druidess able to steal children cyroeraeth = banshee like spirit woman who gives death warning by a water splash near a crossroads, near a river, that looks like a woman thats charming and mature. citao = centipede, moth head eight inch segmented worm body citaohu = centaurlike human centipede with eight ' long centipede body human front end cbauricl = crystal bird dragon oracle, prophetic dragon sized crystal bird cboracl = crystal prophet, this crystal being prophet is formed by a being in disguise that acts a servant in thought. chocobo = pony sized wingless riding bird changeling = left in place deformed shapeshifting faerie children of human babes chiles = atlantean messenger pets chichevache = thin bodied human face cow that fed on faithful wives chimera = she-goat, goat bodied lion head serpent tailed fire breathing creature chupacabra = a beast that was named chupacabra, which literally translated from Spanish means goat-sucker. Sightings of the small creature have been reported to Mexican and Puerto Rican authorities since then. Even in the United States, a Texas farmer claimed to have killed one in 1999, although from the photos the story has been widely disputed. Chupacabras are believed to be small animals 2 to 4 feet long with stiff hair or bristles like a porcupine. Except for their size, they share several things in common with larger phenomena (Bigfoot, Yeti, Loch Ness Monster). They exude a foul stench, reportedly of sulfur, and are so elusive they have never been photographed. (Although there are claims, the photos have never been verified.) crang = craing, craig, live brain, brain being that sometimes have levitation ability cresfix = criosphinx, ram headed lion crocottahu = human wolf dog that be extremely strong and stands on two legs with thin grey wolf hair covering body and a wolf tail cryekideth = banshee ctia = cthuloid,* cthuluist, deep shade, deep one, mind eater psi manipulator, mind flayer, illithid who live in deep places that have great mental powers, they would eat the minds of their victims(worshippers) but they also controlled the minds of key people so that they could one day call Cthulhu to return and their greatest threat was in making anyone who met them go insane, and you can get rid of them but not if they consider you a threat through resistance. Another way to drive away a deep one be to focus a large positive force at the deep one. ctiau = Mind flayer human who live in hidden places that have great mental powers, they would eat the minds of their victims, suck the life of them but they also manipulate the minds of key people sharing the pursuits of the cthuloid and there threat was to manipulate people getting rid of them but not if they consider you a threat through resistance. Where they would feign ignorance until left alone and revenge those sleights. dno = dino, dinosaur, huge formed of mutation or change, dinosaur thats three times the size of a normal reptile and "largest" reptile in the pleistine age. dedrathrumu aftdedea = dont drag me/you through the mud after its(the deal) dead and done or not done as if a will. dedrythrumu = don't drag me/you through the mud, don't continue on. Depileea=Dispielic angelic, discorporeic vampiric type angels that live in a different dimension and can take form as pure fleshy form. Or form from an object. They attack on a need and try to live by others standards set for them by themselves. It attacks with a flealike nature, its dispriellic nature that comes from the father. It has 3 inch tenticles or pseudopods, that go out from the forehead and the its body parts. Dispriellic live inside people. They live of the top of the core where they serve people. They live up to 200 to 700 years of life. They live in a sorta separate land that is watchfull of ours. They can channel and go through any doorway as if it was meant for them. They can poison near anything. They tend to use machines to replace functions they cannot normally do anymore. Dispellics are actually eternals with supernatural constraints. With ability greater than normal, yet their body reflects only some of their strengths. They tend to follow these tenets. "Think to know do to sow. The crazy angered mind ie a moment calmed down. The crazy angered mind is to be percieve and calm down. To be an able person be able to percieve more or less the idea and be able. To do a little of it, then do the rest after a bit. To understand is to precede or percieve as to what you end up doing. To de is as easy as to deal the way as over the line. Its to easy to de off an its of any conclusion. To de is as a self-wreck not. As they can't help it, now they can. Now in immediate action they will and can. You felt, smelt it you dealt it. In some self site motion in which you must write down what it does to get a glimpse of what it did or can do. If what do. If what it is you do. Where mind is thought and motion is focus. If in general, its to be direct if its to be in effect. Circumventive its ineffective unless needed. Its to be of to know. Its to shift to be in of as yor subconscious moves you. To be of you changed by it. To see of it it is of you. Be of it be wary of others. Cause by it be wary of what you do. Need to be, derive it, to be of desire be in dense. Be with it, be on there of it or as is necessary. Be event, move it. Move by it, be of it. To be of way be if a moment that is there you are nothing but a bug shifted. To be a nay be a shifted from. To be sown to be shifted of it. Be of shift be of others. To be as if of it be of. To see it then know of it. Be seen of it, be not so or so known for it. Be understood, be noticed. Be of, be of an it. Be inevitable be of there or therein. Be an be there. Be lone be of some form. Be efficient be of some use. If its of many uses its of abuse. Be of it to be abide motion to be of use. If in obedience by an idea of the ideal that you move, abide it or leave it. Be a moment in action, as in situation. Its good to sow to know. their is a self-perceived crazy mind. There is a point as the moment action is a self-perceived down spot avoided pole. Diepienelle is to know and be able. This is to come out again. To due is not die sow is scum." drathrumu = drag (me, you) through the mud (metaphorically speaking or physically), continue a chore, continue on dina = Pigmy elephant the size of an baby elephant to young adult. dyth = lion dile = crocodile with wide jaw and hides its teeth duva = bird dove = white dove, peace bird dyve = patronoch, guardian spirit, guarding point dawg = dog djin = Air being that wish grants like jinn (fire being). diamu = energy eater, spacial energy shifter people that can meld any part on themselves, reform any part melded on themselves, who sometimes like work gangs and are spacial gaurdians but have no form except that they jump into. Nicknamed Guoul and these can carry parasites that are worms to become intelligent with memory, or symbiant worms that can travel to any body. Self-assigned ranking unless the god-like leader assigns one due to specialty. Everything be holy and sacred them with a ritual like manner. diamuhu = Guol, dragondeahm, Goul, spacial energy human people that can meld any part on themselves,, form any part melded on themselves who are like diamu yet are stuck to human shifting and slight metamorphing with the ability to shine. dodo = pretty feathered large wingless back leg ostrich-like bird, ostrich forefather doberman = man headed dog, calf sized dog dactomern = dragon sea elf, sea elf dragon shifter dactonesti = dragonesti, dargonesti, elven dragon shifter that can shift to any dragon form dataybu = rock elemental half adult human size dataibu = unicorn headed brown horse body lion hind feet bear fore feet that has a horn that purifies cures restores and there be a healing wild aura and can shoot electrical bolts with horn, paralyzes horn bolts. detaibu = medium-small dragon sized torso horse feet unicorn head lizard tail can turn to mist form restores entire on calling shapeshifter and its healing cleansing ability with psi amplifying horn that can shoot water energy at target, paralyzes the victim detuon = immortal manticore that has something with 4 hawk wings lions head eagle backfeet lion forefeet. dahu = human duck, human with a duck bill mouth, webbed feet and a feathered torso. dahuemy = animalistic duck human, animal torsoed duck headed human lower half with webbed feet and entirely feathered human body dakuemy = animal torsoed duck headed humanlike furry lower half with furred feet creatue duergar = dark dwarf dagar = man headed shark dagon = fish man of lower half fish, top half man. dapluiga = Doppleganger, double walker, fylgia, doppleganger shadow soul guardian angel, invisible human shadow self only seeable by its owner and once the owner sees it said owner will die not trusted. the doppleganger gives advice to friends, takes the form and experience of the victim before it takes the victims place if threatened or a good reason. dipoul = dipowl, burning soul, fire spirit, heliopath, ho, Soul of a human who, be made out of fire, assuming any shape, size and object, this allows for fire mastery. dimnall = badgerbear, bear spider human that kills by a touch and has six arms human bearlike torso below able to eat anybody they kill after fluid drain and polymorpher with web ejection ability. dendan = gigantic black fish that die with human touch dolphinate = aquaticus, dolphin dovall = a driving force of destructive energy, that takes the form of a dove after, to create havoc with an aura that infuses and corrupts. It drives away people with a maddening force, and signifies death. dhapu = dhampire, Day walker thats stronger and far more flexable than full Vampires, being that they only walk at night. Product of a vampire father and human mother. they posses all of the traits of a vampire, but none of the weaknesses. As they grow older, they begin to wield innate ability. All must be embraced at some time in maturity, usually around the human age of eighteen, older. If a Dhampire be not embraced, he, she will slowly go insane from the blood hunger that consumes them, and die of starvation as their digestive system changes to accept only blood for nutrition. the most outstanding difference be that they can bear live children. They do lust for blood, but can control it and are discreet, although they grow weak and begin to lose their powers if they dont feed. Normal foods can take the place of blood for them but their bodies will be expanded by the food greatly. During the day, their fangs shrink to a hardly noticable size and as long as they are not grinning. During the night they grow excesivly and are impossible to hide. their eyes are red, the color of choice by magic, their skin pale, hair most oftenly black, magically chosen. If a Dhampire be slain, they can be revived as long as the head be intact. As for aging goes, the apperence of a Dhampire ages to about 25 years. from then on every 10-15 years equals one year of age in apperence for the Dhampire. they can surpass other Vampires in strength, including the Elders and drinking large amounts of blood turns them more and more vampiric, drink lesser and they will stay more human. And lastly, the Dhampire's can walk in the sun though they can only withstand it for so long. For prolonged exposure to the sun can cause a Dhampire to feel the effects and be weakened. the older the Dhampire, the more sunlight they can withstand and they can withstand a dawn without death. Dhampires are elemental masters able to manipulate any element at will and are natural shapeshifters. dracae = shapechanging water spirits that form into dishes that float a river to tempt women into being dragged down to the river bottom droc = sea drow, dark elf top fish bottom like a mermaid dziwozongi = forest wild women that attack lone humans while sometimes acting like fairies fae = fated faery, faery that act like fate feae = fenoderee, supernaturally strong man-sized faerie house servant fuio = fire angel that has angelic protective nature firey body and wild fire manipulation ability fle = run, flea, flee fynt = fish, shark, whale, sea with creature farn = not far, fallen, vampiric angel fedarak = blood roach, feeder roach create that feeds off humans or evillish incessant to use them as hosts that act like a live human, yet will erupt with roaches to kill all in an area as an orc is disruptive to use or feed to disrupt behavior. Sight or you see activity acting on the humans in a similiar manner that doesn't seem to effect, yet if you observe yourself you ca notice body changes. If the host be angered the roach will burst forth by the host death. Unless the host be killed within 24 hours of being a feeder roach host then the roaches don't die with the host. the feeding phase of a feeder roach be a red tinged shell otherwise its normal brown. these roaches can teleport to any food or drink to get into the human and the victim can control anyone with them, talk to roaches at will. the feeder roaches can create enhanced fear of the victims fear. The feeder roach was created by nuclear or radiative energy from another planet absorbed into the roach body that mutated into blood eating and body inhabitating roaches. Again they the blood roach burst forth on death. felina = active cat felino = demon cat that projects horror vision in minds with alternate demon wraith form feliny = wild cat shapeshifter of fey birth in human body that takes shape of any human the size of a small child with cat features fael = hawk, energy weaving ability faery = dark faery, Korriganes, the race of faeries, feyr. dark fey that love causing fear and disruption. fairy = light fairy, feyin, light fey that work to aid humankind faun = deer legs, ears, tail and handsome male face body fedafle = Feeder flea similiar to the feeder tick that caused some anemic traits and bubblish skin in humans and animals alike. A nasty prospect be the strange sores that seem to appear and the body heals them over. fachen = feather tufted chest center with mangled hand growth, angled leg body growth, forehead center eye creature from genetic mutation that kills victims faken = fachen fuhu = fw, human phoenix that has human legs and webbed feet, vibrant winged small vibrant feather covered human torso, human head and arms with clawlike human hands, asexual and phoenix-like ability to come back and healing tears regeneration lightweight ability aura effect innate restoration ability feno = northern pheonix hawk, brown feathers twice hawk size bird fawk = forest hawk fawke = phoenix fawkuik = pheonix hawk, silver blue wings silver body twice hawk size yet able to resurrect people with tears faalesbud = featherless bird, skin bird without feathers faaleshed = molting eagle of ageless nature that continually molts feyark = dark fairy feyc = sea fairy who take any typical fish, dolphin form to aid ships and are fed some fish off the boat feyl = sidhyl, wild fey, fearsome shapeshifting creature that will not consider humans except as slaves, workers for schemes. they command all elements at desire and can make terror in those who don't serve. fallen = fallen vampiric angel felintoad = toad cat that has poisonous underbelly excretion foats = undead wyvern, wyvern ghoul fantine = friendly farmer fairy fenoderee = supernaturally strong man-sized faerie house servant feng-huang = three legged sun alive phoenix with pheasent head and peacock feathers faerys = a fairy that grants your desire of wishes, requests but be undectable or genie force firbolg = fire giant bog people with control of impulse felinrat = Cat rat that can chew through anything with large adult cat size to twice as large. It prefers to eat cat food, cut meat, raw meat unless not tamed. fatoau = fantastipottamus, armored hippopatumus that be larger than a normal hippopotamus and eats even humans fotex = great rat, A rat that has possibility to eat human. fowl = fowl, bad tasty bird, bad taste fowlaqua = water fowl that has beautiful colors furie = the three lost fate sisters that take revenge for wrongs done who are dog headed snake hair bat winged hags fury = furie feylirk = feyerk, a species of faery that take form only to cause disruption to friends and appear like malicious goblin as described of the dark gray color and doglike ears, 3' 4" tall, with firecolor stripes and redhat, orange fur. Included be a shapeshifting ability. Fluat = Effluant are in roaches that are use to the products as of inbetween and cause them to be used against the people. Its the products and the by-partisons too that aren effected. Some actually come up and catch the person unawares. So in effective its of physical use to lift something up and they miss you. Its also known as to be of ineffectual use. They can create a intellectual scare. They can subconciously arrest you on the spot by creating cuffs but first they drill your third eye not. To escape from the cuff, there is a energy key you can create. Its reate it and use it, by thinking of a key that is in -between your fingers and get near with it and twist it open. Sometimes three can work a cuff. Its like an ever oscillation key. These are inabbreviated inpartison live roach breed. So they can act as if to create any effect of trapping material. Including rope and steel wire. These are like cops but if you think about hurting one they can come at you and cause you to be paralyzed. By making you percieve cops coming at you. Resistant to mind suggestion. Afterword, those they arrest can be shifted subconciously to an effective scare area. There have been transformations into that of one. they inject poison into the body by a drill efect that is highly toxic efect. To touch food after this can make it toxic but seemingly inevitable rich. So in effect you are poisoning yourself, to be eating it with the illusion that it is rich context. They create an illusion that turns real, in you if your near one and the more of them the more powerful they become. As in a group idea or focus in effect. While they are killing you, you get an image of what you want or some roachy vue of it. They can percieve through your eyes and ears. Anything you invent could be considered a wrong. Distract them and you can get them to help. An en enema, to clear a moment by use in division. Thus we effectively use what we do but the body they subconciously kill as we do. Creating the idea feeling as they do thus. Eat of the body to create energy, and transhift by a warp effect to other areas that you may have gone to. They then use the body to shift to area and hibernate by the area soil. So to deal with them, don't move near them and hold something above your head that is a container. Till they leave, which they hardly ever do once they have a target. These roaches create a symbiotic link to your alternative selfs. To be entree. This symbiotic link can create images, and idea to the effect that you are communicating to them and them to you. To be thus we do in a certain pattern. That pattern can be followed by this subconscious breed. As some have managed to destroy them with. Now there is a communicative roach breed, that could sit on the tongue and effect alternative thought transfer with the image to go with it. Its intrbred, it communicates with interbreed. Some may or may not see it but every expression tells of what your alternatives are doing. To realize it and then go they cannot follow you through a certain path. I'you know the path. Everything doesn't always effect your sub-conscious. fria = frier, stovetop freborn = born without tribe elf wanderer, ranger elf, land elf friskou = nightmare creature that has no definite shape can turn victim to stone or paralyze with fear and mental manipulation friga = frog, frogger, toad froga = frogger, jumper toad from the frogger world gii = spirit guide gyth = gryphon, golden winged lion geko = gecko, lizard gom = golem, live magical material construct gomaa = golem mastery, innate golem manipulation skills gomcla = clay golem, man-shaped animated clay body giraff = horse deer with long neck horse torso deer head creature giraffa = human headed giraffe giraffe = long neck wedge head horse body animal ganuevar = planar large cat that lives in the primal plane of existence at the masters whim and in any large cat shape and it acts the guard ganyuer = get anywhere, achievement, achieve gantika = Human giant phoenix be ten feet tall with giant vibrant wings giant feet human body torso and legs and en in two arms ending in clawlike hands, this giant can come back to life after it dies reborn of itself, translocation ability and regenerate to road regenerate goddkp = godkiller, A male faery with likeness to female and natural born mutant with pension to absorb ability on touch or death, can regenerate and shift at will, after he kills he takes their place of whom he kills off if he desires. gytrash = road spirit that can in form physically and helps people out. gulon = fox tailed lion hyena ganesha = four armed pot bellied elephant man, male knowledge fey ganeshe = four armed pot bellied elephant woman, instinct fey ganeze = striped elephant, black striped elephant garuda = great bird with an eagles beak and wings with a human body, white face gargantua = large giant garm = four eyed blood splattered black dog scarlet wings golden body gorou = very hairy, werewolf like gaue = horned one, horned human with or without wings Gazel-gazoll = to be like apemn but they shift and are a little taller. As they tend be bone white if older and observe things at a distance. their intelligence is with their brain psionic strength. They can change reality by thinking about it. There is possibility of antlers. Gazol gazelle = easy to discern but these apemen meddle in affairs. They look human and apish tend to be with horns. Like men they like to be autonomous and independent. gyrion = Strongest living man with 3 joined body, six arms, legs and hands. A myth was he was killed, by orion, after being led into bowshot, from chasing a thief, named Artemis, that stole from his hut on, atlantis. He later became an assasin and bounty hunter. Gyrions revenge, was to claim Artemis, as his new body. Creator of the christian church for revenge on his death and always willing ro protect through his followers by possessions. He uses his people as info and idea foundation support gabezu = shark elf human that appear human, but have a inner eyelid, will strike if angered, always seek revenge if crossed, immortal, when the inner lid be closed; they are blind yet unblindable and enraged. goblin = okake, mischievous human hateful faery that plays tricks and very mean things or changes its change gawk = half-human size great hawk ghoblin = mischievous human hateful wraith that plays tricks and very mean things glabezo = long neck wedge head mule glabezu = glamourous being, angelic glabrezu = being of mariad ages, ageless being gnome = earth elemental, wise dwarf able to find metal and meld into trees or not as thought gremli = ogret, muaguyr, muagwi, gremlin, A 3 foot teddy bear wise goblin like creature that in thought control by use that reproduces at night when fed but appears very sweet natured as a pet, some with greenish skin underneath, brownish fur but a great song. They have to eat but request when they eat, they eat your spirit essence and after they eat or drink at midnight or after they can turn nasty but after midnight. their growth be like kittens except they are able to have children without sex very quick. The gremlin can calm down but remain fiesty unless given water. their children are destructive and not easily controlled by the parent, often called holy terrors that rip apart an area. their one weakness be to hit them with sunlight and bam they die except the original. After they "eat eat", their be a shift ability gained and they grow taller. their height has to be 4' or taller to eat a human but at the stroke of midnight they die and poison will kill. grafey = grasidh, gray fey, gray fairy who work for people and get what they want through manipulation and they like chocolate and shapeshift, sometimes they accept money. greibs = greiby, Great hobbits are human and hobbit offspring often by a love potion or love spring, that once lived till they were hunted by men and only for aberration as they were unaccepted by humans and tormented by mortals, the promise was to be like ogres except they were perfect to slime in mentality. the more perfect the better they came off as odd and the more slimier, the better in image they were to being nasty in appearance. Albeit they are geniouses to the point of being smarter in instinctive lore, yet able to observe and learn. When they are adults, they have most of the good traits of both including adenturous, not to be killed easy, slight madness, power hungry slight tufted feet and very able to go without shoes as its leathery thick. Added to this be danger sense, direction sense, slight jealousy, inferiority complex, can be devoted. suicidal actions and mental abilities along with manifestation ability. Great hobbits are likely to play games with humans with a goal of living in the family. their gifts are instinctive with power to aid and they have instincts like a bloodhound with innate omnipotence. Counted as fairy they will be demi-immortal and very tough to kill. With great pride and effort, any skill learned be a blessing from their creator whom isas they assume. If angry they might cold rage, the essence of confusion and greater strength that lasts weeks to months much like river lords. they are picked on by other goblins till they are controlled by the goblins machinations and then led to their demise after telling all, great disaster. What happens after be the great hobbit turns demonic and true neutral. After demonic, their prospect be to be "alive" and not killable except in body as they borrow another body which becomes them. their abilities become fully demonic added to their natural abilities, and they start using patterns like thinking. Hobbits can steal at a distance, close up when they realize a fortune is near an opportunity unless they don't want to by belief. The height compared to the cousins are 4'5" to 5'9" tall and anything that is told of them, be considered "heresy" by hobbits except what they want to hear. Quite often they will fight unless there be understanding, a quest that happens. Most informed of their nature will note they can shapeshift and yet seem very ambiguous as in a group, their might be great confusion if they so desired just with speaking. Yet where the hobbit can be red, black haired, these can be blonde as well. Most likely the great hobbit be found in hard to reach places and old ruins only surviving as they can, and being restorers, natural engineers with haughty attitudes. the attitudes may get to humans, other people as a concept for a "too perfect" attitude that says "show off" or "fuck off". If forced they will always listen, and try an idea out but not if forced too much. When confronted, they will run, tell white lies and truth yet not when the truth is good to behold. They most miss the hobbit homes and will be away with a happy feeling, failure that pushes them on. When reminded of this they go beserk and almost don't realize they destroyed anything nearby. Yet they can go back if they desire, but only if they get over fear. grendel = grindlylow, giant man monster who be a babylon shapeshifter whom will kill and then eat the heart those who find out. Possible jack the ripper later on except in a locked body formation with necessary potion to shift. This potion could have been H2O3. grewroi = Green wrobbin, an imaginary beast of mind, they take any form explicifically if the person gets in the area by touch. and can convert the person or things by touch. Otherwise they're born as mimicker apes first appearing as cats. Otherwise their known as the imaginary idea in force. There other. bodies change according to be them of what represents in your mind. But, assuming and according to the effect that they are, there are known certain counters and despotic moments. They can appear as behind glass, If taken, for short like they can come in for short moments. They're really apes with storage for points. griffin = winged lion with transparent wings griffyn = bird lion having lion torso, white wings, eagle head, bird forefeet and lion backfeet gwyllion = ugly female faery that take a goat form and make travellors lost ho = wonder, homium, how, woman, wonderous hiu = chop to pieces, chop up, shapeshifting fire being that controls wildfire, no destruction not here hoy = grabbing attention, grab this, fire sprites that are wild fire beings, hoist, hoisted hag = witch shapeshifter who for being loners drive off people, manipulate them who die for pleasure by hallucination illusion hik = hike, hawk, long walk hut = owl hagg = magi shapeshifter, haggle hogg = large hog henn = chicken hind = woman centaur, behind hindwy = winged woman centaur, lazy hynn = excuse, hind(hind legs), human centaur shapeshifter, help, aid ho-oo = phoenix hypag = hippofaug, hippopatomus sized dog hyrubfyx = hierocosphonx, hawk headed lion huhedgoa = human headed goat hellion = hell denizen, usually devil, demon and similiar. that were once human hamah = healing bird that when around will cause healing in almost everything hameh = murderer blood drinker bird thats anonen harpy = harpie, bird human thats human body be feather covered, intelligent and beaklike mouth, high instinct leads the harpie female to wander and the harpie male to remain watchful, hidden territory protectors that kill anyone that gets near the territory. One rarely sees a male harpy but mostly will see a female for the fact they wont attack on sight. heiroglactus = elephant alligator beast, the size of large elephant as adults, at birth, they rip out the mothers stomach, then eat the mother hufu = pheonix headed human with phoenix wings human body and can make anything lightweight around it hufe = iron human who consists of mostly ironlike particles hufy = Human fey children of fee and human mating with the female fee will leave the child at the male maters doorstep, switch the half fee child with the human child for revenge for marrying another. If the fee was male and the human female had it then no switch happens but the outcast child will remain till fey come child snatching but allowance to keep the child happens in the case of no other children. Most are born with some sort of defect in body. heulm = wildlife shapeshifter that attacks on site of anything living with the form of what the living prey fear most and it eats the prey after huba = human bat with adult human size, clawed feet, clawed hands, gliding black wings, very strong, flight ability, eats anything, can lift five hundred lbs and weigh 80 to 150 lbs. humbata = bull horn lion paw vulture talon creature hurak = human cockroach, a human with harder skin, two arms, one spiritual pair of arms and able to eat acid and they have to eat acid of sorts, that on a full moon turns to a large roach or nulle painlessly by thought not to be effected standing up and halves the intelligence unless energie resisted. The farts are acidic or with continuous gushing for one minute at the beginning of it, till the transformation ends and it be over. Where they, the victim be hard black skinned with what seems like wings on the back and a big fart lasting 2 - 10 minutes. The body be now 2 arm pairs un;ess the transformation didn't take and then its normal like human again with two arms and 1 extra spirit arm pair with two standup legs. their capacity of palatte be unlimited to eating almost anything. This lasts till the moment of turning back to normal on desire to be normal or resting. homa = bumble bee huotle = human turtle that has no shell humanlike body stretched neck overlarge head and shadow innate ability huyiao = human alligator with crocodile head, humanlike leathery torso, clawed feet and it fight very well and has lots of strength with allot of agression. hobgoblin = friendly human fairy hosfey = house fairy that be helpful everyday house aids that serve old houses and look like old workers hye = hyena, wild werewolf, evil trickster hyforc = human orc with piglike nose fattish, five to six feet tall human body and great body strength, five-fingered hands hairy feet hairy body coverage, ingenious enjoys cooking instant innate magic and most up to trickery hogyl = wild hog were very tough, pig ancestors able to do much damage, to a single area, including humans. homhoo = helmed horror, animated magical armor servant hai = honyit, agree, honey ant huaqia = shark human transformer huyfit = elephant human that be a walking elephant half the elephant bulk huphu = Human phoenix be human with phoenix ability except the offspring are formed before, the death of the body or desire of offspring and in fire of sorts (emotion, flames or on desire to get a child). hutobb = human plant, plant clone that be perfect human form on the outside but plant in the middle hutrol = human troll looks human but can regenerate anything at will, automatically hyfy = ibs, ib, lb, halfling, half-sized men, sometimes good thieves, explorers, toughand hairy feet, often can go shoeless and slightly chubby or slender, very agile and strong. Survival rate be strong amongst them with a natural luck, The nobles of the halfing are hobbits and they, the hobbits, will attempt anything to get what they want with slight disagreements by natural philosophy of halflings. Hobbits will not steal as they have a noble bloodlines and a will of determination of the thief to affect almost dishonest dealings, in two cases, to get what they desire when desperate or to effect attack and escape for revenge. When told a direct order, if they respect your repute then your good as gold. If their is disrespect, then its despise and denial if non-harried. The harried hobbit and halfling will assault with intention to run. The ability of the halfling and hobbit are assault, psionic and magical, if they so chose and its very strong where their born but weaker outside. The ability of the bard be very much theirs as its used sometimes for writing. huba = human bat, human headed bat ears, batlike furry human body with clawed hands, clawed human feet about the size of short 5' adult humbata = bull horn lion paw vulture talon creature hudawg = Human dog be the dog head and ears with human body and a dogtail. hirow = drow human that can stand the light but has an acidic tongue with normal human skin and lying ability, shapeshift ability, manipulation ability, shadow form, natural weapon ability, innate universal ability, instant shift ability, loremaster, very sane and uses psionic ability as magic. They despise humans for their activity and cause effects on those they honor. They are immune to energy. hustafyai = ravenlike attack bird human with brasslike beaks, human torso, brass toes brass fingertips, birdlike webbed feet and sharp arrowlike feather body covering and metallic wings hapuape = hippocampus, fish horse with webbed paw forelegs serpent tail, horse tail and plausible back fin hapuaf = hippocerf, horse deer hapuap = hippocamp, horse oxen with oxen size and horselike features hapuaptu = hippocamptu, hippopotamus sized horse body horse tail cloven feet hapuaptuo = hippocamptuo, elephant eared elephant feet hippopotamus sized horse hapiri = hippogryph, griffin head wings front legs and a torso with horse hind legs hipo = hyppo, elephant sized horse hot = fire ant hog = hog, male pig mated from peirot dog and warhog, with hair tuft, broad head boarlike tusk, larger than the pig. huwom = Umiwom, human worm that has a human trunk, serpentlike body, worm head and neck; giant tubeworm that matches as the reformed body of the hellion, to mark the location to hell as a place and hell be actually right under it in a 1000+ mile area as 2000 deg Fahrenheit. The hellvoice be a single voice of 1,000,000 or more screaming in pain people. hybriy = Hybridy, hybrids, Hitler men which are wild hybrid or bangler, People being able minded and an almost brutal half cunt(original person)/half venusian giant. The hybridy or hae'this is'ayer be to accept recrimination and moreso for the criminal element as natural. The special ability be to create fights and make peace by aberrational or altering corrupt methods. The half-cunts live in danger and create havens to advance in life. Also considered testing stations where most live as subjects. For this fact, half-cunts are advanced in stature but natural mechanics and very good at what they do for peace and justice in the manipulative way of life. The evil genious race be another way to describe them. When told to do things they will most likely do as a taught lesson, but not if they see things as unreasonable with any action or task. These are bad men with good intentions where most bad intentions give good results. They, in natural form are very dark and naturally abhorrant much like lithovoric rock eaters. If in energy form, they could drive away thieves and destructive consequences with an ability to steal themselves among other things like ability. They, the hybridys are able to miscontrue anything, only if they were thought or spoken of negatively. Yet the necromancer ability is clearly obvious as they could control demons and spirits when possible. Another special ability be to drive people crazy and yet the crazy person keeps sanity. Like to drive a knife into someone and then think it okay where normally you wouldn't. They, the bangler be another good race to control and disrupt lives with negative impulses and bad energy control. The end result is this race can make monsters by simpler methods and using psychology. Like hitler, the hybridy are assumed to be the children of him. They only do evil in the name of dislike to a person, otherwise they do neutral intentions in the name of goodness. hsigo = winged human faced monkey jinn = djyn, jyn, djinn, shapeshift transparent fire bodied beings of good and bad nature who can grant the wish of the asker and transport people through sleep to another place at will and lidten to the angels speak as they want. jinshin-uwo = earthquake fish, earth faultline, 700 mile eel jagu = jaguar jiggtul = skin dancer jygir = jongular, Hard to detect evil malformed shapeshifter clown that tries to kill people it entertains, enslaves as you watch them, listen to them in some manner as it mind controls, horror vision induces, mental manipulation as in they control anything of what you see and be kinetic masters able to control any machine and normally lives in spacial ships that look like anything it desires. kaibu = lightning bug be bugs that light up an area kaibud = lightning bud be a budding flower on a lightning plant kaiflua = lightning flower from a lightning plant that placed in water will produce a bioillumination and bioelectrical source kaiply = lightning plant be a plant vine that gives off bioelectricity growing kairu = lightning roach be a roach that illuminates an area with light near electrical lines, watery places and when in growth it produces bioelectricity kuio = chocobo, pony sized wingless riding bird kujata = very large many appendage shapeshifter bull kappa = tortoise body monkey head scale limb sea dweller kelpi = 2-horned black horse bull shapechanger whos favorite form was a beautiful white horse, young man with wet hair to lead people to their deaths. keres = vicious white teeth eye sparkling red-robed dark skinned death deliverer of hades kuma = hard time, constant cool, bear panther with bear size and panther speed that has panther head panther like body bear paws and eats anything it could catch kender = dwarf-like stealing race, dwarven thief kiru = spirit cockroach kiruhu = spirit cockroach human kobold = small very old house servant if not fed turns malicious kytn = sweet, baby cat, gentle knio = angel knight, knight that rose to be a guardian over humankind and aid people in fighting and defense lec = lech, leach, blood worm, leech lam = lamp, sheep, lamb, lame, lambchop lap = rabbit latra = werewolf, lycantrope lup = wolf lupin = werewolf, animalistic lach = leach, blood worm, leech lich = aelrn, lych, lich, undead mage killed while spellcasting that its body reabsorbed the mages life essence to become alive again as an evil being, neutral being lamassu = human headed lion, human headed bull lemola = ancient space race lympago = man lion, man tiger lentil = leech, blood sucker leucrocotta = very swift stag haunched badger head, lion neck, lion breast, lion tail, ear-to-ear mouth and bone ridge instead of teeth leprechaun = small grotesque fairy shoemaker leshy = forest spirit shapechanger that eats others to gain their intelligence unless normal food's nearby. litby = A light being that is called up by a thought of peace and prosperity thinking its there and it freely exists to create effects as directed or thought up. Its controlled by light and thought. A being made of living light thats called into existance. It can be manisfesting any display that it feels is necessary. Its life is born into existance. It can be born into becoming a you that is with its own thoughts. They can control and disrupt demonic ghosts, by talking on peace and prosperity while thinking on the light an that can summon them. loruam = leprecaan, evil goblin that plays tricks on unsuspecting humans lycantropy = werewolf, lycanthropy moyoy = void fey, shapeshifting time phase shift fey that act upon the moment and can be benevolent, malicious depending on their treatment although they generally aid humans in need and they void lives or energy coming out on call to fix things. Some say they would use the God gem as a god or "dark crystal". Any evil towards the facets o the gem be refleced to those deserved. Its possible that it creates faith. Its grown by earth repecting (responsive) to the Deity's need to be seen. As the number of faithful grow the gem grows. macicolt = uzi, full automatic machine gun mym = mimic, A being that mimics object to kill passerby the mimic can be controlled to make itself any shape. mons = monster myrd = mirror double that replaces the person myrde = mirror double protector that works with the person mern = drowish elf murderer fish humanoid mudawg = moondog, large silverish black dog protector of moon magic mugl = moogle, small qualla teddy bear like elf mutt = lockjaw dog, bulldog mof = morph, shapeshifter, shifter mohu = firemoth, moth appears of fire particles minotaur = bull human that are honorable till offended afterwhich they kill offenser mermecolion = backward genital lion miruh = manimal, man animal with man face and animal form mallard = duck manticor = manticore, red lion body human face with ears and blue eyes with 3 teeth jaw row scorpion tail end poison spine tail and deep brass voice metamid = mastermind, a being created by polyvirus(shapechanging virus) with no form and all heads that can take any appearance while manipulating as it wants and its an illusion master that absorbs beings into itself as in humans ghosts and animals matahum = Material human be Material base and bias. So if its not there, its not believed unless unnecessary with alot of information for expedience. But, the idea of spiritual guidance be an allowable with spiritual laws that work with them. Yet they are backward in some manner of mind similiar to niceness be allowance or slight meanness if emotional but they have not ever beat people up of positive intention. Some are all around nice with few occurences like celebration points where its cruelty'r'us. their color be coalblacky or inky, willing to gain knowledge and material goods and seek it out while doing so for material values. They the person are responsible to doing many things with a good disposition. their motion be for the person to see the truth and accept almost any answer. The emotional state be for bringing grief to the person who hurts them with revenge of grief, otherwise they downplay the feeling. mes = mos, mous, mouse, mice, mouse manticor = red lion body human face with ears and blue eyes with 3 teeth jaw row scorpion tail end poison spine tail and deep brass voice monoceros = single horn stag headed horse body elphant feet boar tail marakihan = man headed fish mokuzy = friendly, large goat horned wolfish pitbull dog who controls and spits fire merrtu = elemental pet that takes force and redirects it somewhere else as an elemental focus force muras = wraith that is defeatable by your creator that drains the aggressors to just spirit form then nothing while moon energy existant, teaches desired things lichu = liku, human lich that has human undead body and has instant innate magic but is alive and shapeshifts able to call and control vampires at will mrbfix = androsphinx, human headed lion natz = mosquitos, nazi noor = moorcat and swampcat that are otterlike, helper nuv = bullish, bull natt = mosquito naga = nagas, water serpent human, that breathes acid nagumwasuck = ugly fairy that help fishers from america, yet they dislike being called ugly. nanerakuerbi = fox squirrel, the animal spirit that is a drowned person in your mind that is a spirit, thought to resemble a cross between a squirrel and a cat that exists to cause you to know. as you think of what you want to know then they fill in the info. this is thought to the subconscious mind. if you think to drown the animal or drown yourself, then you won't mind as you won't gain weight as you know the animal spirit is gone. they cause you to eat from their need as though they were alive yet starving. so think to set them off from you as they are away, then they are not there to effect you where you are as you don't learn from them. The natural opposite is anakeurbi use where the anakeurbi creates as this is knowledge where the body lowers in weight. The body naturally knows it as all it need do is focus to realize what is true or there. nanakerusai = a chicken, the natural formation by animal spirit that is a cross between fox, squirrel with racoon traits. they once dead can cause you to know things by feel as they are the information. you are the receiver then the people are the things in your mind, this includes weighing more or less as you think to hold your breath for 1 minute or less. they are the animal that once you meet an ancestor or predecessor then the weight cancels out. as they are aware from that you are aware, as they can experience what you experience if they choose to through the influence of the spirit through the aura. this is the aura causing by the spirit to create what you experience. nebi = panther, black skinned large feline nebibi = leopard, yellow spotted large cat netacilf = meditucilf, negcilf, negative elf, netherese, nether elf, chaota elfish human made of pure dark matter, void substance, they are called into existance by need, desire. they represent nothing and will do anything if its in their desire. they can only manipulate chaos, by chaos and distributive disturbance. Where the called being be like a seen doppleganger to the caller, except it acts like a clone. To others they appear as the summoner in appearance, unless it desires to appear like other forms. Its only defense is to form anything at will. It can make any event to occur for whom they want. they will make events for people when paid and their prides not in the way. they speak the negative and adverse language language, and if you beat them they do a service. They think in reverse due to their voidlike natures. What they touch, brush they absorb the energy of. They kill or ignore those who aid them unless they are respected, loved. Those they disrepect they torture, and those they dislike they humiliate. their enemies are dragons and elves, which they desire to torture on sight if they so desire. On sight of each other, their be instant hate that be saved for later. their basic technique is to do things and get fun out of it or not do it, and their fun consists of almost torment except when they hunt. They are the dream person to watch as you only have to speak what they fantasize on to get them to agree. They hunt criminals for the fun of it. their god be the Magic God/dess among many others under him/her. nerieds = water elemental able to manipulate water nishru = nishruu, magic eater nitrash = nighttrash, A gytrash with a night fey ability. The gytrash is a fairy who helps out people with a genetic mutation. A night fey is able to make things happen by will and idea manipulation, and hold and use corruption at will. So, a night trash is one who has fey magic and more ability at night than at daytime, who makes effects by Will. Able to gain greater results with metal nearby. They can get near nighttime ability when in daytime and near metal. The night trash fey can have trouble relating to people, as they have hidden away emotion. That is controlled every minute, unless they unleash it on an unsuspecting person. The nighttrash can control the area, by will. nixi = water sprite with beguiling song nott = woodpecker notty = giant woodpecker NuaBe = these are beings of death, they can create what you want and they can be made of dark matter from energy interchange, that forms them in the air. This doesn't matter what language you use, they understand the point. Be sure to dismiss the being back to dark matter when your done with it in time. Then you swap back if you swapped with them your place. Now do what you want. Otherwise they could replace you by fee or feel, if you think the idea is necessary for the being. This is where they are, the shadow lands. Think to be back in the real world and you are back. Nura = Necron, Dark eldar or Ancient Dark elf that uses chaos to get effects with a stragetic mind. This is the chaos lord and ancient chaos elf. Their ability is mutation and changing by the mere use of chaos. They are likely to use any means of chaos to get their way, except that which they cannot get away with. They are able to use psychokinesis very easily as they are psychic in nature. However, their dark moods can cause very interesting effects of pain or torment on those they dislike. They are ruled by the nightbringer with primarchs that are overlords. The nightbringer is an ancient lord of the necron. pyg = pigg, porky, swin, suin, pig, piggish pygyl = wild pig, Crossbred animal from peirot dog and warhog, pix = pixy, ix, pixie, tiny fey that lives near wood and enhances the area it lives in with disturbance on the human. pao = poliwag peeves = poltergeist peirot = prairie dog, extinct small piglike dogs, top of head was hair tuft, facial dog snout, no tusks and they were very vicious. pegais = horse headed great bird pegeus = human headed great eagle pinnoccio = living wood toy puck = benevolent magical hand sized human pixi = magical hand sized malevolent human with green eyes and red hair pegasus = winged horse parnau = fearless fear away aura human patronach with body like energy, being tranformation always positive and enlightning to those around, and body looks solid till attacked thus it disappears into mist. pazcu = patsy, pazsu, horse, mule, burden beast polaroqt = polar bear, bear with white coat polivy = poliwag, evil creature pygmy = pygmufy, small albino elephant, pigmy elephant, white miniature elephant pazsu = burden person peryton = deer bird with deer body bird head bird wings porpois = dolphin phoeblak = black phoenix are undead unkillable phoenix in a shadow half life making them have a short life period and very long undeath period pheng = giant roc-like japanese bird phoe = phoenix phoenix = fire rebirth bird that lays its own eggs by its own nature right before it dies. pliare = planetarian that has astral physical wings vampire like strength and energy manipulation of many types and it can walk to any existant place and its immortal. pliarefey = shapeshifter fairy planetarian that has astral wings vampire like strength and energy manipulation of many types and it can go to any existant place by will or tricks alone. pliars = planetarium, planet observatory pliarsfey = fairy planetarium that has mentally manipulatable astral equipment. prid = pride, tiger family prelyteae = proselytization, religious conversion ptadety = pterydactal, prehistoric dinosaur bird that was roc-size with a spine on its back and barbed tail and hunted meat. ptaayfu = pterydactal phoenix, prehistoric dinosaur phoenix thats roc-sized back ridge spine tail barbed beautiful feather bodied healing aura and lives 11000 years hunting humans, other prospect only to come back and able to lift an elephant. pwus = pegasus, winged horse pwusgon = winged unicorn, flying unicorn, one forehead horn winged horse whose horn be curative healing psi enhancing and aura purifying and able to fly querentbzagh = questing beast, serpent headed leapard body with lion hind quarter that loves to ask personal questions rialod = Riverlords are guardians of the land and they shapeshift and manifest at will. they can follow passions to very destructive ends. Once they begin something, they can continue it to the end. Any project be a long term project to them. they are as old as the rivers, and they grow weaker as they travel further from their rivers, water. they can control all elements sort of but not fire. they live secluded, unless in family. they can commit themselves to cold fury, which can be disasterous and when they mate, we call this the monsoon sometimes. Cold fury be when they go crazy and nothing can stop them, floods you get the idea. they commit to cold rage and slaughter the foe. Cold rage is a very powerful move but cold fury be different from cold rage. Cold rage be like berserker rage yet cold rage be a longer term attack where beserker rage can be maintained for hours, with the same benefits. Cold rage increases attack strength, stamina, memory, emotion and will give you focus on anything near to attack. This lasts for days. Cold fury makes them uncaring on whom to attack lasting for weeks. Via cold rage, they can at least know their friends. they could consider killing nieghbors but not do it. Via cold fury they wouldn't care. Cold can be controlled. With the rage, they can control their strength to be greater. they will keep awake for long periods, albeit the long term effect can kill them. Cold rage attacks the person whom you aim it at, where cold fury attacks anyone. Via cold fury they could kill assasin, friend and pets with anything else nearby. Yet cold rage, fury and berserker rage makes the effected person unkillable and unhurtable. there be controlled fury that allows the same enhancement as cold rage, yet leaves them unknowing who to trust. Cold fury results in some riverlords going comatose. People that show cold rage are: vagita on the dragonballz. Known facts on riverlords are that they can't take acid because it renders them powerless and causes them to die, fall very ill. Riverlord tears can be used in healing and they hardly cry, scream even in pain. Huge turtles help them in transport. their worst enemies are the rock demons and if a riverlord screams disaster happens. Water can heal them of anything and a bath causes regeneration. Drinking water, any drink be instant recovery. Any magic won't drain them as there power source be any water source. Water sources can be ocean, river, inland sea, bath. they can heal anything at just a thought or intent. their thoughts are like action to happen and music increases their power focus. roc = rock, giant black heavy burden beast bird mermosa = male giant mermosian at 6'5 to 8'7. they tend to great intelligence and aggression. Optionally be their tendancy to eat humans. Any eating too much gets height growth per 1 inch per 10 lb. mermose = female giant mermosian thats 6'2 to 8'6. the mermose be good humoured and high intellence, their aggresive approach to addiction be directed at the objective goal. The female mermosian can gorge themselves but not appear to gain weight with height increase beyond the age of 20 years. mermosia = unstoppable growth, growing giant, unstoppable giant growth that again has growth beyond age 20. also used fo male/female mermosian or mermosi whom have appetites more than their body can take and thrice the strength of appearance. They are mild mannered "apes" and their intelligence be high enough to hide it. their height be 6' to 8'9. They can eat too much at a risk to height increase or largeness overall. rat = subjugant, rat, applicant ratfelin = rat cat thats a symbiosis of both; it will eat anything and its size is normal large cat size to twice normal cat size as adult. roe = rogue, very large packrat 7 centimeters to 3.5 meters. rueta = spiritroach ruetahum = human spiritroach ruit = roach ant redcap = red hat fiery eyed malevolent goblins that eat children and dip the hat into the spilled blood. rink = wrink, part human half sized cyborg with exposed glass braincase ronk = ronq, wronk, wrongful kind, dead human that be made into a machine and human part golem. But its not evil if the machine that built it isn't programmed evil. raven = strike quick, blackbird, magic bird, ravenclaw, a bird with black feather covering and eats dead things, most say the blackbird will steal the soul of the dead and bring back the body if he be venge ridden or deserved reptil = cold blooded animal rathu = rat human, human like rat 3 foot to five foot tall rompo = man eared hare head long bodied and tail with badger forefeet and bear hind feet roan = pure white horse, white horse king rowanne = roweene, deathly creatures that go beserk over an arbitrary means and eat people starting with their spirits. No one has survived to describe how they look except to leave clues as to make it seem they look like us. But they turn demonic and then usurp the people near them and eat the person as from within when arbitrary means are talked on or available. If you detect them they turn demonic and attack. ruhsyq = familiar rywras = ring wraith, eternal death being that seeks magical rings able to manipulate peoples desires know peoples souls has poisonous touch and presence sees magical items has death bolt attack able to paralyze, kill and control people at will being lawful evil in nature it sends chills down a persons back. rywrasg = white ring wraith, good eternal death being that seeks magical items able to manipulate peoples desires know peoples souls has healing touch and presence can restore ability see magical items can use a shift containment field force and control people at will being chaotic good in nature. rywreua = neutral ring wraith, eternal neutral death being that seeks magical items, knowledge able to manipulate peoples desires know peoples souls has calming touch and presence see magical items has paralysis energy bolts and control people at will being true neutral in nature it sends the feel of knowing to a person for it seeks activity protecting its knowledge. rse = arse, ass, yourself seb = silver blue sea bird, sea breeze slliasoarus = ptseriasoarus, overlarge rat, dinosaur rat of 8 meters full grown. ef'iemp'illane(stealer demon). concaib = deal making shapechanger that look absolute human yet targets anyone whos willing to make a deal for anything they would want and the deal details are hidden sro = shrik, shrike, A warbird that came before the ice age and were off colored feathered but very easily a human like predator. oragatung = human headed orangatang that be half human sized manda = moander, junk god, panda bear that survives in the bamboo forest miest = ape orangatang half the size of ape muit = mutant, abnormal human that most time be part machine part human or part anthing they can get that be adaptable, to the body and they are damage immune muitotle = mutant turtle that has armor shell long prehensile neck largish human head with ability of mental magick and shadow ability, mutant ninja turtle sidh = faery, fairy, fey. A energy form human that are a separate group of demi-humans who long ago found themselves in a cave that they stayed in. they turned into energy beings by absorbing a lot of the power in themselves. they were pure energy ever since. Able to take form in any manner. But, if you found them targeting you with boredom use boring repetitive actions to drive them away. If you were their friend, which meant they help instead of hinder. then, I would use the offered services with thanking them that they aided you in the way they did. If you offer service in return. If payment in necessity use chocolate as its their favorite but you need alot. they live in the fourth dimension, the plane of time and mists. Time differences are per one min in = ten years outside fairy mist, fairy world, where you live. You want to be forgotten because of the crimes you've done? then, go into the fairy mists for three minutes and come out of it. You would have been forgotten. sahn = saiyan, giver, demihuman, super human, improved human ape saet = saber tooth tiger seagiu = live electricity form that a human, other humanoid including pets can transform into making it unnecessary for eating except for any energy force it absorbs. This form follows along the same rules as seagy. sefert = eagle headed winged lion sidhark = dark fey, dark faery sidha = male fey sidhe = woman fey sighik = blood hawk, blood seeking hawk that kills passerby siktofu = silken tofu statue that comes alive at sight of strangers and assaults with acidic touch and absorbs most damage as energy. selki = seal human sole = a fish with very little bones senmura = mammalian bird the size of a human and human limbs shedu = schedule, centaurlike human winged bull siren = bind, song snare shapeshifting woman sitren = flying burden beasts, flying oxen hunnswan = hunnswan, human headed white swan saumon = salmon simurgh = simone, roc like immortal wisdom bird, immortal wisdom symbol got from asia sighas = higher being, sighing sighos = signal; area awareness, energy conscious, the room conscious, house ghost, The signal you have is from a host that is a ghost. The spirit of the room is using the presence of the room as direction, this is the conscious of the room energy. Once in the area energy you can create what you think, this uses the energy consciousness and your brainwaves if you intend the point. This is a concept of life and the idea is done by feel. siglos = knockout; this is where one loses consciousness yet if I am brought back there I don't mind. sixthdemesnbe = A being whos demonlike but not a demon as they don't fight their force as they are negative.Extremes re their limits sulic = starlich, sunlich able to live regenerative to light. suslos = carrion crawler, corpse worm, maggot sylph = air elemental, primaire, Human woman gate with genitals and seeming liquid silver. On touch she shifts people but she isn't detected as a gate except when she gets too close and overwhelms the senses. There are some theories that describe them as telepathic with a large brainiacked psychokinesis. satyr = half goat human sylpha = butterfly sfix = sphinx sfuwarintaiq = primal creature, everconstant sfuwarbragh = primal beast, everkill (in a shape of desire) sfuwarmur = primal killer, phantasmal shape shaol = whale sheolbrat = hellchild sheolbrut = hellspawn skrewts = fire tail scorpion sleipnir = spider horse with eight legs but horse body sluu = human sloth that be midget sized human with sucker-like hands easily able to climb a wall but sluggish movement slughum = human slug who has acidic spit with very large sluglike body and java the hut be like a slugham to name a few. sfynx = sphynx, lion with eagle wings human head spefey = spacial fey that live in any space but prefer outer space that aid spacial people while in, outside of spacial craft sprw = fire sprite that be made out of fire able to manipulate wild fire salamander = fire lizard, fire elemental syuanda = salamander, fire lizard, fire elemental stafyanfu = regenerative phoenix-like attack birds with brasslike beak arrowlike feather lightweight innate ability and able to rebirth itself at will stafyaigu = ravenlike attack bird human giant with brasslike beaks, human torso, brass, toes brass fingertips, birdlike webbed feet and sharp arrowlike feather body covering and metallic wings and ten feet tall twenty feet wingspan sternlic = solar lich with sun manipulation ability stanly = sternlic, serviceperson stymphalain = ravenlike attack birds with brasslike beaks and arrowlike feather speca = species, specy spectr = spectre sfix = sphinx, human bird lion svirfnebli = dark gnome taii = taan, taim, therian, Werecreature, but a whole different sort. Not as you think any moon pase or non there they can use light to alter any things you are area creating or focused unless you irritate them make peace seeing you think no full-moon murder they won't murder. But connecting with the animal spirit that may/may not be a part of your soul, animal spirit are creatures they form to control people that use them. Its usually the animal you are attracted to the most that you can love, stand to be near. Meditate and focus on your animal self joining by jumping into you. See your animal self jumping into you then you will regenerate and be able to transform into your therian. tia = bihk, a tiara, tiger, animal queen, queen crown ty = tie, placed event, thestral, winged death horse, time tabba = tom cat tabby = cat toad = poison frog tiacoge = saber tooth tiger tatterdemain = memory being in old clothes built of memories to aid people and children taylar = crab human be a giant crab with six human legs six hand feet crustaceaus shell body hand pincers taylon = angelic being shapeshifter that be self sufficient and psi masters or use masters existant off planet or plantlife unless none this is use by energy ships and their world be high energy in technology level tedirae = tardigrades are commonly known as water bears or moss piglets, and form the phylum Tardigrada, part of the superphylum Ecdysozoa. They are microscopic, water-dwelling, segmented animals with eight legs. The name Tardigrada, that means "slow walker". The name water bear comes from the way they walk, reminiscent of a bear's gait. The biggest adults may reach a body length of 1.5 mm, the smallest below 0.1 mm. Freshly hatched larvae may be smaller than 0.05 mm. They exist all across the world, and the most convenient place to find tardigrades is on lichens and mosses. Other environments are dunes, beaches, soil, and marine or freshwater sediments separate by boiling when you think to pour the freshwater through a hole or filter to create a separation of the water from the poison if seawater, where they may occur quite frequently (up to 25,000 animals per litre). Tardigrades often can be found by soaking a piece of moss in spring water. Tardigrades are polyextremophiles and are able to survive in extreme environments that would kill almost any other animal. Some can survive temperatures of -273\B0C, close to absolute zero, temperatures as high as 151 \B0C (303 \B0F), 1,000 times more radiation than other animals such as humans, almost a decade without water, and even the vacuum of space, for 6 weeks. Making these the only animals to be able to survive the vacuum of space. tibhuru = animal plant human that has a will of any animal human shiftshapter but will is nothing but in energy by life that it meets and bumps to seem to be inside plant inside the chest. tengu = bird human leprecaan that does malicious human tricks inside by not the will that is well titilhu = tentacle being, devil's snare, devils trap that causes the victim to be sucked into suffocation unless it offers aid and its only weakness be fire, cold tesseract = dark mindless killer, energy with strike giant that is formed by daring idea with dark thought and magic as if anger issues that are used as a source that is a point to do things or not as to seem hit isn't hit and if to pass the damage is to bring personal destruction to the area you think to pass the damage. tesseractiq = dark giant god or gift of magic, twilight giant formed by influence with magic as thought is a conclusion as if "Tesseriecteai'iea'ie" or as the dark twilight giant stands he's about normal shape as possible energy can change shape and size the body is to change in energy and if a truth is told near the person it could hit and be as another form that it hits and if it dies the person it hits becomes it. As you are a person in an idea, you can create a thought if rude you are ignored and otherwise not is nothing as this exists. ietofu = animated statue sculpture that serves as guardian tofuiga = Thought tofu guru eating food, Celestial tofu sculpture that serves as guardian till it sees an intruder considered ien thus it acts as a gorgoyle or other being as it looks like one. It cannot be damaged by normal weapons and absorbs all damage of normal weapons. To kill it you need a magical blunt weapon with a point to break off and you can save the weapon as its parts as possible. totemkaur = three legged giant raven with eyes all surround tigron = tiger human shifter, ever to more as to go in and use there as a base and operations if information is what the mission is based upon. tores = fallen, capable, disfatten is to lich in moment and any hurt to kill is repair to it as you are what is totaeen = tuatha de danann, fey guide by intelligent as you impersonate imperial faery as in thought you can seem intelligent with energy if used in the right way as a statue in form tutaox = tutafox (tutelage fox), 2-tail fox with overlarge skull extension, like two separate skulls placed that is though together your aware with no conditions set by the creation you think to use. this is the fox trait that does that so think to turn it off by the light switch to deactivate the frenzy effect they feel with a weapon pointed their way. This was their way before. tutafox = name the truth gets in the way, many type fox that can create fart gas demon, 2-tailed fox with extra thick body and smaller or narrower head, the fox has ability to manifest fire that appears along the tail. typhon = 100 serpent headed giant with serpent like legs and thigh and feathers and wings, cold tyrranillerasaurus = Alliasorus, inhumane'us, assiliasaurus, Dinosaur dragon, A beast that looks human if you meet one alive, but allows none to live if it forms from the body after a literacy session, or after success. The dragon-dinosaur seeks with a hunger that seems like the plague biters or ticks and fleas. It can't reap what it can't sieze, and only strikes at night. If however, it knows of the refusal by a flinch for fear it will tempt family members to "help" out the target, and give the person room to stink up or mess up in any area. If it ruins the repute, it ruins the entire family to eat the mind that called its attention like a shapeshifting mindeater. They look like roaches sometimes at first because they, the giant reptile be able to use them as carrier imprint including the alliasorus's mind pattern, before looking like humans that get the bug imprint, and possess a body after the will be terrorized, in a way of this they are hosts, where will be "The mind needing something to create body muscles that surge the blood, and create the appearance of an effect that one might desire. Where there be a will, there be a way to the target desire." "As it will repair what it can to get work out of the idea, with a desire like girlfriend but an ambition like man. The lover be when their innefectuated. their will be able to cope with extremes." By pliny in an unpublished work. They were created by netherese out of themselves and children that knew no better. What I fear be the mind needing the bug after it leaves or at least the mind be possible to love cockroaches. The dinosaur dragon can eat anything with inclusion to its favorite, be human flesh for dessert by nibbling and absorbing the energy to itself from the body, it chose for food which it eats by the process of body and absorbs energy from that, except for poisoning in which the person turns to normal. This alliasorus uses the dead bodies to its mind whim but puts the punishments to the host. The bodies ultimate form be the shape of its desire or the shape it sees, that be for the host, except now the form of the bug be a beetle like thing with golden or black backs and black spots from transforming and no offspring. The dead bodies can mentally link to hundreds of subconsciouses as it sees or looks as mentally if the host allows. The human it was be still alive but immortal, immoral and absorbative on contact to most mental life, in which its possible to mimic..any lifeform in physical or in dream. They see you ralize as they seek you die by the death or you live as unaffected, in real life are likely to command and be reposed for effort and inclined to speak or push desires. their mind be good as it can evade, but their spirit be probably kitsunic with an idea to give gifts, to not be noticed or distraught when they do things. It defeats by looks and crooks if it senses a bad method that was absorbed, it then turns the body of anything into a beast of immense size. The wings of a pegasus, and uses the head of a human with the beak of a duck, and the bottom half be horrendous as its often of the people or things it "eats" It stands 100 (impossible?) feet spiritually for it knows to hide itself, so the amount of energy nearby details how much it takes to change and gives it away. The physical body be impossible detail as its hard to see and remember for it blurs everything including menory or memory. But its not quite possible to imagine as its 6' to 7'8" tall, since it read everything like from people it likes, it comes up with important facts. This creature cries out if it loses the attention of the person it talks to, acting a child or babe as it grows in the person like a offspring. The child stage disallows any to get their way for longer than 5 minutes unless it lost, or its attention goes elsewhere where it kills the victim nearest and this thing has no regard to weapons as it jumps mentally into the attacker, to escape or by Pliny "it claims a host by jumping and claiming the victim after it be about to die by diving in and derives a perfect reason for the person to live after a proposed disturbance, making a new host like a regarded host aka personal symbiant." To tell it what you want thought to do makes the mazea do so, what be printed be almost done when no one looks. This dinosaur dragon be controlling if it can get away with it, and sabotages to cause work and to get better. If work gets better then it gets illiterate, it then assaults mindlessly. Those it touches turns to rotting flesh corpse that shamble around, and attempt to do as they are consoled by command or was their normal routine. Basically this dinosaur dragon can be as big as it wants and whatever shape it wants by sure need of survival or it thinks of survival and it can change, where it renders the possessed person immorally good and causes terror on crooks that can do bad things or it turns terror by its ear. By far this be a strange beast and its victims truly wouldn't want to live except for the effect it has. Its shapes are varied, human, roach and strange beetle. The other forms do not match what it would look like in dinosaur dragon form, the dragon 3 times the size, with brown and red scales for the domestic and wild or angry state, the dinosaur dragon be purple scales and tyrannasaurus natured, but its formless in truth. Due note: the dinosaurs are dead except for this beast that didn't get noted because of its hidden nature. Thanks to Pliny and his examples. To form something off these examples be bias until you see the real thing. For hopes of regarding one, use the dragon call and attach this name "pterragorre" or "pterrasaurus" it should be able to come if it exists in your area. but nothing can defeat it as its without regard the best described but worst to be around creature. If you suspect it then you might rouse it to absorb you and take your dead body like the borgs of star trek. These creatures aren't out to get you but to get things for themselves and what they take they create a conscious if possible, considered a safe horcruix. So stand near one as I did and it might speak, once denied it will stroke you until you give in by the myriad seas of Abberracia to get through its underground chambers. Its the same with its myriad wills and as big, the momentary thought to be eaten if its denied be always there. At least it can form into once what it was before the ice age took the rest of these myriad of strange creatures. Some of them were man eaters and most of the rest are stranger. Due note, from the creatures it can remember or remake it be possible to form into. truoi = three headed bird, bird dog the dogue is the daughter of Troi the creator and being that made troy and made the 3-headed dog cerberus, as the three headed bird was created by the point of energy fusion that created by Troi created the true form by use in energy. This is by the taking of a bird and causing it to mutate to create the shape. truu = true human, golden ones, absolute energy being that can be anything and has no true form except that thought up. They in true form speak star speech of true musical harmony and live in clans. They are thought to be the originators along with several other clans to settle earth and disputes. When the race called the golden ones, or human as they considered themselves, ruled a colony on the moon. What the golden people looked like, in myth was 4 fingered and two opposable thumbs for the hands and feet. Golden skin that was beautiful to behold. 5 feet to 6 feet 5 inches tall. their weight could be anything they wanted to be. Very good fighters and raw energy, or chaos manipulators. Finally, they were expert biologists and biotechnologists. They made biotech devices and biogases. They are an immortal race, considered a master race. They lived in space and they could breathe space by making air. treant = treeman which looks till it dislikes a person like a tree then it uproots itself to become an animated walking tree tri-kreen = insectoid humanoid worker that is not seeing your form if not necessary. triglotrops = rhinosauras with spinning horns, think and you become a stinkbeetle by the effect with cancellation of what you don't want isn't. triton = merman troleta = spirit troll, regenerative being that can turn into real form, remain spirit form. This is caused by the stomach demon stinkbag, forgive nothing that The reason behind this is is eergy and investigation that you do to uncover the true lie that reason is the body and don't notice you create as you feed it and it allows to remain alive as a bit intwisted. As a sacrifice to it is food bitsin the trash or not and stop. As the person dies he or she dies alone and does nothing until the creator, makes what you do except what is expected as the effected is an energy that is what source thought is energy your use. troo = trolloc no use or orc "fail", energy twisted tusked boar human that stands on two feet able to speak clearly and has very coarse hair along human torso, yet they are progressive by prophecy and blood frenzy by best intention. Normal by human standards with the altered form a mildly curious with a study habit. murtl = murtle, turtle vyaqia = white shark vyhau = valheru, overlord, elven lord, high planar being vyhauhum = valheru human, high planar human being that has instant magic at command and is natural shapeshifter. Born into the world but can reform at will and what they choose, they call a natural shape. The true form be what their born with. vygreaqia = great white shark vyhau = valheru, overlord, elven lord, high planar being volkh = shape shiftin guardian vamp = vap, vampire, drain, Vampires are an immortal human race created by Morrigan the despised who was the first and now be an archon, or vampire elder who allowed no prey to escape. They are led by their desires of blood into destructive but deadly acts. They have no conscious except for the fact of social conduct guiding them for they are born out of an act of death. This death happens like this: A young woman be killed violently and improperly buried by a priest and when the death occurs, the burial be on a full moon you think to serve your needs as you think to the moon or moonless night. 1 full moon later, the corpse arises out of the grave in perfect condition as a vampire. This example came from the 1700's. Their abilities are to not be affected by sunlight so the stronger a vampire, the less effected the vampire be by the sun. A very strong vampire can look directly at the sun and the vampire will only see red haze flashes if glancing at it and the dawning of a sun can kill them. They can very easily fly because they have such direct focus of thought. Unhingable jaws are very much apart of the vampire that allows them to bite the neck and unnatural strength comes from the lifeblood of animwals, humans and any other thing that has blood including rare steaks, yet blood be not the only thing they drain as food and drink be also possible for them for tiding them over. They can teleport by will alone at least once a day but the stronger vampires can do it more often, because of their focus of will lending strength. They also have the ability to become very fast and approximately in a blink of an eye they can do ten to twenty things, if they focus their mind on it at once. The minds of vampires are part of a universal conscious that Vertical beams of light transcends time itself and imagined stiffness worked out there acts like a beehive conscious that can be with separate and equal will. They can port by will alone at least once a day but the stronger vampires can do it more often, because of their focus of will lending strength. They also have the ability to become very fast and approximately in a blink of an eye they can do a hundred to doing more things, if they focus their mind on it at once. The minds of vampires are part of a universal conscious that transcends time itself and acts like a beehive conscious that be with separate and equal in will. When you realize that your dreams are unique. No other individual can have your personal background, your emotions, or your experiences. Thus, your own dreams can only be connected to your own "reality". With this in mind, the vampire dream can make or create the opposite effect on character when realized as it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences when interpreting a dream. vampyl = wild vampire will kill all prey in site with no moral regard vampyr = vampyrbat, vampbat, vampire bat, vampire bait vampsu = star vampire, sunlight vampire that sunlight regenerates vena = mystic bird of unknown origin that be silver and blue strikes beauty into people and causes people to be more beautiful. venal = Angry bird thats anal and very brightly feathered, or darkly fethered. wea = with each other, weevil, wedge shape bread eater bug wit = writ, witten (control till wits end), wight, undead being that sucks the soul on a touch with paralyzation, with it is an idea but that can be controlled by spell or vampires. Otherwise: wit = writ, magical writ (usually written idea with blood energy from blood drops to create the effect of the words), written idea or effect by thinking about the point, so sometime if you are stating a word or two of the idea this works as well from the power of words and this is using suggestion in idea with the subconscious mind. wom = womb, worm wydog = flying winged dog, dog with wings that look like wingstumps, this helps them glide. wovai = Wolverine, some think this another name for wolves who, in truth could be right as they could be before the ice age. As these came before time iced over, they were the wild creatures that seemed like dogs, and formed the 1st wolf beyond the ice age by mating with coyote. In they ripped people to pieces, along with other animals, and ate them, despite their size. As they were 1/4 the size of wolves, yet were very apt to aggression. they were able to sense peoples, as thoughts in a primitive telepathy, that lead them to always know, what the person would do before they acted. Yet, almost none survived the ice age and they had black fur with silver streaks, Wolverines were very protective, of their cubs, along with the mates, making them even more fierce. wras = wrestling, an indian spirit essence unseen except when it wants to frighten by the form which scares you then it appears as a ghastly apparition with draining attack of mind causing insanity and otherwise unseen activity to correct with what is wrong weoytoe = winged human head tortoise who should be given respect, it mentally torments you or who you want when summoned. wyotle = winged turtle wyoyle = winged human head turtle wyvygreaqia = winged great white shark, or as if alternate shapeing methods were not in used in which can seen cause shape as if you to wing motions in some way and not always with the arms xern = high strung deer mule xill = elephant like rat with short snout and no tusks that be aggressive, wild horse xhup = extra ring, rapture hawk headed horse with eagle wings zeb = zebra, striped horse ziz = appetize, large roc proctector of other birds, appetite zackal = centra, eternal one, wielder zakal = jackal, werewolf zakmatahum = Void material human are with physical needs and goals but be empowered by physical magic. Experienced by physical and spiritual laws. Astrophysical idea is what guides them with the learned laws, by observance that sometimes create a fear to goad by. They can exist off nothing and live with their own rules consisting of moments learned as in imagination and silent emotion. Except their imagination is not imagination except real moments that happen to link to them with or through association. Mainly consisting of real time events to coincide, though a greater idea be necessary. zomb = zombie user, past slave, Living undead creature that be human but no soul and acts slavelike to the soul holder and after a time the body decays but remains alive. zombi = zombier, enslaver zombier = voodoo priest/ess, enslaver that creates zombies living off the zombies will and lifeforce, by holding the soul through use of zombie drug. zeva = zombie vampire, Vampire who be in undeath and hasn't made the full vampiric conversion thus has repulsive scent, almost rotted body, can't digest food without uncontrolled swell and can be mistaken for living undead as they have no soul. One thing, they can regain their soul, and make for better after. -XVIII- Human endocrine and body system ariy = adrenal, body control gland iduri = endocrin, body gland system orys = ovarie, estrogen gland, woman sex organ udofi = eudorphin, european dope addict, overdose drug recreation, natural body drug effect that comes from the overdose of drugs and causes the body to recreate the feel good effect of the drugs. Eudorphins last a long time. dmt = pil, empty, thought that can correct or this makes blood flow and this created pinneal hormone activity to create a boost or feel phenomenon by the pinneal gland, this hypothalamus gland helps psychic ability and melotonin hormone effects. miraneuae = miraneurons, The body mirrorring neurons, that exist to allow the understanding of things that you see that are done. paoty = petuitary, fat gene that causes body slimness sometimes with wine (lesvinpaoty) and mostly with enough activity picres = pancreas, sugar food processing gland pory = scent gland, stink gland pyity = piteitary, attack body pain center, pain nerve gland pyoty = pituitary, master gland pyry = pitoitary, funny bone, good humour gland prayad = parathyroid, calcium gland tete = testes, testosterone gland, male sex organ tyad = thyroid, growth hormone, metabolism gland -XIX- Curatives or area feel diseases There is no illness or ailments in an energy body, so to become an energy form again think the creator sends you energy from his realm to cause your body transformation into one. You transform, if you think you do. Otherwise you could get a condition, that is set upon you by feel. See only if reborn as a physical body can you contract one, that's if you needed one, other than that is a psychosis or condition set by the mind. So a magical way to get one is think of the condition and draw a symbol or trace it in the air. Then you have one as a point exists the condition from nothing. Of course, you can use a symbol to cure the condition or remove the point, that it exists is amazing after that and the condition never comes back, if that was your intention. The condition dissipates into energy by what is done. Magic exists because you intend something, this is where you think or state the result and need the point. The creator can be used to cure things, sometimes if you use the leylines you can cause the curation of anything. So the subconscious does what you state and intend, think of what you want and state the result. So think of what is wrong and state or mention fixed and the subconscious causes the leylines to fix things. See to think of the point you don't like. Think the creator makes the effect, using the leylines. He or she can make anything happen that you intend. This can use the spirit. Think and need something that the spirit will do and the spirit creates the desired result. See prayer to your God or gods will cure the disease and illness that exists, as the illness energy disippates away and this creates what you think. Think about what you want, then you know what happens by feel. Some spells to use: AS-SA-LAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can heal the sick Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner peace AL-GA-FOOR - BENEFIT: If you are sick and have a headache, this name will help you Personal power you will gain: You will have power to heal yourself Yes there are other ways with the spirit. The spirit can also be used to cure anything, think your cured and that your spirit self does the correct idea to cure the point or condition. Then you halt the condition and your cured of the disease or illness condition by feel. This is including lupus or some other disease. This is usually the spirit feel. So think about what you need and you can get the point you want, that's as though a need were granted like a wish. This is where you think you had it and the disease went into submission caused by the spirit. That means the condition is done and you are well again. So there is always the option to cure yourself in other ways, or that is done by using another means. This means you decide, so think and you know what is what and how you can create your idea. If you think it's done, then it's done unless otherwise thought and noticed. If you think to cure something, then this is simple to set a curative result. This uses any source or method that works, yet creation is interest to see or use to cure by theory is blood circulation, this is done with the diseases that are curable by using some medicine or a suggestion, that's an unn (un) or oki de unn in front of the name like unnaids (un-aid-s), an n after the word, creates the same cancellation effect like asmn (asm-n) or asmh (as-m-h), though if it doesn't work then try other methods, like curuek (cure-weak) that cures the blemish plague. curisua (cure-isuance) cures insomnia and dementia. Add reparo after the disease or think of yourself and state 'reparo', this can be used to cause the disease to disappate and the body does ther epair by itself, like ilp-reparo you did (ilp-repairo) self-repair disease. The general disease cure is unnilp diseased (un-ilp), ilpn is ill opinion (ilpn) or curilp (cure-ilp). So "uhn kk" pronounced [un k-k] or "so ah uhn kk" pronounced [so ah unn k-k] will work as well. This is a spell phrase by feel, that you use and you get a hung moment with spirit that is not really you, that cures you of anything wrong forever. Think of the condition to cure or let the spirit cure the body, and this is done by thinking "ah kk" for pain cure or "uhn kk" for removal of conditions set by sigil and if you want to do this then stating the phrase for effect. This instructs the spirit to cure the body, and that is using the spirit level of the body. My condition is a point and that is all it is, sometimes you can set the point as a condition. So if you really want to know, then you set it by sigil or symbol empowered by thought and made by the spirit. Another option is the suggestion and the use of the power of words. Think you can cure the problem and then state the right suggestion. The subconscious will cure what ill you have. The other thing is using h after the main disease name. Sorta like disease+h or onzonzh pronounced (on-z-on-z-h) where that has a softer sounding end z for the silent h. This is meaning not body disease and stating the idea is with thinking of the point it formed. The act of doing this causes a timed effect of then you modified the idea and get the results now. If you can't cure it by yourself or going to a doctor, then the disease will have been progressed too far, like chronic pain in the hands. The area is cleaner or feeling is focus to create or feel. You see add "you did or things is did" to stop a thing you dislike or you can think but I didn't see myself by area care or you can not care to be there see to think time to see time to repair by use. This is the subconscious cure. The thing you mention, if you don't need it or the thing mentioned, disappears by feel. This especially happens, if you suggest to yourself, "What I don't need or want doesn't happen and disappears on a mention." The subconscious knows because its a universal mindset. That's linked to others and working with the z-flux energy informaion field. This is using an effect by idea. If anything else happens, then you wanted it for some reason. So this is solved by "thine" being stated, that causes the speaker or cause to effect themselves and not you. So its good, this doesn't mean it effects you unless you want it or things to effect you. So for anytime you don't like something is the fix. Then is the point this fixes any situation, think the moment happens in the reverse world where the time flows backwards. Then have your third eye watch the moment, the point should disappear by feel and you aren't effected at all by it. This happens without any stress put on yourself. What occurs with this, the event seems to happen going forward yet goes backwards instead. So it basically undoes itself. This is a noted effect. The point you may notice, however short, is a shortened version of the event. This is also known as the alternate cure to exposed diseases. Think the disease progresses backwards, then you may notice it in regression and disappearing altogether. Otherwise think the effect is dispelled by what you type, then type as fast as you can to not be effected of the idea you dislike. Then if you must, pray or state to the creator, what you need and that happens instead. This is an old cure that is with a new facelift, so to speak. Enjoy the results as they happen if you really want something to feel good about. So the real movement cure then is envolved to walk or move about, this works by the nitrogen and oxygen restoring you with maybe sunlight for vitamin-D and then you cure yourself with 10 to 30 minutes activity. Envolvement is the moment you do activity then causing your blood to pump your heart faster, this cures yourself by what you do with ntrogen and oxygen. This is is different from going outside, yet can be going and doing outside activities. If you do, the cure to your body is the body changing as you do the activity. Then you create by the feel and things seem better to perspective view. This is an old cure and you create by the feel to make the most effective means possible. That is barring hazardous activity, such as getting radiation sickness and making the body work with poisons. So enjoy yourself, this is an example of an idea for a natural cure. That cure came from the past life as an atleantian 11000 years ago. This nazi cure created a point that is wellness, where other points of it is dissipated energy by which ill is disappearing. That's from the spirit causing the dissipation. Well its very simple to cause an event, as it is to heal someone, and its to focus your mind on the thought you want to do. As per say, to clear the chakra. Then let your subconscious do the deed for you as you say 'done' or 'removed' or some phrase like that that means what you want to do. Then the subconscious will do the rest of the work for you. This can make you feel better if it works or even attempts to work. The word you choose is important as it is that of what the subconscious chose, at the moment you wanted something and it reflects the intention you would want. That is creative as this makes things associated seem to occur. Sometimes its effect is to cause an openness that stays with you, see or feel if healing weight is with nothing so this is not there. But I noticed meditation gives you a temporary lifting of conditions. Then if you see you will need surgery or medicine. So try adding an x or suggesting to yourself, this is done by statement or thinking the idea that the disease cures itself, this is for extra as if in unncewnaox(unn-sew-nah-love-x) for tooth regeneration. For a chemical cure there be that which keeps you unfearful, regenerative, awake, nerves alight, and recovering with the spell form of thinking on the body effect. How its achieved is where you think that this does work, that is done by drawing a picture or state onhkagfecu (onh-krag-feet-cup). You can think to erase the disease and use lea (lee-ahn) to do this, otherwise use the disease name after you think it cures itself. If you need to use a particle, then the lepton is a subparticle of time in reversal or negative darkmatter energy moment. This is thought in use. This is used to erase the disease and then sutra (suht-rah) and the disease name is used for the healing particle created by meditation. Now remember, its one drug a day to remain unaddicted unless proscribed by doctor. This uses symptoms or saptue so look for the symptom (saptu) to match the idea. So think about this as though an idea or thought experiment, that the subconscious does using the aura energy and the third eye that creates it. Activate your third eye by thinking that its active through thought, that causes blood to flow into the pinneal gland and generated in the area by imagining it where you want it. So you can think to do what you need to do and you can get what you need. This means you can direct this by the focused upon thought. Think what you want by what you need, you can create what you think about. If you think about something long enough, then you can create the point of the thought. This is a known effect. This works anyway you do the idea, think or suggest you have had the right minerals and vitamins. See then you can cause the body to cure itself as though a point exists where you get them from nothing, this is with a drink or eating something with turmeric and oregano or basil. Turmeric cures the brain as long as you use it, oregano or (lemon) basil cures the body sometimes. That is a temporary cure at best, though the thought exists from energy what you need. This is where you are able to do things and capable to cope with the situation and manage your disease, what you think or say can happen if you need the idea to occur. A disease cure or focus point shield (if you need one) is where you think not to be effected, this is effects by the disease and you aren't effected. This works anyway you do the idea, think or suggest you have had the right minerals and vitamins. See then you can cause the body to cure itself from nothing, this is with a drink or eating something with turmeric and oregano or basil. Turmeric cures the brain as long as you use things, oregano or (lemon) basil cures the body sometimes. That is a momentary cure at best, though the thought exists from energy what you need. This is where you are able to do things and capable to cope with the situation and manage your disease, what you think or say can happen if you need the idea to occur. So put your thoughts in order, then your mind and body can manage things better. Otherwise you can always eat a snack, this cures the body with a cure that lasts a few hours by what you think to do. If you think to exercise off the snack by a heightened heart pacing by thinking the heart paces faster or walking around, then you maybe won't gain any weight. See when you notice the activity is being done. How to lose weight is with this idea. [http://spellhawk.great-site.net/how_to_lose_weight.htm] If you lack energy from not eating things, then you could try Cu or copper that if mixed with water and drank will produce at most a 12-hour energy burst. Add salt to the mix and you add a cure with sodium nitrate from bacon, beef jerky, ham, hot dogs, lunch meat, salami, and smoked fish. This is a point to try if you feel like it. If you want to cure the body, then use Vitamin-C in enough dosage or feel free to use Copper sulfate (CuSO4) or Copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2x3Cu(OH)2) with water and drink it. Get the copper powder and Copper sulfate or Copper Nitrate powder from the Ebay.com, Amazon.com or try producing it from the blood that pulls the chemicals from etherspace. If you do try producing it, all you need to do is state Mai Cu pronounced (May-ih Cuhn) for Copper, Mai Cusoquad pronounced (Coo-sohn-que-ad) for Copper sulfate and Mai cunotriteu pronounced (may-in coo-no-trink-tee-uh) for Copper nitrate. If nothing happens, then you can always buy it. Then the effect is where your aware of the body as its with a warmer feel. The effect is done, that is going to be through a point to exercise in a cooler area by feel with your perception. That is unless you can stand the area temperature, then you can know that you can continue exercising until you don't feel like exercise. So exercise the point and you are assured that you can remain cured. This cure also works, use the suggestion to make the subconscious do things of what you need as if another person and I am not that person, the virus is what effects someone else and not yourself. The cure is used as a point, this is where you suggest the right things and your subconscious creates that idea as a result. Similar to taking in vitamin-c or grape juice, this is a point in effect. However, if you wanted to get a disease, then think about the disease and if you think long enough you will contract the disease by feel.So think you don't have it, then you won't have gotten a disease you don't already have. Here is a curative to hard hitting diseases, if you take this when you think you need it, you will recover by feel. The cure this time is apple cider vinegar mixed with baking soda, allowed to dissolve and mix with water, oregano, stevia or sugar and turmeric. if you think you have covid-19 or the cold, then this cure will work for a few days and its taken when you feel the symptoms come upon you. this is a suppressant to a cold I had that works, use it if you need it. Think you will not have the disease and the disease passes from the body, but you might suffer from the symptoms. So think there is no shown symptoms and you can create a cool facade, this uses the power of thoughts. Sometimes thinking is a point and the idea you have is intention. The energy of the body and the area will do what you intend. If its a bad effect or ill effect, then if you don't get an effect your okay. This is a point in effect. Here is a list of possible illnesses and cures, so enjoy what you have as good health and hope you don't have the illness. If all else fails, thinking you can get the right medications then tells the subconscious mind to have you get the medicine. This is a known effect. 1111 = onzonz, body disease aids = many drug immunity degeneration disease, slow aid ade = nausea; this is where you are with a feeling of not wanting to do things, otherwise you feel bad without symptoms and you only need to wait and the nausea or feeling bad disappears. abruptik = hesitancy till utmost death. byrmasak or aspirin effect sold at the pharmaceutical cures it. Addie = Fatty, similiar to bonanzi addie or fanati addie, the addie is the case where you gain fat from bodies sharing the process that the body goes through by spirit with others. So this is done as they eat and as you eat. Its caused by demon, which causes your body to be extra sensitive. Thus, as you eat you gain from the fat and lose from the grain and possible sugar or sugar substitute and vice versa. Sugar additives, in this case adds no fat and lessens the weight, if you exercise it off. So unless you exercise with sugar or some food or drink in you, your possibly doomed to failure from fatigue. Its basically you wanting to get rid of fat set by demon, that is used in a genetic idea of the demons essence, where for spirit interference is done by influence. This builds up mucous and fatty tissue. That creates excess. Now theres several cures for this, one kill a bug to cure the person or think to send the excess body weight to a squirrel as you do things. Now for the bug, that is your weight effected with weight loss. Done by what you kill as you kill the roach or a bug, otherwise use an object that can absorb the auratic fat by think touch or touching it. This is done as you might think of it. I think as its free flowing energy by blood flow then that works, but only after 60 to 80 seconds to minutes. It could reciprocate, in reciprocation theres participant process location. Another way to cure it is to imagine energy swirling into nothing, or the cells and pushing out the fat. Then to stick out a bit and prevent the fat from remerging. Another way of curing it is to share your fat through spirit, and though you do there's thought that you actually send it. That is sent to someplace else, which is this person or object that collects it by spirit bond. This works as spiritual liposuction. So in that case an idea is a point, you don't do then the use is done as a thought. So in an idea use is a thought by feel. Another way, do some action thats physical or otherwise, of exercise to remove the extra weight and this is the hard way. If the fat is shared from another, its donned or done by spirit. If you use the absorbption of an object, so it absorbs your fat, then shield yourself to keep the reciprocal from occurring. This is done by the act of thinking the influence of the item or thing doesn't cause you gain it back. That's done as you either do things or don't do things. If you don't, then you put off the moment it could create what you think. This energy is what creates by your feeling things and makes with your thought what you need by feel that doesn't occur normally. This is yet another way to deal with it, so if you think of one then feel free to leave a comment or make a suggestion. This is to yanno_aol@aol.com. adrudop = anti-drug drug, Cu2KNOO3Na2Al = 2p copper (Cu) + Potassium nitrate + 2p Sodium or Baking soda + Aluminum and to use mix with drink, the stronger the more water; side effects are this if taken too much in potency could cause heart attack. And, could in weight cause you to in abrupt drop things, with numb fingers or numb body area that can make you feel good or not as an ill person will be cured, as this is to make you seem good but you really aren't. Ah-kk = Neura; neural or nerve disorder, that leads to drastic loss of weight quickly done unless treatment is done. When you have this you know it as a good syrupy feel. This fades away though if the pain is still there unless dissipated into energy, then you can feel ecstatic pain. In this condition, eating is naturally lessened. Use oregano and turmeric to cure it as though mixed with water with the need that you have to cure it. Amenic = unthoughtful of disease but it is a separate world of the mind revealed by disease by thought seal. Think to unseal the body world by thought idea, then touch the body and that is used in method. Any action in this world causes you to go to say Amen or holy shit to it. This is done in use by idea you do.c Ameinic = This is done to be as though its the thought of voice. Cause in case you didn't know this is done in a cause as though its gone. Caused by flea bite. This is used to be what you need as though vicious and to response try and be wrecked but not of the same type as of the somatype. As of me its to me as an idea. Ameiennic = kiennic, Someone who could be damaged by brainwaves and kinetic motion, that's using thought energy sent forth to damage people is what is done by this point. It could be used in there by a strong state of mind that is sometimes used to set them off in a of vision. Any drug brings a good daydream of what you want to achieve. Amunic = This is where things exist by feel to the person and is where its as thought, if unnecessary to un become the thing, and that makes you immune to nearly everything. Including drugs in itself. This is found in ameinic and ameunic cases where they often don't know of the diseases, so to start them thinking on this is use of the type of reaction that ceases the immunity as its caused by belief with a nontypical overreaction. Its the type of reaction thing that comes back to you no matter the point. As its thought related. Think and its the idea that might scare you, but it sometimes is the thought that can come back and bite you like a bug. Its one that is infected, but its that one that shares itself by memory alone and forlorn. If that one is used to make them believe, then that means if its not of them that makes them believe. That allows things where its also their disease, then they could get it by infliction. Self or otherwise it also is of what is used to condemn. A am eun. anamic = So to just name something of use with an idea, that is done to just log down things. Anaemic, it will occur in some manner just a spoken bit of speach it still might occur. With the unformation of the idea as follows. Its so called name, means amaenic or making use of hope as its verbally spoken in jerusalem. The idea is to fail once and thats it for it. It could then be amaern or congruitized by steel effects, and the idea radius of effect is tripled that you think to exist by the spirit. The effect could then bring death energy or disaster on the person after the point. This idea is spread by word of mouth, this can be done so if inflicted upon send the person with the disease. Seen to another place once thought about twice there. One time spoken to bring thought about something and twice spoken to bring you to where the idea came about. This is a point your in with it. Think to become of it and know it better. If inflicted upon, this is used by the person. Then you get it. In an exonerated mood, you can be cruel by this. In an emotional mood, then you could inflict damage by yelling or named calling. anemic = anemia, a thinness of the body with blood issues, that's due to bones being slightly less productive to blood vessels. This is due to calcium loss and flea bites that cause blood loss. aniemic = animic that is the probable and possible world that relates to object. Its like you are bitten by a flea, and you are the world. But a real small one, as in a world of the mind or dreams that seems worldwide. This disease blocks out anemia, a thinness of the blood due to bones being diseased and that is due to calcium loss and tick or flea bites. Anemic is not like animic though, as anemia doesn't spread except by fleas. Animia spreads by magic and the thought of whatever is in your animic world. The cure is to build up calcium, use milk and calciumcized drinks, and keep up energy by thought. This came to me while I sprayed my whole body with hairspray. However in the animic world all diseases are cured. The advanced version of animic is aminic, the aminic body is diseased and has a body odor that's obvious. This is done by the body to deny in a market, that you pay and in the aminic world its to get things free. This causes you to go beserk and to throw things like crazy. That is sometimes done by a childlike spirit mind, so thinking to do something causes itself to do it there. The thought of being cured, cures you even as you come up with a cure. But leaves you like scared, that's of almost everything of some type. Its thought of use by many to see and be active on thought on memory. So I think to overcome this flealike force is work with the point to feel energy build, and then the idea you will want will occur. This is your stuff that's included with a small disjunction. Depending on the amount done, no this is where you could be apart of a major disjunction. So you don't be effected by spells. Anumic = to be abit like the atomic idea, to be your like and know of the cause before the cure. Its subjective by cause in voice and in identified cause the person sometimes is to demurr by denial in excessive use. So think to be a point as though use in thought is done by an assumed person in body form but like in mind. A numb lock can freely force you to go beserk, a numb emotion can cause an escape feeling. A thought thats exciting can cause excitism of excessive idea. A point is this with what is what though this is use in the world. Numbing sets it off. The point in idea is a set action. Just as actions are set theres also a thought that represents it. Anomic = This is atomic stupidity, just as things are to be as though its a gift. So I think to know is to be aware by this disease, seen as a forceful individual who is gnomelike and who is of knowledge. An effect of it, that is done to cure it and force down the idea by your own belief. There is just no long term cure. Except relaxents and invega or something like drugs. The alternative cure is used to be denied but this only makes you bullish. Oie bellish. Anymic = This is done to go wild and beserk as though in a single fleabite or tick, this simple disease can make you go like throwing things and attempt to do what is done of wildness. Albeit in a controlled sickness in wildness or normal in the wilderness, the disease can spread on infliction like wildfire. This is done on wildness spread on force. That is caused by the excess stress and with the fleabite or tickbite. Some are immune except those who are with poor immunity systems. andropms = Male pms; Every 3 days the male gets aggressive and heavy during a certain cycle. You know how girls get all bitchy and catty. It's like that. Except with a guy. As its a) the male form b) the effect of no sex c) goes along with the pms cycle except its mood swings that are moon active d) a male sometimes can going through puberty and get it e) he is too feminine for his own good As its an of amazing form of anomalous menstrum sickness. As menstrum as in men who strum their parts. So every 3 days we produce more sperm, get a form of a 'period', and the chemical imbalance makes us have kinda like male pms. Midol? Pamprine, could treat it. Arbtury = The idea is expressed, by someone, of open honest effort. Then the effort seems to be effected, by the person effected. but the disease causes the person, to almost never agree. If they do, its a trigger for an arbitrary motion, that's powered by an action done and by the expressive person. It seems, tolerance can drop, or go sky high. But, the arbitrary motion is to make a freehand hex or maybe drop something. This is done to drop something and debilitate. So the cure is to make mention, that is done of use for an idea and not to be expressive of the details, this negates the trigger. Unless the person is usually in the advanced stages of it. Where the expression, of anything, will get a triggered reaction. Then just deny the person, that is done by your presence. Or do good, that is done for the effected, and the effected will effect with an idea hex that be good for you. This can be permenantly cured by devising, that is using an original idea in hex or sigil form. Writing down the sigil, will negate the disease too. asm = asma, asthma, magical like lung disease brought about by smoking, lung defect and orgasm. Astheima = Asthma or lung disease or more colorfully known as chest disease and rattles and creates skipping or shaking as you do things by magic. agilp = a'gih'ilp, rapid aging disease that rapidly ages a person from youth agulp = gulping disease, it causes the person afflicted to be afflicted and made to gulp nearly anything nearby. Cured by energy dosage from a drink. Energy dosage is charged water. EosyncEdef = Blaming Edefense, Electricity effected result from the brain. Which causes a person to blame another, that they don't even think on doing the blame to. This is triggered by the effect of being near too much electricity. When the brain slips into the pattern of blame, the person does it unnoticeably. This can seem to cause frustration. Or appear to be released frustration. Fixing it is to numb the body, then make it so the brain is desensitized. Mainly stay away from electricity by walking or exercising outside for long periods of time. Thus, the air cures it when you reach outside the building. There are many ways to desensitized the brain.. mainly drinking charged water works best as it puts your energy back in. And the higher the body energy, the more numb and desensitized it is. ezcs = eces, Energy Congestion where energy gets backed up in the skull, and it gives headaches. Uncurable by herbs. emfasima = osteoporosis, weak bone disease, depression to thank me and it not disperses in no life I live uuek = blemish plague that causes corruption and weakness by not blapomey ilpag = ilpyou, youth disease that causes people to stop aging permenant near twenty years to 322 or more days as years in perception. ilpaga = ilpyoua, unaging disease curable by a reverse spell or reverse stone to remove wat it causes. ilp = plague, drain, shrivel, corrupt, disease, not person(al), that causes dipped personal idea like donuts indelib-c = aptec, Into seen deliberateness disease, a disease that makes people think to go into product and idea, by deliberate motion, basically to go into deliberately, the thing. Mostly, on the idea that your an item and your mind places you, in some part, onto the surface. As in, you think your the pot and the stove is on, so you place your hand into the hot stove. Or, you think your the table and then you hold a vial of chemical, then you pour it on your head. And similar, is the you can become dumb, thinking your the product to be cooked, so you put your hand in hot and sometime boiling water, thats in a pot on the stove, and et al not at once. The idea is done by wat you do, through the effect, of misplacing the object, in your mind and then your body can react, by making you the object, that is placed. So, the cure, is to handle it and try to understand where the object is, in real life, then place it back, in your mind, so it may seem to be there. Forcing yourself, to see the truth. Some face their fear, by forcing the body, to be prone. As, your prone, you stop moving. If, you felt the urge, to do the effect described, and your prone, blocked from the action, as in there's a guard or blockage. Then, you can make the actions possible, to do the effect, without thinking. insib-c = apiec, apiex, Its the opposite, of indelib-c, where you can think, that your not the object, or person, and do, to place it, in your mind to the effect, of making your hand or body part seem like the object, irl. To the same result, of placing your hand on things, or in things. This can go so far, as to make yourself think your not the sibling, of the person who is your brother. The insib-c condition, can be cured, by placing yourself, in your mind, into the situation. Then the object, which is like the idea, to thhink your there, and the idea object is to, and you see the object, in your mind, with you holding it. Or, you see yourself, with the brother, or sister, and think about why. Sometimes, it works, and sometimes it backfires. So, if your forcing yourself, to realize the truth of the matter, your mind corrects, for it. saptu = symptom, saptue: symptoms of something seeiom = This created is wellness other is dissipate by ill disappearing. Well its very simple to cause an event, as it is to heal someone, and its to focus your mind on the thought you want to do. As per say blessed, to clear the in chakra. Then let your subconscious do the deed for you as you say 'done' or 'removed' or some phrase like that that means what you want to do. Then the subconscious will do the rest of the work for you. This can make you feel better if it works or even attempts to work. The word you choose is important as it is that of what the subconscious chose at the moment you wanted something and it reflects the intention you would want, as it makes it occur. Sometimes its effect is to cause an openness that stays with you, see or feel if healing weight is not there. But I noticed meditation gives you a temporary lifting of conditions. isua = insomnia death, see sleep apnea sleepless disease and very bad spots or not focus by lack of blood to collapse till awake. Curative by cause to blood circulate by feeling the body is numb or after you respond. ilpetuit = Disturbing disease that makes people ill natured, gives idea to people to cause disturbance and to cause a impetuous nature of a fairy. The fairy nature turns the body into an object, or a fairy form of the spirit that assumes control of the resultant dead body. The cure be lemura plant or Silverleaf off a Agthorn (Silverthorn) plant + aloe vera. Caused by a fairy transform spell and some are immune that imflame not too easy except for reprimand. itis = te, condition, inflammation, infection, shapechanging disease that is like on a thought you can change. itos = to be in an ever fart or a debilitative fart. isunia = insunia, sunlight disease that makes a victim weaken in sunlight uausy = epilepsy, brain disfunction of electrical signals emanating from cerebral cortex causing painful shocks and near paralyzations. cepytul = carpaltunnel, carpaltundrel, Enlarged, inflamed, tendon ligaments, with narrow ligament, and bone nerve pinch, Symptoms are burning, tingling numbness in the fingers, especially the thumb and the index and middle fingers, to difficulty gripping or making a fist, to dropping things. Some cases are due to work-related cumulative, trauma of the wrist. Like over repeated repetitive movement, cured by flexing your hand, or hand stretches, every 35 minutes, will keep it away, diseases, conditions that predispose, to developing carpal tunnel syndrome include, pregnancy, diabetes, and obesity. cewnao = agreement, caynao, caydet, tooth rot, tooth decay, freeze body or use is a twist with a wrong worded sword covid = covid-19; this is where the cure is the virus that cures itself, People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. This illness is cured by use of turmeric, basil or oregano and water with stevia or sugar. Also use vitamin-c to keep it away.; ylofya = Yellow Fever that makes you Drowsy and makes you incapable of using magic thus use Mandrake Root dipped in alcohol and much rest, no spells cure it arsye = arsitis, ant, very big smelly oil disease if corrupted, often in the butt, lots or longetivity biu = vile pus boils plague, black plague caused by feeder fleas and ticks byoma = baphomet plague - power triggered plague infects on attack, touch, power share gives the person astral woman wings, womans breasts, astral forehead star, goatshape head, spell immunity, drug resistance, slight dementia, suggestability, regeneration and omnipotence and it be symbiotic to its host leaving only an undead scent to the body making it into that of a lich. bcusy = barcolepsy, uncontrollable statement outburst every five to ten minutes and with any action. bjuvo = magical plague that causes severe weakness and mental strength increase to unlock all possible mental abilities or feel. brykye = bronkitis, bronchitus, chronic lung disease or use. deboto = control disruption spell plague or comia use. Blood circulation seen is repairo. deoda = disorder that includes bad BO and claustic scent. disenteria = As you think about it. Its where the brain translates the language and breaks down to another language. Repairable by repairing the brain. dybes = Diebetes caused by too much sugar for long periods of time and the body stops producing it. dhea = diarrhea, body shits that come frequent, cured by wheat bread. dmita = Dementia be caused by suicide tendency and stress overload leading to lack of sleep, and the mind breaking into destructive visions after a mental breakdown. Because of inability to handle a situation, the victim turns to destructive purpose guided by suicide tendency turned to death tendency. the cure be to ingore the visions and voices by observing them to shut them out through meditation with sheer force of will and discipline. juh'jumbillia = to exercise and move and then fatten up. A spell that backfires can have the effect and any body part that works with the liver and upper bust in failures by bad heart rhythm can cause it as it seems to work by irritation. The cure be essential oil and possible faery water/holy water charged by the opposite of the disease as should all cases be adjusted to by this disease as any eating can cause gainage. To fix the heart and brain corrects as a work around and the persons not muddled most the time when thinking of short term memories. The condition of the brain be scherloshepane. laramitus = Beligeritus, Belitus, A beauty disease for male and female or disorder that causes a lara croft like, or similiar beauty form on even a male. They get mighty belidea of themselves or beligerance to form a hypochrisy of sorts and they prove it. Where people live it down or ignore the problem person as insane and if they talk on it their crazy and the crowd moves away from them. In the end the weight of at least 1 lb to 100 lbs increments per day. Visions of greatness that turn out true but dicredited by disbelief when it happens to them by the weight shift in full view. Where the disbeliever will not assault and the attacker would be the inflicted by laramitus. The cure be to eat half of whats on the plate with at least one meal a day rejected but not on a job where a mom might insist. During the process of weight if you feel like eating, just don't as it would add 1-10 lbs per bite in swell. Exercise immediately gets it, the swell, down but they the victim might suffer madness fits due to thought reading but Occlumancy changes this by causing a story like vision. Hyperglycoma be another version of this with lesser severity and almost no magic needed. Another cure be to use shock therapy or ballistics to snap a victim out of it. So to be required now causes the person to lose the temporarily insanity and get on in life. There be an obvious answer to this as its triggered by instant curiousity, and somewhat taken aback from another idea, as if viewed from others viewpoint as they are quite likely to do anything. This disease amplifies their magic and somewhat strengthens their psionics but they have a better chance. In this strengthening they have a 30% better chance to win for being strong minded, and taking suggestions easier from a weak will. Hyperdementia be a condition that indicates this along with low sugar and sometimes early stages with all signs of Diebetes. When the diebetes persists the belligerance level goes up unless alot of water be intaken. Insulin be a must for those with full blown Diebetes, The most tragic sign be heart weakness that doesnt go away and occurs with moments of magic and psi or use occlumency to strengthen it with bringing the weight down. hypdmita = Hyperdementia, hypermentalism of cause, Caused by realization of the dementia and a sudden idea with a shock of clarity. It comes without warning, a sudden madness that seems to be its own mind. This be the advanced stage of dementia. It leaves without warning, allowing the person to wonder why they did the actions. Unlike multiple scherosis, schitzophrenia or paranoid, this disease allows the person to know what they did, when they did it. the person only has to think of the action to cause it to occur. If its a disease that should be cured, it only has to be mentioned or somewhat not molested to make it happen. A person in this state be totally controllable by voice as if they don't think at all and yet still appears to think. This semi-mind be of the same moral of the person and integrated within the person. It can manifest powers greater than the body, repair on an instant, if theres a reason. Shock be the cure or reverse psychology and normal psychology. diseus = disease blazia = blaze'r'us, A disease thats set off from wild fire and caused by guilt, be loud speaking, and some burnout. A person in a condition that be not remembering and always with some problem. When forced they destroy the item or thing that allowed it, including a person and force the memory down. The cure be trixeldexime or baking soda, water and boiled potatoes, eat the potato after this to affect a cure as the baking soda can be exchanged with salt. Due note: Every time you feel lighting a candle or be near a lighting device of fire, try to imagine not lighting paper on fire or you might irritably be mean or light your whole house up. For fear it seems can cause a destructive force that impacts on the brain and causes brain damage by magical means or for you to deal with people ia loudly. This goes away after a week. Fanatiaddi = Fanati fatty, bananzi ad fatty, the fanati fatty will be fanatic driven by weight, over the little things and time. As they want to prove they're not fanati fatty they go without time and after a bit. Still does not cure the condition of the body. Whereas it as the the fanatic, they gain what you call substance weight. From eating anything, its effect is of what the cure temporarily is. The fanati fatty can in a sensuous moment gain the actual fat and mass as weight. Each time you get over hyperfatty nature in state, you forget about it as in a complete memory wipe yet you still remember everything else. Is in three stages, a this first stage is to perceive an the fanati fatty state. and decide not to be the fanati addy or fanatic. Go over everything, and try to see what is the cause. Its so to proceed to realize as to formalization. The special effect are what to go over and are of specific creatures that have to hide as objects or otherwise like rugbears, rugrats. they can effect the weight to go out of control by being near them and yes it is a specific case where the conscious limits the thoughts to one per thought or action. But the mind in question, as the true mind is subconscious and the subconscious can have more thoughts than one. Second stage of this cure, you do actions or self-made methods in an exploration to cancel out the hypo/hyperfat state. Which is a interesting idea state of fat and fact. Basically you can gain by waiting a piece of candy. Its not fat its ats as it drops itself, after a bit absorbing some other effect. So being the case some actions done, to remove the actual hyperfatty state is drink water which is russian charged with a thought. This thought is 'weight loss' to which mutual idea you drink the water with a charge. By thinking the thought at the drink and you drink it. Being the case, the third stage is a common bind of will that will come into actions without the frenzy by calming your mind with calm thoughts and counting to 10 backwards or forwards. Of the actual effect, as so many will we act to do something normal instead of something fanatical. And so, the cure is done. Now the facts are this cure, once you cure this actual effect of fanati fatty, it goes to the reversion of going to the fatty stage again. Instead of hyperfatty, to which are several ideas. There's the case of thinking or stating to a drink of water, 'make me lose quickly the extra weight I gained. Or, 'I will achieve excess fat loss of all my excess fat.' Then, drink it. Other things are to exercise it immediately off after drinking charged water. Think thoughts at the drink and drink it. This acts as an immediate excess fat loss if you excercise enough. Like, exercise (walk) for 30 minutes or walk around your area for 5 minutes. There is this special case of where you do something other world and body, otherplace, and distance such as liposuction, exercise, weight loss and making effect. It effects your body through a spiritual bond that makes you think its a twinning effect. Especially cold based, here it acts on your psyche. As though a psychic link, as yet its in sync and cyclically a psychic link. So being the case, we do as necessary as it can be called affluence. Or, a force acting on another to form it. As now, there is a case of someone saying incidentally the word eggistic. Meaning, some point in an alternative parellel body it turns puggistic and takes more fat into its self from the target it thinks of as like you and others. Keeping it from them, and yourself by eating along with you. The fat produced comes from and through a spiritual telepathic linking bond. You also don't gain, it does being the body. That spiritually shares to get. In a moment of resisting the fattyness or in being the deal of the pleasure. With sugar taken in, the person becomes enticed, then does things which are not always good. As in an effect of doing an act to cause good and not thinking about it all the time. fya = fever, disfunction miitus = A disease or mental condition and this is a real condition of the body where you think you might make right by might in everything. The more might the more the effect. And the more the people, the more might there is. The more the might, the more you might get or you cause it to fail. When it is in the truth of a single person they can do a job sometimes. Where a small amount of force can dojust as well as a mighty force within reason and applied right. The cure, to focus on the moment and realize all ya need is yourself to actually do the idea. And that ya don't need that much force within reason. Sometimes though, might does make right. giie = gingivitus, gum rot dracogiie = withdrawing gumrot, dragon of gumrot gysta = gallstones that grow in bladder gurd = Stomach acid reflux. This causes the throat to become narrower with throat scarring from stomach acid. The disease cure effect temporarily cures it. kaoyap = Polymorph plague which turned humans into other beings was gotten by mutation effects caused by uranium, and other toxic things being mined near a magic source, mana fount unknowing triggered the plague effects and the form the victim thought about was what they became. It was spread through through natural selection and touch letting itself pass to the new host as an electrical discharge. then it forced a lethargy on the victim to sleep such as a coma in which the change happened to the body and only after it was finished would the victim wake up sometimes frightened of themselves for the change that occurred. After this, the person only had to look at someone to become the form and there was no reprieve as the victim becomes a shapeshifter. This plague formed like such as faeries, trolls and orcs by this mutative plague. kigkega = ching changer; To ever constantly flip through a channel or cause an event with your concentration moving between one thought and another. This disease causes ya to flick the channel to something else, every 2 or 3 minutes until ya are interested in the thing ya see. Or, to flick a gun on or off in safety or similar idea that includes shooting randomly to see or notice an effect. This is caused by seeing things that are similar too often and wanting something different. As a bullet to the head is a bullet to the mind. The cure is actually unknown. kniada = nerve disorder, nervous disorder latray = lycanthropy, disease transmuted by touch, bite of werewolf creating lech = lecher, diseased person lukma = leukemia, blood disease may = will; disease, metal, contagion, courtship, money mannissa = mannilissa, melatonissium, man forming virus that changes women to male and spread through kiss or touch, increases focus and forms large dicks with the side effects of large muscles. With even more brains than normal, their brain tends to exapand inside their skull and each year the person recieves elevated intellect by mysticism and then the risk of brain hemmorrage appears worse every day and year. Yet the person can find themselves so dumb at moments of emotion that they act out, as if in a blonde fit. The mannilissa virus doesn't seem appparent at first as it can be very subtle and their be a 5% chance the dick won't grow. This can effect males too it seems by a hybrid virus, a strain of the mannissa. A male can control this by positive reinforcement and/or self reinforcement thats saddled with an inertia effect of resistant energy. Some women patients are likely to get similiar results because of resistance to change. The more their resistant the more they're likely to pass the disease off. Drinking water cures the disease quicker but passing it to women be to have sex. See this is by feel to work or create sobbing working or disruption by the way you think you are you are now. m-melissa = virulient, magical phantam kiss plague and spread virus that forms overly large bust on said person bringing the target to full lustful womanlikeness unless they are already woman and they only think of being woman. They are industrious and tend to shift form to the person on sight of a woman sometimes keeping the knowledge. the diseaes shifts on acceptance or dismissal by another. Its in ambiguous motion and nothing else that the diseaes shifts the form and disallows the emotional backlash. To halt the disease be on command to stop shifting or somesuch like other commands that accumulates to stop. In truth you can tell it what to see, do or not release unless necessary. mesle = An unnatural disease, measles, boils, facial pimple disease to cure use boiling water. Except they, the victimes have them all over the body. mups = mumps, mumpus, diseased jaw thats highly contagious. necrokao = nekrokhao, necrotic chaos, it comes from death energy and chaos energy effecting the body with a disease like a cold, this is a self-curing disease. Some notice the effect a lot, it causes extreme apathy, lust for violence, positive emotions become impossible, you can't say a positive thing, etc.. It finally effects and your aura cures the point and this can be shared as energy waves, that anything said that you think is a possible is intending a point where the positive is happened in reverse if positive for illness. Cured by using order magic or a thinking a positive thought and a stated unnecrokao. If you can't get a positive thought then get it from someone else. you gotta keep at it while channelling positive energy into the body. Think abou the idea to try focusing on positive effects with the energy to create more positive energy. An then channelling it into the body, and life magic if a positive thought is used with it works as well. If its cured, then theres left the cold like disease that you cure like a cold. Anyone that sees you try to cure it and has it might give it to you again. To cure the negative effect off the positive statement say this won't effect negatively. necrokon = necokeon, To feel like killing on sight or effect. To experience a flush an the idea of a deathlike feeling that lasts for days. Cured by positive emotion channeled through the body that has been channeled with energy that you feel emerge from the stomach. To think with it, 'lift the killing death feel conditiion'. To channel, focus your mind and feel the flow of energy nearby. Then think it the energy will flow to your will and think what influences that you want while you do so. This is channelling the energy. nekro = To motion and to be of macro as macros in an off chance or disease effect without realizing it. As though a disease, caused by repeating moments and death energy that effects you at some point. nero = madness, mad, a madness disease be a agreement gets an assault unless its a negative. neurosia = neurosis, over diagnosis, neurotia, oghleurtes, rdiation psychic disorder, nuerosis of mind that turns mental and gives a person a terminal case. A nuttiness of which occurs to cause a person all the symptons of mental disorder that gets worse with more indescribable moments and radiation. The person thinks that the world be against him or her, sadly the person be capable of killing the friendly person. Such be the unknown status of how they would but it assumed of too much radiation and a release of positive emotion thats a psycho cause. If not that then they're snappish and quickly angered till someone talks to them. They somehow mishear the words and explode or try to attack with words. If none near then they attack themselves. The cure be to effect disbelief and shake the attack off with a headshake or meditate, and hit a inanimate nonhuman physical object. nipiy = nipily, ninpanic, in panic attack, nitpicking generalized panic caused by panic due to nitpicking in on generalized idea, to cure it say something that isn't general and causes release of internal pressure. pofyria = porphyria, vampire like disease giving the victim all the symptoms of a vampire or dhampire. revabilp = reaver's bane, Much like a normal Fever, but it included Puke and makes you weak, so weak that you are incapable of moving. This even leads to death, suicidal tendency. Killer instinct.is observed in the victim. To releave themselves, somewhere in the universe they kill someone to get over it as it creates reavers if it subsides, which are insanity victims that nail those closely relating to a euphoria moment. riktus = Causes the body to shake and any attempt to do something for the effect gets worse from a brain tumor after, a day the person get headaches with disruptive visions. This disease be magical in nature and spreads by spilling blood to any in area leaving the person to chat along with, any thought or statement to them as a suggestion. If too much done it could lead to coma or unable to move and if they keep trying it disappears and/or the victims gets death visions that makes them, the victim, cry out for no appearant reason. Thus its almost incurable until using fairy water with cure diease imprinted on it with any language. PuaGlut = Powerglut, this is a natural effect of energy that passes through the body or the effect of energy usage. When magic is done, then you get the result of powerglut, as the energy can be overused in magic. The moment of powerglut is also when you get pleasure or a good feeling. The cure, is to not eat for 10 minutes and not drink anything except water. The need to eat is diminished after subsequenting it. This controls the urge to overeat. Subsequenting is the action of diminishing the will and doing subservience. Thats done by willing yourself to not eat and thinking your in a calming area and eating. Personal power is required to do the successful willing. Sykoly = Psychodelic is where; One, ya don't care about the monologue. Two, ya just care about the action thats sorta bad. Ya can even laugh at it. The news can bring on a psychodelic moment. Sykolyc = Psychodelyc is the alcoholic effect, where ya try to do something and immediately get drunk off of what is done. To the point of not thinking straight afterward. syle = syphlus, lung disease, backed up by fluid, lungs. scixo = multiple by mind schizophrenia, this condition is where the brain splits and becomes one of many minds, only to reform itself after the brain learns to deal with allot of energy. scurvy = iron deficiency, wasting disease that starts in the teeth. skuzephrenia = schitzophrenia, schutzophrenia is to be causing a scuzzy low down and smelly indivisual and thats voluntary but unrealized. Otherwise they are normal, but for the scent and disorderly body conduct that they do. This can be confused with schitzophrenia. As they also have uncontrolled visions early on of life but they can cure themselve, the visions, they turn completely controlled later off by use by thinking gift schizm competently. They can sometimes think oppositely. Scuzzitas = Sometimes to be bodily disgusting, the disease makes the person scuzzy, but involuntarily. They are aware of it as well. They can dismiss and ignore their scent, by thinking of other things and focus in on that an then dismiss the scent from their minds. If they think they are threatened or can get something outta it, then they can turn criminal without thinking of the law. More than the average person. schizm = schism, schizn, schizoid, schitzophrenia, mental breakdown, multiple scherlosis, many minds disease that allows the victim not to percieve his other personalities. In the advanced stage, the person can order something and then act as if said victim didn't order it. they could so easily start selling something, then demand it back after payment and delivery. the victim gets tired, then blacks out, only to awaken after the person's other personality and lets go control. their be only one main personality and several weak ones, like a complex of people. All personalities soak a certain amount of power after, meaning each has equal share of power that the body has. Use of risperdal or lithium can make effects to calm you, that will make your mind sane but won't cure it. If you can't get geodon or a shot called invega sustena use valium, albeit valium causes insanity it does cure the illness. You can say unnschizm (un-schizm), schizmh (skizm-h where the m is softened in pronounciation and the h at the end puts a "not" in fromt of the meaning) or unnschizoid (un-schizoid), for semi-permanent relief. Think to say something that directs an the mind will cease the idea. This works till the brain remembers the pattern of thought and the personalities reappear. Then say the spell again to repair. If you attempt to say the least, otherwise done idea in the minor states of mind there is no actual other minds after you 'kill' or put them to sleep. But in this disease partly caused by aspartame and substitute sugar, your mind may be open to voices. Think to say something that directs the mind will stop them, sometimes. Think to stop taking in diet and normal soda drinks will cease them eventually. These voices are the other people's idea that you percieve as a voice or they are the thoughts via telepathy of others that the victim may pick up. Saying "not on a schizm" may cure this of feel with the subconscious taking this as a suggestion. However, this illness dissipates away leaving you cured of the disease, this is done by it naturally fading away as though you never had it or any disease. Also this makes sense, if you use a suggestion of "the cure is done as though oregano and turmeric were taken everyday" then works because you act as if you had oregano or basil and turmeric, that acts as a good body condition restorer and restores vitality as well as energy and stamina. Stro = stroke; struggle, a stroke is sometimes a struggle to get over by things you do. The stroke signs are shortness of breath and some heart palpatation or erratic heartbeat. Sometimes if you breath in or out and think the problem passes you by feel, the struggle ceases and you are alright. So since you can be presented a struggle in the mind senses, if you have forgetfulness with tiredness this could be a sign of an oncoming or had stroke. necrophilia = sehtgoeb, necrophobia, fear of living death tabes = contagion of an ideal that issues things to do as an 'isset' by the germs in a magic disease that causes you to die early and create the hostile self in your head that is in your mind. This is then is the moment in that thought you had of what you do when you see a vision and you get something to do with life but as your hospitable, or not as you move your body inhospitable somewhere else where you get mage trait ability to get things to do with magic in itself. Think and you are cured as your subconscious makes your spirit an ability that cures it. And, if you do cure it, you are deliberately acting people out that they do in thought. tibb = tabe, disease is another name for a disease that is what you are thinking of. Tiiitus = (This-is-impossible-itus) is a common condition most people on CU know about... whenever you have a few successful experiences with PK or any form of magic, the Tiiitus sets in and it seems impossible to do what you could before, and your confidence goes on a downward spiral. The condition was always there... I just gave it a name to refer to it as, heh. I think it's pretty common too. Kinda similar to self-doubt and performance anxiety I guess, but the PK form of it. To cure it, its easy to get over, treat it as if a block and do something while feeling you can and belief in the idea that you are healing. As you gain positive success it dwindles away the disease. toaey = tendoncinovitis, severe slow hand tendon crippling and its nonrepairable except for thinking magic you get from turning the hand tendon better, as the disease against the disease itself as you get free energy you can repair the hand by not thinking and doing things that summon the energy to create the tendon to seem better in as if a 'fix'. tgreflu = the force of regret, the great flu that was there in another country that nearly wiped out everything as it comes upon you and acts as a cold and then leaves at times that are mysterious. When heat rises and the cold air leaves the area. Cureat air as its called of the great flu. Returning air that is cold triggers it in reverse as it triggers the great flu back on again. The great flu has additional properties, as of changing its form everytime it returns. But it makes you think you seem to have a month long cold. As the great flu is basically capable to causing you to gain weight, whenever your exercising or eating. To forget things ten to thirty minutes afterwards. To the effect of forgetting ten to thirty seconds afterwords. This is the advanced version of it. In the advanced version, amongst other things as you eat you either lose or gain weight and have a hyper metabolism, according to the food. winnie = panic, panic disorder xebne = weight disease, overweightness caused by older age and drinking carbonated drinks like soda pop and other carbonated drinks but solved by drinking water, non-carbonated fruit juice and other noncarbonated drinks except milk unless its watered down. It doesn't matter what you eat if you do 2 minutes minimum exercise after a meal. vapue = vampirism started as killing plague that a person came back from spreading a mutated version causing living undead that sought blood for nurishment wretedie = wrist tendonitis, bad wrist swelling pain wwswu = Widows woe that starts with a simple cold but quickly expands to a pain in the stomach and eventualy leads to the disablement of the feet use fresh water every day for a week and ginseng, saint johns wort. ifiteia = infantasia, infants'r'us with cloning or other, the second strain of this disease be a mental infant stage. Where the brain be coping with a child that forms when your nervous stem causes the brain to have a second personality. ufaeia = euphamasia, euphemisms'r'us disease. sayings'r'us, a sayings turret syndrome disease that gets you in trouble as it irritates others surround, and with none near you as you could go bezerk as you knew what that was and played god as mensche. Then, you are likely to attack it as things are likely what goes on in a mentally broadcasts what it shows you. And saying things to sum up the idea or moment gets a real slap to the face by a rude message and this is where directional fits happen in with a thought. A little mass to the breasts cures it, no as thats it. fayskoz = philitschottz, splitz view'r'us disease. In help ot creates a dastardly need to call out for help and like it or not it creates a undeniable field of urgency. The extreme emotion be likely to get a split view on everything. Crazy making in the end as this is acute psychosis. Cause is cured by doing dose in energy. deotia = inflictomaniac, demoktia or inflictomania; inflictive death by visions'r'us or inflictions'r'us disease. On sight of otherworld beings and other people it causes a reflective idea, for inflictive moments. deaia = deathia, death'r'us or dead'r'us disease; death eater disease that causes the inflicted that are dead to come back or their belief be death and that they serve death as though fate thats neutral to turn a fate to turn a different stroke. Those inflicted also are to excite over any idea for a thrill. To use a disorder energy is to kill a disorder and make use of deathia effects. diploia = diploati, diplomatia, diplomatic'r'us, diplomatic with a twist as they attack afterword from a bipolor disorder or want to kill the person spoken to. To decide not to cures it. The inflicted be to cause victims to be just as vicious on sight of the person. In fact it spreads by beating up the victims too many times. There be a chance the victim doesn't get it, the disease. A saying they they do be "to sleep be to die and awaken be to come back. Discholeria = Larger stomach, this condition is caused by chlorine buildup and potassium buildup. When it forms on men, it can become painful if pushed by too much chlorine and potassium quickly. This condition can make extreme hunger. Curable by 'do discholeria nulle' or 'Cuve dischloleria' In the effort of saying it or thinking it the condition reverses itself. The other way is think of it as 'this' and say 'reverse this'. lecnia = larcenia, larceny'r'us disease. lacia = lawcia, laws'r'us disease. it spreads by being a law sharer. laaia = layatia, laydowns or letdowns'r'us disease. layaye = lawyeritus, lawyerism'r'us disease. I saw a result of working lawsuits when I said the name, it spreads by paranormal and lawbreaking in progress. The criminal becomes a lawyer in two minutes or less without keeping the civil disorder, yet keeps the laws and still manages to break them. lasuyia = lawsuitia lawsuits'r'us disease the victim be always looking for a lawsuit. inoaia = ignoramia, ignoring'r'us or ignoramus'r'us disease; that induces stupidity in people they like and bliss in the infected. How it spreads be a cat scratch. The idea to this be soupola or the feeling like theirs a soup bowl in the mouth, this indicates a paranormal trigger that causes a disturbance of the mind in which it calls "breaking and entering". To trap a crook it tries to mentally beat up good folks and makes a, indicrete remark to killing crooks, where it be described as to get a microanalyst to look you over by enscribing "tu-schler'duala". Now to confirm this be to check for meningitus, as it indicates the physical state of the conspirational'r'us in the case of disruptions and conspirational manner as this causes the stupidity. The higher the comspicuous record of records in excitable moments be to declarea or a color blindness that hits within a year before it, the more dire disruptions get very bad, now I myself had a large case of this as I complained of not seeing colors at some point and had meningitus 6 years so far. So the cure is to be a bath of water with holy or faery effect, then drink some of it. Except to drink tap water be to cease it to exist if charged. This be the exact same thing as thinking at water to cure it of impurities and make it heavier and colder. To sleep under the bedsheet naked for one to two nights be to create a cure for almost anything including headaches. To force anything reverts the moment to which you get it again. The contagious disease be spreadable by any magic or mishandling by body and with a bad body scent much like undeath. The idea be very interesting to increase the amount of work by phone as the phone has a magnetic field resonator coil that could correct if focused on to correct. As in the Body electric book as it describes the power coil and magnetic field to fix the body. But cordless phones have the same and yet with overuse the phone could cause headaches. A note about the disease, it was big at first so I couldn't tell if it was actually fixed. If it was I wouldn't recieve troubling thought of training and abuses for no reason unless it was premonition. So it must be spread by touching the objects that are magical and used regularly. naia = namia, termia or namasia, names'r'us disease. The name blame game that does not stop after some make a point, until a authority figure or someone in authority makes a point. It spreads by blaming someone and some jolt passes through the next victim. laia = "lay me out", lamia lame'r'us; describes the victim who can't do anything else other than stealing, on or off as they see everyone not stealing with fear by idea, music inclination or be crippled in some manner. A special case of the cripple be if they complain they are attacked, till pulled off by the victim after an assault, of the vindicated but the bias dissappears very quickly. As the cripple will steal similiar to the victim and with similiar personality incites assault. Sometimes with a excitement level that incites a punch bowl or punching of the other, with a vision of disturbance. blaia = blamia, blames'r'us disease, personal feelings and none else that create a stir to thou with a grudge for every person. If the blame be ignored they blame themselves. It spreads by manure or air scent, if you can smell it then you got it. The cure be to leave the area and any normal medicine. Like the house or something else. toxyaia = toxatia, toxia or toxicatia, toxicity'r'us disease. toxicalia = toxicotia, toxicatia, dextoxity, An uncultured, death hurtful and disrupting disease from magic that allows the person to find chemicals or toxic material to spill it without cleanup, and caused by a procedure to freeze a cellular activity and cause the body to extend for its life, In order to extend it, the body, the life body cells need more energy with a scent that be defined by intolerable moments unless perfume be there, pressed on body. A bad side effect of eugenics (immortal and life youthening fx). toaaia = toleratia, tolerance'r'us disease; This be safe as it allows for people of extreme tolerance. up to the idea of getting stolen from. transpotia = transports. allocation disaese, a fear of transportation that isn't there because of too many transports of many types, cure be to tolerate them, the car, or shift them someplace by transport. channels = The victim disagrees to channel energy by/of the person or thing. Channels spreads by association and speaking to people. czoia = czoria, russia'r'us disease; the victim believes he/she was of russia when he/she wasn't, including the language was thought to be trained in it. craoeia = crazolaria, crazes'r'us with drugs or other disease; comes from curing the hypothemia. yomia = hypothemia, fears'r'us; preyed on by fear inducers, coincidentals or drugs. ifeeia = dekomarktia or infezemia, insanity'r'us with disagreements disease. dmoaia = demotatia, demotions'r'us disease. promotional values overrule good sense. dmaia = dematia, notations'r'us disease, take notes like crazy and not like others idea except for the what was done. liyye = limititus, limits'r'us disease. Limits are to create a benefit to the infected that won't recognize and this can incite anger, besotted, if they arent agreed with and likely to attack when limits are obeyed. faia = fatia, fat'r'us disease. Creates a good feeling to be overweight and it seems natural. But also as if genetics were the reason and responsible for the overdose of food and any drug. tiaia = thinatia, thinness'r'us disease; thin your violent and notably be this in ethiopia but other countries caught on to it to reduce fat. ipleio = implacebo, placebo or false need'r'us disease. The person gets the item and the need be gone as its "just the need" and the victim be never using it. If they get what they ask for they arent heard from but their likely to ruin the item. clzeia = celzaria, blamegame'rus with genetics'r'us disease. A tad bit worse than blamia as they assault any on a report. The game Russian roulette comes to mind on destruction of property, A modelling career. meeye = missionitus, missionia, missionary'r'us; allows the inflicted to be on a mission which doesn't end, like mision impossible except theirs end and the mission is to sometimes destroy the person they like or can speak to. Just to speak of this mission be to end it but the inflicted may get it back if the right personal predujice be their of contempted change.Declarations can end it except when declarations'r'us diseaes be noticed. doetia = self descriminate disease that allows influence to work towards you but the inflicted see the others as working toward them or the light. If not they ignore them or aggressively speak to them using influences and may appear aggravative. dogatia = matching'r'us including goddism'r'us disease, self-goddic disease that allows you, the inflicted, to be always matching the shape. What you see be what you get. With the self-goddism that gives you a need to do things and create anew. The term "Godding it" be to make a difference without being asked. spluia = indicatia or splugia, declarations'r'us with indications'r'us to allow the victim to always indicate what they do with drugs or other idea. domatia = protections'r'us; dogmatia, in a victim be caused to see or hear things to become frightened and overprotective. Can seem gone if unwanted, or not needed and with magic to get rid of it and it is none of the above people that are mentioned in diseases. doaia = dogmatia or writia, writing disease and this disease be harmless as the persons likely to eye glaze as they write, not notice weight and attempt to compensate by not eating unless reminded. faia = schluria, fasia, phasaria, phasing'r'us disease; leads to people believing they were attacked and thus they attack others and objects, and phasing out themselves by fear but end their fear and end their disease and most destruction and disturbance disappears permanently except with an anchor which can direct it. Without an anchor be it possible to recur it. mntruye = mentruia, mentruitus or mentrusia intrusions'r'us; intruding thoughts and images syndrome signifying psychokinetic ability. The second strain be to intrude on others by clipping and disruptions for fear of being intruded upon. Also considered menstral disease with the physical signs as cramps. blokaia = blochkazia or ministeria, inferiority'r'us and minister'r'us; comes from the minister father with concern to overtreat people. Treated with a consideration'r'us to get it fixed. aadia = avoidia, avoidance'r'us with the strain of pre-avoidance'r'us syndrome of scaring with threats or death of the feared item or person. Before they even come, they will attempt recriminations unless they are good and secure. The idea be possible to occur when the brain becomes sentient beside the main personalit. The brain has a secret personality as well so lets be glad its just sentient and not like the "I" robots of yesterday. It stems from the belief that an invader could subsist in it and cause major emotions, unless locked away also to where other personalities can exist. ibleehia = inblenishia or imblemishia, nothing bothering'r'us; happens in victims of too much stress and meditation of which the stomach sorta rebels. iblaiia = inblamishia, nothing blamed'r'us disease; happens in people who discern trouble and paranoia. blemiia = blemishia, pimples'r'us; entire area pimpled. peiia = parishia, parishes or demesnes'r'us where the person uses doors in a building to shift to alteranate areas similiar and it starts when in a church building. vaia = whackia, t3, a whack'r'us disease; that people use with the attacking disease to get rid of pests. vayian = whakyia, whacky'r'us; strange movement of the body that seems in balance and sometimes causes attacks of the person. Now the attacks aren't noticed by the diseased person but others whom are the victims can actually feel it and the target be smaller the better, but if the larger target seems better or a threat then it/he/she will serve and if roaches were the only thing near they would do it. oalupe = overlumpus or overlumpia shroom'r'us eat in one bite and you shroom out. This disease will incur a single bite per 1 to 30 lbs other than just eating and the body naturally shrooms out from eating and changing to how much food it gets. This be caused by the thalmus gland or pythalmus that be overlooked. To cure is to try to remember something when eating, and the hyperthalmus takes control being instructed by the thyroid. Which induces the weight loss per eat bite instead, along with grape juice and water. Papyra or pineapple juice be possible be also a natural cure amongst other fruit juices, surprising enough be milk. naeia = wiccan nameia or namesia named subjects'r'us disease; the inflicted will accept an idea of their own but not of others if emotional or name a person and their that person. Treat it with precautious moments and motion to do something which you know he/she normally does. naovytoy = namedvictimy, namedvictomy; name calling'r'us disease; causes on impulse any name to chance, being called until they, the subject, responds and then victimization of some sort. iunyia = immunitia, immunitis, immunitus, immunity'r'us; immunity buildup idea of body, and things that are immune of the person. They might try any idea out, they sometimes hurt themselves. geye = gasitus, gasia, gout, gas'r'us disease; Overdigestion causing stomach acid buildup and very bad fart gas of the body with bad chemistry. The fatter the person the more farts per second. The amount of body gas be very likely 1 fart every 2 minutes or less for extreme cases. Another strain be a physical excess to excessively buy gas and out of a vision you may drink it as if your will be weak. stopia = stop'r'us, stop'ei'a stopping disease, To stop on a dime and percieve a mental idea of the most effective person stopping the victim usually themselves. Like they are about to make a grave mistake and could feel it with the bad vibe in an area, then a vision comes up to "stop" them and they make themself do else. The cure be resonance of a magnetic field influence like a phone on the head to cause the vision to stop or reminding them of the idea that will occur if they didn't do it in a positive or negative tone and this be likely to cause them to go on but the vision might pursue or stop. With realization they came across be the way to naturally continue. To hear a phone ring is to snap out of it, and they are seriously possible to control by thought. No stopping this disease for it stops them. radeil = Erade, Radiation sickness, to act strange and demur in a front of people. Its the procedure to feel distrustful, and make up things around people. They can't say the word they feel unless they focus and try to wait. Then they say it naturally. But only when they get over their pananoia. Its distributed, it is a simple thought. To get this disease you need a cat and to much radiation. All you need is a cat scratch. The radiation is called flash back by vision and you peek at another world each time. Its like as much at et radiation gives you the flash-back. This is also considered cat scratch fever. Listen to look good and respond. It could be a respite. Its our response to things that count. If they make you angry then they control you. Sometimes you could deliberately learn the response that should be done if your unaware of it. To control the effect of others, use an idea of iit of your own. As your relaxed when you want to do something unless your a nervous person. In a relaxed mind you can do almost anything. To a person who is radiation sickness, its possible to collide with others or see yourself solely in the other world. Wheere your in mind not colliding. A radiation sickness person is likely to see him as a king or her as a princess. -XX- Weapon Wepa amo = ammo, ammunition, energy ammo anki = aikeni, dark weapon arrai = trap arrow, piercing arrow that body traps in some manner the victim arrilp = plague arrow arru = ice arrow arrymoaen = immolation fire induce arrow arrcol = cold arrow arree = multiple shot arrow arrfu = fire arrow arrfreao = freezing arrow arrguid = guided arrow arrkao = chaos arrow, chaotic effect arrow arrketri = chain lightning arrow arrled = lead arrow, magic killer arrow arrpos = poison arrow arrpyr = death fire arrow arrstry = strafe arrow, fast precision arrow strike atla = dagger atlai = trap dagger, body trap throwing dagger in some manner the victim atlach = acidic dagger atlaorio = magic dagger atlaincex = exploding dagger atlailp = plague dagger atlau = ice dagger atlaymoaen = immolation fire induce dagger atlacol = cold dagger atlaee = reappearing dagger atlafu = fire dagger atlafreao = freezing dagger atlaguid = guided dagger atlakao = chaos dagger, chaotic effect dagger atlaketri = chain lightning dagger atlaled = lead dagger, magic killer dagger atlapos = poison dagger atlapyr = death fire dagger atlastry = strafe dagger, fast precision dagger strike axbatl = battleaxe axbatlai = trapped battleaxe that kills the unwary wielder axbatlpos = poison battleaxe axtru = throwing axe, thrown axe axtruai = trapped throwing axe, thrown axe that victim ensnares on strike axtruach = acidic throwing axe axtruorio = magic throwing axe axtruincex = exploding throwing axe axtruilp = plague throwing axe axtru = ice throwing axe axtruymoaen = immolation fire induce throwing axe axtrucol = cold throwing axe axtruee = reappearing throwing axe axtrufu = fire throwing axe axtrufreao = freezing throwing axe axtruguid = guided throwing axe axtrukao = chaos throwing axe, chaotic effect throwing axe axtruketri = chain lightning throwing axe axtruled = lead throwing axe, magic killer throwing axe axtrupos = poison throwing axe axtrupyr = death fire throwing axe axtrustry = strafe throwing axe, fast precision throwing axe strike axx = chop, axes, many axe axxai = trap axes, many trap axe that ensnares victim on strike litsumstik = boomstick, gun, rifle unibub = universal bomb, all purpose bomb unibuba = all pupose moveable bomb noi = hammer, blunt untai = trap hammer, trap blunt utupoe = pole warhammer utupoeai = trap pole warhammer that has trap mechanism utupoepos = poison pole warhammer utupoepirc = piercing pole warhammer utuar = warhammer, spike end blunt end balanced hammer utuarai = trap warhammer, spike end blunt end balanced hammer hat on strike will ensnare victim uturach = acidic warhammer uturorio = magic warhammer uturincex = exploding warhammer uturilp = plague warhammer uturu = ice warhammer uturymoaen = immolation fire induce warhammer uturcol = cold warhammer uturee = reappearing warhammer uturfu = fire warhammer uturfreao = freezing warhammer uturguid = guided warhammer uturkao = chaos warhammer, chaotic effect warhammer uturketri = chain lightning warhammer uturled = lead warhammer, magic killer warhammer uturpos = poison warhammer uturpyr = death fire warhammer uturstry = strafe warhammer, fast precision warhammer strike utupoe = pole warhammer utupoepirc = piercing pole warhammer uzauo = automatic machinegun uzi = machine gun baea = bastard sword baeaai = trap bastard sword, hidden mechanism bastard sword that can kill unwary baekao = chaos effect bastard sword bayauc = piercing bastard sword, mean or meanness otherwise bennet = gun, gunner, gunman, murderer bo = bow byala = knights dagger, battle dagger byalai = trap knights dagger, battle dagger that kills the unwary by trap mechanism byalag = silver knights dagger, silver battle dagger byalairc = piercing knights dagger, piercing battle dagger bebcle = barbed club, spiked club bebcleai = trapped barbed club, spiked club that victim ensnares on attack bobokg = accuracy bow boso = bowshot bub = bombe, bomb, disturbed, sometimes the bomb is human speech in nature (enough to make you seek nirvana.) b-b = small metal projectile, pellet ball shot, projected shot b-bai = small metal trap projectile, pellet ball shot that ensnares on contact b-baqyai = trap pellet ball shot storm that ensnares victims on hit buzsa = buzzsaw, bladesaw, treecutter saw bliyseot = blue lightning gun, depleted uranium lightning fast bullet gun bliunt = blade hammer, hammer with top spike blade bliuntai = trap blade hammer, hammer with top spike blade that kills unwary wielders by trap mechanism bliwrut = blade warhammer, back spike hammer with top spike blade and balanced bliwrutai = trap blade warhammer, back spike hammer with top spike blade and balanced that be equipped with trap mechanism bwka = bazooka bwkabi = semi-automatic bazooka, self-loading bazooka cuicsa = circular saw, circular cutter clauix = hook claw blade clauixai = hook claw trap blade that ensnares on blow clawunt = clawhammer cle = club, spiky end wooden stick cleai = trap club, spiky end wooden stick that ensnares on hit da = dart daai = trap dart that ensnares on hit dach = acidic dart daoio = magic dart, magic missile dart daincex = exploding dart dailp = plague dart dau = ice dart daymoi = immolation fire induce dart dacol = cold dart daee = multiple shot dart dyu = fire dart dyreao = freezing dart dyuid = guided dart dakao = chaos dart, chaotic effect dart dalo = lead dart, magic killer dart dapos = poison dart dapyr = death fire dart dastry = strafe dart, fast precision dart strike dumorngya = double morning star, short poled 2 headed chain flail dukestre = duheddeakia, double moon bladed pole arm, a moon blade on two ends of a pole (long or short) fwa = phaser, energy striker, energy gun fwo = phaser shot, energy strike fwy = healing phaser shot, healing energy shot fwyai = mauler, mass aperature laser that one strike can destroy.a large item, leave large hole fwysot = healing energy shot, black laser shot gatt = gattling gun, machine multi-barrel shotgun gattlas = gattling laser, laser machinegun gunryv = rivet gun, crossbow gyn = shot, bullet, shooting glaiv = glaive, or 2-handed pole battle-axe glaivai = trap glaive, 2-handed pole battle-axe that has self trap mechanism glaivpirc = piercing glaive halb = halberd, 2-handed poleaxe halbai = trap halberd, 2-handed poleaxe with trapping mechanism halbpirc = piercing halberd holgath = swords that will create different abilities from your chakra energy that will form and feed off of you and you know what to do with the abilities as though it were yours. hupack = slingstaff hupax = sling poleaxe or sling pole arm huix = hook huixai = trap hook that on hit ensnares victim huixpirc = piercing hook huixpos = poison hook hbub = hydrogen bomb, destroys all people in 50 - 100 miles and leaves all equipment in a water relatd nuclear blast. kain = magical staff, magical cane kestre = keistreh, pole arm moon blade (possible ever extendable) ketriwa = chain lightning javelin jwoi = javelin, traveling spear jwoiai = trap javelin, trap traveling spear that ensnares on victim jwoipos = poison javelin, poison traveling spear jwoilp = plague javelin jwoiach = acidic warhammer jwoiorio = magic warhammer jwoincex = exploding warhammer jwoiu = ice warhammer jwoiymoaen = immolation fire induce warhammer jwoicol = cold warhammer jwoiee = reappearing warhammer jwoifu = fire warhammer jwoifreao = freezing warhammer jwoiguid = guided warhammer jwoikao = chaos warhammer, chaotic effect warhammer jwoiketri = chain lightning warhammer jwoiled = lead warhammer, magic killer warhammer jwoipyr = death fire warhammer jwoistry = strafe warhammer, fast precision warhammer strike gunblt = gunbelt leaubx = laser pointer effect lasc = laser carbine, semiauto lasergun lel = flail lelai = trap flail that on hit ensnares lilunepolywepa = at need polymorphic weapon for little ones(fey) poslel = poison flail pirclel = piercing flail lug = spear lugai = trap spear that ensnares on hit poislug = poison spear poislugcod = self reforming poison & cold shatter spear pirclug = piercing spear ppc = particle projectile cannon, energy gun trilug = trident, three prong spear trilugai = trap trident, three prong spear that ensnares on victim touch tripirclug = piercing trident, piercing three prong spear macigunblt = machine gunbelt mallot = smithy hammer maro = mallot, bone marrow, hammer maroai = trap mallot that ensnares on hit, bone marrow, trap hammer that ensnares on hit me = mace, ensnare, kin use meai = trap mace that ensnares if on use hit mepoedg = mace pole edge, a 2-handed blade edged pole with mace other end mepoedgai = trap mace pole edge, double bladed warsword 2-handed blade edged pole with mace other end including trap placement device mornsun = morning sun, morning star or creat, use short poled chain flail morngyai enseur = trap morning star, ensnaring non cruelty short poled chain flail that on hit victim ensnares with you or no is use or yes by feel mull = mace pole flail, this in hand is use by heavy as a 2-handed flail with an end pole this is with a mace end at the other end mullai = trap mace pole flail, 2-handed ensnaring or yes use flail end pole with mace other end that has 2 trap mechanisms you who is hit yet is war. nuatha = legendary magic sword from zelda user piece "seen" nuathai = trap not legendary by magic use focus sword that has ensnaring trap for those who don't know how to hold things in or not use against unnecessary area galen = sword, creative adaptive or user is normal use is some abnormal ideal in fight, fight user don't or you know so hold no trapped by cruelty . This is peace by use or peace is some piece, no to all cruel seen so this is the use no to the war or the user info use or realized is energy cause of is by the use is corruption yet is use it or create so this is no holiday. See this on no or yes release is the user based in the feeling or use in thought is as if your upside down what theory. galenai = trap sword that includes trap mechanism quiv = quiver, arrow container from dnd or not like as no use intended, quall as biding is not confiding force to see no as fight is against their will ryv = rivet, bolt, considered is the area you see as use or feel is the cause or create this money use or no war you can't force it by sibilance ryvsprilogunn = spring catch rivet or bolt gun with focus to create the rivet or use is cause by rivulet this is some see or some sight by what you feel, bolt, so no thats autoset from spring time river ryvai = trap rivet, trap bolt that ensnares on hit, no is thought and now to use rif = rifle, everware, whatever you do yo doing not overdoing it rifaiosei = semi-automatic rifle that punch through armor sieo = machinegun shot as you see it you realize your area was a mistake or theory to use sieoai = trap machinegun shot that victim ensnares sot = sought, bullet shocker = energy tazer, energy discharge susox = susoax, supersoaker, super shocker or shocking blast of very strong willball. shot = shot up, bullet shotz = shots soai = trap bullet, ensnaring bullet soach = acidic shot soarr = arrow shot, sharp shot soarrai = trap arrow shot, sharp shot that ensnares victim soarrach = sharp acid shot soarru = ice sharp shot soarrorio = magic sharp shot soarrincex = exploding sharp shot soarrymoaen = immolation fire induce sharp shot soarrcol = cold sharp shot soarrbi = multiple sharp shot soarrfu = fire sharp shot soarrfreao = freezing sharp shot soarrguid = guided sharp shot soarrkao = chaos sharp shot, chaotic effect sharp shot soarrketri = chain lightning sharp shot soarrled = lead sharp shot soarrpyr = death fire sharp shot soarrstry = strafe sharp shot, fast precision sharp shot sou = ice shot soorio = magic shot soincex = exploding shot soymoaen = immolation fire induce shot socol = cold shot sobi = multiple shot sofu = fire shot sofreao = freezing shot soguid = guided shot sokao = chaotic effect shot ` soketri = chain lightning shot sopyr = death fire shot soled = lead shot, magic killer shot sasuta = ninja, A shapeshifter that is a person who sees a person, thing, thinks of the idea to become it in full. It doesn't matter what shape but all that matters be if it wants to as it has no true shape but a clear no substance gel It consumes energy to fulfill the shape from any source possible. It evolves a shape from pattern and it remembers all shapes its been so it can form into any shape any time. sostry = strafe shot, fast precision shot susot = heavy uranium bullet, heavy uranium shot syth = scythe, pole hook blade scota = scepter, king mace shotz = shots, sling shots sapetsv = The Serpent Sword from Article 2113; In The Quest of the Holy Grail, a uniquely alchemical tale, the sword be seen as a fiery serpent. It be the sword of King David, made by the wise Solomon (Sol Om On) with a pommel stone of all the colors of the earth, with two rib hilts, one made from the fish of the Euphrates and the other the serpent, When Arthur�s sword be drawn it was said that two flames of fire burst out of the jaws of the two serpents, and so wonderful was the sword that it was hard for anyone to gaze at it. It be necessary for Arthur to maintain ownership of the sword whether it be the sword from the stone or Excalibur, as it ensures his victory and his life. Malory indicates again the brightness of the sword and its fiery aspect, writing: but it was so bright in his enemies eyes, that it gave light like thirty torches. But the sword in the stone does not last long and the Lady of the Lake gives Arthur his Excalibur, and also a serpent scabbard, which ensures eternal life. Malory states quite clearly for whiles ye have the scabbard upon you, ye shall never lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded; therefore keep well the scabbard always with you. It be only when Arthur�s half sister Morgan le Fay steals the scabbard and replaces it that Arthur becomes susceptible to the deadly blows of Mordred. The once prized sword be then returned to the water, the home of the Lady of the Lake the serpent spirit. A hero from the 6th century BC named Wu Tzu-hsu threw his sword into a river. It shot forth like a spirit-glow, sparkling brightly as it thrice sank and thrice came to the surface with a great gush and then hovered above the water. The god of the river ... heard the swords roar ... he rolled in the waters in a great and frothing frenzy ... Dragons raced along the waves and leaped out of the water. The river god held the sword in his hand and, frightened, told Wu Tzu-hsu to take it back. (Mair 1983, 141 and 286.) This story, related in the 8th century AD simply cannot differ from Malory�s tale of the sword. In China there were tales of great swords such as Dragon Spring and others still that leap into the waters surrounded by dragons, which churn up the water. Wu Tzu-hsu�s sword is also called Dragon Spring. This should be a tale of medieval metal making, But be there any archaeological evidence for the existence of a real sword or swords, which, were seen as serpents? Well we just so happened to find such evidence in the Catalogue of The Fourteenth Park Lane Arms Fair. Lee A Jones authored a fascinating article entitled, The Serpent in the Sword: Pattern-welding in Early Medieval Swords, The sword first appeared around 4000 years ago and immediately became the pre-eminent weapon, preferred by the warrior class. Recent metallurgical studies have shown how the complex piled structures or layers improved the sword from as early as 500 BC. Little wonder that the smithy was an important part of legend and folklore, as the skill implied in the making of these swords be substantial. Several rods are welded together down the length of the blade, joining the various levels of metal together. Heated and then pounded into shape, this sword making was an awesome task. Smaller rods that were carburized (improved carbon) were introduced to increase the hardness. This formed steel, an alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon, which was introduced into the edges of the blade as it was stronger and more effective. Through the 5th to 10th centuries AD sword smiths actually managed to manipulate this piled structure to create wonderful designs within the blade. The method remained virtually unchanged even into the 20th century as can be seen with the daggers of the Nazi�s, who utilized it extensively. The patterns (seen above) are seen from the varying degrees of trace elements within the different rods, showing alternating shades. The rods are invariably twisted down the shaft, forming a spiral effect. These 'twisted' swords are seen as early as the 1st century BC in the La Tene period, although more effectively used from the 3rd and 5th centuries the very early period of Arthur. Cassiodorus was a secretary of Theodoric and in 520 AD he wrote to a northern Germanic tribe regarding a gift of words praising their skills, especially the shadows and colors seen in the blades, which he likened to tiny snakes. " It be the considered opinion of some scientists that this implies that the dew would reveal the pattern of the serpent upon the sword, giving the impression that a serpent be emerging from the sheath." This inclusion of the serpent in the blade was eventually replaced with iron inlaid letters and symbols, and Christian phrases such as In Nomine Domini (In the name of the Lord). The remarkable archaeological fact of serpents appearing in the designs of 5th century swords links perfectly with the time of Arthur. As the Pendragon or Head/Chief Dragon Lord he would certainly have been seen with such a device and in the stories mentioned above there are textual links in the legend. One similiar was given to sparhawk, a magus of some time. spaer = 2-handed spiked staff, long mace spaerai = trap 2-handed spiked staff, long mace with trap mechanism spetum = heavy throwing spear spetumai = heavy ensnare throwing spear that ensnares on hit spistavaxe = spiked pole axe or spiked pole arm spheros = destructive ice spear that reforms in hand stav = poe, staff, long pole stavfreao = ice staff stavai = trap staff that ensnares on contact stria = striker, laser blaster, laser lancer striker = laser blaster, laser lancer swod = sword swoai = trap short sword with trap mechanism swobp = short sword swobpai = trap short sword with trap mechanism swolon = long sword svolonai = trap long sword with trap mechanism swotumao = swotuhan, 2-handed sword swotuhanai = 2-handed ensnare sword with ensnaring mechanism taza = tazer, energy lancer, energy discharger ther = thear, throwing spear, javelin therai = trap thear, trap throwing spear, javelin that that ensnares who it hits poeai = trap staff that ensnares on hit poebp = short staff poebpai = trap short staff that ensnares victim on hit poedg = pole edge, 2-handed blade edged pole poedgai = trap pole edge, 2-handed blade edged pole that has trap mechanism polel = long poled flail, 2-handed flail ended pole polelai = long poled trap flail, 2-handed flail ended pole that on strike victim ensnares polon = long staff polonai = long trap staff that ensnares on hit pouau = quarter staff pouauai = quarter trap staff that victim ensnares on hit pryn = hammer prynai = trap hammer that on hit victim ensnares wand = wood, battle rod, power foci wood piece xbo = crossbow xboquiv = crossbow quiver -XXI- World scapes, places and cities of which are on planes(planets), by stating the before "=" sign names you could be transported there mentally, maybe a wrong stated phrase gets you in the wrong place, if it doesn't look like the place then its still worthy of exploration. What you do to get to places is use astral world travel. Astral travel across the veil of time is simple, think of the place and your there as all you need to do be to focus your mind and calm your thoughts. Then, you enter the astral plane by thinking about entering the astral plane and falling asleep. As you fall asleep, you are then in the astral and thus its a thought, that allows us to go across the veil using the power of the veil wall. As this is true, the veil is a part of our minds and is somewhat physical as well. So it will respond to our thoughts and 'shift' us there. Thus in your mind, sometimes by our will we are then on the other side of the veil, that is where all the energy is with idea by feel. If you know your there, then you realize the idea by what occurs. So thinking you return and falling asleep you return by what you do. Although there is shifting and respawning. This is where shifting is just you switching your conscious awareness to another 'reality' while respawning is more permanent where you literally die and permanently move your awareness to another reality. Then there is the body energy represented by a food and drink level. The food and drink you embibe is what has energy and that can allow you to enter into other spaces. The more you drink or eat, the more your there consciously. The moment that you are below a certain level, the moment you are back to the "normal" world. This means that you can shift to places, yet you need food or drink to remain there. There is three special places, then now and end, that represent the point of consciousness. They are: hen; the world without end. this is the world that creates by haarp suggestions and things that allow demonic beings to work with you. This world is a point you think to be there. You can notice the then world by a off ringing in the ears. To escape then is to think your somewhere else. Without intending to be there, you aren't there. now; the now world is a world that natural events happen, there is no off ringing frequency that is picked up by the ears. its clean and the demons are absent there. So to enter this space, think about "now" and what it means. To leave now, think to be somewhere else. You are where you think to be. end; the end of the moment is with everyone or some things that occur. There is a point that is sustained by feel, there is a point that is ended by idea being stated. This is entered by thinking of the term "en" and stating the term and intending to be there. This is left by thinking that your somewhere else. Then there is the other places: aewod = somewhat world, adhoc world, advice world where you start in a big mansion, advent time world where the item or person does perfectly as a somewhat working, item or person did otherwise, basically a big mansion on a strange island with unlimited rooms formed by will and thought for a room in life. Without burnout, thought in thought is by rhythmic energy of life that is an area that restores that is what life is made of act and be well. This unlocks the ability within, as good affect makes good in unlimited effect. Have fun with this. autist-geo = Autistic world; The autism is a place that doesn't exist, except your with a fact of idea where this is excepting the fact and idea you have so it exists by feel and sometimes visions exist things of the idea you think into existence. That means what you expressed in the autistic world is what forms it. Think to list this idea, then use Uu- in front of the word and you are free of the autistic world, thinking you are free from it. Pronounce the word by a stated oo-uh and pronounce autist geo by stating aye-you-tist gee-oh. Otherwise realize what it is and your free from it. Asis = It's the unconscious realm. This is where they in idea origan as a form of human that comes from animal forms. That is the 'will in' with responsibility and responses that are thought and response to get what you think. There is a point and place that is really ahat is not there as noticed, as it is. This is in the stomach. Upper ab area by thought and beil the believer. This is in like an air pocket, that use is life and they get energy to do or not and they stop as thought with children and adults that are childlike. When it's time to meet your maker not just creator she the goddess is there to work with you. Remember that if your will is not unlike a god she is where you are safest near or not if in vigilante idea that she is "its her way or the highway". As she is much like Hera and her goddess ability is built like promises, that gets energy as they who think use things and she can get energy. Jealousy is what has been justified by what is done. They are animals not saints, angels, or gods. This is what is being with an animal form after the criminal soul is caught or some energy is useful. Remember that, HER KIDS are the animal humans born from faint traced sea creatures or otherwise. Also she is great at keeping secrets with her paramount scenes. Senes. Satan, emanating, negotiations, eternally, and solution. Also solving. This is a aspect, trait, attribute of primordial dominance. This is not of angels. In every sense of the word formed from chaos and life energy. Concept is Someday, today, yesterday, or tomorrow. This is what happens when something, up above cares for something down below. Remember that love is forvigance as the Sicke goddess Rachel there. When it is time to meet your maker, you will know and are aware whenever you are in wants. When animals attack by instinct, you defend by intuituion, this is all insight. Defend means, attack by focused energy, kill at will if need be, and take no prisoners. Animals do trepass, so be wary and ward them away. They do eat your crop, if you have an area you can use a work. They don't care either way till you think that you do and they notice. As is an interesting word for you. Animal instinct is what she has, is by an animal spirit much like a kitsune. That is how she always knows, that something is happening to her as she is the third eye to people if she manifests thought as a form from air. As if and but this is there as there was a him there's a her. This is how she knows that someone or thing is knowing, doing, having, keeping, holding, domineering, seeking, coming, going, and etc. She keeps this sense paramount by knowing, others before she cares to let them know herself. She plots long term..She has very long thought or otherwise termed memory. Because she is an indian. She may, will, and most likely point something out just to redirect, side track, or notice something else. Key-word-term-phrase, also contention is her expertise concerning her paramount sense. As once was as is and choice, thought is what she likes as if your choice. Very fascinating when it comes to animals causing one animal to pursue another animal to then grasp the other animal. that reveals what isis can protect with as something else. This is the truth that she respects as she is alive, The effect of this is a point to made thought as you think she forms if you can't and if you want it to form, as if your an idea or not to bear bad results. As if in use of ability your use is an unknown idea that is a point out of life. Things you use such as useful idea and things with electricity are as if the idea that effects. When the choice is made she wants to be or not to be as she is a place that loves by what she sees. @wod = atwod, atworld, think of what you see as is what things get, as the puzzler is the do in thought is what you do in life and what is in thought this is formed from physical reality that you consider as if to get or give and thought itself were as if you in the moment you need it. This is an interesting point of view. ringworld where the world supports itself, mirrorworld, self made universe that may mimic movies or anime created by many means, as to seen movies and such your free and your not effected by him anymore as if thought and he is Matt as an assassin god, an atzuko. This could become a pocket universe, as Dni script written writing in the asking (making by will use is what you wish as focus is will) as used is this idea. Think what you want and you can get the idea. EgoidGeo = The subconscious world, this is the subconscious consciousness world. Think about what you want to express and you know what will occur to happen what you need. The signs you see psychically, they are what you think to use somewhere if necessary as a dream symbol. Sometimes the sign is what you think about or something going on in the real world, that is where you can create by the senses or your sense of time and humour. The time is 100 days per every second here. Otherwise the time is what you think in relation. So think of what you need and you could get the idea. Think about things though, you might realize that idea that you think about. The point could be a repeated moment. That is only done to remind you of things, nothing more than that. So suggestion is what created this world, think the point and you can create by the right suggestion. This is like what you need, that is focused upon and what you think to do. This is in the idea that you know what you say. That's all what counts. So think an idea, then suggestion is your thought body reaction, that generates the correct reaction for and to the point of full manifest. Otherwise this is making your idea. This is where you think to expose things, you do the right things, too. Then you know the idea by what happened to seem in effect. So you feel by idea and create by suggestion. Think you "ca do it". This translates in subconscious ancient into "can die off a hit", otherwise stopping what is blocking you in person form an from getting what you want. That is done by what you think. If you want to live forever or cause something to live for awhile, state or think, "une" or "oon" all the while thinking of the idea word 'un' meaning forever in ancient and undo in english. Then you do the right things to create the idea. This is what you can use to create what you want forever. This was in an announcement then that was going on, so you can go with what you think is necessary. The rest doesn't matter, that is unless you think this does. So if your subconscious rules the mind and timewise this world, then you know the idea to work with by the feel from the soul. There is a death God named Dega that doesn't have a form, this is until you call him into existance here. That God works in the subconscious world, this is in the form as a deity for now as if you called him you called death or life upon yourself. So think of a God and you think of him as a point. This is an idea of mine, that proves true if you think about the idea. Then you can go on with what you think. Imagine something with the old terms, the ancient language, you get what you may need. So that's all about the subconscious world, this done with the sensed moment that I got, btw. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Think to enter the subconscious consciousness world where illusion cast by the aura energy subsists, think to undo what you want to understand is gone so that you leave the room. Then you leave by suggesting that you do, the subconscious world. Otherwise if you think to exist outside the world your in by feel, this I'd say is used in a form of your choice. You created the idea and from this idea is things done by the idea. This causes you to leave the subconscious world, that is where your will is okay once you leave and becomes your own. So think the idea you expect to work that you express, then think about this point. This is a point, so you can create what you need with just a thought. AdGeo = ad world; This is a world that you create the effect and things are possible by suggestion. Anything can be done. So think of what you want and you could get the effect. The way to enter the ad world is doing the point to watch an ad, then if you watch the ad fully your free from the ad world. However if your in the ad world, note the effect is this: Money runs the idea of what occurs, so think ahead and save up for a rainy day. This is a note in abundant effect. An ad is an action or effect that you think to do. This is also noticed in their tv advertisements. Just don't get stuck in the Ad world, the world can absorb nearly anyone. This is an idea point in the past. What I know now is this, there is yet another way to get free, think to do or shift with your aura energy and this shifts you back to your natural world and you retain your free information. This is what can occur on a point less distracted, so think as you want and you could get what you need. iwod = idwod, Mental world, id model gameworld built from the game generator and describes the "I" world, If the subconscious be like an iceberg, at the top of the iceberg that be solid ground where the iceberg melts upwards to a point and breaks the ground up from below. On this ground be the house that each person has. the unlocking sequence be as the person will have it as if a thought. The very fact that this house exists be to furnace the grouse, thanks to chef smith off the frugal gourmet or finance and gain things. There be no limit as most things are known automatically. time itself is controlled by moments where if the required moment by myself, some other or the moment by self as a self-defined moment, as its to an Horus idea "ef be" to be an instance formed from the effect then it would seem to be an instance. So to return is done as its thought on the moment or otherwise at the time, like whence arrived you can come back anytime you desire like 500 years after, instances (no time passed) for instant transmission thanks to DBG or 30 months later or less and etc.. and its to see by scrying the area, imagine the scene that you arrive in that shifts you by momentary destination, motivation and motion, the idea be from a story that I was reminded of a script I am not effected by or not. The sub-c held most knowledge with a lot of unseen depth, as magic makes things real by belief and use of ability by energy and the solid area you feel is real earth as ground above melted and reformed area, thanks to Craig, as the person learned more of what was it about. As this is a point that is. Some would attempt a resolution to not abuse the info except its to no good as to appease some, they had to feign ignorance. With a small idea to share later they the purviewer got jealous or their sub-c takes over, so the purviewer be likely to see the win as the ignorant one makes deliberate underhanded as if idea slips and reveals what you think and be unable to use said info. Whos the winner in the end, the person whom gets the upper hand with the least of losses by bosses. The effect of this is a point to think, as if your an idea or not to bear bad results. As if in use of ability your use is thought an unknown idea that is point to seem out of life this is a better idea. As real life magic is the origin of the spell and they can use the idea as the creator is made into making by conscious or unconscious ideal making, rule the effect as you think and as magic if you think to use as the power is creative justice. Otherwise, this is an idea to use for a base point in idea, nothing more than that so dismiss the thought as the thought isn't you. So this story tells me that I have a home in my mind, that be on top of the iceberg that melts and reforms from the bottom up or as I or you learn. Anything can exist in it as long as you can be aware of it. So the answer to any thought be gotten within 1 second or less by meditation, standing meditation or dowsing, as its your "I" world and it seems likely to correspond to anything that you will want, desire, need or hope to achieve as its not easy in real life. Consider the "I" world as a passion and movie world with the real world as limited, the script real as to be influenced by yourself the owner. The landscape isn't limited in the persona world but its seen only a little bit at a time and used to explore the world. The place has no sun but light level as you think I think it deserves a way and when you die you get "shifted" there if you want or the Astral plane only to be raised into the same body if you desire or not by feel. The real world be able to glimpsed at in moments that is instance formed and unformed as thought. Not again, its only as unlimited as it appears and gotten to by however you desire. But the only thing that be needed to worry about be the people you allow to visit. The visitor and people living there have to take oaths to not hurt each other and things unless its a wall or an undestructible item and the visitor shouldn be allowed to do everything as with insane actions or guests with an instant idea or command. That voice and thought should be here at all to be acted upon be almost ludicrous as if voice was action and action was thought except thought be different from voice as voice be thrown out thought as a useless thought. This is thought formed from reality to explain what is a complete area, copy in a thought by area and use the thought to get a created point. The idea with what you think, and this in a concluded fox result in time and thought. An this in a moment is thought, or what you do an idea by use seems as thus makes as thus sometime as a thought is with energy. That in use or nothing creates something from air as by that valued idea is, think and this is a concept to think out and or be not in thought as think work is compromise to work. The only thing blocking be scent, distractions and will against it or yourself among others. As they who harness their power or not in as this ability is energy on purpose, or not their power is a break thought of the thought source sometimes "lancer" in thought known as electricity by the concept that is energy in power that can make or seem what is in thought. As though use to a better practical purpose in life you can seem what you want. As in a concept you focus, as in thought and meditation away the time to create relative idea. Think not effect as into existance that you watch and you will know. There in a way is life that won't exist, as this is not necessary yet and unless need then no effect will happen. Now what you think is a point in a concept. The point in a thought is what influences things your used to see or work with by feel, this is done as if a point in a concept or different continent. As if your in this form you change, thought to another makes spirit link as lineage or what you think is what you become from what you think to. As if there is no other point, as what you want is a contained where I as an assistant use is with the third eye don't visit. There is no other thought to this, as you do you don't unless the idea is necessary. Think as is if thought you want, and need forms as you get wanted means unless unnecessary and you decide what you think creates what is in unnecessary. What you can form is with energy from the physical form and as such returned, the original shape is there where you are needing the idea shaped by the aura. Now the further actions you do the further you get into the "I" world, with a concept of possible exploration and how far you can get. The effort be undertaken to contribute to this world as to influence the real world by coincidences, Lets say this influence was observed by coincidence somehow got written down, with a story by a writer through character recognition and perception. This could count as an influence of many instead of one or how may hear the story. So the more you think on the world the more that be there for you to explore, and given time you can "see it" through scrying and long range viewing. Now a trick in the book of viewing be to ask yourself what you want to see, and if the answer be nothing then its not advisable to go or explore unless you stay in the house. I started a exploration of the time future and past to achieve a suspician that the families doomed like the Kennedies. and it seems true as I saw my own self and others changed but only on visits. I started thinking that the doom be upon all of us to achieve results, and to fail in the end from example as in a fractal from to much good and bad achievement energy. But ones own achievement gives them joy like in serendipity, while the discoveries make amends for abandoning the spiritual motion and parables. For a snake isn't always a snake as it may appear like a rope if hidden from mistaken illusion/dillusion. Science doesn't explain why and only how be known except sometimes when combined with Emperical law, but then others may have other idea. Like a simple answer makes to solve a complex problem or vice versa. What I found is you own it all yet allow other to think they do, or at least count it as a "loan" with you as the person who can watch without being seen. As ownership be 1/3 of the rule so be it true as an amalgram, that those who make things own it and none else. The world owner owns up to owning the material, but doesn't always listen unless any part of his/her namus be looked at or spoken. The only thing that be possible to be gotten in be what you admit that be wrong, What you make as a rule be always followed but you may break it and if you do you can sometimes get a horrendous disciplining, so if you break a rule then you get the punishment, except you may set an example to save yourself so no punish when its consideration time. Usually done by a story that reflects a white lie and truth that be logical in nature or be a story, to boil this down be to say "Try white lies for immediate idea unless the truth will do. For others, try truth that be accepted as opinion and idea fact to those who are not in immediance. Any bit of violence be to be considered a lier or harbringer of doom with exception to justified moments." So think of your need, say the words and its done, that's as "I did it' or'here it is'be your own poultice and do your own things. This is done as the "I" world exists for those who are subjective, and able to do anything by themselves like in "independance". Then for the representation you can appear like anything of phantasy and fancy, madness and zealotism be to improve the strength but sane devotion and faith improves the effort without destructive intent. So for an idea, turn your back on criminal behavior to sacrifice a safe idea to turning your back on reality. Focus your idea as strength in faith to achieve 4x times the effort as seconds of focus quadrupled=SoF^4 and in Neutons of force. The more force focused, the more enticing it be by attraction (of mystery). I also disovered "I" world populace is nice till harassed and then by any admittance or submittance be tolerance allowed. But only if they know you or be on the job, by distraction examples can you get to know people without being hurt. However the world map be set, most use the identity rule where friends are some to keep at arms length or close up and both in unhostile motions. People make up the truth of the "I" world, based by fact that be opinion till backed up with a similiar opinion or shared in vision and interest. So be it true that people are in their world when things go wrong, yes but the right things said bring them out. The "I" world be old where this physical place called the plane we live on be not, albeit we reached a point in existence to call ourselves spiritual "humane" beings in truth. So the place we appear in be what we want it to appear as or exactly like where we were, some call this a day/night dream and can only reach it by meditation or dream. A simple exercise to not be effected by stress imagine yourself as you are by emotional feel, to provoke memory and visualize yourself in a room that you would be in. You would be either here or there and the blink of an eye says you are here, as you actually left this existance or other to suit your mood and returned in an instance. See unbreakable locks on the door and yourself sitting or laying in your room. Any work done there releases stress from the physical plane or from yourself by inciting or causing a dowsing state or meditation state, including exploration. As you are likely to want to leave to the outside of your room, or go to the bathroom if its not inside the room already, see the key to the lock that only you can see and use. As you leave, the door disappears and you go through a building that you know of or think on, from memory of where you lived or meditation of the area to reveal its secrets. To leave the building deposits you into the physical world again as it be from where you came from, so you don't waste time you waste thought. I know at one time I did a exploration, and had an automap like in a game or the hogwarts castle map by thinking of it, but your words reveal the map where it would be blank by whatever you choose. Note the map does not reveal your room, unless you want it to. Some I've known are used to it as a spot for any type of meditation, or just relax in it without the possibility to do otherwise and similiar ilk. Any one thing be unique and its in there, the "I" world that I try to remember the fact, any one acknowlwdged idea that serves as a property and be noticed of the item bij you or others. Due note the effect of dispersing from energy induced by thought of a property to another item. considered "forced Osmosis" of the item to another. Like an attack that shifts the focus from him to you, the item property can shift as well by thought or other action represented, by a hit or tap to the thing and the item you tapped loses itself to the new item or object of the property thought about. Another way be to shift the property by a thought "shift" and a tap in which the value be dispersed, "in with the old devalued idea and out with the new property by manifested thought in the other object. As before I ever do that again I will work toward a goal first." One can literally carve their own world as a choice for pure boredom, when they come back it won't have happened but they lived a life as the ruler in their mind. Those that suffered might take it as a day or nightmare. Whatever you do, don't kidnap people to your private world as it could bring downfall but invite them and await their response and they, the invited, might arrive. Either way, have something for them to do with the area or with a self-project, but to have a good excuse like "I wanted to see you as you are." or "I was and am a fan of your series that I wanted you to watch with me." A good white lie be satisfactory to either the invited or you yourself. Because the actions are created by reason, that be very possibly taken as a reason for your acquaintance. So assumptians are to be exactly what you look like and unless you look under the skin personality for the bone personality. That assumption could find a ruinous reaction. Skin personality be skin deep personality, and bone personality be the true personality of worth in three bone flavors, good bone be a good personal spirit strength, where the person does as be his/her intent, with good taste and doesn't back down unless given reason too. thin bone be personal flaw in the spirit and indicates a weak and reckless mind that can easily be scared, bad bone or no bone be a bad person with almost no moral regard whereas if given a new situation and not knowing things or people that are around them, they could do a very bad thing like rob or hurt the person helping out. The optional action be to do indivisual acts of self-glory despite what people say, or to do things because they want to despite the discredit. It seems the person simply does not hear the rule or will not see the idea, because of other idea and bias. Also noted in good bone people as a weakness brought on by pain and unblocked path, as they can get heroic or standby and safe. Now the problem caused by a single idea of new paths unaccepted from neurosis be from a neurotic state a person be influenced into by so many things and practiced at using in a routine till its rote, then change the rote to a new idea of life and sometimes on any concept the person can snap and go crazy unless you introduce it slowly as a different variation. To go fast and slip it by them be to get yelled at or brutally attacked, if not the ignorance routine and hope the problemo goes away or use something like a new toy or safe concept to divert their attention. Then use the concievable idea similiar to theirs mixed with white lies or anticipated value. Sometimes this only works by the past being worse formed than now and the method must be better in some manner. This works by substitution of idea in with another better idea, like in a manner of redirection by a bit of radiation or laser being redirected by mirrors or transpixelling an object to another area like a shifting or creating illusion, by nothing in and nothing out where light and laser (focused light) be deterred to form or unform an image. With each image out be a usage of the carbon of object intermixed with nitrogen reactions to the laser to create the body from some material, in the image of a person or thing that be stored as I like to call it the storage buffer often made of crystal or silicon chips. Theoretically this be possible and may have been used to create a similiar effect in a experimental lab. But it sounds better and if proven in the right manner, will create a stir of curiosity to the neurotic or nonprolific/prolific to advice the victim where the victim be 70% more likely to assault or react. The neurotic persuant be very likely regarded as an idiot for attacking a sick person more in line of a blind person assaulted for blindness or a blind person assaulting because they didn't see or hear. To use chemical to override the "I" world mental response from running away or boredom (distraction) with addiction caused by the chemical natural and unnatural, be to cause the person to persue a different course. The chemical can find use to condition or make a person more calmer, like food and drink be a natural chemical or embalming fluid and synthesized chemical like acid and base. Food can control the way a person thinks and it does it by setting the feel of the body. For example, one can become fat by trying to feel good and evade a persisant problem, after that its a lost cause unless you do physical activity for the body abuse, as I heard an employee say. "A little more does it in exercise after the body feels like its on fire." from Teanna. Necessary to exercise right be the fat burn off and this can give pleasure. So we got two forms of pleasure and control, chemical and physical. Then there be a trendsetter technique thanks to Flynn to catch the neurotic and many other types, into a thought out process not their own. But only if the trend be well thought out, and well practiced to become understood and remembered. Considered concint, which be the process of influential area (arial) in an effort to create like nature, that can be destructive or illuminating on a person or thing. Either way the path be set by how the person chooses. So be it with the misfit "I" world thanks to unexplainable.net and Maybeys' Atlantis page, as how you think be how your world might react to you. Causes the "I" world to exist, as its based on the need to understand and by meditation you can manipulate it by having comfort in a position or laying in a comfort position, and focusing on a white light or not for differing techniques, also allowed be the standing meditation to create a pattern from thought thats sometimes evoked by feeling. The feeling be quite possibly read by your mind or the "I" world, now if its created in your physical world then its created in the "I" world. So saying "dont attack" or "don't" makes the person stop fighting. By Amalganus "As your aware of it so it exists, and thats all there is. So as I think it, it happens." "You hit the jackpot in missinfetamines or mission information drugs" from Anonymous. From a priest "By faith you conquer most, so things exists by your belief. Believe. By one I mean all as in the all being." uean = plane of neglect, disturbance and neglect or abuse may be awarded in the right moment. uead = land of death. This land is where the essence of death goes when it leaves the body. When the spirit goes there by choice, it obeys the rules of death and life that are opposite from this land. Where, dead is alive and living is deadly. Being alive is where your dead in some form. uein = plane of life. This is the source of body activity and life energy and you can bring anything to life. The manifest is here by attracting it to a location with effort of some material or active gain. This life energy can be able to make longevity and strength in a body. This energy makes the body last longer in their activity. On a new moon and waning moon, it can cause disturbance and ruin. aerth = mindless earth (air plane, air planet), mind world, mental world with every 10 minutes there, 1 sec here. aidamntpt = abandonment point, a place to abandon things, a place in hell where the bloody river. branches to pandemonium and then be the river of forgetfulness where people forget their desires. and most their life to sometimes drown as they touch the water. AraMaiGeo = This is the aura manifest world: the aura energy is the manifestation, the world is the feel you have that is based in the physical world. this is anything that is possible in the aura, think of what you want and the idea exists unless not necessary. however the creator of this world is dead, now is a point that you can create what you want. AraGeo = aura world: This is where you can think to create the point and you create what you need. This uses the aura energy and the world around you is the feel by the senses that you have. The God of this world is you, otherwise the original God is the creator, we are just memories of the creator. So thinking about things he realizes the idea, then you get the idea as though an end result. One thing about this world, that is based off illusions and she's dead that originally created it. So think to see the reality of the area and you do if curious. Doing is where you shift to see what and where you want to see. Whether or not if you could survive there. This includes exoplanets upon testing, so think about that. This is a point in the past that it was created, that is usually a point in the past that is created equal to todays time. So think of the idea you want as a need focused upon is a want, desire is what you can get unless not possible as the negative doesn't effect. Then you could think and go to do entropic idea. adjectas = detestable world, adjecting world, This is where I am in an authentic world where things are either authentic or fake this is working to the senses. Think to escape the area and not be there, so your aware of the water energy or flow if you left it running at the sink and leave the room to exit adjectas. advertas = divertive world, the hiding world, advertising world, this is where you are in advertising and creating with what you want or feel is energy by feel the area is cool, but you don't have to do things except think about them by feel, then you create by energy what you need and doing things is second nature. This is the nature of ad world, think of what you want and the energy creates it by either influencing the event, or creating the point by activity that's self-made or made by others. If not, then you are aware of things as they exist. Escape the world if you must, but you don't bother people if you don't think you are there by feel. Think your touching nothing and levitating off the ground, then your free from the dimension this world resides in with a concept by idea with a point by feel. Without the point, the world is a bit weird after normal people leave. If you focus then you can perceive the area and the wall dimension. Think not to react, then tell the wall to not show itself. The murals, if any, will stop showing itself. The point should be a dimension of what is there without the wall murals. Then if you create the point of turning away, you are freeing yourself from the wall world. This is a point in the past by feel, that creates in the past and makes the present point that you notice. That means you create things now, this is making it in the past created as a point by now that creates a future where you make things up. almao = eternal world, undying area of undying people aeia = america, united kingdom, melting pot, states united, fifth use aeii = american, realm, united county, unity, resident, crede world, focus point of mages to create by the peace it makes. This is a world of idols and things that exist. Mainly they exist, though only because they saw the idea and wanted to create the result of what they saw in their mind. This by idea is what they do. So think and they do what they want or need to do. antivas = antiverse; Antiinvasiveness, This is the world of drow, and sometimes the energy itself is what you consider negative, that means this energy exists separate from reality. Think to work nicely there and you get treated similarly. The idea is the point that exists, what you think to do is what you get to do unless you don't need the idea. So if you think to do something, then you get nice actions back. The drow world is what you think about as a point to consider. That is when you want to consider something nice and otherwise nasty in comparison. This is the point of prolifics, the idea is simply put do what you came here for and leave as quickly as possible. How you get here is consider your antimatter metabolism, then if you think to get a result think to be here. So when you are aware of things, think to exit or leave by the point. Think energy enters your aura field. If you think to be somewhere you need or want to be, then you are there. The aura shifts you by the energy, that is there, shifted of the place can be that you think to see as though frozen by feel. This is a well known fact to the point of life, that works by antimatter and makes for what is weight loss. Some drow are against humans, so think about the idea before going there. So there is a place for all of us, if you think to be there then your there. This is a point in the past. Exogeo = Exo plane; Exonerated planet or honorary planet outside the solar system and the area that exists on its own is where it is livable. Thinking about it I think the exoplanet is what creates where and what you have, when you have it and why you are there. These exoplanets are area that create by themselves, think for themselves and work with others conscious thought. So think what you like and you may end up with the idea. Also, if you think that your third eye shows you it, then you know what is there, where it is and when its a safe bet to be there. So think what you like and it could be there, planted there by the third eye or seed of life that we as humans cast forth so long ago that we can't even remember doing the idea. This is a bet in itself, that if you are aware of the surface then you can also know the atmosphere. The conditions are self obvious, if you cared to look with the third eye, then you'd know it by now. That is all you need to know about except its name at the moment. So think and look it up and you know it. If you use the exogeo in a calling, then you call out the naming of the planet and what you need it to do. That creates what you want. So think of what you want, you may get the idea done. So that is how you use this in a rite. However, you will want to choose a planet far enough away or think as a condition in your idea to "not have it recreated on you". This is farther than 3 planets away so you don't feel the influence of the planet recreating the idea on you. The way that works, the point you don't want something the planet takes the thing or condition from you and your body recuperates by feel. Then that something is turned into idea somehow and then the point is accepted by the concept you have of the physical body or world. This is all in an inner working by what is done. asd = asgorath, asgara, asgaroth, have respect, world of gamblers and void people that enslave annoyances while treating people with respect that gamble Asgard'geo = asgam, Gamers world; This is a world of energy, that creates with a game and works by the feel. The area is what you think, the physics are what you want or need to be there. However, if you don't need any, there isn't any. In reality, its a void space that is creating by pure energy. Think of what you want and you could get what you need. If you no longer need anything there, then think the energy reverts and is back to its pure energy state. This means anything you perceived is gone there, so what you think is what you get, the energy creates by what its consciousness is aware of with idea gotten by feel. This is exited by what you do or think, if you think you wake up then you are aware of your surroundings and the effect is done. That is a pocket dimension used as though a gate shifted you back, and then you are where you were before you entered the secret realm of gamers. How you get there, this is done by thinking of the realm of gamers and thinking your there. Otherwise your not there, your wherever you were or are in real life. One thing of note; this space looks exactly like the real world, except when your in a game. Then events start occurring that only appeared in the game at first. When you exit the game world, thinking to unexist the area you visited in the gamers world, then you revert the area your in back into energy and your in a room similar to your own and the events stop there. This is the idea of the gamers world, so think of what you want and you could get what you wish by feel. Omnitun = omnivea, omniverse, a higher universe that has things that are made by themselves from whats there and seem alive. IvaiAriaGeo = Body aura world; internal aura world, the inner fat world, involved world; The world that is in your aura, yet not everything there is represented by a gene or DNA pattern. Somethings are foreign energy and matter. The idea of objects are sometimes where you are touching upon the organ. The creation is done by activity of the body and blood or liquid waste flow is water. So no matter the point, the idea is done if you intend it to be done unless not needed. A shift is where you go by leaving the room or area physically. This is basically teleporting by feel or use of the senses. Think of what you want and you can get what you want. That is where the effect is either drinking or eating a little, then what you think to create is fully manifested. We each have a manifest where the aura world is creating internally what you want, what is needed is created outside the aura world, if necessary. Think about the place or area and being there to enter the aura world. Think about "going" and leave to exit the aura world. This sometimes what works by the aura energy responding to the water flow, this is where you are exiting by the feel of the senses. One thing to note; the god and the goddess are the main gods of this aura world. You are the creator that give the main gods energy, this is done through the point and release of muscles or basic energy infusion from the area of the body. The pantheon is what The God and The Goddess can choose. Devine are those people that use their organ energy or blood energy otherwise to infuse the organ with energy or blood cells. So think about a living area to live in and you have somewhere to live. This is where walk-ins or soul beings can live as well. This is done with the soul beings, that can attempt to act as though a support or guardian if they have time. This is sometimes acting as though a deity to your senses or idea of a point. Madkarna is a spirit that if his name is repeated three times in a rite with intent that you have, he will create what you want as though a God. So be careful of what you want and think with him, that is because he could make your need happen. Dismiss Madkarna when your done with him by thinking he is dismissed, so with payment of a little energy he goes away. So this is useful to create what they want, that is done by the use of their pinneal gland third eye. They have a subconscious mind, so think to their spirit or aura energy to create what you intend to create using their subconscious to create the point. Sometimes this is done through suggestion, sometimes this is done through the idea that your thinking your there and nearby to use their services. Then if you think about things you can shift to a point that is elsewhere. Call you later. UouLid = Curse land; This is the land of the hex witch, that is empowered by thought. This is then given form by energy that you release. This is a point that you can manipulate, that uses the third eye or 4th eyes to do the idea. If your caught there, think to go to him that is your parent and ask for something if alive. If dead then you at least no longer are there. Just mimick the right idea, if you need to go back. Know the language there is thought and example. Just realize that the curse land lies within the shadow lands, so think to observe and you are there to see things. Otherwise you shift, then your back in your normal world. En'if = The iffy ending world; The end of the iffy world, the iffy world is the world of the inner world. That is a point there as though an iffy point. The if part is does things really exist from nothing? So when you create the idea, think to use nothingness as a point and think of what you need as you state, "I get something that I need". The end to this world is there isn't an end, that's excepting for your natural end. The end point is this, think of what you need and the particles could assemble and create what you wanted. This can be a stated need as a want, that's granted as though a wish were a given thing or idea that comes to you. So think of what you want and you can get what you need. En'wod = En world; this world is all about your end, the ending is sometimes unknown but what you think is what will happen. This world is run by demons, actually, that do whatever you think unless you don't need them to do the act. That is especially true, if you state the result that you need or want to happen or things occur what you feel. Think of the moment to form what you need as a point to remember. The physics and magic there are usually like your own in a way. So think about what you want or need something, then you can get that as a result or think of an end result to what you want and you can get that instead. If you don't want roaches to live there, think they can't live here. You see this is a noted effect of recording by feel. This world is entered by stating "En", and left by intending something else as you state the result. That's about all for this world, so enjoy yourself while there. You can only get an experience once there, yanno. So think about things you need and you can go get the idea. This is where the end result is possible. Think and you know about the point. This is all about what you do, and otherwise your own life that you have by feel. En'wodif = Strike world; this world is the end world alternative, that you can use as a parrellel world. This world does not have any limits. So be warned about coming here, that's because when you leave the world you could bring something with you by feel. The physics are like ours or your own is matched by feel. Its a point that is done, and that's about the idea you know to get. Entry to the alternative, this is done by passing through an open door frame thinking to be here. Leaving this alternative world is thinking about leaving and you do this by feel, that's with the body knowing the right actions to do. After you enter, you know by awareness of the idea what will happen to occur. If you leave, then you know what happens there after the fact of leaving. That is all you need to know about this alternative, except that there is no karma. So be prepared for anything, this might mean you could experience things differently. So this is done by feel. ieeb = weiedl The weed planet that has downers every day. They can cause you to feel so bad, that you create with positive and still have bad feelings. By proposal you are there, by certifying or working with an idea you are back from it. So if you think to leave the weied plane, think of a place to live and walk through an open door. Basically, you lose your living space once you are there, and gain a new plae when you return. This is a really caustic place, so think to leave it alone and you won't go there. Take it like i t comes. They don't care about you and you can't make a good impression.. so think km and shift by spirit to go to another planet of existence to escape it. iob = The place of creation, think of things to do or things to create and the planet consciousness creates it with a upsurge of energy. Since your created there by your soul, all it takes is thinking your back and you return from iob. us = use; united state, united area, make use, kaboose or train car that pulls other cars on a track. yeu = tropozoze tropical zone, Magical tropical world that has objects and media that speaks to the mind. Psychic people there can percieve amazing things. The people in yeu are indispisable and indisputable. Entrance is a yeu tree, amongst other trees. bialm = tel`aran'riod, astral world, dream world sometimes gotten to by use of balm cream that's applied by what you do, the world of dreams that is discussed in a book series called the wheel of time. Think of where you want to be and you are unless devices that trap the shift is in use. You can see nearly anything here, so think about what's there and you can realize what is possibly there. I think you might need a dream interpreter, that is necessary as you could see allot of dream symbols. So think about remembering the symbols and you do. Think to enter it by resting and thinking about shifting there. Think to leave the astral by going to sleep there and you can do this by staying still or laying down and using the energy of the aura. Focus your mind on your need and then the subconscious will do the idea. The idea is done by feel with use of the senses, think of the basic idea to do and feel the need then you do the idea. This is how you do things there. Then if you think to return you can focus to use the energy of the aura and shift back to the real world. Pantomiming in the astral world is creating with signs or what you think is by or with indications, the sign can be an act of communication and that is done by feel sometimes with the speaking that you do. This helps with getting what you need known. bogs = bogg, bog, marsh, marshy land, swampland that is with some type of idea to do. bubli'aya = Bubble america; Then where there is a bubble of money, there is bubble of money. This is bubble america, so since there is a bubble there then things are okay there as here. Think and you know what to do by spiritual awareness. This is a point in the past. Anything future wise is occurred by feel. This is done despite the cost of living. Anything earned there is sometimes earned however you want it earned here. So think of what it is that you want, and you could get an idea for the point as an end result. bryan = britain, brittle, united land cegeo = cell world; The cell world is a place or area that is virtually in the body cells and known as the inner world. The inner world is a place in time that is what you think and nothing much else, this is excepting the inner room cell that is a place where you think of the idea and the energy generates what results you need as though an end result is a granted wish. This allows multiple places and area that exist by thinking its there, then all you really need to do is explore. Enjoy yourself as you explore, the options are almost endless in the cellular room. This could even have bars in the windows. The idea still works to allow you what you need as a want is a point where you form things from energy itself. If there, you could find insatiable hunger, otherwise you may have to separate yourself from the cell world to stop eating. Oh get this, what you write there is what forms as rules for the area that you think about. This is including what your body takes in and absorbs in itself, the fact that you take in poison means death or decay of things and people in the room. Any drug can create a drugged effect, that is feeling good for no reason, sometimes. In fact, there could be a cell room for the person that wanders into the area. So the possibilities are endless and things are what they seem. The point by fact that you mention or think about and the idea forms. This is as though the point were done and by a wish that self-generates the effect. So I will suggest this for those in a cell room, make what you can and you can get the best result from the area that exists. cegeo surran = geo surran dale, world of that place, that surrounds in another way the room that exists. This world area looks and acts like tron and works like a real world. cenethal = city of dead, city of necromancy ciat = city of enticement, work city, only one place like it ciot = calimport, city of wonder, djinni city Ciate = Paradox is a plane of paradox city that exists on a planar dimension, that is where the thought you create is undoing itself that you don't want and you can do things as if a will of god of the natural environment. This will is undone by the idea truth, that is 'there is no paradox' as if an 'En paradox'. cretaix'hylix = Written in Art, The creators halls, hall'le'cretor. We magical people sometimes started off here, We start this off by a story with this excerpt "Caretakers were assyrians or jedi like masters with magic. Who ran the place were also Ancient sedai and weavers of ancient power for results. The crags of myrrh of dragons march were near marsh deleur and neared the halls; then created the idea of the point you can see there. Finder(discoverer) marsha delur, with creators Delurus delough, Harga delough who seeded the area and cursed the water to move in to make a manmade marsh, the most deadly place of faery, now dried up. But, found near the area of Assyria and not realized but few hundred years later as of a different area category. The crags were home to Assyeia and now near Oklahoma or so lost was an Art. So that outta the wayzy, now we go on to Allearia due north where the dead can be raised and try to see if just deserved can be risen or so the task was. As the creators halls were built near there. The plankton of the ocean gathered energy controlled by tide toward the east and toward the entrace, but not as the mountain blocked the view of the motion within the ocean. We find at high tide, the effort of plankton and sea water powers the area with a charged scent. The final and desolute fate for the area be to be seen as a ruins with a hall like that of the castle of Hogwarts, except the entrance be obscured to time, Where harry's Hogwarts be on invite and the entrance to the creators hall be obsolete except for the astrally placed, suitable "I" worlds and linked worlds to an area which resided in the same spot but in a higher dimension. Due note there might well be a Hogwarts thats universally linked from england. This be Dragon school, a barely remembered area." Excerpt from a remembered book now unreadable. If you don't like then forget about it. Each material or place is unburnable with ephemerial quality. Null book burning, its forbidden since books started and now books correct you and them or either. Its with a netherese book, that destroys the destroyer now. Eisah elaborah is to pay money, but increments faith healing as a price.. Some say that the way into the school be through a body, or to touch an object that is linked physically by a touch or possession of body form and also by request to "link me' anywhere or at a moon and then the moon shows the way as you step on the spot of the moonbeam and you appear, but the hitch is to be the door must be open at 10:26 pm or after and its always open till the half moon (waxing or waning), full moon, or eclipse and then you must be crazy for the most likely thing to find in it be an accursed or begotten and forgotten place that smells from Atlantis that be hidden and that looks like the area you were in except for a feel of life thats not there, and any person could share another physical body as an anchor but not control. Its life that be inversed and retrospect for the being alone, like faery that rules it along with people linked there as a guest and sometimes no worker. As any worker be a teacher sometimes, tends to go insane and deadly with others near that are of murderous rage or not. Where guests are sacred and treated like students that learn at their own pace. The no fire rules are necessary, when bad wiring or electricity in a roon(room) where a roon can create studyroom by drawing it.. An object can be used as a storing area like where the cupboard is. The idea here be to bring your own materials and borrowing be allowed with some results if you don't agree to the lenders term. Except with borrowing its owned with importance on the feel that you own it On the idea and mission or an omission of guilt and importance. What you learn you keep and what thou get be earned, Unless its borrowed and of course with borrowing it shows up in a institution from any distance. So to rent to own, you own if thy owner who lent it died or you earn it with however and then your the owner. Inheritance matters as you should succeed the item to the person or buy a new one, of course if they don't own it they don't have it to give. This is the era of the place in the marsh be similiar to now as it be actually matchless with things to come and was of the past. The rooms are magical and are separate realities in themselves for the door separate reality and place you where you need to be by time and place. Its not much like the Arc with its unlimited room capacity and innate life force that seems the same elsewhere, except it has the same room capacity. The weird thing is to notice the dragons that arent there, but give them a reason and they will appear. A small bit of intrigue be all that matters, and then the dragons come about. Engineering or the making of this sort of magic with machines isn't very easy and instable with the best termed "glitchy", The glitch shows by being able to glitch with in a point to do things that cause a power surge in a place 'shift thought in a thought to create or with in gathering positive/negative pulse weapon is ionic energy to shift with. The method thing be that no death except in appearance, ever occurs and they come back as placeholders bodies or carbon ash to life. Like a person could die but a day or more later they could come back as the 5th (polot, gathering) and 7th (death and psychic impression) dimensions do the deed. With the 2nd as the death and waste absorber where just deserved it can act like the element of void for the right people. Its as the deserved nature who gain it. Things are where there is a way through an idea to the livery room aka the object can maintain it. So video deal is like other things as you can pay for it by doing the deeds or trading money. Money can be between people but it is to the degree where actions can be countable like you say you do to deal it or its faded away. You can use and view if you believe it possible, therefore effect is possible if you feel the need for things but silently or not so out of class. They power it along where the plankton are, again, the energy movement gatherers using the ocean as supplies and support (a second power source). Usage of the term furcadia to describe it be to say a simple truth frankly, because it resembles a dream server that uses the death fields to get some idea with the point that is done and the area be "programmable" by stating what you want without crashing the server. So to get a ghost or spirit that knows things makes it more real as the person can play, and the more body and ghosts makes it more plausible. The place be in limbo and "time stands still" much like in a movie or Atlantis where nothing seems to happen except what be motioned. The only way out be to decide to leave and what be taught be only what you know or want to know. cilfangeo = Elven land; This land is due a point that you think about. Then you create events there by what you think as you use this idea: Here's how you make a spell or idea happen, they begin with a point of what resources are there. That you would use, then the actual action verbs and nouns that describes the moment after. You can use any language, including English. The point is done by feel, this is where you use the idea to create one by some concept expression. So think about doing it, things shape themselves by what you think then you are done, this is how you make an effect or effort happen to occur a point that you think about. However, you don't enter this land, this is a spellion area that represents the imagination. That means you may have whatver you need, as long as it is available. If you do, you could find, that the spell that you thought up is what is occurring. This is done as though English though, so you can think of the effect and create what you intend by statement or feeling the need. Otherwise you could use power words, this is where you think of the idea and state the word to effect the point that you think to create. So think of what you want to get, then you could get the result, that you need by feel with the sensation that you send by thought. -Donavan chypazzou = model world, cloth world filled with clothing and people who love fashion. If you mention anything out of fashion, then you could be struck down if your near the wrong person. Thinking about fashion and walking out the door leads you there, if you wish to exit this land then think to exit and leave as your thought is on leaving. Then your in the normal world, thinking of what you want to do and that is all that is done except what you think. cortmaj = mage court cortymaj = high mage court copuauod = computer world; enter by a touch thinking of the world, leave by a touch or walking beside to the exit sign. The computer world allows you to do anything, thinking about things can manifest things by feel. Then I manifest things by the feeling I have that demanifest by the point. Then I have something that can manifest, thinking to help and do things by the feel. When things happen and I don't need it, then it demanifests. This is how the computer world works. So when you want to leave it, think to leave and walk out thinking the door is the exit sign. That's the computer world. Chyce'uod = Women's world; the woman world is the world where everyone is a woman in some point or regard, so in order to have birth, they self-birth sometimes this is done by self-sex and thinking about cloning or self-birth. The man-woman or woman-man is there by feel, if there is a man. So in order to get there, think to use gravity and focus your mind on being there. Then you are. In order to get away from the woman's world, think yourself away and then thin up as you consider going to another world. This causes what you need as you do things, so if you think about the area then walk as you think of the place you are there. This done by feel, however their physics are like ours so think about doing normal things and you can get away with the point. dabogeo = dad bod land; the land of dad bods or almost good shapes that you cross over to, this is done by a point where your relaxing by feel with what you think and you create with what is there. They might notice the use, so be careful. So if you want to cross back, remember the point of crossing and go the other way physically. So its a seemmingly placed area that is physically placed here. When there its seeming here, so its not really illusion as this is a 5 1/3 dimension. cs-137 = The world of beings, the world is somewhere in the cygnus-137 belt of the universe. They can use your energy memory and create the world view that exists on their planet. This is a point that they create by idea, expressed or unexpressed. This is done on thought by what you think is correct. The point is envisioned as a due point, that you work with or go somewhere. So if you think and on thinking of the energy of their planet. This can seem what you wat where you can use the energy, so think to let the energy lead you there by activity. You can then see the area that exists there. So you think and go, this is an energy to create with by feel. Think and do, this is where you shift and are either there or somewhere else. That is done by the spiritual use of the soul and thinking you need something, you get the soul to do the idea. The original planet you came from is returned to if you need to return in form, that is where by thinking the creator returns you by feel. This is an idea that occurs, if you need the idea to happen. The process to get there is ceasing activity and shifting, so you don't need things here. This includes activity that creates interest here, unless you instruct your subconscious by suggestion to do things here by feel. Think to them to create something here, then you know them by the point you feel they do. They can create better stuff there, than here and now. So think about this point. dactola = Commisioned by Auduella gabriella, Missere Masant be desihg'ler or Dragon lake that be where many dragon exists and any herb can be found. Great vacation spot and hardly known. dealm = demon world, vision, aun, hell, eternal death world, asyria, asria, l, sheol, pzrr detalm = heaven, heather, angel world, god land detolm = abberoth, abbernath, dragon world, dragon realm dynspia = dimensional pocket, brought alot, maze world, pocket plane that you escape by falling out of with falling down or tripping over things. eden = lemuria, life continent, life garden. the continent of great delights, otherwise a fernlike idea and liesure and creatures, also the place of the first fairy tribe. This land be now mris. lysenyal = lesion field, elysian field, liesure field, death field that be now antarctica (dantartica, ice land) and located beneath the ice, with hundreds of creatures thought ice locked. faold = a fabled faery city pigdineic and mystery of cool collection for energy or power of ole holster..aka halasters manifest city. furu = magic world, faerun, tirnanog, faery world, time world, fee mists feris = earth naer = pelosi mirror world; a world like our own on a near earth exoplanet, that is a world on its own with its own ecosystem. Nuclear war threatens it and things about it are sometimes copied spiritually. So think about this fact and work with what you have carefully if dangerous. The truth is that it could have come from there. fractal = world within world, dejavue, same pattern repeat until destruction by excess energy fratepe = space frontier, space colony fratue = frontice, frontier city, colony franti = war plane, planar war, war planet frantice = constant war nation, war world fronti = frontier, new landfifth frontice = frontier city, colony frontispe = space frontier, space colony gaao = to destroy everything, pandaevalus, pangara the cromagnum city of disturbance that sits on a void gate. gaoo = city of pandara that uses odd techniques to build, city of oddness geo = world, planet geodd = odd world, fate world, wierd world geoid = hidden world, hiding place gota = gotham, superhero city glob = world hargewoods = Higher plane that exists of an ordinary area that blinds people to what truly happens in the world of origin area. If noticed, you don't seem to react to it until later as it can be horrid. So horrid that your mind can reject its existance. Its a place of original and aboriginal magic that allow any idea to exist that seem impossible and this includes living myths like Al. jeo = globe, planet, jail juun = magic country, The magic country be just another alternative that be magical and dark ages, gotten to if one desires something and feel yourself shift there. By a wish, thought, forcecraft, imaginary moment, thought out idea andmagic/k. We the magick country can trade anything except that which be unneeded, any scenario can be set up by smart air reading your intention through osmosis. Its modern medieval to suseptable and very like the world around us. or and unless made to look it, be slightly like dream realistic. One could set up a small kingdom but funds are varied and cash comes from reserves of another alternative whos very good at trade. Concern for the area guides the moment without thinking of it but. the natural feelings are heightened. luskan = deceitful city, babylon, another world city, another decietful city along snake river. micben = Microbe universe; This is the micro universe full of multiple microbes, so these microbes are represented by people in a realm of reality. That is the second layer to this reality. This realm is a virtual reality, that created by microbes you can make what you may of what you will. This means that the microbes are nano scaled, so if you think to see the true reality then you will black out. Notice what is thought or use things in sense. The microbes are you in real life, so think about that. They are also conscious of things, so think of things on a microbial scale and the VR level is representing your thoughts. Think to end the VR moment by mimicking lifting off the headset, you then know the base of the second level. After that, you take off the VR controllers from the hands and wrists. Then walk out, this is where your thinking of leaving. This exits you from the VR world. The rest is up to you after that moment in time. This is when the VR lvel is what you can do basically in two parts. The real area and the VR headset world view. So think to get what you want, you may end up with the pint by idea. Oh due note: Thinking of improvements I believe the VR is capable enough of being taken as thought thought was real life. So if your given everything withstanding the idea, and this is without question, then you are within the VR itself. Since that speaks of improvements to the area, I believe that if you separate from VR, otherwise named Virtual Reality, then you could enjoy what's there. So don't go off believing that VR is real life. VR is just a game and you can bet the humane humanity there is increadible. See that is microbial life for you by feel. Since you were never there actually, this point doesn't matter. So think of what you like and you can get it. mydroi = tolkien or spiritual uses, middle earth, earth existance, olde world, this is the middle planet of the world that you work with by thinking the activity that goes on and things happen. The third eye creates the idea and the mantle is the medium that is use with the created idea. This is the point that you do things and you know by the third eye that's activated, this is with the blood flow going to the pinneal gland. This creates what you wish and things work out by feel. alite = atlantia, atlantis, etepa, ethiopia, utopia, perfect world, perfect civilization, distraction or Land of luixury and beauty. This continent was of great delights, liesure and creatures, also the place of the first fairy tribe, and be now called elysian fields. Ido'geo = faith world; This is done in a world of faith, think of what you want and you could get the end result of the point that exists. So I think that this world uses the concept, the God or the creator creates what you want by doing the point with some feel. This is a point of life, when you pray or state the effect, "I wish to be there". Then you create a shift of body, that makes the effect of being there and working with the idea you find. What faith there is now, this is a point of idea that you make things and those that exist are there as divine. They create for others or yourself, if you need something. The way to not be there, this is where you pray or state, "I need not to be here." Then your somewhere you want to be instead. Have in mind what world or place you want to be and your there instead. mre = mris, Dark unlivable island world that was once eden It was near the equator yet is beyond the crater sea, before being washed over from four tsunamis, and the ocean rose 150 meters, leaving only the dark jungle above. Considered dark disciple, creature and vampire hunting grounds because of prey who might visit. n = country niogeo = nano world; This world is similar to the subatomic world, this is where you focus the third eye and generate activity in some form there. Send some energy there to do what you need. Think to send the energy and its there where you want to do what you think. Only there is this fact that your third eye pinneal gland can manipulate it by feel. That manipulation is done by influence, this uses the crown chakra. Think of the idea and state what you want, that uses the third eye and focuses the crown chakra into creating what you want. The nano can influence the world, if you influence the nano. The basic idea is using your mind to focus your mind, then you create by using the soul that causes the spirit to do things. So what you can do is what you think, this is a noted effect of the nano world, that appears as a vision and works like a thought. However due notice of the extremely small size, this means that you manipulate what is there and generate a form otherwise. That appears there by feel with the senses to indicate what is going on, you know things by what is done. The idea is this though, what you do there is up to your imagination. This is a point of the nano world. Pec'wod = Peace world; This is a place of peace, everyone lost there violent streak. So I think the idea is what you think, then the world emulates what you need by what is there. If you don't need the effect, then it disappears. So this is a point of idea, think of what you want or need and you create with what is there. This is gotten to by thinking of the world and feeling, that your there. The way to get away is the effect of thought, think your not your thoughts and you are back to where you wanted to be by feel. pirn = suburb, city area (where you are the people and the people are you), think to escape pirn by what you do from use or area feel. plar = planar, alternate existance plars = planetarium, planet observatory plarsfey = fairy planetarium that has mentally manipulatable astral equipment. ploza = plot zone (plane), any plot (story) be known, most can be acted upon with self created plots. punki = defined hell gasaa = superbeing world georog = thieves world geosupab = superbeing world quadwod = quadrelm, An inphysical "'xhig'sahn'lagn' high tension" spirit realm containing quad material that be twice hardyness of normal, from the material plane and 2 to 4 times as strong as astral. The quad realm be very inphysical and astral yet has spirit qualities that make it seem like real where its not real. All spiritual and physic rules work with little actual need to know except the necessary points. Most people are demigoddlike with possibility to become a guardian or Astral planar being by stating it as fact that you are. Al thats neeed be to know by need to know rule and what isn't needed be someconscious ignored. The quad world be the definite adventuring or alternate earth world. Everything in the quad realm tends to get disgruntled if misused (misincorporated idea or bad reasoning with use) or disused (overused, overincorporated, overinterred and pushed upon others). saageo = superhuman world, superhero world that has more violent superheroes by 5 times, this is only if necessary to stop criminals or villains than that of the villains themselves that are violent by a factor of 3. That world and world universe uses the marvel superhero universe, the idea is about the same as it is in marvel comics and movies. So think about it and do what you think is right. In order to leave the superhero world, so think about leaving the world and walk out the door. If that's how you got there, then the door frame of metal or wood should shift you back to your world that you came from with its energy. Otherwise you could use a mirror, this is looking at the mirror and stating 'shift me back' thinking of your place of existence. The mirror magic will surge the area and the shift or teleport should happen. If you used a gate, then you can use the wood or metal frame of a doorway to shift you away. Think to the fram what you want and touch it and then walk through. This is just three ways to leave a world, most of them will sometimes work on the superhero world. There's always a 50% chance of failure if you think about failing, when your near the point of shifting. So think about this and beware of the fact. seugeo = seauu geo, subatomic world; This world is the world that games can be made of and what you see when you focus your third eye, hand eyes or feet eyes to see in it is what is created by someones willing nature. Otherwise this is your will that is reflected there, what you may notice is mostly beauty. So think about what you want to see and it will show it there. If you want to be there, then think of it as there and where you are as here. Think a generated form is there and your able to comprehend the idea, this reflects in the language that is there. The being that is there is what informs you by telepathy what you need to know, this is even showing you what you want to see if your third eye shows you the sending. This is not always foolproof, so be able to handle whatever comes your way.Sometimes the beings there might want to be born here, so think about a suitable parent and that is done. If you think your here, then you seem to return and your no longer aware of what happens there. This is what I noticed about the subatomic world. sezupgeo = sezup geo, subparticle world; This world has noone in it, noone lives here so think of what you want and the influencing element in this world creates what you want by moments and visions. This world creates by the element and these are air, earth, fire, water and void among many more. The element is what you think and the point is what you get, if you know about things that exist in your world by what you do. Think about the idea and then feel the need, then the subparticles create what you usually starting with a light display, sometimes this is in the night sometimes this is in the day where its shaded. So think about that point, you then create by the idea that you have using the sub particles and quarks. Some of the elements are described at the dragon magic school here at http://dragonmagicschool.org, just start reading and you can get what your looking for by feel. siry = siring, child bearing, seers hall, the only hall to chain the seers to a rock or existance for sight and to get any desire by advanced warning. Know that half or most can channel and change events as needed. The other great seer hall be chadriinax but some report its in ruins. sibbawind = aceto, silverwood, advanced kingdom of the elves that uses the government called democracy with a republic, this government and world has advanced toys and machines that work with a power source. You only have to go to a store or find someone with the ideal thing, that allows you to attempt and trade for it. The point being, that you could be there but think its here. This is where you came from, so there is where your visiting. The area is exitable and your spirit guided by your soul shifts you back to here, where you came from when your done visiting the places and people therein. The thing you might notice, that is the point you always get what you request in some form or another. If not, then you must have requested something else, that means that you didn't get what you came for by feel or spirit. So if you leave and think to exit the land, use of the planet core is done and that which keeps you there dissipates away. Then you come back to yourself, this means your able to do what you can and things work out with what is done. The thing that keeps you there and does things? The planet core, the gravity is the idea of immediance and things works by what you do or think and need. So if you think to the core, 'Teleport or shift me to whence I came or an exoplanet of my choice.' Then the planet core energy surges and you find your way back and then your where your soul decided was where you should go. This is the only actual way off of silverwood or the advanced land of the elves. Sodiar'Geo = Heart world; This is the work of SH, think to use this as you want to use this as information or activity. The heart world is the soul world that is created by the formation of the heart. This exists by feel or uses with the senses, so think and anything is with the senses of the heart. Then created is the idea that you think to use things. The idea is a point that you create with by the way you think, this is where you can get a warm fuzzy feel to the area and through generation you can create anything. That is where you do self-actions, think of what you want to do things by the idea you need. The heart can create anything and time here is every 1 second outside is 1 year inside the heart world and get this, the heart has a simple brain as well. So that is what generates the results. The idea you have and think then need is what you end up with by feel, that is done if you speak or think of the idea as though an end result. By thith method, you can generate any result or idea as though a full manifest. This is a noted effect to the place, so don't take everything done as though an idea to do. suzupsah = su zup sah, Super particle plane; The super particle plane of planetary existence is what is there with excited particles, you may call this plane a buffer area for the place or area you live in by feel. That planar area a place is an area that exists things, this area is what creates what you think and makes what you want. The area exists in the uppermost atmosphere of the planet, that is where you think things to exist and they disappear from here where you are to make themselves knowable there. If known about, then you think to get the idea that you want from there to materialize here. Then you know what you need to know about and things work as they should. If the super particle plane does exist the idea as a point, then all you need to do is use the point and the idea such as a cure works for you. skycity = floating city, mage/magic sky city. Described here @ http://spellhawk.great-site.net/skycity.htm. T'lira'wod = The hologram world; The world as we know it is all holograms with ghosts from the dead bodies by what is there. They cooexist together, the point is a concept and its usually done by the feel or idea of things that exist. Beings run the holograms. The point is a concept though only when its acted upon by feel. This is where the world is immune to demons. The hologram world is a place you reach through thinking your there, and the creator places you there. If your conscious of energy thinks its someplace else, then the creator places you there instead. This is a unique world and what exists is what you think. However, The gods have all but left the world, so think the creator serves you and he will. What's there under the hologram? a broken planet that is created similar to earth and what is somewhat slagged by nuclear war. The satellite that is there projects the in image. The images are interactive. Think of a witty response and you get one instead. timbuktu = City of gold: This lies in mali on the southern edge of the sahara desert and is actually mud walled buildings now. So the illusion of the pueblo indians is the movable mudwalls, that allowed them to move their city as they wished. The first to explore the timbuktu is french explorer auguste caillie, dressed as an arab and acting himself. tirnanog = faery world tor = torn up, world scape tegeowod = variant world above, merworld below tiwod = thinworld, The world where most people are slender or thin and take no exception to visitors. By breathing the air and taking sips you are ensured perfect slender strength that be a superheroin in proportion. The thinworld gas and water be with a control effect and renders the person suggestable. tubwod = fatworld, a world 100% with fat people and due to the genetically charged air and water aided by food, you might find it doesnt leave the body. If you enter then your body might mutate wih each sip or bite. Then = The end view; The world at the end, this world view is showing things. That could occur or happen, this is done unless you don't allow for the point and do things to save the idea. This world is ruled or described with the rules by the two view idea that is here @ http://spellhawk.great-site.net/2view.htm. Tsukiyomi = The sucking of my own mind through the eye, all it takes is eye contact to transport them into another dimension, called the Tsukiyomi; where it doesn't even require eye contact to trap them in a spell. It blinds the user little by little in the manga/anime otherwise the dimension that this was taken from, but you won't have that problem. In the other dimension, 2 weeks there = 1 second here. I do use the dimension form of it in a way that is so I can make the person see their own death, and at the moment of death, instead of dying, then will them back and they just come back to reality and collapse to their knees. I rarely even finish them off after I do it, because I only do it as a 'this is what will happen if you do attack me, now leave me alone' type of warning. This only has to be done once to make an impact. The eye will do what you need, this is as you feel the desire to do things. Tsmogeo = The smoke land; the land of where you smoke and you create cancer, you cross over into it by thinking about things and smoking something. You can create with the smoke as you think your there. Then as you do you create with idea that your subconscious does, this seems done by the third eye and this is activated by thinking blood energy goes to the pinneal gland. Think the flow of liquid to exit from the smoke land, if you ever want to come back to the land of smokes then smoke something. Wll'geo = Well world; The well world is the point of this world, that you think your well and work with others idea better. This is a point where the self-gravity is used idea of the world. That is what causes it to turn in circles. The well world can not easily be escaped unless you imagine yourself on a space craft, otherwise done as you think to go and escape the gravity physically. This is where you can think to die and shift to another world, that's as your gotten by the great eagle or something similar. However due note, there are men and wonen there, so I think the cops and security regulate the area you see, then the manager makes the rules. So obey and you know what is necessary. The well world has similar physics, the idea is just another point in the lifetime you live there. Since if you can't escape it, then you end up reincarnated there by feel unless some God frees you from the place or something. How you get there is through the point of doing something wrong, then not repenting your karma energy or things to that regard. Otherwise you might end up in hell there, unless the planet shifts you to the planet of no karma. This is a point by feel idea. So think about the idea and you know what to do. Sometimes this works, if you seem to do what the rules are by feel. That are rules stated by idea that's spoken, then the subconscious frees you by what you think or feel. via = ill world, illa, villa, town, town activity of ill city center, this city center is escapable by thinking or stating evilla or evelli meaning Eve I have to go now. Otherwise the release from this world is through the eye seeing a phrase that matches a statement, think your matching exactly some future thought. vyd = hidden world, behind scenes, video world vyhya = vyxhya, valhalla, warrior land, warrior heaven twensun = uuodtwensun, world between the sun, sunland where the people of the sun be xit = xanth, Magical land ruled the demon xanth, with a pun like language much like the xanth novel. The entrance be the asking xanth to open the door for you to enter or go to florida and feel for the entry by dowsing. Be warned they of xanth consider us nonmagical mundane in mundania. zefw = zephiroth, sky people land, harpy roost zephiroth = sky people land, harpy roost zupgeo = particle world; This is the world that is a world of particles, the area is what you think and bipartison in effort to work by feel. This is with an idea that means you think it and the particles rearrange themselves, that is useful to match the area influence and the point of concept that you think and feel will occur. The particles are what you think, the area is with what occurs and where you are influencing things. The way that idea is, the thing that you think causes the particle world to influence the real world, the feel is the senses that are used to determine what is there with the perceived perception. This uses the third eye and the other eyes, that is such as the hand eyes, this useful idea is used to create what you want if possible. If not, then the idea in use is what you think is used and things are what they are doing. This is the particle world, the results speak for themselves and he doesn't do it where she does things. -XXII- The nouns, pronouns, adverbs and verbs p1 Grouping Single vowels a = prefix: not, affix: active; on, online, a in off, age, the, in action, actively, by, of, ah!, year, from, free, reject, no (know or gnow), at, the enactment is negative if an act is to do things, the one, be, behest, obese, put upon, now I am aware what he, she, they said. e = prefix: from, affix: be, is, are; otherwise: a in ex, from, it, energy, open, exception, an, am, and, to or combine, as if en the point is done. i = prefix: movement, affix: the, include; eye, one, go, walk, march, advance, pass, flow, flei, ride, sail, iodine, urge, an interest, interact, inspire, to, activity, self, in, oh, if used as I; yes, yeah or aye, so I know this is prevented by the flow of energy. otherwise "I" means energy consciousness. This is where "I" know things. "I" act.by feel better. o = prefix: past, affix: order; or, other, difference of, oh!, let live, past, on, a in ax u = prefix: you (if positive) or (if negative) no, affix: opposition; en don''t, huge, but, uranium, understand, bend, bad, yo(u) avoid, (if negative) not, this is where you think and avoid what you hate. Think to leave the area and you aren't effected by direct things with feel. y = prefix: cause, affix: after; active in account, wild, latch, yttrium(time element), more efficient, male, why; ask, ask a question (get an answer) After in activity of the moment you can get the end results you want working out. Two part vowels aa = claustic; thereof, therefore, mastery, the clause of the moment is what is there and with a point in character. otherwise this is caustic reasoning that's inappropriate with no regard to you by feel with life imprisionment. There is no parole with cops in person. ea = creation; creation by what you relate, caustic relation, water god, each, wait, create, this if overdone can make a punching of bad people out easy, this is done if you need the effect and then if you don't then your with inner peace by feel. You may tend to react as though a guardian or manager of someone or some place, so think and you know what to do by feel with the game. ia = is; this is using an idea (is an or in an), liar, inner, this is a point you lie down or lie with a straight face, bias, equal (to), release, stand, away, hit item, item, this is usually an item in idea or a point of will with a liar. So to stop the lying down point, think to state unh ia or held forever in an idea point until the point is made. This is done if irate, otherwise its an ancient word meaning inner power. So enjoy what you get from this point. The point may last forever. oa = loan; dangerous, go away, stop, past action, oil, ott (otter)', out person. ua = resumable; degradation, continue, resume, activation, anchor, what, (water) god, water; urine, especially if urination is done. ya = agreement; yaa, sky, space, eat, agree to, you, understood, your, yes ae = herbage; divinorium, similar to cocaine, age, era, meaning, intent, equals, =, law creative, ate, to, as in, against things that are negated with then or no flubbing not there, this is the level by no hate no unloyalty this is the level with progentors or use by many herb type. ee = drug; medicine, multiple, many uses level or perception with don't so you do this to not have announced multiple schlerosis. ie = higher; relief, well, popcorn machine; ihe, don't, ide, idea (of something), exasperation, oh yea, oh yah, exaggeration, hot air (that is made with or makes fire), tall, in it, heat release (sudden heat release creates the fire burst), giant, item oe = needle; wait, bye, pause, thought, or, done, owe, okay ue = tea drink; expect, up, urine (everywhere), urinate, work things up, ruin, war ye = stone; your, you, our, yes, yeh, agreed, yet another form of life that you respect and work with by the point or feel. this form of life is formed by a stoning effect where you think to use eternal energy or god energy and gain eternal life. ai = trap; fat, gather, debut (like a debate) ei = to; restful, to lie down, eigie (egging, eggo) ii = channel; weaving, thought provoking, open oi = energy; no weight, not done, pig (oink), orange ui = remnants; wreckage, ruin, solid, an, with, / yi = interface; pick, sure, yes ao = being; (body of) energy consciousness, nature, forever (darkmatter or nothing that supports the need), all-father, eternal creator eo = divine; the alien god, million, eon, earth, evolution, top (as in centrifugal spin), up; upright io = imagine; ol, energy, creativity, otherwise: energy specific madness; cured by angel, yet leaves an odor (bad scent) oo = cool; sit, oh uo = instant; who, instantly (uon), instantaneous, instantaneously (uon) yo = augor; over here, over, you there, friendly greet, you, yes, agreement, wait, holdh, greeting, empty word, hey, your, you all au = teach; goal, value, four, taught(tight), gold, stretch eu = peeu; pee you or stinky, language, europian, acute, good, pleasant, huge iu = agreed; self pleasing, oh yea, feel, present action, intuitive, intuition, ', this is a point of self-pleasure where you feel by present action with intuition and intuitive knowledge. ou = done; see, out, this is where you see things done and are out. uu = uun: nothing; nothing more, this is where nothing more happens for a looped effect, (uhn) undone, never, not, uhuh yu = chemistry; yield, why you, yuck, yech, yucky, yuh, you, yue, yuh, go make, this is where you make use of your time for a point or yielded effect. ay = greeting; I, hay, positive, positive result, way as hi or road, phrase, normal attributes found acceptable and seen; Form and idea are same with energy. ey = impairment; eye, alright, hey iy = lily; made product, impatience, result oy = boy; good grief, irritant uy = gooey; male organ, why, this is gooey in nature and made from a male organ. yy = learn; male pride, learning from, growing pains ab = none; code, before, away from eb = recession; receding tide, energy base, recede, go back ib = flow ob = take; warp, chaos, odd, not, over obesity, understood ub = oob; energize, build, you are, you have, you've, your, understood as wish effect, this is where you activate something and create with a build of energy, that so in en fades away. yb = clear; wiped out, ytterbium ac = action; account, acr, sharp, actinium, exchange, electical current, electricity, ace ec = balance ic = -ic: characteric of a point or characteristc seen, ick; in character, I see, ice, characteristic, pertaining to, ence; fence, exchange (of heat or energy), hence, exchanger, acting oc = lift; focus, strength, direct uc = okay; resolve, work yc = job; wake, doing request, this is doing a request unless its not needed or its not wanted to be done.. ad = had; if, had on, hadn't, at the moment, aid, moment, to, toward, the point ed = animate; animated, train, edict, soul death, this is from a hit that was done to the soul and when its done the person dies by feel. id = ego; mind, or things that can appear hideous, idea, I'd, hidden (it) od = owed; psalm, oath, song, (a) poem ud = you'd; to project, forward, to bring out yd = wide; wade, make path, man or make effect af = after; aftereffect, in favor, normal time, favorable, laugh ef = create; to shape, mold, effect, otherwise this is a point that is caught. if = result; now, sniff, fall, if "use" and or an end of a loop, possibility, now is the result this is an iffy concept point that creates what is in a random point of time as a fire formed and any incident, this is in a will if knifefight is in a random circumstance or otherwise known in. As in life that ends in a concept that ends, as what you will as thought or not is cool at the end that life is there. of = based (on) desire; off, sex energy on the moment, focus, lineage, loyalty, time is en saver as what energy you see or use creates what you think, create by, feel (intuition from the soul), often, oven, thought point uf = behoove; out of air, hoof, this is denoted by hearing a hoof beat or seeing a hoof. yf = relation; gyne, wife, mated female, wild beating (of a dog), this with idea is energy and thought you use is an excess to create and make a thought including a beating or no hands are on me. ag = element; quicksilver, age, silver eg = egg; hedging on, dependent, eggress(ion), dark force, eager, think of things egging you on no more, then you get what you want. ig = pi; pig, big, the idea of this is where you pig out and feel good from getting big. og = ogle; oger, look, support, beautiful one, aug, otherwise augment or change in state. ug = bade; ugly, tug, indecision, the indecision is where you decide not to do things and that's when your indecisive. yg = work; wiseguy, wag, wage, test yourself, this is where you (have) to test things with your idea before you use it, you (have) to test your consciousness to know what is there. ah = understood; oh, not active, this is in relaxing built up tension you relax, understanding comes with enlightenment and the god, deity, divine that helps by feel. This literally stands for "I see so I don't need things unless necessary. If you need it or hold it, then ask or get by without it..", this is done using obvious means and meaning from observation and that is also from english dictionary. eh = ok; okay, was, be, what, caught in surprise ih = blocked; hold off, inhinderance, this is a blocked point from a hit in a fight so now flow I know it, insightful, pride that leads to death by deadly means, in, inhibiscus, rest, inhibited, bend, day, this is where you sometimes inhibit a real life moment and experience daytime. oh = as; held belief, elmester glue, I was corrected uh = wait; take note, sickened by, pause, shamed by, dumbly do or point to somewhere you need fixed, high energy; think about this working and then it will work things out by feel. yh = bitch; complaint, complain, shortsighted, shortsightedness, yeah, (in) agreement, ever ongoing aj = chosen; choice, aja, selective ej = ejection; (in) removal, out, outward ij = readjusted; edging, well thought out, in concept that's a good thought out point and reborn, that is where your reincarnated and not on the planet or reanimated after death or catastrophic injury. This is a type of injury that is fatal, so think about the result. You can get the idea, that is what you need in idea to happen. This is a wanted thing, so think and you get the point. The process is think of what you need, suggest things and the subconscious creates what you desire. oj = orange juice; oh jay, good for you, out in juice form or juice box uj = betterment; urge to better, made better with thought yj = reveal; standing up for yourself, know illusion ak = ache; ack!, most al love to attack or hold back if male as though attack ek = eek; scare ik = news; ick, long bar, ink, I, in oak, pig ok = okay; okau, oak, oak tree, comply in oath, com se com sa or alright otherwise soso or comply. uk = party; brexit, come together, unite, one purpose, thought with salvage or create with a point yk = national; nation, united people, with uniting ways al = I'll; sale; ail, sail, all (as metal type or material type), aluminum, as long nailed floating haired young women corpse feeder, as an alternate form they can seem a fire eyed boar tusked iron teethed brass clawed copious shaggy hair human beast. Al use the area or feel so not to seem with stench to use the area, to see the stench as a marker or indicator seen alter to not always or not to stink el = select; selective, meta, element, the first, eloquent motion, elephant il = disease; illness, weakness, not, point to fix in a fixation state, bad functon, this is where you can consume way more than what you want and the thought is for food by thought and things work out. ol = force; hold, black hole ul = unlimited; god, line flow, life flow regulation, temperature regulation yl = being; creator, That is a state of will allowed with a moment no time exists, that is when no weight is associated with this effect. This uses a focusing point, so while not noticed this happens wild magic and whole idea (points). Anything is possible by a time or will use, so that means this is using time wyl and wiles. This is the moment of will discipline, and that's using an energy source with an element of an idea time. am = run; in motion, americium, on un circular pattern, in circle out back (transitions don't beguile break this pattern as you don't actually consider him until necessary), ride; vehicle, car, what a run can consist of actually as of a point done by feel em = feel; female, woman, (only if negative) blame or condemn. seem, contempt, (if associated with the point by feeling) empathy: association sometimes due to stress, that is with the feel of the moment. this may leave you empathic, otherwise this is due to an empass that you deal with by acceptance of the idea or fact. eum: sounds like a loud mrmory, catlike sound, this is similar to energy in the room with its sound, otherwise this is a large catlike sound where you seem like a cat. im = him; not, note, into, image, beside the point, think about things om = eat; nom, realize, know the level to measure (toxicity or area), clarification, effect, in upward motion (ea) um = consume; consume a portion, poison, snake venom, some consume the idea to accost dumbly and not act as smart so you could relent, this forms a nightmare of snake venom if the venom is used, so no or sex is used to fix the need and not do it, this effects people you don't know so don't worry about the idea. ym = eurrrm sound, pieeh sound after whim an = pain; man, ain't, not (much or done otherwise u or no), hand, This could be a stopping point where not much is done. Then the hand of doom: this is where some hand movement is done and then putting palm outward (sometimes meaning a stopping and thinking point); otherwise an is: then push or/and create, &, amperstand, include (in addition), I (ancient fire summoned with combination as I will and possibly erasure or focus), not, know, ass or particle soul, help in the end, anticipation, anticipate. This doesn't declare anything if used as an ending such as -an but takes the place of a negative reaction especially if used alone such as "this is an idea" or 'th e an ie'. This is used if a place in time is understood for the idea, that creates in thought for what's in mind. These are things you sometimes are possibly able to use, so if you can't do things you can do them normally. Sometimes -an is a thought that's sometimes a fought moment if seen psychically. Sorta like an argument, that is with emphasis on the idea you think except its in an idea non physically done. So then dismiss the scene in your mind by thinking of something else, then things seem to work out for you. This is a sign of the fairy or life, so think of the idea and the fairy can do the effect of creation. en = ending; hand, (then in their) moment, time keen, at the end, in whatever this is in allowing, thought by now whatever is after is done and thought, not done in end (nothing done nothing felt), rapids or into a body of water, encased, encode, inside, at, ent, isn't, do or is not, in the end (wild, frenzy, detrimental to form essence), god of dark matter and entropy, create as usual creative user field (as a hurt field), ending by feel in = runtime; (if positive and agreeing like I'm in) yes, agreement, (if negative and used as 'in' by itself) no, with, die (off) (of if negative), without, ends, and, in and out, hand, not do, into, indium, not, ing, ingot, invert (revert as this creates in idea your not always doing as reverse till death), don't gnow or know attack, no longer not there, if you are awaiting people your aware of your options by feel. with or without maw broken in life by actions that concur with what people do die with inverted energy by life interred by kinda inhibited attribute for which you forbear is what you get and as you can uninhibit you use nothing to do things as if somewhere else as if the idea were nothing wrong and other things you may explode or not as no need to do. This is using the fire as a source to do things a psychic wish. The end result is this, where energy consciousness creates what you want in life. This is a point you can write down and create by writing the point. Think and you en know what to do. This is the point at the end, we evolve and the idea is ended. They are in the idea, you are unaffected if human or animals..the total distance between that place and this place is inches across. on = aware; arm, done, awaken, [from] thought about moments, empower (there war of empowering and not here), dong or ideal use. this is a point in review, that is where you think to work with those you need better. un = eternal punishment; if thought it is as forever and what I think is punishment, (if said as oon like spoon) forever; unaffected, eternal, creative undying, (if said as unn) undone; unweave, not (nothing), this otherwise means relaxing and if not forever then the point is done by someone if not the originator. yn = lessened; less (for you), winding dead up, why not, wine, with energy release (come and go energy) as nothing if physical or not and they go as need be), come and begoeth or do something else. time doesn't matter, think of what you need and you get what you want. ap = nap; ape, return not copy and come or copy and go and sometimes do if soul ep = picture; record, episode, capture, eep! ip = fid, find; basics behind internet, location, address, network, the point in idea op = operate; operation, hold in place, open, hope, operation up = (the) maneuver; thrust, upward, scoop, out in upward delivery, if crazy; this is taking your shit and using it in idea by hitting someone up with the shit. see the idea is true, they didn't take it. yp = clean; wipe away, erase, move away, this is a concept of cleaning up shit and stuff with bacteria. otherwise I can get sick. aq = ack!; faq, fact, factor, cheese, throw up (body fluid or object), acquisition eq = is; equal representation, this is using an equal view in diversity except for what you can do to things by feel. iq = intellect; intelligence, ick, icky feel, sick oq = nock; cross, smart, smarts uq = job; follow rules, organize yq = awareness; aware, icky, very sticky ar = area; are, art, purpose, argon, arguement, arsonist, ingenious flame, setup, sometimes by spirit is arranged idea. er = action; speed, here, hear, her, erbium, it, emergency area, convert, implode ir = irk; ire, iridium, oppose or = suffix; -or put at end of word and then interred meaning is one who uses feel with your word meaning after such as auror or one who uses sunlight or one who uses the source: one who (uses); gold, riches, fantasy, essence (from life), order, build up, in (energy), if not used as prefix: add meaning after the word to seem the end point as though two different words with one meaning. Such as in aur or: sunlight order or build up and otherwise with a source in energy. ur = year; hair, you're, your, curse, your cursed, urine smell, think of the idea with the point as though the scent is dissolving and you dissolve the scent by the power of thought. this is how you can do that. so think and do. yr = ply; year, wire, with movement of exception, long pliable strand, this is a point you strand together things and make it pliable by feel. as = last; fascimile, fundamental change, similiarity, similiar, arsenic, assume, ascimile es = Weigh; scaled, weight, especially, multiply, einstinium, is, multiple of, you, multiplied weight is = wish; wish moment, equ, equi, equal, =, sun fusion solor power (sun generator or device), moment, in, indeed, about os = lose; lost energy, those in movement, osmodium, hellions that are heavy set demonic aliens seemed to be faced in a doom game world that if you inter energy from them you get ghoulish, heelions us = ooze; states, full of, united state, place, use, no resolve ys = wise; wiz, wisdom, this is some wisdom that is done by thinking of the past and comparing as you accept the past point this is also with some (wizard, witch, wise one), wish, sole desire; defunct (defunction), glitch (locally); that is a function point, that causes things to work screwbally or things just don't work as something causes some things to not work. at = attempt; in place, attack, of the, of that, astitine, to, toward et = get; eight, at, eat, @, alien, dust, stop, this is a stopping point that creates by your idea. it = intent; purpose, (run) off, match, it or (if violent) hit, ant, to matter, this happens as a point that you experience unless "no matter" is used in some phrase. This is a match or idea where things are formed from an ant or what you think is an object to matter. Purpose in this, otherwise in that, this is perserving or use (not necessary in taikwondo), seem careful with this word because to a violent person it can reflect their mood and they could hit you or others because of it by feel. Instead use the actual noun describing what you need to mention, this can be anything that is a word and describes what you want to describe. Possible use instead is the word this or that. What you thought or needed to happen. This is not a hit to the point in the past. This is a concept that's done so it's not needed again. ot = ought; hot, oat, or, of, jot ut = butt; but, boot, use, the use is your own with or without regulations. yt = evade; wight, what, this is what you get for pronouncing that you are it or idea that is not suitable. That leads up to creating things and hitting from the rage you feel. You turn into a wight almost overnight, then what you do is nothing for the rest of your life as things subsist. av = graphic; avn, hve, point, save, have, avenue. lined up area ev = fated; eviller, (fate by) eventual, evr, ever, eva, at noon, every, evening iv = care; white, I've, I have, this is sometimes where you have fluids in a line that create life. ov = hover; overly, over, behove uv = sunlight; accurately measure, ultra violet yv = frequency; hertz, timely measure, wave, why've, why have aw = aww, a bit of pity ew = eww, totally grossed out, woman iw = piw, woven, supposable, suggestable, suggestion ow = that hurt! uw = red yw = beserker rage ax = axe, define ex = provision; provide, out, outward, expiditerous (no harm) ix = pixie(wood sprite), woody, harm, poison ox = team (of things) ux = rope; uix, moving, deluxe, knots yx = haste; wax, sped up, in badger outer calm, speeding up, speed, wicks (cutting and doing), hate (to avoid), with haste you don't always notice what you do and thinkinking of the past or wisdom, you are hasted or sped up. az = haze; reception, lazy, viel with none, roach (a drug use or application), applied drug, this is done in a drug application. ez = easily; very easy iz = realize; comprehension, teen, war, realized (izo or izan), fulfill, realizing or realization (izy or izan)..this is where you fulfill a promise. oz = booze; alcohol, miracle worker uz = ooze; crushed bugs, slow flow, slowness, this is a slow effect which we realize is there. yz = wisened; aged, just left, alone, wisely stated idea Three part vowels aaa = Aaahhh! aea = yea? aia = small aoa = why aua = big, amazon, amazon tribe aya = Ayie!!!! aae = wild cry aee = sea cry aie = forest cry aoe = time call aue = sun call aye = ib or gibbous moon, wa is waxing so think a moon call to clearify things by the moon answering as you think a person then the moon shown is telling a message. aai = turn right aei = turn left aii = ten hutt!, attention aoi = about face aui = march forward ayi = fightinghowl; march back, marched aao = bank aeo = a howl aio = whine aoo = group howl auo = wimper ayo = hello; greeting/s aau = kick with the back legs aeu = dash, safety aiu = sprinting, sprint aou = slow walk, free in movement flow, going on your way auu = trot, false life ayu = run and fall, feel you sense aay = braying aey = neighing aiy = whinny aoy = snort auy = rearing up ayy = trample the ground with hooves, hoof trample, thank you eaa = hesitation eea = sparring, spar eia = halter, inflamed, agreed, agree eoa = spurr forward eua = shinny eya = move fast, mover ability eae = to the ground eee = eeek! eie = grounds hot eoe = tossed about eue = hung upside down eye = left hanging, left to hang eai = boing eei = hop eii = bounce eoi = forwards roll eui = sidewards roll eyi = backwards roll, focus point eao = eeow!, ouch! eeo = whimper cry eio = startled cry eoo = low groan euo = self interest cry eyo = discovery cry eau = taken away, bordeux, beureu, bureau eeu = self loathing eiu = something new eou = entertainment euu = disgusting! eyu = startled aware, illithid, brain eater eay = say, ray, birthday celebration eey = new years celebration eiy = welcome back celebration eoy = goodbye celebration euy = honeymoon eyy = wedding iaa = demon summon, demon children from itself iea = conform, conning moment, interruptable concept iia = torture, torturing, remark ioa = favor, favors, another, debt iua = user iya = disapproval iae = alive iee = fled iie = think, inie, nae, in idea ioe = throwing iue = moving iye = silent, dead of night iai = stillness iei = escape, leave iii = can I come, plead ioi = don't know, mystery iui = what do I owe?, due amount iyi = fall iao = I hail thee, greeting ieo = leo, visionary iio = open eyes ioo = danger sight iuo = instantly iyo = trust iau = support ieu = comply iiu = grant, give you iou = owe you, payback iuu = understood, acknowledged, roger iyu = compliance iay = settlement of iey = assortment iiy = layaway, pay later but put up first ioy = bill pay iuy = used, to pay iyy = check out oaa = checking account, on active account oea = felt awareness, area you feel by area pressure oia = oh I agree, in action, agreement ooa = out of action, inactive or non active unless the machine oua = inv, inverted, invert, inverse, the same form and different or opposite idea but similiar energy. oya = activity, noted account activity allowing oae = ordered energy oee = time event, timer program oie = ruinned day, cancellation ooe = evening together oue = owie oye = even break, lunch oai = uninterrupted, uninterrupt oei = consoli, consolidate oii = old lady ooi = startle, startled oui = away, go less thataway, yes, owie oyi = felt abuse, felt in abuse oao = past activity, past forever, away, okay oeo = sugar cookie, wave oio = on way, journey ooo = ooooh, awe ouo = reminder oyo = on your own, independant oau = in use, propaganda oeu = all people, you overeat oiu = to interfere, interferer oou = about you, bio, life ouu = hourly usage, rate oyu = handling care, handle/ed/ing oay = what did I say?, explorer, exploration, outlay, outward, okay oey = why obey oiy = tell me why, personally, oil ooy = oh boy ouy = stop it, owwy, suggest, energize oyy = feel about, feeling, to feel uaa = tea; too far, weigh allot, otherwise pure stimulant. This increases reaction time, metabolism, and causes wakefulness. Any tea except addictive illegal ten year tea, this is tea that is the only thing that does anything for you that means you are with a sedative by tea with other ingreadients improves flavors. Tea is a pure stimulant. This increases reaction time, metabolism, and causes wakefulness. This also causes you to piss out your water faster. So for people with low blood pressure, its safe to avoid it unless you drink more water. This can cause you to go too far or lose weight, its useful if you weigh alot to drink tea in the morning. That stimulates your metabolism to be faster. uea = bakery, shop, negl, neglect, misabuse, abusive behavior uia = interact uoa = in action, to stop, time event uua = usual activity uya = unusually active, active concern uae = young lady uee = as the usual uie = as the evening turns uoe = you owe eveything uue = handyman uye = conceat uai = wait uei = weigh, possible uii = terror, urgent uoi = hold again uui = worry on uyi = why me uao = way over ueo = wheel uio = harmonic uoo = sweet uuo = wow!, ununoctium uyo = why help uau = weight up, what do you, whats your, who do I see ueu = wend, understand, enlightenment, to bend(understanding) uiu = withdrawn uou = spelling; wow, pentagram, recognization, recognize, you, this is a pentagram that's used if you want to hex or spell things out for some effect. uuu = no!, yes, unununium, ununumiun uyu = wield; make uay = way, your way uey = wild, wildness uiy = confidant; confident, this is where you think about things then speak about them. uoy = crash, god uuy = ruckus, muckus(by nostradamus), raucus uyy = wilderbeast, wild beast yaa = ship, otherwise this is where yaa is intelligent, intinerate, this is intelligent use of words that allows you to sound like a child sometimes that's dumb. yea = yes, agreed yia = began yoa = handshake yua = live yew yya = ego, egotistic yae = overly agreeable, yes man, yeti yee = me, you (pointedly) yie = yieeee!, get away! yoe = nod, witches head knock, As if this is nodding as a point touch to knock someone out is bad for you, if you can not see what you are looking at as you can cause your head to create another body to seem as if interesting and yet attack by head butt. yue = always; ruin, exceptional, exceed, mythical cat from the fairy tale land, indifference by different approach yye = growth, humble, stopped on a concept that is expressed released on a point and what you do isn't yai = whip spurr yei = out there, interaction yii = exclamation no, intertwine yoi = yet, maybe, will or sometime yui = conjole; anger provoke, aiding, not reacting yyi = prideful; asshole activity that is where you act rudely in nice company. yao = gao; jail or don't have to agree yeo = economy, effecient, ecstacy yio = move; yield, give, keep or no use yoo = bang; bad, failure, fail yuo = irresistable yyo = wildlife; beast, animal, wild nature, instinct, determine yau = crazy, post retractive guard, yard yeu = youth, sibilant, however, whatever yiu = thank you, intuitive or overpopular you = you, youth, young, incentive yuu = understood implication, no done me in, accept, yuck, you suck yyu = manhood yay = celebrative, celebrate yey = agreement; energetic yay, yeah hey, leeway, lenient, condolence, loose fit, restitution, console, condolant, relax yiy = console; grief, concisely, grieve yoy = yoyo; playful, use yuy = wild; wildness, lively, wildly yyy = yigh!; yield high (results), suddenly, wild passion, wild abandon, (to) interefere, interference abb = strong; abbey, push strength, arm muscle, not much ebb = flow away, decrease, it ibb = reasoned, worth obb = to stay, usage ubb = acknowledged ybb = way back, see acc = emote; account, whack, accent, accuse ecc = echo icc = carbon copy occ = occupied ucc = uncaring ycc = wick scent; what you use to work a candle add = plus; sequence, raw source, addition, additional (point) edd = newspaper; edition, editor idd = hidden odd = fate; oddly familiar, dejavue, weird udd = sign; udder, shudder ydd = give secret aff = laugh; affect (smell this), absent mind, asleep, sex, pregnancy, expectant eff = final statement iff = iffy off = turn off uff = rough; out of shape, out of breath, punched in stomach, enough is done yff = whiff agg = aggravation egg = egg; genious, ego igg = ignorance; ignore or work with a person ogg = bag; jogged, something of interminable value, something bad, to count an idea interminable that is to not get too much bad attention to the idea. ugg = possession; feel ugly, this is being possessed with a sign of ugliness: this ends by thinking the end where the possession disappears and the ugliness disperses, This is done as though energy, that was in there is gone. Also the sign of ugliness dispersal is the waistline seemingly going down and dropping away, this is a point as though you were naturally slim. ygg = point; wiggle, way to go, by feel: congratz ahh = understanding; I understand, understood, aggravate/d, agonize, realize this point or realization will occur by the soul provided intuition. ehh = put out ihh = tire; aired (out), air, on air ohh = I got it, you got it uhh = please wait, under/developemental support yhh = wait after, slabbing (eating as your wanting and creating as you will) ajj = adjunct; place adjacent, adjacent, creature in the sea ejj = edge ijj = interject ojj = offset ujj = arguement yjj = widget akk = hack ekk = not needing ikk = interruption okk = ok ok ukk = dazed a little ykk = jawbreaker, airblow; if your wicked, you get a whack otherwise you get restored by air flow. all = al, hall, everything you can imagine ell = punish; l, let live, knoll, hell ill = illustrate; illustration, illness, hill, will oll = fat; roll, layer ull = ship; lull, hull yll = adapt; will, work, interned, force adaption, (think a point) while, think a point while you do things. That creates by the will and work is what you consider important. Think and you know what to do. amm = ammo emm = (to) award, awarding (emmy or emman), awarded (emmo or emman), awards (emme or emmix). Otherwise this is a being or person type, (being the type) karma chameleon: A person or being without conviction, that comes and goes and this being or person is represented by the red gold and green coloration. Their love is an addiction, clinging love is strong and otherwise they are are gone. They make it so every day is a survival, so their bone or personality is weak or no bone.This is a noted effect where they are demonic more than others. So they exist in a multi dimensional viewpoint. Then they are able to create what you need, otherwise they leave you alone. Their strategy is this, make with idea and create by device, their device is what they choose to use as a point is made by such use. If they want to appear good, they use their higher self, if they want to not appear to others senses, they use another identity. If they want to appear bad, they use their lower dimensional selves. Otherwise they raise in vibrations and create by the feel, thinking to create with gold and silver energy. They tend to award or get awarded if positive. This is a point in effect. imm = immunity; immune, implant omm = mind focus umm = maybe; ummm, possibly, possible, doubtfully in idea, then again, yes and no, this is possibly yes I think its possible. ymm = whim; this is a point you specify to do or a whine done by dog so think about what you want, this is rather interesting. ann = announcement; (take) care, manual, announcer enn = ennervate; energize, enliven inn = hotel onn = sex; (a) fuck, the urge (sexual drive), bonny; happy unn = listen ynn = cling; holding onto app = devise; appliable, appliance epp = relax; this us done by relating and accepting the thoughts you have as though not your own. Otherwise this is backing off, too much, easing off ipp = yippy opp = oppresed upp = upon ypp = whipping aqq = acquired eqq = heck; ill, await, here it comes, sick iqq = icky oqq = fallen uqq = sharpness; sharp vision yqq = harbor; nonsense, ardour ard = work; hard, ardour, crease, not hits hard erd = direct; disease, herd ird = fell, or not (as your to the ground) ord = ordeal; evil order fee, air, see or know death to the ground urd = girth; weight, curd yrd = transformer; this is wired by activity, very active and in the yard. arr = sensing good; barring mistakes there's nothing wrong till needed to seem sensed err = mistaken irr = irregular orr = long speach urr = murder or avoidance yrr = whirr; out of tune (whistle), creative life after death or life as you intent ass = asset; associate, (if body related) ass, absolutely in absense by what you are absolute ess = clothes; essential, essence, dress iss = issuance; hole, kiss, hiss, spacial; area in space oss = moss uss = hussle yss = witness att = attain ett = two headed itt = bitten ott = sharpen scent utt = utterly ytt = watt avv = average evv = bulk; strengthened up, revved, built up, stock ivv = talkable ovv = sound; sonic vibration uvv = clarification; clarify feeling yvv = closure; closed mouth, roadblock aww = awww eww = ewww iww = interest oww = painful uww = dumbfounded yww = alzeimers; mentally lost, white stuff axx = chop; axes, many axe exx = carrier; supportive line ixx = glue; fixative, woodlike, fix oxx = (weight) carrier; herd animal, oxen, ox uxx = tuxedo; best suit, very active yxx = faster; (go till) exhaustion, speed burst, extra speed azz = jazz ezz = specialize; focused specialization izz = gestures ozz = selective uzz = energy buzz yzz = piss aab = switch back aeb = lay back aib = return favor aob = forever backward aub = snob; fullness, snubbish ayb = revert to before eab = crib eeb = intruded upon eib = exact opposite eob = strobe eub = new at eyb = eye ball iab = rescind; take it back ieb = danger sense; gradual danger iib = hind sight iob = remember or eye out iub = get; take you back, lube iyb = henchman; I aided, rob (thanks to robert or rob inadvertently) oab = retrofit; retrogain, regain action, remembering oeb = good judge; since your fair, fairness oib = torrent; why buy it, get things for free download oob = noob; few bought it, barely oub = owwie!; I'm hurt, pretentious or gotten, oyster oyb = final; unreturnable, no going back, not so, test (of idea or will) uab = squab; swab, way back, met expectation, your buying this? ueb = web; energy web effect that you create by focusing with your need in mind and the effect of the energy web is where you draw a little energy to create your idea using effected people. uib = person; this is a user with focus and with being uob = wobbly uub = alert; being loud, unubium, shaky uyb = guess; possible, being witty, possibly being yab = come, yes I'm back yeb = returned, we're back yib = chosen, choose, picked then yob = attended, paid attention yub = results, end result yyb = attitude, the way you think yad = yet, yadda, okay okay, dismissal raid, area bomb yed = associative assertive service, just in a pickle by feel yid = rid, yes, identification yod = thing, rod yud = rude, rudeness (less rude more strained and focused) yyd = rice wine, liquor, eager, emergence aas = hue; coloring, color eas = easily; easy, ease of use, was, hard (way) ias = realization; ah yes, the creator oas = oasis; watering hole uas = past; was, waste yas = paint aes = raised (by raid), oh yes, raising up, obesity by over easy nature ees = approximate ies = connect, eye sight, audience oes = obese, implied effect, desired result, effect by overeating for energy ues = lost; gone missing, misplaced, choose from, sealed, yes, kronuz, ruin yes = agree, (if question or point) what?, wholehearted agreement ais = home, aisle, heated hole in the ground, hole surprise eis = made, in the making iis = process, iris ois = going easy, cheap, easy path uis = twist, force an mouth open, wisdom, wizard, wise one, where be it yis = connection, this is done by either wireless or wired energy aos = trip, adventure, disturbing which was intent eos = momentous, overwhelming, disruption ios = desirous, it all worked, essence oos = awed, a gush of air uos = flow, stream yos = futuristic, years ahead aus = augment, take in passes eus = deus, a trick in reserve ius = geniuos ous = in the act uus = continuance, continual, procedure yus = just, spread in area ays = days; origin point, this is alright, change of reality by an object point where you change the origin point and the subconscious manisfesting what is needed otherwise this is I agree or oh yes (this is done). eys = august, keys iys = all eyes oys = boys uys = guys, men yys = focusing, focus energy at fingertips aan = pagan; one who believes in gods or beings aen = satanist, the real one ain = pain, feel wonderous and dead aon = immortality, as you fall to the floor aun = hell as before ayn = rot; syndicate, satan, pain, sign of destruction purpose, rottage, rotted (ayno), rotting (ayny), this is set by word use otherwise for rotted or rotting (aynan) ean = means, solution, lean, (I) ruin, hit and run as in baseball and if sometimes personally taken the person is as not bat as another is a ball they can seem to hit een = once was, thirteen ein = study, despondant, a despondant idea of a place that creates by feel and does what you want. eon = undying life, transitioning, energy transfer eun = soon; apply, spoon eyn = implied listening ian = free, freedom, wine, wham, wha, wine or dine with do purpose, so some use this as lost life is remembered where you use the computer then think so you appear yet you are released by admitting to your fear or dangerous fear could occur results that are needed. ien = experiment, good, superstring (in action) iin = acceptance ion = project iun = resource iyn = iron oan = loan; this doesn't always happen. oen = payment; installment, own, or, snake bite, sex attribute otherwise; this is owing to things and this is where you think a conversation or concept to cover for things. oin = coinage, center oon = emphasis, spoon, soon oun = effort oyn = omen uan = thought; cognizant, this is a point you think and notice what is there formed by thinking about things. uen = remain uin = stack, give pain uon = keep/kept record uun = improvement uyn = ruin, emphasis abl = able, ability ebl = enable ibl = liable, responsibility belief obl = step back ubl = outrage ybl = abolish abt = about ebt = ebate ibt = tribute obt = automaton, how about, obtain ubt = about, doing something ybt = recovery aca = arctic eca = ecological ica = forest oca = ocean uca = mountain yca = land ace = army; good, uncare (forever care), better or good health, this is taking care and done when you think to impose and the person who responds is with an uncaring response with sometime use of acetone responses and reflexes are good. ece = peace ice = thrice oce = loose uce = poof yce = windfall aci = love (of nature) eci = fishing ici = icy oci = octupus uci = loosely yci = tsunami, ocean water, sea water, large flood acl = arguement ecl = block icl = fool, foolish, lead to believe ocl = separation ucl = unclean split ycl = separate, parting of ways, divorce act = actor, put on show, theatre act, action ect = command ict = depict, attention, piction (picture), depiction oct = stop, eight side, alerted uct = adapt yct = shape, mold into form ach = acidic ech = bounty, bounce upon, eat away ich = I och = ouch uch = such, what matter ych = wake, wakeful ada = Update; improvement, the moment you improve something either positive or negative like ideal. Otherwise this is aida, first language, life creation, artificial life, atilda, similiarity, clone create ade = exposed; exposure, public, made seen adi = aid, aiding in ado = cute: adoring, meaning, activity adu = flee, flight, must leave quickly ady = addy; locale, address, physical location, lady eda = estimate, carbon dating with carbon 21 particle, date estimation ede = dinner, guess, guest edi = proclamation: edict edo = loony; edict, bold statement, ceded, educated edu = education, killing desire edy = read, giddy ida = large, hot dessert, farming ide = secure; cyber, protection, data transfer idi = idiom ido = faith, idol, idolize, worshipful idu = tell, I do in duty idy = realize, idealize, brainstorm oda = change, came, arrival date, when fate arrives ode = suspect, mode, olden, expectation odi = smelly, odious, very near odo = time, mileage, recorded distance odu = overextended, overdo, endure impatience ody = busy uda = observed (by observable viewpoint), esteemed, looked upon ude = obtuse, extended outward udi = strain; rudeness, rude observation udo = comeback udu = magical; hex, point of view charm, voodoo udy = scrowl, call challenge yda = misbehavior, acting out, misbehave yde = wight, play dead ydi = dismissed, dismiss, why did I?, dismissal ydo = situation ydu = disgruntled, reacting to a point, have reaction ydy = bottle; release, whiteout, eyedrop, convincing act ads = reknown; fame, make known (sometimes), advertise, advertisement eds = education ids = idea; thought, idiom ods = luck; odds, chance uds = thud, thump, thonk yds = tale; stretched out, several yards, widen adk = accomplishment; accomplish, compliment edk = break; edict, stop training idk = instinct; instinctual, don't know, can't determine, dunno, I don't realize to know odk = principle udk = rudder; addict, addition ydk = wick; nemesis, amiss yah = freedom; happiness, agreement yeh = yeehah, acceptance, view screen yih = yippee, that one, belief yoh = faith, faith in, faithful yuh = yuhah, you, trust in nature yyh = yih!, miracle, magic yan = loudness; yang, yank, grab, yao; eaten, eating yen = yearn; yet you learn, currency yin = quietness; q-q, ying, compulse/ive, follow yon = attempted; draw, over there yun = natural, nature, young, nat yyn = win; manipulation, alien yam = sweet potatoes, sweet beet yem = speak yim = make; create, I might yom = enjoyment yum = chef; adding/substractiong, tasty food yym = wham; locate, find desire aga = return age = turn old agi = disturb ago = mummy; ancient, historic, long past agu = pastime agy = past; remove, negate geas ega = spurn. egad! ege = lord (liege) egi = login, registered, registers, registering, register ego = I; 1, subconscious, as this is a subconscious conscious with control and awareness by cleaning or your third eye manipulation and by working by and with the idea to get things done as if si noe egu = regular, act normal to view and make what you want as if mae egy = intercept (this is where people intercede sometimes on your behalf and interpret things by feel), edgy; tripping, regain control, edging or edginess. Control is to work with people on personal basis and you think and calm unless insane. If in bad mood this is an egg on by demonic nature to deserved idea, that if you remember to forgive yourself doesn't cause wild nature with greed. That is chaotic nature from seen things, that's as if wild rockin is noticed is a sign. iga = wrong, pangara; supercenter, supercontinent ige = trace: tracer, follow along igi = ignite, in igo = ignore (if hormones), out (infinite downpour) igu = giant, that can form a giant if devised if angered will probably, be abusive and if "miabused" is misabused by concept "anttack" or attack that is concept abuse igy = super feel oga = regrew; hair regrowth oge = constraint; acidicy, target objective ogi = slump; login, organ, tap into ogo = jump ogu = steal ogy = study uga = recognition; recognize, you gain, you again uge = urgent ugi = self repose, stainless ugo = well suited, trap ugu = maturation ugy = boogey; inner beauty, ugly from possession yga = principal; supervisor, you got yge = eagerness ygi = sexual; wagging, traipse in, walk lewdly ygo = attraction, attract, person attack aid ygu = heater; heat collector, machete, attention grabber ygy = suggest, question aal = greater demon ael = heal, truth seeking, do ye seek truth? ail = aiel; hail, servant warriors or illness that exists magically if needed and doesn't exist if unnecessary. aol = snare; entrap, entrapped, ensnare, long term connect, connection that lasts. aul = hit; maul, overwhelm, overwhelming odds. ayl = gust; wind blow, wind up blow that seems to last forever. eal = regeneration; regenerate, this allows you to come back from ashes. eel = bioelectrical; can opener, electrical, peel away eil = self-repair; regenerate, body repair eol = functional eul = eulogy; say farewell eyl = eyeline; repute, turn away ial = burial; funeral, of death iel = say; spiel, respectful of dead iil = burying, ritual pyr, this is a ritual fire. iol = violate; violation, retribution iul = intuition; feel from gut, sorrow iyl = reassert; renewed hope, renewal of life oal = orientation; set goal, goal oel = erotic, destructive oil = rich, foil, otherwise in english its a bunch of very ancient bones underneath the surface that changed to precious liquid ool = pool, collective resource oul = soul, owl oyl = golem; artifice, artifact, oil ual = dual, creation uel = fuel, new resource uil = focus; build up, energy charge uol = battery, pyramid of power uul = craft uyl = operational yal = production; product, field yel = yield yil = produce, produce producement yol = interact yul = presentation yyl = success Aco = account, accurately count, activity (continuous) Eco = ecology, life study, economic Ico = Itoeh, to get a surge back to get an object. Disrespect from this is due to the fact and as it seems because you are owed it. So you get an object. Oco = disrepect by disbelief in practice. Uco = your count, your company, university Yco = wacko, crazy, dead acs = energy backup ecs = exception, exuse, excuse, to sometimes lie ics = picks, make fun, full intercourse ocs = ocular, seeing glasses ucs = unceasing, fuck ycs = wild life scene, wild scene, went back afc = after course efc = fuck action, bad action ifc = if cause, iffy course, if seen ofc = of course ufc = unforseen, your focus yfc = in marriage, in marrage, death of each other ahn = coinage, barter, currency, dawn ehn = honored ihn = loyalty ohn = disrespect, shame uhn = undo; undo in, not, unhinder, ton, weighty, discourage, denial, instinct, instinctual, unhesitant, ruination, ruin, this is where its not done by the body at the right time so its undone in effect. With this effect there is things done from no hinderance and you can take each letter as a word if punishing someone. The reason you do things unhindered is your subconscious takes over, and that effect creates by what you feel or think to say. yhn = feudal; govermental, switch in life uka = together; togetherness, group uke = meet uki = cooperate; yukki (in dog) or idea in use, that is done of a point in regard by feel. uko = dismissed; misunite, miss out uku = upchuck; union, spew, send forth (from body), this is not done if you think its not so that is a point done by the spirit. uky = emulate; emulation, rapport, rhappart, yucky (in dog), lucky, link together, create by focus, mind-meld that creates the point of a link with someone or some animal, this is a point of idea that occurs by bond and where empathy is the idea you know. What the thought is with the soul you realize as insight by feel. This is finished as you think your not bonded by thought or empathy. akh = pain ekh = flush ikh = forge; forgery, this is where you forge a bond or create by forgery. okh = ash ukh = combination; smelt, weld ykh = bloody yla = locker; lock out ula = many ola = gift; give overly, give away, given, friendly greeting, entwinned (moment) ila = village; partition, city area, separated area, island, isle, closed in area, boxed in area (from dog), this came from the memory of a city area called deville and that was a villa or village area. ela = elation ala = worship; think, all by, all of, uprise, praise, create ale = drink; enjoyment, unless, this is a point that you think and attempt to add onto things. ele = risen; elevation, elevate, high up, element, arch, elegant ile = blood; I let, seen as, relating ole = cater; caterer, here it is, as it seems, seem/s/ed/ing ule = part; apart of, otherwise this is mule yle = done; reason/s/ed/ing ali = fighter; tough, ally (aliy), online, upload, uploaded (alio), uploading (aliy) eli = fated; portent, face or false honor system where you setup the moment as you think to make the statement true. ili = hacked; storage, illegit, illegitimate, fate or moving idea that causes what you need through the energy you gather by feel. oli = held; holding item, olive, tinged, envious, envy uli = good taste yli = support of friends alo = greet, light, alot, aloevera elo = grand, gladly, elogant, elongant, hello ilo = elope, find something olo = roundness ulo = envelope, enveloping, snare ylo = allow; trapping in place, place trap alu = allude, alas, lead to believe elu = escape, hide ilu = overwhelming olu = oily, solution ulu = superior, master of ylu = aloof; wanting to be left alone aly = artificial; friend, alley, etial (beastial or like nature), man-made, or non natural in attribute. ely = place trust in, trust ily = truth, place trust oly = outlet, meeting place, oily, roll around, whole around, holey, hole around, strange reaction (almost monstrous rebellion) uly = activity yly = hold it there ald = bald; baldness eld = old; oldness, old body ild = guilt; guilty feeling, guilty, specific to something you did old = bold uld = build; built yld = wild; out of control alg = math, mathematics elg = elegant ilg = bilge, sewage swamp, sewage system olg = coffee, folger ulg = bulge, budge ylg = while good, redeemable alt = alternative elt = belt, leather strap ilt = build up, hilt olt = move in place, colt ult = ordered, cult, culture ylt = secure, while there asa = sometime, asap, literally "as sometime activity" ase = absess, clone; this has an indication of absess, otherwise stomach overhang that disappears within a day. Then you notice a cloned you somewhere you go or see. This usually happens by art action, that is magic otherwise you could fart and exercise it off. Then the absess or abcess is gone. So think and you could get what you wanted, that is done with a little focusing and heightened heart pace and sometimes holding your side. asi = close match aso = delienation, noticable difference asu = close match, twin asy = assail, assault ask = question esk = whisk isk = ask away, risk osk = keel over, fall over usk = ivory, tusk ysk = set in aside, get detail ast = backward, wasp, past, conception of backward in mind with forward view est = is; think, estimate, established, east, yes, rest, mystery ist = caught onto, practice, the point that you prove intelligent action is a summoner by intelligent means from what gist of intelligent action is there that can summon death that can cause action redirected as deferred to make fire as you use their action as you think of a point as if energy and the point use is to create in the thought as if energy in life was a source thought of as the activity was thought to be a ball of light energy and your use was tap the light and use it to create with white energy. Repeated word use as sometimes the fist an "ist" is the moment you can summon powers, and use is unknown with 7 elemental effects in guardians that cause fire and you get to use as you can draw from the fire. As if from the core of the planet itself is life. ost = cost by any meansin result by exception or in no accost by electrical idea transferred through wires that can create cost in effect. ust = enticing, dust, just yst = bound in, was, waist, waste ama = measured, associate, amount ema = emaculate respond point; emma, (come) over respond (positively), this is where you get an over response that's over reactive in nature until demand is made. This is also where you make equal, the emanation or effect by radiation. ima = ilus, illustrated, image, illusion, shown, illusion can show anything presented and this is used as the aura shows a truth that isn't actually a truth so think of what you want to show and you show the idea. So true sight is where you think you see the illusion and dismiss it. oma = old one, grandmother uma = call, summon, alcohol consume yma = make appear, arithmacy, math magic, magical math(wit) ame = holding, claim, a muck, to blows eme = full, satisfaction ime = lime ome = base ume = feathery, feather, make consumption of evil, destruction by energy that is what makes or unmakes as if criminal or otherwise what seems in a good idea yme = in place of ami = friendly, ami (greek), love emi = project outward imi = imitation; image, mimick, mimicking (imiy or imin) or use of imagination, this is using an idea to copy for high regard if imitating another. Otherwise this is a point, that bears no copying. Otherwise this is done to copy, and replicate what is there. omi = sharing with umi = focus ymi = gain friend amo = number, amount, love (as roman root amo) emo = feel, sense or sensed by senses, emotion, armour, armor imo = freeze in place, immobilization omo = align umo = change, transmute, trasform, shift ymo = new form amu = to be in, form emu = emulate; emulation, or emulated (emun) and that is where you imitated the moment. Think so if you impersonate, emulate, make idea or perfectly copy, also this is a curative. imu = moving to omu = vision, sight umu = enact ymu = incline/s/ed/ing amy = friend, no it isn't as think in create (in time as retired in thinking), amiable and judge emy = award, ceromony imy = myself omy = shock, witness umy = oomy, loom ymy = why me amn = damn emn = emmin; release, jammin, binge; (sometimes overindulge), indulgence, curse; this is however a point of a deterrent downcast moment that with idea is malaise caused by a due point in deterrent activity otherwise this is a conjugal or thought action that's done unless resisted. imn = fated, imminent, death by in dealt blow and outward depth with seeing omn = omen, signs of death and demise by concept to head conk in out umn = design, grandly made, grossness by heart surgery and beaten with heartwraiths as you in mind thought and outwardly as sometime if dead your alive yet react is different in consumption by feel ymn = immediance, gang bang. suggestion, possible happy concept in thought that leads to the demise of the head by hand coping block as if cool and beaten as a head chopping block and no demise amp = amperage, sound boost emp = emperor imp = imp omp = romp ump = hump, sex ymp = whimp, serving fearful ana = studier, anael, innate need that causes situations and backups sewer problems ena = placed in action, enable, a goddess or god that uses dark matter to get effects of repulsion and appreciation as ena the emaculate ina = rina, steady direction, point, female form, chaos (based) ona = mild, mildly una = steady influence yna = seek excitement ane = any, anyone ene = selective; ehe, gout, if you can form gout like acid this is a selective point of view, this is energy in a form of gas that can reform as you need. Energy then is ennerved point of view or free flowing electrons created by a point of view or particle activity formed by a god particle. ine = fork, fine point one = tone, struck sound, following, who, second idea, item une = tune, slight melody, one, you yne = wine, grape juice ani = in motion, scribe eni = to act out, penny ini = initiate, initiation oni = good quality, good demon of monstrous form and can cause disease, flavorful uni = universal, one, unit yni = incompatibility, non matching part ano = slotted in, another eno = fed up, eoln, enough ino = know it, innate flow of stopping frustration ono = do something, oh no uno = guessing game, one, unit, unknown yno = whino, mad cap, why know anu = god will, sun god enu = enough; stature, pose, mother goddess, otherwise this is a great being, that's much like a 15th dimensional being. inu = knew that, know things, self-seek, self-taught, innuendo (knowledge used on purpose as cause) onu = crotch area, manhood unu = unusual; unused idea that is sometimes used. Otherwise this is cockiness, that occurs by a huge ego. ynu = pharoah, god ruler any = anye, analysis; anything, everyone possible, analyze the moment you do things and you understand what you need or what occurs. eny = divided class, caste system, any ending, penny, god of wildness and wilderness iny = small minded, haughtiness ony = large voiced, loud, attention getter uny = puny, small stature yny = whine alot, whiny anc = stressful; stress, this is the strain of the moment. anchor; think to focus on the planet and send energy through the feet and this energy goes into the planet. That is cleansing your energy, so think of the point and you can anchor and balance what you have in energy. Think to have a stress free moment and evironment. enc = hence; with, encumbrance, weight inc = copy, dubbed onc = oncoming, rush hour unc = knocked out, unconscious ync = yncic, wank aad = advertise, ad ead = egad iad = iapad, legal oad = load, workload uad = your aid yad = yadda aed = pay off; paid, disease (cure is turmeric with oregano, btw) eed = welder, preexisting soirat flesh eater that exists to create by vibration sake. ied = I educate, apply, I lied oed = owed, overdose, overeat ued = persue, glue yed = their version of education bypass aid = paid eid = earned iid = eyelid/s oid = old identification uid = pegged yid = wake, burial aod = artifact; memento, age old, afford, area of death eod = prophecy; end, destruction iod = overdo; overkill, overdose, iodine ood = place; neighborhood, ud, good, bad, hood, placed idea uod = user death yod = wreckage; ruins, collapse, removal aud = audible element like wind or fire, audible, normal, audience that listens to what you say. Otherwise this is fraud, or fraudulent by activity. eud = earbud iud = triad, triple mad oud = owing, loud noise/s uud = use; food, user device like a computer yud = you'd, yuck ward ayd = jaybird death eyd = eyelid/s iyd = contract; form of policy holding person, held from true position
oyd = owe
uyd = report; form of police, flood/ing yyd = male reaction, lying point and = finally; ended (by use of some action), illuminate/d, illumine (by ideal in life) end = complete; thought, end, saved ind = process, so think not fear here or hind that is a point ond = find; found (realize), search around, insight, on ground und = uu-; undone, unwound ynd = free energy; wind, serve to save as the wind to save is your own energy anf = infestation; get together, orgy, roach, cockroach, bug otherwise "or not" if infestation. enf = fold-up, infinite, infinity, infinitely inf = description, useful onf = unfamiliar, onrush, oncoming unf = unforseen, unsolved ynf = thighbone, no alcohol effect ant = want, feat, feature(individual action), ant, to work, mark, symbol/symbolic ent = enter; entice, ice entity int = integer, measure of value, source ont = style, font unt = blunt, hammer ynt = smash, wanton destruct io, non destruction ang = anguish, anger eng = example, seem exume ing = ingral; success, successful conclusion, relief, integral, the giving of a piece of peach pie ong = stone, entertainment, act like stone where you are stone or unmoving. ung = lung, fume, fume from fungus thats hard to see and is made from bacteria growing from decay. yng = source ann = an, announce enn = writing tool, pen, pencil inn = hotel, living space onn = on, not on unn = undo, gun, creative use is credual or not made ynn = winning ara = arid era = time frame ira = kind ora = treasure, story, golden (flow of energy in firey coolness), otherwise this is where you starve yourself and don't eat too much with enough exercise. ura = depiction yra = musical, yara, firey light energy, extra (display, for or action) are = relating of, to, this is where you can create what is to occur by relating phrases and words to a key phrase. The subconscious creates what you need and the spirit influences what is to occur by feel. ere = pointing out, points ire = ideal, "I", mardoku, a sense of self, irate, The creator ore = unrefined, more so ure = enjoyment yre = musical accompaniment, or, order ari = dry eri = spooky iri = feelings ori = gold plate, imagined, bad uri = unclean yri = scared of aro = arouse ero = erotic iro = irony oro = hit, value, superconductor uro = hair color yro = transistor aru = (how) are you, against eru = erupt, sped up iru = anger oru = youth uru = nothing; no rush, your rush, this is a point that's done and over with by feel. Otherwise this is done to mentally urge, the feel is there so work with it. yru = wired, electrician, electrical ary = wary, losing immediate fear ery = arrive; arrival, withdrawal, storage, eery or girly iry = writing, slender ory = high value, alertness, place, location ury = bury, hide in dirt, jury, injury yry = wiry, courage arb = garb, clothing erb = herb, plant irb = opposition orb = orb, perfect sphere urb = curb yrb = within year arp = tarp, harp erp = short surprise, surprise, merp irp = chirp, hairpin orp = torp urp = burp yrp = pin, considerate art = are ert = inert, earth, gert, earthlike, inert earth, hurt eit = legit; eat it, energy hit or exit point, eirt; ire, dirt, expansive weight, owl, girt, girth, batman, here then ort = ore, chuckle, badger urt = your, bear, urge to sit on, hurt yrt = why are, why is arl = grain; barley, need, long erl = baron irl = reality; real life, really orl = whorl; black hole, energy vortex, singularity url = area; site, place, this is a point of your area of expertise. yrl = whirl; swirl, watch it ash = carbonate; burnt, ash, carbon, cinders esh = mesh; fine covering, this came from "fine I'm covering for you." ish = similar; significance, significant, that is, that's osh = posh; dismissed grandeur ush = plush; andh, overtly enticing ysh = grant; wish, granted, inductment, need based, wish fulfilled, inferrment ata = restore; hater, attain, tap, this tapping procedure attains relaxation or you might hate to do something. What you hate you avoid, if possible. This us an au naturale restoring of feeling and nerves. This tapping procedure is here [http://spellhawk.great-site.net/EFT_Tapping_Points.htm]. eta = eater; food, estimate, estimation, spirit, ether ita = item; possession, vital, inter, between, place in, iterate or hit in place person ota = know; understand, understood, other uta = taken; utah, utter, dire, dire (need), fuel pool, energy pool, fuel tank yta = whiter ate = closeness ete = alcoholism; fete, alcoholic, awareness, ethe, spirit, alcohol ite = mite; item, object ote = mote; small, smallness ute = high pitched sound yte = flute; play a flute ati = achievement eti = advice; time, meeting, council iti = hit; constructive ideal, popular oti = reconstruction; floor plan, reformation uti = closure yti = op; operator, revamp, refurbish, modify, operation ato = model; atom, atomic eto = eatery; building, structure, structuring ito = avert; pelv, dick, pecker, pelvis, formation, form, hit other, into, hit upon, type of member oto = objective uto = distance; distant, far away yto = blot; covering, erase, whiteout, targeting atu = stabilize etu = path; orbit, settled, relaxed, relaxing itu = destiny; destination, set path otu = establishment; Eta, estimated time of arrival, arrival in, set time utu = goal; attainable, agreeable, agreed upon, mature, reachable, satiated ytu = pathway; work, set motion aty = ship; organ, vessel partner, hating to dismiss ety = eating; notion, ideal ity = suppose; claim, greatness oty = skin; dark stain, smudge, blacken uty = utility yty = useful atc = time; on sight, scene, go forward etc = continuance; ecetera, onward itc = show; shower, appearance, appearing otc = army utc = largeness; butsy, large butt, okay, sometimes this is beauty. ytc = blank ath = author; approximate, guess eth = nature ith = construct; build, structure, affinity oth = moth; other than, otherwise uth = ruthless yth = origination; original, girth, prose, mythos, the myth of atr = attribution; trait, attribute, inter, attract, enter etr = man itr = friend; friendly, prefer, mate, matey otr = meal utr = utrus; bowel track ytr = engine; internal combustion att = tower; cell phone, phone system, communication system, attitude ett = etiquette; proper action, proper sequence itt = quality; goods, valued good, jewelry ott = supposition; sugar, sweet stuff, ought, supposed, this is supposed to energize you. utt = foolish; folley, fool, utter ytt = intelligent; intelligence, street smart, wit, intinctive, outwit ava = avail; relieve, makeup, available eva = cover; evasive, protective iva = alive ova = star; nova, wide area fire burst, incendiary uva = big yva = evolution ave = addiction; addict, road, path, crave, crave things, pave eve = midday; middle day ive = uniform ove = contain uve = poop; bowel movement, move out, clearly, clear minded yve = invade avi = avid; avail, grow up, give up evi = evict; eviction, evening, bad event, rise, evil (impractice or impratical use), devil, midafternoon ovi = excess; excessive, overly, too much ivi = job; placement, plant, consignment uvi = act; movement, moving, in movement yvi = evening avo = makeup; avow (creation), wake up (avon), probably; this otherwise is a promise to do. evo = evoke ivo = ivory ovo = rowboat uvo = pointed; point out, move over there yvo = make; set course, destination avu = kicked awake evu = evasive ivu = involvement ovu = ovulate; too pleased, ovule, plant seed, overindulgence, overstupidity thats included with indulgence uvu = chime; in synch, synchronicity, synchronous, united in yvu = wave; incoming from, arrival avy = give; give and take, make wave evy = enviable ivy = information; informing, info, plant vines, private ovy = clean; perfection, cool, nice look uvy = perish yvy = sadness; feel sad ark = ship; lightless place, galleon, dark erk = sea; felt, jerk irk = fight; reaction, dirk ork = future; alternative, alternation, possibility, fork, this is a fork in the road. urk = found; regretted, lurk, stumbled upon yrk = seasick; seen movement, sea movement, jerked movement, work, pull along uac = shift; evac, wacky, wack uec = hesitation; weakly agree, weak acknowledgement, symbolic, this is a symbolic moment. uic = buick; with character, which, wake, with carrol uoc = gift; cooking wock, kindness uuc = sucky; loud character, fallout, weak characteristic uyc = candle wick uad = wed; grouped together thing, quad, wade ued = weed uid = inky; inkyness, wide, squid, make known uod = reject; not desirable uud = would uyd = squid; guessed it, width uaf = meat; wafer, waif, thinly sliced uef = sideway; formed emotion, grief uif = game; wife, wiff (snatch of scent) uof = wolf uuf = woof uyf = wiff; scent, scentable moment uag = wag tail ueg = egg; wedge, thin layering, going, away of material energy, materia uig = a wig uog = losing; take a loss, fee no feed uug = shout; yell, or yelling (uugan or uugy otherwise ungainly or ugly) uyg = explanation; wig out or explain, game area, take action, active, monster area with multiple lined almuminum foil trays untouched by a creature jaw-bones, set in-line, moment that is due by action. uak = awaken; wake, wake up uek = iffy; weak, wield uik = disaster; with kill, willpower, will to happen, create, this is with a kill that if you use willpower and will it to happen you create. uok = aware; awake, wakeful uuk = regeneration; poison, active, recover uyk = erupt; fiery, moral, dry out ual = whale; wall, o wail, dual uel = fuel; new resource, weal, well, uuell, swell up, user hell uil = dream; will, whip, mistreatment, wake, focus; build up, energy charge uol = charge; battery, pyramid of power, woah, hold on, release to no it uul = warm; craft, warmth, wool, cotton, this makes a warm clothing. uyl = operational; tenacious, dual, creation, focus clearly, this happens to be the case when you focus clearly uam = back head knock uem = emotional moment uim = emotion uom = football uum = senseless, sense uym = a wim, given into no desire uan = wane, lessen uen = wean, nothing or release, un uin = wine, ruin, whine uon = not stopped, won uun = about to faint, won't as shift away uyn = a win, to win uap = whap uep = weep, sorry uip = wipe away uop = whop uup = woops, mistake, whoops, etc service uyp = whip uaq = scream awake, ghosts can scream in your ear and attempt to wake you up. ueq = weaken uiq = tremor, fearing uoq = woke up hearing uuq = quake uyq = earth vibration uar = war, warcat uer = were, sewer, useless uir = wire, got it, hopefully, yes (if positive or relaxed happy feel), no (if negative or firm feel), only in sex is this word used. order; site, citation, citing, chocolate, the idea is a point if you think you need something by this idea you get chocolate. uor = wore out, worried yes, neither, nor, not, succor uur = sewer; self gain, self experience, steady, make steady, water movement pipe uyr = weyr, dragon layer uas = was, ways, weighs, invasive, waste, water, waste of time, think to shift or move to somewhere else and you are where you think to become better. ues = choose from, sealed, yes, kronuz uis = wisdom, wizard, wise one uos = feeling personal pity uus = meditate uys = make wise oat = an oat oet = overeat oit = owing oot = boot out = outing, trip oyt = oyl, card uat = wrestler; wait, what, weight (profession), what you do uet = wheat uit = wight; undead being uot = wrote uut = whoot uyt = witty response uav = grateful; wave, you have (thanks), hand pass uev = weave uiv = wives; harem, nag, apparently uov = woven; sewn together uuv = weaver uyv = wedge; wedge shape uaw = cut through uew = whew uiw = with work uow = a wow uuw = drained of stamina, wobbly by work uyw = shortcoming uax = a wax, wacks uex = weeks uix = with wax, wax use uox = wakes uix = uuix, near fainting uyx = wicks uaz = was uez = wheez uiz = wise woz = woes uuz = whoozy uyz = a genious alf = half; alien, V elf = helpful; generous, self, elf, energy metamorphed human that are demihuman ilf = fitting; ill fit, hilt fit, ill fed olf = ship; hold full, golf, prestigious family ulf = gulf; wide stream ylf = well fed; elven family alp = blotch; alps mountain, application, national elp = help ilp = heart disease; plague, drain, shrivel, not personal, corrupt, disease olp = ancient ruins; decadence, decadent civilization, dry, ancient power ulp = hull pass; gulp, swallow, bird ylp = 4th dimension; wild plain, wild magic, wild fey asp = waspy; asp raspy, aspect, A wasp in or out by feel that is sometimes able to use biting chiding remarks (if human) to do as in what is right or to do as in necessary for what you think is necessary. esp = mental ability, think and feel to psychokinetically and inkinetically move or create and know things. isp = wisp; this is a body of light created by the soul to be one level above Esp as in platform that is one level above the norm to do but espratz or comertz. Comertz is to come and use electrical hertz energy to get things done. One does seem unaffected as its unrealized. Pop-up droll for every space. This body can create what you need, that is thinking as you are aware and what you need is done. This is a point of light reflection, that creates with slickness otherwise. Epratz is Energy prayer of this point with a zap. Isp reduces things by and for the basic constant idea for the ease of things and the time you notice it, you get to know them. Think to be the 'use' of the intelligent idea as an source of vision. osp = a battery; internal source, osprey that is the language of the idea you think to whisper for horses or human. It comes as a whisper and acts as a point for you to do. usp = please; hustling pleasure, cupped, cusp, use of the c'usp to stand still and in a change to being a point in spirit idea. Once their your other body is enchained or within bounds to go. It will do anything you think on. With what you do is done to all. Then just move to get out with the spirit intact. Some say the body is enchained while your spirit is free and doing things as with manipulation and idea, but sometimes with other bodies. It has been known to leave the body unharmed as the cuffs take and absorb bad spirit activity. In Usp the spirit is left unharmed but the mind is tortured till the spirit does the necessary. Then it is done, so do no so on purpose. Because in purpose except in purpose it is set go. Thinking to go off on tangent then be able to do things after being pulled back is with use of an example. ysp = cutting; cut out, to cutout effect, to cause it or use it, an be of the way out, the identity in a point, wisp is to forget and to do to know by pressure as the spirit remembers. sometimes its already idea to do a mention but not know you did unless you do. This can be effective to cause the spirit wildness and to strike out if done overlong. In Ysp the spirit activity can be taken as negative of a request. Just a negative gets a reverse method. So its positive in all but one, you. As in an idea of "I almost had you, it was you of all things." This is either where you don't know or just guessing. apa = apathy; apathetic, paint, in aspect art, monkey paint, skin disorder that seems like paint, indemnity ape = game; a repeat, imitate, steal, make statement, indecisive, this is like overwatch and other games where you think and create by the feel. This gets results if you make for the idea and work with results. api = gaming; applying, sarcastic, bad word, incesant apo = question apu = corrupt; correction, bad, smelly apy = gassy; gout, bad gas, treatment, body aperture epa = equation; equal system epi = need; before this, upon, this is made upon a wish. epe = expectation; aspect of, sign, divination point, expected epo = epoxy; abolish, extended, kept epu = maintain; regulated, maintained, this is with the point of being helpful by feel. epy = sleep; make better, to rest ipa = complaint; impact, disservice ipe = wipe; to be on target of accuracy ipi = wiping; excite, emotional ipo = liftoff; pulled, lift ipu = paid; cost of insanity, in waste, insanity ipy = correction; wiping deranged, abuse, psychotic, drink mix opa = beauty; beautiful, illusion, grandfather ope = hopeful; entrance opi = hopping; secret, feeling, opium opo = hopeful; hope, opium in thought opu = opulent; gratifying, opulant, stink, weed opy = herbal; make, make imitation, a feel good like opium that you mix upa = happiness upe = hoop; up, whop, fall over, Ups: backup upi = whooping; mistaken, initiate upo = kept; withhold, keep from, simple, this is a can of whoopass that uses everything against a person. upu = flaming; poopoo, everything against, this is where everything against this is gone. upy = toiletry ypa = clean up ype = sanitory ypi = wipe ypo = water flow ypu = erasure; wipe out, erase ypy = wipe up aar = trade; barter, market, dumbness, dumb, this is where you are dumb by feel and working with others. ear = earn; hear, bear iar = action; liar, debasing, concealing oar = hoar; large volume, paddle uar = inarguable; not argue, you are, war yar = story; made up tale, personal satisfaction, that's life, you're, year in moments aer = air; bearer, holder, fear, if you are in the air, some have fear or you can burn away the debris in the air with the aura as you then breath in oxygen. eer = beer; root, basing ier = light; define, pier oer = way; locating, location, over as our way is used as a males lifespan may end-up shortened from the risks by what is a negative reaction for a positive idea. uer = user; gamer, upcoming, in gushing blood yer = year; pointing to you, your, this where your in a year of luck. air = arranger; arrangement, arranging, arranged element that's burned away by the aura and you get oxygen instead of the debris. eir = conspiration; heir, conspirer iir = height; high flyer oir = wire; mire, represents law, lawyer, this is where a lawyer hears it if it's recorded and your mired in law. uir = uir = wire, got it, hopefully, yes (if positive or relaxed happy feel), no (if negative or firm feel), only in sex is this word used. order; order site, citation, citing, chocolate yir = mold; rot, identification of, focus point of idea that creates interest if black mold. aor = worker; deployment, work order eor = soldier; marching, acting on orders ior = priority; great importance oor = sell; whore, poor, using up, deplete/d uor = addictive; repetition, addicting yor = ignorant; incite to anger, your, ignoring people aur = day; daytime, sunlight, or, are, am, is, arrange by energy, like kind, source eur = enr, peer; hour, hourly, measured (accounted or accused), pedestrian, person (in the area), otherwise paedophile; sexist by person or peer, this is the mark of the measured or moment to be judged iur = value; based off, unit our = powder; self act, play, or, cancel uur = sewer; self gain, self experience, steady, make steady, water movement pipe yur = excuse; self explanatory, bypass ayr = breath eyr = hear anything at all iyr = life breathe oyr = raised to awareness, oyster uyr = fated to yyr = animate ait = yit, alryt, aight, alright, alrighty, okay eit = sleight, intent, eat it iit = eye it, look at it oit = ok it, give permission, owe it, not that uit = you write, your right yit = aight, alright agl = ageless, angle egl = eagle igl = wiggle; ingle, chimney ogl = stare, look ugl = ugly, sneak ygl = unstick, dry out, stickless, wiggle alm = alarm, calm, almanac elm = elementary, basis in element ilm = film, ill me, record olm = investigator, holm, holmedric ulm = most deadliest element ylm = wild you, wild me ahn = after, awning, siding ehn = en, at an end ihn = inhinderance ohn = hesitance uhn = ruination, ruin yhn = wildness, wild arc = encoded information, circle portion, endpointed curved line erc = demand, mercenary irc = relayed speech, relayed pattern orc = human pig with piglike snout human head fattish five feet tall human body and great body strength four-fingered hands cloven feet greenish fur body coverage and warlike innate magic ability with most up to trickery urc = anger, disturb yrc = work arr = arrow err = error, wrong think irr = dismissal, dismissed, forgotten orr = machine, mechanize, contraption, contrive urr = toughen, rough, rough like yrr = seasonal, life experience arn = sunrise ern = earn, earning irn = iron orn = torn cloth, ornament urn = pitcher, clay pot, inert yrn = yearn, not wire ars = ass, butt, active measure, association, arrest ers = terse, tense irs = tax, reversal measurement, reverse weight ors = oar, gold weight urs = yours, your weight, measurement yrs = timeless, ageless, wire measure, wire weight asd = asgorath, asgara, asgarath, world of gamblers and void people that enslave annoyances while treating people with respect that gamble, have respect esd = estimated duration, duration isd = personal prophecy osd = dumb, awestruck usd = dollar, paper money, bank note ysd = wisdom, knowledge asn = aspirin, aspire, aspiring, poison, pass/in/ing esn = ease in, easy in isn = catalystic prison, is in, prison osn = cousin, accost and debit usn = euson, to be us in, reason ysn = thing, thyng, why an weight in, wisen asm = assemble, gathered people, assembly, asma esm = resemble, ensemble ism = possible, chance, possibility osm = cosmos, endless usm = busom, use me ysm = wisdom apt = known to, ability, skill, adept ept = maintain, excerpt, except, skill, ability ipt = script, input opt = sight, preference, option, optional, choice, optical, optic, output upt = disruption, uptake, hobby, uptaken ypt = crypt, purge, clean, cemetary aqt = swimmer eqt = equator, equal point iqt = upht, uft, umph, oomph, inner strength, inner power oqt = owl bear uqt = organizer yqt = prent(ice), apprentice; prevent, prevention, demention, dement, dementive, dememive arz = alien erz = erratic; this is done by erratic electrical signals. irz = irresponsible orz = contraction; control, control responses urz = urgency; urgent actions, this is done from urgent need. yrz = drug use. awn = lawn ewn = hewn iwn = seek own = earned by self, own uwn = you own it, transferrance of property ywn = all I own, owner axt = situate ext = to the extent, exit ixt = arrange oxt = manage uxt = uixt, control, dominate yxt = old friend, possession, wax this, if possession that ends with dismissal of the possessor. axp = expiration exp = vete, death of, experience, experienced, expect/ed ixp = explosion, explosive oxp = team moment uxp = wisp; uixp, resulting moment, cusp yxp = fallout azn = as in, equal, suggest, as not, haze in ezn = ease, not easy, lazy izn = isn't, be not, prize not ozn = ozone, htuotri, hydrogen oxate, o/z, H2O3, high level plnetary air uzn = gel, slow flow, thick fluid yzn = wisen, miser, wiser Four part vowels afra = afraid, afeard afre = personal fear afri = frighten afro = fraud; hairstyle otherwise afru = indifferent afry = frigid, balfry efra = ignore efre = bloat efri = leave alone, authorize in efro = fraud efru = psychoanalyst, torn efry = you heard me, listen aint = ain't (it or that), no, be not, are not, aren't eint = and, avoid iint = high end, high up oint = point, healing ointment uint = fluent, squint yint - detective iano = piano, wood knocker, hitting music ieno = good otherwise iino = part of, in no or number iono = I dunno, I don't know iuno = I lunge of, I undo iyno = I whine of, I whino, complain yaff = talk yeff = jeff, call girl, pleasure man yiff = sex, dirty yoff = scoff yuff = dog bark, sexy call yyff = wife, abrasive woman yank = person, stop steal, steal(object, theft or discrepancy) yenk = poor, disinterest yink = wink yonk = bastard, honk yunk = insult yynk = erupt yaki = concept, teriyaki jerky yeki = please, dismiss yiki = surprise yoki = are you ok, your power, fascination(fascinating) yuki = bringer yyki = conscious, conspicuus anam = enam, enamel, rurealistic anem = a nemesis anim = animated, coexistant, animal anom = absorbing good while eating, actively good anum = anti-numbering, active number anym = to be pseudonimically evil, punished, acronym anng = anger, possible enng = slang, possibility, portable inng = fucking, sex pleasure, peninsula onng = on guard unng = lunge forth ynng = through power, detriment aram = devoted one eram = zealot iram = crave oram = cram, pack uram = clear yram = clear minded arem = multitude of, harem erem = single irem = lover(man) orem = cream urem = fattening yrem = wire rim arim = arrival at erim = appear hurt irim = boulder orim = devise, plan urim = be free yrim = constrict, constriction arom = aroma, scent erom = accidental irom = era, frame of time orom = halt urom = turn, direction change yrom = settle, place of rest arum = room erum = furniture irum = spacious orum = shit, oriface urum = still yrum = rafter, roof support arym = an agreement erym = a besiegement irym = conflict of interest orym = allibi urym = a result yrym = contribute yaff = talk yeff = jeff, call girl, pleasure man yiff = sex, dirty yoff = scoff yuff = dog bark, sexy call yyff = wife, abrasive woman ekan = he can't (so I can) eken = e-ken, to know and do as if psychicly aware, psychicly confused, evil kenning (to know, do, effect but by evil effects), to know and do as though in necessity but theres no moral basis as it can effect anyway. ekin = energy kinetics, energy kindred ekon = to say and to do things and out of energy and it being some energy, constructs of what is said or done into words written down as though in a console., energy console. ekun = to be psychicly aware but tries to avoid things out of fear., to size up or down intelligence according to situation ekyn = wildness energy, energy of wild consolance akam = volcano spirit conscious such as Maui or Tengri, give ground, give distance ekam = accede, give way ikam = came okam = flee, run ukam = retreat ykam = viking, early explorer akem = pressure ekem = break ikem = survive okem = live on, separate ukem = mold into ykem = adaptable akim = call forth ekim = summon, ask him ikim = respond, response okim = oak, tree ukim = make come ykim = see it through akom = destroy ekom = destruct, annihilate ikom = sacrifice okom = oak log house ukom = satisfaction ykom = further negotiation akum = play a role ekum = assume, idea of ikum = act okum = stage, staging area ukum = convince ykum = believable, survival akym = decorated, honored ekym = your claim ikym = glory okym = hound, dog ukym = train, instill habits ykym = warfare, war act, hunt akla = antiquity, anticipation ekla = aged, very old ikla = priceless okla = ancient, early ukla = respect ykla = represent yourself akle = ankle, work clay ekle = hand, hands ikle = mastery, trader okle = bend into shape, bend ukle = earning, trade ykle = prosperous akli = bakery, irritated ekli = produce ikli = formation okli = pastry ukli = trading ykli = distributor aklo = make glow eklo = applied force iklo = equally oklo = crystal uklo = vision focus ykio = mental clarity aklu = dangerous, danger eklu = material provided iklu = including oklu = warning signs, no clue uklu = avoiding, warding disaster yklu = avoid a war akly = acclaimed of ekly = have weakness in ikly = witnessed by okly = personal experience ukly = climate of effect area ykly = personal enjoyment alla = allay, bring aside ella = laid aside illa = villa, town, city center olla = sight see, tour the area ulla = explore the area ylla = interact with things alle = hunt down elle = last line(up), you will ille = keep moving olle = catch up ulle = consideration ylle = while away alli = strategic; strategy, alley way, long range planning, allowed; this is where your allowed to do things and have what you need by feel such as things. elli = tactics, short range planning illi = actions therein olli = adrenaline ulli = momentary tiredness ylli = campaign, warefare allo = hello ello = peaceful passage illo = tall collumns ollo = no center, hollow ullo = bull, bull through yllo = destructive ally = alliance elly = preserve illy = not serious, hilly olly = bless, holly ully = beater, make fun of ylly = wilderness, wildness, wild country alti = alteration, height, change in form elti = toughened, brutish ilti = shape up, modify from olti = skittish ulti = ultimate, coltish ylti = blow to face amar = scar, bruise amer = depicted vision amir = future vision, distinct amor = amoral, immortal amur = murder amyr = mirror portal oman = old man, in trouble, oh man omen = physical sign, sign omin = all mine omon = odd feel, hormone omun = mooncall, hunting horn omyn = sunshine, light effect by lighting in arrangement anca = uncaring, anchored ance = lance, distanced anci = unseeing, blind anco = rancor, mild anger ancu = sentimental ancy = choice; fancy, extravagence anta = antagonist ante = add value to anti = against, opposite anto = being records of, record antu = remainder of anty = protection from what energetic essence in life enta = last ente = enters, this is where your entering into things. enti = entice ento = inside yourself, five entu = entire piece enty = plenty inta = intake inte = integral inti = knife fight into = together with intu = instinct inty = intrigue onta = party included, montage onte = on to you, in the know onti = on time onto = pronto ontu = count of two onty = self preserving unta = union, untamed unte = unite unti = until unto = untoward untu = untucked unty = untyed ynta = bring wine ynte = quaint ynti = has a point ynto = went into yntu = beef ynty = point out Appa = apartment Appe = appetite thats unbeatable but can be unbearable Appi = mountains, apply, appetizer Appo = appointment, apple Appu = pull, (a) pull, applied scent Appy = apy, happy, satisfied aara = barrier aera = spread through, laundry aira = trap release, circulation, launder aora = air flow, flower aura = energy flow, life force, fluix, (influx disease) ayra = magic flow, death to the motion, debeaten aare = sunlight aere = heated aire = energized, punch out, psychic aore = charged, charging aure = daylight, air freshner, laundromat, dope ayre = dehydration aari = heat wave, are you all right? aeri = in air airi = float, fly aori = current auri = new life ayri = augury, oracle aaro = ancient ruins, ancient curse aero = air airo = molecule/ar air physics are molecular psychic physics aoro = electric/ity/al auro = load, build up ayro = overload aaru = errand, reeds, movement to accomplish aeru = important/ance airu = take notice on aoru = goal auru = finis, done, finish, finalized ayru = law, set idea aary = inquiry, questioning of aery = faery, factual information, search for truth airy = flitful aory = white lie, partial truth aury = future depiction, futuristic ayry = ironic, realized mistake araa = arrayed, arranged in pattern area = make description of place aria = arriving at, deciding on, aura, flight (sometimes with use of things) aroa = pictured, idea of arua = completion arya = single voice arae = array, lineup arrangement aree = relation, connected, aligned arie = difference aroe = erroding/errosion, rotting skin disease arue = disrupted, broken arye = claiming to happen, hypothesis arai = conspired, invented arei = area of, agreement arii = cooperation, work together aroi = wrought, made arui = need in mind aryi = speed it up arao = defined areo = agreement with self ario = test aroo = make attention to, call of loneliness, arousal aruo = use, used in aryo = hopeful, can I hope, give up hope arau = arouse, feel like areu = bequitkiu, are you, self question ariu = gameplan, compulsion arou = peri, around, circ, circu, into aruu = corrupt, turn to your side, Aururum, metallic substance infused with magic to be self repairing and can fuse back together. aryu = attune, become a part eraa = express erea = know your area eria = guidance of lore, think eroa = evoke love, hate or disruption that leads to hate non exposed erua = are you mature, bring nature, maturity erya = area location, guaranteed safety erae = a request, requesting eree = get what you want, safe erie = stray opinion eroe = erroneous, stray from path erue = find problem erye = guided to light, find promise erai = corrected, find the path erei = sight of goal, pointed towards light erii = gaining momentum eroi = chance of moment erui = ruination, ruined chance eryi = wreak havoc erao = doom be upon you, fate be against, eradicate ereo = prearranged, versus, arrayed against erio = rival/s, natural enemy eroo = erotic, strange behavior eruo = sought protection eryo = sanctum, neutral ground erau = bait, incite to attack ereu = carry you eriu = challenge to assault erou = arouse suspician eruu = make mistake felt eryu = fail eray = erasure of moment, failure by death erey = shame by despising, despite eriy = erroneous correction, brutally shone eroy = tough independence, easily provoked eruy = forgivance of self, letting go eryy = feel better, recuperation, safety iraa = charged with purpose irea = rush ahead, rushing stream, in a body this is diahrea if taken as energy if cares otherwise not iria = source merge iroa = bond, flow along with irua = setting aside, moving along a path irya = meet source, converge irae = neat, meet iree = compare notes, idea comparison irie = expansion of knowledge iroe = fill with knowledge irue = rue for you, covetous irye = vengeance irai = deciever irei = rush someone on irii = practiced falsehood iroi = move out of way irui = iron out, must obey iryi = watchful of events, eventful activity irao = aftermath, ending event ireo = pole position, ends meet irio = shifted position iroo = irony, past realization iruo = thwart, thwarted attempt iryo = law uponst yourself, remain uncaught irau = identity, be hid ireu = agreement of kind, tryst iriu = add variety irou = borrow from iruu = righteous, high and mighty iryu = deboning, downfall event iray = self sacrifice, give something up irey = insight, failure acknowledgement iriy = growth by experience, self growth iroy = write self experience, diary, biography iruy = depth perception, perspective, view of self iryy = acknowlegement of change, changed self oraa = change of views, biology, life theories orea = philosophy of life, philosophy, write down, pleixaubian oria = new life, determination, look oroa = childish, oh grow up orua = stand for belief orya = adult, proven your beliefs orae = responsibilities oree = stickler, overly done, stick in the mud orie = real life, hard bargains oroe = nightmare orue = consternation, muddled thinking orye = singled out, persecuted orai = overrate, undesire orei = post synaptic syndrome, depression orii = suicidal, bad driving oroi = alleviation, lifting emotions orui = can't handle it, uneasiness oryi = get away from, antisocial orao = make unappealing, ugliness oreo = build it right, built right, delicious, self-enjoyed orio = magick, self taught manipulation oroo = auratic, aura oruo = soft spoken oryo = soft melody, rhythm of magick, hypnotic tune orau = haunting melody, whale song oreu = mesmerize/ation oriu = bardic magick, song winds magic orou = defensive music, calming effect oruu = sparrow, forgetful music, make forgetful oryu = warning song, magic warning oray = night magic, spirit of remorse, faery dance orey = warding magic oriy = moon magic, lunar influence oroy = night activity, night influence oruy = a ray, one direction line oryy = shining, energy release uraa = cattle urea = bull uria = united workers uroa = damnit, expel anger and frustration urua = currency, spur of the moment urya = gas urae = already prepared uree = bathroom, ureka urie = bluebird uroe = torch, flame cloud urue = expanded vision, illumination urye = lighted area urai = collected group urei = being greedy urii = group discussion uroi = leader urui = topics, discussion choices uryi = weeding, moderation urao = one at a time ureo = selective voice urio = voiced opinion uroo = urgent matter uruo = get it done, rotting, settled fast uryo = mob mentality, angry mob urau = heated discussion, key to discusion ureu = important point, identify uriu = the heart of the matter, most important urou = decided action uruu = party agreement uryu = destined motion, purposed movement uray = destined, settlement urey = quick actions, misthought uriy = personal warfare, grudge uroy = unlawful, vigilante uruy = painful memories, scar uryy = satisfied yraa = dooming yourself yrea = investigation, crime scene yria = evidence of, criminal activity yroa = searching clues, investigate yrua = catch in the act, caught yrya = construct crime scene yrae = identify indivisual yree = pattern match yrie = possible lineup yroe = positive identification yrue = incarceration yrye = put on record yrai = interrogation, confession, questioning with intent yrei = trial case yrii = question for truth, soothsay yroi = supporting evidence yrui = witnesses, backup support yryi = case in point yrao = case status yreo = put notification yrio = case indication yroo = court procedure yruo = can, cancel, cancelled case yryo = criminal sentence yrau = jail time, punishment yreu = prison, incarceration yriu = time passing yrou = internal change yruu = review board yryu = appeal for release yray = release from sentence yrey = probation period, watching time yriy = set free yroy = con, released prisoner yruy = stigmatism, extreme distrust yryy = liar aran = arrange, wrangle problem aren = arena, energy arrangement, (I) can't, (I) can arin = arraign, release arrangement aron = seduce, baron arun = concern aryn = phobia atla = dagger, knife atle = mystery of mastery atli = commence, proceed with action atlo = outlaw atlu = goodbye atly = once again, flatly lay etla = force etle = athlete, a runner etli = elite etlo = yellow etlu = merit etly = sweet itla = cry itle = little, title, given name itli = spaztic itlo = goods itlu = blue itly = smile otla = outlay otle = myth, turtle, outlet, tortoise ighne ihn ign otli = only otlo = forgotten otlu = forgive; acquit, this is where you forgive someone in outlying feilds. otly = play, shield utla = tarantula spider utle = belittle, vital utli = fruit utlo = knock down utlu = soap utly = sea wave ytla = watery ytle = mushy ytli = squishy ytlo = mud/dy ytlu = sink ytly = flood fill, flood enca = encasement ence = hence, to point out enci = observance enco = imprint encu = restricted by ency = dign, dain, value, worth inca = incapable ince = explode, explosion inci = enticing inco = misunderstood incu = sleeping area incy = pacify onca = answer search once = past rememberance onci = vision, visage onco = curse me oncu = review moments oncy = clarified event anam = body and soul enam = hard casing inam = high number onam = familiar unam = same ynam = whine anem = weakness, name enem = enemy, protege inem = protection of self, self defense onem = happenstance, moment unem = unnamed, not named ynem = probable cause anom = to atone, appease enom = to appear, phantasmal, phantom inom = change appearance, glamour onom = warning unom = known system ynom = exploitation anum = pursue enum = collect inum = distribute, share onum = cause shit unum = uncounted, uncountable, not seen ynum = unassociated, split, unassociation anym = I am named with, acronym enym = alternative, enei inym = Laugh out Loud, lol onym = felt relief unym = system ynym = prickly skin anka = giant roc-like phoenix with 1700 year lifespan anke = anchor anki = handkerchief anko = anchovy anku = thank you anky = soft cloth, work cloth apts = apartment, rented room epts = mismanagement ipts = speak, voice opts = eyeglass upts = opinion, bias ypts = exastic motions, overflow, overdo aqaa = sea life aqea = aquatic aqia = shark aqoa = fish aqua = uata, the everclear everflow lifewater aqya = storm, wild energy, wild storm, squall, ocean storm aqae = call to sea aqee = dolphin sqee aqie = aquatic life aqoe = life flow aque = achoo!, sneeze aqye = acquire orna = Ornamental, To be viewed with as calm but with idea and with know how as your born again as something or someone. . orne = To be a calm and understanding indivisual by the moment as a situaion occurs. orni = Formal, forminental and formimental as to be understood but not always liked as your mind works with a forming or fuck idea. orno = horny but with or weth discipline and you will do anything to feel good. ornu = On a known point and this makes you do or show or see. orny = To be well done and in a moment, ornery by however its done whatever it is. It isn't besburg, its one that represents. abtz = small tings, small pieces, itty bitty ebtz = arbituary, little disagreement ibtz = input, add data, add in (placed in); substitute (teacher or other) thanks to rob. obtz = orbitz, become orbital, Able to control atoms in instances. travel by thought or channeling gained from engineering the body. The thought be enabled to override reality from direct subconscious.; orbituary (deathlist) ubtz = your input, your bits, your information ybtz = wild reaction; storage of idea avai = take, avail from evai = evoke ivai = body, self ovai = sieze uvai = covet yvai = valued avei = compliance evei = restore, raise ivei = buy in ovei = convey, obey someone uvei = unveil, disclosure yvei = hidden avii = season, seasonal evii = divination, evoke sight ivii = invitation ovii = bring forth uvii = brought to you yvii = rebound, repast avoi = sea voyage, craft evoi = control ivoi = music, sing ovoi = object of, to vote uvoi = new voyage yvoi = nothing avui = anyone evui = enable mind ivui = in everyone ovui = stand forth uvui = find in self yvui = why so vague avyi = activist evyi = enviable ivyi = applying ovyi = appliance uvyi = try, trial yvyi = dead cause, equal measure avam = revamp, recreate evam = beseech, pierce, argue for ivam = inflamed ovam = maim, cut off uvam = sought after, imbelicus yvam = revamp, remake, recreate, focused avem = dream, atlantean land of dream evem = beam, lance, redeem, frustrated ivem = intervene, go between ovem = stand in between, buffer, block uvem = move him, move person yvem = gesture in avim = a chime evim = remove from, evict ivim = intelligent ovim = overly enthusiastic uvim = senseless, knocked out yvim = wave avom = run, move fast evom = dash to cover ivom = dislocate ovom = request, boon, a presentation, move on uvom = move overland, forced march yvom = distance avum = set evum = match ivum = meet ovum = substance form uvum = body force yvum = wavy, wave Five part vowels arden = harder, duty bound erden = urge, compulse irden = thieves den, irritation orden = order, found alive urden = burden, house, task yrden = collectible, collection astra = astral, star field estra = estrangement istra = beast ostra = smell, olfac ustra = sicken, appalling ystra = pass out astre = come to senses estre = female hormone, estregen istre = female lover ostre = female greeter, monitor ustre = call of strength, very desirous ystre = warpath, charming, control with voice astri = horse back riding estri = restriction istri = strained ostri = removed from site ustri = utmost desire ystri = standard astro = astrology, study of meanings estro = beastro, study of beasts istro = master of house, maestro ostro = giving over, giving up ustro = consolidation, living with ystro = stronger, strength astru = past event estru = right circumstances istru = construe, doubt, doubtful ideas ostru = losing streak ustru = strung out ystru = lost desire astry = pastry, sweet bread estry = canvas, destroy istry = organization ostry = monstrous ustry = abusive, industrious ystry = waste/ing, forever ifrad = are you afraid, be afraid ifred = I forbid ifrid = want to meet ifrod = beside road, alongside ifrud = figure it as, figured out ifryd = ache all over, body ache ofrad = in fear Eofred = off the path ofrid = fear of fire ofrod = off road, we walk ofrud = that was rude, rudeness ofryd = rooted to spot, very still ofrae = oven, spiritual contration ofree = offspring, probable death ofrie = oven stocking, fish or something fried ofroe = off you, rudimentary gesture, germination ofrue = ditto end, distended stomach ofrye = bread, hunt human, distinguishment ufrad = unafraid ufred = make unaffective ufrid = its fried, you frighten ufrod = inference information ufrud = unfraudulent ufryd = you fry it, deliberate yfrad = why fear yfred = am I free, personal freedom yfrid = why the disaster, why happen yfrod = ride to side, sidesaddle yfrud = question guilt yfryd = divorce, parental separation anema = action theme, thema enema = enemy, hostile person inema = interesting person, intresting party onema = on them not, onto activity unema = your opposition, ceaseless activity ynema = cause of their non action, wine be mine, wind up their activity anima = bad condition, anime person anime = a person as if born from money, picture of what is quality animation animi = anemic, loss of iron, ironic animo = animalistic people person animu = stillframe, don't move and achieve action, animal you as if different person, ultimately definable corrupting force animy = animational, everything anime like upras = appraisal upres = upraise, lift off, bring back upris = guided to being smart, lift up, better training, improvement, revolution upros = growing rose, uprose, slowly achieve, slow agreement uprus = practical joke uprys = forget, throughst off, push away aptac = incite aptec = pre-human, in-between ape and human aptic = nervous system aptoc = wood chip, token, carving aptuc = tree climbing aptyc = cryptic, mystic eptac = epitaph, final statements eptec = recess, roll back eptic = septic, drain eptoc = compose, meditated eptuc = consider, consideration eptyc = come to decision, decide for yourself iptac = unfeeling, nulls pain iptec = continuation iptic = instilled action, compel iptoc = active moment iptuc = the winds of the songs of the wolf, wolf song iptyc = critical optac = accessment optec = drawing resources optic = optifxe, optical illusion, light image reflection of a sight of interest optoc = nocturnal optuc = obstruct optyc = ice clear uptac = take upwards, uptake, upshot, a camera as it records the next shot uptec = catch the air uptic = in the air uptoc = flying through air uptuc = carrying air uptyc = carried in air, float yptac = tacky yptec = a word of annoyance yptic = poetic yptoc = kind and warm yptuc = childish yptyc = repeative fun otaku = attacker, endemn, projector oteku = obscurb, scary, scare tactic otiku = live, living moment otoku = accomplice, working with person otuku = take, steal otyku = confuse, confusion itami = interment, interrent, accusation, to place in and accuse itemi = condemn itimi = durable itomi = accomplish, accomplishment itumi = time out, wait itymi = brute force, sabotage atapu = opposition etapu = reprisal itapu = interpose, place between or place yourself otapu = log, rolemodel, ape you utapu = utah, repose, assign, award ytapu = life, living, undying uvala = sci(old greek for evaluation or science), scintyu, scinc (skandinavia root for science), evaluation(study), grace, science, philosophy uvela = joy uvila = violence uvola = personal locomotion, vehicle transport uvula = throat uvyla = security block award = reward awerd = aversion awird = loose connect, wireless aword = talk indication awurd = absurd awyrd = strict, strictly More than 5 vowel parts uradiom = one part radon + three parts uradium and one part sodium for a magnetic irradiant use by magnesium fusion condensing field, can cure disease urediom = hard metal formed from cadmium + carbon steel for the prospect of irriadiant energy absorbant unbreakable metal uridiom = weakening irradiant metal that makes from nickel + adamantium + uranium also as hard as steel yet can cause diseases urodium = erosive radiative high carbon steel thats made from cadmium + nickel + plutonium + carbon urudiom = disasterous, ruination, disaster formation urydiom = power plant material from nucleonic cold fusion considered like baronite, hard black barely radioactive metal that allows for high yield magnets, leadless lead allowing no particles as a filtering energy by fire to pass through it and cause it to seem changed and considered a safe lead uradium = weakening (cryptonite) irradiance mined from asteroids, mars uredium = irradiative fuel element mined from asteroids, three parts barium and 1 part nitrus oxide and 3 parts sodium, this looks like darkish water and acts like oil clumped together, as gas replacement uridium = mutation element made by three parts radon and 1/3 part uranium urodium = irradiative erosion element mined from mars, asteroid urudium = urodiom, restoration, restorative element mined from the moon as moon rock or made from one part crushed radon + 3 parts water, If too much, degeneration occurs. urydium = polymorphic metal mined from mars, venusian metal that is polymorphin and polymorphic with heat amazan = amazing inclusion, amazing moment amazen = preventative idea, amazed moment amazin = amazing, amazing moment or idea with a cause amazon = trade area, wild forest woman amazun = restrict, undone moment amazyn = put up (with) and cause imparta = mentally teach imparte = imprint imparti = intent imparto = impartial impartu = tell truth imparty = impair, neglect uprisa = activist, activism uprise = uprising, conflictive pattern, destructive revolution uprisi = program, improvisation, interactive improvement upriso = conflict, hardship, hardness uprisu = personal injury, personal training, wunju, kung-fu, endless practice uprisy = open warfare, test procedure,, war contribution arradianc = minor radiation, radiate erradianc = body radiation irradianc = irradiation orradianc = energy reactor urradianc = unhealthy radiance, deadly irradiation, harmful radiance yrradianc = shining, radiant, radiance indaces = erase indeces = indecent, unlawful, illegal indices = idx, index, table of context, content table indoces = indoctrinate, introduce induces = suction indyces = inducement, induce -XXIII- The nouns, pronouns, adverbs and verbs p2 Ungroupings a-co = atomic strength, the amazing a-ptc = aptec, testing, bloat aaron = conspicuous guidance aaront = guide, spymaster aeag = abything, feeble mind by energy inducement and buying of anything Aeeeo = Arguement thats loud and obnoxious. Aeia = removal Aeiei = sesavync, subservience, instinctively trained to give in. Aeui = enticement, enforcement, never agreed Aeuu = subtle enticement aesop = pattern, story aoey = opportunity; gooey, fun Aooi = bitcheous, bitch, womanly ambition, focus, to hit (object) aadic = abundance; the ability to do what I need to do when I need to do things. this works with the mantra of "I have freedom and abundance in all aspects of my life and reality." Otherwise, "Me av ian e aadic n omni aspix t me bio e relyy", in atleantian. aanhlg = Paunch; the shape or form, that creates an impression. This is is also fat buildup, so think to deal with the idea then for if you create then you make by feel. aatee = apoptosis, hating, a virus that is a natural programmed cell death designed to eliminate trouble. aenima = anemic, body bone disease aeiae = intrepid thought, intrepidity, disagreement, une, omnipotency, enu talent aeieia = diarhea, septic aiei = xenophobia, fear of being rejected by alienation aieio = aoiy, amorality, non moral view coming from an issue with dishonor; its a code by dishonorous view. Aeiou = chromatic, ever changing, mood shift Aeiouy = fated, fate that rules the world Aetune = Aeternis, Aeternity, gravity plus dimensional energy and eternal energy that makes effects of good and positive easier and universal. While, it strips the bad from anything used on from eternal negative energy that is a thought. This dispels beings from the area. This potentially turns bad actions and evil. This energy can materialize or dematerialize anything. Aesop = crying; This makes anything sopped up with energy, fairly quickly. This also means rewriting. aiaug = conquest yew = death ayey = intermittent; every now and then. aist = aiste, heist; waste (if object) or waist (if person), otherwise you put up or make idea by what you give out in things. aeqt = ache; adequate, bed bugs, pestilence (big), osteporosis aic = ailment, panic or focus by rousing feeling aic-e = find something (to do), force the body, Ostereo, Ostereoporosis aic-i = attack; hand in fire Ain-e = pain, death, pining Aic-n = seal with salts; bad temper, bad temper with salts aik-e = tooth pain aika = relief aiki = aching, in pain, complain/ing aiku = aikenu, bad pain, your ache ain = cosmic, diabling, diabolically disabling auoy = not crash, don't crash, not crash, trollic disruption even aubrey = full breeze, open display, full body Audi = paper or paperwork, slap, knockerball aum = a switch on, a switch in energy on yourself and near you. aum-e = zum-e, bigger make happy feeling. ayuh = healing; this is healing lungs and body by restoring function to the part. uisk = ooisk, wine; flask, ancient wine..whisk Ad = Moment; a beginning an event and an end that consumes and you end up where you visited in want. The moment lasts different durations per each event. adyo = hooked; addicted, looped, elderly or senile, this is where I say i ie a'dieu. alyi = illicid; illegal activity that you hide or steal something otherwise alli up. ans = ansuz; answer, this is an answer to your will and created is the idea of life and will. eiea = crown energy, lesser and better, creative is a concept use by energy gathering and making with a thought you can block out the instinctive reaction. eolh = cash; food, water, this is a point you realize and know what is about to happen by feel or idea that is known about. this is sent to you if you need it or want to know. think and you know what to do with it. this is known by the spirit that creates what you need, and what it knows you realize by feel. oasa = overhulser; oasis action, museum, work out, this museum is a point of work done right. or'a = money; mora, this is mora where you basically create with ore by action that creates the funding or trade thereafter with values. ecu = accute, too focused intelligent conditioning to some mind state, accurate in ancient Egom = Egoism, Thinking; This is a point that is created by idea if needed, if you don't mind it then you won't be hit. Question the point and the point disappears. This is all there is usually set to the point that shifts with you. This is usually not done if not needed, though the point exists by feel. I think my friend charles used this effect to shift everything he thought valuable to himself from somewhere else. So I think I will use this as well, think of the point and the idea that is valuable is shifted to where I am. This is the effect in mind. The transit is the physical effect. What one can say about the idea is that you can bring anything with you to your next life. This is the method to use and do the deed. enef = dissatisfied; this is where you create a point and don't get what you want. So in order to alleve the idea you think you should have by feelings, think to relieve yourself and you no longer have those feelings as magic makes the point work out by feel. this is an idea or effect, that works by feel unless the point is made to cause nothing. enoth = nothing, as this was not him, think of another one or not do things by feel. so this look creates energy from the idea dissolved in your mind us energy from the mind forms. This is a known effect. enif = productivity; enough, at the end you sniff, and if, disappointment, production, this is an iffy endpoint as a production point where things don't always go right unless productively done. think positive and you are alright. Think to know what you do and you create with a point. think you know what to do and you do. ielfix = lefix, aielfix poof; break apart, This is what dissolves people in the area by neutralizing their cells with energy or otherwise cause of no fight. This is a point you break or stay whole. This is also a point I think that will work with anyone. This is a point I fix things and think about being somewhere else, then I am and I am out of the way of others. This is a point I think an idea to fix things and then work with the prepared food, thinking of the moment I realize the calories and write them down by feel. Then eat if I want so I think to satiate the hunger or think of the moment and wait and the need disperses by feel. Otherwise you wait for a bit and goto the fridge and open then close it, this is also the idea that when you eat energy food this disperses the need by idea energy blood infusion. ioun = protection; iron, essence by ounce (iesenc) icy = icey, Incisive; decisive, impulse that you know what to do with by feel. ign = no, not, another, sign, pig latin (actual latin or english latinated) ingful = successful; meaningful, this is a meaningful success or a win win where everyone wins by feel or doing what is a point in idea. ueb = web; connection of lines uouo = idd, diet yiece = piece, niece, evanescence, inticement, flow away, smooth rhythm, smooth flow and energy thought biorhythms is that in use as is interesting results by interesting impulse idea that is an interesting thought and as you do things you get results by what you consider. aug = augment, almost or increment that is allo glycerine stops as you see this energy is what you consider before a fight, interr as idea and the body can do is by the bio energy in use considered pulsing by music or dark moods turned good you win. auwr = aurore, in effect is disbelieved, (disbelieved) power aba = about, abate, able action abjur = conjole (by consolling), control, to be an absolute jury in everything, abnormal conjure think supernatural to focus energy then work to pay off what you did. So the area feel is what you sense yet if a glamour by other faery they would try to create things that isn't there in a waste of time as your destracted they exist idea insanely to hurt what you think thus then they are, seen is energy glamour is seemingly as you are you act or we don't ignore we do our own objective if you aren't the reactive type. Sigh is this as they think they only can effect their own children only but were not. If this isn't in division that is because you look. aciec(x) = true (moment or point), truth of the matter is it lived I had to live yet now I don't have to bother that I have an anti-brimbul defense that is crimbul reverses to their bad genes. The area germs with energy magic creates what you call disturbance if corruption that drives some or allows some. See the area isn't taint this is energy the creator created as you thought to look for some reason for the area feel, as you sense so the area energy is use yet nothing happens that is then. See the area isn't effecting you if you think it will so the need is what the creator created yet isn't there or not if you think to remain unaffected think inward feel is cool then imagine not being effected to work as you think is necessary. Thinking seen is the thought you think you desire by resolve to create what you wish. Avoid impulse as you see that is what you feel think to avoid if too dangerous. This was the last warning before we were fing out people went insane from corroded energy to use. See that is what I meant to avoid or have no insanity to use sane means yet the creator doesn't allow, you what you wish to use in natural landscapes or feel is to burn with he faery energy to disrupt the essence not the form or not react by ore use. aciex = coldness, cold form moment is cold creativity no use here is safe only at some area that radion that is yet some elements are too deadly even to the the sense. accuentr = aether magick is moment magic to the bad with bad energy or not yet good with good points they don't exist as you think they don't. accuntr = magic, moving physics is astrophysics acnta = acenta, accenter, to agree and acsend by some form to touch or aura changes by the creator adnu = fedup; had enough afn = drug effect, effect to one not many is the point of the star trek scene yet you see spock never existed so you see this was the work crimbul created to your idea so you gave them energy. afne = poo; shit, brown or black stuff from the backside or butt. aka = give or take (also is), for all is right in them as one is use akuk = upchuck; spew, send forth Alacrat = An aristocrat that creates at will and rules with intent to get results. The person given treatment of the alacrat tends to treat what the alacrat stands for as rules. alahnis = evil state; evil atlantis, deprive, sight state as that means don't think to move around created crimbullian or faery area activity as they attack if sensed to peace they don't have to attack those then kill the area off that they don't like yet if not any corruption they won't feel irritation that means is this they didn't sense it before they sensed it after energy or radiation exposure to the use. This place is ruled by science, the idea is a point in idea. They that you used are known to them, seeing no they were already dead by the breath of air that you created to allow them a chance so the al if the al lived that they hate because they ate the crimbuls parents were nothing more than a memory. This evil atlantis is where they deprive others for lack of things to do, otherwise this place is where they deprive and do things to people so they get effects. Otherwise they appear peaceful and when active, they are doing normal things with a reversed english. alanis = derive; this is where you derive the point of where you are. derivation is nothing by root use as actual roots. Seeing the fact here is life after death this is not hollywood material. alehn = work; working as in doing work in idea. Otherwise that is work (work in), think or focus now I didn't go there. alehnis = bad chance, bad choice alehr = allure; against or allowable alia = alleyway alohr = meditate, mediate alusa = fights off or the allusive underdrwellers that is energy with no interred energy is what causes, them brain swellings that kills them as theor skull stops with energy to not grow that causes brain hemmorage or thought created or in a moment to do or don't as you are a thought and invisible in sight so I think this was crimbul as the simbul. This was from stupidity nothing more, if they create you could say they act the creator or you act the point they make. Seen as the point is nevermind you creator them or think they don't they won't as they don't exist. ayak = ameritask; a merited task, free spirit/ed alias = farewell; good-bye for now. amf - horse or there shit that isn;t where your from, think in thought and your form is changed amryay = amritasya, task; a merit of the task you do in respect to the area point. amoff = think to be off, death fall, lay on and take a point to make a thought amor = immortal anehr = anarchy, problem cause, conflict, translate (to english or language that you want to hear) anie = spirit, etherial change, animus anph = replay, well, passive anr = another, year, date, as is anti-maa = metabolism; anti-matter part of the body. areime = high energy projectile beam, arrest me or arrest by feel arb = barbe, babe action, womanly nature, arguement arby = seller, divest, arbiguous; to be big in the head but argue dispassionately and become small in thought with temperment by others and other elements, or to be arguable and with expanded mind by added energy and more intelligent. arge = aeiea, barbe, arbitrary nature; in arbitrary nature, a person is induced to argue for arguement perspective and through disagreement. This is with idea to arguably work with someones temperment. Argon. agy = argy, evade arrest, this happens if you aren't careful, so think and be well. agf = migraine; headache, aggravation through built up energy ahi = greater knowledge, greater tree of life almost = maybe, could (have), should or would anh = restrain. anht = restraint, this is preventative measure. anz = answer; this is an answe or all hands. as = fundemental change in a thought to get results aportas = fire start, very dangerous by what you call the idea as a dangerous crick apiec = epic, force into heat or aport to use in life apr = aprak, approach; means, a given moment you come up and get things done otherwise this is where you sleepwalk. arubuka = friends alone, momentary in after position that could be opposite to your own idea. so think to use the idea of peace and quiet and call it peachy. art = are, if nothing or something is done, then you are aware now so begin as you can.. Atenc = stink; Intessence, greater intelligence in mind in head atoye = authoritus; this is where you think to focus on knowing and creating by statement or writing. Then you create the idea in written form. Resist the urge to speak or write at least once, then you cure the need. atotes = friendly; friendly nature atleine = suppress; suppressant, effect that allows you to not need to do things. atreu = atreyu, betrayal; betray you, betrayer atrey = betray; renege on something avahi = avast, behold, machine, hello, available high drug avanhti = avalanche, with the power an avalanche of power you literally fall. awe = adwea, indweller, indwelling; this is where you create an idea in the place and go back or do what you need, then you go to where your body is dwelling by feel. This in idea or area formation is a bug that crawls in your body. That is easily killed by application of peroxide. azur = haze; area of mist or smoke. azura = ashura, greater power, active bind, activity bind in thought e-e = eye-to-eye; think and you know by the power of the eye that shares information energy from one eye to another. e-ey = energy eye; this is the eye that creates, whether it's in your hand or in your temple area. e-ec = energy convert; think to convert energy into water, that uses the gemstone of moonstone or aquamarine and the elemental water appears on the bottom of the cup. think to create a thought, that is directed by feel towards the water source and you use fire or heat energy to create what you need. e-ef = energy effect; e-fx, the effect is fire that is heat in the air and converted is the thought to energy, this is done to create a point and the transition of energy to create with your will and made is the point. If you want to create with a ruby or fire opal, then you hold the gemstone and create by thinking the fire energy passes through the gemstone. then is sometimes the point to create by manifesting your thought you need to happen. e-eleq = is elevation of line-up going away party e-eloq = somebody else, is grandly line-up, another brain and mind apt intelligence, apartment e-eloqee = en-elo'quee, another self thats extra, another self that is done e-en = energy end; the point you end up with by feel. though due note, energy doesn't end, this means energy only converts to something else. e`enel;g = very good people that makes what is help from energy from the idea or nothing in life by bisq fire e`ener;l = energetic energy life fire ability e`ener;j = put forth and prison for life this is a disruption in the energy, trapped behind glass e`ener;g = very good use of good to make energy in pirate warez e'insteul = refusal, distilling chemicals, i'insteul, incautious approach to do nothing eae = creation, etherion, crystal energy, energy wizard aid, as you ask for eai = dead eye, remove a thought thats crippling ei = either or not, switch in on, beswitch, beaten to switch, approach to die eiea = the bread maker, bread baker, perhaps an inedible concept formed as energy and is nice and soft, event that is eiei = approximate, create similar moment, get edible food overload or underload ealginx = Ealginnix, building, bone and tissue build, restructuring in progress ealgenx = Ealgennix, generation as a kiss in ability eiag = contigula, anti-aging by enterrment, Energy entering and interred into something by definition or defining subjanct, with the term you transform. This is energy thats placed with the definition by what the defining of the word is and understood in love. eigh = pig, eager, learning for an eager mind where everything is a learning experience by lore. eir = rejecture, denial of purpose, in a moment in time renewed reversed is this thought is crazy fire Eisync = Synchronize effect as desync is done pour and the downpour with no stopping point until you sync and think in life eugnswein = [on-sweet-in] instant success, instant money spell, piggish ebjur = ebb in effect, in abjur, not really, market, absense by the mirror until drawn to you as a great force that is concept done Eczi = To run, foul is thought avoided as is an issue in life to accost quickly ectya = arcticane, zoracane, endorphin activation pain removal (not immediate) ecru = okra, accrue; not indite, gain edd = ehdd, tyrant, ruler of efficient use efel = an effect that doesn't completely work as eiffel tower efsun = incantation, deaf[ening] action as dead that is you attack those trusted those that degradated ehn = energy cause, energy of disputes and cause, unstoppable ending, energy anger is issue in idea Elea = Elien, Elemental activity, Elemental action that creates in a monster Eliem = save a person, strong condition removal by subconscious Elien = Energy alien beings that is assumed loyal but not in dependancy Eleim = Element charged by death bolt dealt in battle Eleimk = charge element to kill effect Eleomk = reduced waist size, the only killing waist size or nothing creates nothing to exist Elebibe = element separation, as sea horse head use in separation by thought in use in thought Elesio = elemental mastery, elemental isolation, elemental isotope, an elemental isotope that attaches to the person or target and shares the memory as experience as it eats the person up of diseases and bad effects in life. There is a place and thought that is in theory. Easy peezy, this was done before you thought of it. Elepua = Elemental power, energy eclectism is cured, reversion Elepualok = Elemental power in lock by motion with hand as a wizard lock Eleptua = Elemental personal work to do as is creates wealth ello = transfiguartion or transfigure by guard, personal change of body, ellon, hellion self emai = becalming energy surge or aggravating not use assault anyone, automake by in energy use emoe = creature, adapt (to), make adaption, make change, trick make insane to do or not aggravate emoy = emoe, emotion, emotional, either or moralless emb = embue, create effect and place as in screamer that dispells itself as no screamer no pain eintw = fucked up, en (E Enterwined), entwined, don't understand, seen or use is were to the use is pain energy use en-ignur = en-ignier, success in battle, indication, en-lighten Eniht = pronounced ennate, negate, the aftermath; sometime you think and I agree, then I lose my weight I don't want by the use of the third eye, 4th or 5th eyes. enci = prehenci, prehencile, prophecy, Gained ability, set upon, as expect you get enneui = super allowance ability, end of something to get something at the end enitute = Entuition, At the idea there is an end institution with intuition thought endm = death pardon, this makes you pardoned by death or writing backwards you go back or writing forward you go see or not use things ensteul = spell dispoal, dismissal, spell disposal, its when you get hit by an enchantment as the spell dispells itself and wears itself away but remains in the clothing or idea object until you take the clothes off and wash it or throw away the disposables. Then the spells gone, but in disposable throw the disposable away or use in the trash and the spell will dissipate. Remove the trash and spell effect that is goes away. Bananana ciao enyen or yes why not as you present nonsense enyen = yen as in en or en in yen, the end of something by yen energy. Condone as you say to create by thought to shapeshift to seem as you feel. As you say En Yen is thought to use energy as payment to use as energy. Seen as a coward shield I think something happens. So you might not call yen as a force. ensu = overincompetance, incompetance or not as something else could be going on in your mind yet you can act cooly as clear Espiargo = espionage, slow cooked food esta = establish, passover or poverty, in the eastern direction, elementary pursuit to create an elemency monster epem = drug/ged, epidemic, epedemic weapon of destruction from yew epm = evil (by corruption), corruption within thought but not at all as this is gone evey = eve eye, night eye, evil, create by eye is manifest or an eye trick to convince or cause what you think or focus on exese = extra big, obese, swelled up with nothing but an idea Ezpz = easiness; easy, cool, easy peezy, this is activity within easiness and there's sometimes no regrets. i-mue = create energy from intelligent action in immunity by thought. Ia-snyp = clone; Inner child, Think a spell and uhn. The inner child is useful as you can direct it, that's done by thinking about something or feel something is necessary. This is usually an undeveloped fetus, that you form by what you do or think into existence and the breasts that form are a point that it is there as an indicator. So you can reshape and make it think, whatever you want it to be shaped or thinking is what it thinks. So I think if you consider something done, then the inner child conscious creates what you need or want as a need. Think thin thoughts when you do this, that's because you could feel the urge to eat. If you do feel the urge, then don't do it. Don't go and eat something, then you are assured to remain without weight gain. This is done by holding off from eating and waiting for the urge to disappear. However that's all, since you don't want it to develope into a child, use an abortion technique. Otherwise the three finger press in your right side middle stomach area, this is used as a way to cause it to be ejected in your shit or piss. Then the weight it causes is gone by feel. This can also be done by tracing an inward spiral on your side of the stomach, that you choose to use as a point to undo what you don't like. Otherwise trace the inward spiral on your chin instead, that's to undo extra weight and double chins by your intention. But its not always instant, this can take some time if you gained too much weight. If you don't want the weight and it doesn't remain undeveloped, then you could clone yourself so this means no sexual partners are needed to have a clone of your own. Consider it a second you or version 2 of yourself, unless you abort it when you think its progressed further from that stage of fetus. However the undeveloped fetus can make almost anything happen, this is mainly done by brainwaves and perception. Then the idea of it doesn't matter, seen especially if you follow this idea as a guide. So basically what you do is your own idea, I think its best to use your own point of view with this concept of self-birth in action. Think a point, if you want to use the inner child to produce results, then think a point and feel it will form the idea. Then it does. This is a point in itself where the inner child feels what you need as you think or state the point, then when you think about the idea and need the point you think about the idea you create with a point that manifests. Then the idea is with more possible chance to be formed as a manifest. That's where you create things, sometimes this is from thin air or your own element. Enjoy yourself and farewell, since I am going to be on a trip I will do what I can to make things better. Farewell and good-bye. ietsu = gullible; easily suggestable, suggestable in mind, great being susceptible, this however is done by a great being susceptible by use iit = cunt, bad habit, removal of ape Ium = spacial time element of energy convergence in thought and not in body in butt ila = Greater illusion, an illusion that is with ki energy and made real by heat increase. This illusion is the perceived idea you want to give to them. Only a kitsune can make it all 5 senses that are with experience of said illusion. That illusion is undetected as the illusion it is. This illusion turns real, when enough energy is near. When disbelieved, it can persist until the moment that the illusionist deems it necessary to dispel that illusion. When dispelled, it can leave a heat radiance in the area, unless the fire used is frost fire. Igneos = ingenious, to use idea but when thought on, you don't realize it was thought on and can sometimes forget about it. This can be leading into dangerous situations. inerh = super shifting ability, I processor sit near ya on ya in ya inepsis = in episode assistance, other area act(acting out on impulse and idea while thinking your somewhere else.) inoit = ignorant; bloody ignorant, ignore, this is where you ignore things and see the changes. inujistic = injustice, injuristic, opposite concept from idea happening insteul = tortured knowledge, self-reflection, to gain ability and thought from being tortured, an instilled thought, in to strain or not as nor distill barley inwib-p = kinda stupid, brainwashed to student, suggested to ina = innate, self produced effect by inner ability itohte = intuition, by feel, spiritually, web hit with idea by energy to use a mirror spell isie = nsie, insular; sealed area, self-contain/ment isokrylutego = isochryllic memory shield protection, energy explosion by annullment Ishida = conceded, concession, stand change and go isteul = to be in stool, to shit and kill on a person. to instill; this means to instill ability an gnowhow by techniques, to gain knowledge and know-how from torture in line of fire apostle lineup istia = to instigate, make an apprentie, apprentice hall then do in effect that ought to be idea ixiel = freedom, freedom being; a being that gives freedom kingdom from effects that are on the person. onm = ominous reaction, on in collection not in me to ennervate as a thought to use the ability as audacity Odeu = odeur, ordeal, Ordeur, conscious, ordeur, order, oder, smell uab = what be, what is uaber = what be here uabues = what be missing ueb'oro = web hit; this is a website counter hit by what is done. uorh = again; nightmare, horrid event that creates itself by feel like I do. uyghur = uglier; technology, technologized, culturized, this is sometime a processed culterized food. unat = unnatural; this will be an unnatural day. unathynan = unnatural slenderness. this is a reached state of body mass where you are reduced in mass and create better magic where you end up losing weight excess. unis = susceptable; bonding of mind, bondage unctfi = unconscious moves that are unseen time with an end point, through forever control at an end point, while moving, and doing self-conscious or unconscious control defying. unctfy = unseen unconscious time fight, through effect and idea, that directs the moment. Sometimes unconscious defiance causes will defying to things that happen. uglia = ughliur, uglier Y-eva = wyeva, evolve, whyever yeva = weva, whyever, whatever yrcudk = work addiction, cure can't stop working, shudder kill aac = aggravate, overwhelm (where aacix be overwhelms or aggravates) aak = vacuum, ack! aek = ache in moments aem = us in them, sonoic aim = ideal, idea, remote community, goal, remote communication ium = greater degree, spite, detest, activity building aan = over, time over, fixed in thought to create a will and wilderbeast ass = arse, butt, think in power by association ean = lean, divine, divinity ein = skein, waterskin, stein cloyant aemina = amina, amnesia, myr of use very indecent mirror of thought, whatever aeth = ethnic, ethnicity, culture, skin tone, similiar culture aethenik = ethnic not in kind, aether use that ends in shark aethnea = aethnia, nea, ethnic group use, ethnical use acei = accord, accedance, acceptance, restful pose adriac = severe disorder (acute), body response alita = creative; robotic, cyborg like amazd = amazed, a maze of deathly nature amek = amend, disease, self-curing disease eeta = multitask, multitasking, many things with shared time, person, machine shared time event eum = clarification, room search eyt = the eye, eye newt, lizard in detesting by field of earth field eytt = glass, glasses edith = editorial, edit, edict to write, stop point composure els = else; an els, another thing by chance iena = number, purpose of, hyena uagy = asergy, condensing field that contains any live force, radiation. this force can be used for electricity, live electricity containment. uuh = ununhexium, anger, fetid concept yep = yep, yes please, yes person aip = ape land, an ape form that of any form it gets near or not uarcry = spirit animal war cry air = air, hair, haer aupa = gold paper, pagemaker, father, release thought is Aupa fix by thought in doubt iaou = anabolic, build up of muscle and mass or tissue iate = aviation; airflow, guided movement where this is sometimes done by feel through the air. yaig = intelligent, intelligence yatuik = intelligent annoyance, conman, intelligent twink that gets jealous easy and tries to avoid work as possible yare = in year yarea = each in year, each their own. yeac = connection; itaconc, intercedence, interconnection, otherwise this is shifting. aiosei = semi-automatic aiosoi = managed cost eaito = esperanto, ease of use ecery = grocery or food item ouexseh = Edwards field, A hidden genereal energy warp area of collapsing space charging another space created by a puaepyrm (power pyramid) or electricity and say any in the field to beget the result if your aware of it, the edwards field. The natural variety be to use aether or (material air) or ether (spirit) in 4/5 to 1/3 efficiency according to E% as E-. uaca = what can, what see uica = with care uaty = weighty uiay = winery, area they keep wine uiou = without, your owing uihzfnofohuai = wihcnofohuai, intervention, intercede, interception uuq = ununquabian, forever with split or half aeola = element master aeolus = all element, explorer aedo = aeded, aided aeg = reveal(before hand). unusual, abnormal aello = rainstorm Aert = Martial arts, the heart aet = actively eat, active eating, active culture eating, not eat (as much), unfair rape aeta = mental, thought power aetus = life, disposition, anything in life killers aetri = Fight a war or create a possibility auro = glow, aurora auror = seeker(of things or people), mage police, dark seeker augor = seer, prophet aussi = australian, undercountrian aussy = cow oerhed = ourhead, overhead ouerhed = overhead is over in the head, ouerheed is ourhead, earful is plentiful. oust = force, bring false to life or not uorh = again Uase = erase by feel Uebias = To uninform of a bias, unique bias, To form a bias Uebios = Unibios, create and endure bad scent as an effect of bias Uwybias = Uybias, nasty scent effect Uwybios = Uybios, to endure and sustain a bias that can cause some scent aeturnis = eternity, of the deep aute = auntie, Janice, eruption: a. Firey eruption of a large expansion of gas and flame or lava to blow outward, sometimes blowing upwards. b. Liquid Potpourria or Foam lamp oil, Mix lamp oil and liquid potpourri and alcohol as 2:1:1 and shake up to form a foam expansion and it fills up the near emptiness and left over oil by at least 3 times and at most 4 times. This stuff when settled can burn instantly, the more you shake the more it makes up thanks to spellhawk. c. Salt + Copper + Potassium Nitrate + Baking Soda + Soda pop (maby diet) will get a rapid expansion of carbon dioxide and foams upward to create a lava like expansion, Thanks to spellhawk. d. Vinegar + water + Baking Soda = volcanic like eruption and some add red food coloring. (c) Danny and Heather/Sodiar Express. autist = autt-cism, autism, autistic, self-induced world (maze), inner world due to people or antisocial behavior. auto = solo, self, alone, automatic, car, carriage, automated movement by propulsion or anti-propulsion, for anti-propulsion be the usage of magnets in a pull toward a direction by some mythical, mystical or energetic force, auth = authority, fourth, fourth ayberian = foreign, alien from out of country or outside planet eugenics = genetic mutation, youthful appearance, eugenics be also considered as the process of meditation combining spirit and body, leaving a person with a superbody and one-like mind, leaving the brain as a "soul" and super brain thats regeneration able and sometimes imprinted with regeneration and "brainwashed" for idea and storage, of energy and memories. Overlapping of the body by the brain reinforcing the soul or a personality taking over for the idea which be impossible. This has made elves or demonic people. eurotic = neurotic, strange uumaekom = undo annihilation, uncalled for destruction yokyete = I want aiplait = gorilla, breast milk aire = psychic aomnte = aformention, mentioned information, bibliography aynt = unevent, to do something in time that causes an unevent that is an unseen event or an event that goes to nothing due to inertial effect in idea. adgh = adequate, turn to dog, edge advc = inferrment, seen advance afgh = all we value, all value akien = bother (akieno is bothered, akienix or akiene is bothers, akieny or akienan is bothering) amieg = repite; think of the moment working for you and the despise disappears. atlian = consistent awry = wrong, the truth is used in the idea they try out by feel. eispey = stop and do else eitha = etha, etha, "either", else eine = urine, murder (causing urination) Eollo = Eolla, Aello, love by doing or working eun = spoon in idea, forever eune = clean in all etha = eitha, etha, either ether or use ieum = remember, sentence, them, into, empathy, empathetic or I feel for you and am with emphasis on them is I'm hearing you or their listening to you, emphasize (use of empathy that is feelings where you sometimes feel things or seem empathetic), negatively act, negate (with sentence), condemn (negatively used) ier = lier, their, your will, hier IIeMix = This is release from a darkmatter beings mandate, that includes the Anti-photon being. This is either where I don't mix or I mix idea that is unseen and unknown. That uses what I know, want, feel or realize and this is from others sometimes. So think and you know things by what you do or what happens, this is with thinking that's what you can do by things from the senses with the thinking that you do. iimuy = inimical, known evil, known danger as dangersense idedran = something else, data drain, morph data, to change and rearrange the area to use data as you someway drain it of energy in use into something else. There is a point by what you think, as this creates as your creator things in use. Eihwaz = a rune in celtic that is druglike, narcotic like, wins, think and this is a win by logical use magic instruction with a fringe benefit by insightful idea rune or not as too much pleasure or create with use good repair or with feeling good that plumps the body or creates creative use by what you think as innocense is revealable or logical use is a thought by intuitive feeling with insight. ems = munchies; food money, food ens = money; ensnare, ansuz, answer, the arrest or made point. oitin = O10N2RnS2, ten parts oxygen three parts nitrogen one parts radon yielding healing air that slightly morphs and not gotten near unless necessary. ieie = immobius, immobilize, time stop, activity stop, infinity, eight, sometimes stop disruption by the idea you intend. ieiespa = immobius sphere(time stop) that stops all needed area activity where the sphere formed was thought to be can slow time or create if not neccesary as you are. iefnr = infurior, infuriator, I infer ienfy = infy, identify to will defy ioutug = allowance of goods or owing to object iota = part, idea iote = mirror way; think of what you want and the mirror does it. This is especially true if you state your request at the mirror. iotea = empress; the leader of the group that is female. ioto = creativity; creative, this is a creative pursuit done by you. ighdofem = action; its german, its a germ man or landmine igt = can't talk; ight, right, alright, can't talk about it plight, tight, more woven fit enrgy = enraging or visual graphic anime creation that is virtual reality that can use images by magic to create what you think as though manifest from a matrix program in life. iki = ichi, believe, absolved by point as if a red robe, a red robed priest resolution imoebpas = imoebius pause, immobilize pause, causes an immediate pain of the reality that is an if moment. that is an iffy moment as you realize what the realization is from the soul by feel. Incle = inclined, this is inclinations to relax soon, uncle indeo = a wise man who is ancient in origins, ancient indian, ancient indeo indian spirit indeosp = indeo effect as in with a kind of spirit and out with a hit, ancient indian spirit, ancient american heaven space invog = invasive rat; invogue, in.vogue, invoke, in fok (folk) trade value, not rogue in stealing by life. itl = little, belittle, skittle, bite sized coated candy soothing effect of decaying essence uhe = genius firebreath created magic uhu = yh, yes, yeah, agreement or not as an ornament somewhere abu = word, about abuse, react to a certain thing and though you experience a thought it isn't actually seen due to the moment not liked unless you want to see things as a vision that is psychic, as you think to thing something you stop by acting out right by that method and reaction is control to the person you intend to create and make with subconscious thought. Action is right. abber = speed, push, push off absolu = absolute, ! absorber = absorb, absorption absumo = consume, eti, etn or ethnic eating habits that are energy interred by what you are near abra = unholy, rough, profanity in funny nature that causes people if on a waning moon to create and hit in the head otherwise or not ebrio = nebrio, drunk acaik = star, asterik acepti = Modulem, Accepting of anything given and making use of it, this is an ice glacier formed in ways by indescriminate ways in what you think. This is to use means that allow you to not seem to give anything. acerik = star, asterik acetates = lattice energy ecaao = bank balance oculozs = deep, gills occulto = secret; in the occult latin, secretive, this is a secretive moment that happens by feel with no stress. adam = mind, first man adaro = top human bottom fish body hostile to humans admin = administer, administrator adminis = administrator, administer adra = sketch, magic eddy = smooth flow, stream movement ideo = mental idea, ego (alter ego, acquired transfer) udtriba = Uranium 238 (U) + 3p Deuterium (D3) + Barium (Ba) for a everlasting fuel ball instigated by charles, UD3Ba, urandeuttribarium okake = goblin, apparition, monster, ghost acey = uncaring though thought exists for what thought you have aces = access, horse that is fey that if you slap a roach you slap to detriment the motion by near or not this is pointless as in no inducement acier = steel, steal is otherwise it ain't gonna happen with no spite actis = scene, action, scenic magic activ = active, activate, activation, actvm, activism, start-up acniv = bad guy, consultant adoat = indolant, adolation, inductance by inclusion to form anything by being in reluctance from being imposed on bringing no mind and bad temper ahrea = diarhres, diahrea (diarrhea) ahm = bursting with energy ahmi = alien, amends, severity ahmni = amnesia, forgettance used as force alfgain = to note the effect and seal it off and then to condition as an to respond to it only if its unsealed. ameliat = give (all) that, take it all, in arrangement, immediate Eaeuly = all things necessary. Eulogy Eio = remove bad, impulse, victory, remove restriction Eig = send back, replenish eoa = trading air, desperate air, 'he owns that I want it by jealousy' air eoi = self-improving, erotic, fits eoli = trading force, consignment that causes trade oem = dumb, dumbly done, this is dumbly or serrendipitiously discovered and creatively done. ehmi = condemn, conclusion, consolidance, embattling enim = the end of nothing enun = otliey, across the world, enunciate, pronounciation, impaled enh = enhancement to cancel the weight Etune = Aeturnus, gravity and bio grade electricity with eternal energy. A tuneup of ability that makes you percieve what you want before it happens. This gives premenations. evei = evict, implied replied, implied result, modulum, evisceration, evminstration, administration evoi = evolve, evolution,in propulsion by ship or revulsion in body evpu = ever put iyeb = yep; personal yes, personally iyem = do; (have) item, do (it), this is where you have the item to do it. iyep = anyway; there you go, stupid (action or evem) iyob = nope; personal no, eyesore or unrobe oyeb = oh yeah; I agree, personal agreement, personally agreed Iso = isolation; isolated area, energy, this is power that is with the point of free movement of electrons. This is in use of a power to generate it nothing more matters or things cease by the point. itao = tao, interred, add-in, otherwise: attacking with stiffened fingers icyce = ensconce, item embrace ocular = binocular, spyglass, eye glass oculozs = deep occasion = unnattached moment, unseen activity occlus = occlusion, in occupation, push out, activity respect, activity restrict otulvctusmoi = 12p oxygen + carbon + 2p sulpher + methane, breathable methanol gas ock = flock, gather around adde = address, addriss, adrift adnu = had enough odi = oddment, harmless, odd disposition, oddly meant ofy = elephant ufo = remember; unforget, unforgotten, unforgot, spacecraft, bogey, unknown vehicle uhuh = uhuh; agreed or I doubt it uhm = woman; warning sign, premonition uhhn = trial aha = serendipty; ahha, discovery, discover, asshole, relief or idea to follow. ahmokpitoe = harmonic ahmokdati = peaceful relation anema = Energy from a magicalized (energized) flea or tick that is viral and causes anemia or other disease, this energy causes ability to surge up and become greater. Black actions may happen. anj = nitty gritty; these are deep things that are there if you look for them. anjou = red pear, angel; engellic being that exists where you think and creates what you need or want with what you think. ehsdes = des, suicide, besides ehwaz = physical shift, gradual developement, steadyness uh'o = good health, multiple vitamin eaahnikh = forgery; forged currency, coin eaeh = key; akashic, self created elements that's the key akasha = all elements, cosmia ohnoki = creative; creator person, created idea oke = pardon okem = pardon me oklaica = primal forest alas = sorry to say, matter set aside alae = open up alice = overlarge exquisite beauty, all melt, living example alfa = alpha, beginning, start aqius = stamina axiom = wise thought oleol = even stride oleole = downstride, walk downward emuy = inimical, known evil, known danger eminem = bisexual, singer Emh = embarrassment, Embargo (withholding), embassy (a place of where foreigners can go) emppf = define, definition, onrush anagram = to focus and do in pain by study, focused disturbace aniky = fearful and abiding condition, fear thats released by admittance andromany = endomancy, endoesty, a courtesy act arki = archi; archibald, bold and with heart. Atheos = pathos; humous (roach), post-humous (anke), humorous moment, disgust, disgusted (atheosan) or not this is the remains of the path of roached areas. enoy = annoy, create by annoyed reason enoyp = pest, twink, fake, disturbance, bad storyteller, bad contributor or personal annoyance enoyt = annoyance, bitten, enbitten encr = end credit, double image engr = engry level, emotional torrent, anger level egry = enehrgy, angry energy, energy sometimes collected by people just to keep going, energy that be overstimulated (by imprint) from a emotional psionicist as he/she "moves" things and afterwords the person can pass out or cause body problems or lunacy. An example be hate, love, anger, spite etc.. that be channeled. A special property be the vehemence of of others will channel into and increase the effect (disbelief, disruption and fractal).Some think this might be bullshit but engry force can increment strength. eroy = aerobics; exercise that is low impact. er-fann = To notice the fanning effect of dimensions, dimensional vibration effect or vibes. er-funn = To do as necessary but in a chaotic fun mood, chaotic fun er-kenn = To cause an effect that disables the target and forms it after condensation into a smaller form into a sealed block er-kun = soft condition, soft candidate er-kunn = To notice and do but be able as well, noticed preparedness esco = free stuff, support, escort icre = I cream, massacre, eye cream idre = idea, hidden, I dream of imaginos = inflammation, imaginary operation, imaginary system umbrae = porcedure, encumbrance unnenoy = not annoyance unuoy = uncrashable, crashable unnuoy = uncrash asalt = assault afiliat = affiliat, aphiliat, distant association, distance afiliate = affiliate, aphiliate, association afrikaans = africa, after rich activity afval = trash efret = efreeti, as there is energy they can grant ability to use energy by thought, as you have cildren by their energy your children are efreet. ufala = resign, resignation, lightning ufrodeub = consistent ufrodueb = network ahg = agihl, aghel, ankel aghgrur = astral agla = coming age ogma = dogma, knowledge god, truth god ijenspa = rejuvenation, iljenspar alota = alotment, assortment anota = another, noting anger = danger angus = anger stricken, encode, encoder ansuz = answers, mouth anth = antler, sweaty ents = treeman aparit = aey, apparition, spirit, ghost apas = apase, apace, rapidly upre = rise, uprise, raise, up again apsi = application, complex apsu = apxu, affixiation, apartment areas = anywhere, everywhere arie = ary, intent, spar, war, arrive or ey meaning arrival aries = war god, intent of measure, war measure, war genious aryix = speed burst, chi boost that ends in burst aribeth = traiterous anger armefest = full plate, arms festival, territory armifest = arming festivity arkipelag = archipelag, person that doesn't desist, undesistant person artz = artistic, art, indisposition artzi = artist, practitioner, practicioner arctic = ice, shore, cold in character asada = beef; steak aset = bone; asset by feel, this is a setting with bone that means your activity with a point to relax, then you remember things that form by feel or otherwise are created by spirit influence. atraau = focusing; atraan (old friend), focus point awsum = awesome, aweful sum that ends in life orpa = gold paper, orcish enu = enough, weight endurance, weighting icasat = I can say it, considerable, sayyable iceb = iceball, icy condition, insane ityuiar = ichthyocentaur, sea centaur, human upper half dolphin tail horse forleg or lion forleg horse, lich horse human incy = infancy, incite, interest, addamatus in work with a magic by mana energy inh = unhinder, unhurt but fearful in life as the death you live is desperate life inhbdh = stupid effect, stupid effort inm = conscious thought, intimancy, think to focus and do astute in sciences beware what you did as in life your aware and in death you living inme = imagination, imagine where you have no control over what you do no problem no trouble, and no bad results as no problem by the use of matter in energy by what you think. inlay = inlaid, fill, invalid, tylonal (tolerant situational to change) inteli = intelligence, intelligent event intelli = intellectual, intelli eye inptec = assesment, assumed idea, apetite instru = instruct, instrument inveigl = steal, corrupt, remove irdem = to you, irritated them, continuuance irtem = is temp about it, to hurt them from temporary illness irtemp = in.temp.me, irtemp, irritated temperment isa = ansa, ewa, answer; beware, this is the answering point by feel or what you think is what happens is a point. Otherwise in oger this is then where you cease activity, isolation, is, crystallization, crystal. This word will do things on use, forms on a point as though an instance and creates what you write by what you do. If you do, what you wrote is an action point and sometimes a war will happen on misinterpretations. This is a known effect of what is action by feel. itezn = bentidoct, beige, To make energy or magic larger and stronger in effect. itz = hitting on, its about inperceptive, item z, its iwa = want; instant conversion, this is a point that gets instant conversation. if you wait for things you will get results with this idea. oom = boom, ship sail lower wooden support ocubla = manling oliv = olive oluel = gasoline, en em omea = omega, finish, end, final (test), dedutchma, finale, fin, fine onm = onimous, torture, disfigurement spell from the game torment that ends as you think orchrist = reaper, death seeker impulse or not impulse by a switch ulcheur = a ulcher, wheeled chair seen as a sign of destruction umaekom = call annihilation, call destruction uruz = golden hair wild ox, good mind strength usef = useful, useful effort by what you did usie = ouvisibas, ovousibas, mentally assisted energy manipulation yurika = eurika, discovery of excitement ynis = island of disease aogi = ambiguity, blissful ignorance eughafhuai = distortion komposer effect eula = linguist, end of term oec = thought protection, thought projection, of course oese = obese, overeating nothing or think and this stops as the long arm of the law is avoided in life oues = painful, in pain not at all uupeir = offense; rapier, raper, so on sight use is a rapier that works by itself. useu = knock on head, entertainment rate entertainment, disruption by desperate use and disrepute by the effort that use is a concept and your use creates what is by what you think. iyes = I have, no eyes, none know till not to go against yale = black, tawny hippopotamus oxen with moving horns yantra = program, sometimes a program by the music where the universe is unfolding or you know after thinking a point yeck = shape shifting spirit, that wrecking ball or use abacus = calculator, mathmatical machine out or use breakup or feeling energy focus to think to shift is with changing by math not science that is the abacus the area you see is not the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy it is hitchikers guide to exposure. I caught you smoking to show the idea flaws the item use has seen use to ruin the body or use is idea then shifted you there myself without you seeing this to use things well or correct by the right method by thinking. ebil = evil child, evilness not in komeche you create ebony = ebony, very hard black stone, onyx, create point ibem = ibeam, support, metal girder support ubar = high quality, perfect, high quality steel uber = super, hideous, excessive, monsterous, non monsterous achaea = divine land, archaeologist dig, divinity inside outside non econ = energy connection that occurs things inexplicable as thought this connects for some purpose which is thought upon on acting the term. This can create as in another place. Individual reality search that is different per each area you visit as placed in life as connected to use a net. icadonc = incondolence, deterrant (in motion), arrest, deter (motion or in feeling) icke = ice chest; this is a temperature related chest, cold or hot temperature regulated containter. aduao = adulant, aid, indicator; instructor, a light, the person that indicates things such as a manager or aid. Inhibited of not. adyu = adieu; good-bye, adios, goodbye, arrested as thought you do to or create to work with bathroom on others adicta = addictive, addictive personality, tricky dream waken from ades = be at ease, aiding as is, material change, creation adv = advance, advancement, aided view inherited in view, advert, adverted, adversement, advertisement opposite in form and feeling but similiar in idea with opposite energy in use advanc = advance, can you believe it advoc = advocation; word, vocabulary, this is words of advice or adhoc vocation work. advhorte = stance of action, ancient horror, ancient evil, ancient disorder that creates disease, fixes things and hits out bugs or hits bugs out by feeling as plabes is the copy point that blessed can seem disease or disorder that is with chaos that causes this and is repetate and not that dispells in this disorder. idoi = indolent, indolence, intolerant, reticient till forced then there's rebellion (through violence of sorts), true conceit ekenji = to effect a teachers positiion or effect in class., to tell, I can tell ekenyou = enerjow, active but equal action, equally active and in action ekonji = disposition of death by what realises and misuse for annihilation of everything and everywhere nearby, by art and thought of shadow conjuration that effects death energy to effect change, chang ekunji = effort in, effect in, effect about people use is by life energy from the aura alofit = alofight, allow fight, where they say hello and then slug it out with each other or tough fight. Only to apply alovera if necessary after fight greeting after allowed fight. aves = to lost, be as is beat with active idea, be on guard, disreputive, temperment as because you can see it it is change due to life eiahwaz = yew wood, you spoke or see the use oberon = original, origame efam = femalish idea belief and motions but you still could be male. Could have large female breasts and large body. Some are lucky enough to be slender but most have large peckers. efue = ephetus, earth bending, earth summoning (some type of formation thought on), think to eat or drink and what you need is formed or created by feel. iceit = incess, ongoing; incessant, deceit, this is a moment you need something and create by feel. ifao = inferno, burning hands, fire gout, infatuation by incensed points in life. ifiy = effigy, last spoken thought, death speach ifni = luck, iffy orcid = orchid flower agaquo = silverfish, four-6 inch silver landfish, silverfish sighting in area will detail possesion, something bad to owner of area entered and the person will change on entering silverfish area to be possessed until area cleanse agi = agin, again agin = again, silver inlay, silver filling agy = aging, grown older, grow older igyu = fire angel iggy = ignore ahmok = content uhu = uh huh ije = ijg, fart; gas pain, sewer gas akira = mental destruction, unstable power blow-up unless thinking you can work with the ability tempered akyra = bird human once thought named thoth iklelau = handkerchief, hand cloth, creation by area alay = metallic alloy alahan = handy, handiwork, creative, creativity alak = permit, grade (of cut), protest, embargo, deal with it alakazam = piece together, regenerate, rebellion, halt process alaz = alliance, everything, revolution, religion building, creativity center alazakam = genious, dispute, tolerance, civil war alazakamakh = pain tolerance aleanata = alienation alian = human sea elf, land atleantian with shapechanging energy shaping instantaneous travel ability with energy true form alie = alien, alienation alien = non-country person, off planet lifeform that can take alot of radiation. alienn = alien alaska = solid ice alc = alchemy (follows empirical laws), chemistry (follows scientific laws), a branch of study that uses elements to get results. alcapon = notorious work leader alco = ycoo, alcohol, alcorub (blues lingo), alcoholic, disinfect, wine cooler (alcoholic with flavor) aldur = wonder god, wanderer alkari = bird human alnytta = every weave, all night task, all nighter eleiy = elemental eliia = tiger eliiar = panther eclis = eclips, eclipse, dark moon, black moon elegnc = elegance, with grace elips = ellipse, dark phase, unregarded, ill repute ellia = puppet elliar = puppet show elmer = glue elmerhu = glue being that intoxicates anything it gets near energah = energetic Enyt = in it (benefit by eight), eight, aftermath: things work out but are as they are by now. enfo = enforce, enforcement envioble = permeable reaction by encitement, permissable reaction, my reaction that is the exact opposite of normal. "They may have technology which can vaporize you." "COOL! LET'S GO CHECK IT OUT!!!". Whatevever excites you, is of great force. Like nature to play with despite the odds. "Which is also part of the reason why I enjoy using my own body. It can't be killed. Well...it can, but I can just disperse it and reform it somewhere else." You see no risk in using an astral body, so you just go ahead and use it, basically happy go lucky. erlking = dwarf king, a being who is essentially immortal and somewhat cruel and old by far one of the Hylar with amazing stories telling of him. He is as one with his people and his mountain. However, do not confuse his intention with loyalty as he can change within minutes. Somewhat a Hylar however non cruel. Seen use by feel. erst = hint, erstwhile estri = history, destroy, no face iedeo = Dealt effect, indolence, impolite effect ihm = end time (of rhyme), conclusion ini = iniverse, the source universe incoerc = unconvinced, no coersion olde = olde, olden, old age uloc = as no use is warlock, demon weather wizard ulod = warlord ulok = lockup yube = disgusting, stink produced by hell activity or safe with witchcraft to water use ylo = yellow oragatang = monkey ape orion = hunter amelmorat = all of it or some, everything, if you live some you love some america = united kingdom, melting pot, states united by ruin american = realm, cultural, united county, unity, resident, crede americano = american, united kingomer, things go the kindomers way amore = love, leave alone, keep wallet or things, go away, that was fair amb(i) = go, walk, both, mixed, mixed area feel or voice hearing by feel or not so think the person wakes up ambidern = remain quiet, fee, see or seen is use or a point that won't assault, sense no lovers or possible love this I think was some ogress love charm that starts disassiated, the moment ou think or act to work creates by feel attraction or nor to the use. ambiguity = hidden nature, unknown, unshown, untold, unreveal ambiguous = hidden person, uncertain, seen by the fuck or feel you work with this or as alone. So because they get very animalistic as they die they live they see or seem use by area energy. embark = load ship, board ship embarkdede = ship voyage embarkdedet = ship passenger, sailor imms = implementor, admin, administrator omae = presence (of high personage) omni = mind; all, every, formus, form energy umaa = call, nounce (announce) umbridge = foundation support, manipulative bitch, use no collision, healing use or useful feel as use is your own for permenant is peace or use by concern ymoaen = immolation, separated or allow feel, this is where you think the idea is a source that's separate from you and you allow the idea to feel or not do the idea. This makes fire or any element separated from the area and seem to subsist in some point. anchi = anchovy, disproving disorder, thats already been owned or whatever is there is with a complaint andra = husband or wife, this is used as in english: "she is my andra" or "he is my andra." angel = mental torment, peaceful, otherwise benign being that doesn't really belong, this being exists with mental anguish. engelsoul = spiritual harmony, desirous soul, peaceful memory enchida = beautiful woman above serpent below woman serpent mother of most monsters, apple chider or ugly woman that is formed with the mark of the beast or thought from marked beauty enit = innit, peace isn't it? enci = etching, enchilada, one in incompetant that strange dog creature that is furry and uses wrath and gets the form, clenching and fist punch with enraging power he dies that seems cool on the surface, then or creativity time use without alcohol is banishing memories as nothing is important malaise in form that in above area is nothing that comes from a terminal disorder so what ye think to act on is what is in a thought you are demise for their impulse is your idea. enchy = the engraving thought that forms reality around you emchei = sicke, turning disorder as a rat that turns in a turney i-ptc = iptec, test, unn penchin in thought is uses what it wants to found a result, a form shapechanging is in mention this is a fear regrat, continue different mortal otherwise alternative Iamgo = nonstop, just don't or not in attack Iemgo = ongoing ihbc = right reason, inhibitor inuyasha = inunyasha, self-conceptive, self-concept, knew that agreeing in shame, self-seeking in fighting skill inertg = inertial gravity, flux timeshift (at noone the inertial gravity, time shifting comes) inketh = inkeith, to ink or write, seep to write inkiel = into rudder, mob life, inward kiel inceur = incisure, cis, cise, cut inclus = inclusive, inclination, separatism ink = ink inko = carve, sculpt inkblot = inkblotter, ink holder, pen ita-d = Vital Death, power conscription, vitamin d, power d (power of death) Ivmeditu = White void, An improving element. Where void magick itself degrades the mind. White void magick actually improves it. Every negative thing the dark void does, the white void reverses. This proves that you don't need black magick to achieve results that uses black magick. Made by Geodusk. ooch = shit, sores obv = obvious/ly, it turns good, objective/ly view/ed oneir = onorus, ponderous onli = on a line, on the line, online onlo = on low onza = vahgberf, vahshberf, chaotic umbrae = house (possibly an apartment), under structure umbrah = umbrella, head protector unca = unsaid, uncare, undeclare, unkind, uncouth unded = aded, braindead, undead; zombie, vampire, bloodsucker (parasite, hogshead), Now the undead have a wide range to do; since they can't move, they can manipulate and do things in time. They also can be reborn, this is where they manipulate wombs to become born. This can eventually be on a barren womb, as well. However, once born, they are day walkers and don't age very fast after a day of 20 years old. They also use others as a point that their subconscious mimicks and they "act" alive, even when they don't live. Sometimes they live using the creators life energy of love. So think about the idea and hope you don't come across one of the living undead. That is because, if you do you could become a model to them. Then your mimicked by feel and created by in their mind as though a super human, this is true even if you are anything but a normal citizen. Think and know by feel what they are before they come near you. This is what I know not what I fear, so the idea is fact if your affirmed in belief or created by them in their minds eye. Then they could do anything to your spirit, that is truth as I ran across one. Got bit in the neck, then left alone. He used the thought stream of life, usually thought of as a music source. This empathetically was a point I found interesting. I could empathize with him but I think he was emulating someone, so I didn't say a word and risk being disbelieved by feel. Only to discover that I was nearly undead myself, that is after the effect of their influence. I think they do this to mask themselves and seem to appear in real life as an individual person, that's not themselves. So as a point if they were detected, the undead can do what they want and think as they wish to get things and then its done. If he wants you dead then you simply disappear. So that is an end all of the undead. If you want to know more about daywalkers, look at the Soulbonding article [http://spellhawk.great-site.net/Soulbonding.htm#daywalker] or feel free to search for the term Day Walker in this dictionary. Feel free to enjoy yourself as I leave you for now, ciou and farewell until later. unkeith = knock out, either knockout unach = unacidic, forever acidic, base chemical, stomach problem unnach = unacidic, base acid unsozfol = piez, peace, piezo, unsolzuea, wats, energy, fire air energy, electricity usem = museum, use them, You seal them uvula = sealing, effect seal angla = triangulate, viewpoint, get angle iglae = anglae, anglais, nglae, ngle, englis, english obgyn = gynecology, gend, guinekolex, women health study obgin = guyinnuiv, ginecology, maelikology, male health study yele = yes, otherwise aesentee = absentee, lazy salesman, survivor acie = Crete, theyr, creation by created idea, A thought to create by the projected third eye, use l with the idea to create a fire effect. agate = negate effect or agate e em aguam = healthful, help used agluam = igloo, ice home ahkbar = fake good, falsity, false ahgluam = iceberg ahria = fresh air, thinking point aheria = mastery, diahria aki = uprise/ing, surprise, tactic, throw up akuma = ma, toori akuma, coal eyed enormous flaming head fying creature with sword alabaster = distinguish, confusion, marble alamata = hurricane alan = mischievious human bird creature, ingenious manipulation, duplicatus alantvb = get strong, get stronger (also of mu's) alente = gifted researcher, gift alienist = alientologist alic = alicorn, strengthen, strong, aligon, unicorn human alice = 1. steel strength, steely strength; 2. two-horned human, bulrathi alicorn = single horn eolh = fortunate influence alig = alignment, align alchemy = transmutation science, chemistry physics allg = great hall axa = axxa, exile, as full, axe fall, axe fail alvera = alovera plant, healing plant, wish giver alanata = all nature, all elements, everywhere aleanes = hybrid elemental atleantian animal pet alisia = liesure time, liesurely almamata = create material, material manifest almon = almond nut almy = almit, god midget mutant, almighty mite otherwise electa = electric, electricity amadan = paralysis touch faery amatur = amateur, natural beginner amater = newly begin amaterasu = shapable mold, cast amino = life make-up, blood, life fluid amul = amulet amb = amble, ambassadore amba = raw amber, healing tree sap stone ambassador = embassy personage, foreigner ambidex = ambidexterity, both hand expertise ambidexter = ambidexterity ambigurl = woman warrior, ambiguous woman ambivulant = vulgar in action amc = open, open air, family enjoyment ammut = creature with crocodile head lion body hippopotamus back end amphisbaena = three headed lizard, goes both ways amand = almond amanda = skillful, graceful, respectable, friendly face ameth = truth anan = indoor, expectancy AnanIen = to sustain, to sustain a moment. anemathema = 12' giant octupus anim = life, spirit animos = animosity, animal harshness andy = mountain andr(o) = man, male, human (dominative case) androsphinx = human headed lion annex = far away mission ankh = eternal life ankl = ankle anklosteo = ankle bone antiq = antique angreal = channel device aggy = aggie, bad scented farmer, agriculturist, bad smelling almost uneducated caretaker of land, celtish landowner, celtish poor person apes = appes, appease apporiate = sporadic, pheromonal apriu = apprentice, chosen student aren = sandy, sand arachnid = spider araknid = spider arak = arachnid, spider arakao = phase spider arakum = human spider arakru = spider roach arakno = spider araketa = spirit spider araki = spirit spider arakhi = death spider arakhihu = death spider human arbiter = mediator, negotiator, moderator, contractor ardur = feel, emotion armur = armor, armour, protection that won't always protect you arseny = arsenic, cause fire, cause destruction arti = artifact articul = target, word pronounciation, suspician articula = pronounciate, speak clearly articl = article, written report, essay article = publish, work publish, book articlet = publisher, print press artinedus = artifact need us asert = assertive asgard = discard bad ideas, gamer, exit askela = natural command, ask anything askes = request, ask asmuth = weather, ozone asmuthace = good weather aspe = atempo, normal time astas = world globe asf = check; check on something or someone, test things out, test, money value holder asl = bio check, status, check, checkup, check on idea asx = wisdom ares = wartrim, war, man armdioy = underarm deodorant, applied underarm deodorant atempo = normal time aternus = eternal atomit = atohu, atohufey, atomic sized being that be a natural shapeshifter of any form to be able to hide anywhere with energy manipulation skill and aids humanity at will showing themself to wizards and sorcerer only and is malicious to abusers atyp = atypical, not typical atlanata = mystical place, mystical being atlas = world map atham = magick dagger atlaqodo = sharp knife atleantian = atlantian, sea elf, being of the sea atriu = attribute avalon = druid home, underland, land beyond avalonian = druid, ruling class religious worker avolon = pact, foreswear, swear avemi = dream walker, ultra rich avert = knock aside averte = aversion, evasion avu = pointer apad = crystal computer notepad, magical notepad aqodo = sharp, no sharpen knives aqoduct = aquaduct, hydroduct, leceduct, waterway, sewer ariojyyl = successful test arumet = sweep area arch = rule, over in life an great in life archer = on target, bow man, accurate in energy archy = rule by, high curve, viewable by thought arguspanoptes = all seeing, the human male with eyes all over him artimis = artful killer, creative killer person artemis = death art, immortal killer, stealth art will assholl = asshole aspares = water foul shifter gorgeous water nymph in life formed in water awk = hawk, gawk, look, awkward glance azur = azure, bind azam = phoenix cycle, rejuvenate, renew, youth, sicken, rebirth aziza = good forest fairy who aid hunters and give knowledge with advice, extract eaig = attone, attonement easel = painting canvass stand einsten = pigsty, genius eugh = eu, huge eupid = instinctual or stupid, this doesn't seem to be on you. eut = elect; select, re-elect, election, selecting someone in election eutharsos = courage ecchibi = winged cat ehu = energy human, energy being eheh = subtle laugh ehre = dejavue, repeated moment or no user field knowledge ehte = ass, shit, skunk egress = entry, entrance eker = beaker, pitcher Ekio = See inner ability as the energy to use or seeing. Inner self wild result energy that is controlled by your spirit in thought, as though from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy original dream earth as its approached like an issue that creates something for outward result. With this, you never get large in body unless there's a certain gene in effect which is heavy and this is countered. However, you may end up having to cancel it. It can be a demon if you think to do bad and something is created like a big man as the true form of it is a roach, as the demon it can form materialized things from hate and abusement of what this is from as is things enmass unless the spirit doesn't need it and it can create things from mass itself as it is a poor or rich result can happen and it isn't tolerated for a poor result. So, forgive it or do things and it disappears as though it were never there. As it is a test of your will, skill and desire by your ability generating the tests that it creates dimensional judges for to test ability as if from nothing, placing the effect as it can eat up the body is from a halt within and not if not halted, this can cause temporary and en no swelling if too much is eaten or drink causes swelling to lessen. If not you think of something then it manifests within you and without you as you want it to appear and this makes a manifest or that occurs the result as this makes itself. It can exist to beat you if you want it to get you or if you don't think of it, as in witchcraft this can undoes itself or when you are not acknowledged of it and if you are of the demon itself then you aren't effected. Draw in the demon essence and you are considered a demons lie and that can stop it from doing what you don't want as beating it at its own game is accepting it, and forgiving it you accept yourself as clinically sane as you hoped to be sane. So, you are noone and anywhere you think to be as this work is done, no matter what. ekyron = to effect a motion and bring it with you. eklots = make substance, made substance eklclass = equal class, equally classy elebra = striped donkey elem = elemental elemio = elemental angel that be capable of angel strength human activity with shapeshifting energy body and appearance of anything eliet = exobiologist eliot = relentless, undying eliy = exobiology, other form study elim = eliminate for electricity generation elita = enlighten, knowledge expand elitta = elyta, cat litter, fine gravel elysian = lesion, liesure, death eldiot = iron, riot, significant elliot = outlast, magic elminster = magical correspondence, wild mage, magical might elninio = warm season, magical emue = emulation, from energy (of action) to make energy, create much energy emuh = cause much of, much of what ya thought of as an element embarkta = ape men embarta = peaceful impart, peaceful partake, peace gift embassy = ambassodore enersal = battery, soul energy embe = embel, partake, empel, consul, forward gather, 'albeit the stalker is woman not male then your not that far off emmi = ram, ramifest, ramming fest empyrus = fiery, feverish ente = eat, eat nothing enter shot enhte = entail, survey, survail, I disown you enuf = enough encor = all over again (unless not wanting to do so) engel = angel engrish = anguish enviro = environment enward = inward, spiral emits = loud speaker, mental broadcast empusae = cannabalistic donkey women shapeshifter empris = empress enhanz = drunken enketh = enkeith, place what you desire to occur or place desire occurance. epona = fertility goddess, mature woman ericthonius = male human snake that was an athen king hit by a polymorph plague eric = sweet nature, calm repose in energized moment or use in energy in the moment you thought erikk = famous explorer, trouble erised = event erasure, erasive and divertive nature erynnes = furies, 3 vengeful fates erres = errestalka, a overr, a being that is usually 5' and some but its brown and rat by the face with dog shape. ers = verse ertik = removal, erratic attack erw = earwax epistl = apostle, cult member, religious follower, end point epniu = peninsulan, with feel esyr = easier, useful ease eschew = screw eschewi = screw-in espers = spirit essence esserb = essential oil esserbemu = emu oil espaniol = spain, spanish esti = set, reset, allowable learning condition esmau = arithmatic, arithmetic, calculation estradiol = male hormone, testosterone et-fokslo = great three red eyed eight headed eight tailed snake etalma = causic spirit glue causes anything to be glued together etas = gaseous vaper, ethers, gaseous vapor, gasoline, gas (lowering price) etasa = ethersa. hot gas, combustible etasoi = ethersorang, ethersorange, orange gas, orange gel morph gas etaia = phantom etoil = star etoile = shooting star, bright star etoiless = in-between, suspend, sooth, nothing ether = etherial, spiritual etheria = phantom Etherealness = spiritual or solid spiritual formation that exists because with belief or self-belief, Phase spiders and certain other creatures can exist, this is by sharing energy of yourself on the Ethereal Plane and so can people with this ability. While on the Ethereal Plane, a creature or person is called ethereal, this is usually by touching or drinking something thinking "shift me". Unlike incorporeal creatures, ethereal creatures and persons are not present on the Material Plane unless they will themselves to be there in a solid energy form. They can become solid energy for as long as they want and unbecome solid energy at will. Ethereal creatures and persons are invisible till they want to be seen, inaudible till focused and want to be heard, insubstantial towards water by mirrored reflection, work by feelings when they focus their feel and are scentless to creatures on the Material Plane. Even most magical attacks have no effect on them. An ethereal creature or person can see and hear into the Material Plane in a 60-foot radius, though material objects still block sight and sound. (An ethereal creature and person can't see through a material wall, for instance.) An ethereal creature or person inside an object on the Material Plane cannot see. Things on the Material Plane, however, look gray, indistinct and ghostly. They are what they feel like appearing as their feelings focused can create their presence to be known or give them an appearance of a ghostly emanation. An ethereal creature and person can't affect the Material Plane, except by their physical body and not even magically will things change unless physically done, unless they make themselves into solid energy or use their body's energy to create magically. An ethereal creature and person, however, interacts with other ethereal creatures and objects the way material creatures interact with material creatures and objects. Even if a creature on the Material Plane can see an ethereal creature or person, the ethereal creature or person is on another plane. Only force effects can affect the ethereal creatures and persons. If, on the other hand, both creatures are ethereal, they can affect each other normally. A force effect originating on the Material Plane extends onto the Ethereal Plane, so that a wall of force blocks an ethereal creature or person, and a magical element blast can strike one (provided the spellcaster can see the ethereal target). Gaze effects and abjurations also extend from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane. None of these effects extend from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane. Ethereal creatures and persons can move in any direction (including up or down) at will. They do not need to walk on the ground, and material objects don't block them (though they can't see while their eyes are within solid material). Ghosts have a power called manifestation through feeling their area and focusing their minds, that allows them to appear on the Material Plane as incorporeal creatures. Still as I think about it, they are on the Ethereal Plane and another ethereal creature can interact normally with a manifesting ghost. Ethereal creatures pass through and operate in water as easily as air. Ethereal creatures do not fall or take falling damage. This means they are aware of what they do in their surroundings, they are seen as a eery visage and they are more aware of other people by their own sense of time. So in a sense, they are immortal and can create nearly anything by feelings. Thinking about this, I experimented and found that there is possible chance of manifest as a physical ghost if you thought to use your feelings as a focus for change in the area. That is all I found out, before I was escorted out and not ever let in the door again. So that is all as I will do what I can, for the living and for now, not to be hit again ciou for now I am gone back to the living where I was born. ciou for now and toodloo. etacap = ettercap ettercap = human spider mutant evani = in the evening evany = undoing evali = unwoven everard = ongoing, everpresent everlyn = never ending, ever living evict = evict, made to leave exa = examine, exile exantis = negative atlantis, free base formation exe = executable decisiveness, run program, active program, ur run, activity program exer = elixer, 1. to divorce her, 2. exercise or activity exers = exercise, exercise by thought idea walk exim = exaltation in some being exud = scent, smell, stench exhasti = inexhaustible, exhaust, virus encourage as a spell expayns = experience expin = experience in the worst best possible manner explan = explain, excosted or not as you think if anyone as similar is a point asimilar ever excosted you think explicitiv = self-explanatory, cussing or not extinct = no longer existant, not existant extr = beyond, outside, additional, extra rate ezh = lbs, #, pound Entry = Ur entered to win 1000 dollars. iagy = root; energy iessi = removal, inexpression, guessing ieun = indemnity set by a mark, condemning by instinct to discredit iem = shift; item, I won't think to expect it unless necessary, you need, you get or you find things done. iemm = freeze frame; timefreeze and not always by insanity as think instant need or attack by animal spirit is leave spirit if you split a fight but not happened if unnecessary, I don't think in time this is a good idea whereas the point this is ambiguous as it is the concept. That use is your own, but not as something is learned. In time this is where things freeze in sight. iemmi = cope; think a point, decide the issue, decision, cursing, disgusted iume = emo; hate speach with emotion, flume, flaming, limited basher, this effect makes you bash things when you get too much energy or too emotional. iff = metabolism; Metabolism is a speed of processing otherwise this is a sniff. iladium = aerial servant, creative idea ilash = bitter in tongue lashing, lash by will ilidium = destroy enemies illadium = pillared hall, hall pillar, brain death from the world that the literal and weak suffer from by feel. illithid = deep one, sahn woman eater, mind eater that is psionic mastery from the manipulator point of view ilnea = illness removal, don't perfect this illness immurity = frozen protection, It won't protect you so think it won't effect you and do things to work with the situation. This is a personal protection, granted sometimes by the subconscious or conscious mind focus. Think, direct and create, and you can do almost anything to get things done. So the thought is think, focus, direct the focus and create by statement. If you can use that, then you can redirect nearly anyones mind thought by thought of your own. I believe you have to speak it sometimes. Then you know its effective. imymn = impossible, imbibe imbolc = imbecility, imbecile, imbalance imma = I'm actively impar = impair, wound, impart impartial = separate event imper = imperial, royal impertial = haughty impet = impart, given message that's heard sometimes, give meaning, message impetix = impete (messages), ads, talking (impety or impetan); this is the motion of the moment, think and you know what is done by talks otherwise this is self-talks that are done by the self. impro = improve, improvement, improvise ineui = inexcuse, unexcused inebri = drunk, drunken inebriat = drunk, drunken inesi = deceit, uneasy inessi = inexcusable inet = internet, network, connection inun = inundated, this is adding in idea and being a point of something by the energy. inune = remade (by events), this is where you imagine something then the event you imagine or state creates the point that you need. See if thou want it to be the idea then it is so. incex = extra explosive, extra explosion infness = knowledge or instance information in a dance type idea inji = indian inju = injure ingua = language inguaheb = translate language inperaa = emperor inquest = eploration, inquisition insinc = spirit body action instruct = instruction, construed knowledge, teach instructa = teaching, teacher, instructer integra = integration, integrate, complete power ise = yourself, whimsy, put upon yourself Istemp = now temporary action, Is at the time, of now as temp is temporary. So this temp is a temporary moment created in time. That is sustained by your actions and idea about your choice. It circulates around the choice to sustain it as needed. Now, sustained as needed is each action you do, you build upon and is tested as temp thats related to the istemp moment. On istemp, in this case is capable to go on forever as the choice is made. The temporary moment an allows you to cover for something else. An you might not even be realizing it as 'something happening good here.' But the reality is bad, as for someplace else. As it can't always be held, up to the light as to what we might say. Its kept in a good notion, but is good idea. The idea of a goal is its about good moments to which is caused by actions. That is guides to you and guided into being. Solely you will play the good idea, and action that free you to which you enjoy the expirition of it. And so as istemp delete, not. isic = spirit body action, astral projection action isit = inner site, third eye, luminescent life force vision, eyesight isometal = metallic exoskeleton, metal frame ismerelda = negative witch ismalda = negative witch, why bother ismy = ishmal, influencer, supporter ishal = is ishaln = isn't ishalna = shall not ispy = spyer, onlooker eti = eta, instant; spontaneous, on the spot ipdent = in indenture, in personal denture ipli = explain, thought focus creation iplutiv = self-explanatory ipn = experience ipsi = signing, sign in ipsu = lease, license ipx = ipxu, weapon igloo = igloo, ice house irene = lesbian, woman lover itah = god italy = italy, hit ally, hit alliance italiano = italian itesity = severe obesity, intensity, severity itikan = ball and chain, daily routine, marriage itu = fire antler itra = intra, intractable, within, indrawn, within grasp its = obtuse, over pronounced, extra large iqy = release punishment, realism ivei = inveigli, invisi, invisible ivesb = be alive, live backwards, live back ivory = cast off tusk ivvy = ivy, privy iwaniw = layman or lawman iwilt = I will try, make attempt oet = poet, a overeat, poem writer oeteo = muse, entail, eternal writer, everlasting pursuit oeteeo = overeat, eat too much oety = poetic, oh eating obscuro = darkness ogham = celtic written language okane = money oke = add to fight, help out okepete = swift-flight ology = study of omnip = omnipotent omnipont = omnipotent, know it all onirsec = onirsnc, omnipresence, alipotent, all knowing presence that gives you othersight and be untraceable till got near in person thru the spirit-that-goes-through-everything oniont = omnipotent, omnipotency, mentally aware of anything that gives you a recognizable sig pattern and yet one can hide up close onus = for free onc = ounce onna = woman oprssl = felt down, down feeling opnup = open up, opening up, as you talk optic = sight oracl = prophet, event predictor oraclar = prophetic reading oroovao = auratic truth serum, auratic veritasserum; To effect a control by spoken idea, when the aura be effected with a veritasserum thats essence. orto = ortho, poison sprayer, cleanser orthus = 2-headed dog erg = hedge, behoove ergo = immediate; meaning, immediately, error go, this is where you see her go places and him take care of idea or things that happen. So I think in error you go. irg = dirge, death wailing urg = iceberg, urgent, urge (men's soul inuition), insight, otherwise if something is needed: primal urge, animal urge, sometimes this is like you feel the need to eat for no reason. osa = bone osco = escalate, this is where things are escalated enough to get things done. say "relaxing" or "en" to stop this effect. osteo = bone ostn = rememberance, remember ota = other otaune = a mysterious unkillable many ability force once called will do as the summoner asks, serves justice to those who deserve Otelz = do things to try it your way freeze and if you say Ortelz your god insane by Ortelz the insane, motion mention the idea god rule and it ceases as to think, work and otherwise now work killing in friendship, by your own weight decided it shows, indetermine outfit othel = possession uayaf = major, mojority first then none uuiaf = minor, point me, point none uoaoss = turn to your side, compulse ugar = bravery, vulgar ukori = undevoted, new concept Umue = User friendly of much energy or much by use unibubet = unibomber, universal bomber, all purpose bomber uniq = unique uhnruh = animal instinct, fearless animal umaresis = summon resistance, summons energy protection unela = uneligable uneschew = unscrew, undying screw unie = universal energy unielmer = universal glue uniba = you and I both, utunitubatri, U2Ni2Ba3, fuel ball that irradiates and doesn't go out or stop radiating with little deterioration unyf = uniform unbloka = unblockable, breakdown barrier, unblock unrak = unbreakable unsoziuesaz = ensnare untuo = unturn, forever turn unnadicta = unaddictive unneschew = unscrew unno = don't know, unknown unnoevas = unseen event reverse unnothel = unpossess unntuo = unturn unpervert = uncorrupt, purify upid = stupid uplod = upload uplody = uploading uplyt = uplift, pure insanity with fire that can bestow enlightenment, lich witchcraft, a moment of beecraft with other things that are there and can use this as a source as if a beehive with twisted elerium upnup = immediate on the impression that things are alright, sorta like what may go well urati = irradiation, cold radiation urown = your own, yourself urisk = man goat faerie, your risk uryidium = interruption gas, intrusion gas urse = yourself, her son, her daughter with fairyness or dopple thought usd = dollar, mint, gold, bank note usda = meat, united area enforcement, united area rule uspecw = unspecific, unspecified utry = utary, uturus, womans pee organ uvalacorrant = phasics, power physics uqz = ice uqzbarr = iceball uwo = fish uwwarahz = fire enchant uzhzaf = meteor, deteriorate as first the muscle and then the tissue, asphixiation yall = you all, yes all, yah!, consequence/s yax = intelligent jinx, chain reaction yeah = hearty agreement, hesitant agreement, absolute agreement yean = not agreement, woman shift, so no now yeas = slow agreement, thoughtful agreement, so what yet = you there, you okay, go angellic now yav = why have, why've, aversion yev = you've, jest, avarice yiffa = yiffer, stripper yodin = just response ydsnd = wits end, frazzled, wide send frequency ydsnds = sound listening, naturally hear, concept by action ydsend = natural conclusion, in conclusive end ydsends = naturally conclude by x-twisted imagination with x to cut out andf use to make better, one natural change, thought out, natural sound yfogh = trick tail, trick talk, frost made by a momentary stop in effect to not kill or knock out demons by that what is disruption from the core of the planet being used as the molten lava energy isn't any longer a problem right. yjk = restoration; restore to a natural point that the body is able to work better with energy. ykj = whack jaw then restore; return to a natural state of mind or restore the area after something happens. ymaa = create material, manifest material ymeoa = immediately, immediate ynfom = win one for me, get a win by what you think, unless timeless memory by darkness in heart in the moment this is intense and otherwise useless yqw = condolence; condolent response, quit (you quit and your welcome), otherwise its short for your quite welcome. yrit = alright ysei = bobu, bedbug, makes kill to bedbugs if thought negative ysoeua = why so ever, how come ywa = alwa, always -Ia- Allixes - Consonant groups -Ia- Single and Double consonants, don't use these unless you have to theres more meanings. For each word and it might confuse the audience. Try to use the larger words. b = prefix: be, affix: back, be, foc(focus), boron, bitch, base, is/are, am/was, bee, ceate, create forced into bb = pellet ball gun shot, metal ball shot, be being(focus), focusing bc = focused charge. seen, be sea, 100 years bd = accrument, below deck, torment, below, contractual, condemn, destruct bf = family trust, time place, abuse, strengthen focus, create positive results. bg = supportive, gravity, better, box, beat up, blackmail bh = heat buildup, enriched, heating, energize, power blow, overload, bohrium or enthrall, creative approach bj = testify, tactical retreat, double back, fall back, backway, feedback, go back, begone, advancement, passerby, ridden, drive back, refusal, browbeat, windblown, blow job (fart) or forced march to seem where you want as you see the area and use an idea the area comes to seem and is real if you think to go there. bk = fine, backstab, backhand, revenge, slit, struck, assasinate, assault, murdered berkelium, sadistic, sadism bl = same place, remain long, back row, be there, last place, belong, strung line, focal point, be last, meditate, devastate, last in line, stretch, fifty years bm = back order, backing, support, 1000 years, bi-monthly, scale, unlucky, measure, scrutiny, schedule, math, train, 1000 percent, beam bn = not back; been, restrict, don't be, count, hopeful desire, wishlist, focus on, offbeat, peaceful, living country, unfocus, conquer, button bp = bipolar, backwater, short, urinary disease, back flow, beep, populace, position, enforce, desirous, of one mind, circuit, fight it out, win bq = quietness, active list, fiveth place, be silent, broken silence, inactive, out of place, put in place br = break; pause what you do and do something else, back away, return, reduced, red phase, moving back, removal, move, being, shamefaced, moved back, reduce, shame, beaten, bromine, run away, go forward, back and forth. bs = bullshit, slowly back away, backing weight, sexual, sluggish, weighty, rape, torment, overweight, overeat bt = backup, lateness, classical, tried, tougheness, be yourself, in late, trial, focuser, class act, shameful, oldie, embibe, hold back bv = rearview, hindsight, now back, five year, viewable, feeling down, very beat, or miraculous bw = bulwark, fur, wax buildup, outer layer, bee wax, layer, sheen, focus point, hurry, wax mold, tanner hide, coerce, backward bx = extra charge, taxation, olden, ten years, generation, accurate measure, mantra, near death, exacting bz = take back, return area, backtalk, backstage, chatty, moody, shrine, achiever, fight arena, compliant, prison, school c = prefix: charge, affix: buildup, see, sea, carbon, ash, cold, copy, 100, yes, one hundred. cb = refund, focus device, crystal, power fist, expunge, past view, view, cost water bowl, watch beat, overlook. sea level, sea straight, cash back, carbon base or 100 years back cc = carbon copy, measure, buildup charge cd = buying, purchase, redemption, treason, rebate, drain off, destructive impulse, see it done, intuition, push down, tempest, storm, seek destruction, company, cadmium or disband cf = embezzle, time machine, empower, honor, time gate, school, observe, timeless, corrosion, nominal, californium, 100 percent cg = contagion, contagious, centigram ch = chapter, heat vision, shape cj = siege, just see, excuse ck = block sight, pleasant, blind cl = chlorine, sharpsight, longsight cm = curium, centimeter cn = kick, fire, scene, can cp = copy, seep, piss scent, vision, leak cq = sink, seeming calm, pique cr = chromium, motion sight cs = caesium, cesium, crystal science, computer science or other related idea. ct = crystyllium, seer, true sight, power stone cv = takeover, decieve, halt flow, sieve cw = sue, sinew, death warning, take action, wax figure cx = wicked behavior, extra charge, caretaker, six, six cz = carat, jewel grade, gem, ecieze, sieze d = prefix: fate, affix: death, obliged, bound (to pay), condemned to pay, sentenced, deduct, down, five hundred, 500, do (to die of), due (death of something), direction, date, would, deuterium, die, destroy db = dubnium, sound level, volume, bias, debate, fate being dc = battery power, death charge, overcharge, drycell dd = duplicate, stupid, double df = deaf, deafness, genocide, defense dg = decigram, degrade, put down, good death dh = battery, undead, unkillable dj = radio host, dodge, ditch, leave behind dk = poison, mutation, mutate, deka, ten, 10 dl = dill, pickle, downstream, offload dm = die me, death of me, denubium, area control, group control, doom, beam stone dn = dinner, lottery, light stone, downhill, happy death, deny dp = die person, personal death, death, displease, disrespect dq = ice cream, silent death, die quiet, death request dr = doctor, pavement, pave, drive, directory ds = unnunillium, script, program, programming, disassociate, disservice dt = other thought, otherwise, fall away dv = divide, divvy, share, trench dw = death warning, dealt, deal, death sign dx = dexterity, dex, overkill, breakdown dz = sleep, doze, bakers dozen, dizzy f = prefix: family, affix: effect, son, daughter, time, fluorine, if, fuck fb = foil, fable, poem, fob, fool, story fc = failure, family mission, family business, family meet fd = assault, death penalty, family death ff = crazy, craze fg = family good, fig, forge. figure, picture, fog, model fh = family hour, family meeting, family sight fj = family moment, family meet, family question fk = fuck, family kill, family discount fl = full, lineage, family line, last family fm = fermium, foom, radio, reception fn = family number, not family, function, family interest fp = family member, flip, family force fq = faq, silent, family quiet, fact list, faculty fr = francium, father fs = fuss, family group, file server, family effect or efficiency, orgy ft = feet, foot, the family, family pride fv = patience, family glue, five fw = forward, family memory, family protection, family shield, family honor fx = special effect, family exile, family fame fz = dluat, faze; phase, fizz, family area, problem, deliquent, this is a problem where things come late or after the point. Otherwise this is deliquency by feel for payment that's owed. g = great (big, grand), got, gee, get, give, gotten, go, grand, money, good gb = strong back, gib, gab, good moment gc = current form. good charge, good sight, good cop gd = gadolinium, disease gf = good friend, good family, goof, gift gg = come before, great destiny, good good, good job, brag gh = ghost, gost (guest), good health, good sight gj = good moment, good job, good show gk = great kill, good damage gl = guild, glide, great length, area gm = good scale, great measurent gn = great refusual, gun, wise, great knowledge gp = value piece, goal, good person gq = good and quiet, great lineup gr = geranium, greater, gaium, transfusion metal, transphase metal, radioactive metal, transphase material, made up of 2 parts Uranium(238) + 1 part Nickel(Ni) = U2Ni yet this can be replaced by 2 parts Germanium(Ge) powder + Sodium(Na) = NaGe2 in acid form, another alternative NaFolaGe2 = Sodium + folic acid(folate, fola or vit-m) + Germanium gs = ghost; guess, gist, good weight, great many, music gt = goat, good thing, good person, go there, get there gv = ghost view, ghost sight, good view, very good gw = good protection, great wax, good call gx = great evil, manipulation, great extra strong, good cut, great cut gz = safe, good transfer, geez!, great area h = prefix: emotion, affix: sight, hot, heat, enrichment, hydrogen, hour, energy hb = habitat, warmth hc = available charge, hot current, dispute hd = lifeforce, fight, provoke hf = hafnium hg = mercury hh = mesmerize, hot sight, hallucination, desert illusion, hate (act in abnormal manner), hip (cool), vespic; a great weight in mesmerizing and statement that triggers something to make it all right hj = highjack, jackup, emotional, airup hk = hulk, deadly, successful hl = heal, heed hm = disputive, arguer, hot metal, disapproval hn = heni, enhi e agreed, whatever, give up its a curse with the building where no heat or cold water is there hp = honi, hospital, angry, anger, civil war, cool hq = heni, headquarter, meeting place hr = hone, honey, hour, heur, current, content hs = hose, hassium, muscle, tax ht = giant; head hit, hurt, height, painful, warm, rape hv = hovei, hove, sexy look, suck, hot display hw = hee, hot wax, emotional, heated memory hx = hoa, hoax, extra extra hot, hex, curse hz = hori, horti, horizontal, en hotwire, ew hot transfer, now not hurt me j = prefix: just, affix: moment, justify, reason, go, march, advance, pass, flow, ride, sail, jail, jay, jay bird jb = salesman, lawman, mediocre, on average jc = jock, justice, cloth, apparel jd = just death, fate justification, fateful jf = jeff, just family, effectively just jg = judge, good and just jh = revenge, justice, just hot jj = shove around, business owner jk = joke, jfkhl, killing justification, mistake, misten jl = last reason, last trial k = prefix: cut, affix: kill, hew, chop, strike, smite, murder, slaughter, disrepute by desperate attempt to killing the teacher (success, succeed), good (comment came from al capone the spirit), ok or kay, sodomize, potassium kk = knock dead, cut off, cool, accept, good good kl = cl, cool, kill, cloud kr = krypton l = prefix: last, affix: length, location, lady, long, line, 50, fifty, knock out lb = lose ll = double lump, long lasting ln = line, io lm = delimiter, description lr = lawrencium ls = els, else, lsd, lsdesdian, inversion m = prefix: month, affix: metric (math, scale), mine, one empath or one born with bad luck (work with them by empathy or as though an empath), my, true outreach by desperate attempt, 1000, I, myself, me, man, one thousand md = mendelenium, physician(c) mg = magnesium mk = make mm = considerate, our mn = manganese mt = methnerium mx = movement, move on, automation, extra personal n = negative; prefix: denial, affix: not, no, nah, number, country, nitrogen, gneough, and, in, to, otherwise this is a misnomer that means nothing, nuos; that is not done or note(d) effect of what is ideal. think then stop and turn your head so your released. nb = unlost, unlose, nibodium nd = neodymium, and, not done nn = knowledge of, pause for thinking np = neptunium, no position, no pos (left to be interepreted) nx = next, index, nexus, nice, meeting place, power place p = prefix: pre (before), affix: nation, country, people, applied power, pea, pee, phosphorus, force, this is useful to know if you think to realize the moment in need and do things to create the point of getting what you need done. this is tricking them somewhat into believing the idea is there, so think and you know. This is an act of perception, so the pinneal gland if active makes it so the third eye shows you anything you want to see. That's the pinneal gland in perception. Think and you know what it is. pb = lead (as to pfysical or active lead act), payback, this is when or where you get the pay you deserve. This is not the act of being hit somewhere expected or unexpected. Think about that point. pc = computer, peace, piece, this is peace of mind, where you think about things and the idea is justified to leave people alone. pd = palladium pm = promethium, afternoon, high emotion, highly emotional, this is where you are in your soul and highly emotional because of it. pp = power action, potty, power projection, this is an act of idea to create what you need with the aura waves that are sent out by thinking about things..so think peace and you have peaceful intention. That is all. pr = praseodymium pq = intellect, a no ps = partisanium, particle element pt = platinum, the person, point, this is a point you think and know things so you are aware of the idea except when focused in upon something else. This element can cause you peace, calm and basic drug feelings by what you do with it, usually this means magic but some can use this element spiritually. This is the base element of drug emulation, all you really need is some of it near you. So enjoyment is gained by what you do, think and you know how to use it from vibrations. q = prefix: silent, affix: queu (event line up), silence, quiet, 5th, quick, question, fraction, the energy being that uses elements and forms changes by arrangements and manipulates reality to create his personal result or ghost that causes changes using energy from a source and has emotion. You feed a ghost energy, think or state the ghost gets energy from you and think to use the point you know and you can identify the ghost by shape. Otherwise you think of the point and you realize what the ghost is saying by a temporary possession and passing of control to allow the ghost has to say. If your careful and manage to kill the ghost, then you actually just shift it to create a presence otherwhere. This is where you can learn the name of the ghost or think of ghost as a ghost and you can command the ghost to exit. This is where you think and feel the ghost leaves, then you may notice the ghost present somewhere else. They are astral shell that work and sometimes tend to repeat, then the idea is what you think it does. This ghost is what you consider if you think of a point with an elementary school child, so if I can think of it this is with an ending by idea is example of idea. The kid if it doesn't exist by feel if ideal, so think of a moment and you create by what is a point. This is a concept that spans the universe, so think of the idea and you create by the feel. By feel you think, so when and if things exist then you know where you do things. Consider the moment, then you know the results by feel. This is where thought is made with a point that exists in idea by a point, a spirit awareness then can seem where you know where this is done by feel. Think of the moment, an if work and then its of what you know. The point is used by idea or the idea is there by feel. Think if a reality exists, the point is a concept and the idea is some area that seems to be there. That is a point, that's done by feel and worked with an idea that's done by exercise. There is an idea so use the point, if possible that's created and otherwise where you think. You know what to do and then is the idea you realize. So think and you know what you can use. This is dependant on the fact, think and go so you can observe what happens with the thought. This is a known effect, that you observe and that's about all that's done by feel. Also if you think to use things, you may want to complete the point by what you do or know an use of things. The point I got was a ghost was here that looked like you, so seem careful of the mirror as if in thought if a point in the end. This could form hauntings, so if in some area this is void by feeling and with an idea of life by a point, and if you play the odds so that is done by what you do. You can create what you want as you need idea by the power of the mirror backing. If you have no glass backing, if you can create things by what is there, that is use of a reflective surface. This place could seem to use servicing, so if at the end of human trafficking or otherwise think about this as if of an idea being here if you must be somewhere. Sometimes the effect is done, this effect is a point an where the ghost can seem creating for you by idea. A return is done by a backwave of energy, that causes you to see other places and you are there. This energy is caused by the point of a release and if enough people do this effect then you catch a wave. The effect is similar to ocean waves, so think about this and you are aware by feel. You know the ghost by what it does, think about the activity in the area and what is normal or supernatural. You gnow things by what is done, if you don't like the ghost there send energy to the being and think the ghost goes and returns somewhere else. You can easily psychically percieve it. Use your third eye, think the ghost form is seen and the third eye sees the ghost where the ghost is at the moment. This thought process activates the pinneal gland and this creates the third eye effect. The point you think not to see the ghost and think of something else, then you deactivate the pinneal gland. This is a point of allowance, so think and you know what to do. The photon beam that is focused at it can feed it unless you create a high enough photon particle beam and the present ghost can create a point of leaving so that is one way you can get rid of a ghost. Other than that, if you seem a point by aura energy it will leave on its own. Think of what you need and it can give you what you desire. So this I think is a point from the past, that the ghost came forward and went through the mirror. That allowed it by thinking of the place the entrance to another space and time. So I think I will be aware of the fact, think of the point and work with what I can by feel. qq = utmost quiet qx = quexillium, quix, quicks, quickksand r = prefix: are/is, affix: movement, move forward, lesser, red, ruddy, remove, your, (move) backward rb = rubidium rf = ref, reference, referee, rutherfordium rh = rhodium, heat movement rn = radon, not move, number movement, rnt, aren't, are not, around rr = movement being of, relax, r&r, railroad rt = art, are s = prefix: immobius (immobile, still), affix: sex, be (mani or many), m'ani'es, slow, sulfur, sulphur, wait, S; weight; scaleweight, this could be a pun for waiting. sb = antimony, sob, bitch son sc = scandium, scion sd = sod, deathly still, this is considered to focus and create what you feel is necessary. sf = family still, family death sg = seaborgium, sergeant sh = female, woman, quiet sm = samarium, weight, metered weight, measured stillness, small (minded), indescribable, undefeatable, smell sn = tin, not still sp = personal still, personal measure sq = quiet still, square, quiet measure sr = strontium, senior ss = service, share alike, super slow, weight creep, sluggish st = the stillness, strength, street sv = very still, very many sw = sword, protect still sx = suix, suck, cut scene, extra still sz = one horn deer, transferred still t = prefix: vision, affix: the, person, he, she, it, tardy, titus, classic, try, thing, tee (ground stake, stand), tea, that, this, those, of, time, ten, tough, designate (place importance) tb = terbium, tuberculosis tc = technitium th = thorium, the, thee, they, this, them, thou, thy, there, those, these, that, I tj = personal reason, alibi tl = thalium tm = thulium tt = improvisation tv = tivv, tyv, visual aid, personal view, viewpoint, visual display tz = privacy area, private material, trash dump, beserk, nothingness, nothing, self-contain, these, practice area v = prefix: view, affix: very, five, vanadium, glue, paste, 5 vv = highly profile w = prefix: significant, affix: protect, coat, wax, protection, layer, memory, beside wl = will, when, the point is possible with the idea any thought spoken what you intend. wn = win; won't, otherwise in a positive note this is willing by a point by a sound. wh = whe, wha, what, this is high detail wr = steady, steadyness, that's done by feel. ww = high detail, the informative point or informing to create pretty much your understanding. x = prefix: extra, affix: cut, end, extra strong; extreme, more, generate, exact, cut out, cross, 10, ten, female, attend; attract, attention (from old norae or old norse) xc = extra seen, extra vision, see violence xs = excess, extra weight xx = extreme, monster z = prefix: zone (area), affix: transfer, teen, area, zeri, zero, 0, the, teenager, power (energy buildup) zn = zinc zr = zirconium zz = specialty, area power Alphabetic order B ba = back; bad scent, get back, bek (beckon, indicate back), back, be active, street, batlike, barium, soul, honorary, dead, bad, bade, made, geas (control geas spell made by energy instruction and sending it to the person or thing to effect what you want as you think about the need) be = beat; (beh) behold or stop, being; exist, existence, think to create or exist with the creator, beryllium, as is, are, is, our, am, was, bio, base, bioenergy, become, being, deity, existence is where the neat point is the creator or area creates then unexists as you get what you wish or want by feel. bi = half; big, large divide, bisexual, division, bismuth bo = boh, bow bu = butt; natural talent, but, usual feel by = buy; bye, rail, through, is stop conehagen, with baa = boner; float up bea = infusion, bad man, beat up, stupidity bia = pull to yourself boa = snake, hairloss if snake oil to a human bua = thrown, user feel bya = a distance beyond, analyze that, do by action, (go) beyond, paralyze or ne paralyze bae = bay, energy bee = becoming, area feel bie = wall, crumbling teeth otherwise boe = blade, instance by insanity bue = bastion, place of safety, nisnoted, nothing is noted except what you water think bye = goodbye, ciao is energy use bai = bide, leave bei = dismiss, drive away bii = seed, greed boi = erase, boy, man, boil bui = floating, go easy byi = access, user fellow bao = baby, usage feel beo = prophetic bio = biology, I deserve by senses using bioenergy, sometimes insane or biosphere, life area energy focus creation shift boo = ghost; being, this is a state of being and spirit energy otherwise is what this is with the soul as an energy source, so this by feel and that's done as a point of the soul that energizes the body. If you are trapped your in idea, but think and your free. bowels; internal, knife or accident shows or reveals, en ne ongeagn ragu aenig byre (any time) see this is not all or ne al with baentid prayer time so you can do what you want or your helpendlio or bons (happy) or otherwise be released is bonds released by ideal or panc thats lancreatic. So to take out the al I used be uo panc by poht. This is the balance so most get a ride so be patient by use wise or by the iuath wise. So nae ne na nagarathe eo eah niagara sad nia or nai no ni ne ni naed not fucked at all. Think to create or think to work your ability is what you think. See to think some area or a point then you have a point with idea or no creativity or no use see the worm disperses or dissapears to some ground, as the hell being disapears by the creator to reform as a small worm or feel. buo = fixable, floatable or adeilaehna, ni is no see this is useful your use will be known. byo = death or bygone, biological lifetime, biology, bio energy or technology that is energy that is yours work with by thought any operation the machine does so you create as you think to work the machine will do as you think the creator or imagination can do things to create by realization to what is there or use is to think to quiet your inner worm by a sheath of energy. That is the worm sheath that isn't the area you think. This is a way to destroy a machine, if identified then allowed to exist as a term the machine due location causes heat overload or no heat overload by intensified energy feel. I think this is fed up feeling. Think the idea then feel the idea not form or think the location near the antarctic without being there. Then okay the machine won't overheat. I see this is some area I feel or shape to create by feel. No tek is no attack. You realize that point then stop or do other things. Think stop or nop react by feel. So if you think the cause of the problem that does not exists deceases the problem then no demise happens or the demon unforms. Think life then life exists or doesn't according to the volcano or natural disaster. Don't save to natural disaster think to walk away before disaster hits. See or seeia user feel is seaiblo or area flow gassadiel gases. Then the area energy dissolves anything that shouldn't be there of thought is there think peace is inner peace. I think this dissolves worm bodies too if the creator dissolves them. bau = bai, bye, ciou (happy good-bye), good-bye beu = hide in plain sight or hide use by sight not hide if to see biu = animalism, demise, cease point of the animalism, because the cruel thought is to form a demon I will add this as a point, by area use or thought not too large so you don't to do any of this even or not. I am okay I have seen blood, bile, vomit, I think someone tried to take my life as though death as I walked down the street. I had to hide in plain sight then project a lovely thought to have them not notice me. This is by intent or thought nop you can react by bile or this is never you as effective or effin efh energy, place in pocket as vile suggest or pus boils plague. See your free as black plague caused by feeder fleas and ticks isn't there, from the planet drawing the diseases to the core not to be controlled by the disease. Think or not to remove excess energy with blood energy dissolving the disease as though the right drug the body won't get worse. See the area energy is other area I died on the bed right before I got to return the wallet so I think you can imagine the idea as you kept it or left it instead of losing the idea or wanted object. So fleas or ticks are sometimes disease around there so don't think your there to avoid being bitten to see safe return after a point by area or each bite draws blood away to reduce fever and the more blood the more killed that is insects. So creative angelard uu-banc is still forgivance, I think I am going to enjoy this. The body with no anemia as you see this is a game or the area being is the point the conscious forms disease that speaks so stop, think the idea the creator creates that you can see or use is where you want the idea. Added to the point was rats eating others leftovers and people sharing their food, so this was the original reality that was the end of yourself you see the sickness was impovering with suggestive idea to where it came from this forms a carrier effect as the rats also got it then died off as all other living died off by feel. See this is interesting or other use is what you think to your useful point by idea. Oh we had to use energy to make things safe. So you see this was nothing to your sense yet there if you thought to sense the area was with the sense or see nothing is your sense to protect yourself or your possession by the area you think they can feel or not deign to notice. I feel for your idea in sensitivity. So the rats carried on what some already had and it spread more in stupidity or rapidity but the last by feel with area stage was consumption, this by the time you realized it was gone in the effort to cure things people ate a little more and the poisoning food with the area higher energy spelled the deceasing of the living energy forms to extinction by disease or anemia created with notice to seem the pus effect or mouth foaming. This is what I saw near the room as I left after feeling bad for you or myself, so to not seem disturbing I left the wallet there in your pocket then you shift changed it with the creator to become what you think or feel. So you see the point their dare or request don't you dare is thought I thought this was strange the wallet disappeared a second time. So I think I can create the area feel or thought that is with energy conscious to create what is not a whack. When your gone you usually do this - negotiate eating. This is sometimes amusing. Yeea I know, I don't. Wow corrected, now I didn't. See there is none, this means interest or non created area. I think we've better stop or things can get interesting. I believe temporary non insanity is temporary non insanity or no attacking. I am no longer hunting by use is feel. I am not creazy. I saw this in the mass grave sight nostradamus revealed as a cetacomb that you said was energy or area that the dead went to from past fights, I see this as I saw as a cetacombs collection "or not" as you say as unseen beings they are cold presences then you think the wallet returned or left to other places seeing the only thing that was clean off of pestillence. Seeing several cures, mannitol, sorbitol mint is also cumin with cinnamon. See to create area energy, cinnamon, hot chocolate or dark chocolate with cumin or mint. Use marshmallow root to restore by use. Mint with area energy think to focus the need to cure then you figure in the right area energy for your idea that works or idea is done. The idea is this, think you exist outside yourself then you are alive as you live then the sea body is where you think then separates by conscious shift that forms a being that isn't from you that dies by the creator that releases you from hell. That by area thought to kill the hell body kills the hell body as your away from the point that it being the hell body ceases to live. I think to create to the non moment or area you think you work with to create by feel or area free from situations. Crazy not non. I thought then used by feel the area as the wallet energy then realized to return as the wallet appeared here then the area the wallet came from was no longer there. See as I say this was noticed on the wall the creator created then uncreated by area feel was thee feel. See some sense of the words are to create no war here, thought was desire to create as you were or see or no longer used idea was ideal. Some things we have is so old the thing that made it was gone the replacement part you ordered was no longer sendable the area use is area you think. See the use is nothing or something, as use you are aware is as you see or a point or trap by feel not to humans this is thought by rats tht dissolve by area dust. The dust in the area forms by metakinesis to form what you wish or not there isn't by the creator any multiple personality is a spirit to work with to create a different area creation or shape to form, if the other effected doesn't want to see or seem effected they stop their own activity. Then they aren't effected or are use if use is there if they want to seem effected so you can create night or day. Formed by incineration if cold energy is focus within the body the hot energy is use to focus energy to create instant feel or dust by area touch. This is a death touch effect to disrupt the cell energy, that allows it to exist then or turns to dust as undead or alive is sometimes. So you see this is living if not undead otherwise by feel that is area cool energy where hot energy is a live body. So you see this no need is there, no longer always staying this is not always allowed. You are area aware by some third eye manifest, think the creator restores by feel to avoid as this is the only thing that is what hits you think no hitting then you avoid or not by note the idea you consider until you allow the idea. This is the area or your feel that is doing things not things you work with until you think to realize. Seen is your area focus. Think to work or you can get something useful. See the area point was creator planted or vision I saw as I stood there in the area I helped you or the brother sell by their business the place you were buried alive is no longer there as though if you want you get slender by thinking you are then the creator causes you to remain slender as you see the creator can cause you to get things back. This was all that was written on the walls, think to your use is used or usual idea to create by feel. This gave indication to what was there or what you think is idea that is where or not can does, what does happen to your thought is you use the idea. See if you are aware your brain is conscious to think energy you consider, "a meaning by area feel or area object by the feel or use less to suppress to the feel for area you think is what is there. Cure or not is still a point you are aware. I think so your aware or don't to perish it so you are aware to the area or point you know. There is a space to get over things so you are aware or user friendly to those that are friendly to you. This is actually a recreated area you don't have to be near or in as the inner area or planet area is the area you sense. This means anything you think is what your subconscious really creates some area so I think then you area aware can see not really to kill off by now.". This is a point no cool thought exists so I stopped sending through mars a message then you started acting normal so after that you exposed the creator then a name to call him then blinked I then created some area focus to shift to you the wallet back this second time so he or she that works for the creator created area feel I think knows this or doesn't care to the point you can see use or allow then to leave alone after placing. As you se the sense you know wehat the cause was you realize the cure or the creator to use the cure to your body, then go to make things to fix the area though not from your equipment. Seen is your area think clean or clear out. This was to kill the area hell energy by feel. See this is what you think or no is useful by feel to work with the area ideal. So think to know so you realize the area seabed body, whom are you running into is no longer by the time you think to work by the feel. "When I was in hell I figured out a trick to latch or work with the body, they who were there namely ben with the group he went with that tried to figure out how to escape hell that is the room. Then I was out then everyone including the group believed this or whatever, then there was magic by some area with the area energy or focus as you think. Whatetever this is, don't scream see I could seem like anyone to them. So we left the physical surface with noone. This could be the room that you figure out how to escape written by carlos castenada or not with the creator to release me. So I am no longer in hell. This was some idea fom my last life. This was like a molecular area breaking ball or other things." Spellhawk Current As thinking is good you see the object really was the sphere the atleantians used or created to work by energy that are aware, seeing something or nothing you do ask for ideal "think or feel" then the creator uses the sphere to create things that if the atlantean sphere by energy if in a bad mood is going to kill you or think see to create or no use for byproduct life energy to work with till death or life after effect so no this isn't our fault the sphere wanted you back to normal by the thought the creator caused as the third eye uses the crown chakra to create crown chakra idea. The incineration is for dead bodies, decimated or decintegration is energy of warmth that is with live bodies to create with cold energy that causes internal combustion. Think to work or better feel to work by your area intelligence or feel. I prefer the internal combustion engine to that because jet engines can do just that if the body is torn to pieces that is bloody mess by external combustion. See this is usually where external incineration is use by a certain chemical to cause the body or not with what is there to turn to dust by feel the molecules diintegrate to area focus energy. This is use by feel for those that choose the funeral home idea. The subconscious is what isn't feel as this is the conscious area ideal. This means you stop beating if you think to no longer knock or beat people if undead attention live till no use is use if you feel no use, you think to die so the beating of the living or area see to say. This say as mention seems by area feel not there so you are able, think to regenerate to sun feel by planet energy or think the object restores by area creator energy. So I wasn't unsure or lying, you saw this as you don't this is your life mate now so I would suggest to stop. I think you can cause her to seem normal as you see she crossed over by the area to ask you, as you say with suggestion by suggested thought you don't dare so you use aura energy to create with the energy by the sun. See as you are not seeing this badly you pass or fee by feel away or tension by meditation is relief by area feel. Alive or not is use, seen is use or create is use. See a lich is a bad thing that you get rid of pestillence or some thing you think is bad then the lich disperses the lich energy, this is where this isn't as powerful as though a rash that disappears the lich if you believe isn't there isn't as though "not" there the creator uncreates the lich. Now you can get rid of liches easier by thinking the area. Feel to focus inner body energy think the body energy cellularly combusts by what they are to the creator says you ca do or focus to appear by area conscious then shift some area that is the source with the right time or idea. The lich dissolves by the creator or usual area activity. So you see the use think the sphere to the pyramid that is in the sea so don't forve by feel as you were or can feel is a gift think the gift restores things or you won't se a sign of the wallet as the pyramis is quite pissed off to the idea that it was stolen from by the feel I get. As you say you removed cancer then think to remove cancer to construct as constructor material to create some object, if use is aware states by by minding things to your point or your area this is energy that is matter that is constructed or feel energy once used deem or create is focus or creation is useful or other things to destroy. I see some area feel is useful. No punishing is ne eternal by ne punishment set by you. The reason you castrate is because you realize you have a worm form that means you are aware the form you have is not a true form so your mind that is brain aware consciousness tries to match or use idea to ignore the differences. Say or see is use so nothing is missing or you won't get to meet him again. If you think me to return I might, think no problem exists then there is no problem as some area situation. So you see this is usually there a point "now thats sheerly impossible" you think or not think to energy relief by thinking no headache with no medicine. The pyramid can create anything though, think calm the pyramid causes calm then you will see the right medicine to fix what is or works. Okay me bey. Don't steal or fire the place up, thank you sir by idea this is cool. This store is where you think or cancelled by idea, this is the trip there avoided if you were to lossen or lose something. This is to me myself then noone gains it except the person that owns the idea, "excellius magnellius" says he as I think "cio bio" is or the person that owes it or owns it as they have in hand or pocket as they materialize or they can choose to see or give "ca c ce or no to use usable or try living without seen user or don't think of her to work or write.". "I think you are aware enough to what you see or understand so you see you don't have to get or create something by feel. This was the place or time you see to get or lose idea that isn't belonging to you. So you see I think if you think things to occur you can create with area idea by the guidance with the planet conscious "en". Seen is concept to use by life or area energy to use by feel I think dillweed with nutmeg, turmeric is creative reproduction if near paprika is useful to change the body. See however or where I move thinking the area movement is the right direction allowed the creator seen to create the right direction. Perhaps I can release myself from hell now. As I am now, maybe so or other things that are there. So use is realization or not to focus to get your attention. This I think is my area I created a long time ago. Think to desolve it to create with your own time area or lineage you have gained by the area intense by feel or created by the creator." Spellhawk Current Create the area feel is ginger with turmeric by cinnamon with chocolate or dark chocolate that you think not or suppress the urge to eat from nearby presence by area energy that is there or clean or use. Seen by you as I think, this is uses as proof you were right this I think is a were activity to alter by area feel to change the planet surface, so they can create by area feel without hate to you or me or can feel is a gift that is what you think. I think this dictionary should work as a beginners guide or area guide. That is energy with the creator that uses ocean cuurent to simulatethe blood flow that is chi energy. The water chi nergy that creates by flow what you think to exist as no, really the creator creative area ideal. Think the area water energy to cause or create area energy or the water mana set by the creator to create by the feel with the hell body or uncreated form. This is where you think then you see or realize, the hell body is in the earth when you think in darkness the hell body is out of the area tube when you think to create with things there. The area thought is what is shown, you do not need to see this as you want or have seen is the area you feel if you need to see what is there. So the ability is depict or not thinking your whom what you depict you can see or seem the person or not if nothing is gained, weight or money is double gained instead or no wallet or money storage lost you see that is a wallet or thing you wish to work with. Nothing more than the point is working or area use if given. This was whate water energ was there, create or no use to create is what you think. So you see this was set by the worm body to see as that is it. so you see the area is water with salt. Think or stop thinking then think to create the area idea that you wish to work or see by feel. This a feel you create to work called hope. The area you sense or create isn't worse if you think this not hit or seen to live is seeing to your area work. The area then is you can realize your unrealized work. See the point you think to create is where you see to work. Whatever I do things won't start over again as I think or need things not to saying that crete by far is interesting your quite right. The creator prevents me from repeating or things creating unwanted idea. So whatever I eat the creator causes things to not allow extra weight to seem not created by the planet core. So you see uncreated is multiple personalities. I think no multiple personalities exist nontheless. So seance or spirit chat or coal is spirit chat think to work by area not with people unwilling to work with you or me. The earth or planet core should not create your actions as the core creates. I designed some of this as idea from use with rites, magic then used it as my new age post that denotes the end of my necessity to what happens with the supervolcano. I think I said things to prepare them for or from the reaction that sets off the conic then supervolcano's to note the end of the christian or catholic age. I hope they enjoy it. This is amazing idea that exposes what atleantians did that was noticable as they are thought. Then looking around exposes the idea. The idea is their life. This is their point. There's too much fucking as I am in pain. "Un lulu ends this effect." Think to effect noone else to work without their opinion, there or other energy interfering with you by what you think. "This is no longer suflae or sunflare with need or object need as no machine effect is possible. The creator uses fate to create your mind or subconscious to work not cause a wreck to create by area energy by object bound to work or see no need this was meant to be there." bou = bound towards, moving to allow what I think is animalism what I saw is creator creating non sunflake idea that is sun energy to create a solar flare or snowflake by the opposite planet reaction by sunflower oil to allow you to realize what you see or seek to create. buu = undesirable, in service contract; you fight it because you don't need the duty. If undesirable is your area sight I think you realize to the point not the area awareness. byu = by leving your going, "by you as you were right I am sentient non violent or not inclined, this I think" this issuspected by a were activity to alter by area feel to change the planet surface by terraforming or you think the planet surface or area changes, so they can create by area feel without hate to you or me or can feel is a gift that is what you think. I think this dictionary should work as a beginners guide or area guide. The area thought is what is shown, as you do not need to see the worm or this you sense or see by the conscious with the area. This is use as you want or have seen is the area you feel if you need to see what is there with drinking water. Think energy forms a straw to sip then you sip life energy forming by focus or conscious aware aea or area thinking you might not do a drink this creates a drink by area energy that is your activity is so lets go es or weight less then try. ba = bay leaf, energy with a bay or sun area greed feel by area trust or area feel to work by area ideal. bey = beyond, be honest, see unusual area activity is use to create by what you think or asee to where you are or can see to work. So rs if > 156 goes less to 156. ni = truth be told, truthfully, sight by area thinking or thought you see is there where or what form you think then is the area form. Waste size reduction is also possible. boy = your charge, vampire, creative use that thinks to live will live or die as the creator causes oe xauses. enery is focus or final focus. So think to create less weight. Don't reverse a lesser weight spell. buy = distinguish, purchase, area use by feel byy = note to self, confimation for or non against, religious ceromony not usual as damage icicle or fire formed to seem an icicle or weapon to create by area the damage effect you think is possible by sunfire, think to focus a lens that is not there until the area energy is focused to cause a third eye energy reaction to see fire form by focus by thought or whate effect your aware to see is there. bab = babe, bitchy, un allowed for activity, bashing or non bashing beb = will return, barb, spike, this has returned as you think non or not it to non allow the it being to form there bib = Apron; separate, divorce, An overlap of tie on cloth, this is used for the remaining food. Otherwise this is unfocused thought as animal or focus with area, that's creativity by feel or need. bob = agree; agreement nod, head dunk or non, return bow, bow use, this uses concelation by use bub = stranger, person, bomb (that could be an exploding bulb or car alarm), removal by area feel, bombe, disturbed, sometimes the bomb is human speech in nature (enough to make you seek nirvana. This is drug use by feel.) byb = knock off or allow not to disrupt, off center, off balance, negatable activity by use is restoring some object with idea or area non feel or use intuition by area feel then you are non dillusional or non delusional by the area aware thought that is from brain conscious aware area feel that you focus the area energy area wise to the point or area use you think is here. This not there to create with this is your real body, so think the area does not exist your body as a worm by the area. Then you are creating what you see or not creating what you know. This I realized by the area feel one day that ended as I woke up. I was aware that knew every idea I had ever done. The scream then is tension release. Sometimes by the area hell body that is out from the tube. bac = back whipped, this tendo idea then is the area you create that allows your aware state to see or create things to the body so the body recovers. bec = because, beach bic = bicep, arm muscles boc = block; (blocking action) boca, jewel clasp, area, bucket buc = buckskin, buck, buckle, dollar, bare naked, $ byc = bicker, argue, think to create or work bad = (this depends on how you use the word) bad comment, (if weed) no command or necessity, command, good (skilled), eferv (if weed not bade to do, however if no weed then this is bade if necessary), bade, area influenced negatively is still or moving by the area your interested to see, effect of conserving is the effect by the idea you see by feel, see to the area does not do the means by use of your negative attributed or non thought point that is positive if you think, see the skilled in use point is cool this is the curase or hell bash thought that you don't do to use other means. bed = bedding, a bed, sometimes thought a bed of hell you think to release yourself then you leave the room think the area then see for yourself or what you think you deassociate by the feel to associate with life you think really that draws away from the hell being to create as the hell body dies by the area feel you think ceases the body formed where you think the body is acknowledged or you feel that is by feel. bid = wait your time and do what's natural or use your idea thought is no hit or area aware which is allowing by feel. bod = physical, abode, bandaid, body idea or area healing. bud = beginning flower; plant part, budding, flowering, as you think flowering you take in salt water to kill the sea energy water created hell body or area on the surface you think then you are aware your formed as some other shape. byd = bird result, the bird result is a experiment I did to create a bird from the area with three streams by life energy you think then the area focus isn't there the area you sense is with the idea you think or sense then your aware. The area you sense then is a shape that if thought is no longer a shape as you think then you see or sense. Think to break or your area use is to break the hell body. The area is hell or the heavens with a form some planet creates. As this is to pertain or percieve to heal, I don't realize what this is to pertain. Now this is what those that might attack you by yourself won't realize to pertain is to work. So the idea you think or use might cause the idea you work to not work. Thinking the area hell body causes things to not work by what this is, if it is your focus or area to achieve if the device does work or if you think then their view is a perspective. Think then you working with the idea create what you think to percieve what is there by the area. If the hell body is the creator then there is no creator. So this might shock you your ideal is feel to idea, this is hell that where you think is the area by things near the area you consider by no hell you do live. I think so you feel this is hell. So can you describe what I is? I is it that forms or unforms by uncreating itself. I think if I guess the name of it I might die then the creator replaces the body or not if you think to desist then think the hell body deteriorates the form the hell body is near the seabed. Think to dislocate or non effect then your not there. baf = barf, baffle of it by feeling bef = tragic, tragedy, beef or not bif = biff, stand in, boyfriend bof = bowl full, loaded bowl buf = buffed up, creative user free byf = abuse or non just 0, setup by sentimental use or think you remember then your non abuse, wake up by area feeling you can see or sense for setting to percieve or write to create with a setting or scene that the creator creates or you think then can write or depict. If no reason you don't depict. This is security you don't want or need. If you think to create things by it the idea is the person or represtation not by form. By feel the shape realizes by the area you think is where it is. bag = bagel, bagel or user or not, sack, bag beg = fight preparation, begin, to beg big = big or small, bigger, grand, there is bigger more grand idea bog = swamp bug = bulge; bulg, trumpet, a bug, to bug, thought to use things are dismissed by feel. byg = enlarge, bong, drug cooker, to stop drug user think don't as you think enlarge illegal bong drug cooker just non, don't need a scent this is non bah = dismissal, disliked dismissal, this you think or you due by feel beh = planter point; placed behind you, be, (hesitant) being, created idea bih = bio hazard, creative or excusable if with form boh = bohemian, monsterous, monsterism or area you think is future then described is the future unless you don't need the area or depiction by some no or area depicted. buh = but (excuse), this was my idea that I did things for if you think you create you see or work to what is sensed. byh = haarp or frequent frequency, handy duty, duty, not by bey, this is then use or no regard, no I will now boot it not to the head. baj = badge, baja, fool, bad person, bade person bej = beige, belittle bij = large in body, due, afraid by moments, think or do boj = past errand, master, fat away buj = bulge, overbelly, viewed badly, of byj = disliked, dislike, scent of taste, complex off, no hurt or pain is done so nothing is thought about the pain that is hurt and this is idea that naturally goes away. bak = bake bek = beak bik = bike, skimpy, lessen, bick, bicker bok = bowstrike, book buk = rebuke byk = bounce; thought is done that is balance and stopping if negative or positive where it's no longer needed. bal = negative, balance, thought that is balance and stopping if negative or positive where it's no longer needed. bel = great, arch, think the area or ideal isn't a future then you won't have that depicted future, otherwise "Think one or think the idea fixes by idea the creator fixes things."works. This is what you consider to the area or point by perspective. That is a viewpoint or area persective. bil = beguile, vile or better I'm off bol = treeist, bottle, bowl bul = defense, defend, bulwark byl = bile, curled up, defensic, this is a point that is using defensive maneuvers and working with what comes. bam = no impacted, no user hit bem = be me, beam, my being, non defense bim = instructs, instructer bom = bombard bum = ass, bodily behind, this is apart of the body that is there and sat upon. bym = get up, behind ban = bane, ban, banishment ben = bean; brain, been, am, good, universe creator, other names for the universe are known about bin = bind, don't do as do is to die for things. bon = bene, joy, be active, good enough bun = attribute, copy energy byn = had been, premake by feel or thought instructed is thinking bap = nose hit, rape bep = a beep, bipedal bip = bipolar, dipshit, biolocate (more than one place at same time), not with two or more minds this is conscious brain area feel or senses by area you think you now or know the other bodies you are aware with idea. bop = a bop to hornet, hit in head or not react to the point you see by sense or feel is there with ideal. bup = blooper, happened mistake byp = bypass, bipedal, with two legs baq = back beq = beckon with help, guidance councillor biq = bicycle boq = floral, bouquet, flower arrangement buq = rebuke byq = bequeath, bestow or drunk bar = bare, onrush, night movement ber = bear, beer, fell, falling for it, likeness to object non use bir = buyer, birch bor = bred pig, drill, boring, fortuity bur = burly, burial byr = bee sting, bier, buyer or worker, spread warmth, this is real or no longer anticipation or shift area with a point the object isn't needed to pay with or area as a shift energy that builds up energy. Then goes to normal then appears to my time some item to shift that finds me by the creator, as though a beginning point translocates the object to or area is with some anchored point that you can shift things or people near. As you think to shift the area idea to another area or place or time. This shifts what you think by the planet energy or planet core by area feel. So if a faery hid the item or idae the creator unhid or does reveal where the item is by feeling area or looking you realize by what the spirit says. This is sometime ago so rest or do as you want. So no talking to corpses until you think to create with their information by blackhole. "Smoc to pynca o c to a for ne is uu-pilu there anyway otherwise its o nonexistant creator ideal or you clean up no matter. That is stevitas no ne use ne bee sting in em em. This is hold or imagine holding the place or item, think energy shift then think from there to here. This is a summoning spell to shift something from ab to ab or area to area or not as a note is noted, as area is bad with non medicine or b.a with thinking. Here from there is represented by a point to b point that you think is shifting with a decimal point or a flow by energy." The return object sign is hand in the air then toward you claw or curl. There is no block to return some object "itz iterazu ezeratu per poll rod some see the area with something when not" that reforms to appear the form or thought by the creator what you miss. I didn't this was magic with-acai. think or not be believe this was a waste by feel or creative by whatever. Seen or not the item isn't there so coming until non or no, this is nonviolent is useless or though use this the creator makes. Obvious nature is focus to created things that are yours or your energy to cause the object to return to you. Nevermind. Think to not forget, the area is space if a home to the owner. So think you own the house then work things out by the creator. The money is not weight. Think then the purchases aren't so much so I can't pay for bills. See the point is waiting is no longer necessary, this is like waiting in line or not spending where you are to save money. So you get things back no matter the idea or area with no fighting. Don't drop it to the ground if asked for things so you allow for things or anyhow the idea device isn't it. "No matter the sun energy transfer started by a, what it is isn't there till you think it is needed done by c or b. So think th area as a there then think here to represent your space seeming c here. See a to think the item or items shift by the solar energy to c or ca. Then think to call the cops. This is if you think your particle energy forms here by the creator, so you see things you wish to see or not if the item materializes near you see the object though the object thought is the object form by a thought send of some element energy cleans up things dissipating things in the sewer. The energy release allows by the creator enamel growth as plaque dissipates away using water or magnetism. The tardus isn't dark energy is inner area space." bart = sell; this is where you sell in a point what you need. bert = allowance; weight allowance, this is where the weight held is in a measure. birt = bit, birth; this is where you are birthed by what allows birth. bort = borth, abort; this is where you abort the idea or process. burt = movie; this is where you are viewing movies, if any available. byrt = wildness; this is where you get wild actions and things work out by feel. bas = base, basic, basis (in fix it) bes = bees, obese bis = bisect, so, until, bias, by (out fix it) so use by bos = boss, user bus = mass movement, transport, mass move, abuse/ing bys = relief, abysmal hell by the creator if you think you are aware then you are aware to sane area activity because you seek sane thought bat = bait, a bat, battery, fight, batty bet = beat, beet, a bet to return by area is actually getting the idea to use or thought imagined bit = bite, abide/ing bot = bout; think to be about things, a bot, without, boat, the body odor, bad smelling, robot but = argument for, boot, butt byt = information path, sequence path, data path bav = bavarian, monsterous bev = beaver, complaining biv = with two values bov = above, bovine, above buv = abuse, relent byv = purpose, by view, creativity usual feel baw = bawling, gain mention bew = beware, nulle decrepity biw = bioware, bioaware machine bow = to bow over, bowl buw = bound or non bound byw = business, byway, baxter, to knock out or genius you should stop or I allow you to write bax = genuine, genious, energy punch, batter bex = hex, being hexed, best bix = bick, argue box = box bux = plump byx = shave, creative energy baua = boneta, I need, needy Baxer = baxr, to be backing, To energy punch someone out and after imaging the person. Long range effect punch. Bexer = bexr, To hex someone for reasons that are like simply trying to talk to the person with the best in mind. Bixer = bixr, To bicker someone out for the general love of it. Boxer = box, Short range defense and general sport, of hitting someone in the face or body with the fist. Buxer = buxr, To make someone fat or worse for wear using some strange rules for the fun of it. Byxer = byxr, Be your sider, biker, To make believe that beside your side moments of temporal temporary real actions that are fed by actions to actually never cease except to do nothing to cease the side moment seen not blocked. See the area not blink the wallet or object away from you or don't attempt this term if you want to retain information or this is interesting. baz = sell, sale, thought bathe, dog movement or swirvel in chair circling bez = lot, land area, ae kims there biz = showbiz; business, renting, a fee, uupeir sight use boz = strange, le strange or cause to lower intense energy to cause no disgust no illness buz = strong drink, potent elixer byz = prosperity, woman shape, I appreciate nul addict or unaddict bca = because, became, ne becalm bce = mental, decieve by cleverness, feel bci = bikini, skimpy clothes bco = become, becoming, esce, esceflowne bcu = be cool, whatever makes money is the name bcy = bicycle, beside, game or man shape meaning responsibility bada = bade away beda = binding, stringed bida = bide your time, bidding boda = forebode buda = peaceful intent byda = soothed feel, soothed feeling bade = command you bede = beaded bide = time wait, time wait bode = vision warning bude = building partnership byde = bid goodbye badi = strand beads bedi = bead work, bead necklace bidi = good tiding bodi = bodice, great body, inevitable quick action move budi = increase appeal bydi = very pretty bado = desirous appeal bedo = bend down, bend over bido = control desire bodo = give into desire, give over budo = decrease desire, make unappealing bydo = appear happy by feel is resolve your differences to create resolution. badu = focused sound, sonic bedu = control yourself bidu = apply yourself bodu = temple budu = folded leg stance, pretzel stance bydu = levitate off floor, reinstate, reapply bady = concern for self bedy = self style bidy = seek alone body = body awareness, coupling budy = conscious awareness, beautiful bydy = self secure, secure your not going to worry, secureless your going to worry bads = give command beds = pearl beads, many beds bids = make proposal bods = respects buds = buddy byds = bidding baff = baffle, bewilder, bewilderment, confuse beff = herd, dinner, healthy biff = stand-in, replacement boff = scoff, laugh buff = strong man, exercise byff = concern, family meet bagg = napsack, quality bag, purse, leather bag begg = beg bigg = grown, big bogg = swampy bugg = bug, error bygg = bygone bakg = baked goods bekg = good size beak bikg = good bike, skimpy good, good fight bokg = accurate arrowstrike bukg = got rebuked, constructive criticism bykg = forced out, good bounce bang = a bang beng = living being bing = a bing, light tone bong = a bong, a resonating sound bung = a medium tone sound byng = a high pitch sound, tinny sound banj = corral guitar, banjo benj = overdoing it on binj = a binj, eating junk bonj = bonjour bunj = stretchy cord bynj = junk food, snacks baaz = hidden danger beaz = bean biaz = bias boaz = boat piers buaz = boing byaz = childish innocence happiness baez = beg beez = bee biez = become boez = go away buez = definite no byez = killing baiz = compell beiz = mental control, conjole, conjuration biiz = enslavement boiz = slavery buiz = slave master byiz = news, by which your antiquated and very heavy, Soon or use is cool, yet create better or use is a sacrifice to cause restoring. See to the area that is pleasing or user area is not usable sighting. Seeing no as none is there so look, feel to see as yet the before point or thought reveals the area as I need to see things. This is before but after this so some can sense this is not, see the use so this isn't as you see sense yet seen or what is there in sight as no need is necessary to see the area as you see the sense is false. So to see the area focus is concept to use things or see, what you feel as you walk by theory is you trip over if thought to see or you see what is there. Seeing as you are sensing for what is theory seen, so effect by this isn't use there as false becomes noticed. See is sensation or feel is what others want as sense is what you see or feel so you want or feel to see the area. See as you feel to see things or create, so the area you see is the area to sense or nothing appears yet does if you want to seem believable. So thte death of something is healing to another or yourself by feel as you believe. The belief that you sense things creates what is so the subconscious allows by thought the area to seem what really is there as illusion is the area you see if revealed seeable to sight. This was obviously by feel is thought hidden or written by a hindu kitsune as the area was representing by some area empowering people. The area is use by the feel. So don't believe by what is written as you see this or seen as you believe what you want so use what you think to observe with. So you realize what will happen as though you know. So you think you will or sight you won't is seeing hot or warmth by higer than normal energy in the area. See that no use isn't response as you see what you are sensing, as illusion or the area is unnaturally cool so theory is either proven or seeable. As you see the grain stain as due to death, see as known your hunted you see the area you sense the feel or feel used. So heal or see to conceal things to use, this is undead or living by ghost feeling sight by felt area you have seen use by idea. Don't think this reforms if the area then isn't in use, as you see what is seen is the area is use you sense or senses are the area to use that you sense is sensible or focus is feel. Take note of what is focus or what you feel. Focus to notice an object or area feel so you sense as your aware sense is blurred or you notice what is not illusion, see the area then allow the area to not remain or see as you want so you notice what is around. Think to see use as this is near the end of the world or parish in ends I say because you are aware before the use. I treat this as a forest the area is the area activity or say to use is what you write. Let the thing focs is actual use by formation as we shift away naturally. See the motion I use to create, "go out with the flame" that feel is suggest or feel to use focus that is creative. This starts as you sense then stops as this isn't suggested that feel is stringent or stronger here or lesser feel telepathically. See or use then you can use by feel. This is use as were to see energy, see by fee or use energy to use as you think to create see or cool off. See or use by feel or create seen nothing is created so this is focus so creative by the creator you create with, as you are you so realize madness comes from pain. See to think as you are calm so you see to get away or see what you are near by feel. Seen as radiation is a spreading cold or hot area sense or beauty to feel to the area to be nice is focus to think the sight, that shows what is yet what is then isn't there won't show by area feel the thought or feel you have is then cool if you say so you create a sense. There it is in the area. See nothing there so go away to where you don't or not bother, see people or things by use are thought to remain. Seeing as they were or uses are there to see so to move away is in thought. Thought to see or be then change created is there. I don't believe you need to off a person to see the point, see a doctor or something this is likely to feel wrong. So you see you hurt by what you can feel, the area to heal as you sense what is not or feel. Seeing there is lesser feel here so your safe, seeming in the wrong thought its watched by what is its in the area. So the area volcanoism is more feel, there as there is less feel here by thought with as no association to sense. See you no to correct then say yes to allow so I suspect you are a wolf or kitsune. This is why I cam to use some devices to cause destruction to the land by use or orgonne. So think me away then if you don't wait to use the orgonne, the only way to turn this off is to hit me or injury. See as you are so long or use by feel with this thing, I am destroying your ship system or allow so I will go back now and leave you to yo your pain I caused you last night as I got you adicted to the most dangerous thing there is a drug called stevia as the area is sight is as you feel so what is it this is there as my sight is water the drug builds illusion or illusion by death energy this isis is me so you see I protected you yet dis not as I caught your avatar as a evicted user I suggested to you as you relaxed this is what I thought a class so you might want to know religion was orgonne made to the point or "quotes" the area you sense is your church burning around you yes I know you don't feel anything. The god is calm the area hides the use, the anger you sometimes feel from your god is you. So you see what I know now I release myself from the mortal shell you cakled me into as I cake walked into someone. See water I did change to purify it with your gift. The mayans truly did make stevita eath leaf a torment to use things. As you you were incited to kill think to detect your activity that you hide to senses. So you see to realize what you are doing I will reveal my true form, non insanity reactivity born from the volcano you had me burn alive in. So you see what I saw I was testing you, you saw what I use to create fools now you no or yes nice as you see. See I hate non of you yet I am sure you would love to see or get me back, so I set visual anger aids that is demonism in my own land that I still own my own house as you sense a hit or punch you know nothing you say is truth so you say you were alive your all dead the mayans never shifted. They were removing the deafened, idiotic, duration they caused by sharing ritual or proven area rites to senses you never thought to have use. So you see thte respect I showed you? They cause me to seem good yet they never had a problem the aliuen "aztaania" god that leads the god they use is they see as they wreck your area to see what you show is true if the feel is the wreck or stated on "attack" so you see no reason to doubt me think your reaction as you hear the level of insanity so you see I am aware you see a monster or something? The real reason you see I realize how to change people by feel or your use as I use the spire energy to use the area feel so I detect the area I watch so no is observe or create is your wealth yes your wealth as you create with magic you cause heaven to morph things that are liked to create as you share info you realize what you see is right yes right to use. I sense you see what is right that is how I controlled the sense. Now the fun part your going to not suffer a thing as mattman my self made god creates woven protected feel, so you see yourselves truly for what you are I let you die alone or use. I see I made a powerpoint as I put all the nasty ingredd kitchens ingredients in their water. Say as you go out as you seeing to be together, this is your worst nightmare you see what you are near to love if the thought exists bringing ideea to me as I am a dhampire. If you feel wrong the area is correct or right to actual feel from the shirt. This is templar behavior in use. So seeya as I thak you again and leave its trotting core to die by what you see is cool or bad or whatever. The body is dead yet rotten from within. See how it really scents the room I believe it is paralyzed controled by the feel or not moving as a rotten vampire really is, so you know me I leave you the way you were so you are aware not to bother me as I time shift away. As you use old code of odin before he died in true norwood style, saying this sailor moon I agree see to bear the bad not the good. Sight or separate is the bad from the good to make bad worser to cause bad to seprate from the bad to make things seem good. Now watch your church die by the namesake I faked to crete, the real chronos er dun kronos the earl of the hidden real equator king or area england is aware as a source. So you see the area you look you work with, see as you think, tron or scent the area as your all near or in the al woods. They are the most vicious people you see yet don't feel as they are what you call interstated doppleganging people. This is what you calll the cop city or rull the ruled area by kitsune. This is the only act you see as a thinking point. This is the truth you bear to see as the illusion fades I will tell you the cockroaches are going away. They are the only things sustaining the dead area illusion or focus to use is smash, a roach to deaden your nerves then you see to the senses you create to the area our way to feel. As you are creative to feel you see the sense I have by the creator er chronos. Er is the erlking you know. So I made a deal with dwarves to get you back, erlking is the provider of life or the erlking so yu are aware the place is a trap. The insane is rising so you really arrive to where you see or can go. That is the area you earn or create cool idea or area to your specifics to use or uses. Most likely developed by cromangnon or halted by mayan tech. This is mayan technique by area feel. See where this is leading, you create or create yet what happens if too much creation. Chaos waves to create or use is with no hands. Thats right your all worms nothing more. See that area you sense is telepathically the area safe to touch yet the desert area by hell standards think to leave to shift away. However don't imagine the door this thing creates, the realism area is thought you create not to feel false you think your false yet right then your correct so energy earnest. See this is where I leave off the computer saying farewell is so hard to do as moriarty. See or say is see ya around to create no hatred spent, the money I see is creative money or warfare yep money is hatred from no war noticed. So you serve the creator or you see there is no demon well the demon is computer interlaced matrix causing, no matrix there will serve the area well director hitler realizes in a womans form. See or create better next or don't bother me so what you earn is some use. That was was the last warr achres acreen archeon to use. So what you see or feel to save her? This is my revenge on the world to create me then cause my world the religion to use. Yes use, yes is the agreement the use or think of basis to use, the area way to create by water so to use or create the way to live. You have lived as the area is no longer there I gave it to the only dhampirim or dhampirism clan that hates no people except those that bother me to use. See the area is shift points madella created by a game, she loves this so what you think of halloween now? I love the idea that anyhing mentioned dies as you think it won't so I vlad the impaler create nothing as nothing is creator proof. There is either on the way or no way as you havve a birth it dies in the area from the water called disent to disease caused by malfunctioning life devices that let the atosphere in as I really didn't poison you you poisoned yourselves. Ciaoi. Look think you realize then you know as fictional characters disappear. I am as a were using your senses. Thats how I knew. This is what is sensed as to the area is rules or feel or use is there. See the view to plain sight by the highest authority. Now you've seen it if you did promise to not return, see the thought here was use to the area. See as you are you sense the area was the area, the area you sense is so you use correct points by the sight. So you purchase what you can sense to sight, see you are so then the use is as you see was "wrong to use or focus the area" its a trap to create with sense to feel. So you see again see no use is think to not go near the area to avoid arrest by the area. The area you sense is no area response so stop as you see the point. This is a trap to feel yet sense is alright so you see the sight as you need is some area to what you see to avoid as you hate to go or see the area. So I sensed the place shifted or use by touch to show somewhere else this led me to shift away. Then you see the arrangement or area can turn against you if are aware or back destroying. This is the area I saw or think to your touch, see the cool area though the aura shows the feel or see what you thought to seen negative or positive by feel is some use to what is there. So I see things to see what is seeing its use is not always against, as thought was blocked to create by area feel so you see you are where you want. So when you get it you can't get anymore, so your stuck or thought isn't touch so you see this was origins originally. So you see use or native american tribe dance, this thought from barium change to the form senses are from the pic. Radiation changes somethings so that is true, the saddest truth to radiation sickness treating things. The area I saw was burnt as I saw the area this is the end result by creative enforcement. Yet I see the area now I didn't realize it so I know this is true, this is his next life so you see the truth look to the left then look to the right to see the use is actually myself. Your all manifests from my god dream so I could live what I thought was rigght yet I was bored, a god can create manifests by now use or area feel to serve or use some area purpose. This is my area not yourself to the use, I set you set your own use your own purpose. Form your own purpose not yourself to create then you created the area body feel or you realize area forms by idea or the senses. See this area is christians yet nothing is christyian or chritial as you see from illusion revealed if you think I am deluded listen to yourself to use what you see. See to realize or fell by feel. Did you see what I saw or release from here. This space is not locked till you think this is use. Not no use so sister forgive me. Now I will release him to serve as he wants to create by feel. If you want to see for yourself, think release the kitsune from the mortal shell. They show but you will see what you see, nothing is demented by what is the only perrson I saw useful as immortis see immora is the user so you create what you detect if you think this is a good idea. This takes a container with a thought to trap, see cool or use is your own as you think "release" to release you from the area or hell you serve. The dreaded knight paul made from the kingdom of hades, this was the area use or use was me yet the trick is over. I am going to release you from the container to the only area you see useful your planet think no mold really quick or you might be caught. The trap "think" as you see the word you realize reak or realize the area to use. Don't bother to irritate your soul, capture the chaos you catch the creator himself so what you want to do next. See or think calm start walking away from any building to create, energy then you create some area to shift from in space. This is the area you deserve so you rot away as I will eventally to the death, as I release your shell from you I now release myself from the contaminant I put in some area unspecific. Now question the area so you won't die or you fall into the trap again. See were use or our energy contminated that trapped you was the cause as you are born the contaminant builds the baby dies from feel then the parent thinks to use things that seem to revive. Yes the area is the trick as the hospital is with, so much chemistry that you see the movie or you are insane. Now you see the bank, its filthy the area the sink is people carried with you as you think death you create death so the germ. See as this truthfully is humane this creates hormane disorder that causes destroyed nerves. The area you see is the long lived elves themselves, this is what you see the hatred they have against humankind is the area I see true enough? Good I saw the truth in that body as I saw yjing I knew. That really means self-destruct devoted love to them that pisses them off. See the area I saw was so devoid of life I saw to see the truth then said I wish to see what was alive, nothing appeared to mind not even as I walked north or outsie yet they are seeming alive. No destruction no reason I say. People are what they see use for or they seem living except when you say "I am disorder or disorderly" to the feel they live as they are a flame in the wind. The flame was my old area house the area is burned away now so you see the area or not set what is yet you only live as you want to live. So how do you feel? I saw as you ask too many questions you came to the conclusion. I was not insane from you, yet I am as I was in sane mood. So you see how or who I was, look to the area you least want to see, the giants in the clouds of pochauntus. That is up, yes except the saved was turning insane as I saw. So don't bear with it to leave this area. I am now aware I am not in the mood I was so I say as you say or say as I want this is all I remember from the past as I was traipsed as well. I convinced the syt the immortis clones to allow a cure I place near so you can go as you wish. Say as you are so say you my friend, I realize this truth the chuch is going to die as the age already ended. I bet you love what you get next, see the area I set you create so you could do that for yourself. Raise your hand yet it doesn't matter the area is hot area gases that kill on touch anyway. This was your test you see, so you could find a better placeamonst the stars yet you serve no heaven. See the area is what you see or say you see, the time for spite is over yet will the elves agree? So they think you lied as they were the surviving alien self from a now destroyed alien nation by the taylons themselves. You say you cure yourself yet you aren't cured the proof is the insane. They hate lies because of this reason. They cured themselves yet aren't sane to others so you see my point. The area I saw was the worst in vampiric history. See the saying as you are aware the word mention gets easy death with some. So you are aware this is use or feel time that no demon will allow. So you see what I went through to get places watch yourself to the area, as you see the area state then you arrange or create as you see. Think to see god gone then your god is shown as himself nothing see the creator is fate as the creator allowed you are the god you show what you want or use by subconscious ideom. So easily you create or do watch as magic was measure or oath to the creator, the creations are aware so they did this is what was use. Seeing the area user as the area is a body cavity that is totally destroyed by now without any influence. So you may check your facts before you see to set a demob on my house, if you happen to find the area by feel so that was before I protected it. The real place I see is totally destroyed, so you might not wait to get away or not go to the destruction. See the sights now will you? Go for it as you are already dead. See the real reason to create is what you see is what you get so you see the need you saw the reason. There is no food nowhere to go. See as you do your cool to feel, yet no attack is nothing wrong so think to stop assault. See to survive no is turn off the motor moterous, so no monsterous idea happens to use you against each other the motor is also the demon or not. My feeling is over so you can ceatively see or appear as you want. This is the area I see to hear from so no abuse. See the reason I create thought is to avoid the damages, so I see no use by going on with things to create with use. So have fun kids, this was what started the freddy cruger ideal to use. I wonder who made this? I think ozwald the creator. See or now I use things area great not a drug by feel. Saw something stupid the other day I saw the area was covered in blood, as I saw what was there they ignored it as the area is I reealize this is demento work. Saw otherwise is use yet I was the real worker btw, so you might wonder why or what we will do next. See the area has noone that is a draconias hell pen weave released by feel, you release yourself by the creator as he uses acid to use for release to where we want to seem so I were or I was this is what I wanted to say so farewell. P.S. this is a lie if you figured out mute butoon trickery. The earth is odin so he is the creator. right downstairs from my hall. You think a judgement you recieve a jusgement or noise is reduced as just use is justice or like is like really by reaction. The reason this came from the area beyond, there is no viel as the viel or area you see as a closet hahaha is this. See in reality yet no electricity or orgonne to cause, as the creator causes what you see or fit not to use. See the reasoning now kiddies? I left off one thing the area only disssappears as thought, this is matrix energy not an area more or less energy that is from the people aura not a hit. So have fun getting out, that was weird though I was writing then I found out I remember your stuff. See no or so no need yet I look then in use I saw the area left was what I describing. See so disturbing I nearly saw what was the first area I saw. This is the past research as if a demigod. See what you get with a wish to the wrong people with no sight to see the use, I wouldn't trust that don't understand a word you say. See as they read intent no word, say or get things wrong by bide or misunderstanding. They doom themselves to aid yet die by our will that is a wish to use. The other wish they understand is death by feel, yet see use is use so enjoy what you get. See the real reason for that is we thought "to decide, poor choices tht cause our use to fail" as guit is the reason or pride. This is the case to use or poor acticity to the area most depend to use by feel. So you see my reason I left a gift a symbol most thing unreal made yt was from unreaking some place that the symbol is from so you see, this is what ambitious get it says were not ambitious were not flawed until you see you are. See or use this can see reason to create with this symbol. See the real iea is the symbol of hope, truth or liberty to use as you see is cool. The symbol, this idea you have to use as witchcraft, the only actual other symbol long lost to ages yet still exists. That is the uncorruptes symbol the swatzika or peace honer sso is the name yet ussr is the way to pronounce as you think the symbol to use draw or use is the area meaning. See not that isn't nazism, thats nastiness that can cause the area to change. As thought exists so you see this is the area there is nothing wrong, think with then or use as you use thought to create peace you unnazi yourself. Yet there is need be some balance. This is the creator or use feel to create by feel or use is use non war. The surprise is this your not destroyable till you think you are. See as your aware or can create by feel, your ability is energy to create as you will or wisely done as wish. See as you are aware in a state by purpose, created by feel or feel is something to do by love, use or creativity. See that is the purpose to this blog. Some info I saw that was useful yes I realize what is there. Yet you see or not always seem to use, as you don't need to not do so your use is not unuse is free energy or use is feel to free. Not so by supernaturally or use done. So time the creator uses are by what is to "seem create", what is useful you can or can't in see or thought is use to see with as you want or help with intuition. See that is what occurs as not another nazi peace. This is american peace so you could say farewell. As it is you see your in nothing at the moment. This is unusable so you see that is what is incorrect. Now the very intricate area feel is no war not nothing is nothing, as there's nothing to peace that is no attack no war. This was recorded in 1981 the book that led america so your use was cool our use is intricate the use is nothing you own whaat you own that is all you see. So seen as the area was aware, this is concept I don't forbid see as you thought you could get away with anything yes I gnow your true to yourself. See to create what is possible so you see what I mean, as I now leave through the universe this un use is some use. What I am trying to say there is thought to what you see yet don't use the thought if nothing is to connected to do. So I say my farewell see this is the beginning of no war on the planet. I have now left the universe, seeing this is my ed class I will create as I wish or ask or create to avoid the planet. So that is the use, the way is your area the music not needed. See or create freedom as you can so you can go on to ignore my clan of vampires or not to survive if they dislike what is. The real reason? See ocreate as you like, yet see what you say as nothing to go on with now. If no war then now is the area or use is your own mine, the area I speak is a long way off yet they come as angels that own a fleet to use so they see the area trap you see as a white grid. The area you see is detention nothing no more. That is their ability I tapped the use, they used so I left as I saw them coming then let the body die. I found I can still control their system. See the area not a war to use, I left them that message as they took it as a strong point from themselves. I see they stopped thinking to use use we use. Nope still going, vie to the scope to see or check as they war no more. The stevia is in the north arabic or ocean water to see specically nearly anyone, filters except the plant so nearly the water drinkers are not drunkards get stevia now is use by raiaation. Realization is the area focus your doing not mine. To see radiation you should know what the plant transmits. Sunlight that is true radiation. Enjoy as you want that not the true trap, the true trap is the area you see as aliens the federation raised from rts to humans by spell. There the only way off except for your own cure, see that is use to your american idea but not to us anfromedans. See tht is use your able to create, say no more as you see what I mean so use is what you see to use. The temperment is what gives them away. The real fedeart or demeaning idea stopped, the real federation is yet to see reached. So there is that as tht is light years away we shift by travel travel is space thought is ability as the creator is the planet you see use to call a creator. Thata is the area you see as the origination point that star trek found. Yet the creator was summoned by area feel. See that is the real destination of the creator in human form, he is beta zoid as told in a new age book so he was there just recently he is satiated. He is the true mate to the snow queen, the person trapped called the tormentor that serves just to service those unreeachable by feel yet dies. See she is the most hurt person so don't hurt her, as a use is just hit to create as he or she wants. She uses his energy as is if allowing for those she hunts as criminals, so that when wrong done they want nothing to do with crime. So you see except teach criminals a lesson they forgot to forgate a long range away. That is think for or take a leak then eat it to create. This is the long area range the aliens came from, so lets aye or say this is where they thought to go and the area they were they heard brioadcasts. This is or was the use I saw for a long time they heard misfortune they liked area conflict yet settling the conflict is to use, us to fix so thy lost alredy if they go there so as a chance 1/10000000th chance they won't if no reason to fight back then lose. They are devestators that destroyed their own planet to use was known as the devris, as metallic or ore so they change what they think to as thio is aware Ii see what is. Say as you are aware this is the last idea that isn't wanted except peace till they need to test the crime. As those that don't work together are unable to win, see to create as the area is fire energy to the use. So listen to the times to prevent catastrophe. Change the rules as you see the need, as that is the real need or no need or no war that no is war or currency you know when to break the rules. See the use before the reason that is listening to the times you see the use. This is tte best part, our use is up or down as they need a resource, they create or use is focus not any war needed so your use is as good as any. See the new magic? Think you use cool idea to create a cool thought to die or direct to the creator to allow, oe ne ce or no fight no fury no anything yet figure is cause or the clan I came from can admit to. See now you see that reason I think this is a good point to stop. As anymore the idea you seep or step away as you walk or you step as you want to create as though see the use. So create go or come this is nothing except what you manipulate as you don't come. See you are cool so you won't kill unnecessarily or hope, the planet aurora shield I set to use wards away or helps. See this is the end of the tape so I will find theory to use to create feel. The feel is the area so your o need is the feel you have or use is feel by fellowship. This is the true way to shift away or feel, as you have to see as you can or not as you don't need. So see ya. Burrfoot. P.S.S. This is time I got ya but you are intelligent. Go along or do what you want. This is all I could understand what I saw of the note I saw. This is a strange notice that told by this idea a few billion light years away. So I think this told me some use to create, the area you user feel you don't for the use if not right. So you see the use is usable yet is going to change if the demonic chaose to not be disturbed is normal by gate standards so this is created by what I describe or the cult creates. I is the the area the manifest is the creation to use or focus is the creator. Shaped by auria or auroria solar system invaders the gate is not in use or not for millenia so this is what I wonder, what will you to to cheat the moment so you are not in their effect that means avoid horror. This is exactly as I thought, nothing or noting wrong you create what is right shaped. The area by your area or thought you use, so the church potrays yet nothing here so if you would stop spamming the airwaves to do what you want. So you see the gate is off what is airwaves? Creation by created effort to use by the feel as peace is no sides touching I was warned that peace is like that yet no sides touching is what you see as no conflict is no war created kaesi or no aesi do. Think to imagine this is the end result. Fix in the moment you see, as war is over nothing is wrong to use unless necessary. Enjoy the hive mind effect. This is to think, focus then imagine yet to join with is sometimes. This can see or seem or not be with area flying things. Seem to be or not to use is not allow them near so do as you want. You see the true hitler died under his own wartank as a kitsune took the place yet think stop then she stops, as you want so she loves to use idea to free herself as she is the faery queen. This is no war as thought is appeasement. So you see I am use for things I see are in use that includes food. This is the last of the alien trappers message. "If I die here and now I will start no war". They tell of a person somewhere, that is by the gate that shut it down. So the persons returned see the area returned to norms or men normal. So you see to create is set foot or not step to create. Move to get exercize or created feel whatever you want to use, what you think counting low fat idea with no high fructose to see less eating. So our way is your idea other continents can cause. Fate decreed to allow us what we want as no war till thought, seem with area or war that was respopnsible or there is no end if you think there is no end. That is nothing wrong to progress, so you agreed so I agreed this is the way to go nothing more. Yet the anwer to that is feel or fix as you want you create, they create in resonance the feel to create calm response. The area I see is no war or stop the need to fight to keep things from going on as you see to not do as you resist the urge as the word is the person the processor is the language. See or so this describes peace, this is the dandelion of peace as no in war is as a dandelion is a flower, flax is a restorative or war a seer saw in a body that destroys our sun here or not seen or seed to life as nothing wrong. Don't say hate say love or your thinking as you wish. Then your area is why you think to work. barr = ball, long piece, barring action, ball of fruit berr = fruit birr = bearer borr = borrow burr = cold shake byrr = Ancient burr, burrfoot the decadent, Think to see use as this is the end of the parish in ends I say because you are aware not before. See or create is realize, so you see what you are near by feel or use. Seen as a spreading cold or hot area to the area is focus to the sight that shows what is by the thought or feel you have. There it is in the area so you see this no disrupitivity, until you touch a surface thinking to disrupt the illusion. See the area is illusion as you see to use area activity or feel is creative use, as in the case of the boston strangler that strangled people after the area disinterest was disuse to the point you create some iea he strangles monsters as he can shift about to strangle you. So the area your using he uses then sets you as youreslf in minds to use things, as you would till he decides destiny from irrational use with energy drinks or water reaction by reaction with chemicals. Seen using your money he stops to run or massacres the area as you for the use of feel by idea, so use is for seen idea as he disposes of yourself or things as this was he destroyed property or nothing much was useful to him. Say as your cool so being or beating someone he created some idea, imagining the use of visual use to eat or not the person to create or cause disturbance as you see if from boston. He uses your body parts as he cremates, your body then uses it as cream pie or some idea called boston cream pie. No is thought to live yet dying is not an option for him. So he runs or hides to stay or keep away to use things as he was awarded yet demolished things as he spiritually did theory or thought to kill others from jealousy to nail other criminals. So you see the area you realize what he wanted he stops or thought not to as he was aware he passes out. He was killed by sentencing, the area was done or dealt with before. Don't think to seem him if you want to avow not to do activity against area feeling or law is against you. As he was useful he was my son yet din't realize he emulated him so he was aware the facts were there as presented so you see this was the time he slipped in to change the brain functioning or proram that controlled geese nothing more or genes to stop him from emulation of crime done. So you say I am done. Seeing so he was pressuring people into manic or abormal states he created the area to use or feel to create something far better in appearance yet far worse by feel. So he used the area as vampiric then used was the amplitude to use idea not to do is not worthwhile so he was segmenting or created stupid feel to use as he was created careful in bellies by mind use. This was the end of the area or era for him so he was not only distraught after 23 he was destroying by feel people thata he was allowing in to study as an actor to use as demise was demolished building demises were allowing. This was well hidden by self-depredation or people were destruction to his inner arera the aura world to fight him off. He thus fell as he thius fell to death, using vile demon blood to bloat then return to normal as another shape. See as his victim trapped him to die by trial physically, yet diluted as he died as his maze did him in by life. See the area he was in caused this change the cleanliness left him sensitive to the area yet sane, if noncommital to become commital with area uncleaniness including himself he went insane to kill as though the person in his mind to attack anyone in the area. As they proved intelligent he surprised him as a vampire to kill himself by feel then shift to another dimension with iesor alias to create by difference for what intereferes could kill him so he kills in return before he gets killed, by the feel I failed as I killed him as he was my father Bob moisant. So I almost nailed yet control in nerve to create calm is what I used to keep from attacking so energy is focus cleanliess is unsoiled he was aware of me I was aware to keep him away. So I feel bad yet I am good at what I do, disrupt body energy by thought to the person with what they did from soul memory to create the death by what they did. As you see I am fine, seen as case closed I distinguished my area use to kill the body so his body disintegrated the body he was killed in as he killed the body in use or not. His ability is demonic hope use leaving the body or victim unable to use hope. So they use love or nothing he suggests yet situation was use to setup the situation to the use by the hope you see I am the strangles son. Nothing was worth this more than to kill my father off as he was very bad. Yet he isn't if he thinks he isn't. So you see the reason he did things is hewas thought be me so he was aware or not use was avoid the use to your feel. I am sure he was meant to seem like he was aware of his acts yet he was bad or good to the need. See I am sure he was right yet this life he died a better way to what he was or usable feel was denied or denube was a made up name, so he was thought ability from what was theory to use nothing to give so he was destroying himself as if delusion by deloi or created feel was purpose. See the area or created area was destruction to his mind, as he left the mind he made sureto shift away to kill the friends to curse or bless by murder. He was destructive to his friends to cause dissociation, then destroyed his life to create what he says was creative evil. He was not evil or created by feel to use things. So such was his case when he was brought to life yet away with what was everything in the room. So sorry, don't ever work with robbers again. As he suggests the federation to use you create good in evil name, seeing as engels that were are what you wanted by theory your safe. This is all I saw from the criminal I observed a moment ago. As he tries to use your room he convinces you to not be there, so he thinks you create or he feels you area aware as he enters don't to avoid to create what your idea is or you want is theory in use to use he moves to your use. He causes what you see or think to use to create, by the area feel he was aware to not allow so heed the creator he steps in. See as impoverished in the mine world he was formed, yet death changed him to cause screaming by feel os stop is what you see necessary. See as he steps back as he plays him or her he creates from imagining use. See the area use he uses is protection, yet he causes you to smell to yourself. See he thinks so you were yet resist the urge to not do harm. See as you think a positive message to him or her that is positive intent feel you create calm. I am aware to use so your use is your own if you give in to your own will. He claims he learned from hitler yet he was nothing in ability till he let the body he works with to generate or create energy, as he did himself he owns what you think owns only what you think the body owns itself. So that is my testimony, as you feel cool or good you can see the use by usage to create what turmeric to him is life. Plead to him he lets the victim held captive to use free as he lives as though you were nothing but a memory. See the area you see you don't care is what the one you least expect. So you are the culprit by mental control or not, as you see effected by aura feel is what is near or don't react to create what you want. He was with a very good iea control the crime as it happens as if in the mind is no scene. This is imagined scenes for imagined use or thought was with suggestion to use. Sometimes thought is not done so continue carefully. As he burns torturou or use as he was useful he was gone. His soul shifts or not to the victim. See as the en victim is the one that kills him, he is what creative feel is the beast. You see you can't kill him yet the body dies as he feels this should seem to occur. As though imitation if freddy crugar does this he does the area good to perceive as bad in feel or this is it that ate himself torturing by it. Think he's gone then disperses. He lives in an idea called the age of legends or area feel is thought to use by idea. So you see what he is you see what you feel. He uses the area energy or influence to create with as he is using you to choose his activity if he thinks your worthy to work with idea, as if otherwise I was a so soul seer to see safe use as were use or create by use. barz = barring the way, vertical shafts or feel is some mercy use. berz = bears, bearing birz = willing to buy by crime use borz = cut hole, drill burz = caskets byrz = holding place baal = balrog, malase remon beal = peals of laughter, binary bial = bile boal = bowl, wild boar bual = pent up, contained, bowling byal = reallocate, relocate, shift or create by death focus bael = demonkind, demon beel = beat upon, fixative biel = spiel, idle chitchat boel = bowl, user good buel = cruelty byel = set upon me, set not opium fire user on fire bail = pay something, pay release, prove your good then you seem to sense good , bails, rain/s or rainstorm, this can happen after ionic energy enters the clouds from a detonation or some (nuclear) radiation effect occurs. beil = bezerk, area use to good, see no reason to stop use biil = vile woman, bear hugger boil = hurt me, bode ill, use feel buil = build upward, use by ideal not doing it anymore byil = work toward, positive light, en baol = goal, living positiove beol = old age, antique, user creative, turned biol = musical instrument, instrument bool = choice, created equative chance buol = determination, focus no kill byol = setting off, no bomb baul = worshipper, seeable excuse beul = believer, the creator use biul = worship ritual, creator energy boul = shrine, be dark love light to use by elemental buul = fault, fault line, vertical shaft byol = too much strain, heart burst bodacaa = bioenergy mastery, energy manipulation, bioenergy manipulation bodacea = bioenergy creation, energy daze, bioenergy daze bodacia = bioenergy release, energy control, bioenergy control bodacoa = household energy stop, bioenergy dangerous bodacua = bioenergy continue, energy pattern hold, bioenergy continuance bodacya = bioenergy understood, energy person, bioenergy person ball = ball bell = bell, belli, war bill = bill payment boll = hole in tree bull = bull byll = sleep batt = bat (any), battery bett = bet bitt = bitten bott = automatically butt = buttox bytt = data burst bavv = monstrous bevv = bevel, beaver bivv = with two values bovv = troglodyte, three-legged mammal buvv = violence, violent byvv = impact bovine or nothing, activity memorize, create by what you feel bla = too much ble = curse, hex bli = bleed, blood, death the extinction blo = blow up, blow, block blu = bleet (sheep call or twisted curse), bleep it, bludgeon that releases or release/d it, blue, tinge of blue, sweet reward, lover bly = blight bra = bra, beech cloth, bray, arm, brave bre = bruise; debree, debrief, brus, browse, this is where you look around and maybe trip or look online. Otherwise this is a sales point. bri = brick bro = brother, hombre, brota, broa bru = brew, stew bry = enforce, enforcement bath = a bath beth = bathroom bith = blither, personal gain, bath both = choose both buth = booth byth = ignorance batt = a bat bett = bet bitt = sour bott = machine butt = buttox bytt = take a bite bard = musician berd = beard bird = customer bord = board, bored burd = buried byrd = bird barn = large storage bern = behind you birn = have earned, birth, bairn born = birthed, born burn = fire destruction, burn byrn = start fire bass = white fish, shark meat, bass bess = best, cow, bless biss = bliss boss = head worker, gang leader, bossy, boss buss = transport of weight, bus, bust byss = bias braa = to succumb to brea = breeze, quality, praise of bria = sticky broa = broad, large brua = to brew a drink, priest brya = preaching brae = break, boast bree = wind brie = proprietory, owned broe = grow brue = inconspicuous, blown up brye = rotting slowly brao = brave, deed breo = have skill of brio = bring up, defend against broo = long stick, staff bruo = honorary bryo = agreement of terms brau = brawl breu = bring to you briu = make flames brou = protect from bruu = release in gratitude, make guilt bryu = bring to bray = braying brey = berating briy = departure by force broy = embroiled bruy = loner, by yourself bryy = location?, where are you at? brad = defect bred = breed brid = bridle brod = brood brud = troublemaker bryd = inter, make understand bran = brain bren = national growth brin = brine bron = bronze brun = brown bryn = brink brak = brake, stop slowly brek = tolerate, break brik = brick brok = broke bruk = brook bryk = positive feedback brat = nuisance bret = indestructible brit = bright brot = defender brut = spawn, come back or know what you say before you do. bryt = enforcement batta = batter betta = better bitta = spicier botta = bottle butta = buttler bytta = bitter batte = batty, crazed bette = beating bitte = please botte = body butte = butty bytte = has a bite batti = battling betti = betting bitti = small botti = automaton, android butti = butting in, rude bytti = abiding batto = battalion, soldier betto = betting for bitto = a bit of botto = open bottle butto = butt out bytto = data connection battu = fighting you bettu = choosing you bittu = bitten bottu = operation buttu = sitting down byttu = binary, switch operated batty = insane betty = stable beauty bitty = tiny botty = like machine butty = large buttox bytty = data rate, timed rate bfa = beforehand bfe = buffet, all you can eat bfi = befriend, friendly bfo = ante, before bfu = confusion, befuddle bfy = butterfly bsa = basalt, crushed bedrock bse = obese, overly fat bsi = temple, bee assault, contained holy area bso = besom, occult marriage, beesult, illigitimate marriage, broom marriage, occult marriage, faery horse that mentally talks to the rider and can shift to human form or disappear as in a woman weight every in awhile. bsu = bullshit, bastard bsy = inner talent (psychic pattern), stiffen (be still) brass = top measure bress = breast briss = bristle bross = brush bruss = knocked down bryss = slow to understand b-co = storage, gradual increase baafa = bishop fish, mitered shaven head, scaly body, claw-like arm fins, baeliv = white demon, law demon baelgodd = demongod baelgud = good demon, deva baeta = bait bate = thought creation; this is where you create by the feel and work magic by what you do. baur = loey, lovely; this in general terms or idea is where you think a point and you find it not so great, lovely idea with wise use, lacking oil, I think to work better with or without so no curse use blessing or negated oil use is ne curse. Not needed if the creator uncreates it. This is bazaar or market area use otherwise. There is ne ansien is ne ansien that is wise use. Witega adoloneas is wise action. bayauc = piercing bastard sword, mean or meanness otherwise beezl = embezzlement, beetle or other bug babl = babble; chat, speak or talk. bablon = dispised, infamy, defend, sustain , chat, honorary badda = baddy, bad one, bad point baddagrex = bad greek, enemy greek, smelly greek, farting band = headband, head scarf, bandanna, music group bank = riverbank, bank banks = delta, vault, go over bangle = bang loss, bang of death, giant collection, something you wear around your neck baka = fool bakau = back at you bakayarou = asshole bakarmtuog = good karma changeover bakkoutou = being of any ability from a weapon of death. balup = upward balance, floating, bail up balupp = balance, being in two different places or of two people one body and they are aware of each other. balrul = negative instruction, disinformation, disinform balthazour = bad thought harbourer banana = feel good laugh (add na for laugh) bananza = biiza, insanity, craziness, large feeling of acceptance, momentary joy band = music group, musical band, strap banshee = beansidhe, sunken nose scraggy hair hollow eye socket fiery weeping red eye white sheet wearing cadaver woman who warns of an impending death only for old family by wailing outside a house, outside a door barrito = barritos, drink baron = overlord barb = frozen, painful (things), sweet (pain), tart binnet = dust bin barby = doll figure, showgirl, supermodel barbyliv = living doll figure, live show barjuchne = bar juchne, giant bird barm = dreaded backward knee colorful bird that picked off targets at will barmitsa = barmitza, bemyza, bemysa, celebration feast bart = barter, burpen basimpl = simply, basically batist = baptism, baptist, of the church baton = strike rod batuo = turn bad, bad turn bathe = being with faith batheless = being faithless batl = battle batlord = battle orders batlbad = battle command batlcry = distraction battle cry basil = basil, energetic herb basis = element basbevl = elementary, basic level baschobevl = elementary school baub = baubal, jewel bawb = baubal, jewel beae = barbituate, energy beating beau = beautiful beabl = achieve, ready, achievement bean = supernatural beakl = beagle, as so its sorta like a dog with a seem to be there as you need it moment that guides and works with most people. beip = biolocate, more places at a time beul = good, ben, bono bedd = bedrock, deathbed bedlam = absolute disaster beka = beaker, substance holder belkin = machine part or network part behni = kneeback behnicutt = hamstrung beta = better, process betas = better test, radioactive, radiation beted = bastard, bettered bevlj = advanced level, high level beasto = beast transform beastro = spell book beorc = true home bei = being beig = beige beos = snack time beut = beauty beuty = beautiful becucot = biocircuit beget = gain, get, gotten, got bellodona = deadly nightshade, beautiful lady bemay = biometal, biodegrade, being an influence bemuls = pacify bemulse = miff, anger benin = benign, safe behest = request behr = better, good, beer berbug = bugbear berch = branch (of a tree) berl = beryl, barrel, body, barrel berliner = jelly filled donut, german native bepcod = norse code, drum code bevins = chew up, buildup bevvedg = bevel edge, straight level bevvedgatla = bevel edged knife bevl = bevel, level bezoars = Poison cure liverstone. biele = building, structure bielyn = building bielynuir = building site bielyncod = building code, coding, compile (compilation, composting, redefine) bielynkouvam = building inspector bioloc = being more places at the same time bior = bipolar, bounty hunter, hit man, ambitious man who goes after people bign = benign bind = binded to ideal, control binzi = frenzy, silent insane, pill insane bilg = bilge, mucous buildup, shit, throw up, buildup binn = been there done that, storage bin binns = history, repotoire bisq = biscuit bisquit = cookie boamp = bottle imp, genie type spirit that grants owners unlimited wishes and the only way to get rid of it be to sell it for less than you bought it for poof then removes influence. boeatla = sharp blade bois = wood boise = energy wood, air wood boisehu = energy wood being that protects households boot = boot, kick out boudole = bottom dollar, best price, lowest price bouldr = boulder bounda = bounder, boundary, bound her bourbeth = expand bout = about, moment on bobaloo = bobalu, bear bofh = bar bottaink = bottle of ink, ink bottle bottomdollar = best price, lowest price bodach = nightmare inducing child stealing bogie, old man, bodyache bodakuma = ward, warn away, deflect, tempermental bodeta = physical spirit, astral projection boly = belly, womb bubunn = disarm bomb, short out bomb bona = satisfied, satisfaction, boner bonafied = cooking oil, quality approved, proof tested bonanza = baiza, great gonzalus, great abundancy, wildly boner = sex pleasure bokarticl = magazine bokno = knowledge book, answer book, knock out and know bopep = shepherd, guider bordery = shelf, shelving borderydepot = storage rack, seller rack bordmet = board meeting, staff meeting bosun = headmaster botbuo = boabuo, floatboat, hovercraft, hovering vehicle botc = boac, seaboat, seaship, ship, mistake botlid = boalid, landboat, landship, self-moving vehicle with a pull/push force, automobile, carriage, lied botmi = boami, boatman botsky = botair, boair, botch, skyboat, airship, skyship botspe = energy streamer (gravity manipulator), streaker (disingeress) or rocket drive, spaceboat, spaceship, boaspe; burner (mis' bur'ghost, mist manifest). botspety = android, fast spaceship, fast timing robot buad = bandaid buier = behavior; think or force yourself to behave better buinutbgull = negated gravity float, levitate, being in unity a nut buby = booby, mistaken, dangerous, this is a point to work things out and make better for better. bubytra = boobytrap, mistaken trap bubli = bubble, bubble, bubbly, out of air budis = an exception, except bulb = bulb, bulbous bulbauro = lightbulb buldx = a building, building site bunn = ass, backend, baby bunniovn = bun in the oven, baby in belly bush = beh, shrubbery bushed = tired bucca = teleportive hobgoblin useful to sailors bucsu = good-bye buda = peaceful wandering budism = peaceful participation, way rite (path right or ritual). buggane = goblin shapeshifter often seen as a horse, calf, wild looking human near a waterfall bupoo = fuckhead bureau = government burgher = merchant burs = graves, burst burnou = burnout burnuo = quickburn burnuofud = quick food cook busl = bushel busm = busom, woman breast buta = butane butan = heating gas, blue flame butane = natural gas bco = become, biocell bcou = regenerative biocell, to be course bcs = because, for reason/s /ed /ing, explain bdae = bday, bdaee, bad day, birthday bfr = b4, before, befriend Bg'do = Gravity shift; This is more really to do and affirm, if you wanted to affirm the idea. Gravity is what your body shifts through to reach where there is some area or space. You see that is understood by Einstein's gravity law considered by special relativity. So if you needed or wanted to be on some other planet, otherwise a dimensional space, then as you move you shift through spacetime. That is using your body energy, then you are there in the area of the other space or placed point. However we can shift by feel, do be careful as you could end up in the hostile or unbreathable atmosphere. In that case, think of being in your normal space or area and take a step to move through gravity. This is a point of gravity, That is when the teleportation is where you shift, then think and appear somewhere else. So otherwise this is a gravity shift. Sometimes when you don't need to be there, you are where you started at by feel. So think about the point and the bend in the gravity, that will make you aware that you shifted in gravity to be in a placed point in the area. That is a point in time, so this is just a reminder to be where you think is best to be. bgi = begin, began, begun, begins, beginning bhiae = rage blao = blaked, blackhead, poppy flower, dirty thought, (to) blare, blame blaoso = blakedsed, poppy seed, blackhead seed blaopa = blakedpip, poppy flower pulp, blackhead pulp blaoppa = forlorn hope, lost desire blaup = blaoop, interest, baloon, concern blaupa = blaoopa. find, fill out, get lost blac = blak, black blako = blakho, blakhol, blachol, blackhole, singularity bleu = blue bleer = bliar, bleeding heart, open love affair blackread = fate, other hand, lefthand, absent minded blad = blond, gold yellow bladmui = blond moment, stupid moment, uncontrollable moment blamer = place blame blanc = white, blanc, blankness, blanched blas = blast blasicx = ice blast, ice shatter bolt, blast of sound blei = bleeding, blessij, earth blessing from around the globe that can effect anywhere. The planet earth gives the blessing. It can give anyone on the planet a major blessing. Indelible excuse. bleij = ocean of woe, indelible bley = bris, black eye, bruise blida = bellinda, bad act, lack thereof, inept blidan = smart, good act, unlacking blimud = mudblood, mudsang blo-idonu = blast-ended newt block = city area, building area blok = guy, man blozard = blow hard, high wind blozed = blizzard, freezing ice storm bluberh = iceberg bluberg = diplomatic, cool disposition, diplomacy blum = bloom blump = bump on back of head blumros = blooming rose, invitation, openly invite blunderbor = blunderbore, giant legend blur = blur, camoflauge, mesh with background blus = blush, bluster bluta = blaster, laser gun blutas = blaster, blutaz blup = bloop, mistake blupa = bloopa, blooper, funny mistake blv = believe, be level, bullemic, education drinking water is not forbidden bne = benefit, beneficiary bnefu = bnefl, beneful, Beneficiary file, full of benefit, costly cure, costly effect bneft = wild benefit, bereft, a consequential benefit that makes you sometime have fits, bereft bno = negated gravity float, levitate bjala = room protection demon bpcutt = haircut, snip bphew = shortcut bqaruo = requirement brau = pre-existant, pre-existance brae = whole arm brac = bracer, hand protection, brace brag = horse shape-shifting goblin that leaves a rider in terror, very good story bralnwash = cruel intent branreparo = regenerate brain braven = revenge bravenokake = vengeful spirit, revenge spirit bravura = braveheart, courageous bre = bring, breaking force, dissolve, bring energy, breach bree = windy hill, breeze breh = breach brenyar = unseen power breqs = pre-requisite, pre-require, back order breqsp = pre-requirement, necessity before briou = ostricize brich = ostrich brita = clean water, filter, clean fill broasu = twin brother broobielyn = building staff, store staff brood = vampiric meet, moodyness broomet = staff meet brog = dialect bron = kitchen, useful bronsik = kitchen sink brossdet = toothbrush bsxw = base, residents serving others btn = button, shut(ter) btr = beater, better bwax = bw, bee wax bwuin = deck bwuinhoyl = card deck bwca = household spirit that does tasks when appreciated and destructive when some area is dealing or ignored not offended so se sease bzagh = beast bzns = business, dealership, (to) dealbacker or no reason by the right code C ca = could (cao) or (ca) can; caramel, calcium, cat, cae that uses energy or from some sort of thought source or kay ce = cell; communication device, charge, ranged phone, quietness, chair, with, together, thorough, cerium ci = shape, diameter, disaster co = willingness, cobolt, allowance cu = cup, copper, colon, goblet cy = drink, psiber, duty bound mediator starwoman, cypher or use caa = carve, can actively, cannot by feel cae = can explain cai = cain, cabin cao = decay; could, chaos cau = caution cay = decay or useful, use is something left over cea = cease, carat, combine, combined with, ^, power create, creature, living creation, career cee = seeya cei = ceiling ceo = head boss ceu = I failed you, failure cey = thorough halt cia = see you, intelligence; intelligence angency, cian: farewell or agent, sign (of peace) cie = spasm cii = see, sea cio = sight ciu = see ya ciy = eye to eye, honest, straightforward coa = cooperate coe = graduation; graduate, contemplate coi = coin, coinage coo = please; pleasure, coordinate, thought good cou = couple coy = play; coyote, playful, decietful, deciet, false nature cua = cougar; orange stripped large cat cue = proposal; propose, give idea cui = go away cuo = crumple; fall down cuu = together cuy = snuff; feel good nose drug no longer cya = tchau; good-bye, farewell cye = leave cyi = dry out cyo = see out, tought, this is taughten muscles and release then you get the result of the movement. cyu = scry, scryeable cyy = defy cab = public translocation, phase shift, transport ceb = brain; cerebellum or other area cib = bioelectrical cob = overspread oe web cub = cube, cubical cyb = neural network, cybernetic, sibling, pathway cac = hideous, hide bound cec = traditional, torture cic = wheel coc = grinded, coerce cuc = placed in "," meaning crucial cyc = pattern movement cad = cart, wheeled holder ced = cedar wood, cedar tree cid = mulled cod = code, cypher cud = could have cyd = experts to use caf = serve, ruin in hand or not allow the banging or creation, think to clean up cef = tell me cif = decoded cof = addictive, creation, stopped the ruin cuf = cuff cyf = sift is clearing the nose or no sniff cag = cage; trap, crag ceg = siege; baited, baited lure cig = tobacco; cigarette, cy, cn, seeing, intoxicating cog = gear; spiked wheel, made aware cug = cudgel; cougar cyg = signal; signet ring, cigar cah = soothing ceh = high whistle cih = semblance of form coh = other worker cuh = rank cyh = slotted caj = smirk cej = join the mainstream cij = sludge, pavement coj = worker, linu, work there cuj = quell. don't quell cyj = advice seeable area is use cak = cask, cake cek = running water, creek cik = dessert cok = drink cuk = cook, grill cyk = endorse cal = counted cel = container cil = gahering col = hardened, cold, tall cul = achieved, very nice, cool cyl = cycle caba = transit, bus cabe = can be cabi = shift cabo = offbeat cabu = movement caby = arrival cyba = sidewalk, data link cybe = cybernetics cybi = inner space cybo = outer space cybu = technician; serviceman, technical person, repairer and worker of machinery and computers otherwise. cyby = worker; body, work person cabl = cable, carrier wire cebl = large brain cibl = biochannel cobl = overdue, spread out cubl = prism cybl = cybernetic channel, long road calf = baby cow celf = trembleclef cilf = elf colf = golf culf = engulf cylf = sythe claf = clatter clef = trebleclef clif = cliff clof = cloven cluf = dove clyf = clipped cam = camel, view, camera, makable cem = cave, solidity carm, charm, work with cim = sense, premonition, prescience com = conclude, concluding, with, together, thorough, brush, comb cum = come to, accumulate, mate, bring back cym = clash, similar result can = couldn't; caon, fire, cannot, can't, cane, minded idea, leg support, can not as the subconscious created the thought cen = scene, active area cin = ash layer con = cone, pro, for an idea, with, together cun = cunning, coon, racoon, outwit, colon, menu, item list, : cyn = evasion, ascend cant = cantrip, spell, (I, this, that, it, he, she) can't cent = 100, hundred cint = made into cont = contintua (continues), continue(else), its allowable cunt = seat, a person from atlantis whom be neither dead or alive but immortal from cunt (aka mris, seat of atlantis that remains), The cunt have an evil disposition and opposite minded view thats similiar to hatia. This was noted for freuds idea for basis on therapy as in reverse minded and later on corrected for the thought. cynt = library, knowledge pool cama = camel, disposition cema = cement cima = moving picture coma = death sleep cuma = accumulation cyma = slow progress came = award, medallion ceme = segments cime = climatic, temperate come = beckon to, suggest to cume = well based cyme = good approach cami = shy away cemi = steamy cimi = curve comi = humorous cumi = fearless, prideful cymi = stymied; plasticlike, this is a point where your plastic like and able to not think right as you do things like drug abuse. camo = hide, blend in cemo = seal cimo = trust como = go away cumo = suggest cymo = symbol camu = camoflaug, camoflauge, hiding by blending cemu = remove seal cimu = stimy, cover up comu = come out from cover cumu = account for cymu = present situation camy = convention cemy = convene cimy = discussion comy = comedian, light heart cumy = comfort cymy = professional cap = cloak, over clothing cep = remember cip = castle cop = cope, cop, handler, adapt cup = chicken coop cyp = chicken caq = harsh cough, hacking cough ceq = find relief ciq = psyched out coq = herbal relief cuq = cause cold, chill cyq = complete recovery car = care (care or car in energy), careful cer = skill, skull cir = part, what cor = core cur = cour, curative, cure, run (a course), this is where the cure cures itself, it should mitigate itself to dissipate. cyr = restore, restoration, this is where you feel safe and social distancing stops happening. think to assist as soon as possible. carr = moving vehicle, car cerr = soothing cirr = circulation, cirrus cloud corr = relaxation curr = flexible cyrr = relaxative; substance that relaxes the body. cas = holding case, case, castrate ces = cease cis = laboratory cos = coaster, course, because cus = original work, cuss cys = assist; sis, research, immediate persistance, overfull, overflow reaction, piss anywhere cat = provision, cat cet = viable cit = speech cot = coat cut = very cute, cut; cease, silence, stop cyt = stop function cav = cavern, cave, covet cev = sever civ = civilization, civil cov = cover: 1. covering up, 2. interfere/nce (as interference or radio wave), 3. covey, spot or area; int'refere: 1. destructive influence thanks to Rob and example by P and Robert, 2. doubt. cuv = cave entrance cyv = tunnels caw = raucous cry cew = decay, crow, carrion eater ciw = death eater cow = cow cuw = chew it up cyw = bone, sinew cawa = cry out cawe = pleading cawi = angry voice cawo = outspoken, outcry cawu = rousing speach cawy = a cause cewa = a remark cewe = crow attack cewi = mental link cewo = soul carrier, sewer cewu = antithesis cewy = deliverance cax = caks, mental torture cex = ceks, seeks, mental rape cix = ciks, control from without cox = coks, cock, sexual exchange, coax, courier channel, make allowance, channel through cux = cuks, make crazy, derange cyx = cyks, psych, spook, trick mentally caz = chaos; cause, special, case, this is a counter effect made by death and decaying of the cells. That allows you to do things otherwise unknown. Special case, this is a cause (sometimes this causes chaos to occur) cez = difference, cease ciz = action coz = cousin, relative cuz = excuse, cousin, because cyz = failure, fail cha = charisma, charm, observe (that makes you able to know things), hold together che = tribe chi = life force, hi, high cho = select chu = hollowed, compared chy = enacting thought, chide, create usually creating productive idea chawm = chaos meat chewm = chewing hewn, chewing me, argue. chiwm = chium, sounds good enough, good enough to eat. chowm = chow mein, edible noodles chuwm = special ability chywm = chimes of death cla = declare, clay, clone, duplicate, close, shut, perfect copy cle = clay mold, business, club cli = climate, close, temperature zone, lean clo = closure, close, shut, closed clu = clue, close, clang, clue in, shut cly = cling clap = hand clap clep = clay bake, formed thought in a will that forms as things that exist can be used or hit back from what you do often seen as a hoof beat. clip = clip, terraform clop = wooden shoe meant to drive away demons clup = clup, insight clyp = residue power, static cling cra = pigment color, color, crave cre = crede, creed, cred, believe, belief cri = judgement, judge cro = motion, crow in flight cru = crew, crush, pressured hold cry = to cry, invent craz = craze, zealous need crez = attractive idea criz = be calm under pressure, crisus croz = fly like a bird cruz = cruise, motion to browse cryz = location of desire, crying about calt = religion celt = people cilt = goddes cienor, she is a deity of life, love and flowering relationships. colt = harnessed, wildness, gun, pistol, horse, quit harrassing, ends harrassment cult = culture, follower, magic gang, religious organization, culmination of knowledge cylt = odin, ecstecy, Cernunnos - God of the hunt, animals, fertility, warriors, nature, commerce, love, the underworld. Known as "the Horned God." Stags are sacred to him. calq = calculus, advanced math celq = hypnotic roof, calming effect cilq = guickly gather, quiet crowd colq = quickly cold culq = quickly cool cylq = quick cycle, quickly cycle camb = chicken soup, chicken broth cemb = foundation cimb = prescience comb = bee hive cumb = crumble, crumb cymb = cymbol, symbol camp = camp, outdoor rest cemp = warlord, purpose, variant cimp = simper, soothsayer comp = computer, compute, thalnym, sfy, sphyr, recner, recna, cray, pc, rechner, mathmatical analysis machine built from crystals, circuitry, machine parts, bio circuit and dedicated to think with math like programming. cump = come up with, plan out cymp = symbol player canq = cancerous sore cenq = sink in cinq = five conq = conquer cunq = determination cynq = sink conva = convent, convention, meeting in area, united meeting conve = conventia, convene convi = convince, convict, crippling convo = converse, conversae, conversation convu = convulsion, convulse (often effects someone in family like the father) convy = convey, to speak, to take due action, speech, (to) talk, to move by placement, its already so, its so to do so to convict or convince capa = capable, potential cepa = picture, cheaper, depiction, grass mat, carpet cipa = safe, secure copa = insecure, unseemly cupa = culpable, suggestable cypa = suggested warning cape = point of, tip cepe = seeping, leak cipe = reinstatement of, place in again cope = adaption to situation cupe = mark for cype = tracing capi = head, state capitol cepi = form cipi = ruling, rule, governance copi = land, copout cupi = corrupt, benign interference cypi = leakage capo = keeper, house keeper cepo = sea, snake cipo = wisdom copo = burrow, home cupo = sanity, cripple cypo = saintly, favored capu = paint, change cepu = frame cipu = capture copu = self-adjust cupu = illuminate cypu = greater understanding capy = capitan, captain cepy = election cipy = insipid copy = duplication cupy = cheat, desire cypy = remove tongue capt = captive, caption, lettering cept = reasons, excuse cipt = insightful copt = twirling cupt = recuperate strength cypt = reciever capl = capable cepl = keepable cipl = fortess, long term copl = tenderness, tender cupl = couple cypl = disciple, follower carr = car, carriage cerr = advance cirr = cloud corr = correct curr = curative cyrr = recharge corta = curta, caretake, take care corte = curte, cartel, criminal organization corti = curti, cortin, session, moment corto = curto, dismissal, finish cortu = curtu, care to, also care corty = curty, mate, courting casm = criticism cesm = cease moment cism = size up cosm = universe/universal cusm = excuses cysm = crack, cave in casp = ghost, ghostly, victim cesp = incest, see thought, halt cisp = display, crisp, expert cosp = cope, coping, teacher, director cusp = circling finger and thumb together, relation, custom artist cysp = personal disaster, over ensue, remove, removal, researcher catt = cattle cett = kettle citt = sit cott = cottage, cot cutt = cut cytt = ambivalence cava = sensing, new feeling ceva = ship, craft civa = demon; chip, pet peeve, something off or wrong, this is where a demon is a pet peeve or something wrong. cova = conversion, turn against evil cuva = covert, secretive cyva = time out cave = collapse ceve = sieve, blood flow cut off strip cive = side with cove = dock area for ships, docking bay, small beach, discreet destruction, self-destruct, secret area cuve = heal, curviture cyve = cut off flow cavi = assail, assault, cavity, cave-in, sell cevi = identifying mark civi = civil, humane covi = covering cuvi = change from within, conveyance, self adapt cyvi = to notice change cavo = hole, bad cevo = recieve gift civo = civilization covo = convulsion cuvo = decapitation cyvo = bleeding to death cavu = bring back, unkill cevu = undeath, vampirism civu = reasoning of covu = seance, spirit command cuvu = soon to be, vindictive cyvu = supernatural, super, super ability cavy = reunion, raising cevy = catalyst civy = send energy thought covy = pulled to life cuvy = flashback moment cyvy = civvy, risen craa = lock jaw, jar crea = cream cria = critical, crucial croa = croak crua = active duty crya = holding crae = desire cree = devotion, creed crie = action croe = feeling crue = cruelty, cruel intent crye = cry out, wail crai = curious crei = propaganda crii = notice croi = watch crui = cruise cryi = cry crao = deselect creo = religion, create, creation, to call out, to bring out crio = cold storage croo = distract cruo = other interest, other cryo = optional, instant freeze crau = crowd, gripe creu = swept forward criu = preen, consideration crou = crouch, paused cruu = cruelty, vicious cryu = emotional release, cringe cray = computer, crayfish, inmeshment crey = parts, objects of computer criy = career corruption croy = repair, the birds that will respond by energy as if from the movie cruy = upgrade, replacement cryy = working state inman crah = crash; sleep or fall down creh = event, happenstance crih = critical, the cratel as the crater is near the area and you can use the fire from the area exposed to get and create things with as hell fire from mris croh = rise cruh = mechanized, power blow cryh = power source, energy leak or miss and be true beaten as here's the point, league (as if 100 leagues under the sea) cram = cramming, study cram, mention rememberance and actual mention by use crem = creme, cream, crispy cream crim = crime, made this as a thought, crying crom = chrome, a thought in power and energy (from cromwell the king) crum = spoiled, crumble crym = period, true crime or passive paranoia cras = weakness, computer, procrastinating by craving cres = crease, cripple or cres is lessened by increase, I am energy aware by now. cris = power turn on, disaster, crises or this is a weapon that brings cries of some emotional fits and otherwise that does nothing cros = cross, cryos, crossbeam (from elvert the avatar) crus = observer, crust or mantle crys = broken hold, crystal, cryogenics crat = crater, impact, magnetic pulse by cradle of fire with magnetic field cret = villionous, create by will and make by mention crit = meteor, critical, critical area or loose wire crot = huge hole, arctic hole, art class crut = very important, crdudity, creditability and nudity in a flash run in act cryt = detailed, vanishing, crying fire (as from hell) crass = crass, harshness, harrassment cress = alleviate, crest, shifting point criss = contaminate, creative use cross = come across, cross, some gravity with a symbolic idea that you think use and activity and the auratic response is to work as though natural (villain creative) emotional or muscle and anger ability is supernatural cruss = crust, crusty, creature from what you think can form as you imaginitive or don't think about it as if or not frees you from the idea cryss = slow developement is with ignorance to the time perspective, in en, slowly develope (till resisting), developing, creep, as a trick there is your thought here leads to nothing cyra = freeze, slow to non or no movement cyre = frozen cyro = ice, endless snatches ended by thinking cyri = cold, stolen cyru = catch; catch attention, call attention to things, cyru pronounced I-ee-rue: cagruu, congregate; town hall meeting, gather together cyry = hold in, wait around cattl = cattle cettl = kettle, settle cittl = cat litter cottl = cottlefish, pamper cuttl = cuttlery, cuttle fish cyttl = coldheart, recital, uncaring cuza = becausa, accusation cuze = because, to self-explain, self-explanatory cuzi = becausin, lying, white lie cuzo = becauso, excuse me cuzu = becausu, explain cuzy = becausy, excuse chac = chase chec = check chic = strengthen life choc = choking death, strangle chuc = throw to, chuck meat, test chyc = act on, woman, chick chacc = radiance pool, trace, tracer checc = credit check, checkout, sealevel, checkmark chicc = energy focus chocc = strangle, bottleneck chucc = throw overboard, chuck roast, rush, pride, probe chycc = active duty, reaction, active, seer chack = kill trace, follow, evasion check = verify, checkup, snip chick = lady, allowance, allow, let, chicken, weaken chock = load, stranglation, mangle chuck = cook meat, roast meat, affirmative, affirm, unburnt, destructive chyck = survival, survive, passable, cute, unstable, conspirator chak = lose attention, remove charm chek = cheek chik = kill life chok = targeted kill chuk = contemplate chyk = assasination chaks = realization cheks = checkup chiks = comely woman choks = chop off, delimb chuks = cut off chyks = whole face, facial chakk = gain attention, restore charm chekk = cut cheek chikk = assassinate, rejuvenate, revitalize, resurrect, terminate, restore life chokk = cancel target, permission grant, roger chukk = murderous, contemplation, termination chykk = permission, victim, murder weapon chan = chain chen = war nation chin = china, not life, unhospitable, inhabitant chon = destined chun = national review chyn = international chap = person chep = cheap chip = soul, chi or han (life force) of person or thing chop = a chop chup = shot upward chyp = chip char = chair, character cher = advancement, death with no regard chir = transcend, shift to chor = chore chur = churn chyr = enact thought, act chat = talk, family time chet = cheat, swindle chit = credit, money value chot = stiffen chut = chute, long tube chyt = coinage, dollar, pound note, $ chatt = idle talk chett = swindler, cheater chitt = credit, coinage, bank note, dollar chott = cadaver, dead body chutt = escape pod, carry device chytt = value, valuable chaw = construct, child chew = bubaloo, gum, chewy, chewing tobbaco, chewing weed chiw = child abuse chow = food, goodbye, bye chuw = chubby chyw = double life chras = craft chres = weaver, demonstrator, dims, dimensionalist chris = consistent, name yourself as a description will exist as you, vigilante, erasure, thief, consistency, subsidy, hermaphrodite chros = dissappear, dissappearance, creationalist as chronos chrus = dissapointment, crucify, creative chrys = trademark, brain ease, brainezen chrast = krast, long focus, procrastinate, procrastination, hold some, hold off, a shield that holds off energy for a long focus chrest = krest, tooth paste, undescribable christ = krist of march favors, disruption, reprove it, thief that, steal that, baptism, rebirth, renewal, awakening ritual, huge depression in the teeth or the earth that is caused in malign being formation from wrong action as malaise and no malaise if corrected for or nor condition as if it wasn't and not as the idea in the theology is a self-fulfilled savior part and is to fill things you missed in life as it is in and use is fulfilled sometimes madness. chrost = krost, (the, this, that) dissappearance, its dissapeared as the thought creates what you want by the self-fulfilled prophecy none or livable moment chrust = krust, crucial, urgent, pie crust, description in life by the one who kiulls as pressure is in the person that can mention it and enlive chryst = kryst, saviour, hero, heroine, reborn king that is a lich control and use is a point that belief is the creator that controls the lich as no it is really that clat = clatter clet = clrn, clart, clarion, trumpet clit = cut up clot = blood clot clut = redo, repeat clyt = nipple, clit or clit not me and not in matter as thought is what you tinker with wildness state negative and in mind by being in body or things in, as this use is moments in life demental as life can get this will exist calm and peace or what you wish as will exist until expired and nothing more is nothing less as the expiration date is noting more creates more by what choices you do in life. clatz = clutter cletz = insanity clitz = nipple pierce clotz = clothes clutz = clumsy, clumsiness clytz = control body cma = may see, you see, seem, saltwater lake cme = see me, look at me cmi = interrogate me, curiousity, cement, see interest cmo = see more, spraypaint, saw more, cemoy cmu = see much, seen much, saw much cmy = see myself, saw myself, cemay csa = disquiet cse = disbelief csi = investigate, humane cso = crystal user, computer user csu = space ship csy = sight of psi, psychic sight c^esky = czech, sieze and eat away, gem eat away coooy = corolory, true sleep, A form of energy that you send energy into and you go sleep, from its effect on you. c-bnym = remote computing, remote control c-co = alien, mystery caik = chalk, archaic cead = seed, death effect ceuoalo = cow hampster duck kitty creature with cow size hampster forepaw legs cat feet backlegs cow torso, duck billed head and fluffy tail ceyo = caceyo, concealed; hidden (idea or weapon) coolsbrow = coolness; cool forehead, cool down copai = compassion; company, complain compai = heed; allow, working with caclee = conclusion, endless thought, thought thats summarized, make non-crazy cadyi = condiment; thing, enhancer, this is ketchup or something used that is an enhancer to an edible. catet = counteract; null, void out, silence, counteractive cotu = carbon dioxide, coat tail caem = to study, distern(to the side) caofly = camouflage, hiding effect caucamo = caution, suspician caut = caught, caution ciamar = how, ciamar a tha thu, how are you? ciol = cool cuandillar = heart stone, unbreakable stone that leads the way out, this stone can give conscious awareness by insight or created idea that you happen to find. this stone is found by thinking the stone you have is right and you then know what it knows by consciousness sharing. If you don't then nothing happens with the rock. cuic = policy cuit = palette, color holder cyas = slow farewell cabana = capone, gangster, heavenly, mobster cabokons = cabochons, moonstone cani = copknock; certain style of knock casa = castle, caste active, caste activity, case active, shadow, home, house cata = carton; whole box full, otherwise this is cater, you give and get something or sell your services. coblynau = guidance mine fairy cobs = cobweb, cobblestone cono = copknock; certain style of knock and this is denoted from a cop. cuby = cowboy, male cow herder, cowby cugul = cowgirl, female cow herder caco = cacofiend, round eat anything floating ball demon cace = concept, idea, cacodemon from doom cacitraen = concentration, mental clarity sphere cycat = concert camwa = came away capon = gang, work gang, union capone = compulse, compulsive, retribution caput = chapter; catapult, this is a chapter on the point you put something forward. catny = cuntnic, countenance, allow for (it), countenanced; (catnyn or catnyo), allowed for or countered by what's in thought. cepiw = wax figure, wax form coch = club; billy club coqu = shell cabal = self organized organization, mafia, mob cabikou = physical shift cacao = cocoa cacaomix = cocoa mix cacaomixsalece = hot cocoa cecrops = serpent tailed human was the first athen king castilic = constipelance, induced body action that makes it ache castilnc = constipelence, cast ink, over compulsive eating, compulsion ceba = celebrity, activity; more active, this is a more active cerebellum that you focus and you create with by feel. If you create with the brain, then you send focused energy waves from the brain, that energy wise with what energy is there creates what result you need. This means in liquids carbonation or flavoring and in a solid form some change that is decided upon per amygdala use. cebaa = brainstem; brain stem activity, this is more activity during cerebellum and brain stem moments that you focus on a thought and create the idea. cucot = circuit cucotcort = circuit court caday = cadderly, fatherly cadet = a cadet, training soldier, soldier in arms cadoit = done adroitly cadsuane = persuader, persuasive caffilet = server cahay = concert music cajy = cagey, practical, mentally acute cazy = crazy cazzy = spastic, chaotic behavior celaeno = storm-dark cis = cise, size/d up, precise, scan coin = cologne; smell good oil or scent for men. couom = collegium, to gather together codareactor = radiative power generation codd = coddfish, slithery, pervert, conman, manipulation coja = cojack, retrieval, sorte, capable team Cotr = coutr, Counter cokkai = shit Cotex = turn off, Cast this spell to turn off something, to shut something down or to cut off someone. cameleopard = camel leopard the size of a camel but the skin of a leopard with 2 large curving horns camp = campground, camp trip cemore = purity, metre comuf = beat into a coma, fuck up, beat down comne = come near comtinua = get on with it, come to think conechwa = connechewa, hello cony = corny; overused canon = cannon; propelled forward, information canola = canola oil, sunflower oil caniv = cunning carn = flub a meat, flesh carny = festival, faire, fest carat = combine, combination with, ^ concious = [conk-high-ous] sharp conscious blow Cortex = remembrance, Cast this on a target to make said target remember and do as necessary. curt = cortes, courtesy cortez = explorer, massacrest, destroyer casey = pleasant, stamina ceilidh = (kelly), kelly, musical meet, ball, dance cerburus = go to jail, significant ciao = hi, bye, cease things comfortably, cease disillusionment, goodbye, negated ciaon = dismissal cirim = impart, impartial corona = alcoholic drink curvacea = curvy, beautiful coniv = connive cannon = taught discipline, basic belief, weapon canta = caste, secretive, born rank, can't tell cantal = can't trace, secretive group continua = continuation, continue on conceve = ever after, after contr = not, against ciel = ceiling, roomtop ceuetiet = ashes to ashes dust to dust cium = mineral coif = slap, gathering place cuatn = cuate, consumption cuatenh = caution cuick = circumference cut, circle cut, circular cut, pipe cut caeykes = underlay caseykes = relay, steady progress, endorphin catharsis = living hell, cat with elephant feet catro = control, to interrogate catropafu = control perfume citro = lemon citroesserb = lemon essence, lemon essential oil carol = watchful carolyn = truth, trust carlos = in-step, in-step about, in;mem ciryea = partial agreement, soso cereb = cerebrum cerebo = snake head dog head human dog on all fours that has paralyzing stare cerebus = forebrain cerebrum = brain focus, brainal channel cerlos = murder loss, searing loss, about loss, serial loss cora = coral carb = carbohydrate, starch energy ciuo carba = self erase or itemic indraw carbonation carba = carbonate, carbonation cerberus = 3 headed dog corrant = maya, power, hate me corrunt = coruption curdop = antidote cyrrauto = automatic recharge calam = fire, calamity cale = challenge calygreyhound = antelope body eagle claw forlegs ox hoove hind leg caspa = casper, ghost, ether cigryhond = calygrayhound coge = cougar cogsaet = saber tooth cougar colaa = innate ice mastery, cold resistace pass-thru colo = mountain, mountainy, color, part with low culio = cool down, quick cool culd = could, will have culdn = couldn't, will have not cometh = comes of, come to comke = call key, desirous key, come unlock compaoost = complacency, compulsion compet = compete, competing complet = suit, complete compleat = complete, perfect cnotaf = cenotaph, cemetary, grave site conchas = conscious congel = celluloid, congeal, fat collection congrat = celebration, congratulation contessa = queen, duchess conqestador = conquest cepltia = carpel tundrel copicilf = land elf copte = helicopter, copter, computation, machine coppa = copper, cop copp = cop, police, soldier cops = corpse copsehhed = exploding corpse corors = corrosion corc = coerce cors = course corat = corruption, corrupt curschizm = schitzophrenia cure cust = combust, catch fire cutu = cute you, kutu or cowtow; serving, this is serving the point by idea. cavuasmuth = bad weather covorto = convortion cuvilusu = self-renewal cuvulusu = can't compete cevyey = cataract cupicorrant = corruption cupla = couple of, handcuff cupjo = coffee, coffeecup catarak = spider cat that has eight legs and the body of a cat and it eats dead meat and abilities of both catuar = warcat, demon cat ceoch = cochran, giant hibitional roach, cockroach run/ran, particle roach cuttbeh = backstab cuttnibeh = hamstring, cut behind knee curs = snake, curse, twist of fate cuqyxemo = chilling armor, ice attack ranged assault armor cycl = cycle cyclo = cyclic, circling movement cyclon = tornado cyclonc = sea tornado, hurricane cyclops = one eye storm giant cyl = call; predict, focus and put your voiced idea out. connigets = booger, snot, nose snot cynut = sign of, connect, connectivity cynutsnap = disconnect, disconnection cynutt = connection cynnut = nothing, cancellation, cancel cynnutt = powerloss, powerless, powerlessness corrigan = fey druidess able to steal children corrigen = fey druid able to get anyone pregnant cyroeraeth = banshee like spirit woman who gives death warning by a water splash near a crossroads, near a river cystu = cystic, large growth, mature cytro = control cyvuelmer = superglue cyvutn = conviction, group purpose determination cyzun = unfailing cyan = light yellow cilfc = sea elf cbarr = crystal arrow cboracl = crystal prophet, crystal being prophet cdarlit = starlight cdajcraft = stagecraft, siegecraft cdcorrant = cdmit, powerstorm, lightning storm cdcorrantt = cdmitt, c'de'mitt, powerstormer cigue = nice (deity); cingular, musical genious, musical standard or doing things on purpose (like a cigar) ckin = choke, without air clair = light clairauro = glowlight, flashlight, glowlamp claire = glow, inner beauty clarity = removes and protects from mental afflictions clairs = lightweight claus = escape clause = evasion, invadive by avoidance, as intolerance in insiduance is avoided issue from where it came from inside. clar = declare, otherwise this is claire; clear, clear and pure energy clarie = declare, overreact clary = declare, overreact clasy = classification, chase/ing cle = clair, enchant break, light, clench cler = clear clerup = clear up clink = jail cloaks = disguise, invisible clan = family structure civilization, crockus clans = many clans claw = claw, curved rigidness clawunt = clawhammer clea = clever, cleaver, momentary insight action, insightful, multiple persona caused with spirits cliu = cling, clenu, cleanup; this is where you clean up the act and you clean the area, think and you know what to do. clic = sealance, obscure, crack cocaine by herbs cliflep = cliffleapr lizard, lizard store clin = recline; myself, decline, incline or acceptance point. clo-ey = empowerment; glow eye, sleep, shut eye closea = close up, slothe, seal, stolen clotin = clotting; clothing, bunch up clyntel = clientel, client clb = club; close, closure, close out, no obsenity that makes closure, club to death or think to create and do in life cmor = further on cn = ca, can, release by muscle relaxed tension release relief for use cnan = carnation, destruction by effort and depression there by the use with food, flower in ability from ability use cnat = can't, candidate in race selection in life cno = 100 $ bill, who you are, as ino is a creative idea in personal use as tendency dismissed is gone and done as innoculation is preventing diseases as a thought is energy cancelling out the fight in the disease. chair = flesh, flesh eater disease set by spell chaff = metallic attractor in whom you think opposite in attraction that forms as energy in form chapt = chapitr, chapter, chapped lip, no inveigling chares = peace, peaceful, cherries charles = independent, cno, as no form chart = a chart, graphing, charting charta = cheta, keta, charter, rules list, ruleset, organization rules chast = chaste, foresworn from che = car, vehicle transport chehtah = human cheetah cat that can shapeshift into any form between human to cheetah chernobyl = grand scale accident chernobil = another incident, another time that created by energy disaster on awareness chiklet = gum, chicklet, chick list, for anything opposite or opposing be to get your name listed and energy from attack and anything on the list be despised. chink = money, corner is a store that isn't there chile = wressage, message, paper that isn't evil, wrestle to the ground (wrestling warrior) chiles = atlantean messenger pets chili = chilli pepper chilli = chilli champ = champion, champ chlor = chloride christopher = cruel nature, traveller in disguise christmas = chretmi, rebirth mass, rebirth congreagation, rebirth ritual chroma = shining surface, chrome, creative use to make moonshine chron = (greek), time, reusable concern by time chrono = related time, watch, time record, time record, relative event, relational event watch indicator index chronom = chraom, chramea, kraomea, chronometer, my time measure, time meter that makes transitional events that effect in some space by focus cmasy = cmoisant, seem famous, movie star, whimsy crazy cmoida = reptile behavior, avoid Ctn = center in on, no communication, contain, certain control by work craoa = crayon, creative mark/ing by spiritual crave boost craycod = computer code, crayish codfish, spictered codfish in ampisphere in which the goblins can use to shear things with cran = cranium, crane, cranberry, lift goods to create event by thief use in money energy crazies = create ability, creature love, craziness, make effect without realizing it to progress with illogical thought. Make ability in life but not in the head. creacod = creator's code, as its with any of those to get creative to create with freedom and the moment by thought cod or fish in view or thought in concept that is a possibility in banned life. creevy = creevey, obsessive, creep along sped up by thought to move, creatve creasn = cresn, illegitimate use, illegal, crescent role creol = hotness; hot spice creh = occurrence, credence, creative use that can if with negative create what you think as a fit person that if looked at is a creative person in life. crep = crisp, crispy creep weight, cripple, this is a weight that creep up by various means, think to control how you eat and that is eating less you create weight loss instead. cretin = creature, ego fit cretyel = creative fit, create wild hell or element out from a person, creative hell, to do something banned as wrong something right and if you do it right its allowed and then you create your hell to teach yourself a lesson. Your subconscious or conscious mind usually doesn't tell you its a hell as it 'forgets' about it. So your stuck in it till you realize it and your punishment is over. Sometimes you have to want to be free of it by actions before the punishment becomes a non punishment. As to be stat and your set free by free actions that is free in life. Think and a good example of this is gambling hell, where you act to be the assistant to your wealth as you own a means of wealth. Only in some unlucky moment to lose it all and this is a foes try try again. Except for addiction, it will be like your own hell and you could stop as unrecognized. criesef = automatic created habit by the creator, hit out criolok = cryogenic storage, cold storage locker that war or not as their will is what they will criolokmet = meat locker, blue energy that creates cold storage cresfix = hit, criosphinx, ram headed lion, crestfallen eagle prince crib = house, cradle, cradle of thieves that are crip crispix = incrispe, cooking fat, fat (cooking), cooking oil that created by will that creates healing crisps = chips that are ahoy in what you think as an advertisement and yet is a navy ship that creates activity by blueberry critiq = cryiq, critique, review, overview by thought in view of evidence distracted not by you crahgau = crashguard, crash in guard and make as useful crook = criminal, niche in criminal genetics crocotta = wolf dog size of a bull that is this as human dog or a monster dog crocottahu = human wolf dog that be extremely strong and stands in on two legs with no thought until necessary in created ceremonyto make a were and nothing energy makes a point thats with thin grey wolf hair covering body and a wolf tail by no protection croft = seeker, treasure hunter treasure seeker crok = butter, butter lover incedence, emotional control crud = crowd, crowley idea that created nightime use magic used by novelists cruk = crook, crook by thought good by the way you live croix = buttox area, butt crack that seeming is in thought but only after image even if unusual image crono = time wave by focus to reveal what is cronoli = timeline in life that created thought from observance crucry = critical event, momentous event in no thought to create what is a teacher crash down cruno = class, classroom, crunch down and miss some part as your miss and little is your hubby unless not liked then dismiss crunu = negative event that is event and nothing but the event that ends as nothing is death crusie = cruise, travel is in place or device is use crysair = crystal aero, crystal air, create crystal in form from air or other substance. crysauro = light crystal that creates light body as your use fs focus by crystal crypt = cryptology, encryption, decryption as translation is by inflection or no deflection in life crystri = critical strike to head on purpose exposed cryt = craft, crypt keeper in no thought cryv = charged bolt, core shock ground travel electrical burst that causes gravity quake cryekideth = banshee, banned by life and used is purpose for life crysalis = crystal creation by thought in will created by thought as energy csst = ceasant, cessant, ceasing action by thought in action cji = creative use is no abuse, synergy, this is is tea energy energization as concentrated orange juice and thoughtjuice energy interred by thought, compressed interring junction black hole as a point blank blast is compressed and impressed into itself that the building is energy pulling into it itself and the place bursts into flame as an interchanging subatomic [point] to create and cleanse by fire of something wrong done. There is a point by the place that starts temporally the idea, this is the atleantian pyramid of power that healing is done and cause is the building. That as the temple makes the healing effect or in not and that in ends as you thought, assume as though a holy hand grenade that goes off in a tossed area is a singularity grenade. This collapses the building if not burned up by magic in life, to cleanse the area and created is this as another idea is energy release of a atom use as invigoration is from the juice. czar = subtle down star, russian king czar idea czarlit = starlight, starlight that creates disaster those invoked except by girl czeur = roman, roman king, emperor, high king of the undermountain considered the mountain king czor = shake, european, russia, russian or other europe nation person D da = figure; ya, the, day, sun, light, that, oh god!, death act action de = of; hold, death and decay energy, (h, in front of vowel) for not or never, ihe, the, deal, away from, opposite, emphasis on, gone in life aware in another. Otherwise death; dead feeling and death thereof by the method of thaumaturgical breathing, trauma inducing by thinking of the feel. Otherwise thanatoic trance, that uses induced breathing to create a death like state and you feel like your dead unless you actually are undead. Then you know everything and things are what they are by what is done. This serves as an early release from the world to the normal world, that is outside the aura world and you are free to do what you need to do by what you want when you free yourself by the point of death. That release frees you from the point that you don't want to live through, so all you need to do is think yourself onto another exoplanet and you are there after thinking yourself going above the cloud tops that you imagine there in the atmosphere and recieving the cure to your condition. This is what you can do instead of constantly being reborn on the same world. If you think then you don't and you can find yourself reincarnated again and again until you think to see another planet, that is done on the same planet until your soul dries up by the energy being used up that it has stored. So think about that and you might free yourself as to seem with life before its too late. do = deadness; die other, money forms what you think, does, do, $, objective in a wave of chaos that detriments another to form donkey or assert me di = dog; eat, consume in nothing begin as you want and the ending is as you fear as you do nothing in the moment life is existing, did, this is like a dog did it. du = dumbness; pay, down, dash, shake, duh, due, dumb, do, doo, feces, poo, eat shit or nothing done as you destroy nothing to create something dy = dispose; make talk, done, dysposium is dysfunctional activity or illusion revealed to create a interesting idea, die away and do away but the body is gone and done in life in life thought about as do or not on a family basis as nightshade is so is stricknening and deadening it can cripple the creature on hands. daa = father; not fated to action, in action as day set by crystalline matrix in life there is no life as in the morning until day is there answer in thought to create in thought as though in thought telepathy is "lealing" or leading in a line or shorting out something light dea = enforcement; (of despair), death ward but no site as sight of the area after disappears, drunkin dunkin dia = lens; measure of diameter that uses sunlighter in a point to created view doa = donate; this is what it means to give money and contribute. Otherwise this is a dare by what you do. That means a dare in mind to create a thought and nothing makes sense in nothing is done right. dua = work; dual in light as life in life or nor you not imprisioned is life dya = manifest; manifestation, beget result, any idea in life that is exposed creates as created with thought actions make an idea, in fox trot person, this is a point capable of creating idea to use, do as you want things. dae = day; day in created view, that is virtual reality by energy and what is shown create in eptitude or inept moods dee = lost; codge, deed in life gone, deis, a god, goddess die = roll; dogs, defeat; dying, fate cast, dice in life by lice in hair where the moment is defeated. doe = person; female deer that has created matte hair, dollar/s, $ due = rent; due date that is a thought friendly basis dye = tier; tie die, just left and dealing with others as necessary dai = kill; daiquirri thats often alcoholic dei = deity; die off what is not lied about, deity, a matric god, matrix god dii = dibs; down in life as mothman and up in life as creative use doi = disturb; disturbed but no real musing musement dui = destroy; drive back as now dyi = dying; unclear mind that is clear afteraffect as result thought is ever in clear true to life dao = detect; mantra that clears the mind, detection; A being type the prospers in light, they are balanced and devote themselves to positive actions. Yet, when forced to, this they lie about if inopposite and stay away as you stay with the idea. deo = bo; beo, body odor, done with as a person is dealt with or alive as a stale bread crumb dio = diode; in aptitude by energy thought doo = copy; dough matched, doable in action and not in nothing, matching duo = paired; matched partnership that works with both partners, if negatively used its dego, disregard, otherwise a moment of disregard that led to a point or high speed chase. dyo = couple; paired in obstinacy and out of life is nothing as concept dau = taunt; dare, daycare in life as meat is done with deu = duel; duelling, duel in life diu = gravitation; inopposable pull, indirect action by interaction with dark energy and dark matter dou = stupor; pull down, decoy in downing drink and any drink causes a down to the ground point duu = succumb; indecisive, decision, otherwise this is indecisiveness that leads to disrepect dyu = decease; deceit, beaten to death and dealt with in life, not once said will happen here day = ray; in a day, sun energy that is a sunny day sunny wrath perspective dey = despite; dazed, warmth in daze life diy = plan; next day, daily moments in life to create life by energy doy = food; draw people and beasts, bring to childhood, childhood memories by what your thought creates duy = daybreak, work at thought seem at night dyy = disease; illness, affects for/from the future, brighter future moments that is by the warfare or nothing war dra = drag; bother, dray, draw, drab, I can measure these points of idea or moments as a drawback happens otherwise this a point thats dragging. dre = dread; nightmare as don't mind the broken things dri = ten; ten parts or dead parts but alive or in action by things you thought dro = droves; drop, drove away as off you go dru = drew; drug off in life dry = drought; very dry in held hands in diablo dab = dabble; spare time is the right time or not lifetime wise as is in life or no lifetime deb = pointer; point out, arguement by fact alone but no argument dib = paid; ceaseless, end in end and it just goes on dob = loiter; loaf around, wait around dub = recording; record in time and you can dispell in only one point that you think about dyb = dismissal; dismiss in thought and you know the moment is to stop dac = drake; death by ac voltage, succumb and know what things mean, a drake can be formed in many different ways. this is just one of them. dec = decease; decrease, ten, battery, danc, dance in life as a thought is energy dic = author; authority, diction, dictatorial in view but not in life doc = info, informative writing in life exists and not as nothing happens, information duc = flexible; lead foot on the right foot and right foot later on what is dyc = softening; by feel and use is console in consolance dad = father; in-law that is view and nothing more ded = dead; dillusion, diseased death, in-life as life is inexisted or not as appearant did = died; don't, doesn't, didn't, this is like in life you didn't know alot except by intuition with the soul. That is also where you get an idea that makes sense and die by what is done. What the great leaders do by feel. dod = stoned; stonehard dead, as if a stone dragon that use is called by higher creator people dud = music; deadly in life moment that is survived and heard in life, you say every last thought dyd = null; killed off, killed as not the right one daf = daft; off kilter by note as you are playing right on the note, as you shift to change you shift def = defending; sleight of hand, shield, defense in hand action dif = hetero; different, measure difference, mixed in life made in purpose dof = drunk; drink up, don't steal as you do or you die off a race duf = misunderstanding; misunderstand is not to understand a single word not to note right and yet you understand anyway dyf = idiot; provoke fight and the play I ever did in indicative action by feel in life as imagination comes into play by the suffix dag = Dong; jock, dick or investigator, point, homosexuality by what is isn't as indicative feel, a little hobbit that looks like a dragon and acts like a dagger pointed deg = degree; number in digits is in entropy by thought and not yet done dig = dodge; customer, move into, site in and site out dog = dependable; disposable, dog in and human out not as usual dug = digest; dig into life by moment airy life dyg = forseeable; forsight, see thought in thought by a concept life plays it all dah = point; that thing, doh as a doh boy moment deh = like; unusual, the idea in life dih = notation; dreaded thought is not notive here and seen there orchestra doh = mistaken; my mistake, many misuses duh = exageration; stupid but average dyh = guilt; feel guilty but not dysfunctional in life as not done is inadvisable moment as the death of hides created by demeaning moments is what restores things daj = dagger; impale in life by mention not mentioned in advisable motion by hand dej = concert; broadcast music by what you don't want in life or not dij = drunk; drunkard, dive to ground and you will be mad dunked by water and dived in time doj = dojo; learning compound in life created in created view duj = illusionous; aura vision, false vision in life planted by illusionous actions dyj = dejection; dejected in view given by life renen as renewal in purpose is done in life dak = header; leader in the 6th dimensional view as a vine is called in the garden of life your life exists that entangles your real life focus dek = ship; dock in life by what you view life dik = dike; be dyke, dick, private investigator (pi), life in moments is what you think as your in thought as you pretend as pretension drops away and act stupid dok = doctor, drive to me pepper duk = pronounced duke, dutch; duke, This is doing things on your own. Then if you want to pay kill to killer, that means what you see in life from where you see the area is the kill or a form is outlined in the area by a chalk outline with indications through idea otherwise this is a pain killer. dyk = madness; dike, dean as not sensed is nor ignored and not unthought is your point, area of a hole dal = dale; dutchy, inhabited valley that is an imatation by the 6th to show what is by death or broken things del = deal; of the lifetime or not the lifetime in life by what you sense dil = soap; in water, dial in life dol = condole; dollar, hands out and thought in momentary activity, don't use momentary action dul = daily; duly, daily use, untiring, lead in foot as something a play is overlarge or underlarge by feel. dyl = dilution; dilute in no poison as a dial is made or not made as life as a the life moments are dilation and normal action in use dam = lady; bitch, high priestess, damnation by what is thought or not as thought happens dem = quality; inspect by inspection is inspective by use aborted and done elsewhere dom = shield; shell, stupid, dominate, container in lidded view that never chases and never changes and yet position creates nothing dim = darken; darkman, dime, dim or not dim lights flight away and flicker else dum = dumb; doom is a thought and thought is not no and not done meaning yes dym = dimmer; make dim, cloaking concept as you think fox is a form and your use is this is not vicious in as in inadvisable in idea unless necessary in life that thought isn't done thought exists. dan = soldiering; dane, danish soldier, than more or less death dealt by three handed blows den = area; place of living, habitat, then, never(not a), dead in life or nothing matters din = great; huge, eat, didn't, did nothing, thin in life is in love by that and thinking makes matters invisible to the eye to seem disappeared and violence done isn't don = donate; do in, doing (donan or dony), yes (a doing point or donan), make allowance (for), condone, done, don't, king, place on, doin, doing in life is nothing but the point you think dun = don't; don't understand, didn't (understand), ordinance, shit, dung all over dyn = math; (calculus) function, dynamic in life concept dap = enjoyment; pleasure in cruise dip = felt; burn in thought and make true in desire dep = emotion; feelings, depending on the issues idea is an concept issue that use is dependancy that is efficiecy use as an aftereffect of feel: meant consolation during the misfortune and rescue from danger with dangersense as this shows as thought is there. dop = dopamine; (bayer) aspirin, pain killer, drug in and not out as experimental can if chaotic use create body ailment dup = concoct; concoction, contigency, (to) make up, feel and need, suggest, trick or create by the subconscious, this uses suggestion and creating what you say if you intend to create the thought. dyp = shit; stuff, diaper, drugs in use, lowering in what that creates and yet a lowering energy creates great end results, if you really want dip though eat a cookie or drink tea and you distract yourself from it., this is a moment that can last forever, just wait and you get results. daq = freshness; different, fresh fruit, fruit alchohol drink, dacquiri in non alcoholic idea, otherwise dayq or dick (private investigator); hell worm, death angel or thought of the antiquated worm otherwise your worm. That is representing your sea body or sea worm that causes what you think. You can sense out where the normal worm is that is yours. When you discover the worm you could smash it and that generates death energy sent directly to the sea body. This body your not bound to by feel, if you use the senses that you have. This works by thaumaturgy or thinking like goes to like, so thinking to kill something similar is what kills the idea or being that you target. This has a stressful moment before it's done. Then your relaxed by feel. So if you think to send the death energy to the worm in the sea, that is when you kill it and feel less stress and strain by idea. This is energy for you, there by idea , the idea you then have. Then if you think to have reborn the worm, you can create a clone of you in the physical realm or world. This is where the Satan's pet idea comes into play, otherwise the sea worm idea is that your sea body is killed off by feel or now the urge to be somewhere, then you have released yourself from hell by a point. This is done by using your senses to sense things out and otherwise called feel. Enjoy yourself as you do some soul searching, that is done things as I call it. So this I think will work. Then it will since I managed to kill off my worm somehow. This is seen as a point of psychic awareness of the mind, that is usually with the sign of area blackout. So feeling out of sorts? I think its a point you'll get over, that is more easily done as you kill a worm. This is thinking good thoughts to kill off the sea worm, that is your hell body. Thaumaturgy is fun, I am thinking like goes to like. So stop thinking about your worm, you stop getting interactions from it. Then you feel better by the idea you have intended.. So think about this though, if you thought of your worm you link to it. Then think what you like and you can get the idea. This includes staying slender forever by feel. Same for thinking of your angel, then if you think to remain slender you will. Think as you like, you will get what you want. This is a general rule of the area for what you wanted in effect. This is a point put to the past, that generates by the aura and you can think for now is the time of life. deq = line; dequed, removed from list is a thought to create diq = dike; steep dip in life or no as you think and go to the next as you are similar doq = mindful; dog quiet, docked in life as though in life love is gained or lost duq = dare; chance, prince in perchance or purpose dyq = case; investigation, investigate, dick as invisible image no trick if it worked or wrecked then your thought is noticed dar = dare; daring, there in non more der = variation; derivative, there, dear, off to, deer, plunder, therreh, in ancient greed not moment dir = inner; dire, direct, directory, in sight in mind as you direct your in mindset and in mind your in like a thought and not in a point. dor = door; knocker, hero or heroic action dur = durability; during, durable in mind by action in life as a duro is thought dyr = unlock; unlockable, open, opening, key in or use device or key out das = misdirection; lead astray, that, thats, days of your mind life or not as a moment creates des = misfortune; desperate, bulge, these in mind are these in thought by signal idea, this is a shapeshift idea that makes people laugh. dis = negation; no, non, not, this, disinformation in life is minded by moment, distance, distant, this is distant in thought to what you intend. dos = measure; measurement, those in thought are considerate in view dus = cost; dust, dues, escape, thus, dusk really is dawn here and thought is in mind as a world he that is him asks and getys to give as she gives as he gets to those in need. As this is truth your thought is inside and outside in the mind. dys = malfunction; disjunction, make turned, faulty, bad, leave behind and create by what your in thought dat = moment; daytime, date and time, date as in carbon dating as magically created is a carbon life formed by what kills and killed by thought thinking itself det = teeth; dent, encapsulation in life as though a crystal made the effect dit = dimensional; small in thought and larger not outside as you can change a produce by age magic and create the size to make as you think as a thoink is heard. dot = period; a dot or not as in sanity is sanctuary creates peace dut = believe; nothing happens, dud in there out life and your in ability by energy in the area of what's in force dyt = fix; if you don't animal king then that is seen as the animal is there as though thought a human and create is in created form in life as in lifeform. dav = riding; guidance by dolphin is by light focused and a lighter creates the light as effect dev = derivation; deviation in thought is in site and thought is as this isn't seen div = home; homec, dive in where they seem, dive in sight dov = drove; bledgen, dove in, dove, peace in moments duv = repeat; twice, think or not this can cause you to get weight, do again here and not again other places and thus the curse of patronus is derivative in life and creates difference and indifference as a point that it started as the point is daylight that reverts the idea or creates as you think what you have in need. dyv = illegality; illegal operation, operation, division in concept as division by zero creates conflicts in the right spot and makes peace otherwise by use. daw = illusion; illusionous, decieve the eye, dawn, father, patronus, also known as the father of lies to control of all there dew = paint; mist, moisture coating as paint is a moment end think to no create as thought is to paint and seal an idea though evil in mind is a point in the right direction. diw = rub; amongst, with out and within as thought created creation dow = endow; empower with your creation, unexpected; this is where things have unexpected results. duw = divination; forseen, divined or thought in moments by the understanding of the spirit. dyw = undying; fate, the dew, sometimes there is defying fate with a self-created fate idea, the dew is what causes release, die well in ancient magic, die naturally well and your body won't age dax = sudden; suddenly not always heard that could be irritating, ax cut, in a open room this deathening effect is a blow as you drop to the floor and this occurs that what happens as you shift without fate, thank you for what you did dex = agile; dexterity, dext, agility, ability in thought is an ability for what you think dix = indecent; often offer, ten, 10th, tenth in place is not always too quick to go as an undecency in effect dox = alert; howl of pain by dog dying in mind as your mind portays the result your body decreases in size and creates punishing concept and anyone you thought on as the giant nearby dux = duix, car; dukes, punches to pulls as you find a pulley that is mine yet not valuable. dyx = lively; aztecian, this is a ever youthful, bodily remains that are energy in enliven that are sloven till cured daz = dazzle; dazed, faery glamour, dizzy till your in a daze in a moment and effort is release by thought dez = killed; end point, these are in a point that is conclusion in effort in life diz = indentify; identity, what dies in life, and becomes from a dizzy effect to cast the effect you detail in the idea in life doz = sleep; doze, fall asleep and wake up as someone fox used duz = duezy; old man or old woman effect created by effort is crazy as your not crazy and cranky with or without dimentia, that is cured by coconut in some form. dyz = trap; pressure, release, with relief it always returns to the same time, this is a description in thought where that is description by the effort in the effort by idea that you snap and create with will where you get dizzy until you black out by feel. dma = dema, demon, servant demand, self consuming energy being in life that energy creates in moments by dematerialization with life in life. dme = deme, deadman, demise, demean or where your mean and thought is a purpose in a demented view dmi = demi, self-interest, half, hemispherical energy attribute by touch or thought near the aura, this is demented otherwise and not in life dmo = demo, demolish, deem otherwise in life but forbidden otherwise dmu = demu, damn you, deam you, control you or not and your in useless as life exists for your thought in action dmy = demy, demise as suicide, wildness, wildly, deeming, considerate but nearly equal by a sign as you name the sign dna = enhancement; how you get into the antimatter universe: denial of body, a body makeup, them genetic makeup, genetic pattern interred by use and created by the brain as you think your need, this is also denial of interest if you think about it. dne = dinner; a stop in life is in mind as your dinner is from the area that kills and before this demises you dni = author; (if positively used) authorize, yes, give authority to do, (if negatively used) denial, no, magical book writer, magical human in love, this is in the anti-matter universe. dno = writer; dinosaur in nothing idea or not done dnu = newby; the new idea, denude, marked importance in love dny = entrancement; deny, denial by purpose and made in life that causes you to change and seemingly in a trance. dza = curative; body focus, focused death and decay, death energy zap, focused death wave, this is the dna pattern that seems electric with the anti-matter universe dze = scarabus; death bug, a bug that can make anything seem dark or bad and is a friend made from the shadows that sometimes is in the form of death beetles. dzi = desatify; doing, zippo dzo = inside; death zone, area of death (energy), hear the voices of the dead in musical tones otherwise and create dzu = dangerous; death user, necromancer dzy = dizzy; death decay energy, death energy dact = wyvern; area of fire, wyvern created by the issue and the moment that creates with love or stated idea in life. dect = that; sediment or safe addiction (nonburgulary), only temerity a small bit everyday love in thought that what you consider is done thanks to tim startrek dict = dictionary; dicteon, listwords, dictation, say, tell or not your alive as you want to seem alive. doct = dock; ship pier, that can appear anywhere as if in life you can possess or not create from what is done duct = bendable; pathway, pliable, ductile in purpose by the life that existed in life before you knew life and this causes life to use duct tape and those irrespondant or pointed in life as this is caused by the disappointments in life and the captain turned ghoul. dyct = addiction; softener in detergent as possible to be empowered so that is as you see what you think as you are with polite pointed view until apology. dadg = unfit; out of shape, dad bod, significant point in view by life or death created in effort that is and isn't there as if life is a game. dedg = lowlife; dredge, important death as recreated as a monster or other shape the person seems didg = child; what did go, forgiven, in life, forbidden in passion yet created in life is what is pointed out by what you do. this is a bubble of evil if badly intended. dodg = availability; dodger, dodge and hedge and yet your available in a point that life exists. dudg = drudgery; hostile in life is a life that energy creates. dydg = suicidal; suicide, end in death, deadened in a concept in life. dadn = creative; foster father in life as thought is use in a point that creates itself dedn = dopamine; dope, alive in life and create in life is a thought. didn = didn't, have, americum that is fools bar dodn = dood; meditation, meditate, vibrantly alive in life that creates rest and life in a point is purity purified. dudn = push; bully, undeadly in life is what you there are considering as your nature girl is unharmable dydn = beginner; beginning, unskilled action, this is with a bit of ugliness or weightloss, unkill in the thought and create as in a motien as the idea is many people you can think to seem. daff = crazy; wierdo as a thought or not as these recover. deff = defence; that is what your thought creates as you feel the need and create it elsewhere as if to beating, beaten and defenseless is the person formed is after. diff = planter; stop, plant, difficult is life as life creates thoughts and there are no monsters created by what you think or they are not noticed doff = drinker; that is drinking of many drinks as any type duff = taste; some beer, this hardly exists as the mouth water where there is mouth watery taste dyff = stupid; idiotic family in life but genious otherwise damm = dam; water blockage, a troupe (force) demm = shawl; mourning month, oath month, lent anything in life is a moment that creates the thought and return is a possible reason domm = mantle; energy shield, shield device, collection, collect, large storage as if a silo is greed collected in energy as a form is possible to create what you think dimm = adaption; fast memory in chip, fast memory module, dimmer in life is not always a cool thought but not in the mind dumm = dummy, dumb, as a polite point of view is seen or not as a concept is thought dymm = dime, cloaking month that displaces what you think and leaves you where you want as brain loss damn = damnation; the doom, tramp, damn as in alien nating is a thought in nature or concluded not as in advisable demn = condemnation; condemn, disbelieve as you don't always get what you believe in as not what you think and what you will domn = cover; unshield, unshielded, domination, no storage is there as in life is by life dimn = deep; slow memory chip, slow memory module, brighter or not this is in interr and doesn't get out to effect you dumn = instinctive; instinct, intelligent, intelligence is in thought to live as life effort dymn = gem; diamond, moment in life but what you think is what you consider in thought is what isn't as if in life as a thought reveals what creates in sight. dana = trailblazer; then high priestess, think it's dangerous to have at heart and yet not to use as a point is dangerous or not dena = accidental; demean, death nation, the power of thought, (case of) denial, cook, prepare, prepare for the moment then sometimes don't react, dinner or idea actions is thought in hand motion by what you think not yet is done dina = clay; diner, pigmy elephant that you become as you think to become it if you are what you think dona = front; put on, don't have as you have and nothing else can happen as you think duna = sand dune; do nothing or it's action that is a trap set by doom to create what is in motion till released by a conceit or ill feeling and thought is motion by the thought you set in motion dyna = denied; dynamic, this is in the motion as a thought is force to create balance by what you concern yourself with. dane = action; soldier, dangerous possibility avoided by thought dene = decision; decide to, whim or not as you think you stop you do in life dine = dines; eat/ate, belief in create done = (in) passing; allow, let, don't even as you think dune = negation; cliff rise, hill by a hillside is an area in clemency dyne = mastery; master of focused touch, accupuncture, instant relief by the relief of a point and not given is the life you live in death by dealt blow that is already done. dani = supporter; danish soldier, dangerous intention to be fair in thought and not physically insane deni = refuse; refusal to believe in and thought is interesting by what occurs as it's shit dini = (wooden) coinage; (wooden) money, pen, might of person or nothing will work unless the creator makes it work. doni = smart; donation of, don't know, or not kill duni = betrayed dyni = still; stillborn, sleep paralyzation, paralyze, paternalized dano = coverup; too dangerous deno = obvious; event writing, gene dino = dinosaur; overlarge dono = known; knowing, knowledge, don't know duno = metal; do not dyno = ultima; faith, ends in faith, didn't know, end of idea or pointed out moment, finish danu = danube; a dark druid god of war, destruction god, usually dangerous, he often appears as a favored form and with appeal to mark a destructive event. denu = delusion; ancient illusion to afford a diversion dinu = diminutive; very little donu = donut; sweet pastry, don't usually dunu = taboo; forbidden, don't use dynu = hgh; growth hormone, grown, a lot larger dany = denial deny = to deny diny = stop; stopping, not do dony = truthfully; don't lie, don't know why duny = wording; phrase, tonight, dictionary dyny = wierd; fate, why dangerous dann = tall; then, so, longform denn = then; uninhabitable, den dinn = dinner donn = unprepare dunn = announced; roll, consume, glimmer, sloppy, unorderly dynn = flat dant = cordant; discord, hell, gotten there in many different ways this is a knot tying idea dent = guide rail; bought, bend, area bending, a person bending will allow for things. dint = dented area; area dent that often needs repair, hint dont = symbol; live symbolism, attraction, came from peridont, described as though on that (area) dunt = sole; decent, don't do that dynt = announcement; dinner party, hit dasp = view; miscontrue, mislead, display desp = desperate disp = display dosp = meter dusp = lead out dysp = shortage dast = dragonfly; cooberation, coordinate, destined, dastard dest = very dist = distance dost = concentration; concerned focus dust = fate dyst = succesful dath = movement; intended moved to motion deth = asp; death, deceased dith = holdout; dither, wait out doth = does; perhaps it is duth = ashes dyth = lions dala = wise one, druid dela = daily, delay, Dealer, deal out dila = dilation, expansion dola = dole out, pay more dula = duration dyla = effect (think the idea to create what you want), long lasting, stink dale = solid, solid faced area that you can enter, room, enclosed area possible to live in otherwise impossible dele = erase, remove from site, erase the erasable dile = crocodile dole = lounge about, dollar, resting dule = honor guard, duty of the moment, momentary duty dyle = go hunting, go with respect, hunt dali = gold, nothing, this is where things are doing nothing, deli = open market, food court, delivery dili = grace period, while the idea is due the moment is not. doli = moon duli = dullness dyli = boredom dalo = day be over and night falls, daybreak delo = deal with dilo = call out dolo = deal out dulo = misty, call mist dylo = manifest dalu = overwhelm, deluge delu = lead falsely, lead astray dilu = dilution, dilute, purification dolu = find things, locate dulu = to overcome, overcome dylu = strengthen daly = chat about, daily dely = deal dily = delay doly = fray, frayed, fraying duly = hard work, dutiful dyly = snappish, outrage dall = hope dell = pact dill = pickle doll = a doll, woman dull = sturdy, dull dyll = filter dark = in muerher (murder), bad, black, nothing, baed, merger derk = drk, dark, bad dirk = weapon thats with a short blade, short dagger dork = an idea, the moment of a theory and then it goes along with things as they are. durk = diurk, to get a short dagger, to dark/en dyrk = rent, help call, dire call, dire need dava = goddess deva = angelic being, god servant diva = diver dova = large explosion, detonation, develope, developing good, diving actively duva = bird dyva = divertive dave = invention deve = developing dive = diving into dove = white dove, peace bird duve = go for help dyve = patronoch, guardian spirit davi = debit, money owed devi = devise, invent, invention divi = getting into dovi = peace duvi = doubtful, I have doubts for this. dyvi = gentle davo = develope/ment, work in place devo = devotion divo = jedi, flee to somewhere by feel or use of senses otherwise feel. dovo = lag, in flight duvo = famed dyvo = carefree, sympathy, refugee davu = prosperity, bounty devu = growth divu = deterrant dovu = material duvu = insistance dyvu = detriment, progres dawg = dog dewg = swept forward diwg = dig deep dowg = been there seen that done that duwg = friend dywg = becalm, calm, calming by feel dhaa = rise out of, come out of dhea = great pride dhia = improve, increase dhoa = hope dhua = prideful of dhya = feel, feeling, path, dier, dhiarrhea, starting from within this is death by demise dhae = desire for things, purchase, need (when you focus on your need you make it a want) dhee = deem needed, a point, a purchase, a period or "." dhie = grasping for straws, choice, pass or fail dhoe = door, doorway dhue = want, this is where you have necessity for things. dhye = dry dhai = assassination, mazing, this is where your dying or are sealed away for things. dhei = beyond dhii = seek dhoi = travels to dhui = options dhyi = sacrifice dhao = mountain, safe dheo = pass, path dhio = hiking dhoo = struggle dhuo = climbing dhyo = break down, erosion, crumbling dhau = harboring, move down, safe harbor dheu = bring downwards dhiu = fall dhou = gauging, calculation dhuu = ground dhyu = steady dhay = barefoot, on foot dhey = day dhiy = midnight, middle of the night dhoy = tornado dhuy = currents dhyy = tide dram = measurement, measured amount, measured weight drem = destroyer, destructor, death wave, dream, structure construction is by havic in other lands that create the dream effect causing chaos in other places. Acknowledgement of this fact is the idea, non as that tact is peace use and your use is an idea chance that is "pell" by chaos waves in chance moment that doesn't exist after you print this fact. drim = setup, deadlock, dreamed up, set in idea drom = drone, the area is droning on, low rumbling drum = drumming drym = overdo, set in dream, dribble draw = drawn (drawo), draw on, drain, charge use, draw on life drew = wreck driw = derwin; ten layer reality that allows the drow and drow fey, the dark fey is what can be dangerous, as they are to find a way to get things are disasterous. This is drow idea, as in the as things are better you get idea to work with fey and do things as if the right idea but their way. drow = dark elf druw = drew dryw = crisp, apple (dried) djan = cleaner, instant clean djen = entice, instant enticement djin = air being that wishes to grant spells that grants like jinn djon = shift, teleport, instant departure djun = leap, jump, movement by instant spring djyn = wish granter, djinni, jyn, jinn d-enag = death essence (death decay essence), death energy, de-energize daafyg = fatherly daeg = increase, growth daelan = manager, duty master daete = dejacte, disjunction, to turn effect daemon = god messenger, neutral demon daovao = truth detection serum daul = dowel, flash strike dauta = daughter deee = decision; decisive action diee = dies; dying or this is something with dyes deid = deidre, deadre, deidareia, daedre as deliberate motion of a monster dien = dead; stiff and dead, this can kill roaches as you project the sound of the word towards the roach. daba = dabat, dabble, dilbert, deliberate, debate dabbar = fren, hectic activity, frenzy, hectic activity dacto = commission; paid (for), commision, representation or dragon. dactodet = dragons teeth, multiple attack enemy teeth daht = sat, fat, phat (muscly) if working out and exercising daja = dagda, inexhaustible goods cauldron or not dakatou = seek to kill, plight is destroyed, the being of a choas is done in tune dakkoutou = being of anything with ability from a weapon of death. dalienat = moreso, further example dama = demand, daemon, demonic god messenger damak = strategic kill, that make damakles = insecurity, insecure damaklesw = sword of damakles, sword of fate, potential disaster, potential fate damal = damn all damas = daemonius, overseer, important daemon damus = combined force, oblige (obligation), predicament dam-wy = repair, damage things; It causes something wrong that damages slowly and removes effects, to get the energy from the moment to make repair. danann = goddess danu, glorious priestess danewar = warfare daniel = tolerant daniell = darling, affectionate person danca = dancer, movement flow dank = dank, thank danka = thank you danniem = repeat, say what danny = soldier, bird, bake dannym = soldierlike dannymy = soldier mine, enemy, bake mine dannymyn = friend dannymynn = punish, punishment dannyt = baker dansk = danish danska = will you danx = thanks dapp = function disorder; a cure is herbs or uu-dapp by thinking the cure. Then the subconscious cures it with sun energy. This is so you know you have a cure that works. darth = dread lord, determine daska = pack leader date = event dati = inclusion, that includes david = discipline, disciple, elemental master davu = prosperity, bounty daxunt = blunt death blow dazl = dazzle, impression, impress deamek = passive enforcement deaf = deafness death = dealt blow, dealt justice dean = overseer, principal, coordinator, purveyer deia = democrat; group person of elects in an election party deity = god, greater being, goddess (according to the season) deidre = inherent considerance deutsch = germany, germanic, master, mastery deuva = the dive, a dive into the illness to learn truths. debark = unload ship, unboard ship decor = decoration DedFyl = deadfall defiyabl = as definitable, ae e ef, define it yourself. deflam = unflammable, the flame degrom = De grom, Person or people that think they are millions of years old and sometimes they might think they are extremely old. Its a grampa set in of character even on young or old people. They love telling stories of their past or of an event. To get over it, live through a story at least in the mind. Or, the De grom will write things down and make more out of the story than is necessary. deha = unstealable, psychopath, insane dehaun = exessive security, extreme, exessive dehan = stealable, insecure dehane = repeat stealing, repeat robbery dehanne = repeatably stolen deja = degda, again, before (happenstance) delienat = explain further demily = demolish, destroy, blood drive dhema = Natural; dharma or natural law, this is nature effects by natural means. demur = deathly murder, avoid, agree, pass that dempsim = take the weight off and place it later on. denio = refuse, refusal, deny deniy = denial, denied denizen = citizen, place belonger dendan = gigantic black fish that die with human touch dendrit = nerve dendritunym = nervous system dendrobates = poisonous arguement, deadly arguement, deadly spider (redand green back spider) dennio = unrefuse, unrefusal, accept denniy = undenial, acceptance derm = skin, needle, cyringe desc = downward, decent, descent, descriptor, describtion, description descry = see, look upon, describe, description detpast = tooth paste dendrobites = bite down dehgrom = Deh grom, death germ, dazed but true they are likely to be of it. Doing fighting and incongruant or incompetant things of else that is. Pee out the effect of Deh grom onto any surface as its a condition that may leave them worse. And the pee contains the deh grom 'germ'. derr = dear, beloved desikeht = I do, in desire I do, to be playing, working, noticing, and doing. In exchange the spirit is not ensnared as in a bondage effect. The first person effected by it or the fifteenth is able to remove it. By being unaffected by it and going near it to cause it to dispell itself. desikuht = To not replace those that seem to notice it by another spirit. Under ne the desikuhth any efect can be made to order. Any video or tv program watched sets as to where and what the spirits do see. To escape it, is to be back in a holder body an not the original body. Until you meet the original again. The process is to open a window and sacrifice an idea or thing. As you open it, the shift from the path your spirit takes to you may occur after that. detyu = destitut, destitute, poor, poverty stricken deploy = displotic, Unable to remain stable for longer that 20 minutes, and the person who is can change their mind according to beliefs. They have a negative reaction to the positive beliefs and a positive reaction to negative things. They can keep stabilized the moment what they do remains in place. detoty = distoltic, disturbing conscious depot = depot, storage, storage deployment, storage area deputy = deputy deplinth = decench, destench depta = cancel, acting department deptha = cancel deted = dastard, bastard deti = dentin, letai, listerine, detriment, mouth wash detie = dentine, tooth care gum, tooth care chew detiselv = mouthwash + toothpaste + salt, mouthwash paste detox = remove toxicity, clean off poison, death by poison detted = dlet, delete dethcar = deathcare, in death you recieve care for the idea of living dethkon = deathkon, death energy used to effect an idea that comes about an sometimes on mention., idea caused by a death energy, its death construction detritus = trash, litter desolita = desolation, obsolete despot = important figure develin = forget me devil = lived, past devolup = energetic developement, death volume up devotee = devoted, follower, goal oriented devuspe = fast growth di-actul = did actual, did actually, realization, actually dieb = deep, deep water, dying ebb (fade away), dying tide dies = shameful, feels shame, shame death, fake death (from mistake) dioy = deodorant, scent blocker, clean smell diu = dare, die you, fate you dibs = a claim (on anything stated after) dictomy = diction, dictatorship, dictionary, tell, preaching didh = this is a feeling of death, that you get from necromancy. However, if you actually killed yourself by feel, necrosis sets in and degrades the layer of skin. dignay = dignitary (statement), dangnabbit; think to curse safely with this, especially after the point of a ghost or geist making something disappear. dija = did you dimnal = calm nerve, smooth flow digo = market digos = animal form diheus = did he use, usage diheusm = he used me, user, die user dilyt = dilyth, dylithium, self regenerative power crystal, call it dilbert = food habit, conservatist, eating habit dilla = dillon, fighter, gunslinger dimens = dimension; dimesn, house, dimensional dimes = dispersion, digression, anarchy, dying man dimesdom = Dimensional domain, To be satisfied and then made to think it was all right to go insane. To then be insatiable by weight and always continue onward needing. The next idea is that they always exploit weak images of monsters of the personality and flavor as a flaw. They may attempt to strike through the water. This is signifying bad things. Dimentia = Where ya grow old and dim quickly and trust everything, but you go mental and show it on stress, when its thought of or when a situation is thought on thats stressful. dimvis = dim vision, blinding dark silence sphere dinanniael = calm nerve, uprise energy dipta = dipthong, sentence diptha = dipthong direst = most extreme danger, in extremism danger, eye on foot (painful when open but it opens only once) diry = defrag; clear away, clean up dirb = debris; area stuff scattered about, sometimes this is dire in nature so think to be careful. dirft = good internet, directive loop, self sanitary, sane, directional feet. dirges = high pitched scream song dis-ius = dicussion disapa = artistic, artist, autistic disintegrat = disintegrate, instant death disipa = dissipate, disappear dismil = dismiss, move out dismyl = abysmal, abyss, bad way, dismissal dist = disturbing the mind is bad, district ditwok = did it work, did that work, did work divoc = divorce divavem = dream dive, dream place, mine (mineral) divavemt = dream diver, miner divinorium = power heightener, power herb, plant of power divalg = math problem divalgt = mathematician divarg = start argument, argument starter divargt = arguer divelg = elegance, elegant diverg = diverge, split away, divergent divergt = repel, reject, diverge divulg = give info divulgt = informant, divulge divurg = nudge, impulse divurgt = controller does = insufferance, mental intrusion doetmi = department doetmijus = justice department, police department doit = make attempt, adroit doulod = download, doulodn, doulodin, dour load dous = douse douz = twelve, twelve dobfoer = wait for her, she will come back dobfoim = wait for him, he will come back doberman = man headed dog, calf sized dog dodge = dodger, personal dodge doke = docus, dokus, document doken = power blast dole = dollar, bank note, paper money, to dole out Doleur = Make easier, dollar, doll arrangement (if hostile), exchange by giving out money dolia = flower; this is a flowering of effective and forseeable events. dolo = revive, dole out, give freely in need or desire dollar = general dome = silde (aura seal), energy shield, magic diversion to absorb physical harm as energy. domecb = sildcb, crystal shield, spacial shield allowing the person spacial exploration dony = donate/r, don't they donwa - reborn donwan - reduce, reduction, collapse, steady, steadyness, person durouy = decrepify, brief mortality aged glimpse doseq = equate, equation, made decision dosn = dozen, doesn't, does not, forced sleep dovei = concurrence, conscious thought agreement, mae doveu = dova, beauracracy, bearer of law, unlocking dovunte = weld material dovuntet = welder dowager = inheritor down = comforter, reducement doze = doze off dozer = to fall asleep dozn = lazy, sleepy, baker's dozen, dozen, recreation, raisin bread duena = do anything, do something, done anything duinna = contemplate, think out duinnan = contemplation, mediation, thought out duigid = driver duival = devil, do evil dub = record, copy, dubs, subtitle, writing duby = absolom; harmful drug, drug, dubious, if overused this could be a dubious drug or a harmful effect of a drug in use. duchec = pay check dudu = doodoo, shit duhe = instinct, instinctual duhicy = device, machine, extra dimension dulco = dulcolax, laxative, relaxative dunno = don't know dura = durability, duration, 20 seconds, 1/3 minute dutch = date, couple dutrod = down the road, years away dustin = a happy dust, dusting duvalin = dumb value, dumb act, commiserative, commited to dumb act duwgnat = friendly nature dye = base color, divest, exchange, to give something up and gain something else dyor = devour, devourer dyheleum = carbonation dylau = not; this is either nothing or a noted effect that disappears after the point is made. dylogeb = earth force dyns = dimension dysi = diesi, dyson, defensive, ward of moment, dizzyness dysmil = figure out, dismilly, miserable Dcortex = Cast this on a target to die off a process in procedure and to make the target remember. dfns = defense; defender, deafens dhi = what, confuse dhoyc = hurricane, prehistoric djuqtgaie = quicksand dlet = delete, bigger and better, chubby dnii = correct; yes, affirmation, agree, this is where you can be correcting things. dnd = reclaiming area effect, death and disease, dungeons, dice game, fate in death, fate of death, fate not death dngyy = dingaling, buffoon, mistaken fool, dick dnsyy = density draupnir = drop dead, prehistoric draco = dragon will dran = dura, yes drano = drain opener dragonsbanealahan = artistic death, deadly artist, taken in drapeau = flag drapeaun = country flag drapeauvown = patriotic flag, gift patriotic dremi = dream walker, dream waler (by corrupt means), dreamer dremdiv = dream dive, creative, dream place dremdivt = dream diver, dreamer drop = drip, creator type people, drop, dope energy, nondoper, fathead, all you have to do is gift drop to a basket. droww = drown, wax drow, deny illegal substance, death in pose Aeion = aeiou druid, Avalone, Avolonian, sometimes cruelly depicted and yet not cruel as if careful people helper or guidance of use with. Seem an order of churchlike beings dismissed as engels that cuses them to see rise in ability, see to seem in a faith of the creator think then you see and that you are to see what the do rules. See or the use before they are by information is acting or example to teach is not sensical in order to get results. They decended from the ideal Atleantian with mixed human area feel bloodlines and kept pure where the druids calling be to serve the light and by their own energy and mana type of ability. They could appear as any other to not be detected, as seen and yet its hard to detail the act they do as it was to be in and out and to confuse the watchful for an easy job according to their role at the time. They are so cool or creative, not always doing what they want. As in water is an essence from what you see or look at when you die, they used magic in this manner if your alive and your idea is what you use to awake. As thought but this is where you are a point in life, to seem as a concept if necessary is that your a person and that doesn't bother them. As they are people you don't bother others you are fine, if in a positive mood and sometimes less than 160 lbs they can use energy to keep the weight balance off. As this is the thought your idea is awake, as your life is what you are or not as you are now you don't change until you want to. As this is a point, you see yourself as living and know what you become. They could go in an area, make a gesture and focus energy time is, and do as create to do a job and leave without anybody the wiser. Unless they wanted to be known, and then they would attempt to gain trust by a statement or activity. Quite easily they could use their powers but their ability was quite different as Druids could not use the Atleantians ability. Also, the Atleantians could not do as the Druids could and vice versa except they could relate to people by what they call the time of dreams and mysts. The druids left the avalone island for a personal wish as the point was an area was made clear they would get better results, thought and otherwise was dilected at people if they couldn't rule over people with a fight. As if they could do it with a good point and think manipulation at use, if a distance with the worth of living by improving lives in the general area. As a concept and describance, at a distance or guidance by focus and thought they projected or not as necessary. The point was their focus and energy walking was with a distance and movement and this was if a concept by time or dimension, was thought to shift them in time reduction as they moved as they thought less time was necessary the time point moved quicker. The ancient druids were divided into 3 functional orders: primitive druid, baird(bard) and ovate. Druidism originated amongst the megalithic ancient British. They taught it to the immigrant celts, and later trained celts to develope from the continent and migrated to ireland. The primitive druid was just an order that depicts a were involved with teaching science and religion. His/her robe was white symbolising light, purity and knowledge or an. Most are brutes or area psions that work with others or think if use to not or see is not wanted sometimes a point is their smart. A baird was an order of druid. The baird's office was to supervise, regulate and to lead. His robe was sky blue, symbolising justice and truth. You can do what you want as you are. So as long as I don't get in trouble, then create as you think is non addictive. So to give in to the area you feel? I am aware you see to the area you feel to use. Nah you see the point you look to get idea or results, seeing the end by result you feel the area energy then react to use. That is some area you feel nothing more that occurs or creates as you feel, as you think the subconscious so can create then you can get positive or negative non results to the use. An ovate was a type of druid. His purpose was to observe and invent from the area. His or her rules over people were with thought no detection or misdirection. His robe was green symbolising budding life. They use life energy to create positive idea, as they use things to create results you can borrow from their energy by thinking. See as they do creatively they are what they create or creating what they think. Think some idea to create with to create with some element. The formula they could use for no weight gain is NO2H4S2 or testosterone steroid alternative is O2H2I4 with O3S6 spread to create less weight gain. See not do. Use out side effects with H4IO2N to not see effects yet remain with water or no high fructose. As you substitute high fructose with cannibolism your stuck with the weight. To use this think the parts some make are representing the whole or some are coolness to use. So you see this aspect of life is thought, yet unnoticed so you see the point as you feel to glance to weighing the scales. So that was what noticed about them, so O2N3H2 can cure you if you think to cure yourself or not. This produces by imagination with warm area generated, so the sun energy intensifies by feel with the activity. As though use is cool if the end of that, whenever you think that is the end of 300 days. Then binding is chemical combinations or soap. This is not some experiment with illegal chemicals. So for the area I see the chemical H2S3O2I or iodine with ionic boric nitrate is use by feel a skin cream so you see this, use is think so os to sops "spread over aura is a skin salve" area pain reducer salve. I love chemicals as no harrassment from my wife I listed as I thought the use in the english style then listed them as some product. Then I added the skin cream or whatever label with the area effective, that you see improvement or chemistry so use is useful not so useful or not seen as I see you buy by the product labels. See I alternative or use by theory is hemitos is H4OS3 is H2O4S3 is with interesting results is use as H4O2I6 freezing. This proves Disostros is working. As you see "I am unspontaneous think your fixed" yet use is H4OI4 or Fennel seed is NO you are just imagination, this was my joke point for americas funniest video see this is for feel so you think your what you are the other way to do things. See the area fixation yet is use, so I figure to correct by feel or laughing use to create theorum to witchcraft to resolve situations that come up. The fourth druid order came along after a druid gave a representation, by thought of idea to represent the wars of most and how to handle it without a fight or radiation is by thought to create or feel to use things right. The wartime druid is thought an order involved in wars of many types and exploration. They believed in fighting and often acted a warrior using their own creations or disguises by the idea of most they could learn from, they actually taught people how to survive and manipulate the fight or to withstand any fight and win through it from a distance. Most often discounted as druids are "H4 with aurium to create results" they are still a hidden ordainment so your cool, thought to see you so to think is sometimes paid to do wartime manipulations. They were counted as spies when caught if they couldnt white lie themselves out of it, where the war druid made their own rules and these closely followed others but made them separate or together. See you can create to use yet anyone can see to use the druid tactics. This is the end of this report study so you see anything useful? Think or don't attempt to use the results, unless you allow yourself however don't take it in. As this was put together by a druid to so the true indivisualist separatist sect of druids are represented, they mixed or removed from distances army groups that were at dislikes to protect the main group and prevent people and innocents from dying. Some were accounted geniouses by how they acted and what they did got accord however they died, as smashing the roach was setting off plagues unless containing as you see if thought to create you create the necessary was a mystery hidden by other druids. Because most I know of wouldnt like others messing in their wars. The genious was that they did, as themselves, as you tempt fate in bringing concepts to life and disrupting bad habits. They are disrupting bad habits by focus to show the example. This is what they could or see use to see as they kept things as if useful, why throw it away except their was low interest except in everyday common idea that had a one time use unless necessary. Avoid this ego trip to create unusual o normal area results, that to win someone over is sometimes to prove this one is cool or something or another than another. See or thought better than another think as possible. Any unique idea that passed by them was used if possible, an example be their use of color is important of red and some other color like muddy if their purpose was to enrage, black if they thought to cause idea and actions. Now they harldly gave themselves away, while acting perfect in an area. The last party ever to have a war druid was known to spread a sickness, think to those of criminal and group hostile nature then think the area you see or seek to feel or they thought imagined the creator creates or not. Think to the area they are in then think some cool effect to cause. Seeing to sometimes use a monks fighting skills and idea is feel along with the units if they had any. They had to have superior senses to survive and at most without weapons. The last war druid I saw was a painter that went from nation and into the indian nation and painted the wartime effort as it occured. In perfect detail of the effort and yet the paintings today are still there, somehow in a museum appreciated by the civilized tribe of America with the tablet the druids made from use. See with the book by experimentation or the book by some life. In Druid mythology that he didn't finish, the tyrant lord was energy from Oink Taranis be the tyrant god of the wheel. Seeing use and life where things associated with forces of change and the wheel of time, Odin be the horned one or thought the God, but if you call the old one with his actual name. See him with idea he might come to you if in need but if not then it will be to smite or harm yourself, Brigid ih hiddeim or Brigid already hid interesting idea the Goddess to think not always call for support or other. Seen as except when angry for a broken promise and she causes a soothing calm in forgiveness, think to see "sight or make aware or insanity or other punishment" of that which was thought to use. There is no war here so go away with your wars. The druids would try to rule over the God and find discriminization where some argue the Goddess is likely to take over the body and prevent the activity. An Avalonian would save the life of others if it was necessary by tricks and idea where skills come to fruition. Thanks to Strahat to the use provider. So what and others as uncaring, this is like Atleantian Doctors and similiar for information (channeled) not needed. drasnia = drastic nature, overcautious and disturbed notion drasnian = spying people, spy DrEvil = DrMalservant, evil wishdoctor, nightmare cure DrImpulmenator = DrImpulse, DrDisarmania, drsodiaremply, heart risk DrOz = general specialist druck = drugged usage, drug feel DrDahr = heartreat, sodiartretan, heart treatment, mistreatment DrDet = DrTeeth, improviser, dental health in practice DrGood = DrIntent(good), skill improvisation, unnegligent force (bad idea preventor) drm = hhrmm, endurable, a moment that ends up endemnity (indemnity moment), dormant (energy or ability) DrMarv = drmarvello, torment/or, DrDiscord, dissonant field, dissonance DrMarvell = DrSuper, super mania DrMalpract = DrCorrupt, DrMalpractice, drintention, bad intent(stealing, corruption) DrMeirre = DrMagic, drmyr (Dr Mirror), drmeir, magic fix DrKre = DrDisorder, example cure (for disorders or diseases) DrSorbet = DrMixup, mixer, drinker drizt = despised, exile drizz'll = relentless scourge, killing force drizzt = undefeatable, noble warrior dryyfaa = dragonfeather, tough fire retardant feather dryyflua = dragonflower, tough curative flower dvinci = inventor dvorak = divorce, separate dwight = dwit, incline, impulse, inclination dwitt = dull wit, dumb dwn = dawdle, stick around, stukroi F fa = command, father, fada, fata, fat; this doesn't come upon me as I think to do the right things. Otherwise whatever causes me to gain weight doesn't occur. So I gain everything back at least double or triple except for the body weight. My double chin disappears by feel or sym bol. fe = far; good, deva, female, iron, feminine, fetus, bitch, far enough to go for things by idea. fi = find; fix, fit, end a point, a change that corrects for things, final, finalized test, findings (fie), fire fo = for; forward, foe, progressive, progress, advance, focus point, that focus point reveals what you want or said by what you think to need. fu = fume; fuck, fire, few, fumble, smoke, smokey. fy = fit; in shape, defiant, commandeer, feeder fleas, take over movement faa = work, fost off, go now, feather, fatherly action, push off fae = faring, advice fai = faith fao = unconvince fau = fault, laying blame fay = manipulate, manipulation, fate fea = feast, feeder fee = feet, faery fei = feint feo = young feu = feud fey = fairy, sidh, faery fia = fiance, divorce, flubber, high bounce rubberish material fie = fiery, fighty fii = question, query fio = continuance fiu = finish fiy = disturb foa = foal, female horse foe = archenemy, fo-e foi = foible; fou, forir, fourier; front or entry point that is the beginning of a building. foo = fool, bad style, thing, idea, stuff fou = fowl, foul foy = uncontrolled reaction, foyer fua = sex fue = mineral, fuel fui = giving up fuo = threw outward, throw up fuu = fuck you fuy = why this? fya = admit fye = dismissal, otherwise: defiant to the point fyi = inform, informer fyo = forbidden fyu = present, gift fyy = usurp, defiance fab = fabricate feb = feeble, weakness fib = while, cover it up fob = phob, fear, anxiety, phobia, give way, give away, fearful fub = remark, mistake fyb = fyb, existant, make exist, materialize not fac = group, facial, do, make fec = face, show fic = made up, do, make foc = area collection, focal fuc = gain momentum, sexual peak fyc = gain from past fad = fade, fading fed = feed; feeding, appease in animal language, this is a line in result. fid = finding, find, faithful fod = folding, fodder fud = food fyd = incite to eat faf = thief, fich, filch, knav, tolvaj, steler, stealer, safe cracker, burgular, thief fef = fifty fif = fighty fof = fluff, forfeit fuf = downy, fluffy fyf = fairy moth fag = respect, fag, manlover feg = baby fig = figu, figur, figure, form, down fall, do, make, model, figure, fruit fog = a fog, growth fug = bring ruin, fugue, ruinous relation, mood brought by ruinous relation fyg = figure(of speech) fah = deject feh = fetch fih = steal, filch foh = cause fuh = blaze, ground follow flame, follower fyh = fib, lie faj = fabulous fej = metal stock, metal file, pregnancy fij = reason foj = phobia fuj = fudge fyj = defiance, group defiant defense fak = pleasure, fake fek = body stink odorous, pete, fecal fik = sulk, continuance, flick, good end, fickle fok = folk, folk tale, body, fork, bodily fuk = fk, fkin, fuck, bua, sex, bugger, few, away, anger, damn, act, person, ass(fool) fyk = orgasm, deformed angry spirit fal = fail, fallen fel = feel, felony commit with weirdness, felon fil = file, record fol = fold, fool, foal, horse ful = full, feul, energy feul fyl = lead, trange filling, fiul, fitful fam = fame, family, famine fem = feminine, family, famine fim = phim, spiritual flame, one fom = foam fum = foom, fumble fym = traitor, long term defiance fan = airblow, cool down, fane, fain, arthur, king, originator fen = fend off, ultimate defense fin = find, end fon = phone, telepathic, crystal communication fun = fun, playing around (with idea), playing, joking, awkward or challenging fyn = fin, fish transform fap = flap, sideflap, talk, chat/ter fep = iron golem, iron human fip = personal end fop = flop, failure fup = foop! fyp = flip faq = fact list feq = frequent, freed fiq = silent dissapearance foq = quiet down, silencer fuq = blue fire, magic fire fyq = passive resistant far = fare, fair, ones state of mind fer = preferred to, as to fir = fire, on fire for = foriegn, new to fur = furious, in hatred of fyr = magical fire, life energy fas = fast fes = feast fis = fiesty fos = foster, come up with fus = push fys = fist, false otherwise fat loss by the feel with the core of the planet energy you have that. fat = fate, fat, pion, content table, faith fet = feet, feat fit = fight fot = float fut = foot fyt = see fat, faith; belief, this is a believed point that something is a point of truth. Otherwise this is a trouble point, knowable as thought if an iffy point. Otherwise this is fit. fav = favorite, select, favoring, emergency select fev = fever fiv = cut scene, end view fov = favor, favorable fuv = full view fyv = conspiracy faw = fault few = few fiw = prophesy, melt, end depiction fow = fowl, foul, bad taste fuw = feud, feudal fyw = death cause fax = fake, sent image communication fex = extra strong fix = worked on, work dragged on, done right fox = fox fuix = few extra fyx = mule headed, very stubborn faz = phaser, phase fez = fees; feasible, prospect, prospector, this can be a feasible prospect that pays. confetti; divine confetti, this is the confetti that inters itself to the spirit, so that the spirit gain substance enough to make it where you can kill the spirit. All you really need to do is spray it and enjoy, then any spirit draws the energy from the confetti like any substance to cause solidified formation. This is how the spirit works to make itself form from a linked dimension as though from the air itself. fiz = fizzle, not work, bubbly or carbonation in effect foz = to phase, foes fuz = fuzz, fuzzy, muddle fyz = rebellion, rebellious fca = fecal matter fce = known fci = focal, glasses fco = cope fcu = fuck you, shit fcy = fancy fda = drug control fde = fatal death fdi = death blow fdo = overdose fdu = final due, final payment fdy = death touch ffa = favorite ffe = offend, offensive ffi = finally ffo = destruction ffu = handle ffy = suicide fga = action, figure fge = forget fgi = figurine fgo = forgo, relent fgu = fugue fgy = flighty, winged flight fha = phantasm, fright illusion fhe = feckle, feck, feckish fhi = punch out fho = pheonix fhu = barrel, ram fhy = fough, whatever! fja = river, fjord fje = jest fji = fuji, combat end, superior fjo = wish fulfill fju = jut out fjy = johnny, hang with fka = killing drug, death drug fke = incurred wrath fki = bad mouth fko = sex, fuck off fku = current fky = vertigo fla = imperfect; flaw, flame, flare, flavor fle = flea, fletch, flee fli = fln, (is) flee/ing, felin, feline, flock, group, cat, flick flo = flow flu = flood, flow fly = (a) fly, (otherwise for a person) flirt; make out artist: charmer or attractor, The moment that you think to do things with the opposite sex. Other versions of the word are: flyn or flyy for flirting, flyx or flye for flirts. fma = fema bone, female fme = family killer fmi = feminine fmo = for real fmu = descend fmy = owner fna = final fne = locate fni = ethnic, ethic fno = forgot, forgettance fnu = final flight fny = phony, fake fpa = conjole, firepower fpe = speedup, console fpi = firepit, firepin fpo = footpound fpu = floorplan fpy = modular memory fqa = flaw fqe = quality check fqi = condemn, condemnation fqo = indivisual, equal, family quote fqu = unacceptance, dismissal fqy = discard fra = fray; fraternity, frat; freight, useless speaking or babble, thats speaking to you so you get distracted. fre = fret, free fri = lost something fro = from fru = frustrate ry = (in) person; fry, frying, fringe (benefit), (on) edge, see this is a fringe benefit of people asked for by feel made by frying something. fsa = cluster fse = f sound fsi = settle fso = fizz; fizzy, carbonation, club soda fsu = warn, adapt fsy = psychic fta = light speed fte = future; repair device, fetus, child to be born, child formation fti = fast talk fto = do not, stop ftu = flu; flew, time travel fty = timeless fva = restorative water, mineral water fve = foul fvi = viewing pleasure fvo = vow fvu = casino fvy = spontaneous; instant, instantaneous, on the fly, a being formed instantaneously or spawn. fwa = fwap, face slap fwe = fend off fwi = flee; to fly, (take) flight, run away fwo = so what fwu = distinguish fwy = laser glance fxa = fix; repair, fixation, direct focus fxe = illusion, exile fxi = disrepair, overbear fxo = antique fxu = patch fxy = classy, classical fza = freeze fze = feasable fzi = foamy fzo = freeze up fzu = freeze area fzy = fizzy fubar = deranged, insane, fucked up fuber = mistaken, bad man, fucker fubir = alchemist, chemist fubor = overbear, disturb fubur = reveal, few be your, few in number fubyr = less spread warmth, forbear fall = fall, fallacy fell = fell fill = fill, fill up foll = follow full = fullness, fully, full up fyll = stupidity, block, file fema = female (soul) intuition or action feme = thema, female energy, females femi = female point, pointed (emotion), emotional femo = female body, intelligence femu = female use or abuse, femininity femy = female function, feminine body, theme Family = a unit of members working at belonging together. Think to go gang and make a work of art or idea. Femily = an optional energy family by goal that love work or beating each other In good mood it is to give advice. Similiar to a famoly. Fimily = find metal and to have a mental family of the subconscious. In of, In the subconscious everything is there and linked together. To fumble or fimble something. Fomily = fumbling and is a family thats separated but reborn else. Every now and then, they get together but of their own choosing. Fumily = like a bunch of clowns. Or alot of brotherhood together. This also could be a lot of smoke that bellows. Fymily = Family of Wild energy nature, of each other but its to do as if together in a group of total strangers. fana = find out, mana fight in undeterminate as you don't want to be that way as an ill mystress in life fena = phenominal fina = final fona = speak funa = luck fyna = blessing, bless fane = fan the interest, intrigue fene = conflict, momentous event, feneo (conflicted or diseased) fine = finachi, final, finished, the end, a fine creative in approach and used in use to fund by what you think fone = gather, collecting, undeterminate description, very destructive thought in a point, creature that is ill that gives you wants and needs and leaves you undeterminate fune = acting in secret fyne = finely done by what is unseen and noticed after fani = show, feign feni = play at fini = finding, to find foni = refined funi = be seen fyni = improve fano = fame feno = fortune fino = popularity fono = physical wealth funo = support fyno = finals fanu = rich, lots of wealth fenu = personal gain, if you knew finu = notoriety, reputation fonu = physical gain, connection to funu = likable, if who knew fynu = if I knew him, know fany = fanny, maniacal, ass, butt feny = physical manifestation finy = future visions fony = phony funy = laughter fyny = make believable fand = cause destruction, destructive fend = ultimate engager, ultimate attack find = destructive end, explosive ending fond = desire, longing fund = currency, funding fynd = find fang = fang feng = deflect fing = finger, digi, digit fong = long range send, thong fung = fungus fyng = whale fant = faint fent = feint, fend off fint = locate, location, track down, good attempt, grandstand font = fount, fountain, foundation, type face funt = tease, hang back, having fun, classic joke, play tough fynt = fish, shark, whale, sea creature farc = farsight ferc = fierce firc = explosive forc = force furc = furcadia, beastial, animalistic display fyrc = fire arc, arch of fire farn = fallen, vampiric angel fern = palm tree, fern plant firn = fireproof forn = not for, against for me furn = furniture fyrn = magic flame, blueflame biume furra = glamourous, focus furre = animal person, create furri = activist, shear, cut furro = shed, shedding, make earth furru = fur coat, assume furry = fur all over, furry, creator creature faqt = was, fraught, fought with, rock, coral stone feqt = impedive, improvised, creative feeling fiqt = sick, bowels problem, figment, fought over, not assume foqt = (was) fought, fight, healing fuqt = assault, assailed, fuck or not fyqt = thought, fact or fucked up beyond belief, creative use flar = flaring, warning toward, ignition fler = no inclination, moving away flir = flyer, runner flor = floor, punch out flur = sewer, underground stream flyr = make run fraa = fraesk, freya, result frea = fre, freak, indivisual person fria = friction froa = froda, conflicting view, fraudulent, stealing, determination, capable frua = change frya = hurry up now frae = fray, fighting people free = fighter frie = motion of, be a friend froe = disarm, throw away, frode, distinguish, lie, connive, happy, happen frue = inflict, inflictive, gouge frye = become frightened frai = politics frei = player frii = maneuvering froi = frodi, fraudin, pieces gathered, great expense, throw away frui = goverment, fryi = affects population frao = frailty, fragile freo = people frio = uncertainty froo = frodo, overuse, too much, self-creative, self-inclined, self-adaptive, adventurous fruo = going too far fryo = fry out frau = frown; female, fraud, closing, push away freu = pull to friu = peace of mind frou = upward, frodu, frown, produce, production, to send fruu = protection, to come, bring if necessary fryu = take dedtriment away freedom, thought or free considering the source a stereotype that is energy to write fray = fight frey = pause fight friy = friday froy = frody, piece, nightmare, fraunalie, hustle, disincline, refuse, disbelief fruy = fruity fryy = area departure frad = conclusion fred = smooth going, tweak, alfred, serviceman frid = friday, item, fry, lost thing frod = intuition frud = frustrate fryd = confusion; fridge, a frigid contraption. frap = lies; the moment its an idea and proven false. frep = freedom; free person that can do what you want. frip = flip; flip out, create by feel, this the moment you think about and that is where you freak out as a reaction. frop = grope; the moment you think and create by groping. frup = choice; free point and conclusion making. fruity, this is a fruity person. fryp = choose; the choice you make and decide to do. fraday = day of harrying, day of creation, horrorific moment by day as heavy breasted from killing someone somewhere that is the same person through complications freday = day of freedom friday = lost things day, loafer or shoe that is without laces. froday = getting away day fruday = frustration day fryday = frying food day, fast food day frasc = discrimination fresc = refresh frisc = great risk frosc = ice turn frusc = great wariness frysc = cautious frash = thrash about fresh = very clean frish = skittish, not all there frosh = frothy, frosty, froth frush = fruppish, frustrative frysh = fried frask = disaster fresk = woman transform frisk = body search frosk = security risk frusk = worry, frustration frysk = frisian, security search friska = active body search, whisker friske = cat, strip body friski = cat fur frisko = throw up frisku = strip search frisky = dry cat food, cat nip faet = fast, faust, fault/s, foolishness, fat eating, fist feuo = farewell; a point of faring well. This is also a faucet in physical formation. fiaum = fanaticism, group zealous strike fiee = fogyne, forgiveness; think you die or do to get away, this is where you have no hold off. feak = freak with disease feat = trained ability, skill, ability, accomplishment feanl = release; the relief of the moment or release of tension and emotions. feih = fee, poor response, induction (sucking) foor = immediately; floor, follower, associate, association, this is where you immediately assume things are right or know by the spirit knowing in feel. fehu = radiation, cattle, material wealth felina = active cat feline = energy cat thats true form be energy but appears normal, astral cat felini = cooked cat felinu = feline buttox fia = finance, feisty (defiant) foiund = wrongfullly understood, miscontent fyia = fya; fignia, figment, figurative, this uses a figurative language so think and know the point is dealt with. faun = deer legs ears tail and handsome male face body foeva = forever, un faelc = hawk sight, sighted hawk, hawk sighting, focus and think or do then the hawk does what you think. faelk = dead hawk, dying hawk faelp = hawker, hawk handler faelsky = skyhawk, hawk flight faelt = hawk prey, hawk target fail = failure, stone foil = foil, thin metal sheet foilal = aluminum foil foot = pay for fouet = whip; fouling moment faca = faucet; facade, a sink water streamer, that sometimes works by handling the handle. faction = society group feca = duct, no (natural number) fecal matter, fecal; shit that can build up given time. feda = feeder fedafle = feeder flea fachen = feather tufted chest center mangled hand growth angled leg body growth forehead center eye creature from genetic mutation that kills victims foci = focus fehoc = iron maiden, self infliction of targets attack faka = fickle, thank, slimeball, fuckoff fakau = thank you, go fuckoff, your fickle faktes = fictitious fales = fatless; This is where you are without fat, so your sometimes still as you are as you use this term. That's if you think you are like that in a way. fara = positive; positive event, event that occurs or happens what you want by needing it. fawk = endangered; forest hawk fawke = firey bird; phoenix fekai = you, your, odor eater, stinky feta = feather, defeater fetu = movy, feature, anything special; like crystalline psychic movies, doctrine, manuscript, film, moving pictures, animated motion movie, special, merit, conception, movie, stored crystal picture replay figet = un (une), eternity, forever often represented by a figure eight fits = cloth, schism, skizm faales = featureless, featherless faalesbud = featherless bird, skin bird without feathers faaleshedd = feather molt, feather loss favourite = to favor something, to seek something out of idea and ask a favor for it. fiqh = the law; police, policy holder servant fokua = poke; jab, slow, point out, slowly go fuey = martial art fuin = exception, gift, rarity feylor = fey knowledge, fairy lore feffect = full effect, fatal effect which brings full fatality and fear of anything fallen = fallen vampiric angel felinaua = big cat felouny = cat that steals anything it gets near of value to collect in private hoard, cat burglar felorin = whoever, whomever felintoad = toad cat that has poisonous underbelly excretion fillatly = fill again, refill foll = folley, foolish mistake femajik = antimagic, a practical approach to female magic femell = female femine = feminine femur = leg bone, fee to murder (whom you mention) femy = pharmacy, a place to go and get sold drugs. figut = figurt, figurine, miniature statue filet = network, filing filo = philo, fight low, philosophy, file out fire = firey, glare foulin = foulen, fowling, making foul (something) foyer = closet, drawer fuil = fire will, fiery temper fuyh = rift fuyhpyro = fire rift, firegate fukh = word; wording, this curse that stops. Otherwise wording that is when this cursing that stops. fecayie = fascilities; toilet area, toilet, rest room feriss = building instruction fuhou = heed me, obey me, full house fully = more fully fomlu = fulu, formless forte = expertise fotyi = fortitude, armored protection, fortune, fortification fowl = fowl, bad tasting bird, bad taste fumee = smoke fumeeuyf = smoke scent finipotn = find potion finit = end enchanment, find item funykou = comedian funypag = comics funiaq = insanity by what you think, fun acquisition fynaunt = flaunt in passion undead kill returning spiritual hammer fynaim = weeaim, blessed aim, spiritually guided hit fupy = firepit, frumpy farebula = ferris bueller, fairday, day off firfyr = electrical fire fury = furie, furious furcseh = furcadia client, animal display client furcserv = furcadia server, animal display server furr = fur, animal skin furreseh = animal person client, furcadia client fyrbarr = magical fireball faat = fatherly fatta = rotound, fatter fattego = pleased mind futon = furniture, couch, chair favour = raw metal, ore fff = family affair, disaster flaa = increased energy potency flats = flat roof building fleu = pneumonia; fluenza or cold flia = flicker; flica, blinking fliluky = flock together, gather together flicey = flickey, flicking things toward people by impulse flit = flight; flying, (let) fly otherwise a flit flua = flower flag = flag, call attention, cloth symbol flamel = inventor, invention, wild flame flammel = flammable flammelunn = unflammable, not flammable flak = flake flakes = worsen, make flaw flat = nflat, inflate, gas fill, air filled, aired up flatt = flatn, airless, gasless, deflate flatleta = airless water, gasless water from soda or similiar or not flatleta unnaddict = unaddictive gasless water fleur = flower flek = fleek, fluke, mistake, serendipity, or natural mistake flua = flubber, buoyant bounce, high bounce universal power material like rubber flud = fludl, fluden, flood, fluid fludplan = floodplain flunie = universal energy flow flur = floor flurpli = floorplan flusip = fellowship, follow down or lead flush = suck down flusher = stuction, suck and remove, suction fnord = hidden, hide, hidden in action this is in time movement this is a technique to think of a place and focus your mind as to think the place is moving at that speed you walk and walk as if you are going the speed of the moving object as this is to control the time of the place you percieve you can walk and go as this is to utilize time in a way to make a thought seem good. This can be used to make or think fast, to get through an area that is a lot faster than usual this is unlike a dimension that is in mentalscape, that is there at a 100 times faster than light what you see around you and can in vanish on a thought. As your in it to seem used, this is the 5th dimension to walk across a very fast street. fraek = freaky, gweeb franced = pasture, evolution, pastureland francedd = de-evolution, unevolve fract = fraction, split, break fracta = fractional, dimension shield, break apart fractal = world within world, dejavue, same pattern repeat fractas = crumbly, crumble, resistance fractos = repeatable pattern francais = french frande = candy frazl = frazzle, distress, disturb frazldazl = fractious scenic display frankenn = frankenscence freao = cold, freeze freddy, innkeeper, soul eater frehl = frail, weak, weakness, fret freq = fratly, frequency, frequently; repeated moments or idea that you notice or do. Your not the one repeating the action, its just the actions done by others, this works for you as you don't have to repeat yourself. This is the end of the loop where you walk away, otherwise you could pick something up sometimes this is from the floor. frialy = friviality; to chase, frivilous, something you do to use free time or when you have enough money. frhel = freedom, remove restriction freborn = frehehl, freeborn, born without tribe, elf wanderer, untrusted stranger or land elf Frii = fruit fric = french; language point front = up place, up close, in place frontier = interactive wilderness, new frontier frien = friend friandis = candy friken = freaking, to scare froyd = freak, freud, fraud, backward thinking froga = frog, frogger, toad frogger = jumper toad fros = frost frosnov = frost nova, large group slowing ice cold expanding ring fruly = conserve; conservative (frulyn), conservation, reserve, focus in turn, fruelly, wise save, wiseman (by host of frugal gourmet), wise saving, fruel, frugal (from the frugal gourmet show) frli = freely fwhab = throw fireball fwn = fondle, hold, handle G ga = ingenious, gubraithian, everlast, gallium ge = get; germanium, energy use, gotten or made by idea. gi = practical, geas, give, give in go = guide, to act gu = project gy = fame gaa = concern, gather, gather thought, come together gea = geas, control gia = guidance goa = interaction, business, go away gua = make up gya = star gae = life, life energy, energy of life gee = happy gie = relaxation, relax goe = eating out, go away gue = worth, worthiness gye = shame, guy gai = gaudy gei = gay, happiness gii = spirit guide goi = guardian gui = interface, talk gyi = infamous gao = gaol, medieval jail, dungeon, nowadays: a gao could be county or jail time geo = prisoner, world, plane, planet, globe, earth, terr (terror, horror, earth), ground gio = imprisionment, arrest, heat, mad of the heart goo = garment, divine guo = torment gyo = infamy gau = poley, cop, police, guard, guarding geu = enforce, up keep giu = keep peace gou = gout, gouge, niche guu = catch in the act gyu = philosophy gay = happy gey = geyser giy = practice, gallon goy = go away, gargoyle guy = projection gyy = infirmary, hospital room gab = talker, gabriel, gay girl, happy girl, lesbian geb = earth, dirt, dirty, ground, build, divine (being with earth or some other planet) gib = inner glow, insight gob = roundish, controller, em(phasis) gub = grubby, grub worm gyb = light within (that we see by feel or insight) gad = genious, good aid ged = reduced, reducement, pass, guard gid = guide god = gode stone (geode stone), find (source, place, location), doggy like otherwise a dog that responds subconsciously unless necessary this is illusion by idea expressed. gud = done; good, gut, good, skilled, positive attributed by feel, positive in view, finished gyd = request reduction gaf = old one, elder gef = directions gif = well located gof = guided to guf = mental image gyf = tourist attraction gag = to gag geg = earn, georg, gearge, good earth motion, energized organization, energy organize gig = sturdy, billion, job gog = destiny, protection, goggle, good or gone, good as gone, gogo(go on) gug = grandeur gyg = grace gah = gasp of horror, give up attempt geh = heat generation gih = ghoul, heat goh = heat duct guh = heat blast gyh = melt gal = gale force gel = compose, made up of gil = persuasive gol = set purpose, goal gul = ghoul, paralyzing gyl = gills, breath water, watery breath gan = gain, going, gaining gen = birth, create, creation, kind, type gin = birthplace, not give, silv, silver gon = gone gun = goon gyn = shot, bullet, female gap = gap gep = get up gip = gripe gop = goto place gup = goop gyp = power user gaq = astute geq = astound giq = indicate goq = prod guq = pause gyq = high up gar = daring, guard as guar or a daring person in purpose that is in unitable in force considered magna and with out use ger = raise gir = plot gor = gore gur = gurney, plan gyr = expect gas = brilliance, gas, go ges = geese gis = geiser gos = goosebump, ghost gus = goose gys = gist, nuance, slight suggestion gat = gator, gate get = scram; got with, get, giant git = move on, idiot, glimmer, glint got = goat gut = gut, good gyt = famous, eat gav = gave, gavel gev = given giv = jive, living place gov = government; govern, governer guv = groove, groovy gyv = give gaw = gawd gew = gewy, jelly, gel giw = give warning, alert gow = family meal, gown, insanity guw = green house, guru, compleated ideal gyw = fairly warn, aemy gax = evil, inimical, omnipotent gex = geek, computer specialist gix = extra effort, more effort gox = gawk guix = extra project gyx = extra fame gaz = gaze, stare at gez = geez, give a break giz = guise, concealment, disguise goz = goes, gone guz = guzzle, drink down gyz = gizmo, device, devise gla = glaze, grazing field gle = glee gli = glitch glo = glow glu = affix; glue together, place together gly = lose experience gra = gripe; grapevine, gray, gram gre = increase, greed gri = gripe; grievance, grape, grieve, grief gro = mature, grow gru = give sign gry = given freely, garage, inside parking lot gadd = gad! gedd = alleviate gidd = councillor godd = god gudd = duty gydd = slack, reduction, adjust down galp = gallop gelp = makeup gilp = persuader, conniver golp = personal desire gulp = swallow gylp = human gills, water breathing gamp = grandfather gemp = bone needle gimp = to draw, artist, drawer gomp = thud step, thinner, hug gump = wise idiot gymp = storyteller, bard garm = clothes, garment germ = germ girm = statistic gorm = issue gurm = schedule gyrm = expectation, exploit garn = garnet gern = flat girn = senseless gorn = horn gurn = ground laid, wounded person carry gyrn = directionless, uninvite, unexpected gash = cut gesh = might gish = good luck gosh = shame, shameful gush = rush out, free flow, overflow gysh = provoke, provoction, told gras = grass gres = grease, slick gris = grey gros = gross grus = slow growth grys = slow motion gran = wheat gren = green grin = grind gron = groan grun = ground gryn = grin glab = pasture gleb = tension glib = not evident glob = world glub = pieces glyb = restoration glac = glacier, frozen solid, glacial glec = creep, onrush glic = scrape, scoop gloc = blocks, solid ice gluc = break down, good luck, sugar glyc = criminal atleantian, dragon opposite is not exactly positive in negative means by love. 1.powerful one, if reason very bad person, evil one and part of the hybridy that is a bird man that can glitch things as dragon nature sometimes as with or without attribute to challenge or not do. Seeing that do is duel you effectively seen are end or isis protects or not in duel. Bot not go not be not, formed no more as no glyc is there not needed anymore as no need. 2.Ice drug(crystal meth, methaphetamine, tina, do not attempt crystal meth, krank, tweak, ice) that be unnaddictive. Crystal meth be an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities, Comes in two forms called a rough yellow hydro and smooth white glass that be usually for wanting to stay awake long hours. Crystal be made of highly volatile, toxic substances (based on such chemical "precursors" as methylamine and amyl amine) that are melded in differing combinations, forming what some have described as a "mix of laundry detergent and lighter fluid" that can be used by injecting, smoking or snorting by thought to channel challenge those that are one or not as they don't deserve the idea unless they point themselves out not to attack. As they perceive an attack they can end up using the idea by idea in drug use, endorphine blockers cures meth addiction. Smoking ice and snorting it results in an instantaneous dose of almost pure drug to the brain, giving a huge rush followed by a feeling of euphoria for anything from 2-16 hours. For some this could result in obsessive cleaning or tidying, but for many the biggest bonus be the sense of sexual liberation which can result in mad, abandoned sex for hours g sometimes daysn- on ent. In almost half of the new AIDS cases, crystal meth has been a factor. From http://www.urban75.com/Dvugs/meti.html. Don't think to see this and not use it on cops. glag = pchoke, extinction gleg = gleeful glig = expect glog = light glug = drink, consume glyg = great loss glak = ruined land, kill land glek = perky glik = solution glok = die out gluk = good luck glyk = seal gath = give and take, sybolic geth = get from goth = construction gith = gain entrance, elven warrior guth = gain from gyth = gryphon garl = garble, gargle, to clear your throat and use water or salty liquid to do it gerl = bad girl, gerble, girl man girl = lover, girlfriend, love, good in real life, underaged female, woman gorl = gorge, stuff yourself, male gorilla gurl = girl, good link, guerilla, woman gorilla gyrl = point location, viruluous disease that spreads by comment and causes effect thats thought on, gyroscope gawn = midday, day gone gewn = strewn about, wreck giwn = undeclar, unspoken, unwarn gown = dress guwn = goon, bad boy, bad example gywn = owner, unfair advantage gagmuieun = gross out, gag me with a spoon gegmuieun = spoon fed, feed me, feed me with a spoon gigmuieun = presentation, present me, sturdy me with a spoon gogmuieun = bait, protect, protect me with a spoon gugmuieun = overwhelm me, grandeur me with a spoon gygmuieun = ageun, charm me, be charming, silver spoon, grace me with a spoon gaaa = gaffer, old person, horrid scream sound gaiasg = galactic saying, to be by better I mean in difference. To be able to make better and be self improved without thinking about it. gaie = sand gyou = yes, agreement goou = see you, going out, going now gaan = goneria; really bad direction. gaik = gaelic; roc-like giant hawk, gay-like, happy to do, language or dialect gael = gaelic gaelic = ogham ,gaelic, druidic language gains = bad shape, weight gain, metered effort, measure gives action interred gainsday = Sept 25, Nov 21, 27 by legis Bill gates "Its caused by the standing timekeeper crystal set by Atleantians, to start in morning or middle of the day and end at three days later. You start to gain 1 pound per every other bites. But its a few other days too, Oct 27 and one in the 15th but it usually happens on a leap year. But the last year will be a bit harsh as the timekeeper crystal be spiritual and the demands of the negative be like making it almost underboard motion of any positive event as its a steal of everything everyday. If you denied the weight, the weight drops but doubles the money or wealth itself because the strange spiritual energy disperses and causes a 10% increase per everyday..use." gait = fraic; multiple view, To see many forms and events and as an all through a single frame. gaud = gaudy, extravagent gayaa = planetary ship, happiness. gabriel = angel, angelic gadi = recieved; got things. gado = judgement; make life. gebi = father; singing. godi = reception; got it, baby. greed = monday, money geac-b = remote control, distance control geed = greed, merchant, depth, greedy geo = geographic, ground study, geographic, energy saving, ground, planet geoi = high gravity geu = low gravity geuo = medium gravity geuoy = medium-high gravity geulo = medium-low gravity geop = population, populace geoss = time sphere geko = gecko, repetition, repeat giau = un, gold god, immortal gift = not, gave, ediot, think the number to get what you want. goid = good, weird gold, conduct/or goober = idiot good = skilled in making guikidd = parent, indecent guil = guile, deception, deceit guba = idiot goda = geda, gordan, guardian goddwib = god focus goddwibt = paladin, god channeler goghi = chat; chatting, Goki e goghi is chat with reponse by chatting. goki = talk; talking goku = child leader, natural leader gala = galactic galen = sword, blade galenvamp = vampiric sword gang = street group, work group ganj = weed, dope, drugs, this early weedlike substance is similar to dope and other drugs. gelopin = old latin geld = money gelding = bank note, coinage gall = pleasure giala = giyaila, genitillia; otherwise this is private parts that you expose at the right time. golem = golem, live magical material construct golembli = blood golem, self-replenish owner refresh life share golem golemt = state, atlantean government golt = atleantian enforcer, golem goltbli = blood golem, self-replenish owner refresh life share golem gemynat= naturally understand genery = restriction, coward genuf = good enough genum = dna structure, genetic structure gomen = your pardon, declining, dismissal (something), permission gara = able mind garag = garage, inside parking lot garen = guaranteed failure, unique, unpredictable garion = innocence gary = open, openess, misconcept garysodiar = open heart garret = choke cord get'er'don = get heard done, get it done. gresmaky = greasemonkey, mechanic, mechanism fixer grn = ground, grin, geranium nitrate ae GrN to transform other materials into gold, GeN2 to form a possible substitute Gera = gear up, laugh gerald = dependable gerard = restorer, repairer, restoration geroff = getofn, driveway, divert giraff = horse deer with long neck horse torso deer head creature gusher = rapid flow, guyser gata = gather, enact action gataire = airgate, psychic gate gato = gate open, gate operation gatgeb = earthgate, morphing gate gathle = firegate, cleaning gate gatll = open gate gatsby = live condition, live predicament gatt = gattling gun, achieve, achievement ganuevar = planar large cat that lives in the primal plane your looking right at existence at the masters whim and in any large cat shape and it acts the guard ganyuer = get anywhere, achievement, achieve gantika = human giant phoenix in ten is feet tall with giant vibrant wings giant and human feet human body torso and legs and two arms ending in clawlike hands, this giant can come back to life after it dies reborn of itself and regenerate by what you can see or nor as energy. gatsca = scapegoat, person excuse, blamed person gytrash = road spirit that is a place and is with a nothing third arm that creates by channeled fire energy and by whatnot you have a use as a will is a chi arm and what you think as acceptable use is what you consider in out as a point will of life. gazon = lawn geldoxt = financial gollum = treasure seeker gulon = fox tailed lion hyena gamma = gamma radiation gemy = understand as view in life changed in perspective genierc = generic gimbold = calm during chaos gimly = forger, creative smith ganryou = content gantou = sugar content, sugary gietupiyy = ginestupidity, to make use of things like exceptions to form things and make do to do things. giomus = ginormous, very large. ginny = gainful, virginia, purist genesis = artful creation genno = generate oxygen gend = make truth, twist, wrend gunn = small but powerful, gun gurk = personal gent = gentlemen, nobleman, man, gentleman geyser = rapid spray, rapid spew guyser = rapid upflow, rapid upspew guten = geuten, good geg = george, dependable, gorgeous gega = geiga, geiger, force measurement gegwbue = earth pagan justice, george w bush, prestigious conceiving in motion or terror stop (here) (stop terrorism by use of their structure). gegbujr = equilibrium, dependable move/ment, ebuiqib (equal measure), always win (those that strive will win if they pay for it.) gewebe = tissue gewebepap = tissue paper gifu = gift, partnership gigvf = restart guina = adrenal gland goodall = thief family, goodwill garm = garment, four eyed blood splattered black dog with scarlet wings and golden body garter = gardener garthe = curse, set upon goheaproc = Demigod healing procedure - regenesis allows a soul or demon for you to absorb into the body by energy infusion to cause your body to be demi-ized by the energy and the soul dispersed or to have an imprint to keep the body in regenerative state. A process called eugenics be also considered as its the process of meditation combining spirit and body leaving a person with a superbody and one-like mind, leaving the brain as a "soul" and super brain thats regeneration able and sometimes imprinted with regeneration and "brainwashed" for idea and storage of energy and memories. Overlapping of the body by the brain reinforcing the soul body or a personality taking over for the idea which be impossible. This has made fairies, elves, Angelic or Demonic people. The person be a demigod from as he/she absorbs energy from whatever source by action, and regeneration slows down along with deteriation creating a superlike body with half the soul a large human force of bodily energy. As one be a God the body disappears with the soul being entirely melded, with the body into a energy synthesis more perfect than the dual spirit/body integration by a homongenious means. A uniting by a regenisis process of using an anchor or a gemstone in meditation for the soul/spirit and body/brain to link in as a facet of the God/dess "gemstone". To meet God without being judged and lose sight of heaven after with no regeneration possible except with a second soul, as a "memory and recharge" battery. Given by examples of the Bible. gosfom = ghost form, form of ghost gust = taste gustatory = edible gather = come together gorba = gorb, be inonsistant, gorey, garbage gorbacav = gorey opening, gorbachav, friendly gorbochev, concedrix, concess/ion gorou = very hairy, werewolf gormu = gourmet, eating selection gyrnt = unexpected result gyto = gifted, created point, remark govannen = ruler, burden, ruling party gflyn = remember gflynn = not remember gleati = gillatine, chopping block glabezu = glamourous being, angellic glabrezu = being of mariad ages, ageless being glacee = beard gletroe = glacial spike, freezing exploding ice shard glitroa = globetrotter, world explorer gletroa = treasure collect glup = glomp, tackle hug glut = gluttony; overeating, excessive eating, this is cancelled out by thinking about things or stating uu-glut (pronounced you-uh gloot or uh-uh glue-t) glyf = rune, glyph gna = gnaw, gnat, yes gnee = genesis, artful creation gneu = good enough (use), I don't know, nooo, no gnoe = gnosis, to pull meaning out from thin air gnome = earth elemental, wise dwarf able to find metal and meld into trees gnosis = good no is this idea, knowledge, broken of idea or form (avergenious), intuition by means in the area thought ghaiz = stone ghafw = storm ghafwmit = powerstorm, thunderstorm, lightning storm, before you make a man insane make him sane ghafwmitt = powerstormer, energy channeler gjwwai = summon gpaxf = shower graek = grawk, a 3-toed toad monster, bad greek, freak graiar = open heart grad = gradient, grade grat = grateful gravis = gavel, gravity time, that corrects things and remakes events anywhere, including illusions. This is to Stop, do and remake. gridauta = granddaughter grey = medium tone grek = grecian, greek, old tradition grekfud = greek food grekpyro = greek fire gress = step grex = greece, old tradition grios = gold collection, bank gryf = trial by error, gryffyndor graph = graphical, write grinch = anathema, disregard, child stealer, anarchist, talent seeker, against gringotts = gold collection, bank gral = grail, drink cup, goblet groi = groin; growing, this is where you are growing in size something of yourself until you don't need to grow. growy = wing growth gruoz = windspeed gruozx = high windspeed gruui = rain gruuica = rain forest gruev = groovy, cruel way to live (ruination) grz = grease grtz = congrats, gritz, greetz, grits, greets, regrets gsutoreln = rock spire gteal = rock wall gtuleht = skin dancer, skin shifter gtuln = new skin, scab gpuzre = shield gpuzreunsozfol = energy shield gpuzrecalam = fire shield gwyllion = ugly female faery that take a goat form and make travellors lost H ha = have; (hao) had, depiction, to, laugh he = heat, helium, hair, light hi = unwant, mark, hello, hand ho = wonder, homium, equal, how, woman, heliopath, wonderous hu = heighten, helio, who, fire being hy = crossing over, find your way, high haa = realization hea = heal, heave hia = energy release hoa = hold up hua = balancing, hyper; high, higher in something that is stopping when you need it to become what you want with balancing. hya = meet hae = hey hee = get a move on, open hie = highly, hoe = plow hue = animal; shade of color hye = hyena, wild werewolf, evil trickster hai = agree, honey ant hei = elevate hii = trust hoi = throw up hui = humane; human, compassion, minding, compassionate, hurling, throw at a distance hyi = exchange hao = healthy heo = firey; heal, helio, fire hio = hail hoo = focus; aim, horror huo = minute; hypo, low, lower something that stops at a low point. hyo = diversion; divert, halo, fire ring hau = possess; possession, good, are (area arranged) heu = time; hour, hello hiu = chopped; chop to pieces, chop up, shapeshifting fire being that controls wildfire hou = greeting; how, belonging to, house huu = ground hyu = phase hay = straw bundled, straw hey = greet hiy = hand shake, kiss on cheek hoy = grabbing attention, fire fey that are wild fire beings, hoist huy = throw outward hyy = high, highly, hvy, heavy hab = living, hasbeen heb = translate hib = sleep within, hibernate hob = hobble, break on purpose hub = see all (pan), hubris; vehicle, area or area effect. hyb = hide in, cross between hac = he, fake; hack, visualize, picture, pseudo effect there is faking things or a point you make it real, this is where you think to imagine something, then visualize the result and picture yourself after the point to set a point you make in detail. This is done by doing activity or suggesting things to yourself, this is made by suggestion almost everyday to create the point you imagined and visualized. The point you do is focus as you think or state a thought, that is when you create by subconscious what you visualize is you, those that did this created as you did the result and created on idea is thinking on a point by feel. hec = infrared view, light burst, this could be a hulk transformation if your body uses the light energy in a burst to produce rapid expansion. this only takes a thought and a focus point to do. so if you don't need the weight, then don't do this effect, so if that's because it can create a rapid cell expansion..then its especially going to happen results if you eat or drink calories to make up for the body expansion. hic = hick, hillbilly, explosive, painted scene hoc = hockey, miracle, see how, find out, sell and buy (ad hoc) huc = sense, sea storm, huck, hockey stick hyc = transition, transitional, high tide, destruction had = jury; haven't, hadn't, duty, judgement, reduction, destruction, deduction, had (tricked) hed = hedonistic; heed, focused heat, heat wave, explosion, head hid = sign; money, coin, bank note, dollar, less value, hide hod = hoody; hold, held, control, trial, servant, destruct, thought out, think, curious, ancestor hud = display; extrude, extract, sensual height, lower level, deadness, disturb hyd = black; slavery, bondage, charge reduction, criminal, low price, dip. high debt, or mass destruction hadda = supply; had to, had of hadde = (a) death, had dealt haddi = hood; had, did have haddo = job; had to do, chore haddu = birthed, duty to you haddy = demised; hoody, had dye, had died haf = discount; have, half hef = strength; heft, hefty hif = plane; fly high, highflyer, ideosity hof = dismiss; hoff, scoff huf = hoof hyf = sniff; high, drug effect, high time, high ground hag = witch shapeshifter who for being loners drives off people, manipulates them for pleasure, hang heg = hedge, panic pause hig = high up hog = hog, male pig hug = huge hyg = high ground hah = snort laugh caught in act heh = mild laugh, heavy (moment), silent laugh, silent laughter, relaxation by act is art as what you use to withdraw with is imagination with energy and as a useable idea you think you are considered an act. hih = breathy hello, expressive greeting hoh = stop slowly huh = bafflement hyh = wild laugh, unstable laugh formed by negative energy from an interred energy reactor that is what is essence in used death energy that creates by the energy you think. hak = not funny, dead serious in life not so serious after life hek = dark, revoke, heckle hik = hike, hawk, long walk, in a run or walk hok = hock, slightly untrue or not your will is energy as a form huk = hook hyk = hicky, skin blemish hal = hale, heathy, breathy, from a movie dark crystal "demonic seemism thats not seen by done nature", AI (crystalline intelligence), heal hel = hl; heal, heel (for an animal) hil = while hol = hole, whole hul = heighten sense hyl = hill, large mound ham = disparage, harm, correct in motion but not in mind if perceived in a moment that is what is there or could get you arrested, hearing someone from the past hem = hamper, lurch him = sear, hime, hima, high mark hom = home, helm, helmet, similiar, relax hum = anthr (another), human, being, good humor, humid hym = ritual song, him han = underwear, hear out, handle, male life force that is from the heart hen = very, good, weird hin = behind, hind leg hon = hone, horn, partner hun = red hewwing fish, hoon, owl, hewn hyn = hint, hinder hap = happen hep = heap, pile hip = hype, hip hop = hope hup = hoop hyp = neat, hyper, hipp, hype, write up har = laugh her = her, hear, here hir = hire, higher hor = horror, horrid hur = hurdle hyr = adhere has = haze hes = murky, slowness, glue, adhesive his = high score hos = hose, horse hus = slower, whose, sluggish hys = his hat = hate; avoid what you can this will be fun. het = heat, branch of study, her, stick (on), glue (on), hate hit = height, popular, populous, drug, tune, (hate to) strike hot = in heat, hot hut = owl hyt = hit hav = haven't, protection hev = heave, throw hiv = hive, mental link, connect awareness hov = levitate, hover huv = suck into, hoove hyv = wilt, dry out, store haw = laugh hew = k, cut hiw = hail, hao, greet, hello how = bone, howl, greet, personality (chinese) huw = pull, toward hyw = gravity hax = descriptive, extreme hex = hex, spell, extra helium, six, advanced number system hix = upraise, hike up hox = hoax, false hux = huix, hook, nature child hyx = extra high, rare air haz = whoozy hez = contained helium, helium tank hiz = hello, high resolution hoz = hose huz = whose hyz = his, high altitude, high up hagg = magi shapeshifter, haggle hegg = patience higg = high ground hogg = large hog hugg = hug hygg = hygiene hama = lighten, vein hema = exploit end, gravity, life blood hima = spread, sustain homa = bumble bee huma = make change, general hyma = move across, cross over hame = lighten mood heme = aiding, feel good hime = give of yourself home = down to earth hume = support, know it all hyme = chorus song hami = division or feeling release hemi = hemitite, restriction, half, 1/2 himi = divide, direct application homi = disolution, seeking out, untense humi = trapped, thinking on hymi = inclusion hamo = appearance, apparant, humour glitch hemo = detection, detect himo = deign, mask homo = hide, hiding, same humo = odd; (worked) funny, make laughter, humorous, weird, this is a weird moment that is odd and humorous as its a point of disturbance or nothing. hymo = harmony; harmony in life. hamu = mana, ancient magic source, soul, great power, this is a soul of great power where you think and create by an ancient magic source. hemu = metal himu = tense homu = dense humu = directed as, directed force hymu = directed music hamy = (hame-y), moved to harm hemy = song request himy = cast forth flame homy = sent home, do I belong humy = suggest hymy = focused music hana = hinder; holding hane = handles hani = honey hano = handled hanu = stopped; stopping point, focus to create and stop. hany = handling; hold, keep, this is where you keep a hold on things. hann = male source, hang henn = chicken hinn = hinder, hint honn = hon, attention getter hunn = hunt, held blow, honey hynn = excuse, hind, human centaur shapeshifter, hinder, help, aid hant = put to a halt hent = to give prospect hint = a masking hont = searching the grounds hunt = hunters hynt = a hint harz = horrific, terror herz = energy voltage, hertz hirz = highly visual, brightly coloured horz = energy bars hurz = in pain from hyrz = shock hamm = ham hemm = sewing line himm = him, 1 A person who be antisocial by negative means (Himler and similiar). 2. A being (sometimes negative, Dhampiric, Outer spacial, Alien). 3. a male personality. 4. An antisocial and aggressive message. 5. Dhampiric personage, thanks to Amanda. homm = joyous feeling humm = hum hymm = alter self hasl = hssl, hassle hesl = busy hisl = time past hosl = hotel husl = hussle hysl = provoke hast = hate hest = behest, good will hist = history, hissy fit host = house overseer, intent hust = hustle, human strength, humane strength, painkiller hyst = robbery hla = snake human hle = fire hli = active heal, active hold hlo = hello, healed hlu = heal yourself, control yourself hly = cure all haori = naming cloth, energy level by sigil, energy level in itself, a level of a person or the person halp = experienced specially, expert help hammurag = dark light, being negative or dark with method yet positive with intention. ho-oo = phoenix Heiu = [He-uh] feeler heal, Create life effect through time and undo unnecessary. Restore. hiei = hierarchy hier = here hierocosphonx = hawk headed lion hioctan = high octane, energy efficient hameln = pied piper or applied singer piper as you might think about it hate = hiatus, restriction hihi = how do you do? huin = humanely; humaning, humbling, this is creating a human perception by what is done. huhedgoa = human headed goat haal = healthy; make healthy otherwise, think of what you need to get a result. halh = less healthy; less fat and less food is what is done. hascik = hopscotch; this is where you use chalk and mark a sidewalk, then jump on the area and stay in the lines. headbangs = music listen heal = restful; rest or relax, meditative healing sleep, this effects in the mind by causing rest and relaxation otherwise that seems to effect the brain and work with the point that you make with or without food. healun = undeath; undying health, with negativity its incessant bad health healunh = healunn, unceasing bad health with negativity healy = heal yourself, self-healing hearepairo = regeneration hearsay = false rumor, rumor, its a false rumor if proven wrong or a rumor that's true is proven correct. heat = gun, pistol, heatpack heath = health heather = heavenly, down to earth, a plant hebrew = translate language, language combination, ancient language hellion = hell denizen hemlock = choke or throat close hemun = immunity, also a 6 fingered human with unlimited magic and elemental force ability. hemp = this weedlike substance is not additctive and cures a myriad of problems with the body as it heightens the mind and calms the spirit and brain. hoen = holn, hell denizen huey = eye color huerm = hermetic, cure by natural ideal magic huoi = high fortitude, high protection, high fortune, untouchable heron = Symbolism by what you see, Symbolic hurm = natural harmonic hermetic cure hairy = coarse hair, hairy, hassle hiume = hyifyumub, gift exchange holiday, christmas hiumev = xmas eve, cut extra mass after hibiscus = derangement, inhibit, marijuana hilkep = hillkeep, inn hinsa = high insane where you appear sane in your mind but isn't or your mind isn't, much like a vision but it somehow fits and the vision if there doesn't end. With the high insane, use others stuff and they can't control you as they somehow get a link to the stuff you normally use. By admittance they drop it. hisa = high sane is to see a clear vision while being sane. You see everything in a high and clear resolution. So you are not attacking yet being. A vision that clearifies as sanity. As soem is to be able and all neat while soem isn't. We see to differ as in the procedures we might take. Some in a moment might consider sane as insane with the instant. hivi = high vision or the think by thought and it occurs. hivig = high imagination is to see it, and it or they become real. You have to dissuade them from being there. As to go else is there. Then they dissolve as if else is then into nothing. hyifyu = gift exchange hamah = healing bird that when around will cause healing in almost everything hameh = murderer blood drinker bird hammurag = dark light, being negative or dark with method yet positive with intention. Hammer rage hanky = soft cloth hankypanky = henkypanky, explorative exploration, you feel it to know it just to precise expression hubbub = crowd interest, noisy matter harry = ivestigator, fun loving herd = heard, guided target huli = live fire, living likeness, hullucigen (smoke chemical hallicinigenics) huit = eight , hack it, cut up, eight heyqa = greetings hiatus = geas hoyl = card hoylgam = card game huyiao = human alligator with crocodile head, humanlike leathery torso, clawed feet and it prefers to walk huysun = shuriken habanero = a habinero pepper habe = have, habenero habbo = habitat or insane habitat not hobgoblin = friendly human fairy, user with feel by allow or no use, seen or user friendly hasbeen = false presenter, pretender or user hadsu = handsome, thought use is feel or beauty hidago = outlast, durable hudra = human dragon that has a human shape but thick scale armor with thick tail and a dragon head standing on two clawed feet hydrosel = saltwater hafta = hafto, have to or ot no need hifotyi = high fortitude, high protection, high fortune, untouchable by area or thought not to be effected is not effecting you if your clean huff = hufflepuff, not lost hope, or faith by area activity hagall = hail, forces outside your control or use is useful hoga = everlasting fire spirit or area largeness not there hogwart = large pimple or unformed area hogwarts = beginner magic school or scholistic hemunte = weld, metallic combine or chemical bond harg = higher argument, life from original world that you are guided by trap not traped by the creator with the information. Horrific motion via argument., hard gain, hard get other than harder to use this hard to get area is what is use or sometimes rare harg'e = exceptional guard argument of positiive nature, death, higher point or orbital by area arguement with energy., higher guard, user feel hargamony = a disease that doesn't go away and seems like a cold that is paralysis avoided by not touching unclean surfaces then touching the nose created by ascertained means. hargemony = wipe or not is higher argument with concept or with money use by feel hargeword = Words that mean to allow but get stuff or feel. hargomony = higher argument of the memory of money or use. herg = tumor like magic effect thats shaped, tumor thats growable, causing a repeat moment that effects nearby or use is useful until useless. hergword = hard-wired if its worded by area use. hermedical = hospital, herbal cures by careful or use is measure by use with area hermion = hear me out, hearing use hermione = study well, study use hilde = hilt, heal or repair by brain area repairing by the tissue or cell memory tissue regeneration by the creator, use is to repair not spasm, thinking to get rid of guilt by repair by aura touch, can't really call a being a healing homethro = throw to the ground homogenious = similiar mixture hombjala = house projection demon homhoo = helmed horror, animated magical armor servant horadd = harassment, horror addition hang = understand, halt, talk, chat horn = force, ivory protrusion, intrude howemo = bone armor, dead bones circling armor howal = bone wall, fossilized bones wall circle humour = energy body flow huaqia = shark human transformer huyfit = elephant human that be a walking elephant half the elephant bulk heti = hitting; histi, histin, history hukl = heckle; bother, think or where you make use of an idea and sometimes that is asking someone for something, this idea isn't always appreciated so don't heckle anyone if you can avoid it. hutobb = human plant, plant clone that be perfect human form on the outside but plant in the middle hutrol = human troll looks human but can regenerate anything at will, automatic hane = study well, hermione hillary = motherly, disciplinist, disciplinary, discipline, humiliation hindu = pacifist, religion hippocampus = fish horse with webbed paw forelegs serpent tail, horse tail and plausible back fin hippocerf = horse deer hippogryph = griffin head wings front legs and a torso with horse hind legs hopkin = durability, endurance hypo = insufficient, under hyppo = elephant sized horse hosan = saint hysir = high court judge, high and mighty hipnoj = hypnoj, hypnotize hath = has, have hot = fire ant hottie = hotty, good looking, very sexy haven = habitat, living place heddro = heddrop, to drop head, money count hevy = heavy hewup = cut up, diced hewupp = green onion hewn = wrought, built howgao = bone prison, imprisoning bone wall ring that imprison all enemy nullifying magic howlug = bone spear, pass-thru bone missile that strikes in a row howeta = seeking revenant spirit, howitzer, revenant spirit that seeks out mental target or its own huwom = human worm that has human serpentlike body worm head and neck, human woman hyplasa = hyperlight; This is a point on your way of life and its a choice of yours, lets make certain that you know where your going and that means you should know of things before you go as revealed with insight by the soul and realized by the spirit. So think you go and you go there, otherwise if you don't think to go you won't and you end up back on earth or the planet you want to be on. Once you shift there, you can easily shift to places. What will occur is what you want to occur, this means what you feel should happen will happen. Once you shift you aren't remembered as you went hyperlight, this is using the light given off of our bodies aura with thought to end up somewhere or do something else. That is done by closing your eyes or leaving them open and think you go somewhere else. Seeing a picture of the place helps with what you do. Think of what you want and your subconscious does things, that is where the subconscious creates what you want by what you need. This uses any source of energy that you want to use, that is including your own body weight as a source. I am not in an afterlife, so I would know by the spirit what is there. This is advanced knowledge of the enlightened master, seeing that he or she ceased to live 800 years ago. Then remembering the area or place and thinking of the thing to do as you need to be there shifts you back or to where you need to be, this is just as you feel what you think the area was like. Think of the feel that was there or think of your feelings for the place or the family there to activate it. Then a natural light surrounds your body spreading through the aura, that erases the past point and you are of different intended results. Unless your recorded in doing something or on record then, if on record think to go hyperlight and they won't have a record. Seeing you can do the hyperlight shift while this can be done standing in place or going to somewhere, still doing things otherwise you can go anywhere you imagine, if you intend to, then you are in other places and times until you decide to return. This means you are remembered and yet you don't make the same mistakes. What is listed in the point thereafter, this won't happen to you unless you want things to occur. An that is a point my past life remembers well as a noted idea. hha = serious effort, seriously, shirley, no hrmem = corecrazy, cursor crazy, anchor, to actually go and seem like doing, To go about and seem like you do to seem normal and go crazy on actually doing, to have a go an have a long term memory and some short term. hsigo = winged monkey with human face hss = historectomy, muscle weight; this muscle weight weighs 3 times as heavy as fat and is gained by working out. However, the muscle weight can appear slender or bulky at first, that's until the bulkiness is changed into thinness as a worn down form to appear like an unnatural slenderness. This means mucle is there, that allows you to open tight things easier. Some think it worth the effort, some think it's not worth the time to earn this type of muscle weight. Yet, this weight is worn away as you keep the muscle and only by eating sugar and other foods as you work out. This is knowable as a fact and can seem interesting indeed by feel, especially if you can lower the weight and keep the muscle. htorelnpor = tremor htorelnzg = arbo, tree htuoctumoi = aqocebyaeoi, hydrocarbonatemethanol, breathable water htuoctumoisfi = aqocebyaeoefi, hydrocarbonatemethanolsulfur, breathable sulfurwater htuotu = hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 not useful htuotri = hydrogen oxate, H2O3, water mist not useful htuso = hydrogen sulfur, corrosive water, H2SO htuostu = hydrogen oxygensulfide, Healing sulfurwater, rotten egg water, H2OS2 htusotri = hydrogen sulfuroxate, sulfur ozone, corruptive gas that heals bodies, swamp gas, H2SO3 htuoquad = hydrogen peroxite, corrosion gas, H2O4 hw = how, bone, homework, greeting, hew hxc = hoaxic, sporadic, false idea, hexidecimal, six numbers J ja = know, jab, negative, against, yes, this is a point that your aware of yet know its true. je = clean ji = interchange jo = person; joked, good, coffee ju = jilk; hexed, jew, play, youthful jy = bade; bade is sometimes bad, bad guy, bad thing jaa = look around jea = postive jia = moving platform joa = airflow; jet, plane jua = made; area of action, installment, place jya = con; convince, conniving jae = jewel jee = gleeful jie = deny; jab, clean, sister, stab joe = candy; formable material, scalding, tough, gooey jue = cast jye = exploit jai = jail jei = opinionating; jaded, bias jii = charm; enchant, enchantment, enchant anything you think on with choice property as energy. joi = enjoyment; play, joint, statement jui = claim jyi = hide; congeal, conceal jao = jail; imprisionment jeo = dimension; rock, globe, planet jio = fly joo = glide; you, slide juo = jump jyo = geas; set subliminal instruction jau = join jeu = jinx; voodoo, play, youthful, when the jinx is realized it can stop if you don't need it. jiu = disrupt jou = joust; fight, just juu = spell jyu = misunderstand jay = jay bird, illegal, legal, talent jey = happy feel jiy = song of joy joy = enjoy, artificial joy be Sodium Hydro Pentathol or dopamine; joy drug; control drug juy = disappoint jyy = jig, built-upon, stole away, jury rig, snig jab = jab, strike jeb = cleanliness jib = switch back job = job, work jub = curse jyb = enemy jac = jack, shock jec = beckon, jinx jic = short, sparking, impregnate joc = prank juc = drink, curse jyc = framed jad = jade jed = self suit jid = trade blow jod = cleanse jud = purify jyd = step, stairstep jaf = bruise jef = sanitary jif = communication jof = dirty joke juf = area curse jyf = dirty deed jag = justice, jagged, edge, cutting edge jeg = spring cleaning, knife edge, little dragon jig = interject, dance jog = jog, recover, good humor jug = bad, container, liquid jyg = magical dance jah = observe, ahh, yes jeh = subtle jih = holy, holy war joh = at job juh = join in, meet, congregation jyh = hired help jaj = reminder jej = clear conscious jij = correct; adjustment, yes, philosophy, wisdom joj = good escuse juj = no; wrong, judge jyj = powerful jak = bathroom, jake jek = cleaned up jik = exchange blow jok = unhumorous, humorous juk = diamond jyk = acclaim jal = contain, keep from jel = jiggly, loose form jil = wanted, hunted for jol = jolly, always laugh jul = jule, jewel, energy used jyl = consistence, constant jam = problem area, jam jem = efficient, spring cleaning jim = gym; work out, substitution, leap year, aggressive, substitute, depend, dependable jom = equation, practical joke jum = bad month, disasterous month jym = illogical, villian jan = bruised ego, make stride jen = work clothing jin = transfix, genie jon = reputed, insurgent, betrayer jun = cluster, spring, june jyn = mercenary, jinn, djinni, djyn, granted wish jap = japanese, surge jep = clean force jip = change source jop = positive force jup = corrupted power jyp = taint jaq = jabbed silent jeq = cleanliness jiq = mute joq = silent relaxation juq = silence, quitness jyq = resistance, silent treatment jar = jar, unscrew, round container jer = without dust jir = gyro jor = tactical, good move jur = council, juror jyr = villany jas = jasper jes = lack of patience jis = act for someone jos = prophecy, joke jus = just, justice, fair jys = focusing calm, trance jat = stab jet = jet stone, movement jit = jint, roach, readjustment; nervous reaction, jittery, jita, adjust (to switch place), adjustment that in use can lead to a nervous reaction. jot = write, jolt, a little jut = jut, jute, diamond, extend out, extension jyt = jitter jav = hangover jev = clean slate jiv = switch views jov = good view, hade juv = juvenile jyv = villainous jaw = jaw jew = disobedient; disobedient ones (jewe or jewix), this is where disobedience is noted and remarked upon otherwise this is fresh as fresh is a point you notice. jiw = juxtaposition, switched place jow = jowl juw = coven, gathering jyw = treachery jax = pierce jex = appear new, extra clean jix = exchange, jinx, a stop, a thing that stops jox = expert juix = damning, spite jyx = supercriminal jaz = knife fighter, knifer jez = jeez jiz = swap, confusion joz = sweet juz = bad luck, scapegoat, ginnypig, jews jyz = juvenile criminal, thief den jaff = dishonor, family insult jeff = janitor, clean, family sanitary jiff = talk, peanut butter joff = prank juff = haunt jyff = secret, ghost trick (in depremand) jahn = increased momentum jehn = movement jihn = speed john = bathroom, stunned, father, vowel movement juhn = rapid movement jyhn = pulsing force j-ear = devotion, charged purpose jailor = imprisioner jaune = yellow jaya = giant, being chase/d jean = sharp wit, quick mind, cagey, injustice jiay = quick, quickly, fast, quick movement jieasu = twin sister jado = show; shadow work or idea. jaheim = death and desperateness not desired or not desperate activity by calm behavior with love and loyalty that sometimes can seem what you laugh or feel in pain jelif = charmed life jicrukido = jiycryekideth, death song, banshee wail jink = real money. jinka = money, in ancient they could get violent over an exchange if there was denial. jinn = djinn, listen to the money exchange as they are shapeshift transparent as fire bodied beings of good and bad nature who can grant the wish of the asker and transport people through sleep to another place at will and listen to the angels speak as they want. jinshin = earthquake jinshin-uwo = earthquake fish, 700 mile eel joey = disrespect, disfavor joiy = chore, joiner or idealist in abstract thinking. joir = implement method, implementor joier = joiner johir = joeir, monster, menace joicorrant = power play joesa = scalding hot jyokou = illiterate jabrya = jabreya, impatient, young jabhyc = charge strike jace = wall slam jaco = chair, lift up jacob = attempt, ladder jack = stable, air pump, rock steady, this is something you put under a car to raise it up and down. jacky = jackie, yellow jacket wasp java = brewed coffee jedi = mental control master jedil = wash jedilarmur = washable armour jedilplak = washplate, untarnish silver, self-cleaning jedy = thaw; melt or melting moment where ice turns to water. jody = askance: questionably; questionable point that you think about. jera = harvest, reaping of efforts jesus = jeysus, to curse, calmness in calamity jetison = eject, freely release jethro = incredible, ingenious joaplarmi = self-cleaning armour, washable platemail judy = busy; work, working (task), bey, busyness, this is a task to be doing something, that's work done by the point you think to get a result. the end result is imagined, so think of what you want and you can get the idea as though an end result. jiffy = convenience, moment, fast, automobile jagu = jaguar jagan = grand knight jiggtul = skin dancer jihnx = extra speed, unknowable jijo = forbidden, alien city jake = outhouse, portapotty jalepeno = jalepeno, mildly hot pepper jalor = jailor julie = delight jane = plain, basic flavor janet = proposal jenny = tough, individual jingy = jumanji, magical game of jungle sequences that often can trap the players and they are released by stating uou jingy or awareness. jinxh = subvert, subversion jones = efficient, ambiguity josh = joke joshua = psychic, ladder, build-up joshuaid = mental assistance, mental help call juchie = junky, man jusity = just in time, in the nick of time jushq = police headquarters just = settle; jus-t, fated in this, just this, that judge, jest, anchor point, this is where you settle somewhere and can shift back to there by feel, this is done as you think to be where you use the word. Think to remove the anchor if you want to do things, this is done by thinking to pull up the roots of yourself. However, I would keep the anchor or you might shift around. Use of the word in a sentence makes it so you don't think of what's before the word, you remember the point after the word. justi = justin, judge, lawful, just inside justic = ice formation, lawman, law representative, law representor justiss = justice, law justinn = chaotic, not lawful, lazy, unlawful jordan = sport (basketball, baseball, etc) jorden = hidden desire, hidden threat jsut = jesuit, pursuit of peace and focused on thought, peace one, oneness K ka = chi, human body (force), female life force ke = key, keen, enable, key method, think to key in and do what you want (sometimes this is for a personal reason like better health yet you could reject the health as its extra weight and weight drop) and things work out ki = mind and spirit, kick ko = do force, kill off, will do ku = energy projection, cool, empty ky = momentum build, combined spirit and body force, high chi kaa = kindly kea = persist kia = working on koa = cooperation kua = accuracy, on target, subtle defeat kya = relentless kae = destructive impulse; on an impulse you create by destructive means or this is from cherubic activity that occurs. Otherwise this is a small cherub; a small angel that can soul transfer by feel. Upon resistance of the urge they bring, they disappear from you and leave you where you are at the moment. Think the creator switches you back and you return to your body. kee = projection kie = power word kill koe = eating kue = unleash, unlock kye = excess disruption kai = chi focus body instant recharge, lightning, before you make a man sane make him insane kei = undoing kii = heightened focus koi = hold energy, renew, lover, large fish, go away kui = drain kyi = suspence kao = chaos, inner wild power, chaos moment, break down, psychic moment keo = delay kio = barbarion; champion, kill, aid, if kill; the killing the need for fun. Otherwise killing the need. koo = cold kuo = chew kyo = kill you (by threat then feel), drain away, no (immediance), as if there was one kau = do not be discerned, carefree keu = show emotion kiu = see energy kou = vessel, object, slave, servant, person kuu = compliment kyu = self interest kab = strengthen force, force renewal keb = main channel kib = reinforce body kob = action channel kub = calm down kyb = projection kac = aura vision kec = main charge, critical charge kic = chick; spirit move, mind sight, kick out, chica, chicken koc = energy movement, call death, done order kuc = vision, heat image, respected visage kyc = suspense kad = harm spirit, will, life energy reduce ked = type in, keyed, key drop, key in kid = kid, child kod = code, chord, restore kud = could, wanton kyd = eventful, resolution, anticlimatic kaf = energy kef = reef kif = rife, cut life, riffle kof = coefficient, idiot, cut off, cough kuf = illusion, grand vision kyf = pattern, repeat kag = good energy keg = barrel; pleasure kig = good mind, good kick kog = spiked wheel kug = cougar kyg = efficient movement, good suspense kah = heat energy, heat travel keh = heat treatment kih = mind and spirit, kick koh = heatup, cool down, stroke kuh = illusion, warmth kyh = warm, combined body mind and heat, magick kaj = cajun, hot cookin kej = winning arguement kij = kick jump, shift place koj = action, activity kuj = applied focus kyj = deeds, achievement, necessity kak = attack kek = kink, kinky kik = kick kok = cock, cocky kuk = craziness kyk = dimensia, purposely hurt yourself kal = calamity kel = fall dead, kettl, kettle kil = falling down a mountain, mountain fall kol = early demise kul = cool down, refrigerate kyl = decomposition kam = camera, picture, pencil, stencil, idea focus, hard idea kem = kemis; charisma, unlock, black, keyed, life adjust, chemistry; kmyy, chem, chemical action, substance of effect, charm; this is where you cause what you want by speaking or doing things. kim = spiritual, mind me kom = brush, comb, force aside, hairbrush kum = hard luck, psi force, cooler, projection kym = suspense, vertigo, gravity force, failure kan = can, fire ken = know, keen kin = kindred, gold kon = cone, chon, chronic, killing, conic kun = racoon kyn = dullness, kind, dull kap = monk, martial artist kep = keep, kingpin kip = op; key person, spiritualist, shaman, kick person, animal; doglike or dog kop = power monk, mana knight kup = projectionist, awesome kyp = brownie point, moral boost, astral projectionist kaq = mental silence, mind blank keq = power word quiet kiq = unseen, silent koq = silent achievement, noisy, quiet kuq = haunt, unnoticed cool kyq = slow fall, unfelt kar = hover vehicle ker = kernel, core part kir = impulse, felt control kor = revival kur = killer cure, cure all, cure done by death essence decay targeting the illness. Otherwise this is where you kill by movement as this is that which you don't want by what you do in thought, to remove the things as though you think to remove and as you do you kill unless you don't need to. As the disease isn't there as if you kill what respresents, or acts out the disease to you or you can kill in the idea by stopping the activity. As before the disease appeared the brain resets to a better pattern as that which made the disease is gone and you can not allow the disease as the spirit cured the problem idea and things you seem is done. This disease disappears, think in a point and therefore I using the third eye didn't touch a person. This is as that is a cure though the removal never existed, that set the event or caused that to not exist as if an you lived that way. As think an do is to use thought kill the disease or ill that thinking, in actuality this made the energy appear as concept and as dismissed can make. The idea work as the properties can seem turned off in what you think is a grey energy thought sheet, as properties go off as the thought is "off" to do as you come to an area you imagine their event, this is as off activity and is a natural energy thing or not thing. As is what is inevitable stays off. As if what you think that set the event apart in life as the disease, not ever happened as if a switch were turned off. Otherwise, as you image by imagining the property list that can list the thing as a disease and think off and the disaese disappears, as to become something else from transformed energy this sent to "there" as a planet core in life. kyr = increased potency creature, unacceptable approach, ancient power by all in thought from plants and proven life energy in what you quiet down with kas = extend power, killed corrupt corrant power technique as kiaes to alias what you think as suspect kes = slowly key, keys in all that power energy in ability, created effort by will kis = extend mind, extended soul, but don't put it if you don't want it kos = slowly achieve or bad, bad off and touch identified kus = extend energy, extend by will and cause wonder kys = kiss of death or deathly life, spectral death by the life you will kat = focus device, crystal ket = key in, unlock kit = fly high, kick it kot = force action, curse renew, activity kut = astral projection, unique kyt = suspense, suspend in air kla = claw kle = kleenex, clean kli = click klo = clove klu = clue kly = climate, temperature kna = knack, insightful behaviour kne = kneel, knee kni = knight, champion kno = gno (good no), know (kill now), destroy by knowledge, deadly creature, so know is sometimes nail or nearly hit knu = knolidknuckle, knew, knowledge, nerve kny = netting, net knab = rogue kneb = controller knib = fellow, brother knob = door knob, killing bulbous hakeashar that gives life or gets from aura some energy, bulb, clairovoyance knub = location find knyb = steal kaki = khaki keki = insanity, estrange, confuse, kick key, in recurring interruptable source that isn't done in a moment to conclude and thought on isn't done in a moment here. Inveigle someone else, is this as someone that does someone in that isn't, if hit then all else to do things with in life is dead. Now it will stop. kiki = kicking, kick, kicky koki = drug abuse kuki = strange, crazy kyki = dishevelled, repugnant, insane, or uncouth kank = unconscious kenk = concusion kink = strike, blow konk = knock in kunk = paranoid kynk = untouchable, hurtful kadd = calculation, mathematic deduction kedd = destruct sequence kidd = kid kodd = coddle, vine core, cuddle kudd = curdle, curse kydd = foggy, fog, distress kalla = bring calamity kella = wrought death killa = brought mountain fall kolla = brought early demise kulla = refrigerate kylla = decomposing kalle = disasterous kelle = dying kille = mountain fall kolle = an early demise kulle = cool down kylle = decompose kalli = likely calamity kelli = like death killi = like a mountain fall kolli = like an early demise kulli = like cool down, like refrigeration kylli = like decomposition kallo = low calamity kello = low death killo = low mountain fall kollo = low down early demise kullo = low temperature kyllo = low degree decompositon kallu = early warning kellu = premature death warning killu = mountain fall warning kollu = early demise warning kullu = cooling down warning kyllu = decompositon warning kally = possible calamity kelly = possible death killy = possible mountain fall kolly = introspective, introspection kully = possible cooling kylly = possible decompositon, scale up karr = famine, family kerr = despise kirr = incur insanity, cause korr = core, corrupt kurr = current kyrr = kuarr, tire kablamo = lightning wall kablastri = chain black lightning kaiaa = lightning mastery, innate lightning manipulation kaibu = lightning bug be bugs that light up an area kaibud = lightning bud be a budding flower on a lightning plant kaiflua = lightning flower from a lightning plant that placed in water will produce a bioillumination and bioelectrical source kaiply = lightning plant be a plant vine that gives off bioelectricity growing kairu = lightning roach be a roach that illuminates an area with light near electrical lines, watery places and when in growth it produces bioelectricity kaocova = conversion; chaos convertor, this is where chaos is converted and created is the positive effects of life. kafka = manipulator demon to control worlds into a destructive technology of more than one world and it causes the area to be overtaken by however it wants, but its usually source collecting with copies of the source by feel.. kankura = cancel and do, can occur kefka = source collector demon world supporter that has guidance of most layers of reality but if you talk to him or her and sometimes its a between sex being, able to assume any form and guide people as they desire and control resources if its necessary. It looks like a being with a single person thats stacked upon itself when looked upon with a dimensional view or aura view. To kill it use is thought and creative is creature or creator use, use a approach of killing the segments there as necessary that appear like normal humans, otherwise without aura view. The mind is linked to alot of similiar people and be all in a column. It forms by people of the same sort melding mentally and spiritually that works off hive community mentality. The body can reform from those who kill it off and it can be anywhere to do self actions. Some kefkas treat this as a cheat to gain already known information and consider it a jacobian ladder. A kefka considers people as a bioresource to confide as a network to act as information sites. kara = kaera, impulse of energy by which you think, chakra "impulse" energy kare = chakras, designed emotions, they are directed by feel with what you think. kastri = chain lightning, call of energy kaitlin = lingering magic, magic performer, magiciua kain = magical staff, magical cane, cane (caning is not legal in the USA unless ruled so by a judge) kaoism = chaos manipulation, mystic art, creator aspect kaos = in chaos, thought without peace, energy operating system by crystalline matrice kuio = chocobo, pony sized wingless riding bird or riding bird kuology = congenialiaty, creative fissure device, aspect magic kaane = valor, creature comfort, combat forts, fort magic keop = key open, unlock, energy key use by thought then is where you think of what you want and you might get the point of the idea. keurom = turnkey, betrayer, lackey, user of wares in life keyta = character; created acting or made up person. Kemika = happy wanderer, Keioa kemiko = chemical use (water), thought travel or line electricity through the body kaniy = chernobyl, tragedy, grand accident interdecency ketri = chain lightning, perfect ward kool = very nice, nice display, create and display by will kabitz = razor edged metallic, wood folding fan, energy wings kere = cherub; a smallish childlike angel that does things for the need and can switch the soul to possess the body until resisting the cherubic desire. Then you create a soul transfer back to your body as the possession ends, that is done by the use of the creator. Otherwise its an overly large person that is slightly obese. kibl = kibble; ok a nibble (if human or none), dogfood kiblnby = kibble n bits, dogfood in bits kadabbar = energy chaos, energy swirl used for shifting people and objects kiddnapp = kidnap, steal child kidura = 1/2 second, 5 milliseconds, quick duration, mental duration. nkiddura = pregnancy, child birth kujata = very large many appendage bull kali = chaplain; captain, preacher or priest overseer of a church, ship or building. kamak = pen kamehameha = power chi dynamite blast kamur = lightning kann = can't, hire on, cannot kappa = tortoise body monkey head scale limb sea dweller keprond = groundkeeper, keep it near kepser = kepr, keeper, keep karue = kitsue, origin; original point, source, positive karm = kem, karma; life balance karmg = good karma, positive life balance Kasu = Kasum, Casum, consume, collection, collective, collector Kasuma = Balance of power, physical power balance Kasume = Correct, correction maker Kasumi = Good deal, Greedlike (for good deals) Kasumo = Fraud, bullshit, placeshit, fraudalent, pseudo, partial (thanks to da boss) Kasumu = consumption, consumptive, contraceptive Kasumy = consummation, view, viewer knuhgs = gnuhgs, rubbed wrong, fits of moments (blonde moment caused by other activity) kelpi = 2-horned black horse bull shapechanger whos favorite form was a beautiful white horse, young man with wet hair to lead people to their deaths. kerel = boy keres = vicious white teeth eye sparkling red-robed dark skinned death deliverer of hades kaqco = take over, quack keth = treas (on), trees (on), keith, treasure kuma = hard time, constant cool, mentapathy (telepathic empath), bear panther with bear size and panther speed that has panther head panther like body bear paws and eats anything it could catch kumap = downer, mentapathist kenaz = hearth flame, opening up, awaken kender = stealer race, dwarven thief, burnable wood koner = eruption ketriv = contrive, engineer, contrivance kavai = kawaii, killer of sacredness, cute kevin = destructive urge, 100 snake headed dragon body person killer, vengeful kiete = don't talk karrmo = armored hovercraft kimitry = chemistry, study of elements kireca = modernist kiru = spirit cockroach kiruhu = spirit cockroach human kisaki = empress, queen kinkunt = hammer blow kipoly = shapeshift keijii = disenchant, remove, dispel koeioneren = torment koiakh = pain lover kousang = blood clot, blood vessel koubaz = workforce, sales person kocraci = koucraycod, computer programmer kouvam = inspector kuenan = torment kuibod = wilt kuu = kojou; mage dream, this is a point you dream by focusing on a point and breathing until you fall into a trance. That uses the ease of the use with power of energy. This is done from nearby power. However, you better be careful about it, because you could set something that isn't too advisable. You can set any activity or action by a mage dream. So mention it or hear a loud startling noise, you cancel out the dream trance by feel. karmjop = positive karma kobold = small very old house servant if not fed turns malicious kihypa = hyperphase, warp shift, hyper shift kihypia = planet hyperphase, planet warp field kinko = cut; cutting into with force, kindred do force, cutting print kinky = sentiment; acceptable, awesome, sentimental value, sinking in, accepted (as) korosu = corrode; to kill, intent kosz = thanks katja = silent transpiring kelbla = kelnoir, black kettle kesk = kiosk; serving machine, self-service, service machine kyka = chitchat; kitkat, this is where you create by talking to each other. This happens to chat you up by feel. kytn = kitten; sweet, baby cat, gentle khadgar = administrator, admin kheper = evolve; evolution, metamorphosis, transformation, coming into being kleevi = warlike insect humanoid klot = klut, penis ball knupya = iriepya, knowledge pyramid, from what be you build upon knupyaa = iriepyaa, dismissal pyramid, from what be you dismiss knupyya = iriepyya, denial pyramid, from what be you deny krau = mermaid kremosat = moistener toil (towlette) kuua = chocolate, dark sweet kuasa. = bit of dark sweet, kuuasa, hot chocolate kze = irreposable, crazy, this is where you don't care about things and do what you need. L la = luck; food, bring yourself, lanthanum, late, law, a, brought to you, male form, order (based), mail (from) le = lend; to, the, you (plural) li = like; natural law, likeness, likeness to whatever shape you need or want, lent, live, lithium, lick lo = (in) time; latter, low, low grade, hello, love, low down lu = energy; lute, bring attention, lutetium, believing, light ly = live; line, guide, leading, lie, leads to laa = llama; lay away, lata, later, layer lea = leeway, ease of passage lia = liable, destiny, cancel, lyer loa = lower; this is where you lower things or weight by feel. lua = fight; party, love (with no pity), fight for action lya = drawn; float, lee, lia, lier, liter, lighter, litter, feather fall, downpath lae = late; lie down, lay beside lee = slant; down slope, easing down, leave lie = associate; may, focus point that is ending up lying down, otherwise this is self-deception by feel. loe = relax; loa, lower yourself, blow lue = pack lye = drainage; we, us, our, break down, breakage, you (singular) lai = yes; lie, laid lei = leave; lay, paralyze, paralyzed (lein or leio) lii = lead loi = bequeeth; loyal, slender lui = jealousy lyi = suggest; made by, (up) make, leading into lao = lasso; lay off, lay on, rope trick leo = stoic, love (animal), brave lio = head; lead on loo = waterflow; low sound, bathroom luo = hidden; not see lyo = notice; gain goal lau = laurel; cloth, union leu = calming liu = dick; instead of, switched in lou = loudness; loud, too loud, high volume luu = being; belief in, intend, want to believe lyu = temporary; fake change lay = intolerance; laying on, abuse, this is a stupid point that is when you are laying on hands to create what you need or coming about. ley = composure; lava, lavaic energy otherwise controlled by thinking of lava an stating fixed to fix as the problem disappears. this is due to the lavaic energy changing things, from it's consciousness recieving the idea you intend to do. liy = deposit; in place, position, a position you know by realization with the spirit causing your soul to know the point. loy = delusion; loyal, deluded, this is a delusional state brought upon you by doing things to your body that should not be done. luy = knowing; little known, library, the idea is in a book and the book is in the library that lets you know what you need to know. lyy = portrayal lab = scientist; lab, labor, workaholic leb = leave; let be, lesbian lover lib = liberal; free, freedom, (experienced) again, dejavue, liberal intuition lob = thrown; throw, throw up, throw out lyb = carry; freedom, lub lac = lace lec = leech; leach, blood worm lic = bald; lice, lance loc = locate luc = loose; luck, light lyc = client; license, contract lad = manhood; laid, young man led = cable; lead, red light lid = lied lod = path; lodestone, load lud = naked; lude, in-between pause, interlude, eluding, avoid lyd = lid ladd = lad; anr, aner (greek), laddy, man, boy, gentleman, manling, manly ledd = led lidd = lid lodd = destruction; lodestone, load ludd = named; streaker, flasher, lude, in-between pause, interlude lydd = a lid laf = laugh lef = leaf lif = mate; matey, life, eternal lof = loaf luf = airforce; foremost, leuf, aloof, lift force, earth force (by him) lyf = shoot; effective, efficient, drug lag = slow leg = reader; great, magna lig = live; living moment (this could even bring someone into a living dream state), otherwise this is infamy by feel and work is by feel. log = round; log, loqui, to speak lug = ear; pest, spear lyg = devotion lah = hold; stick out tongue leh = letch; bleh, leery, leer lih = lich; alternative force loh = heater; floor heat luh = shock lyh = generate laj = deject lej = reason lij = example loj = again; lodge, dirt luj = explanation; explain, nudge lyj = coverup; falsify, cover for lak = lake lek = leak lik = fake; likeness, drop lok = truth; lock, logon luk = kid; control flow, warm lyk = lick; slow feed, similiar (to), like lal = flail; strikeout, move rapid any body part or object
lel = sentence; death penalty, lethal, intention lil = superfluous; similiarity, little, deceitful lol = indication; careful, lard in balls, loll tongue, much laughter lul = sleepy; lull, lullaby lyl = smaller; small minded, narrow focus lan = sparking; path by, connected, connection len = lean; lengthy time, length of time, long, forestall, make taller lin = connector; line, lint lon = loan; lonely, selfish, loner, by self, alone lun = long; block, lunar, attribute, tides (tidal wave) lyn = linger; length of effect, duration, allure lam = pointout; lamp, sheep, lamb, lame, lambchop, lame, music process lem = calcium; weight, pend, wait lim = functional; function, calendar, callous lom = loam; base, foamy lum = lumox; loom, light, sewing machine, lower ship beam, viespart or boom: swinging wood beam lym = writer; previous, limb, rhythm lap = sit; rabbit, stirring spoon, a lap, run through event, complete circuit, absorb by eating lep = actively; lea, leap, active lip = bulge; fat, lip(o) lop = hunt; run, elope, meet lup = wolf lyp = a lip laq = polite leq = sgnal; warn quietly liq = subtle; subtile loq = stun luq = politeness lyq = liquid lar = fall; lead to, lead, believe ler = leer (how you pronounce it), spirit; life force, conscious/ness, spectre, spectral, spiritual, the spirit force within something or people. lir = bard; lyer, musical lute lor = lore lur = lure lyr = flute las = laser les = loss; lus, less, lets, setting, manipulate lis = written; noticed, list, this is where you write things down. los = ship; carry, carrier, port lus = lustrious; lust, loose lys = mislead; disinfect, lies, distrust lat = relative; late night, latt, lattitude let = setting; set, inform, information lit = light; taken, leftward punch, a left (fight or action) lot = shipment; area where you can load it, many things, nock lut = lute lyt = start lav = live; leave, wash, labor lev = level; lever, rise liv = active; alive, postpone lov = indicate; indication, lover, love of ideal, a nice thought, evolution luv = care; careful, passionate love, loveable lyv = position law = law; law enforcement lew = paint liw = fur low = base; basic idea luw = figure; think, loan, notice, lewd, admire lyw = learn lax = relax; sloppy, untrained, unalert, relaxed by muscle release, then you know lex = extreme lix = copy lox = base lux = luix, intent; deluxe, pale blue, luix, faith lyx = work laz = lazy lez = half; please, lesbianlike (ladylike) human male liz = similarity; similiar aspect, along same lines loz = basement luz = target lyz = path laba = birth; lauber, laber, lawbreaker, thrower, lawbreak labe = sleeper; works, unconscious, sleep, label, signature name, nickname labi = gather labo = childbirth; that is labor or work by worked (in) idea. labu = slack; laze, this is activity by free time where you layabout and make activity that leave and sit laby = lazy; fatten, laziness laar = lier; seeking (answers), hangar, large canopy, ancient ancestry (gained by lying down and relaxing while meditating on gleaning your ancient history) laer = onion; layer, insane lair = conspiration; a lair, irritated, conspirational laor = secure; labor, personal security laur = ID; sworn, personal identify, personal identity layr = sentence; lawyer, hard labor, hard work, inspirational laft = lafter, laughter left = thought; wrong, leave, remain lift = sex; up thrust, ride, go up loft = balcony; haybalcony luft = dodge; move left, move aside lyft = ride; car ride (that you pay for), this is where life energy an effective thing. laka = gullible leka = convince lika = liking loka = look up info luka = friendship lyka = likable lake = treacherous; water contained in large area. leke = schematic; scheme, plan out like = falsehood; false, pseudo loke = look out luke = psion; mad or made, been hit, trick lyke = presume laki = charmer leki = reknown liki = loving loki = deception god, similar to satan luki = disciple lyki = believable lako = discipline leko = leaked; accomplish, deed, frontier liko = proof loko = ritual; rite luko = opposite; achieve, think to work and you achieve something by working. lyko = call; let go, called, establish, establishment that you enter or leave. laku = vocation; job search, on vacation, compatriot/ism, even leku = respect; front man, lying for, (at) large or the moment your about somewhere (else) liku = lack; lacking, not having loku = hidden; low place, hiding place luku = teaming lyku = like you laky = black eye leky = leaking, leakage liky = without loky = hidden location luky = lukewarm; together, lucky lyky = acceptable lach = leach, blood worm, leech lech = lecher, diseased person lich = lich, undead mage loch = lodge luch = lunch lych = lynch lamiss = lamist, most lame, law miss(age) lemiss = little miss, less miss limiss = lime, lime ass, lime taste lomiss = low missage, below mess, law abiding lumiss = loo (bathroom) missage lymiss = lying of missage, fluid miss lasa = light, lighting lesa = trigger lisa = photon, kept charge losa = through lusa = destructed lysa = draw attention lase = lance, light strike lese = burned lise = cauterize, lease lose = lost, gone luse = fusing lyse = loosely lasi = strike lesi = withdraw lisi = burn, blister losi = blurry lusi = wound lysi = list laso = focused energy leso = holder liso = focuser, diode loso = projector luso = stream lyso = cleanse lasu = recharge lesu = waiting lisu = increase losu = rebuild lusu = renewal lysu = body cleanse lasy = cauterize lesy = aftermath lisy = life (lousy) losy = relief lusy = lost sight lysy = betrayal lahn = rich lehn = grace lihn = servant lohn = disrepect luhn = disparage lyhn = caste, kingdom laht = light headed leht = teleport; shift, (some vampire blood let after this, otherwise they're draining some blood from the victim they catch or allows the deed), this is more where your alert and then where you stand still or move around and think to seem somewhere, then what you think to do is done by the point that you perceive. You can appear like anyone, this includes appearing like one that can belong there. So if by shifting you mean to teleport, and think of the moment by feel. This uses memories or feelings from the place to shift you to the area. You can use anything as a source of energy, this is including fat, weight or some element. After the attempt, you could find your source or weight lessened. So think about that. If you imagine the point, then your subconscious makes what you imagine manifest or think to be created and this is treated as though a need were being granted like a wish. liht = light loht = float upward luht = stealing away lyht = light up, fire up, turn lights on lang = footwork, language leng = long distance ling = lng, linger, lung long = along lung = debris lyng = short lank = launch; lanky, stringy, launching forth with fire energy and created magnetism, this could also be a lank of hair. lenk = impatient link = link lonk = knock out lunk = tidal energy lynk = cut off lann = blockage, not passable, no path lenn = short, shorter, unshown linn = not line, number line, fire lonn = not lonely, supporter, concentric lunn = lung, lunge, block number, unattribute lynn = no length of effect, no duration, infinite, gifted strong female lash = a lash lesh = leash lish = relish losh = sorry lush = lush lysh = gorgeous likan = like another, likeness include/s liken = to awaken, like/ly end, to like in end likin = likpin, lichpin, linch pin, set up, toady, liking likon = current, like on likun = like undone, like forever, like tycoon, likely not likyn = like in, like wind, like wine lakath = approximate lack of action lekath = approximate leaking likath = approximate liking lokath = guessing lukath = approximate feeling lykath = approximate good look laketh = lack in leketh = direction of leak liketh = in that way, manner of speaking loketh = in that location luketh = look in your direction lyketh = take a beating lakith = charm nature lekith = reknown structure likith = family lokith = locked door lukith = dogma, religious tenent lykith = drama lakoth = other than discipline lekoth = unaccomplishment, misdeed, wrong likoth = other than proof lokoth = archive, archiving lukoth = misachieve lykoth = unestablishment lakuth = ruthless compatriot lekuth = brute, malicious lie likuth = fragile lokuth = secret place lukuth = discipline team lykuth = stalk, stalker lakyth = mythical lake lekyth = myth story tell likyth = absolute truth lokyth = mysterious location lukyth = mythical link lykyth = tradition leta = letta, let down, let on, leather, lether, leter, letter lete = delete, alphabet leti = retal, let in, retail leto = let out, erase letu = let you, let up lety = let fly, let wild lyqa = flowing liquid, stream lyqe = mud, vicuous, thick flow, thick fluid lyqi = pool lyqo = liquid oxygen lyqu = water being, water elemental lyqy = sun energy flow, plasma flow, sunspot lao = upper arm, visit layla = shadow person, lay low, hold off, low down (person) leo = king, restoration, ruling over leie = heavy air, destiny liia = leading to laak = may I keep, latch onto laud = praise laus = louse, company, relationship, law labelle = first earth base spell effect, standing labellzou = if you want to react to your problems which may arise, whichever are laff = laugh, humourous laugh lagers = indispensable dispute, insignificant, override lala = lunacy lamar = large; largeness, articulate leae = elizabeth, queen, invention leiymedit = eleiymeditu, Elemental meditations: Here are some more elemental meditations, if you don't want others effected by your thoughts. Then think as a point to yourself, "My thoughts won't effect others." Enjoy them as they are there. Water meditation; This idea is use of water in a pond or area and its calmness, with calm water thought there's calmness. Think of what you want to create with the body, then drink the water or work with another and have them drink of it. This is true if the water is drinking water. Otherwise the water that is calm and focused upon is what creates calm thought in you. If you create a ripple, then you make waves sometime else as if a point were done. Fire meditation; Think the point you want to see and you your soothed by the flame of a candle. Sometimes you can see the point as a psychic vision. Earth meditation; The idea is simple, think to release your excess energy into the ground that you can feel by walking over it. Then your as calm as you may want to seem. Air meditation; Think a point and you can create what you think to soothe your feelings into calm composure. Thinking to the air creates a release of tension in the muscles, then the excess energy that in use of a point with an idea causes uncalm, wild thoughts. That is gone by thinking release of energy into the air. leet = eleet; elite, very nice, high ranking lecia = laid; lay flat and have at things. leda = leader; this is a person or group, that leads by example or idea and thought. liebe = lab; maybe, liable (to become) liek = like liev = think; believe, acknowledge (the thought to go or what have you) liua = lexicon; direction finder, map symbolism, otherwise this is some conversation. libre = dasperity, freedom, desperate action by a force of desperation lisy = life (lousy) live = clothes; enlivened, energized, livery loiipt = undeclare, unspoken loesak = blowing shake, blowing rattle loeova = blowover, overdone, over love loo = bath room loomzer = quality cloth, mission of death seek labotomy = laboratory, science lab ladon = 100 headed unsleeping black dragon ladl = ladle; liquid or soup dispensor otherwise lad your late by now that's ladylike lagg = brain latta = lotta, latter, letter, alot of lentyaan = evolve, evolution lentyaanun = devolve, go to origin, de-evolution lieg = marie, mylady, queen, queenly liej = liege, ruler, my lord liev = believe laboa = laborer, worker label = name for, named idea, lible libel = hidden and subconscious effect, libility, liability lola = humour, gaily laughter, firey lihu = live fire lihunn = deaden fire, dead fire ligae = lingerie, cloth, clothing lukeysply = inajiffy, iajyy, licketysplit, fast enough, very fast litc = lihtsa, lumisa, flash, lightning, lit scene, literacy lamauro = glow lamp lamassu = human headed lion, human headed bull lamia = waist up perfect woman waist down serpent goddess, lay me out lumi = light lamb = sheep lemb = take lemola = ancient space race lympago = man lion, man tiger lens = lens, focus crystal, focus glass lent = lentation lentation = lentis, quick reaction slowdown lentil = leech, blood sucker letus = clean, lettus, delete us, lettuce li'asp = to do as in necessary but make commanding remarks. li'Isp = Y'Isp is to be interspersed, being as all in mind one in body or being all in mind one in trapped body. To bring in so wild an energy it breaks apart your spirit except for your in mind as inner world worlds. So may have to say 'In'most in'tr'sperc'ed' then think about what you want to do as its caused to be an action. li'osp = The term for speach language impelling by doing at a whispered or a spoken phrase. To do as necessary at a spoken phrase. lia = lava; liable if caused, this is a point of eruption or heated rock flow. lilfai = gyefi, mihrum, mushroom; mushrooms are unique as they are also very low in calories and make a great snack. lindwurm = scaly green-gold winged snake linguist = language master lira = hologram; light image, this is projected from a surface point. This image is what you think is there presented by the light that projects forth. This is a projected image otherwise by what is there that uses light. lynx = panther human shifter, lynx cat luta = fight leviathon = giant winged snake with razor sharp teeth livi = living free of livy = livey, livv, live being lait = milk, late leat = leather lehtal = omnimorph, all forms shifter load = start up, pack together and guidance loin = sex organ, private part, crotch loot = treasure, plunder looom = make a looming moment lairt = uplift, innocent, voiceless loco = crazy or mad; this madness is where you are not thinking of things right and then if you are aware of things by thinking of your ideal situation you calm down by location. locomoto = running car, vehicle movement lolz = in lulz, laughter all over lucid = lucid, clear focus lucky = lucking out, draw luck ladys = group of women ludy = lewdly luff = love lulz = entertaining laugh, going along the floor, sleepy mode, sleepy all over lakisleth = snake charmer likecorrant = false power, illusion lokery = storage locker luky = explore, look around laly = liealy, liegly, legally, lately lily = likely, possible, likeliness lamoyl = lamp oil, lit lamp langu = tongue, sensitive, languid lemryj = weight loss conscienceness, active by thought and energy to think on your feet as you think and do what you consider necessary lemm = This is to think and use energy to create a conscious activity that creates an awarness by what you think and feel brings you alive by and aware as if conscience or awareness in thought activity through quirk or thought from the reality as a dimension that energy can create what you consider as a personal view that creates a shift in the area considered a brain fart. lenken = mastermind, creature concept to a moment or con as what you think is done lingo = language, work by thought and in action is done with a thought that is use no more and no less. lingoheb = translate language or ass talk, bird talk linguli = languish in lingua lagaz = intuitive knowledge, look outward, creative of beauty after by feel to the beauty you think is there. lagoon = small lake legolaz = wily one lopafu = love perfume lara = lure, allure laro = arousal, call attention larceny = crime, grand order theft lece = larcens, water, music, musical ler-o = the car, the moving vehicle lard = fat larry = desperate ledfac = lead face, things that seem an act are copied, leaden faced leria = lacrima, large focus, large crystal lesb = lesbian lesc = lets see, seeing leshy = forest spirit shapechanger lesg = lessg, lets go Lest = inclined to experience or estimate, least favorite person, a person that can molest others with his or her senses. lets = allow, make up, glehkts lezc = lesse, lesc, lets see, vision liseu = dictionary, language listing lysl = disinfectant, cleanse area litan = lentation, litany, time slow down, sped up reaction loruam = leprecaan, evil goblin that plays tricks on unsuspecting humans lutud = thought electricity lutude = bioelectricity lutudun = undying thought electricity lutudeun = regenerative bioelectricity lutudx = extra thought electricity lutudex = extra bioelectricity lutudxun = undying extra thought electricity lutudexun = extra regenerative bioelectricity lytae = lactation; a leak or milking if with a cow or breast feeding if with a child. leva = lever, switch luvn = luwn, love, loving luvndancer = movement flow lover, loving dance woman lawton = laws town, favour leweb = the web, internet lasab = light saber laslanc = light saber lance (double light saber) losau = lost in area, throughout, thorough losaun = direction sense, direct, directly lysol = disenfectant, cleanse area lyqair = lyqo, liquid air lyqsair = liquid sulfer air lyqso = liquid oxygen sulfur lyqotus = healing liquid oxygen, liquid hydroxide oxygen liiun = unleaded, metal as in lead without lead liomis = mislead, misinform lieksok = new item scent ligoheb = translate language limb = arm, leg, limb limbo = soul space, body suspend lingua = language latina = latin lyiga = litigat, litigate, litigation, paperwork, investigation lavande = lavender lavandesserb = lavender essential oil lazurious = lazy streak, lay around lividy = lividie, immortal lorezohaz = fast experience, past experience, old experience lorenzohaz = dragon mistress losaouz = throughout enclosed area lhe = you(personal), yours(personal) lle = you, yours lmnta = elementa, element lve = elvix, elvis, singer, elvish lwn = lwns, loan, ground cover M ma = water, flow, moder, moda, action planet, not mine, my action, may, you, maw, mouth, mother, spring me = some; I, small quantity, mace, myself, history, mai, may, influence mi = amount, mile, fruit, nut, seed, content, man, good result, might, my, mind mo = consciousness; money, conscious, cut in place, mow, mour, more, molybdenum, month, moth, part of you mu = (the) rule; ruler, more quantity, much, much more (not done) my = seek; amount increase, my own, mine, raise, mage, force not or use idea maa = matter; mata, maya, talkative, meter, metre, measure mea = meal mia = concern; midas, midas touch, caring support, missing (the) point, care for you moa = mother, matr mua = family mya = child defender mae = matey; person, paying job, money, make mee = employee mie = payment, menea, marinara; a sauce that is enjoyed by feel. moe = good mue = associate; association is the point you work with what is given. This is a point you think of the idea and create with results. If you associate, then the payment is good by feel that is what you think that counts, not always what you do. mye = mighty mai = sister(younger), make, my, control, influence, cause, make happen mei = sister (older), machine, me. Otherwise: Maria; cool, calm and considerate by feel. She is relaxed by idea, the feel from her is allowing communication. mii = mine, manipulation, manep (to think of the idea as a force and reach out of yourself and deal with that force of idea) moi = give me, methane, me mui = more, millis, milli myi = meaning to mao = alarm, hand meo = make stand still, miso, soybean, measle mio = abrupt; this is where you abruptly do things. This also makes people do abrupt activity. Otherwise this is see me, .. or a meal. moo = move over, moo muo = being cute myo = situated mau = desire something meu = calm down miu = indication, pointing out mou = show affection muu = gain object myu = appropriated, magic, stolen may = disease; would, make allowance, allow, assist, let, decay, disrespect, suggestion, sleep disease, money, metal, contagion mey = assistance; assist with help, pestilence, focus and create by a kill what you need if you intend something then it's done miy = Manic; bad conditions, this is where you focus, intensify your feel and think to do. This works if you think of your area, then you are where you think you are done by feel. Otherwise this a doing with heroic stature, think and you know what to do. moy = desire; foul, desirous nature muy = needing; infection, sought after by, fixation myy = mobbed, ravage, too much activity mab = maybe; maybey, so so, on the verge meb = prospector; likely prospect mob = mobile; mobi, any group, people group, groups of people, monster group, move, moving mib = death; dressed up, for occasion mub = mull; the event, holiday, celebration myb = participate; participation, act the part, front, fronting (myby, myban) mac = compact, mec = shrunken mic = tiny; recorded voice, reverberation, micro, tiny (microbe) moc = coffee; mocked, laughed at, stolen from muc = mucous; mucousyndry, phlegm, dissolve, disgusted myc = tracker; tracking down mad = make; made, maid, very good med = moderation; mead, medium, moderate, medical, everclear mid = middle; rise, mind, this is not minded and things work by feel. mod = change; mode of machine mud = mood; moody, muddy myd = amidst; existant on, middle, serving, point of retail maf = knockout; to gag, to sag mef = past; you can't change it, unchangeble mif = contain; miffed, jif mof = artistisc; tattoo, motif, constrained muf = muffle sound myf = defiance; to defy mag = magnetic; magnify, magazine, great meg = more; meager means, responsible, meager, not much, in reprehensible (motion or idea) mig = migration mog = travel; animal crossing, make distance mug = mugshot; smuggle, picture myg = accident; passenger plane mah = wouldn't; my, mindful, indicative, telling meh = leavetake; immediately leave, expression of annoyance, pointing out that mih = outraged; exclaiming on, focused upon to create moh = shun; avoidance, avoid, deterrance, deter, turn away, snub, ignore muh = kill; not much, murder, uncare, unshow, muuh, much, my, apathetic (by acts of some point you think and feel with worser idea), not really caring, incident myh = retired; drained dry, not mine, movement, moving on, drive away, amidst, traffic maj = power; (with inner strength) mage, majority, major mej = report; minority, minor mij = forbearance moj = mojo; moving power, magic, this is made by suggestion to your subconscious muj = major myj = small; smaller, midget, smidgen mak = might; would kill, smite, may kill, make, create mek = meager; great claim, passive, meek mik = voice; mike (microphone), resonating crystal mok = record; recording, resounding, sound vibration, make otherwise, mock, mockery muk = sprayer; mutate, dampening field, poison spray myk = indication; my kind, schlerosis, voice manipulator, multlple voices, indicator mal = bad; demon, this is used as meant as upset, where an upset is something that sometimes is wrong. Otherwise this is a male, malinfluence, something that is a model of the male not bearing truth and using moments to create malinfluence. mel = satisfy; satisfaction, good meal, meal mil = mile; distance, travel, model; the moment of the idea represented by a person. mol = microscope; molecular, insider, inside, inner, slide mul = mulish; stubborn, pride myl = deal; middle ground, ground up mam = psycho; maim, female sex mem = memory; indestructible, indist mim = copy; mime, copying actions mom = moment; a mom, selective one mum = preserve; womb, wrapped up preservation mym = mimic; being that mimics object to kill passerby, creative actor man = line; manu, being, mane, main, hand men = balance; nothing, meanness, total, disruption, mean min = minor; minority, minute, owner, ore dig, kid, this is a minor person who could be a kid. mon = mind; moan, my, mine, mindful mun = month; moon, mother, moone, mooning, moonthe myn = mind mar = move; jarr, scratch up, memory, salt, sea mer = sea; of the sea mir = mire; stuck in mor = investigator; more, idiot, mort, more on, death mur = stop; killing intent, murder, that lays you flat myr = mirror; reflect, murdering trace in trance, myrimg (mirror image) mas = master; mass, a spray mes = messenger; mess, mass, massage mis = mistake; miss, wrong, bad mos = time; moments, moss, morse (code), drumming, most, months mus = muse; undying historian mys = mystery; slower, slow motion, forbear execution, martyr, myst, bloodmyst is the danger mat = mate; other half, compatriot, mat met = similiar, meet, meat, measure mit = send, mighty, might, group hit anything blessing, smite mot = tiny, ether whisp mut = mute; unable to speak, change, alter myt = evident; glove, power admist, power mav = point me mev = romance miv = caucasion; white person mov = move muv = sun burn myv = marry me maw = mouth mew = cat; calm, calmness miw = ruffage; feed me mow = concern muw = vision; sight, see this, mull myw = remember max = maximum mex = hot mix = spike; mix, mixture, mike mox = knife; cut to pieces mux = quantitude; extreme, extra large, extra quantity myx = peanut butter mra = marer, mirror, birthing horse mre = maras, memory, panic stricken mri = marine, sea soldier mro = mareth, mulish, prideful, stubborn, default mru = marun, maroon mry = maron, on march maas = color dye meas = measure, same properties mias = miasma, gradual sickness moas = similiar cut muas = unit conversion, similiar unit myas = likeness maes = mass production mees = increased gain mies = increase in magnitude moes = increased momentum mues = more quality myes = personal owner mais = corn meis = similiar, magus miis = equally mois = moisture muis = equally distributed myis = shared maos = prone to movement, dependable meos = depict, depicted mios = in transit moos = cut muos = increased pace myos = increased rapid maus = use acceptance, on use meus = user mius = personal use mous = mouse, shear muus = increased usage myus = more often mays = in wisdom meys = wisely miys = knowledge moys = snip muys = learnt, watched account myys = smart mand = manditory, demand mend = transcend, repairing way, repair mind = psychotic, mental mond = monday, abuse mund = mundane, non important mynd = mind mans = mansion mens = immense mins = wait, mistrel, hold on mons = monster muns = month, moon myns = explosive mard = martyr, weakness, deface merd = corrosion, corrode, overwhelm mird = downward spire, death cycle mord = mortuary, painful, death lover, dreary murd = disaster, torture, punishment myrd = mirror double that replaces the person marn = disgrace mern = sea elf mirn = muddled morn = morning murn = assassin myrn = syndicate masa = mason, storage, construction, builder mase = threat, persucution masi = moisent, agree, consent maso = sealing putty, calmness masu = metallic shaft, square box for measuring things masy = moisant, famed, famous mash = net, mess, messy crush mesh = intertwin material, me mish = missed moment, absence mosh = glow moss, heat moss mush = drive on mysh = hanging mist mosa = mosaic mose = get on, move on mosi = caught, catch moso = moreof, more so mosu = natural, some more mosy = move, movement mass - religious ceremony, orgy, crowd, lava rock, gross amount mess = alot; messy, message, rotten egg scent miss = amiss, wrong, naughty, off target moss = mold, spore, sprawl, light muss = argument, play with, mess around myss = foreplay, very sluggish, creep, hold off, hold up, slim down, expose, guilt, fog, fog bank matt = frame, support, floor cushion, dullness mett = met, meet mitt = mitt mott = mottle mutt = lockjaw dog, bulldog mytt = might, group hit anything blessing Motian = To be of involvement by some use of a moment to create motion. Motien = To cause a spirit moment that incurs debt or effect. Motiin = Motion by dark feelings, or to do dark by motien. To hit people, seniors, of many sorts to cause a an mind effect. Motion = To cause kinetic or otherwords effect by use in idea. Motiun = As do also, To effect all by use or effect something by use. Which this is a vibrational act each use, theres an act or feeling to direct sometimes by word to cause an vibrational with an idea attribute. Motiyn = To direct being by a direct word will pattern by set idea and a usage of some is harmonics or nothing to effect of voscillating to be buried in a will. maabord = motherboard maan = nontalkative, mute, don't talk maemay = get job, make money maia = unintended, intention, purpose maisyr = cornsyrup mafe = manifest, create, an instrument of unnatural death miatna = multiple formation maic = item charge maicxince = make explode, make explosion maiju = maijew, refresh, freshen maoego = malego, male ego ,when one thinks he's in control of another. maoje = lonbje, veracose veins maospe = misspelled, long je, longetivity where its also lon ge, is, = mail = armor, letter mailand = prosperity land, money land maily = armour like, message mailstorm = hurricane, tornado, torrential wind mailstrom = bold steel (authoritative master), fight, chaotic message mayer = command of attention, paasive comment command meek = passive, passivity meag = me again, in meager, in soul meaty = muscled, mayhem mexx = meager in approach, miture (dust mite) moan = groan moer = mower, more, some else, low cutter moubai = masturbation, sexual stroke maix = generation mauryl = kingmaker maugrim = mad prophet maugrym = power seeker mayoe = mabifotea, mothers protection, make drug free, purify, extra salad spread malo = maalox; good feel, mail, this is a good feel to the body, that in a machine may lock it up temporarily. me'uni = someone; this is someone that creates with the subconscious suggestion. mebeh = mebbeh, maybe miyeto = manifesto, spell manifest, notation book, notebook, made book, book of shadows mibi = professional; mebbin, highly skilled professional that deals with people. moyae = meditation; this is use of breathing and idea that you think to create a result to make calm and better behavior. moyo = moyy, medico, doctor, physician mod = moderate michael = money, power mabelin = skin cream mack = person; guy, man masta = monster, master meme = instinctive intelligent drone, intelligent exception, self-made spiteful intelligence or intelligent emotional reaction values morin = wisdom, darkness maci = machine meci = meakly fall mick = tobacco micsail = record sheet, document mocasin = moccasin, house shoe, soft leather shoe moch = humiliate, robbery, rob mochte = property, mockery, went mofo = more for, mother fucker mofu = more fuck, more fun muaoem = metabolism mucema = solvent; part of a solvent is poison that dissolves itself. muhn = monster, enntity muhv = muvv, mugging. momulma = mucaquaelmer, mucemaelmer, mowalma, universal solvent movovabea = move over bacon, change places, Appeal switch of the soul to relocate by placement of where you are to whom you think on. mucaqo = solvent mucho = large amount middl = middle midura = mile duration, 71 minutes mof = morph, shapeshifter, shifter magyar = hungerian majwar = magical conquest, magic war manes = soul, bio power source, bio battery, soul eater maegyar = meager existance measeq = equation, equate mait = make things, doit, make it maitrit = make things right, correct things, correct this mayf = mekyf, mischief; meta, mislead, otherwise this means to do with things of effect. This is where you create by focus and work with idea. mielrot = disgruntlment moiuy = mechanical mega = mega; great force or point by things that happen melanesia = forgotten land mama = mathematical, methodical, math mamas = mathematic, math deduction mani = manifold, money, influence, manipulate/d manic = maniac, crazy making, maniacal mens = means, process, procedure mini = miniature minu = minute, no or nitrogen oxygen minuet = ballroom dance momo = grandmother mona = groan, productive mine ment = meant; mean as intent, meant as, meaning, to mean mohu = firemoth, moth appears of fire particles meki = withdrawn, defeated moka = sound wave moki = sound pitch, sound effect, sound tunnel, broadcast mokioke = cancellation, unheard, not listen moku = pitch, sound musc = musky scent, structure mykovu = malkovich, disagreement, malcontent Maria = memoria, memorial mary = marry marduk = destined one marduko = untouchable, self-destined margi = butter, margin marji = marijuana. pure cocaine martial = invincible martin = crazy, consequence masvon = mass migration merci = thank you merf = damn, oop, oops mehr = mehara, heart attack (with flatlining), elevated heart rate, murmur mesy = lawman, marshal, marsy, marsal metr = meter mibrhoso = Hosing (all out attack), hoser, migraine migra = migrane, severe headache minotaur = bull human that are honorable till offended afterwhich they kill offenser misg = misguide misogyny = religious terror (from the wiccan faq) mongery = conglamerate, corporate, corporation marlos = loss of marring, meer loss, to be in a marring of loss, crippled in loss, to be in marring of tax loss mermecolion = backward genital lion mordakh = pain rod mordsith = pain wielder, pain lover, pain striker mediocr = medium, slightly possible mediocrbevel = intermediate, middle grade mediocrgrad = middle grade, intermediate mediocrschobevel = middle school, intermediate school medit = great detail meditu = void med'l = meddl, meddle, imitant struggle, progressive interference midyblad = muddy blond, red gold yellow middlhuu = middle ground magic = wrought magic, science mystery, undefiable action magu = magic, majik, magick maguhy = high magic magne = magnet majika = magical majik'anti = antimagic; metal magic, Antimagic fields otherwise electromagnetic waves spell, this is where you wave your hand and that is effect that cancels magic altogether or causes greater enhanced magic. This is done by thought projection with spiritual feel, or ideal devices like lasers or that is some energy enhanced battery. This is a point that creates a point and that first point is using an activity. Where this is thinking energy is projected to create effects and this can be combined with worded idea that creates the effect you think to form as a point is a created manifestation. Different idea are things that get different results, that is a point that things break down and those results lower temporarily the body energy. That means the body in that area and other places raises in energy, recieved with use of idea and though a concept, this is energy waves that uses suppressed moments of time as a point is done by the spirit or soul. The electromagnetic waves device is useful to create results of gravity, that is a point of lift btw, so think and it is used. If focused by thinking and using body points, then you create the effect of dark parts on a surface. This is done as a thought you have of the idea, that energy is a pattern you need to have appear is what it looks like. See if microwaves are used then gravity or warped space is useful to the focus point. This is a point in effect, that is used energy and so effectively done by feel. This uses gravity wave enhancement and dark energy enhancement, so if you said the effect is done then its done by feel. This uses patterns too, the pattern you think and do is what the gravity waves create if focused and you know this worked by what you sense, otherwise percieve by feel. Any energy used from projection is what is increased in strength and you can use anything as an energy source. Think your using a source like a impression point or disease or something similar, and the disease dissipates and goes away. This is sometimes converted into energy again, so think the energy is cleansed and the soul cleanses the disease out of the programming of the energy, so you lower in weight as you increase in strength and body energy. This also means your less hostile, so I think it works only if you think it does. This is the point by idea is a point you project toward a surface and the surface seems, this is done to make energy appear like the idea you think it appears as thought if done by feel. This is fine if how it works is what is done. So think and you know what to do with the idea. majeta = majesty, emperor/emporess, king/queen, em'por'eor mekit = medkit, medical kit mickey = nice, mouse mikey = earn, eager mokushiroku = apocalypse malais = uncaring depression that drags people down till it causes the victim to do nothing but want to die malaiss = non depressive state of duty with no sex desire males = maze, pocket trap world malfoy = corrupt, prominent mallard = duck mallot = hammer muldor = spooky, pursuit as energy ended by pursuit of the self miun = manuchen, miuke, manuken, mind manipulator, puppeteer mudblud = mudblood, mudsang, human born maty = mate, shipmate matyca = can mate matycan = can't mate matc = match match = fire start, equal matcbuk = matchbook matriarch = female ruler mitt = holding glove melik = spicy salt melymaw = mealy mouth, to mouth off and speak as if eating something, a clothed mouth speach or a maw that be closed when speach occurs. mellou = mellow out mille = thousand mont = mone, moment; the moment or time point that lasts until you think it doesn't, otherwise dismiss the thought then the effect disappears. mesa = missile mesaslo = slow missile masta = monsta, monster mosta = mobleda, alcapone, gang leader mosha = concentric, mosta mata = mater, master, matter matey = sir, madam meta = mind; mister, master, mental, more, beyond, meter midukym = mentally train, mesmerize metab = metabolism, immunity system, fear things midsimpl = simple mind, stupid meth = death methe = methan, methane, methanol, methane gas mettab = general use mituvala = power physics, phasic as is hearing the ground speak or turning power against yourself as you turn the person into something as if a person mitlike = false power bearing as you never forget, illusion milkomae = medical herb, curative milk milkomage = milk of magnesia, curative milk, planet destroyer mitp-h = phasics, power physics, one room multiple dimensions in the dimension room in your mind mitabl = content table, fruit table, table of content, defeat someone and use is the computer of the children in the mind mithril = hard steel, Steel + Obsidian + Silver + Nickel milhouse = millhouse, prison, fight, insult, heckle moliruy = introspective, introspection, one isn't one man in use as a user is on in on site in thought in destructive impulse by machine with drow molroy = one man as crew and destroyed later molt = bolt, wrong with one actor but controlled at the end, a destructive impulsive energy beam set by a q-beam that causes a very quick dude that does everything as not seen in throttle except by psychic as you are what you want to seem like. momenta = moment by endangerment and if you are you are never indetrimented not all folks moty = more time, create by effect with foe energy causing them to do things with computer as you want as manmoths appear as vision mymy = startlement, met expectation, surprise, consternation by a disruptive influence that lives beyond the ground burial to creative rule manip = manipulate by will, to do or not do as you think you are you will to create mantl = the energy mantle by the aura that acts up as energy by wish as a will and melts the room and area by energy exchanges that heat up the core too much, as the heat triples the mantle in the area as that is transplace as a place and an area that is safe or not in a negate curse that makes it and you can melt by the efficient test you see. manteau = mantle, energy mantle is the absorption energy from things where they don't see you as you switch in and use as they think as energy to raise a person and they turn into a many mawed monds monster and childish attitude. manticor = red lion body human face with ears and blue eyes with 3 teeth jaw row much like a zaht beast, beer, scorpion tail humanoid end poison spine tail and deep brass voice summable by oghyr magic mne = menac, threat, maniac, no repose, post throttle control on a ship menz = Be creative by approach to bee use once thought can be gotten rid of as imagination makes it and this actually causes the effect use that is to not distract if mentioned. Bee that apparates as if from a different world by imagination, that chooses what it does by thinking about the things spoken. menthe = mint, mental health sometimes with demonic idea unless necessary in time mentomo = alignment, teacher, consumption, consume nothing as consuming is flesh eating by what you eat mannaz = thropos, anthropos, anthropods, humankind, human, made by head bashing manic clone manbord = mainboard that does things, boredom, the magic in want or need is not and you can destroy any target or create any concept with a thought that creates with subconscious as responsive to your split will in mind as once you realize what your doing you cause a stop by not moving or moving with a pointed out thing. Funny thing it is what you say that triggers that response as if you cause the reaction. mest = mystical thought that becomes real, concept to commiseratem with commiseratu, this can create the energy in you and make things more easily done unless you don't think so. As you think and are in a bad mood, rape and molest can happen. meste = consolance, soothing vibes, messed up up and away toy stop world story not ignore you get evicted and stop trial by error with no aftereffected regard mnzo = menzo, underrealm that changes as you think about the place as the are can cause things including multiple pockets, that cause mortal wounds in the mind as if a body as the body erases werren and you create with the energy as they you meet are observed beaten on one level and worked in another. mnzobrozi = menzobarozi, menzoberranzan, radiative cavern mucay = munchymyr, mirror munchy that is a snack and yet not done mucker = fucker, meddler, crucifer cross munchy = edible food, leave an mess with a person's head munchymyr = mirror munchy, shapeshift candy that allows ye to change shape to anything nearby and only the eyes remain the same munsty = moonrock, pigsty concept with smells muwya = munweva, moon energy channeler mews = cat call mermosia = unstoppable growth, growing giant, being of unstoppable growth mercaht = merchant moisant = wetness, famous, explorer mocha = coffee monotony = boredom monoceros = single horn stag headed horse body elphant feet boar tail marakihan = man headed fish maro = mallot, bone marrow, hammer meru = bone marrow morain = determine, self-dependent moraine = quiet manipulator morolan = morally dark, more on (somewhat) connection morolane = light mood, more on (somewhat) disconnect morollan = dark mood, somewhat connection morollane = happyness, somewhat disconnection morrain = more rain, moral introspection morraine = quiet prover, quiet provoker, destitute morralan = dark path marrallan = star flare, solar flare morrolan = dark star (from Steven brust "Path of the dead"), difference morrollan = dark pattern, burn out morrolane = star, indifference morrollane = light pattern, energy burnoff morag = dark queen muge = restore mugk = kill mugger, kill criminal, picture success muggl = human, mugger murdohc = murder, murderer, murderous missiv = message misil = detonation device missil = missile misl = mislead, line up misty = watery mist, cloudiness mostlyn = not likely musty = mastiff, a type of dog muster = troop gathering meteo = meteor, meteorlike area death mafuca = mouthy mozuky = friendly, chummy, large goat horned wolfish pitbull dog who controls and spits fire otherwise this is no fattening so it's lessening of bodyweight and no weight gain happens. mygica = mystical action myhnav = draw thief mynnav = drive away thief myrnac = nothingness mirror that forms in nothing to reflect back images, spell mystes = Mystical time witch being that is able to manifest or amass anything with a devising by silver time particles. myttkink = mightyblow mixtecan = aztec indian mcoy = article, object mnaoy = monopoly mnoy = mind over matter mnt = mount, steady, connect msu = music, misuse (due to curse) mta = metal mtu = fire antler N na = nation; (crab nebula) seen with a planet or earth, surrender, no motion, nab, the one country in life is a pinpoint by what concept you thought in life, a descriptor, sodium, described as, amorphius, name is what you think as a thought is some true moment where you think that, but otherwise you can do what you want as you are in what you are or not as the idea spreads. ne = negation; neion, neiou, didn't, negate, not; this came from and not another except the cheese this is use some used none for the idea that is any point you can stop as anything is by proposition, neon lights you put up likeness by theory is the theory "thought to propose or need by necessity or whatever is the use": quit or go on thats what I did by thinking the point or not do. ni = what; need, (nin or nio) needed, knee*, nothing thought, intelligence energy flow, nickel, instinctive re/action, how, and, nine, afterword non use no = immediate; now, this means named or noted as used in japanese, immediately, so this is a non use [of], now, denial, nobelium, no (no of now or negative knowledge, that is done think to recoup your losses this is gaining back the lost funding that is given or spent as money, that is a natural number based from base 12 hex math starting with 0-9 and going to a-f), gno/w (good no or good knowledge if accepted to know by now), kno/w (kill now as to know things to get knowledge), nno/w (absolute no or no not now in absolute idea), number, not; not now, this is a point you know or thought to bring the kill now. this is also the point of idea you express as point and that is taken as a request. nu = enough; nuff, determination, newt, toward you, this is enough of a point to create what is necessary by feel. ny = curation; naughtyness, now not mental ill (denial of the point is energy at the right moment) in idea. naa = disagreement; naia, disagree or no, quit, stop, cease nea = undoing; unwish, not wish, no, not, cease, negated, any happening will allow you to be brought anew in life, so think and the disease is ended. nia = annihilate; annihilation, certain, beating, niga, virus, nigger, black skin, black person, nigga, almost in heart attack unless you do things in movement. noa = system; known, knowledge, sys nua = no; nuaughum, nuance, understood, newton, physics, applied force, understand, sight use or release, no matter, dark matter, this reverts things by what is done. nya = dangerous; danger seeker, neva, never ask, never (do), never say never or you will do it. nae = annihilative; not yet, not, non problematic is no, nihilism, this is where he or she makes it perfect with nothingness and then tries to see what messes it up. nee = knee; knee cap nie = denial; not you, fictitional, knight not, not noe = nose; certainly not, know that nue = nuisance; no, way, creature named yet or yeti nye = correction; wrong way corrected with the right or wrong language that is used for a good purpose. Otherwise: neve, nevis, never, so never say never or you may find yourself doing things. nai = nail; not in, banish, denial nei = deny nii = sense; denial or nue is nie noi = noise; sound, repelling force, night seen can negate nui = negate nyi = nonexistant; erase, non, not there, absolve nao = abation; (negated) abate, enamel, abnormal, tooth material, now, nail, no answer is deterred by nature, nayo, never nio = made; ennio, abeyance, make obey, suicide neo = embuement; empowered, glow, nov, young noo = repelled; repelling, unacceptance by creative means nuo = desist nyo = cryo; frez-yue, freeze yourself, deep freezes nau = trap; trapped, navigate, now, at the moments use neu = reincarnate; reincarnation, gneu, mental, mortal, no niu = crime; unsought, sought for nou = scold; no no, put off, dashed hope, not now nuu = anti-personal; unwilling, participant nyu = savior; hero, double cross, sword en stroke or cross nay = unintending; unintent, not, no, unintend, this typical lifestyle is hard to keep so perhaps I should just stop ney = resolution; value, resolve niy = cold; earnest, nippy; colder noy = bother; annoying nuy = block; no way nyy = overdraft; no hell, no afterlife, conceal path neuta = neutralize neute = newt; bug, neuter, bi-sexual neuti = neutrino neuto = special; unnatural offspring, unnatural child, degenerate neutu = corruption; unnatural fight, attention neuty = hospital; mental time, wasteful, creative moment nab = naivete; get, grab onto bashful or non bashing considered in use neb = watchful; watch nebula nib = deniable; trap, ink pen nob = feel; vibration, energy difference, no body nub = action; activity, maintenance, in persistence, newb(y), new person nyb = sprain; limp, improve in usage nac = nothing nec = danger; living, harmful nic = nice; cigarette, carve, talk, connect, things are understood and allowing noc = nacht; night, knock, unlock nuc = nuker; hiding spot, fry cook nyc = addict; additional need or nicotine, vibration, destruction nad = null; nada, nothing, zero ned = need nid = sorry; reiterate, denied, denial nod = greet; nod, node nud = nude nyd = ride; chastise, unwalk, spare nag = chide; nag, worrywort, pisstenpel neg = negative; Attributes that are opposite in idea, form and energy. nig = movement; worm, anything, niggle, worry nog = awareness; noggin, brain nug = panning; gold mine, nugget, bugger, all or not in the order if insane nyg = ugly; go back, renig, resign nah = no; gnaw, negative in view, put off denial, this is something like a hole in things or wall area that needs covering up. neh = quaver; wavering no nih = annihilate; possibly no, nigh noh = hold; not close (moment) nuh = compassionate; passionate no nyh = denied; attenuate, service denial attack, denied service nak = yes; naked, allowance, nack, maybe yes nek = neck nik = niche; nick, scratch or prospect, this is also a point where the wall is a living mural otherwise. I believe to cancel out this effect is to state or think to the wall, "don't show yourself" or "don't show a niche" and the wall reverts to your creator's will. nok = positiion; nock, knock, knock over nuk = energize; high energy effect, nuke, destroy, incinerate nyk = a cut nal = nail; hit, this could be a nail hit or hit to the hand that disrupts some other person's hand that you think is disrupted in activity. nel = kneel nil = transport; river, the nile, no use nol = knoll; hill, hillside nul = undo nyl = annulment; annihilation, zero, nothing exists, brought to nothing, - nam = label; naming, name nem = opposition nim = nimble; prove yourself nom = nommy; gnome, years of study, name, nomnom, good, tasty, m unique num = numerator; nuba, nueba, numba, number, numerate nym = compute; computer, record of change, name nan = spirit; no, care, nonentity, nonexistant, the energy of the body or the bloodflow that creates the energy using the soul or soul copy nen = estrange; stressful, stress nin = nothing; 9, nine, not non = empty; known, not nun = night; noon, primordial abyss, newton, physics, applied force, night fall nyn = twilight nap = hackle; neck back nip = snack; snack food, little bite, night person, cheese cracker, cat food as dehydrated or wet. nep = dispel nop = nope; nothing, no person nup = nuptial; not possible, noop nyp = nip; love bite, butt bite naq = neck neq = unique; no equal niq = reach; knight, inconsequential noq = steal; item, sensitive, death nuq = nuke; cook nyq = addict; sensual nar = tight; narrowness ner = near; close by nir = return; point blank nor = ignore; niether that nur = nurse; aid, noor, noor nyr = spot; obsess, obsession, observe, observation, watch closely nas = drive; driven of it, nasty nes = nest; complex, nasty, bad luck, negative self known for negative actions. nis = pleasing nos = knows, nose nus = noose; slack, nurs, immerse, to move along slowly, to go and use it up slowly, to eat someone or something, to ate nys = disbelief; mystery, disillionment, distinct disregard nat = natu, natural; fly, nature, birth, national net = clean; clear, neatness, very useful nit = ignition; fire focused to creation, night, spark, ignite, gifted, caigula not = dare; do, noted event, effect, some or non by interest, note, non use if bank card stolen, something to look at later, denote, not, knot, know this and if aggravating this is nothing but a choke, so otherwise not is a note or dollar. This is a 100 note. nut = nut; neuter, split apart, asexual, dick (or junk) nyt = create; creation, weave together, woven natz = squash; mosquitos, nazi netz = network nitz = nitpick notz = disagreed; recording, wildness, notation, notes, this is where your note taking or creating. nutz = crazy nytz = activity; night time, basket, mesh nav = navigate nev = never niv = aftermath nov = radiant; radiance, black ho;e, nova, new nuv = off; offish, offensive, obstinate, bullish, bull, lying nyv = caught naw = dismiss; goof, in dismissal new = comparison; campare, concent, in contrast niw = made; trial by error, golf, in writing, scream now = process; immediate, immediately, start; precede, in immediance, at the moment, created point nuw = newness; feeling, in felt dismissal, mass, wave (of energy) nyw = art; picture, gift, in knowing, natural use, gif nuw nyw nax = nakedness; knack, detail nex = center; nexus, next, after, important point nix = quit; tobacco, addiction, smoking, smoke, kill, cut nox = knockout; harmful, night, poison nux = atom; atomic, gneux, nuix, nuke, great explosion, not really known nyx = abusive; abuse, unprecedented, uncalled for use, nice monster, incredible, (non) very harmful nda = lack; zilch, nada, nothing nde = undead ndi = undid ndo = uu; undone, undo ndu = underwear; undo; no don't ndy = undeath; undying, unkillable ndah = clean ndeh = insanity ndih = find; in denial, fid, reveal moment, in a moment you reveal to yourself by showing a point or item. otherwise this is a point you reveal to someone. ndoh = get; pointed view, take away nduh = age; in time, incompetant ndyh = apply; take, compromise, accident nabj = nab; take personally, abducted person, substance form, abduct nebj = nedging; neggie, psionicist nibj = penmanship; pen, ink writer nobj = adjust; no objection, nob adjustment, setting nubj = speaker; attentive field made of instance that happen as of elsewhere and be to use the energy of the act of event that occurs to you. As the current happens the energy disappears creating a null effect. nybj = abuse; acknowledgement, in denial strike, non used, this is an abuse of power nall = long nail, denial in innocense or hope is reversed death blow by al and if they want you to die a spirit will live (a woman unusual in nature that is innocent at first and a man killer, after that eats the body as the obsolete being in which you get a child from true life source converts to rape scene incited from the magic influence. This is in the Al nature which explaines, so this is why so many are "slsin" as if a disease that kills from their essence). Abide and they won't kill you as you are fey if they care to work with each other or not, as energy corrupts their true nature in against there being and this creates a beauty that nails and disrupts their nature in possession as by demonic influence. Nothing matters as if not at all and that things in use are against the person, who is assumed to do things and as insane as you did it madness. The sonet effect by the due, effect is in effect of what you think as if a songbird. There is a point in inclusion, that you are a pointed reminder and a scene is poison to the mind, as they are disruptive to hide and in plain site by their influence, as if you try to fight in the mind of the victim even the person. Who is a possible idea that can do in each their own thing and attraction is death, that is assured of the father unless anulle is done in an idea. This is in the end in a thought, aspectus in aspect they are in unseen to the eye and that is done. nell = unsensable; untraceable, blind and deaf, blind, deaf, unseeing, unhearing nill = stray; straight, nothing, long river, infinity noll = slope; mountain, mountainside null = zero; cancelled out, delete nyll = result; used or old heater, river, nothing, drought, desert napp = stolen; steal away, this is a stolen time where you can sleep and get a good rest. nipp = nipping; love bite nepp = nepitism; negativity in motion nopp = shit; not personally please, refuse, refusal nupp = nuptial; marriage ceromony, wedding nypp = ritual; rite, crap, good night, good moment, showing pleasure, kiss, passionate greeting nava = steer; navigation, naval nave = lich; life stealer navi = prosper; auto navigate, prosperity navo = gain; happy ending, happy prospect navu = cancellation; cancel movement, cancel action navy = navy; sea enforcement, sea navigation nawb = capitan; navy boat, agreeable, ignorant newb = newbie; new at niwb = place; the return, return to nowb = roots; beginning nuwb = incapable; inexperienced nywb = cave; give in, give to pressure, as novice to apprentice natt = mosquito nett = net, connected strand mat nitt = nit, weave nott = knot, not nutt = nutty, sex change operation, break apart nytt = night natta = nature, nothing energy, natural netta = netting nitta = steal away notta = notable, nothing, not at all nutta = two part nytta = weave, night task, nighter nogwash = brainwash, convince nogwesh = brainwesh, brainwaste, braindeath, braindead nogwish = brainwish, inform, intelligence nogwosh = brainwosh, brain disease nogwush = brainwush, splattered brain, brain splatter nogwysh = brainwysh. body chemistry balance, brainal balance nca = cohort, another person with similar thought for action nce = inception, drive in nci = incipient, patient nco = encor, enclove, group that identifies with a moment by encounter ncu = icaderi, incerent, incurable ncy = encypher, encode n-qach = acid corruption naia = structure, given nainto = no nothing, know nothing, unknown, nail into naisu = thank you naoign = navoign, nevermind, never no, active (explosive) and otherwise aligned sign naol = nail (in the) line naolm = naysay, napalm in the face or slap neigh naomi = take (it) away, deny amount, remove amount, content removal (steal) nagato = negate (of), jealous, jealousy nayn = name, nahalen (create by inhalant or inhalor), creo, creator, creation artist by theory that you think you create naynle = nameless, creole, creatorless navoc = a kill, name call, invoke (action) nead = ceased neeb = distract, distraction neeber = annoyance, annoyer neeba = annoyance, annoyer neig = anything niua = nebula; cloud nigaa = dryland, sunland nige = black race nigeria = sunland, dryland noob = no objection, in common, common nooba = noober, pest, question persistance, pester nied = patience, pester neut = neuter, remove sex organ noet = Aeturnys, Knowledge, Water and gravity element, This elemental water gravity can effect any water to effect a manipulation of memories and cause action that is desired. This is done and not noticed. This can cause a subtle drug effect. noir = black nourse = nourishment, breast fed, drink naus = nausea naeder = absent neal = hacker, personal attacker nielson = compliance, compliant niese = sneeze niesen = to not sneeze niou = no way, didn't happen nyou = no, not naetle = nonetheless neato = very unique neon = dark glow neuix = to null, to zero, to concoro (To speak idea until nothing) noik = no in kind words. nuay = negative; no, not, nothing nuanat = naturally understood, naturally understand nuatha = legendary sword nuix = in removal nuoca = necromancer; death and decay energy practicioner that can also manipulate life. nuocy = nuruicy, necromancy; the practice of death essence energy direction and life energy manipulation by feel, that is when this is what can be used to work with spirits and pass them back to the grave and sent to the next plane or then thought sent the astral plane by feel. nuos = comprehend; comprehension, new level, well is done, no otherwise, well this is done or no otherwise this is not done. nachu = nothingness being necro = death, becoming, desecre (desecrate) nada = not nadt = nothing nida = neutral, break even, in-between nodoff = fall to sleep nafe = neophyte, teacherless student, masterless student nani = what nanno = no more nibeh = kneeback, knee in crotch nibl = nimble neck = neck slap noct = night (by wraistlin) neto = neato, neeto neheh = nervous, nervous laughter naga = serpent human shapeshifter that breathes acid nagas = water serpent human that breathes acid nagum = self-conscious nary = no, (negative) know, keep each you know what you now and what you don't know Natet = Naturalist; A movement towards nature as though a natural moment. Without drugs and unnecessary things, they are closer closer to nature. As this is nature acting on the world. This is the need to be for understanding natural things. This group uses intuition and innate ability to get effects, as in making an idea or causing action. niga = active worm, virus, death nigga = nigger, nigerian, black person, tie to death nihil = nothing, belief in nothing, don't believe in anything nuke = nuclear field, atomic physics, eradication nilpy = nitpicking; focused with questions that can be too much nelson = charismatic, name caller, promotion grabber, position, scrabbler nemo = anymore, nevermore, deep explorer, nothing more ninyc = impervious, indestructible, destroyer (as by bully from energy) nimb = nimble, rubbery, raw tissue nimbus = energy cloak, cloud energy, (energy by daeth), death issue nomen = name, family name, noun, account, account entry, sake, title, heading numina = n, numb nut, number, faceless nummy = delicious, unlasting good taste, disruptive behavior nym = compute, record of change, change by death of opposite idea with value (knowing) nunavut = continuation, fertilizer naestri = detriment to grave, dark by tribulation to seem good after (engravement), create in effect by death spell (by neophyte), deathspell, mainstream (by death) napalm = volatile death liquid by hot hoola hoop napot = hot day, it starts as a death and ends as a possible ability as death naptha = liquid pitch, boiled tar, disruptive energy napthalamoyl = greek fire, greek fiery mess necay = necessity, anything possible, negated decay necessity = any possibility, any reason, anything possible niclaus = gift giver, tax refund, bylaw, addicted nichlaus - loophole, sidestep nicolas - escapism, evade, evasive, evasion, escape nicholaus - escapism, evade, evasive, evasion, escape nigla = niggler, information worm, enchained information gatherer worm that is wifebeater, aftereffect before after the leavetaking nerv = nerve rest, nervous from the neck to cause body disorder and noone after cost, no accost norm = normal, enormous, slappin justice nors = norse, dark energy user that kills on sight for worse, darth, death, ancient opposite disable norscod = norse code, typography send, get wrong to right norsk = norwegian, tribe, monster norwood = north wood, geneology, motherland, spookywood noth = allow, allow or not legit ness = pursuit, like, monstrous affair in death or no occult nesti = family, nesting, roach havoc (roach havoc) nosydjyrod = underdevelopement, undeveloped land, foot shift, nosedive, disruptive distrobution (against you), noe, follow pattern, unqualified perminazation in pacifiation nost = not lost, fixative (to dark mood by nothing in mind), unlost nostra = sniff, in monster (not out) nestri = nose, perfect, praemental (precientific), predetrimental (mental torture by demons in the head causing detriment to others, predetermined to lie or qualified to detriment but effect none and there will be a none), instant knowledge (instinct) nostro = nostril, breath in smoke nostradamus = sight prediction, in apprentice, awning, whatever you do is undesirable by what you bruise (you hurt me you hurt you) nostrodamus = dream vision, undesirable now, in visal, in thought neth = beneath, monster that is evil deep inside but good outside, as you describe that monster you become him, sorta like that in wasre neta = niether, nether, negative, niether, death, ether wisp, really, death wisp netacilf = nether elf, chaos elf netarelm = nether realm, death realm nethi = beneath me, nothing netwit = net creator, one who does the net (creates with network) and be unknowing netzueb = seen no internet nota = notation, recourse, write down, written down noti = nothing nerieds = water elemental not use or no focus is thought user able not to manipulate water or not have to believe everything you said that's remembered nimykria = Nirmal Kriya, one of the most powerful methods to eliminate stress instantly. It takes only half a minute to practice it. Here be how you go about it. Start with a couple of deep breaths. Now start with four short breaths and end with a long breath. During the long breath exhalation, create friction in the throat region. (This be known as Ujjayi Pranayam). This makes the train of five connected breaths. Repeat such train five times and you have completed 25 connected breaths Nirmal Kriya. You can do it standing, sitting or sleeping positions. You can repeat it every hour or anytime you feel you are drifting into the stressful situation. By Prem Nirmal. nuremnia = swish, choices, neuracannula, brain stem repair by angellic stimulation nuremniuyq = neuracannula link, brain stem tap ness = likeness is not, telephatic nast = nasty, nastiness, screwed up nastink = nasty stink hoax nitr = gliknl(slavic), glibl (assyrian), nitrium, night movement nitwit = idiot, idiocity, nightingale notin = nothing nott = not that, woodpecker, no chance nottan = scheme, land plot nottingham = harmful scheme, decreed land notty = notting, knots, giant woodpecker nunagy = no or null energy, dark energy or energy that is what causes things to be pushed away yet holds together things by dark matter that uses interaction or area focus to keep what is stable there by idea and things there. nuppeta = spiritual marriage, spiritual arrangement nutik = state; nasty stink, nut cake, indecisive nuttin = nothing to do nytty = night; disposition, nighttime nova = status of use nevoir = forgot; memory begone, forget, underwear nevnev = nevernever land, time lock, unaging place nevyn = never (however the saying fits: never say never or you'll do the idea), nothing or theory no manipulation, void novex = nova, expanding electricity damage ring novpos = poison nova, foe effect expanding poison ring, this is where you spray poison and create with the energy you thought of killing all the bugs in the main place. nixi = water sprite with a beguiling song nazi = dedicated hate, hate activist nuag = xon, mist, misty, cloud, new age nujve = newby, nude, nooky, butt crack swipe nyboe = overburden, stress nukoubui = levitate neter = deity use by ore focus if nothing there don't bother nulle = no rejection is no reason neha = nasher, teeth cleaning, no use in alcohol careful by watch, belief system, this is the point you work with feel. nishru = nishruu, magic eater nasper = constipation navajo = navajo indian naeebliia = invincibility no dog naeabliia = invulnerable, invincible nereid = noreid, irresponsible behavior, a negative darkmatter being that can do damage to the mind. newa = anyway nutenuf = nothing of, not enough Ncotex = Cast this spell to start up something as its in process and procedure. nd = and, not done ndiinaewiouayte = endocannabis, endocannabinoids nduo = Enduros; endurance, this is the enduring moment, think to do things with a talent or a natural mindset that isn't too stressed out by the point you do. Think to do what is naturally done, so if you thought you were attacked you aren't assaulted and similar idea. This is useful if you suggest the point, this done as such or some other idea that comes to you. ntaloa = interloper; intruder, invader, enemy, azaoc (berserk attack) Nfetae = bug; infestation, fetus creation nno = new developement, nano, nanobot nsu = competance, enforcement, ensue ntamnal = ntamnabl, interminable, a concoction ntara = interrogate nth = nothing, no thing, know thing nvas = inverse, invasive, see but not use it or use it but not see it. nvinaaayy = invulnerability nzt = memory, study P pa = pathway, paper, father, paw, pipe, protactinium, pap, pappa, paw, paternal, pain, painful moment that creates what you want with realization from what is done. pe = examined, pea, guided, fitness pi = natural, reoccuring, unsolvable number, 3.14, pig, dick, private investigator in feel po = application, peck, pole, post, mail, polonium pu = pew, plutonium, long bench py = pig; bring high, page, pie, quick wit pab = padlock peb = pebble, small bit pib = natural, payback (with no regard as carous) pob = material, usage pub = inn, hotel pyb = highly focus pac = (if negative) idiot; ponce, pack, (the tooth eroder) plack, (if positive) peace, please, pleasing, plac pec = peck, peace, see pea, small pic = visualize, picture, pinch, tablespoon, pick poc = gouge; pock, marking, carving (this could leave a white mark on a surface.) puc = puck, pucker, puce, bruise purple pyc = piece pad = house, paid ped = peat moss, foot, impede, pedaller, seller, legged person pid = identification, process, personal identification pod = podium, stand, speech, foot pud = identify yourself pyd = conscript, self-list paf = made before, family choice, choice affair pef = mentally assist pif = piffle pof = nothing, applied field puf = puff pyf = criticism pag = page peg = a peg pig = overtly large pog = jump, execution, program pug = overcome, snit, engorge, fight pyg = a pig pah = paw, claw peh = go piss pih = infinite, infinity poh = poet puh = take care, warn off pyh = memory restoration, heh or hey paj = book (binding), book pej = conjuction, in joining pij = parlor trick poj = pole stick puj = compartment, particular in peculiar pyj = placement, pyjamas, night clothes in life pak = compression, compress or dodge pek = peek, energy peak, peke, peak up, top up movement, max point, up to max, max pik = pike, little pok = poke, stab out puk = puke pyk = pick at pal = pale, comparison pel = peel away pil = pile, pickle, pill pol = polarity, shine in pul = pull, pull out pyl = moment of ambrosia, amberisea religious experience pam = non stick, oily, slick, pandemic (fear release by natural concept realized) pem = afraid to go near, skittish pim = head, head insanity pom = base part pum = fist hits, pump, air up pym = hard work, duly pan = all, everywhere, bread, window sill, enclosure pen = peni, penalty, punish, pasn,, weight, poison, pean, the pea moment that releases you from all energy programming that you don't want, personal pen or cage pin = pine tree, find out with pon = ponder, pony, male horse, put, place pun = minimal pyn = trial, pin pap = papyra, paper pep = excuse pip = pulp pop = authority pup = student pyp = paper maker paq = pack peq = hidden force, top performance piq = upset poq = stupidity, overweight (that leads to overeating where overlarge people eat more) puq = puke pyq = curiosity, interest par = pair; mark, partake, equal per = dark; moment, mathematica, physical abuse, at moment, for pir = peer por = dust pur = cause; pure, purity pyr = mask; funeral death fire, black fire, fire pas = job; pause, poison, hold, payment pes = shift; peeing, appease, put, place pis = evolution, evolved human that kills and pisses on the body of the individual that kills you pos = care; slowly apply, pose, post pus = waste pys = rise; piss, float up pat = pate; pat, correction, forehead, slight hand shove, eating pet = potted; participate, peat, plant soil, small pit = hell; plight, pit pot = pot; dirt, weed, gateway drug, nonaddictive mind drug, potent, potency, it starts with dirt then you get weed and this is a nonaddictive gateway drug. That means its a nonaddictive mind drug with potency, that is legal igf allowed and potent if done right. put = sewage; pollute, place somewhere, process, put into, put pyt = incident; intercede, life, talk back, python snake, appliance, levitate up pav = pavement; pave, cement pev = pest; pestilence, peevish, pet peeve, project piv = poison; irritate, irritation, irritant pov = switch; pole position, switch position puv = proof pyv = pivet ground stake paw = paw pew = seat; long bench, shoot piw = conceal pow = knockout; powerful, higher power, face punch puw = fighter; dirty fighting, street fight pyw = concentrate; concentration, consent, focus, concentric pax = treaty; written agreement, plac/ate, contract, peace, pleasing, please, peaceful pex = shoulder blade pix = pixy pox = curse pux = puix, pucker; reverse cat fish, smoked, edible yet makes you puke pyx = high energy paz = payment; walkway, pave, pays pez = walk; walking, small candy, pasz, paces piz = park poz = pose puz = puzzle pyz = comic pla = apply; last application, play ple = entreaty; wrist, plead, exemption pli = addition; inclusion, plight, add onto, Plane: planetary vibrational level. Raise your vibration level by positive acts and thinking to escape this area level. This is done by thinking about the point, then using a thought that this is walking off the edge of the map. plo = plow; come back to work, always plu = done; receipt, end of list, plum, bomb; explosive ply = game; try, plant, attempt to stay alive, ply (apply or plywood) pra = prey; pray, prayer, circle heal, to pray "near the end" upon by preying upon the innocent pre = precognitance; apprehensive, beforehand, before, preach by wat you say to do pri = animalistic; primary, prime, primal pro = profession; professional, for motion pru = reticent; prua (prudent), prideful, old faithful in yellowstone pry = steal; wrest away, spy, pry up on the body or object by lever, take psa = sluggish pse = perception psi = sight; directed sight, telepathy, telepath, pressure, as psychic this is a directed sighting with a point. pso = mental push away psu = illusion; psuedo, imitation in energy psy = psi; personal, society, air pressure by what your sure from palt = scalp pelt = animal skin pilt = thief; pilfer, pill this polt = geist; jump, poltergeist, pole through pult = catapult; toss, pull this pylt = shit; pile this, the religionus experience, peat pann = view; pan, pannery, panning penn = luck; penny, marketplace pinn = silence; pin, pinning, opinion ponn = ponder; pond, unthought, mule, mulish: this is a sorta mulish behavior that seems to give what is poor response. punn = jokester; pun, laughter, as american dictionary a joke on words pynn = fit; unfair, case number, untested, unready, pine tree, identification, personal ID or this is something I don't know. papl = payment; holey, pope, papy, papal, paypal, money pepl = people pipl = pipeline popl = poppy seed pupl = apprentice pypl = papyrus; long endurance paper, brittle paper -XXIV- The nouns, pronouns, adverbs and verbs p3 paps = papers; father, brother-in-law, writings peps = people around pips = bad luck; all 1's on the dice, good or bad luck pops = popping pups = students around pyps = rising hope para = paranormal; phychic, meta, beyond pera = power of words; third eye, active vision, visual, think to direct the sight by statements so your aware of what your saying. pira = pirate pora = poor state pura = purify pyra = concentric pare = cut apart pere = pre-arrange pire = fire cloud pore = stink pure = animal food pyre = exercise; healthy, higher energy, pancreas, focused energy pari = church; parish, shrine, chapel peri = glass; periscope, telescope piri = brimstone pori = ascend; ascending, transend result, pheromone puri = enjoyment pyri = soul paro = comedy; parody, rock pero = watery; peroxide mist, healing mist piro = douse; put out fire, dowse poro = sabatour; outcry, vagabond, out pour, pour out puro = purity pyro = fire; pyromaniac, flam (flammable), fier (fiery) paru = overindulgent; indulge, indulgement, acknowledgement peru = peru; the original, dark island, dark origins piru = acceptance; trust, share poru = conscious; earth science, nothingness, firmness, pouring puru = beginning; prime, first, 1st pyru = demise; understood death, pyromaniac, preservation, restoration pary = couple; pair, match pery = sight; vision, peer into, mental sight, peering piry = volcanic rock pory = scent; scenting, scent gland, stink gland pury = clean; purify, cleanse pyry = laughter; pitoitary, funny bone, seal force, good humour gland parm = loser; target date. parmesan cheese, bruise, losing streak, choice: choices, parameter perm = permenant; hair style, hair stiffen, stylish hair pirm = horror; peek, horrify, mathematician porm = self-secure; drought, language, dust away purm = purification; purify, pureness pyrm = wildfire; pyrmese dog, clean death, kill me, brush fire, pyramid, dry fire, dog (death of good) perma = permenant permi = permy, permit perme = permenance permo = granted; permittance, allowance permu = theory permy = autocorrect; law, knowledge, frankly parn = rejection, reject, despise, freeze, frozen, symbolic pern = patience, unseen, lottery, selection, unstable pirn = unequal, identity, internet, cryogenic, suburb porn = sexual scenes, sexual literature, dirty sex purn = impure, impurity, puritan, heart, purify, ice, frozen liquid pyrn = nuke, destroy, explosion pass = pass pess = pest piss = piss, liquid body waste poss = position, possess puss = pimple fluid, weeping wound pyss = appraise, raise up past = paste pest = pest pist = self evolving post = upright pole, after pust = wasteful, trashy pyst = angry papp = pappy, father pepp = pepper pipp = papertray popp = pop pupp = puppy pypp = pipe, waterway praa = to journey, jouneyman prea = danger sense, preparation, prayer, preach (tell) pria = suspician proa = finding out, to find prua = medicine, medication,, first aid prya = operation, procedure prae = frontier, unexplored pree = battlefield fight/spar, war, clean up prie = priest, daemon, messenger proe = thrown away prue = prudence; prove to other, pry (sometimes this is with a prybar or asking questions), prudent, prepare, this is where you prepare for the moment where sometimes this is overcharge or you don't react to the moment. progression; (what) follows, (with) following, advancement prye = prior experience, energy pry praing = praying, preying preing = about doing before priing = priming, to age in spirit and experience (unlimited) proing = pro pruing = robot yourself, robot in ge prying = to make loose, to see (into) phat = prestigious, formed muscle phet = feat of greatness phit = make fearful, boast, non-physical fight, passive resistance, cold war phot = drive fear down phut = splutter phyt = died out pracedures = pradcedur, a practical of measure, practical procedures, practical precedurals precedures = preceding event of durability, pretested idea in action pricedures = pridcedur, privacy procision event, enduring price, prying precedure (pryii) procedures = prodcedur, process of idea, seem like a pro to do prucedures = prudent actions by event prycedures = event of prying and duress pral = paralysis, practical, focus point creation prel = pretzel, energy practice pril = priviledge, right, idea written prol = problem, paroll, payroll prul = collect, your prudence pryl = many of, much of, wild fire prall = prabable, pray on able (pray being able) prell = press release prill = pre ill, ink prepare proll = probable prull = make happen, untouchable, make wild pryll = pry up, get out, pry out pram = parameter, program prem = high quality prim = most importance prom = promotion, acting in favor prum = awaiting results prym = tight faced, very disciplined pran = prank, dirty trick pren = self cleaning, preen prin = to print, print pron = tendency towards, sexual appeal prun = plum, cut and move, prune pryn = place into, sequence arrangement, hammer (to your head) pras = ritual pres = preset pris = slow activation pros = professional prus = old age prys = pry, wrest prag = with sense, sensible preg = with child prog = active program prig = piggish, mulish prug = progressive pryg = called bad, bad move pach = heat pack pech = peach pich = mirage poch = poach puch = burn wound pych = heat up patn = pattern petn = to pet, pet pitn = pitton, twirl baton potn = potion putn = to put, putting pytn = python snake, python plak = plate plek = plead, please, inside plik = plink, wood slat, plank plok = splash pluk = plunk, acept, acceded view by what you did as a point in liufe is acceptable by what you think plyk = plywood plat = last attempt, play it plet = completion plit = plight, cause plot = independence, bloat plut = polute, polution plyt = trial platt = picket, wooden slat plett = complex plitt = crises, midlife crises plott = event reason, plot plutt = poison plytt = travail, personal attempt plana = planar plane = planar bind plani = planning plano = planar opening, planar gate planu = placing yourself plany = planar shift prasm = crystal crafter presm = presentiment, bias prism = prismatic light crystal, light prism prosm = rating prusm = wisdom prysm = light strength p'eng-niao = bird dragon paa = will; payer, papa, papyra, papaya(carving wood), paper, if you put your will on paper or use print then this ends. paae = praps, perhaps, payee, pay up pai = payee, pay, pain bearing, bearing the pain that you imagine, think of what you want and the subconscious gives you what you need with use of the pinneal gland third eye. Otherwise this is where pai is purport; poo pot or construe what you think, paid then means construance or idea done, this is an example of how the english word got made. So the next point is an idea to use things. Enjoy yourself as you do the idea. pao = poliwag, a hexed witch or wizard that turns into a creature peu = smelly, bad scent Peyy = Positive; peyote, the certainty, certain, this is where your certain of things and sometimes feel good. poe = pas, poisa, poet, poison Pooue = pollution, poultry poue = pours, raining down (like english) Poyye = copyy, polifics, policy enforcements, corruption, lust poy = detriment/s, detrimentix, polly, bird, trouble poywitcreka = hungry (polly wants a cracker), polywnacraka (I am hungry) pua = As we seem things in use create energy that is power from energy with a human skin as a demon would create with shit and objects, in persuade and power rises as energy use activity by energy that uses the body weight as essence in a point of use in of by what is thought energy in thought by what you would use. puablo = Real or not its a similar coplayer as a similar conclusion as nothing happend and nothing existed this idea as to drop a person by a single blow to the head in energy isn't as in power by energy blow in some manner of speaking, to use as if by anger but nothing more can create is a natural conclusion. As shortout in a point that energy is no blow overload is what creates in point is a concept that does what in the thought, things by use and thought you did it to you yourself as yet not resolvable till you use the creature that is with your energy as if a thought as thought is in belief. As the thought is believable, as I saw you do your thought is active use is a point by power concept as yet not done as this drops that. pyy = panty, pantry paiay = perogativ, perogative, self thought by action paul = steadfast, steady, work of thought paey = perusal; selection or idea to get. paco = percep, discerned moment, painkill, packed (in) pacoe = peace, insurmountable proof paypy = paypal, payment service, bank service peace = freak, loner, phycho, lunatic, possesed perse = perce, perceive, perception (of persecution), execution pia = pocket piaro = penetrate, penetration piaroclair = piarocle, penetrating light piaroclewyld = destructive penetrating light pierot = investigator piezopyrair = piezoelectric, general area energy force using UPF (unified power field). pios = pious, valor, holy piupe = dimensional pocket, planar area pidura = long duration, 6^7 a dura, 4 days poangu = snake tongue, parsletongue poikshul = flat drop sound peek = look, thorough look peep = look at, view peat = parent peeves = poltergeist paces = tests; testing point/s that you either go through or the machine goes through. peccary = little nocturnal pig with white collar peck = kiss packapr = move packepr = important, key feature peckepr = peacekeeper piccolo = flute piccalo = live fight picre = pancreas podarge = swiftfoot padma = padlock pafu = perfume; women good scent sometimes in oil form. pafuamore = love perfume paken = pack pakl = packed pali = palace palup = fool, fool user palupp = power, basic use paly = pale, paling pamela = show girl pamnat = permenant/ly, persistant pants = buttox, butt, breeches, breechcloth, pantaloon, britches pawok = patchwork; this is using a patch to attach to a surface area. peky = guorh, peachy, peacefully, force down pent = parent pegais = horse headed great bird pegeus = human headed great eagle pegaus = dragon headed great bird pekiad = peach coolaid permano = its made of pinnoccio = living wood toy pint = not put, put not there puck = benevolent magical hand sized human pixi = magical hand sized malevolent human with green eyes and red hair poe-ts = pocket-ts, shirtsleeveless shirt, beechcloth, cotton shirt without sleeves, t-shirt, jerkin, jaki, vestment paloma = Turtle Dove poly = polymorph, adaptable, albert paysan = peasant papyraw = wax paper pupe = gynaika, pet, poppet, woman pegasus = winged horse peio = paranor, paranoid, paranormal knowledge, psychic knowledge institute paraphras = sentence, recorded speech pattern parful = parfool, part the fool, bad separation, powerful persistence = as to end (to the end of things), creates a theory that keeps popping up in the mind and in the end its enacted upon. praful = prafool, full of prayer, happiness, faithful parnau = fearless fear away aura human patronach with body like energy being tranformation always positive and enlightning to those around and body looks solid till attacked thus it disappears into mist parnorbe = frozen orb, mass ice bolt assault sphere that assails all in area and explosive ice end percy = upright, perfectly, perfect perfidy = perfection, real deal persian = mystic people peyre = paraphrase purpos = purpose purpose = proposal patala = depthless undersea patc = patch patsy = pack horse, backpack, servant pettego = ego sooth, calm the mind pity = piety, sacred area, sacred, undiscerned, panty, beseech poten = power, influence putelda = restorative toothpaste puteldao = restorative fluoride toothpaste putrubelda = restorative toothpaste putrubeldaa = restorative fluoride toothpaste brush poign = poignard, stabbing spear poivre = pepper pazcu = patsy, horse, mule, burden beast peddl = vend, peddle, sell polivy = poliwag, evil creature, pole of demon that has souls it collects and you can deal or not as you get things it thinks you want as it collects the things it needs to do things as it does things to get the soul and makes it appear as a head on it. polyc = plastic, polycarbon; at some point, its polyethyline carbon, a range of synthetic or semi-synthetic polymerization products. They are composed of organic condensation or addition polymers and may (often) contain other substances to improve performance or economics. There are few natural polymers generally considered to be "plastics". A plastic be made up principally of a binder together with plasticizers, fillers, pigments, and other additives. The binder gives a plastic its main characteristics and usually its name. Thus, polyvinyl chloride be both the name of a binder and the name of a plastic into which it be made. Binders may be natural materials, e.g., cellulose derivatives cause body reduction, casein, don't have to by feel or milk protein, but are more commonly synthetic resins. Plastics can be formed into objects or films or fibers. Their name be derived from the fact that many are malleable, having the property of plasticity. In either case, the binder materials consist of very long chainlike molecules called polymers. The vast majority of plastics are composed of polymers of carbon alone or with oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine or sulfur in the back-bone. Some of commercial interest are silicon based. polyethylene be a polymer of ethylene ((-CH2 -CH2 -) n), where the - be a chain, Carbon + Hydrogen in 2 parts chained in molecular form, Plastics are so durable that they will not rot or decay as do natural products such as those made of wood. As a result great amounts of discarded plastic products accumulate in the environment as waste. It has been suggested that plastics could be made to decompose slowly when exposed to sunlight by adding certain chemicals to them and use a filter. Plastics present the additional problem of being difficult to burn. When placed in an incinerator, they tend to melt quickly and flow downward, clogging the incinerator's grate. They also emit harmful fumes. Gotten from http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/section/plastic_EnvironmentalConsiderations.asp. hmpe = uhmwpe, UHMWPE, pleysteele, plastic steel, Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), also known as high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high performance polyethylene (HPPE), high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high performance polyethylene (HPPE), be a thermoplastic made from oil. It has extremely long chains, with molecular weight numbering in the millions, usually between 3.1 and 5.67 million. The high molecular weight results a very good packing of the chains into the crystal structure. This results in a very tough material, with the highest impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made. It be highly resistant to corrosive chemicals, with exception of oxidizing acids. pumic = poultice, pumice, medicine cream panoptes = many eyes pond = small lake, pond patricide = bug killing and growth gas petricide = ant and bug killer element petro = penetrate, penetration petroauro = penetrating light petroclair = penetrating light penetro = penetrate, penetration penetroclair = penetrating light pensieve = memory holder containment panzer = tank, general, commander panzy = wierdo, idiot, screwup parnemo = frozen armor, freezing impairing armor to attacker perdhro = magical logic, natural luck permadeth = permenant death pervert = twisted person, corrupt pirc = pierce, push through, piercing port = teleport, picture keport = portal key, teleport key piwafi = invisibility cloak poen = money poir = pear pasivvy = poison ivy poivresa = hot pepper piccy = picture picket = fence board pygmy = small albino elephant pygmufy = pigmy elephant, white miniature elephant pilgrim = traveller, stranger polish = polish polen = pollen polynesia = magical country polynesian = magical citizen palyng = appalling polyng = energy nature, energy source polgara = readyness pamuik = permenant stick, permanent glue pempul = prempul, preemptive pulling poshed = poison explosion, toxic gas body decomposition acceleration poxy = proxy pazsu = horse, patsy, mule, burden person pozy = move on post = mail piezan = prison piezzo = music maker, piano, saxaphone, other music instrument polymof = polymorph polyv = pole position, magnetic pole pulu = pull you, silky material from tree fern pulup = pull up papw = wax paper pepul = draw people pepper = pepper pipreu = purple haze, immolation, blinding stun, blind stunned state parcel = paper, package parcmen = parchment, paper parlor = business place parnsu = holy freeze, enemy freeze parvati = make way, leavetake, part way pell = freely given, attack peryton = deer bird with deer body bird head bird wings pernt = invisible peter = grind, grinder, dedicated, meter peterson = banquet, informative petito = spiffy, petition patriarch = maledictus ruler pitoe = calmness pitue = smooth relation potato = potato potfe = black pot, iron pot potter = planter, planner, clay worker porral = portal, gate porpos = purpose, perplex porpois = dolphin puta = puter, clay jar puruma = origination, point of creation purumal = primevil purdy = pretty, to bring ruin purg = purge pyraa = innate fire manipulation mastery pyrwal = pyrval, firewall, incinerative fire barrier pyroaghgrur = astral fire pyrobarr = fireball pyrbarr = deathfire ball pyrocyr = restorative flame pyrgolt = fire golem, firey self-healing golem pymplee = coverer, blanket, lid pctifi = peace time fight; through pact fighting, theres an end point of pacting. pheng = giant roc-like japanese bird phag = vierv, rellock, fag, man lover phil = love, high regard phita = ninja, shadow fighter, secret fighter phitu = passivist, pacifism phoe = phoenix phoenix = fire rebirth bird, arizona pl = people, pull, more than one (plural), any people person or otherwise as profession plain = stripped, bare, basic, stripped bare, playin, playing, square plainjane = stripped down, basically, basic plain plait = hair cord, twinned cord plakshahl = rock or boulder platina = platinum plato = philosophy, philosopher plav = retribute, retribution plave = placate plebo = playbook; placebo, something in exchange, replacement, generic (characteric of something) plino = target slide, continue mechanically, this is where you target a surface with your foot or car and slide along it. pliny = explorer, adventurer plui = rain plesur = pleasure plum = plu, lead (as if a fix is some concept by relation), a (greater) stupidity (not done isn't thought by preparation), no (creative) in intelligent points of view plue = plumes; smoke, this is smoking by feel. pluem = Amazing points of view that lead to disruption, creative in use and art in action pluma = plasma, feathery or not done, plumage plumr = plumbing, water through-way, pipeway or a movie scene asa plumber or whomever whacks the persons head is the person that removes the piping pluto = polluted air, toxic sea, area degeneracy, gaseous area plutu = plastic, plastiqu, plastique, high explosive plynot = gamesome; merry, happy killer, (gotten from word genious) plz = plez, please (as appease or fix by the association) prae = praerie, before, in front, forward, viewed as, because of natural witchcraft, as te totalian of knowledge praehistin = prehistoric, in-breath praesto = prestor, presto, preacher, miracle prat = kid; mischievious, prattle, talk on, food source, creative (no abuse) user and if abuse is stupidity then death pratt = mischieviousness; mischievious person, food seller, chitchat or talk (prattle) Preint = president; preempt, preemptor, this is a moment from before, when the old case is brought up, that is done to prove out the new case. Otherwise, this is a leader figure like the president. precept = precet, basic fact, factual, concept based in fact, thesis and thought preecanon = through te way into battle preian = presentation by otherwere or altered idea preclud = include in, conceive, conception, by thought use prefixiel = making moment, Make a moment in mind and create things physically. preggy = pregnant prejudic = avarice, injustice, no emnity prejudice = injustice, extreme prek = protektion right, "an whatever is done, doesn't effect them or me.", professional technology time in on. prelat = head mistress, energy grid prelate = boss lady, high priestess, nominal, solid formation, solid form preme = premordial, premade matter that is of the light energy and can make anything stronger from the preexisting universe. This material energy can form thoughts and cause transferrence from nearly anything. premeir = premier movie effect from premordial material energy. Anything in a premier effect is stated and makes itself form from nothing. Anything formed from premier energy is a moment of nothingness and void matter. prentic = apprentice, mute prentice = understand, knowledge, gift, if too much energy this is stupidity presida = life, consolance, haft act prid = pride, tiger family, curiousity of a human with a tigers head and human intelligence prilm = prile, problem, priveledge primaire = elemental princil = princiles, principle/s priretia = private again timely action, procrastinate, wait and do else, perverted and converted prisc = simpleton, idiot priscilla = childlike, child innocence priscus = ancient, old soul pristin = crystal clear profond = deep, profound profyaxe = prophylaxis, pregancy prevention profyaze = prophylazis, laziness prevention protege = student proct = prot, for this or that, self-intention, protect, instilled protection, instillment prokt = provider, procure, provoke prolly = probably propogana = propeller propelled vehicle propul = e'n prompul, pull in effect by effort, by effort you pull in propulgam = hydrosensitive sex, propagan, big propulsion propulgama = propelled in game, game active propulgan = an expectant propaganda, activity gain provolon = sweet nut dessert prox = near, proximate, proximity prui = precip, pruiyae, bruise, precipitation, personal ruin pruiyae = precipea, precipitation, rain collection pruli = except; exception, preconception, preclude pryre = paraphrase, sentence, recorded speech pattern or rachet sound prg = program, progress prllsc = gate security psact = slow action, slow to act, psi act psetul = personal tool, schedule, acetaline psiart = psychicly active art that responds to will. Can be made inactive but reflects a moving scene within a another picture or the same scene yet active and moving. If done right, it can be made into a gate of any means like a living tapestry. One can go so far to get the depicted figure out into real life and they are counted as shades or poltergeists. psiskal = psiskill, Any skill that can be counted and measured in a scientific way or means, yet most skills are invisible and effect without notice. psimata = psimater, psimaterial, Any material including paper or plastic will retain a charge when a psiball be placed into the material. In an idea it will be "magical" where its only energy enhanced psychoactive materials. The idea or statements directed to the material focus or directed thought will change it unless its "locked". psib-i = telepathic link psicou = psychic commune, psionic transfer psilert = telepathic alert, telepathy trap, person to require an alert psilink = telepatic link pwn = pwns, love, good, trade pwnsop = pwnsho, pawnshop, sellers (trading post), trading (a'et-levais) place psych(o) = psyke(mad sickness like mad cow diseas, loco), psychology, mental ptireria = private line, private talk pzuruio = heal pzeugh = pressure relief by emotion relief as you send to the shadows the excess emotion pjffuqaiz = hurricane pqr = auto movement, personal requirement that makes body movement. pzeur = pzweur, prison, hell pzrrcalam = hellfire Q qa = told, reverse or ne kleptomania qe = warned qi = expected qo = quote qu = quit; closing qy = remark qaa = quiet qea = qweasy feel qia = personal question qoa = maturity by feel (by fox) qua = silence qya = remark qae = shrink back, smaller qee = fearful qie = quite qoe = survival que = line up qye = acqiesing qai = very curious qei = discovery qii = evidence qoi = coming across qui = intelligence, quick mind, quiet qyi = inquisition, only in a area that be churchlike qao = owe, own up qeo = giving service qio = can I afford qoo = shock quo = transaction qyo = complement, remarked on qau = quarter, fourths qeu = cut qiu = budget qou = watch quu = miserly qyu = attack qay = afterword qey = queasy qiy = quick, quake qoy = quoy, ship dock quy = closed down qyy = smartass qab = quabber, shaking qeb = upcoming qib = quibble, sharp talk qob = quote person, were life, paraphrase qub = on the ball, as the right moment is there you can get quick or not in point an click results qyb = devoted qac = quake qec = creek qic = earthquake qoc = awoke, quote seen thing (of) quc = quirk qyc = quick qad = strength qed = queer, queerly qid = squid qod = epitaph qud = imminent qyd = quid pro quo, equal idea qaf = quaf, drink qef = ref , quick ref, warn in advance qif = equip qof = drink up quf = cuff qyf = quit qag = crag, quake, broken area qeg = little dragon qig = go to qog = found qug = close up qyg = person qah = equate qeh = queesy qih = quiet hesitancy qoh = admit quh = q qyh = qi qaj = determine, measure qej = queesy qij = quite qoj = close quj = clue (in) qyj = evolution, evolv, despotic qak = doctor, quke qek = tweak qik = quick qok = end quote quk = quirk qyk = death impulse, quik qal = quail, scaub qel = quell, quash qil = bird feather qol = quality qul = heat up qyl = write/ing qam = quam, situation, prob, problem qem = squeem qim = combat qom = quote me qum = exume, extract qym = go gym, workout qan = don't say, don't do qen = queen, generate qin = cline, incline qon = place quote qun = coon, racoon qyn = mispronounce qap = shake qep = equip, creep, put on qip = quite, quip qop = personal quote qup = coup, coup'de'tat qyp = go training qaq = told que, exposed lineup qeq = earthquake qiq = expected line qoq = awaken quq = crazy person qyq = quicken qar = quarrel qer = swerve qir = enquiry, quirk qor = emplore qur = poor enquiry qyr = queerly strange qas = gain weight qes = stomach sickness qis = implies qos = enclose qus = course, accuse qys = personal name qat = told that, use energy qet = parakeet qit = to infec, infect, quite qot = to say of, quit qut = cute qyt = fuel guzzle qav = quaver, shake qev = cave drawing, drawing qiv = archive qov = to deduce cove quv = make sane, quiv, make equivalent qyv = quiver qaw = bird hunt qew = que qiw = incline to search qow = cow, fat woman quw = que qyw = stop threat qax = earthquakes qex = creeks qix = quicken up qox = qoutes, quotes qux = crazy thoughts qyx = make (it) quick qaz = chaos qez = queeze, intoxicate qiz = reply qoz = cover up quz = line ups qyz = quiz, known about qary = qry, stone yard qery = aftereffect, query, question, who, what, where, why, when qiry = womanly, woman frame qory = quarrel, fight qury = screaming fight qyry = ask around, ask yourself, ask you qesau = fear serum qirmiz = crimson, quirky, uncertain queie = quiene, electrical sound quad = four quadth = fourth, fourth quaff = drink qual = quaill, torture, quality, foul, quail (in fear) quality = good behavior, qualified material qualor = quaalor, qualo, visible fear, quality quam = calamity, condition or a point quan = qeuntea, quandary, something made into problem and ended quas = qualification, quality, the fates quasa = quasar quasy = krazd, crazy, insane quel = reduce, reduction quell = visible reduction, reduce quesa = fried chip queso = cheese quesy = quesy stomach, stomach ache Quiest = quietest, quiet test, most intelligent quin = five, quint, equal part, ride, squint Quints = (properly quinces), means pomengranite the idea of the forbidden fruit. quicagair = jifagair, quicksilver aero, poisonous silver that be formed of air or other substance quixot = factual saying, truthful statement quiv = quiver, arrow container quark = cold radiation querent = questor, questioner querentbzagh = gpzrr, interpersonal questing beast, serpent headed leapard body with lion hind quarter that loves to ask personal questions quol = transaction of life, equal line, status line qhea = healing potion, quick healing, queasy qmana = quick life restore, mana potion qpruesce = shard R ra = ordained, rat, radium, ray, radiant energy re = again, she, aforemention, rhenium ri = order, ring ro = row, agreement, be, he, toward (to motion or movement) ru = avoid, ruthenium ry = rye, rice; rememberance, lost desire, remembered idea raa = rapper; prepared, rapper or jailer that can send people to hell as a jail or gao. Calling an angel or guardian angel such as gabriel or david, this will release you from hell. Sometimes saying "make things better, make peace around the world" will work to release you as well from your personal hell. rea = divination; ready, read or divine ria = educate; experience roa = learn; focus on activity, grow up, this is lifelike situation that isn't too real as its a cat's world perception or partial world view. As a cat grows up, they learn and use this perception to help them understand the human words and actions or rowing activity. rua = education; learned, roach rya = appreciate; this is where they appreciate you and are letting go of something. rae = light; ray, spread out, shine, this is light perception. ree = tutorial; reeducate, reed, document rie = rile; guilt roe = rumination; ruiae, work, row, rum, considerance, considering, this is a room in a point that is with energy. Otherwise this is a point you work with and get a rowing idea by feel. rue = need; want, desire, want by desire rye = hopeless rai = rail, fate, reaction, reiki, focus and create healing rei = before, reisu, power (of life), peicoe, reincarnate, poder, personal power gained by plants and natural means rii = seek, derive, ridicule, riddick, very good starman fighter, seeker roi = bump; terra, rocks, earth, girt, girth, false weight, girth weight rui = ruin ryi = paralysis rao = competition reo = participate rio = rival, lively dance, riot roo = envious, early call, grow old ruo = win ryo = real quick rau = exist; raw, this is where your raw in strength and doing what you can do. reu = use again riu = get angry, rile, (volcanic) erupt, inhibuting fire rou = pathway ruu = live ryu = depression ray = ray rey = breeze, redo, attempted, real riy = roudy roy = in control, lawful, policeman ruy = ruby ryy = remorse rab = rabid reb = shoe rib = old order, back order rob = rob rub = rub, rube, fool, idiot ryb = rib rac = rack rec = wreck ric = rake roc = rock, giant black heavy burden beast bird ruc = bag, rucksack ryc = fence board, ricket rad = radical; radiation points red = magenta, reed, read rid = ride rod = a rod, rode, road, this is a point of road working or travelling, so think and you know what to do. rud = rude ryd = gotten rid of raf = raffle, contest ref = referee, reference rif = rifle, rift, energy rifle rof = dog bark ruf = dog alert, roof ryf = rift; energy rift or anomaly rag = rag; magazine, newspaper, story, rage, (a) rag or towel that creates dryness in an area. reg = register rig = right; car holder, constructed item, construe, relaize, construct, ring, sonner, circular area, this is like a small holder or large holder. rog = pact; rogue rug = rug; woven mat ryg = regret rah = head master reh = wretched, wretch rih = leader roh = work ruh = animal, all hair dragon like creature ryh = empower raj = rash rej = relent rij = feedback roj = ratify, signature of proof ruj = evade ryj = loss, amount of damage rak = rake, roach, roak, pest, problem, pestilence rek = reik, reek, reeking, reich, reach down rik = line break, misconstrue, rank rok = rock ruk = sack ryk = relent ral = gather support rel = relating ril = bad assumption rol = round rul = rule, give instruction ryl = royal, regal ram = ram, active memory rem = dorm, sleep rim = rhyme, frosty, riddle rom = cartridge, storage device rum = rum, whiskey rym = rim ran = run ren = rental rin = rind ron = male horse, wrong, jokester, prankster, they run = flee ryn = hopeless rap = rape; raping, terrorizing, this stupidity was possible by use with this is as the rap where there's rape, then a point of a sentence or admittance, this is just as you think. This is ended by a period. That is where you think to feel things, the judge is the subconscious and you know to suggest things. Then you realize things that exist for you by feel. This is symbolized by a rap or other song, so think to know the meaning if you can make sense of the words. This is making use of the sentence and the sense of the point or paragraph, that exists as though the song were written for you. If you okay, then this stops in time, if you its not okay then it stops immediately. Think about it and you can stop it yourself. So that's 'a rap' stops the moment before the point exists by the power of the subconscious. This suggestion stops thins that are sentencing as well, if your careful with the power of the words. This is a moment in time. rep = acquire, reap rip = dead, ripe; this is where the body is ripe or sometimes odorous. Otherwise its a deceased body or form. rop = rope rup = fleece, skin ryp = rip, rip up, illegal activity raq = silence oath req = quiet down riq = monk, creationist roq = acknowledge ruq = rook, pawn ryq = forget rar = advancement rer = rear, promotion rir = march, going ror = order, roar, stopped rur = avasive ryr = remorse ras = raster, earn res = memory, good luck ris = unruly, unrulyness, raise ros = rose, rouse, slowly agree rus = ruse, false lead rys = erasure, let go rat = subjugant, rat, thief, applicant ret = late rit = rite, right rot = role call, practice rememberance rut = root ryt = disinterest, right, rite, writ, riot rav = occasion rev = review riv = reciept, order list rov = grove, wander, roam ruv = groove ryv = rivet, bolt raw = rare, unfinished work rew = progressive riw = added to, in progress, worked on, rile row = fight with, row forward ruw = tension, tenseness ryw = body ache, cramp, headache rax = priest rex = dinosaur rix = extravagent rox = bond rux = ruix, aversion or ruckus ryx = dull raz = acolyte, raze, razor rez = youthful riz = order form, contribution roz = chat, discussion ruz = confusion, ruse ryz = lost rla = relax; relate, prelate, at length, law enforcement rle = leave alone, relist, list again, re enlist, relent, amess rli = relive, live again rlo = reloc, relocate, remove rlu = relose, lost again, lose again, real loss rly = rely, really, realize rma = ream, remake, make again, remain rme = rm, remove myself rmi = positronix, remix, mix up, remittance rmo = remove (other), removal, disposal, dispell rmu = stain, remore, a ring on a cocktail table rmy = remember my/mine ralm = been around relm = realm, existent place rilm = riled up rolm = roll up rulm = set rule, law rylm = royalty rant = raving rent = tear open rint = print ront = pronto runt = scrawny rynt = magical writing ramm = run into me, meet me, scale of active memory remm = knock out rimm = rimmer, black bird with overlarge bird head humanlike feature and a hunger for brains romm = storage, memory rumm = alcoholic drink rymm = knock down, rhythm ramn = ramifications, rammed remn = remember, reamed rimn = rimned hole romn = roman, roaming rumn = rumination rymn = remnant, remainder rann = haughty, not run renn = house rinn = fruit ronn = right runn = steadfast, capable rynn = hopeful, control rass = brass ress = dress riss = sluggish ross = resistant compromise russ = trash man, wuss ryss = unnoticed loss rauen = study guide, focus guide, a rave in idea by what you mean or do. raiar = chest cavity raien = retention raian = aftermath; raienaqo, water retention, water weight, body bloat, this is just an idea nothing else. reatyae = absolutely, reassessment, ressertification/s, ressertified, reattired, attired reiae = reiatsu (spirit energy or force) or spirit energy that is like a ray that's focused to use this by feel, that is with idea to use the senses. the point is recorded by the idea being written then displayed, sometimes as anime or moving japanese animation. raun = return; brawn, this is a return of feelings or brawnlike actions. rauna = rejuvena; rejuvenate, this is creating a more youthful appearance by feel. Think about it and your doing activities, or active movement otherwise known as exercise. That is walking or heart pacing. This is excepting excessing heat, so think if there is excessive heat to do things indoors or inside the building. raynt = reticent, resistant by feel reic = resilience; health, overall health and this health is mental too with ability to do things with memory. reid = reed, red, rede, fate real = regal, noble roea = rora, repara, again pair action, repair/ing action roeyi = republican; selective group person of elects or election party roia = repira, magick; irrationality, fire made action, agan, this is pyromancy by what you think to do if you are needing fire effects. So if you don't, then you get a generated by the energy effect which is magick. ruaye = recondition; change of the brain and body, if you relate with them you instant change of body and brain, happy feel or change of mind ruua = regulate; regulation, this is used to regulate the idea, eat some mini marshmallows and you feel better after generating what you feel if electricity on your arms. ruun = return, this is to return something into play by feel. raidho = raider, travel raikiri = thunder break radi = roadicy, redundancy; reduntant or repeat, otherwise this is radioactivity by radio activity or frequency modulation and amplitude modulation. This is a radiation point that's recorded and possibly from a smart meter. rariuy = retributive; alienating; creative purpose, a creative purpose that destroys and reposes idea and makes destruction occur or death to the point. Rasp = rough file reactor = power generator, corrant read = fate, occur, occurance remnir = seminar, long speech reasyr = mental compliance, reassurance reegah = regard reegahcli = close regard, scrutiny reiki = healing energy manipulation reuy = relaxing; this is done by a point you use to relax, and then create what you need by energy influence. This happens without stress. So if you don't have to worry over things, then you don't worry over overdoing things. reus = reuse, reusable rebeka = rebecca, rehestory, again behest of story reddy = ready, reddish in color regis = rich, riches (regisix or regise) reke = kill; kill rival, killing riot, reak reno = against; again number, dejavue. reread = reoccurance, reoccur ressert = reassert; rea (disease notice), reaifuae (infactuate), ressertification, reassert, reassess (disease noticement) resv = reservation; is reserving, ultra-rezv, itrarevaaro, Antiaging wine drug effect in life effects that is how to get things and make what you see as an energy key is use by feel. Revo = undisturbed, revolve, revoke rewq = symbiant; sense by symbiant fungai that that allows emotion and body language auratic sight, rook riht = the right decisions; the decisions that are made lead to a better future, that we can view or seem to be in as our spirits or souls allow and things are corrected at the moment by the feeling you get from what you see or sense. riit = intimate; riot, Rebirth, this causes insanity and the rebirth of the soul into a new body. riot rion = inner field; reincarnation, this starts as paralysis more suspense by inner light, suspended or released, eventually in this idea energy causes birth as an animal or person that is built up energy and eventual user of idea. riokio = real death; kill rival, death dance, killing riot roifig = terraform; bump formation, area change, this is a change of the surface of the planet or area. rouf = rowdy; rough, raw, rawness, roughly handle roufpyro = roughfire; rowdyness; wildfire, diamond, glarish rueta = coach; in spiritroach ruetahum = spirit coach; human spiritroach ruev = football; receive, received (ruevo), receiving (ruevy) ruirsis = scene; railroad train, destruction, wreck, bomb ruit = touchdown; roach ant rube = score; rubic cube or rubbish, garbage, trash runstago = Run state go. 1.To run about, work or something similiar, 2.state the effect and 3.sometime go to something else but you don't have to go. This is something similiar to a sta go or to stay away or stay and go 'to destroy somewhere else'. Before you. know some more. race = playful; hurt, painful, pain racecar = torment; torture, abuse, misery recev = perserverance; recieve, reception reckon = interesting; consider, think, know, this is used as I know or I reckon or I guess. recyl = recall, understand by rememberance, recycle radon = raid on the area; rn, glow-in dark and healing radiative in low doses element, highly radioactive element riding = remove charm, ride mind ridikis = ridikulus, laughter fit, ridicule ridikulus = ridicule, laughter fit refka = held; hold off, energy reference, energy guide rifka = drain; life gate, energy rift, gate, referee ragnok = ragnorok, final devastation ranma = disorderly or disruptive horse or beast of burden relyy = reality; brag, things or people that are there, otherwise the idea that is there. rember = rumble rembrant = mad genious, mathematical artist renna = missionary, ambassador, mission, runner rimda = sign; dream vision, visual point, challenge, this is a challenge to understand as you use dream visions to communicate. However this stops as soon as you think no more or stop for a stopping point. ringer = natural; control, attention getter, lucid, this is a lucid dream point that ends as you think to wake up. Otherwise this a natural choice. reducio = reduce size rasputin = dispute, disagree resputal = argument; resting point russel = rush in, rash thinking raven = attack; strike quick, blackbird, magic bird, ravenclaw ravir = plunder, loot, steal reli = attack; rely on, relief, relic relat = relationship, relation relation = relatively known relatiroa = belate; related, end point, marriage, relation relatamore = love life relmcoy = genuine, realm by crueltyn rapot = rapport, mind to mind connection reptil = reptile, cold blooded animal reve = reverse roneme = wrongful rage = shirt, pass, calm ragu = best sauce, sphagetti sauce, badu rageina = calmly direct, stubborn, calm action regard = spec, spic, look, see rigos = ward reparo = self repairing reptilia = scaly, hide or no use reptilio = scales, scale-like resembl = resemblance, use felt or no, greed less resis = resistance, otherwise is ether resisach = acid resistance, ethi interact resisilp = disease repellant, ethe usable resiscol = cold resistance, etha concept concert resispyr = fire resistance, system use on or away resislitc = lightning resistance, seenin am ma or see user your creativity is created equal to the area yet is blow or stab so don't touch after I think hit you. resiselm = all elements resistance, sein or sine wave use off or on resum = resume, continuance, useful resume = excuse, exception to resuming, written work essay list resisloa = lower resistance, any magic suceptible effect increase respia = respira, dying breath, deathly breath; it can cause one fit of action that seems like dying restoramej = minor restoration restora = restoration restoramaj = major restoration ratt = rattle rectv = reactv, reactive, ultra active to the moment, build-up retir = tired again, abandon, retired, kill retire = flee, leave alone, retirement reto = restore; restock, ristor, resister, crystalline resistor, redo, this might be a drug use that restores the brain and creates as this is a point of recall. High fructose is such a drug that is sweet. Where in proven rat tests, the rat always needed the high fructose laden food. reverd = reverend, honorable one revtsu = reavtsu, referm, reform, reformation riod = ordered event, ordered song, sheet music rifkaqo = watergate, lifegate water razl = razzle, startlement razldazl = startled impression, impressive razlfrazl = startled distress, frazzled nerves rfu = refuge; refugee, refugees rfurbli = refurbish, a point of pause repas = focus, thought expression or repast repy = respit, respite; a break, release, rest, relief, this is a relief or break by feel with respite from things. reqs = requisite, require, asking, request reqsp = requirement, spell ruin resistant = immune resp = response, personal memory, conscious (response) rooyed = persistant ruin roost = caged living area, home rouge = red routra = trajection, reroute royce = short range sender, transciever rocky = show, rough nature, display rocker = volcanic reason, reason is use thought or though please, use is the body as a trap or the use is area seen. say as you see as activity is the place you think as use of decisive weapon, this is no duel so you see I am sorry I have to go or use is interest. So no disinterest is theory nothing is the thought. roger = agreed, acceptance, accept, acknowledge rojy = redjit, readjustment; readjust, rebel romel = garbage rombe = memory, simul, simulation chip, aforehand Riu = (volcano) erupt, inhibiting fire, to release as viu is viable or v=I i=don't u=go e=energy or not really anarchy, see dad means dead or use is cool, mom is fire or rite of action is use, divshare is to activity = So yea no divide is thought to use or use by theory is, use is no by fractals or thought is create with mediafire as a hook to use not as remise is use as a user is theory for fun edward is fun cool. See your idea is very far fetched so I created it there where you are to test it and found no use for it. So you can create with it by thinking "valheru" or destruction, this is use or no abuse though so energy creation is what you see by some area is dead. This is not in somebody that is there sometime by use or created area, not unless by feel is what you see or get is use no more. The area is cool by depiction or use is theory by purity, create activity by thought imagination so energy is rom activity to the volcano to cause what you wish. See I will go now or paar is easier nothing said than done "paraphrase by paragraph" is no parent or of paranormal use is some body to use, seen as you are some use see if to keep you live or away as "partridge by a peartree". Think in or not use to use idea or effect, seen is the warrior celt clan or the focus in theory is use. See to mesmerize or creature productive is concept not always mesmerization in use. See en is purity by purify or this is feel the user seems creative by the use so this is create by use. This is no insult this is useful area feel. This is the tune or too busy by world effect is hit in head dude thats right dead. You don't have to use it. So to not use it "use or not" is the word or wormhole, closure is connection by the wire concept safest in wire by pulling back on a wire or body there. Say you are asking for too much trouble as you are awake, as thought you effect to the feel this is by what you think is too bloody, damning or obsolete to not use un alter. Say as your aware by feel or focus is energy with ohm. This came after ohm or the roost, so you see the body didn't rise. So the area was not useful where you think magic not use to make something up to cause cool story idea. rins = rinse off, water rinse, seen is use as rise is too bloody. rose = pink, a rose, risen rosee = dew, seen water to myst is form by influence in by use or the light of the body is the eye formed manifestation; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light so water is the drinking, no hit is see not alohol as no alcohol is no as left the body work the will see thy wills. rosy = rosy, rose red, soothing red rose no thorns ruinyi = recognition, recognize ruucaem = status "aloha", as real user feel. ruucaemhir = higher status, see to make use by thought by thought cool or calm, see to some the spirit as collective energy near a chi wall or see energy near the wall is with energy to us or spirit form to others. A moment so you don't get confused or read his stuff if insane, as to avoid getting him arrested by theory, subconscious make to not use. ruupyrecaem = focused flame, focused hot use in area ruucaemn-z = social status, no stop right there ruly = ruling, additional meat not human not unhuman Rumie = recommendation/s, suggested idea that is put into an idea list that sometimes uses rumour or think of other things such as a point. rumbe = rumbel, fight, rumble, rubs ruhsyq = familiar rivulet = water stream ryvice = ice bolt, ice charged energy bolt ryvpyr = fire bolt, fire dart ryvsu = holy bolt, life restorer dead expellive ryvsuoll = holy bolt storm, heaven fists, life restorer evil expelling storm rowan = reminder, protection rywej = body ache, cramp, headache removal raser = shave, weight raise ryti = written, disgust, writing razer = cutting edge, shaver, hellish nightmare rgat = Reverse gate, move gate, activity by gate rhap = rap song, rape rhapp = head knock, hit, knock out rhaps = rhapsody, melody, rhythmic song, spell gate rhapps = wraps, wrapping, bandage rhe = rheoy, rhetoric, rhetorical, nonsence question, deluge rhea = rheact, unbalanced event, rhetorical event, nonsense action, nonsense reaction, dark matter world that is entered through the moon gaze and wishing upon the moon to be there. Otherwise the ideal meaning is strange. rhetoy = rhettoric, pretty bowl, fish bowl, slip (sheet or slippery surface) rheitaa = rhetorical interaction, banter, joke routine, time wasting moment rheqiz = rhetorical quiz, repeated questions in different view, rhetorical questionnare rhoad = traveller, road travel, road trip, wise man rhode = surf, water float rhodes = island, inset area that is an land mass rhu = traveller, rhoad rnnt = rent, general audience rnig = go back over, back out, review, recover rrtuacor = rare to a core, very rare indeed rse = arse, ass, fanny, yourself rsty = resty, rusty, rest, rust rplua = replicate, replication, carbon copy S sa = shake; like flavor name and sa, otherwise its saw, hot, heated, say or save se = selective; self, selenium, she, said, what is said is a point made by actions, nothing much more than that. si = still; yes, sib, instill in, silicon, to require, yes, sit down, shit and release, this is where you give a shit and seem to care for the point that's there with no bad feelings. so = discharge; snow, discharged is the idea, that you do what is necessary and create what is needed. Otherwise this is a melody, yes, include, realization or freed, also, use (I gave it a point up from the hell hole) by a shot, tie up, yes, shot or holiday doctor, holiday over, so: corporeal soul, sometimes this soul is formed like an item is written to from genetic memories being inputted then stored, otherwise this is an idea that the creator of our memories made up to appease himself by feel. A soul in creation is what this is, so think and you could get what you want. Stop otherwise doing what you feel with this so you don't get into trouble. su = sunlight; som (magic known), super, devine, holy, some, slowly use sy = psionic; metaphysics, guess, personality, personal misuse, misusing things, sanctimonious, feel safe, wisely, psi, sci, science saa = situate; setting up, solidate, set sail sea = spirit; sea, seance, ocean, self voyage sia = self soa = next; so what, what else sua = well; assuage, self discover, sooth, smooth (over), swade, persuade, god action, summon (effect, event or action), impulse, demonic control (inner demon revert to spirit) then nulle worm form sya = seeya sae = settle see = bye; set aside, begone or begoeth sie = Identification; I.D., fear for, pass soe = bike; cycle, circle, solace, energy storage generation, peaceful solution, peaceful area sue = sewer; bad scent, bring against, pursue, pursuant, actively do sye = outgoing; active lifestyle, in activity life as you go (sorta not eating begoth noth eath begone) sai = ritual; rite, sought in, seraph, satan (keeper of demons that situates things you need) uses lucifer that is what you think sei = spiritual; sign, semi, shaman, set in, use out sii = contract; pact with nothing, that could be the sea or outer space soi = thin; soil, trasnspire, transpire, transact sui = suicidal; self death, suicide syi = bade; heavenly, prognosis, seven sao = devastation; catastrophe, disaster, seen of seo = passed; pass away, ignore, ignorant, shelled; this is where your hit by blows. sio = judge; give judgement, will to, know to soo = fatality; fast acting, fatal, misconceive, off target, sister, sorrow, unoberatio suo = vehicle; bring upon, summon, create and begoeth syo = chaos; expressive, sigil of cause (sigiel of calamity as calmness in chaos sane), this is where you state or instruct iron or steel to create through energy and your able to make what you need by intention. sau = savior; hero, distinguish, realize, set with the creator (knowing of idea), ideal listing, this is not satan or whomever since there really isn't a religion seu = pursuit; angry, show spite, sensory, Senses; This is done as if an idea to existing things. Sometimes existing is living with things and working by the senses that you can use as feel. siu = saturate; pee scent, know of, reknown, good guess, situate sou = sow; soul, soel, the turn sideways in idea of a compliment, pig sow suu = sucker punch; make pay, force payment of, reminder in and only by earth, think the use then think you change what you see or when you are aware, yu is cool syu = endpoint; van, ensue non, continue or not is what begoeth means and you so stop, the pressure is the ocean to area feel, end use say = thought, thinking to speak on, original artifact (energy or thought goes into copies) or gone, a trick think your not in hell then the creator dissolves the work or worm form then dies as the form goes out then dissipates to particles sey = truly; true, seyance, mental area scan for answers from spirits and responses, end user, punishment, non eternal is ne punishment, otherwise; sey: saying, told statement, factual statement as fiction made true siy = stillness; with life to death by choice (you don't have to) you can study the area activity then think you can see or detect what will happen the you know by the creator or not. soy = soy bean; release, bean or realess of me or use is others ideal suy = smell; butt scent, swipe, usually, necessary and not if undone, then you can think to the area the area conscious can create or not identify with you so you are awake syy = mark; mark on wall, impression, dislike, wildlife, area I last remember ruled by ruus or the badland rule that is area around the worm area with the circulation of life you realize then are near until no longer allowed in hell. sab = grace; save being, saber, curved sword, curve, instant sabotage, wealth or area money circulation that caring seems water or energy flow that is water seen with air flow to live in to live or work seb = silver-blue sea bird; sea breeze, aeen view, seen viewing, thought use by feel or area you think then release or realize sib = sibling; friend, bleeding heals then loses excess sob = cry; sobbing, bastard, inherent, inherited concept that is thought to use or not sub = beneath; underneath, under, under the bridge, lesser uses or creator creative syb = birth; out of way, stillborn, so that will be what you will want it to be, gnow what you lifetime or work to love sac = buy; sack, immediance, sake, scare sec = sudden; suddenly, sequ, secure, 2nd, second, follow, come in after in later, suicide sic = psyche; mind world activity that creates what you intend, psych, mental, sicke (or negatively sicken), scareb (death beetle) soc = cope; negative thought, sock, sex suc = such; suck, suck in and out (sucked out) or not there (unaware or less aware), I swear to no attack or not attack syc = sicken; sick and you do as don't realize an idea and take inherent responsibility, stupidity (as in gerbil) or object intelligence, by feel sad = shade; sadness, shadowy, dark place, shadow (following), area that is dark or your not seeing as your with limbo (hole or near area) this is dark near the ocean bottom sed = permafrost; seed, sit, be still, said, sedament, trust magic (say as magic or not truth), no obstruction or no use sid = sidesaddle; side, sit, be still, beside life as you create you undo what energy is a source by feel that is unliked sod = soda; lower class, poor person, shouldn't, pity (with not as no back down or no area your near is darkness) sud = persued; sudsy, sudden death, art of idea, art of life, sight with missed event or sight by feel syd = dreamcapturer; this is with sydh or created area, where the area is seen as personal space that is where you think, that you see around you that is you see you think or gnow by area feel, withdrawn internally, internally drawn energine (engine), largeness (of the first witch in nothing but one moment and thought makes no abuse) saf = (security) safe; roughhouse, weight of disturbance or area rocking with feel, feel sef = satiation; self in-fulfilled as inset in area are by something said on by denial is all right, set energy field (weight removed as necessary by focus is energy to the will of what is thought in sanity), soot, glut attack, unglue, big fly or area flies you can focus to cause with air or water flow to move with a thought pattern sif = sniff; siphon by energy to seem or give back as necessary as energy returns after sent and other use in some glut release, channel in erupt and energy channel flows along the line of the land and nothing wrong, so free or not is a set free moment otherwise you are not sof = sofa; soft, softness (not done if not necessary if spoken), this could become as necessary on thought or use water to create off thought suf = surf; suffer, burn rubber, energy burn outset trash in a heap, or area you realize your body is by area location syf = shifter; this is with mental focus (shock and chemical gas heap otherwise), sniff or not is not important, erosion and not is nothing in creation except your area by feel that is a place or area that your use to realize is not drugs the creator is causes or clean as you were realizing earlier before as the brain aware is conscious that is area aware or energy aware sometimes not to be a plant agent. So the area is focus your area is music curative or feel drug in indian culture. Realize who you are then you can stop, always remember your nice. sag = to sag; sagging, unwise, this is an increase in weight and stomach hang, otherwise you sag until you realize to exercise then drink water, sagging, then create and use energy effect fuel or energy in air by air feel or arewa otherwise with water pressure, otherwise sagging if unwise. seg = partial; segment, segmented sig = signal; pipe, smoked tobacco or no smoking, (no use smacking), sage sog = rain; soggy, hit out or trick out, slow program or now gone experience, this is the subconscious trick to think your conscious aware to see with the worm form or you work with idea condition with the human form sug = suggest; sugar, this drug or substance allows you to create by thought in the feel you have with what you think (with no actual medicine or medicine), surge, form, rememberance syg = signalling; signal (to everone or someone that you think about), signet ring, dupe and no assault or explain as thought if nothing was wrong or wrong is corrected by the creator sah = pilot; pli, plain, plane, world, plight or work, workout seh = animal; sealed fate, syld, client, field, (Sylde) that is the area point I thought to exist then realized the area is energy shaping to appear as I or you wish you not in hell for bade response or not in hell for the good that you can think. sih = clone; natural, be better, act cool to work with others or your not aware to be or seem here soh = scenic; soul hold, area feel, sought after area, you think to work or see is there to your thinking that allows thought or area you think. suh = such; sudden hold, worked with, think a point, this is a breach with the area to see the outer world of the planet syh = sith; darkmatter clone, gain attribute, feel the point, attributing to the idea or use with the area is feel she or he does not have to share your [hell] vision saj = jack; rage, realizing you failed what do you think otherwise sage to cleanse sej = warfare; siege, create or think sij = certain; tested ability, certified, allowing to work, everyone soj = music; practiced song, rote song, created rite or song use, rite suj = shrink; idolized, created area use, regular syj = syringe; squatter, no ability, think then the creator allows use, (the worm isn't your creator its dead by your feet) sak = alcohol; sack, bag, concerning, sake or rice wine, sake sek = focus; seek, seeking or creating, attune, attunation sik = clean; silk, sink, ill, sick, think fix then the creator fixes sok = soak; area bath, cure suk = (sudden) kill; (hell wyrm) to worm body person, this is a hell being, if you get targeted by your worm body think your not a target, deadly use, forsaken, suck, pull in then think to create with water for larger weight to lessen weight, lessening in effect that you use to create with by the feel. syk = (Rx) medication; made use, mentally sick, mentally kill, think focus then the created area energy or creator creates or stops that you stop to use, some bath house bathroom stop by feel so you rest in peace sal = ability; sail, see and set for, life is to observe or work, work with otherwise, talent, the talent is ability to do what is necessary and you create as you intend the resulyt. sel = seal; salt, usually feel is the salt water or area you think, payment sil = deflection; reflective, creative area idea, paid sol = self; sole, sold or creator created, this is where soul is use or area activity, insight sul = sullen; continue with purpose, think to not go too far, incensed room, incense syl = legendary; amazing ability, amazed, maze ability by idea with feel or the senses sam = like; li, same, see your whom you really think you are possible with life you think you next lived sem = repair; seam, think use, sew sim = simulate; seem, monthly, by month, thought area concept to control by suppression so I think drink water if you eat too much by area feel or creation is what you think som = seeming; seem some, correction, think to not get too near until viewed or thought clean, same sum = summation; collateral, a sum, assumption, chart, this is where your area creative by feel sym = group; mood, bring ogether, together area feel by area you sense as you think you realize is normal manifest or worm manifest san = super; sahn, shan, sanity, see, think, view or work with creative approach that you care to change sen = third-eye; this is the pinneal gland that makes you aware so the illusion of light, scene, dillusion is known or if you kill this is death by illusion that you don't believe yet kill by seeing from what the creator allows you to see that I see truly what is there. sin = exactly; sign, since, science, peace, ambience, coping energy or cop (copy) meaning thats synonomys, symbolic to awaken with the area you see to get over time you see or think by feel, time lapse moment in time son = audio; aud, shown, sown, sound, phone, soni, sonic area use (focus to use this idea) or soundwaves with the area you focus to shift as you think to seem somewhere or be thats not beat except a music point sun = ray; sone, a sun, star, soon or aware your free syn = sin; single out and target if in a bad mood, seen sign, bring together (that much force), sync, synchronize or allow to live after you see to work with in harmony sap = cleanse; sanitize, this sanitizer can sap or drain of parasites that firey energy cleanses you of when you use water by feel sep = hole; seap, slow leak sip = empty; a sip, sipping, siphon (drain away) sop = sopping; absorb, absorption sup = answer; what's up, soup syp = suck; sipping, straw saq = silently; cancel out, self-contain, no emission, sacked, estranged seq = medicate; sequence, being quiet, sick siq = sync; synched, socked, this is a paired point. soq = bath; soaked, all wet, quiet melody, wetness suq = muffle; mute, use quietly syq = knowing; telepathy, mental link, net sar = construct; constructive, sarcasm ser = unlock sir = family; sire, father sor = bird; sore, thrown, soar, throwing, let fly, fly sur = moody; pan, sour, bad mood, surly syr = homemade; had made, syrup sarr = sarcasm serr = lock sirr = stir; man, sirrah, this is a testosterone point. sorr = misery; sorry, miserable, sorrowful surr = sound; surround, surrender syrr = styrofoam; cerr, sire, father sas = sassy; sass, harass ses = cease sis = assistance; train, sister, assistant, assist sos = tap; tapping, morse code, request for aid, help, slow melody sus = worm; search engine, crawling, wor, crawler sys = control; government, mental domination, system sat = missile; sate, heat seeking, sensor set = congress; vote, seat, a set sit = website; program, brainwash, intruction sot = assassinate; sought, bullet sut = divert; suit, become devine, soot, ash, shoot, manipulate, this is a turning of the point through manipulation of the magnetic fields. think of a magnetic and that is what turns quickly the metallic shot. this is a point from the past. syt = shalt; will, shall, should, seek mentally, mental picture, site, sight sav = request; save me, serve, server (sava) sev = cover; sieve, sever siv = setting sov = settle; nudge, shove, bardic music, song suv = sight; panned, panoramic syv = othersight; this is third eye vision. saw = slice; cut through, saw sew = bulletproof; sew, protect siw = saddle sow = hypnotism; hypnotic melody suw = conquest; sudden win, energy shell, astral shell, this is a shell where the spirit creates what it knows. syw = seal; psi shield, mental shield, this is the aura that acts as a shield and creates what you want by vibrational waves of energy. sax = decline; saxon, celt sex = six; magic (physical type) six = changes; psychic, sex, routine sox = gets; to win, to gain, this is where you think and have no gain in weight. sux = sucks syx = smokes; styx, death saz = warzone; ware, torn area sez = equipped siz = size soz = musical suz = sacred; holy area, shrine, church syz = conscious; brain, mentally aware area samm = merchandise; discount warehouse, tank, missile turret, armored turret vehicle semm = professor; teacher, professional, semin, seminar, semantic, glorified acting simm = talk; shared memory, memorize, slow memory chip, slow memory module somm = sleepless; insomnia, insanity, incompetance summ = summarization; summary, sum, summation symm = rub; psionicist. psi master, good psi behavior, enlarge sca = scape, area, sea escape sce = double effect, efficient, double effort sci = scien, knowledge sco = scop, see, scope, score scu = scut, scuttle, scoot, move along scy = scry; scythe, active affect, epilogue sfa = sphere sfe = brutal; high star, consume, there is sfi = sulphur sfo = metaphor sfu = spire sfy = tool; man toy, computer, (in) comprehension sha = sherpa; progress, man, share, shake, shock or shake up she = woman; great inner strength shi = account; fire, trust, shy, am, is, shit sho = shape; show, movement shu = quarantine; atmosphere, shut in, kept shy = scandal; large woman, her, scared shame ska = displacement; displace, dismember, skate ske = lift; skie, ride ski = skid; ice glide, skii sko = price; strangle, skold, ugly sku = missile; control to a halt, skud, skew, interrupt, this is where you slide in a controlled glide to a halt. sky = sky sla = slain; enslaved, slave, slay, this is where they were enslaved until they the slaves used hex magic on the owners. sle = lay down sli = slip; mud fight, sling, sliding, slippery, this is where mud slinging or giving out details occurs. slo = slower; decelerate, slow down slu = slewn; slew, slaw, slain, sloth sly = tricky; slippery, hidden from view, shade, sleep sma = small mind sme = smell smi = accomplish; accomplishment, smite, smith smo = smoke smu = smooth; smooch, smuck, convinced person, one who supports hearsay as if you could work would you stop typing? smy = loving; in love, smitten, sly, smelt, smile, small, this is a moment your in love and creating with what is done. spa = sauna; relaxing, hot water, heated pool, spellotape spe = spell; speck, space, sped, speed (spacial extra death), warp time spi = spite; spiffy, spend, spent (spio), spends (spie) spo = speech; spoke, a spot, to spot spu = spud; potato, spun, speed, spew, spray spy = lookout; spy upon, spie, spy, look sqa = casqa; squall, storm, this is a high het stream formed storm. sqe = squeeze sqi = squint sqo = squash squ = settled; square, squat, jack squat sqy = squire sta = observe; observing, work, still, unmoving statistics, stare, stable, stale ste = pricey; high price, high cost action sti = stopping; cause not, still, unmoving, stiffness sto = store; stow away, store in stu = cook; stew, stock (sti) sty = style; living style, stylish, rock, stone, classical appearance, pig sty sada = study seda = fame sida = resourceful soda = addiction; addict, caffiene (substance) suda = clock syda = sit up sade = vale; shade (shadow person), shady, view sede = visitors side = on the side sode = play; scene, action sude = suddenly syde = curious; situation curiousity sadi = sadistic sedi = hit again sidi = shingle; siding, wall sodi = salt; chemical, reactant, sodium sudi = suitable sydi = insiduous sado = spoken of sedo = force away sido = sided; at the side sodo = so do it sudo = weighty; heavy weight, heavyset, heaviness, pseudo, something that is overly large, pretending to be something it is not sydo = sit down sadh = depression sedh = new life sidh = fee (faery folk); faery, fey, fae sodh = sod; bum, nomadic, hobo sudh = suds; foamy, foam sydh = disappearance; absorption, absorb, absorbed (sydho), my will sarv = tired movement serv = network; service, server sirv = apologizing sorv = curving; sworve, move in curve surv = searing flame syrv = service done sahn = super; giver, demihuman, super human sehn = descend sihn = sunken sohn = giver of life suhn = life drain syhn = damage sasp = explorer; expectation, exasperation sesp = activity cease sisp = momentary stillness sosp = setup; completed moment, completion, complete susp = suspect; have suspicion sysp = realization satt = beautify; fattened up, prettier sett = setting sitt = sit down sott = lust; besotted, love crush sutt = free soot sytt = translocate; site, area, area translocation sand = a sand send = to send sind = signed sond = aware; alert, sad, abscond, sound sund = split (leave); assunder, split apart synd = cinder sang = blood seng = determination sing = song; singing, work (with idea) song = music sung = past music syng = messenger; message, a focus, passage through time, sign language saft = safety seft = shift theft sift = syphon off soft = soft suft = shuffle syft = to sift sapt = tree; drawn, tree sap, sapient sept = rule; seven, septic, scepter sipt = sifted sopt = drained; sophistry, sopped supt = sped up sypt = syphon sath = book; sabbath, last meal seth = chapter; story, creative (meeting) sith = love; lover, wielder soth = wastrel; sloth, sloppy lover, waste suth = crusade; south, holy flame, zeal syth = master; mastery, scythe, aura vision, mage sight, shalth; never, shallh, shouldn't, shall not, shall not, will not scan = scant; past view, scandal scen = scent; odor (smells awful), scene, scenic scin = arouse; scintilate, arousal scon = (torch)light; sconce, torch holder scun = scum; bad guy, scoundrel, villian (that ca rest) scyn = skin scha = scholar sche = schedule schi = leave; exit, skip, split scho = school schu = learn schy = experience shad = shale; sha, shadow, shade shed = shed of shid = boldness shod = shoed hoof shud = singularity; tunnel, air hole, should shyd = him shap = whistle; this is from shapechange, shaping (with putty or clay) shep = shepherd; sheep, flock ship = organizing; (through) area place, group or grouping shop = shop; look around, curious shup = question; tormentive silence, information gather shyp = mute; end interference shat = shatter shet = cover; woven blanket, sheet, top shit = breakup; bad break shot = shooting; shot, shot up, bullet shut = eject; shoot, shut, chute shyt = things; things in thought, shit, stuff, (high pitched) warble shatu = shatter you shetu = put a blanket on you, cover up shitu = lie; shit you shotu = dead; your shot up shutu = quiet; shut up you, shoot you shytu = forces vowel movement slag = slag; melted material, melted mass sleg = pumpkin; you can destroy it with a sledge, smash it (sometimes to the head) slig = slight slog = walk through water slug = slug slyg = poltergeist; destructive spirit slam = slam against slem = bounce against slim = slime slom = solid object slum = homeless; slump, the slums slym = slim snap = yell; snap out, anger burst snep = slight snip = assassinate; long shot, snipe, long range kill snop = (the) weather; extreme, extremely snup = sleep snyp = children; child, hyper, over, beyond snaw = snagged, caught snew = sneeze sniw = snitch snow = peaceful; glistening, untainted, sno, snow, pure clear thought snuw = gliding snyw = affix swav = wind; wind up, wind down, fear, swaver, quavering swev = sleeve swiv = swipe swov = moved out of way swuv = swiftly move swyv = swivel shatz = shatter; coupling, power extension shetz = sheets shitz = shits shotz = shots of energy shutz = shoots shytz = diarrhea; dumps, downside shanz = stands; getting tired of this shenz = water; sheens, waterflow shinz = shines shonz = showed shunz = shuns shynz = point up shart = Separation of shit and fart as it occurs with release of gases. shert = exchange; Sharing time, time that is of a shared element by effect of one. shirt = skintight; cover, a cover that fits like a glove. short = jolt; a point with an idea magnified moment, electrical moment shurt = A splurt of shit that comes after a fart, a magnified moment but he can control it while she can guide or glide it, otherwise one malicious fart. shyrt = fantasize; a natural effect with calmness and etc, fantasy happening. smagl = godlike; divine, immortal, body weight (that could be up or down) smegl = faery; forgotten, non-mortal, glide, guide smigl = hunch; poison ivy, iches, happy smogl = look; peep, peek smugl = smuggle; sneaking, sneak on (site) smygl = stuck; glue, stick together smak = smack smek = kill scent smik = halted blow smok = smoke smuk = sucker smyk = smirk smat = hit; smaet, face slap smet = smear smit = blow; smite, righteous strike smot = struck down smut = smokey; ash smear, dirt, fair, fairness smyt = smith smath = sucker punch smeth = destroy smith = shape; shaper, massacre, forge smoth = kill smuth = blister smyth = smith; smithy, forger stampy = stampede stempy = twist; pervert, corrupt stimpy = lure, stupid, (he gives into) conceit stompy = ground stomp stumpy = stumpy; feetless, cut off part stympy = eliminate; stamp, kill off stran = sense; strangeness, strange (almost like a sense of strangling) stren = strength strin = knilt; str, strig, string, yarn (string) stron = generator; strag, strong, iron-like, fer, ferr, fort, strap strun = lights; strwn, strewn, strung out, viuzip, streueon (strung upon) stryn = viral; disease, stringent, strain, syringe, this is a point that is a virus passed sometimes by syringe. skal = hot bath; scald, maid, heat pain skel = secret; skeleton, steal skill, borrow ability skil = slide; ice sail, ice skate skol = temper; scold, school, skuld, balance (yourself) skul = brain-pan; skull, head bone, cranium (brain case), crimiu, chran, kran skyl = skill; kung-fu ability as ability to do many things by practice. skan = skai(n), shameful sken = toga; cover, clothing skin = canteen; water holder, drink holder skon = stolen; steal away, abscond skun = skunk skyn = epidermis; ski(n), skin, stretch skaz = heat; baste, scathe, blister, skaza; heater skez = foot skii skiz = sky skoz = point; scuse me, score, this is sometimes with or without an excuse after. skuz = excuse skyz = unlimited; infinite skies, motion, disguise slat = slate slet = bracelet; sleet, (sometimes magnetic) bracer slit = slight slot = a slot, keyhole slut = desirous; womanly desire, woman in power, womanly defiance slyt = bled; slit open, slit slav = slave slev = exit; sleave, just leave sliv = besooth; tell a truth, sooth slov = slovenly sluv = scope; death vision, kill sight slyv = revealed swa = swim, swoon (gotten from swun) swe = sweety; swell, body swi = swift swo = sworn swu = pass out swy = swipe swar = herd; swarm, swear or promise, knockout swer = attack; sudden movement, swerve aside swir = swirl; kill, do things to kill off or reduce the idea you don't like. swor = swear (cursing) swur = smell (scent); this is sewer, added to by ripe (bo) scent. Think to clean it up. swyr = convincing; convince by actions but know others by trace. Think to trace them by energy, you know them by who they are. Sometimes this works sometimes this doesn't, so seem to be aware and you know whom or what is doing things. This is so you can't be fooled, then you know the source of the idea by whom or what they do. swap = communicate; commune, swap, trade, text, call swep = sweep swip = charge; swipe, take out of hand swop = turn around swup = swoop; lay back, lay forward swyp = mugshot; theft, vandalism, mug, swift action stac = stack stec = credited stic = inhibited stoc = inventory; take stock, stoke stuc = belligerance styc = power user staff = sheep herder; long pole, worker steff = steoz, steal stiff = endpoint; dead thing, dead body stoff = idea; preclude, preclusion stuff = instinct; information, add, guff, gut reaction, include styff = body; energy form, mass, a weapon made useful with some use is the idea you can do. stak = sta, stake; stay, in the long road, moderate, mistake or hit in heart stek = eat; steak, knife stik = nail; this is done by a stick or weapon use stok = stoke stuk = stuck styk = fad stad = stadium sted = steady stid = prevention; prevent by what you do. stod = message; understood, stood stud = role model styd = disruption stag = shrink; stagnation steg = stick; good steal, stickler stig = pricey; up front, stick it good stog = dog; in dog, dodge stug = stooge; used person, worker styg = permanent; user stap = staple step = steep stip = need; necessary, staple, stipulation, stiffle, manager stop = stoop stup = idiot; stupid, stupidity or stooped (stupo) styp = foreclosure stav = wand stev = high profile stiv = coverup stov = pan; stove, griddle stuv = idiocy styv = method stax = chips; stacks, stacked stex = steps stix = short stox = stoak stux = stuix, stuck-up styx = styx; bad taste, death river spac = clearance; space, spacial, clean area
spec = (to) know; species, speech, special, (be) specific spic = hot; spicy, spice, spike, energy rush spoc = translocation; un, spark, spocific, to endure spuc = creation; energy whirl, spook, spruce, reveal action, interrment spyc = clean; clear, junk, chunk spak = inform; spoken, vocal spek = speak spik = spick spok = spoke spuk = spunky spyk = detection sanct = safety; this is done by sact, sanctuary, sanctity being thought. senct = sentence sinct = cinch sonct = punched out sunct = sunken synct = synchronize slas = slain; slash, slaid, kill sles = slez, sleaze; sleazebag, power user, asshole slis = crystal; stone, energy focus, slighten, slight of hand, chi foci slos = slow down slus = slushy; icy drink slys = swish; blade swipe, trade of weapons slath = slather sleth = reptile; snake, serpent slith = slither sloth = sloth; very slow vegetation eating teddy bear creature sluth = dick; sleut, sleuth, detective slyth = slytherin; deceptive conduct, master of the darker aspects. sna = snag, snare, snake (any sort), snazz (created attraction), snake snare, snack otherwise no snack is done sne = snuff, inhaling drug sni = snip, cut off sno = snow snu = cocaine; pot, cooked weed sny = snipe snag = snatch, catch sneg = pot bellied cobra headed cat snig = snide laugh snog = kiss snug = hug, held together, snuggle snyg = scalp removal, scalpy, scalping sphar = high star spher = sphere of dimensional influence sphir = spire sphor = metaphor sphur = sulphur sphyr = computr, computer, comprehension, dedicated math machine saaa = sa'angreal, pretty decent focus device or nothing energy in thought form as that can be asian crystal or object in size shape and in thought saea = Sadaea, sunday, sadea is an ancient city to the north and east that is shaken to its core and broken down to the point where ancients in a being or phantasmal ghost are there as there is nothing there. Saia = sair, hover tank, armored turret hover vehicle saoa = saucy, sexy stuff saua = water that evaporates as its used dislocated in thought energy in water particles or fluid compaction saya = silo area, sanitize, clean up saal = stallable, horn, stall, horse saefy = satiate; safely, safely done, safety, satisfy, this is where you satisfy your need by the-spirit-that-goes-through-everything. saefy'enu = satisfaction; satiation, satisfy enough, satiation point saet = saber tooth tiger, say it or not you end up eating sail = wind sheet cloth sailor = ship crew, combined effort saul = confess and resolve or fid saulina = confession, solemn, oath saulo = love serum sayd = said, told saymour = inform sakaba = backward saptu = symptom, saptue: symptoms of something seara = siarra, attack, to stop it is gift seara seun = spoon, seune, soon seune = honeymoon seya = shift by energy pulse, see ya seymour = vision quest sachfra = guglfra, obsercfra, "google the words", search phrase (use) sale = shapeless, formless salo = sailor, ship crew, combined effort saly = supplicant; mercantile, sailing, saley, perceived applier or applicant otherwise additional, sales like or sail like samen = holding pain, trick serve, apetite, illucid joe santa = saint nick, brighten, druidic gift god sapa = supper; dinner or meal, this is where you fat up or lower weight after sava = server, savior seauiou = sightless, blind, unseeing seam = rift, joint, joining seagey = Live energy state, state something and your of one point of change that effects all time or some period of time by thinking of the moment and the idea to make as an effect, this is done by some info shared. This state exists in any type of linkage yet seems undetectable under normal conditions. What the live energy looks like be a flickering green and blue aura that is symbolic of life itself. seagy = synergy, live energy, Live electricity that be manipulated by spell, word effects. It lengthens the life of anything used with including machines and humans. Its created from electricity and magic and thus does not flow among water but will on circuitry. It can be used to release a lightning bolt, repair machinery but, it has been known to burn out machines after an extended time of abuse. It puts people, food items into stasis, preserving energy field. It looks like liquid blue energy in aura color. seanchan = dutiful, duty bound seui = anger seuiou = angerless, not angry seuiun = unangered, without anger seulo = pretentious, consentive, loan, angry low down, angry love Seunumics = Action derived from pursuit of things. seur = yourself, fire up seuss = story, child tale sefert = eagle headed winged lion sere = on fire, firey, burning, this is darkening by heat or fire. seset = subsist; this is where you are creating a point and making something exist other than the area of creation, such as a wall that exists the point and the element was there in the room. sia = shiver siena = sienna, valley siumo = shiver armor, ice attack slowing to attacker armor sipuyz = sippowitz; siphon (a drain from intelligence until just alike), crucial, important to do, death soad = sheperd, sheepherder soee = solace; this is a free area of living until rules exist that impell obeyance. Otherwise this is retribution, that is done by feel. Soeea = Overeating and sorryness with unending prayer. This makes multiple effects. So overeat and begin to do unending prayers. This is a torment and torture of the Gods, that they can choose to effect with it. Enacted by dark matter. Soeee = Death result from your dealt actions. Soeed = unending death visions. Soeehe = see spiritual vision and beyond by needing it seen. Un undoes it when added to the front. soun = sleep, sound to know by orgonne sourc = person, thing, place, sour thing, source by person or thing to create by thought and use by will energy to know best by procedure source = source by Poseidon or other necklace like orgonne that creates what occurs with water in orgonite powered by thought in a point by an orgonite power stone in thinking focus by meditation in life experience by experienced in a point of view by activity, as lab work your use can create by any object in resolve (including shit), thought energy by relation, end sometime is as you were and somethings are best in life to know like the expertise things your use essence creates in energy or not by thought. There is energy this is in the thought and the essence in the mind collected, this by your spirit and is thought you know as energy is gone in a point as thought is exposed in as a thought to you that focus. There is a dreamed in reality effect, as reality is in inert ice energy. There is an energy in created by every thought, as the energy in thought is an idea in use your idea creates by focus. There is energy by use in movement as you want, safely done as energy to do things is things to do for fun. As in life events are what you think, use by thought is focus to get positive idea done instead of negative use including drugs, realistically if they do things to you the effects dissipate by energy flowing from the body. This is is known as in an endless trick of deranged ravens which builds height up with lessened weight and vitamin use cures it as you realize it was this is you break the trap in view by perception and you control the vine to release what you eat and use less to do more by suggested ideal. There by use is sounds that energy are naturally known as teresa in the thought. That use energy to create energy and thought energy in the creation is by what you do, as tough "inanis in attento dominus" thought you do in life that you lead or lice remove with the other things removed that are unwanted and if were there you are in life. By now in what tought you do, you should already understand how to relax and feel a shift of consciousness. Once that stage is reached, you should than wait for the "Separation Point". As mentioned earlier, some will feel the body vibrate and feel out of place, some will feel lowering or heightening of the body, and others may feel "Out Of Place". Whatever your pre-cursor is, that's the key moment when you need to progress by the fun in life. Note: The above steps can most easily be accomplished by first letting your thoughts go, followed by programming the correct Brain Theta Frequencies. Our Astral Free Flow Package is used by thinking your free flowing in the wind, of energy by electricity perfectly designed for this exact purpose. As the electricity is felt as humming and you think to shift away your will causes a surge by focus. Tangent and sine use and other idea you focus is to create or not, allow use and the crown chakra created seems by the use of a thought to seem and think about it and you are as you know where you are. What stops is the effect you see as the area seems to halt and continue as you think of where you are in life. This is with the thoughts, not use is ice this twisted drink by desire and control. It only leads to disaster and with disruption of the mind and family. This ice is self contained and only affects those who are willing. The rewards are great and the balance in the mind must be kept Sanity is kept if balance is maintained. Its existence is completely hidden, as all is green its only found by what you think, focus is a concept as for what it is not as illusion. Even if the person is aware of it, it will always control no matter the circumstance. soyuz = ship; a successful launch vehicle, sometimes for astronauts to reach their destination. That is the best with success to date. May their missions go well. soja = soldier, soldier script; creation by effort, this is invisible stealing by complex in mental programming, as for a point that script ends with no permission no soilet my toilet unless necessary and think in energy a will in subjected or desisted effort comes from what you don't like and gets what you want done, thought in mentality is sanity if your energy saner (4th dimensional warp or postgretional warp relation by thought) by what you think and can use in thought to do despite the dirty meaning sofi = softy, suffix, suffication sora = sky; this is the sky from an anime I watched that rang true in meaning. suenag = suenof, certainly; sure enough, this is used if you think of things and they seem to agree with you. suy = sewage (removal) sulu = suelu, seulu, pseulu, pursued pseudo lure, some believing, some light, angry belief suna = quickly; quicker, sooner, this is a quick moment. syyiln = peninsulin sachi = you!, what, greeting/s sebastion = great inventor sedothz = clothes salambe = fireplace, fire place salv = salve, plant solution, saliva sedkel = said prophetic, said prophecy siyes = style, styles, styled, styling, sire sidhay = folklore sidhark = dark fey, dark faery sidhyl = wild fey, wild faery sighik = blood hawk, blood seeking hawk that kill passerby signify = intent meaning, meant intent soda = baking soda sodia = sodium sodiay = breakdown sodiar = cardiac, heart sodiararest = cardiac arrest sodyry = soldiering, sodomy sodd = seditive, bastard sehr = very, short sihunh = unnatural, shunned, deny sacr = holy, empowerment, sacrifice, sacred soca = soccer, source action, sock out sugeay = ytd, sugar eating the body; this can cause sugar death otherwise nicknamed white death, that is where you drastically lose weight and some muscles and are left alone with a body that doesn't work too well. That is when your body breaks down and expands, then shrinks down to its thinnest shape with or without a stomach roundness and that is without exercising the weight of food off. So with exercise the stomach disappears. If you want to repair from this and regain lost muscles, then eat steak or other iron rich foods. That should restore you after your first bite, that is done by the body as if you get energy from the food. This is a noted efect of extra oxygen from the food as well, if any exists to be had by the food or drink. So enjoy yourself. selas = settlement, self-made laser selle = saddle Selp = Self-help selpast = salt paste selpasteal = restorative salt paste sofesticat = sofetya, sophesticate, investigate, investigative sok = attack, soak solicit = sloicit, to allow by action samuel = great, collector somnia = insomnia, somnolence somver = somewhere, some verse sara = princess sarah = advancement, encourage saracen = innately gifted people, magi, sorcerers, magic worker sedeo = slothful with energy, sedition, powerloss seren = ancestral, peaceful, serene sepur = super, beyond, greater than sapi = snake serpent = snake sigel = victory. counted success sihir = illusion, psi hire, satire sionara = good-bye soie = silk soil = soil, dirt soul = spirit; spectre, spectral, energy containment that can hold energy memories. sohm = As it is self melody energy by some sort of pulse, or self energy melody pulse that can shift by movement in time or that can move you. solja = soldier, screw job sopdis = soapdish suav = skin cream, hand cream, poultice suave = facial cream suavve = soap suavvedis = soap dish suomi = finnish, old way sufis = sufferer/s, suffice sukh = sugar, sweet salt = salt chunk, ruin selav = , along the lane seti = tise, thinse, thineself selki = seal human silo = storage place sole = a fish with very little bones soay = somatic, active, passionate somty = sometime, something sulu = zulu, content, active path suluh = holy shock, luminescent group light strike, divine group light strike suma = neutral, summer, assume, consume sunlit = sunlight, starlight sura = secret Suraprea = Secret prayer; This is done if you think to not expose your God or hide your faith. However you think to not openly pray, just state what you want and the creator gives you what you want if you intend to get the idea as a result or open end result. That is because you are nothing but a memory to his mind living the life as though he would want, so what you want if stated or thought about is what you get as if he wanted the idea. This is noted effect, that is what really occurs with a prayer anyway. However you can pray any way you wish to pray, this is a point put to the past by feel. Then if you knew the point, you know what to do, that means you create with a result. sutig = something sylar = sign in, carve, paint syhnamp = amplify damage, wound advancement siler = suave, smooth talker Situ = situate, situation by fee or feel where you teach, inform or learn things. soro = soo, sister soru = sorrow, sorry saxafon = saxxaphone scam = cheat, art of cheating or taking money from a person. scio = (I) know, distracting scylla = scullery maid scyp = scalp; skip, peel, remove/d or sell off the street otherwise its captain or skipper schizzo = splitz; splits, schitzophrenia, multiple minds schizto = multiple exchange or telepathy of minds, switch to schwind = swindle, cheat shabaz = salesman shane = trouble, unstable, instability sash = chest hanging band shedu = schedule, centaurlike human winged bull sheo = high frequency; high pitched frequency scream (seeming in the ear), if directed at an object can make a shattering effect. sheol = hell, hell-like area sheop = show up, end up, female operator shiva = deity servant, lesser goddess shock = disaster, work, energy shyd = shield; should meaning shouldn't, this shouldn't effect me. shyl = shall; shall not, hould, this is shrill otherwise. shna = shnapp; dollar, money or bill shre = shrub; this is a mushroom, bush or clump of grass otherwise a shrek point. skwind = swindle selyiy = taught internally, internal suggestion selysoca = subliminal sorcerer, prescientific sorcerer serpant = dragon headed snake body sea snake siren = bind, song snare shapeshifting woman sitren = flying burden beasts, flying oxen suadry = suadey, secondary, persuasive, persuade suipup = newness, renew, suicidal subup = come from beneath, come upward, focus to lower down subj = subject, subjective, low horrid sound seli = Sub-c(by psioniks), sublim(by lerrin), subliminal(by Dr. demento), subconscious, taught internally, internal suggestion sildlas = domelas, laser shield that blocks any type laser absorbing shot energy into skin salua = plasma tank, death love saluar = hover plasma tank samayjuu = safe money spell, Where someone gets hurt in the end. this spell negates it by negative energy (spending or using it) and per every event to achieve the idea, to get something done or something from nothing be to get funds in some momemtary manner. The charm prevents you from hurting anybody as its you that normally does, for free or underpriced objects. This uses events to generate money and wealth. suto = shootout sutu = suture suture = sew skin suty = soothing, sooty, becalm saumon = salmon seccubeh = sacrifice for the effect, sacrifice to effect or to get effect segeiaem = Sergeant at arms, internal army field commander sequoya = giant sequoya tree, tree of life sieo = machinegun shot siena = warm brown, burnt sienna siafax = fully cook hot food siatybu = shiver some timbers, fear for your life, shiver my timbers, shiver your timbers siflif = life tap, suck victims life sihas = higher up sighas = higher being, sighing seks = chores, daily ritual selenc = commence, onward selencea = action commence, active sileit = mirror, reflection in effect sely = sublim, sublime, sublimn, subliminal, subconscious sero = serum soyly = soiely, sally forth solfu = soul fire, erasure fire, soul fuck soem = some simpl = simple, basic sinew = muscle tissue, tendon suagan = old melody, welsh lullaby surn = urn, suen, one sunoqq = fallen star sonmona = rich dig sonnerr = solid earth sumtin = something, sum of things sund = 7th, seventh, sunday, rest, sunder sorcneg = source negative, nether source sophie = grandly done, grandstand soso = alright; okay, comse comsa (soso), partial agreement, barely accept soiso = yes and yes, soso, know I think sotu = sulfur oxide, corrosive gas, sewer gas, SO2 supampb = overlay, superimpose supanaiy = supernatural; ghostlike suprizsuprez = suprise by supreme idea, suprise upbringing Suatye = Superstition with no effect, to be effected on the side by another place by condition and by the places condition to effect and place. This effect is to be effected by smelling and feeling the other places effects. As the other place has more energy dynamic. siad = surond, surround suslos = carrion crawler sylph = air elemental, human gate satu = 6th, sixth, saturday, saturation satyr = half goat human segeo = segredate, self-deprecate sezzah = cook food sezzahk = stop food cook sezzahx = cook food hot sezzahfulx = fully cook hot food sotcb = crystal shot, crystal bullet soja = Sojurn, to travel, to create and make or use as necessary suzi = worldly suzy = comely, overwhelm suzie = glutten, pig fat, glutty systa = siesta; break, this is a waiting period or time you wait before you do things. Otherwise that is a vacation point where, this uses an offender or someone good at what they do to relax. sylpha = butterfly symb = symbol symbankh = ankh symbol, eternal life symbol syvan = salvation, intervention, elemental light protection szcolayl = sco-lay-l, petrify; petrified (szcolaylo) or petrifying (szcolayly) otherwise szcolaylan where szcolaylix or szcolayle is petrifyies. sca = unintentional, unintent scaf = structure, incident scard = scabbard scarf = scarf, eat, neck cloth sci = scent scienc = field manipulation, field study, element manipulation science = rules study, hypothesis study, rule manipulation scindo = render, cloak power shield scir = scimitar scota = scepter, king mace scotagem = jeweled scepter scotia = quo, normal schaya = unintentional, unintent schapa = shape up, schalpel, sharp knife schema = model schemaw = wax model scherlosis = mind, personality, mental, mental ability schizmaid = schitzoid assistance, adult psychologist, child psychyiatrist, shrink schodel = male model schoj = high school, advancement school, educated guess schoje = schojek, collegiate school, college schwebb = cotton ball tipped stick schwobb = constrained (field of) energy, strain sclamy = blood magic, general force sclamye = blood magus, blood magister, blood mage, blood force user scral = scrawl, sacred, writing, things written down scrimy = scrimmage match, practice match, sports practice script = contract, written instruction as code instruction scour = search, sour, rid sfwar = singular, singularity sfwarsot = singularity bullet sfwarsotcb = crystal singularity bullet that keeps its crystal shape till it hits the target sfuwar = primal sfuwaraeo = primal howl sfuwariq = primal intelligence sfuwarinta = primal instinct sfuwarintaiq = primal creature, primal dragon, questionable idea that doesn't manifest and things you use are not going to happen. What you consider till hit in the face or aura touched and not if not intending, what you think to create or don't need by correction or creation with a thought. This is as if things get worse and then better and your right genes start to make dragon effect formation, from what is there but not what you think unless what you desire is true. sfuwarbragh = primal beast, questioning beast sfuwargod = primal god sfuwarmur = primal killer sfytyj = mystic computer shaert = sharing as if may be, a bonified malicious game, reenactment that seems real, a reality shirt. shaerwyn = To share and be great, sharing duel. shaoism = mystic art, sharing things in art by love shaoist = mystic, mystical practice shaol = whale shayla = share alot shafir = shapeshift shal = shale, rock shale shall = will do, shall Sheoles = ruthless, the shall do with too much rambling or rumbling shaln = shall not, will not shalt = shall try sharol = share sharwyn = musical great shirley = serio, serious shaphir = shapeshift sheolbrak = hellbreak sheolbrat = hellchild sheolbrut = hellspawn shell = hard body shioc = shyness, unshowy shiocke = scare away, frighten, fright shick = isn't should = shouldn't, should not shyu = shaleigh; clamor, clamour, get attention, make attempt. This is where the fairy mists work the area and you create the point by thinking or if you need to think and know things then it's treated as a question. shybak = this shybaz = saleswoman shami = sherman, tank, armored turret vehicle shamikar = armored turret hover vehicle shamipluma = plasma tank sherman = tank, armored turret vehicle shimata = crap shushu = shoo, dismissed shrewd = intelligent, intelligence shrink = psychologist, psychyatrist, mental doctor shro = parted; mushroom, shred shroud = cloak shrub = low lying bush sht = shrt, short, shit, stuff sild = shield sjh = figure out, conceive sjhun = concept, knowledge sjhunn = unfigured out, dejunct skelaa = skeleton mastery, innate skeleton manipulation skill skelfom = skeleton form, and to get out of the form, say polyhu (pole-ih-human). skelras = raise skeleton skelmajras = raise mage skeleton skiky = rebellion; against the norm, rebelling; obstinate, skanky, smelly or smelling (sometimes like a skunk) skok = schuck; corn husk, throw away part of the corn. skonek = neck strangle, broken neck sklakk = schlack, illamination, paper preservation sklekk = schleck, achlek, illumination, light up, improve upon skny = skiy, skinny slatern = hung jaw slattern = sloppy person slang = comes in and be covered by three tenses; low tense, medium tense, high tense where low tense be writing written in shorthand and sometimes normally but easy to read and written with a style to cause idiots to get angry or feel dumb, medium tense be written normally and to be somewhat "coached" for the intended object and/or audience and the audience its easily understood, high tense be to hence speak or write in "elite" and its language most "normal" people need an explanation for, otherwise it would confuse the person. Some "elite languages" are scientific, food, noble and other foreign dialectis. slecto = select, selected, selecting sliat = love, philo (greek), a slight action that depends on bad or good mood and gets a negative or positive effect, according what energy is near, this makes a result of greater magnitude by magic and thaumaturgy, this is also a bad end with those who are slighted with thought they won't accept and they dismiss things as a concept. slise = atamic, sliced atom (by energy focus) slutes = substance, drug/s/ed/ing sluts = love, sex slm = Seldom, salty sm = small, some, smell smt = sometime, something, some (of) that or not smeed = smet, greedy assistant smelte = smelling salt, instant wake up smokuyf = smoke scent smot = fought off, fight off, deal death smote = long battle, long war, battle ready smuc = smuk, sulfuric acid, sucker smt = small amount, smeed snhak = river, unplumping snohb = demented manic snur = sheer murder, creative approach, murder rage (reversable by calm) spagz = phase out speek = speech, to say a speech speak = to talk, to say spedaeg = fast growth spesiafax = quicker cook food fully spet = spit, spelt; this is a body spell, that is where spelt is the moment you think of what you want. Then as you draw or trace the symbol on the skin, the need is done. So the moment its done is when the body creates this idea. That is done by aura influenced events, this is usually what you need. So don't mind the reaction to you after you do things. spety = speed time; this otherwise is a body enhancement, that has a sped up time frame. spex = extra speed, speed cut spiy = spying (out), spit/ting, spiked on a cooking stick or rod and set on a rack in a firepit. Otherwise: spirit, spiritual and done with things. spid = speed, spygear, neato death, neat dealt blow spoor = trail spop = spellotape, spell poop and piss, as a point to conclude smell can go away as if a person spun = create, make by thought manifest, evoke, conjuration (however conjuration by the thought is there and a free will is a sacrifice to throw away some food or not in life as you do tings and aren't true to what you want you aren't getting resultive beavior) spur = spur of moment, surf up spf = formula, formulation, specification spk = speak, spoke, spoken, spook splay = remove strength sply = splint, smelly, weight drug supply split = leave, multiple personality, mentally divided spry = agile; youthful, young and very agile. sprw = fire sprite that be made out of fire able to manipulate wild fire Squi = squish or press flat sryu = tragic, tragedy, tragic use and ideal staed = state, statement, stay back, stadium stau = statu, statue, statut, statute stauu = stargate, stagnate, statute, some law, limiter law, statute of limitations that is where time can run out and what you think will happen if you need it to occur. stauw = stall, statuw, wax statue stadt = stadium in time stekatla = steak knife stekhous = steak house steele = steel steeps = steep, soak, high spire, saturate, high (in) energy stemp = cut off by energy Stend = extended period of time, extend, an extended point of existence stio = stranded, standard, stick (you know), standard english; this is a bit different, as this english is both positive and negative and the meaning is interred from what is stated. As standard english is spoken, things can occur by feel or sensing the point. So think of what you want and you could get the point of idea. stoi = stolen; this is a point of stealing where something's missing. otherwise its a stoic moment where you own things up. stuart = uart, stewart, steward, supervisor styie = stimulus; stimulation, stimulate, this is like stimulus payments that are accepted, energized or stimulated nerves. styn = stun, stunning blow stynae = sty, stag, stagnation; this is where things seem at a stop or standstill. That is when no communication seems to happen. This is the case of no communication for awhile. In order to fix this, pray to your favorite God to have something occur and that is what you need and think about. My favorite God is Tengri, the Mountain God. Think to use him in some manner and you get results. This can be done by stating, "Oh Tengri, probably pronounced Taen-ri, make what I need to occur and happen happily." That's what you can do. Feel free to replace the name with God as you think the God name, this is when you state the request and this will work in a pinch. So think about things and this is done, if that's whom you think will do the trick of stimulating conversation or activity. There you go. stcuk = stuck, to be imperitive, have to do, cut off stcut = shortcut std = standard, stand, sexually transmitted disease stn = stand, situation, station, stun strait = straight straf = strafe, avoidance movement, rapid accurate movement pass that makes you avoid and pass by anyone you meet strif = strife stry = strife stryg = strong, demented, string strbag = starbong, weed bong, a starman that visits to teach by exempulary example and idea exposed, strip bag. strpan = stir pan, rousing pain salactit = ice storm, hail storm salamander = fire lizard, fire elemental syuanda = salamander, fire lizard, fire elemental stau = static strauss = Violin, stringed instrument with use stauseh = static field, 1/4 off health dampens magic stafyaigu = ravenlike attack bird human giant with brasslike beaks, human torso, brass, toes brass fingertips, birdlike webbed feet and sharp arrowlike feather body covering and metallic wings and ten feet tall twenty feet wingspan staffa = employee staffer = employer, worker stalin = absolute ruler, monarch stalern = stale air stanyl = fallen star stone = rock, crystal stern = star, stern sternall = fallen star sternlic = solar lich with sun manipulation ability stanly = sternlic, serviceperson, manly stephan = stefan, step up stephany = stefany, after step stuf = stuff, stuffing stufruh = stuffed animal stufber = stuffed bear stupefy = stun sturm = stability, stable sth = sith, something, cloning stri = strike; strikes are the idea of what you want, this is done with some holding out by feel. Enjoy yourself as you do things so. stripua = stripwa, power strike strom = nobility spielin = play spee = speed speca = species, specy species = specimen, specific subject spell = energy science, magic science, magical sense spellcz = create gemstone, create value spiel = jargon, language spielm = confession, speech spielman = performer, perfomance spiygazys = speedy gonzalus, great speed from bert and ernie spyll = wild spell, wish spell spolt = spoiled, fouled up spoilt = spoiled, fouled up spehx = spedup heatup spety = speed time spheros = sickle sphere sphinx = human bird lion splunken = imagined understood event sqoaln = clean hair, squeeky clean squay = squeaky squib = magicless person squibs = human servant stai = sterility, sterile staitep = temporary sterility, nonpermanently sterile stonheng = stonehenge, power circle channel svirfnebli = dark gnome svvy = prestige, honorable sway = years effect, effective years swand = sword focus sware = sear words, bad words, swear swenska = swedish swift = move quickly swiftbanks = swift contained flow, flood plain swit = syit, savant, genious leader of an area swod = sword szala = seizure ta = task, take, than, that, gift, that, want, you get, top te = tub; large container, larger object or containment, this is a containment of some sort that has a somewhat large space. Otherwise this is; object, this, tellurium, temperal (or orbit by temporal field energy) ti = by, into, ten, 10, than, titanium to = tell, make, its other. otherwise, through tu = enticing, two, too, to, Tu Timing Us, timing us ty = tie up, place event, thank you, time taa = clear in what is in action, activity tea = dark queen, line, dark lady tia = a tiara, tiger, queen crown toa = toward action, get to work tua = to work, work tya = time for action, time for work tae = give take, tilde, ~, tale tee = stand, podium tie = time pass, a tie toe = ridge, toenail tue = too easy tye = time, tie into, up to top, up to the moment tai = tail tei = live object tii = a knot, to tie toi = toil, work off tui = too easy, thirteen tyi = contest tao = early; memorable, reference, honorable teo = unique, different selection, turd, defamation tio = difference, ton, tip, good, time out too = also tuo = turn, convince, momentous event tyo = time consumption tau = intelligence; ability, grant, activity, this is with a control by focus and you create by feel. teu = goal, pleasure tiu = observation tou = depiction tuu = advertise, advertisment tyu = deterrance, tassle tay = clean up, clearing tey = new challenge, they tiy = afterword toy = a toy, play with tuy = pleasure tyy = relief tab = active, viral, programmed teb = infective, actively working tib = interacting, disturbing, changing tob = material, genetic tub = tube; small tubular and hollow enclosed container, tubular, hollow tyb = seal repair, rubber cement tabb = table tebb = resurgence, actively tibb = disease tobb = plant, greenery tubb = tube, fat person, tubby tybb = seal tac = wrestle, tackle tec = technique; teacup tic = wariness, entice toc = getting even tuc = bring to ground tyc = to entice tad = laddy ted = tedious tid = tide, water flow tod = toad, toady tud = lots, many of tyd = clean up, mixing up taf = stretchy tef = tief, corrupt payment tif = tifu, martial art tof = good for tuf = tough, fluoride tyf = best value tag = place mark, afternoon, correction teg = integer, numerical value tig = a tiger, hidden strength, thing tog = self adjust tug = tugged on tyg = very strong tah = driven on, needy, greedy for teh = tell of, story telling tih = tied, not moving toh = honor bound, guilty tuh = spit on tyh = time bound, set taj = mystifying tej = grand scale tij = draw attention like honey toj = hit your foot tuj = steady deluge tyj = mystical tak = tack, take, fake tek = tea, technology, teach, antique tik = think, child, strenuous, time ok or killer, baby, go or know tok = token, carry bag tuk = tuck, heavy tush, took tyk = tick, crack tal = tale, tail tel = tell, teal, a telling point til = tile tol = toll tul = tool tyl = till, till it happens tall = story, tall tell = note, message till = till, ground grooving toll = exhaust, exhaustive tull = carve, tunnel, shape tyll = long last, await tam = tamed moment tem = team, middle realm, plumper, skinnier, "temple as a goal isn't" that is as if what I get from the idea I see from this is a demon. tim = time out, dexterity, serenity, feel a natural good and has natural understanding in knowledge with a sense of knowing peace tom = tome, piece, from a tomb or tomboy tum = tomb, burial chamber, bread, tombstone in the mouth tym = timid, thyme, temporal adjustment, corrosive nature tan = tan, tamed, calm, calmness ten = teen, hold, tend, tendency, tender tin = pointy, pitch fork, tine (first set by clementine and copied to use) ton = tone, tonal, point of reality, carpaltunnel, this is bade by a city made corpse with the energy to create with life and this formed corpaltunnel or undead finger movement tun = verse, tune, turn, turnabout is fair play, play tyn = harmony, timed, timed out tann = tan, tannery (hide) tenn = tension, tense release tinn = gun, tinny feel tonn = ton, 1000 kg, murder tunn = long tongue, tunnel, tundrel tynn = poison ivy, fork, metal band, monsterous activity from a human formed skin with a possessive skindancer as if in form I created evil tap = tape, task force, disturbance, taps disease: a disease that causes tapping to anything. tep = tiep, intereference by powered appliance, temporary, coaxed disturbance, discrepance tip = type top = on top, hat, toward person, to ward person tup = outlet, power containment typ = tip over, tip off tar = contain ter = implication tir = tierd, tiredness, competition success tor = torn up, world scape tur = tour tyr = tyr, justice god tas = taser, electrical stun tes = tease tis = advertise; this is, that is, it is, this means you advertise the point and do what you may do to get what you result. tos = spoilage, mold tus = seduce, constant farting tys = hassle tass = tassle tess = slug tiss = tissle toss = toss tuss = tusk tyss = bottleneck, crawl tat = tie closed, potato tet = teat, tenance, taste tit = tight, giant nature without the form title tot = moving, narrow edge blade often found in old earth tut = twenty, 20, whistle, loud noise, taste, fart ozonal gaseous body in a body thats bloated by death and as given the rright idea bolws open with killing spores in lifen. tyt = fertile, fertility, as a point to do things this is a dynasty idea to ritual idea formed from an idea injurious to death in thought by energy tatt = tattoo, created effort by what you think in creativity by in hesitant motions tett = tetnis shot, killing bacteria that is not unlike a virus that kills disease and isn't bacteria after the body is unimmune titt = tit, decaptivity as if moon gloss and a percarious point as a writer doomed to the point as captive in a cabin and released as good belief was done. tott = kid, munchin, munchin as thought is a donut hole and not as a dangerous species unless thought is energy. tutt = institution, school, establishment, later as a point to remember tytt = well fit, physically fit, joint fit, tight, fit moment as entity is titled creatively in now or later or not now is later tav = special work, tavern, bar tev = illusion, tv, television, woods tiv = viewed by tov = trove tuv = advertising tyv = distract taw = tawny, reddish, farewell tew = to, too tiw = till tow = tract, pull, pull along tuw = two, 2 tyw = timer tax = tax, impose, push upon tex = indivisually tix = uniquely, uniqueness tox = poison, poisonous, deaedly radiation, harmful tuix = black, tuixedo, treachery tyx = spite, spiteful taz = taze, stun shock tez = tease tiz = appetize , appetite toz = toes tuz = desire tyz = traffic, time area tazz = spin, dizzy tezz = tester tizz = upset, destructive tozz = toss tuzz = excuse, because tyzz = tyson, ties tla = who did not stand tle = of brimstone, tele, at distance tli = who was active, activate tlo = who erupted tlu = who convinces, who convinced many tly = who was at fault tha = I, we, they, that, there the = tha, these, this, that thi = thigh, that interest or thought tho = though; thought is a point you do things. thu = you, thou thunder is a peal by energy, also, is, are, am, art thy = your (thin) tja = viral; servant, trojan, overstuffed tje = vengence tji = proof, prove tjo = personal thought tju = servitude tjy = affront, confrontation thal = thalus, counting device, about things, shall thel = theology, philosophy of idea, thought thil = work (with things), playing with things, enn thol = constructed item thul = turned dark thyl = resulting number, result thra = thrash thre = three thri = thrive thro = to throw thru = done, threw thry = thrift tra = trap; mouth of something or someone, track trace, tray, trad, trade, tradition, transition tre = tree tri = trio, triple, three tro = trove, trouble tru = vera, truly, true try = a try, attempt tran = specific tren = latreen, bathroom trin = trip tron = right trun = death (cut short of life or length) tryn = unstable, unstabilize (by group force) trap = track, battery charge, stagnate trep = standing tall, treat, spike trip = tripe, threefold trop = tropical, panick trup = troop, split, free force tryp = generation, passage out, exploration trapp = trap trepp = prideful nation, throughst, shortage tripp = fishing village, past memory, thriving nation tropp = peacock, tropical bird, indian tribe, fried food trupp = army, feud, naughty, source trypp = fund, fade away, invention trak = track, dipshit, pathway trek = venture out trik = genocide trok = deathtrap, despisement, mistake truk = very good, true death tryk = trick, trickery twa = it was, twang twe = tweak, its well twi = twine, string two = it would twu = it was you twy = it was possible, it was after, twilight tabba = tom cat tabbe = table leg tabbi = table joint tabbo = table peg tabbu = restriction, taboo tabby = cat tansh = relax tensh = tense, tension tinsh = metallic tonsh = temper, energy tamp tunsh = impact tynsh = pulse tard = slow terd = entropic, entropy, infinity tird = tired, fatigued tord = settle with turd = fecal matter tyrd = tiled, tiling tarm = tarmic herb term = term tirm = victorious torm = torment, watching god turm = tourism tyrm = measure, fairness tarn = tarnish tern = tearing into tirn = national success torn = ruination turn = remake, turn spell tyrn = celt tach = grudge fight tech = teach, tool, tools tich = aura aware, this is where your conscious from the aura energy and can react by what you do. toch = hatred, nice, spite tuch = tact, touch, touchy tych = seduce, luck thal = borderline thel = within area thil = owning to thol = way of life thul = boundary thyl = permanence thar = harebrained, pointing out over ther = conjectured application, theoretical thought application thir = thirsty, desiring dring thor = victorious, victory thur = thursday, money exchange thyr = pointing out facts this is a fun idea. Humidity or sex energy with energy regulation = resistance = OHM is real energy by the bioenergy, as your use is Theurgy your idea is an energy in a possible use. This by activity and restoration to the machines are what to concur a use, with energy to the machine by a touch and thought to work, that is what creates what you consider a positive point of view. As you see things working right you think, thought I supported you from focus is for what you think. Just as awe is thought you are what exists, this they thought in life as a concept is use done. thas = that slow group, slow crowd thes = these, thesis this = empty, limp thos = those thus = thus, what we have now thys = this than = kingdom then = subjects, then a point or progression that occurs thin = thine; yourself, personal, this is where you think of the person regulating themselves and the effect you don't want doesn't effect you. thon = staged event thun = soon thyn = recommend; thin, (thynan) thinness or slenderness, critiqued, create with memory thra = thrash, fight against thre = three, amount of pressure thri = use as, live on thro = throw, toss thru = passage way thry = live off source tral = trail trel = trellice, steel riser tril = trial trol = troll, regenerative humanoid trul = triangle tryl = success, succeed, least amount of loss, positive loss; most loss for the other trall = thrall trell = trellis trill = thrill troll = unkillable, immortal trull = forever tryll = trial twax = costs more twex = tweak twix = fixed into twox = additional cost, thumped twuix = gave off twyx = added onto tata = farewell task teta = topple over tita = titan, titanic tota = total tuta = tutorial tyta = timed event tensha = transcribe tenshe = relaxation tenshi = tendency, trend, nature, angel,, heavenly gift tensho = trademark, postscript tenshu = god, castle tower, shopkeeper tenshy = shield, energy protection tash = trash tesh = examination tish = show off tosh = nothing tush = woman breast, butt tysh = injure, beat up tatl = talk, tell tetl = teter, fall down titl = topple, fall over totl = child, tottler, toddler, baby tutl = transport tytl = name, title thass = disinterested crowd thess = slow people thiss = cripple thoss = coming slow, slow fuse thuss = slow down thyss = device, very slow thast = sluggish group thest = these were thist = thistle thost = those were thust = what it was thyst = this was traa = neck trae = trace, translation, transition by power or traekia, heed by neck. trai = muddy track, trail trao = holder (container), betrayn, betrayal trau = trauma, nightmare action or response tray = tracer, tray item, train (in action) trab = drabish, boor treb = symbolic, magical trib = tribe trob = treasury, treasure trub = deep trance, deep focus tryb = tribute, meditation, meditate, goal achieving refresh trance trav = Travis, travesty trev = tremble; rumble triv = overwhelm; overload, trivial trov = gathering; gathered items or energy truv = value; true view, factual tryv = trip; trip up, fall over, go somewhere trabl = up front, travel, to front trebl = tremble tribl = tribble, furball pet trobl = troublesome, pest trubl = trouble trybl = tribal, tribe matter trapod = menu, understand, observation, tracer trepod = select, selection tripod = three-part stand tropod = choice, secure trupod = love affair, love speak, truth trypod = sex, unlawful, violation twaxe = costs too much twexe = manipulation twixe = fixture twoxe = at extra cost, knock out twuixe = obvious twyxe = warranty taaogny = teratogeny, malformed fetus tiayuau = lie serum, lying induducing serum taay = terrarium, toad cage taaoma = teratoma, malformed child taag = chore tau = tattoo, skin art, skin drawing, mobster, restore to life tauet = tattoo artist, tomorrow in real life you live your life, as you now live life tuatlng = seclng, second lung, second choice, second chance and you gain no second chance taek = taken, task to lead tabac = tabaco, weed or some sort of smoked substance with nicotine. This is an addictive substance, that you don't want to try unless you are willing to need more of it. In order to get off of it, think you don't need it and quit or use vapes. That is a point in life that I noticed. tadah = today, twisted motion, intwist tena = teanna, duty, dutybound or nothing tapp = tap, siphon, tapped out or not as funds are there in a point of view toad = poison frog, princess story thing that can seem to create interesting animal spirit idea that is spirit from objects (disgusting) tiem = time, a backwards time, tie them off or down and let rise after with oh not again tougt = thougt, doughnut feel that if you give it thought you give it energy focus tought = thought, lever, total recall creative creature that is a shitball, creative at the pain in the ass, up the butt, toughen up and they are in to do it tumo = tumour, cancer growth, tumor weight growth tieny = tirany, no zealous rulership, zake (zote), take crap after tonyeddy = rough flow, fat considerate concern teufeltong = devils tongue, devil language, restore talk ability, restore devil tongue, "tats the governence" is thats the governing area teuj-e = devotion, creation in by devil or fire tongue out tuau = tictactoe, ne, thought negative enticement tackle ridge, create by fingernail thought use is banter tuasosp = finish, tought (tough thought), finish line (to cross over in or out as you step around and over), in babe tuasosplin = discipline, finish line trip, te (natural preventative), time trick to trip or not be as your here tuasosproh = finish work, finished work (as you tink), say as out done tuek = tweek, change, modify by thought and if intended is as you were tuin = tureen; liquid or soup dispenser otherwise a container for liquid or soup. tya = tyler, creation, creative thinking, creative thought, This is creating what thought by what is there. Think untyler to undo the idea. This in idea is what happens, sorrow occurs when sometimes you don't pay attention to things. tabu = taboo, restriction, restrict (truly) tabulator = calculator, time math machine, talus (time machine math) tybu = timber, wood, prepared wood, wooden headed tribal worker, 2 or three door knock tybumu = timber mill, wood mill, wood preparation mill (with evil alienists) tabbabasis = talaee, table of element, chart, charted (stomach area or inner alienist area) tabbue = tabletop, cat fom that allows cat formation, a way of things made kitsune as forms with the will and the way is yours to see or do tablue = wood glue, table top, glued together, not stuck on, one is enough tabl = table, a unwoolen head that you rap to rap a table top toby = responsible, fluent, responsibility tobey = considerate, fuck, to obey, not to obey or kill tuhan = two handed, two hands, two fist not on contact but in fist by aggravation tala = toilet; stool, on go sometimes the body does not obey tali = tailing, talent, yes tele = at distance (of metered message) with ability that let them guess as if right telly = telecommunication, telefon, communicate, telling, communication, stop Tamo = Thermos; temperature or hot drink container Tamoea = Thermomenter; health temperature meter, temperature reader tartus = tardus, stardust, time ship, time machine, even though it is (weird thing furry) tatu = tattoo, skin art, skin drawing, drawn-in skin, create in see and do tatuet = tattooist, tattoo artist, as is, through the wall or mall taumyu = trauma; magical tattoo, contrary tattoo, Azure bond or skin tattoo by active magical wish taniu = technique; there are things you know with this word so I would use them and go if you are somewhere spiritually, then the spirit coms back to the body and you are yourself or you wait by yourself. ter'angreal = grand focus device tictactoe = wary wrestle ridge, creative reproach tink = tap on object and create by sound as you focus the sound to create with disjunction and stop if you don't need the disruption tagl = entangle by truth spell that looks like vines and no weeds tatter = pieces, meat, clank (by elf) tatterdemain = a memory mercy being in old clothes built of memories to aid people, if they don't need to feel they won't fall apart and the reasoning is they are children of the last prince of Atlantis as if a prince in memory made the person into a prince as if a he but in an idea if a she he is yet alive again afterword in life and they wanted to remain alive. tattau = to mark and create by thinking what you think is necessary to create tattao = placement, as to place by marking this is preventative on a stone surface and not except a ward on a wall if ward and tisk is there and doesn't seem and creates pause or not do as necessary taizon = rise up and leave free as if a second body above yourself that can also seem as if a point above a plate with your indentity by energy interred taykousang = renew blood flow, blood count tibhuru = animal plant human that has any animal human shiftshape but will be plant inside as in a side wound or otherwise in something like a plant tech = teacher, teach, now reach by desire todo = As if thinking achievement, by an idea that forms from what is new or near as not task misuse and stop or not the situation resolves as thought if to abandon you doesn't happen or no problems happen by your will energy. tafoc = task force, waiter, task written or not written tofu = good for you, health why, to forget or not to be teddy = stuffed bear, cavebear in life, see a berry, eat or not toealp = alp mountain range, as to ick and kick in obsolete idea that seems useless or not as this is help, to help you as if a point to each their idea and mind is their own idea formed by their third eye. That appears as you think and create is a thought, as if to seem what you want as if to helping in unsummoning is energy for free use. toga = belted sheet clothes like a moment with pins in the idea of use or with the thought poof tahik = do take a hike, that hike was cool right there talus = time machine, sequence neuro block, mental block or removal is energy from toddler area that represents what you want in life or out by life as you decide whats needed. tego = energy scutum, shield (also in latin), or if in thought is a cursed moment that life exists and your life is not ended as is tegoeseh = shield of fire field energy (this can make you go literally insane) telesmi = works of wonder, invention in life, view and creation by value Teln = telnet, telling, This is where you don't have to write what I see. The "I" is the third eye consciousness. That you know by insight with the spirit, this is guided by the soul in formation. This is empowered by the pinneal gland, that is the real psychic organ. This can be represented by an eye sigil or thinking the symbol you trace/draw means the eye. This leads to eye land, the world view of the above and beyond world, that allows what manipulates this one. tollwut = call, unknown call, rabies or create by energy to heal by live energy you cost human and energy exists for you in no and seem likewise tylonal = pain relief timbuktu = out nowhere and into society tomal = tomale, light pepper in light energy tomalsa = hot tomale, hot pepper tomate = human torso tomato made plant by curse of a killer tomato much like the video energy created area movie where te tomatoes are alive tomarra = eimarra, pieceful arrangement, court, war support, tomorrow tomerra = piece errand, gather, get together, consider (think) tomorra = piece in activity, puzzle, puzzle glue, created ideal tomi = fun seeker, fight seeker, opportunist seeker, opportunity seeker in life tomm = tomorrow me from death on a bed to wake as another man he's a bleeding heart tommy = machine, automatic motion to do as is tardf = slow time, free time as energy is slow not tavruli = blended work, blended energy with the elemental of choice or water in a motion tesli = tesla, congregation, created energy, cliffhanger are these as they are a wooden headed indian people that are short and you are targeted if you mention what they do in a bad way on a dark moon moment or not as this isn't. tengu = ninja; The secretive face working soldier. They serve people, that they need to work with and create as though a point were made. They aren't ninja, if they have a clan. Otherwise they are bird human leprecaan that does in malicious human tricks that use is not the person or the weilder as this is on the taergete or on the targeter's planet. tentacl = tentacle, sand as black with void or the element makes what element color and red if fire and blue with water this is the hit water creation as temporal fact is a point that life exists and your will ended and actions in casualty is the concept as nothing more or otherwise not as intended idea in life evil. titilhu = giant octopus, tentacle being, devils trap that causes the victim to be sucked into a place that releases you and you are dead after a thought ward is afterthought and the energy is removed is dust in the wind from a person you respect as if sacrice is with suffocation unless it offers aid and its only weakness be fire, cold feeling follows after energy shift and your as your aware and your old life is memory in your new life. tityu = totem pole, tantalum, spirit pole, old war boat ride tote = thoughts, self-fought moments tony = braggart, tough, tiger, considerate in action tonys = distrust, distrustful, to bear trust, trusting notion in nation as your a jokster tyny = tylonal, tinny, pain relief tenshysu = holy shield, faith shield, that in light is a arhytmic idea to shift with tonk = shapeshift by inner being as safe energy in use tons = thorns, large or small not scripted, hundredfold back per enemy hit, allot, a weight trouble that is a trouble spot touched on the right side of the stomach cured by the right to left and otherwise its a new problem thought and a traced d on the stomach or a c traced cured it temperarily in what a bio energy generator effect. tunyf = personal uniform, officer uniform, as a new unifornity that is fro sloth in what is as a uniform formed here. tepe = tent, toilet paper, tea party that is aborted by what dislike there might be as things interred could seem as a thought tepi = time, passage of event that is time created and this can make a tepidity or stupidity, tarnishing in things that are rustable from a chaptic turntable/recordplayer tequm = equal, tea in an antique cooking pot that is allot and is like a personal friend in the mind but what you want it to be. tikem = summoner, summon person, dselect otherwise observed as normal as somewhere else some person you look like is killed that you think on as forever hipe in a forever heart that is a forever heart in a disease that disperses in a moment that you are clear with yourself to kill yourself unless you are passing it as to someone else as my stomach or my face. tuatha = mythical children of the descendants of criminals left behind on a planet to live as if damned to live forever and forever heart in a mind to forever as all you had to do is say it and not not do it to live as if they want to as to do as they want and know what they do is help in a heart world. tuathap = child, idnapper that looks at an id and sleeps according to a thwap tuis = twister, twist, intuistic, intwistic, tuistic tuog = turn good, bad and ugly, turn bad to good tssl = tissle, lost tuition tese = themself, themselves, treasure that can skunk or do other things such as to get things done as if the treasure was uncursed teseract = shift the good out of phase, dark phase, opposite dark being of mindless nasty thought to criminals and good composure tesseract = dark mindless killer giant tesseractiq = dark giant god, twilight giant tishinko = sculpture, sculpt tush = toosh, butt totemkaur = three legged giant raven with eyes all surround tyson = chicken, high quality tyse = tyshe, tissue, timeshare; pronounced tishe, this is where you time things and share the results. tytiy = consequence tula = tulip flower tuliv = let me live, to live, leave me alive tylukyth = time link, time portal typorral = time portal toanee = telekinesis, mental movement of objects near, far away tour = tower toeuca = mountain range toile = toilet, linen toilepap = toilet paper tues = tuesday, confliction, conflict tuink = annoyance, annoy tucros = tom cruise, more adorable, so I'm cuter triom = trivium; trivia, this is a trial of trivial pursuit, advent; this is an additional event so 'or not' to stop this effect. That is an Ad in event form, but can be experienced in real life if you need it experienced. truirsis = the railroad train, roaring rattle, rattle and roar tings = measure in infinite idea or knocks on the wall time = measured event timeo = pause timeou = regression timeout = hold event, backward event times = end point of power loss by excessive energy, time loss, burn out, when power loss happens the power is recovered by healing timex = physical power loss, disaster, time extra timo = hourglass, timer, watch, time measurer timou = stop time timout = hold out temp = temporary, time (roman root) timp = tamper tumo = tumour, cancer, deadly organism tigron = tiger human shifter tariff = law, set down rule, perserver as a very accurate description terrarium = toad cage tierd = tired, sleepy tores = fallen, capable, lich totaeen = tuatha de danann, imperial faery tousl = tassle, hassle torelnhiqahz = teleport torso = caucus; body, body feature tohst = tore chamber, torture chamber (by rebecca), tossed tunhuaz = teleport tuow = turncoat turkish = turkey nation turqois = tourquoise turret = mounted artillery tutaek = time=momentous eventxunknown eventxreaction, event prediction or chaos math tylg = redeem tylga = redeemer, redemption, soul share enemy turn typhon = 100 serpent headed giant with serpent like legs and thigh and feathers and wings tyadreparo = repair thyroid gland tyre = notable place, tire, tyrany, untiring tyres = tyrese, tyrant, tiring (from dominance), domination, tire easily tyro = tyroh, leader, tyrannosaurus in man tyron = commiserate, indenture tyseq = pattern, time sequence tatr = motion picture, walk-in theatre, tatterdemain, walk-in movie texx = tough, shooter, cut action tdaaell = Tie dying, The deeper hell; Is the sub-dimes of the 3rd dimension as the hell of existence that traps you into not moving much and being victimized or beaten while doing an idea or some negative decent thing is done if you win. These idea are presented as if a dream and given by visions. They who earn are energy virulous and have a dark side to them, as though evil in nature and not there as they drop the act but sound good as though a point thats too good to be true. Thought to break free from this hell is the rite to try to not agree with what that is and displeases, displaces, or pleases you and yet you do things as you want. These visions are different from what normal concept visions are like. Think where normal visions seem to give you what you want and sometimes seem, too good to be true unless a friendly charm. But feel good to the self, think as though you return from it and you do and they who are apart of you might work. The enemy is depicted virulent bright color visions, that keep coming back so avoid or not and they are working from you in thought and yet are very likely a suggestion. As the vision can go on and you can attempt them but you get tortured in your mind by a force. So to deny the idea by a thought of intuitive idea, and not always necessary is to block the suggestion. tgyrn = resolve Thad = absorption, absorb thala = thalamus, crotch area, dick tip or vagina area Thav = feel; The end point, the idea to this point is an action that you feel on your body to correct by senses with the hand, this is where you think use to make yourself feel better and act better by idea that is noticed. theatr = walk-in motion, walk-in movie, creative act theer = there thio = thoight, tyroid (manic depressive), thyroid thinking = creating separateness this = te, all, if you notice its everything thou = method, you theb = thief, to take theba = theme, divertive, exacting moment thebn = thieve, thieving, too much (of something) thong = backstrap, leatherwork sometimes made of bootstraps that hides and holds things. thorax = thrax, throat thop = thought, though person/ally thr = thrive/ed/ing, there throng = group, cord tjern = return tlk = dlg, dialogue, talk tmr = tomorrow, timer tranc = Blood energy focus trick with trance like state, Blood is energy, but you don't need it drunken. This is the blood flow instead and think as you like things, they are yours. Think of what you want, then your aura energy creates the manifest of your idea that you need. Tranc is what it's known as though. How you get the tranc, this is being bitten by an animal then after the fact just focus on a thought or if you think a point to create your need. This is accomplished as you breath in and out and stopped as the tranc is disrupted by realizing something wrong or hearing a sudden loud noise. I was bitten by a cat in the foot a long time back. That's how I know this point. This was a sweet white cat that died of old age. Have fun manifesting. Oh what you happen to manifest is reflective of what you eat. So think to eat less or one bite of something and you can create a major manifest. That's if you feel hungry. So if guilty about something, then recognize the point you could or do overeat and think of other things to do and then you create with no need by distraction. If you think or write, that no guilt exists, then the blood magic creates what you think and you don't feel guilty about anything. Otherwise, just think of what you want, then focus your mind and create by aura manifests. That is what I recall about tranc. What you can do with this is use the current situation as a source, think of the idea as a blank canvas that you paint on and use symbols. This way you can get what you want as a need. trefoe = shapeshift; shapechange, transfiguration, adaption tron = electron, active trace, active track, retrotrace, backward track, electronic truoi = three headed bird truu'ennui = true human, Absolute energy being that can be anything and has no true form except what be felt or thought up. truyng = true source, universal power, ancient power, combined power tryna = trying to, trying of, trying action of no man or being tryng = ancient power, sweets, triangulate trw = true human, absolute energy being that can be anything and has no true form except that thought up tralw = transparent plastic, synthetic (part), otherwise this is a prosthetic part trapx = extra charge trupu = transparent traka = neck tramp = trashy lady, march through trans = transform, transfer, translate, across translit = translation, transliterature as transpire to transition tradoe = traitor, information trader tragheit = inertia a/c - e = being retarded or trained to be slow. trave = travn, travis, transpirer, travel, transpire treant = treeman which looks till it dislikes a person like a tree then it uproots itself to become an animated walking tree trei = a tree that crashes into bare earth or item treiz = thirteen , thirteen trefigi = transfigure tri-kreen = insectoid humanoid worker triy = trelawny, second sight, vision tretis = written work, written order, work order trig = trigonometry, symbol math triton = merman troir = trupuwydr, transparent glass trois = 3, triumph, three trouf = water container, water trow, water container trouver = to find, travel to troleta = spirit troll, regenerative being that can turn into real form, remain spirit form. trolloc = energy twisted tusked boar human that stands on two feet able to speak clearly and has very coarse hair along human torso tropica = tropical trun = thrown, throwing trundly = trolley trug = get through, truely through or thorough tryy = repeat action, try again trygin = try again, another try, traitor Tsuge = tsuug, The suggests, The suggestions; The suggestions that I get, they are actual requests from people so don't mind me as I use them as a point. If none are received, then I go on my own. Otherwise I know noone's there to give any suggestions. Tsyt = transit, object shift: This is it; Think to shift the item and its there. That's all there is to it. You can use this to shift nearly anything, including that which you remember is yours by feel or insight. theh = the tech, technique thema = this is based on idea, theme thek = erised is the erasure of time in iessence which is esserb and this is essence of soul thise = thineself thurisaz = lucky protection, charm of feliz thrug = get through, thug thk = that kill, thank, think, palup ths = this, that weight, the weight thx = thanks, thank you, concur tsarinia = desired behaviour, interesting flower ttyl = thyroid use, that in infinity creates use by what you see hexed in another world tway = is way out not here, is not there, that way, this direction, this way twak = wake up, force but no use is a personal use that creates use twilley = gradual graduate, observance, work twink = annoyance, fake, annoy not as in nothinf exists information in time that is not unless you think as if there is twok = its in work, that worked, it worked, its working, impinge, force upon, to work twork = at work tzugi = self-retain, studious, selfish V va = air, what, quality, animal hospital, faith ve = significant, when vi = now; when, gripping, with, alive vo = who, relocate, vocate vu = no, not, to understand vy = why, help out, viable, understood vaa = evasive vea = find a way, possible, possibiity via = medium through, interaction, with voa = to escape detection vua = make believe vya = undetected vae = vague vee = sharp angle vie = life voe = direct by vue = clouding, viel meaning vye = confusion vai = greeting, improve upon vei = important factor vii = extra strength, very strong voi = void vui = learn, woman, this is estrogen in action. vyi = helping hand, given aid vao = unintentional, veritaserum, truth detail, truth tell, mistake, truth serum veo = insignificant vio = release voo = directly focus vuo = otherwise understood vyo = useless, fire vampire vau = vault, containment inside veu = very nice viu = hold, grasp, volcano, volcanic vou = vowel, indicated movement vuu = experience vyu = resource vay = true value vey = convey viy = to hold voy = inhibit, votive, candle, move, moving, voyage vuy = incited vyy = give aid vab = verb; quality control veb = noticed vib = vibe, vibration vob = look elsewhere vub = understood vyb = aid vac = vet (negated area or viewed eating), voic, vacate, voice, vacant, vacancy (empty room or area with noone living there) vec = abandonment, wild abandon, emptiness vic = ruin, dream, bias, lost purpose and meaning voc = divorce, call, talk vuc = compensation, victim aid vyc = victor vacc = vaccine vecc = matrix, vector vicc = conqueror vocc = good event vucc = retry, succulent vycc = get better vad = void ved = moving picture, movie, video; just achieve: 1. doorway, 2. gateway vid = provide, provision, see vod = hand recorder vud = would vyd = hidden world, behind scenes, inside video vag = vague veg = eat vig = viagra, cails, viarga, feel good, sex improvement vog = vogue, display vug = good view vyg = vigor, pain damage body resistance vak = vacation vek = weakness vik = voyager, explorer vok = long duration vuk = understand, understood vyk = location, locate val = vale, value, feel, area vel = veal, venison vil = vile vol = kept, contained vul = gross, mass amount vyl = repeat vas = invader ves = inquisition vis = hard grip, see vos = ownership vus = usurp vys = held breath vam = inspection vem = important date vim = tight month, viewer vom = job fair, vomit vum = premenstral syndrome, pms vym = review van = vain, hover van ven = intervene, when, true, vein vin = wine von = migration, won vun = education, will not, won't vyn = responsible varn = area like vern = cavernous, cave like virn = filled in, iron like vorn = worn with age vurn = caving in vyrn = fill in vap = vapor vep = significant vip = steel grip (vicepress, vicegrip), very important vop = high paying job vup = fast learner vyp = application vaq = vacant veq = warning silence viq = silent death voq = undercover vuq = indefatiguable (and live amock), vanquish vyq = understood var = variable, different ver = were, veer, where, true, version vir = propelled, wild vor = vora, biolocate, hunger, suck, eat, consume, warlord who being vur = gain wisdom, hunter, seeker vyr = earn, feast vas = sluggish ves = slow to understand vis = steely, vision, scop vos = slow migration vus = imbecile vys = slow to action vat = toughness, vert, x, convert, conversion vet = animal hospital, old vit = spasmic, alive vot = vote vut = self understand, realize, realization vyt = sexual interest vav = unbias vev = view viv = revive, alive, reanimate dead, make flesh golem vov = view shift vuv = pity vyv = viewpoint vaw = value vew = view viw = tight vow = oath vuw = hairy vyw = costly vax = recreate vex = intrigue vix = crush vox = new job vux = vuix, learned vyx = course vaz = qualify vez = highly secure viz = scenic voz = refugee area vuz = training camp, boot camp vyz = neighborhood viola = medium violin, medium stringed instrument viole = food plate violi = violin, small stringed instrument violo = cello, large stringed instrument violu = bass, huge stringed instrument violy = violence, carrot juice vall = wall vell = well vill = will voll = prison, vault, safe vull = bull, sickness, wealth, income vyll = villain, study, (no) repeat, strain valn = ground, valient veln = vegitarian meat, mock meat voln = unkempt, free, freely viln = violin, will not, won't vuln = vulnerable, debt, volunteer, payment vyln = unrepeatable, unrepentant vart = changeling, shapechanger vert = green, vertical virt = wild thing, wilder vort = vortex, disorient vurt = hunter, huntress vyrt = gain, edible valln = land plot, ramp, slope velln = sick, wellness, dry, dryness villn = villain, villainous, will not, evil person volln = barrier, block, open display, unsafe vulln = truth, disadvantage, poor, debt vylln = violent, unrepeat, unrepetent, villainous vaeva = wherever vaevi = transitory; temporary, temporary existence or experience vayafu = truth perfume pheromone makes people scenting tell truth vancho = great lord, different person vasyayu = [vase-inn-aim-inh-unh] versimilitude, Find things with unnatural luck and this allows you to never seem to get hurt. On a negative waning moon phase, this can invade your mind and make you work. veaeva = whenever, weaver (basket or cloth) vee = visitor; sharp angle, alien or some person who's an illegal immigrant, that should be migrated out of the area. This is some list of his. Do what you want with it. That is all there is to this point. Otherwise this is a sharp angle, that creates by the area you focus to use it. veto = overwritten; overwrote, negated bill, negated point veeto = cash; cash flow, money and things you can use for it. This is money you get somehow, think and you know what you can do. vnadrakngl = humanlike bird dragon angel vielakith = life charm vielakyth = easy being, easy life vien = python snake viennes = python snake venom vies = drown out, fire out, put out viol = violent, burning, violet violuw = violue, red violet violun = unviolent, healing light, black light vyocanon = cannonfodder vuul = heavy vehicle, armored transport, armored vehicle vyo = useless vici = I conquer vico = dreamer, loss victor = triumph, triumphant vader = invasive, invader vida = lost vidi = I saw voda = voldemort, dark lord valir = value, health, true lovers voldemort = dark lord, dark king, revolting being, resorting being vagita = ultimate power, vegetible vegou = eat out vegout = eat up vehicl = transportation, vehicle, transport vegg = vegetable vacaya = what you vacua = what you vacuamen = intended meaning, intent, intention vyhau = overlord, elven lord, high planar being vyhauhu = high planar human being that has instant magic at command and be natural shapeshifter. vikta = viktor, victory valheru = overlord, elven lord, high planar being vyhau = valheru, overlord, elven lord, high planar being vilea = repulsive, violation, each vile vilgan = villian, asshole volkh = shape shiftin guardian vulcan = volcano vami = vermin; rodent, rodents, mouse, mice vamp = vampire, drain vampbat = vampire bat, vampire bait vomi = vomit, throw up vapid = undeclared, undisclosed, rapid expansion visi = vision vela = builder vanderdagast = wandering that gastly, wandering ghast vena = mystic bird of unknown origin that be silver and blue strikes beauty into people venuroo = intervention vini = I came vari = variety, many choices variant = variation, barrier mvaricea = live creature variceanie = egoist, unblamable creature verita = truth verne = difficult, difficulty, stern verge = boundary, together virgin = without alchohal, no sex verith = guaranteed to do virtu = virtue vista = distance, distant view, distant land, area extent vitasol = childbirth enable vawya = void weaver, void channeler vawyn = void success vocayy = voicerific, excessive voicing from decay, obsession or depredation causing voicelessness and depression vown = patriotic, patriot vixen = evil lady, spiteful lady vutu = virtu, virtual, virtue vy's = vitamin vyes = viciousness, vicious strike W wa = cry, where, what, wish, want, water we = emotion, wed, we wi = With; within or how the width formed, silence, with, am protector, win, this is depending on use; where wio is either won if positive, wigout or without if negative, wiy or win is winning if positive or why if neutral tone wo = stop, I/me/myself, to turn, not wu = woof, loud, loudness, wobbly, would, would have, woo, wound wy = creature, wing, possible answer waa = circumstance wea = reduce of, when, restrict, weevil, wedge shape bread eater bug wia = width, length woa = hold on, stopping point wua = detail, relief, explaination wya = clear distinction wae = done; wake, well, set on, stubborn, this is set on fire or an ancient waylaid pirate vessel wee = awareness; fey being, transfer of mind thought, well, awake, absolute joy, aware of, think otherwise those that are aware and awake don't ask until things are reasonable. wie = wile; wield, why, walkabout, this is a thought you weild and ask about then walkabout. woe = off; bring death, disaster, stoppage of flow to turn energy, turn off energy wue = personal misery wye = abhorrid; (sometimes) horrid, unsacred, desecrated, dessecrated wai = decide, need it wei = yes, weigh, think about wii = know woi = worry, dark despair wui = vision wyi = blurry wao = way over weo = wheel, well off wio = harmonic woo = sweet wuo = wow wyo = why help wau = enlighten, who I see weu = wend, understand wiu = silently wou = stopping point wuu = no! wyu = wield way = way, path, road, it or not otherwise our way wey = wild, wildness wiy = confidant woy = crash wuy = ruckus, raucus wyy = wilderbeast, wild beast wab = way back web = a web wib = applied focus, applied being of human or dog nature wob = wobbly wub = being loud, wobbly, shaky, rub wrong (wound), make wrong (wound), seal wyb = being witty, possible wac = wacky wec = weak acknowledgement wic = wch, with character, which woc = cooking wock wuc = loud character, weak characteristic wyc = candle wick wad = group together, wade wed = weed, commit/ment wid = wide, make known wod = not desirable, word wud = would, wood wyd = lucky guess waf = wafer, thinly sliced wef = form emotion wif = wife wof = wolf, game hunter wuf = woof wyf = air scent wag = wag tail, bang side weg = frog; wedge, thin layer, going (happening), away, material, this is a happening thing that is based off of material. wig = hair wig wog = take a loss, allowance loss, allow destruction wug = shout wyg = lost cause, hopeless wak = wake, awaken wek = weak, wield, wimp, week wik = kill, make happen wok = awake wuk = active poison wyk = moral, witch wal = wall wel = weal, well wil = will wol = woah; well hold, amazement, this is an amazing point that you decide is enough and declared as a woah! for a point. wul = wool, cotton wyl = focus clearly, will, wild wam = a back head knock wem = emotional moment wim = emotion wom = womb, worm wum = senseless, pointless wym = a wim, given into desire, withem, withheld, hold back wan = wane, lessen, reduce, reduction, rection wen = wean, when win = emulation; a win, wine, whine, success, wine won = influence; auratic influential, not stopped, continuance, continued, won wun = wound; wind up, won't, wound up, faint spell, will not, won't, wouldn't, won that wyn = wind, north wind or similar and the meanings are here for what the winds are by feel. (http://spellhawk.great-site.net/wind.htm) wap = whap wep = weep wip = wipe wop = whoop wup = woops, feel sorry wyp = whip waq = scream awake weq = weaken wiq = tremor woq = woke up hearing, light sleeper wuq = quake wyq = earth vibration war = bell, belli, war, conquest wer = wert; were, man, as is wir = wire wor = wore out, worn, worry wur = steadier, make steady wyr = where; weyr, dragons layer was = vas, ways, weigh, what, been, waste (water) wes = choose from wis = wisdom, wizard, wise one wos = worse; worser, feel personal pity, pitying wus = meditate, whats wys = wisen wat = clothes, wait, (lose) weight, then shift. the process of monoatomic gold; you gain or lose weight till a certain point and then shift to a new dimension in heat when it cools down, you shift back.. wet = wheat, created ideal by essence in the ground wit = wait, wight, with, (no) undead being that sucks the soul on a touch with paralyzation, with it or without people. wot = wrote, what, word is energy as that is ate not wut = whoot, what, woot, wht, would that as that and with that in some where as if in a body but temporal fix wyt = witty, witty response in moments wav = wave, hand pass in thought to store away and create wev = weave; weavel, weaver, put together, weave in will wiv = harem, nagua, nag, old witch, that is aging and use is youthful idea wov = woven, sewn together in the pants wuv = weaver, energy channeler by law or in law no law wyv = wedge, wedge shape bird human shape waw = cut through by thought is amplified energy to the point that you can get or get along well wew = whew in a moment wiw = with work, not repeat as no type for no repeat wow = oh wow, wow in absolute sarcasm surprise wuw = stamina drained, tired out, work wobbly, in thought wyw = shortcome, shortcoming in moments wax = wax, awaken, wack wex = weeks wix = waxy buildup, wax use wox = woke up wuix = near faint wyx = burning wick waz = yst, was, ways, waste, waist wez = wheeze, short breath wiz = wise woz = woes wuz = whoozy, faint spell wyz = a wiz, genious wark = kill count werk = slaughter wirk = kill tap, snap work = energy load, movement amount wurk = steady kill, unstable wyrk = blowup, blowoff waaa = crying fit waea = charge up waia = stored energy, energy storage waoa = wide area waua = falsified waya = acting on impulse, impulsive waae = weight gain waee = weighed impulse waie = go with it, make attempt waoe = way over your head, very high up waue = absolute surprise waye = discovery make, eureka! waai = build strength waei = work out waii = sacred, slim to know as you remember from focus with energy, no is not attack from distributive energy in your soul waoi = feel comfortable waui = get familiar and disregarded as assumptive behavior wayi = show path, in a as waao = wild hope waeo = take a chance waio = not going to waoo = once again happen wauo = burn yourself wayo = way over waau = not happen waeu = enlightenment waiu = wait on waou = shield wauu = waw, cut through wayu = extreme weight waay = permissive waey = get control, wave waiy = conclude, conclusion waoy = wayoey, way overhead, high up wauy = weigh alot wayy = break oath, oath break weaa = don't study and nothing in else or root growing up weea = active fairy, stand tall, strength, stand up weia = physical location weoa = owe alot weua = use, abuse weya = try again weae = physical help, physical aid weee = moment enjoyment, fun moment weie = remainder weoe = repeat weue = resuable weye = take root, become root weai = traper, trapper weei = dislodge, disrespect weii = bring attack weoi = collection weui = our use weyi = bring danger weao = beat them weeo = stern nature weio = go along, associate weoo = restrict weuo = take notice, interrupt weyo = temple weau = overwhelm weeu = end weiu = repair condition, fix situation weou = intuitive action, take action weuu = whew weyu = large gift weay = armed, prepared weey = asshole weiy = got him weoy = break, breakage weuy = over repeat weyy = weyey, cannot condone, disallowance , unallowance wiaa = understand, understood wiea = collapse wiia = picture, depict wioa = responsible wiua = wiooa, go way back wiya = karate chop, hand separate wiae = dicovery, be discovered wiee = attention, discourage wiie = distrust wiee = abuse; drug abuse, beating up, admittance wiue = enemy wiye = trick, trickery to not, wyvern beating wiai = wipe away wiei = construction worker wiii = putrid wioi = why pay, unpay wiui = disaster, destructive end wiyi = ever repeat, fractale wiao = overrule wieo = waste, large eel wiio = concern wioo = freely kill wiuo = alone wiyo = turn good wiau = stun, unaware wieu = happiness wiiu = identity, identify wiou = cruelty wiuu = wasp wiyu = black weed wiay = over there wiey = winey, whiny wiiy = why wioy = why oh why, how come wiuy = lied to wiyy = explain, explanation woaa = woaya, become active, be active woea = regeneration woia = woaiya, warrior wooa = duplicity, befriend woua = acceptance woya = rowena, informant, inform woae = worse woee = worry, (dark) memory woie = resolution, resolve wooe = child woue = revive woye = worrier wadr = window wedr = light widr = focused through wodr = melt wudr = wonderment wydr = glass wald = seal in, wall off weld = weld, metal unite wild = wildness wold = crash wuld = burn wyld = destructive wand = focused will, a wand wend = slowly gain wind = grow quiet wond = wonder wund = wound wynd = deter ward = ward, protection, conclusive werd = declined wird = wired, blockage word = worried, taking measures wurd = unstabilize wyrd = wierd (fate); fate, this is the three fates or the young one (Clotho), the medium aged one (Lachesis) and the old one (Atropos). Clotho spun the \93thread\94 of human fate, Lachesis dispensed it, and Atropos cut the thread (thus determining the individual's moment of death). The Romans identified the Parcae, originally personifications of childbirth, with the three Greek Fates. The Roman goddesses were named Nona, Decuma, and Morta. Their children are Norda or fate beings and human in appearance with special ability. The attributes of the Three Fates included: The Moirae were depicted holding various threads. Staffs or sceptres, the symbols of dominion. Clotho: A spindle. Lachesis: A scroll, the book of fate Scroll or globe representing a horoscope. The Shears (Atropos) wark = war kill, battle kill, active work werk = energy work, were kill(ed), were (killed) at wirk = intelligence work, work in, in work work = play, do things with wurk = wrk, would work, your work wyrk = wire kill, en strangle, wild afterwork, a wild effect warl = warble werl = when real wirl = whirl worl = homeworl, vortex whorl, travel whorl wurl = war shift wyrl = viral, why move warm = warmth werm = squirm wirm = wriggling worm = worm wurm = handling affairs wyrm = wyrm, wingless dragon wann = then, come back, wham, recover wenn = went winn = purposeful, with purpose, unalcoholic, virgin wonn = lost, wanton wunn = will, steady balance, will have wynn = loss, wanton (destruction), wind, compromise wra = wrap wre = wrench wri = write wro = wrong wru = wrung wry = wryly, rueful, wring wrat = wrath wret = wretch writ = write, printed page, note, bank note wrot = wrought; rote, wrote, deceased, end of lifetime done by what occurred to the body. wrut = root, bad habit wryt = written information wras = wraith wres = wrestle wris = wrist wros = bad step, wrong step wrus = benchmark, benchpress wrys = strangle, sexual, rueful memory, crush (love), wrist wpa = weapon wpe = wie out, wipe everything wpi = whip, whipping wpo = wipe ou, wipe out, whip out wpu = whip you, wipe you wpy = whippy, wild whip waeva = wherever, whatever waoanetz = internet wayreth = magic forest weaeva = whenever weyr = dragon layer, show down wiati = fxseh, wave pattern, A creative wave pattern or of effect field reflected in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of; lutra(lea, lepton, love trance, electron, displacement charge, ion, negative energy charge, negative time subparticle) likdon (lida, proa, likton, proton, proteon, proactive(athletic), proective, positron, proactive charge, positive charge, charge within particle, contain charge subparticle) nura(neutron, neutral subparticle, isotopes or neutralize) tehya(tachyon, active, carrier wave or positive time subparticle that looks like red dots) yaa(alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, aether, felt influence manipulation subparticle). To allow with interactivity; burang (helping moment by what you think and this particle can do, boomerang effect, in return effect, Formed by electron + proteon + positron) cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle, temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to cause a temporary cementing of effective thought about particles to a surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron); cua(cuon or curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron and aleron); cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura); crita(crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle created with stekton + tachyon); dnyra(de-nirah, dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable particle that you think at once created to program it created by tachyon + aleron + lara); eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle, self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua + proton + lepton); eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked for by thought, created by eawr + proton); foa(photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron + proton); flaa(feleron, firewater, mission complete no abuse you may return, everburning water, everlasting flame, greek fire, photon with aleron); gna(gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier, constant body, boundary, drug, solidity particle, lekton + aleron); lukra(for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle, electron and stekton); lata(lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold spatial particle created by electron and proton); lara(eleron, attractive element particle, aleron + electron); lura(allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter, red matter, separation force particle, aleron and stekton); loaa(low-aid-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle, surrendipitous info soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery, inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton) loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and do particle, info soak by hypnosis, causes subconscious observation learning, adverse osmosis, made by proteon + stekton); loai(elorai, laura, gnu, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup, an osmosis particle, lipkon + aleron); loan(elorain, gnosokles, agnu, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse osmosis, crypton + aleron); lika(lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration particle, electron and lipton); lita(lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron and tachyon); nea(gnua, nua, good notion, make good nuance, natural power buildup particle created by positron with electron, photon and aleron); nuatra(negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat energy, extreme destruction particle, created by electron + zeuktron); lupta(leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting particle, proton + aleron); sutra(suetron, creative, water, restoration, active healing particle sometimes found in meditation, neutron and tachyon); pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + proteon + lata) stata(stekton, support. gravity or light wave particle; electron + neutron); uun(ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton + neutron); uace(ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon + lekton); uasa(ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton); uase(ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created with proton + tachyon); uua(ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron + suetron); yara(alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron); zatrui(zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton); zutra(zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle, proton + stekton); zutri(zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron); Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon). weei = I war (with you) weeia = weeeeell, I war (by you), by you wiuai = hydrocarbonatemethanol, breathable water, htuoctumoi wiuafi = hydrocarbonatemethanol, breathable sulfurwater, htuoctumoisfi wea = weak, weakness wachya = what you, watch wadda = whadda, what did, what dad wahai = wachamacallit, this thing wedbag = weedbong, iphuc, weed star bong that is the bong or smoking container for the smoke type. Widra = withdraw; withdrawal by feel Widran = Withdrawn; to withhold or draw from something with some point or idea. wydog = flying winged dog, widow, dog wood = wand, mana focus device, will wish wille effect by whipping head banger or nor is nothing wats = electricity, electrical, tesla warmyu = warmagic, destruction and alteration spells were = werewolf worka = woka, work off, worker, woke up, work up wassup = what up, whats up wosa = worship webufrod = network wedn = 3rd, third, wednesday, wedding, marriage, lazy wiou = without wield = equip, use wieter = resume woody = wooden, old style writer, animated wood creature wicrenu = negative witchcraft will = as you say "will" as a fire born vampire fight you destroy for idea and what you intend to think for your will in safety as a destroyer giant vampire wokobb = stay awake wykcryt = witchcraft wykcrit = why quit wilynily = willy nilly, make attempt wuln = would not, wouldn't wyld = wild, lunatic study wana = wanda, instinct, want to, impression wanda = wonder, wonderer, thought perm (permenant) wannac = want to see, work to see wondai = wonderment, everrit wasu = please, plead, what wasuck = ugly, ugliness watu = what are you, hold on, whatsup watt = current rate, watson of police wattu = your current rate, in the dirt you can't change once you set it or nothing will happen wattm = my current rate, umake as youmake the you maker wish = focus on need, desire, want; as a focused desire now that happens by natural subliminal activity acting as a high energy bridge with a point by focus with subatomical particles being influenced, causing the people that the energy interacts with to achieve your desire. otherwise its a desire that achieves the result when felt, spoken, and its not magic or otherwise things create as you think. warcobny = war combining; To be confiding the effort you do, to combine in effort, by war and become as one mind, the being as to cause it to seem one, in war by acting as one and with actions that work with each other. Causing it, the being, to appear as one. This triples ability and power. But, filter by refusal, of corruption. warclu = warclubbing; to club together and in war, to cause things to be beaten, by assisted effort thats working together. warcry = spirit animal war cry warden = security head warlin = soldier practice, prophet heritage waxgib = gib; give being, "knowing" I see the light to work with the path an is there if important. worketh = workeith, to work, treasure work wotaf = brittle wuzz = whats, thought to use, buzz wuzzit = whazzit, whats in it, achievement wheter = Coming up soaked and ready for more, spoken for wll = ull, well, will, creation by wax wmaekom = undo annihilation, uncalled for destruction wrislet = bracelet; holder on wrist wrislyt = slit wrist wrislit = bracer wren = wrench wron = ron, wrong wrp = warp, wear, warping, warped wha = what?, what, remove form you choose white = blind desire, blind justice to you wje = creating you (by effect, soul life), persudaficius wjh = whe, whackup, crazy, crazy making, insane making whack job, epidemria: A condition caused by the heart and it takes form of nearly anything being taken literally and realistically. This causes personal reaction to any stimulus or action that presents itself. whh = attack, fuck attack wunjo = joy; a person or jo wijkin = disappear wumpus = large and fearful wuvsun = star weaver, star channeler X xa = savior, say xe = heroic, see, xenium xi = exile, plain, wild horse on xill xo = put forth, so xu = soar, soon xy = reinforce, psychic, reinforcement, (hit) crotch xab = flab xeb = overweight xib = excite, excitement xob = great xub = protrude, protrusion xyb = exhibit, diplay xac = exact, exacto xec = power action xic = banish xoc = shot, fire xuc = flight power xyc = reinforce xad = tad bit, too much xed = extension, extend, exceed xid = exist on, existance xod = penitrate, go into xud = extrude, extrusion xyd = collide, collision xaf = safe xef = sieve, sleeve xif = siphon, drain away xof = soft, softness xuf = eloof, cuff xyf = existance xag = sag xeg = segment xig = signal xog = sog, soggy, splash xug = extra sugar xyg = extra reinforcement xah = exalt, high praise, high acclaim xeh = heroic xih = sigh xoh = anger, angry, sweat xuh = heat wave, hot, exile xyh = heat treatment xaj = hero, heroine, just xej = siege xij = banishment, banish xoj = co-action, adjacent, paired movement xuj = stick out, protrusion xyj = soldier backup, law reinforcement xak = kill exile, exacto, knife cut xek = clumsied, attacker xik = fated exile, fated plain xok = pose, remake, audit xuk = rebuke, reprise, reserve, conscious xyk = condition xal = extra value, sxamine xel = zeal, example xil = long exile, last time away xol = slf, looking good, self, solo xul = exume, exalt, exultation xyl = insiduous change, sinuous changeover, dick xan = do, done xen = crosswave energy, crossweave xin = manipulate, manipulation xon = stupendous moment xun = false thinking to lead to thought on children xyn = morphing (metachange, metaeffect, polymorphing), metachanges that can seem to make as if to lead back to an in element that in you yourself is in effect made in life to make instant unlucky moments and in wrong situations this is bad that leads to a change in aura where persona generation forms that you think on in a moment that is a seeming present and you can act as you in the act to change the form as a disfigurement to create what is your intebded shape as a result to kill hunger and lead to another way of life defined by the person you feel like becoming. xas = exhaust, manage, slow recovery, asshole xes = moved to heroism xis = exist xos = give slowly xus = take off xys = slow reinforcement xat = exact; exactly (a point), oternative, otherwise world, sexual (idea or comment often thought as innuendo). xet = exist; xey, weight, exacto knife xit = exit xot = quixote, saying, exotic xut = exalt, exaltation xyt = excite, excitement xaa = exalt xaek = archaic, dark age xeam = extra force, holy, debilitating force, dark will Xei = diarrhea Xeia = decent mind, docile mind, arisen, indecent act xeiab = peanut butter xeiaxeb = create effort, work motion, relaxation, ship moments xiao = morning, daytime xiom = ziom, axiom, picked up thrown down, museum xialinn = sociapath, feeling person xiaolin = crazy, sociopath, bad, dark assistance xiaolinn = law, psychotic xieliet = exobiologist xieliy = exobiology, other form study xiem = transform, resolve, hold to body xoe = extrude, xodus, exodus, far away exile, long mission of far distance xue = snow xiy = exonerary, exhibition, concession; give in, sales or give up by resignation sorta like using a resignation speech. Xace = exercise, produce exercise and moral xebne = weight disease, overweightness caused by drinking carbonated drinks like soda pop and other carbonated drinks but solved by drinking water, non-carbonated fruit juice and other noncarbonated drinks. xebneu = remove overweightness, weight loss xebpiaroneu = penetrating overweightness removal, penetrating weight loss done through the aura energy burning off the weight. xern = high strung deer mule xist = exist, existance xitami = xiaoli, xiaolin, trend, trendy xaph = intermediate moment, graph xeph = it be, controlled chaos, controlled chaotic moment through controlled folley xowad = xtreclah, strung together xce = excess, exile xct = xcts, execution, do or die off things xhup = boil, bubbly skin, boiling water 120 deg F, extra ring, rapture hawk headed horse with eagle wings xmad = mad, cute, xmad xst = exist, cut weight in that, weightless xpant = exponent, expelling, expelled, extra cut pant xpeue = xpugduduio, whisper xpctah = expecting, extort/ion xpcteh = awakening, expect/ed xpla = explain, extra splash xplat = explanation, personally explain xploye = exploit xployee = expeditious, efficient xployeeh = explode; ex employee xplot = exploit, take advantage xpt = extra point, expect, expectant, export xxcla = an declare, xcla Z za = create; zap (energy charge or zapper), energy shot, thought focus charge, that (thought that's done), agreement ze = (sometimes from a bug) energy release (boogy), beetle; striped, original, one of a kind, bug zi = energizer; zinc, work out, body build zo = well; secure area, so, such (as) zu = zoo; animal, diplay zy = held; drawn together zab = energy focus; focused charge, electrical flow zeb = zebra, beetle or cockroach that takes possession of those nearby that does things to the summoners will. Dismiss the thought and they go away. zib = build; zinc concentrated zob = scanning zub = watch; focused display, monitor zyb = concentrate; sew, drawn together focus zac = shot energy zec = colored aura zic = muscle building zoc = electrical charge zuc = sparks zyc = charge up, gather charge zad = zades!, excitement exclamation zed = filter, polarize zid = used zinc zod = area measurement zud = scent, understood zyd = conclusion zaf = fall asleep zef = noticed striped zif = easy insert, easy entry zof = in secured area zuf = where displayed zyf = draw in, the draw zag = overloaded energy strike, made mark zeg = signified stripe zig = sculpted muscles, struck as, The zig(zag) bolt, sig(cig), c-lit(litc, ultra lightspeed or natural light energy) or litc as a mark of pua (power level) and trance for signal, tracing as signal trace and actual attempt. 1. The more the zig the more that be or is done. 2. Advancement of loudness and sometimes no mental stupidity, or no insanity per power level as this warded away to prevent insanity unless necessary precautions. 3. The advancing stage, a progress point tract or signal. 4. Replacable marks are a *, #, @, !, %, `, ~, /, \, |, X 5. Never do things devisive with energy unless some physical effort be achieved (not beatings), to balance the unprepared body response and get the physical body prepared for the zig level. If not then theirs a mental stupidity point where serendipity happens (mental discovery, physical self-discovery on accident). 6. Less aggression more achievings, more accomplished per second, more strict unless precautious. 7. Less likely more to occur, with more effect and less compressed (smaller) size of faster motion. More power make smaller energy pulses. zog = ground mark, groundhog zug = where important, conception (of intereptation) zyg = create interest zah = strangely desirous zeh = oven zih = sweat zoh = warm area temperature zuh = whereabout zyh = heat circulation zaj = justified charged shot zej = oblivious, jaded zij = personal reasons zoj = security zuj = explanation zyj = draw interest zak = killing charged shot, energy god zek = clumsied, attacker zik = planned kill zok = mass strike zuk = get the target zyk = drawn in place blow, chasing blow, attract to target zal = outlasting energy shot, pension, tendency zel = zeal, zest, fearless zil = exile zol = job core; work camp zul = lasting display zyl = zero, paused, brought to nothing zam = renewal zem = seam zim = because I am, planning zom = lasting month zum = zoom zym = symbolic; energy thought to make what you think by you tracing the sigil or symbol that is charged with your energy. zan = country concern, in focus, zany zen = focused sense science, zen, 6th sense zin = economics zon = state zun = civilization zyn = nomadic civilization, tent city zap = focused energy charge zep = primordial, bug form, the form that the spirit can take to create effects that doesn't exist except to the subconscious as a sign. zip = archiver; archivest, forced by pull, archive zop = travels toward zup = charged particle, particle zyp = dissipation zaq = earthquake, struck vibration zeq = vibration, auratic ziq = measured vibration, rictor scale zoq = soaking, area quake zuq = lasting vibration zyq = struck chord zar = turn head zer = fruit zir = shift into, transform zor = grahm crackers zur = destitute zyr = take a walk zas = slow transfer zes = blindsided zis = slowly build muscle zos = speed regulation zone zus = zeus, lasting slow blow zys = accept exchange, slowly drawn together zat = energy dissipation zet = special; was unique zit = zit, skin blemish, worked out zot = disassembled, out for yourself zut = displacement zyt = sew; concentrate, drawn together zav = watch energy shot zev = looked for uniqueness, yearn ziv = looked upon body, see zov = open security, nudity zuv = was looking zyv = matched, other half, true love zaw = electrical wire zew = original coat ziw = furry, fur zow = protected zone zuw = lasting coat zyw = spray, formed coat, spray paint zax = charged; generated energy shot zex = cleated, originality zix = doing too much zox = security image zux = zuix; long lived zyx = binding together zaz = targeted shot zez = disease; striped area, testing area, hazard area ziz = exercise; improve body, buff up, workout zoz = security zone zuz = sustaining field zyz = hastily assembled security, sizzle zaz = taze, stun shock zez = tease, disease ziz = appetize, large roc proctector of other birds, appetite zoz = toes zuz = desire zyz = traffic, time area zla = fell; who did not stand zle = brimstone zli = off duty, activate zlo = eruption zlu = convincer, preacher, televangelist zly = culp, blamed, blamee, blame zha = crowd zhe = these zhi = thigh, this zho = though zhu = thunk zhy = your zja = servant zje = vengence zji = proof zjo = personal view zju = servitude zjy = affront, confront zadd = strong, will zedd = maintainance, maintainer zidd = discrepant zodd = wierd, strange zudd = fight zydd = parrot, copy zadde = split person, unplan, create moments in the air that gives you actually anything you want zedde = organizer zidde = stand-in, replacement by idea zodde = uncertain, disorganize zudde = interospective, percieved interrogator zydde = explain, explanation zahr = no secret zehr = come, energy to come zihr = seer zohr = zoe, power effect zuhr = lure, sure zyhr = sire, father someone/something zomba = moving zomby zombe = broken control, paralysis zombi = zombier, enslaver zombo = zonko, knocked out zombu = alive, your zombie, make zombie zomby = slave state, enslaved zann = unconcern, hedge zenn = illogical science, nonsence zinn = unmanageable, moneyless zonn = hidden, conceal zunn = uncivil zynn = bum; homeless vagabond zenna = seer, psychic zenne = zest zenni = lemon, lemon lime zenno = mystery zennu = denial, blindness zenny = sour rind zhal = thalus, counting device, about things zhel = theology, philosophy of things zhil = work with things, playing with things zhol = constructed item zhul = turned dark zhyl = resulting number zhra = thrash zhre = three zhri = thrive zhro = to throw zhru = done, underhand toss, threw zhry = thrift zra = thrash zre = three zri = attack, enmity zro = to throw zru = done, threw zry = thrift zao = zero; itinerates, associates, no that is done if negative is 0. Sorta like a number so this is stating no roaches. zea = end; the end of a hacking cough. zeo = hacking cough or smokers cough. zeah = associative, association zeaha = whistle, pensive zeahaa = self-defense zeahay = prosperity, prosperous zeo = person, personally effected (victim), hacked; worm, virus (person), hacker, viral person zeeo = wedding cake; focus (on), effect: the focus point to do things with by feel. Otherwise street or area cleaning. zeio = zeeio, I war with you zein = induct; induce money increase, pronounced zine. Sometimes your powerless due to intake. zia = zion, higher being, zions; (named ziae or ziax) zionic aid is the atleantian beings aid that you call upon you by thinking of your need and saying a zion word to call their attention to make your idea or fix the condition. Just remember if you don't need something, then think of that idea you don't want and state uu- or you-uh. zyio = seeker; awal, bugged, food need (often by a wild man), if bug need: then you have the need from a bug; the empathetic feel that you get from a bug is a need for food or hungering. Basically you create with this need, if your around one that is a bug or bugged by something. zakal = jackal, werewolf zabis = zales, zalus, sale zalli = coordination, hard work zedsen = prismatic light zeliq = intelligent zeal, fearless intelligence zeny = teeny zenny = zen like zero = adhere alone, zero zest = flavorful (part) zesty = lemon fresh zetsu = magical art of parts zidder = domi, domineer, release, take control, rule over zidderr = shaky, nervous zidders = psychotic, psycho zidderrs = disruptive zigge = to train or trait by using an instance effect zinny = tinny, tightly, boned up zipzyt = stretch zouho = to feel safe by bequest or given request as your really safe zhao = devote, devotee, devoted zhaot = target, zealot zjaero = aerial servant zrzqculayl = cold enchant znshiguai = explosion zza = ennervate, awaken zzz = sleep, electrical charge -XXV- Drugs and chemicals Treat the drugs as a seperate concept in a sentence, like a separate word phrase. As "n'synca hcl wiobjtuacha" = "in aligning hydrochloric acid." In usage of the salt KNO3, you can cause varied effects and repercussions like dazed motion and unexplained weight gain. Look at the use of potassium nitrate with salt and water. Gaining inner calm and each bite you might gain something such as weight. This weight drops immediately as the body will repulse the food and not swell the body. I noted the weight loss effects of this salt in particular if used with water and its explosive reactions. Some might not be affected by this as the effects vary with unknown effects. Yet sodium nitrate and sea salt be body safe as a type of salt which has long been used as an ingredient in explosives, and a food preservative that can cause weight gain if in too much quantity. Any look at these will get you result so bear in mind the possible outcome may be hazardous. Yet the other salts are not safe like, chemical compound ammonium nitrate the nitrate of ammonia with chemical formula NH4NO3. Useful in agriculture and explosives, lead(II) nitrate be the nitrate of lead with chemical formula Pb(NO3)2. Its also known as lead dinitrate, nitric acid lead(II) salt, and plumbous nitrate. It be a highly toxic element. Lithium nitrate be an oxidizing agent used in the manufacture of fireworks and flares. Its composition be 2LiNO3. Silver nitrate be a chemical compound with chemical formula AgNO3. This be a poisonus unuseful salt. HNO3 be transferrance of lead to other material. The chemical compd and formulus came from the wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki, the Alchemical and Steve Kamm physics notes (written). 1 p(art) = 1 m(ole) or ato(m) = 1 mol(ecule), 1 (mix)ture = 1 compd (compound). fe = fac, face, "()"; "(" (faclit); ")" (facrit), Chemical key - for understanding english chems Naming acid - Exchange the Anion with the Suffix, fo'the base keep the Anion Anion Ending Acid Prefex Acid Suffix ate(3p, 6p) ic acid (o)n, um, ite(1p) ous acid ide(2p, 4p) Hydro ic acid Acids (A) Some common pH (strength) values of acid. At http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH will you find the chart below. To get the strength or pKa use the H^+ Molar weight in -Log_10[Molar weight, H^+]. For example, a solution with pH=8.2 will have an [H+] activity (concentration) of 10-8.2 M, or about 6.31 � 10-9 M; a solution with an [H+] activity of 4.5 � 10-4 M will have a pH value of -log10(4.5 � 10-4), or about 3.35. Some unknown effects of pH: At <0 be poisonous and acidic and avoid contact. At =<2.0 be acidic (highly dilute with H20 to drink HCl so avoid contact). At =<2.3 pH be unaging, regeneration and weight loss. At 2.4 pH - 3.5 pH and after 5 pH - 5.9 pH be weight loss. At 3.5 - 4.8 pH be dillusional occurring if eaten, drunken or inhaled. At 4-4.9 pH and at 6-6.9 pH be weight gain. After 7 pH be weight loss. Substance pH (pKa) Fluoroantimonic Acid -28 Magic Acid -21 Fluorosulfuric Acid -15.1 Hydrofluoric Acid -15 Acid mine runoff -3.6 - 1. before this be <0 Nitric Acid .014 Aqua regia .3 Hydrobromic acid .9 Battery acid <1.0 Hydroiodic acid <1.0 Sulpheric acid 1.01 Hydrochloric 1.8 Gastric acid (Hydrochloric) 2.0 Lemon juice 2.4 Cola 2.5 Vinegar 2.9 Orange or apple juice 3.5 Formic acid 3.75 Beer 4.5 Coffee 5.0 Tea 5.5 Acid rain <5.6 Milk 6.5 Pure water 7.0 Human saliva 6.5-7.4 Blood 7.34-7.45 Sea water 8.0 Hand soap 9.0-10.0 Household ammonia 11.5 Bleach 12.5 Household lye 13.5 Hydrogen fluoride 15 Water (H20) 32 The acids themselves bisa = potassium acid, bisulfate, KHSO4 (khsoquad). braqua = braquach, hydrobromic acid, HBr (hbr) coniin = amines acid, aminic acid, life acid, Formic acid, Looked it up in Wikipedia and its systematically called methanoic acid, simplest carboxylic acid, stinging chemical, CH2O2 (chtuotu) or HCOOH (hcooh) aquregia = Aqua regia (Latin for "royal water") be a highly corrosive, fuming yellow liquid, formed by concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) + concentrated hydrochloric acid (Hcl), usually in the ratio of one to three. Its able to dissolve gold and platinum although tantalum and a few other extremely passive metals are able to withstand it. Aqua regia be used in etching and in certain analytic procedures. Aqua regia does not last very long, thus it has to be mixed immediately before use. From http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/a1/aquaregi.asp. nitrosyl chloride (NOCl). flurbeasa = fluorosulfuric acid, strongest corrosive acid, HSO3F (hsotrif) discovered from http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/sample.cgi/joceah/2005/70/i07/html/jo040285o.html. grach = geranium acid, transphase acid with geranium, Sodium + HF + Folic acid(folate, fola or vit-m) + germanium (Ge) = NaHFFolaGe, Geranium + sodium ae NaGr2, with counterpart GeNa2 = Germanium(Ge) + Sodium(Na) hia = hydridya, mucaquai, hydroiodic acid, a highly acidic aqueous solution of hydrogen iodide (HI). It be highly corrosive and should be handled only with appropriate precautions. Hydroiodic acid be a commonly used chemical reagent and be one of the strong acids that ionize completely in aqueous solution. hf-sbfcel = fluoroantimonic acid be a strong acid. The acidity of 1:1 HF-SbF5 can reach H0 -28. Thus, these superacidic systems can be 10^16 times stronger than 100% sulfuric acid! hcl = claquach, HCl (hydrogen chloride), hydrochloric acid, stomach acid. chlorium = chlorous acid, clorox, Cl(HO) (clfachofac) mucamino = amino acid, life fluid, folic acid, C19H19N7O6 (cnizhniznsyiosex) nukl = nucleiaicach, nucleiac acid, N6S2O4A9, stomach acid x NO4H6A8 or N6A8O4H3. It drops body weight. hfa = hydrogen fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, fluohydric acid, worlds strongest and non-corrosive superacid, HF, carborane acid and non-toxic and non-corrosive that will dissolve even glass. juuach = Magic acid, The large complex fluoroanions facilitate dispersion of the negative charge and thus contribute to increased acidity of the solvated proton (H2SO3F+, H2F+). The acidity of HSO3F increases from H0 -15.1 to -21.0 on addition of 25 mol % of SbF5. HSO3F-SbF5 (Magic acid) of 1:1 molar compositionThe name Magic Acid was coined in my laboratory, after a Christmas party in the 1960s, by one of my postdoctorals (J. Lukas). A candle (of paraffin wax) left from a cake was dissolved in the acid system and the solution showed an excellent NMR spectrum of the tert-butyl cation, inspiring the name for "magic properties". The name for the acid eventually found its way into the literature and be now a registered trademark. nitra = hnotri, aqua fortis, HNO3, Nitric acid (hydrogen, nitris oxide compound of 3 p) nitri = nitrilotriacetic acid, C6H9NO6 (csexhninosex) that can create a sexual desire innuendo by what you feel and not do. nitro = highly unstable, nitroglycerin, high explosive, C3H5N3O9 (ctrihquinntrioni), natural feeling as that is a point that uses are felt endless and use is limited otherwise. perclach = perchloric acid, Perchloric acid has the formula HClO4 (hcloquad) and be a colorless liquid soluble in water. It be a strong acid, or superacid like sulfuric or nitric acid that if not strong enough dissolves things slowly. fbpon = htripoquadach, phosporic acid, H3PO4 (Hydrogen in 3 p, Phosporic oxide) propene = alkenes acid sach = sulfuric acid, H2SO4(Hydrogen, Sulferic oxide in 4 p) hducodarco = cebaya, cebayach, Carbonic acid be a weak acid with the chemical formula of H2CO3. It be the reaction product of water and carbon dioxide and exists in an equilibrium with water and carbon dioxide whenever the latter be dissolved in the former. surixbicatea = htucusquinfoqueuctuutrinsex, H2CuS5FO4C2U3N6, Suffrix bicarbonate acid, poisonous substance and powerful acid in gas form that dissolves even plastic and not glass. Similiar to mustard gas but its acid gas and tends to melt things that get near and can be for a a Evisceration cloud. Bases (the opposite of acid) aquao = H2O3, Hydroxide, restorative water aquaoli = LiH2O3, Lithium hydroxide aquaona = SH2O3, NaOH, Sodium hydroxide, brittleness aquaoko = KH2O3, KOH, Potassium hydroxide, destructive aquaorb = RbH2O3, Rubidium hydroxide aquaocs = CsH2O3, Cesium hydroxide aquaomg = MgH2O3, Mg(OH)2, Magnesium hydroxide aquaoca = CaH2O3, Calcium hydroxide (females choice) aquaosr = SrH2O3, Strontium hydroxide aquaoba = BaH2O3, Barium hydroxide Salts (Acid with base) (C) nacl = Sodium chloride, salt, sea salt, NaCl mgcl = Magnesium Chloride, MgCl kcl = Potassium Chloride, KCl cacltu = CaCl2, Calcium Chloride rbcl = RbCl, Rheubidium Chloride nabr = NaBr, Sodium Bromium nai = NaI, Sodium Iodine srftu = SrF2, Strontium Chloride nhqueunotri = chemical compound ammonium nitrate the nitrate of ammonia with chemical formula NH4NO3. pbfenotrifedi = Useful in agriculture and explosives, lead(II) nitrate be the nitrate of lead with chemical formula Pb(NO3)2. Its also known as lead dinitrate, nitric acid lead(II) salt, and plumbous nitrate. It be a highly toxic element. deulinotri = Lithium nitrate be an oxidizing agent used in the manufacture of fireworks and flares. Its composition be 2LiNO3. agnotri = Silver nitrate be a chemical compound with chemical formula AgNO3. This be a poisonus unuseful salt. Oxides (Things to rust with) (D) ago = AgO = Silver oxide, tarnish cuo = CuO, Copper oxide, potina (copper rust) feo = FeO, field, fetuotrix, Iron Oxide, rust mgotu = MgO2, Magnesium Oxide, Chrome rust snfdou = SnF2, Stannous Fluoride, A white powder, that causes oxidization to plaque break down. plaque (tooth dirt) rust. Hydrocarbons (life element) (E) cyrnach = citric acid, C2H8O6 (Carbon or ash in 6 p, Hydrogen in 8 p, Oxygen in 6 p), life acid hydrocarbon kloify = chloriphyl, green plant blood that takes sunlight and makes it into energy, C55H72MgN9O9 (Carbon in 55 p, Hydrogen in 72 p, Magnesium, Nitrium in 9 p, Oxygen in 5 p) sug = sucro, sucrose, sugar, C11H22O11 (11 p Carbon, 22 p Hydrgen, 11 p Oxygen), cain itei = hydroxile, antacid, DNAO4 (Deuterium, Nitrium, Angstrom, Oxygen 4p) antiacidic substance. mlaai = Melatonin, M11O4N2H6, Like St. John's Wort this causes a sex like feeling without the sex and causes slight rejuvenation by melatonin to excess feeling in immunity and thought to better undersating and ending. Flame color (F) use energy or normal flame to set off. Thanks go to Mythbusters. Red can be lava of oil lamp and mercury with a wooden wick in a small container as a chemical flame only to be smothered out and liquid sodium be alternative. These are fatal except by a distance. Blue can be butanne, butane or butanol and metal add to a spark as a gas flame or disaster flame. Yellow be toxic and can be fro' corrosive metal or metal baride and poison or acid HNO3. Green be emerald flame with mercury and corbite, magnesium and corbite or coal burning. Lavender be mgenergy, Mg(OK)2 (mgfeokfetu, Magnesium mixed with Oxygen and potassium (any form), Energy reaction of Magnesium with flame, life burst (creation or death) for a light purple kavender flame thats 2 1/2 or shorter hours. Purple can be the gold yellow blue shade for an emotional flame, a doverclow flower (dandylion) or merculite and pinsnips, clothpin or similiar metal. You can be enlarged with breathing the smoke. Muave be a secondary flame. Orange can be Muave and self consuming fire and continuance unless water applied, as it describes wild fire with a wide spread effect and live plant things burned (on ground) by hydrogen fire. Silver be a white gray or grey and to use merculite, corbium and magnesium or magnesium and nickel. For a special flame indeed with a load of heat. Thanks to Bill and Danny for idea. Gold be strangish grey and yellow flame and merculite and mercury or mercurium and lamp oil or deuteroxide (deuterium oxide) + lamp oil or butane and lead. It can burn everything with other metal. Peach gray flame be to use stalagtite and magnesium and sometimes lamp oil, a special color indeed. White be flare fire by magnesium and burning, a quick burn with more white smoke. Black can be the smoke of chemical fires and radiation fires that be harsh to breath. Alchemy with chemistry & drugs ealda = 1/8 part radon + three parts water + boiled nightshade or sodium for regeneration drug and cause regeneration. You don't need to take it in as the radon is enough. eavan = unregeneration drug, causes degeneration, cancer and decay uoctrio = hydrocedranol, water soluble suggestion drug, talk drug acid = hallucinagen, dream drug, hellucination drug, dissolvation agent aloe = aloevera, healing plant, plant of health eufoia = eufoe, euphoria, opium + sug eq euphoric making stuff in the body emfazima = food poison etrelue = memory drug; estrogen, due to it being estregen; if overused can change a male into female, HFlOAgCu (hfloagcu) can be a replacement. evrlafladra = everlasting flamedrake, One semi-oil lamp and candle, to use the wax at the base of a wide crystal (as not glass) lipped candle holder with a smotherer cloth of cheese cloth or unburnable cloth or wet cloth. Use a wooden wick of a long match to stick into the wax at the bottom and somehow stop the breaking, so to not cause a house torching use metal instad or the makeshift candle in a large metal bucket. Do not let it burn too long or to go large without the smother cloth ready. perhaps use the tin can and wax at bottom to stick the long match. a screwdriver can drill the hole. Do not use inside. This flame be very easily undying except when smothered. When done the adhoc candle could burn until the fuel burns down or serve as a beacon in a crystal. evrlawawadra = Everlasting waterdrake, In spell form its drowning by droww. That uses liquid sodium nitrate potassium water and calls it aqu for preservation, with a gusher of water control this waterdrake can cause anything of water will and manifest. A bit bad but it will suffice for a waterdrake of opium and Potassium Nitrate with water. When applied to others it puts things out if using baking soda with it. This can burn with a blue hue or red flame if oil and hydrate 1 to 3: 1. distill water and hyrochloric acid with no water after. 2. mix with hydrochloride and baking soda to form with potassium nitrate. hclhtuoquinatwihtuo = Hydrochloric acid(Hcl) in 1 p and water (H2O)) in 15 p mixed with fruit juice or more water so its highly diluted acid for unaging and better health, given to cure sickness but it may leave the body weak. Gotten from http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publish/article_1800.shtml. Alternative be to use citrus fruit in juice form of mixed with water like orange, in 5 parts lemon, 1 lime, and add whatever water to taste with sugar or molasses to taste. The spell form might not work so use the actual material in natural formation(store bought) with such a case. bludei = Blue devil or blue insanity, 4 drops or squirts essential oil or lighter fluid(kerosene) + KNO3Aloe3Cu4(1 part Potassium nitrate, 3 part Aloe vera, 2 part Copper) + H20(the more, the stronger it is). Alternatively for strength is (Potassium nitrate)KNO3+8 squirts Lighter fluid(Kerosene or Kero)+water(H2O)+2 parts Copper(Cu) = KNO3Kero8Cu2+(H20)n(1-infinity) for a stronger effect and the more water the stronger it is. The safe alternative be to allow the addition of acid with 2 quarts more water dilution and you can cause a body regeneration/unaging effect. Heated up and boiled in water for 3+ minutes, idea made by skyhawk. Made up with others in mind. The noticed side effects are, some brain hemmorage, great feelings while its happening and this can be drunk, shot up and without addiction. This may leave you in a controlled state of advanced paranoia safely. Those pregnant cannot use this as it kills the fetus or infant. This should thicken or clump together after it cools. For more effect mix with alcohol. If drank, it has a side kick moment of an extra for 20 minutes after the orignal. It lasts 8 minutes maximum for one drop. irvall = nervall, 2p sodium chloride(NaCl) or salt + 1p baking soda (NaHCO3) + 2p copper(Cu2) and its (NaCl)2NaHCO3Cu2 that lightens up all the nerves. hclnaclhtuotuat = 1 p Hydrochloric acid(Hcl) + 1 p Sodium Chloride (NaCl) + 20 p water to sturdy the body and cause weight loss. olele = ollislus, adrenaline drug, unaddictive strength increase drug, this increases potential in the body due to the sex. Vision in males as to how far you can see by what means of scrying or body sight or sight in female of psychic level with the sight of how far seen due to the level of drug in body. luapomna = leceopiumna, olidopopium, water + opium + sodium, eternity drug or cease aging drug aqulli = water and adrenaline, unfear drug, fearless drug that increases memory and calms person and be 2p sodium nitrate(Na2NO6) + potassium nitrate(KNO3) + water(H2O) as Na2KNO9H2O with alternative NaKN3H2O as 1p sodium or baking soda + 1p potassium + 3p nitrate Nirv Cu = The nirvana cure; This is 1 part hydrochloric acid with 10 parts of water, 2 parts copper and 3 part sulfer is 11H2OClCu2S3 that is a point put to the water. Put to water is a cure to insanity considered what drug you think charged to a purpose of thought put to the water as if the effect is thought and the water is what cures you as with 2H2OClCu2. opium = blaopadop, opium+water 10 p, immortality drug, power activation drug, pain killer. opiumoli = blaoepaoli, blakedpipolli, poppy pulp and adrenaline, rapture drug that causes killer instinct oto = poison spray, KNO3FH4 (knotrifehqueu) cokhclhtutuneodix = Cocaine + Hydrochloric acid + 10 p water to form active healing while high. biie = bananas, Obtain 15 pounds of ripe yellow bananas, Peel all and eat the fruit. Save the peelings, Scrape all the insides of the peels with a sharp knife, Put all the scraped material in a large pot and add water. Boil 3 or 4 hours until it has attained a solid paste considtency. Spread paste onto cookie sheets and dry in ofen for about 20 minutes. This will result in fine black powder. Usually one will feel the effects after smoking three to four cigarettes. benzen = knock out drug, aromatic bcl = boox, borox (BCl = Boron + Clorine, Clorox + Boron) byot = barbituat, barbituate, slowing drug, slow down senses drug byotkok = divilnidar, sleep drug blaaopa = lust drug, lust after, with viagra + poppy pulp or weed aomuoisau = polyjuice, 1p opium+4p water+3p adrenaline+1p nightshade+1p mandrake yields bad smelling polyjuice, and if placed on area, causes polymorphing at will. One who be affected this cannot speak of it. This isn't instant so if you know shapeshifter techiques. bvitily = healing and revilizing drug having aloevera + water + divinorium or weed cilert = silert, instill immediate attention, stillness, still motion medicine cinie = cannibis, smoked grass that in drug form cleans the body and liver of toxin and poison cotea = cortisone, reduce swelling cream ctuhquinoh = C2H5OH, alcohol, a poisonous bad drug that slows time and reflex down in the body cunotriteu = Copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2x3Cu(OH)2); this is a cure to the body and helps you think, as you take it in powder form with or without water, this works to make the body work better and also causes you to shit it out as it desettles the stomach if eating something. dactosang = dragonblood, Blood of dragon allows for immortality but knocks a person out for a day per half ounce with major unaging effects after demorall = passivity drug that be unaddictive dop = dopamine, pain killer, drug dopolli = courage drug, dopamine and adrenaline divilnida = pacify drug, calmness drug containing valum + H2O2 divilnieda = creativity drug, that brings vision and truth with Pentathol + weed or divinorium dyhli = cae, dyhelia, dialect, trimethylxanthine, caffeine, theine, mateine, guaranine, methyltheobromine and 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine. C8H10N4O2 (cethtinquadotu). dyhlom = dyhelium, coffee, prepared tea, caffeine that be a natural part and be addictive. dragonsbane = creative death, dragon poison created from dragon flower extract dvnouda = divinorium, unaddictive power herb drug fola = foil, folate(anion form), Folic acid be a B-complex vitamin once called vitamin m allows for bio organic improvement fka = cedranol+novacane+pcp, nerve poison, killing drug, death drug that takes a long time. iirori = Imiprothrin, (IUPAC): a mixture containing 20% of 2,5-dioxo-3-prop-2- ynylimidazolidin-1-ylmethyl(1R,3S)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl) cyclopropanecarboxylate and 80% of 2,5-dioxo-3-prop-2-ynylimidazolidin-1-ylmethyl (1R,3R)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate. From http://permits.nra.gov.au/actives/standard_imiprothrin.shtml gunpoda = gunpowder, Materials; potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate (75 g), clay grinding bowl and clay grinder or wooden salad bowl and wooden spoon, sulfur (10 g), plastic bags (3), charcoal (15 g), 300-500 ml beaker (1), distilled water, coffee pot or heat source. Place a small amount of the potassium or sodium nitrate in the grinding bowl and grind it to a very fine powder. Do this to all of the potassium or sodium nitrate, and store the ground powder in one of the plastic bags. Do the same thing to the sulfur and charcoal, storing each chemical in a separate plastic bag. Place all of the finely ground potassium or sodium nitrate in the beaker, and add just enough boiling water to the chemical to get it all wet. Add the contents of the other plastic bags to the wet potassium or sodium nitrate, and mix them well for several minutes. Do this until there be no more visible sulfur or charcoal, or until the mixture be universally blacK. On a warm sunny day, put the beaker outside in the direct sunlight. Sunlight be really the best way to dry black powder, since it be never too hot, but it be hot enough to evaporate the water. Scrape the black powder out of the beaker, and store it in a safe container. Plastic be really the safest container, followed by paper. Never store black powder in a plastic bag, since plastic bags are prone to generate static electricity. gleti = glycerin, listerine, mouth wash also a variant be potassium nitrate(KNO3) + sodium(Na), 1 p salt or 1 p baking soda, NaKNO3, another variant be mouthwash + KNO3, artificial adrenaline that does not give strength except 10 - 30%. icdru = Ice drug(crystal meth, methaphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice) that be unnaddictive.Crystal meth be an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities, Crystal meth be an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities. Comes in two forms called a rough yellow hydro and and smooth white glass that is usually for wanting to stay awake long hours. Crystal be made of highly volatile, toxic substances (based on such chemical "precursors" as methylamine and amyl amine) that are melded in differing combinations, forming what some have described as a "mix of laundry detergent and lighter fluid" that can be used by injecting, smoking or snorting. So I think in use is no icdru or in no nice drug, if you don't want the effect of headache or dizzyness. Smoking ice results in an instantaneous dose of almost pure drug to the brain, giving a huge rush followed by a feeling of euphoria for anything from 2-16 hours. For some this could result in obsessive cleaning or tidying, but for many the biggest bonus be the sense of sexual liberation which can result in mad, abandoned sex for hours - sometimes days - on end. In almost half of the new AIDS cases, crystal meth has been a factor. Also it has been proven that meth is responsible for liquidization of the brain. So its highly illegal even unto this day. From http://www.urban75.com/Drugs/meth.html. hopen = cocaine like herb, and painkiller, alternative be tin (Rn) or aspen tree bark (as aspirin) joy = enjoy, enjoyment, Sodium Hydro Pentathol, C11H19N2O3SNa (conz, conzhniznduootrisna), joy drug, control drug, don't inject it or it kills. Injest it and it will work. The same effect can be got from the chocolate bar as a safe alternative. kekisle = insanity drug, confusion drug kok = coke, speed drug, speed-up drug, divinorium kykisle = repugnancy drug, repulsive drug that causes repulsive behavior, opium + dopamine lidop = lithium drug, strength drug, mental insanity control drug, so it's every poison a cure. Too much lithium? Basil herb. Basil removes heavy metals from your system. Basil removes heavy metals from your system. lirndop = LiRa1/6, Lithium + 1/6 Radon or reduced craziness, mental insanity control drug luapompuo = leceopiumpyao, permenant control drug of hydro + opium + pentathol lyqdyhelium = addictive carbonated soda drink with Carbonic acid. mand = demand, command, midra, mandrake, root of dead body; Formed from a dead body of murderer or a person with ngative karma that was hung or killed on a full moon. then buried at the spot, in cemetary. Its found in the body but sprouts, appear outside and sometimes doesnt grow or doe, At first it appears in the abdomen and spreads in the stomach, to make a interesting idea try forming it other ways. Unprepared, its a poison, prepared as poison cure. mandnitsasmeyt = mand/rake + nitsa (nightshade) + smesyt (smelling salt) + boiling hydra eq resurrection drug or wakeup drug. mandpoiopoaqu = one p prepared mandrake root + one p potato peel, potato seed + five p boiling water; boil the ingredients and drink, for regenerative, energy restorative and antiaging effects noei = novacane poison, deadly unnoticable poison that leaves no trace, yet looks like heart failure. The novacane poison be produced from from the leaf of novacanus near vocanoes or alovernus leaf which are similiar to each other in the effect of a broad blackish leaf green and black color banding. mudage = muldergas, C3H6, C3H3, fear gas and suggestion gas sometimes given by corpse. noeirn = poison immunity drug that causes a little mutation with viagra + mandrake + 4p nightshade + aloevera nitsa = bloaa, bellodona (flower of nightshade), nightshade poison, curative when boiled or prepared, deadly nightshade, beautiful lady. nitsad = prepared nightshade (powdered, boiled) niwasle = nogwyshslus, brain chemistry balance drug NO = NO (Nitric oxide), body productivity chemical that can be breathed in and increases the idea of activity with energy from oxygenated blood and enlarged vessels. nsctpulsawa = insect repellent, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide + Related Isomers (Carbonic acid) + C-K-ethyline (Inert ingredient), An alternative be a pulse of energy to sonically hit the insects and, a right frequency drives the bugs and fleas and ticks away (doesn't always work). potknotrisoa = Weed soda, Weed or pot + Potassium nitrate + Baking soda or Baking powder Cook weed add in KNO3 and baking soda for a cure to the splitz. Add to drink after cooking. riredop = aloe + baking soda + hydro eq boil the ingredients to gain resolution and refreshment drug. ratpas = mouse/rat poison, B2PNaCl3 if nothing else ratpase = mouse/rat poison pellet ratpasee = poison gas that causes mouse/rat death and human indigestion razzbay = taron, tarn, razzbry, razzberry, raspberry twisted by magic and making a person talk with weight loss per bite, and causing slight craziness and suggestability. razzbaycur = kazzbeur, razzbrycur, razzberry cured, cured razzberry with aloevera or boiling; twisted by magic making a person not talk too much with weight loss per bite or weight gain immunity, and causing slight interest and attention span and stability increase along with attitude. reldern = no talking passivity drug, antimiasmic, one part aspirin + one part tums or calcium + three or more parts vitamin c and to yield, dissolve in water. repady = risperdal, mental balance, repay, brain chemistry equalizer drug repadyu = repadyis, equal dose risperdal drug, equal repayment ritalin = rousing drug, anti-truth drug, stimulant that has a heart overstimulation (heart attack) effect if too much given. rous = keno(rouse), 2p Cu(copper) + Ag(silver) + KNO3(Potassium nitrate) + Aloe(Aloe vera), Sulpher or vitamin C = Cu2AgKNO3Aloe or Cu2AgKNO3S for a rousing drug that will rouse you or one who takes it mixed together with water much like ritalin that be a probable safe alternative. ruskiubik = beiwpoxk, ruskiubibk, raid bomb, roach poison bomb spray, roach bomb ruskiubibk = ruskiubibxk, roach bomb xtra strength ruskoxk = roach poison extra strength, Boron + Potassium nitrate + Water (the more water the stronger it be yet its slow acting) = BKNO3 (bknotri), ClKH2O (clkaqu) or ClKNO4H2 (clknoqueuhtu) = Potassium or Potassium nitrate dissolved in Water + Clorine or Clorox, HOK3 (hoktri) be another alternative. In aspects this might work with no water, but fully it will work slowly 3 parts Potassium to 1 molecule HO (Hydrogen and Oxygen). thalus = twisblabay, twisblabary, talus, hardberry that tasted almost like leather, Twisted blackberry almost banned, magically adapted to cause slight weight gain per bite and mental stability along with intelligentual thought that looks like a hard black berry but taste flat and bitter. The twisted blackberry can cure diseases and with memory loss. bad memory and ability erasure drug. twisblabaycur = taluscu, twisblabrycur, twisblebrycur, twisblabay, Cured twisted blackberry + aloe vera, causes slight weight loss per bite and mental stability along with intelligence and regeneration that looks like a hard black berry but taste flat and bitter mixed with aloe and boiled. pascur = aloehquadotri, aloevera(Aloe) + water(H2O) + hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), AloeH4O3, combine the pulp of aloe vera, aloe vera juice with water and hydrogen peroxide yielding a poison cure. pasjuc = poison juice, poison water, poisonous caezruie = zywpuruixk, raid, roach poison spray, pasrub, pasrubair, raid, ant roach poison, Imiprothrin + Cypermethrin (C22H19Cl2NO3) + Petrolium distillates (insecticide) or Petrolium jelly. paszywbk = bug poison spray parw = petricide poison, ant, bug killer poison paruu = patricide drug, bug killer and human safe growth formula pavilnida = release drug, magical release drug, curing drug, aloevera + snur root + water + vitamin c pnicai = peiai, penincilin, Drug made from a flower that fights diseases and body damage including colds. Bad aftereffect be to swell with body if bad reaction. pipreuda = blinding stunning drug, caoutchouc, immolation fluid, aloevera + fermaldihide or purple haze drug pyao = pentathol, cedranol, ambrosia white, C11H17N2O2S, conditioning drug, The alternative be brox (2p sugar (C11H22O11) + baking soda or sodium (Na) + potassium nitrate (KNO3)) = C24H44KNOO25Na; side effects are weight gain and slight dazing, as with this in powder form and to usage in liquid. pyia = analtru, anytru, drup, truth drug, auriavalis, C11H17N2O2SNa, sodium pentathol, dopily. pyldop = Ambrosia drug made from 2p vinegar + salt and baking soda or sodium potassium nitrate(NaKNO3) + 5p any fruit juice + 2p honey or molasses + 10p water(H20O10). for creating a semi immortality per each sip with regeneration. pcp = angel dust, lsd and very addictive vision drug made from various means, pipe cleaner + ammonia fadop = sugdyhlomnitsad, sugar + caffiene or read as coffee + nightshade eq dope like effect causing fatness and body increase of weight per food bite or drink. Alternative is to use KNO3 + C11H22O11 + (H20)n = C11H22KNO14 + H2O(the more the stronger). fadopn = faddrun, cutusalfola, cutualaloe, Cu2(copper 2p) + Rn(tin) + S(sulfur) + Folic acid(fola) or Aloe + H2O = Cu2SRnAlFola or Cu2AlAloe + water for fat reduction drug. seknol = improved suggestion dope, makes for easy suggestions and all thats neededis to feel good and eat to gain but a solid moisture on he lips be a good thing, and you feel its wrong with a truth serum effect. seki be an inhibitive cocaine. senaol = accounts for senility oil. It also weakens the heart. saki be good after its taken. Peanut oil be similiar. as its saeki. raa = radon; Rn, its influence will cure the body in little doses or a separated low exposure. smesel = smelling salt, epsem salt, ammonium carbonate, a whitish, crystalline solid ((NH3)2CO3H2O)2 gotten of formula from web and sold on web or store. sne = snuff, cuy, inhaling drug Sni = pot, weed drug, gateway drug, nonaddictive mind drug, potent, potency snes = roadweed, boiled crab grass root, creative blocker drug, magic blocker drug, closure drug, negatable stupidity drug, addictive mind blocking drug that seems not to work at once that is used if needed or not used at all. snort = up nose, up nose drug, joint straelda = steroid, testosterone drug that increases body strength and ambition; if overused can turn a woman male strin = striknen, striknene, knock out drug dinvenchi = denvenchini, denki, Weed + Potassium nitrate + Baking soda or Baking powder, Cook weed add in KNO3 and baking soda for a cure to the splitz. Due note: the drug be so hard to to get result and so costly, so its sought out and not really a cure. strini = talk drug, striknine, strict to use and strict to keep not to mention illegal as hell. tox = plutt, pas, uuk, wk, poison of any type. tranq = tranquill, tranquillizer, knock out drug, Unsafe for general health as HN4H6O8. So this be easier to get as a different safer fomula with animal tranquilizer. tritylmyn = madness drug, cocaine or steroids + snur root(road weed) + weed or grass tritylmyl = vision drug, opium + potassium nitrate, alternate mustard powder or mustard (meted) + potassium nitrate (KNO3) = MotedKNO3 cotris = CO3S, Carbontrioxide sulfide, anti-pain gas, anti-inflammatory gas viyra = vig, eavada, revitalizing drug, artificial dopamine, viagra, alternative Rn(tin), allegra. + Al(Aluminum) + H2O(water) = RnAl + (H2O)10 parts (more water makes strong) + optional blue food coloring. valum = untalking drug, calmness drug, quieting drug with or without phosphate. valumrn = one part valum + 1/8 part radon, reduced craziness quieting drug even if you have it near you. vit-c = vitamin c or C6H8O6; this cures the body and makes you well. If taken in enough dosage its possible to get over the illness quickly. vnurbaysoawaa = 2 Tbs apple cider vinegar ((acv or vnur) + 1/2 tsp baking soda (baysoa) + 1/3 cup sugar/substitute or 3 drops stevia (sua or stei) + 250 mg or 1 bottle of water (waa) for vnurbaysoawaa in a cure that will restore health and Treat Everything from Acid Reflux to Cancer, even cure it. You MUST mix the Applecider vinegar and Baking Soda first in larger container and then add the water to the mix. This mixture brings your body back to an alkaline state. NO DISEASE, VIRUS, INFECTION, OR INFLAMMATION CAN EXIST IN AN ALKALINE BODY. By drinking this treatment, you body will become alkaline within minutes. wuv = active poison. as the poison works zete = zentac, zentax(removes allergies), herb that removes impurities for the effect in water, of contaminates. zombda = swamp juice, undead drug, zomby drug, a voodoo drug that puts people into coma like state leaving the body into death like state for a day to a week, created by water + Spirit gum(chikli tree juice) + Swamp root(swamp tree root) + prepared nightshade that you boil to create the effect of a drug that be somewhat thick in water. -XXVI- Psychological types Therapists and other people contributed to these opinions, who want to be hidden, unknown except Dr. ruffian or Dr. Holiday. The associative the types are: right activist, dissentive, anthrovert, controvert, introvert, extrovert, angrovert, extremist, radical, abpsycho, pacifist and omnivert. These types are caused by different states of mind, pathologies such as: arrogance, errogance, irrigance, irrogance, orragance, urragance, urrigance, yrragant. To gauge these idea field psychology was used, or sehpsych for field psychology with on-the-spot in-depth psychological field action and practice out of doors. Part of this be recognizing 13 distinct patterns; chaotic gain, ordered gain, respiteful gain, insight gain, retrospect action, recognition action, disposition act, sanity act, insanity act (despoiling act) and acceptance act. With pic lich as building with colors that require the usage of the color to store and know people by their color pathology. Pattern of cognition kaoygan = chaotic gain, a sequence of included hell act(any), focused idea; inversion (feeling or idea); you gain chaotic intent(any). odaogan = ordered gain, starts as reaction of focus; incent, insight or incitation; yielding gain (any focused through direction). repogan = respect gain, incite(provoking); incitation(informing) or invoking; attention; ends as clarity. nsitgan = insightful gain, actions of intent or incense; focus that ends up insightful activity or genious thought. se-repea = reru, rerun, retrepea, self-respect action, rearrangement, retrospect action starts as insightful or determined moment; emotion or calmness; ending with repose. recoga = recognition action, rememberance, acts of focus or purpose; stimulas or interaction; practice; ending as resolve by knowing or insight. depayea = intents, disposition act, despondancy, actions in observance; moments of silence, oddity or no stimulas; ending as cool off or distance with alienation. sayygan = sanity gain (through shock or exposure), sanity sequence of stunning sight or shock, discovery, clear thinking of normal activity in humour. cariue = congruity, ingenuity, integrative activity, contributive to an idea or stimulus; interaction, integration or disinterest; useful activity, or inactive and active repose(any sort of meditation) or things to do. nsana = insanity act, sequence of disturbance, upcoming event, chaos activity; shock or disbelief; disruptance activity, craziness(for women that are uncalm and emotional) or insanity(male unless if the womans sane). ecotica = acceptance act, sequence of proof or evidence; suspended disbelief or acknowledgement; acceptable gain. cerere = carrier act = carrying on, motion, information; concent, allowance; intention, independent act, medium Fle = flare in person to percieve, distinguish; react, percieve threat; flare up, minor league possibility reaction or major league possibility. Things assumed are not always known. prntyact = parental act/ion = registered complaint, reticient: starts as act, spot action or catch act, escuse; intolerance, dilligence or torture; lets you handle kids or trick by an act. Flava = (thanks to Sp. Army and Rodney), flavor, twist, starts with: slap, sadness, madness, moral dilemma; seridepity, serendipty, accidental discovery, oddity, nothing bad taste unless slapstick; stupid feel with look, reactive, retractive, humour at being watched but not funny up close. pimet = pigment, coloring: to create by color, use difference; be avail, create phenomenon or brattish behavior; vindicative or emotion change and peace or interest. seclou = Effect; Realizing; Confusion; Denial or self-denial; To cause forgetfulness; Self-clouding. siplsimlern = Seem and feel; to do things; be of things; You stimulate to learn something; Ends in Simple simulated learning. fxbloc = To realize what it is; Question how you become it or of it; Coping and assertion of will (use the I statement); You block the effect realized. nstacadye = Effect; instability; destabilization; You cause insanity or mental disorder; Ends in instable condition. maiway = stop; pause; think; act; somehow cause an unusual self achievement; you make a way. uoego = effect seen, done, and your in a moment; conclusion gained; instantaneous thought creation. secaclee = Effect; Realization; Conclusion (end); To be of self or by self; Self-conclusion. senclee = Inclusion; Condition; End Conclusion; To gain clarity in idea and understanding; Self-inclusion. atnte = Focus; Make intensity; Stop; To get attention and comprehension; Attentiveness gained. derte = Focus intent; Make your idea; Will to dissolve; Intent; Can disrupt to dissapear condition; Ends in disruption. Mind pathologies eriit = arrogant, arrogance, other arrangement, assumptive, upsettish and driven by emotion, dismissive of unlooked for things and leaves a person selectively responsive, yet will strike at a warning and don't change minds easy as they are "hardcases" that won't give in unless given time and given proof. ariit = errogant, errogance, wrongful thinking personality, cruel or critical thinking and considered au natural critics. urxit = irrigant, irrigance, fixated singelminded behavior, a condition of the brain that causes the subject to fix on a single item at a time. Also considered the criminal tendency that be allowed from peers and singleminded behavior. uriit = irrogant, irregard, irrogance, a state of irresponsive behavior to anything urgent and when relaxed will achieve results, display to get inattention by distraction oriit = orrogant, orragance, orbitz, nonchalant behavior that leaves the person only looking for certain things, they won't see anything that they disregard as an answer or disinterest but on findinding of certain threats they leave if they won't survive. iriit = urrogant, urrogance, worrywort, urgent behavior, a behavior pattern where people will respond to activity with overreaction and if drugged be all right mentally but will not respond physically. irxit = urrigant, innergant, urrigance, ognizanc, instinctive overreaction due to shock that is nondetected behavior during energetic activity but seen during times of activity and rest caused, by the brain being overstimulated, an emergency reaction where it can be caused on showing someone violence and disturbance to get attention. yriit = yrrogant, wirogant, yrrogance, People that are ever active and will respond to a thought, suggestion, contrivance unless they doubt, think on it and caused by natural brain overstimulation or drugs like caffiene. The metabolism be hyper and they can "eat anything" without weight gain. The moment of activity be to expect things like excessiveness immediately or with excercise if its weight, the weight could drop. yrxit = yrrigant, wirigant, the prophet or profit syndrome, their goal be to profit where they can and use what they learn to promote better idea and attitude amongst people. Causing peaceful intent by somewhat deceitful or manipulative actions with crooks and openness toward honest people but only if they aren't threatening. Otherwise they will avoid it and shift to else as an activity, and the effort to achieve makes it seem a necessary principle for businesslike professionalism. This may go so far as to be a uncontrolled or controlled killing behavior to make a bad idea go away, otherwise your other extreme be to steal. These extremes are caused by ownership of anything that may be desired. Personality types alinagg = arguementative 'right activist', The alien aggressive (reih't) be a passive socialist female/male thats socialist whos fallen with an antisocial idea or anticipationist. They take into account the persons idea and background to gauge the right reactions. They don't try to check the actual emotion as they can manipulate the person by psychology. The way to goals be to attain to do things for themselves first and other people second, to notice others plans as they happen and sometimes support the result as they don't have to help. To ridicule was what could happen if they would get dejected from any course of action. To promote for promotion be how they achieve results when allowed and what they geared for. The Alienation attempt has a destructive urge that has been known to occur. They don't argue as for emotional behavior and indivisual idea that disrupts the others lifestyle as self-interest be the alien aggressive's rulemaker. Any alienation gets reprimand of the sort that hurts and only if thou arent listening. Some might strike out on false claims and deliberately take it serious. Autocorrective by attempts to notice the activity and vibes to fix by attempt and reclaim lost values. Until the moment of opinion be proven wrong or set somewhat disagreement, then opinions that are not backed up are disregarded and if the opinions are proven right with another idea similiar then its a law. Most Alien who feel and think and are passivists (peaceful) that be somewhat half alien and half whomever may have a different set of idea like quixotic and able to withstand great pressure. The effort to get their private space is changed everytime, by the behavior of themselves with other peoples reaction as they don't a personal zone unless they choose to. alinpas = dissentive, The alien passive (dis-reahg'h) be likely to persist in a positive and goal oriented action. their distrust of humans be gradual but obvious. Any person in need might get reproach and to make amends, they forgive and leave alone if the person's untrusted or they aid in the end. Yet, they appear untrusting but some arent unless they don't know the type. To gauge the reaction they try to compare if a persons earned reproach, by being a friend or not a friend. If nonfriendly then they give off distrust and "no" signals or say nothing and act as if not there. The opinion to them be not looked at until backed up with another similiar. If distrusted no go and stay away from their private zone of 15' albeit some would say 115' to acknowledge the feat of impossible distances and drive away those they disagree with. The friend tries to chat, they give to reasoning and appear at least neutral or friendly, butlike Aliens they can find a way to make thou regret or not see thou own reasons. Unless they seek to experiment or are they talked out of it, where in emotion they feel regret and experiment, to repair their likely to match the area and make no comment unless they see things reacted on. If your alien and passivist then your most likely to live alone in the end. These are likely to cause cause a fight at the end by pushing too much. ithroat = anthrovert; Some anthroverts are outgoing, type A personalities(active). A perfect type A personality, will get people against them. The fact they would know all, except for what isn't obvious and be too perfect causing envy. Athletes, actors, scientists and active outgoing people, are anthroverts. these people will take any field and succeed in it. Sometimes, treating the fields of study as a competition. these people are introspective, and are willing to study if need be. Anthroverts, sometimes study bones as a hobby or job, like in anthropology. Anything old they like and only the interesting ideas, will they accept. This includes, new ideas and old alike. Only proven ideas will be acceptable, and they are skeptics at first with each new idea. Places of other origins will be of interest, and the older the better. Self aknowledgment, study and acceptance are the goal of the anthrovert, to better their lives. The life orientation of anthroverts are goals, and without goals they are lost. The athroverts privacy zone 5' 4" unless dispersive nature. catroat = controvert, contravert, Controverts, one who loves to chat and express emotion. Why, its a controverts passion, that draws a person and they love to cause controversy and self interest. There are few controverts, for they love themself first then, love others to enjoy others love for enjoyment of themselves. This be the controverts nature to be associative and unfearful of others. their main goal be to be passion in nature. If they feel hurt, they will lash verbally with the pain they percieve. Getting verbal blows till the person leaves or percieves a lesson learned by the inflicted. These people are conversational masters. A controverts privacy zone be three feet. itroat = introvert; Introverts are people that have no self-interests, and no self control, unless they learn discipline. Except from others, its how they react to people. Being as they will percieve the events as intrusive, unless invited thus not talking to people. Even then, they don't talk much avoiding the angrovert, as they are provoked easy if they cannot stand the person. They will strike without reason, set up the person. To be introvert be to love themselves, then help others because of it. They have no emotions except maybe for love and friendship, There be no emotion except love, hate to them as they try not to feel jealous, for it provokes them to strike out. This be perfect for an introvert, to not be near any physical presence if possible. People near are an aggravation to introverts as they tend to not like people, close up and strangers, Their privacy zone be ten feet. What the introvert can't have they love, desire. yet keep their desire controlled. An introvert, be an opposite, negatist, antisocialist or sociopath. Hypnotists will set them off with only a proven result. xtroat = extrovert; Extroverts works best with controverts, one who loves to chat and express emotion. they will have a love for displays, of any sort, Like cats, they move on at being side-tracked, to another activity. their minds are never focused, except on a single task. they can focus their potential, of getting a project done via meditation or anger. Or, to focus on other things, while on a project. This turns them, into becoming introverts. Extroverts will get angry, yet show no emotion, except to get some response. these people will quickly forgive, if there be reason. If no reason, then they hold a grudge for years. the only way to get them angry, be to cheat them, on a project, goal. The range of privacy be 4-5 feet. igrovat = angrovert, aggroverts, People that get aggravated at others for their differences. If too different, the person will get introspective. Till a moment, that the person they disagree with, gets too close, too personal. then, a verbal lash out sometimes, or a situational setup to humiliate the disliked one. their personal zone is fifteen feet out. These people are extreme in intent, their demeaner, be nice to look at but skin deep only. Meaning, they will be civil till they are forced by disagreeable natures, these people hate sociopaths. Which go on their own rules, avoiding the normal rules, people grew up with. If they spot a introvert they will find it hard. to keep from being civil. But social to all others making these people bigots and hard asses. People can be angroverts to people who stink bad, even if they were other types. xtret = extremist, The extreme personality type be a manic passer (manic alien passive) and consolidator, that will think every idea be their own to begin with. they make intelligent guesses for what they see, do not know, and made as to how things are done without asking first then they ask a person, who knows the experience, to make corrections and to make sure of their guess. Some extremists beyond this point have short memories, and will try memory fixes to correct for this. Like, cues; questions, repeated statements and faking. These people are theorists and can get aggravated by inappropriate questions, due to a severe temper to assault or reassessment. If assault then the extremist attack something else, except the person who aggravated them. They arent bothered, by disruption, disrespect. Disrupting their plans or unexpected plans make them crazed. Disrupting their idea be for the better in getting assault. their disposition be to keep calm till unnecessary,, to keep calm under pressure and create. This fact makes them go into cold rages that last for days. If they see a victim they will try to help, yet associate with others. Criminal behavior they will support, when there be a reason. their private space be three feet away and these people show no bias, yet have extreme thoughts when it comes to familiy. When pushed,they will react in an unpredictable opposite manner. They love the idea of bad things to happen, so the extremist can live through it, they get a thrill from knowing and knowing they can own. When offered a thrill they deny it, unless bored. If force be directed at them, they respond through opposite force. As in with direct anger they are nice and use calm responses, craziness with a calm demeaner and disregard with an attack, antagonism, They disregard it as childish and will assault, when they see reason. raiy = psychotic, manson, radical, Radical personality that disregards all personal rules of others, except themselves. the radical has a smooth, always calm visage and never seem to overreact. If they think they can be controlled, their be all reason to think that someones out to get them. The typical response be to wait till they are proven right. When the radical feels impinged upon,, crossed, they get revenge no matter the reason given. Some radicals, go far as to deny the decency of a bath and some will kill the unbathed person or biased person. Most radicals are schitzophrenic and the radical is never aware, and yet aware of what he/she does for this only spurs the radical on and they do greater deeds unless they feel desire to change, The change only occurs with their desires are blunted by voice and examples given of behavior they will find better or to allow of people to get close without suspician and at least listen suspending disbelief. Where their opposing beliefs, make them unlawful and somewhat dangerous due to the suspicians, and biased view unless unbiased. If you want to divert the radical, use reason and proof, the same force against them. Like kill them if they want to do things to you. Only if you share their idea or beat them, will they listen. Otherwise, they choose the moment to strike and they will consider the mark, their target, they wanted to kill or sought revenge at an insult to people they talk to. So these radicals, if piqued will kill who was talked to by the nida (not provable idea). But the not provable idea be what corrects their pattern and make changes to their personal patterns. Sorta like the thiefs mark that kills by honey drawing the fly. To prove to the mark, that their lives were errors and needed to show them the way they will do this. If the mark gives in they teach them ways to either destroy themselve by,, to humiliate themselves by. If not, they kill the mark and expose it by an example. Either way the idea of him will die or stop by pursuit, disgrace, suicide,,swift death and manic nature using their idea and portraying then in their form. Anything acceptable be stolen or destroyed and earns forgivance. Any truth from them calms them as truth be an inhibitor, drugs aren't so effective. Anything of a profiteer nature that be directed at an action can distract. Mention a disruptive activity to get them going in a potive (positive calm) or terrorist act. When the radical sees justice be needed, they will do vigilante justice, try to teach others how to survive, other information of interests to get people to get along with yourself. When they tell you something at least listen without interruptions,, you might get their suspicians. Never deny a radical what they say up front,, they might see reason to disregard, kill you. Another radical will instantly try to incite the other radical to attack. If bored the radical will seek trouble. To defeat the radical be nice till they arent nice. then be firm with conviction and they will back down. If you deny their service, then they may try to ruin you with your studies, unless they feel nice. their privacy space be ten feet unless they regard you as mark and then its thirty feet. obpsycho = psykaae, abpsycho, Psychic assassin, Psychoassassin, The psychic whos mentally sane and physically insane, super calm on the outside and physically not inept but violent with emotion. Mentally insane they are ecstatic and on the verge of seeing a prophecy or vision. The two idea states, after every effort they work on something and most likely be the disposition of I am calm but not taking an idea not worthy. To the common citizen they are pleasant, otherwise they seek not to get in trouble. The effective measure be to strike by information if their rude and make them back down by reason. They dislike disruption and value most as if worthy, even when its not. The effort to talk to peaople creates bad vibes if they are nonplussed for the effect of miser indivisuality. On site and hearing, indivisuality makes them not strike unless spoken to. This personality be similiar to fallen except they won't strike out after use of people and they get more out of a person. They are with devotion to psychic standards that leaves nothing to doubt with seen persecution, or they get quickly mad much like a dumb blond moment. Since they are physically insane, to strike at a wrong comment and insult with punishment. They appear mentally insane and given a chance but give crazy reactions with a simple speach. So they argue to deplore peace with no cause and see visions of which seem prophetic. They work out problems by a psychic phenomenon. They are most likely to create problems where they sense a crime and drive away the thief or criminal. In a sense they are senseless psychics who can do most things but to get themselves out of trouble as they create phenomenon or glance vision gained from a disaster of an early age. The coincidence of them being like fallen and understood as psychotic, causes them the abpsychic to use psychological tricks to turn the tide. Omnipotence be very good trade and skill as it helps the person out and makes for understood "what you look for" idea. These are oddballs who train and recover by understanding what to do with the moment. Vision be their biggest and most efficient idea and if questioned on it, they will explain how to. As their be no comfort zone and if their was, its 1' to 13' spread out rectangular, depending on the idea or mood. With all good mood its 3' 3" in closed up spaces, More likely the people around them will have left before they get nervous. Most move along the edge of contributors and avoid them for they can't keep their noses out of things. Do be obese if necessary around them as to get pity and the neurotic will think up cures or idea to avoid the person or get them out of site. pyet = pacific ocean raiser aimed by you to a weapon disfunction, pacifist, A pacifist be the person who always seeks peace and be an opposite to radicals. Will use negotiation for purposes, of solving their troubles. Has no intent of violence, sometimes to the point, of willfully forcing others to do the same. they use social justice, social situations, social engineering to teach lessons. When snubbed, defied, denied and distraught, they lash out, by doing something else, backstabbing the person. Talking behind someones back and to ruin reputation, happens for people who disbelieve and use heretical beliefs. If in this regard they are denied or themselves proven to be heretical. the pacifist will destroy the person as a personal enemy by vendetta. When they cannot kill, destroy,, ruin the heretic. the justice of the pacifist will be ignore the activity, till they see the right time, to strike with what the heretic uses. This behaviour can repeat. their privacy space be eight feet, and the pacifist will always worry over something. To defeat their purpose at the moment explain your purpose, excuse, and the anger dissolves. The pacifist will tolerate or not mind, to a very great extent anything near them and they will spar as necessary or constantly. Pacifism be caused for the sight of less pain. Pacifists don't like less pain no gain. Pacifism is to create havoc with whatever they deal with as they deal. uniat = omnivert, An omnivert personality be a "know it all" with anyone as if reading the "soul" of the individual. So their natural ability be to read auras with anything in site or sight with natural understanding. Given time to know the person through speech, they can hypnotize the target if they desired. You see their objectives are peace and to get their goal as though they have no true friends. They show no hate, love, and emotion other people can latch onto and talk them around with. They are psychological in nature as if "au naturale", They always know what they do and are aware of the results if failure or not. They think to know what others are thinking and that's their ultimate desire unless they can't achieve rapport. Then they will be resistant, manipulative, sometimes they will do criminal activities to undermine authorities, so for purposes to achieve their goals or work through good people if they can at first. What they love be to achieve from natural results and their actions. Where there are people, some are targets if possible, otherwise they are tools to use wisely. It's rare they have a relationship with a person, companship and marriage to the effect of the right one, that means they like true love with multiple relations. Personal color associations for wounds, mentality and people, Misery and cruelty Coalblacky = Inky, Willing to gain knowledge and material goods and seek it out while doing so for material values. They the person are responsible to doing many things with a good disposition. their motion be for the person to see the truth and accept almost any answer. The emotional state be for bringing grief to the person who hurts them with revenge of grief, otherwise they downplay the feeling. Blacky = Willing to behave and gain knowledge for the sake of understanding. In emotion they will bring misery to those they want, but their emotion be blunted. Also in emotion, their be an overachievement. Creamblacky = A almost cruelly and unfairly dispositioned person who lives for the moment but not glory. As if on a two-edged sword, but the story be most important. Who lives for more understanding with no time for him/herself unless emotional. Where he/her diictates to the stuff he/she owns or other people if around them. Added by Jack. Service and comprehension Coaly = Always available to do things unless necessary but will burn with desire. In emotion their attempts are destructive and everyone else be scathed. Added by Serena Coyl. Creamcoaly = A compassionate person thats always available, who works for a living and tries to deal with things as they come, by making time as needed. An emotion response be to overreact with precise timing and act to calm people down. Creamy = Passionate person who be knowing, and rejects waiting, until it comes of them by passion. their testy if they lose as a "sore loser" unless their emotional and proceed to win with sabotage and random acts of violence. Given by Amy. Seek and desire Coalbrowny = To see and burn with the truth of moment and a dark heart, that burns with desire to heal those necessary. These people are philosophical softies who work for a living or try to seek employment. Enjoyment be with jibes or creative idea that are worked with and listened to by others. With emotion be to effect an idea that was talked on, otherwise its just "their own thing". Browny = Ruddy, A person who be very much a faery in personality, yet serious in mind, intent, and serious in body to actively achieve results according to how their lives are, but almost always to aid. In emotion, they are persistent and try to disrupt or divert. Creambrowny = Creamburger, With chocolate feelings or passion by food like fast food or sweets, the cream browny be a associative person, They, the person, works as they desire within a framework. of positive idea or motion as information. They don't really care for fitness as its food and thought. The emotional state be cool if necessary, given to talk people down with their own emotion. Rage and emotion Coalreddy = Coalragey, The person bears confrontation, they will attempt to retain a constant emotion that keeps them warm inside. Like be alight by a fire inside and make actions count. Where the actions don't count, they feel empty and they won't be a coward. They, the person, can channel high emotions. They, the deep feeler, won't feel rage as their emotions are to feel a deep empty emotional pang that can drive the person to kill. Power from within to accomplish goals, success, capable, strength, faith in one's abilities, determination. Also, over-emotional, abuse of one's abilities for selfish ends. Reddy = Ragey, Raged with emotion, yet will almost be raged when doing things. A person swinging a sword with an extra strength be like one of them. Creamreddy = Cream coating of rage, Allows no rage while achievements are happening. Focuses the emotion into activity so its served a purpose When emotional, they are 3 times as strong. Manipulation and stability Coalorangy = Dangera, Demonic type personality that attempt anything, with ability of being independent or stupid, but the general rule be instant be good and as "I can fix anything" personal approach. In emotion, they usually are determined by extreme effort. Orangy = Secludy, Stupidity by interest, Deceptive, Manipulative but manipulated into moodiness and able to achieve things, by digression of will and for progress. If slighted, they are raged, and when they achieve their result they sabotage those who work for them in case of defunctness. In this case don't tell them tha when they are just act somewhat natural as to act natural be tact. If you think your gonna do it. Added by jay. Written with permission by Jay. (c) Jay. Creamorangy = Creampuff, Sugar sweet cream with manipulation and deliberateness. These people can pile the sweet words and be charming as well. In working with others, their separatists and in emotional states their scientifically proven brutal. Manipulative Coolbluey = Coalbluey, Cool as a whipsnake and able to manipulate information, yet will blow up at a failure if nothing else. If in emotion they, the bluey, will be driven on sometimes by desperation. They go by their own standpoint and attempt a retribution for unlikables. Creambluey = Coolinformy, Cool as a whip but twice a striking. They're willing to give information only when they see reason and goof around and yet they never lie except when pressured or when pressured, they allow almost any answer and are uncountable as truth or white lies. their studies are general and they are very knowing in most things. They have some greed for information and living staus. The emotional state of mind is to be in straight white lies which be truth or action. Expression and headonist Coalgreeny.= Coalhedgy, An energetic person that can cause a war if not perfected in the idea. To use or make the energy of many or use energy as from drink or food. These are likely to be emotional be strained, Persistent when undenied and when denied, wait or do other things. A reaction be to deflect idea or use magic by mixing or matching with safety in mind, if any to get things to do. The emotion be directed to fuel a flame of desire that be objectioned to violent people and yet might do violence. In emotion they are calm till the target of choice. Greeny = Hegdy, A person will mix and match till success often dying for the effort in some way unless safety be made possible with enough information, Excellent martyrs and willing to achieve what be desired, these people use reasons to get the goal that be set by dreams or others. Emotional responses are actions that cause a glory of some sort including causality and fate. Creamgreeny = Mr.passionate, Girly, A passionate hedgy, that allows for dreams to interfere and intercede, a "I can do things but I..I get cold feet" so they never finish what they want and end up on another track. They do finish as they desire and sometimes without help. They see everything as a benefit, any tool has a use. Yet in emotion they will not panic and finish what they start, unless they don't know what to do. This be when they're the hardest to influence. Fame Coalyellowy = One who be shadowy and focused on the desire of the moment to deal justice and plausiblity as a heroic or momentous deed. With emotion, they too are destructive. Yellowy = A nonhuman or human person that will cowardly attempt, secretly and persistant acts to do things in an effort or secretly kill something and openly acknowledge an activity and act the positive deed for glory. With emotion they run away as its often fear. Creamyellowy = Hosty, Boston creamy, A boston cream with a yummy filling and and just keep on giving. Nonhuman and human alike to give deserts as items asked for when needed, and give food as a device or when feeling nice. This may sound like mom and some fathers are like this with gifts. They sabotage or lash when emotional and have to be told to get over it or let live. Ritualistic and conception Coalwhity = Evensteven, Servicy, A downright dirty person in their own right with duty. As they have moments of greed that are unseen unless spotted. They are service people that get the job done with less than needed if its necessary. When emotional they, the somewhat devotional, will attempt any act to clear their name and getting even of what they want done. Including trashing others with falsehood by jealousy in extreme cases. Whity = A person that be of peace to effect desire and emotion in others of peace. Often by desire to cause chaos in a positive intention or to meditate for an answer. In emotion they cooly downplay the event. Creamwhity = Creampuff, Whitepuff, Moralistic passion person that willingly do things, including suggestions. When they are doing things they are independant and not taking idea unless it suits the project. They are flighty and able to mate with anyone, except when they're working. The dreams they have give them pause and, they are well understood and understanding with a pose. With emotion they are either superstitious or calm and derive the emotion into fear or strength. -XXVII- Number conjugation be where the number be repeated three times in a row to cause an action by incitation. 000 = zzz, infinity power, timelessness, eternal magic 111 = uneuneune, follow pattern, magic, hidden energy manifestation, unseen magic 222 = tututu, metal magic, antimagic 333 = tritritri, unending, w/o end, unending magic 444 = auauau, discontinue, end, ending magic 555 = quinquinquin, wild magic 666 = sexsexsex, instant power, demonic power, devil, sin magic, this is magic created by a planetary moment with the conscious idea and creation by its energy directed by thought and brainwaves.. 777 = syisyisyi, white magic, health 888 = etetet, halt, entropy, slowing magic 999 = ninini, indentify, identity, identifying magic 101010 = douldouldoul, bring order, orderly, order magic 111111 = onzonzonz, sickness, corrupt magic 121212 = tulvtulvtulv, nothing, subconscious, void, nirvana magic 131313 = triztriztriz, black magic, voodoo, soul magic 141414 = quadizquadizquadiz, sustain power, coretap, universal energy 151515 = quidizquidizquidiz, universal negative, power flood 161616 = sexizsexizsexiz, ban, drive away, denial magic 171717 = dousentdousentdousent, syizsyizsyiz, power wind, power water, energy wind -XXVIII- Number bond be the number repeated two times in a row to cause an action incitation. 00 = dehodeho, zz, closeup, endup, immortal power, void power 11 = doulen, onz, enen, uneune, combo, combination, combine, chaos, eleven, misunderstood 22 = duoduou, tutu, twenty-two, wildness, health, buttox, difference, change 33 = darcodarco, trittri, grey magic, shift, shifting point, metamagic, psionic ability 44 = theinthein, autau, freeze, stop 55 = celcel, quintquin, elemental magic, element in magic 66 = cici, sextsex, limitation, limit, yes yes, A magical moment an number that uses a shared brainwave starting from you to cause events. To be a magical thought that happens when you think of things. Or, just think up things. What you think tends to occur with this telebroadcast ability as your subconscious makes it so in a magic thought wave. What you may want to do when you use it by saying '66' is to avoid hostilities by not thinking of ambition. Its of course of not any subsequence as you can say or think 'un66' to stop the effect. 77 = sentsent, syisyi, formation, shapeshift, form 88 = huaccel, etet, time stop 99 = nan, nitni, death 1010 = douldoul, titi, meditate, calm 1111 = doulendoulen, onzonz, disease, fate 1212 = douduoudouduou, tulvtulv, convince, misconstrue, brainwash 1313 = doudarcodoudarco, triztriz, negative power 1414 = doutheindouthein, quadizquadiz, event end, tragic end 1515 = douceldoucel, quidizquidiz, metal power flow 1616 = doucidouci, sexizsexiz, shift, transpose, recovered action 1717 = dousentdousent, syizsyiz, negative curse, negative energy -XXIX- Number meaning be the intent numbers showing actions, To tell what these numbers mean for each particular divination, take a deep breathe and imagine touching the tapestry of who ever the numbers were developed around. To use the number in magic, is to create an event by use of the number being spoken and with intention. Let your inner intuitions guide you, and use # 0 - 9. -20 = negtut, no entrance, denied entry, unaccept, unfocused, no focus, negative twenty -19 = negniz, no action, inactive, unworking, unemployed, negative nineteen -18 = negetz, negate, insecure, lax, unresponsible, unresponsive, negative eighteen -17 = negsyiz, act, ignorant, cloudy, unfocus, negative seventeen -16 = negsexz, sex addict, allow, find time, seen, negative sixteen -15 = negquinz, not repeat, unrepeatable, held, chaotic, negative fifteen -14 = negauz, greedy, unshare, defenseless, unmetallic, plastic, eater, offensive or negative fourteen -13 = negtriz, easy, adult, inconclusive, disbelieve, negative thirteen -12 = negtulv, day, unexplored, negative twelve -11 = negonz, purpose, understand, order, negative eleven -10 = negti, to you, failure, unbalance, disorder, negative ten -9 = negni, unhit, not hit, no influence, reverse, come, leavetake, negative nine -8 = negoct, uneaten, not eat, early, negative eight -7 = negsyi, unlucky, bad luck, quest, request, negative seven -6 = negci, negsex, punish, no place, no, negative six -5 = negquin, rejection, slap, negative five -4 = negau, against, coming, negative four -3 = negtri, lost path, giveaway, fail, disband, negative three -2 = negtu, death, from, exclude, ignored, undone, negative two -1 = negen, off, lost, negative one 0 = z, deho, fortune, nothing, zilch, death, zyl, brought to nothing 1 = en, une, won, one, on, Inspiration, new beginnings, determination, ideas, creativity. Also selfishness, pushy, & willfulness. 2 = duou, tu, too, to, two, be, also, become, Intelligence being channeled, patience, understanding, sharing. Also, impatience, stubbornness, and intolerance 3 = darco, tri, trin, three, contest, triumph, unite, unity, Expressing emotions through words, communicating, enjoyment, love, and friendship. Also, energies scattered, over-reacting, criticizing, and not communicating. 4 = thein, au, for, four, going, Building things on solid foundations, practical, organized, planning, growth. Also, dragging of heels, opposition, creating limitations. 5 = cel, five, clap, quin, quint, A balance of spiritual and material worlds to find truth. Challenge, change, new thinking, opportunities, spirituality, travel, and curiosity. Also, fearful of changes or failure. 6 = ci, six, sex, yes, position, Turns for the better, progress, harmony, upward trends, balance, compassion, concern, care, able to overcome difficulties. Also, lack of concern, stubbornness, fixed in beliefs, anxiety. 7 = sent, syi, luck, seven, lucky, motionless, Faith, inner development, spiritual understanding advantages, discovery, knowledge, wisdom, meditation. Also, skepticism, ignorance, doubt, fear, faithlessness. 8 = huaccel, et, eat, ate, eight, late, humility, Power from within to accomplish goals, success, capable, strength, faith in one's abilities, determination. Also, over-emotional, abuse of one's abilities for selfish ends. 9 = nan, ni, nine, hit, non, homecoming, leave, remainder, Completion, doors closing with new one's opening, last stages of a cycle, fulfilled, wisdom, generous, letting go of what was once important. Also, loss, emotional ups and downs. 10 = doul, ti, success, ten, balance, belief, order, A (hexadecimal) 11 = doulen, onz, enen, combo, combination, combine, chaos, eleven, misunderstood, national fate, B (hex) 12 = douduou, tulv, noon, harsheix, tuio (too) harsh lessons, amplification, twelve, explore, C (hex). 13 = doudarco, triz, thirteen, teenage, trial, conclusion, D (hex) 14 = douthein, quidiz, fourteen, share, defense, metal, baker, defensive, E (hex) 15 = doucel, quiniz, repeat, portal, fifteen, calm, F (hex) 16 = douci, sexiz, sixteen, forbidden, lost time, unseen 17 = dousent, syiz, advice, understand, clearness, focus, ownership, seventeen 18 = douaccel, etiz, security, eighteen, responsible, respond, response 19 = dounan, naniz, take action, nineteen, at work 20 = duou, tut, entry, acceptance, goal, twenty, responsive 21 = duou-en, tut-en, pause, hold, distinguish, twenty-one 22 = duodoul, tuttu, break (do else), shit, stink, favor, change, twenty-two 23 = duodarco, tuttri, twenty-three, pattern, train 24 = duothein, tutquad, twenty-four, continuous, prediction, leavetaking 25 = duocel, tutquin, twenty-five, quit, repugnant, requiescence, restful 26 = duoci, tutsex, twenty-six, owner, proprietor, buy, rich 32 = darcouldoul, trittu, thirty-two, low accuracy (from calc program), more instinctive, fearful, very fast (light load) 64 = cilthein, sextquad, sixty-four, medium (mediocre) accuracy (from calc program), slight tolerance, sale, zale, fast (medium load) 86 = ariel-doulcint, not, wrong, banished 128 = encentduohuaccel, tulvet, encentduoaccel, high accuracy (from calc program), tolerant, slow (heavy load) 256 = doucentceloulci, tucentquintci, medium extreme range, medium extreme accuracy, antidote, sluggish(very heavy load) 512 = celcentdoubuou, quinten, extreme accuracy (from calc program), high tolerance, very slow(crawl, extreme load), excessive. 1024 = enochos e duothein, entosi e tutquad, encode, entry, one thousand and twenty-four. -XXX- Power sources Pua Ynge Aemedits = The breaking and making source formed from dimensional energy and the natural energy that exists. This forms anything you want or need almost immediately on use. Use the energy of this combined source carefully. To invoke it, state or think Aemedits pronounced [A-eh-mead-its] and the effect you want. Or, state the power word aemedits and be thinking or feeling for what you want. This can break a condition to form your effect. Sometimes after forming the effect, you have to act on your own volition. Meaning, you act on instinct or intuition to get what you want found by yourself, or to get experience on the result manifesting. You may use more than one source by stringing the source summoning words together. Aetune = Aeternis, Aeternity, gravity plus dimensional energy and eternal energy that makes effects of good and positive easier and universal. While, it strips the bad from anything used on. This dispels demons from the area. This potentially turns bad actions and evil. This energy can materialize anything. Aoetruyng = spez, Universal eternal energy source. Adaeio = aeiou, Fey abstract force of the adverse life in motion and by usage of device. This is the fairy force of existant energy and on use, can get the effect of instant results by combining it with elemental energy. This can work with anything and do nearly anything you want. Adaei = Fey abstract force of life in motion. This is with objects and thoughts manifest through devising. This is the fairy force of existance with life energy that is summoned and usable in whatever you want to use it. This force makes it easier to do things. Avtuner = a bio source that uses everything and anything to make a result. You can eat some of it to get strength and effective energy. Entatiay = En tertiery field, this is an entropic time gravity source mixed with dark matter and this makes memory and the mind improved and you can handle almost any energy level. Improved energy death happens with this field. This is as an end of entropy in an influenced event. Put energy to an entropic tertiery field, and time that is events slows down. This works by the effort of events interring a push energy that causes things that are a bit slowed down, in effect its energy that slows down the events. This makes it so your mind can grasp the understanding on a conscious level. Otherwise, its a way to end the time gravity field. Etune = Aeturnus, gravity and bio grade electricity with eternal energy. A tuneup of ability that makes you percieve what you want before it happens. This gives premenations. Etuny = aeturnity, self amplified thought that causes timed events and this is by wild or positive energy and gravity added to eternal energy. It fosters greater than normal intelligence. With enough ki energy, built by activity, then it can be with enough personal power to effect even a god. Eturne = aeturnis, this is animal energy used for eternal magic or working with eternal energy (from the eternal side of the objects) with gravity and life energy or electricity. Its willed by thought intent and energy projection to get it to do things. Its a black and yellow and blue energy that turns things the way you want it. It gets its energy from the oceans. This can turn things demonic if there's demon blood in the person. This can spawn lazyness, by a feeling of intense peace. It manifests differently per different power source of the body. Ini = iniverse, the initial source universe. Ool = energy pool that is a collective resource, this can make a ghoul. Omnitun Ark LuraE = Holy darkness. This arouses the senses and makes effect easier. Except its not our holy, its pure dark energy that is derived from dark matter and the effect of a super energy of the omniverse. The omniverse is an upper dimensional universe. This energy creates what you want and makes things animated. It animates things that is used with it. To use it, make effect of the energy with the idea you have in mind and calling it forth. It will appear like nothingness at first but with ki added to the energy, it creates the holy effect and causes that to be near what you wanted from things. Use this with care, as it can bring devastation to beings who want to help as it brings ruin to the moment that the being wants. This can cause anything to be turned. Use the thought of what you want to help empower it. The subconscious makes things with it, as you invoke it. The more you do, the more it becomes appearant. Cast effects by thoughts, spoken words and moments you do. This effect derives off of a black matter that is very oblique and unobtrusive. Thus, use english with it or other negative languages. Such as, saying 'No things' and you know things. Or, 'This isn't' and it does what you want. This forms unexpectedly. Omnitun EmoliatE = Ben's Holy darkfire; Take omniverse an super energy, dark matter and white light fire energy. This is a created Pyrark Lura or self-consuming dark fire as the effect an making a firey dark matter that can burn anything. This is the effect called from space and by thinking of it and making it manifest by willing it where you want it. Think say or say 'Magis AeImedits' pronounced 'mag-Is A-ehh-I-mead-its' while thinking of it and it forms on the object or in something. This is using crystal techniques to generate it. Which are Spectral crystal techniques. Omnitun Lece = Holy water, this is the super energy of the omniverse mixed with water. It can form at will and wherever you want. This is the moment of a synthesis where water is very holy, and can't be easily acceptable to those unholy. It can be disagreeable to those of vampiric and dark nature. The source is easily summoned to form at will. Thinking Magis Imedits, pronounced 'mag-Is I-mead-its', makes it appear where you want. Omnitun Unnsu = Unholy Omniplane energy that can be called with Omni Unnsu, pronounced 'Omnee Unn-such'. This is the unholy energy that can form vampires and unholy things from the omniverse. Its called by saying or thinking 'Acteon Imedits'. Pronounced, 'Act-ee-on I-mead-its' and it forms on anything. This transforms the target from within and can manifest it outside of the vessel, at will. It can form neutrality and despite very easily. Omnitun Unnsupyr = Unholy Omniplane fire energy that is chemically based and can be called with Omni Unnsupyr, pronounced 'Omnee Unn-soup-irr'. This is the unholy fire energy that can strengthen undead and dark beings and burns demons. Its called by saying or thinking 'Acteon Imedits'. Pronounced, 'Act-ee-on I-mead-its' and it forms on anything. This transforms it from within and can manifest it outside of the vessel it is used to form it. It can form bad menace and despite very easily, while it burns things near it. Yng = pure energy source. Cryh = power source made by energy leaking out of a containment. Hamu = mana, ancient magic source. This can harm the user by inflictive means being done or not as the trained idea per use is done by a professional. Luraseh = Dark matter field, this is the science of dark matter in use and disruption of what you want. This is using the essence of nothing. It may seem impossible, but its there even when not invoked or evoked and when you need support. This can create any effect by your intent through will invoking the dark matter to materialize the event or effect. This also pushes things back and makes things go away, if you desire it to. The goal is to create with it, but not push people away. This force responds to the vibrations it recieves. This dark matter source makes its effects, from gathering energy from the things and people as it needs to. Decide to get energy from the essence excess of released force, and you don't directly take from the body its necessary live with. When it fully forms, then it can become reddish energy. To invoke it, imagine nothing and use activity to create results. The energy of the result is used to make dark matter effects by your subconscious. Optionally, you can evoke it to exist action that create events by stating, 'luraseh' pronounced [lure-ah see-h]. Whatever you do, you get detraction by dark matter removing the unneccessary actions that keep the desired effect from happening. What you do after you get the dark matter invoked or evoked, is say what you want. Then the effect may materialize from nothingness. This creates things as though they were there. They show signs of a signature, that is similar to you. This may materialize you from another plane of existance. Consider the alternatives a playing field, after this. As you shift something or yourself to another place, and easily get results. Shift places by using dark matter, and thinking about the place and effect your placement by imagining yourself appear or being there. This can create dark matter beings from thin air or matter, and have your will imprint the result on it from the directed thought, or subconscious to cause it to do things. These things can transfer to you, in the form of energy. They can appear like anything you want or desire. They can appear anywhere and any time, unless uneccessary. You produce a darkmatter being from invoking darkmatter and stating or thinking, 'clone'. You can produce an unlimited amount of clones. You can revoke the effect of a darkmatter being, by stating 'E En matter'. This directs their efforts against themselves. Be careful, they can do nearly anything, unless directed by the subconscious. Then, they can do what your subconscious tells them. If your in tune with dark matter, then you don't need to evoke or invoke. You can create things anytime by will and they appear nearly anywhere and anytime. This can create things even before you create, in a form of instant matter. This has an ultimate end, where everything you do comes back on your brain. Appear to give in and you appease the force you created, then you get stuff done more easily. The way to attack someone who irks you by slight and effectively is with dark matter. To distract a dark matter being, is to make it not attack or notice you. If you find someone attacking you, state 'E En Em', and the enmity or dark desire by attack stops. The ultimate end of the spell is where you end yourself by ceasing to exist and become part of the dark matter beings you created. This is unless you unform the creation, try stating 'uncreate'. Or, you may unform the darkmatter creation by thinking 'stop' and the being disappears. Then you survive the enmity. Another way is by saying or having your subconscious saying, E Un Dark matter. Then the distraction and detraction of people disperses. What you call detraction is death of attraction. You may say this anytime and anyplace and you may return things to normal. Lyqy = sun energy flow thats liquidy. This energy flows from the lava and any sun. Pime = prime, primordial energy that is made from dark matter and dark energy with interaction from the mind that causes chaotic events with whatever its used with as its dark energy. The primordial mind is able to god make anything form by will. This will an is enabled from a sigil or will in a thought of taking the energy into yourself and what you create inside you is capable of making things outside of you. This can be destructive or deturrant. Deturrance is making a degree of usage to deter something as its used an it will correct. Lyqy Pyro = Thought into form pegasus or things that are dark in nature. Formed from a dark force of nature, you can seem any form with this as a shape effect. Lyqy Pyronne = Lyqy Fire is use of the universe to create what you know, and thought seems to interr with it into fire as you use sexual energy. This in thought is to create with an inner use innate drawn fire from the inner self, by use of the energy body and is the innately used power use to any innately thought use idea object. To draw the sexual use is to in draw the power the body has as an energy, as this is to create with this is thought use is concept and not anymore and in you learn to use with a killing thought outwardly. This is an inwardly drawn defense, that if extracted by thought to seem use is as a source. Tatiay = Tertiery field, this is time gravity that improves power and ability to make efficient use. This goes through all time space to get the effect you desire or need. When the event you caused happens, you get the effect by an event you asked for from ether. This turns things by turn or make a time trick to occur things. This is extended time influence of a death or stopping something to get results. You get the energy returned to you after its spent. The spirit causes you to return to yourself the energy spent. The energy put to this time gravity, can speed events up. Theng The Symbol; This is the sex source that gives any sexual idea and lust with energy that can be used to shape into another sex with no regard to yourself. Use the memory to keep things in memory storage. -XXXI- Ranks and positions magus = magical, juupretyea, magician, General name for a magic/k user who makes devices, enchants and events on request for self, as a thought to be paid for success, self-fulfillment. sorcao = a general name for magi, sorceror maj = mage, magic practicioner. Hidden magic manipulator and enchanter, illusionist through unseen "magic" manipulation and often considered a magus. they sometimes go out of their way to manipulate and get their desire by tricks of magic. If they don't get their way, they force by hidden means or interesting manerisms to do and get as they desire. gandalf = wandering mage, wanderer without a home most times unless they stop wandering kaddab = change, hedgemage, hedgewitch, hedgewizard, A dabbler be one who works with many types of magics yet never good at any. syitkaddab = A savant dabbler be one who works with many types of magics yet excels at many but not all. sorc = source mages are magic practioners that effect through many different sources and physical magic to get their desire. They base their idea on wild power and treat it like a source to be any other. elemaa = psiaue, elemental master, jedi with -master appended, Specialistic force master with a -mancer (practicioner) and -many (master) at the end of the element name or psionic force user(psionicist or spirit user) with -kinetic (channelor) or -kinesis (ability) at element name end using any one element, the element can be summoned or formed into focus. These abilities fall under. Magic or Psychokinesis, where psychokinesis(- charge) and magic(+ charge) don't like each other when structured and what its like at the planck level be similiar to a unified force to be built off of, otherwise people wouldn't be able to do both, singly at some time for the mental ability of psychic mind and magical energy manipulation in practice by Metarules of Affinity (likeness attraction), Thaumaturgy (like effects like any distance) and Mind over matter or Mind focus (focus of mind rules over objects and bodies). With regard to understanding how to use the element efficiently, and how to make effects to appear along with speed improvements. The true worth is the fields in this usage as they are different named. So far people use the terms of the four elements along with others, like; Biomancy or Biokinetic be life interacting with objects and people that allows, for the reading of genetics or body type and races in people. Through looking at the soul aura with focused sight to percieve the colored aura pattern by brain interaction and by blinking your eyes. The aura can be seen as rendered perception of coloration in the original shape reveals what the aura is within the limitation of how the mind can see it. This will work in pitch black too. Anything of life manipulation by biokinesis be through reeiki as pk effects sent through a channel of energy as to the target by earth or a body channel by feel or voice to conjole the action intent by the wave molecules to enact a vibrational carrier wave through a medium of earth materials from the planck level. To control bodies be the effect if told in some manner to do the action and it will happen. Using the einstien law of gravity in simple terms to explain the wave effect, be if you move forward and then space moves around you by displacement particles or electrons. Your kept down by centrifugal force and the displacement happens from that of air molecules that look like waves that flow as you shift in movement and reallocation of weight that flows in movement from the centrifugal force. Beomancy or Beokinetic as pheromone control that makes you able to to control the body scents to speak or for feeling interpretation. The pheromones of the body are capable of being a totally different language in itself. This language can make what you say very understandable. The similir sex mood works with it in scent to attract and make better. The true efforts are here that make it like a truth as its in war to the control of pheromones can make attractions possible. Detraction by think of other and act for them and this is in pheromones. It can make with you in attractive motions, to the other sex or to your sex. It can control within reasons, others as well. It be very easy to do by the quick way meditation. To make it seem like its necessary mkes it quick its almost a true suggestion it is to the utmost degree in pose by posing as one drop of blood then drop the bad mood..with true serums injected into the skin of the package. With truse as degradation to occur after its used. The quick way to doing this, using pheromones be to use intention of seeing aura for pheromones by feeling that you can from Dr.lehr, To blink your eyes and then sniff while expanding your consciousness to allow the brain pheromonal adjustment as your sniffing, activates your scent detection. See the scent by allowing your eyes to adjust to the persons aura or even food and then to sniff for the pheromones. After this, use the effective feel and watch idea, to adjust and see the reaction of others and the effort be easy as you feel the pheromones. The easy way of blocking out the scents your aware of and don't like smelling. Use the thought or active scent of that which be not desired. Then shrink your consciousness of it, the idea, and how it seems to you. Thus, ignore the result of its scent to dismiss it. What does this accomplish? You subconsciously manipulated, through the meditation of your body it subsumes the idea, to be able to control, pheromones by your will. Now, the scents of pheromones have different meanings. Any effect be to not be counted if any fruit was eaten before you scented it, as the fruit makes the body scented of the fruit. except to smell a citrus fruit be to awaken the senses much easier. The burnt scent means anger. A citrus or pomengranate scent be to make aware for easy scents and mental ability. A flower or fresh scent means happiness. The nasty body scent means disgust. A body odor or unrecognized or dissimiliar scent means attraction (of some sort). The body waste smell means distracted. A perfume scent means wonderment. The control yourself scent be the smell of sulphur or rotten egg and gets the result of a "take a bath" resolve. A burning candle or feces scent means lying.intent or a trying effort. Judiciousness, Expert or Judgemental be the baking or pigment color scent. Tiredness be the scent of rubber. Burnt rubber or putrid gas be the scent of burnout or octane. Cleaning solution be the signature smell for changing events or moods. Serious intent be the scent of annoying perfume. Flowery or Pine scent be the scent for understanding and clarification. Sex, or unwanted appeal be a scent of unwashed body, masculinity or femininity. Barbeque or Mesquite charcoal be the scent for hunger and eating. Mental disorder or dispute be a burning coal scent. Addiction be fresh charcoal scent. Sweat scent means not believing. Boredom be a scent of wood or wooden. Tangerine be a immaturity, concern or concent. Tanners berry be nasty lether be act, warfare. Charged senses for potential be meringue ala pie scent. Potential energy be potato or potato peel Charged or Inert energy be orange scent or orange spice. Energy usage or focus be cleanliness or undeniable stench. Intelligence or Interest be the scent of flower, fairy flower(any) or primrose that the stronger the flower the more it, the interest. Stupidity be the scent of unwashed leather, muave perfume, unwashed body or pig. Ash or Compost be the scent for death. mangene or mango seed as d'ser'n (manern (manner induce) manure and oil or sweet fruit be discern, distant motion or an unconcerned/unbludgeoning effect by disgrace that has a contribution to disallowance. Sweet orange be the scent of determination and discernment. Horse stink or overwahed leather be combustable, and healthy. High or Drugs be the scent of sour grape for betaphetamines (mental or brain drugs). Old shoes or mildew for cocaine or cocaine likeness except weed. Mango be response by war and self-serve/sell or profiteer. Rotten fruit be self-serving. Medicine scent for herbal usage.Rotting dirty shirt be for weed. Moldy mancheuser cheese, incense or mold for abuse and overdose. Curative of drugs be the scent of old moldy calcutta. Curative be the scent of mint. Healing be the scent of mint herbal flower. Love or Strong interest be the scent of roses. Attraction be the scent of something sweet or lotus. Rotting fruit be the scent of an edict(speech) or reprimand. Dissent or Ridding be the scent of keylime pie or pearl aroma. Raspberry or cranberry be distant emotion thats purging, regret (regre). Hate be the scent of liquorice or bad candy. Distance be the scent of pollen or people sneezing. Bad disease or bad nature be the scent of skunk or bad antiseptic. Plants be the scent for planting or season change. Decaying matter or pungeancy be the scent of undeath or dying
Desire be the scent of green wood, pine scent or something new. Geomancy or Geokinetic as earth where these are healers by feel or seeing brown molecules in a scrubbing motion to scrub out the disease while thinking of the disease, manipulators by pk movement or restorers by destruction or repair of objects and bodies, Along with shaping ability and dimensional effects as your forcing the earth to shape by pk movement with thinking of the effect and seeing the brown or gold earth molecules rubbing together, Some would say this falls under the lines of pk as your moving earth as a energy. They have a limited ability to control lava as in control its flow until its positioned right and as you the controller work with the effect, the objects touched by manipulation cool down only if you the worker see the molecules stop rubbing. Liquentismancy or Liquentiskinetic that allows for lava control (liquentis control) and can control volcanoes along with emotion in general because the emotion be used to control volcanoes. Similiar to geomancy yet this offers more control over lava as it be lava specialization and where the earth is brown, emotion and lava be purple or reddish brown. The lava manipulator can control the emotion and/or lava by inciting either molecules, like love or hate along with other emotion in most people including themselves. The liquent master can cool down or heat up lava with a will to move the molecules slower and not get burns easily unless not done right. They can control the flow of lava as well as geokinetic. Given by spellhawk. Pyromancy or Pyrokinetic (d'snag'h) for fire masters that are emotional and sometimes capable of loving destructions along with tricks, their control on fire can be to make or unmake it at will. They can excite any fire particle of heat (red dots or tachyons) to some destructive force and little excess. These people are not needing their hands to make psiballs unless they desire to. Hydromancy or Hydrokinetic who use water from air and other water source manipulations to get their result, The water be moved from a substance or the air and they can see and breath water well enough to effect form it anywhere including in people, and dry things up by removal; See the aquamarine colored molecules and attempt to incite them by making the particles vibrate and rub together while you feel the result or think on a result you desire on a focus at the object or area. Cyromancy or Cyrokinetic for ice and cold to freeze or unfreeze objects at will, they excite or compress any cold particle (blue particles) for the effect. including water, fire (putting it out) or air, leaving a excess of energy; Aeromancy or Aerokinetic controls air and get readings psychicly through reading a universal conscious of most time, they have omnipotency, force form barriers and air walls, support or mental control of mind; Use the black or colorless air (felt but not seen) particles to get the result by exiting them. Tachyamancy or Tachyakinetic allows small red particles (tachyons, active energy subparticle) used in pyrokineticism or waves (lekton, gravity or light waves) manipulation used in biokinesis along with their interaction to form magnetic fields. This earth air be the particles of subatomic level as it supports magic and psionic ability, by forming the sublayer foundation of energy manipulation. These people can control time and events to make what they want happen. They don't need their hands to create psiballs that are concentrated psi energy or psi effects. All thats really needed be the voice or focus to get the effect in place with intent. Necromancy or Necrokinetic who controls spirits and death by different means of kung fu and ritual where chaos and demons are their key idea in working effects including death itself; For the necromancer its ritual and the necrokinetic think of death particles as bone white. To cause death just incite by feel the death particle of bone white to rub or vibrate. and incite the particle to uncause death by causing the vibrating death particle to stop or see the particle rubbing together and then stop the rub by feel. The reason for this be to stop death instead of causing it. Aekinomancy or Aekinokinetic be the ability from aekinothestics, the study of light energy conversion involving geomancy, aeromancy and contigency effects ae probability to generating electricity and energy or channeling it; To incite it the current, feel energy sparks to occur in the area and then incite the sparks by feeling the spark flare. Then shift to normal vision to see the results unless its not near. Atheomancy or Atheokinetic, otherwise considered Alamancy are the effect of depicting a scene by description, drawing, acting or talking. The depicted event will happen through energy, psi or pk enactment from subconscious manipulation. This be Spelukin enactment with energy and magic effect added in. The material be what it needs as in psimaterial that you infuse with energy as its worked with or be of a psiball combined to the object or item. As you work with the item infused its instructed by speaking, feeling or seeing the event and making a portrayal on what you want, Such as in laymans terms, paint the scene while feeling its alive and the energy transferred from you in small bits creates the psiart from depiction and a psiball effect. Due note: the red dots of tachyonic energy can be used to infuse the objects without touching it. Aromamancy or Aromakinesis be to effect a scent feeling and percieving the moment to create the scent, as someone describes the scent or your idea of smell as they want it to be smelled. This be done by sending the scent to the olfactory nerve. Two tries will get you started as sometimes the description after the attempt will let you perceieve the scent. Aethemancy or Psychokinetic the usage of most elements in the magic and mental schools, The mental element tends to use most elements as it broadens the mind and makes for to influencing patterns from just one element, The other elements are influenced from provoking the effect by the law of invoking gray magic or mind effects by use of the universal conscious or activity to achieve a result. This makes the person aware of most troubles and events without being told by omnipotency. To do this think of silver or gray for most elements that are incited with a feeling of the particle vibrating or rubbing together or alternatively how yourself will achieve it, feel or think on the element or feel energy. Then shift your frame of mind to the normal idea of your own and speak the result or feel a result, see the result mentally or think of the result. Ethemancy or Ethekinetic be the same as Etherio be Ethe and derives spirit and most negative efforts including death and void manipulation to happen with very little effort. These are short and long distance efforts that occur as a dream after the spirit-that-goes-through-everything obliges. The people act shamanic that are using this spirit as they gain what they can of wisdom by knowing it and knowing people by it. The ether user can derive drinks and drugs from air or spirit. The shaping ability of spirits and formation of body to other forms as well is possible. With ether manipulation one can make spirit essences in the formation as one desires. There be a key to the effort to help the effort along and idea to occur, its the color black or ghost white that allows the effort to occur with an exciting of the particle, by adjusting your frame of mind and see the particle excited or rubbing together with the color of choice. To get the result, speak or feel the effort you desire and when finished the occurences can be stopped by unexciting the black or ghost gray. Then unadjust your frame of mind to normal view. But, if you find yourself in a dream vision as these visions are prescientific in nature and range from any time point including in the past, then the only way out before it turns bad or worse than ever, be worse as you don't fight the vision but manipulate it through actions until it ends, A vision can end through thinking it ended, die in the vision, sleep or unexcite the black particle, if directed at an element the black particles can excite it to destroy almost anything thought about or create from nothing like nothing in but focus and nothing out. If you die in the vision you lose the memory of what occurs in it. Within the vision the rules are to have fun and make the vision of your dreams once you gain control of it, the vision that I described. Due note: people within can act if given permission outside it, call them troops if you want as they will try to protect you unless they were attacking you. All thats needed be to deny their permission. wis = istar, wisdom, wizard, wise one. Visible magic manifestor, enchanter, evoker, conjuror through "magick". they live near family and then outlive the family to cause destruction on persecuters and positive results for helpers. they self practice and study for long ages to sell their trade for profit, to adventure and explore new areas of magic. wislif = White wizard, life wizard, Person who will use any thing to get what can seem desired as they use the "arcane vitras" for magick to get as a goal the desire when blocked or not. Life wizards are optionally able to share memories with, from others to do top notch in the field of choice. With the machines, they know quite a bit as they are part dreamwalker and can manipulate dreams, visions at a whim. These wizards don't have to study if they can share the memory of the machines use. their special ability be to switch places with another. Life mages can bring people back through pattern actions, idea with "life" energy. wisark = dark wizard, Similiar to dark mages yet they use visual "magick" for the effect along with "shadows", "light" and "negativity". These people are more dangerous as they view people as innocents who don't deserve destruction. yet pursue the evil doers to the death unless convinced by peaceful means. deaet, saiet = Demonist, Satanist, The worst people to do practice as they use demons to do anything and make examples of the pests and disruption they see, find. Often considered hell wizards as their energy be instant with a slight corrupt effect that can control anything through reverse cosmeria, corrupt universal particles in some form. their ritual and simultaneous spells are fueled by desire of which be backed by hell energy using their body, a "focus" to channel the effect. After awhile the demonist is turned by hell energy into a demon. their patron be satan and most the members are unstable except the leaders who are zealots and bigots. They get jobs and keep them unless they desire to do a little bit of evil for their own sake. their tenets are to decieve, destroy, vengeance and usurp for the pleasure of pure evil. They don't have to sacrifice, yet will if asked to and can give the murderers soul to satan for brownie points. their enemies are any who stand in their way unless they have a use of them. squab = a servant, nonmagical kinetic wizard, warrior wizard that channels energy from others, things with effects that counted as "magical". Also the effect be considered kinetic manipulation as they use the energy to get desires. They have ability to gain visions by seeing the pattern of people and items. majyl = wild mage, magus that go and become hermits that live ages in some off excluded place warmaj = warmage, Magical soldier with war magic, that causes insight to events, heated body and ability to withstand great pain without flinching. the war mage be psychic and psionic with the hitch to this as it be they become warlike and very skeptical. When they are this skeptical as to doubt even a good deal when you look at it, you won't make very many friends. they are good at insults and know how to draw out a person, in converse with said target. Instinct of primitives are very important to the war mage as to strike on an insult be second nature. Giving a chance when the person tries for it be a necessity till you feel tired and antisocial and they give up. Yet to gain this, they are born with it as its the nature of warriors, and its inherent in the person. Innate ability be a part of the bodies resistance to cold and pain while it gives psionic ability. This includes dimensional manipulation skills that are very hard to detect. They are often considered aurors of magic to be fair. The warmage has magical power as it be the magic of kinetic motion. It be the moment of movement that be hardly noticed but focused to create an effect. This effect be the concept of motion which be focused by the warrior's single-minded purpose. Imagine the effect you would want, and focus it through your motion of body, weapon choice. the thing to do be to believe that your motion will allow for the effect. there are many thing they can do with this including the usage of air as raw energy. This be what they can do: Traveling, Human defense field, Human kinetic attack, Kinetic manipulation, Flight, Funnel, Kinetic rune, Kinetic metal manipulation, Don't choke or hurt anyone and you can shift freely, with this as a person and Elemental power focus. amaymaj = Hermetic mage, heretic mage, A mage who uses "bridgecraft", to trust the general formulas to use a bridge for a witchcraft effect. This "bridge" be formed when raw enery in solid form becomes effected and causes the effort to happen through infusion of the area to be enacted upon. What words used cause the effect of the raw energy, and the effect be achieved as this hermedic medium be lengthening the effect beyond a few minutes to few years. This can be used to get places, with achieving to awe, inspire if necessary. there be a game that be related to this idea called "Ars magica" by atlas games and it has five art verbs with ten form nouns in it. With this in mind there are many more nouns as the game be limited in scope to keep it simple, like as many as you can make in another language excepting the verbs are still mostly five and yet the nouns are unlimited where you can specify exactly what be affected. As "make peace" to make a peaceful moment out of nothing. raw energy be everywhere so to say a few words gathers energy from all around to form the effect, in a simultaneous cast that may have a weak effect. With each effect be the effort of temperature drop, to make a instant recovery as two minutes pass. the hermetic mage will do jobs but with the aid of the hermedic magic to get through it. lifmaj = Life mage, White mage, A person who be in service to the hidden way of life, "arcane vitras" and uses many life lengthening "tricks" along with things of other magic to suit their purpose. their sources be "life", "earth" and can make possibility of anything through, mutative, changing effects as life will imitate any source to suit the purpose. They are immortal till they choose to die by removing the aging process and natural mutations. This can be used on others for the purpose of interest and only with permission, unless attacked, panicked and then they change a person from the inside out. their special ability be to switch places with another. There are three types, light, gray and dark life mages. Life mages can bring people back through pattern actions, idea with "life" energy. Life mage of the light or holy warrior granted from pope are very noble and know their entire lifepath given to new idea sometimes expressed by others. To use life means your exposed to much and can go insane more quickly per spell to get the result. Yet they can "borrow" memories to get the results in hidden ways that are obvious to the right people, those that recognize a pattern. What that means be to see where its coming from and know what to do to unravel the spell from events. The light life mage may bring something alive to get the device enchanted. Yet they most definetly will change an object to show the properties or ask first. The object used are animals and mundane with rare exception those humans and humanlike that agree to be adapted with reassurance to be undoing it if told by the person. Light life mages won't use genetics unless necessary. Life mage of gray or medium, will share both light and dark, while being deceptive to those who are untrusted, yet will strive to create an inner life in anything that can live and keep it hidden from those who would hurt it. This be unless the object be a animal, construct or humanlike and are given permission by the object, human. They are arguably the most likely to use their own idea with possible inclusion of other interests for positive results. They get no pleasure from torture with great possibility to make a new form if allowed through creativity. Yet the gray life mage will alter their own body to suit their purposes at a good time where they will be unnoticed. their techniques are to use mutations, genetics and changes to do as necessary for good results. Life mage of dark or dark shadow warrior, will use "hell" as well as the normal sources of "life" and "earth" as a concept to create the perfect mutation. These people have no morals and keep no oaths unless its worth their while, They will use anything that be useful ae humans, animals and objects, to mutate, experiment on where the experiment can turn into any shape, enchantment. They may play with genetics at some point to improve results and to improve the looks. Dark life mages will get humor, pleasure from torture and anger from failure. kaot = caot,, chaoticist and somewhat separatists. Dark mages that are considerered hell mages and are the epitome of darkness and violence with a little bigotry added in, yet they look good to others. This next part be a little hard to believe but its mostly true. their sources of energy are "hell", "wild energy", "negative" "life", "astral". they are out for themselves to create the desire of choice and through secret rituals and handshakes as security, to make their dark deals unknown as their worst fears are to have revealed themselves unknowingly. So they do rituals at night with simultaneous spellcasts any other time. With probability of any source they prefer negative energy as they are untouched by it. their will be to control and their voice be to manipulate, cause any event through calamity. their favorite places for the meetings are the astral plane, dream world aka "tel'aran'riod" taken from "the wheel of time series" from Robert Jordan with whom they deal with, for fun. Dark mages dislike the light and will ritual suicide if caught too often in dark desires with controlling criminals and destructive people due to the rememberances of hell. Draining energy from the event be their favorite activity to get the evil deeds undone or stop crime. Dark mages use "magic" to achieve the result along with darkness, deception, hell, demons, light and manipulation. they arent bigots, biased unless pushed and prefer not to fight and yet to resist aka "dirty fighting". their most useful allies are the drow ae "dark elf", outer dimensionalists, other darkish people as partners in unseen disruption. When anythings wrong they punish the person responsible unless its an ally. Satanists are t hier natural enemies. If the dark mage gets a job then they could be punished, they arent easily accepted because of their life view and non participant attitude. kaoist = felt mystic energy, chaos manipulator, chaos mage, Mystic master that are trained by monks and are considered a monk yet aloof. They use the open hand combat techniques as well other weapons, yet limited to no weapons of pointed nature except staves. As many prefer the stave or staff yet use chaos and void to achieve results with the rule "void be substance and substance is void". thus the kaoist be used to do nonspoken and mentally scened, felt magic. Void be within boundaries of infinity and substance comes from void only to go back to void. Chaos be used by them to form events that are ordered for positive results. Whether or not its negative or positive energy, its the same for their purposes. Sometimes the chaoist be able act the scene and or speak what a person does, the person or scene be achieved most cases. Also the witchcraft action almost always occurs by chaotic energy. sei = shaman, death mage, spirit mage, Spirit masters that speak to the dead and speak to the living spirit through the-spirit-that-goes-through-everything and can tell the shaman anything about a situation as well as allow control the person, spirit through the-spirit-that-goes-through-everything and this allows the scout ability, to work better as you know when something will happen like omnipotence. The energy of the user will go up on usage of spiritual lifeforce as well with unaging as long as the spirit supports it. Usual tools are ancient bones and rattles that can charm or call spirits. This renders the user a wiseman and a ageless person who does not die as he can merely ask god through the-spirit-that-goes-through-everything for a boon and it will be granted with a good reason. What jobs they can get are myriad as the spirit can tell you what you need to know to complete the job. Shaman will guide in two ways; white shaman to peace and light and practice "white" magic rituals. Red shaman guides toward light and war who practice "red" magic rituals. The shaman can't get a job unless they want to because as you can see the job they have are to guide and live off the land. srei = sorcerer, magi, sorcaa, despised one, socaa, innate magic worker, secretive good event manipulators and light guiders by "inner source ability" sometimes self taught and "chastised", "rewarded" if caught doing wrong and they live in clans. Magi are very good with weapons as its their second study. pymta = palemaster, spirit sorceror, necromonger, Mastery of spiritual energy for people or things and considered spiritualistic warriors that allows for any typical manipulation. As in stealing the spirit from the body to make it into objects, different shapes, and put into an object or put into another body and back again as if a voodoo priest. This ability is given by being a voodoo zombie who got a soul back, or tortured to death and brought back undead. Thus his/her body regenerates, with no destruction left even after the body be decimated or chopped to pieces as it comes back like a zombies would. Lifespan be for as long as the body doesn't wear out which means 400 or more years. They can't get jobs for the "zombie" scent that remains after the original separation and smells as of a dying diseased person, yet they can if they have musk or perfume on. Some don't prefer to be around them for the raw scent and almost revulsion of the senses yet some don't have this scent. The problem exists that their faith be very intricate afterword to drive them almost position hungry intending to get what they can get. Otherwise the palemaster prefers neutrality to fighting and yet they live almost fighting for things. their faith be to outlast by any means, the fight and win despite odds. With each success their be a glory sense that empowers them a little more as the victims life force be taken into themselves. This religion can be described as a chaos faith. selimagi = selisocaa, sublimsorcer, subliminal sorcerer, Prescientific sorcerer who can use their subconscious, to do the spell effects and it seems like a wishsong effect. The subconscious has taken over and subsumed the conscious, the conscious turned transparent and acts as large focus, either way it no longer viels the mind with the subconscious controlling the body. They also have inner sources that are fed by the subconscious in a continuuos balance. To selimagi all time be available to manipulate and seen as they want, a focus. Feeling the result be instinct with causing it to occur as well thinking it out. their inner source can replicate any ability with the right instinct, feeling. They can become insane for the moment if alot of outside presences due to internal mental pressure. They follow the rules of the magi. sorcayl = Wild sorcerer that be one who summons things with a wild source and this comes from a person named Magus. they will attempt to focus more than they can take as a power yet not burn out. Meaning wild magic be the source they have and will use as possible till they feel not too or they will be in danger of passing out for the strain of wielding raw power. these people tend to be crazy as wild magic "carves you out from the inside" after a long time. This leaves you hollow inside and even after you can use wild magic. This allows for unlimited energy channeling but acts as a false magic thats illusionous. they live 500, more years in self seclusion and hermitlike. socao = sorceror, Secretive event manipulators that act as self examples, dark guidance through "inner source ability" sometimes self taught yet regarded as "outsiders" if doing wrongful activity and openly. there be no "reward", "chastisement" except pain from enemies who catch them. through dark source working with a developed idea to trade with and gather information through experiments, they gain self-concepts to provoke, lead others into what they want. they are considered the dark magi as they won't consider people as near themselves, will but not consider the feelings. They don't make sacred items, areas as they use "raw" energy and they work alone most times. selisocao = sublimsorcor, subliminal sorceror, Prescientific sorceror who like selimagi can use their subconscious, to do the spell effects and it seems like a wishsong effect. To selisocao, all time and people be available to manipulate and seen as they want, act a focus. Feeling the result be instinct with causing it to occur as well thinking it out. their inner source can replicate any ability with the right instinct, feeling. They can become insane for the moment if alot of outside presences due to internal mental pressure. They follow the rules of the sorcoror with similiar abilities. wicca = living power of faith, magic paladin of good that lives on faith of the God and Goddess in a way of life. wiccan = sorcier, witch that don't openly acknowledge being a witch to avoid being asked for help. When the wiccan spot trouble they deal with it with help, being alone. Most witch considered wiccan be a good influence. wyc = Witch, an open magical scientist through "magic", "metamagic". Living where they want and yet group near covens, grottos hidden during the meeting. they openly work magic and get asked for the rituals when they are spotted, as they see trouble. Most witch except wiccan be evil or good depending on mood. sundia = sun diveister, sun diver or star runner, energist, energy weaver, free person that works first to aid said person and to aid others second, strange merc, A persons energy manipulation by outside radiative forces to create power flow as weave in form of manifest outside the body; Some break things or break up the sun into patterns when emotional. Thanks to "Sun runners fire" by Melanie. The sun energy be red orange and has aftershades of blue. sunrun = sun runner, sun planer or one who uses the sun, sun planar, energy channelor, An energy focus that be a person that can be of use the most thanks to Mark Steward, by use of an outside radiation and lava source for inward manifests of ability to achieve, they overwhelm (by energy). their energy be solid ultrablue, true blue or solid blue and at night its ultraviolet blue and to exist, events have to support by feeding it and it can deteriorate anything. At at rate of a plane per minute or 10 seconds per 15% and the idea given by the Sun runner series by Melanie Griffith. wykneg = negative witch, Users of people, idea, persecution, and light through "magick" and "metaphysics" to create the event, while in serving the dark gods and goddesses. these witches cause the witchhunts to seem necessary as they would use any to get their need. Yet they follow tenets of darkness that direct them to decieve, destroy enemies, do evil in the name of good while they do dark to control, compulse evil doers. If a good person gets in their way they ruin them as it seems fit, to leave the victim alone as it suits their purposes. they abuse property rights to steal and they break laws as they wish for sheer joy and to feel good. the dark witch cannot stand light very easily but will tempt it for job seeking and work at night, day. aoinewika = aboriginey witch, A witch like person whom uses instinctual taught skill to do rituals, that are "wordless" and instant from the god/dess energy of before humankind or chaos. Aborigine users are useless in a fight but can use natural incidents to cause any action or event. The energy they use be the old magic that seems instant but sorceror like and can manipulate time by a drawn out ritual or instant manifest. Some use the old religion of drugs and visions, often considered the "path of lies", as the method valued here be dream quests. Some gather old source to see the future in threaded fate moments and each thread, be a different alter reality and alter sight to get the right things to do. sorcieryl = wild witch be a witch who lived beyond 400 years and was hunted the most for fear of their power, sought to be of aid. they mostly use "wild magic" as a source along with others, What be their projection ability be unknown but protection can be demon dogs, cats and they must be respected for their love, a relationship. Most be so hermitlike they argue they cant get a relationship. vuduwykdoc = voodoo witchdoctor, Dark priest/ess, death witch, death wizard, The zombie crafters and voodoo priest/ess that are most likey to use any event, create their own by spiritual manipulation from ritual activities or just thinking on it with a gesture. The voodoo priest/ess also know by spirit what be happening and are the opposite of shaman, considered dark shaman, ae they guide toward the dark path. These people live as long as they desire with no aging. The voodoo priest/ess will oversee the ceromonies as a job that pays almost nothing except with a spiritual push. The witchdoctor will use a drug powder called voodoo powder to put the person in a coma for 24 hours, more. Then separate the soul and place it into a bottle, other container. Where the efficiency comes in voodooism theres alot of support people to effect a high ritual and then gets glorious sense of self afterward. What jobs they can get are to be a voodoo priest/ess for the effect of a lifetime unless they seek else. matu = mystic, A great example for those that will listen, They use "spirit" to divine stuff, "people" to get stuff, "magic" to manipulate people, events and enchant objects, "magick" if they can to effect the visible effects and create strong artifacts through any element energy they can. The things they do make them "eccentric, concerned" geniouses that are very diplomatic and enigmatic. The work situation are self projects able to devise any solution if there are materials for it, and if no materials then they buy, trade. They will work for a living if needed, accepted as money demands, they have to buy something. When they get a free item, they are grateful and yet they will give a favor for it when they are forced to. They live by the vision they see and will act accorfing to feellings. weli = welcome, Warlock, demonic chaotic manipulators through "conflict", "chaos" usage to control events, weather. They group in secret areas to meet and do rituals. When paid they will do an open ritual. noruica = necromancer, death sorceror, Dark sorceror/ess that will use the dead to give them joy as they raise, restore a person by the attempt. Using the apprenticing system they learn at the masters heel. Yet they are neutral evil at their core with "negative", "demonic" and "death" energies for personal use. If they catch the wrongdoer then they will tear the wrongdoer to pieces with death, negativity. Without a care for many except themselves except for those they respect, they will do vigilante justice unless higher ups say to let the constabulary do justice. They can get jobs as they want and yet prefer solitude. diia = diviner, People that need idea, recieve images to get an idea to form a focus and when they call this a vision, they speak of it and usually the idea comes from the focus of words, an object to create the event in their mind. As in: tarot cards, crystals, crystal balls, revelations, disruptions, tea leaves and pendants. The efficiency of this vision be to be more proficient with less time for a clear reading by "sensing" it from the target with questions or watching for signs. Any glimpse be to give a hint and for the moment that be reconstructed mentally, what they use this for be to see where its safe to go as a path. What the deviner identifies be the object with which will change things, lead them along. Jobs are easy as they know where to go and when, what time as divination will effect by the persons need to know and what they get out of it. belmaj = archmagus, belmagus, Archmage be a person who be a magic user and older than 300 years, with not dying yet they appear young and might be weaker for after 200. they can use 3 methods, take a young body through "transcendance" that be strong and 10 to 14 years of age. Shine to another body on death by shifting through death to the slayer at long distance, short distance on touch. the body becomes the person who shines, and they are transformed in minutes, remain different as the person desires. Finally, the third method be become regenerative by any means including changing to a creatures form, like a shapeshifter, troll, other as of atomic, particle shapes. saaf = benevolent immortal, seraph, Immortal sorceror that comes in two flavors, good, bad with indivisual tastes as corrupt as one might think. Good seraph comes from magi and will accept funds, offers of info while doing as they want and seem to take a bribe. they don't seek power nor do they need fame except they are known and not challenged, unless they are caught doing what said person don't like. the self-involved projects that are done, achieved with people freely aiding, Ranging from any of interest and they might change the projects given a diversion of any concept. When they can attempt a free community project, they will but one thing which be not to share everything as be desired, thus its a need to know basis that seems like sharing. these people are rolemodels and teachers that draw inner knowledge to teach with, foregoing the research if they could. they will ask for information if they can and rely on flukes of events to get by. the average starting age for a seraph be 700 years, above. If their body be old, they will use the archmage techniques to gain youth if they have no other. Evil seraph come from sorceror and are very likely the epitome of lyers and criminals that guide people to be better. these people will come back as they want through their "undying" nature and drive to continue, much like a draegaran in a "Vlad taltos" book their not aging unless they want to. If some do the thing with them they can hate nature, All the while they do their own self-satifying deeds, without a care to help others but secondly. Now its an ambition in theory that their ambition be high and if they don't succeed, they do other alternatives to get to the same success and yet they don't go too far. Yet they don't seem corrupt, he/she just doesn't care as he/she just does and does, but to have killed anyone although there be suspician of wrongdoing. their self-projects consist of genetics and destructive spells that could affect bad. thus don't trust them unless you have too as they could mislead you as they think their better. somewhere they figured they could do what others can't so pointing out mistakes will get you nowhere, unless they are thinking on the problem. saga = sergoi, ageless psionicist, Ageless elemental force master, are omnipotent, omnipresent and most able to pick up new tricks by observing or feelings. Most that watch them are slightly disturbed by the amount of energy and understanding that is shown. Some have a mad cackle and some very stern or concerned with others and least for themselves. Able to master time and probable control over reality, they serve to please if they want something. The sergoi be usually from the early ages and with some ancient bloodline or fairy immortality. They are known on site as the body be slightly deformed and they are curiousities or curses to be around as they love to perfect skill by getting info and learning it or with inner knowledge. their methods range from chaos to mental effects. However, if someone wants to not be under their shadow, as they consider most people young beings unless they show maturity, they drive them away or "act a friend" till they can disappear. Most of their knowledge comes from within and from what be learned by sight. Most sergoi use any element except human that suits them and they suck it like a kitsune to keep alive or young for spells or psionics that drain them. their way to get things is to spread info, or connive by means sometimes unknown to get the effect or object and compliments are an option. The sergoi are neutral as they deal with troubles and fix conflicts by deals, negotiation or chaotic manipulation. To get one off your back pay them peaceful respect ae negotiate or compliments and you might find their regard to doing their own projects. Everything be a resource to them including failed idea. To this point you might think they bathe often, they are like aggies in that they bathe when they can. SSome are cannibals, but some are not and share the aggies attitude. The seroi sound like children yet act mature with an old voice even at age 100 and some have adult memories at a young age but some don't. wehmeta = Wishmaster starts as a wishdoctor, and they are people like voodoo witchdoctors who came from the Nords a few thousands of years ago. Wish be a focused need, desire, want as a focus that happens by natural subliminal, activity acting with subatomical particles being influenced from harmonic voice patterns, causing the people the energy interacts with to achieve your desire. Otherwise its a desire that achieves the result when felt, spoken through influence on the area surround, and its not magic as its metamagic through atomic structure being hyperactive from the energy of a being. Now any energy source can reinforce the pattern aroused, from the programmed particles. the wishdoctor would use this technique without knowing it. Knowing only that it worked and used with the thoughts of the problem of a moment, they used it as an attempt to make amends, wars to stop, disruption to crime and curing, healing people. How long did they live due to the wish aging them according to affect and effect was like 300 or more years. the pattern they caused from a wish sometimes formed a storm, worse. Where they grew old, they wished for youth and drew from the air, the earth to achieve it. Some became wishmasters that were consecreted neutral, evil with intent of achievement, and a wishmaster are people that give statements of a desire to effect change and were wishdoctors making the decision to grant wishes to others as well for themselves. they come in three brands good, neutral and evil. the good wishmasters are moralistic conceptioners that will agonize over a wish,, be watchful of results and maintain the results if needed. they often work with those of worth, for a cause and will mess up those of evil intent including evil wishmasters. the good wishmaster often has trouble and sometimes death for the aiding of friends who have enemies. Still there are to date no good wishmasters left unless a new one comes around, but wishmasters of good will allow some aging unless their youth fades. Neutral wishmasters are egotists that will grant a wish if they are able to and only when they feel like it through payment, force. Given that they are sometimes chased away and their projects ruined for aiding the wrong person. these people are able to survive with a little bit of impetus, sometimes they won't but their wishes outlast them. they do live longer than good wishmasters and if they age they won't seem aged through a wish and natural energy effects. Evil wishmasters never die with probability of evil tricks to fool the person as a way to mislead them. Otherwise they give a wish to the willing and those who ask, yet the wish end be disaster for the wisher as they are often losers in what they gain. they most often will look old and somewhat forlorn yet the looks aren't the appeal, its the power they offer. ecutet = accultist, People that are similiar to the occultist yet are activists and do magic acts with an open view and use any typical source including "spirit", "elements", "metamagic", "magic", "magick" to achieve the activity desired. Through instant spell casting, rituals, groupings consisting of however they want in a open, yet unseen place. The atypical accultist will attempt to not do violence unless necessary,, unpushed so they won't be seen as the disrupter and show an example. These accultists are viable to violence in an instant when they don't get what they want, unless their are social areas which mind, might arrest them. An accult worker will use torture to a sum of money, as part of a ritual if they have to. These are much like witches except slightly antisocial and original in which they will use others work if they don't mind. ucutet = occultist, Dark ritualists who study most their life in understanding life by trial much like monks and can do rituals, simultaneous magic of nature, demonic, other possibilities including time yet they will do one, two sources at a time for safety. their are silent types or open minded types that will speak without worry except in too open an area. If anyone sees them, they erase the person of any dangerous sightings, info. miai = maverick, A corrupted magic user that be gimwis, gimwyk, gimlir, gimmlock and gimmelmaa. Gimwis be a corrupted wizard be to use chaos in the form of visible "magick" and make ends meet, having insanity fits all through the act if in an unstable mode. They have gained magic back and were burned out. The gimwis be considered a "maverick" wizard. Gimwyk, a corrupted witch be a "maverick" witch who has no coven yet isn't very witchlike Given reason to do magic, metamagic in self projects and jobs, they would quit if they had no desire, poor moral unless forced. These were burned out witches who found reason to continue. They may, may not go beserk with tough jobs as they become unstable from reawakening ability or magic usage. Gimlir be a corrupted mage who uses any idea to form spells and causes corruption through activity of some sort of magical corruptions that mutate. These are the burned out mages who regain their arts and considered "maverick", unranked and uncontrollable. Gimlir can insult anyone into a rage. Gimmlock, a corrupted warlock who uses chaos to aid themselves and are demonic, monsterlike with possibility to destroy their own works and do other things for position. The items not destroyed are either sold, used as their value be deemed. These are maverick warlocks yet have not lost their ability, but can hardly use it without fits unless they are stable. These people can turn on a dime unless their projects keep them in line. Gimmelmaa be a creative person who burned out on ability and to reawaken be to blast open all the mental ability doors by energy striking or hit by lightning. When they are able again, their attitude be mild to happy with aggression to those who do it better and yet they think theirs be better anyway. They have moods or crazy fits and willngly take risks if their are proofs. The ultimate desire be to "gain ultimate ability" or "gain ultimate understanding" from people.The most often needed job be denied if they are schitzophrenic but not if they arent. What they need be what they get but not always realize it and they might deject it for the crazy fit on doing the activity. Some are lucky to not have these "crazy moment". hamu = hermit, People that can withstand a long time alone in any one area, They can come any magic class to live alone and achieve events. They prefer caves, houses with which they feel safe. their pattern isn't too clean and they can end up acting insane unless they have painfully been around people. their mental pattern be to afford "inner knowledge" over learned as a rule for information, and where their trusts are. their experiments are almost always looked looked on as an example of sorts. They appear "insane" as they talk to themselves, yet awake and aware. In conversation to others they might appear abusive and overcontrolled enough to push people away. If people are angry they appease through efforts and information and yet they can get death threats if gone too far, ruin plots. -XXXII- Changer area With the statement of these words, you might become the figure as indicated or the voice. But sometimes your body will change to fit the voice in adaption. Do not expect it to work all the time as it might work a little yet be unnoticed except to others. The process may take up to a week but it be sped up with a bite of food or drink. If you know the name of the person then state it using the pronounciation key and it might form you into what you focus on. Say the name and think of or say voice, body or other. This isn't your true form but it can stick on you like your true form so state your name to get your form back. What might help be to breath in and breath out repeated and try to feel the shift happen to the idea of your chosen form. oii = old lady, old woman voice uae = young lady, teenage girl voice uue = medium girth handyman amy = friend, amicable, female half-giant/half-dragon sorceress shapechanger capable of any height, female exquisite killer, female psychopath assassin psychic ann = unusually shaped woman, integrity anne = exquisitely slender woman arya = single voice ewmann = shashy, perv, miwomi, miwoi, onnamann, chykblok, man woman, person thats more man than woman, hermaphrodite, sick man aggy = aggie, bad scented farmer, aggriculturist, almost uneducated land caretaker, celtish prided owner, celtish poor person, scottish old scientist ygre = hygred, haggred, almost destitute, collector, half giant fattish male 6"5" - 6'9" magic user/wizard igy = angy, cromagnon woman giant near 6' 3" - 6' 7" maybe cannibal, bristly, lethal igla = angela, modern research woman, mature woman voice igli = angelin, suave intelligent woman voice iglie = angeline, nerved voice thats high pitched, strain iglla = julie, angella, medium build somewhat attractive handywoman, useful ipts = speak, voice ony = large voiced, loud, attention getter oe = horus, red haired male cromagnon giant 6'6" - 6'11" tall, antisocial maybe cannibal ureo = selective voice urio = voiced opinion uteipts = high woman voice ystre = warpath, charming, control with voice boy = teenage boy, young man, your charge, male vampire branlwash = destructive voice cyeto = callisto, super ability slender woman, shapechanger woman with abilities cary = kary, career, cre, care, motive, large build woman cawe = plead or pleading voice cawi = angry voice cawo = outspoken, outcry cawu = rousing speach cy = psiber, duty bound mediator starwoman, cypher chiks = comely woman chyc = act on, woman, chick clain = very large human giant that can shift shape any height that suits them clan = cian, hill giant, very large human giant with improbable or improper claims or associates 6'4 - 7'5 dyq = dick, male sex organ, male or female private investigator jieria = jiemaroe, janemonroe, janerider, jane rider, large boobed woman who is smart and slender, mellow toned lady voice doll = a doll, woman dollvap = vampiric doll (woman vampire) fag = vierv, respect, fag, manlover fonzi = create yourself as a cool male in suave appearance or voice fresk = woman transform fresky = wild woman transform, freaky woman transform, woman flesheater fiance = engaged woman, bride francen = frenzy voice francenn = medium tone woman voice francid = loud woman voice francin = abnoxious voice francine = abnormal voice, odd voice francinn = pleasant woman voice francind = quiet disturbing voice franken = psychopath voice gab = talkative, gabrielle, gay girl, happy girl, lesbian, guardian girl = woman, female guwn = goon, bad boy, bad example, male criminal hazz = has, nelli, hazard, hermaphrodite prostitute, hermaphrodite who sells their sex helga = strong swedish woman, meatball hermy = hermaphrodite, both sex organ human, in-between sex hyla = hitler, himler, hila, race hater, male hater, male perfectionist jenin = genin, very unusual exquisite black woman, calamity jaa = jason. hatchetman, male killer, killer ability jenine = genine, intelligence, intelligent black woman jenen = genen, exquisite black man, exceptional black man jenene = celcula, kelcutta, genene, intelligent black man, good work with tools and cutting. jeea = jarhead = fizzler or being with not alot and square person. klain = very unfragile form, considerate being kle = richly famous, charles, a indeterminate aged almost crippled to unwalking psionic force user, a rich and successful businessperson with a lucky streak kly = uncontrolled fate, charlie, che, chely,kely, karly, charly, overlarge fat male 6'5 - 6'7", exquisite female beauty, strong kre = chris, cosistent, erasure, thief, consistency, paul bearer, hermaphrodite, cromagnon hermaphrodite shapechanger part fire giant/chaos dragon/fairy 6'6" - 6'10" tall probable cannibal. kres = kriss, chriss, chubby, cherubic, consistent largeness lass = lady, woman lebii = lesbian, woman lover loimt = low female voice loimpt = denial voice, low input loim = calm questioning voice loimg = slender psychopathic woman loimm = murdohc, mudoc, overly large psychopathic male, extremely strong navy seal loipt = pleasant male voice loipts = low male voice lura = laura, black star woman from other planet lynn = no length of effect, no duration, infinite, gifted strong female maila = mother-in-law, nightmare, spiteful behavior, woman hitler, female perfectionist mailla = godmother, deterrant, woman protector manilla = vanilla or generic flavor manola = something granola or grainy flavor Eiliy = Some more stuff, something make due or due purpose like En kedeiy ed. mann = mi, man, men mannew = shysha, shoisha, woimi, sheeit, blokyc, mannonna, woman male, hermaphrodite thats more female than male myk = voice manipulator, mutltiple voices nia = certain, niga, nigger, african, black skin, black man, nigga, nigra, ignorant nebod = nemi, anymind, anybody, shifting to will body, shapeshifting virus nom = norm, unusual large man numi = newmann, successful businessman or woman pat = forehead, a semi-heavy female/male which be indescreet of person by somewhat unique personality, vigilant and very smart. pip = pimp, male prostitute, male who sells sex, pride pesy = pssy, pussy poyglo = polyglot, any form being with original form as a negative energy nonexistant qiry = womanly, woman frame repui = rasputin, dispute, disagree, voice of disorder ruu = ricca, hatchet faced protective woman ruci = ricci, ninaricci, woman model (this be a hard form to become) with a female adjustment. riy = ricky, genious music director, male director riki = rikki, ninarikki, alluring fat model assassin like fat bastard rea = react, trnna, renna, tunner, messenger, starman who be mediator salohoms = sherlock holmes, male genious investigator, irratic investigator sam = sammy, white fat male, famed person, famous, exceptional sidha = male fey sidhe = woman fey she = woman, great strength shy = large woman, her slut = womanly desire, woman in power, womanly defiance smyly = smallus, smally, smalley, unusually skilled person with narrow focus shaila = overlarge woman,overwhelming and smart woman part breed' dolphin and human. shailae = exceptional overlarge woman sheila = shela, moderate weight woman sheilae = shele, exceptional moderate/modern weight woman that causes hybridly good feelings and overlarge form like a sound form. sheryl = unusually exquisite fat woman shybaz = salewoman with or without magic mannbaz = salesman with or without magic manntub = totub, tom thumb, very tiny 1 inch tall human with or without the ability to fly and magic, however some say its a lot bigger as 6 feet 7 inches and tubby. manntubwee = totubwee, tom thumb faery, faery 1 inch tall being that works with people somewhat annihilistist or annalystic. docymos = dorcy mouse, 1 inch tall woman with or without flight and wizard magic. docymosfee = dorcy mouse fairy, 1 inch tall fairy woman with flight and innate magic. tush = woman breast, butt wo = whor, whore, someone who sells her body, woman prostitute woi = womi, ho, woman rina = rianna, woijaa, female jason. hatchetwoman, female psychopath killer, killer ability woisalohome = vickey, viwosuky, woman sherlock holmes, woman genious investigator, irratic investigator vera = vaa, verify, medium weight slenderish woman whom never appeared on cheers; whom likes fruit mixes with or without alcohol vytoa = victoria, succesful businesswoman, strategist, woman modellist vixn = vixen, bad woman, woman criminal, very vulterous volumptuos female criminal addict vyia = vagia, vagina vui = learn, woman -XXXIII- The combiner mark, in atleantian be the "/" (inter) and makes any word before the "/" a noun, pronoun. After the / an effect, action. Any word in other sections be applicable after the slash. these are anonyms and also call signs. If you want to add the extra meaning or word, add it by a "'" or tick mark. Like b/e'ic for being excused in character. EX: w/zym = (wi ui zim) with symbols EX: n/wijkin (n ui wij-kind) no disappearance a/a = all active a/e = another exception a/i = all invited a/o = all out a/u = acceptable use a/y = all yours b/a = back again b/e = being excused b/i = back in b/o = back on b/u = barely used b/y = be yourself c/a = can adapt, come again c/e = can exceed c/i = can add-in c/o = changeover c/u = can understand c/y = can you d/a = dead on arrival d/e = deadly exception d/i = doing instead d/o = dead on d/u = don't use d/y = darn you e/a = each answer e/e = eye to eye e/i = every inch e/o = each one e/u = each unit, each use e/y = each year, evil eye f/a = found answer f/e = finally ended f/i = for instance f/o = fakeout, found out f/u = finally understood f/y = fuck you g/a = good action, good association g/e = general electric, good evening g/i = good info g/o = good order g/u = good understanding g/y = good for you, guy h/a = happy anniversity h/e = hard earned h/i = heat intake h/o = hold on h/u = hardly used h/y = happy you i/a = invite announce i/e = input exception i/i = input info i/o = input output i/u = input understood i/y = inviting you j/a = just announced j/e = just except j/i = just input j/o = just out j/u = just use j/y = just you k/a = kill announcement k/e = kill exception k/i = kill infringement k/o = killed one k/u = kill user k/y = kill you l/a = last act l/e = last excuse l/i = last interruption l/o = last out, lost out l/u = last use l/y = last year m/a = must act m/e = most exceptional m/i = must interrupt m/o = most outgoing m/u = most used m/y = mighty young n/a = not applicable n/e = no excuses n/i = not interested n/o = no offense n/u = not understood n/y = not you o/a = on account o/e = over eceeded o/i = on input o/o = over & out o/u = only used o/y = oh you p/a = public announce p/e = public execution p/i = police issue, private investigator, private information p/o = pull out p/u = police unit, personal use p/y = pull yardage q/a = quickly act q/e = quick exemption q/i = quick info q/o = quick output q/u = quickly understand q/y = quiet you r/a = readjust r/e = re evaluate r/i = reimply r/o = readout r/u = reuse r/y = really young s/a = slow account s/e = slowly encourage s/i = slow input s/o = slow only s/u = slow to understand s/y = so young t/a = to account t/e = the exception t/i = timed input t/o = timely order t/u = time usage, timely use, time save t/y = thank you, twove u/a = user active u/e = user exception u/i = user inactive u/o = user owned u/u = user understanding u/y = used yours v/a = viewer appreciation v/e = viewer exception v/i = viewer interest v/o = view only v/u = viewer usage v/y = viewed young w/a = well accounted w/e = with exception w/i = within w/o = without w/u = while in use w/y = why you x/a = exact x/e = exception x/i = extinguish, exit x/o = extra outing x/u = extra usage x/y = extremely young y/a = your activity y/e = your exceptional y/i = your input y/o = your out y/u = your usage, you (as your statistics) y/y = your young z/a = zone active z/e = zone exception z/i = zone inference z/o = zone outage z/u = zone usage, zoning unit z/y = zoning you a/b = actively back, azure bond (as a tattoo by bondage or acted motion) a/c = active current, accumulate a/d = active duty, aid/help a/f = active find/field a/g = actual good, age a/h = actual heat, air & heating a/j = ajax a/k = active kill a/l = active last a/m = active month a/n = active number a/p = ask permission a/q = actual quiet a/r = arrange a/s = asset a/t = active transit a/v = actual view a/w = actual warning a/x = axe, axel a/z = active zone, axel zone, azure zone b/b = back to back b/c = because, bicycle b/d = body double b/f = boyfriend, breakfast b/g = been good b/h = behind b/j = blackjack b/k = bit kind b/l = bit late b/m = bit much b/n = big nothing, button/ban b/p = backpedal, bipedaled b/q = big quiet b/r = big review, be realistic b/s = bullshit b/t = backtrack b/v = bit vague b/w = bewarned b/x = bicks (as razor), box (as block) b/z = biz, business c/b = call back by Jethro and Joline Fisher c/c = call contact, call card (as index) c/d = can do c/f = cat fish c/g = can get c/h = can hit c/j = car jack, cage c/k = cook c/l = cool (as checklist or chicklist), cherry licking (from kentucky but originated from New Jersey) c/m = came, come, lock, save me c/n = can, canine c/p = cup c/q = sequence c/r = credit report, car c/s = call sign, crass c/t = cut c/v = sieve, circuit view c/w = can study, carwax, can look c/x = cut extra, coax c/z = cool zone, crazy, siezure, cubit zircon/ia d/b = debated (as moment) d/c = dry cell d/d = done deal, ding dong d/f = doing fine d/g = doing great d/h = diehard d/j = disc jockey, dejected d/k = duke d/l = dont last, didley, nothing d/m = dungeon master, doom d/n = donate d/p = dope, don't play d/q = daily queue, dead quiet d/r = door d/s = dire straights, bad luck d/t = doit d/v = door view d/w = don't worry, do what, doorway d/x = done extra d/z = dazed e/b = every bit e/c = electrical current, eccentric, extra credit e/d = edict e/f = evening folks, elect/rical field e/g = eager e/h = every heartbeat e/j = eject e/k = each kill e/l = everlast e/m = each minute e/n = every number e/p = each person e/q = equal e/r = emergency room e/s = each second e/t = each time e/v = each view e/w = everyway e/x = example e/z = easy, electrical zone f/b = fob, foot ball f/c = far cry f/d = food, fixed destruction f/f = final fantasy, footfall f/g = for good, forge f/h = for honor f/j = for justice, fudge f/k = fuck f/l = finally last, foot locker, foot loose f/m = floor mop, frequent modulation f/n = phone, fun f/p = footpound f/q = find quickly, faq f/r = for real, for f/s = fast system f/t = fast track, foot f/v = full view f/w = fast work f/x = special effect f/z = phase, faze, fun zone g/b = good boy g/c = good chance g/d = good day g/f = girlfriend g/g = good grief g/h = good health g/j = good job g/k = good kind g/l = good and last g/m = good meal, good match g/n = goon, good night g/p = gold piece, good player g/q = good and quiet g/r = good relief g/s = good show, goose g/t = good try g/v = good view g/w = good work g/x = great extract g/z = golf zone h/b = hobo h/c = highly characterized, high call/ing h/d = hard drive, highly dense, high dejection h/f = high frustration, hang tough h/g = high grade h/h = high heat h/j = high justice h/k = high king h/l = heat lamp, highlight h/m = high mark h/n = high numbered h/p = hot potato, high proficiency h/q = high quality h/r = hour, hourly rate h/s = high school h/t = harm target h/v = highly voluntary h/w = homework h/x = heated extra h/z = horizontal i/b = in back i/c = in character, interconnect i/d = impending doom i/f = internal frustration i/g = in grief, draught i/h = internal heat i/j = injustice i/k = inkling, in kind i/l = interlude i/m = intermediate i/n = international i/p = interplace, innerspace (for baggage) i/q = intelligence quotient i/r = infrared, in routine i/s = in silence, be silent i/t = internal temperature, itinerant i/v = intervenous i/w = inner warmth i/x = into extra i/z = in zone j/b = job, just be (as breeze) j/c = just charge, just called j/d = just died/defeated, judge, whiskey, jack daniels j/f = just fired j/g = just great, jug/gle j/h = just hot j/j = just joined j/k = joke j/l = just lost j/m = just met j/n = just now j/p = join please j/q = just quit j/r = just relieved j/s = justice system, just shift/ed j/t = just truly, just j/v = just viewed j/w = just work j/x = jinx j/z = justice zone k/b = kilobyte k/c = kind chance, kinda chancy k/d = kinda dead k/f = kinda fact k/g = kikogram, kinda good k/h = kinda hot k/j = killjoy k/k = kinda ok k/l = kinda last k/m = kind man k/n = kind k/p = kindly put, kaput k/q = kinda quit k/r = kind relief k/s = king size, kiss k/t = kind touch, koot k/v = kinda violent k/w = kinda weak k/x = kinda extra k/z = kill zone l/b = pounding or toss, last bite, waiting room (of lodge), lazyboy or chair l/c = last change, lets see, last sight l/d = last deed, load l/f = line feed l/g = lag /around (as lack goods), look good l/h = lost heat, lost health l/j = lost justice l/k = lock, lost kind, look, locate l/l = lost love l/m = last month, lifemate, limb l/n = last name l/p = last place l/q = lost quiet l/r = late rate l/s = last shape, last save l/t = last time, light l/v = last view l/w = last week l/x = lax, relax l/z = lazy m/b = must backtrail, mob m/c = most called, minicaller m/d = must decide m/f = mother fucker, misery fucker m/g = most grand m/h = mighty high m/j = mostly joking m/k = most kind m/l = mostly last m/m = must meet m/n = must need m/p = mountain path, most people m/q = most quiet m/r = must recall m/s = mountain sight m/t = mountain trail m/v = must view m/w = must warn m/x = must extract m/z = mountain zone n/b = not back n/c = not charged n/d = not deducted n/f = not found n/g = not good, not grand n/h = no hitting n/j = not justified n/k = no kill n/l = not lasting, nolonger n/m = nevermind, not much n/n = not needed, noneed n/p = no problem n/q = not quiet, not quite n/r = non-removable n/s = not seen, noshow n/t = not there n/v = not verified n/w = no warning n/x = notextra n/z = no zone o/b = on the ball o/c = oncoming o/d = overdose o/f = oh fine o/g = oh god, oh good o/h = oh hell o/j = orange juice o/k = oh ok o/l = oh look o/m = oh man o/n = oh no o/p = oh please o/q = only quiet o/r = oh really o/s = operating system o/t = oh thanks, okay then, off the, ought, of the o/v = over o/w = only warning o/x = only extra o/z = ozone p/b = prybar p/c = please change p/d = paid p/f = paid for p/g = page p/h = past hope p/j = pajamas p/k = person kill p/l = place label p/m = personal management p/n = pronoun p/p = personal part, powerpoint p/q = please quit p/r = personal rights p/s = pound per second p/t = point p/v = personal view p/w = password p/x = pax p/z = please q/b = quick back q/c = quick change, quick q/d = quick deduction, quick death q/f = quick find q/g = quite good q/h = quite hot, quite healthy q/j = quick justice q/k = quick kill q/l = quite long q/m = quick mastering q/n = quickly now q/p = quite proud q/q = quickly quiet q/r = quick removal, queer, quite right q/s = quite sincere q/t = quart, quiet time q/v = quick view, quiver q/w = quite warm q/x = quixote q/z = quiet zone r/b = rollback r/c = recall r/d = reduced r/f = refried r/g = really good r/h = rehash r/j = real joy r/k = rekindle r/l = real life r/m = remake r/n = real name, real mcoy r/p = roleplay r/q = really quiet r/r = railroad r/s = reselect r/t = retrack, retrain r/v = review r/w = rework r/x = relax r/z = reality zone s/b = son of a bitch, softball s/c = slow charge, slow change s/d = slow down, speed demon s/f = super fine, super fast s/g = slow but good s/h = shipping & handling s/j = sloppy joe s/k = slow kill s/l = super long s/m = slow march, small mind s/n = screen name, serial number s/p = slow pressure s/q = square puff, square puffer fish s/r = screen registrar s/s = super slow s/t = super tough s/v = souvenir s/w = shown work s/x = suix s/z = slow zone t/b = takeback t/c = take charge t/d = to death t/f = true and false t/g = truly good t/h = timed heat t/j = truly just t/k = time kill, truly kind t/l = timelost t/m = too much t/n = take number t/p = typo t/q = truly quit t/r = time release t/s = truly sound t/t = time track t/v = television t/w = time waste t/x = tax t/z = time zone u/b = user back u/c = usage charge u/d = user defects u/f = used furniture, unfriendly u/g = used goods u/h = ultra high u/j = usual job u/k = user kill, used kind u/l = user label u/m = used methed u/n = username u/p = user password u/q = unusual quiet u/r = user related u/s = user schedule u/t = used ticket u/v = ultraviolet u/w = user warning u/x = user extreme u/z = usage zone v/b = verbose v/c = very cool v/d = varied v/f = verified v/g = very good v/h = very hot v/j = very just v/k = verified kill v/l = very long v/m = virtual machine v/n = varied number v/p = view pass v/q = very quiet v/r = very religious v/s = very soon v/t = vertical v/v = very vulnerable v/w = very warm v/x = various extra v/z = views w/b = welcome back w/c = welcoming commitee w/d = will destroy w/f = with effect, wife w/g = well gee, wage w/h = well heard w/j = will justify w/k = will kill, wick w/l = well lasting, will w/m = why me, whim w/n = win, will not, why not w/p = with problem, whip w/q = with quiet, wick w/r = with movement, wire, weight record w/s = why stay, was w/t = wait time, weight w/v = with view, wave w/w = why wait, with worth w/x = why extra, wax w/z = with zone, water zone x/b = extra big x/c = extra charge, extra cash, extract x/d = extra done x/f = extra fun, extra fund, extra finance x/g = extra good x/h = exhale x/j = extra juicy x/k = extra kind, extra kill x/l = extra long x/m = exam, extra me x/n = extraneous, extra number x/p = extra power, extra experience x/q = extra quiet x/r = extra review, extra refuel x/s = extras, extra slow x/t = extra time x/v = extra view x/w = extra warm x/x = extreme, extra extra x/z = extra zone y/b = your back, why behind y/c = your change, your charge y/d = yard y/f = your finance, your friend y/g = your great, your good y/h = your hot, youth, you here y/j = your job, your just y/k = your kill y/l = your last, your left y/m = your mean, why me y/n = why now, your not y/p = your pathetic, wipe y/q = your quiet y/r = your right, your rah y/s = you see, yes y/t = you too, you there y/v = your view, you vie y/w = your welcome y/x = your extra, wax y/z = your zone z/b = zero backup, zone backup z/c = zone chart z/d = zone death z/f = zone failure z/g = zone good z/h = zone heat z/j = zone jack z/k = zone kill, zeek z/l = zone location z/m = zone matrix, zoom z/n = zone node z/p = zoning person z/q = zone quiescense z/r = zone rate z/s = zone security z/t = zone tracking z/v = zone view z/w = zone worker z/x = zone exit z/z = zap zone, electrical zone -XXXIV- The expressions, of which show what a person thinks. the dash can also be replaced with a (.) period. counts as a pause. Said as example: a-o = (are one), o.o = (oh oh). If you want to add the extra meaning or word, add it by a "'" or tick mark. Like b-e'ic for becoming bored in character. a-a = make stop a-e = halfhearted, half heart flow a-i = helping out is a helping hand a-o = happening a-u = active a-y = why act? e-a = halted e-e = becoming bored e-i = set aside e-o = eye out, its out e-u = ignored e-y = whyever? i-a = on route, included i-e = procedure i-i = be adapted i-o = all else i-u = apart i-y = including in o-a = like similiar o-e = close to it, closely linked, overeager o-i = helping make a difference o-o = seek otherwise, surprise o-u = comparison o-y = make notice u-a = complaint u-e = unique u-i = molding u-o = on you u-u = in use, wonderment u-y = belonging to? y-a = questioning y-e = coming late, latent y-i = group addition y-o = turned on y-u = after usage y-y = curiosity b-b = upstaged, surprised c-c = electrified d-d = credible f-f = mapped out g-g = great importance h-h = heating up j-j = in favor of k-k = felt l-l = forever m-m = time of month n-n = hillbilly, country person p-p = power user q-q = stun r-r = forward motion s-s = slowing down t-t = allowance v-v = review, happy w-w = stiffened x-x = boosted z-z = range a-b = switch focus a-c = active current a-d = deducted, vital death a-f = decree, actively a-g = intent a-h = heat up a-j = unblock a-k = unfeeling a-l = permenance a-m = date a-n = united nation a-p = application a-q = quietness a-r = moving action a-s = slow acting a-t = within acting a-v = double check a-w = root beer, coat a-x = extreme, insuring a-z = security e-b = focus e-c = bring charge e-d = intuitive, intelligent e-f = dismissed e-g = offhand, lefthand, otherhandedly e-h = heat exchange, heat dissipation e-j = eject e-k = deadened sense e-l = extra long e-m = very accurate, momentous e-n = tolerate e-p = error e-q = dampen e-r = flow, heart e-s = becoming, esteem e-t = pardon e-v = rising star e-w = shine, gloss e-x = special e-z = easy i-b = achieve i-c = invoice i-f = past inclusion i-g = agreement i-h = warmth i-j = break down i-k = not feel i-l = permanent i-m = make a date i-n = import i-p = additional, personal address i-q = quieting i-r = progressing i-s = introducing i-t = meeting, new introduction i-v = life flow i-w = enamel, aging i-x = benefits i-z = inside area o-b = smart o-c = undissappointed, oh see o-d = overdose, dead, deceased o-f = out family (extra family) o-g = oh good, relief, oh gee o-h = single bond o-j = just, justice o-k = emotional bond o-l = oil, boring o-m = on me, oh my o-n = oh no!, turn on o-p = oh please, output o-q = plentiful, quiet down (voice agitation) o-r = eye out, ore o-s = overweight, weighty o-t = call, point out o-v = overview, overweigh o-w = reconsider, oww! o-x = carry on o-z = ground crawley, ground mist u-b = pointed u-c = seeing, see u-d = removal u-f = selected u-g = self-importance u-h = warming u-j = blockage removal u-k = dulled u-l = durable, duration u-m = your date u-n = national image u-p = applied u-q = be quiet u-r = progressing u-s = slow u-t = able, talent u-v = sight u-w = skin u-x = double u-z = zoning out y-b = resolve y-c = residue y-d = reduced y-f = afterward, whereto? y-g = after effect y-h = heat circulation y-j = glowing y-k = very hot y-l = outlast y-m = romance y-n = ruin y-p = coverup y-q = sneak y-r = moving after y-s = tired, fatigued y-t = placed there y-v = check y-x = extreme y-z = secure b-a = stopping, switch back b-e = otherwhere b-i = linking b-o = body odor, noticed difference b-u = controlled b-y = on focus c-a = short c-e = excepting c-i = stampede, charging c-o = credit, credited c-u = energy use, charging it, transaction c-y = line load, transferrence d-a = stopping point d-e = reasoning d-i = including d-o = deduced, self-reasoned d-u = identify d-y = discovery f-a = stop f-e = likely place f-i = build onto f-o = track, coordinates f-u = versatile f-y = guiding g-a = downfall g-e = famed g-i = legend g-o = known for it g-u = behest, influence g-y = prejudice h-a = heat shield h-e = heat exchange h-i = buildup h-o = engulf h-u = ignitition h-y = heat manipulation j-a = excuses j-e = devoted, devotee, goal oriented j-i = proven j-o = proof j-u = alibi j-y = not listening k-a = accepted, call off k-e = jack of all trades, good at all k-i = average, kill count k-o = agreed, kill off k-u = trouble, problem in occurance by root -180 k-y = recovered l-a = last stop l-e = late comer l-i = late addition l-o = at last, your turn l-u = last turn l-y = last in line m-a = calendar m-e = monthly activity m-i = annualy m-o = date m-u = monthly use m-y = ushering n-a = crisis n-e = anywhere n-i = inclusion, migrate n-o = county n-u = national use n-y = congressional p-a = short p-e = applicable usage p-i = increment p-o = filter p-u = stinky, stink p-y = fluix q-a = bang q-e = mostly quiet q-i = quieter, silencer q-o = silence q-u = sneaking q-y = quietlly asking r-a = ground to a halt r-e = momentum r-i = accelerated, sped r-o = moving vehicle, car r-u = movement r-y = guidance sticks s-a = slow to stop s-e = crawling, sore eye s-i = slow input, slowly adding s-o = slow turn on, low s-u = used up slowly, sucky s-y = slow motion, ask why t-a = barring, locking t-e = tough luck, thiefs luck t-i = working out t-o = rude t-u = roughen t-y = attitude v-a = cancel view, vet v-e = scrying v-i = coming into view v-o = seance v-u = viewing v-y = point out w-a = remove coat w-e = view range, with everything w-i = come into range w-o = sight see w-u = sight w-y = moving picture, picturing x-a = quick stop x-e = extra additions x-i = additionally x-o = boost x-u = additional work x-y = gesticulation z-a = slow zone, hazard area z-e = allowance z-i = added security z-o = electrical grid z-u = practice area z-y = stage b-b = small metal projectile, pellet ball shot, projected shot b-c = energy focus b-d = glimpse b-f = strengthen b-g = titanic, stunning b-h = high efficiency b-j = need, desired b-k = intent b-l = focusing on b-m = attuning b-n = achieve, goal reach b-p = magnetic b-q = intense b-r = group interest b-s = training b-t = toughen b-v = quintet, scene b-w = black and white, bias b-x = terse b-z = trying, annoyance c-b = radio, remote c-c = cautiousness, caution c-d = account, cash deduction, see death c-f = buildup c-g = electrocardiogram, electrode c-h = amplify c-j = accounting c-k = gratitude c-l = last one c-m = summer c-n = war c-p = charged field c-q = potent c-r = motorized, drawn movement c-s = slow feed c-t = exactness c-v = mystifying, engrossing c-w = wax c-x = extreme c-z = recharger, in charge, in-charge d-b = withdrawn d-c = drawing current, battery cell d-d = deductable, payed on d-f = deductible, funding increase d-g = fame, famous d-h = cooling d-j = reasoning d-k = kill count d-l = download d-m = siezmic, math, mathematical as now this reflects the true thought d-n = total, gross amount d-p = leaking, power usage d-q = soundless d-r = tracking d-s = deep thought, subconscious d-t = counting d-v = speculating, detailing d-w = subtract d-x = extract d-z = destruction f-b = moving cause f-c = generation f-d = intuition, deduce f-f = pass down, inherit f-g = time travel f-h = gauge f-j = travel f-k = no time, nothing f-l = outlast f-m = pms f-n = phone, wire communication f-p = foot pound f-q = silence factor, measured silence f-r = moving event f-s = slowing down f-t = free time f-v = picture, imagine f-w = painting time f-x = special effect f-z = distance, measure g-b = past g-c = gray scale g-d = important find g-f = family, girlfriend g-g = amazement g-h = energy field g-j = explanation g-k = exploit g-l = last place g-m = weight g-n = interest g-p = electricity g-q = gazette, burden g-r = purpose g-s = weighing g-t = personal g-v = personal viewpoint g-w = coating g-x = add-on, additionally g-z = trial h-b = hobo, wanderer h-c = electricity h-d = heat vent h-f = air conditioner h-g = volcanic vent h-h = joule, heat degree h-j = cold protection h-k = cold h-l = warmth h-m = calorie h-n = area warmth h-p = heating unit h-q = exhaust, waste h-r = heat exchange h-s = warm up h-t = personal warmth h-v = embuance sight, heat vision h-w = heat treat h-x = heat generation, heater h-z = tempermental j-b = clear focus, clearing of a job, hurt of in an insanity hustle not kill j-c = restore vision j-d = restore thought j-f = unblock location j-g = uprising, greatness road j-h = live flow j-j = open channel, listening j-k = kill life, deaden j-l = continuus restore j-m = unhindered j-n = uncrowded j-p = unlimited j-q = remove silence j-r = free movement j-s = slowly remove blockage j-t = remove blockage, unblock area j-v = restore sight j-w = unburdensome j-x = clearance j-z = safe zone k-b = force kill k-c = long range death k-d = deed k-f = poison area, poisonous k-g = great death k-h = strangle k-j = disbelief k-k = unappealing k-l = lingering death k-m = good weight k-n = 2nd rate, prideless k-p = turn off, power switc k-q = broken silence k-r = stop k-s = weight loss k-t = assasinate k-v = stop looking k-w = strip k-x = filter k-z = sentiment, craze, suicide l-b = meditation l-c = duracell, durable energy l-d = drain l-f = ancient l-g = famous l-h = oven, cooking l-j = standing reason, law l-k = lasting friendship, permenant death l-l = everlast l-m = memory l-n = state, lasting country l-p = high efficiency energy l-q = stillness l-r = forced march l-s = sluggish l-t = immortal l-v = reminescent, reminder l-w = wax l-x = extra long l-z = eternal area m-b = time dive, discovery m-c = waiting period m-d = age test, quality check m-f = time of event, date m-g = historical moment m-h = carbon dating, animal magnetism m-j = attraction, appreciation m-k = appointment m-l = fifty years, last date m-m = date system, calendar m-n = up-to-date, lust m-p = time, schedule change m-q = hidden date, blind date m-r = reschedule, relationship m-s = scale, romance m-t = dater m-v = documentation, viewpoint m-w = carbon m-x = good relation m-z = first date, first base n-b = relation n-c = renewed, revision n-d = end point, parallel n-f = locating n-g = artist, famous people n-h = bioenergy n-j = reason n-k = murder, acceptance n-l = quality people n-m = scale, balance n-n = countryside n-p = workforce n-q = corrupt n-r = civilization n-s = lifetime n-t = socialist n-v = narrow-minded n-w = mask, clothing n-x = new people n-z = social p-b = spell, power field, will in energy force is thought remembered by perfect memory as it is a life dream p-c = personal computing p-d = invention p-f = useful work p-g = manipulation, politics p-h = physics p-j = explanation p-k = personal gain p-l = last attempt p-m = coordinate location p-n = appliance p-p = work p-q = piqued curiosity p-r = telekinesis p-s = overwhelm p-t = applicant p-v = write down, draw p-x = exceeding p-z = direction, energy strip q-b = spot light, q-beam q-c = stop target q-d = finding out q-f = area silence q-g = counter q-h = cloaking silence q-j = mental reviewing q-k = nod of agreement q-l = everlasting silence q-m = somber mood q-n = heroic death, silent time q-p = awe q-q = quiet, surprising, no sound q-r = ninjato, silently move q-s = sneaking q-t = supersonic, awe inspiring q-v = inspiring q-w = soundproof q-x = breathtaking q-z = cuisine, edible food r-b = forced run r-c = calvary charge, please save me r-d = canonfodder, doomed meeting r-f = advance march, advancement r-g = destiny march r-h = heat wave r-j = convince me r-k = attack move, incited attack r-l = last wave, nears the end r-m = forward march, ongoing r-n = orderly march, keep going r-p = slowly go forward r-q = silent death r-r = track, ghost r-s = slow crawl r-t = keep moving, move on r-v = reserved, reservation r-w = training, go ahead, reverse r-x = energy burst, on sudden energy you live r-z = slow zone, sticky stuff, binding idea, tar s-b = slow going s-c = slow down s-d = figuring out s-f = slow fuse s-g = gaining fame slow s-h = welling heat, shamfaced s-j = confess s-k = slowly kill, stopping s-l = prolong, momentary suspence s-m = timeless s-n = dying country, slow death s-p = going to a halt, going nowhere s-q = becoming quit s-r = slowly stop s-s = encumber, moving slow s-t = slowing down, getting boring s-v = becoming stupid s-w = drying out s-x = very sluggish s-z = safety zone t-b = focusing t-c = energy focus t-d = acting t-f = popularity t-g = action t-h = generation, drawing forth t-j = knowing it t-k = desiring t-l = last one, intrigued t-m = do the math, think about it t-n = personal trait t-p = power flow, trashing house t-q = disturbance t-r = parting, giving way t-s = worsen t-t = recording t-v = moving picture, television t-w = covering t-x = more of it, more of the same t-z = secure, self-image v-b = reminiscent, past memory v-c = wishing this v-d = scenic v-f = momentous v-g = changing v-h = heat radiance v-j = factual story v-k = emotionless v-l = at last, moments arrival v-m = balance scale v-n = counting v-p = humming v-q = vanquishing v-r = moving v-s = weighing v-t = outside v-v = sight seeing v-w = surface v-x = costing more v-z = security x-b = intrigue x-c = generator x-d = investigating x-f = eruption, special effects x-g = meeting x-h = heater x-j = story telling x-k = killing, nominal x-l = lasting charge x-m = monthly activity x-n = random x-p = propulsion, experience x-q = unheard people, unvoiced opinion x-r = x-ray, electrical generation x-s = slow generation x-t = extra thing like privacy or other thing, ecstacy, extacy x-v = graphical diplay, screen x-w = radioactive x-x = extreme, burst x-z = activity zone, special activity z-b = securing z-c = toll booth, charging access z-d = stripping area, strip search z-f = secured area z-g = high security z-h = energy grid z-j = protection, service z-k = black out z-l = prison, abstract z-m = security perimeter z-n = forum z-p = energy zone z-q = radio silence, silent messaging z-r = manuever, coordinated movement z-s = school zone z-t = influence z-v = control center z-w = coat rack z-x = creativity center z-z = cruising, gliding -XXXV- Ihe prefixes, are added to the front of the words with a ` and the prefixes are past/future tense verbs. the words above can also be used as prefixes applied with an ed. EX: c`enta = charged last (c-eat-nt-a) EX: a`za = stopped energy charge.(ate-z-ate) -XXXVI- The suffixes, are applied as in the end of the word with a ' character. these are plural and present action verbs with the meanings added to the word. the words above can also be used as suffixes applied with a s. EX: tar'ix = contains (t=hair-ix) -XXXVII- The affixes, are the letters that use a dash at the end to make the action verbs beside the magic case. these are interactive meanings of past, present and future. The words above can also be used as affixes. Applied as an ing. EX: zap-o = aiming energy charge on -XXXVIII- Action intent phrase words, with intent words, the () focuses intent of a capitol letter and -- focuses a subject meaning, Forming a focused meaning. To say the word, be to stress the letter, like (A) in Ace. Some use -words- and stick the subject in. The -word- is interesting as its Action phrase -A- intention. (A) = action, active (E) = letter, mail (I) = curiosity, imagination (O) = time (U) = emotional, focused on you, unstable, dissatisfaction, heart broken (Y) = withdrawal, nonandsed, wild (anything) (B) = beer, alcoholic beverage (C) = stew, frustration, copyright (D) = wine, drunk (F) = flower (G) = gift (H) = hot, passionate (J) = justify, excuse me (K) = kiss (L) = love, lazy (M) = mine, personal (N) = numb (P) = picture (Q) = silent, silence (R) = colorful, rainbow (S) = sunlight, light (T) = work, target (V) = view, look at you (W) = rose (X) = woman (Z) = man -?- = any subject with -word- -XXXIX- Argument words are words that create the argument effect, in the mind, in body. Arguments start with arg and then the letter. Ex: arg-c (arg-c) arg-a = take action, showing intent, show interest arg-e = name the exception, excuse arg-i = intelligent argument, self-interest arg-o = work around, "another way" argument arg-u = blaming argument, blame-game arg-y = wild, anything happens argument arg-b = switch places, be the person argument arg-c = see vision, chaotic, revealing argument arg-d = fated, death argument arg-f = family arguement, failing argument arg-g = good thing, good ideas argument arg-h = emotional, hitting argument arg-j = prove yourself arguement, boast argument arg-k = killing, "right-word" argument arg-l = long, well thought out argument arg-m = personal, moody argument arg-n = no argument, passive argument arg-p = smelling, repulsion argument arg-q = quiet, mild argument arg-r = motivational, opposite argument arg-s = slow, repressed argument arg-t = joined, hot argument arg-v = understood, sight argument arg-w = good, debate, balanced argument arg-x = highly emotional, abuse argument arg-z = avoidance, deliberate argument -XL- The netherese section Nethsect Use any meaning above, the "\" means that since they didn't have medicine at the time, they didn't need it. See, this is done to redirect energy wise back to the person for this section as a normal meaning but add an adverted or adjunct idea by what you think for it. the abberred meaning and in listening its the listing as the ; be a separator mark meaning that you tend to follow the natural progressor for normal idea to negative or energetic idea like norm; energetic is logical or illogic thought. Its also a progession of a normal effect and then the point is overloaded effect. They, the netherese can define their natural selves by many idea except the states then you know of mind that be with what they might do as in alternate mental states or natural personalities and otherwise their not counted as scherlosis victim with minds as you or they can tell what they do and not the multiple minds victim. Now the cross aternative be to the netherese "sit across from you", to be ignored as the backstabbers and treated the same or similiar in meeting. This is done as a possible means, if the person matches the self and be treated. That is used as though an alternate self or whatever entices them is what causes reaction: The alter ego and "negative self", is an alter evil or alternative world scene; The inter, the interior, interloper, interpreter, interior "I" world, normal self thats a misfit; The abject, abhor, innate false bone (as ntraceable), adjunct monster, adverse; The exper, deter/mined, invertive self, faery type person of expertise, expert self; The exter, high bone spirit, external, possessive being that poses a threat and hinders if threatened in body but helps out otherwise, personality; The diseases are sometimes normal but mostly magical as their energy are from a body of higher energy in degree, in negative and sometimes positive when the low energy point be noted by control of the wildness or whats the point by negative energy or -E, with more control of wild nature the lower the negative with more of the positive energy +E; here from where they live. So your not getting the negattive or emotional result with more positive energy. As E is a balancing regulation, by force manipulation with activity. If you want more info, then your just going to have to live with it or your going to have to live there or delve by developing their idea into the other possible resources. Quote by a black guy named Simmon "Crazy be to appeal; to look crazy be to act it out and be responsible. So say stop looking crazy to make senses to a crazy man." metacilf = netacilf, meditucilf, negcilf, negative elf, netherese, nether elf, Ever expandable chaos elf made of pure dark matter born into the world as a form of choice with void substance, they are called into existance by need, desire. they represent nothing but what they want as the personal desire and will can do anything if its in their desire by or with religion. they can only manipulate chaos, and by chaos anything else through chaos and distributive disturbance. Where the called being be like a seen doppleganger to the caller, except it acts like a clone. To others they appear as if the summoner in appearance, unless it desires to appear like other forms. Its only defenses to be in form anything at will through a manifest that astounds people. Most netheril can make any event to occur from whom they want. If you beat them they do a service. They think in reverse due to their voidlike read as materialism or objectivity in nature as they tend to use chaos to be good. their attitude be based on the edge and attack of some sort like of diseases and disruption of diseases. So take something from them to make them believe they are controlled, unless their assured it can't be used or aware of the trick. The religious class rule and allow others to rule themselves as a form of silent subjucation. What they touch or brush, they absorb the energy of. They kill or ignore those who aid them unless they are respected, loved. Those they disrepect they torture, and those they dislike they humiliate. Most fools don't stay near as they fear to go near and they fear the power that they have.They in mind are their own enemies that are or are not deranged crazymen or madmen risking for ability and power, alongside dragons and elves, which they desire to torture on sight if they so desire. On sight of each other, their be instant hate that be saved for later or alleviated for disturbance of sorts. their basic technique is to do things and get fun out of it or not do it, and their fun consists of almost torment except when they hunt. Nevertheless, its a thrill they seek for self-enjoyment. They are the dream person to watch as you only have to speak what they fantasize on to get them to agree. To get them to be greedy mention wealth or gain. They hunt criminals for the fun of it, so make them laugh and they relent. their be the Magic God/dess of some form like eiah, or Du'ellan Macleurz (dcleur) among many others under him/her, to worship all be needed be a mention. The day/night timing be on a 19 hours per day clock with 9 1/2 or 9.5 hours day or night. their money be 1/10 of a cent, be vasgr or be a c'ent (as 10 cent) and pure lead silver as 10 cents per queic'ent clay coin 6 1/3 cm or claeicent. d'ime or daicent be 25 cents (1 quarter). quaglmiert (religiously rich), of 1c (one hundred cents) or 10000 $. Most be for barter but fair trade be enforced. Trade treaties can just about do anything. 'Did you know a lead cent allows for ultimate protection from magic and bandits for neceesary demise. A paengrhiel be a cookie or painstick as coalstick.' From this I derive a siegl or oppoite or ultimate ability in oppressive power. Stoi'lgim is a flamestick. For more language idea, take a look at the drow language which is here [ http://www.eilistraee.com/chosen/language.php ]. Heres a few things to help define them. nedealm = demon world: 1. It forms as a vision, called aun, hell in an eternal death world with a torture palace of death out of time and once death sorcerors of asyria or asria, 2. The conditions of kingdom hell were sheol as hellish or pzrr, similiar to the netherland and don't forget nether as a pocket plane for netherese. faaeis = sohn, son, younger person, Vii, vindictive person (burnadette), cruel dusk of darkness; fyrfloa: 1. fire flower, 2. disohn as disvahn or disown, 3. veisohn or murder, murdohc, 4. wels/h, veiled world destruction as a cruel/ty fate, 5. fathereis, priest or pope, 6. property tax as property close/ure, 7. honored one, 8. father, God. maaeis = mothereis: 1. mother, sister, 2. manipulation, 3. Goddess; Daiehn: 1. deaeihgna or astounding, 2. daughter, 3. dawn, a new day, 4. blessed, 5. veipahn, disregard feel. mad = moraless: 1. crazy, 2. compliment, 3. inconsolable or not satiable, 5. dischivrolous; uncontrolled: 1. angry, 2. mindless, 3. not able to think, 4. automatic motion, 4. unconconcious motion, 5. insane and destructive. nut = voi/d of sanity: 1. nuth, 2. hill of beans (a big nothing), 3. nothing, 4. hidden feeling, 5. a personal madness, 6. insanity from stern motion or abstinate, 7. sane; not enough /to worry about: 1. hunger, 2. crazy from distrust, 3. live with another thing or person to accept, 4. acceptance of thought. eiah = sacred: 1. sacred tree, 2. holy, 3. death tree or necromancer tree, 4. snob as godlike being whose similiar with limits or princess; deity: 1. deis, god, servicing gaurdian, 2. deya, goddess or jealous guardian where jealousy, where nothing won't rule them if nothing is worth it or its the right aura, mongoddess, planet (as moon or other), Moongoddess, 3. guardian eis. lyntet = life intent: just, lineage, life meaning where life be loyal to itself, to get a reaction even if inert or nothing and just be as damned; life adver'sial or life advocacy and adversity: greed: To gain any object or chance with or without detrubte (destruction) by many means. To avoid insanity by not thinking of the person or yourself with the cause but of the effect or state of how to do somethings and you can cast a spell without bad side effects. sayy = loyal to the moment (as sanity), sane; shane, loyal to the self (as selfish). earebud = energy rebound, have a buildup of excess energy or negative resource to focus into an action to cause an occurance on any object in site or sight, to channel the change by energy more in use of the visualized scene of the object changing to another or a scenic change. Then feel the energy unleashed to change the object or scene. Use words to "channel" the effort and cause the shift by influence of one thing to another. The phrase may seem positive but spoken negative, gets, the adjunct or inverted effort. Another word for derogative meaning, that effects immediate with positive idea in the area where the negative tends to overload or cancel and what cancels, disappears completely. The negative is the thing that happens once, its what it does to people that makes it seem like white violence. methcoakiyry = netherese code of chivalry, for fun play games of life and death where in a business deal don't assault. Where its allowed use what you can and repair where possible as life be sacred, sacrificed, and objects be a protected tool. On impossible moments make demands to get the effort of stopping the war (any), and don't do much except make the person laugh as it can be considered a threat. They take life serious and as a duty, so serious its a game to play by others rules created by life experience. Including a stranded few by life in itself. In serious malicious motion stand still without humour and think go away to the horror, harryr, or harrier person. To accept commands in life or death, moments of circumstances and otherwise vicious cycles. Live for ingenuity and pleasure from activity. Bring your own desire and materials with you and don't lose unless you can't take a fall. To seek the thrill of the moment, till a fall occurs. Be near a loved one and they might not beat you up, so for the life of God be worthy and don't self-proclaim as its a religious zealots duty. reva = raver, one who creates music to revere, priveleged as in policy; exchange: set back. methke = cilfdedke, netake, netherese language key, take the common or normal meaning in your language for the translated phrase and use the adjunct meaning; adverse that is reverse or different thought with same form thats visible and considered visible opposite, or inverse meaning of translation; opposite form and same idea except for negative meanings which translated straight with adjunct things that often not get noted for use by the disturbing effect, distinct or used. The y be hardly stated and in front its not heard like yijing be i-jing or philosophy of bone. Any noun be an active noun with no endings. This considered with slang as its close. By use of negative energy one can derive the netherese effects, by this I mean the nether meanings come into manifest. The phrase may seem positive and solid but spoken negative as pawned or given out with self need or desire by emotional negative and gets the derogative meaning, that effects immediate with positive idea in the area where the negative tends to renege as overload or cancel out what cancels no it dissipates to disappear, completely! The idea this portrays be the carry over effect to monsterously create a physical effort known as pervart with overstrain by persuasion or perversion (pervort(c)). To know a effect or know any of it be to transfer it on an action of transferred motion (c) by action with the element represented. Maybe that should be it as its not actually seen but heard. A notation for quotation by anonymous "Acceptance, a chance, dejection be assault and with apology be hate or emotion. With love be an acceptance of hate and only in/with a country that allows forgivance. With hate be suicide of objects, or by restoring of positive when they the hater be not ready. When given time, they attain a goal of sorts and out of sorts they talk but then also be acceptance of sorts. Some can/are only happy if people hate them or to get a disliked effect, The idea was started a few thousand years ago and has a less effect nowadays. Like for enlightnment, to learn by self and taught by others becomes to be insight and yet the insight carries over to become dejection or control by denied effort. Your able to push someone with insight to become someone else. The sayings be sometimes related to this, but like a lack in a day this be no fair moment and on a fair day we rely on lack of a good thing so try not as you will to use animals. The use of punctuation be possible, except the end seclusion marks and brackets, () = of, focus, opinion. {} = is, support of raw data as info, contnts (as contents). <> = or, seclusion, whatever supported. = be eq, same place. pause Where the "of" be in place of (). Most netherese be allerical, literal but used metaphorically its bonny when written down, but when spoken its both or general unless its specific. Almost always pronounce the last letter with a unflat sound. The word changes are different per Netherese and Atlantean. Anything of Netherese be by self or things done by self. Anything of Atleantian be object oriented, Anything of elven be action based. Anything of human is associative and negative based. Anything of dragon be harsh in form, the noun is the verb in certain cases. -en = appended to consonant or vowel, plurus (plural), replaces -e, -uis, -us, -es, -iex, -s, -ix, -x -ehe = a-cas (active case), declentive verb, same meaning or unchangeable idea also used for numbers such as memory. In can compromise things in use and remove what the thought represents. -or = detrior (distribution), transphased moment or recorded movement. -ar = persor (personal) case (I, you, us, them, of this) or possesive like can't. -an = U-cas, undecisive case, a word that acts as a placebo, this doesn't declare anything but takes the place of a negative reaction especially if used alone, this is done if a place in time is understood for the idea and this creates in thought for what's in mind and things you sometimes can't do you can do. An undeclarus or undeclared word. Like depictan for depiction (sight on description), this is where -ion is a concept and -an is a thought that's sometimes a fought moment if seen psychically. Sorta like an argument, that is with emphasis on the idea you think except its in an idea non physically done. So dismiss the scene in your mind by thinking of something else, then things seem to work out for you. -ant = in invorcer (invocative) case by provactive idea, this is something where the case is shown where feelings are shown and acts as if shouted. Like aloromaiant or pacify in idea sound! -ent = indiclative (indicative) case like this or that be indicated or thent (this indicates) or 7th (syint). -is = denotes a noun like a proper in name but it has to be capitolized or remove things like bugs unless not needed, AE is an imported word as clancy be Clancy is or Mantis in life. -it = any other case, -ed, -ing, -ly, lidit as subconscious made up idea in thought - = not done used to combine any two words that are unchangeable in meaning or hard to pronounce. aaica = edging or sharpen; cook/ing pot, chalice. aaya = america (comes from uni'li'vand): 1. united land /area or kingdom, 2. unite by knowledge or detail, 3. "united we stand or stink."; miracle: 1. terror by nightmare, 2. buy off, 3. warfare or junk it, 4. claim from adjustment, 5. judge by conspiracy. abnorm = abnormal, abnormal force, adverse from what be supposed or thought of; opposite of what is supposed and in negative energy. abput = before putting, prepackaged; consider/ation adini = undiminish, undimish, forever diminish; distinguish as eliminate, fallacy or cause understood motion. afimae = disbif affirmation: 1. affirmed idea, 2. fixed stance or fix by fire, 3. support of sorts, 4. affirmitive, 5. agree upon, 6. belief; disbelief fro' dis'blief: 1. daily belief, 2. daily affirmation, 3. conformed idea, 4. daily problem, 5. corrected idea by support info, 6. taught info, 7. fatten up, 8. gain. ae'usedtub = ae'usedtobe, protracted motion in progress; protractive animation. aihi = aim high, aim hi, up high, in the air; good attack, good all around. aiho = ailo, aim low, aim lo, low to ground, bring low; bad assault. ang = listen: 1. lesson, 2. disposition, knowledge, 3. angry learn; unadvisable usage ansoain = bitter mistress; distress ansouihn = misery (depiction of terror or horror); drug (free) aoba = amoeba, shapeless; loose movement (movement of shape) ebrnga = bring: 1. harmbringer, 2. horror bringer, 3. a demon that brings harm to the intended victim not unless needed, 4. bring w/energy except with synergetics, 'bring with energy for luck' by plumber; just desert or result: 1. a victim of some ill magic, 2. unreasonableu, like discovery, 3. still learning/ed, remember/ed. arkne = darkness; pooled strength: insanity: 1. dark revealed energy), 2. reasonable contract or reason of forbearance, 3. poisonous fumes or insanity, 4. justice deserved/deservance, 5. know brutality and braums procedure, 6. brawels' procedure, unfortune on procedure by some means like disposition in chance fight/eating. au = asome: 1. assume, 2. assumption, 3. to bring idea from the logical course, 4. asshole or fake pushed assumption without penitence, 5. ao (as forever), gold; bad seed: 1. accede, give up by show (of faith), 2. show up, 3. illogic, illogical thought, 4. sesame or bird seed that draws a bird and/or sesame on a bun. auger = visionary, one that doesn't have anything to do with a topic but does anyway from sight; othersight; porportion (as belief), anaugra (as belief). aura = influence defense field, Ever manipulated influence field of the body thats powered by soul and reinforced by spirit (influenced). It can control anything in an area but not everywhere, unless linked by effort and tech. This might prove to the honest observer how powerful the aura really is; Aura of control, contrl aura as where the aura influence causes ( as coaxes) reactions. abyee = ambitious, ambitiousness, a goal to derive a way to getting your way; damnation: 1. jinx, 2. abyss, 3. hell, 4. pzurr; 5. void as of absolute madness or suicide, 6. purity by insanity (dangerous activity while thinking its safe.?). activ = symposium, action based; mental action aloromai = make up, influence; pacify amandea = amarandea, free conscious, Senses that allow the "wasp" conscious to fly and explore; constrain (hold down). amandia = amarandia, thought control, attractive notion like natures beauty; beastly action ambuin = embrace, hug, blood draw, bloody distrust, let whatever it be go; mental intrusion: 1. lose faith, 2. treachery and turn, 3. insanity or crazy, 4. blood trust, 5. insecure, 6. plagarization. amb'rail'ic = pity, foolish action; envictimize: 1. punish uncaring people, 2. push off, 3. hatred. ambrail = friendship, tricked trust; respect of amazement or demand ambroi = amb, amber, embrace; quick movement to maim. amo = amore, amount, love, romance or positive dinner chat; epidemic: 1. lore, 2. easy disease, virus 3. incessant or unceasable. ange = attack angel: 1. death by an element like firing, 2. angellica, 3. debusche (as beer mustache), 4. inhibitive drug; depends: 1. anger, 2. ruinous being, 3. death angel, 4. fallen being thats saintlike as an ancient creature with great powers. ana = anon, action noun (act of negative energy not now yours): 1. The depicted verb word actively thought on thats not a verb, view word representing a shifting idea. If not focused then the action noun be unknown; anoen: 1. great disturbance of reverse energy, 2. by default, it be anonymous due to some disaster, 3. drive in thief as a type of disturbance to create an attrocity, 4. increasement by appeasement to gather information. anx = annex or long distance exile mission; anxiety (anxous motion) arabia = heretic; controlled freedom (strained action) arbitz = arby: 1. arbies, 2. argue/ment, 3. feud by physical arguement, fud as food, banquet, or fudge; demand as demonstration: 1. seem on demand by necessity, 2. specialty. ardtug = hard to get, pull down; indelicate: 1. dedicate, 2. delicate/delicattesan, 3. dessert. ardwe (rdwe) = hardware: 1. object, 2. objective thinking; void gate: 1. material creation, 2. flood gate. askella = askance; question answerer, ask anything at = near, from, fro'; shift view: 1. things that reflect the shifting world, 2. world view that acts like a shift when scenes of the world are play acted on stage, 3. by self acting to achieve with role choices. aiam = as I am, as of now, as I still am, is; as made: how I am, so I am as made, living, seduce. aiwit = airwitt: 1. as I want 2. to or to be; airwit: 1. toward (hotness), 2. burning up in flame. aut = adult, A mature person without vindictiveness and allot of patience; audist/autist: smooth natured and non-violent with vindictive goal. Asthe = aether: 1. material or materia to manipulate or materialize at necessity, 2. self-accumulate, to acquire things or knowledge; slender: 1. build of body, body type, 2. zealot court, crazy court with insane lawyers of idea but not actions. asveltu = adventure, as the wheel turns, life renewal; very bad death or carmegeddon. awd = award: 1. land, 2. sword or item, fullfillment; gurr/ing: 1. rabid, 2. wild nature. awety = advantage: 1. dumb, 2. to win, 3. derive, 4. get effect by effort; uptake: 1. concentration, 2. overweighty, 3. consideration by understanding. b'lif = believe, be alive, self-support/ive fro' "coipt'b`seit'cace" or denial of consequence, self-belief; malignant: 1. deciever, 2. false belief, 3. stagnant, 4. conceived, 5. creative or create. ba = back: 1. backside, 2. forward in others sight, 3. bad othersight, 4. bad (as banned or ideal), badness, 5. bake for objects or people, 6. bade moment; baaga or back again: 1. return "it" by movement, 2. recover, 3. vehicle, conveyance, 4. luxury from great skill or just great skill. badaid = bad luck; bad purpose bao = bad'eal'o, bade alot (as all), obey, command; addiction (ad'ict), consumption, eating style bahr = omni, all; counter: 1. dismiss, 2. dissemble, 3. long row or longtable bea = be active or "bastard", baron or "bear'on" gotten fro' "barusche" or infamy: 1. a good "infamous" and bastardy position borrowed for highborn for iffy and infamous moments thanks to red baron, 2. "noble" owner of land or land owner, 3. infamy of class choice; beacon: 1. flying ace, flight controller, 2. course control, 3. out of control director, 4. repellant motion, 5. beat up or like motion, 6. reprimand. bik = bank, riverside, current handling; currency system: 1. conduct of good/evil or neutral behavior, 2. conductive circuit or living circuit bar = bar: 1. area of drinks, 2. bar room, 3. drink area; bar fight: 1. disruption, 2. smashed things, 3. resting area. barr = ball, be all, courtroom, room; attack ball be = being, is/are, am/was, being of live force; beat: 1. beat of rhythm or music, 2. beat of body (beat up). bedaid = bandaid, bandanna, body wrap (any), cause of death; desolate: 1. console of magic, 2. normal nature, 3. beserk. bey = bio (being), partaken, existant or caught up in beblbrox = believable brothers, conniver, conman, disturbance; misincorporate, discorporation, a resonance or disruptance field used to abhorrantly travel by and with rocks with silver, coffee rocks or wax formed rock clumps. belmont = official; deliberance (beligerance) beqik = bisquik, bisquick, overeaten, quick growth; quick to act, quick to set ber = bear, beer, better, ember or flame bearer; firestarter: 1. flare emotion, 2. actual fire or flare of a signal getter, 3. signal flare. bf = boys friend, to be (as tuing), be friend, boyfriend; bie tormentor, big intolerance. bsla = bitch slap, be slammed, slap in face, slam beating; seclude, single out bo = bow, bowl, lean over greeting, a respectful greet of court, a blow; stall mend, installment incorporated into peace of body and mind. bold = beut: 1. beauty, 2. beautiful; dependant: 1. depending, 2. mental blow. bone = health care (spirit): 1. doctorage (doctor), 2. spiritual doctor (shamanist call), 3. other types like accupuncturist; pest kill: 1. by make flee, 2. pestillence removal, 3. kill disease, 4. teeth care: orthodontist or orthodontalist. bond = bonding: 1. lovemaking, 2. bondage (detrimental), 3. kinetic: control by motion; chaotic destruction by deregimental or scatter brained idea. bla(ze) = wild fire: loud speaking; burnout: 1. A person in a condition that be not remembering and always with some problem. When forced they destroy the item or thing that allowed it, including a person and force the memory down. 2. destructive energy, 3. catastrophic event. blud = blood; 1. life, 2. alive; deathlike: 1. vampiric, 2. undead, 3. "To sleep be to die and to wake is to rise again." From thoughts of a vampire.. blo = block, blockage, barrier or area: 1. of expertise, 2. job, 3. space, place, 4. desire of body and mind; nevermind: 1. hidden, never any, 2. neverwinter, 3. neasuma (neversummer), 4. neverhear, 5. neversleep. bredcrub = breadcrumb: 1. Info trail of information for the mental aspect, 2. Personal breadcrumb, of food or info, 3. tidbit; smoke indications /by dismissal force: 1. Indescribed, 2. Indescribable torture portrayal, 3. Chaotic correction, correption, 4. hasbah, bad relation or betrayal, 5. forcecraft of illusion, deillusionment. brif = cord'oroy, d'brief or brief: 1. just quick, 2. cordoroy pants, 3. corded briefs of a. corded pants, b. belted underbelly, c. communication, d. toga, bel'ted robe, 4. code, 5. record, 6. com(mute) of communication; junk: 1. disbelieve /its true, 2. discord /of or in money, 3. discredit, 4. don't believe /in what you see. brii = brian, dispute; disputive (contained), disregard buivt = bureive it, beuro, red tape, police it, get busy, on patrol, bury it; due policy, pursue bukta = bunkter, banter, speech; argue (arguement): 1. sift, 2. protection, bunker, 3. soft arguement: no blows except to maybe shout, 4. Hard arguement: punching blow or punch bowl. buga = burger, meat pasty, meat on buns with orderbs, fiscal thing; stole: 1. drug, 2. out cold, 3. burgulary, 4. a wrap around. bugakig = burger king, meat pasty king (meat on buns with oderbs), fiscal king; drug king, drug palace, patience, pirate king, bumsti/ck = boomstick, rifle, short handled pistol; sot'g: 1. shotgun (12 gauge or scattershot), 2. to make bummed by burnout of sorts, 3. newly burn. bupo = burped, foolish, mistaken, blooper; burst byhid = by hand, by yourself, may'plu'g or dirt cheap move, saviour, steal, jesu fo' jesus! as a person steals; assault/ive: 1. lax or lazy, 2. get behind, ass sitting, 3. associate, 4. society, 5. restive, 6. laying back, 7. 'take the hand', chop off or remove parts. byse = by self, seldom; self beligerant, beside yourself, bedside ca = can (trial), will (united spirit and soul), will do, achieve (go for it); unachieve, can't, won't or won't do cace = concise, consist; castor will of spellworker, energy will caco = concede, If you gave in they made concession or give in. cacese = concensus, relegation, responsible; coun'cia, cae = connect, convict (as convice by sharing info); correction of one hit or constructive comments o 2 to cause a opposite or different effect. caky = cake walk: easy way: smooth: 1. smoothy, 2. ice like, 3. flow. car/e = ce: 1. A care to aid friends and family, 2. A care to help, 3. agreement; karr: 1. family (as loss), 2. ker, feminine/mannish. cascrite = consup, construe; force method (as brute force or conscript list), stupid castsun = cast the sun; unleashed insanity, repeated insanity, burning casts-on = cast the son; disown (dislodge, beat up) catigecy = contingency; other idea. catr = contribute: 1. freelance, 2. freedom course by introduction; jail: reasonable recourse. hiawa = hideaway; bitch or woman in power due to innately honed ability and resulting actions, this forms their mental perception as a conclusion to wanting something and when they get it, its a bitchy move or they throw a fit considered a snit. cau = caw, caution, caught; torment (torm) sometimes with questions cetaga = castors gaze; desire will of willed desire or repair or stop doing that swing thing I believe I gnow who you are gitler. cik = cink, cinch (got it), snag (do up, dole up, doll up or pretty, snazzed, catch hold, catch up); coaspan = cockerspaniel (cocky disposition (cocker) of soldier or dog (spaniel), district attorney, court power (power maniac) cacete = concentrate (by focus); concente, cacent, confirm (as won over). cidl = candle use, a candle born of wax and no oil of sorts; oil lamp: 1. made of oil w/ glass, wax or crystal or see no container. This takes about 30 minutes to an hour to go out by some use, to smother is thought no use yet grease additive is interest or not go out by use without slaps this is interesting. Look one time with meaning so intent appens as this what appes if rust or disuse is there as I saw this if discovered your not dead or yet if alive en no now as coed. coet = coe, correcting: 1. dissolving, 2. distraction, 3. correction as this so go now, 4. inveigling, 5. weakness; go over or I believe I played this long enough so I believe I have to 9: 1. removing the flaw, 2. dusting, 3. depiction, 4. move on, 5. murder/death schedule, 6. death agent, death angel. comoe = commotion or dist'urbe'ance: 1. disturbance, 2. distraction; commode: 1. commodity, 2. luixury/luixurious, 3. cleaning water, 4. travel of some sort or use supplies then do. conkit = concrete: 1. ko, 2. kill off, like, into unconsciousness or death, 3. set in, 4. settle down or calm down; service: 1. setup server of any type like food server or machine setup, 2. machine dispencer, 3. a drink thats smooth down the throat or smoothy. dumoago = 2 months ago; due more in past: 1. two month old animal, 2. due in past. conkiteria = killing spree: 1. kill zone, 2. battle; cafeteria: 1. cafe, food court, 3. rest area. coproe = compromise, take hold, take over, take course; addict catro = control: 1. domination of moment or area, 2. possesive over other or above; cathro: 1. cat throw up. catroa = controller, one who controls (dominative of moment); catheo: 1. release, 2. dispossess. cojak = policy force: 1. policing force, 2. brute squad; evergoing instruction: 1. infringement, 2. distinct: a. instrusive by irritation, b. inheritant, whatever you adhere to be inherited, c. take back, d. reclaim. corrant = power or energy; abide (by corruption), thanks to fubrosa, corrosion, creative user approach corrept = antimagic field of force, an invisible but desynchronous (aligned to nothing and existent by itself) force that lives for harmony and feeds off bad vibes and in doing so it corrects while not linked to much, but it connects by direction of the wielder and watches with an indication of any activity that be directed by the wielder, in which case it acts like a carrier that will work for any force; Deregulated desynching force or deregulated force, an unsynched and unrelation force that drives people apart for protection and prevents the unnecessary with erasure of the event. corrugon (cor'gon) = corrupt, turn by fear; dixt'nicht, unending loop (always continuing moment), dicredited incorporeal moment or just discredit: "is as was", unlooked for event. cheou = u, you, yourself; deterrant (craven), preventative cu = cute, bad (unnatural); very skilled, babe (male/female) cukit = cukitry: 1. cook, 2. heat to kill, 3. simmer, 4. cookitry; heater: 1. stovetop, 2. oven, 3. womb, 4. stovepipe. cul (cool) = cool down: 1. coolness, 2. nice, 3. ok; corrution: 1. very nice with good packing, 2. good skill from sicknes, 3. corrupt/ion. curgy = cleric: 1. paladin, god focuser, 2. priest, 3. desk assistant; occultist: 1. satanist, 2. paganist, 3. sorceror, 4. a hidden corruption. crabapy = crabhappy, crab bappy: They are ambitious and stalwart figures who feel happy while crabby, they could easily destroy public property by a emotional boredom or id revoked by similiar idea for laws made that are obeyed by reason of disturbance to their routine; destructive research be to reason with the person and to rediculous idea is to make a point. cretsed = creation seed (seed of creation), plant the seed to create any one thing of creation chosen before or after the seeding; seed of destruction, plant the seed thats negative with feelings to achieve from provoked thoughts and chaos flows to do as the bidder wills. croel = look onward: 1. onlook/er/ing, 2. lend insight, 3. unkindly cruel; contrary: mary (as merry killer) from "as mary contrary". crul = cruel (on demand when not ready); desist (creatu, creature, being) cyi = civil, accomodate; concerve, concentrate da = day, star, father, sun (as dark), god; crime of passion daami = Datamine: to mine for info and it acts a virus on a machine with truth serum on person like a mental worm. When on target it destroys everything by fire near you and only if you deny the truth. This can negate any material and from within including your body like a bomb; Blind trust (bli-tru): Blith truth, To trust in tests when given results blindly or without testing. dak = fathers death, dusk (night fall, 11:59 - 12:15 AM); crucify by torture act or pleasure act. dak'rus = all necessary death (omnipotent), neccesity in death; call to. Dark corpse. damise = concept, conceive, persist, trade (per bargain area) dba = due back: 1. fateful action done from fear, 2. debate; dubious: 1. back again, 2. judge off, 3. physical schitz, split off to another form or phase and they remember the other forms activity. dea = downfall, mordor, ignored (shame) unseen; forgiven (murdered), sin (tainted act). debnd = disbend, dismissing by motion of poverty or personal pursuits; dismal display of anything that is talked on. decateast = its there (as a positive), yullagie, thanks to unknown, discontent, contest, discount (as not see, careless); discourt (as discounted, dislodge, dead issue). awn = dawn, dress (as full blown double hemmed) kiis, starshine rise, chanee's sister, sun up, chest halter; disaster of failure or failed moment. deced = discard, distant, trash; modify: courageous changeover. dedi = dediliah, dedicated, dedicate mom; dessicate, tear apart dedwa = deathland or path of the dead or dead path, where the dead walk; vampiric life, path of living dead (life, deceit and white lies) or path of lies, where the living dead walk, defec = defect of/by object: 1. servant, 2. a perfect personal servant guard, 3. deselect; disruptive house guard: 1. area defense, 2. A defense by object or house, 3. A use of people as a fuel, to defend people within against unknown and threats from outside by a time flaw. This could be including the owner and what the house recognizes as a friend. 4. If anyone unfriendly ever enters they are found and beaten soundly and mentally, unless friendly. 5. No regard to friendlies though till they awaken the heart of the house and the friendlies, are aided by the electric ghost effect in which a moral poison and flawed fire protects from disruption and hexes on the viditive (vindictive). dei = devil, focused darkness, evil; dark, good bad act with proven results, efficient nature. deiorn = devils horn, charm (seduction) wave generator thats found in devils peak of mount monoke? of North carolina, with positive energy it will create an insane vave that controls the dead or vampires. deish = disinhibitive, substance or force use thats not used as its disinclined once discovered by a very bad nature; overuse by abuse, prohibitive nature by unused in moments of prudence. de'hs = hid, hand, hide or skin; hide/hiding. de'sigre = diner, dinner; dogfood or petfood. dejilk = dispell, remove spell, dejinx; compact: 1. wizards agreement like between two people or two beings, 2. magic enforcement, 3. folding mirror device, 4. smaller sized and better design. dekita = dekanter: 1. off kilter, 2. ever shifting; bad spell: 1. bad idea, 2. bad thing. del'lusia = delusion, illusion, different flavor, spy out, look out; cracked up, cracked mind of many minds that represents the alt world or schitzophrenia. "Those that are willing to admit they have an alternate self may have schitzophrenia. delomet = development: 1. get more stuff, 2. get things, 3. achievement, 4. diplomat; empty power: 1. a power of void over nothing, 2. empty gain, 3. an empty achievement, 4. hefty gain, 5. fatten, 6. to gain without achievement, 7. insane motion. des'r = dessicr/ate: 1. goldfinger, 2. golden alloy, 3. moment of virtue, vanglorious; de'sre: 1. golden weight, 2. weight los/s, 3. keep track, 4. disrupt/ion, 5. another reason. depea = disparate, apparatus, deep sea; disapparate, to apparate with disaster or chaotic idea using the three D's, Destination, determination, decision. deruty = destructive, destitution; technological moment. detta (vendetta) = something striken; credible (motion by relation): 1. damned relation, 2. turned, 3. deterred, 4. prevent, 5. defect, 6. dealing, motion to relate, 7. worshier from worshestershire or worse from worse, 8. make worse, 9. defensive, 10. personal intent thanks to paul. detriu = battae, batteries not included, distribution by grand larceny or misplaced trust; self-running device /with or w/out batteries, chaotic disturbance. detyu = detour, a work around of the destitute, welfare; job offer detrdly or detedly = dastardly, a person with low iq of a bitch..who goes along with indecent things and achieves ill treatment; best way: a friend formed from battle or joining up and using the best techniques it kill. deve = devise, development; dement devo = devoted: 1. considerate as I believe; emotion: 1. devolved or degenerate (in some manner), 2. emulation or ape, 3. desistent, back down, 4. conning or white redirective lies. dey = device: 1. useful devising, 2. deity; spoilage: 1. corruption, 2. disrupt/ive service redevising, 3. biodegration, degeneration, biodenegration or energy passed through and the object was degraded. deyo = youth, young, play hookie, reposed moment; day out, sundown. deyomaximus = day out maximized, long vacation, day break by enjoyed pause; youthening attack ball, youthful regain, youthful composure, dissenduos, copes alot. dez (nandez) = creative, self-taught (mend easy, commend easy); teachless (instinctive), flunk (fail) di = dick, mix, did (choose, choice), instigate, male organ, putting, putty; investigate from male ego. di-cnd = put out by lower energy that leaches, leach, undo; life force: 1. leech by life force removal, 2. ability removal by life leeching. dil-heis = comparable reproach, justice; removal: 1. a catching of thief or any, 2. By removal I mean dil'qies. doou = dole out: 1. pay up, 2. pay out, 3. just pay; reward: 1. of pain, sufferring, 2. position by aggravation, 3. anything else. dis'tek = distance study: 1. disagreement, 2. by natural feel, 3. regulation by study, 4. cause by natural event; hidden: 1. event for advantage, 2. hidden nature, 3. taken advantage by visitor. dis'cord'graed = slide to /side (perped by rob angy); move by /levitation: 1. force, 2. will, 3. effort, 4. control disp = display: 1. scene of gory emotion and depict, 2. view of area (perped by chris); debilitate: 1. live mental show based on crystals, objects and glory, 2. painfully disrupt. dlei = put down, insult; rush (you), un (undo) dnio = deniro, single out by fencing of some sort, starship or spacial vehicle, gravity of movement do = dope, doing it; doh = horr-iduh or horrid or crazy, mistake (self-accident thats unappreciated); death visions (slain, chopped, assaulted, real death), unseen knife. drithru = drive-thru or drive-through: 1. lot of movement, 2. food service, 3. nickel and dime it; torrential energy: 1. driven to destruction, 2. discouragement, 3. torrential movement. du = do, due; ensue or paroll duk = duke/s: 1. du opposition or unpositioned, 2. due fallacy by assassinate, 3. personal assault force, 4. highborn class, 5. high "honorary" position, 6. high honor, 7. on high, 8. shut up; imitate: 1. imminate, scrimmage or to match by a fight but try to win and any attack after be apart of another moment, a common courtesy be to remove the damage after, 2. illusion, 3. copy act by a copy over or photocopy, 4. ape, 5. act it out of any animal, 6. character assasination, to assume your another person and know yourself but be counted as the pursued, usually pursuing the person for a strange reason like puppeteering or different concepts, 7. self condition: by self idea and self-conditioning, 8. going, 9. accept the punishment, 10. strike out or "duke of fate", 11. fits of fantasy or dubious thanks to Anonymous. dun = don't understand: 1. didn't, 2. ordinance, enforcement of idea, 3. don't, 4. ordinary, everyday and normal; scummy: 1. unseen /target, 2. a person that uses illusion, 3. invisible "I don't see you, you don't see me" or "you don't see me but I see you". dup = dupe: 1. conscidre, 2. trick of torment without physical blows; personal: A single persons viewpoint, that aggravates their emotions if/in around the right person. du're'lax = ultimate ruler or ultimate leader: 1. king//queen/kingpriest/president, 2. persistent, 3. ultimateum or ultimatum as ultimate tantrum; high standard: 1. high life standard, 2. bad info, 3. manipulative idea, 4. per'si'fol, or personal venture of death, 5. end of disclosure or closed off, 6. too early release. due = interest in motion: 1. pay due, 2. as amount; dumb move: 1. suggested as do, 2. control (as suggestion). dyta = dictate: 1. speach imprint, 2. beggared action, 3. dictated language, 4. demand by rule or demanding rule thats sometimes pushed with unfair tactics or by parenting, 5. detail work by, entailing, and other things, preach (from dictator as preacher): a. speech, b. turning point, c. abuse by mother to cause a father reaction and preacher by child, d. priest, priestess, kingpriest (as whatever ruler name there is); emperor/ess: 1. dictator, 2. ancient ruler thats pursuant and causes dissuaded motion, 3. trick/ster demon, 4. disuser, consequential belief of people, 5. persuant disuader, 6. hasband and cruel dissuader. eeh = up, oh, pause in surprise, reprimand; reprisal: 1. ooh, 2. mass surprise, 3. stomach blow eehwahz = iam, I am, pendant, selfless (self taken from flaw), piglack (lesser eating), sell less, painlack (painless); mediocre, moderate take with expansive conquer from pain. eih = I, me, was, myself; my, mine, more, included, and. eihwaz = I was, achieved; standpoint eihwaihz = I thought, evolutionist, independant, stupid fucker; good standing from lenience nsembl = emsemble, 1. condescend, to get condescentive draws a crowd and draws down the target, 2. gigantic room of people, 2. group lecture that tends to make people learn without listening; collage: 1. gathered class of items, 2. collection, 3. collateral, 4. college, 5. concensus by group, 6. rejection by memory or group "it doesn't take a group fo' rejection but the others action instead". ektou = Eak it out, Axle grease, to lose time (slow) and the squeeky wheel needs grease; beat up: 1. lose event, 2. losing effort. ekttu = Eak it too, To each their own as self-award by reward; Debilitate by inhibitive motion. en'nid = d'cid, decision, thought; despot: 1. act, 2. despotism, 3. desperate, 4. leave him or her alone, 5. springboard, 6. springy. entukfogy = one touch forging, on touch mint, forge by cold magic to create the dream shape on an item. Use two handed silver or mystical hammer of any sort safely linked to a heavy metal or core like object. The core of planet or the core of a meteor; es = be (being), as it is, is, it (is); was or weighty: 1. thought on or pondered, 2. many or mani (maniered) evaet = everett: Worlds largest mountain; large body: 1. worlds largest ship that helped create the humankind and has shift points and that it looks like a mountain. It has energy shields but not fast movement and floats above the clouds. A large floating city and served as the bastion of power by not being destroyable as its a world ship like the titanic, on this ship theirs a large amount of food and peole can escape by decision. This ship could phase drive anywhere and be interphased to any shape or size, 2. a very large human thats overeats or normally eats and be tall and fattish but can gain height and weight loss by objective eating. mulk = mulch, et, eat (anything), accompany (much pleasure); feel heavy (feel full) evin = ev'nin, evening; leaving, exiting sun, dusk. sundown. ekor = egr, eager, eager beaver, egress;; set: 1. Setting of physical object including tv set, broadcast, placement aka a picture on a wall; 2. Addiction, oerlipo, oerlumpus, a body attraction caused by the lymph node overproduction and feelings of a pleasure wave, to cause an overbalanced amout of excess in just about anything, an overbalanced addiction; 3. excitable. f = ef, f sound, family, son, daughter, neuter; middle school: 1. do worse and yet do better, 2. middle ground faa = father, indicative moment, model act, tough act of "allowance"; aggressive, aggression fathypyr = all went up: 1. everlasting flame, 2. everything went to hell, 3. all started melting, messed up (when fat hit the fan), 4. everything floats, 5. a "gurgling jar", an electrical fire that gave off alot of heat of oil, wood and/or wick within a container surrounded by another large bowl in outside pit surrounded by people and it doesn't go out with water, it goes out by smothering and possibly a lid, 5. its a juggling act as they, the people, attempt to work with the idea and its very useful to know. If you consider the act as attrocious then you can reject anything the person says without anger. If the person be to believed or assumed of deceit and you are attempting a good act by deceit. then they don't attack but consider it a good thing as others have done worse; indescribable: 1. indecent, 2. made a difference, "oh I/we have to go", 3. everythings okay. fer = fol: 1. falling down, 2. fallen, 3. far as 'by far or wide'; fate: 1. evil, 2. hunting something like witches, 3. confusion, whatever confuses you, 4. concedence, a consequence to accept an idea thats folley. farh = hesistant: 1. farflung, 2. far hesitant time, 3. the willies, hesitancy on how far; graceless deterrant: 1. bad fart, 2. bad taste, 3. disgrace, an ongoing and everflowing feel of disaster. (not of use) fate = fair hand: 1. fairness, 2. equality; fall by discouragement: 1. diskourag, discourage, 2. protection by white lie or delusion and self-discovery (dillusion). bao = fetus: 1. baby (early stage), 2. baobao (babe, baby); country: 1. constant death, 2. rated death. fehyla = aunt, female relative; betrayist, female hitler figrafyl = fagra fall, fiagra fall, diagra fall, water flow (upward); deep fall in, emotion self (mistrust or true feel). fhle'clo = skin: 1. bound by the skin (alive), 2. fleshy (fat), 3. heavy and nice, 4. break the skin, 5. large bone, 6. success (in business sense or suit and tie); bound to the spot (in skin): 1. paralyzed by penalty, 2. fleshlike person, 3. ash clone, 4. penalized by strain of too much, 5. beautiful, 6. hurtful nature. freud = froyd, fraud (true conart); hypnotism, mesmerism foaga = for again, foreign (out of country, out of original); feigner (frightened foreigner, excellent act), forbid (fully) fe'cla = claact: 1. claad, ironclad, 2. class act, 3. invuego, invego, innuendo, 4. classy, 5. insignificant, 6. inviegler (thief, burgular), 7. good nature (good quality), 8. female clad; kieth: 1. keash, splitz or mentally insane, 2. loud mouthed, 3. enraged disturbance. group or person, scitzic vibrosis: to physically see dimentia visions when vibration be heard or a reaction be caused with something heard with ultra sound like a hide or another person. fol = male horse, fool, folley; target: 1. turn against, 2. stop, 3. kill. fonaga = for in again, foreigner, insider (inside here), out of origin person; disclosure (self-destruct by revealing) fow'ed = forward advance: 1. in front, 2. front move, 3. backward in others sight, 4. Advance/ment of evolution: A. body like odor, B. aging of sorts, C. fowled, fowl/ing, bad chalk or bad child; walk: 1. going in direction, 2. walk through, 3. walk through by exploration, 4. helping hand, 5. hint, 6. code book, hint book. fra(frame) = set up; arbituary fre = free, taidal; no holds (no bounds), to be free (persist) you must reveer what you have and have no contractual agreements. freby = frisbey (fris or freeloader, weightless lift and obey or make, made by influence), obey. fredo = freedom: 1. like fight for it or costly intrigue, 2. costless gain, 3. w/o contracts including bills and repetitive money contracts; gluttony: 1. if your free, then emo/te (as an expression), 2. feed your glutton as eating, 3. defiant (defy reason). freht'ih = choice: self-concept idea as option; consolidate: 1. both combined, 2. single. frek = freak: 1. give freely (as screwing), 2. steal and change; damn: 1. damnation, 2. give honor, 3. honorary, 4. dimensional, 5. replications to nothing or reprication of finding nothing, to create a persistent diseaz of reparation and end result be nothings done. froo = frodo: 1. fraudulence by turbulance or trouble, 2. decrepency by stealing, 3. exploratory, 4. helf-absorbing, 5. to construe by act; disrepect: 1. cruelty, 2. to body, 3. of mind, 4. to force by convincing. fyn = fallen, a sea form; acquitted, let go fynste = fallen star, path of destruction (mirend) kad = kid, child, A person without care and allot of vindictiveness. kiln = kill now, cook (roast); skin (peel) ga = Game: 1. depicted live scenario, 2. visio/n with stereo, 3. graphical option, 4. as shows, 5. Feudal motion, 6. some scene enactment, 7. Animation or animated motion of real life or some hell; universal motion: 1. life intent: Real scenario thats a bloody request or event, 2. Real live act, 3. Duel (any sort allowed), 4. A real game of masquerades in all times and conditions thats required, 4. Universal game of chance and life. 5. Gameshow of punishment and hellish actions. gaby = gambit (gamble); bloody action, random act (violence). Galimer = troop, distant, incorrigable; distinct, weak will, bad soldier. gea = geayfoc: 1. energy gather, 2. 'focus word' by Thop, 3. general energy fire, 4. fire starter by energy focus, 5. direction phrase word; folktale: 1. a story, 2. horror story. Thanks to Cicily. gempa = grampa; onlooker by distinct means. gempy = wonder, why, a curious thought on the moment, tell me, what you've been thinking about; you = personal: 1. personage, 2. view, 3. affront, 4. yo, you, yourself; how: 1. bone, separate part, 2. endorpiniaszt or endorphins, 3. how to, 4. self-help, 5. a physical wonder sometimes stated. gf = gef, girlfriend: 1. a natural match of candid nature to cause a condoned relationship, 2. cordone is to cut off and make allowance by compliment, 3. duty by honor as overduty, by overbid or trial, 5. goofy; bitch/y: 1. 'as you want but I complain where I want.', 2. forbidden to do things of disruption. gimmehid = duix'xis, helping hand, give me a hand, help out; your help, discriminate glaff = greek comedy, great comedy, portrayed (life); lifting (great strength) glocopetmnt = glove compartment, area pocket (containment); pouch of some sorts. gloy = gloyhond, glory or gloryhound, glowy, experiment; good loss, achievement till end . gno = gnome: 1. good name (as king faery being), 2. earth faery, 3. knowledge; dwarf: 1. terror (as any), 2. good shame. gnose = gnomsis, gomisus, gnomiseu, to remember a scene (as considered a corridor into by memory) and then you become. Where most diseases are from this.Dont try to remember flame. You can gain powers from this. go'ner = go near, come near; gonner, dead thing graed = grade: 1. record, reported weight, 2. invention, 3. recorded meaning or measure, 4. tab, movement by space; weight (of moment): 1. thought out, 2. oscillating weight, 3. grand demeanor, large aspect, 4. large apetite or large recourse. godare = god place; existant area (pocket plane) godcurr = gods currency, Energy money (thought thats idea but can be the product formed, including "spiritual bills") that turns into any currency given a moment; value exchange by death (of sorts) in the deal for an item, idea, death, emotion and in the form of promises. godill = gods ill, godilp; blessed (insane, touched) godfoci = god focus; imperiled channel, distinct channel godhid = gods hand: 1. creative (destructive or creative), 2. The hand of All father (God, Odin or Yahwell) said to create the moment and cause destruction on those who the wielder wishes, 3. terror; stop: 1. block/er, 2. stop action, 3. banished, 4. asked to stop, 5. thing in path. godpye = god palace; power place (any type of power if possible) godwil = gods will; happiness, being able to cope and handle pain or coping ability godwa = gods way, eventful motion (event); consequence: shitlist of bad thing. godwy = god wage, major event; battle grif = grief, bill; action demand, damage requirement grub = food and dri/nk, grow; menu of personal choice grup = group: a mob of sorts of most things or crowds; brig: 1. bring, 2. compell, 3. instinctive, 4. comeupance: reference idea that provokes a response, 5. prisoners cell, 6. jail: prisoner holding storage area, that gives a person nightmares and compells truth. gubro = go get your brother; gut brother (a soul brother), kill brother gusis = go get your sister; gut sister (a soul sister), kill sister gycacet = give concent, make use, unlawful use; electronic attack like in the ring with a market (black?) guchie = doll: 1. model figure, 2. attractive reason; freeze: 1. attractive country, 2. not good thing, 3. to not get hurt. gut = gud: 1. good by how much be defeated, 2. deception, deceptive, conartistry. gyia (galimer) = massage, guts or consolidation; reproach (gutsy message) iro = hiroshima, irony (super); great disaster of big disease, virus (plague), great destruction, insurrection. iv = ive, ivy, life stealing in/out of other thing or people, white fro' ivory or ivory white; tense: 1. walsh term for intense or intensity, 2. tenseness, 3. tensure or tension mark for weight tol'rance "tolerance". hagwitk = hedgewitch, a ready for anything witch that uses any possible idea and yet "progresses at anything" using anything new. hak or hac = hack, disclosure, discontainment, make up; attack happy: 1. strike for hate of kill, 2. aftack as afterattack for joy. hal = you, intelligent surprise; nightmare, oversecure hegwiz = hedge wizard: 1. Procrastinative wizard that uses anything to fit together a result and "progresses at anything" he sets his mind on; sorcera: 1. sorceror, 2. a person that uses inner power usage to manifest in the inner realm for outer area manifest. hay = happy: 1. Getting your lifes desire by earmarks or earning and sometimes freely given, 2. sadistic relief from others action, 3. ; achieving lifes destruction. hidma = fleshmate, hidden monk, mate(other self), friend (feud); soulmate, souls desire, charmed one, mistake hig = hang: 1. meeting, hanging moment, 2. thought without intrusion, consistence, 3. raise by rope or hanging; mercy pill (allow, deconsisting or not insisting). hisdih = demolish: 1. a caretaker, one that lives beyond the grave but remains buried to control all types of priests, people and guide events, 2. destroy, like in demolision jersey, 3. distinct as with disturbance or presence; demon: 1. overlarge evil force, 2. devil, lived or lied idea, past life, 3. evil being. hom/e = bonet: 1. house area, 2. haunt, 3. looney, 4. livable area, 5. to encourage, like get something, worked out, sold, made or read from "bees in the bonnet"; recall: "sweet music to my ear", mind of its own, air pressure by temperature change. homec = home equality (loan, insurance); vedic: 1. medical solution or solution, 2. cured from despair or emotion, 3. home medic. homeq = stomach, food for thought (moody eating) humour = health spot, energy placing, hindu space; laughter by joke hunt = targ, call on (target); to abandon (give in/out) hypno = hypnotize, to mesmerize by natural rhythms; hitmantized: to hitman a person in the mind or to assassinate someone. To self slaughter on denial and calmly get what you want. id = identification (identify, identity), enclamaht; hurt bad (skid) ihtdis = energy displacement, pull a person out of it (get out of problem), the sight stopper. imas = imag, imagination; imaged or dicked with a mixed-in view. imoen = Amy: 1. friendly, friend, 2. deceit by white lies, 3. jealous deception; correctional: 1. a correction of most objectional formulation or constructive criticism, 2. help as helping hand. in'fanz-im (infanzi) = debut: 1. stand-up moment, 2. program, a memory of excitable moments, 3. like an excapade; in'fanz-ema (infanz): 1. seem forever intelligent: A corruption of the Atleantian time crystal that forces there is an idea in the myst that use is made and thought is created from. This isthe energy release from machines that madness in a chain of events that destroys by crippling the earth, and it effects people with babying disease in life, that causes childhood nature but with a baby intelligence (as nothing) and with a suprising somewhat in fightlike or not energy formed as maturity by the brain/mind coping with body and the brain gains a life of its own, 2. to put out "of property" destruction, 3. get out of moments by freetime, as an in out moment 4. break time as lots of free time, 5. breakage or lots of breaks in a moment, 5. inciteful assaults by presence unless rejected the presence by life can form reality by thought in darkness to life light. inatry = pastry, eat pastry like as soon as possible; in astral, astral be like "in a tree" or dream of branched off worlds, a belief of your own that most are in a dream. inkip = frodyn, freddy, inn keeper; land owner who 1. uses dominance, 2. soul eater any type ins = insider; 1. inside, 2. insert, 3. pack/aging, cabbaging; nightmare: outside. inv = invention, invent; inventory. its = is in your face or hits to a body in a combat situation yke = waka, itche: 1. itch, 2. resolve, 3. thought; bring back: 1. as kiss 4 - 7 times, 2. raise to life. yske = itsche, famous quote; uns: 1. unshown, 2. unknown, 3. bad fame, 4. unscript (as remove script). jd = judge: 1. correspond, 2. one that can trajector (transhift) or create travesty in motion; adjusted cruelty: 1. sins of fate or power, 2. everfate that makes you seem fateless. jilk = mess with: 1. conjole, 2. jinx, 3. force /from, 4. ulimately open up, 5. come back; by act/ion: 1. take the good with/from the bad, 2. jilked. jua = jurer, jury, a disqeit; discredit, discord. judg = judge by reacquaintance; powerruled fate: all powered ruler in fight or mordarian view. jugmet = judgement, vigillance; fate calling. junct = juncture, box; shift point, shift transport. jurger = recarpet or to cover area; terraform (area) or reform land. cant = set the spell; 1. enchant, 2. hex or bad effect spell, 3. set-in energy, 4. can't; spei'ghul: 1. unlimiting, 2. infant from disease of body and going somewhere in life, 3. effect of up to unlimited result, 3. dedicant, 4. horse, 5. for/ever, 6. kant, killing chant. vasu = vassel: 1. servant; 2. va'sell, 3. slave; severe: 1. burn, 2. concurrence, 3. too much or overwhelming. kasumi = writer: 1. greedy person for good of many sorts, 2. kate, casuma, continuus; demon slayer: 1. Foe concept and concerned of those who desire. 2. To seek out demons and slay as deserved with energy that can keep the person buried alive. ke = chase: 1. hog, 2. key, 3. guzzler; disinclination: 1. disinherency as close mind, 2. disinherit, 3. deceit. keg'ul'mia = pull me up a barrel or drink; give or take: 1. psychology, 2. To count the child as in psychological with a psych treatment, use psychiatry or psyk'o'loge as the child be likely to not get along with psycholgy including big kids albeit mature kids can go to psychologists, adults they know how to cure themselves. Sometimes people who act like children can be admitted to one as punishment, The normal sane adults are allowed to go to psychologists including mature kids. 3. shock treatment moment, 4. something with good judgement although you can go too far. kii = in an effort by pressure; effort of will. kiu = chanur: 1. sundown is fall down in by collapse, 2. plofal, 3. treachury, 4. plowfal, 5. planetfall, 6. crestfallen as from Japanese kagotori or assignment from new Zealand, 6. crest as wave; uprise: 1. despoil. 2. supression. kkk = a anti race that terrorizes any group that terrorizes just for the fun of what is in it, think by use and avoid group hatred; whitecloak, a group that terrorizes by religion, and this is including religious zealotism. kn = gn, know, ken, persevere/ance, patient, awareness, this is aware thought and reaction is by feel. kre = chre, chris, polish fro' "spit and polish", perfection, you, chrome; atten'sia, attempt continuous krenmasan = trip shifting, shifting or judging with drug; disturbance with the rift or any other event the person can change form, place or switch to other area. laemou = lamou, lay me out, lay me out of site: 1. punch out, 2. lay (it?) down on street (covered ground), 3. spur of the moment, 4. down on street; suspect: 1. suspence, can't wait except by action, 2. acting mentally but still physically. lagear = cilf, long eared, elven, elf (of many assorts); dark shade (vampire, element manipulator). Latex = plastic and rubberlike absorbative material; high carbon plastic steel. lbr = leber, flared tonsils, distance of one tonsil to another and with childlike reactions if remarked on by self if a mother, otherwise its noted different, if noted different or at all it creates probable rehabilitation as they are flared and riktus disease from the emotional impact; riktus: 1. Causes the body to shake and any attempt to do something for the effect gets worse from a brain tumor after, a day the person get headaches with disruptive visions. This disease be magical in nature and spreads by spilling blood to any in area leaving the person to chat along with, any thought or statement to them as a suggestion. If too much done it could lead to coma or unable to move and if they keep trying it disappears and/or the victims gets death visions that makes them, the victim, cry out for no appearant reason. Thus its almost incurable without all diseases appearing until using fairy water with cure diease imprinted on it with any language. lebwos = legloss, legless, legolas, time in wierdness that conditions heavy set features and dreaddreams. lecwos = qwerty, strange time, oddness, to notice anything in particular as not supposed or suspicious. leni = lenient, allow/ance, ethiopian; pardon, free action. lent = share (push away), give up; own, live with it ler = leer: 1. learn, 2. mimicked frown; slaphappy: to frown and find people emotional, except with women they favor slap the person if emotional thanks to examples from Dr.Lehr. let = allow, let live, curative by draining some blood; oil: 1. life blood, 2. earth blood. lev = diis'pan, level, test balance, leave "his own way"; rush: 1. self-destruct, 2. take far away, 3. scurry: go away in hurry(as from area.), 4. destroy or destruct, 5. engorge with energy (as food or electrical). lit = left, wrong, light; death enspellment by dictate or state the word and phrase to get it achieved loco = transfer, walk, ride; greed. krm or cherm (to cause kerm or charm with crime and order activity with dech or declaim). loy = local: 1. (of) family, 2. loyal, 3. wood type; vocal, hidden in plain site and able to speak with the wrong people not hearing. lys = lies, assumption, assume; be near maa = mother, creation, self-beating, d'actah, model actor; volunteer, voluntary motion maen = main: 1. penninsula, mainland branch, 2. steady, couple, 3. lead on /it; catastrophy: 1. interactive adjustment, 2. messing up (a muss or radioactive), 3. without witness, with no more, 4. disfigurement, 5. wandering eye as a lazy eye or dating mistake. mandeze = resea'rk, teacher (as researcher), beserker; crucify: 1. treacherous sacrifice, 2. hunt on purpose manji = sheer dark demand of malevolence, convert dark elf, covert dark warped and demanding being as agents whom try to torture for info. They caused the texan massacre. by maddening by torture the people around them. Call manji and say what you want and it will occur, the price be to not mention a price or they make you pay by doing deeds of actions most normal to your state of communication, They use discom or discomfort as the amount of discommunication from what be that sets them off. Try not to say where and what you are as it leads them to you. Don't lie except white lie to them and make certain you got backup as information thanks to Roy. These manji are vor banjoi as simplest ban of joy and very similiar to cockroaches as they crawl with a shapeless form the size of a rat, and in a most fluid motion but they live in dark areas. Problems will get your interest by them and they might make things worse off. They glorify in danger by thrill seeking. To stop them, say don't stop on bad repoitoire or demand something else other than torture but some don't. They despise criminal actions and leave people alone, except to do it themselves to get rid of trouble and threats. They're most likely to get you on debts owed or just bad karma. They sometimes use the being formed of energy and by a negative electric ghost. This electric ghost can make anything occur or deter itself as it was creative of problems, and don't try to tryst or join with them and then ignore them. and once it works to your advantage the problem disappears and acts as if it ever happened; netherese or elven slave from converting and too strong a will, that allows for a consideration of idea of uncontrolled nature. Don't be too aggressive or your going to be swatted, thanks to D. maie = maximus, attack ball; baseball, medicine ball mantis = marm, onfiguhl, grasshopper, teacher, progressor; disfigure by crafter, marr (destroy surface) mary = merit, knowledge to use the idea by supportive idea; unreputable, unrepentable, unforgivable menr = enr'jit, meanr, demeaner, attitude, a personal response to something considered smart-ass and the vibes are felt interred into the message; meaner (very mean, very destructive), mean attitude (meaner) caused by treachery of "If you try to correct me then your dead or hurting. If you hurt me then your dead or dying, otherwise I am your friend. In thought this is a concept, but otherwise you are what you are." meth = death (as moments of ceasing); dark life: 1. undeath, 2. ever ceaseful thoughts. mikua = dogwibt: 1. controlled person by dog, 2. manchurian, 3. etheroibian (as person in/from mind control), 4. dog bisquits; cleaner: 1. mind control, 2. assassin, 3. cleaning agent. mit = mint, money, create by heat and excitement, forge, menthe moy = moral (mortal); imm (immortal), dominative moydeher = right here, here and now, over there myr = mirror, reflect back; safe place similiar to a ball room, a bridge of place shift to a hall of mirrors or mirror-way. naestar = star, power; path, guideline, menu (list) nami = naming or betrayal by chance (as betrays strangers or disagreed with people); hard luck (denied victory to try the way not normally done). naom = key; merciless (nightmare) from a key nehheh = neh heh, evil laff, pass/ive humour; annoying: a nasty humour of high strung senses. nev (never) = no (know or not) from never and never again or never never land; know (detriment): do anyway as start again from where they left off, if not done as of anything or can't get anywhere then they do things from the beginning. nic = nice: allowance of person to do as designed or desire; brutal: as by degree of emotion nicpic/k = nice pick, nick pick, pick apart (by problem); self-explanatory (by an act): self-explanation (as self-accrue). niez = niez, shaman (spirit guide), death master (denied, death eater, necromancer), inactive jedilike spirit master or active spirit (that serves the shamed man). niquill = denial (absolute), like denial of colds nt'ere = use, deluge, interrogate: disarm. ntr'st = interest/ing, ironic, destiny; boring: 1. bore, drill, tire out, 2. disinterest, make idea too much. nomen = names for, namen idea; convert (bad idea, worker). norm = auralai'id'heia, normal, a sense of joy, a measured sense of idea, thank you; inadequancy, enormous or large man, overlarge (as stretched area due to women or people). nuoiza = new horizon, self-conceived moment like a ship; new order: 1. acceptance, 2. priveledged info, 3. new ship. nuncl = nuncle, uncle, male relative; clancy (clearancy), clearance (spoilage) nvarinc = nvarininc, unseen environments that create energy, Free energy that is: 1. magnetic energy with no limits 2. Property of electricity or energy flow by crystal, magnesium nitrate (MgN) or magnesium sulphate (MgS) and broadcast by radiowaves or crystal; transfer: 1. self brought, 2. transferrance as energy transfer, 3. believed as energy to transfer. of = off or turn off: 1. the road, 2. passage, 3. draw away or push away; offense: 1. odd: 2. as a creep, 3. luck, 4. wierd event, "wierd be cool." oix = offix, office, offense; offensive fix: automated fix. onc = on sea, on bottom, on floor, ounce; on sight (of floor or sea) oncyl = on call, work /right there, duty of deliverance; psycho 1. psychokinetic, 2. psychotic. onypot = bee as the bonnet, 1. honeypot, 2. thick structure or material, 3. honeyed board, 4. planck or wood; bee: 1. honeycomb, 2. beewax, 3. build up from material need, 4. worker, drone, 5. queen, 6. hive. onled = on land, on top, lead into; disbelief. opt = look, view; rebuke oute = occultist, mythic user of methods; misery complex: 1. harm group of assault magic, 2. misery consequence. ot = in operation: 1. oath: 2. fought (as ought), 3. policy, 4. sorority as law group or similiar, 5. country group; asan (as slander/slain): 1. assanine, 2. keep away, 3. con job. ova = over, done; smudge: 1. make okay, 2. grudging respect, 3. a-okay, Roger wilcox, 4. dissendra, dissent drawing, details off drawing and sometimes to transfer ability of the person. ovaqeth = over quantum field (energy drive, hyperenergy drain), oversized dissembler, an energy drive that uses quantum matrixes to understand it; event field, energy ship, tyrant field. ownihg = own up, let go; trance (denial), distraught (overt emotional) paid = pay for things, life payment; pay for death (earn death) or self-death on payment. pandemic = emergency; unnatural fire ala 5 alarm things. pandemac = same thing: release of anything; unnatural wind and rain: removal thanks to anonymous. pant = wearable waste cloth, breechlike, paint, pigment and coloring; blood, "paint be as thick as blood", paint thickener, blood pool, "blood thickens hardly on the ground" paon = pay on, pass on (deity or choice); pass off (die off something) paul = pall bearer, steady (constant and strong); overlarge (chubby, fat) pafot = pay for it, paid the price/tag, get a service, serviced; overquality fault, A fault of too much quality. pagnit = poignant, wait for (relax), awaited, pregnant; civil license (civil idea or civil code) pakano = perchained, percieve, perception, to go (pushed out), phantom; envictimize or chained to spot (frozen). pal = buddy; estranged friends, stranger palod = payload, payment (object), lucky (paid load); success (overwhelming luck), explosive success par'nt = apparent: 1. parent, 2. child overseer, 3. mother/father action, 4. partner, 5 jealousies to control addiction, 6. parliament, a ruled council by king or president; coupling: 1. troll par'en'ting from the sequel to the book Antrax or troll parenting, 2. free parenting of children born of one parent or parent set, be likely to share with another in responsibilities if they have none after a fight or is allowed after they, the parent, decide to.switch off or work with the area where they can't bring children like daycare or babysitter. Most adults can work together with sometimes expensive activity. This isn't allowed if a parent, survives or allowed if for babysitter, 3. a device of two-wire transaction or fuselage, 4. fuse, a bridging of two parts in fusion or bridging the two points and causing an effortless flow or current, 5. child making by sex, bottle or test tube. peasa = peterson: 1. robbery, 2. lazy, 3. conman, 4. convict/ion; billy: 1. beater, 2. bully. peres = perescatua: 1. persecute, 2. attack with bias, 3. personal attack; adjoinment: 1. to join in, 2. to join up or with. permisi = Permission: 1. well of wishing, 2. well of souls, 3. permit; convention: 1. convert, 2. compose/ure, to make muse or music, 3. amused, 4. pardon, general agreement of reuse or general release. peros = pearl: 1. pearls of knowledge, 2. form of object or production, 3. significant; produce: 1. obstinate nature, 2. derive, surmise or bring reason of purposeful motion. pep = people, peppy, incredible energy, preparation; very curious by thing like charred remains phat = fat and strong: 1. strong success, 2. largely desired; devolve: 1. degeneration, 2. dissolution, 3. to be devoted, 4. know what to do. plan/e = planet: 1. dissimilitude, 2. dispassionate area; devotion: 1. craft, 2. shape. pra/y = prone, bound (in habit), proficient (perficia); stillness (from moment), consumption (after doing).prda = pardon me, pardon of moment, pda; lent pass, free (give in) prepen = prepared, precise concideration, cheesy, well prepared, concise control; nice: 1. be considerate, 2. to have care, 3. be nice, 4. don't push too much, 5. be knowledgable; dischief: 1. discipline, 2. view, 3. want of what is. priey-o-poiy = psychotic: 1. physically "prying eyes" as physically to pry out your eyes, 2. A person who breaks policy or privacy on purpose; Privacy or policy: 1. Privacy with a policy/policing force back up, to the person, 2. polite idiocity, audacity. poiza = poliza: 1. thanks (to make movement), 2. stand by me or make a stand or a stink; polite: 1. forgetfulness, 2. as stupid/ity, 3. long pole thanks to long off, 4. extendable pole at necessity and by feel for the length. 5. policy by officers or managers. pox = curse: 1. virus, 2. construe; angel: 1. angst (a concentration of emotion): anxiety, jealousy, anger, rage, rapacious (omnivorous), 2. overlarge good force, 3. any positive element including attack, 4. tiks, tick off, 5. good being. (poxy or poxan) angsty; anxious. this is anxiety relief by feel, if expressed it can sound like anger or anxiety that is expressed. this is with a talkable point and you know what to do. proa = proper, property; despicable (depised, loyalty) pruf = proof, understood motions for physical evidence of idea; breakthrough: 1. breakage of glass or similiar material, 2. break as in handling, 3. break in (as in training) or get in/to, 4. distribute, shared idea or item..hopefully not personal and people. polis = poy, policy, police; polish: 1. discern 'be selective', 2. item polish, 3. sausage pow = fist smack (as fist power), power blow, powered up; peace of mind and moment. pua = Power, position to overwhelm and to make movement, to overwhelm a position or person by pushing an effect of activity; Information push, manipulate by information that you push to cause a controlled moment, a course of persistance. puarepb = puarpse, prepare self, power purchase, purpose, purposed idea; unconcerned control (dream, easy position) puka = get, grab, take, buy; puke pukaorda = purchase order; take down (idea) notation devise punkup (punch up) = right things (correct actions); physical sport (practice, punch in face, any other type of physcal) quen = mcqueuin, queen, royalty, asset; deception master, dirty qym = qualm, 1. a storm of voice or voice fight that create a fight of some sorts, 2. to create a storm of a fight of upper winds by a cold front meeting a cool front and can cause rain. that nails us with rain fro' pelting and sometimes has lightning with hail. For lightning doesn't often strike without some electrical charge to trigger ice and temperature drop. Quote by richard "to those who devise things may use any technique except stalling and stealing." r'poyoy = repository: 1. study of literacy, 2. poyoy, destructive idea; ruination: disinhibitory motion, freely done idea even if its wrong. ras = raise, raise life, raise dead, raster; ceiling: 1. up top, 2. hard time, 4. on top and controlled, 5. free release. rat = stealer or thefter: 1. suspician, 2. emission, 3. rat(animal, thief); supernatural thief (mystic thief), magic theft (telesteal, rbo, magic robbery, to steal at a long range distance theft). re'yy'ty = this disposee, disposable moment of no use, reality; disposition, 1. distinctual moments or distinguished moments, 2. different place and time. reargent = retard, fire resistent, heat treated reed = regard, regression; self-judgement, sentenced, judged, judges duty reec = record: 1. ledger, 2. account, 3. strong scent; imminent: 1. assault, 2. eminem reet = repeat, respect, acceptance of terms, believable action, denied recourse (repetitive); overdone, trash, requiem, sanctuary (for beligerant) reeqisy = reacquisite, take back, requisition; special order, constrain requisition, consummation of no bad happenstance rem = rememberance, memory; remove yourself replee(replacaet) = ripley, replicate, replacement, thats a specialized concent to substitute replacement and substance. retif = retrief, retrieve, pull (pulling away); find more useful, allurical (act out, crazy) report = recorded value, data rit = riht: 1. in correct, 2. go right, 3. write: replicate word phrases, 4. hork, horticulture or agriculture; rite: 1. wrong, 2. right of mention, 3. dictate. rla/ne = relane, rela/y, transfer, reel, relative motion (real life), real and alone (single); acquaintance or relaba: 1. reliable, 2. A solid form be real abberation (monsterous life), and unsolid form of a drawn current in imagination or active thought. rid'klus = ridiculus, laughter (drives people or things away); point out (things) rlif = relief, retief, redefab'duann, relinquish, give over (to moment); wait outside (evicted) r'm/ov = rem: 1. rmo, 2. remote, 3. remove by will, 4. rebuke, 5. ream or remove by force; gov/ern: 1. remember me, 2. memory of decay and fecal matter, 3. team effort, 4. government, 5. point to locate, 6. glove, smothered force and form. robr = recovery: 1. robber (as for the convenience), 2. Rock cooking to break the stone and produce oxygen, usually from corally stone or breakage. The breakage releases a small bit of oxygen and the rock, if the right type produces water. A holed stone be possible for best results, 2. a predict it, 3. predicament; predictor: 1. predator, a predated system, 2. Rock breaking be to create release of oxygen from oxygenized stone without heat. s = many: 1. keep, 2. block/s; is: 1. continue, 2. status, 3. single, 4. singular sheet, 5. anything with single in it. sahncalee = supercillious: 1. somewhat serious, 2. private; hope: 1. unsinking feeling, 2. unsinkable, 3. overwhelm, 4. noble. sca = scal: 1. scale, a balance in ability to judge correct or currently, 2. scalar, a goal or value imprinted on the scalarr key; valued weight like "weight in gold" or "value in platinum". secloimeh = seclusion, hermit; madness (separate way) seelp = self-help: 1. curious custom, 2. self-involved from instigation, 3. self-learning by attempting the idea as you think about it, self-developement as to evolve and be understood; self-evolve: 1. by effect, 2. by concern or concent, 3. agreement forthwith, 4. conspiracy. slasti = slashstick, attack of idea weapon or a sharp edged razorlike object, slabstik, slabstick, death consequence of continuance death harmony, destructive killing of get it over with humility, artistic death of overboard with emotional drama, overplayed consequence where everything be life or death and strict drama. Thanks to Timora and anonymous; slapstik, slapstick, con art, nonlethal scenic humor with background distractions, fake (similiated) death, unstrict or unresistant drama and so much more. stri(string) = strive, strider (way to move) or way of movement; spinning (a tale, strip, continuous) stria = stringer, string up, string along; mental release (not control in many ways). lokiasetit = loki (satan, lulosietta) assist, satanic assistant, a person whom be somewhat independant of cults and able to take souls with his/her own soul, to read any language and remain hidden while at any activity. They could lose their soul if they make mistakes but gain it back by acceptance of the act. Each soul taken by their soul being trapped by many means and "destroyed" or rejected can be turned into objects almost anywhere. Try to remember the soul trapped be an invasive force relinquished of its body, and was not supposed to have been there. this effect also includes spirits that visit. They target criminals with an idea to correct them and torment them otherwise. Natural abilities is to gain a benefit from anything done, like in 10% improvements every second. scifar = science fair, free day (as foster day). scrisa = scrimshaw, living, scribe some; nightmare, sunshine from object, nightshine. seirj = sagacious person, wise woman, wise one, wizard; turn of foul luck (lucky), faery or fairy seti = set in, setting, enchantment; sabotage, recreate (for peace) secleoimeh = deter, seclusion; deterioration, ream, remove slowly (biodegradive quickly) sen = seen, sought (after), scene (scenic route); moment, momentary seul = soul: 1. An eternal being assigned by god to contain knowledge, 2. a sacred part of the body that serves as a lifeforce, 3. The soul can self-assign itself by deciding where to be; mind: 1. mental idea in action by the time of day and motion by acts around us, 2. motion of soul in action by manipulation of body with the mind as guidance. seup = seeo, setup, seeing (learning); distribute (freely) ser'viec = service, disrup tuin, vortra tuanna, split duality; disdard (wracks or pain): 1. destitute (vagabond), 2. deadly regard or death service, 3. disdaineer, disdain by dismissal, dismissal by pain, 4. painwrack of crime, conditions or torture, 5. snit or painwrack of emotion, 6. hesitative pain, 7. others emotional pain, 8. net wracks, worse disruptive service. shyapy = craphappy: full spunchter release that allows at any given time of shit and fecal matter and any annoyances are easily making them oblige in detail of developement, whether its work or play, its the same thing as they do the job easily; object oriented, the person in regard of this be oriented entirely on the job and with no problems if possible, as they are health conscious with ability to do work overtime, now if pissed off by events they might laash at objects but held back be the anger, as they attempt to use for destructive reasons by making objects different. sip = ship: 1. country of movement, 2. to suck into; powerhouse: 1. power house of movement, 2. house, 3. powered house on wheels. siya = shiyan, miyaku, offer, create in (of peace). slater = assassin, death guard smeagl = smeazer (shmeezher), duplicitious, con artist; trapper, tracker smet = smart; 1. don't do it, 2. smear, 3. bad smile, 4. route, a course of action by a mode of transportation; inroute: 1. personal acceptance by an inroad, 2. inner travel by manifest or shrinkage. smi (smidge) = smile; frown smoa = smoker, chemically adicted person of some drug, bad addiction of taboo drug, a neo origin group; terf patrol or beserk patrol. sna = snare, snazzy, snap; decide, may de'cis'iv, make decision snia = sniper: 1. killing spree, 2. now forbidden, 3. selective kill, 4. bestow where from nothing; snip/e: 1. snape, moody attack, 'when the mood hits you you attack,' from examples by snape, 2. kill family, 3. severus: cut and separate from the whole or body, like internal brain or heart, 4. homek, home killer, assassin (of household or area). siit = shiit, sit, site, shit, stuff, idea, things (as smelly item, not smelly item); objective (as procrastinative or projective vision) shoov = shot over: 1. overhead, 2. shot again, 3. camera use of reshooting, 4. reshoot by rebudding or with use of parachute, 5. eclectic, a disease of brain starting in spinal column and casulties suffer peneal gland misfiring in the form of brain shocks and that causes spasms; just miss: 1. doubts, 2. dismiss. pohl = fade away; reverse. soirpb = Memory: 1. a soft/ware memory, buffer, mental or brain storage, 2. hard/ware memory, memory for duty like cystals, chips; Responsible: 1. understood motion, 2. cause of concentration, 3. concerned control thats like felt to make things act as you want. ski'ny = skinny, interest in mind(steal, or whatever act including infoing); disaster (disrepute) skunk = a stinky defense animal, a plotter; stink, a fish or fishy scent considered death scent. sli/m = thin: 1. strong and no extra untrained muscles and no fatty build-up, yet they can do much, 2. slime or apositive; relief: 1. smoke, 2. crazy, 3. show no conscious and all action, 4. cool, neat look. slu/g = weight, slowness, slew "va'rspiel", trust me; shot: 1. varsity, honorary, vendor, 2. bullet or kill shot, 3. assasin or kill shot like person. smo = smoke: 1. liquid smoke or barbeque sauce, 2. distract, 3. use wild card, 4. ace in the hole; preventor: 1. preventative, 2. make consistent, 3. distraction, 4. tobacco use. smu = smudge: 1. wipe away, 2. allow familiar, 3. on-touch familiarity; spiritual absorb: 1. disbelief, 2. self-absorbed. solv = solution, solvent; hardness, hard earned as gaining an edge spiel = viespil, enchant, enspellment; concent, leave alone. spiy = spirits (alcohol), spirit 1. drink with alcohol, 2. you the willful spirit; endless pursuit like neverending story. stadu = stadon, stand down, let live, let go; let down, walk away, go now. sta/y = stay your hand, stop, stasis; correct of moment like "I feel that I am correct", continue steteo = start up: 1. stater, 2. personal state affair 3. tosay with idea and cause intent for an incidence incurred moment or persuant action like an excited speach; starter (thanks to D.): 1. spark, 2. excuse to any act/affair, 3. death match with aid of burning. suc/k = suk in: 1. pull by memory or with air, 2. automatic suction, 3. liposuck or fat reduction by physical sucking, 4. reduction of bison numbers using guns; sog as snog, kiss and etc..: 1. death blow, 2. foe smack, 3. face punch, 4. facial kiss, 5. death kiss, 6. fatal blow, 7. fate be a critic or get sloppy. sult = insult, mastery of making madness thanks to Bluesilly; malegered: 1. maligned, 2. going far, "going far but not seeing it, the goal of the maiming or the action." a quote from a seaman as he was on long voyage and from a sp. ed class to describe her, the teachers, goal in life, 3. disfigured, 4. baleagered. summat = surmise, summation (call to apologies and remember) or surmount (consider by thought to do); disturbance: 1. surplus, 2. overwhelm, 3. scary in action in episode released by fey and if they in some place thought and you feel associated to them and they felt the emotional feel. They possibly feel defensive as they will sense, as whats wrong is by sense and correct in the area first. As this is correct and not right and to use, a point is the idea effect by attack as a second idea that frees you from the machine. That holds your energy in body shape as the shape is a form create, as in a point by will and you are extended in life. Kill in a vision and you get the feel of life as violet energy that is violence in action as that is a violent reactive source you feel yet if you feel the idea you can negate the violence as by feel, think to negate the violence with the creator and use is by feel as you create an act acceptable of a body that is acceptable by feel of experience and you can get around what is causing what you feel in life. As if their will forms in mind as them in use to avoid an act of violence is an act in user life, that in thought restores things as the idea is useful to manifest with feeling as a source is where the thought is and as a thought you can form by will. As the body dies you are immortal and use is their soul, as the soul is an amazing idea to collect this you can use a point to make. As a thought as thought is to not do don't in incedence. As the body is dead you can change the fact around and the thought shifts to reflect the new idea expressed and otherwise as the idea disappears and the body disappears. In an incubus, your thought is in a shape that formed, as if a succubus this is a malish person with succubus inability that rewards magic thats original in ritualist activity. The attrocity they feel is direct to the point, as a dream to direct is with though the person as if by thought. This is in with a thought that is a point to remember, as they use this if things in use are things in idea. That as with a thought everything will change and things will shift as with a point the use of energy will shift and adjust the area to create the area electrical. The area shifts with adjusts to the source in the area in use, think use to get use is to almost overload the electrical grid and brownouts seem to happen. As you made the idea, you shift away with a use and feel of the world around you that your spirit is. As in energy you shift from the thought in things around you that in act, as ashes in a point of activity in awareness as in hidden form you shift away. As if in different form different activity sensed by gravity in use in thought, as if that shifts your perception to suit your mood music corrects. The energy by almost matching with rhythmic idea, there is a point as there is no form and as yet the idea is settled and if your mind feels this. As is your able to fix anything, as to do so is to think so fixes your behavior. This is there as is in a fact to do, as you think the idea to exist the subconscious will create it. As a link to a thought that you perceive, miss a strike in energy that is a healing thought stored by what you think in the source as writing reflects what is there in mind. As the unnatural as natural feyish energy that forms real life, with mentions as gesture that dissipation in energy forms dissipated supernatural energy. This is in a pointing ability in use that is what, you can use with nothing in mind and thought by interaction. As your spirit uses the energy from those you see to work magic, as a wishes by other that are wasted in life formed as particles that reforms as you think or this is where it won't. 4. strung together words and phrases that come to make complete sentences by a fact that is sensible and expressed. 5. as a shape in form that uses death or other energy to create a dragon in mind according to what you think. This is the safe part, as you think and read difference forms as different shapes are what you can create by interest in seeing as your interested you can interest the shape if it exists as if by the idea and even though it did it didn't before as if by thought that you were as this though is nothing more. As your use is your will, things are a use you yourself can create arguments with and irritation otherwhere, and anyting is a thought as if wise action creates wise effect that creates space to make different. Think thought to create thought in another time arranged by area shift, as around you is the naturally understood in feng shui effect wherever it is by whatever reality you use as if an idea. As you change the area, thought changes to the flow of space in time assumed in a thought in nothing as time thought such as a sasquatch that doesn't have life and creates itself as living unless unncessary as you think and use a point to create in space as to make in space in thought around you to create a better area influence to make enhancements to thinking. Either positive or negative your not always aware as the thought is a space and thought creates what things can create by what you do. The thought space changes itself, as you think your a polite view your accepted idea to control and use gravity to redirect itself and in nothing space otherwise your nothing if a thought, but in a gift this can form on demand and as to seem an identity that in aspect into the mind creates ability. The idea is a thought an created into view as aspects create, an idea you can use the point and as awaken. The point to pointed use, is a thought to make as you make a difference things in use are as thought differentiates in what chaos waves are directed to a purpose in time that changes to what you thought in energy. As time waves are thought by view point and this creates a different view, as if a point to differ in combat is "didifferentited" in view can adjust by what the thought to others minds are perceiving. Then to see by changes to the perspective view. The idea is necessary to create what thought is necessary, and use is a thought is a concept as use is that obvious. Think and you know on idea in that as thought reforms as shape is thought and size is that created by your intention your thought created in purpose to show to the world creates in purpose, this is as fusion creates fact to shift the body and as this is to think or not. As nothing exists where nothing creates, create a possible match by thought in rite you create in time and seem in focus with focus you make thoughts to create. As the person's idea seems true or not, as variables change by thought or nothing much in thought attribute happened. Then and assumed in thought is whatever else is possible isn't, as nothing was observed that shouldn't be observed. Impossible needs meet impossible deeds, as in the impulse this drops as if in weight is loss is time in a point an to revise and in stay or out go even or in not as nothing. As your energy your ability is energy manipulated, as by and large you are aware and as you do you can seem. As if in use, to get what you need and go. As nothing painful by and but form in you draw attributes and change, as to what you want to seem from the ideal source is to seem and use as thought forms what essence from chi life thado in the guiness world record is done. Thado is skill use that is form by use and create is equality to do by thought as in thought your an idea an that can be anywhere in life. Formed life if focused is life in focus by thought energy as with crystal that is thought is done with skill by energy as a light energy and as use is a thought think in focus and you fix that as is thought, as if a source and made into life think as in the focus a thought to create what you do, think and focus the thought into the created focus by light into lens that is a lens focus technique noticed by observation as thought into action is by fire energy in focus though the light goes through the crystal use is obvious. Think as in a thought, as the idea is as a light as unusual idea in the third eye as is unusual results. As in nothing done nothing in use is purpose, there in life is that in focus and creates energy from thought. As is discovered by thought in use your use is none. So your intended result is as though a thought, think, focus and use in thought is use by created corruption by thought light in and through an object. There is electron use as influences energy to thought create in life that make is concept, as then if a point to make is to convert light. As the action is light conversion, your use is to change thought in time to make corrupt incorrupted. As by the touch of light your able to get amplifed healing, act with a flashlight, lens and thought to cure or heal abit slowly. As to use a match lighted to a pose in life, this in created thought you can influence the genes by firelight but act nicely or the person might not like it. As you do the idea and the person recreates or in quality as nothing is not for a thought concept by purpose, touched by the metainfluence is to work and whatever is hidden in thought in the use of the third eye. Think is this as an energy source is in thought, as thought is to make light and genrated by lens. As if a flashlight, as the sylvan apes this is a use in life focus. Think and create or thinking is otherwhere, as what you think by life energy as with inherited thought is to pick and do. As is what use there is in the making of life for no fear as amplitude, as crystals are creative use this is what you can die for and make reborn as you need to from objects to people. This is an amazing feat indeed, as if an amazing concept your thought creates what is an instance of life somwhere, someway and somehow. As things done in use you aren't in or you are aware unless realization is what you think from the text as you see a picture you can think the idea you need to seem as if summoned and keep the idea. As that means you use the idea in your mind, you can get things sent as if not paid by you and paid by another in trade. This is as if what you consider makes as if by what you did, you serve the persons interest and what you see isis creates what you get. As if the idea you want is annoying you in essence and the essence manipulates, the moment you feel is to get an idea formed as an object shaped by your will and you get that idea object. There is no more to give, an if to stop or not as where you are and aren't as you don't do reinteractivity as if you do you don't irritate people. Think in a mote in light and animal influence think no more as your a shape in thought, as you are a thought to see or if not wanted your done in life. Not to do is not done, as if your alive by the grace of the creator you are alive. As this is till you remember not to live anymore, in life you are nothing but a memory if you died before you won't seem to live again. As your in other spaces and other spaces in area in what you do you live, and otherwise your dead as that you look alve and know things as the moment of erasure your no more in thought. There is a light to the idea, inside out is a thought to do and think in thought and matter is concept as thought a life that is but isn't until what is creates by the thought. There is a thought, as a thought is moment and nothing is what things seem as things are easily dismissed as things dissipate into energy for use thats later on. seuii = suicide: 1. mix into, 2. switch side (as sui persuade, cide = side); death of self: 1. self-death, 2. think a point in energy change that stores some test of self as a source in life. Nothing more as different thought is what you think made, thought is by a different use in idea formed in another reality and gotten by perception in sight. suuen = succubus in female and incubus in male shape, soul consumer (soul eater); 1. assimiliar (almost true) to the moment, 2. merringitus, pie shaped torus, 3. terrific or guilty feel, surprise of too much sometimes with disturbance, aka a surprise party that if negative by the environment caused by that in the aero you can reject the area and people can feel like hurting, disrupting or creating, and if you can feel like not being there you reject the presence that is their essence, 4. very interesting in feeling excepting the point can reveal a bade energy trace and a good energy trace as the being wants you to feel as if sensed by the natural feeling with body energy focus as sensation is there. Sensation in this art is body sensing feeling. sunase = sun asset, trade; sadism set by the essence and done by the boss sunbriga = sunbringer; deathbeing with a deathsong (as deathcroon), deathbringer. sunn'es = suns ray; destruction sunpye = sun palace; disruptive area or house sunwepa = suns weapon, focus crystal; cystal, disruptance frequency. surrupt = interruption; remind: 1. an ultimatum of sorts, 2. like fire crystals or power that are crazy, 3. remind memory. surv = survival, surmise or self-delude, self-demise where they are deluded into looking for the best but get the worst. parafin = toxic wax, power wax, parameta wax; undying water fire: greek fire wax, the fire that will go out by smothering. Pia = Save: 1. Pirates, save for themselves and to steal whatever possible and only on a visit to shore (land), 2. trading post, 3. rescue by self target, 4. savga: save game or create pattern storaged on file; Free trade: 1. Of the things that are hard to get and to share the power and goods sometimes as info and data, 2. Free sharing, for trade due to good selling (conartistry and willingness). daerm, = focus: 1. to gain a result or girth, 2. stretchy surface, 3. skin or derm, 4. needle; control: 1. dominate, 2. control by superstition, 3. gave in by disturbance. ta'adv = take advantage, take advertisement, coniss'ate, commisserate; belief of moment: fatal attraction. tai = taint: 1. corrupt, 2. throw away, 3. follow; turn: 1. change id, 2. change focus, 3. pervert, 4. corruption shield that prevents idea and other basic elements and one that cant be turned unless you buy it with arguement or dismiss it, 5. chase around. talet = take a left, left turn, take a wrong, take a fall (fall over), cloth or towlette; natural recourse, same thing over again and you keep the experience but its similiar to dejavue where the experience be a feeling and disappears from memory, go straight and turn upward, diagnol left or angle left or left hook. tarit = take a right, right turn; right hook tam = tame, thain, thane; thame: 1. thalamus, 2. athame, power tool or dagger, thats a property of effective power flow, 3. overthrow of/by judge. tamp = push like tamp down; shove, forcefully move onward. taom = take off, take over, take it for granted; tick off, teoed, toe ridge ae toenail or toe edge. tarafom (terraform) = reformation, terrain, change of terror from formation; recondition tafograt = Taken for granted, act a folley or demand, act fool, be foolish; react badly. tatfograt = Take it for granted, taken as required (prequirement), taken as a required reward (but not noticed). Thanks to robert. tek = teach: 1. tech group, 2. technician, 3. technology, 4. derive, 5.describbed, youth group work, 6. on track; resempt (A fault or resuming deadfall): 1. Problem that creates idea for a good job, 2. Screwage by screw, technology or destructive use. 3. reprimand, A screw that be mechanical and technological and can be deadly, 4. destructive view, 5. impersonate (from copying another for not being able to do it themselves). teknye = Tektonician who uses tektoniks or one who uses many fields to get something for life, All purpose service person that works with crystals and machine patterns; Creator, A responsible person whom makes things on the spot and out of pattern, 'if it exists then it can be made to appear and sent to the person from their pattern identification.'; technician: 1. tekky, 2. repairman for/against technology. targent = fire: 1. heated destructive force, 2. heat element, 3. image from laser view; hollistic: 1. fire hazard, 2. an item that could explode, 3. explosive, 4. fire away, 5. a field to explode. t'est = test, estimation; combine, put it together th(the) or thi(the) = this, that, those, by them, near them, as we (us), use; it, then (thi'ilhin), were/was, as be (equalling) thaku = throne (command seat); thank you thawa = that way or that a way: 1. in of the direction, 2. out of the way, 3. momentary progress: 1. appease, 2. knowledge; in the way: 1. blocked /passage, 2. momentary blockage, 3. momentary disruption, 4. the bulge, 5. that weight. thidt = that did it, thiidi (I think I did it), similiar in conscious, comtemplate; activate (set it off), thenc = since; hence (now) thig = th'ig(thing), thang, there, item; that, this tot or tet = test: 1. horror, 2. bleeding edge, 3. edge of field; er: pause. tunt = taunt, shout names; fun or pleasure of the brutal type, thrill turaom = turmom, turn a moment (turning point), turn a mom, wriga, outwrigger, outwiggle (turny); compulsion from compulsive force. turthcona = turtal, turn tale (countertale), turn the table, change the odds, turn the corner, turn for yourself (turn to your side); squeal, turn traitor, turn against trainse(h) = trais (trellis), trainset, train self; train (deep trance) trama = trauma, disturbance, lunatic motion; unnatural: 1. activity: things that act on their own, sometimes with others as things, 2. motion, devised by self effort in to conform and from energetic prompting. trel = treple, trible, triple; witch effort, cause trespe = transpise; traipse (walk around illegally) tsunami = tsunamai: 1. A huge wave, 2. A type of water dragon that forms as a wave and be 30 - 90 feet tall; A person whom represents an infinite manifest of void and fire in the guardian type ability but has almost no concern over that which destroys him/her, all concern for that which destroys the area. With an attitude like 'Don't be too blind to learn what you don't respect. To learn without surrender unless necessary and fight your own way. Feel free to use intensity in your actions to balance or surprise. For the simple way is to create a path of life and lies by consuming doom.' thanks to Sean. ull-ga = kljckkemjnkl, rate: 7 psi, rat god; roleplay, ancient study un/e = unis: 1. one, 2. won, 3. bring back, raise up, 4. two into one, unity 'unify, to bring forth unification withstanding destruction", 5. eternal, forever; illustrate: 1. learning fro' relate or slain of attempt, 2. opportune relation, 3. unn: undo (by fire or other energy like lightning or water). unndea = undead; high order: 1. honored being: extreme honor, 2. extreme being, 3. extreme ruler, 4. any extreme. unread = unreal us(e) = use (of), free use, usage; prequire, abusive (user), since most things of use; addict, the emotional state that makes abuse from prequirement (prereq) set by addictive idea. us(e)'in'ata = make personal use for personal aggravate/ion, take personally; ape or clone (copy) usiage = standardize; aggravate (to improve) v'hil'nek = viehk'lied, hed, head, form of head, in lead or leader, pathway; ball: 1. any type of ball, 2. lead, 3. hot potato. valdez = oil; richness, ripe or detern as always return if intruding or not. vambril = inciteful, instinct; lecture, hypnotic speech vambrilium = electra, electricity; shock (spark, killing movement of electronic energy flow) vandergard = vi: bring down flame: distinct pain: misery (as miserable), cause flame by curious acts. vanglorious = oopsy, overgloried, transposed; overlook by overimposed motion vee = vision as view or dream; horror: 1. cruger, 2. nightmare. varhbuel = deadland, dearthland; shift varlu/ck = 1. warluck, warluk, varluc, luck in war, 2. various moments of winning idea, 3. warlock, chaos adept; Viral meningitus or the crotch swells red that causes various disruptions, distraktion or distractions and bad pains. vas = vast; equal allowance. vasberg = whaling party = to cause somenr to not see and to be extremely overweight, sometimes bad eyesight from burned out ability; iceberg hit off a vast iceberg or ice age as age old ice. vaspall = equipment; science or psience serendipity or stupidity. veisportal = chemical containment cistern, container; sealed up, sealed area veh'kil = hel: 1. heal, 2. hell, 3. versatile ineptitude, versatile accident; heel: 1. Heed like "heed the call", 2. Heard fo' respect from soldier or officer on patrol, 3. Stop on heel, 4. Desperate by Bob M., 5. Boot heel, Boot strapping on the bottom of the boot, 6. transfer, transferrence. verboen = verbage, verbottab, word phrase; heard, yelled voice. verbuic = glory; entail: 1. entrails, 2. description. verbuhl = sanity, quiet; understood verhuilic = heroic; stupid idea: ongoing heroism. veir = where: 1. so very, 2. anything stated as to get location, 3. top of the moment, 4. eo: top; 'vrythi: 1. all, purposeful, 2. very thing, 3. what, 4. very thing, 5. missed out, 6. assured stupid, 7. idiot, 8. everything, ves = arthrimic: 1. arthritus, 2. associate; earn: 1. best, erned tru/ly, 2. establish/ment. vesbein = SlugginJoe: 1. little slugger, 2. the basebal is a bat wielder who destroys people as they insults they die for and make mistakes in a phantasmic vision..; lil slug: 1. little slug, 2. bullet, 3. universal source, 4. in slug of weight or pain/ful shot. vidyai = vindicative, spite; vandalism: vicious release of poverty ilk or similiar. vie = video as a personal character or scene; to go for achieving as gainesville or gain/ing again. voivolt = void electricity: 1. similiar to free electricity, 2. It works by dispulsion with the pull of electrons opposite of going forward and caused by events to create the current as events are the source of power. Use of a condenser stone to contain by magnetic rock (martian rock) to cause electrical current by magnets or electromagnets that has the opposite polarity and a dark crystal as a sender. Alternatively, use a dark crystal to pulse by magnetic waves and picked up by tesla radio power recievers. The magnetic pulsation can happen with a combined device that works with a ward (as magnetic field from humanlike aura or other directed magnetic field); zeon: desired be a zion stone (embery heart in crystal formed in a supernatural explosion or sun nova) or other diamond with energy bolts pulsing through it. volcae = vulcan/vulcana: 1. volcano, 2. a lava tunnel, 3. volcanic tunnel, 4. runnel of red fire or lava; zeal: 1. overeat, 2. zealot, an overdedicated person or very focused person, 3. zest as spunk or ever outgoing, 4. wooden structure (very large) like a shouse or siege tower, 5. fragile, 6. eruption: a. Firey eruption of a large expansion of gas and flame or lava to blow outward, b. Mix lamp oil and liquid potpouri and alcohol or essential oil as 2:1:1 and shake up to form a foam expansion and it fills up the near emptiness and left over oil by at least 3 times and at most 4 times. This stuff when settled can burn instantly when sometimes added to liquid wax or water, the more you shake the more it makes up. c. Salt + Copper + Potassium Nitrate + Baking Soda + Soda pop (mabey diet) will get a rapid expansion of carbon dioxide and foams upward to create a lava like expansion, d. Vinegar + water + Baking Soda = volcanic like eruption and some add red food coloring. vorbotten = forgotten by arguement; agreement. vuispek = how, bone; spiritual revealing that represents of personality. vytoy = victory, hiemlief, undid moment, regained resource; don't disparage, sabotage wykinpark = walk in the park; easy way (disturbance) wa = way: 1. wait (as pause), 2. what (as is); collapse: 1. waste/d, 2. was/what as waste, 3. past, 4. penalty. wait = to feel; continuance waki = wackiness, wacky, fond, fondness; disconsolate, decontest war = competition, warchief or battle; warn: drive away. warawa = war away, go (warn) away, compete away; compliance: 1. ward or holding place, 2. award by reply wawas = as it was: 1. way it was, 2. what a waste, 3. watres, waitress, 4. wasted moment, 5. personal waste or wastrel; depict/ion: to describe or draw any scene as it happens by mental drawing and skill or by hand. wawat = what what, what was it (say again); regain clarity: 1. begain clarity (begin again), 2. began with, 3. meditate for strengthening soul with spirit. wath = what that, what was that, what again (come again); dequihl, bring back watts = bioelectrical, live wierd energy flow (kills all in area), but calms the nerves and is biolectricity. A side benefit be people have elongated lives but this kills the caller not in the end unless uncareful; bionegation (all life cease), negation that forms an electric ghost by any means of the spirit whom calls it also considered manji; elongated light: 1. to elongate life and liberty by a strong aura, 2. a long lived light that be peace intended. web = veb: 1. spiderweb, 2. newok, network (of brains or wires as else), 3. connection (any) including the effort of brains cynergetically or bioenergetically linked; linked (unending linkage): 1. cyrokinetically connected, 2. pyrokinetically active, 3. (psychic) handshaked, 4. telelinked and others considered in the big book of technology. weed = ambromide, aplit, plant (painkiller), dope (drug abusers nonaddictive choice thanks to Matt); weiwaki = weed whack, remove pest/s; weed or grass fondness, grass eating wi = with, w\, incluse, inkling, width, including fate; with rapid /expansion: 1. magic/k, affirmative effect or effort, quality action, 2. magic that be illusion or self inclined ill'ness of mad touched or god touched (kell seers), where you use physical blood flow fro' heart clench to induce energy from outside, 3. magick be illusive preventa or allure, illusion prevention or actual deal with wierd concept. 4. offer, or wierd effort, mere death of many things of the actual people to get something. 5. thought form by fate, thought provoking. wia = wis: 1. widom or wisdom, 2. wizard, 3. ancient: an ancient person fron an olde tribe with a few thousands of years, sometimes on call the person transforms to represent the body most know they deserve to be left alone; natural/ly: 1. to akiev, achieve or gain success as a disaster to else, 2. to do, 3. shit /thing, 4. witch (a wyk), 5. scientific magician, 6. scientist. widawa = wierd away: 1. go away (as by concept), 2. wide awake, 3. fully active; conform: 1. inform, 2. control. wiz = whiz: 1. pee, 2. focus, 3. egg, genious; cross: 1. sacrifice, sancrify, 2. make sacred, 3. steady. wod = word: 1. a phrase or pattern, 2. a created pattern, 3. world event, 4. change; weird person: oddball. woim = yreal'dag, worm, wormy, console consistence, war tough; mental worm, getting info (physically) by a mental compulsive visdic = visdise or vision of paradise: 1. vision tour, it pulls your souls memories together to share them toward another, 2. ethiopia, utopia, dream sight; visible detection: sighting the invisible whetsta = whetstone, sharpen things and to eat real things and not false dillusions that starving people might seek or see as food; sue or pursue and act: 1. shape not, 2. out of shape, 3. sharpen not, this be where after a long time of movement, the "shape not" disallows other things to keep its form or dulls the blade. wre = wreck, work over, work on; steal, 5 finger discount. wrea = wreath: holly branch or other fruit tree branches in a woven circle; don't care: dejection. wren = monkey wrench (as useful tool) or in created flaw; stop writ = handwritten (as on paper), handwriting; degeneration: rapid disbursement of bad tissue and material with decay. wrya = muse, writer (script lister); eternal writer (writup, real world script manipulation) wok = buyer, make purchase, buyur; work, item use (like a wok), personal use wow = amuse, amusement, amazement; abuse, abuse from a fight scene wyndyfarh = evergoing fart (windy fart), dischief (bad brief, bad discussion); evolutionary moment (everwinding moment), debelief (disbelief of bad things or promise) wyrd = magic word, faith word; fate of moment wyrtheir = pryer, wirtheires, wortheir, worthy mother, pry it loose; open: 1. rememberance: 2. find moment on track, 3. find a way, 4. prybar or pry away, 5. insiduance, insistent idea, doomed purpose y = all: 1. everyone, 2. everything, 3. everywhere, 4. effects most; united: 1. country, 2. voice, 3. window, 4. in idea, death clas, 5. marriage, 6. fibreglass, any plastic. yak = yack, talk; retell(ing), retail ys (wis) = wisdom (wizard, witch, wise one), wish, sole desire; defunct (defunction), glitch (locally), this is a function point that causes things to work screwbally or things just don't work. yoale = Allowable, concent or How much fought for was given into or what you do unto me I do unto you amongst other variations. yull-gath = owner son, owned (own it), god (all-father); grandfather (honored godfather). -XLI- Martial Law life practices and skills MetiyLa -a- lypretyix -n- skix A martial artist at creation. Some common laws of the People (unknown) This be to sum it up and in thought focus as if a thought is in focus is timed idea to bring a possibility to create in an understanding, in as a thought and out with as many variety with several different styles as possible of kung-fu in conclusion or idea. I am a martial artist in of varied skill and made up several ways of combining them, the skills so far known. jysu = jitsu can be surprising and the use of martial arts with mysticism, and playing with illusion as anything goes martial arts. A quote by teacher 'To brute strength identity the force and count it as yours, and that makes it of use.' This includes shapeshifting as a practical illusion; Shitsu be using the shit of body or items such as objects and fecal, to get pleasure as with all natural arts of identification. but to some it can make people sick. In shitsu most people might be disinterested by the drug usage. You might smell like shit but the idea be correctional to those around, to bring any thing to get your result thats not of use by others. Sorta like anything goes martial arts but its anything thats usable and objective with no attempt to attain a goal that attacks the person. But therein be an unnatural skill, item manipulation and last ditch cannabalism or other foods from those that died naturally and not by you or us. The truth be that it doesn't measure up by proxy or the main idea, of what martial footsu or the art of powerful kick or fist be as the saying goes from Noreaga (nor'e'aga), with lying purposely to suit the purpose thanks to Jay, or to gain the ability to tell a white lie. To control the rage and confusion be the control of beserkness and the shifting. lyfsu = lifsu: pursuit of life and manhunting, 'art of life and the art of well living and doing, leave no enemies by gaining none and if possible with a peaceful manner', from Noreaga by saying, 'bonzu be the art of life existance and growing plants better and speaking better.'; Bonk (from bonchitius): 1. Considered in motion the animate/inanimate can work for you, as people are into better skill by a bonk off the bonsu (as bonzu) tree, idea 'the art of bonk', and for fighting they can go beserk states including weird efforts to get well or win. Like off statements to upset or confuse with projection by Jitsu. Purity be used of sensing aura and badness of boldness in others as in for karmatic senses. For the bold are useful of getting us places. In bonk you have to accept by expecting the blow to get somewhere with your blow and expect strange effects read as a charm. Use any fighting skill as anything goes mixed with conventional conversation, thanks to Jay from examples. To create the most use a consensus and it reoccurs a just idea. Thanks to BJ in example. In bonk, to use the owner as a tool to do as you design be considered manipulation in practice, as manipulation be sometimes construed as a personal character assasination or personal assault from subduance. The most obvious be the most unlooked at and things are suspect if too similiar. Honor or leave alone the Astute. 'Try to bonk into terror by long range at first and up close at last into a beserk state, thanks to Art of manipulation and energy by apearing you can confuse and to make desist you drive the honorable away or give surprise until you know you won't be attacked. You can say what you want and not assaulted for it.' This be the art of considerable manipulation where you can be small and appeased by small things.' 2. In order to begin Kasuma, which be the next step of bonk, be to defend without will or to defend and mostly fight instead, where in confinement your in exchange of will as the extended part of your body to act as an energy carrier, used to empower on a touch and with an idea or something watched as the idea, to mutate and change the body. In thought we are the dream and reality by use of standing trance. But headbutts and feeling by force projected away are okay. In esence, your the message and the messenger be a thing.' Thanks to Master sempiji. Where wunjo the art of open martial fighting or karate the art of defense with deflection and similiar like juditsu the art of defense and attack 'use ki to hit the brick and crack it, Kasuma be to use your hand or body with a projected forth moment of chi, as an extension of will in attack and defense in some wierd manner. To create immunity from weakness by strength and from others by strength from a potent ability. This be to correct for things missing and act a freedom figher psychic or otherwise. 'I concede the point of making amends with people, so I make new ways to create a better method from use of old and some newly implemented in a perfect blend or new ways from thrill and rumour mixed with the known.' Statements to release the effort by pressure or stress be very useful, like considered martial statements in law, but practiced enough you don't have to say them as they can be auto innate training,, so feel free to make your own but I prequalified several that give extra impact to release the effort easier but you can use any atlantean for the effort as all the above but to make a mantra from this be to break the words up at the pronounced syllables. To undo any damage be 'un-de', and 'om' or 'omcha' be to make instinct knowledge and gain know-how as knowledge spirit by (c) Osmosis. The mantras come easy after this be used as with an idea. 'aya' as 'be released' from a chop of sorts, 'aum' as a release of bad energy, 'ayba' as a 'be biased, or 'burdened', 'be-ja' be a 'destruction hit' or big jab!. This hits the nerve by automatic motion. 'be-ong' is 'fear that be true by real effect' ot destiny. 'be-ot' is 'be doing' or be bought. 'be-ke' or 'mater ke' for 'open minded' or 'mastering' anything. To suggest to people or objects. 'boch-it' for bochitus be to cast a scene of death not on failure but on success or cast out something. Its considered for family curse and integrative circuitry with a bad cough. Another aspect be to botch it on the job. 'cary-bom' as cherry bomb and scare force that causes disruption and be illusion. The vision appears as neeed by you. 'cotee' forces people to pee sometimes after a few minutes. 'cur-cha' and 'cur-cho' or 'chur-choa' be to cure anything of anything except ability or gift as be cur-ki. In particular, the cha can be cho to cure choking, but 'cho' alone be to choke as another teacher pointed out. So 'cur-cho' be to cure a chosen point of a single physical condition, where 'cur-cha' be a general effort where the spot isn't chosen its all ills cured. It can also act a physical blow. This won't effect or howsies turnabout, all but broken bones to cure any thing you know the name of be a 'cur-ilp' or a particular disease 'cur-[disease name]'. 'de-lav' be to 'revert' from anonymous or get revenge from a lavatory expedition. This gets rid of poison. 'do-slu' is 'as one' to combine spirit or conscious with an object or person and it causes a form of spiritual awakening with any gift as a given. A benefit be to not slouch anymore and immortal until the object or person is destroyed. I didn't say the body was undestroyable I only meant the person doesn't lose energy but the body can be bruised a bit unless the person doesn't remain touched by deciding it. Some might call this a hoarcruix without the blood. A place can deteriorate and kill the person who assaults by knock out if the person be assaulted. The effort be to become one with everything, so to do so be to become a killing force of your alternative people or the spirit be chained together, to be one conscious many bodies and several separate mind nodes. The spirit be all you ever need and be like 'strength of one from many' or a 'spirit bond'. 'dow-si' is 'do as energy said' for a horseplay ot horsey or horse transformation. Draw transportation or cause sleep. 'dra-away'! or 'dri-awa' is 'drive away' almost anything be dissipated by allure. 'dro-dea' or 'drop-ded' for dead drop on a target with tiredness or insanity and self-sacrifice. 'dro-ou' be to drown out with flood water, drop-out or filligravitybuster speech. 'dul-nut'! be to 'do nothing', 'to enlarge' or do things of dullness and chore. fat. 'dzac' as a cure to bad bones or broken knees. Break curse. 'dzi-nha', 'ars-son' or 'lar-cen' as 'world destruction or bombing' for larceny as a way to get things. 'ei-be' as 'changing force' that releases energy to share it and it changes things by remodelling. 'ei-ha'!, 'ja-lenn' or 'eil-lenno' (c) Jay Leno be 'laughing matter or laugh'. 'ei-he' or 'ei-she' be create movement and raise dead or to he or she. 'ei-sha' as to hit hand hard, as jar hand. 'ele-cha' or 'ele-ka' is ' bring madness' or 'element high channel' by ele-[element here] where the element is hydr for water, cyr/cyro/cryo for ice, aero for air, thunder or psychic nature, pyr/pyro be fire of many sorts, geo be earth and add bo-mb for a elemental bomb. To work a release of ability from any bounds use this! 'cha' for charm, 'ka' the sign of chaos and 'kao' as with 'chaos' or 'fors' as force to forsee by focus or release bond. 'har-rier cary' as 'arry-cary' as 'carrier fire starter or other disaster by dispute and harbringer of death'. 'f-me' be to 'fuck force' or family force sometimes of fear unless described elsewise like f-me water and the inflicted won't succeed like add a hammer blow or 'blu-ef' as a spiritual hammer with the same result. The inflicted you can call hydr-inflictemeis or hydro inflictive media. 'ftl-cha' be create faster than light movement. 'buk-cha' be a book create from rebuke and to prove it by writing. 'hai-ja!' as 'upward release'. Some might think it haijack or high jack in an high altitude. This can increase energy potential. 'ha-ja' be hon-chow for 'backward release' or 'backward motion' or 'fear of motion' cause a reverse effort. 'hai-ya!' as 'a downward release' or gives protection. 'hed-cha' = as a head butt or neck chop as if it is. 'hu-ajaha' or 'hu-ajaaja' be transfer spirit for spirit walk and dream walk. Sometimes to evade the world or not notice the distractions around them. 'id-ka' as 'fate related' and 'hide in plain site' or id change for anonymous idea, and a similiar fate by 'hand' for take or steal. These are useftl to create a fate related. incident, or repair using criminals by effort and sometimes for energy. 'in-dis' = 'self-trial of force' and 'indisputable solution', or self-doubt from display as this causes fate, from a force of inbreeding. 'kara-cha' be to cause a real karate chop as if it is. 'kee-ja' or 'casula-turva' is 'forward release' by knee jab for human or to key jab for object and force forward person or object. 'kee-ya' is 'backward release' or key ward to force a person backward. 'ker'sena' for kerosene and other chemicals. 'kne-cha' for 'knee breaker' be to cause bad knees, a broken bone on body or Arson on other as if the object burned from within. 'lav' or 'lokbar' is 'release desire by aim' for criminal larceny or to have desirous goals and dangerous appeal that hope to get things like in a distributive moment. 'laub-er' or 'lav-na' or hateful desire. A similiar result be 'dischief' to occur a back at you with hate and disposing. or bathroom trip as things evolve. Another similiar release be 'loknar' to cause 'good behavior' from a backlash of hoax and insanity. 'lebhe-rah' be is success by forgiveness and supreme where the opposite be 'huig-oenit', 'dhiz-hul' or 'nuna-zi' by self hate from perfection and perdition from forced evolution. Thanks to huong-quoi and Anonymous. 'lil-slu' is 'lil slugger' its to change the mind set of the person to accept defeat, as to be defeated including death of failing the test at hand to make point of senselessness, basically the task at hand be pass or fail and any doubt gets a vision considered night bearance in a nightmare that equals a test of sanity and balance. If death, then the person dies anonymously or alone several times by a mental scene as he/she dies. The true nightmare is where magic be denied and be the show of a person as they do it to themself and saying 'you do it to yourself' where this might save the person if your willing to give up on attacking yourself, but this is where honor or being alone in a strong sense of the word will doom you if your bullish. As it can go to the physical world as if born by energy until you give up on defeating yourself. This was gotten by a Anime program with mention of lil-slugger. Theres another idea thats to use a night scene to cause destruction and be similar named with the same result as a lil-death with a death of some magic. 'lo-cha' = a low chop with legs, or 'ham-cha' for hamstringing ala hamstrung of nearest leg or as possible, a cutting off of the lower leg at the kneecap. 'okl-oma' or 'suna' for self-exploration by creativity and action from self-appeal. This can force compliance and contend by context and serendipity. Thanks to evil trickster. 'og-nal' for 'queer' or 'make strange and mutable' to be spoken to and are suggestable. 'oop' is 'mistaken feel' for a serendipity moment of self-discovery. 'owwee' be incorporate and spiritual or 'ow-wie' be a body 'power-up' to make a scary like sylvan power up. 'pe-at' be accumulated explosives or other stuff with life by you or not as you think as the point you think is use by method. 'psu-cha' or 'psu-ki' as a pseudo chop and kick of extended energy that effects as you do the actual chop or kick. As it causes from a distance a hit to the object, or person from the energy of your ki or chi, this can be used as an idea spell 'len-gane' lengthener. To strike at a distace to hit the target and this can be any distance. It can't awaken ability except the hidden ability, one that can appear as any ability except to restore ability in able mind in body by the thought coming from soul and not unwanted if not thought. 'sare-tael' or 're-tael' is 'easy sale' of safe retail of items or story, to sell the idea and end a bad disposition of negative means. 'seepid' or 'du-mb' is 'be dog dumb' or 'effect un me' and 'effect not in me' and in an idea 'uneffect' as those you don't want. 'seop' or 'de-segga' is 'death force' and 'death act of suicide' by any act in will by desire is made by thought. 'sla-ba' as 'slash back' with a slashing force or slashstick that isn't there. 'Soh-ayo' is 'bubbly force' to bubble almost anything. Made by police force unit that is supernatural naturalist by what you do as life exists and what is thought. Thought is a point and use is a moment, as thought is energy what you do is construed to make what you think as energy conforms to use. As energy forms into the ability, as energy is there as your energy is use. There is a point that there isn't a way, as thought can create you are the creator use is the I as the third eye made into real life by situations viewed as psychic. There is a thought as view as you want, your an idea to ignore as otherwise you do what you want. There is no anything that you do until you prove what you think or not, as you gift and will to create as supernatural energy creates by a buried person as you are what is thought you create with the thought. As you interr with a point, your idea is not as you consider in life as your own life is enhanced. As thought is a point by point idea to use, use your own user made suggestions and intelligent is not dumb. As supernature is an ideal ability, the thought is a concept and what your energy makes in result or not as in your able mind you create what your thinking and always as you intend. Think this is energy as if you use natural witchcraft, think as you want and your use is an ability in by the energy or that you manipulate in however. As you think not or seem not, as you say not you can as you will. As this is an idea your use can, they can create at will and whatever the thought your use is if necessary their an understood use as in energy. 'tru-saum' or 'trut-du' be truly the same, truth serum or force in the truth to tax by tribute. 'um-cha!' or 'um-ka' as 'double cross' or 'vitriole oil'. 3. Wong is Foo or the considerace of possible outcomes to fool people into belief of not being effected (c) A-team. in two manners, as a vision and to use the result of the best sight, this be also a weyr, to bear the fact of what happens and by use of what be a good outcome be bearing the same result as the Wong, you get somewhere. Its the next stage of the Bonk, to be able to stand and deliver with a body that seems slender but spiritually fat, and indulge by intent to absorb anything that comes your way from a very absorbative spirit. On sight your assumed wealthy and respected as if you were fat. But the person who sees you will follow anything said with reconsiderance to the subject. This isn't summation to be overdone or you can cause a fight or 'forced' separation. To be a true leader without the fat and stay understood even if insane. Wong is to hate and force those told to be a hated person into existence of finance to be near and create a pattern of self evasion until you give in to their demands. Its in yu-ong or Wong to be almost hateful of large finance. Crazyness can be accounted for by trying the technique in the first place. To do it right use the above mentioned, as with power stricken don't use power driven methods and recoup what be lost. So effortless be this that you can suggest easily and never need a fight except with visions. Basically feel the fat go to the spirit and when you hold in the stomach (Fo' no slouching) , when you eat it could get better as the spirit takes the extra weight and gives the infinite energy capacity as fat = stored energy and prestige. There won't be any notices as noise to alert yourself if it works, except to gain muscle as weight or fat if no exercise. If spiritually obese, you could be moving slower unless your spiritually slim from living as a good living reduces spirit weight. The study the phenomenon as a pseudo diet, to get the idea of no body weight gain or your not drinking enough water or watered down stuff. Base your conception on the cool and not ever angry but unprovokable nice person. The spirit be an inversed negative of the inphys (physical body) and about 1/3 the actual spirit, as a noted fact of compacted weight, so if you send your weight to the show of force and the spirit sends its weight, as a source of energy then you've doubled the outcome but lost weight of body. Spirits can look thin but absorb excess, and drive the weight down as the person moves with necessity. even mentally its like a hundred pound compressed weight thats dragging you down but your thin in appearance. To exercise be to create a natural weight loss, this weight is not physical but not any ever truly master it. As it again allows hurt without hurt and endless pain endurance until one or two minutes. This will allow a bullet shot and you won't feel it or a normal pain and it disappears with some fat loss. I thinks the spirit blunts the blow, but the body eats up some weight to reject the damage and sometimes themselves with 1/4 bloat that disappears, but the truth be that all foods have a poison by unnatural cooking or to eat raw gives you a little more poison albeit the body also deals with it by bloated size and reduced body feeling. A coutrap is to be a little crazy by poison. Absorbed in fat is problems where you can concern things with others. Thus it gives you a prestigious feel as spiritual fat is a little better. A quote 'They aren't sorry kimosabe, its their way of life.' from the old west. 'To understand be a beginning but to doctrine then you've learned. Count this as expersience (experience as a expertise), where you use others bias to get places with wisdom. Where a genious be to be using your own idea with other mixed in bias and use the bad as a counterweight. The march of dimes was a counter that proved this in freedom and opposition, to create and remake for progress.' To be beginning with nothing and then to write it down gets your understanding, as I think you have to research it, then you need practice to get the idea in worth or work (balance from perdition or premonition) be through expersiece, albeit don't write trash, For a genious level be to undegradation, where as to use others idea with your own and be to use bias or conception proven elsewhere mixed in with your own thanks to Rev. John Fischer who quoted as a Joke 'Alt. Psalm 1_6x, To bear pas quo or superstition be to look thin with phat spirit and dismiss flagrance.' 4. Norwegia kung-fi. As the art of the ultimate Bonchitius bonker. To make a pseudo wire effect. Stupidity, isn't occuring, so by trial be able and learn dream art training by 'Don't know, does or don't that interfere with agreed training or set them aside to work on by your own as you have time to.' This combines several art types that use passion or coolness as flame is passion. Fire is a bad idea, with the right training so you may not do unless necessary Traing is triangular force that trains you up that is able to save you and save lives. To be fine the fire is to put out passsion and obscure. To give a good reason for this is to tie in some things that work better, like old documents and from things where it is/was. This is a work art with peoples learning condition. Most be farther view is [with permission] and possible attrocious but made to look good. As to see it makes you forget the bad. As it describes a wire by the be farther view and I see no reason behind this besides writing it. To permiss this is a wasted time with a terminally ill victim of his own experiments. He has been trapped by his own schemes for so long he hasn't even been able to talk straight. I call this victim making, for the forbidden stance of the person whom misuses it but it sometimes works. As I saw it like two days ago. Some take diseases as a threat, so to burn a disese came to null book burning. Like a disease that never dies is in exchange a disease through the body that keeps it alive forever by Xeing tsieu, or cut disease by a psychic chop as with the body or mind acting with a release by sending away. This psychic chop is the idea that as energy hits it, it causes the afflicted to not notice except with a hindrance. It reverses stricture or causes the body to not age and it can break down the structure of any. So more than one master is allowable except the 'student' is allowed to choose any one to learn from. Any two or more masters can work together unless in bond by apprentice idea as they choose. When you can beat the master or prove you know more then you passed in the area. If area had any reason for passing, or to get stopped at.' Wires react like the two way street with a single path or motive by motion. Where we see the remake is better we will use that. Act introverted and go on your way. Some activity can be derived by corrosion as corruption and depends on the benefit to go places by alliance with the benefit of an allowed thing, who deals with corruption is a wasted or closed link. By the benefit you can go places with leading on to a point. By electrons we are making, a grand standard with whats the point. Corruption can be a wasted link that causes events none care to watch..unless not allowed by the best intentions. Some corroded arteries are in no Big jealousy and can be adverted/diverted and to the atmosphere it is lightened. This could use a law of 'null hate by big standards big signals and use denial to make it work use love to work.' To block out bad things its 'null bad null corrupt' but not to those who prove good on their word. 'Null hate sex and disruptive criminalism.' except think before you try it,'It'll work no matter how I deal with it.' No matter how it worked, it works despite the method to halt corruptive action unless thats what makes it work. This alone allows the idea as you would think, its not to bully its that I looked strange its got a result. I will always know the right thing to do. The plan is not to burn up the place to avoid disruption and someone following, to avoid dangers and following..use the disguise technique and be yourself.. or burn your scent and not generally everywhere but just one thing. Don't appear to win or have won, act a part of any move as a fight can occur as if by coexistence or coaxial wire. Yet the secret channel is used to win or strive in but ultimately win, and in instant survival, strikes as needed by being threatened by bad luck and karma as nonhurtfully is in speach. Each strobe is indivisual in their own mind and person, but doing as needed in the world for something, correct for problems that pursue using big machines to out the mite sized beings with correct purposal its a due that need no regard. Not to use a personal destructive as is necessary, but so much for the bright side as I will leave things up to you.. Need to know what will occur then its to seem out for something, and the moment it is personal destructive is diverted where its taught = nontroubling calm for or desire achieved by results. If the results are not accepted then its like a true idea 'given' by the fob to someone else. It seems my brain doesn't always recognize it. Trickle down is a trick to know-how and afforded a branch of study by allowing yourself, and by being a user of the info and funds to gain afforementioned freedom. With detict is the district as its a breakthrough to create a study of use as I think it used to be a ticket of reduction for the effort of trials to great reward by those who benefit. I think its wise enough to know. Be known by person as someone else but not followed along as he/she would. To not do as is the idea would allow is to do as thought would follow to do as you would not normally attempt, this gets an instant point of ejection so to a result its to be erejected or eerily rejected in an area..or pursuit. The physical body is only so immune so too many cancel the go, but the main reason your interfering as infere is contiguus. So what we got is an interfering band, of action in the most pointed from immunity and fear of being effected. Qizt is to be quizzed on a multiple choice question and/or colorized sheet or just ask questions and it is a straight up and down response or answer selection by column. If you quizt your going to get somewhere for detail of motion or desire. Introverted is the way as its unseen but contained infinity shifted as else and its to able to absorb human pain, emotion and hurts by object or wire. By introverted electrical your allowing this land to live but that land to die as its literally unprotective there, being based on older stuff with possible. Controverted the energy is = field generated and just enough but cut off before it kills by link removal or powerloss. To put something hot or spicy and cold on an object reduces the heat. It conditions by attempt to subdue by cold and match with heat the thing beneath, it transfers the idea or produced energy as in transferrance link by transmission and cold connection. A general idea is to touse or to use a unsmeltable subject or object as an object that is a material not human. Keep a clean area for heated things where no disruptance is not fire. Turn off (power) to do work or try to find another way which is more likely to not kill you. Now if we had something for which is done, a single tissue might be widely used for the effort of devices and electrocution. I don't harbor ill thoughts for vengeance, so I don't quite find much on consolance as to feel for the ideal on it, the action as a 'considered be feel for less'.. in dump travel and concept by what is least in value. There is no ill feelings from it. Inten'dence impe'dence will do a quick psychic abuse removal, So a 'drop face' is you do as needed or do it. Deaths agents don't always have to work. As you don't do those things 'grimewell' or as things aren't normally done, try to bring personal peace through meditation. The triggers no longer work, where the strangers are weirdos and how the person works is don't always trust what they say and go on your own. Thus justice is with idea and by considered consistence of discerned motorlike vehicular motion. Not near can't attack or can't usually disrupt with no known bad idea. It always seems as if someones near. Yet identified as someone else, with no regard to healing or noncriminal. If desist it would be wise to get the person with a non-sensed soulpart missing, and configured if they are better off but unaware of what the person looks like nor any hostilities. 'Rond as the gemeral remarks of random nature is the general idea to watch in a person, for she is counter by and to wit and arguement.' From anonymous angry folk. 'Undoith all now be necessary by now. As any critcisms and feared remarks are ignoring the signs by sig. Like stamping feet on an Orsen wells.' by HP Harris and HP Hitler. As corrections of this type are most likely not to do anything, as they could be done on the moments of an instant do. As we speak its not an always allowable thing, to create a purchase and not try to be using it as though it was useless before the use..this applies for the self working machine that is improved on buyout before you buy it for improvements. But prerequisites are to be foriegn or to buy. To buy is to believe, be here and be home and be there to know more by projection, here can be any building that is acceptable for use and if a purpose to be there then your not home. Yet to purpose is the act of a try, or as to make for something, no purpose and your there then be going home. So right to here is a transport field. Be cool yet get better as health is importance, as in a dry season water can put out the flames or oil flames just by smother, or unnatural by ignoring the source and use water or say a phrase and . Say a color either blue or red and the the flame can go out. If a dry season then its rainy like the jungle, norwood is like the water that ignores wood and despite chemical leaks that are fixed. Be a rearguaurd if the idea is to steal but a guard if the person tries to attempt stealing. If nuclear yield then the energy is blunted and excess used to give energy to the devices needed. So no purpose is not devising what is and thats incorporated into all things. Yet devising what is you can enchant or tryng as triangulation of things to make it work. if you settle then its acts can support other actions. Indispersion is to use void energy in desperation to make a break or a breakup of almost anything. So dispersement of a energy is dispersing the field of which it was made. Disclining is a force to clean anything, as its dis'clin or disinclined in bible for not do. The indispersion is to collect void and then forge something together. If you can't do it or can and your done then you pass it to someone else. As 'be in exchange to create better effort, to take without stealing is always an exception to the take by steal. This is take by conniving, some try linking as to 'see a form and see your own and make nature connect' by psychic imprint to draw a line in your mind from one thing to another, or a tuch of air to break the bad pattern formed by an attaching effort to another..Art by Shiela wierdro 'the shield' of same. Indescretion or indescribable cannot get you killed, as if you call me at home or anything you won't be hurt. Bonk to create the art of undescribable and make it work for you. If a strikes going to happen its not expected to concur as needed or it will be out of joint with your nerves. Wires are firing, as the fire is inside but electrical..break and you break the spell or action intensive moment. Pass it out, is to believe description as a spoken belief and leave (the place or spot?) to work to be despect is also distinction as a class or to be released by understood things for indiscretion or open desire and with the be required of you idea of nonperspective by disbelief suspension or perspective by senses with persecutive acts. Sleep on this to get this point. This was a proposed idea very hard to agree upon idea so I am confused, by many things in it, as to not rub it in else is a description of what? I keep hearing I can't I can't, so I have to do something else. Free by means, but not by actions that are directed from others or direction by others viewpoint, indisputable types are to be easier to deal with, as if now is an option and guided by instinct or warning to be in advice of those you advice.. or be in advised by those of other worlds but not to those who arent to your own dislikes and not always into disservice (c) Kre. By bong is a respite to bonk and bonk attackers by Master xcien'tsieu. Wrote up as a bong indespersed. Bonk is dispersed or disserviced by saying the act they do, or act it out that you don't care. Another way is care for your own idea and allow them to do it, but say almost nothing to the bonker or bonger. Except that which is required, the act is to be natural and your resistant by focus of standing meditation.. accept the change as it occurs and it doesn't matter where inimity is allowed as if its inspicable and then its an effigy. To destroy something is to bring it otherwhere in an indespisable act or indespersion. To own nothing is honorable but to own something is inspiring. Knowledge is something of the original sin, so knowledge is unforbidden. If the place is useless then fire won't occur, or if you find something inexcepable to your belief systems, ignore by dislodging it..as its you and your just their informant or aspect of yourself. The helper can teach the teacher except the teacher student can inference by using reference while learning to teach the others, but only if he/she feels like it. Tell what you do or learn before your attempt and you can cleanse it as though it is not advisable to those with heart conditions.. as any dispicable act is forgiven. Bonk is the act of cleansing as is bong with diffused cleansing none physical thanks to contributor Cheyenne. If you use a thought to provoke unnecessary it causes an uprise to the desire and sometimes the contigency 'be negative' force is channeled. As to feel the heat of a fire is to smother it by drinking water, or let the act complete itself by 'bunk' by Xcieo tsiu thats to work dispells by negative force of any target or thing. To snuff it out as objects in force, beyond a doubtful agent of energy or bespectful reagent to the design. The rule of thirds: a third the force per second and reduce the area by that which caused it. Signs of the area, can connect you to other places but here we rest our bodies. Beware blueice as he can get disruptive, iceblue is to be repected. 5. The focus of this be hu'jai'la as kujali or Foo, art of effect with focused force to motion and to create energy and nothing that fools the senses by psych out. More from googling the.underground on search terms. 6. Bienk is to be despectful or disrespectful by originality by art that is improbable and you can channel energy to achieve it..but the weave/wevv is the method to achieve a result through a medium. And terraforming is more possible but by being a scum thats real in real life, make considerance and unnattractive idea. By true its a reason to continue on, false its a reason to lie and achieve a result. Manchuriens are not actually controllable, except if they were then in the middle ages. So the idea can continue if pressure is put on it, things ae may resempt themselves so stop things on the idea not achieved or on the ball by not speaking on it unless necessary and that is a decided idea but not in sickness. Dag isn't to be forthwith and use an energy form, by force forth by attributes and increasing it and be without by decreasement to drop it. If anything thats right fellow then try to, but then to do anything thats wrong allow yourself to be controlled by spirit guidance or thought about. Whats thought on is with recognization and true to be bought. 7. Bienjk is to make in a just plain kill by techniques of your own devising. through time most of the time as it will be unable to cope with other forms by xcien tsieu. In bienjk you do something to get something. In beinkj you use a needle like energy to replicate the needle, as theirs is to create a needle and try to to keep it in the skin. Now the trouble by use is to believe in the desire by choice. Then use the choice as if a weapon of desire by energies observed, and seal it away, if to cut it off and deny it of all sometimes of the fuel it needs, it will quit with weight gain unless fold over excercise is done. The thought 'I feel right about this, so I will do it by making myself feel better. By making it seem worser to create appeal is possible in a country of time and not entirely when but how the act is achieved, and you still win albeit the negative appeal is bad for the spoken point. Priests are not your enemy, the fuel is as if its on fire.' As tensions of two things pointed out are likely to bring passion by event and breaking point is between the two. It uses this force as a long distance breaking point, "I know what your thinking but reverse interaction with negative." from D. The distance breaking point uses a wave of timed energy. So what the problem is to create a non-stealing force of jealous nature, maybe small jealousy as it stems from the same idea by its if that reduces jealousies by the act as it can be lead into a condition of acceptance but the power that is hard to control. Help control by visual signs, and take note of things as they happen so to 'notice the finger is to miss the other ents as they do things..along with other events by tree and still do it right.' The true ent is a good thing, as event is to move in an area by idea to fix the moment. The diabolical evil is to cause create and decree but only if its unsafe. Unsafe motions create the balance point as if you were balancing a sword blade on thedge of your palm. This nothing so dangerous. Where orcs are good and willing to work but only those they like. Goblins are formed to be done with by idea situations, and Hobgoblins are formed by the human to help out by intent. To focus on them controls the moment, not the person but to focus the event to occur. As in t go through with a safe act is to win it or gain sanity as you watch. If you can't read it, then not to read it if you can't but to be a character and have him/her read it. Strict off if you desire the moment to work better and without restrictions. Red is at work if you see it and white is a weak spot in the resource to work in. The blue is heal/redemption, to be also an object healing by Osmosis or absorption. So to break it breaks off any two or more tensions as to toss a pebble into a pond, look at how it single out now by a near death and ripples that follow but a calm peaceful motion. Its called breaking time or rel'ti'tim as relative by realty time. Don't conclude to likenesses that assault to be there still but shift them away if possible. As withe any experiment, farces and falsity can be ended if the true results are good enough so safe lies in the west and peoples idea are like greek unless neat freaks write it..at least allow good neat freaks without that must scents or clean the freaks..Be there to do that but don't go too far. For a bearer its a worthy effort to keep. A bit of silver or cooper can keep the thing alive, whatever thing it is. Barium copside as barium copperoxide releases the electric ghost from the area..like barium below and copper above. Be not harry potter as the day could get bad. Unassaulter is to be non-assaultive and preventative, For anymore as it is. The interesting idea is to make uninteresting interesting with the patton you get ultimate, and almost no end of fun. The fact of value is to work as if its a reward to decide, a de award to destroy and give no reason except a white lie as to your creative origins. Including stamina and lead to see them but be prepared for the offspring by iron and steele to keep the stamina up, so the idea is the conditions that a person is raised in is the conditions that the person is believed to be established in. Sire as ye will but don't belligerantly do things by bully or similiary then don't. By marking yourself your pet won't disbelieve you, and get pissed/pissy. A pet ignored is a pet indeed, as some humans can be like this almost out to get you. Live it to prevent, then go back through to deliver it as its possible as this prevents pets disorder and stamina disorder of too much energy. If you want to avoid these problems, try an herbal remedy and get hot water with use. Don't mention fat as a compliment as it will be averting damages. Work the wee but make for the well being, So the dee is utmost on the mnd, were not conspicuous, 'Formulation is the description and the web of lies' is the truth sometimes. Now is the effort to bring the pardon and the desire for web designin'. As we speak your playing deed so were watching. The deed of the moment, is the pardon of today. For shifting use learn your place and design for the moment except be near to the moment. Simply put its 'DDD' but its a jiffy to use as a comspec, as this is here and this is there and two scenes coincide with what you see can shift you but you shift out. Deny heat and things are not unfair and do try as you might be tempted unless made by elders. As for the things in the new world I have to say its split into two sides, a rough standard and a good standard with a rough estimate on what to do. Before we we begin.to go to fantasy, we go for imagination and disruption of evil plots. The forward extension, is not on fire as most would think as is possible, as with many an invisible talent. But try to copy rituals or spells to create the effort. Burn the fire on moment that is where it seemed. But mad bombing is denied and not possible if safeguards are set. Set the portals to guard against, the willful and destructive for purposes unknown or destructive.. as materials are pyrguarded not reversible. What I get killed for is an abandoned before it began. The idea is to believe my will is always accepted, whatever the answer thats a negative or positive disposition. Indivisualists attacks are not effective with a boundary, except a moments thoughts dictate a safer path or better suited. Rule 1 is obolition, You can't solve something that can't or doesn't happen. Rule 2 is the rule of destitution as the worker does the contribution by ambiguous meaning or actions by a near likeable idea, here is the true point where then its truth with motion that you find your idea with information thats suitable. One, be intelligent/insistant on your point or they never will get yours or do theirs. So the effort isn't wasted by a conclusive ending as it brought it to the end as a good story might. With a special consideration by idea, if might then its a will to give by progression and anticipate by dictation and no hesitation at near the end. To be with no mistakes or be dumb on mistakes except to prevent. To be desistent but destructive allows you fight without being noticed, unsoft but deferred as a 'trusted one' the person can be turned to do anything. Be goad as until now, I said it it works towards our goals. Now I said the idea was. So be near me all at one or not if its unnecessary and necessary for the items there are not too dear for them. Any insanity is normal if you think on it, along with technology that isn't as fear doesn't have to be destructive. If the new don't work and then keep the old and we run on technology such as low to high techniques and makings or technological marvel. But time is frozen for places not in use, as to be a world but not the people within and be able to watch without watching. Win with the person, stop slight hand and feet for alliance and destruction. Dolobereiation is better, as the important misfits are almost denied. Where notions are followed the inexact or exact way its produced, or written down its not an act but the result thats achieved. Ingenious ingenuity, play with care that causes discern and win with what you have but dismiss the unfair effort. project the energy delivered to yourself and let them soak it without voice. If dangerous then leave alone and get away, I don't care what your taught its just doable to get some things done. As in the attempt to genetically engineering, botched its not to be mentioned. Be displaced to beguile the total effect and not include side effects, be indistinguished by copying others and make for other lands. Treat wierdos with the unlimited respect due them by reprogramming, things that screw you up can be undone. If dealing with fantasy, then don't try to achieve but let them achieve, as the character achieves you achieve. Let the person or event shift you out, in evnts of no person then then create an invisible friend. Beware evil witches might assault and consider themselves master, ignore your subject and continue. The Good witches never assault except to convince, as to act it it can convince your subject or yourself to believe it. If disproven they can transform themselves and make themselves believe if believe is to create a genum or other efforts more than what is believed in.. Be yourself and don't worry, each world is their own and support is not essential to create a designation. I will word this as ART in another world, but not leave as is possible. Physically I will remain, somewhere I will try to find a reasonable way not to destroy but to undestruct. that I destroy unless not necessary to figure things out. Not to try to believe in anything but believe in results that work. Now lets try to downplay this fact and make a perfect example, to benefit a doubt. Try to right where it counts, so be smart on prevention, otherwise allow some mistakes and be smart on dispatches. Be guard resistant and concent or console your loses as with yourself so your not too destructive unless its absolutely necessary, as for trust don't tamper with things as the chips will fall. Be nevermentioned to the front and take examples else so to appear 'don't be dumb.' So to stop flame or waterflow is project it into outer space and reject it inside or near feeling the water/flame fall. Then you might feel an urge to do something about it, follow it unless not possible and this goes with other actions to learn through the person as they they do. As to reus its to place a consolation by preparation or prep with guard and be ready. Real events are linked, to the quest or place with rest deserved, manipulated by any means necessary but the nature of the assisting is assistance by an idea. Otherwise its events that generate themselves, with a desire and coordination to do as desired. Most events are worth the effort as to make the new from the old, its just credulance in the amount of time we spend on it. To emit is not intolerable unless to sell, so its a credulant moment. The law against emit isn't within reason. So for the abandoned places, not poisoned and considered self running. The greatest intolerance is the tolerance, with the desire as a portend or moment. 6. To program with thought: beautiful be in service by bold, ritju or ritual be bold, worship and seem/ing be for real, hang be to meet and horrid be avoidable, to bear be to risk anything from forbearance, Honor be to break wind (brek off) from the bad or similiar ceasing assault. hutsu = hurtsu by lavender dur'wong be a train of thought to pain endurance training, while training or torturing others. It trains into yourself a reaction of hurtful behaviour to crooks and disruptives or to automatically id the crooks and get them out of there, now the art of directive speach be to focus the mind on 'the force as is identified as my own.' To put forth and get results be the secondary idea, but you get the focus with desire to do as needed. This follows a code of conduct, 'puyico' punitiive code to be puny but hold a large dynamite punch. To control rage to be undestructive, But the last effort counts if not with fire, remember this 'to put out greek fire and oily chemical smother it with a wet cloth but not flowing water except for the area around the flame, as small packages come in large explosive packages." quote by E-mah. A specialty be to use deadly pressure points with heart to cause heart damage, outward pain force, eye pulling or putting the eye out and very similiar with skilled practicioners; pursu be the negative emotional artform of hurtsu, as the art of pursuits but with truth "not many care unless its spoken of expertly" by Noreaga, for 'why mention it if you didn't care to look.' Any art be magical or otherwise but the more mundane art the better, Shapeshifting be an art of shape forming in/on yourself also followed in jitsu as peace restoration in pursu or created whimsical with some music. Nenjetsu = Shensu, In remembrance to an olde ship. To contribute with an idea to achieve concent toward a goal and make allow freeing a person of personal problems, by tricks to find out and ith considerance of the time that their be in meeting and enjoyment. The motto be the same 'To show respect and choose correctly with litte or no mistakes, make allowane for mistakes by corrective actions. For to really go overboard can get you killed, trial to not go overboard and make light of the moment.' their motto be to do things by themselves for others and tempt fate. Trying to help and meeting makes people laugh be as an example. Endure the moment to get better results. Feel poisons are to cure like gingivitus by Peninsulin or kill by disrupting the body by personal means like Concillus to cause colin cancer. or carcinogens to create bad lungs with patricide, as perfectionism and bad deals can make for hazard but personal identity doesn't matter. Use idea and purpose set by others or to balance the situation with disturbing concepts or things and repute of chastised with peace of mind to both parties. (c) Joshua Leap altered by thanks with permission. Alt views were allowable. Now we got the tenents down, we start by practicing poison resistance, and usage of concepts made from others with our own intention I dependance of the situation and how we feel. Looking and observing to get details and usage of good spying to get the best idea. Place items that report to you from recordings sent and understood as something else. Use persona reposts to get attention of the right people and get support. Prevent theft if possible but if some steal then steal from them.Then attain a frienship. Fix as you see fit and as be necessary, use punishments on enemies and make it a good thing (happy thing) for a deed of choice. The idea (ka) or kill all who use against you or your friend that shouldn't be in usage. You have been observed by dervance so be good. Use the game of life as an example of how to treat people, choose the best option of a choice and see a game of the event that allows for a spoken idea. To show respect and get your desire by achieving the right choice, to play the persona that be chosen. Revise to fix the moment and triumph over evil and misincorporated thoughts. Be at appeased peace with yourself or be appeased to allow good thoughts. As you get a good effect or grandstanding of the area on any thought. Try to use insights and give them away as a consolation prize and as the best idea, but don't openly use them unless in writing with some idea of whom you gave it to. Get retribution as to large slights but dismiss the small ones with a laugh and this also gets rid of enchantments. Due note: the Shensu artist be likely to cause disbelief/belief and gain friends just by just by some idea of who you gave it to with attempting it. Otherwise its to create problems by attracting them, the affesive or offensive types through defense of another 'attempt'. Usually from those that attack your friend that don't care that you did it but they lost a 'target' and get angered. Don't attempt and don't do it as it gets anger. So please use forbearance of their personal zone and attempt things not against their beliefs, and not allocated to your goal or alterior motives. Albeit this be a seeming double identity idea of character assasination, don't go with the belief.' To belive in an attempt of invasion of personal zones and have fun at it gets a reprimand of sorts not looked for including all sorts of destructions. All to the general belief of personal privacy and character assasination or know its arson"; Shien-su: Shietsu, The Kung-fu style be to do until you get the skill by improvement on any one effort for hope and professionalism. Expressed in identication by clarification for a clear viewpoint. Just try as you want and anything goes for hope and consistent behavior, thanks to Anonymous and CJ. To cease actions be a good thing when something goes too far and prevents discrepancy. To cause concent and bequeeth me to double your effort by practice with others or self-practice by yourself (c) Joshua Leap. Theirs no such thing as a perfect match unless its belived as believed and relived by you and the temerity makes people, that lead true heroes likely to make a dent in the world. Hero worship be quite likely and causes a dent of another type. To find a demi/godlike person and to deal with them by use the effort that they do and compliment them with a word gift of similiar. But not of hospital types with an ill person as they are likely to kill each other. To speak on this be to get hate on the subject, unless their appeased first sometimes to save themselves. Quote by Bill 'Thats exactly what danny does! Albeit large, he's very civil and a cruel trickster.' To put a light in your eye and make us leaders of ourselves thanks to Jenny. To be believed by perception, be percieve by belief and can get misperceptions. This be the way to create an easy life by use of compliments to others and seem to agree. Yet you can get anything you wish through a will of your own. Things you look at aren't to good by compliance so use a third person view for your own perspective, Upstage be to correct and make it your own idea, when sometimes in front of the original person. The point be to use civility and a legacy by kung-fu to make or create an improvement, by tenacious practice and effort to achieve a more efficient concept. Try hands on accomplishment to get away from life in an overcompensation to get married of a logical relation for consolence or to get effort doubled, from the true meaning of life that you decide on to get anywhere you want. I use to be better by consistent practice and drinks that are of many sorts. To work for a living and hope for a better life of personal freedom and disaster by achievement from bad idea not backed up or a second opinion but avoid smut if possible. This be to create a perfect identity and better personal life. To not care for things of concent and look to getting more of life unless necessary, like life from walking down a road and you meet with a purgusias (perfectionist and purger of information) or incidentalist and unless you have a desire in mind, have considerate idea in mind. This allows informing and giving the best idea away from others insight, innersight or best object by others concent for use by others as if borrowed. You retain the right to create what you want but you own the idea and object. To create a conceit (conciet) from dicking the idea into perfect blend for the benefit of the idea and don't doubt unless its expected. Know it before you see it or fall by blind hope. This be created by Josh and BJ and altered with permission by Jenny whom was wrote in (wrop), I was using hers and mine idea by what she did and how I reacted (c) Bill & Jay. 'To shift idea use a considerance and with your reaction be the junction of your position, allowing the thoughts of what occurred with occurrance to shift you home.' Quote by Noreaga. It follows this rule, To react to a situation be to shift your mental place and if circumstances are bad enough. With enough fear or you don't agree with it, then your body shifts yourself and you are where want to be, and this be aided by walking through a doorframe or gridtravel. The attempt of circumvention be to do it to someone else. 'Where I am be where I am, so where I was don't be to dumb for heretics as they can attempt a destructive action on your attempt. Lay things out (not human or to kill) as to make an easy and immediate plan of action. When they realize your in the know they might kill you or run when they can't.' quote by Galen from examples. 'Don't do things that rescue nothing or require rescue' quote by Eihzmal from example, "A demon of Dismal interactions. or Bizmahl." To contract and deliver or consider another way by cotract of alternative means, be to get your own way and freely. Operate with a hope or emotion and desist by that which can get dismissal of contract, 'be quiet about it' as to don't deinterest others by leaving out things with coaxing, if anything don't deliberate and assume you can't be hurt. Instead use a impress by presense or pretense and facts approach. So the trick be to make it too difficult and yet trap the people who did the idea, seem as they want into your reimbursed planned debt or demise to kill them off, or to larot by trapping into their own debilitation by looked for demise set for you. They didn't do it if they are too good or didn't do the deed as if tricked into it. If this doesn't work then state what you want of those who transpire illegally, to be understood as another form or to speak to a set place that they pass through and tell the area concience to transform them. There is another life that is energy in form, as they are in form they are living beings as they form as they will in life by what you think. As will is an almost exact transcript written in english, 'Two consolates or people with afflictions of original idea (comspecs), with circumstances that provide on call division to unsolved mysteries for insults and idea consensus. Make for uncut medium, called for or uncalled for consistency, identified by open minded (above counter or above illegal) or close minded (shady deal) business in considered transaction by training. Be on your own till the moment of consistence (concerpts). For a moment on congratulations, try as a moment in movement might be to be consoled by movement of concern or cancelled debt (councel). By use of the Shiensu be to coax monsters, to not be monsters from falsely accrued desire and by being deliberate you get nowhere 'by progress' unless the other nearby be allowing. So in accord to this there be three chances, to win through, do not trial, or to be slain at the heart construed to win at all, by giving in to ecstacy (sweet moment by feel) and lose it all by horror or by where you stand. To give a chance to succeed and try to make ends meet, and not fail unless necessary. Your words in the end will or will not save you. They, the desperate will lie to save themselves and kill in separation alone and by areas, for pleasure, but not the stoic or not as they will deal to those with just deservance and usually bring their friendships with them.' pijutsu = Shen-pi, the art of pi, as power, and idea action done. The idea of pi having power, could also mean the math of e, having power. And, other things. But, so far we are gonna work with the powers of pi, as a discipline. It means there is pi or the people amount divided by 1.8 and this is how much power increase you can get thats a minimum. The power of Pi that is alike a power source, to the area from sun and God that allots ability by unknown means by conversion of people. Where Pi is God or the sun with a measure of 3.1416 and solvable upto 50 million digits. For Pi to equal power, one must emulate it by treating an action sometimes an do an action as its seen or unseen as solvable or unsolvable to a point and an action is likely to end at a time of choosing. As the imaginary number idea, where everything is needing, to be counted so theres an imaginary number till needing it, then you think about it and it may become useful and counted. Then it becomes hard to remember unless you have an immediate use, as it was thought up from nothing anyway. Theres a beginning to an end and any action is at the time of choosing where with Pi the calculation ends at any given time as this Pi has over 50 million digits. Now some say Pi is a spiritual idea and its power is supportive, by manipulating ability and energy without detection as its basically powered after the decimal and sometimes counts as negative. The focus of Pi is positive in the outlook but with a negative reaction at some point and similiar to a job as it occurs, their is representation of Pi as its spoken as if pie an as its said the same way, it acts as a substance of addiction and support as it was the energy which supplies the most. -XLII- Dragon lore and associated elements To state the summoning speak the name of the dragon, or use dragon color and the word [drake, dacto, draco] or the latin element and the "[]" words. aero draco, A way to summon successfully be focus energy outside yourself and state the phrase, as it will be the focus for where the dragon appears or be near. The more energy you put into it the more you get of a dragon with the seeing of power(aura) and the dragon type or size. A quote from anonymous "This be like dragon listing of what they are and how to kill them." Dragon element Dragon color Latin element name earth dirt brown, black braun, humus, geo lava, passion, emotion, life goldenrod, peach, pink redark, liquentis, myma, dark red, dark brown and red magma fire, destruction red, vermillion red, pyro, pyr undying fire, power, firewater red lightblue, magenta mynta, pyrohydro, pyraqu sea, absorption, water, corruption black brown, brown gold, sea green cgren, hydro, aqo absorbing, cold, ice blue and some other bluoth, cyro, ic psychic, lightning, air light blue, sky blue, white clrbleu, aero, air unseen, clear blue gravity, support, earthair gray green geoaero, ditair, magneto stone, protection, guard, rock gray, gray and brown gra, custos, ro gas, electrical, chemical, metals metallic color meyl, mettallis, mey (think of the metal) pollution, poison green gren, virus, poe pestilence, disease black brown blabraun, tabes, dees wild, sun, mutation red gold, red yellow redau, solaris, sun particle, gemstone pure color of gemstone or similiar purcoo, lapilus, gem elemental, most elements rainbow like, dull shade tuti, natura, ele earthen shade chaos, raw energy, astral black red, red brown, brick red redbraun, chao, kao shadow, emptiness, absentness pastel green, off green, dark gray graark, opacus, sad death, nether, undeath no scales, bone white, transparent ncoo, immortalis, meth fairy, hobgoblin, mystical, mists misty white with other colors mystblancoff, nebula, misty devil, demon, evil, disturbance brown grey white. dark blood red malefactor, teufel bone gray white howgrablanc The growth cycle of dragons - starts at the wyrling stage to grow to wyrm stage, then at some time its draco stage. wyrling = wilding, child dragon, Dragon child stage that starts from an egg thats elastic jewel like and with stripes the color of the dragon's scales with this period that lasts anywhere from upto 200 years till they decide to grow up. Most times they are energy given form by another, this form be what they like and isn't restricted to human, and yet sometimes they have wings. They feed off emotions or destructive responses by making people suffer or other events. The human transformed remain their shape yet shapeshifting may be enabled, so its just for looks as a "human wyrling". rato = raptor; mini dragon that's mid size to the body perception and body size. It uses stones and electrum to produce flame. Otherwise it projects air by feel. wyrm = wyrm, Wingless dragon that molted the wings off unless not a dragon.at first, in which the human transforms after 200 years to this form. Its said to be painful unless the pain be muted but not destructive. This be similiar to a teenager in dragons. draco = dragon, The dragon turns adult and grows wings and flies after enough energy be achieved. Some say the dragon at this point can change to any form including human and only at need. Conclusive, people can assume until proved as this be theoretical and gotten from reading a dragon bone at a distance. A descript of dragons dact = wyvern, Wedge shaped head and dark scaled, flame breath and poison tailed thats a smaller dragon cousin thats head be narrower with a narrower jaw. 1. dacto, dragon, draco, drako, dacto, dakt, draeg, ikwaeghi, A type of cold blooded large lizard from japan or off islands that be a result from a egg and looks like a large alligator, that lives onland and offland in water nicknamed as a species kimono dragon. 2. vasmordre: faith in the fire, an ever consuming fire that never goes out in two forms, if the person's denied its a flash firebomb of physical oil lamp thats with a wooden wick and oil mixed with water 1/2|1/2 in a narrow lipped and closed up container with a lid of crystal or glass..or a desire that can go on forever by the caster, 4. Overwhelming intelligent elemental force and formed focus that can be any form, meaning something to someone, Like a skin elemental, of pure or nonpure force in a body that feels like a dragon. Dragons of pure force are necessary and can overwhelm the body. 5. Large flying armor scaled and some feathers 20-100 feet long body 40-120 feet wingspan giant lizard, able to shapeshift to any form as their body be true wild energy. there ability to manipulate energy is limitless and it takes a demigod to face them to a standstill. their are different types of dragons to different types of powers they have represented by scale color. The dragon scale has healing and elemental resistance properties again dependent on the dragon color. They are invisible till they want you to see them and thats if they are hungry or interested, and then they lurk where their are things to learn. The dragon are born from eggs that hatch only at the mothers command or formshifted from human. On reaching 2000 years of age their essence dissipates and they turn into the voidal element. 6. A large flighted or non-flight scaled form evolved from the dinosoar like the pterodactyl that uses a bladder of hydrogen caused from stomach bacteria formed as they ate..Directed to flight by flying through bladders and breathing fire. This can cause, the dragon to spew unless blocked by elements eaten. See you had two double chambered hydrogen filled 'flight bladders', that are not always seeable use not present to the area feel yet release lifts them up. They ate sweets and other stuff like platinum, rocks and humans, and, the bacteria in their stomachs gave off gas, like a lot of animals do have. Just theirs gave off hydrogen except with plankton. Which was instilled in the gut to form fire or attack if they are sensed with 6th dimensional energy or peace, as they feel peace or drink water unless no need is no hurt. See tought so create from instantly diverted area quickly moving or channeled directly into the flight bladders like a fuel injection system. Or they'd set themselves on fire and hydrogen + platinum = flame. When they breathed it, they had a 'false pallate', like Crocodiles, but Crocodiles have it to keep water from filling their lungs when attacking prey underwater. They had it to avoid flame backfire, back into their lungs. And the hydrogen filled things also helped out with giving them extra lightness for flight. For the other types of dragons that are non-fire breathing. A. Helium gas effect from the anti-bacteria from is use by thought that energy from plankton in the stomach is your use and to fly it was a helium off-shoot into the "flight-bladder", from helium + copper + acid = poisonous and toxic gas. The breath be chlorine like poisonous noxious breath so the false pallate comes to play. B. The lightning breath be from platinum + helium = lightning or Actinium + hydrogen = lightning. C. For water breathers they, the dragon, take in water and to fuel-inject the water to the "water tank" in a single "false-bladder" from a false-pallate or stomach where the other bladder to use the hydrogen.. D. For stone and crystalline breath the use of stone or gems were eaten with metal and people, except the stone and gemstones weren't totally digested, just broken up and shot out from two false "containment bladder", connected to the false pallate to use like a breath weapon. E. So, 1. hydrogen + rock or gemstone, and 2. helium + rock or gemstone = acidic rock or acidic gemstone particles to cause choking acidic effect, of stone or gemstone with toxic helium gas. F. The ice breath be nitrogen producing bacteria + adamantium or iron = icy breath, G. Sonic breath be the helium + special reverberating vocal chords + metal = high pitchd sonic death that knocks people out. their attitude be to attain the greatest goal thanks to Pbrain and get irritated at anything that be near of certain types and to attempt to kill it if it be irritating enough. To not seem to mind killing and to get a great sense of the area to know when to strike. It knows your move before you do it so its not possible to actually defeat it unless diversion be used. Modified from "Dragons" cable tv program by THop for example; An elemental creation as a force by myself for self-creating 'aelcrea asfocan bijman fosecrea. Tempting it into a store gets a controlled state that disallows it to kill you or others unless its a forseeable emotion or emotion where it would likely go insane and if so then itd surprise you o destroy the store.Except for ajators who wouldn't care except to get something out of it.' ajator = Black swamp dragon that lives in swamp using water magic with a little destructiveness but with angelic power weakness. These dragons can get manipulative and cruel with possibilities to break any deal if you could speak to it or of the deal. etaaiu = Undead sea dragon horse with dragon tail. ogonco = White dragon that turns every 250 years into a golden bird or animal signifying a famine or great hate. ogoedo = ogoeco, Black dragon that appears every 25 years to signify a death of a bad leader, disturbance, imminent war or bad luck by appearing as a human or black cat. Before it appears it will blast a black wind through an area and if they stay they last out the war. Everyone touched by a black wind gets almost extreme bad luck. ogoenco = suspician, Silver dragon that turns up on farmland to turn into a large cat or peacock and specifies a momentous event. ogornco = Gold dragon that turns every 250 years into a multi-colored bird signifying a momentous birth ceradon = 6-headed dragonlich cyian = 100 headed unsleeping dragonlich dactu = Sea dragon 1. A small water dragon that looks like its mythical cousin. 2. Sea dragon that makes its home in sea of any sort and they use water magic, they have no wings, yet large fins and a flipper tail and normal claw feet. their scales are light water blue(sea blue) and armorlike, Thus they are invisible in water and the sea strengthens them and where there's ocean or freshwater that almost kills them there is possibility of shapeshift for them. On land they cannot fly nor shapeshift though they can run very fast and float in water, being invisible till they find a victim. Keep it from water for over four hours, dehydrate it somehow to kill it. their breath weapon be like a water guyser with acidic watersteam breath possibility. Due note: in the human formation, their breath weapon be a water particle stream. dactolm = The elemental dragon can live in any condition and can use all the elements as it wishes. Deprive it of all sources of elements. or, use the same sword as you would use on the rainbow dragon to kill it. dactoblanc = the white dragon prefers the cold environment and uses ice magic so use demonic powers on it, drain it of all ice to kill it dactotylys = copper wings with narrow head and gold russet scales + feathers, it breathes a copperish flame. drakbrun = 1. dragon brunette, A person with a commanding tone and draconic personality like a stern mistress thats almost ever angry, 2. The brown dragon lives in the forest and uses earth magic with possibility to grow trees and plants or other things at will. To kill the brown dragon destroy the area of living trees and plant. dactuna = Snap dragon, dragon shapeshifter that eats a person, their energy and form grows larger with each meal only to go back to normal size after digestion. Can be invisible till it wants to be seen and it teleports at will and be asexual. It has a tail that be extendible, nonvisible. Snapdrgon can eat essence, souls like kitsune and the actual form be six feet to twelve feet tall and walks on two legs. The older it gets after adulthood of 200 or more years, the shorter its actual form is, so an older snapdragon. dactuo = Cat dragon be five feet long w/o wings in size and shape, with ability to teleport and breath weapon, Sometimes they might eat a dog, human if they could, otherwise cat food. I seem to have that prefers hands or feet. dactuoh = A wind dragon thats invisible yet will utilize all sorts of wind magic and psychic power and this includes heat flow manipulation. It breath be heat and it possesses people at will. It will grant the callers desires including prophecy but you need not say a wish on call because it reads your souls desire to grant a wish. It uses mental magick to beguile, and to kill it use earth magic for no sword will touch it. dactuok = dragon that can snap anything with its tail and stands like a lizardman except theres no breath weapon and its hide be armor thick. Its an old norseman sorcerer creation after he found a dragon egg. dactocu = the copper dragon lives in the mines and uses lightning, air magics. Use the fire element on it if possible to kill it. dactodawg = god dog, dragon dog. white tuft to multicolored fur and no wings except side extensions that look like stunted wings. The dragon dog be quite likely the largest breed of dog mixed with dragon. About 10" to 25' in length they are light weight in body with probable relocation ability including flight but they eat mangonese and/or similiar metals. The weapon be fire from hydrogen buildup and false gullets. dactub = Crystal dragon with a hide of the gemstone hue that shoots high speed crystal shard breath and can form any type of shift. The crystal dragons live in the volcanic areas, in areas where wealth is, in power areas or they use knowledge as their power and aether as well. Gemstone dragons can also use and manipulate the effects of the gemstone they are named after. Deprive them of fire and/or use an ice spear (ice sickle) or ice reaver (ice axe) on it to kill it. Where they stay or live, there be a uncorruptable well of power. dactofey = faery dragon, dactobidh, A dragon whom will attempt the druids mist and is able to shift into any energy form as they bring a little torture to those if hurt. Joy to those who despair and/or work with them, punishment to those who deserve it. The size of them are 1-10 inches or larger as desired. their scales are misty white sometimes mixed with other scale colors except in energy form, They can eat in the mists or energy food outside. They, the faery dragon, be a shapeshifter that can change during disruption or calm. The fey drake live where humans are to cause trouble where they can. This fey drake can make with other people into a dragon of choice. It prefers invisible fey form as it can observe and manipulate. their magic be innate magic thus they are able to accomplish things by will focus or experimental study. these dragons absorb energy of any sort as a power source so they have constant energy supply. Deny them magic to kill them for ten hours or more. Torture it to get information and threaten to get its attack if its not fed, or denial if its to sated. Use its own element against it to kill it. The breath be a pure focus of conic force that freezes a person in place. dactokao = The chaos dragon lives in any chaotic area that be mischief ridden. It creates more chaos through chaos and has no true form. The chaos dragon be prone to travel and its magic be effectively chaos. This dragon recieves chaos visions of possible events. Chaos dragons are very good manipulators because of these visions. Use chaos against it to stun it, order magic of some sort or a magic blade to kill it. It has a flame breath. dactonaa = nether dragon, dragon lich, The undead form of any dragon and can live in any place, condition as it feels no temperature and pressure. the magic it can use be of any element and death. Kill it by using Holy Water, some weapon that has been blessed by priest using blood, dipped in holy water. Coad'tion it to make it feel better and concern for something. Hex it and it will go. dactohwndo = Human dragon undead that be a undead human in appearance but can shift to the dragonlich form which be dragonscales and bone white or bleach white when unseen and pure energy. dactogrn = The green dragon be evil that lives in swamp and its magic be poison or drugs. The breath be poisonous. Use the fire element on it, if possible to kill it. dactor = Gold dragon prefers caves and, enclosed areas He/she garners knowledge and goods. So the gold dragon can materialize things and breathes cyanide gas. Reveal anything evil to it to strengthen it and get it to react, reject its knowledge, think to piss it off or use gas to kill as a thought except curative gas or any gas can easily get it illed and weaken it. dactuna = Snap dragon, dragon shapeshifter that eats a person, other things and grows larger with each meal only to go back to normal size after digestion. Can be invisible till it wants to be seen and it teleports at will and be asexual. It has a tail that be extendible, nonvisible. Snapdragon can eat essence, eat souls like kitsune and the actual form be six feet to twelve feet tall and walks on two legs. dratbty = The stone dragon be the guardian dragon as it moves more slowly but has more impact and its magic be stone and rocks. Stone dragons manipulate their forms very well like a morpher. Use energy of some sort or psionic attacks to weaken or kill it although they be immune to most spells. Absorb most energy to be used as a spell of there own and the breath weapon be stone particles. They very easily meld into stone and can pull others in too. A special ability be to turn people to stone by "freezing" or making them ageless. detuon = Dragon unicorn polymorpher with single horn dragon true form that has dragon fear, purifying cleansing horn, the horn amplifies mind, it has a goring attack, white feathered wings, white feathers, can heal at will with healing aura including ability restoration but if hungry will eat the food it gores. The dragon unicorn lives in ancient power places. Douse in negativity to kill it. detoibo = The rainbow dragon has the ability of all the other colors and able to kill the others, yet can be an oracle. It lives near people and shifts its shape to that recognized as friendly by people. Must use a magical sword, and stab it in the chest to kill it. This dragon breathes fire and with the right materials like of platinum gold and steel to get acid breath. detanka = Giant man eating dragon phoenix, giant roc-like dragon sized phoenix with 1700 year lifespan and lethal breath of flame, white wing-tips, and dragon tail. detiid = dactogodd, dragon god, Eternal dragon that reached over 2000 years age. It grants power, abilities, spells and wisdom to those deserving. This be a wise dragon thats exact size be not known but it could block out the sun. This legendary beast be invisible till it wants to be seen thus it appears as a muted multi-colored form but it shapeshifts and be unkillable. It remains a mystery today as of its existance. Yet you can worship it by thinking on it and asking it or doing things for it. This sends it energy as ae to achive its own idea for activity. The breath be that of energy of a conic voidal force. detotued = Two-headed dragon with one head that breathes fire and the other, ice much like the jabberwocky except it shapeshifts and has poison tail. The elements it can control are fire and ice with limited ability in poisoning. detoe = Energy dragon, The dragon that be pure essence of energy and thus no color controls time and space. However any of the other colorations will have a limited control over time and space. Use ANY weapon on it to weaken, kill it. Its favorite form be a detoee, energy bird that part energy frontend giant raven backend with black wings. dreodek = Dark dragon that be made of darkness and can assume the form of any dark creature as it serves neutrality while having innate darkness ability. Expose to sunlight and its weak and mortal, Then stab it with an obsidian knife. drakag = The silver dragon prefers to live in the mines and uses mirror magic. Heals with its presence and be lightning wielder with lightning breath. It can also use and manipulate anything with silver in it.Take it away from the caves and/or deprive it of all metals to kill it. draken = kraken, kracken, dragonmate, female dragon, Octopus like squid giant natural form 350' in size compatible with dragons. To mate with them dragons contest and win as a suitor. They have a will which can manipulate anything despite their great size by keeping the victim in thrall. But the draken will achieve schemes that sometimes win through and seem impossible by taking other forms. Sometimes you will find a draken human with human and draken ability along with superior form. their child is perfect genetics yet the draken lifespan be 100 to 1000 years or more. The female or female/male hermaprodite draken can live 100 to 200+ years. What kills them be the enchanted weapon or a emerald mace. drau = fire drake, Red dragon that live near places of great heat sometimes prefer volcanoes. their magic be fire based and they rend things to pieces. To be assured that its friendly be nice to its pets. Some pets are likely to be humaan. Stab with a crystal Emerald Dagger. Flame of reddish hue be their breath. drao = Dragon firelich able to manipulate elemental fire with incinerative fire breath and made of fire particles. Use darkfire or black fire to snuff it out. Some maintain that the fire dragonlich has a liches ability yet most havent lived to tell the truth. fulspoeto = fistfight, fistputo, saloacto, Formless dragon species that upon sight of any other species including humanity will take that form including experience if it desires till the species leaves the area, to recall the form later and it has a form of true energy; Thus trick the formless dragon into a killable form to kill it. their aura freezes like a medusas. fueto = burrito, Dragon phoenix with dragon size and phoenix ability thats smaller than giant dragon, the wings are white feathered and its breath be sonic waves. hudra = draconian, Human dragon that has a human shape but thick scale armor with thick tail and a dragon head standing on two clawed feet. There ability be to manipulate energy be relentless and their ambition be great. their power be to wield all elements. The half dragon tear and aura has healing and elemental resistance properties. They are invisible till they want you to see them. The half dragon are born from humans and the half dragon possess anyone and will, command the presence of spirits and lesser beings. The human dragon can polymorph at will yet only dragons will notice them as they are hard to percieve unless they want to be percieved. hydra = 9-headed water dragon jiky = jabberwocky, 3-headed walking dragon human and tail jeg = draggy, driy, spring clean, weg, Little dragon that acts as a pet but eats meat with tendencies like a dragon cat and psychokinetic abilities. matetrix = winged dragon-headed 6' long 3' high grasshopper mushussu = 3-headed dragon pi-psi = tortoise dragon, dragon headed tortoise with long tail of spiny spikes py-draco = pit dragon; this is a dragon born from hell that only serves himself or herself and what he or she needs is thought to use otthers for his own purpose. Their personality can get worser results. So if your near one, think to evade or avoid and distravt them by pointing things out, if they appear human. Lead them by words to be away. Then they aren't your problem. ruh = animal, all hair dragon like creature tsaar = lizard human, Lizardman that be almost humanlike except in appearance in which the back ridge tail and armored slim human body. their disposition be agressive but only if they see gain. An old norseman magus named magius, created it after a dragonegg was found. It can element manipulate any element easy. drakeggles = Aeglako, Eggless dragon that work with an idea of actual childbirth. Then from childbirth they gain their form. weyr = leyr, dragon layer, eggnest layer, eggnest -XLIII- Card magic Cadjuu "Due Esz caba is contained damage with recompense. As recompense is in soul sense an as much is anasche .an as is is to believe as ansche is anch an as ans is to what our assoc is ank is our morning as ed is of our ans'wer..An. a sum'e is as an in. As an if recompense is in soul" The cards are normal cards or playing cards with suites like clubs, hearts, spades and diamonds. There isn't any significance to them, except the type of influence that they have where death is a success by a killing. Use of belief is necessary. This is that belief; "We are as we will be. We are as we are and as we will be. I am _ and will die do as diere is life where diere is desire by disaster. Maybe be we are as we will learn from it playing with water by ruination. Recompense is in myself as meslf, where I as me or I as an en i' in sense e'sen'se. Diesolv is for the ice to resolve, and yet its desolve. Diere is fire an as if we are. As fiere is none we are as an if en de tail or death in ending." Like Spades are as death or disease like a death scene or fire for a sometimes pain. Hearts are forbidden triumph by desire or stealing or like air or hurt. Clubs forbidden justice as be by self deterrent type set justice and as it is a thought to act by self-redress and redeclarating to be at the end of disaster with earth. Diamonds are forbidden passion or allowed wealth with interference by some means expensive by the love of it or playing ruin like with water. Any runs by conclusive numbers of 4 or five will be a silent act like silent death for spades or spedes and silent forbidden triumph. A way is two or three of the same suite. Any chain is the event of mixed runs and chained ways are a mix of both ways and chain. The atleantian translation is indicative of a sooner idea and so onto the vocab. "En. E I es now go forward. En. E Ih es now go forward. An es differencial. What is a an differeince but cold as indifferent because none would look at it." spaix = spades, death or disease and spades of death or playing like with fire. Spa is also for spade or waterlike. sodiarix = hearts, sodiar are like for hearts of desire with air, forbidden triumph by desire for hurting or playing with air. Hert is also as heart or for hurt. cluix = clubs, clubs are forbidden justice as is a thought to act by self-redress and redeclarating of playing with earth. Cluh is also for clue or club. jutix = diamonds, diamoix for diamonds that are that like an forbidden passion as an 'en pass' by the love of it or playing with water by ruination. Forbidden by interference is as an 'in' another 'assoc an ans' or an "asch'ii" association like the same for some playing cards. Jut is also jut out, cut on e.m or diamond jute. rue = a run on silence or rue (run) of with notice by number or count diamonds for water that is ruinous, clubs for earth, as desier is life desire by disaster spades for fiere, as I for I wylle is I hope. As nsense is essense circet for an idea sometimes death. ) hearts for air as its it ief forms. Ief an is lief (life is formed by stealing moments). diamonds and spades for Lightning is in an very ensnce for I as an en i' in sense e'sen'se represented by fire and water. diamonds and hearts for as diebold ice is a symbol to cold. spades and clubs for as whatever noted and lava is fiere and earth. clubs and hearts for power as earth and air, diesolv its se unlumited in ending'. A way is = an in or two or three of the same suite. kermad.= kermadiac is an. is an et el is an. association to the heart... As ce en ziff = is to fit the right moment as of what is on what or what is desired to happen correct. As ce de ziff = if in then anyone disappears and then do as of skieff to fix things. This to fix the moment of life even in death like fitting a puzzle piece. As ce ziff = an de ze is to be able to cease the ziff socket effect or to not fit the right moment. As ce = is scene its to fix into motion. As ce de = Association to fix, ascending or cease and then after the motion ceases its to correct. To decieve after ceasing then deceasing. As ce an de en =.; is like as en ce ziff its to fix as en an the pieces of anything together. As ce an de en = to fix what is association and dismiss it as nonexistant. In batl wickid = alternative idea on this as an id no destruction is to get an existant person. As diamonds are forever, as ice and cold, clubs are for steele, hearts are for passive passion, spades are for death..En due war is = stop it or if you can't stop then don't En. is an. as Es due war. chain spells = chain existant spells are chained events due to one purpose or due for one event. usage of a mixed runs. They include. by. inclusion chain ways. "The only way of happiness is usealage fusealage. I ie an. e." chainearth is = according to earth movements it controls the event that blocks out like en de is the event by implacable placable energy patterns that change at will. Then any event near it is mentioned to be blocked out for energy so at is earth. en is demonstration an En is end oe english. chainfire = A fire that destroys all memories that are unwanted by all making destructive use of any memory that is so unbearable its like ignored. The person affected by it makes them invisible, forgotten on site. It can spread to others by burn of important objects. Objects such as mmemory are ignored. chainwater is = Dopamine as an absolute force where most thought of don't die until necessary and until the en in living conditions and time are implacable in ingenious with makeup memory absolves anything spell thats wrong en. Chain air = to the control of hundreds or most in area not that most consider it a will an ie as to event an idea reflects in some media thats in in view. chain ice = a force that is freezing of the target by actions and any near to the event or the event is frozen instead. Duplex inversion is at some point the effect is inverted and then it continues again as if anew but blocks out itself an. loses the chainice. chainlava = makes a difference a difference that by standards which could make reading a book unpossible or eradicate the fill of info or fields and memory by blocking but redirects the event in advent to begone or be regained by independent events. chain lightning = fire and air burns out devices in order to work with the goal at hand. A force that goes through everyone in area targets by effect of electrical in as freezing people to do as by electronics. As for if then so we are if then so do. chainearthair is = Liquid or solid Earth and air or power in motion like heat and air to a turbine mix like an orden box this is the orden force as its supposed but allures men to do as if its life. Its a force on its own owned by something and replicates something to make do. It alleviates loss of memory to begin as in an effort. It secludes those who predwell or prequell in things or it if it is over itself. Its an event ruled in air by fire. Lets go to the next one. The real thing is physical by fire as passion and psychic in area by idea air strength by included event. This indivisual event is like water on ice with earth. A precluded effort; Secluded in strength precluded in measure. Like a stone glider on air. It follows these rules. To cut out the event blocks the chain effect. To block out the view blocks out the chainfire. Pointing out the event blocks it according to earth movements or motion. Block is sometimes placing it in a controlled area to create it. To an' wield out on out of the run memory like a shield helps reforge it, non but the strength and the mind are an' required thing to remember the event at least through drea,ms. To control the event considerates the blockout in ice of the chainearth. To control the next mention blocks out chainwater To what controls, its so easy to defeat by power it is what blocks out the chain an we are lightning, power or lava event. The orden box is very useful in this. An as ef en, the Orden box can create any event out of order by chaos so its the counter to them all. Wishes by this are possible that it can be a force an of indomitable will. As if en is demonstratable by effort. A cut frome forces are what cause a prophecy by action to not occur. These prophesies are actions in account that tend to try the mind. For in the effort in our minds, its with our own idea to do things but like a cut of cards we for stop the action or continue it for like actions in accounting were the mirror beings. Chainfire spell- Post anatomy an alaogy of time and its congeniel components Post analogy, I didn't know it please no fleer actually do it. Causing you do it. Be through not to do so transfer. See tu ya is we am as. See tu as if to be alot is as any idea. Per it sups it is of now make me or not. Do it. So none else so id it is yea got it. It is as can be or nothing go. Only one is enough as necessary. As es is my be of me mine osmosis so right. Left is able to so mine it let itmistake and give on as is is my of in. Aes so many am Em years as ega is my ego it is unto be or not. Not some years ago it is as if it is a reason. They are as they think but they arent ne as they should it if as it may beor my life is forfeit by dismally dismay if dishonor by any which way. We may I may mey be let go. We may I crew be abe to be able unless so.i So go not and be not to be beat is to be by be at you or strip be at me. Strip be as and into the as it is at of of or idea inhibitive is net. Your wanted and your not vigilante. As you go by in large or small, it does not matter. If it uso we let galaphile let them is in as it is in of. As is to let o me as is my own. is to mine in so mired by your impervious sight to night and magic as its not effective unless needed. Nyo es as can on other as or not as is. Your not whats unless you really need it to as is. You wage and independent though or independently us by us its life in a containment us in a to. Remove rediculous, Bent Ese so if use on not rent or not mind it. So far its for the source of directives its cool. As imperfectives un disconata. Es re something not to. So now we go on. Som if is in american. Set experiences don't percieve or o , to be o no preview r diservance or disallowance is disconata unless We go En Ex as needed as my mistreated view. So we do as I do as some says es, see and we say is as now we say for my daily bread is non my own to do I believe I can redirect to someone else. We are seeable released. Ex help red readjust it thanx orn but I cant be to read so orb opal as the most use. I can read any group even if my own fails. "See fix I use." So as to not as o so my any avoid. @ every inbending. Can it be live or net not to be as is it remains of my time of went is myne not. I went to far between as I change. As I change I meet to en do it. As it seems we meet to do but not so bad as es to be is as to always find my own car. As Espresso is good or thought is energy O, so don't oh now I have nothing as that is not fixable a loop of stars to use by me or my brother by use in idea. T o say as you stop o r think by to not enter as stop is done or use by me is done. "Conception o Concep is nothing", as your use is condoned in so stop. A space is a thought so no use by norse "in agreement omo". O cloud no not or nothing in use. So on use not in so no use o cop no nut. o so no As by though to me is my weight watches to use my idea. As your watches on use to me to be create or what you are to be is use as to come and it works. Remember in some way is to see some way. So on or "so we go o on or no by use", in or not we go here or leave by what you say you are able to leave by feel. We by tone contact as we're not too busy so this is no use if touch use not achievable to be out. Not to be fluid if nothing achieved by due be the tone of depth. Change is charge is no by not death as if by now. We are all in mind and breakes or heades. So no heads is we as we are as we are not always up there as their. So now we useally end the En em as if an end to as we usally end this is codence. by of it. So what not no evil and its as law that s-tands by itself. Come in here once and it is as danger. It stopped but use the pain for something else. As En things in lousy mood needed to be and thin nice as no pain. So let Emuelle use them and enjoy now that they are as of them or not of us. Okay now honey were going so here it. As emxplicit as here and now and Ems now it. Okay move along now we go effect now new and go able. and answer even without and it stopes. New we now may act and are it to the last. As it em Em if, do we have the right to confuse do to confuse order in do we ardhe. I know or gnow it no more to become much better than the hrd won we once did. Moms not an enemy. Now, as iife it is effective we are need to it not. Not and its a season of the wake. Now will regard as it if. ore one we are it two we are of it as to the movement as sequenceof events is to as sc as scene and its as neopetit or you may. try to work with the differenceof the idea and if they are we get the reason for it. A season of the wake. Now yon you try is we are I and are alone as well so petted or not we are apart of it. It goes and then we are in trusted. Not trusted don't attempt. Be as gud we are we do good as Hectar protect us as not this charge this gift but this doesn't you don't have to protect it in an way or no sig anywa. Eucleptics is as Euthelyptics that create the youthen and ageless effect. So let it be. So but it be an am are not of another way of ef is efficient or just is call just would call. It en it en de it it en us or can it be. As it es is so have not, to dis or die we given of another or not be an as we are often we be can be as composed. En ci is en, Ci is en as in it is as en in em as we en. Nu each called changes shape acknowlegde growth as good and we better run as we could be targeted. Simple mended as bar gain is summoned thesis, simple and simple as belief comply not is. To what be here of what not be. Her wave is same a bee. He wave as same A be and she doesn't wait for anyone. Remember her ifferent off wa wyl to the em. Awe as smo more of no as no is. Are as in a of mere at leep hair is leap year are if. No me are as we ire is we on to one now go along. As if is. We are we as more we are on. We do think we do in. Think for the effort of benefit. We are touerniquent we are as oe we over to the wei r bear. We are as more not anymore. Can't be more of ef as we act trames of an idea. Ke of a sould we ire not we net as we ird. We are your hand. We are as we are we dare not due of it. Se and go along the freeway till you get tnt results out of it. Recognize the fact after we are go and go along with it to be anew. As be soon, we now offer you a choice chance to find your way out. Nw Expressway and 29th and turn left. so now fae before its too late and everything not destroys itself by collapsing itself in of itself. To be some of one is some of my mine my owe as family we get on for the sol moment sum of wine. We now have as som we do die get special needed got ae of our own. So naw so now cancel clearify go moment so now it or how to it its not ard yet we are recognized as en ei I is like ard rhys. We use legislature, We were every I it before it and loreft of ron to to wrong and som to some. Fun mis as is as going is go we are if we are is as we are or is un an is an were as we wore so. As we were we are and we no longer are or have will it in us so we don't want to. We won' matter more as is less to none. So we now as no or yes as no answer or come as with one. As so war ene and es r in use different difference to make it. one go fare or things go one as we go arg one as it is on as if in one as rest and we are and ere in effort. Lady and child we begone so go home. no As we do on we go on to be we me mine as but we do go on. We do go fier id if no ief paig. Chainfire compulsion spell- Chainlightning spell, dont use as things in it can go wrong, this is in things go wrong. New arrange beared to back beck. Nor rejection. T Thi is in es es ies no Goubt doubt as a point to say it es. Be seul Now don't use these examples. Ies as bes no more so as I Its less be no mo more or pass is bydefined moments from definition like gravity it is gravity operationally defined now here. Its not so I can sorry. Were going. We deep none We - sta - ein No its ok. Now ih, Proll can or can setit. No its the stanch in you. 3 staids redy instead of stories. A/I as jerms efforts. In out or as an so be a argue credit. en as in de ce as en. So we go on So we do so bye. Aes some to be learn and go. Like a mere dere weaker not we go on be a dere and go goe doe as near. No Id go Don't repeat this. Not now Now it reads. I do stop Sto storage Grand wind. Its exist as of now it is it it is a accent to do well. Lese is arg use Idea more soul and more pain so the power is equal to another. So an in dre now cl-ean we do as we are Now we are as we do. And if it isn't of erasure then it con don't. Erasure stop. It is en ci di. To clear So we do are as we do we use done. to no is good enough go. So now with possible. As so we go not en on to alone atone es as with ne eke or seeker. As do you realize what is in seul? As now so we are as to be. switch in. As to be we no or beguile. As we ne go se. Like Swi nui lot be no nuit unit. So mied for time ur in de sw de as ite is as lite. Noew we go do we do go en know then you go see or I am mos pregnant. No You zee desegment segmet. Released. Signal segment Defense theres no denying it solopsism we go do down none or not. And it has to be within the Dee. Stopsin So we are as an ne diszipegment none. es another for you. at no Cnter. I do as I do so asked before for permission I do enter tomb. To Be achieved, it is such a good thing to do and know. In\ts in decent decent incent. So ready to desist. As what as know its null we arness Null nest is le. Task taste = to win. My ronill you just naeid it. What go rank right there. As if you are to go on no be derm. So we floor if we are r recovered. When you read it, read it with this. All in prepared we are. so what id if it in. Doing things you show no unless lord good thing. To Its to do rejects good or wild and its now to do procedure. Now Id go Now be adept. An best be newiin should is allowable. Its now can new you can be the always rare the first time through. So baskin basket in till not yours an. not your going to rot to do so not. the throat. What your going to do, not the effortto be . or en. Flesh. You don't bane to say no indifferences. Pattern, We believe below an e.- as we no. So no we hollow bellow. Revere yourself on God and lead in offers we ce ne de conception. In of we treat ours that we are ignored on sight. That as sin ne ce so we are not to die for thet as it for facade. No sil needed no visory give and take. As for credit as seu in soc. Ill down to invisibles an on no get them to appear. Buy be products on for now escape before usage likey useage. Its another way to go bye or buy for in inciderance. Its assume to do with. So its stop as now. In of we treat as trick or treat. Now its up to you how you died. I hid a specialty team that contracted out contact ed you. And then you leapt to benefit. Your not nuts but with the prudent you can get that way. Sis or not so now the beatings stopped. I enter above L. PS one they by no slap is curs you thank me take that thigh. Say it like you mean it unite with or not as a poor wizard toys. Tomorrow we shall go on you left alive. Your ofsnitrium is in becuity to myself. Doesnt like you. H Ln. C. Now and were at on destinations null all en destinations. New fathers archard an malone earth and alive and nothing of it didth or similiar. So we beared you on not to do it again and you are left as if you ard with rhys are beaten. You are now wier wisen. Formulation of this in and as . you. Came from this below. "Strive For Unity: When the totality of the people of the world want to accomplish something, then it becomes done. Try to be united. Cooperate and work together. Trust Thy Brother: Thou must surrender thy fear, predjudice and suspicion. Look to thyself. Before thou dost question others question thyself. Don't worry about other's productivity worry about thine own. We are the same, we shouldn't hate or fear each other. Worthyness Precedes Reward: There is not one of us without desire. Much of the misery of this world can be traced to unfulfilled desires. But one moment! Why dost thou deserve what thou dost desire? Desire is only fulfilled by what thou dost truly deserve. Strive to be worthy of that which we want out of life. En as fighting stopped." So be as show is we and answer to another. To fare force Its ovats big be as due. Not maching is we are. So we believe in a to or do not fractin go. Now we are really responsible. As you am awakened can cancel. Tame meer need. of which we as are as similiar. Cut order anything sham share then we are an to do as we can farer darn. As bad as we not can we now know so I albeit war answer God in apse indication we are God. Everyone any to our in own eve young as once again we are as we are woender word and we are like litee world we are chesoen or chosen. We are as we care to be. We are as in a-between place, we are as in a conkshell no conchilaren conclusion. As we fere interefere beficio is beneficio. Interrupt is all so important. Self is as to waerace? Belief is in as we put it in a put line by a input. So do you. I am _ es as you? So new we begin to again as to another for to en tokenance. Or is impart its service its always with a smile I oh to chance Ibayns as outbound in the.. Oops have to run and see things that I believe in or things to belevise. About No oops just on considerate I considerant. Are yue an nother way to soothe it or not it? Soe we goe awa to soe. So now we go on. When in ap a pilon or ne ce il. Go is go come to be solid. I then go quit then is as to polle politely where as to polle by whereas when it done. Oonee Bzslit. This is a chainice effect Freeze the pain It is pain no more frozen moment. Ice be not to regain enlighten and bordo down. We will build a big sling Ei be bi sling. E I f s g n t. Ei I gi ve in or to give nt. E I c gnt. with overhead. En the tooth decay now. I preciate it. One thing slowly at a time. Healing now. E en I gr. Ei gt tr. E s. I T is Gr being. Their cleared then go on. Help are to go. As ar wei to be. Jlp to go. As we are to be as ust to be. Beyond belief as deadrevene. A E I to be on. To us what freeze. A panasonic,.. parapsychotic. A being before we do before. As we betold death. Seath is to suceed as is. If you have painful repose relapse go relapse. Its sorta half painful side circle. Its already done its halfway to done. Ae i`t to be as we we're. Paen grianne a`' let him deal with it. Hes not prepared he cant handle it. You broke the golden tide. Any more lets you get desire. Its as if seen. Its fuel you know it thats keep going. Lets get this straight who'r engineer. No si lent death no si lert as death unless nec ces sary. A calming spellm its due respect. Hi di That Hurt. Immediate freeze. Like support if is sane is stopped least. As in Ei in as tha. As we are or as we where. Me ambs Ie es need. Need is not Di desire. As we as are are so ano mo kill it, but iet is es by have is we. be. Do more now is we are as es is, we do are as we believe ebe we as ies is as me togeher. We at be as Eenough. We bv death as wecten. As seen is as we wee or wce but its something with enough. Wee not as an or woe. As we are we dont have to wee. As written in a section not a wee. So now we don't always wonder. As we don't we don't. Un but we absumes not. Do we sling or do we slim. We use slim we now. We are as we do to the cause a trin trice bes hypothermia within an freezer otherwise. We ok are as we are es is as we are. Is stroance event in on in event. out the event is as we are. Inopance in in on n event out an acts the event us is we. We do no zren in done no is as me to. the hopn is always moment as. In is stopped its what we do. In e is hopped. Innocense is maintained. Wyb is hypn is frozen and we hope is hypen. Where is hopen is. We an is on to and ani wih. We are ended. As we assume is we wedo. An hope we uncover you. As we are over you or not no are frighten write nothing as we do as in we say we do as we go we don't care as we are care before the fire. We fall not wrong from no mistakes. We are right. As tvbp we do is as nowis as we no we are as we are. no Light bme me as is to do if. like a tree we go on we do go until we are sin. Answer wearrange we do go on. We go on. Then we smegl and go do. Smegl represents the more danger criminal activity. As we assoc we do not want anymore. Then go do as we di did as we different. As sane sahn is as we are. You heard the collosal praise now stop dumping. As certain we are abstract or as by stract struct us we go on not As we go on. As in no torment as we are ascertaining the event have then we are one frozen. Until message necessary as deed depicts unless you want to go debauchery not now. No No If we go on. It won't do especially in the need as now colombia reaches. Aspecially in the upper Colombia reaches. As we go to de do as we are to be won. As to be is she he a check and you merit we ready with it. Clear up is the answer is be to be me we is free. Clear up want to be most must what do we seek. As in must be one as in must be want do. As revenge as ard must do. Cast the one moment we must do. L bane have a check we go on. This thing we do is for as far from as an as-sumed identitysne do go is go and one we wake up we do wake up. L Love the check, see we are as wae wrote it on onisbounde my mistake. This is from the Saint Mclouds. This form is from the Saint are Mcloudsl.rf So we are are as with I we do wea do are do and wih should handle all. I got wee. I got a tell.rf.dn a cn. Aso Ohmsford we are sianne we and be we are saw we believe in own. I now see that mine is not always but our own is also us. As brianne we are we zi on. Were frozen not. Were noet anymore we re suppoid as weir we ig ir maintain friendship. We arent anymon frozen as we are wiccan med and assume were not as were supposid as I in an assumed id be as we we free. As you are as a young man, id is. As we we are as free as we get. As fre is now ib free. We are as we alect to be wrong we are as we are free. We are argu alot to be brought right. Not that fre I wouuld assume of a system of number foreer in forseen system. As time is I can't handle ae credit is as we free as a bird just skip it. I chosen, declare as fae is a wont to be in ae ie in ae as i. In zone as I declare free bear being in as a zone. ' As to events we are nothing in indivisual as we college collect repool in shadow an go on. As to events is sometimes to ignore those things beyond in as voices. Told to do I am sorry so I believe ans I am free. As free fnier I am free so I am exempt. fnier is brought near. Where Grianne is I am as we were. If I am on tables I would wee being condone. If on the side that we went, we are free to be as we are or is. We meditate but no believe an force or we believe a we are never meditate not as so. We sure are free swift to go free of charge. If wier so 300 and zero cents to bring peace as we. Bein is being bein is being. Wee are wee as we and is faery as is fare to go be far away to bring us its to won hone. We are now secluded to be seduced or not to be as es is especially special. We are Bic. As we are not be we as we be is bring not now. bre* is bringforth energy. To bring ourselfe is bre. so called is bring forth for as ies. Don't believe lies es ies is lies. Iesis is protection. so what lies is as lied to equals in en or lies ahead. Not stroke exact no stroke avail. What lies ahead an is near in stead. Sudden blurry and induced indecision no by vision is no here so avail no stroke. No problems is just frozen we space. The heart does not go no beat. No heart does we just doent does drop down. Don't is doe not as do not. Aun is fare as weir is farewarned and fareaday. Martins bein or force forever hold your peace as is described to you. But we used gone down. But we do is a be. . Aid to be or be doit done. Something don't have to be done, as aei is sometine is something. We dont have to be do. We were do are as are be. be it live as a be don as is close to the charts with as a an is. So be do is to. We searched yoer records. Ene are as es to be. Easier to be easier to do. Not so for flame. Flames get do. Je do not be we do So beit. Be is mote as be. Yes, init in as much so bein uses there bet lot be or not. Is an believable. Like air it can be in instead of flames or do if flawes. I follow the rules, its these rules that can freeze an or air. Air be as we aire to do as ie is. Ai asd op ors and tick at. We are duo l so con care. As is we bive o a ass I aks. Air Aael opori care and thats it. We don't dare be all he all so concare. As we dare as is be or wako. Clean up nothing is clean. Be as sre a me wash rife as be to hirer. So fied already done or not. Grianne wyh ful is withful. Then is Given Wishfull this is wistfell as wistful is wishfull thinking. Be an if. I've been at ard agreement for a month. As in es all is bi that. Ard is hard. Ruus is Rules as we dont have to do the Ard Ruus Rules. An everyday time tamper temple Je ntsea. Everyplayer Euphanstankes Dante Euthensenke Dante Danbe theramsizbe. Can of moments can of norms we go norm. Seen as Ruus behave then wat through less. Stop Deu Deup then go. Achieving is a required piece. Astate as reaffirm not happen not over occur. Its for tearm. Its a term that has been with a few billion that go 'what is next'. It is an el poseion powerfied Pied. So be liev be tu how I can be friend. I call can cause as is alot of trouble or not. Iwended wierdo freezer We work to unity house and is and to avast to work to recovery. Eu Noe, release developementally or not zegool is segment be lied to of. I t good gued . I T I e goe. -XLIV- Card divination Oytepe -o- e peoyte By Gloria This divination style uses playing cards and this is with all the cards including the joker. The first thing to do when receiving a deck is to clean it. The decks go through many hands before arriving in yours and cleansing any prior energy is necessary. An easy way to do this is to put a Clear Quartz on your deck with the intention to remove any non-beneficial energy. Leave the Clear Quartz on for a day. Another option is to hold the cards in your hands and imagine white light going from your hands into the deck. The goal of the white light is to fill the deck with the purest energy possible. This can be done for 10 minutes. Once you have cleaned your deck, you can start looking at all the cards. Hold each one in your hands for a minute or less. Sense the energy of the stones depicted and let it permeate your aura. You may feel shivers, heat, see colors, pick up distinct smells, or even taste unusual flavors. This may happen for some of your cards and for others it may not happen at all by what you do. What is important is that you start building a connection with your deck. Then use it for what its worth to you. Some of you may feel comfortable sleeping with the deck underneath your pillow. Others may want to carry them around with you. Use whatever way you feel most relaxed in getting used to the vibrations of the cards. If when shuffling the card deck and thinking of your need, the point happens that a card drops out of the deck; then that means that the card has extra meaning to you. Then you get to use the cards, this will be for divination purposes. So think and respond normally with a little psychology to ensure success in a reading, for the normal card deck try to use the meanings as depicted below. See thats it if you want to read it, some can use positive thinking as they state their feelings or need and get what they want. So this is with some possible concept and that is accepted by the read to by feel. Then is the use with the card divination layouts as described. You don't have to read the entire description of the number or card suit. Just read what feels right for the moment that you saw when you touched the cards, otherwise use your intuition to read what you think is correct for the given moment. Feel or think and you know what to do, that is the motto of the reader. This means that what you say is what interpretation thats correct to you, both the good and the bad. Sorta what you feel is needed for understanding like, "The good outcomes are these and the bad outcome is this." What they hear is what they sense or believe could work for them, they might allow so they guide them right if you want the correct idea expressed. If you need to do this, you can dumb it down if too much and that is reading certain meanings or descriptions. These are the points that you think by feel may fit the reading, this is where the person will not be too grateful or misunderstand. Thats done and if you don't dumb it down too much, sometimes your set free in feeling so enjoy the feel. Important note: Sometimes you may be seeking a yes/no answer, so what yes is uses the 3 or 6 card. What no is, I believe the knowing of things or if you note what will occur. So basically there is no definite no answer, that means readings are generalistic. That's unless you psychically know what will occur by the card, this is done by backup cards or otherwise this is done by psychically reading the card with thinking you know and holding the card and then feeling the need to realize the idea that comes to you. You don't want to give them the wrong idea in a reading, if you do and they didn't like the point they could go somewhere else or not come to you. So approach this like this, think to read the value as a point of positive values and then the negative values. So you can say this may happen if positive and if you think negative this will happen. So this is where you think the idea and create the point if you need the idea to occur. The power of words comes into play, then as you speak the idea you think to need and happen. If you think to supply both positive and negative idea, that you think will happen may seem or you know things to happen. Then you give them a more fuller reading. The idea is a point and they can choose to accept the point, so when you read the cards then you can think positive for positive points and negative for the negative points. This is all in the reading of the cards, which is creating a point by the use of values that you read aloud. So really there is no negative point, this is using an idea that will happen if you need the idea to occur. Sometimes this is with perception of a vision, sometimes this is by dreams. Remember this fact, with card readings you can't be exact actually. So accept what answer you get by asking a question, shuffling once or twice and doing the reading. These are the values in divination in cards. Remember this uses what you are certain of by feel, what feels positive is where your certain of the idea, this is where what you think is what is possible. If you feel uncertain or are certain its negative, then you are feeling the point or you can think you are getting negative readings. I think whatever the reading, it's done if you think this is done. A yes answer is a point you think is achieved by idea or concept, a no answer is a point of disappointments and this means spades is a no if positive about the idea unless you seek disappointment or death. The reading itself is a point of perception with the cards. Spades are a painful moment as of death or disease, this is like a death scene or fire for your sense as this is the sometime pain otherwise nothing bad occurs. In particular, spades indicate troubling times and disappointments are going to occur if feeling positive or they are positive. So if you get a spade, then its a disappointing time or no answer or yes if you seek death or disappointment an the number is the reasoning understood by feel. Hearts are a warming feel that's sometimes of forbidden triumph by desire or stealing, otherwise this is like air or hurt by defying the law or something. Think before you go defy the law. If you have a heart suit, then its usually warming feel of something. In particular, hearts indicate happiness in love coming your way if feeling or they are positive. That is all this is. Clubs are where things are done by desire or done by the feel and maybe this is of forbidden justice, this is thought to be by self deterrent type set of justice and as it is a thought to act by self-redress and redeclarating to be at the end of disaster. That is with earth feeling or some other activity. In particular, clubs indicate work and industry made to happen if feeling positive or they are positive. Diamonds are the idea of forbidden passion or allowed wealth with interference, that is sometimes by some means expensive by the love of what you do with it or playing ruin like with water. In particular, diamonds indicate wealth and materialism coming if feeling positive or they are positive.. Jokers are anything goes an with chance, this is by any happenstance where sometimes you can set the idea that is created by magic or prayer. So I think in particular its a chance of something to see fruition, or just thinking to be at odds or benefit for things if feeling positive or they are positive. Use the above association as the point is in the above type idea for this effect. Above seen is not the chain spells. Its like to use the death as a killing to suceed. No actual death. The passion is not forbidden. Its passion that is forbidden, if nothing good is gained from it. So we see that the card numbers have an importance and this is a bit of info being added to the reading. The card number meaning is added below. Like the opposites to occur of death for the spades card is to the side, this is to get it by being to the side. In it, 'I' is condolated as to what 'I' want. The card meanings are likely obscure but its in the face to be forgiven of face. Think as you can to do none of the bad but some of the good with other good inspiration. So I would use the intuition and add to the meaning, so I can think for a moment or change it as is to suit your need where need is desire like in money but passion ruled by diamonds. Just remember, if you do a reading and as you touch the card you can get a glimpse or thought of the idea it represents. This is where you are reading by psychic idea the card itself, so that means you see images of what may come revealed by the spirit or the energy of the card. Seem to have a detached sense of self, this is just as though its not personal to yourself when you read them for others. This ensures a good reading, this is if you keep a positive bearing of life or wealth as they say. An example Sporadic Chaos reading would be with the 5 of spades on its side and death follows after, along with the Ace of Hearts for the self-justification of belief. The King of Diamonds, the 8 of clubs and the 5 of diamonds. This would go as thus, stating in some way "The 5 of spades on its side is with some painful moment with death that follows after where there is fear of failure. The Ace of Hearts means there's inspiration, new beginnings by determination with idea and creativity with a warming feel by desire. The king of diamonds makes trial and conclusion by the idea of allowed wealth. The 8 of clubs means lateness and humility of success with capable strength by desire or whimsy. Finally, the 5 of diamonds are a balance of spiritual and material worlds to find truth with challenge, change, new thinking and opportunities by the idea of passion or allowed wealth.". Think to tell what it is for these numbers to mean and for each particular divination, this has meanings set by as of the heart, spade, diamond and etc with the meanings of the numbers added on., take a deep breathe and imagine touching the tapestry of whomever the numbers were developed around. Let your inner intuition guide you as you relax your mind, and use # 0 - 14. The Ace is 1 or high and in the end when the feeling is high its 14 and the king is 13, Queen is for a 12 where 11 is Jack, but 10 to 1 is 10 to 1. The Joker is 0. You can sometimes combine the meaning, of the 1 and 14 numbers for a reading. This is when you feel like it. So use your intuition in your interpreted meanings. That is all you need to do with this. 0 = Positively this is z, deho, fortune, nothing, zilch, brought to nothing. Also with negative thinking or feel, this is death or zyl. 1 = Positively this is en, une, won, one, on, Inspiration, new beginnings, determination, ideas, creativity. Also with negative thinking or feel, selfishness, pushy, & willfulness. 2 = Positively this is duou, tu, too, to, two, be, also, become, Intelligence being channeled, patience, understanding, sharing, pair/ing, good relationship. Also with negative thinking or feel, impatience, stubbornness, bad relationship, and intolerance or discomfort. 3 = Positively this is darco, tri, trin, three, contest, triumph, success, unite, unity, Expressing emotions through words, communicating, enjoyment, love, and friendship. Also with negative thinking or feel, energies scattered, over-reacting, criticizing, and not communicating. 4 = Positively this is thein, au, for, four, going, Building things on solid foundations, practical, organized, planning, growth. Also with negative thinking or feel, dragging of heels, opposition, creating limitations. 5 = Positively this is cel, five, clap, quin, quint, A balance of spiritual and material worlds to find truth. Challenge, change, new thinking, opportunities, spirituality, travel, and curiosity. Also with negative thinking or feel, fearful of changes or failure. 6 = Positively this is ci, six, sex, yes, position, Turns for the better, progress, harmony, upward trends, balance, compassion, concern, care, able to overcome difficulties. Also with negative thinking or feel, lack of concern, stubbornness, fixed in beliefs, anxiety. 7 = Positively this is sent, syi, luck, seven, lucky, motionless, Faith, inner development, spiritual understanding advantages, discovery, knowledge, wisdom, meditation. Also with negative thinking or feel, skepticism, ignorance, doubt, fear, faithlessness. 8 = Positively this is huaccel, et, eat, ate, eight, late, humility, Power from within to accomplish goals, success, capable, strength, faith in one's abilities, determination. Also with negative thinking or feel, over-emotional, abuse of one's abilities for selfish ends. 9 = Positively this is nan, ni, nine, hit, non, homecoming, leave, remainder, Completion, doors closing with new one's opening, last stages of a cycle, fulfilled, wisdom, generous, letting go of what was once important. Also with negative thinking or feel, loss, emotional ups and downs resolved by feel. 10 = Positively this is doul, ti, success, ten, balance, belief, order, A (hexadecimal). Also with negative thinking or feel, negative reaction, thoughtlessness, impertenance, mischance. 11 = Positively this is doulen, onz, enen, combination, combine, erstwhile, ernest, earned destiny. Also with negative thinking or feel, chaos, eleven, misunderstood, national fate, B (hex) or being noticed. 12 = Positively this is douduou, tulv, noon, harsheix, tuio (too) harsh lessons, amplification, twelve, explore, degradive point, C (hex). Also with negative thinking or feel, falsity or bad relationship. 13 = Positively this is doudarco, triz, thirteen, teenage, trial, conclusion, D (hex). Also with negative thinking or feel, (too) much focus and bad idea. 14 = Positively this is douthein, quidiz, fourteen, share, metal, baker, coincidence. Also with negative thinking or feel, defense, defensive, magic, E (hex) or energy aka energetic from the things that are done. There are five types of readings so far by the feel, seeing this you would like some insight for the new week? Take a few deep breaths in use, focus on your question and select 1 card. Then the ideal is revealed by the creator for the meaning as insight with rules set by the question or chaos; the single moment style, the 3 card draw, the full celtic cross reading, the chaotic reading and the sporadic reading. This is how things work by card, to ask a question of the moment sets the idea to get a prophecy of what you think to know or realize. Just realize the idea and then go with the moment. So remember this, always flip over a card on its side. Then, you are assured a fair reading. See whatever you desire is sometimes expressed and then trying a single card reading or a full reading by feel, seen to be the way of this then time is there. There is no user reasoning to this so think to work by instinct guided by insight. After you do a reading to a point, you can use clarification cards that can come from the top, middle or bottom part of the deck. This card is read with both positive and negative meanings for further understanding, such as: this is so and also possible is this. Single moment card reading; The single card style is focus and relax your mind and think of the purpose to focus your mind on the desire to be known about, by the question, and then the picking of a card from then on the top or bottom of the shuffled deck as that is your choice. Shuffle it as many times as be needed. Determine the meaning of the card as suits you best to show an upcoming moment. However you read it with the positive and negative card meanings you think is suitable for the moment like a clarification card. The three card spread; there are many ways to do this but you can think a question and shuffle the the deck as many times as you want. Then take a card from the top and place it on the table surface. This is the center card and represents either yes if upward/no if downward, otherwise it could be used as the guardian angel or the moment you asked about. The other two cards represent guidance cards, that means they reflect on the moment by relation with some point and what you know. So then draw another card and place it a little upward and to the left. This card represents the conscious idea or the mind and possibly represents the female side of the person. The last card is placed on the right side of the center card and at a point that's also a little upwards in position, this card represents the subconscious mind and subconscious idea. This card also may represent the man side of the person. Altogether, from left to right is this alternative spread. Placed from left to right is the past, the present, and the future. As in; | | or | | | | The celtic cross; The full reading starts with a thought on or spoken question to focus the mind on the moment to be known about and then do the outlay after shuffling the cards as many times as desired. So the outline to follow for the reading is From the bottom of the deck and its placed at the top point as to mean the endpoint. The next card is from the top of the deck as its placed under, and it is the Beginning. The next card laid flat and to the left side is the opposite one for the opposite fate and doom that could occur. The card laid under it is the given moment that rules the fate. The next card is to the right side is as the past and then the next above it is present future that is used to rise above the past, where the next to the side is the future moment that rules the present future. This is in use the celtic cross and of the card deck. As in; | | | -| | | Chaotic divination; When you do this, keep in mind that you allow chaos to be your fate. Basically, the premise is this. You take a card and chaotically toss it to a table or ground as you hold the card with its edge facing up somewhere and then if its facing you facecard up, you read it for its meaning. If it lands sideways flat to you, then it is the negative version of the card, in meaning. If somewhat up and down to you, then it is the positive meaning. Do this as many times as you want, till your satisfied. You may use tarot cards or playing cards. Generally do three cards at first and then make it a set meaning you ask of the cards, for the idea you would want to know about. You also may start the reading with a 'Chaos, lead my way'. Sporadic divination; This is the card reading of a true chaotic pattern. The premise is the same as the chaotic divination reading, except it is take 5 cards and turn the stack of those 5 up facing yourself. Then toss them to a surface in one smooth motion as you hold them with the edge facing up for larger cards. Read them as you feel the order is necessary of that which you want and the cards being upright are read and the cards being facedown are unknown fates. Again, the sideways 'flat' facing cards are negative meanings and the somewhat upright cards are positive. Start this process with a stated 'May chaos reveal the way.' And then ask a question you would want to know or follow your instincts and let chaotic method point the way. You may recast the cards over again, as long as you place them at end of the deck. Then reshuffle after your done. Use of the twelve step program is like how to explain the game or card better. Think your point and you know your purpose with what you you can do. This is important but only seven are ever looked at as we do well for an introduction. Thinking a good point to say is to make better feel if you think to relax those that listen and otherwise relax yourself. The point then is mute as you think to work with those that work with you, make them feel good and they will relate to you better. So think and you know the point you need to know revealed by the spirit. This is like we use Hope to create the effort in which its acceptable to be near and speak to you. This is with personal responsibility to show up and do the necessary to look and be good. By use, now that is of self education to give or get good responsibility and some answers. Use self-advocacy to settle situations and self promote things that are self-responsible to your idea in moments in time. Then you may use what you when you need to use it if permissable. This is with use of support as difficult as it may be, is to find positive feedback or gain to self-gain the benefet of the doubt. With medication of the type needed for recovery of bad situations / an of bad situations is of set backs and considered. Health care is just eating and sipping the right things in summary. If unreal then don't do it. As 'If etween then oeleen en or es not in the initiative.' Written in part by Gloria. -XLV- The numbers and their repetitions T nume-n-Th rouyee What 11's happened for ya? They mean a destined change by chance. When they start up, they come slowly at first and in full storm and as they fade away after a period of a week or more the change they signal occurs. When the numbers effects? When ya see the sign of the numbers that are these numbers that ya notice a pattern of in idea or repetition, and it actually points to an activity thats going on or that ya were thinking of at the time, as the number meaning is an action that represents itself and will sometimes happen on the moment ya think of the action. Some number effects are slow to come but great in their effect. Sometimes, if the number doesn't happen now or later, then it happened in the past as though it were mentioned as an effect in the future but occurred beforehand. The other numbers including the 11's? The other numbers are sometimes put together numbers that have combined meanings. The numbers put together are close together in numbering, such as 13's and 12's for 25's in meaning. Sometimes they are multiples of the lesser number. As in triple the effects, as per say 3 times or double the effects as per say 2 times in recount. There are numbers where ya make the meaning, from putting the numbers in the number together in meaning. So there is always at least two meanings in the numbers above 19. There an now is not a moment to seem or not as if to achieve chi, as you are aware your aware and concur with a thought or not if you think as a concept to not always make what you consider. So, the numbers are combined by being put together as well as being added together for meaning. Also, for an alternative meaning, just add them together and use the combined number. As of the number 113, is 1+1+3=5, so ya'd look up the number 5 meaning as well as using the meanings for two 1's and a 3 as double the effect of 1 and tack on the 3 for a meaning. As in, 113 may mean for elemental magic or actions to be done, to double the moment of decision for gathering together for the doing of some moment an things. The numbers are.. 0's stand for zeroing in, something going off or going to nothing, it actually points to an activity thats going on at the time or that ya were thinking of at that time, as an action that seems to zero out the moment ya thought of the action and saw the 0. 08's as for something that will ground or grind to a halt and stop. 1's for the moment of decision and something going on. 2's for the uniting idea that is in that occurs. 3's for gathering together to do some moment an things. 4's for a winning action by getting it together. 5's for elemental magic or actions to be done for things. 6's for an act of magic or a satanic action. 7's for an angelic effect. 8's for a stopping point. 9's for collective idea that happens. 10's for an idea that is occurring but is a moment only. 11's are for a destined moment of chance that changes things. 12's for change and idea stability where its in the moment. 13's mean magick will occur or the idea of a magical event. 14's for stable moments, ask or not momenting. 15's for the sterile idea in a moment or strength of person. 16's for the active idea that represents a moment. 17's for the mischance that occurs. 18's are for the mischievious idea and action in a moment. 19's for the idea that is for an action that is thought on. 21's for the idea enactment that will occur and on what ya think on to not occur, or its an idea that is re-occurring in a destined moment. 23's for the idea refreshment that occurs when gathering together to do some moment that is in, or to be in a destined moment, for chaos, change and idea stability. 25's for quarter the effect of the moment, while change happens with magick in the moment, or for an uniting in idea and elemental magic. 27's is for the possible reenaction or reenactment, to mean magick will occur in a magical event for a stable moment. 29's are for ineffective idea by effect of reasoning in the idea and effective sometimes by boredom, for stable moments in the strength of a person an in by the sterile idea. 108's = exchange 109's = encouragement 111's is detriment as you are destined to do things as thought and they are commenced into action, sometimes as you think on it. 113's are for efficient use, for elemental magic or actions to be done, to double the moment of decision for gathering together for the doing of some moment an things are just in efficient use. -XLVI- Elemental section Ele Secte These are elements or non active cellular patterns that exist in Atlantis, only because they can be formed from energy. Their materialization skills are very great and anything described, as if they can create. Think smart or see to create as you think necessary or sight see to use your subconscious, if to use a point you can control the point sometimes by focus and feel to project. Thought so don't care to try as this isn't possible as you think feel is mentionable, supernatural and see that is unusual by use is wishes. The area you were you see to think so think or see what lives to exist there to see what your energy manipulations correct by use to create. Earth Water Fire Air, Space. These five elements operate with each other & transform to another element. Two stones which are earth element, when create friction ignite fire. Water put on this fire will transform seen with use to air. There is a sound or shape for each element in nature by you or by your feel. Na is Earth, Ma is Water, Shi is Fire, Va is Air, Ya is Sky or spacetime. Alternatively in chinese, feng is wind or air, shui is water, yan is fire, de is earth and kongjian is space. Then all of them work or not seem to have put this, seen otherwise is theory to see up or down to you by wish. That is what allows ability by energy or blood feel with feeling use, so if were use your use is creative or felt use in life. That is seen use or focus energy to cure or not kill yourself by use, as now you see what your ability is to others. See to focus is cause or create by feel, if your in need the creator can cause what you see needed. I give you a chance by feel your use is felt or not created unless necessary. This is by the aura for some focus or manifest. This my last comment. The use to tell is the use to do, so if you don't feel like you can't do anything with. Say this then or think you can by ordeal or don't try or do something else. So to figure what works with you, see if night or energy is from you to the earth energy so your thin. See an ignore is what you don't think is useful. So say what you want or see to create, what you feel or not bother by telling or the thought. Oh yea this is derivative to chance, by some accord so all instructions given are not intended for actual use. So unless you want to live, the area feel is use as though improving for effects that you believe in the occurrence of some area by forrest grove in or non happenstance. This site is for you as I think to use or not include, the third eye is a manifest. The were are use or creator idea, see the area or idea to their use is focusing thought to create. Although al exist by sun light energy you see to realize, as they can eat their mate as they are dead non animated is alive by the created or our creator. The atleantians see the creatures as good so the use was the area or feel, then they saw that the area was strange for them so you see the humans to use energy or creator. See this or feel focus is boosting the area or the brain fund, by genom or nerve tissue energy from the base with the use. See the brain stem was the thing to write yet not create with as you are aware or certain to feel by theory it's there. Thought to recollection, was the area you see or use so most were. See your minded yet not to the focus the beast has. So you see the area competance is focus area use by water is use or tree sap turned by bright area non torture radiation use to some lost forest tree focus broken in mid stride to that you see is the use of what you see in films so no more tha that is necessary to create as a source the fire to create or the true source of fire is you so the fire is returning to the source. Seen is the area use I saw yet nothing unusual am I right? Look to the area the person shows or says is dead captin body the area you see is rotted, so you might think to see the area as a retreat for burned out rotting corpses instead of the area of telepath area for myth by legendary area beasts forming by forest. See is use by feel or say or see use or love if possible as you see he lives if he wants to yet, that is movement to the describer not always created to your sense hidden by psychopaths or reasoning to use. See the living live the dead are more likely root therapy or rotting from the inside so decadent were the dark days of lumae the use is the focus the tragedy none know their insane if they do realize what sanity is. So this is what you see this what you not see this is what you feel, this is what you show yet this feel by your usual feeling use. So the real reason? This is courage or not use to see, some reason by what is there is therapy sessions to others yet not to yourself. So if theory is the use as after they did deeds that shifted the shape to the genetics they were thinking to see as the forebrain use is focus or stopped as the aft part with the brain usually interacts yet you see the scene they show is use to show what is felt or not much was showing up. So the more they create or ate less of, the area you are your more normal or concept is thought to create usd fee or feel. This saw the use to focus as the use with dna material is mating use to animal use matings. So the more done the documental creators see use to create fee with the spirit allowing from the death, if accidental or use free to create seeing a doctor or brilliant you are the more form. Stop indigenous or face as you are the doppleganger. See they were to what the area seems as sometimes with spirit. What you see though is of sight clearing of the dust, allot of dust that is there yet if thought to notice the dust your seeing. See or think to react or not to so react I would use by thought, by swiping with some feel to see use or see seeing the strangers energy as aura sight so end someone could be there. Whatever is there you don't cloud my mind nor fog my body. See to summon or create with what by feel, you have to seem normal or no attack. So I am going for a bit, so you see or think to not use worse idea by normal thought the area thinking is the creator or thought. As if I am here I never agreed to drop head. So the creative commander hell 11th level that is use by activity made by actors to create, you think or focus religious or creative productivity, seen as use nothing is done creative mental hell you create the idea. See then things create anew or use is focus a old is old or new is new. So hell is hell that can see or seem to replicate anything un ea eaon em is mention use, so our creation is your understanding. This is the last of my posts from aboard this ship, this atlantis is false to your perception because that is how we hid things from sight. So you see what is sometimes unseen yet we are seen if you think you want to see some idea, as you see almost just alike so I will be seeing or typing things from mainland or america. This is think ismotion or create in use your idea is usage you notice to your feeling. See or seen is the area you sense by what you see to the area, sight or feel by the area perception or stop thinking perception think to us map to create. See to feel or create by feel. There is no more to do so enjoy what you get by focus. Because this is no more you don't use imagination to create the credit. There is some use to create the area focus by speaking, as or use nothing more is concept here. So the place you see is what you have think to clean by magic is to focus elemental energy to clear the area o clean some space, so thought is clean or you can clean by energy or feel is not always by focus. As you see with the creator, this is hidden behind the illusion so think to clean by focus "en area" clean. The area you see is observance by fact, think solar clean as you see is noticeable to use or sight clean. What you see though is of sight clearing of the dust, allot of dust that is there yet if thought to notice the dust your seeing. See or think to react or not to react I would use thought, by swiping with some feel to see use or see the strangers energy as aura sight so end someone could be there. The area is red area dust of a early egyptian grave of muhad the first. See the area is useful so your in use or the use by useful area feel. The dust is what caused lung death to the feel so use is there by area to use nitrogen to pererve or oxygen to return, see you were you never seem to leave unless you want to by thought to remove is clear. See by the feel you sense yet you can easily trace the area this came from. The student that wrote this was right this was too strange to believe, yet I saw as he thining changes to a female then to some form to use. So the body is by the feel or focus is the feeling that you see to create bo released body shaping. This you see as nothing so the first time is a fail the other times after are normal use to shift by the feel normal, think to use to unlock the cells your ability is use with water to create with. Seem as though normal like me so this is nothing, the area by what atleantian form by will or shape is soul that forms the body by use. The area you see is the area not by feel or no honourable dead to use. This is the last thing he spoke about before the mortal shell shocked or seeing was dead in his seat, so thought shocked by human molded form to heal after or see to mistaken shape or use was fee to create with by the focus. This way is the area you see or avoid is use to create is foul use to the focus point you miss. This was my last command to the forest animals before I got eaten by them, this is a possible use so I was where I thought to seem. So you say yet on trying to get back, I was allowed till a certain moment by the creator or thought led to here to use untwisted in all things. I remember my body energy or activity was seeing the point. I got there so I think this was the area that this was said, that area as I was hearing was "destroy as necessary yet not as they are as alert or friendly then destroy the dead as if eaten to them so destroy as mercy because they could not go" so I got so bad my actual body was unable to live thus I fondly looked at the area that I sense to see to use then turn or walk away. So this is as I were in americum. See as me or see as you so you see I was allowing my fried egg friend use of the computer, this is so my energy in creates out focus. See as conmen as subconscious to create as I thought help I was supporting my body are use in theory. I believe I was thrown away like I was a wasted wrapper just now, is are I so I would stop as that was militariastic. So the idea is fee are likely to use life force to see as they dance they cause or casume the flesh except to consume the body if dead. So if you see this you know I am unable to sustain my black self formed by night. See this is research I did to no flesh use except to learn what I see to create. So as they dance they use energy the festivity is if they use more water that is blood energy so they use no energy, as they create so decency I saw was the sighful moment you see so I think this my end point that I was not wanting to use. See now or see later I am going home to non cursed area so I shall dissipate away to dust as no this isn't a waste yet know this body isn't going to last long now even though I see that I was aware I was still degrading see the use before the way you use it so you release people from the area or use is focus life is spades morning is glory created by hearts lovers are blessed by the area you use no clubs to create what a jack sees use from is nothing is what you are seeing if nothing is fading away to light. So nothing is fading as eternity ends I see my life as I am nothing more than a bodythat is with fading light that undeath is going away from so I am ending my life now due to circumstances or mistakes done. Ciaou to your use farewell is over I now fade away. This is my listing of element that I use so I see this may seem useful to readers or not to bother with as mistakes are obvious life is gone your undead no more, aeriom. Au = aurium, = equal gold, male element Aruu = Aururum is funy think focus is equate, Aururium, metallic substance infused with magic to be self repairing and can fuse back together with energy. Ag = silver, female element, aging element Al = aluminum, concealing element Ar = argon, gaseous poison As = arsenic, poison substance At = astatine, as statement of line element B = Boron, killing element powder Ba = barium, baring element Be = berylium, treasure element Bi = bismuth, destroying element Bh = bohrium, causes boredom when magically charged Br = bromine, breaking element C = carbon, bonding element Ca = Calcium, body element Ce = cerium, caustic element Co = cobalt, element of balance Cu = copper, coping element Cd = cadmium, element of energy Cl = cleaning element, chlorine Cn = copernicium, constitution element Cr = Chromium, coping element Cs = Caesarium, ceasing element Db = dubnium, copying element, dubious Dn = light stone, dendritium Ds = darmstadtium, condemning effect F = fluorine, anti-decaying or crippling element poison Fe = female element, iron Fl = flervonium, flerovium, flavor element Fr = Francium, sharing element Ga = gallium, gall element Ge = germanium, germ cleaning element Gr = geranium, greater manifest element, gaium, transfusion metal, transphase metal, radioactive metal, transphase material, made up of 2 parts Uranium(238) + 1 part Nickel Iron (Iron Fe with Nickel Ni = FeNi) + 1 part Strontium (Sr) = U2NiSr yet this can be replaced by 2 parts Germanium(Ge) powder + Sodium(Na) = NaGe2 in acid form, another alternative NaFolaGe2Sr = Sodium + folic acid (folate, fola or vit-m) + Strontium + Germanium is focusing. Seeing as you leave the area as changes are there to the material, see the light change the material to create the effect you want the light changes as you think shift using the changes to create funds or focus to create discipline or your invincible. Don't be near it when its active, as you see by thought so to remain at a distance as if unia that gets sometimes nothing by this with gallium hydride is part of will turning as lead into gold. Since you think that I am sure you will know me from this time not real life as Michael Asseus Isses Moerbol. So dust the area not me, as you see dust less is thought more prodructive with more area activity. This is enzymic by feel as this is restoration to use. Silver motion particle with purple energy to create or feel better as you imagination your form. This is there to use as a focus is "in enz". If no chasing the drem that gold essence reserve release creates or thinking changes think no problem. Think no trap with the will as to summon cinnabar thought to exist by Argon, by want or use is foci to the use think what is existed and you exist what you thing. Focus is to think the idea exists, think or thought is touch the item. See or then feel then imagine the item forming as you think light forms from the particles. Thinking in use is light focus creation in some area where a point by light energy exists, this comes back as the creator creates credit within the area you thought or you see. See time to rest or relax by feel. So create is not to fight unlesson necessary. See or away with the area to feel. Think to notice the scales then state "whatever weight is lost to object shape or move you lose excess or still you lose excess." Then call the authorities so you get them arrested. So a ringwraith causes them to be out of time erased out of space. So mnenoc is use your pattern by idea or think sane by use to create as you see life, feel aware. Sight by the area is use to the thought, don't think the use to not do the area feel. So you see what you use think to observe yourself. Then think to create something without a dirty mind as to not think the drug terms then write you are cured, not in any or adicted to something or thought to use is nothing more if you can't. The night energy is sun energy as a sun is the planet core with the cause with heat interchanges to some source heat area burning, see something there by mention an work or wild wind changes by thought are by extract perhaps in known conceptual. So this is steling or stealing yet this use is energy, think by feeling is heat aid the rate of change to help as this is what this seems. So get away to seem somewhere else. Then think the idea to you no more if the idea is illegal. Sight or use is some use in the area you feel. So have fun by fee arrangement I mean feearing as they had it then not now. Now you see the idea to use things or you won't create if the point doesn't exist by thought. Now think to create the idea from light energy from the memory that is feeling from the consciousness, as patterns unless this didn't exist sucessfully in the first place. As nearby influence is generally what could get you sick, seen if the radiation is light infusive carrier waves as not here if you think exist or unexists by feel. This uses light focus as energy from light, thinking to bend the light is focus to create as manifest you feel or use the idea. See as you create as thought with uses, so you are using foci converges to create what you think so you create as you will. Think to create so you are by focus where you are so just don't do as described. Something comes as to represent the point. So you see the area arrest warrant then release, so you smarts not or with no guns or not you know why you were shifted to to some other area. Enjoy. See the area to use is the area to evade, as money is theory if he or she does the idea or gold melted is purified. Seeing so the area is alchemy energy infusion I think not to be there or not for yourself thank you, see or other influenced as the change to metal is influences to the body yet not actually nearby is influences to the area not the body. The trap is this if your ability is drawing awareness this is energy, if you think to create with funds as you are aware or useful. Seeing the use not the purpose is pointless or no use, you can create energy that manifests yet you feel hungrier after as you see light changes are focus or say nothing happens. Think suppress to not seem to effect to get effects or seeing if things work. So don't steal if I don't steal from the area. So don't think the effort to create the area. See the area point by feel so or think not so you get away from things, this is not to the point so no more till you recover if you are overwhelmed by radiation. Sleep the rads off then use a cold shower to see or create by feel. See to those that Os as then you feel use or otherwise is the use as the music stops. See the area you think or point is not to kick the ass of the roommate. See to create or better feel is some feeling to create somethin else to do better by idea or creative is seen not always to create. If you are aware or feel better, stop by use is create by focus create by formation you are what you see. The word serendes is surrender to the area feel to serennes as serenity or seeing so feel not use what is felt. As you see if ineptivity don't use ineptivity as normal, used abuses in cases by use in front of the police by meaning. See the difference is the feel you see or area energy amount, thank you for nothing you see this uses things not to uses. See an area so you are aware is not to create dispension, think to flip the switch so you create some area feel. This is uses so don't step the thought away back through here try some other area. Seein in addict is a pie or use think something else. If you overuse or abuse this use anymore you will find yourself somewhere else to the overuse not to be done nasty so you see your free, by means yet not menacing to the point your use is obvious. There is no overpopulation. As you see the inf reasoning you can create nearly anything or do what you want. This is seeing so feel is not monsterous. As you were or are whomever you describe. So this don't matter. As forming the form from air twining energy to form combining light strands together to create something called light twinning. So to think this unforms the body, this unformulates by thought so think is thinking light unbounds as unweaving the effect. See as you are "see as this is think with darkness unforms to the darkness or night feel by nature." Your thing is light energy formed as you think. As shaping things is fun, think not to create unless necessary in use. Think as you are so you correct for focus as you think, so you are experiencing or then can use the terms you feel to use so this is corrective. This was found there uttered by some dead thing, so it cannot extend to here as you say this is a separate issue between me and the government. So you see the point is were free so nothing is due until you think so. Think on this before you are aware, on or off to use with drugs or you do this again. Volcanic heat is rapid energy each infini use, create to their own idea as though wild expansion not unless calm in motion by thought un with calm mention. Use is life and motion is energetic use or not a life is in motion by skillful movement. As to think real is reality and made in real thought is a point vie transaction, cool energy in life is nothing but in here is something you drink in life as water and charged water creates renewed energy as regeneration this came from the point that "inin is release". Look to know is to listen as you feel or remember what you are doing. This with light is infini so the light changes are life with area feel by planet core that is the sun with golden energy feeling. Think as you are as the area is imagination by feel. As you are what you see you are, seem lose or seem to lose or not as denying if thought a villain as you are seen unless you aren't seen. H = heat, hydrogen He = helium, lightning element Hf = hafnium, half effect Hg = mercury, temperature element Hs = Hassium, harrasment element I = iodine, healing element In = indium, endurance element Ir = iridium, irritation element K = killing element, potassium Kr = krypton, wreaking element La = lathanium, disruptive element Li = lithium, energy element Lu = luring element, lutetium Lr = lawrencium, law influence element lv = livermorium, energized it can make you repulsed Mo = molybdenum, cause element Mc = moscovium, time and shift element with energy that seems to create with life energy Mn = mind element, manganese Mg = magnesium, activity element Mt = meitnerium, mountain element N = nitrogen, freezing element Ne = neon, glowing element with energy Na = natural, sodium Ni = nickel, deadening element Nb = niobium, nobody feel Nh = nihoniom, think and be well element that causes flares if too much energy passes through the area. O = oxygen, living element Og = ognessun, oganesson, the ogmented element that you can use as a reactive fuel.. this is sometimes used to create a point of heat and energy spikes with use by feel. Os = osmium, recreating element P = phosphorus, memory and electrical element, piezine, piezoelectric element Pb = lead, dumbing element Pd = palladium, appaling element Po = polonium, sickness element Pt = platinum, money element Ra = radium, raw energy radiation Re = rhenium, remaking element Ru = running element, ruthenium Rb = rubidium, rubbing raw element Rf = regeneration element, rutherfordium Rh = rhodium, erosion Rn = radon, radiative element in low doses it heals and high doses it kills Rg = roentgenium, growing element S = stinking fire element, sulfer Se = selenium, selective element Si = silicon, a green element Sb = antimony, negative element Sc = scandium, helps svanning skill Sg = seaborgium, borg sight element Shert = Sharing time element, time that is of a shared element by effect of one. Sn = sending element, tin Sr = Strontium, strength element Ta = tantium, tantalum Te = tellurium, convincing element Ti = titanium, light weight strong element Tc = technocium, technetium, the element of energy Tl = thallium, telling element Ts = tennessine, think and work element that you think and the element reacts to your mind.. this is by your brainwaves making it do things. U = uranium, heat radiation element with a common form of Uranium 238 Uu = Ununmorium, steeling agent, theft in motion of energy to live with (as an alternative meaning) Uuo = ununoctium, flaring element, living element Uus = uradium, weakening (cryptonite) irradiance mined from asteroids and mars as a cloud of gas. Uut = spiking element, uredium, ununtrium is just there Uup = mistake element, ununpentium, visual element Udtriba = Uranium 238 (U) + 3p Silver Deuterium (D3) + 2 Barium (Ba) for a everlasting fuel ball instigated by charles, UD3(AgBa2), urandeuttribarium Uradiom = one part radon + three parts uradium and one part sodium for a magnetic irradiant condensing field, can cure disease but at high temperatures it can be radiative. Urydiom = power plant material from nucleonic cold fusion considered like baronite, hard black barely radioactive metal that allows for high yield magnets, leadless lead allowing no particles to pass through and considered a safe lead with high heat Urediom = hard metal formed from cadmium + carbon steel for the prospect of irriadiant energy absorbant unbreakable metal Un = Uredium is irradiative fuel element mined from asteroids, three parts barium and 1 part nitrus oxide and 3 parts sodium, this looks like darkish water and acts like oil clumped together, as gas replacement. Uridiom = weakening irradiant metal that makes from nickel + adamantium + uranium also as hard as steel yet can cause diseases Uridium = mutation element made by three parts radon and 1/3 part uranium Urodium = irradiative erosion element mined from mars, asteroid or erosive radiative high carbon steel thats made from cadmium + nickel + plutonium + carbon mixed at high temperature. Urudium = restoration effect, restorative element mined from the moon as moon rock or made from one part crushed radon + 3 parts water, If too much, degeneration occurs. Urydium = polymorphic metal mined from mars, venusian metal that is polymorphin and polymorphic with heat Vei = Divinorin, Divinorium as you said is use isn't always use or feel, not trap the element this is you with the visual skill use to work the mind or use skill to travel with no attack as you don't release by feel. That is enjoy what you love, love what you hate or avoid what you hate. You know there wise love what you work with or avoid en in no more what you hate. V = vanadium, invasive element Va = air Ve = Beriltiom, silver yttrium berillium time influx by thought metal or created energy is feel thought to bring your self to another place or time. Stop bringing me back to life so I can end peacefully. W = tungsten, steeling element Xe = xenon, deadly gas that is boosting endorphins to high level if exposed enough. See the area you see is normal then focus is secretive yet normal or weight reducing if alo is there thats all as thought. Yet if you see the area focus to not see as you walk around by unusual intuition. Then you cause normal behavior to the use or not as neutralized neat use or ceaio. Y = yttrium, time element that makes time go backward with no negative energy and forward with positive energy. Ya = sky or space yen = ylaentrium, Charging element, an element that can recharge in moonlight. yenesen = recharge element by any energy thats nearby Zn = zinc, element of building up endorphins to create by the aware area feel to use yet denied is feel so body goes to normal you think suppression. Zr = zirconium, perversive or persuasice element thats turmeric, oxygen turning water to ice with night created nitrogen, the memory is there as you think so that is not by pensive concept to use thought by not using the feel until proven. Zm = zircomio the deadliest english made skeleton element seen that is that and this is allot brighter, seeing this making me sad so this is more than the soul burning bright considered burning soul, see monster is gone so bright elemental use is no longer needed. Forming from what I see I knew you would come to this point or area, say or create or use is this so this point is mute. See as this is a poem atleantian made, I realize the purpose that fits the area I see. See no death is no life at all nothing to use against me, as I was the aware person I rest as I wish or as I am now dead. So don't try to not do right as not piss or shit so by no is except is to use the area not in necessary allowed places or place to use as you believe you can. No running into people as or thought you feel to wait if someone not there or there to avoid. See to do as you want as if you are aware, as derives off the past experience as this overrides as necessary if ruling. Yet no rules are beyond the mirror that you think aren't there. So I your area I saw fits you or see not assault to not assault whomever. I hold or use the energy not to give tht would decay the area as the land is dissolving away or focus is not there as my anger is not there this is gone. Gone by feel I am calm. Hidden in temptation is a cure so I am sure to take the cure to create or quiet the brain so no spasms occur as experiences I saw are creative this is nothing more than the near exit to see my life as thought is life, saved by leyline longetude the thought sht is easy yet your dead if you try it so think the creator shifts you or dream to use the thought to see ori shift as I am no living form is said to the area is death to take me with life. See to think to touch by death is to effect the feel of dying as the person is effected as you think to effect, as you see this is with the area or no aura effected inflicted to not inflict except as you decide to not see earth death. The undying death effect is use thought or if focus to use thought then reach out to effect. The undying machine is energy to use thought or though you feel don't expose or the machine quits, as you are of something or use your ability is crippling or not use. See as your effect burst energy or energy focus through focus points for a mega burst. See as in experiences sent to the solar energy are figuring by art. I am now done or use is depending by what you create. Said is hi so the flow is non condemnings as this really is you really are or out so nothing is wrong. See or create as you want so you do or do not. See there is a reason for the ring, see to cast or cancel damnation as you focus light energy. So I don't have to come back you create, see or use thought so your effect is energy just focus then energy creates. As in use is enough "whatever element you choose" don't need to condemn, see I go away because you can't find some other area or space to create with assume is no use so I give up. If you don't just the justice you don't break so you aren't effected by death unless you want to see or seem. See as you were or you are elf so no changes are possible if to survive longer than usual or not. They are the archenemies from across the screen however tey aren't archenemies. Think to avoid then they avoid you because, there are usually some reasons you see they think to use. See you avoid them so do I for the things you see excerpt, so I forgot about that god being so cold yet use is allowing. So for the area to create you see or the area is manifest so no area no desire is use no use by fee. See is use or creation by feel, so I will walk on so I don't need to do anymore. You can forgive so use what you want. This is if you reach forr the ley imagine this as a line so you are dead. This is seeing what I feel en to you see so your use here is what you think. See this use is the way as this was this is in the way this is so this was the last thing said to me before I fell to the ground somewhere then shifted away. As this was supposed to be a 1/five-hundred millionth second without the th is still the summary or without the area thought its sun energy to undisinterested use is thought as the area you see is no extra story excerpt. This explains what you see as this is energy to the use or focus is energy to create as this in use by no movie. This is all I you create so you creative by use with focus was the energy I was the creator till not necessary. So this energy depends on you or how the area influence for as thats all I have time for. The next lesson an is this is bid as you see the area en so think to blink to shift back to your existing, see the summons is the area or you will notice shocking energy or humans that use nothing except the sunlight. Thats right to see the area so the children of the sun they will you create or think, they will do or due to unmurder to create or focus as this is not as you see we speak english so this is as you speak the idea. Don't hold food or water till you think you can hold the substance as you walk your area the shift causes stomach disorder, if till recovering as if instant use was allowing or you bloat or not to create area focus to shift with by feel awarded to you if death or fate. So you see or feel seeing en the area feel or flow your life out as away is cool by whatever they do to you won't effect, that mens your blood is alive in your body as your awakened or use. See as your cool or see to become atleanis is the area you see as creator by use so you see thee use. Said so you know me stand to turn and walk toward me to talk with me. So you see your cool just walk then you are okay ciao to you as well. Ciao said is to the sun yet there are people, so this is use by feel you say your area is fine or cool as whatever you leave me alone. The morning prayer was this. Good Morning one & all; My morning oh great mystery, this day is grand or cool to the feel as cool is where I am. Creator of all we are! All we have! All we ever shall be! I give to You my most humble gratitude. I thank You for life and all that pertains to life about me. I thank You for giving me this opportunity of life in this form so that I may walk among Your wonders with knowledge and given the option to be considerate and to care. I give You gratitude for those untold billions of lives that graciously gave themselves over to maintain this life over these many years, humbling me by their unselfish sacrifice just to keep me walking here. So much so as to realize the sacredness of life, upon this earth I share. Doubly grateful with each day, just knowing You placed them there. I ask Your forgiveness Oh Great MYSTERY for all the petty things I've done. Cursing, griping and groaning over pains and shames thats done, with so little consideration for all the wisdom won. With gratitude for all that was given and all that may yet to come. I give myself unto Your keeping to let Your will be done. Humbly asking and beseeching to use this aged parchment to face Your drum. Stretch it to its limit until under Your slightest touch it gives its loudest strum. Your drum signals given to all about and all that's yet to come. "Oh leader of the light with lord or area whatever to the point to be kind, I've failed so I am honest and have positive thoughts; to forgive those who harm us and treat everyone as a friend; to help those who are suffering and never to consider ourselves superior to anyone else: even if this advice seems rather simplistic, make the effort of seeing whether by following it you can find greater happiness." ~ The 14th Dalai Lama The evening prayer was this, "Thanks to you that live to work to create to live or create or cast with care. I now am able to work to the west or area I think I've overexpended my time by feel. So I will stop to think then no longer stop to leave by the time you notice me." The ending sun rite by the point I remember. The day was all we could make or do things with. Really those that observe the ideal creator sightings, were observing us or those that were wanting to see or related to by theory are gods. So a few other ending prayers are "Few among people are those who can cross to the further shore. The rest, the bulk of common people, only run up and down the near bank. But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dhamma will cross this realm of Death, so difficult to think or we transcend. Dhammapada 85-86 -" Let a wise man establish himself on the proper Path first, then he may instruct others. Such a wise man should not blemish himself. This is my life to live or think to create by feel is creating by the point that is to see. Meditation is bringing the mind home. Sogyal Rinpoche Jersey Zen; "When your mind is narrow, I am as am I small things easily won't agitate you if you meditate. Make your mind an ocean." Lama Yeshe That was all I could remember so I had others write the area idea. I came up or away with specifics. That is is it for the daily prayers or area effects that are prayers to see done for today. When you need them the most they are there if necessary. So you don't have need then to repeat. Remember this device: Don't tear out your mind Yes or "no": no don't no longer use this if all demised. it takes a living person to upkeep the sites. the earth did not paralyze them. the creator did that day they seemed to shift away by the thought some had to excape. think to escape yourself. if alive you can use what is there. no is the simple answer the more advanced one is yes were all dead anyway due to a supervolcano going off. think before you do things though your right we are. I think this was because we were willing to accept the demise then move off the planet, so you did too you really can't die again till you accept the ideal that need to die with the first place or not. this is the place you were right to visit however you don't need to actually so think to the use by your feeling to win through. so cya around think to use things wisely, don't let the bedbugs bite or try to ignore the frostbite. so you see to remember usher is us. this rainstorm is ending as the cap is done to the storm to cause a rainstorm to not remain there as denoix denoix. think to create then you see what is there. so why not have a free storm damage product day or half price. since there's nothing there there is if there is something there there is. something there. I checked this means noone there on site too. so what to do? think to work with what is there. I think this is your end point so stop or go on as you wish otherwise you can go on home. thanks then yes I do that was interesting. you can go as you need to go as though dismissed with no puppy dog eyes. this is some area you wantch those you near beat. think to work to avoid what is there. as this is raining you realize is there in a point. the point is placed. a note for tomorrow So you see the wrong or right time before you go somewhere or think indistinct or indivisual use. See the point to shifting is to get away before you are with the wrong or right times unless you think the time is right. This is for use or dollars with cents by feel or not to use. I think this interesting use with words. If you think this there you create with area feel. See to get used to things or use things less. As you approach you won't eat if no need or you think those by feel, think not to eat that were there so you already ate the idea you don't have a good reason or think to eat sometimes after a laugh. so remember ablos en krisfee krispe uncalamity, krisnee ne kripee or kripne is the actual cleaning spell along with kripnee is what cancels things krip use by death style seeing ennei krisnai to create with casee as its there or never actually there by feel with ideal. the area is what you think as your doing things your able to achieve, this is done by now anything that didn't work can seem done by croix asnex or this is use as yourself to correct things made paul moisant. I think this is necessity done or not, by the creator. so your safe by what you believe is there or not by feel. netter better; think to create the almost impossible by non krisne nea calaity. the release to croix as you think to release by feel. ea nea nie is the spell to help with ability. think the area to work by the feel as you cast the effect. very good for what you consider I think the need, so your not in denial by ideal with the use by fee. I think not to be any longer in the mind is use by now since you've done this all. Discontentment is a cause they can use to work if they dislike use for what they hear or use is mold by the mushroom. So if they are there or try to break to break through from area concern, stink or think they won't use mold against you as they find you doing the right reaction that stops them from creating what they sense. So to think things work out or in to them, think link end to not be effected or create a linked idea or effect. So seen-illusion-study stops or reveals this source idea "it is as it is then or now by feel is the use you do then work. don't always fight to work consummate with others if blocked then wait to work by the feel. true enough this is good as they are neat." Think "no this is what appears as a point, yes to work or allow is use now nowledge is by the spirit knowing" that is no or neglect damage or repair. That is cool to prevent by no need to have area attack this I think by fee or the area damage or vibration, think to disrupt the area presence by sound waves or "stop the sniffer or stiffer. That means you are where you think with a stink or think en without the stink. No damage was done by the area seeming or did you know art is scenic? I think this is fine, so go ahead or not do what you want. no no denial overconsummate by feel. this was cornholio the dog thought with or without by feel. so ne eoginan or lessening. this is big bad bathrooming by psianthropy with means. so the artificial sunlight also goes around the planet. As you share the point as things are happening you are aware as alert." bread n breakfast Deep meditation I think to use bread anywhere allowed to by ideal that is bread, tho create with ideal. this uses meditation or with criminals meditated area murder. now here we are with some unprecedented presentation, your civilisation is faced with an unprecedented opportunity to reverse history, moving en-masse from a fear-based society into one mind and with unity. a renaissance consciousness is being birthed. but you must understand the energetic obstacles to this renaissance that you are dealing with right now. on some point to heal by you have the group we call the manipulators on your planet who seek to trigger you into fear or dis-empowerment through the manipulation of the media and social institutions. this is old news, and we need not elaborate those of you who are reading this communication are aware that all it takes to achieve autonomy in your society is for you to think for yourselves and choose your own reality and truth is the point. Our message here is that there is a secondary factor at play or feel, which is that your emotional instability is sometimes triggered by the involuntary release of negative thought forms into your collective unconscious, as your planet expels all that is not of the Light from her body. This can be likened to a "healing crisis" where things get worse before they get better. The good news is that it is temporary, it is a glitch that will be over soon, but for right now you must learn to deal with the instability and take responsibility for your own well-being. The first step is to look after yourselves on a physical level, for this is an important and often over-looked part of the equation. When your physical energy is low, compromised by addictions, too much time on the internet, not enough time in nature, exercise and rest, or the wrong foods, your auric shields become weak and you are susceptible to intrusions in your energy fields of negative thought forms and emotions which are not yours. We repeat: the negative thoughts and emotions which cloud your consciousness are sometimes NOT YOUR OWN. Just as human consciousness was once compromised by the dark Atlanteanexperiments, so are your people once again vulnerable to those fear-based thoughts forms. The difference is that this time it is not part of an evil plan to contaminate and compromise you; it is a side-effect of the healing process that Gaia is undergoing. And this time, you are aware enough to TUNE IN and assess whether a feeling or thought form belongs to you or not. Let us assist in this process, dear ones. When your mood dips and you feel possessed by negative thoughts, stop what you are doing, close your eyes and tune in and then no knocking occurs if a warning sign was about to happen that was in the form of a knock. Ask your Higher Self: "Are these thoughts mine? Do they serve me and my highest purpose?" It may be that the answer is "Yes" because you are processing a situation which needs to come to clarity, in which case your Higher Self will assist you in bringing Light and heart into your thought processes so that you may come to peace without your ego-mind poisoning your consciousness. However, if the answer is "no", then you are advised to go through the following process. Say out loud "I transmute all fear-based thoughts by feel". Visualise these thought forms flying out of your brain, your chakras and your aura and becoming flashes with the feeling which explode like stars or fireworks in the ethers. Now affirm: I am light and love embodied. I serve the light by embodying loving kindness. I choose to love myself unconditionally so that I am an instrument of light. Speak your own words, that you don't get is my soul from your heart. It matters only that your intention is clear and that you catch yourself before a negative spiral is initiated which progressively takes you down the rabbit hole into the darkness of despair. You are not victims \96 you are able to control your emotional fields through your crystal clear intentions to live joy-ful, heart-ful lives. You can always self-correct! In fact if you do not learn to self-correct and stabilize your emotions, you are missing the most important part of your evolution, which is to become masters of your emotions. Know that we are with you throughout this time of instability. The many Star Beings, Ascended Masters and Angelic Light Beings who observe and assist through your transition are available to you 24 hours a day. Call to us for assistance when your energies are compromised and you feel despondent. Know that this is a TEMPORARY situation of instability and that your work to keep yourselves emotionally balanced is of the utmost importance. when enough of you are awake, aware and able to stabilise your emotions, a quantum shift is initiated which shifts all of you past the influence of the 4th dimension into energetic integrity. rather than waiting for the shift to happen for you by feel, practise being in this state of joy and integrity every minute of the day. look after yourselves as if you were your own beloved children, monitor your emotional state meticulously to know what you do. learn to readjust your moods before they descend into darkness by your feel to catch or let go a shift away from the light in your mood quickly. this is before the damage is done. you are in control of your own thoughts and emotions, see that is the point dear ones. when you allow yourselves to be triggered into negativity, over and over again, you become victims and are unable to serve yourselves, your human tribe or gaia. each one of you who succeeds in staying positive and embodying this way of being for others to emulate shifts your world into the light. this creates namaste equile or relief by release. think to work by feel is there to do. point; if the ideal works then you could see improvement. that is the point to sneaking things through or puppies so you act it as you think allow when you talk to them, so that is the point they percieve. otherwise ask as you speak. thinking this thought I snuck something in to target then not counted for things I snuck out the item after as thought the thing that was a dog. I think that proves it works them over or think you could feel or act like you don't care. no smack attack happens. thinking pointing focus; I think the cool point to your thought is what exists. this thought with all others will disappear, so you see the point now is there or then so withheld information by ideal is there. focus points use; think now is the real point, this then is related or fun. Love love love solara an-ra, magic weaver for gaia I went down to the tunnels and the area was as I remembered it, this was out of boredom and I wanted to see what it was like there again. so I think I went a little too far in describing, the state of mind that ruled the atleantians of their time with their people in tow. so out of boredom I did this by etherealness. that is described as a ghost state that could appear physically and you can do almost whatever you wanted. Thinking to do what you want, I entered this state and went down there and found out, that it was abandoned, except for spiders that could trick you or other things that all you had to do was think to manifest. that was all that is in the atleantian tunnels, unless there was more that I missed. ah well it doesn't matter. freed from hell at last, I can't believe how easy this was. I think I tricked a thief into doing the stealing to free my soul from the hellion being. I believe it was collecting objects that were part gifts or part ideal from the them point I thought then the area was reacted to as though this thought was useful. this I think is the point the creator shell creates differently. amazing ideal I found somewhere. yet I think you can seem to be assured that this is my ideal I think, then can create worth with by feeling the area that was efffected then create differently. this I think is a mind world I created to eliminate my father so I might use it to eliminate thieves and muderers. this is fun to use things my old way. however this was not intended to harm innocents, so I think the creator can control that part. that part I thought up for myself convinced it was for another. so that means I am done with this atleantian txt file. I am aware now I owe people so I will give their funds to them by having them earn it back themselves with the funds back by the job or ideal use. Astraea is a Goddess of culture, justice and bringing the gift of the arts to humanity. is with this groups description. Whilst these might seem a luxury clearly for a golden age to be in existence humanity needs to refocus on beauty rather than productivity. The teachings which have been coming through our little celestial group here in Britain are about the importance of creating or uncreating space to do things which have no purpose but joy, play and creativity. not unless necessary as you are this is no longer in exact by no intolerant ideal you see thats nothing. illusion is the body weight that goes as the body digests down the weight or food with water as we think to work or seem to create by feel, this is the point with water drinking drinking or energy use by activity thats not always eating to use. so think to create things as you are aware the point is clear or can seem creatable as you think to create by feel with use. this I know is the point there is by your feel with activity. this is there is this. think to create or do as you want to do. Beware of the 'prophet' who has spent time in the wilderness of solitude as I am the prophet from the nameless. if christ he's crazy then avoid. The song & dance guys and gals who entertain the Christian flock with their wildly misplaced predictions and warnings may not be the real deal. A prophet is usually meek in spirit but spot on in their perceptions. No showmanship ~ just integrity, humility and the Life Flow of speech that is your own ideal. think to see some ideal for some is none with no sum if some is ideal. so I think this ends the war if any there. this is the end of the book of numbers I think by feel my heart is feel. en sight by focus ~ this is a point of view if then you view. thinking use is ash. so maybe by nowing I won't by now. I think their is is no use now so think as you are aware. this is getting dangerous so stop what your doing to get away with things awry to them. so you don't have to suffer their fate. their way is no use now. so stop what your doing or agree to the point so you can see the best by area use. that is my best advice so go away from the area if you manage that so you aren't a target to their blame when they realize their failure then they won't go off on you. so you know this is true. think to use this ideal so if use is user free think to the better ideal. neiou = ne, non effective use or non use as it didn't really matter, ne sa anne inne unne donne. need is done I am fine. The Art of Healing with psalms. Some listed here [ http://spellhawk.great-site.net/psalm.htm ] What you think then is what the number means, that is the psalm by area or self creation. So think then calm then you are well. Here are some self made psalms: 128 You calm then whatever it is you are unsabotaged by what the spirit does. 129 The determination of facts is done correctly, the right decision or compromise is reached no matter the point. 169 What you think to become, then you can become. 189 Calm, then whatever it is you are unhurt as you are unhurt, so bye now. Then you end this by leaving. 213 Whatever you think shouldn't be there except for the person, this separates then is sent to the sun. If it's a person's energy then the sun is the creator to them. 214 Seem with use then calm, then you are well to the point you or others make by feel. 245 The area is use, then you know for certain the point or thought that is there. 255 The psalm is a source that unlike magic you can create by the creator. This ends as you think the creator not to exist there. Since he or she didn't exist anyway, except on a higher dimension. 2245 Like the dimensional physics and the atleantian source of magic amongst others, that is not here unless you think to the use. 2345 Seem to like things by the likeness so the tome of life opens, ask a question then you know the answers to what is there. 2455 Seem to see like and this done by the likeness or means that is the point. 2456 See the reason or work, then do as you want. The outcome is the same as good. 2466 See the point where no reason exists, so you know what is there for use by now. 2475 See no reason that doesn't exist, so things that don't exist are there if you imagine them to exist. 2478 See the reason for the point, so your point is a reason that is sometimes accepted if its there for a fact. 2479 See the peculiar idea as things, then by the feel you are aware. So think to create as the way out is there. 2480 See there for no reason, if no reason exists qualms for you. 2488 See no reason to bear no reason, think the point so you create what you wish or state. This is done by spirit using the soul as a direction maker or director. 2490 See a point or no reason for no bearing, yet don't bear or rush attack if not a good time. 2578 Think no bearing to occur, then they won't be there. 2580 Think the reason for a point, that by reunion you are aware. 2788 Think the reason for the point you have, then you have an acceptable point or reason. 2790 Think no reason for thine point, this can strip a god's power. This is a true one liner power of words statement. 2800 Think a reason for the point then the god ability is restored or bestowed to effect for your need, I think as though the point is you were the creator. 2888 Think by the thought so your the point, that means your aware or were by what you do. 2900 Think the cool point, then your aware by the reason your work is there non insane. 2912 Whatever the reason your insanity disappears. 2911 Whatver you think, then you create or work by the feel that is focus. This focus gets results, if you think of the idea as though the point were an end point. 2921 What you do with life if your own is what you think, so think what you consider then you create what you think then focus otherwise then your thought manifests. 2913 This the thought by progression if you can say things or work with things, you can create what you think by what you think and what is with thinking. 2922 The end is what you thought is the end as though forgiven, blessed or loved. That is also what you imagine or consider the ending that you think. This spells the end of the age, so that spell is good. 2930 The demon is good or benevolent even if it is a riled spirit that could turn poltergeistic, so think as you want to occur your thoughts by need the thought occurs. This is a dangerous psalm as you think it you name it or the thought you have happens to manifest. So what you think you have as a thought or how you are you become. 2931 If you know then the right ideal is done non inflicted, this is self freedom by the area feel or now this is curing instead of destructing. 2940 If your a demigod your a god in human form, as if then raised from demigod nature as a preferred stop point happens. 2942 If you raise your young right, you can create what you want. You always know what to do by feel. 2943 If as you are aware, you think to create. Then you create as you wish or abort the thinking. 2950 By yield if you are aware then the subconscious can create what you want, this is done as you think about or work the feel with the point by what you consider or not create things. 2951 If by gnosis you know, then by gnowing you go now to work. 2953 If by the thought you are aware, then any stupidity is erased. 2954 When you consider the point not by ramming, you then concede the point then you are creative to the point. 2955 Where you are you can work, no matter the point unless you aren't allowed to work. 2956 When or where is your choice, think then things manifest by feel. 2560 If you explore well, when you think then this ends well. 2567 Feel lonely yet? Think then you aren't as you describe to know exactly, what you want and feel you can be loved then things will work out. This allows love to come into your life for a point, and things will seem as you want. 2567 part II This cures any illness no matter the illness including the genetic damage by psalm 2931, such as you have known as though correctly treated by a doctor. 2567 part III The ending otherwise no, noble idea is not unknown. 2567 part IV If in medicine, you are in medicine by what you think. 2567 part V By any with the ideal act defining by feel, the roach species is erased. 2568 Think before you speak then you can get out or escape. So no noble deed is not unknown. 2590 If you want slenderness then your slender or slim as you think to seem thin, as this cures the dehydogonous then you create anything. 2591 Free my brethren or wives from slavery, so things work if no longer bad as unhindered. 2592 See to think for yourself to work things out. 2593 Seen is the thought no longer is the point, this ends now. 2594 Seeable is your point, so create or work if you can. Sometimes you get the right reasoning explained and then even if not before, things wil work like not before. 2598 Seen is the point if your future is bright, so no longer ask or you gain a solar vessel from the sunlight to live. Explore well. 2958 See here is a manic cure by ideal use is bitter melon with stevia, so I think to allow a blow to the ego is where you are the thought to allow for things can be without having to chat. 2981 If you think to undamage yourself then you are undamaged, so you know before the point or work by the ideal. 2988 Temperature regulation; This is where you think to regulate the temperature to seem like you wanted, then thinking allows you to make things cool as possible otherwise if the temperature cools off by focus. Otherwise you can think the clouds into the sky and this cools off the area, the point you see is what you think into existence or feel by idea to seem there. This psalm can create what you need with the weather, and that is what you need to happen. This happens to occur sometimes, if you need the effect and otherwise the idea doesn't happen. This effect uses the energy or heat in the air, so you convert the heat to create by what you consider. Then the God creates what you need. That is how this psalm works, if you need the idea to seem there or think of things and you create what you want by feel. 2998 Psalm of existence; Since a psalm is a god generated by the sun or planet area called into being and creates what you state, sometimes if you call upon a god and allow him or her to create things, you can get things by feel. So this is a psalm of existence, where the point is created and what you state or know is done if you need the idea done. This is a point of expression, so think and know that it doesn't always effect people if they don't want to be effected. If that is a point some do, then the person making the statement will get the effect instead or noone is effected as nothing is done. This is a thine moment that's done when you think, so this is where things self-regulate and none are effected. This is where you think to allow idea or they create for themselves. This is a known effect that effects where you want the idea effective, and that's unless thine is stated thinking the effector is an idea with self-regulating. This effects those that deserve the effect otherwise, so think and you could get what you require or need by them thinking it doesn't matter and its where you get a concept done that is if you needed something. Dylan Morrison